App Store Agent A. A real spy test

Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise
By: Yak & Co.

This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with help, hints, tips, answers and solutions for Chapter 3, Ruby’s Trap, of the iOS and Android game Agent A by Yak & Co. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.

Chapter 3, Ruby's Trap:

1. Zoom in on the briefcase. It’s locked, but there’s a hidden button behind the handle. Press it to reveal a puzzle.

You can also watch my walkthrough video for the whole chapter here:

2. You need to slide the circle, square and triangle pieces into the correct slots. To do so, first get the two diamond pieces to the left so you can slide the circle to the right. Then, side the two diamonds over to where the circle started. You should now be able to get the circle over to its slot, then the triangle, and the square last. The briefcase unlocks and you can open it!

3. It turns out she strapped a bomb to a bridge and now you have to disarm it! Your new mission is to hit the kill switch. Start by picking up the pencil and looking under the corner of the note for a clue.

4. Open the right panel and flick the switch to open the left panel. Take the electronic chip and glowing object. Then place the electronic chip on the empty slot on the right side to hack the circuit board and get the power cell. While you're there, also notice the clue.

5. Insert the power cell into one of the slots around the big red button. We still need three more, but this opens a small panel on the front of the pedestal.

6. You need to tap the blue buttons on the center piece to extend the arms one or two times to match the cutout that’s spinning around it.

7. Three new panels open. Let's start with the one on the front. It’s basically a trial-and-error puzzle. You need to open each lock in the right order so they stay open. You can follow the image below if you need help. The panel will open and reveal some more buttons and locks that we can’t do anything with yet.

8. Look to the left side of the pedestal. There's a crank handle jammed in the fan. Take it and a small door will open. Pick up the glowing object and all the little plugs from in there and off the floor. Also, make note of the clue.

9. Go to the holes on the right wall and place the little plugs in the holes in the same 7 pattern you saw on the paper with Ruby’s lipstick. It’s the right pattern, but nothing happens.

10. Zoom out and look at the security camera for the third of a set of clues, as well as a separate clue.

11. Go to the front of the pedestal and use the three clues to figure out which buttons on the keypad to press. The game will outline sections of it for you to make it easier.

12. Don’t pull the lever down yet. First, we’re going to look for Trevor the mouse. Find him in his little hole to the right. The next part needs to be done quickly or it won’t work. Tap him so he runs to the other hole. The second you see him pop out of that hole from a distance, pull the lever down. Now he should be in that hole, as both versions of the room share that hole. If he’s not there, change the room back and keep trying until you do it fast enough. It can be a bit tricky. Then tap him again and he’ll run to a hole in the wall across. Find it and get Trevor’s key.

13. Use Trevor’s key in the keyhole on the floor near the right mouse hole. There’s another puzzle like the one earlier, only this time it’s a bit trickier. Match the piece with arms to the cutout to reveal a little socket.

14. Place the crank handle in the socket and turn it until the whole disc glows green.

15. The camera will now automatically show you the lights on the wall, and the 7 pattern will light up, but backwards. That means we need to go back to the original room and place the little plugs in the opposite direction.

Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page of the walkthrough or.

Note: Sometimes a promo code is provided for a game, but it does not affect the review in any way. At AppUnwrapper, we strive to provide reviews of the utmost quality.

If you like what you see on the site, please consider supporting the site through Patreon. Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated. And as always, if you like what you see, please help others find it by sharing it.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE © AppUnwrapper 2011-2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to AppUnwrapper with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

ESC - main menu/return to the game from the menu.
F1 - map of the city of Nerovnomorsk.
F2 - save game menu.
F3 - game recovery menu.
F12 - quick exit in Windows ( latest actions V
The game cannot be saved!).

Right mouse button - open/close inventory.
Left mouse button - control the hero and operations with
objects. Depending on the type
cursor, you can perform various actions:
"arrow" - moving the hero around the screen.
"long arrow" - transition to another scene;
“cuffs” - take or use an object;
"Dictaphone" - talk to the character;
"magnifying glass" - get information about

The inventory stores all the items you have collected. For
to use them,
right-click to bring up inventory, click
left mouse button on the desired item.
The cursor will change and look like the selected item.
meth Now you can produce the following
accept an item for another item in the inventory;
give the item to another character;
apply an item to something on the screen.

If you want to use the item in any way,
but you can't - this could mean
the following:
the item cannot be used in this way;
you have not received sufficient information to use
knowledge of the subject.

NOTE: To move quickly, use
city ​​map.
Objects on the map become active after their first
(day) visit.


After the disaster, to the left of the car we take the pistol,
there are handcuffs on the right, and we take out a tire iron from the trunk. Then
a few meters to the left from the fountain we take a bottle and a rose
We cut away from her a homeless person sleeping in a hammock. Let's go upstairs
up the stairs, pointing a gun at one of the robbers, we save
girl, pick up the bag of candy and the knife. After the conversation
with the girl in the item menu we use the knife pry bar and
we try to open the door, realizing that it is too dark, we go to
<Парку Аттракционов>and near the gate we unscrew the lamp. Ver-
Having woken up, we screw the lamp into the lampshade above the door and try again
Let's hack it.
Waking up in the morning berm in a room from a box with
tools: a key, a white sign from the wall and a tripod.
We are trying to leave the house, fixing the water leak
(use the key on the tripod and on the hole) and exit
Houses. Let's move to<Парку Аттракционов>, we break through the gate
urn and remove glasses from one of the Sphinxes. We enter the park and
we talk to the beggar, then we need to go to the beach
(red opening in the fence just to the left of the fountain) there we take it from the buoy
flashlight and leave the park. We offer a lantern at the gate
to a teenager in exchange for a parrot. Having received the last one, we refer
him to a beggar. Let's move to<Манекен-Центр>, after reading the Posters,
we go to the right for big legs to a Chinese restaurant. There
exchange the pistol for money and go left across the square to
to the store. Inside we offer money to the seller and receive
bubble. Before leaving, talk to the manager at the top right
smoking hookah. Then we return to<Парк Аттракционов>,
we give the bottle to the beggar and receive in return a bale of laundry.
Let's go to<Особняк>inside we talk to the old lady, we give
She gives her a bale of linen and receives an invitation to tea. After tea-
Tia we talk to her and by giving her the glasses we get a wonderful wreath.
Leaving her in the courtyard, we take a ladder and a rope to
the mailbox of the apartment opposite. We leave from<Особняка>
in front of the entrance we lift a brick and throw it into the attic window.
We use the ladder on the broken window and get into the attic.
There we take a gas mask, roller skates, a braid and a hat (her
hit with a ball lying on the floor). That's all we need here
no need.
Let's go to<Балерин-Центр>. We take it near the gazebo
standing cane. We are trying to enter the arch upstairs, after the conversation
ra with the boy throwing firecrackers, we give him lollipops and give
Let's worry. Talking to<балериной>and give her the cane. Listen
after shoving her we go to<Музей>.
Before entering we read the stand standing to the left of the entrance, and
let's go inside. We talk with the guard, after the conversation
give him the sign<Гагарин П.Б.>and go into the hall (visit
arrow to the steps in front of the hall). At the end of the hall we take the empty one
bucket on the table next to the weapon and put it on the head oh-
rannik. Now you need to move the pointer over the wax figure
in the area of ​​the briefcase, when the magnifying glass appears, we take a look, and then
Once the pointer takes the shape of handcuffs, use
briefcase knife. We have heroin.
Let's go to<Мемориальный Центр>. In the alley with a knife
we cut the janitor's hose and go to the Morgue. Inside the
We point at the counter. After talking with the pathologist from
we give him a wreath. After listening to him carefully and receiving a refusal
receiving personal belongings of the deceased, we put on anti-
gas and, under the guise of an SES officer, we kick him out. On the shelf<Лич-
personal belongings of the deceased> take the key and go back to<Особ-
nyak>. We use the key to open Zryaneskazhev’s apartment. We find ourselves
inside in complete darkness: Let's go to<Парку Аттракционов>And
near the gate we unscrew another lamp. Screw it into
a chandelier in Zryaneskazhev’s apartment and begin the inspection. Here be-
We remove a photograph, a mirror, a first aid kit, open the refrigerator and
take the bones in it. Then we feed the fish with poison from the first aid kit and from
hiding place in the aquarium, take a floppy disk, money, photo.
Leaving the apartment we watch as he leaves the old woman
<Рыжая>. We go to the old lady. After the conversation, we give her the grains
kalo and show her the photograph found in the apartment.
Let's go to<Мемориальный Центр>at the cemetery.
We give the dog the bone and go into the chapel. Here we take the kettle
near the door, a shroud on a hanger and a hacksaw standing nearby. You-
we walk and try to get to the cemetery itself. Newly appeared-
We give the second bone to the dog. At the churchyard we cut it down with a hacksaw
from the last grave one of the skulls, and use the kettle on
excavated grave. After talking with Karp, we find ourselves in the clock-
nude We respond to his pleas for help from a closed coffin
We take out a bottle next to the table. We give it to him and listen -
I eat a story about what is happening. Then we return to the graves and
take a shovel standing near the tree. We move her gravestone away
graves with a large cross and take the Laptop.
Let's go to<Особняк>and in Zryaneskazhev’s apartment
We combine the floppy disk and the Laptop. Using a laptop for an agent
and read the contents. Now let's go to<Музей>and lower the skull
into a bucket of white paint on the floor.
Let's go to<Манекен-Центр>to a mannequin store. On the menu
objects we combine a skull, a shroud and a scythe. We use semi-
credited to an agent and we get a ticket to a restaurant<Фарфоровая
Head>. We go there and talk to the bouncer at the entrance. We give it away
give him the money and take the gun back. We enter the restaurant and...
we act on the teapot standing on the table with the sleeping drug addict.
After you wake up, listen to everything the people say.
coman, then talk to him again. Realizing that he felt bad
we give him bags of heroin. In response, he will tell you about the plan -
arrow in the Park.
After that we go to<Балерин-Центр>. Climbing upstairs
to the entrance at which one of the ballerinas stands, use a rope
to the stand to the right of the entrance (Entrance to the restaurant::..),
after the rope is pulled we use handcuffs on the same
stand and move through the trenches. We go to the restaurant<Ко-
Zhanaya Scourge>. Inside we go up to the bar and influence
I eat at the barmaid, after waiting a little while she passes out, I take away
I eat a bottle. We use the bottle on the sleeping girl in the hall. By-
After the conversation we try to go through the door under the TV. Semi-
Having received the blow, we use the syringe on the ballerina who hit us and enter
let's go inside. Here we take the fire extinguisher from the fire shield and
We go behind the curtain into the hall. We speak with the dancer. Let's go out
from the stage and press the pointer on the floorboard under the door on the top
hu. After Gromov stood on it and it changed color,
press the button on the left on the wall and get into the gym:
Let's look at the splash screen:

Let's go to<Парк Аттракционов>(possible via
door or you can, as always, using the F1 map). We pass by the fountain
which is scheduled to disassemble<Тоннель Ужасов>and conversation
we hang out with a beggar. After the conversation, we use a pistol on him.
After we made a hole in his hat, we give him a new one. IN
as a thank you, he will show us a secret exit (on the right
there is an oval chip on the wall from the trolley). Getting out through it
We are watching a criminal showdown!)
After the showdown is over, we go to Zryane’s apartment.
Skazheva and use the Laptop on Gromov. Having received valuable
directions to<Мосту>to the sculptor's house. We call
door (pointing to the bell) and after talking with the lady, send
let's get into<Манекен-Центр>, we use roller skates on
a teenager sitting on a telephone booth making a call
we turn back to the sculptor’s house and freely enter
let's go inside. We go up to the second floor. In the box on his chest there is a
From the lot of the sculpture we take out the second half of the photograph.
After the conversation we go to<Балерин-Центр>. We need
difficult to get on stage. Here on stage there are 4 remote controls, possibly
act on them in turn, starting from the far left against
clockwise. After all 4 are turned on and opened
window curtain of the Widow, influence the support standing on the stage and
having thrown it out the window, we enter the Widow’s room. We're trying
take the poker near the fireplace. After the Widow's conversation on the phone,
Well, we use a gun on her. After waiting for Gromov to put on
She is handcuffed and we take the keys to the safe from the purse on the table.
Use the key to open the safe in the room. Then fire extinguishers
put out the fire in the fireplace with a body and take a poker and use it on
fireplace grate. Having pulled out the casket from there, we use it on it
gun and take the decoration.
Next we go to<Мосту>. Talking to a refugee with a child
in your arms, after all the fighters get up, we talk again with
elder and get a grenade from him. Let's go to the beach with her,
we talk to punks, smiling sweetly, we use grenades on them
that one, and we head to the pier. At the same time, taking the one lying on
sand, to the left of the buoy there is a sun lounger. We move up the pier, using
we use the sun lounger as a bridge and enter the rescue house

We watch the final cutscene with a sense of accomplishment!

Best regards, Shane Ulrich
[email protected]

Agent A puzzle undercover Walkthrough. This is just a great puzzle game in which you will become an agent and solve various logic problems and find objects. The game is made at the highest level. You will also like the plot of the game. The game will completely immerse you in the world of spies and secret service agents. The game is divided into levels, which are chapters. The game will become more addictive. The most important thing to remember is that there are no hints in the game. You will need to do everything yourself.

Developer: Yak & Co

Agent A Answers

I can recommend you a game that you will like just as much. Quiz game about the popular survival game. Guess the item from Last Day. You've probably heard about her. You have to guess the objects in it. There are three tips to solve a difficult level task. There are enough levels.

Agent A How to get there? To complete the game you need to sit down comfortably, or better yet, lie down. The game will not let you go and you yourself will not want to leave. You will need to find hidden objects, look for clues and keys. They need to open doors or safes. You need to be careful. There will be a lot of places where you can go. The best part is that everything is done colorfully and the scenes are animated. The game is destined to please you.

Today is a review of a mini-quest that I managed to complete without prompting in 2 hours and had a lot of fun doing it.

In you become this very “Agent A” who is trying to catch the elusive, cunning and bloodthirsty spy Ruby... At the very beginning we are shown a mini-cartoon in which we see that Ruby will stop at nothing to achieve her goal.

We are left in front of Ruby's house, full of secrets...

The gameplay is a typical quest. In terms of genre, mechanics and atmosphere, it most closely resembles the popular series “The Room”. The player needs to solve simple problems: crack safes, look for objects, apply them to other objects... You also need to carefully look for clues in order to slowly advance through the plot.

All control comes down to moving between locations, zooming in/out of individual areas, and interacting with the environment. All texts in the game are translated into Russian. The problems are 99% logical (perhaps only one use of the item confused me). If you read all the tips and carefully study the locations, then there will be no problems with the passage.

I completed the game in 2 hours, but I don’t think anyone will do it faster or, on the contrary, will stay longer than 3 hours. I bought Agent A on sale for 15 rubles. And this is a ridiculous price for such a superbly executed application. If I had bought it at the regular price of 3 dollars, I would have been dissatisfied with the duration...

And it’s a big plus that the game has been updated to version 3.0. December 20th, in which an additional chapter of 45-50 minutes was added. Without it, the passage would take a completely ridiculous hour and a half...

Conclusion: Agent A: undercover puzzle - a high-quality atmospheric mini-quest! Guaranteed to please fans of The Room and simple but effective puzzles. 5 out of 5.

This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with help, hints, tips, answers and solutions for Chapters 1 & 2 of the iOS and Android game Agent A by Yak & Co. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.

**Note: There’s a little hidden bonus Easter egg in the game that I don’t want to spoil for people. So scroll to the very bottom of the walkthrough if you want to know what it is.**

1. Move the potted plant and pick up the gold key. Use it to unlock the panel to the left of the door. Press the buttons in this order to unlock the door.

2. Go inside. There’s a vase on the table that isn’t really a vase. Flick the top up to reveal a button. Press it and a picture frame will move, revealing a secret control panel. Take the crank, then press the blue and red buttons until a square slot opens.

3. Take a look at the plants on the wall. It’s a clue for later.

4. Continue into the living room. Ruby La Rouge is outside and she locks you in! You need to disable the alarm system. First, go up the stairs to the piano room and library. Knock over the lamp and then take the magnet from the bookshelf.

5. Go back downstairs and use the magnet to get the metal key out from the fish (shark) tank.

6. Go up the stairs, past the hanging plants. Use the metal key in the lock and go through. Lots of options here.

7. Let’s first open the drawer here and get a yellow wedge piece (triangle).

8. Go through the right door to the bathroom. Open the mirror above the sink. Take the yellow wedge piece and notice the symbol on one of the bottles. It's a clue. Also, find the switch and flick it to reveal a hidden safe room. Take the pink telescope.

9. Tap on the screens and Ruby will appear on all of them, telling you you’ll never catch her. Notice what's on the screens. We'll have to come back here later. But for now, flick the switch again to bring the regular bathroom back. Turn on the shower and notice that the steam makes a clock appear on the glass. The hands are pointed to 3 and 12, or 3:00. It's a clue!

10. Leave the bathroom and go through the left door to Ruby’s study. Change the clock to 3:00 and take the diamond.

Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page of the walkthrough or.

Note: Sometimes a promo code is provided for a game, but it does not affect the review in any way. At AppUnwrapper, we strive to provide reviews of the utmost quality.

If you like what you see on the site, please consider supporting the site through Patreon. Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated. And as always, if you like what you see, please help others find it by sharing it.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE © AppUnwrapper 2011-2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to AppUnwrapper with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.