Sample regulations on remuneration for individual entrepreneurs. For what reason is it compiled?

The regulation on remuneration is one of the local regulations of the company, which establishes the remuneration systems used in the organization, additional payments and allowances of a compensatory and incentive nature, accrual and payment mechanisms wages. The regulations on remuneration are developed by the employer taking into account the economic capabilities of the organization, but in compliance with the guarantees established labor legislation, and is adopted taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers (). Let's look at the structure of the wage regulations, analyze the mistakes that employers make when drafting the regulations, and determine whether wage indexation is mandatory for commercial organizations.

The Labor Code does not highlight the provision on remuneration as a separate document, that is, it is not mandatory. In practice, if a company pays employees only official salaries, then the regulations on remuneration are included in the internal labor regulations. Approval of a separate document is advisable if, in addition to salaries, employees receive any additional payments or exist in the company at the same time different systems wages.

How to draw up a salary clause?

The structure and content of the wage regulations are determined by the employer based on the specifics of the activity, financial capabilities and staff of the company. The main purpose of the wage provision is to comply with the guarantees established by labor laws and industry agreements. The structure of the wage provision may be as follows:

  • general provisions;
  • wage systems;
  • the procedure for calculating wages;
  • the procedure for paying vacation pay and temporary disability benefits;
  • the procedure for remuneration in conditions deviating from normal (overtime, work on weekends and at night);
  • procedure for remuneration when performing additional responsibilities(fulfilling the duties of an absent employee, combining positions, increasing the volume of work, expanding the service area);
  • the procedure for paying bonuses (if the provision on bonuses is not included in a separate local regulatory act);
  • the procedure for calculating other payments established by the employer based on its financial capabilities and the specifics of the organization ( material aid, issuance of gifts, northern bonuses, regional coefficients, additional payments for the nature of the work, for shift work, for work in hazardous conditions, etc.);
  • procedure, place and timing of payment of wages;
  • the procedure for making payments in the event of a due date on a non-working day;
  • approval of the pay slip form;
  • wage indexation;
  • final provisions.

The employer can supplement the provisions on wages: it may also include the procedure and cases of deductions from wages, payment of downtime, preservation of average earnings, social guarantees and compensation, etc.

Errors related to the preparation of wage regulations

Let's sort it out typical mistakes and violations related to the design and content of the wage regulations.

Salary payment dates

The Labor Code defines three documents in which the dates for payment of wages must be specified: internal labor regulations, collective agreement, employment contract (). But in practice, there are often cases when these dates are not written down anywhere, that is, the legal requirement is not fulfilled in any document of the employer.

Very often, for the payment of wages, not specific dates are set, but periods, for example: an advance payment is paid from the 20th to the 25th of the current month, the final payment is from the 5th to the 10th of the next month. Also, many employers do not take into account the requirement that wages must be paid every half month (), for example, they set the dates for payment of wages on the 25th and 15th, while the period between these dates is more than 15 days.

Salaries must be paid at least twice a month; even if the employee himself asks to pay him wages once a month, the employer cannot do this, since the employee’s situation worsens compared to the established Labor Code. Such violations must be excluded from the bonus regulations.

The procedure for paying wages in the wage regulations

Specifying the procedure for paying wages means that it is necessary to specify how the advance is paid, how it is formed, that is, what part of the wage is paid in what amount and when.

Issues of wages and their payments for employees are among the highest priorities, and if the employer does not disclose all the conditions, the employee will come up with these conditions himself and if his expectations do not coincide with the actions of the company, he will go with a complaint to labor inspection. The mistake of companies is that they do not pay due attention to paperwork, as a result of which they pay fines due to such annoying shortcomings. So, the regulations on wages must clearly define the procedure for forming the first and second parts of wages and their sizes.

The Labor Code does not explain the concept of an advance, but when determining the procedure for paying wages, employers must take into account that the amount of the advance on wages for the first half of the month is determined by an agreement between the administration of the enterprise (organization) and the trade union organization when concluding a collective agreement, but it should not be lower tariff rate for hours worked (). Thus, when determining the amount of the advance, one should take into account the time actually worked by the employee, that is, set the advance and the final payment in proportion to the time worked.

It is also necessary to take into account the timing of payment of wages. If they are established in such a way that an employee who has worked the standard working hours and fulfilled the labor standards, advance payment and wages for the current month are paid only in the next month, the employer may be brought to administrative responsibility ( ; , ).

Do not forget to take into account the rights of new employees; they must also receive a salary every half month.


The company's payroll dates are the 25th and 10th. If an employee is hired by the company at the beginning of the month, then the first salary payment (advance) will be made to him on the 25th, that is, in violation of the deadline of half a month. We recommend making the first payment to a new employee on the 10th in proportion to the time worked; further he will receive wages for general conditions.

Violation of salary payment deadlines

No circumstances allow an employer to delay payment of wages. On the day specified in the local act, the employee must receive the amount due. For example, the Supreme Court of the Altai Republic, having established that the company did not pay wages on time, rejected the argument that the employer was not at fault due to a shortage Money on current accounts. According to the court, which clarified the application procedure, the company’s activities must be carried out in accordance with the requirements current legislation and other regulations governing labor Relations, in connection with which the economic interests of the enterprise should not violate the employee’s rights to receive wages in established by law deadlines (decision Supreme Court Republic of Altai dated January 29, 2015 No. 21-4/2015).

The employer must also take into account the timing of interbank transactions. Delays in wages associated with the transfer of funds are the fault of the employer. In all cases of untimely payment of wages, vacation pay, calculation upon dismissal, and other payments, the company is obliged to accrue compensation to the employee in the amount of no less than 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in force at that time from amounts not paid on time for each day of delay starting from next day after the established payment period up to and including the day of actual settlement ().

The form of the pay slip has not been approved

When paying wages, the employer is obliged to notify each employee in writing ():

  • on the components of wages due to him for the relevant period;
  • amounts of other accrued amounts, including monetary compensation for violation by the employer of the established deadline for payment of wages, vacation pay, dismissal payments and (or) other payments due to the employee;
  • the amounts and reasons for the deductions made;
  • general monetary amount to be paid.

It is the employer's responsibility to approve the payslip form and issue it to each employee, but it is rare to find a company that fulfills this responsibility. The opinion that payment of wages by transfer to the employee’s bank account exempts the employee from issuing a pay slip is erroneous. The Labor Code does not make the need to issue a pay slip dependent on the method of payment of wages. This is confirmed by arbitrage practice(post. Fifteenth AAS dated 08/03/2015 No. 15AP-11205/15; ).

Salary indexation

Employers must index wages in accordance with the procedure established collective agreement, agreements, local regulations(). Wage indexation is designed to provide workers with an increase in real wages in connection with rising consumer prices for goods and services. Indexation as a guarantee is prescribed in the Labor Code, so the employer must provide for the procedure for its calculation.

The need for a wage indexation clause in the wage regulations is indicated by Rostrud (): if the organization’s local regulations do not establish the procedure for wage indexation, then it is necessary to make appropriate changes (additions) to the local regulations in force in the organization. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation also determined that wage indexation should be provided to all persons working under an employment contract (). But labor legislation has not established any requirements for the size, procedure, or frequency of indexation of wages for employees of commercial organizations (). Employers determine the indexation procedure independently; it can be carried out in accordance with the consumer price index or, for example, taking into account the level of inflation specified in the law on the federal budget or in the law on the regional budget; the frequency is also determined by the employer.

The absence of a wage indexation procedure in a local regulatory act or in a collective agreement is qualified as a violation of labor legislation, entailing administrative liability ( ; ). Also in the above-mentioned definition (), the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation indicated that the employer does not have the right to deprive employees of the guarantee provided by law and evade establishing the indexation procedure in a collective or labor agreement or in a local regulatory act.

Let us examine what liability is provided for the most common violations of the wage indexation procedure in practice.

The employer has provided for the indexation procedure in the local act, but does not carry out the indexation itself. The employer is obliged to comply with the terms of the collective agreement, local regulations and employment contract(). If local acts contain a provision for indexation, but in fact it is not carried out, the employer can be brought to administrative liability in the form of a warning or imposition administrative fine in the amount of 3000 to 5000 rubles
( ; ).

This is of course not full list violations, we considered only those that apply to all companies. There are also violations related to the specifics of the organization’s activities: for example, regional coefficients, percentage bonuses, bonuses and additional payments for the nature of work, for harmful conditions labor, for shift work, etc.

Aida Ibragimova, Head of Human Resources at KSK Group

The article contains the current regulations on wages, a form and a sample, and reference books for free downloading. We recommend checking the current form, as the Labor Code changes frequently.

To draw up or update the Regulations on remuneration, we recommend downloading:

Compose any personnel document You can do it online - just click on the button below.

Create an order

Remuneration system - how to apply?

Firms or entrepreneurs that hire workers under employment contracts must comply with all labor law rules. One of the basic rules is to pay hired personnel on time and depending on the complexity, quantity, quality of work and qualifications of the employee.

Payments to personnel include remuneration for work performed, incentive amounts (for example, bonuses or valuable gifts) and compensation (for special working conditions or climatic conditions, for working at night, on weekends or holidays, overtime, etc.). The employer determines the types of payments to staff, the procedure for calculating them and the timing of their issuance, based on their applicable remuneration system. Depending on the type of activity and other business conditions, it can be, for example, time-based, piece-rate, commission-based, piece-based, with floating salaries, etc. Read more about remuneration systems in the table.

Compose local document

What is the wage provision?

This is a regulatory local document of the employer, which sets out the grounds, types, amounts and procedure for issuing labor benefits to employees. The document is mandatory for both the employer and employees.

Regulations on remuneration: sample

Standard form There is no local act; each employer develops it independently. One of the samples is shown below and can be downloaded.

Should an individual entrepreneur have a wage policy?

If an entrepreneur meets the criteria of a micro-enterprise, he can refuse to prepare local documents if he enters into employment contracts with employees according to the standard form from Resolution No. 858 of August 27, 2016. Micro-enterprises include small firms and entrepreneurs with no more than 15 employees and annual revenue no more than 120 million rubles. Such firms and entrepreneurs do not require a Regulation on remuneration; unified employment contracts are enough for them to establish remuneration systems, types of payments to staff, the procedure for their calculation and issuance deadlines.

A current sample of a standard employment contract for a micro-enterprise is given below and can be downloaded.

Firms and entrepreneurs decide on their own whether to refuse local documents or not. Use standard contract- this is their right, not their obligation. Therefore, any entrepreneur-employer can draw up and approve the Regulations on remuneration and Regulations on bonuses.

Remuneration regulations: how to draw up

As a rule, a local document on payments to personnel contains general provisions (what issues the document resolves, in accordance with what laws, etc.), the main part and the final part (for example, the moment of entry into force, how to change or supplement the document, etc.). d.).

The main part of the document sets out the remuneration system, salaries and the rules for their indexation, all allowances, additional payments, bonuses, compensation, social and similar payments, the procedure for their calculation and terms of issuance, and the employer’s responsibility.

How to approve a local document

If employees are not registered in the trade union, then after registration the document must be approved by order of the manager. Then you need to get signatures from all employees that they have read the document. The wording of the order may be as follows:

  1. Approve the Regulations on remuneration at Symbol LLC and put it into effect from "__"___________ ____.
  2. Head of the HR Department Krapivina K.I. within the period before "__"___________ ____, familiarize the staff with the Regulations against signature.
  3. Accountant V.O. Rubleva calculate and accrue wages in accordance with the Regulations from the date of its entry into force specified in clause 1 of this order.

You can collect signatures from all employees in the familiarization log, on additional sheets to employment contracts or on the sheet attached to the Regulations.

Do I need to update the local document?

Changes to the Labor Code are made quite often, and many of them relate to payments to employees, compensation and guarantees for personnel, work and rest regimes. Employers need to track all changes and reflect them in a local document on time. For example, in 2018 new rules came into force for:

  • salary in foreign currency;
  • hiring minor employees;
  • maximum working hours for minor employees;
  • additional payments for working on holidays or weekends with overtime;
  • part-time work for minors and pregnant women, etc.

Regulations on bonuses

It makes sense to draw up this local document if the employer considers the bonus system a priority component of the remuneration system. There is no standard form of the Regulation; each employer develops it independently. One of the samples is shown below and can be downloaded.

If employees are not registered in the trade union, then after registration the document must be approved by order of the manager and obtain signatures from all employees about familiarization with it.

Sanctions for violations

The employer faces liability if he does not familiarize the staff with the local payment document against signature. The fine for the company will be from 30,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rubles, for individual entrepreneurs - from 1000 rubles. up to 5,000 rubles, and the responsible employee (including the manager) will be fined in the amount of 1,000 rubles. up to 5000 rub.

The regulation on remuneration is a local regulatory act (LNA), which is a set of remuneration rules in force for a particular employer. The regulations on wages prescribe various salary nuances, such as, for example, established days for payment of wages, the procedure for deduction from wages, etc.

By the way, some employers in the LNA prescribe not only the procedure for remuneration, but also the procedure for paying bonuses to employees. Thus, the provision on remuneration is transformed into a provision on remuneration and bonuses for employees.

The procedure for adopting regulations on remuneration

As a rule, the wage regulation is adopted by the employer once, and then, if necessary, changes are made to it.

Keep in mind that when adopting a regulation on wages, the opinion of the trade union (if there is one) must be taken into account (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Please note that the regulations on remuneration must be familiarized with the signature of each employee upon hiring, as well as each employee in the event of changes to this regulation (Articles 22, 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, when hiring an employee, it is necessary to familiarize them with this LNA even before signing the employment contract (Letter of Rostrud dated October 31, 2007 No. 4414-6).

Regulations on remuneration: sample

There is no approved form for the wage regulations. Therefore, each employer can develop its own form of such a provision.

You can familiarize yourself with a sample salary clause.

Regulations on remuneration of employees since 2017

From 01/01/2017, amendments to the Labor Code (Federal Law dated 07/03/2016 No. 348-FZ) come into force. Thanks to these amendments, microenterprises have the right to completely or partially refuse to adopt local labor regulations. Accordingly, starting from 2017, microfirms may not adopt regulations on wages and material incentives for employees.

If the number of employees of the company does not exceed 15 people, and the annual income is 120,000 rubles, then a regulation on payment and bonuses for employees does not need to be drawn up. Are you sure this is a true statement?

From the article you will learn:

Is the provision on remuneration of workers and bonuses for workers mandatory?

It is the responsibility of each organization to establish . This is provided for in Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employer must document the chosen wage system. Relevant provisions must be made:

to the collective agreement;

local act organizations.

Thus, the employer must choose a remuneration system and enter information about it into the collective agreement or local act. In this regard, the Regulation on remuneration itself does not have the status of a mandatory document, but only on condition that the corresponding provisions on the remuneration system are included in or local act.

Don't miss: the main material of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

How to draw up a Remuneration Regulation + ideal sample 2018.

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In small non-industrial enterprises, which are characterized as office-based, most often employers are limited to a collective agreement in order to literally stipulate in just a few paragraphs all possible aspects of remuneration.

How feasible is it to combine certain aspects? employees in one document, the employer can decide independently, based on established practice, the specifics of production activities and the payment system that has been formed at the enterprise.

In the case when it is decided to combine the conditions and requirements for remuneration and bonuses for employees in one internal act, it will be necessary to carefully consider all the nuances and consolidate them at the local level.

How to draw up a position and bonuses and remuneration

So, as we said above, formally the Regulations on remuneration and bonuses are not mandatory document organizations. This explains the absence of special legislative requirements for the execution of this local act.

Meanwhile, the Regulations must necessarily regulate the issue of the remuneration system chosen in the organization. On views possible options We consider it necessary to dwell in more detail.

Most often, organizations choose time-based or . This means that the time worked by the employee is taken into account when calculating wages. In this case, the salary is calculated based on the salary or tariff rate. Despite the fact that both of these remuneration options are used in a time-based system, the salary and tariff rate have fundamental differences.

The fact is that the salary is paid for the employee’s work during the calendar month. And the tariff rate is for a different period of time, for example, a day or an hour. These differences are given in Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Common for salary and will be that they are established in a fixed amount and are necessarily reflected in the employment contract with the employee.

Salary size

If an organization intends to include bonus issues in a separate local act, it should develop . In this case, the document will need to include only those issues that are directly related to bonuses for employees.

This document is one of those in respect of which the Labor Code establishes the condition of mandatory agreement with the trade union organization. If the organization has a primary trade union organization, the Regulations must first be agreed upon with it. In its absence, the document is agreed upon with another representative body of workers. But if there is no such body, an approval visa is not placed on the Regulations - it is enough that it is approved by the head of the enterprise.

And all employees, when hired, must be familiarized with the Regulations on remuneration and bonuses against their signature.

(name of employer)

(approval stamp)

(a note about taking into account the opinion of a representative
workers' body)


_________ № _____

Chapter 1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation on remuneration and bonuses (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) applies to employees of __________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Organization).

1.2. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with current labor and tax laws Russian Federation, the charter and internal documents of the organization, the collective agreement concluded between the organization and its employees.

1.3. These Regulations are aimed at increasing the motivation to work of the organization’s employees, ensuring the material interest of employees in improving the quality and quantitative results labor: fulfilling planned targets, reducing costs per unit of production (work, services), improving technological processes, creative and responsible attitude to work, manifestation of initiative, discipline, responsibility of employees.

1.4. The most important element The system of material incentives for workers is the organization of wages.

The organization of wages is based on the following general principles:

  • remuneration (including all bonus components) is carried out taking into account the differentiation of labor depending on the complexity and responsibility of the work performed, the level of general and special knowledge and skills of the employee, the significance of his profession (specialty), the position he occupies, the degree of independence and responsibility of the employee when performing assigned tasks,
  • equal pay is given for equal work,
  • Any discrimination in setting and changing wages and other conditions of remuneration is prohibited.

The implementation of these principles is achieved by establishing clear criteria and rules for determining wages for workers, taking into account the qualifications of workers, complexity, quality and quantity of labor expended.

1.5. The conditions for remuneration of employees, including the size of the tariff rate or salary of the organization, are determined by the employment contract and the organization’s staffing table.

The monthly wage, including that of an unskilled employee of an organization who has worked his or her normal working hours, cannot be lower than the minimum wage established in the Russian Federation.

1.6. The organization uses following systems wages:

  • time-bonus,
  • simple piecework,
  • commission,
  • commission-progressive.

1.7. With a time-based bonus system of remuneration, employees are paid for the time they actually worked, as well as bonuses. Thus, the amount of wages under a time-bonus wage system is determined by the formula:

If the employee has an established salary, then the amount of wages for the time actually worked is determined based on the established salary.

The amounts of hourly (daily) tariff rates and salaries for various employees of the organization are established in these Regulations and are indicated in the staffing table.

If the employee has an hourly rate, then the amount of wages for the time actually worked during the month is calculated according to the formula:

1.8. When idle piecework system The employee is paid for the amount of products he produces.

With simple piecework wages, the amount of wages is calculated based on the piecework rates established in the organization and the quantity of products produced by the employee, according to the following formula:

The piece rate is determined by the formula:

The production rate is the amount of product that an employee must produce per unit of working time (hour, day, month). Production standards are determined by the administration of the organization.

1.10. With a commission system of remuneration, the amount of wages is set as a percentage of the revenue that the organization receives as a result of the employee’s activities according to the following formula:

1.11. With a commission-progressive remuneration system, the amount of wages is set as a percentage of the revenue that the organization receives as a result of the employee’s activities, but taking into account the increase in percentage when revenue grows above the norm established for the employee using the same formula that is used when calculating wages on a commission basis wage system.

1.12. The source of remuneration and bonuses for employees is the wage fund.

1.13. The salary of the organization’s employees includes (depending on the remuneration system established in relation to the position):

  • salary (or rate),
  • bonus payments (or commissions),
  • bonuses for mentoring, for complexity, for tension, for secrecy of work,
  • remuneration based on the results of work for the year;
  • additional payments (allowances) provided for by labor legislation for special working conditions (harmful, dangerous, hard work and other special working conditions), as well as for working conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions, work outside the normal duration working hours, at night, on weekends and non-working hours holidays and others);
  • other incentive bonuses and additional payments of a compensatory nature provided for by the collective agreement and local regulations of the organization.

1.14. Dimensions components monthly wages of employees are determined on the basis of employee reports and management submissions structural divisions and deputy heads of the organization

1.15. The employee clarifies all issues related to the calculation and amount of wages (including bonuses and allowances) with his immediate supervisor, and in his absence, with the personnel manager and deputy director, whose powers include supervision of employee wage issues. If it is impossible to resolve the employee’s issues with these persons, the employee has the right to contact the head of the organization.

1.16. Wages are paid to the organization's employees in cash at least every half month on the days stipulated by the collective agreement, internal labor regulations, and employment contracts.

If the payment day coincides with a weekend or non-working holiday, wages are paid on the eve of this day.

Wages are paid to the employee, as a rule, at the place where he performs work as a cashier of the organization or is transferred to the bank account specified by the employee in a written application, under the conditions determined by the collective agreement or employment contract.

Chapter 2. The procedure for calculating wages of employees whose work is paid according to the time-bonus wage system

2.1. A time-based bonus wage system is established for employees holding the following positions: __________________.

The amount of an employee’s salary under a time-bonus system consists of a salary in proportion to the time worked and bonuses and allowances.

2.2. The main indicators of employee bonuses are:

  • profitability of the organization,
  • the efficiency of the structural unit to which the employee belongs (and equally the efficiency of the employee himself in a specific area, if he does not belong to one of the structural units),
  • quality of work, including effectiveness, efficiency, organization during execution job responsibilities,
  • compliance labor discipline, proper performance of their labor responsibilities, meeting deadlines for completing assignments,
  • advanced training (courses, certifications, self-training),
  • work experience in the organization,
  • initiative in putting forward proposals and resolving issues to rationalize and improve the efficiency of the organization and its individual sections,
  • business ethics,
  • complexity of the work.

Taking into account these indicators, bonus coefficients are determined and the final bonus coefficient is calculated by adding them. Thus, the amount of an employee’s bonus is determined by multiplying the employee’s salary by the final bonus coefficient. The amount of wages is determined by adding the employee’s salary and bonus, as well as allowances and additional payments, if any.

2.3. The amount of bonuses to employees for the month is determined on the basis of employee reports, received reports and memos, other documents and data that make it possible to characterize the employee’s work, by their immediate supervisors (heads of structural divisions, deputy directors) according to the vertical chain of command established in the organization and approved by the director and representations and deputy directors.

2.4 Bonuses are awarded for actual time worked. For the time during which the employee was absent from work due to illness, the bonus is not paid.

Employees who terminate their employment relationship before the end of the bonus period at the initiative of the employer for violation of labor discipline are not awarded a bonus for time worked.

2.5. Installed following reasons(grounds), in the presence of which the bonus is not accrued and is not paid to employees:

a) gross failure to comply or improper execution employee of his duties, including:

  • absenteeism,
  • appearing at work in a state of alcohol, drug or other toxic intoxication,
  • systematic delays for workplace,
  • non-compliance with commercial and official secrets,
  • disclosure confidential information,
  • gross violation by an employee of labor protection requirements, industrial sanitation and fire safety;
  • commission of guilty actions by an employee directly servicing monetary or commodity values, if these actions give rise to a loss of confidence in him on the part of the employer,
  • failure to comply with instructions on time government agencies in cases where responsibility for their implementation lies with the employee;

b) gross untimely or poor-quality execution of the manager’s orders, organizational orders and other organizational and administrative documents;

c) failure to pass certification;

G) ____________________________.

2.6. The severity of the offense committed by the employee is determined on the recommendation of the immediate supervisor by the deputy head of the organization, whose powers include supervision of wage issues.

2.7. The bonus is not awarded for billing period, in which the grounds specified in clause 2.5 of these Regulations took place.

2.8. Employees whose work is paid according to a time-bonus system are given bonuses: for complexity, for secrecy, for tension in the following amounts:

Chapter 3. Procedure for calculating wages of employees whose work is paid according to the commission system of remuneration

3.1. The commission system of remuneration is established for employees holding the following positions: ____________________.

3.2. The amount of wages of employees holding positions specified in clause 3.1. is determined as follows.

  • transactions concluded by him for the sale of goods of the organization to clients who independently contacted the organization for the purpose of purchasing these goods,
  • transactions concluded by him for the provision of services to the organization to clients who independently contacted the organization in order to receive these services,
  • transactions concluded by him to carry out work by the organization for clients who independently contacted the organization to order these works.

The amount of remuneration of an employee for a concluded transaction is determined by multiplying the amount of revenue received from the transaction by the organization by the commission percentage assigned to the employee for this transaction.

3.3. The amounts of wages of employees whose work is paid according to the commission system of remuneration are determined on the basis of employee reports, contracts drawn up for transactions concluded by the employee, checklists for recording concluded transactions, documents confirming payment for transactions concluded by the employee and other documents and data that allow determining the number of transactions concluded by the employee and the amount of payment received for them.

The amounts of wages of employees whose work is paid on a commission system of remuneration are determined by their immediate supervisors and approved by the director of the organization.

3.4. The following commission percentages are established for transactions concluded by employees:

Contract signed

Commission percentage to an employee for a concluded transaction

Deliveries (purchase and sale) of goods 1 _________
Deliveries (purchase and sale) of goods 2 _________
Deliveries (purchase and sale) of goods 3 _________
Providing _____________________services
Execution of __________________work

3.5. The employee’s activities to conclude a transaction include negotiations and meetings with the client, self-study employee of goods, services, work of the organization, development of options and terms of the contract for the client. Taking into account this work, commission percentages for concluded transactions are established, therefore the employee’s work additionally described in this paragraph of the Regulations is not paid.

Chapter 4. The procedure for calculating wages of employees whose work is paid according to the commission-progressive wage system

4.1. A commission-progressive wage system is established for employees holding the following positions: ___________________.

4.2. The wages of employees holding positions specified in clause 4.1. are determined as follows.

First, the amount of remuneration of the employee is determined for:

  • the number of transactions concluded by him for the sale of the organization’s goods to clients who independently contacted the organization for the purpose of purchasing these goods,
  • the number of transactions concluded by him to provide the organization’s services to clients who independently contacted the organization in order to receive these services,
  • the number of transactions concluded by him to carry out work by the organization for clients who independently contacted the organization to order these works.

The amount of remuneration of an employee for a concluded transaction is determined by multiplying the amount of revenue received from the transaction by the organization by the commission percentage assigned to the employee for this transaction. In this case, the commission percentage is progressive, i.e. with an increase in the revenue received by the organization from each category of transactions concluded by the employee, the commission percentage increases.

The amount of the employee’s wages for the billing period is determined by adding up the amounts of the employee’s wages for all concluded transactions for which payment was received from clients for the billing period, as well as allowances and additional payments, if any.

4.4. The amounts of wages of employees whose work is paid according to the commission-progressive remuneration system are determined on the basis of employee reports, contracts drawn up for transactions concluded by the employee, control sheets for recording concluded transactions, documents confirming payment for transactions concluded by the employee and other documents and data, allowing to determine the number of transactions concluded by the employee and the amount of payment received for them.

The amounts of wages of employees whose work is paid according to the commission-progressive remuneration system are determined by their immediate supervisors and approved by the director of the organization.

4.5. The following commission percentages are established for transactions concluded by employees:

Transaction category

Commission percentage No. 1

Commission percentage No. 2

Commission percentage No. 3

Deliveries (purchase and sale) of goods 1
Deliveries (purchase and sale) of goods 2
Deliveries (purchase and sale) of goods 3
Providing __________________services
Carrying out ________________work
Carrying out _______________ work

Commission percentage No. 1 - a percentage of the amount of revenue received by the organization from each transaction concluded by the employee, provided that the total amount of revenue received by the organization from transactions of this category concluded by the employee is up to 120,000 (one hundred and twenty thousand) rubles inclusive,

Commission percentage No. 2 is a percentage of the amount of revenue received by the organization from each transaction concluded by the employee, provided that the total amount of revenue received by the organization from transactions of this category concluded by the employee ranges from 120,000 (one hundred twenty thousand) to 140,000 (one hundred and forty thousand) rubles inclusive,

Commission percentage No. 3 is a percentage of the amount of revenue received by the organization from each transaction concluded by the employee, provided that the total amount of revenue received by the organization from transactions of this category concluded by the employee is more than 140,000 (one hundred and forty thousand) rubles.

4.6. The employee’s activities in concluding a transaction include negotiations and meetings with the client, the employee’s independent study of goods, services, and work of the organization, development of options and terms of the contract for the client. Taking into account this work, commission percentages for concluded transactions are established, therefore the employee’s work additionally described in this paragraph of the Regulations is not paid.

Chapter 5. The procedure for calculating the salary of the head of the sales department, whose work is paid according to a mixed remuneration system, including elements of commission-progressive and time-based remuneration systems

5.1. The procedure for calculating wages under a mixed wage system, including elements of commission-progressive and time-based wage systems, is established for an employee holding the position of head of the sales department.

5.2. The salary of the head of the sales department is calculated by adding the amount of the salary established for him, his commission part of the salary, as well as allowances and additional payments, if any.

The commission portion of the salary of the head of the sales department is calculated by multiplying the amount of revenue received by the organization as a result of the activities of the sales department by the commission percentage. In this case, the commission percentage is progressive, i.e. with an increase in the revenue received by the organization from transactions concluded by department employees, the commission percentage increases.

The following commission percentages are established for the head of the sales department:

5.3. The amount of the salary of the head of the sales department is determined on the basis of his report, contracts drawn up for transactions concluded by employees of the sales department, checklists for recording concluded transactions, documents confirming payment for concluded transactions and other documents and data that allow determining the number of transactions concluded by employees of the sales department and the amount of payment received for them - in the commission part of the salary, and on the basis staffing table and an employment contract concluded with the head of the sales department - in the time-based part of the salary (salary).

The salary amount for the head of the sales department is determined by the deputy director for commerce and approved by the director of the organization.

Chapter 6. The procedure for calculating wages of workers whose work is paid according to a simple piece-rate wage system

6.1. A piece-rate wage system is established for employees occupying the following positions: ____________________.

6.2. The amount of wages of employees holding positions specified in clause 6.1. is determined by multiplying the piece rate established by him per unit of manufactured products (services provided, work performed) by the number of units of manufactured products (services provided, work performed).

6.3. The amounts of wages of employees whose work is paid according to the piecework wage system are determined on the basis of employee reports, memo their immediate supervisor and other documents and data allowing to determine the number of units of products manufactured by the employee (services provided, work performed).

The amounts of wages of employees whose work is paid according to the piecework wage system are determined by their immediate supervisors and approved by the director of the organization.

6.4. Piece rates are set:

Job title

Type of product, service, work


Piece price, rub.

Carpenter Manufacturing an office table according to project No. 1
Manufacturing an office table according to project No. 2
Manufacturing of a cabinet according to project No. 7

Car mileage

Piece rates in the table for each position are calculated by dividing the employee’s hourly (daily) rate by the hourly (daily) production rate. The following established hourly (daily) rates and production standards were taken into account:

Job title

Type of product, service, work

Rate (select)

Production rate

Piece rate

The monthly wage, including that of an unskilled employee of an organization who has fully worked the standard working hours and fulfilled the production standard, cannot be lower than the minimum wage established in the Russian Federation.

Chapter 7. Mentoring bonus

7.1. The bonus for mentoring is established for the following purposes:

7.2. The bonus for mentoring is set at 5 to 10% of the accrued salary of the assigned employee for the pay period. The percentage amount is determined by the immediate supervisor of the employee-mentor in agreement with the mentor himself, depending on the volume and nature of the mentoring, and is approved by the director of the organization.

Chapter 8. The procedure for calculating wages under working conditions deviating from normal

8.1. Remuneration of workers employed in hard work, work with harmful, dangerous and other special conditions labor is produced at an increased rate compared to the tariff rates, salaries established for various types work with normal conditions labor, namely: _____________________________________________.

8.2. When performing work in other working conditions that deviate from normal (when performing work of different qualifications, combining professions, overtime work, night work, weekends and non-working holidays and others), the employee receives the following payments: ______________________________.

8.3. When combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work, or performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from work specified in the employment contract, the employee is paid additionally.

The amount of additional payment is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, taking into account the content and (or) volume extra work.

8.4. In case of failure to comply with labor standards or failure to fulfill labor (official) duties through the fault of the employer, remuneration is made in an amount not lower than the average salary of the employee, calculated in proportion to the time actually worked.

In case of failure to comply with labor standards, failure to fulfill labor (official) duties for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee, the employee retains at least two-thirds of the tariff rate, salary (official salary), calculated in proportion to the time actually worked.

In case of failure to comply with labor standards or failure to fulfill labor (official) duties due to the fault of the employee, payment of the standardized part of the salary is made in accordance with the volume of work performed.

8.5. Defects not caused by the employee are paid on an equal basis with suitable products. Complete defects caused by the employee are not subject to payment. Partial defects due to the fault of the employee are paid at reduced rates depending on the degree of suitability of the product.

8.6. Downtime caused by the employer is paid in the amount of at least two-thirds of the employee’s average salary.

Downtime due to reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee is paid in the amount of at least two-thirds of the tariff rate, salary (official salary), calculated in proportion to downtime.

Downtime caused by the employee is not paid.

The employee must inform his immediate supervisor or another representative of the employer about the beginning of downtime caused by equipment breakdown and other reasons that make it impossible for the employee to continue to perform his job functions.

Chapter 9. Bonus based on the results of the year

9.1. The bonus based on the results of work for the year is set at 3% of the average monthly earnings calculated for the year (if the employee works for less than a year, then the average monthly earnings are calculated based on the months that he works). The bonus for the year is calculated no later than January 10 and paid no later than January 15 of the year following the bonus.