Reading tili bom cat's house caught fire. Entertainment "tili-tili-tili bom, the cat's house caught fire, the middle group

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten of a general developmental type "Brusnichka"

(MDOU "Brusnichka")


fire safety games

in the early age group

Developed by: teacher of MDOU "Brusnichka"

Vera Ivanovna Tete


Subject: Tili - bom, Cat's house caught fire

Target: to form children's knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire, to cause a desire to be careful with fire



Activity progress

Vl. Look who came to visit us? (I bring in a cat toy with a bundle and an illustration for the nursery rhyme “Tili bom, Cat’s house caught fire”). Who is it, children? (children's answers)

Vl. - That's right, kitty. What do you think is in her bundle? (children's answers)

Vl. - In the bundle she has things. She got in trouble. Listen to what happened to the cat. (I read the nursery rhyme "Tili bom, Cat's house caught fire").

Tili bom, Tili bom
Cat's house caught fire.
Cat's house caught fire
There is a column of smoke.
The cat jumped out, eyes bulging.
A chicken runs with a bucket, flooding the Cat's house.
And a horse with a lantern, and a dog with a broom,
Gray hare with a leaf.
One time, one time, one time
And the fire went out.

Vl. Guys, what happened to the cat? (I expose an illustration to a nursery rhyme). (The house is on fire.)

What did the cat do when the house caught fire? (popped out)

Do you think the cat did the right thing by jumping out of the burning house? (children's answers)

Children, the cat is well done, she did the right thing by jumping out of the burning house!

Who helped put out the cat's house?

What was the chicken running with? (horse, dog, bunny)

Show me, Nastya, how the chicken ran.
- And Polya will show how the horse ran.

And now all the children will show how the bunny jumped and put out the house with a leaf.

They put out the cat's house!

Vl. “Tell us, kitty, why did your house catch fire?” (I take out a box of matches). Did you play with matches and set the house on fire? Children, can I play with matches? (children's answers).

You can't play with matches. Only in skillful hands are these small sticks useful, they make fire. What do you think fire is for? (children's answers)

Vl. Food is cooked on fire, fire warms, gives light. But one must be careful with fire so that there is no trouble - a fire, as happened with a cat.

Now she has nowhere to live.

Guys, let's build a house for the cat. Get your fists ready. (The finger game “I knock with a hammer” is being held)

I knock with a hammer banging their fists

I want to build a house.

We are building a tall housedepict the roof of the house with the palms

The pussy will live in it! (I expose a toy house)

Vl. Look, kitty, what a house the children have built for you! (the cat "thanks" the children).

Guys, help the kitty settle in the house. Help her pick up furniture, dishes (children play with a cat).

Name: Game-occupation

Subject: "Tili bom, Cat's house caught fire"

Purpose of the event:

To form children's knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire, to arouse the desire to be careful with fire


  • introduce the content of the nursery rhyme “Tili bom, tili bom the Cat’s house caught fire”;
  • to form children's ideas about fire hazardous objects that cannot be used independently;
  • give an idea of ​​fire safety rules

Members: young children, educators.

Materials and equipment:Cat toy, illustration for the nursery rhyme "Tili bom, the Cat's house caught fire", a box of matches, a model of a house

Event heldeducator with young children in the framework of the thematic week "Safety in my home" from November 26 to 30, 2013.

Application List:Illustration for the nursery rhyme "Tili bom, Cat's house caught fire"

List of used literature:

  • M.A. Vasilyeva "The program of education and training in kindergarten"
  • N.A. Karpukhina "Summaries of classes in the first junior group"
  • E. Yanushko "Help the baby speak"


Cat Vasily
Kittens 1st, 2nd
old beaver
The narrator

Beam-bom! Tili-bom!
Outside is a tall building.
carved stakes,
The windows are painted.

And on the stairs carpet -
Embroidered gold pattern.
On a patterned carpet
The cat comes down in the morning.

She has a cat
Boots on the feet
Boots on the feet
And earrings in the ears.

On boots -
Varnish, varnish.
And the earrings

The dress is new on her
It costs a thousand rubles.
Yes, half a thousand braid,
Golden fringe.

The cat goes for a walk
Let it pass through the alley
People look without breathing:
How good is that!

Not so herself
Like a patterned braid
Like a patterned braid
Golden fringe.
Yes, not so her braid,
Like land and houses.

About a rich cat house
We will tell a fairy tale.
Sit and wait -
The story is ahead!

The narrator
Listen, children:
Once upon a time there was a cat in the world,
She lived differently than other cats:
Slept not on matting,
And in a cozy bedroom
On a small bed
Covered in scarlet
Warm blanket
And in a downy pillow
She sank her head.

The cat had a new home.

carved stakes,
The windows are painted.

And all around is a wide yard,
Fence on four sides.

Against the house, at the gate,
An old cat lived in the lodge.
For a century he served as janitors,
The master's house guarded
Sweeping paths
In front of the cat's house
Standing at the gate with a broom
Outsiders drove away.

Here they came to a rich aunt
Two orphaned nephews.
Knocked under the window
To let them into the house.

Aunt, aunt cat,
Look out the window!
Kittens want to eat.
You live richly.
Keep us warm, cat
Feed a little!

Cat Vasily
Who's knocking at the gate?
I am a cat's janitor, an old cat!

We are cat's nephews!

Cat Vasily
Here I will give you gingerbread!
We have countless nephews,
And everyone wants to drink and eat!

Tell our aunt
We are orphans
We have a hut without a roof,
And mice gnawed through the floor
And the wind blows through the cracks
And we ate bread a long time ago ...
Tell your mistress!

Cat Vasily
Come on, beggars!
Do you want cream?
Here I am by the scruff of your neck!

Who did you talk to, old cat,
My porter Vasily?

Cat Vasily
The kittens were at the gate -
They asked for food.

What a disgrace! Was herself
I used to be a kitten.
Then to the neighboring houses
The kittens didn't climb.

What do they want from us?
Idlers and rogues?
For hungry kittens
There are shelters in the city!

There is no life from nephews,
You need to drown them in the river!

Welcome friends
I am heartily glad to you.

The narrator
A guest came to a rich cat
Famous goat in the city
With a wife, gray-haired and strict,
Longhorn goat.
The rooster appeared fighting,
A mother hen came for him
And in a soft downy shawl
The neighbor pig has arrived.

Kozel Kozlovich, how are you?
I have been waiting for you for a long time!

M-m-my respect, cat!
Prom-m-wet m-we are a little bit.
The rain caught us on the way,
We had to walk through the puddles.

Yes, m-we are with m-husband today
We walked through puddles all the time.

Hello my Pete-cockerel!

Thanks to! Cuckoo!

And you, mother hen,
I see very rarely.

Walking to you, right, is not easy -
You live very far.
We, poor hens, -
Such housewives!

Hello, auntie pig.
How is your lovely family?

Thank you, kitty, oink-oink,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Me and family for now
We don't live well.
Your little piglets
I send to the nearest garden,
My husband takes care of the house
And I go to my friends.

Now the five of us have come
Take a look at your wonderful home.
The whole city is talking about him.

My house is always open for you!
Here is my dining room.
All the furniture in it is oak.
Here is a chair -
They sit on it.
Here is the table -
They eat after him.

Here is the table -
They sit on it!

Here is a chair -
They eat it!..

You are wrong friends.
That's not what I said at all.
Why do you need our chairs?
You can sit on them.
Although the furniture is inedible,
Sitting on it is comfortable.

To tell the truth, me and the goat
There are not accustomed to the table.
We love on the loose
Dine in the garden.

And put the pig at the table -
I'll put my feet on the table!

That's why it's about you
Very bad reputation!
(To the cat.)
Which room does it lead to
Is this door on the right?

To the right is a closet, my friends, -
I hang dresses in it.
To the left is my bedroom
With couch and bed.

Rooster(quiet chicken)
Look, the feather bed is pure fluff!

She steals chickens, rooster!

And what's that?

New thing -
Steel mousetrap.
I don't like catching mice
I catch them with a mousetrap.
The lid just slams
A mouse is captured!
Cats in my homeland
Not masters of catching mice.
I am from an overseas family.
My great-grandfather is the Angora cat!
Light, Vasily, the top light
And show his portrait!

How fluffy he is!

How good he is!

He looks a bit like me...
And here is my living room
Carpets and mirrors.
I bought a piano
One donkey.
Every day in the spring
I'm taking singing lessons.

Look what mirrors!
And in everyone I see a goat ...

Wipe your eyes properly!
There is a goat in every mirror here.

It seems to you, friends, -
There's a pig in every mirror here!

Oh no! What a pig!
It's just us here: the rooster and me!

Neighbors, how long
Will we fight this dispute?
venerable mistress,
You sing to us and play!

Let the rooster sing with you.
Boasting is uncomfortable
But he has great hearing.
And the voice is incredible.

I sing more in the morning
Waking up on a perch.
But if that's what you want,
I will sing along with you.

I'm just waiting for this.
Ah, sing a song like
An old song: "In the garden,
In the cabbage garden!

Cat(sits down at the piano, plays and sings)
Meow meow! The night has descended.
The first star shines.

Oh, where have you gone?
Cuckoo! Where-where?..

Goat(goat quietly)
Listen, you fool, stop
There is the owner's geranium!

You try. Delicious.
Like chewing a cabbage leaf.
Here is another pot.
Eat and you such a flower!

Oh, where have you gone?
Cuckoo! Where-where?..

Goat(chewing flowers)
Fantastic! Bravo, bravo!
Right, you sang to glory!
Sing something again.

No, let's dance...
I play the piano
Cotillion for you can.

No, play a goat gallop!

Goat dance in the meadow!

Cock dance ringing
Please play me!

Me, my friend, "Three Little Pigs"!

Chicken waltz "De-volyay"!

I can't, sorry
Please all of you at once.
You dance what you want
If only there was a cheerful dance! ..

(Everyone dances. Suddenly the music stops abruptly and the voices of kittens are heard.)

Aunt, aunt cat,
Look out the window!
You let us spend the night
Lay us down on the bed.
If there is no bed
Let's lie down on the floor
On a bench or oven
Or we can lie on the floor
And cover with matting!
Aunt, aunt cat!

Basil the Cat, cover the window!
It's already getting dark.
Two stearin candles
Light it up for us in the dining room
Yes, make a fire in the furnace!

Cat Vasily
Please, ready!

Thank you, Vasenka, my friend!
And you, friends, sit around.
Found in front of the stove
For every place.
Let the rain and snow knock on the glass
We are cozy and warm.
Let's write a story.
The goat will start, the rooster will follow him,
Then a goat. Behind her is a pig
And then - the chicken and me!

Let's go!

...A long time ago
There lived a goat...

I ate millet...

I ate cabbage...

And dug manure...

And once laid an egg!

So he went to catch mice ...


A rooster, not a goat!

No, no, goat!

Pig, pig!

A chicken just like me!

No, it's a cat, cat, cat!

Friends, wait a little!
It's already dark, it's time for us to go,
The owner needs to rest.

What a wonderful welcome it was!

What a wonderful cat house!

There is no cozier nest in the world!

Oh yes, a chicken coop anywhere!

What a delicious geranium!

Oh, you fool, stop it!

Farewell, hostess, oink-oink!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please Sunday
For your birthday.

And I ask you on Wednesday
Welcome to dinner.
In my simple chicken coop
We will peck millet with you,
And then on the perch
Let's take a nap together!

And we ask you to come
Tuesday evening at six
For our goat pie
With cabbage and raspberries.
So don't forget, I'm waiting!

I'll definitely come,
Even though I'm a homebody
And I rarely visit...
Don't forget me too!

Neighbor, from today
I am your servant to death.
Please believe!

Well, my kitty, goodbye,
Visit me often!

Farewell, goodbye
Thanks for the company.
Me and Vasily, the old cat,
We escort guests to the gate.

Vote(from the stairs, and then from the yard)
- Get down carefully!
- Here you can stumble!
- There's a ditch to the left!
- Please to the right!
Friends, thank you for coming!
- We had a wonderful evening!
- Thanks for the company!
- Farewell! Goodbye!..

The narrator
Mistress and Vasily,
Mustachioed old cat
Not soon carried out
Neighbors to the gate.

Word by word -
And again the conversation
And at home in front of the stove
The fire burned through the carpet.

One more moment -
And a light spark
pine logs
Enveloped, wrapped.

climbed up the wallpaper,
Climbed up on the table
And scattered like a swarm
Golden-winged bees.

The cat Vasily returned
And the cat follows him -
And suddenly they said:
- Fire! We are burning! We are burning!

With crackling, clicking and thunder
There was a fire over the new house,
Looks around,
Waving red sleeve.

How did the rooks see
This is the flame from the tower
Tili-tili, tili-bom!
The cat's house caught fire.

The cat's house caught fire
Running chicken with a bucket
And behind her in full spirit
A rooster runs with a broom.
Piglet with a sieve
And a goat with a lantern.

Hey fire brigade
Need to hurry up!
Harness ten pairs.
Let's go, let's go to the fire.

Hurry, without delay
Pour water into barrels.
The cat's house is on fire!

Stop, pig! Wait, goat!
What are you staring at?
Carry buckets of water.

I brought you water in a sieve,
In a new sieve, in a sieve, -
Splashed in the bustle!

How are we going to put out the fire?
Where will we get water?
Don't you know, sheep
Where was the fire hydrant?
Don't you know, little sheep
Where was the river the other day?

I can't tell you
We live on the coast.
Was there a river there?
We did not see from the porch!

Well, these are of little use -
They came running with anything.
Hey beaver workers
Take apart the axes
Break the shaky beams,
Extinguish the hot flame.
Soon, like a candle,
The tower will light up!

old beaver
We, beavers, are a working people,
We beat piles from morning to night.
We do not mind working
If we can help you.

Do not interfere, rotosey,
Disperse quickly!
What did the bazaar do?
This is not a fair - a fire!

We will bring down all the fences
Put out the fire on earth.
We won't let the fire
Spread over the wattle fence!

Wait, old beaver!
Why break the fence?
Save the house from the flames
Take out our things

Armchairs, chairs, mirrors -
Everything will burn down with us!
Ask them, Vasily,
To take out the furniture!

You will not save good -
It's time for you to save yourself.
Get out, cat and cat,
From the attic window
Get on the ledge
And from the ledge - straight down!

I feel sorry for the Persian carpets!..

Hurry up! The beam will hit -
And you won't find carpets
And you yourself will disappear!

old beaver
Beware! The roof will collapse!

What? I can not hear!

Run away whoever!

Where-where! Trouble, trouble!

(The cat house is collapsing.)

So the cat's house collapsed!

Burned with all the good!

Where will we live now?

Cat Vasily
What will I guard?

The narrator
Black smoke drifts in the wind.
The cat is crying...
There is no house, no yard,
No pillow, no carpet!

Oh, my Vasily, Vasily!
We were invited to the chicken coop.
Shouldn't you go to the rooster?
There is a feather down.
Though the chicken fluff is tough,
All the same feather bed - like a feather bed!

Cat Vasily
Well, mistress, let's go
Spend the night in a chicken house!

The narrator
Here he walks down the road
Cat Vasily lame.
Stumbling, wandering a little,
Leads the cat by the hand
Squinting at the fire in the window...
Do roosters and hens live here?
So it is - it should be here:
The roosters are singing in the hallway.

Ah, my godmother,
Heartbroken neighbor!
We don't have a place to live now...
Where will I huddle
And Vasily, my porter?
You let us into your chicken coop!

I would be glad myself
Shelter you, godfather,
But my husband is trembling with anger,
If we have guests.
Disobedient spouse -
My Cochin cock...
He has such spurs
That I'm afraid to enter into disputes with him!

Ko-ko-ko! Cuckoo!
No rest for the old man!
I go to sleep with you
And I get up with the roosters.
I don't close my eyes at night
At midnight sing to me for the first time.
I just close my eyes
We must sing before dawn.
At dawn I rise again
For the third time I sing for you.
I stand on the clock for a day,
And not a moment's rest!

Hear my rooster angry.
He has excellent hearing.
If he is at home
Even with a familiar chicken
I can't chat
To pass the time.

Why on this Wednesday?
Did you invite me to dinner?

I didn't call forever
And today is not Wednesday.
And we live closely
My chickens are growing
young roosters,
Fighters, mischief-makers,
The thugs, the bullies,
They spend the whole day fighting
They won't let us sleep at night
They sing ahead of time.
Look, they're fighting again!

- Cuckoo! Beat pockmarked!
- I'll punch him in the crown!
- Cuckoo! I will close!

Ah, robbers, villains!
Go away, godfather, quickly!
When they start a fight,
It will hit us with you!

Hey, keep the cat and the cat!
Give them millet on the path!
Rip at the cat and the cat
Fluff and feathers from the tail!

Well, it's time for us, dear Vasya,
Get away.

Knock on the neighbor's house -
There live a goat with a goat!

Cat Vasily
Oh, sadly homeless
Wandering around the yards dark! ..

The narrator
Vasily the cat is walking, wandering,
Leads the hostess by the hand.
Here is the old house in front of them
On a hill by the river.
Goat with a goat in front of a window
They play fools.

Are you out of your mind, goat?
Hit the ace with the ten!

What are you grumbling, stupid?
I beat ten of diamonds.
Diamonds are our trump cards.

Tambourines were last time
And now our trump card - cross!

Get lost with them!
I'm tired of the game
And yes, it's time for bed!
I'm tired this day...

No, let's start the game over!
Who will be left of us
Fools this time?

And without cards, I know it!

You be quiet! .. Gore!

Your beard is your duty
Let the horns not grow.
I have twice as long -
I will live with you.
You better not joke!

Cat(knocking at the gate)
Hey hostess, let me in!
This is me and Vasya the janitor...
You called to your place on Tuesday.
We couldn't wait long
Arrived ahead of time!

Good evening. I'm glad to see you!
But what do you want from us?

In the yard and rain and snow,
You let us sleep.

There is no bed in our house.

We can sleep on straw.
Don't spare a corner for us.

You ask the goat.
My goat, though hornless,
And the owner is very strict!

What will you tell us, neighbor?

Say that there is no place!

The goat just told me
We don't have enough space here.
I can't argue with her
She has longer horns.

He's joking, apparently, bearded! ..
Yes, we're tight in here.
Knock on the pig -
There is a place in her house.
Go left from the gate
And you will reach the barn.

Well, Vasenka, let's go,
Let's knock on the third house.
Oh, how hard it is to be homeless!

Be healthy!

What should we do, Vasily?
We were not allowed on the threshold
Our old friends...
Will the pig tell us something?

Cat Vasily
Here is her fence and her hut.
Piglets look out the windows.
Ten fat pigs -
Everyone is sitting on benches
Everyone is sitting on benches
They eat from tubs.

piglets(waving spoons and singing)
I am a pig and you are a pig
All of us, brothers, are pigs.
Today they gave us, friends,
A whole vat of botvinya.

We sit on benches
We eat from tubs.
We eat from tubs.

Eat, champ friendly,
Piggy brothers!
We are like pigs
At least guys.

Our crochet ponytails
Our stigmas are a patch.
Our stigmas are a patch.

Here they bring a bucket to us,
Full of balanda.

Pigs, take your places!
Obey commands!

In the swill before the old men
Piglet do not climb.
There are ten patches here
How much is it together?

Here fifty kopecks together!

Cat Vasily
That's how fun they sing!

We found shelter with you!
Let's knock on their window.

Who is knocking?

Cat Vasily
Cat and cat!

You let me in, pig
I was left homeless.
I'll wash the dishes for you
I will swing the pigs!

Not yours, godfather, sadness
Download my piglets
And the slop trough
Well, though not washed.
I can't let you
Stay in our house.

We don't have much room for ourselves,
There was nowhere to turn.
My family is great
Husband is a boar, yes I am a pig,
Yes, we have ten
Little piglets.
There are more spacious houses
Knock there, godfather!

Ah, Vasily, my Vasily!
And they didn't let us in...
We went around the whole world -
We have no shelter anywhere!

Cat Vasily
Here is someone's house opposite,
And dark and cramped
And wretched, and small, -
It seems to have grown into the ground.
Who lives in that house on the edge
I myself don't know yet.
Let's try again
Ask to stay overnight!

The narrator
Here he walks down the road
Cat Vasily lame.
Stumbling, wandering a little,
Leads the cat by the hand.
The path goes down
And then he runs to the slope.
And aunt cat does not know
What's in the hut by the window -
two little kittens
two little kittens
They sit under the window.
The little ones hear that someone
Knocked on their gate.

Cat Vasily
I am a cat janitor, an old cat.
I ask you for an overnight stay
Shelter us from the snow!

Oh, cat Vasily, is that you?
Is your aunt cat with you?
And we're all day until dark
They knocked on your window.
You didn't open for us yesterday
Gates, old janitor!

Cat Vasily
What kind of janitor am I without a yard!
I'm a homeless person now...

I'm sorry if I was
Blame you.

Cat Vasily
Now our house has burned down
Let us in, kittens!

1st kitten
I'm ready to forget forever
Resentment and ridicule
But for wandering cats
There are hostels in the city!

I can't get to the lodging house.
I'm shivering in the wind!

Cat Vasily
There's a detour
Four kilometers.

And on the short path
Don't get there at all!

2nd kitten
Well, what do you say, big brother,
Open the gate for them?

Cat Vasily
To tell in conscience, back
We are reluctant to breeze ...

1st kitten
Well, what to do! In rain and snow
You can't be homeless.
Who himself asked for a lodging for the night, -
Understand the other sooner.
Who knows how wet the water is
How terrible the fierce cold is,
He will never leave
Passers-by without shelter!

2nd kitten
Yes, we have a poor house,
There is no stove, no roof.
Almost under the sky we live
And mice gnawed through the floor.

Cat Vasily
And we guys are four,
Let's fix the old house.
I am both a stove-maker and a carpenter,
And a mouse hunter!

I will be your second mother.
I know how to skim cream.
I will catch mice
Wash dishes with your tongue...
Let the poor family in!

1st kitten
Yes, I'm not chasing you, aunt!
Even though we are tight
Although we are scarce,
But find us a place
It's easy for guests.

2nd kitten
We don't have pillows
No blanket either.
We hug each other
To get warmer.

Are you hugging each other?
Poor kittens!
It's a pity we give you pillows
Didn't give once...

Cat Vasily
Didn't give a bed
They didn't give me feathers...
It would be very helpful
Now chicken fluff!
Your aunt is chilling
Yes, I have a cold too...
Maybe you will find
Bread for us for dinner?

2nd kitten
Here's a bucket for you
Full of water!

Even though we are tight
Although we are scarce,
But find us a place
Easy for guests!

I want to sleep - no urine!
Finally I found a home.
Well friends, good night...
Tili-tili... tili-bom!

(Falls off.)

Beam-bom! Tili-bom!
There was a cat's house in the world.
Right, left - porch,
red railings,
carved stakes,
The windows are painted.

The cat's house burned down.
Do not find signs of it.
Whether he was or not...

And we have a rumor -
The old cat is alive.
Lives with nephews!
Reputed to be a homebody.
Such a homebody!
Rarely comes out of the gate
Catching mice in the cellar
Babysitting at home.

The old cat also wised up.
He's not the same anymore.
During the day he goes to work
Dark night - hunting.
All evening long
Singing songs for children...

Orphans will grow up soon
They will become more than the old aunt.
Closely live them four together -
We need to build a new house.

Cat Vasily
You definitely need to set.
Come on, strong! Come on, together!
The whole family, four
Let's build a new house!

Row after row of logs
We'll put it straight.

Cat Vasily
Well, it's done. And now
We put a ladder and a door.

painted windows,
The stakes are carved.

1st kitten
Here is the stove
And a pipe.

2nd kitten
For the porch
Two pillars.

1st kitten
We'll build an attic.

2nd kitten
We will cover the house with weed.

We'll beat the slits with tow.

And our new home is ready!

Tomorrow will be a housewarming party.

Cat Vasily
Fun all over the street.

Come to a new home!

Fire Safety Fun

“Tili-bom! Tili-bom! Cat's house caught fire!

(for children of the middle group)


To form in children the concept of "Fire safety". Be able to act correctly in a dangerous situation, call the fire safety service by phone.Bring joy to children. Develop creativity, imagination, communication skills. To improve the motor skills of children, to develop dexterity, attention, speed, to cultivate goodwill and mutual respect.

Material and equipment:

Projector, screen. Metal spacing, a piece of paper, matches, a sheet of paper, cotton wool, a piece of cloth, a bucket of water. 2 buckets, plastic box with balloons filled with water, 2 basins. 2 tables, 2 telephones.

Preliminary work:

Conversations on the topic "If there is a fire", "Matches for children are not a toy." Reviewing the album "The World Around: Fire Safety". Reading fiction: “Fire” by S. Marshak, “Confusion” by K. Chukovsky. Outdoor games "Birds in trouble", "Fire dragon"

Entertainment progress:

Children enter the hall, greet the music director, with the guests. They sit on chairs. Suddenly, crying and lamentations are heard behind the door: “What to do now?! What will happen now?!”

The cat enters the room.

Cat: - Oh-oh-oh! What happened! What happened! How to be now?!

Educator: - Guys, who came to us? Let's find out what happened?(Turns to Cat) Hello Cat! What happened to you? Why are you crying?

Cat: - I came to you from the fairy tale "Cat's House". And what happened to me - see for yourself.

The screen shows Fragment from the cartoon "Cat's House"

Educator: - Wow! Guys, what happened to this wonderful house? Why do you think it caught fire? What else could cause a fire? Do you think the fire can be put out? What is fire afraid of? (Children offer options)

Educator: - Well done! How many different ways did you suggest! And now let's check with you what is the best way to put out the fire. But before we start, can you remind me to get close to a fire? Can you touch fire with your hands? Why not? Everything is correct! And now look carefully and do not approach the fire.

Description of the experiment: The teacher on a metal spacing sets fire to a lump of paper, tries to put it out with a paper sheet, cotton wool, a piece of cloth, water. He notes with the children that only water could put out the fire.

Educator: - Guys, let's show the Cat how to fill the fire with water. But first we need to pump water.

Fizminutka "Pump"

Now turn on the pump

We pump water from the river

(make a slight lean forward, hands reach for the floor, but do not touch it, then straighten slightly)

Left - one, right - two

Water flowed in a stream.

(incline to the right, the left hand slides up along the body (to the armpit); tilt to the left, move up with the right hand.)

One, two, three, four (2-3 times)

Well we did our best!

(sit down, bend your arms at the elbows and raise to chest level, straighten up, lower your arms).

Educator: - Well, we pumped up the water, and now let's fill the fire with buckets and water.

Description of the relay: Children line up one after another in two columns. At the command "One, two, three - rather, help put out the fire!" The first child of each team puts a ball of water in a bucket, carries it to the basin, and lays it out. Then he returns to his team, the next child continues the baton. The relay is held to cheerful music.

Educator: - Well done! Fired up! Cat, tell me, when there was a fire in your house, what did you do?

Cat: - I hid under the bed ... ..

Educator: - Oh! Ouch! Ouch! Guys, tell me. Is it possible during a fire to hide under the bed, or in the closet? Why not?

Cat: Got it! What else should you do when your house is on fire?

(Children explain that you need to leave the house, cover your face and nose with a handkerchief, call the fire brigade).

Cat: - And how to call the firemen? I can not!


Help will come in time

If you make the right call.

Dial the required number

And show me how to do it!

Description of the relay: Children line up one after another in two columns. At the command "One, two, three - call the firefighters soon!" The first child from each team runs to the table with the phone on it. Picks up the phone, calls the address, and returns to his team. The relay is continued by the next player. The relay is held to cheerful music.

Educator: - Look, Cat, what clever, smart, brave guys we have! Did you like with us?

Cat: - Yes, I liked it very much! And you guys are great! And most importantly, I now know that you can’t play with matches and fire! I also learned how to behave in case of a fire. I learned that the fire can be put out ... .. (children help). And by phone you need to call ... .. you taught me a lot. I also want to teach you how to play my favorite game “If you like it, then do it….”

After games The cat once again thanks everyone and distributes treats to the children.


D v a k o t o n k a
C o t V a s i l i y
R a h i
B o b r s
K o z a
P o r o c i t a
B a r a n
About in c a
The narrator

Outside is a tall building.
Beam-bom! Tili-bom!
Outside is a tall building.
carved stakes,
The windows are painted.
And on the stairs carpet -
Embroidered gold pattern.
On a patterned carpet
The cat comes down in the morning.

She has a cat
Boots on the feet
Boots on the feet
And earrings in the ears.
On boots -
Varnish, varnish.
And the earrings

The dress is new on her
It costs a thousand rubles.
Yes, half a thousand braid,
Golden fringe.

The cat goes for a walk
Yes, it will pass along the alley -
People look without breathing:
How good is that!

Not so herself
Like a patterned braid
Like a patterned braid
Golden fringe.

Yes, not so her braid,
Like land and houses.

About a rich cat house
We will tell a fairy tale.
Sit and wait -
The story is ahead!

The narrator

Listen, children:
Once upon a time there was a cat in the world,
She lived differently than other cats:
Slept not on matting,
And in a cozy bedroom
On a small bed
Covered in scarlet
Warm blanket
And in a down pillow
She sank her head.

The cat had a new home.
carved stakes,
The windows are painted.
And all around is a wide yard,
Fence on four sides.

Against the house, at the gate,
An old cat lived in the lodge.
For a century he served as janitors,
The master's house guarded
Sweeping paths
In front of the cat's house
Standing at the gate with a broom
Outsiders drove away.

Here they came to a rich aunt
Two orphaned nephews.
Knocked under the window
To let them into the house.

C o t i t a

Aunt, aunt cat,
Look out the window!
Kittens want to eat.
You live richly.
Keep us warm, cat
Feed a little!

C o t V a s i l i y

Who's knocking at the gate?
I am a cat's janitor, an old cat!

C o t i t a

We are cat's nephews!

C o t V a s i l i y

Here I will give you gingerbread!
We have countless nephews,
And everyone wants to drink and eat!

C o t i t a

Tell our aunt
We are orphans
We have a hut without a roof,
And mice gnawed through the floor
And the wind blows through the cracks
And we ate bread a long time ago ...
Tell your mistress!

C o t V a s i l i y

Come on, beggars!
Do you want cream?
Here I am by the scruff of your neck!

Who did you talk to, old cat,
My porter Vasily?

C o t V a s i l i y

The kittens were at the gate -
They asked for food.

What a disgrace! Was herself
I used to be a kitten.
Then to the neighboring houses
The kittens didn't climb.

What do they want from us?
Idlers and rogues?
For hungry kittens
There are shelters in the city!

There is no life from nephews,
You need to drown them in the river!

Welcome friends
I am heartily glad to you.

The narrator

A guest came to a rich cat
Famous goat in the city
With a wife, gray-haired and strict,
Longhorn goat.

The rooster appeared fighting,
A mother hen came for him
And in a soft downy shawl
The neighbor pig has arrived.

Kozel Kozlovich, how are you?
I have been waiting for you for a long time!


M-m-my respect, cat!
Prom-m-wet m-we are a little bit.

The rain caught us on the way,
We had to walk through the puddles.

Yes, m-we are with m-husband today
We walked through puddles all the time.

Hello my Pete-cockerel!


Thanks to! Crow!

And you, mother hen,
I see very rarely.


Walking to you, right, is not easy -
You live very far.
We, poor hens, -
Such housewives!

Hello, aunty pig.
How is your lovely family?


Thank you, kitty, oink-oink,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Me and family for now
We don't live well.

Your little piglets
I send to kindergarten
My husband takes care of the house
And I go to my friends.

Now the five of us have come
Take a look at your wonderful home.
The whole city is talking about him.

My house is always open for you!
Here is my dining room.
All the furniture in it is oak.
Here is the chair
They sit on it.
Here is the table
They eat after him.


Here is the table
They sit on it!

Here is the chair
They eat it!..

You are wrong friends.
That's not what I said at all.
Why do you need our chairs?
You can sit on them.
Although the furniture is inedible,
Sitting on it is comfortable.

To tell the truth, me and the goat
There are not accustomed to the table.
We love on the loose
Dine in the garden.


And put the pig at the table -
I'll put my feet on the table!


That's why it's about you
Very bad reputation!

(to the cat)

Which room does it lead to
Is this door on the right?

To the right is a closet, my friends,
I hang dresses in it.
To the left is my bedroom
With couch and bed.

(quietly - chicken)

Look, the feather bed is pure fluff!


She steals chickens, rooster!


And what's that?

New thing -
Steel mousetrap.
I don't like catching mice
I catch them with a mousetrap.
The lid just slams
A mouse is captured!

Cats in my homeland
Not masters of catching mice.
I am from an overseas family:
My great-grandfather is the Angora cat!
Light, Vasily, the top light
And show his portrait.


How fluffy he is!


How good he is!

He looks a bit like me...

And here is my living room
Carpets and mirrors.
I bought a piano
One donkey.
Every day in the spring
I'm taking singing lessons.


Look what mirrors!
And in everyone I see a goat ...

Wipe your eyes properly!
There is a goat in every mirror here.


It seems to you, friends:
There's a pig in every mirror here!


Oh no! What a pig!
It's just us here: the rooster and me!


Neighbors, how long
Will we fight this dispute?
venerable hostess,
You sing to us and play!


Let the rooster sing with you.
Boasting is uncomfortable
But he has great hearing.
And the voice is incredible.


I sing more in the morning
Waking up on a perch.
But if that's what you want,
I will sing along with you.


I'm just waiting for this.
Ah, sing a song like
An old song: "In the garden,
In the cabbage garden!

(sits down at the piano, plays and sings)

Meow meow! The night has descended.
The first star shines.


Oh, where have you gone?
Crow! Where-where?..

K o z a
(goat, quietly)

Listen, you fool, stop
There is the owner's geranium!


You try. Delicious.
Like chewing a cabbage leaf.
Here is another pot.
Eat and you such a flower!


Oh, where have you gone?
Crow! Where-where?..

(chewing flowers)

Fantastic! Bravo, bravo!
Right, you sang to glory!
Sing something again.

No, let's dance...
I play the piano
Cotillion for you can.


No, play a goat gallop!

Goat dance in the meadow!


Cock dance ringing
Please play me!


Me, my friend, "Three Little Pigs"!


Chicken waltz "De-volyay"!

I can't, sorry
Please all of you at once.
You dance what you want
If only there was a cheerful dance! ..

Everyone is dancing. Suddenly music
breaks off abruptly and
the voices of kittens are heard.

C o t i t a

Aunt, aunt cat,
Look out the window!
You let us spend the night
Lay us down on the bed.

If there is no bed
Let's lie down on the floor
On a bench or oven
Or we can lie on the floor
And cover with matting!
Aunt, aunt cat!

Basil the Cat, cover the window!
It's already getting dark.
Two stearin candles
Light it up for us in the dining room
Yes, make a fire in the furnace!

C o t V a s i l i y

Please, ready!

Thank you, Vasenka, my friend!
And you, friends, sit around.
Found in front of the stove
For every place.
Let the rain and snow knock on the glass
We are cozy and warm.
Let's write a story.
The goat will start, the rooster will follow him,
Then a goat. Behind her is a pig
And then - the chicken and me!


Let's go!


A long time ago
There lived a goat...


I ate millet...

I ate cabbage...


And dug manure...


And once laid an egg!

So he went to catch mice ...



A rooster, not a goat!

No, no, goat!


Pig, pig!


A chicken just like me!

No, it's a cat, cat, cat!


Friends, wait a little!
It's already dark, it's time for us to go,
The owner needs to rest.


What a wonderful welcome it was!


What a wonderful cat house!


There is no cozier nest in the world!


Oh yes, a chicken coop anywhere!


What a delicious geranium!

K o z a

Oh, you fool, stop it!


Farewell, hostess, oink-oink!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please Sunday
For your birthday.


And I ask you on Wednesday
Welcome to dinner.
In my simple chicken coop
We will peck millet with you,
And then on the perch
Let's take a nap together!

And we ask you to come
Tuesday evening at six
For our goat pie
With cabbage and raspberries.
So don't forget, I'm waiting!

I'll definitely come,
Even though I'm a homebody
And I rarely visit...
Don't forget me too!


Neighbor, from today
I am your servant to death.
Please believe!


Well, my kitty, goodbye,
Visit me often!

Farewell, goodbye
Thanks for the company.
Me and Vasily, the old cat,
We escort guests to the gate.

Descend carefully:
Here you can stumble!
- To the left is a ditch -
Please to the right!
Friends, thank you for coming!
We had a wonderful evening!
- Thanks for the company!
- Farewell! Goodbye!..

The narrator

Mistress and Vasily,
Mustachioed old cat
Not soon carried out
Neighbors to the gate.

Word by word -
And again the conversation
And at home in front of the stove
The fire burned through the carpet.

One more moment -
And a light spark
pine logs
Enveloped, wrapped.

climbed up the wallpaper,
Climbed up on the table
And scattered like a swarm
Golden-winged bees.

The cat Vasily returned
And the cat follows him -
And suddenly they said:
- Fire! We are burning! We are burning!

With crackling, clicking and thunder
There was a fire over the new house,
Looks around,
Waving red sleeve.

How did the rooks see
This is the flame from the tower

Tili-tili, tili-bom!
The cat's house is on fire!
The cat's house caught fire

Running chicken with a bucket
And behind her in full spirit
A rooster runs with a broom.
Piglet - with a sieve
And a goat with a lantern.

R a h i

Hey fire brigade
Need to hurry up!
Harness ten pairs.
Let's go, let's go to the fire.

Hurry, without delay
Pour water into barrels.
The cat's house is on fire!

Stop, pig! Wait, goat!
What are you staring at?
Carry buckets of water.


I brought you water in a sieve,
In a new sieve, in a sieve, -
Splashed in the bustle!

R a h i

How are we going to put out the fire?
Where will we get water?

Don't you know, sheep
Where was the fire hydrant?
Don't you know, little sheep
Where was the river the other day?

I can't tell you
We live on the coast.
Was there a river there?
We did not see from the porch!

R a h i

Well, these are of little use -
They came running with anything.
Hey beaver workers
Take apart the axes
Break the shaky beams,
Extinguish the hot flame.
Soon, like a candle,
The tower will light up!

S t ary b o b e r

We, beavers, are a working people,
We beat piles from morning to night.
We do not mind working
If we can help you.

Do not interfere, rotosey,
Disperse quickly!
What did the bazaar do?
This is not a fair - a fire!

B o b r s

We will bring down all the fences
Put out the fire on earth.
We won't let the fire
Spread over the wattle fence!

Wait, old beaver!
Why break the fence?
Save the house from the flames
Take out our things

Armchairs, chairs, mirrors -
Everything will burn down with us ...
Ask them, Vasily,
To take out the furniture!

B o b r s

You will not save good -
It's time for you to save yourself.
Get out, cat and cat,
From the attic window
Get on the ledge
And from the ledge - straight down!

I feel sorry for the Persian carpets!..

B o b e r

Hurry up! The beam will hit -
And you won't find carpets
And you yourself will disappear!

S t ary b o b e r

Beware! The roof will collapse!


What? I can not hear!

B o b e r

Run away whoever!


Where-where! Trouble, trouble!

The cat's house is collapsing.


So the cat's house collapsed!


Burned with all the good!

Where will we live now?

C o t V a s i l i y

What will I guard?

The narrator

Black smoke drifts in the wind
The cat is crying...
There is no house, no yard,
No pillow, no carpet!

Oh, my Vasily, Vasily!
We were invited to the chicken coop.
Shouldn't you go to the rooster?
There is a feather down.
Though the chicken fluff is tough,
Everything is a feather bed - like a feather bed!

C o t V a s i l i y

Well, mistress, let's go
Spend the night in a chicken house!

The narrator

Here he walks down the road
Cat Vasily lame.
Stumbling, wandering a little,
Leads the cat by the hand
Squinting at the fire in the window...
"A rooster and a hen live here?"
So it is - it should be here:
The roosters are singing in the hallway.

Ah, my godmother,
Heartbroken neighbor!
We don't have a place to live now...
Where will I huddle
And Vasily, my porter?
You let us into your chicken coop!


I would be glad myself
Shelter you, godfather,
But my husband is trembling with anger,
If we have guests.
Disobedient spouse -
My Cochin cock...
He has such spurs that I'm afraid to argue with him!


Ko-ko-ko! Crow!
No rest for the old man!
I go to sleep with you
And I get up with the roosters.
I don't close my eyes at night
At midnight sing to me for the first time.
I just close my eyes
We must sing before dawn.
At dawn I rise again
For the third time I sing for you.
I stand on the clock for a day,
And not a moment's rest!


Hear my rooster angry.
He has excellent hearing.
If he is at home
Even with a familiar chicken
I can't chat
To pass the time!

Why on this Wednesday?
Did you invite me to dinner?


I didn't call forever
And today is not Wednesday.
And we live closely
My chickens are growing
young roosters,
Fighters, mischief-makers,
The thugs, the bullies,
They spend the whole day fighting
They won't let us sleep at night
They sing ahead of time.
Look, they're fighting again!

Young cockerels

Crow! Beat pockmarked!
- I'll punch him in the crown!
- Cuckoo! I will close!


Ah, robbers, villains!
Go away, godfather, quickly!
When they start a fight,
It will hit us with you!


Hey, keep the cat and the cat!
Give them millet on the path!
Rip at the cat and the cat
Fluff and feathers from the tail!

Well, it's time for us, dear Vasya,
Get away.


Knock on the neighbor's house -
There live a goat with a goat!

C o t V a s i l i y

Oh, sadly homeless
Wander around the yards dark!

The narrator

Vasily the cat is walking, wandering,
Leads the hostess by the hand.
Here is the old house in front of them
On a hill by the river.
Goat with a goat in front of a window
They play fools.


Are you out of your mind, goat?
Hit the ace with ten!

What are you grumbling, stupid?
I beat ten of diamonds.
Diamonds are our trump cards.


Tambourines were last time
And now our trump card - cross!

K o z a

Get lost with them!
I'm tired of the game
And yes, it's time for bed!
I'm tired today...


No, let's start the game over!
Who will be left of us
Fools this time?

And without cards, I know it!


You be quiet! .. Gore!

Your beard is your duty
Let the horns not grow.
I have twice as long -
I will live with you.
You better not joke!

(knocking at the gate)

Hey hostess, let me in!
It's me and Vasya the janitor...
You called to your place on Tuesday.
We couldn't wait long
Arrived ahead of time!

Good evening. I'm glad to see you!
But what do you want from us?

In the yard and rain and snow,
You let us sleep.

There is no bed in our house.

We can sleep on straw.
Spare no corner for us!

You ask the goat.
My goat, though hornless,
And the owner is very strict!

What will you tell us, neighbor?

K o z a

Say that there is no place!


The goat just told me
We don't have enough space here.
I can't argue with her
She has longer horns.

He's joking, apparently, bearded! ..
Yes, it's tight in here...
Knock on the pig -
There is a place in her house.
Go left from the gate
And you will reach the barn.

Well, Vasenka, let's go,
Let's knock on the third house.
Oh, how hard it is to be homeless!

Be healthy!

What should we do, Vasily?
We were not allowed on the threshold
Our old friends...
Will the pig tell us something?

C o t V a s i l i y

Here is her fence and her hut.
Piglets look out the windows.
Ten fat pigs -
Everyone is sitting on benches
Everyone is sitting on benches
They eat from tubs.

P o r o c i t a
(waving spoons and singing)

I am a pig and you are a pig
All of us, brothers, are pigs.
Today they gave us, friends,
A whole vat of botvinya.
We sit on benches
We eat from tubs.
We eat from tubs.

Eat, champ friendly,
Piggy brothers!
We are like pigs
At least some more guys.
Our crochet ponytails
Our stigmas are a patch.
Our stigmas are a patch.

Here they bring a bucket to us,
Full of balanda.


Pigs, take your places!
Obey commands!
In the swill before the old men
Piglet do not climb.
There are ten patches here
How much is it together?
Here fifty kopecks together!

C o t V a s i l i y

That's how fun they sing!

We found shelter with you!
Let's knock on their window.


Who is knocking?

C o t V a s i l i y

Cat and cat!

You let me in, pig
I was left homeless.
I'll wash the dishes for you
I will swing the pigs!


Not yours, godfather, sadness
Download my piglets
And the slop trough
Well, though not washed.
I can't let you
Stay in our house.
We ourselves have little space -
There was nowhere to turn.
My family is great
Husband is a boar, yes I am a pig,
Yes, we have ten
Little piglets.
There are more spacious houses
Knock there, godfather!

Oh, Vasily, my Vasily,
And they didn't let us in...
We went around the whole world -
We have no shelter anywhere!

C o t V a s i l i y

There is someone's house opposite.
And dark and cramped
And wretched, and small,
It seems to have grown into the ground.
Who lives in that house on the edge
I myself don't know yet.
Let's try again
Ask to stay overnight!

The narrator

Here he walks down the road
Cat Vasily lame.
Stumbling, wandering a little,
Leads the cat by the hand.
The path goes down
And then he runs to the slope.
And aunt cat does not know
What's in the hut by the window -
two little kittens
two little kittens
They sit under the window.
The little ones hear that someone
Knocked on their gate.
The voice of one of the kittens
Who's knocking at the gate?

C o t V a s i l i y

I'm a cat janitor, an old cat.
I ask you for an overnight stay
Shelter us from the snow!

C o t i t a

Oh, cat Vasily, is that you?
Is your aunt cat with you?
And we're all day until dark
They knocked on your window.
You didn't open for us yesterday
Gates, old janitor!

C o t V a s i l i y

What kind of janitor am I without a yard!
I'm a homeless person now...

I'm sorry if I was
Blame you.

C o t V a s i l i y

Now our house has burned down
Let us in, kittens!

1st cat

I'm ready to forget forever
Resentment and ridicule
But for wandering cats
There are hostels in the city!

I can't get to the lodging house.
I'm shivering in the wind!

C o t V a s i l i y

There's a detour
Four kilometers.

And on the short path
Don't get there at all!

2nd cat

Well, what do you say, big brother,
Open the gate for them?

C o t V a s i l i y

To tell in conscience, back
We are reluctant to breeze ...

1st cat

Well, what to do! In rain and snow
You can't be homeless.
Who himself asked for a lodging for the night -
Understand the other sooner.
Who knows how wet the water is
How terrible the fierce cold is,
He will never leave
Passers-by without shelter!

2nd cat

Yes, we have a poor house,
There is no stove, no roof.
Almost under the sky we live
And mice gnawed through the floor.

C o t V a s i l i y

And we guys are four,
Let's fix the old house.
I am a baker and a carpenter,
And a mouse hunter!

I will be your second mother.
I know how to skim cream.
I will catch mice
Wash dishes with your tongue...
Let the poor family in!

1st cat

Yes, I'm not chasing you, aunt!
Even though we are tight
Although we are scarce,
But find us a place
It's easy for guests.

2nd cat

We don't have pillows
No blanket either.
We hug each other
To get warmer.

Are you hugging each other?
Poor kittens!
It's a pity we give you pillows
Never gave...

C o t V a s i l i y

Didn't give a bed
Didn't give feathers...
It would be very helpful
Now chicken fluff!

Your aunt is chilling
Yes, I have a cold too...
Maybe you will find
Bread for us for dinner?

1st cat

2nd cat

Here's a bucket for you
Full of water!


Even though we are tight
Although we are scarce,
But find us a place
Easy for guests!

I want to sleep - no urine!
Finally I found a home.
Well friends, good night...
Tili-tili... tili-bom!

(Falls off.)

Beam-bom! Tili-bom!
There was a cat's house in the world.
Right, left - porch,
red railings,
carved stakes,
The windows are painted.

The cat's house burned down.
Do not find signs of it.
Whether he was or not...
And we have a rumor -
The old cat is alive.
Lives with nephews!
Reputed to be a homebody.

Such a homebody!
Rarely comes out of the gate
Catching mice in the cellar
Babysitting at home.

The old cat also wised up.
He's not the same anymore.
During the day he goes to work
Dark night - hunting.

All evening long
Singing songs for children...
Orphans will grow up soon
They will become more than the old aunt.

Closely live them four together -
We need to build a new house.

C o t V a s i l i y

You definitely need to set.
Come on, strong! Come on, together!
The whole family, four
Let's build a new house!

C o t i t a

Row after row of logs
We'll put it straight.

C o t V a s i l i y

Well, it's done. And now
We put a ladder and a door.

painted windows,
The stakes are carved.

1st cat

Here is the stove
And a pipe.

2nd cat

For the porch
Two pillars.

1st cat

We'll build an attic.

2nd cat

We will cover the house with weed.

We'll beat the slits with tow.


And our new home is ready!

Tomorrow will be a housewarming party.

C o t V a s i l i y

Fun all over the street.


Come to a new home!