Sore forehead and eyes - causes and methods of eliminating the problem. Pressure on the eyes from the inside. Pressing pain in the eye.

Pain in the eyes can vary in intensity: from barely noticeable to sharp and unbearable. In order to find out the cause of eye pain, you need to take into account its characteristics, as well as the circumstances under which it arose.

Common Causes of Eye Pain


When pain in the eyes appears, many people think first of all that the cause of the disease lies in the eyes themselves. This may actually be true. But we also must not forget that eye pain can manifest itself as diseases of other organs and systems.

So, the cause of pain in the eyes can be:

  • Ophthalmological diseases (inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases, injuries of the organ of vision);
  • Neurological diseases (trigeminal and optic neuritis);
  • Diseases of the ENT organs.

Ophthalmic diseases

Perhaps one of the most common causes of eye pain is inflammatory eye diseases.. So, many of us have encountered at least once in our lives sharp - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. For inflammation of the conjunctiva, sometimes you don’t need much - just rub with dirty hands eyes. Acute conjunctivitis manifested by redness of the eyes, lacrimation, burning sensation, pain in the eye, discharge from the eye.

The inflammatory process can quickly spread from the mucous membrane to other membranes of the eye. Thus, when infection spreads to the cornea, keratitis . Symptoms of keratitis are photophobia, severe lacrimation, a feeling of sand, and pain in the eye. Blepharospasm is also characteristic - when it is difficult for the patient to lift his eyelids.

In case of inflammation of the choroid of the eye - uveitis people are worried about:

  • Redness of the eye;
  • Feelings of heaviness, pain in the eye;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • The appearance of fog before the eyes;
  • Photophobia and lacrimation.

Eye pain can also occur due to promotion inside eye pressure , which is typical for . This disease is manifested not only by pain, but also by narrowing of the visual fields, blurred vision, and the appearance of rainbow circles before the eyes when focusing on a bright light. Acute attack Glaucoma progresses very rapidly. Pain from the eye spreads to the corresponding half of the head, and general weakness occurs.

Unpleasant painful sensations are also characteristic of xerophthalmia or This problem is faced by people who spend a lot of time at the computer. Staring at the monitor, a person forgets to blink, which is why the cornea dries out. The consequence of this is the appearance of burning, pain, a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, and redness of the eyes.

Pain in the eye is accompanied by and. There are the following types of eye injury:

  • Non-penetrating;
  • Penetrating.

Non-penetrating injuries include corneal erosion and foreign body. Erosion, essentially a scratch on the surface of the cornea. Immediately upon receiving an injury, a person experiences sharp pain in the affected eye. Along with the pain, severe lacrimation, redness of the eye and photophobia occur. At foreign body of the cornea the patient is bothered by all the same symptoms plus a feeling as if something is bothering him in the eye.

Penetrating wounds classified as severe, as complete destruction of the eye structures and loss of vision are possible. At the moment of receiving a penetrating wound, a person experiences severe pain, then lacrimation and inability to look at the bright light, decreased vision. Such conditions require emergency medical attention.

Neurological diseases

A neurological disease such as manifests itself severe pain in one half of the head, descending to the eye area. The pain is paroxysmal in nature and is so intense that the person becomes almost motionless. The pain intensifies bright light, sounds. At altitude, headaches occur.


A characteristic symptom of migraine is the presence of an aura, when visual, olfactory or neurological disorders. Thus, patients may feel that flashes of light and colored spots appear before their eyes.

Eye pain may be a symptom . The trigeminal nerve has three branches:

  • eye;
  • Maxillary;
  • Mandibular.

The pathological process can affect either the entire nerve or only one branch. The main symptom of the disease is attacks of severe, excruciating pain in the innervation zone. If in pathological process the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve is involved, which means that the person will experience severe pain in the forehead, bridge of the nose, and eyes. During pain attack the person freezes, as if he is afraid to move, because any movement increases the pain. Blepharospasm and lacrimation may also occur.

Pain in the eye is accompanied by Optic neuritis . Nerve inflammation develops against the background of demyelinating diseases or infectious lesions. Optic neuritis begins with sudden deterioration vision, impaired color vision, the appearance of all kinds of flashes of light before the eyes. A person begins to experience pain in the eye, which especially intensifies when the eyeballs move.

Pain in the eyes is also observed with. Deformed vertebrae are compressed nerve roots and vessels, which leads to the formation of a characteristic clinical picture. The main complaint of people with cervical osteochondrosis is a nagging headache from the back of the head to the brow ridges. The eyes may also hurt, with unpleasant pulling sensations concentrated behind the eyeballs. Also, with cervical osteochondrosis, symptoms such as:

  • , the appearance of colored spots before the eyes;
  • Doubling of objects;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Crunch in the neck.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Quite often the organ of vision is involved in disease processes emanating from the ENT organs. This is facilitated by the close location of the orbit and paranasal sinuses. So, Pain in the eyes can be felt by people suffering from sinusitis.

inflammation of the paranasal sinuses) usually develops against the background of ARVI. Mucus and also pus accumulate in the sinuses, which increases the pressure inside the sinuses. These changes lead to pain, which also extends to the eye area. The pain in the eye in this case is usually dull and aching, corresponding to the side of the face on which the sinus is inflamed.

By the way, when people often complain of a feeling of pressing pain in their eyeballs when it’s even difficult to move your eyes. This symptom is a consequence of intoxication of the body. Also, with ARVI, conjunctivitis often develops. In this case, in addition to the signs respiratory infection(weakness, runny nose,

Headache and pressure on eyes. There is hardly a person who has never experienced such a painful condition. When this pain is fleeting, they do not pay attention to it. But what if you constantly have a headache and pressure on your eyes? What to do in such a situation? Let's figure out why this happens and how to deal with it.


Possible reasons similar condition can be:

  • signs of overvoltage;
  • migraine;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • benign or malignant brain tumors;
  • pathologies of cerebral vessels;
  • inflammatory colds;
  • infectious diseases of the brain;
  • trigeminal and facial neuralgia;
  • toothache;
  • allergy;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • all kinds of traumatic brain injuries, bruises;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • reflex pain (gastritis, colitis);
  • chemical poisoning;
  • mental illness;
  • bad habits;
  • weather dependence;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • period of menstruation in women;
  • reaction to bright light, smells.


Let's analyze why the head hurts and puts pressure on the eyes. Reasons for each specific case:

  • Overvoltage. Occurs when there is excessive strain on the eyes - this is a prolonged stay at the computer, preparing students for exams. Also, a headache in this case may be associated with some kind of stressful situations or emotional breakdowns. If you have an incorrect posture while sleeping or at the computer, pain may appear due to muscle strain: in the back, neck, and head. Usually the nature of the pain is compressive, moderate intensity.
  • Migraine- often hereditary disease. It is characterized by acute, throbbing pain, involving half of the head: that is, the eye, forehead and temple on the right or left.
  • Increased intracranial pressure. The pressure increases due to an increase in cerebrospinal fluid, which stretches the arachnoid membrane of the brain. And this stretching causes pain in the head. It is typical that the pain intensifies in the morning.
  • Brain neoplasms. The outflow of cerebrospinal fluid is obstructed, therefore intracranial pressure increases. Also, neoplasms put pressure on certain areas of the brain, which causes headaches.
  • Pathologies of cerebral vessels. They can be congenital, for example arteriovenous malformation, or acquired, for example atherosclerosis. With these diseases, the pain is similar to that that occurs with migraine.
  • Infectious diseases of the brain: encephalitis, meningitis - serious illnesses, at untimely treatment available death. Very severe headaches around the eyes and neck.
  • Inflammatory diseases. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, sinusitis. Headaches are caused by intoxication of the body. Along with the headache, a rise in temperature and runny nose are noticed.
  • Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve- one of the most excruciating types of pain. The pain, like an electric shock, can be localized near the nose and in the eye area.
  • Toothache. Pain in the frontal region of the head occurs when the incisors are damaged.
  • Allergy. Headache and pressure on the eyes combined with other symptoms characteristic of allergies. Unpleasant feeling.
  • Increased eye pressure. Occurs with glaucoma, colds and inflammatory processes in the eyes. Accompanying pressing pain on the eyes, and the head hurts mainly in the forehead area.
  • Traumatic brain injuries: are open and closed. Depending on the severity of the injury, headaches can last for months or even years.
  • Women suffer from headaches during menopause, in PMS time, as well as during pregnancy.
  • For hypertension headache is caused by increased intracranial pressure, muscle pain, ischemic pain ( poor circulation brain). With hypotension, headache occurs due to fluctuations in vascular tone.
  • Osteochondrosis. If the headache is provoked by muscle contractions, then the pain is dull. Vertebral artery syndrome is involved - burning pain. An additional symptom may be pressing pain in the eyes.
  • Reflex headache. Occurs in diseases internal organs(stomach, liver, intestines), astigmatism, incorrectly selected glasses, adenoids and other diseases.
  • Chemical poisoning. Almost all poisonings: drugs, varnishes, paints, pesticides and others result in a headache and pressure on the eyes.
  • Bad habits, such as smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, also cause headaches due to vascular spasms, in particular cerebral vessels.
  • Mental illness accompanied by headache.

A headache is not a diagnosis, but just a symptom of a disease. Therefore, if headaches often bother you, you need to see a doctor who can examine, find the cause and prescribe correct treatment. To do this you will have to undergo an examination: pass general analysis blood and urine biochemical analysis blood, measure blood pressure. Check the functioning of the heart and internal organs (liver, stomach). The doctor may order an MRI of the brain, as well as other diagnostic studies. Only after a diagnosis has been made can headaches be properly treated.

Where to start treatment?

And yet, when there is a headache in the forehead and pressure on the eyes, how to treat such conditions?

Treatment of headaches must begin with diagnosis of the disease that caused it.

Nervous tension

If this is pain caused by tension, then you need to remove the source of irritation, that is, give your eyes rest, take comfortable position. And the most important thing is not to get nervous over trifles.


If it is a migraine or migraine-like pain, then you should not delay taking medications such as Citramon or Askafen, since they are effective in the first half hour from the onset of the headache. It is also necessary to provide the patient with peace.

Reflex pain

If you have a headache and pressure on your eyes due to reflex pain, then first of all you should treat the underlying disease. That is, to remove adenoids, treat gastritis, vision, etc. After all, a headache can be overcome only by neutralizing its causes.


When the headache started due to poisoning chemicals, then first of all you need to neutralize the effects of poisons on the body. Induce vomiting, drink Almagel, Activated carbon. For inflammatory diseases that occur with an increase in temperature, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

For allergies, it is necessary to treat with antihistamines.


Drugs such as Aspirin, Indomethacin and others are effective against pain, but they have a bad effect on the gastric mucosa. “Sedalgin”, “Pentalgin” also help well, but they become addictive. For many diseases there are a number of others specific drugs. Therefore, if your head hurts very often and puts pressure on your forehead and eyes, then it is best to consult a doctor. After all, many headache medications cannot be sold without a doctor’s prescription.


Here are some effective folk methods that will not harm, but can quickly relieve headaches:

  • An old proven grandmother's method is to tie a cabbage leaf to a sore spot, that is, to the head.
  • To cleanse and heal the body, take a teaspoon of honey diluted in a glass of warm water every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Rub the temples with “Star” balm or apply lemon peel to them.
  • It is useful to take a warm bath, adding to it sea ​​salt or pine extract. Some people benefit from a hot shower, others benefit from a cold shower. You can take a contrast shower if there are no contraindications.
  • Massaging the muscles that have caused tension can also help relieve pain.
  • Hot tea with lemon with the addition of honey, mint, St. John's wort will help as a sedative.

Headache prevention

Getting enough sleep, walking in the fresh air, keeping quiet, alternating mental work with physical - the main prevention of headaches. If you know what irritants cause headaches, you should try to have as little contact with them as possible. Do not abuse bad habits and take preventive measures more often medical examinations in order to earlier identify a disease that can cause headaches.

Date: 04/26/2016

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  • How to get rid of pressure on your eyes?
  • Practical recommendations
  • How to deal with eye pressure?
  • Summarizing

Behind last years Many people have encountered this problem, but few know what to do if there is pressure on their eyes. Not surprising, because the eyes have become one of the organs that are exposed to heavy loads. At work you have to work at the computer for 8 hours, spending time at home is associated with TV, laptop, tablet, phone. Even on the road, to pass the time, electronic “readers” are used, the influence of which is no less harmful than other gadgets. What to do in such cases?

How to get rid of pressure on your eyes?

A feeling of pressure from the inside on the eyeballs can be a symptom that the body is overtired and requires attention to the problem. This should not be brushed aside, citing the fact that this problem is common to most people. We need to understand the reasons and try to eliminate them.

Arterial hypertension is perceived as a disease inherent in people at a certain age. But there is another type of similar disease, namely intraocular hypertension, the main symptom of which is the feeling of something constantly pressing on the eyes. An extremely unpleasant sensation that can occur due to complications suffered during:

  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • migraine;
  • complications of the endocrine system.

Created strong pressure on the eyeballs, it becomes difficult to concentrate. Similar problems are caused by alcoholism, heavy smoking, undermining general state the body, which can no longer cope with various viruses, becomes weak.

Pressing pain may occur suddenly and be accompanied by an intense headache. In this case, you should immediately measure your blood pressure, take appropriate medications and try to lie down. The doctor's office, which is found in almost any company, should check the blood pressure and take measures to lower it. In a good way To eliminate the causes of discomfort, drink a glass of plain water with lemon juice. If desired, you can add sugar to the improvised lemonade to slightly neutralize the “sourness.” A simple folk remedy will help to smoothly reduce blood pressure, and at the same time eliminate hypertension from the inside, giving strength and energy to the body with vitamin C.

The easiest way to deal with this is if pressure in the eye is caused by constant work at the computer. It is necessary to limit the use of gadgets as much as possible in your free time until the discomfort disappears completely. It’s better to sleep an extra hour, allowing your eyes to rest, do household chores, and spend more time walking.

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A condition that makes it possible to eliminate an unpleasant painful sensation is eye exercises. The exercises are very simple, performed first with open ones, and then with eyes closed. At the initial stage of the exercises, the movements are performed 6-8 times so as not to overwork the muscles. If you overdo it, the unpleasant pressure in the eye will be replaced by pain due to tired muscles. So, first you need to look:

  • on the ceiling and floor;
  • to the sides;
  • “draw” squares clockwise;
  • “draw” squares against the direction of the arrow;
  • circles in the direction of the arrow and against it;
  • “draw” eights.

You can supplement the exercises by trying to depict a spiral. Stand by the window, look several times, concentrating, at the farthest and closest points.

By performing simple eye exercises, you can eliminate the cause of constant pressure and the discomfort caused by it. Thanks to restored muscle elasticity and activated blood circulation, vision will improve.

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How to deal with eye pressure?

Unpleasant and painful pressure in the eyes can be caused by disturbances in the activity of the vegetative-vascular system.

If you start the problem and ignore the first symptoms, the consequences may be a stroke, hypertensive crisis, severe visual impairment or blindness. You can only get rid of such problems with the help of an ophthalmologist, who should be contacted if the symptoms do not go away even after long time, despite the eye exercises. Spending time at the computer, reading room, telephone and other gadgets should be kept to a minimum.

When similar sensations in the temple occur parallel to the pressure on the eyeballs, one can suspect nervous disorders arising as a result of an unpleasant situation experienced. You can make sure that this is the only problem only after the following procedures:

  • drink lemon balm tea;
  • take a bath with the addition of sea salt or a strong chamomile decoction;
  • drink a glass of milk every evening, adding honey to it.

When unpleasant pressure occurs, it is worth doing a self-massage of the head. Using gentle movements (exclusively with the pads of the fingers), the entire area of ​​the head is progressively massaged, and then the so-called collar zone (neck and back of the head) is treated in the same way. If possible, you should go to bed so that your eyes can rest, your nervous system will become stronger, and your body will have the opportunity to fight such a nuisance as pressing pain.

Persistent pain can become a symptom of the development of glaucoma, which, if neglected, will lead to vision complications and blindness. The disease is insidious: the pressure on the eyeballs is sometimes barely noticeable or appears only periodically. If sedatives are taken, eye exercises are carried out systematically, and the feeling of discomfort does not go away, you definitely need to visit a doctor and explain to him the reason why you have to endure constant pressure.

As a rule, the ophthalmologist prescribes medications to be instilled into the eyes to help quickly relieve intraocular pressure. The redness of the eyes that accompanies the disease is treated in the same way. Antibacterial medications are prescribed for instillation. They relieve pressure inside the eyes and eliminate inflammation, which results in severe redness of the eyes.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, known for similar symptoms, is treated with drugs that improve blood circulation. After their use, the eyeballs receive an influx of oxygen, their condition improves significantly. For VSD, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, which necessarily contain B vitamins.

He will help determine the cause of this pathology and prescribe effective treatment.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The following factors can provoke this condition:

  • Mental or nervous stress. In addition, excessive physical stress on the eyes can also have an effect. It is difficult to guess how long the headache attack will last in this case. But even after the attack is eliminated, the sensations can persist for a long time.
  • Migraine. This cause of headache is quite common. Moreover, unpleasant sensations can only affect the right or left temple. That is, the pain is localized in one half of the head. At the same time, it radiates into the eye or ear.

Neurologist Kirill Aleksandrovich Shlyapnikov talks about the most common factors causing headaches:

  • Increased intracranial pressure. In this case, the functioning of blood vessels is disrupted. In addition, intraocular pressure increases. This condition can be triggered by climate change, stress and even a stroke. Typically, the pain syndrome is localized in the back of the head, radiating to the ear, as well as the left and right temple.
  • Malignant or benign education in the brain, as well as a hematoma. Here treatment is mandatory, since delay can cost a person’s life.
  • Vessel aneurysm. In this case, the pain syndrome has a pulsating character. Its maximum intensity appears after a sharp movement of the head.
  • Meningitis or encephalitis, as well as other organic brain lesions. In this case, pain and pressure are felt not only in the head, but also in the eyes.
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis. These inflammatory pathologies, in which unpleasant sensations cover the forehead, can radiate to the ear and nose.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia.
  • Dental pathologies.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Trauma to the forehead, ear, back of the head, or any other area of ​​the head that causes a concussion. However, symptoms may not appear immediately. An additional symptom is dizziness.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. The nature of the headache may be throbbing, and there is pressure in the eyes.
  • Impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. In this case, pressure arises in the eyes, and it presses as if from the inside. The headache spreads to the forehead, the back of the head, and the person feels an incredible heaviness in the head.
  • Glaucoma. Intraocular pressure increases, headache appears in the forehead.

Diagnostic features

If a person feels heaviness in the head, a severe and constant headache occurs, or pressure appears in the eyes, he should definitely consult a doctor. He, in turn, will prescribe a comprehensive examination, which includes the following procedures:

  1. MRI or CT. These research methods are the most modern and informative. However, they are not always indicated, so it is better to consult a doctor before the examination.
  2. Tomography of the cervical spine, which will determine the presence of osteochondrosis, which often provokes headaches.
  1. Angiography. When used, contrast agents are injected into the vessels.
  2. Fundus examination. This procedure is performed by an ophthalmologist.

Thanks to comprehensive examination it is possible to determine the presence of tumors in the head area, degenerative phenomena of the cervical spine, aneurysm, intervertebral hernia and other pathologies.

First aid

A constant and severe headache is a reason to undergo a thorough examination. However, if you can’t see a doctor right away, you can provide first aid to the patient. To do this you need:

  • Take a position that will help relax the muscles of your back and neck. This will make it possible to relieve spasm of soft tissues and the pain that arises as a result.
  • Eliminate all irritants that can provoke a pathological condition: darken the room, remove strong odors or loud sounds.
  • Implement walking in the fresh air.
  • Place a cold compress on the right or left temple, on top of the forehead.
  • Drink a painkiller: “Citramon”, “No-spa”, “Ibuprofen”.

Eliminating pain does not mean overcoming the cause of its occurrence. And if this is not done, the unpleasant sensations will soon return.

Features of treatment

So, if a person feels heaviness in the eyes, he has a headache that covers the forehead and back of the head, and also radiates to the ear, right or left temple, it is better to start treatment immediately. It involves not only the use of medications, but also the use of folk remedies and physiotherapeutic procedures.

So, if a patient has pressure from the inside on the eyes, there is pain and heaviness in the head, which spreads to the forehead, temples, the pathology can be treated using the following means:

  1. Medications. In this case, therapy is supervised by a doctor. Taking too much different tablets It’s not worth it, because over time the body will get used to them. In addition, there is abuse headache, which is a consequence of the use of medications.
  2. Ordinary and acupressure.

Watch the video for the technique of performing acupressure massage:

  1. Proper nutrition. Some foods can cause headaches (such as those containing tyramine).
  2. Eye drops: Pilocarpine, Dorzolamide. They should be used only in accordance with the instructions.

Special exercises for the eyes

If a person has pressure in the eye area, then this condition can be relieved using special exercises. Such gymnastics is not difficult. Each exercise should be performed about 6-10 times:

  • First you need to look up and then lower it to the floor.
  • Next, you need to alternately move your eyes left and right.
  • At a slow pace and clockwise, you should move your gaze as if you were trying to draw squares. The same exercise must be done counterclockwise.
  • The previous action must be performed in the same way, only instead of squares you should “draw” circles.

Traditional methods of treatment

If a person has a fairly severe and constant headache, and also feels pressure in the eyes, then not only medications can be used to combat the disease. Good help and folk remedies. However, before using them, you should consult a doctor, as herbs can cause an allergic reaction in the patient. In addition, folk decoctions cannot always eliminate the cause of headaches.

In any case, the following recipes may be useful:

  1. A herbal decoction containing valerian, chamomile, plantain, and lemon balm. All components must be taken in equal quantities (1 tablespoon each). To this mixture you need to add 2 more big spoons yarrow herbs. All raw materials should be thoroughly ground using a coffee grinder. Next, pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture into 700 ml of boiling water, cover and leave to steep for 12 hours. You need to take 1/3 cup of liquid every 2 hours for 3 days. In this case, the infusion should be warm. This folk medicine will help relieve heaviness in the head, pain and pressure in the eyes, which is bursting from the inside.
  2. Regular freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables help a lot. Juice made from raw potatoes, strawberries and rose hips is very effective against headaches and pressure in the eyes. You should drink 100 ml of this juice every day.

You will find more recipes if you watch our video:

  1. If the headache is not very severe, and it is not felt constantly, you can use essential oils to eliminate it. Marjoram, lavender, menthol and basil are very useful. They can eliminate headaches in the right or left temple and calm the nervous system. In this case, the oil can be poured into an aroma lamp or used for massage.
  2. Lemon peel. It quickly relieves headaches, as well as pressure that is bursting the skull from the inside. The peel should be applied on top to the place where the discomfort is felt the most.
  3. Bath based on medicinal herbs or sea salt.
  4. It's good to drink a glass of warm milk with honey at night. This recipe has a calming effect.

Prevention of pathological condition

Pressure on the eyes from the inside is an unpleasant sensation that prevents a person from working normally. If it appears, then it is necessary to begin treatment of the pathological condition, but only after the cause of the disease has been established. However, its occurrence can be prevented:

  • It is important to give up bad habits: alcohol abuse, smoking, eating fast food.
  • Eliminate all those factors that can provoke a situation where there is pressure on both eyes: unpleasant odors, exposure to chemicals, bright light.
  • It is better to get rid of excess weight, which causes hormonal imbalance.
  • Have regular medical examinations.
  • Treat pathologies of the nose, throat, teeth, as well as infectious diseases of the respiratory tract in a timely manner.
  • Normal and good rest. Night sleep should be 6-8 hours. In addition, you should not neglect daytime rest.

These are all the features of the pathological condition, in which there seems to be pressure on both eyes. Naturally, one cannot lose sight of it. Consultation with an experienced specialist will provide an opportunity to receive comprehensive and effective assistance.

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Headache in the forehead and pressure on the eyes

A headache of absolutely any location can have a thousand causes - from simple fatigue to the progression of severe/serious diseases, even to a malignant brain tumor.

Headache in the forehead, which is often accompanied by a feeling of pressure on the eyes, can also occur for various reasons; doctors classify them into 5 main groups:

To understand the mechanism of headaches in the forehead and decide on treatment tactics, you need to fully study all of the above factors.

Poisoning by toxic substances, food in the home

Often complaints of headaches in the forehead and a feeling of pressure in the eyes come from industrial salesmen and warehouse employees. And few people wonder why this happens? It's simple: the market is literally flooded with goods made from low-quality raw materials and with violations of technology. Therefore, doctors recommend that patients who constantly have headaches in the forehead area analyze their latest purchases - plastic products, soft and rubber toys, furniture, building materials emit a lot of toxic substances into the air, which cause Negative influence on health status. It is noteworthy that after a month and a half, the condition in question recedes, which is associated with the evaporation of harmful substances from dangerous objects.

Note: When purchasing any goods, you need to “turn on” your sense of smell, simply sniff. It is advisable not to purchase cheap furniture and building materials, fabrics with a pronounced synthetic aroma; you need to be very careful when purchasing goods for children - toys, clothes may contain harmful substances. Yes, toxic substances evaporate over time, but even their short-term exposure to the human body can harm the immune system.

Separately, it is worth noting the harm of some foods that contain various additives. They have a negative impact on health and can cause constant headaches in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes. To such harmful food additives relate:

  • any flavor enhancers and chemical food additives;
  • tyramine, which is found in cheeses, nuts and chocolate;
  • nitrates and nitrites contained in both plant and meat products;
  • beer and wine;
  • foods/drinks containing caffeine.

Diseases of ENT organs

Such diseases in almost every case are accompanied by a headache in the forehead. The condition in question occurs especially often against the background of progression of the following inflammatory processes:

  1. Frontit. Pain in the forehead area usually occurs in the morning, but throughout the day its intensity decreases slightly. This variability is explained by the filling and outflow of purulent contents from frontal sinuses. Pain in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes during frontal sinusitis is a pronounced symptom, which is recognized as the main one in diagnosing the disease.
  2. Ethmoiditis. This is an inflammation of the ethmoid sinus, which is located deep in the skull. Often this disease is diagnosed in childhood and in adults who have a tendency to inflammatory diseases ENT organs. Pain in the forehead with progressive ethmoiditis always occurs at a specific time of the day, is periodic and is accompanied by fever, runny nose and general weakness.
  3. Sinusitis. This is a fairly common disease, which is characterized not only by a headache in the forehead, but also by symptoms of general intoxication of the body. Even with the chronic form of sinusitis, the phenomenon in question occurs; pain in the forehead increases when the head is tilted down.

To get rid of a headache in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes due to the development of diseases of the ENT organs, you need to carry out full treatment main pathology. As soon as it starts to subside inflammatory process, immediately reduces the intensity and headache.

Diseases of viral and infectious etiology

It is precisely with such diseases that a headache in the forehead is almost normal indicator– there is general intoxication of the body against the background of high body temperature.

  1. Colds, flu and ARVI. The phenomenon in question for these diseases is primary symptom, and first the headache appears in the forehead, then pressure on the eyes begins to develop, and only after that the unpleasant sensations spread to the back of the head and temples.
  2. Encephalitis and meningitis. With these serious diseases, the headache can be localized not only in the forehead, but also on the back of the head, in the temples. The condition in question is not a specific symptom of meningitis and encephalitis; as a rule, neurological symptoms and loss of consciousness are present. These diseases are classified as life-threatening and require intensive care.
  3. Kathu, Dengue, Ilesha, Germiston and others fevers. These are diseases viral etiology which are transmitted by ticks and mosquitoes in southern countries. Those who love to travel and have the opportunity to do so should remember that these fevers can be contracted at any time of the year. In addition to headaches in the forehead, the diseases are characterized by symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

It is impossible to diagnose these diseases of viral and infectious etiology on your own. Therefore, a headache in the forehead should be a reason to visit a doctor, who will determine the cause of its occurrence and prescribe effective treatment.

Nervous system diseases

Of course, in medicine, a lot of neurological diseases are differentiated, but only some of them cause headaches in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes. These include:

  1. Trigeminal or optic neuralgia. The nature of the pain in this case will be stabbing, “shooting” and sharp. Headache in the forehead against the background of trigeminal or optic neuralgia always appears spontaneously and rarely has a clear localization.
  2. Neuroses. The condition in question may occur with increased excitability, neurasthenia, various forms neuroses. But it is worth understanding that we can talk about the neurological origin of a headache in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes only if the doctor has ruled out other possible causes.
  3. Migraine. A fairly common disease that is diagnosed in every tenth person. Migraine is characterized by periodic, severe throbbing pain that usually begins in the temples. But after a migraine attack develops to its maximum, the pain moves to the forehead and provokes a feeling of pressure on the eyes. Such pain is accompanied by mild nausea, tinnitus and general weakness.

Separately worth noting cluster/bundle pain, which will be sharp and pulsating, against their background there is redness of the eyes and profuse lacrimation. Such headaches in the forehead area arise and disappear spontaneously, are characterized as very strong, painful, which prevents a person from even sleeping. Doctors note that provoking factors for such pain are smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks And abrupt change climate. Specific reason for the appearance cluster pain in the forehead area modern medicine still unknown.

If headaches occur in the forehead due to disorders of the nervous system, then painkillers will not help. You definitely need to see a doctor and get a competent prescription - for example, only special drugs from the group of triptans will help with migraines.

Concussions, bruises and skull fractures

These are the most obvious reasons the appearance of headaches in the forehead. Of course, with minor bruises, no one medical institution does not apply, although doctors emphasize the need for such actions. Be sure to pay attention to your general health if you have a head injury, and if you experience nausea or vomiting, or dizziness, you should definitely call an ambulance and get qualified medical care.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Headache in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes can occur with high and low blood pressure, with fluctuations in intracranial pressure, and these conditions are classified as diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  1. Increased intracranial pressure. Pain in the forehead with this disease occurs due to irritation of nerve endings, against which the person experiences a squeezing and bursting headache at the same time. Increased intracranial pressure may be present against the background of hypertension, atherosclerosis and cervical osteochondrosis, heart defects and vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  2. Reduced intracranial pressure. The pain in this case will be of a girdling nature, although the person points to the frontal localization. Most often, this condition develops against the background of overwork, frequent stress, hypotension, and atherosclerosis of the heart vessels.

In any case, headaches in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes, which occur against the background of problems in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. It will be necessary to carry out therapeutic “measures” in relation to the underlying disease.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

If there is pinching or compression of the spinal cord roots, then pain in the forehead will be the first symptom of such a pathology. The patient will describe the nature of the condition in question as aching, pulling, and in some cases shooting. In addition to constant headaches in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, a person will experience a burning/tingling sensation in the neck, dizziness and tinnitus.

Eye diseases and increased intraocular pressure

Optic neuritis, astigmatism, conjunctivitis, farsightedness, myopia - these pathological conditions necessarily lead to an increase in intraocular pressure, which is accompanied by an intense headache in the forehead area.

Note: When working at a computer for a long time, when the eyes are under constant strain, the occurrence of a headache in the forehead is inevitable. This condition is not pathological; you just need to rest, take your mind off the monitor, and you can take classic painkillers.

Headache in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes may also occur due to progression malignant neoplasms. For example, the phenomenon under consideration is typical for tumors of the frontal lobe of the brain, vascular tumors, neoplasms in the maxillary and frontal sinuses, tumors of the pituitary gland and orbit. Most often, the diagnosis of such oncological diseases happens by chance - a person turns to a neurologist or therapist about constant and intense headaches in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes, then undergoes an examination and is sent for treatment to an oncologist.

Headaches in the forehead and a feeling of pressure on the eyes may indicate simple fatigue, but often this is a symptom of the development of severe, life-threatening pathologies. Therefore, you definitely shouldn’t ignore this symptom by constantly using painkillers - timely appeal for qualified medical care in most cases guarantees complete recovery.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Causes of headaches pressing on the eyes

Why do headaches and pressure in the eyes appear? Extreme fatigue, eye disease or increased intracranial pressure may cause this type of discomfort. How to get rid of unpleasant feelings? You should consult a general practitioner, ophthalmologist or neurologist. A specialist will help determine the cause of pain, focusing on the symptoms, and recommend additional examination to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Causes of pain pressing on the eyes

If a person has a headache that puts pressure on the eyes from the inside, it is important to establish the cause of the discomfort. The following diseases can provoke it:


With migraines, the pain is usually localized on one side of the head. It pulsates in the temple, radiates under the ear, into the eye. If you close your eyes, colored circles appear, sometimes flashes, and you can feel a clear pulsation under your eyelids. During an attack, which can last from two hours to two days, a person becomes irritable, overwhelmed, and feels tired. Unpleasant sensations increase with loud sounds, bright light.

Pain from overwork

Working at a computer for a long time, reading text in small print, and other activities that require constant eye strain and high concentration can also lead to unpleasant sensations in the eyes. A person feels pain in the eyes, a feeling of cutting and burning, as if sand had been poured into the eyes, pressure and heaviness are felt.

Increased intracranial pressure

If there is pressure on the eyes, the causes of discomfort may lie in increased intracranial pressure. This pathological condition can be triggered by a concussion, stroke, cyst growth or cancerous tumor in the cavity cranium, impaired outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

It's not just pressure that is felt in the eyes. The patient may complain of growing pain, pulsation behind the eyes, and stinging. At sudden movements, blowing nose, coughing painful sensations are intensifying. Additional symptoms: appearance of spots before the eyes, nausea, drowsiness, hallucinations.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Inflammation of the frontal sinuses (frontal sinusitis), sinusitis are diseases that can occur with headaches. If a patient develops an acute inflammatory process in the ethmoid, maxillary sinuses A significant amount of mucus and pus accumulates, and the patient often begins to experience pain in the bridge of his nose, cheeks, and the area above the eyes. If a person bends over, the discomfort intensifies, there is noticeable pressure on the eyes, nose, and a feeling of heaviness and “fullness” in the face.

Increased intraocular pressure

When pressure is felt from the inside on the eyelids, a feeling of fullness occurs inside the eyes; the cause of discomfort is an increase in intraocular pressure. In this case, the eyes turn red, and there may be a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids. Chronic increase pressure inside the eyes can lead to damage to the optic nerve, as well as the development of glaucoma. Because of this disease, a person’s field of vision gradually narrows, and the patient may become completely blind.

Other pathologies

There are other diseases, pathological conditions in which there is a lot of pressure on the eyes and a headache appears:

Even stress and nervous strain at work can lead to a person experiencing regular headaches, accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the eyes.


If your headache is often accompanied by pressure in your eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist for help. With help special devices Intraocular pressure levels are measured. Normally, eye tonometer readings should show 9-22 mm Hg. Art.

Also, when a patient complains that during a headache he has a feeling of pressure in his closed eyes, an ophthalmological examination is performed to assess the condition optic nerve. If a patient is determined to have papilledema, the suspected cause of discomfort is increased intracranial pressure.

An ophthalmologist can make a preliminary diagnosis and recommend additional examination to confirm it:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging. Helps determine which pathologies provoke pressure on the eyes: tumor, cyst, hydrocephalus, stroke, aneurysm.
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck. Helps determine whether there are damage to blood vessels, thrombosis, and whether the speed of blood flow corresponds to the norm.
  • Computed tomography. Using this study, it is determined whether there is an inflammatory process affecting the bone structure of the head. CT helps determine the development of diseases such as frontal sinusitis and sinusitis.

If the reason that the patient’s eyes hurt, as if they are pressing from the inside, is frontal sinusitis or sinusitis, treatment should be obtained from an ophthalmologist. It is this specialist who conducts a special examination that helps make a preliminary diagnosis. He also refers for additional examination and prescribes treatment.

Since a headache accompanied by pressure in the eyes can occur not only due to diseases of the eyes or ENT organs, the patient may have to turn to other specialists - a therapist, a neurologist.

How to eliminate pain in the head and eyes?

Thanks to the symptoms, it is possible to roughly determine why a person experiences pressure on the eyes during a headache. But only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and recommend drug treatment. At home, it is better for the patient to supplement treatment by regularly performing eye exercises, as well as using safe methods traditional treatment

Drug treatment

Complex therapy prescribed by a doctor is aimed at relieving headaches, eye pressure and eliminating the cause that led to discomfort. The following may be prescribed medicines:

  • Painkillers. These can be analgesics: Analgin, Pentalgin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac.
  • Diuretics. They help normalize the outflow of fluid if pressing pain in the eyes appears due to increased intracranial pressure. The doctor may recommend taking Diacarb, Furosemide.
  • Antibiotics. They are used if it is determined that the disease accompanied by headaches is caused by bacterial pathogens. Choice antibacterial drug depends on the doctor who can take a swab from the eye and nose for culture. Erythromycin ointment is prescribed for the eyes, Amoxicillin and Cephalexin are prescribed for oral tablets.
  • Antidepressants, sedatives, tranquilizers. Drugs in this group must be taken if pain in the head and eyes occurs due to stress, nervous tension, depression.

A separate group of medications should include eye drops, which an ophthalmologist prescribes when intraocular pressure increases.

  • To reduce the production of intraocular fluid, Azopt, Trusot, Timolol, Bitoptik are prescribed.
  • To enhance the outflow of intraocular fluid, you need to take Travatan, Taflotan, Xalatan.
  • To reduce the inflammatory process, Diclofenac is dripped into the eyes.
  • To narrow the pupil and normalize the outflow of fluid, it is necessary to drip Pilocarpine.

If necessary, the patient is prescribed massage, sessions manual therapy, physiotherapy courses. When drug therapy does not help, the patient is offered to undergo laser or surgical surgery.

Eye exercises

With help simple exercises You can reduce the feeling of fatigue, get rid of dry eyes, eliminate tension. Exercises are carried out every day, and not just at the moment when your eyes begin to hurt. Why does it put pressure on the eyes if you rarely do exercises? The eye muscles do not strengthen, the exercise does not bring therapeutic effect. With regular exercise, pain in the eyes and head appears less and less often and may disappear completely. To perform the exercise, the patient needs to sit on a chair and relax.

  • Movements with open eyes up and down, 6 times, then closed.
  • Without moving your head, look left and right 6-8 times. Close your eyes and repeat the movements.
  • Starting from the upper right corner of the room, draw an imaginary circle with your eyes, then in the middle of the room - a circle, a triangle. Repeat with eyes closed.
  • Make a movement that draws a “figure eight”, “infinity sign”, with your eyes open and closed.
  • Drawing spiral curls towards yourself, away from you, to the side.

Exercise won't help if you do it occasionally.

Exercises are contraindicated in case of acute inflammatory process affecting the brain, eyes, high temperature, injury to the eyes or face.

Traditional medicine recipes

When choosing how to treat a headache and eliminate discomfort in the eyes, it is necessary to first determine why the pain appeared. Below are the simplest recipes that help relieve discomfort for a certain period.

  • Eye lotions. Relieves swelling with increased intracranial and intraocular pressure. For the lotion, first prepare an infusion of medicinal herbs: nettle, lily of the valley, chamomile. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials are poured with boiling water, infused until cool, and filtered. Gauze or bandage folded in several layers is moistened in the decoction and applied to the eyes. The liquid should be at room temperature. The procedure takes 5-10 minutes. After several procedures, the pressing pain in the eyes becomes less.
  • Eye wash. Produced medicinal solutions: based on tea infusion, chamomile decoction, golden mustache, aloe. Dip a cotton pad into the broth and squeeze it out lightly. Washing should be done from outer corner eyes to the inner one, so that the liquid not only washes the eyelid, but also gets onto the mucous membrane of the eye. The procedure is performed at least four times a day.
  • Taking decoctions internally. To relieve the pain of tension and alleviate a migraine attack, tea with mint and lemon balm is taken orally. Clover infusion helps relieve discomfort caused by increased intraocular pressure.

To ensure that eye pain no longer bothers you, you need to use all treatment methods in combination: take medications, carry out procedures suggested by traditional medicine and perform exercises that strengthen the eye muscles.

To eliminate headaches, you can drink a painkiller, take cool shower, do a relaxing head and neck massage.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

Although eye pain may seem easy to treat at home, sometimes situations arise that require urgent medical attention. Do not delay visiting your doctor if:

  • The pain does not go away after undergoing relieving procedures and taking painkillers.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the eyes appear regularly, no matter how long the patient undergoes treatment.
  • Pressure in the eyes is accompanied by acute intense “aching” pain in the eyes.
  • Painful sensations are accompanied by a rise in temperature.

If a person has sore eyes and nausea, the discomfort is accompanied by a severe headache in any part of the head, this may indicate the development of serious diseases: stroke, cancer, meningitis. These pathologies require urgent treatment in a hospital setting.

Pain and pressure in the eyes

Doctors often learn about what is pressing on the eyes from their patients. After all, the problem is provoked by a number of factors. To find out the reasons, the patient will need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. It is important not to delay treatment so that the situation does not become more complicated.

Provoking factors

When there is pressure on the eyes from the inside, it means something is wrong with your health. Similar problem occurs in many people, however, people don’t really know what to do if their eyes bother them in this way.

Pressing pain is a constant companion to visual stress.

IN modern world the organs of vision have to work overtime. Computers, tablets, and TVs constantly test our eyes' endurance.

If your eyes hurt, it is important to immediately look for the reasons. After all, pressing pain doesn’t just appear. It may be due to the development of certain diseases. Or the pain occurs due to spending a long time in front of the monitor. In any case, you should contact the clinic. Why might such a symptom bother you?

When a person has very strong pressure in the eyes, the reasons may be the following:

  1. Sinusitis.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Computer syndrome.

Almost any eye disease can cause pressure and pain. For example, such complaints come from patients if glaucoma is present. But before making a diagnosis in mandatory Intraocular pressure is measured. Biomicroscopy is used if necessary.

If an inflammatory process has developed in the sinuses, which is a sign of sinusitis, there may also be pressure.

The disease is accompanied by swelling, which makes it difficult to breathe. Often teeth, cheeks and cheekbones hurt. Pain is easy to eliminate if therapy is started on time.

When the causes of discomfort in the eyeballs are named, they never forget about osteochondrosis. To improve your well-being, it is recommended to do therapeutic massage.

It happens that positive changes could not be achieved. Then magnetic resonance imaging can be used. Probably the problems with cerebral circulation led to severe pressure in the eyes.

Why do unpleasant symptoms appear in diabetes mellitus? The reasons are quite simple. Pressure is formed due to the fact that the structure of small capillaries is disrupted. Almost every patient with this disease suffers from such discomfort.

As for computer syndrome, it is experienced by people who work long and often behind a monitor. Due to overwork, a significant increase in blood pressure occurs.

Generally speaking, the pressure from within is expressed as:

  • visual fatigue;
  • blurry image;
  • redness;
  • painful discomfort in the head and eyes;
  • nausea;
  • swelling of the eyelids.

It is necessary to know why a pressing symptom may still occur. It is often triggered by a headache.

But it also often results in:

How to deal with the problem

You cannot ignore the pressing pain if it begins to bother you, attributing everything to fatigue. A neglected problem often results in a stroke, hypertensive crisis and even blindness. In any case, it is worth identifying the reasons as soon as possible.

If VSD is detected, the patient will have to take specific medications, thanks to which circulatory system It will work better. You can’t do without vitamin complexes.

If a symptom interferes with everyday activities, then an effective remedy will eliminate it:

  • take a glass of water;
  • is added lemon juice(a few drops);
  • dissolves 1 tsp. sugar (optional).

When your eyes hurt because of the computer, you need to refrain from using it for a while. And of course, it is advisable to go to bed earlier to rest so that your body can get enough sleep. Moreover, you should do exercises that will help maintain eye health. There is nothing difficult about the exercises. First, the eyes should be open, then they are closed. The main thing is to prevent muscle fatigue.

During charging you need:

  1. Shift your gaze from the ceiling to the floor.
  2. Look to the left, then to the right.
  3. Draw squares with your eyes, moving clockwise. However, there is no need to rush.
  4. The previous exercise is repeated in the opposite direction.
  5. Next, circles are drawn with the eye, just like squares.

Then the procedures that doctors recommend doing in such cases will come in handy:

  1. Tea is made from lemon balm.
  2. Take a bath with the addition of sea salt or herbal infusions.
  3. Before going to bed, drink warm milk with honey added.

A head massage will be beneficial. You can do this procedure yourself. It is necessary to gradually move from the head area to the neck area, reaching the collar area, after which you need to immediately go to rest.

For glaucoma you will need sedatives and charging. When the discomfort does not subside, you will need medical help. He will prescribe eye drops. They cope with intraocular pressure quite quickly.

You should definitely use the golden mustache tincture.

For treatment you need:

  • chop the leaves;
  • pour vodka (500 ml);
  • leave to infuse in a dark place (for 12 days).

The tincture must be shaken periodically. It is taken half an hour before eating food in an amount of ml.

How prophylactic You can use fresh tea leaves.

Use a cotton pad to wipe your eyes. This improves vision and eliminates image blur. Chamomile decoction is also useful, which is also useful for wiping.

  • pour boiling water (1 tbsp.) chamomile (3 tbsp.);
  • put on low heat for 10 minutes;
  • cooled, filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Various herbal infusions people have been treating illnesses for a long time. In this case, a combination of lily of the valley and nettle will help.

  • mix lily of the valley flowers (1 tsp) and nettle (0.5 cup);
  • the mixture is poured with water at room temperature (300 ml);
  • at 9 o'clock the collection is placed in a cool, dark place;
  • when the time is up, he pours it in baking soda(1/2 tsp);
  • The mixture is applied using a cotton pad - to the left eye and to the right twice a day.

Headache in the forehead area and pressure on the eyes: what provokes the pathology

Headache of any localization can be caused by many reasons.

This can be anything from fatigue to the manifestation of serious illnesses, including brain cancer.

That is why, when you have a headache in the forehead and pressure on your eyes, going to the doctor is important.

After the examinations, he will be able to identify the cause of the condition.


Doctors say that pain in the forehead area comes in all forms.

But, nevertheless, there are 5 most significant reasons:

  • Poisoning with toxic agents.
  • An infection that has entered the body.
  • Head injury.
  • Pathological manifestations of the central nervous system.
  • Diseases related to the heart and blood vessels.

What diseases can cause

In order to understand what happens in the body when there is a headache in the forehead and there is a lot of pressure on both eyes, it is necessary to determine the factors that led to this condition. Each reason is worth examining in more detail.

At risk is a person who works with industrial goods and also works in warehouses. Patients rarely think about why this happens, why the headache aches, and what it is connected with. The answer is simple: today's market is filled with goods for the production of which materials of inadequate quality are used in violation of technology. Doctors advise you to reconsider and, if possible, abandon purchases made of plastic, rubber, low-quality wood, which emit toxic substances, and also have a negative impact on health.

It is impossible not to say about food products, which contain additives that are harmful to the body and lead to a headache in the forehead and pressure on the eyes. These include:

  • food additives containing chemicals;
  • tyramine, used to make chocolate and cheese;
  • nitrites and nitrates;
  • wine and beer products;
  • foods and drinks containing caffeine.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs

    Basically, types of such headaches provoke the following diseases against the background of inflammation:

    • Frontit. The headache especially occurs in the morning; during this period the pain is at its strongest; during the day the intensity subsides. The fact is that pus begins to flow from the frontal sinuses from the inside, which provokes similar symptoms.
    • Sinusitis. The disease is very common, its course is associated not only with pain in the head, but also with symptoms that are characteristic of poisoning. In the chronic course of the disease, tilting your head down can cause increased discomfort.
    • Ethmoiditis. This is the name of the inflammatory process of the ethmoid sinus; it is located inside the skull. In this case, pain arises at a certain time, they are periodic, provoke an increase in body temperature, weakness, and runny nose.
  • Viruses and infections

    ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza are those ailments in which pain and pressure on the organs of vision are the first among the main symptoms. It manifests itself in the frontal zone, then puts pressure on both the left and right eyes equally, and only then the pain moves to the temporal and occipital lobe.

    Meningitis, encephalitis. In this case severe course The disease is foreshadowed by pain not only in the forehead, but also in the temple and back of the head.

    It is important to know what is required in such cases emergency therapy, since the symptom is considered very life-threatening!

  • Ailments of the central nervous system

    There are a number of diseases of the central nervous system that lead to similar symptoms, among the most common are:

    • Optic neuralgia. The pain will be stabbing and cutting. Appears suddenly and often has no clear localization.
    • Neurosis. Occurs due to excessive excitability, neurasthenia.
    • Migraine is recognized as a common illness, diagnosed in every 10th person. Characteristic manifestations For this condition there are throbbing and very strong pressing pains that begin in the temples. As it develops, the pain moves to the forehead and radiates to the organs of vision.
    • Concussions, fractures, and bruises of the skull. This moment is especially dangerous, because patients with a slight bruise simply do not seek medical help, although doctors emphasize that this is very important. In addition to painful sensations, I feel dizzy and nauseous.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system can also cause severe headaches. As a rule, the headache is very severe in the forehead, temples, and pressure is felt on the eyes due to the fact that the nerve endings are irritated. A similar pathology develops against the background of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart disease or dystonia. Elevated or reduced rate pressure also provokes pain in the frontal, temporal parts, as well as in the orbital area.

  • Headache in the forehead and eyes: who is most often susceptible to it and who to turn to for help

    Often, headaches in the forehead and eyes occur after severe working day or emotional stress. The cause of the condition is as simple as possible - overwork of the brain and visual organs. Almost all information that reaches the brain passes through the eyes. That is why they are the most sensitive organ of perception of the world around us.

    A person does not just look at what is happening around him, but immediately analyzes the information, and this, by the way, is training for the visual muscles, helping to get rid of tension. Eyes modern people predominantly directed to one point, which puts an incredible strain on vision, which is one of the main reasons for the appearance of pain.


    You cannot ignore or ignore the symptoms, just as you cannot self-medicate and take painkillers on your own. In this case, the cause of the pathology should be identified as quickly as possible, especially if the pain is acute. After which it is necessary to undergo proper treatment the sooner the better. It is always necessary to take into account that such symptoms are very dangerous to health and life.

    To find out the real reasons why an unbearable headache in the forehead and eyes developed, in addition to a therapist, you should contact an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. You may additionally need to visit an ENT specialist and a cardiologist. As part of a full examination, specialists prescribe an ultrasound of the vascular system of the brain, X-rays, and ophthalmoscopy. Urine, blood, and stool tests will also become standard. Additionally, to fully paint the picture, you need CT, MRI, ECHO-encephalography.

    Risk factors

    Those people who neglect special instructions are especially at risk. Headache in the forehead and eyes can be caused by the following behavior and lifestyle features:

    • drinking alcohol together with smoking;
    • using excessive amounts of salt, coffee;
    • taking medications that are contraindicated in a particular case;
    • too intense physical activity;
    • small amount of time allocated for sleep;
    • staying at a PC for a long period of time;
    • extra pounds;
    • lack of time spent outdoors;

    Who to contact

    The following specialists can diagnose and treat such manifestations as pressing headaches in the forehead and eyes:

    First of all, you should contact a therapist, who will prescribe further examinations and determine additional visits to the right doctors.

    Pain in the head radiates to the eye: what to do and how to get rid of the symptom at home

    In addition to the fact that the resulting pain in the head radiates to the eye with ailments such as migraines or fatigue, symptoms can occur with acute respiratory infections, flu, stroke, and meningitis. You should take this manifestation as seriously as possible, so as not to end up sad consequences. It is important to complete medical examination in a clinic where experienced specialists can establish an accurate diagnosis.


    To get rid of the pain that was caused certain reasons, the patient may be prescribed the following medications:

    • Medicines that directly relieve pain, antidepressants, and, if necessary, anti-vomiting medications.
    • Vitamins.
    • Ointments for osteochondrosis.

    Also in complex therapy, in some cases massage, acupuncture, and aromatherapy are practiced.

    How to eliminate pain syndrome at home

    When the pain in the head is too strong, it also radiates into the eye, and has a pulsating character, the syndrome must be relieved. At home, you can improve the situation by lying down for a while. It is important that the body relaxes completely. It is worth taking off your clothes, dimming the lights, closing the curtains, creating either complete silence or turning on relaxing music.

    When the pain in the eyes is of a pressing nature, you can drink freshly squeezed juices. A mixture of potatoes, strawberries and rose hips will be especially useful. You can drink 100 ml of this cocktail every day to prevent the phenomenon.

    Among home methods, compresses are also actively used. One of the most popular options is grated potatoes. You need to form a small cake out of it, wrap it in gauze, and then apply it to your head. In the case where the pain is localized in the back of the head, you can use knotweed, which is picked immediately before use. It is also possible to place a cabbage leaf on the forehead or on the side where the outbreak is located, slightly squeezing it before this so that it releases the juice. If you don’t have anything like that at hand, you can simply moisten a towel in cold water and place it on the source of pain.

    You can also pacify the pain in the head that radiates to the eyes with the help of aromatherapy. This method is relevant when the cause is a change in pressure. In particular, a mint compress would be an excellent option. To prepare it, you need to add 3-4 drops of mint essential oil to 400 ml of water. Afterwards, you need to soak a cotton cloth in the solution and place it on your head. Also, instead of mint, you can use chamomile, marjoram, rose, lavender, and lemon oils.

    Fresh lemon, or rather its peel, can also reduce pain; to do this, it must be applied to the temples and held for as long as possible. In this case, it is better to wrap your head in a woolen cloth.

    Traditional treatment

    Traditional methods of treatment can also help a person if he experiences pain in the head, which radiates to the eye. But before using them, it is better to consult a specialist, because plants and herbs can lead to allergic reactions. Decoctions are not always able to overcome pain; it is important to know its cause in order to choose the best option.

    The following recipes may be useful:

    • To the collection of herbs: chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, plantain (1 tbsp each) add yarrow herb (2 tbsp). Pass all ingredients through a coffee grinder. Add to 3 tbsp. l. Add 700 ml of boiling water to the resulting mixture, wrap it in a blanket and place it in a warm place for 12 hours. It is necessary to use the infusion for 3 days every 2 hours in the amount of 1/3 cup. It is important that the liquid is warm at the time of use. Thanks to the properties and healing capabilities of herbs, you can get rid of heaviness of the head, pain, and eye pressure.
    • When the pain is not too strong, and it occurs rarely, you can use essential oils for massage. Apply a drop of oil to your fingers and massage the area of ​​your temples, forehead, and behind your earlobes. Lavender, menthol, marjoram options are suitable. You can also pour additional oil into the aroma lamp.
    • If possible, you can make a bath by adding sea salt or any medicinal herbs with a calming effect to the water. This option is especially relevant when the pain has just begun. Subsequently, dealing with it will become much more difficult.
    • At night, so that your head doesn’t bother you in the morning, you can drink 200 ml of warm milk with honey dissolved in it. This recipe will help calm the nervous system.
    • Valerian root (20 g) is poured with boiling water and infused in a water bath for 30 minutes. Afterwards, it is removed from the bath, infused again for 60 minutes, strained and consumed three times a day before meals. The course is 7 days, 2 days - break, then re-administration.
    • Pieces of fresh aloe must be infused with chicory juice. This composition helps to quickly overcome unpleasant sensations. It is worth taking 150 ml at a time.
    • Cinnamon (1 g) is brewed in 100 ml of water. After cooling, sugar is added. You need to drink 2-3 sips every hour.
    • The ailment can also be treated with propolis. To 100 ml of alcohol you need to add 20 g of crushed product. Drink a drop a day until the condition returns to normal.
    • Honey medicines are no less effective. It is enough to consume 2 tsp before meals. honey In addition, you can mix honey and viburnum, eat 1 tbsp 4 times a day. l. The effect will be visible after 3 weeks. The treatment is long, but the results are very stable.
    • A cocktail consisting of 2 parts honey, the same amount of red wine and 1 part aloe juice is considered healing. Drink in small portions (1 tsp) three times a day.

    Preventive measures

    To avoid becoming a victim of the disease, it is enough to follow very simple rules of prevention:

    • Stop smoking and drinking completely.
    • Reduce the impact of toxic substances on the body as much as possible.
    • Lose weight if necessary.
    • Cure hormonal disorders.
    • Try not to get into stressful situations.
    • Eat fortified foods.
    • Use funds traditional medicine for preventive purposes.

    Such a symptom as pressing on the eyes from the inside has causes variety. If the pain is rare - if this is an isolated case, it is not complicated by other unpleasant symptoms, nothing dangerous the phenomenon does not carry within itself. If painful and uncomfortable sensations occur frequently, accompanied by others unpleasant manifestations this may signal about the presence of diseases.

    What to do if your eyes or head hurt, as if there is pressure, what could it be, what causes discomfort?

    Why do pressing sensations occur in the eyes?

    There are many factors why it puts pressure on the eyes from the inside. If, along with a feeling of pressure, there is severe pain or dizziness, there is a feeling of fullness in the eyeballs, discomfort in the eyelids - this may signal like overwork, chronic fatigue, so for serious pathologies of the eyes, cardiovascular system, neurology.

    To find the real reason– why does it put pressure on the eyes from the inside, needs to be examined. After clarifying the root cause of discomfort and pain, the doctor will select optimal therapy.

    You should not self-medicate, try to drown out headaches and pressing sensations inside the eyes with painkillers. This will only make it blurry clinical picture, and the question of establishing the correct diagnosis will be in question. The doctor will tell you what to drink if you feel pressure.

    The appearance of short-term unexpressed pain in the head, temples, eyes may be due to:

    1. Chronic fatigue.
    2. Stressful situation.
    3. Drinking alcoholic beverages.
    4. Poisoning.
    5. Overvoltage.
    6. Hypothermia.
    7. Smoking.
    8. Changes in the weather.

    Video on the topic:

    Migraine as a cause of discomfort

    The pathology is characterized by unilateral cephalgia. Unpleasant sensations have a pulsating character. The pain is localized in the temple, radiating to the ear or eye. Possible appearance nausea, vomiting, irritability.

    A pressing headache becomes more pronounced with loud speech or strong aromas.


    The pathology is characterized increased pressure in the eyes. Localization of discomfort, sensations of pressure - frontal lobes.

    From people there are complaints about that that the eyes hurt, there is pressure from the inside, and also a feeling that the eyes are bursting.

    Increased blood pressure as a factor in the sensation of pressure in the eyes

    Heavy head, pain above the eyes, in the back of the head, pulsating, pressing in nature, the appearance of tinnitus - all these are manifestations hypertension.


    Stinging, burning, redness of the eyes, heaviness in the eyes, a feeling of pressure - with all these manifestations often encounter those Those who sit in front of a monitor for a long time read a lot.

    Therefore, if you often put pressure on your eyes from the inside, you should reduce the time you spend at the computer. If this measure does not help, you need to contact a specialist.

    Increased intracranial pressure

    If there is pressure on the eyes from the inside, it is signals frequently about increased intracranial pressure. Causes of pressing sensations: concussion, presence of a neoplasm, impaired outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, stroke.

    The feeling of pressure is far from the only symptom of pathology. It is often accompanied by growing pain, headache and forehead pain. It hurts in the eyes, it throbs, it hurts to close your eyes - these are also manifestations of increased ICP.

    Sudden movements and coughing can increase pain. The pathology is also characterized by hallucinations and drowsiness. Some even feel sick.

    Other causes of pressing sensations

    If your head hurts and puts pressure on your eyes from the inside, and the illness occurs frequently and is accompanied by dizziness, significant deterioration well-being, the appearance of pain on the right or left side, at the same time the eyelids become heavy, you constantly want to sleep you should sign up to see a doctor. Any delay is fraught with unpredictable consequences.

    In addition to the above reasons, a feeling of pressure may be determined other reasons:

    1. Sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. The pain is pressing, strong, felt when bending over in the bridge of the nose, cheeks, above the eyes.
    2. Osteochondrosis. Pain due to pathology is aching, hurts mostly in the occipital region, eyes.
    3. Anemia. Accompanied by the appearance bursting pain in the forehead, eyes, temples, occipital region.
    4. Viral diseases: colds, flu, sore throat. It hurts at the top of the head, in the forehead, and there is a feeling of pressure in the eyes.
    5. Meningitis. The pathology is accompanied a feeling of pressure in the eyes, chills. Nausea may occur.
    6. VSD. Characterized by pain in the eyes, weakness, and pre-fainting conditions.

    Condition Photos:

    Which doctor should you consult if there is pressure on the eyes from the inside?

    When the eyes are very sore, there is a feeling of squeezing, as well as general health worsens– you need to visit an ophthalmologist.

    Discomfort in the right or left eye, together with pressure, can signal not only eye pathologies, but also diseases of the heart, central nervous system, and brain.

    To accurately diagnose the sensation of pressure on the eyes from the inside, need to contact for help from specialized specialists:

    • To the therapist.
    • Cardiologist.
    • Endocrinologist.
    • Neuropathologist.
    • Otolaryngologist.

    In what cases is it necessary to urgently see a specialist?

    The minimization of pressing sensations is facilitated by therapeutic exercises. She will help in strengthening the eye muscles, combating tension.

    Charging must be carried out in a sitting position, along with this, move only your eyes:

    1. Need to implement 10 movements up and down, first opening your eyes, then closing them. Performed in three approaches.
    2. Alternate raising and lowering open eyes (six times). Repeated twice.
    3. Mentally drawing wavy lines with your eyes in the direction from yourself, towards yourself, to the right, to the left. Need to do 7 movements each.
    4. You need to draw horizontal and vertical figure eights, first with your eyes open and then closed ( seven times).
    5. With my eyes need to draw a circle in the right corner of the room, then a circle in the middle of the room, and then a triangle.

    Useful video:

    Alternative medicine therapy

    Compositions from natural ingredients will be an excellent complement to traditional therapy and will help in normalization well-being, eliminating oppressive, uncomfortable sensations:

    • If there is pressure on the eyes from the inside, you can try to relieve the symptom, using compresses. You need to mix chamomile flowers with nettle and lily of the valley in equal proportions. 20 g of the mixture is steamed with boiling water - half a liter. The product is boiled over low heat, cooled, and filtered. Moisten gauze wipes in the resulting composition and apply them to the eyes. for five minutes.
    • Tea will help minimize cephalalgia and pressing sensations in the eyes. You need to steam lemon balm herb - 10 g with boiling water - 300 ml. It is recommended to drink 50 ml. two to three times a day.
    • You need to mix red wine - 200 ml. with honey – 50 g and aloe juice – 15 ml. The drug is used three times a day 10 ml.

    Possible complications

    Inappropriate treatment of pathology, as well as ignoring manifestations– pressing sensations and pain in the eyes are fraught with:

    1. CNS disorder.
    2. Significant deterioration sight, hearing.
    3. Bleeding in the brain.
    4. Poor blood circulation in the brain.
    5. Blindness.

    To prevent such complications when there is pressure on the eyes from the inside, you should begin to take measures, and the first thing is to contact a doctor immediately after the appearance of unpleasant pressing sensations.

    Consequences of cephalgia, which puts pressure on the eyes from the inside depend on the root cause illness. Preventing the development of complications promotes timely diagnosis and appropriate therapy.