What do we call overly bright light? What lighting is good for health.

Before technological progress, mankind went to bed at sunset and woke up with its first rays. While circadian rhythm people coincided with natural light. Today is the world of light bulbs, lanterns, TVs and other modern devices. The biological clock people have changed drastically. Now there is no need to go to bed at sunset. You can walk all night. For long period time, biologists thought about the violation of the circadian rhythm, the consequences of which are various kinds of diseases. Therefore, studies were conducted, the results of which showed the harmfulness of bright lighting for human health.

According to the data obtained, scientists boldly declare a negative manifestation of light. Their test subjects were exposed to bright lights at all times, which further led to their depressive state. They treated everything that was happening around them completely passively and without interest. The results of the studies also indicated a deterioration in memory. Reestablish normal condition objects of the study turned out with the help of antidepressants. Bright light affects the light-sensitive cells in the human retina. The biological clock is associated specifically with these cells. Therefore, the harm of bright light to the eyes is very dangerous.

How to protect your eyes from bright light?

By it's nature human eyes made for distant viewing. But today it can be seen that with the development of civilization, people wear glasses more. This is due to the fact that their eyesight has dropped significantly as they spend more time in front of TVs, computers, tablets, etc. Everything happens because heavy load close. Protect eyesight and relieve stress simple exercises. If during work, for example, after an hour, fatigue is felt, you should take a break. A break means looking at any objects in the distance. You can go to the window and look. What is happening in the next house or on the birds in the trees, etc. At a time when vision is directed into the distance, the eyes rest. In bright sunlight, it is recommended to wear Sunglasses. Do not neglect all methods of protecting your eyes from bright lights. You must always take care of your health.

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With the onset of dusk, we are all surrounded by artificial lighting. It is already so merged with the way of life modern man that people can't do without it. But in order to keep good vision on the long years it is necessary to choose the right lighting, because the health of the eyes directly depends on it.

What kind of lighting does not harm the eyes?

The ideal lighting for the eyes can be considered natural sunlight. But here too there are important nuances worth knowing about. For example, one cannot look at the sun without sunglasses. Only diffused daylight will not harm the eyes. But, unfortunately, daylight sunlight is not always enough.

First of all, indoor lighting may change during the day due to the movement of the sun.

Secondly, in winter, autumn and early spring, the light is rather dim, so it is not always enough for normal lighting.

That is why during the day sunlight is used more as a background, which is supplemented with some kind of artificial lighting. And here the question arises, what kind of lighting is better to choose so as not to harm the eyes?

Choosing the Right Artificial Light

To date, the ideal artificial lighting. The choice, of course, is small, either these are ordinary incandescent lamps or fluorescent fluorescent lamps. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

For example, an obvious advantage of an incandescent lamp is that it does not flicker, that is, it does not create additional stress on the organs of vision. The light from it spreads evenly, there are no ripples. The disadvantages include the following factors: yellow light, low light intensity, low efficiency.

The main advantage of fluorescent lamps is the high intensity white light that can illuminate large rooms. Among the obvious shortcomings, flicker can be distinguished, although it is barely noticeable, but theoretically it can adversely affect the organs of vision. Although no conclusive evidence in this regard has yet been presented.

Yellow or white light?

The opinions of experts differed, some believe that the most useful light for the organs of vision is white, because it is more like natural daylight. But other experts say that there is a yellow tint in daylight, so incandescent light is preferable.

Till consensus on this issue, no, experts recommend using the lighting that you like best. But it can definitely be said that the eyes get tired quickly from white light, and blue light is the most harmful.

What should be the light intensity?

Moderately intense lighting is the most comfortable for the eyes. In dim light, a person tends to sleep and his eyesight deteriorates, and too bright lighting tires. Light glare is especially harmful to the eyes, they not only distract attention, but also strain the eyesight. That is why there should not be glossy surfaces in the room, it is best to use matte ones, because they do not create glare.

Artificial lighting must be chosen wisely. For example, work or reading requires more intense light, while general diffused light is fine for other activities. On the workplace lighting should fall from the side so that there are no shadows. If a person works at a computer, then every hour you need to take a break - 10 minutes and then the eyes will not be very tired.

Is LED lighting harmful to human health, what effect does such light have on the retina, why is cold light dangerous for children, and which LED lamps are safe? You will find answers to all these questions in our review.

Cold or warm light?

It has long been known that LED lamps, LED panels, floodlights and other LED-based devices consume electricity economically and last extremely long. Many people are aware of the advantages of new lighting products, such as no need for maintenance and repair, operation without heating, excellent light contrast and high color rendering index. But as for safety for the eyes, which manufacturers and sellers claim, everything is somewhat more complicated here.

Over the century-old history of using an incandescent lamp (LN), no damaging effect on the eyes of the artificial light produced by this device has ever been revealed. LN created an acceptable level of illumination in the evening and at night, which did not cause noticeable discomfort.

But time dictated the need to search for more economical sources of light, since electricity tariffs have always tended to increase, and saving on lighting is inconvenient and harmful to eyesight. So in commercial, industrial, and later in residential premises, fluorescent lamps appeared, and in last years and light-emitting diode lamps (LED).

At first, few people paid attention to such an indicator as color temperature. Moreover, it was believed that the so-called daylight white light is as close as possible to midday sunlight on a cloudless day, which means it is good for the eyes. As it turned out later, this is not so, or rather not quite so. Users of fluorescent and LED "white" lamps themselves began to notice that in the evenings this lighting irritates the eyes and causes noticeable discomfort. Why?

It's all about the wavelength!

A study of the lighting parameters of LED lamps showed that white LED lamps have a pronounced emission band in the blue-blue range with a wavelength of about 450nm. If a person is in the evening or early morning under the influence of short-wave cold white light, then the production of melatonin in his body slows down dramatically. It does not affect health in the best way, since this hormone affects many functions of the body. In particular, it regulates natural biorhythms, supports normal work immune and hormonal systems. In addition, melatonin has powerful antioxidant properties, affecting the aging process in the direction of their slowdown.

Scientists have found that melatonin production is most inhibited by lamps with a high color temperature, which shine in the blue-blue spectrum. The use of light-emitting diode lamps (LED) with a color temperature 4000K and below is not associated with such a malicious action. The lighting produced by such lamps is similar to the warm yellowish light of the LN.

However, all of the above applies rather to household lighting fixtures. In industrial and street lighting (main lights, lanterns, LED spotlights, etc.), it is allowed to use LEDs with more high values color temperature.

Features of the use of LEDs for lighting children's rooms

For children's eyes, the short-wavelength cold light produced by light-emitting diode (LED) lamps is doubly dangerous, since it can cause damage to the retina in the long term and sharp drop vision. Reason: lens baby eye twice as transparent as an adult in the blue-blue spectrum.

In this regard, there is a risk of photodamage to the retina under the action of cold white LED lamps with a large proportion of blue or violet in the spectrum. Research in this area is still underway, but from the results obtained it can already be concluded that in children's rooms it is desirable to use only light-emitting diode lamps (LED), which emit the same warm yellowish light as incandescent lamps. The color temperature of these lighting fixtures must not exceed 3000K.

For adults, cold short-wavelength light is dangerous only in the evening and at night, as it interferes with the normal production of melatonin. Experts warn that LEDs with a color temperature of 6500K and above it is better not to use even adults. In any case, until there is research evidence that refutes bad influence shortwave light on the human body. In the meantime, when buying household LED lamps, which undoubtedly have many advantages, you should pay attention to such an indicator as color temperature. As a rule, it is indicated on the packaging.

How to improve eyesight when you are over ... Gennady Mikhailovich Kibardin

Light and vision

Light and vision

The perception of light waves is a vital necessity for the human eye. The eyes are created by nature to perceive light, this is their main function. The eyes fulfill their purpose easily and productively when they are given the opportunity to periodically alternate between solid darkness and bright light.

In recent years, among individual physicians, as well as spectacle dealers and advertisers, the pernicious, completely unfounded assertion has spread that bright light is harmful to the eyes, in particular its component - ultraviolet radiation. The wearing of dark glasses became ubiquitous and turned into a fashion. However, than longer man wears dark glasses, the weaker his eyes become, the more he is afraid of bright light.

The tendency of young people to wear dark glasses is understandable. It comes from the desire to imitate strong of the world of this, to beloved artists and modern fashion, as well as from the fear of bright light. Your fear of bright light people attribute it to the discomfort they experience when a bright light hits their eyes.

A bit of history. Sunglasses appeared a little over 100 years ago and were extremely rare at first. At that time, people who wore dark glasses were considered sick and those around them treated them with pity and compassion.

Reader, please note that animal world on Earth, he lived and continues to live happily without wearing dark glasses, in the same way, until recently, our ancestors did without glasses. Today, tens of millions of people easily do without wearing dark glasses and at the same time do not experience a state of discomfort. The wise nature designed the eyes in such a way that they can easily withstand very high intensity lighting.

The main reasons for the photophobia of modern man are the erroneous public opinion about the "harm" of bright light and overvoltage eye muscles.

This opinion is supported by some physicians who have not penetrated deeply into the essence of the problem. People believe this, taking it for the truth. People begin to believe that bright sunlight is really harmful to them. And therefore, once in a bright light, they begin to frown involuntarily, grimaces appear on the face, expressing obvious symptoms of overwork and stress.

Under the influence of false beliefs, people develop a purely mental fear of bright light, which causes a tense state of the sensory apparatus of the eyes. In such a situation, the eyes really suffer from discomfort, from fear of bright sunlight, artificially created by the human mind. As a result of all this, inflammation of the tissues of the eyes appears, which further assures the person that bright light is allegedly harmful to him.

Today, the erroneous public opinion has been created by the efforts of the manufacturers of dark glasses, in the name of big profits, that bright light is harmful to the eyes.

Modern man experiences constant pressure organs of vision. At the same time, a person may not have a state of fear of sunlight, although bright sunlight periodically irritates him. Irritation is due to misuse human organs of vision, and then his eyes are simply unable to respond normally to external stimuli. For tired eyes, bright light really becomes periodically painful, and this begins to cause a person to fear the light. And fear causes further tension and uncomfortable state In eyes.

The unconscious feeling of fear of bright sunlight can be removed from human consciousness by gradually getting used to sunlight. And the feeling of discomfort due to the action of light is removed after performing some special exercises.

In all cases where bright sunlight causes discomfort, you need to start by developing a sense of confidence in yourself. It should always be remembered that bright natural light is not harmful. Confidence in the safety of scattered sunlight can be realized by gradually getting used to it through the performance of special exercises, one of which is indicated below.

Sunbathing (solarization) with eyes closed. It is most convenient to do this simple, but effective exercise in spring or summer, fresh air. The exercise is performed for 3 minutes, five to six times a day.

Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes, tilt your head back a little and expose your face to the sun. Eyes must be closed, but not strained. Gently shake your head from side to side (deviating from the vertical by 10-15 cm in each direction). Shaking the head avoids prolonged exposure to light (with closed eyes) on the same part of the retina. If during the exercise with your eyes closed you feel discomfort from exposure to bright sunlight, then additionally cover your eyes with the palms of your hands. For the first three days after each exercise, be sure to palm your eyes.

After six to seven days of regular execution this exercise eyes open on the street start painlessly perceive diffused sunlight. Sunbathing with closed eyes is recommended to be performed regularly for 12-14 days. After that, as a rule, the eyes gradually get used to bright sunlight, and visual acuity improves significantly.

Following this, photophobia and discomfort from exposure to bright light disappear, the need to wear dark glasses disappears, and involuntary grimaces on the face disappear. And most importantly, the tension in the mind associated with the fear of bright light goes away.

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Light, glare, shine - all these are particles reflected from an object that uses or creates energy.

Every use of energy is accompanied by various phenomena(by heat generation, deformation, ejection of particles), the particles of light fly at different speeds, creating the impression of either the slightest glare or reflection, or blinding. So eye contact a large number particles of light of a fairly sufficient speed at a minimum distance from the object emitting this light can lead to blindness. For example, if you look at a solar flare from a short distance, blindness is guaranteed (which is why the astronauts' spacesuit is equipped with a protection shield).

In nature, fortunately, everything is provided for, and before the appearance of man there was not a single source of light that would blind living beings forever. So light is everywhere, even at night it comes from celestial bodies. So is it useful or not for a person and his eyes?

To begin with, light can be roughly divided into three categories: reflective, direct, and concentrated. Concentrated light is the most harmful to the eyes, because. its particles fly purposefully and have a high density, such light can burn the retina in a few seconds or burn a blind spot. A laser is a concentrated light. Light coming directly is not so harmful to the eyes, but it depends on how far you look at it, for example, if you look at a working xenon or quartz lamp from a few centimeters, it will not seem a little!

Well, the reflection of light has the least harm to the eyes, because. more than half of the light particles are lost during reflection, scattering around and only a part gets into the eyes. If judged in in general terms, then any light is harmful, because over time it wears out and burns the cornea, retina, blind spot, etc. But you can't get away from this. That's the way the world works! Some people make the mistake of wearing sunglasses all the time and thinking that their vision will last for a long time. The lack of light is harmful not only to the eyes, but to the whole organism.

Being in dimly lit places for a long time or not at all illuminated leads the body to “light starvation”, all processes in the body are disrupted, and in some people even the psyche is destroyed from a sense of touch that is unsuitable for a living being and an incomprehensible feeling of being in space.

As a result, it is clear that in order to preserve vision, it is not necessary to close oneself in a dark underground. The main thing is to try to look less at blinding objects, not to overstrain your eyes, supply the body with vitamin C and observe eye protection when working with electronics that create high-brightness light.

Light brings the joy of life to people and all living things. With the change of day and night, all life on the planet changes, trillions biological processes pass and change, giving birth to the living. Light is needed!

Note: learning center foreign languages; business English for 10 plus.