How many days does it take to recover after breast augmentation? Early recovery period

What should be taken into account when planning post-operative rehabilitation? How long will recovery take? Let's look at the factors that affect recovery time and what you can expect immediately after surgery and beyond.

After breast augmentation, your body's recovery time will depend on several factors, including:
Health. Your health and any medical conditions will important factor during recovery. Women who are more active and physically fit report more quick recovery after surgery, like those who follow a healthy balanced diet. Pain tolerance is also important, because... pain often influences how a person perceives recovery. Some women need pain medications for longer or in different doses.

Pregnancy. Women who survive pregnancy also recover faster. Natural hormonal changes during pregnancy stretch the skin and breast tissue. This reduces discomfort and allows for a larger implant and faster recovery.

Breast lift. A breast lift in addition to implants will prolong recovery time, change the risk of complications after surgery, and change some care recommendations.

Implant size. Larger implants require more surgical time due to increased surgical incision. This may increase discomfort and lengthen recovery time.

Implant placement. Implants placed over the muscles do not require cutting out the pectoral muscle, so patients recover faster and experience less post-operative pain. The final placement of the implants is much faster. Underarm implants, by obvious reasons, often lead to longer recovery times and more post-operative pain. The final formation on the breast occurs more slowly, and the muscles over the implant stretch to accommodate the new shape.

Massage. Your surgeon may recommend using these techniques to reduce pain, help the implant go into place faster, soften the breast, and ultimately reduce the time it takes to achieve the final result.

With these factors in mind, let's talk about timing surgical restoration and what you can expect.

Day of surgery

These are exciting but worrying times. The surgical and recovery staff will meet your needs, but you will also need the support of a family member or close friend as your mobility is limited. You may also experience post-operative pain and nausea. Although your surgical team will use a variety of techniques to reduce discomfort, ensure that your support person provides most your needs on that first day.

For example, he or she should make sure you take your medications as prescribed by your surgeon and help you with some basic needs. Additionally, the day of surgery can be a blur for some and scary for others. You may wake up feeling regretful, afraid, or in pain and say strange things while under anesthesia. In addition, memory lapses may occur. This is all normal and that is why you need a “helper”.

First three days

The products used during surgery will have worn out by this time, so you may feel pain. Control this with prescribed medication and take it as directed because the pain will be easier to relieve before it becomes severe.

Your "helper" should be available, especially if you have children. You will need help with childcare and activities certain types activities. Activity should be limited to walking at a slow pace and your heart rate should be steady.

The implants may appear tall, distorted, and more like pectoralis muscle than breasts. The swelling is at its worst at this time and will slowly decrease. Bruising is possible. After surgery, you should wear a light bra or surgical dressing.

First week

Most women do not need pain medications during recovery. You will slowly return to normal daily activities, but follow your surgeon's instructions. You can resume walking at a moderate pace light work at the table, etc. Sexual activity will be limited, as will any activity that increases heartbeat. Some women who work in office may return to work.

As the swelling decreases, you will see changes in shape. The skin will stretch and you may feel itchy as a result. Bruises will heal at this stage, but report any new bruises to your surgeon.

Postoperative depression is expected at this stage. Over the last seven days, your body has had to adjust to the surgery and you have been taking some medications and limiting your daily activities. In addition, you have to deal with emotional changes, which arise from the fact that you see your body in a different light. Know that you are not alone and that many women are going through emotional and mental transformation.

Week 2-3

Life is slowly returning to normal. Except for excessive physical activities, many women are returning to work. You can slowly increase your physical activity, but upper body workouts should still be limited. Sexual activity is still limited, so consult your surgeon before resuming it. It is important to follow all directions to ensure the best final result.
Implants will continue to change. All bruises will go away. The nerves in your chest are stretched, so you may experience shooting pains. The most common complaints of women at this stage of healing are itchy skin, hard implants, low nipples and an uncomfortable shape.

Week 4-6

Each surgeon will have different restrictions regarding lifting, sleeping, and clothing after surgery. It's important to follow everyone postoperative recommendations doctor

The implants are starting to look like breasts, but they are still not perfect. The breasts will continue to change. You can feel more comfortable open clothes, but be sure to follow the surgeon's recommendations. Incisions often heal over this period of time, so begin caring for the scar. Consult your doctor about swimming and hot baths.

3 months

Your doctor will likely lift any remaining activity restrictions for this moment. Upper body workouts and running are the last physical activities to return to. Consider purchasing a suitable sports bra.

The implants continue to change, but many women find that they are almost completely restored. Scar care continues, the healing process of the scar continues throughout the year. Bra recommendations are changing and you may be able to purchase underwired bras.

6-12 months

The surgeon's recommendations over a three month period still apply as the implants change slowly and noticeably. Many women notice an increase in softness or roundness. Continue to treat scars on an individual basis.


Most women see final results before the one-year mark, but changes can continue beyond that. At this time, women may find that the appearance of their breasts changes as the natural breast tissue changes. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy breastfeeding and menopause can change breast tissue, but do not cause changes in the breast implant. Throughout your life, you may decide to change the size, shape or type of implant, or even have your breast lift removed. Continue to see your surgeon for regular follow-up.

Publications on the topic:

In this paper we will look at the features of rehabilitation after mammoplasty. Surely many women are dissatisfied with their breasts and strive to change at least something about them. More often this is due to psychological factor and obsession with one's appearance. It is necessary to understand that nature has done much better than a plastic surgeon can do.

Very often women face this problem after giving birth to a child. This is due to the fact that after breastfeeding it sags and loses its shape. To restore it to its former elasticity, women are ready to lie down on the operating table. Now we will talk about the features of the operation and postoperative period.


Before we discuss the rehabilitation period after mammoplasty, it is necessary to understand what it is and why it is needed.

Mammoplasty is a surgical procedure that is performed for certain purposes. These include:

  • change in shape;
  • breast enlargement;
  • breast reduction.

The most common goals of mammoplasty are to reshape or enlarge sagging breasts. In the first case, the plastic surgeon removes excess skin and secures the breasts in their normal position. When enlarging, special prostheses called implants are used. They are implanted under the skin or muscle.

It is also important to know that this procedure has indications and contraindications. The first include:

  • asymmetry;
  • recovery in case of breast removal;
  • macrosopathy;
  • micromastia;
  • ptosis;
  • sagging and breast reduction after breastfeeding;
  • gynecomastia.

The latter applies to men. Yes, even men turn to plastic surgeons to undergo mammoplasty. This is necessary for hypertrophied breasts.

Contraindications include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • infections;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diseases of any internal organs;
  • breastfeeding (must pass at least a year after the birth of the baby);
  • minority.

All this should be taken into account before going to the clinic to change your breasts.


Rehabilitation after mammoplasty does not last as long and painful as is commonly believed. We will talk about this in detail later. Now we will look at the types of surgical interventions to change the size or shape of the breast.

In modern plastic surgery The following types of mammoplasty can be distinguished:

  • endoprosthetics;
  • reduction plastic;
  • mastopexy.

The last operation is divided into two more subtypes:

  • isolated;
  • combination with prosthetics.

Endoprosthetics is also called augmentation. This operation involves the implantation of special harmless prostheses. It is important to clarify here that the natural function does not fade away.

Reduction plastic surgery is most often popularly called breast reduction. How does the reduction process work:

  • removal of excess fat;
  • elimination of excess;
  • removal of stretched skin.

The last point is necessary to prevent breast sagging, which often occurs with an impressive bust volume. The surgeon applies stitches only after the shape of the future bust has been finally modeled.

The last type of surgery is a breast lift for sagging breasts. Since deletion excess skin does not always bring the desired result, because the breast may not accept correct form, surgeons recommend combining this operation with prosthetics. Then the mammary glands will take the correct shape, rise noticeably and be smooth and elastic.


The rehabilitation period after mammoplasty does not last so long, if you take into account some of the doctor’s recommendations to properly care for your breasts. Now a little about preparing for the operation. If no contraindications have been identified and you are serious about having surgery, then you need to undergo a series of examinations:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • analysis for the presence of hepatitis;
  • breast ultrasound examination.

In addition to these examinations, it is necessary not to consume alcohol two weeks before surgery. hormonal drugs or those containing salicylates. People who smoke You should give up nicotine a week before surgery. This is necessary so that the rehabilitation period after mammoplasty passes faster and the sutures heal at the same pace as expected. It is important to know that for fast healing Good blood flow is necessary, and nicotine impairs this process.


The duration of rehabilitation after mammoplasty under the muscle, as in other cases, depends on the location of the incision and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations. The operation itself lasts from one to four hours.

The following options are available for prosthetics:

  • subglandular (under the tissue);
  • subfascial (installation between fascia and muscle);
  • submuscular (under the muscle);
  • combined (part of the implant under the muscle, and part under the mammary gland).

Only a surgeon can tell you which option is right for you. As for breast reduction, in addition to the aesthetic aspect, we can also highlight therapeutic purpose. After breast reduction, the following favorable moments are possible: pain in the spine decreases, it becomes easier to breathe, disappears pulmonary diseases, rises physical activity and sleep improves.

A breast lift consists of several stages: removal of excess tissue, correct distribution of the areola, and, if desired, installation of implants under the muscle. With a prosthesis, the breasts look more natural.

Postoperative period

If we consider mammoplasties by day, it is better to distinguish periods by weeks or even months. Main stages:

  • after three weeks the swelling completely disappears;
  • within two months the implant case is formed;
  • After six months the feeling of discomfort goes away.

Now briefly about some features of the postoperative period:

  • month of wearing compression garments;
  • ban on raising hands for three weeks;
  • do not lift weights for three months (more than three kilograms).

The final result will be visible only after three months. You should not evaluate the result before, because the breasts will still change, all inflammatory processes will pass and the mammary glands will take the correct shape.

Seam processing

How long does rehabilitation take after mammoplasty? It is quite difficult to answer, because it all depends on the type of operation and the location of the incision. However, if you take into account the doctor’s recommendations, the period of healing and removal of swelling it will go faster. Now about the rules for processing seams. It is worth noting that everyone's healing process is different. Some do not experience any discomfort, but there are also those who seek help from a medical facility.

Necessary activities:

  • to prevent seams from coming apart, rest in a semi-sitting position for the first 24 hours;
  • monitor the scarring process;
  • on the recommendation of a doctor, treat the stitches with antibiotic ointments;
  • in some cases it is worth using brilliant green for processing;
  • The first bath can only be taken four days after the operation.


Breasts after mammoplasty require special care. Now briefly about what needs to be done to prevent sad consequences:

  • sleep on your back (at least three weeks);
  • You can take a shower only on the fifth day after surgery;
  • treat seams;
  • relieve yourself of physical activity;
  • wear compression garments;
  • change your underwear daily to prevent infection;
  • do not ignore the recommendations of your doctor, he knows better how to care for your breasts in the period after surgery;
  • After consulting a doctor, you can use ointments to remove scars.

Physical exercise

Rehabilitation after or other looks like it will pass smoother if you follow your doctor's advice. One of them is avoiding physical activity.

Please note that you should not engage in any sport until your doctor allows it. It’s worth forgetting about jogging and fitness for a while. Even ask your husband to carry a heavy package from the store. For a month, it is not recommended to raise your arms, much less lift more than three kilograms.


In this section, we propose to consider the advantages of surgical intervention to correct the shape, enlarge or reduce the breast. The advantages include:

  • safety of the operation;
  • reducing the risk of breast cancer;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Scientists have proven that it helps to avoid a fairly common disease among women - breast cancer. The operation is completely safe. If everything went well, then you will be able to delight others with beautiful and firm breasts for a long time.


The disadvantages of mammoplasty include:

  • rehabilitation period (it is worth considering the fact that the duration of the rehabilitation period increases with the size of the implanted implant);
  • nausea after anesthesia;
  • pain that is relieved with analgesics;
  • possible insomnia;
  • remaining scars (if properly cared for, this side effect can be avoided);
  • changing your lifestyle (giving up active sports and going to the gym);
  • quitting cigarettes;
  • refusal to plan pregnancy (at least six months);
  • During breastfeeding, you should take more careful care of your nipples.

Unsatisfactory result

We looked at rehabilitation after mammoplasty under the muscle by days, or rather, months. In that section it was said that the final result should be assessed only after three months. What to do if the result is unsatisfactory?

Unsuccessful Plastic surgery may happen for the following reasons:

  • due to the fault of the doctor;
  • low quality implant;
  • rejection of the implant by the body.

To avoid this, you need to give preference professional surgeons who use only high quality raw materials. Most common problem after mammoplasty - this is asymmetry. It can be corrected by returning to a plastic surgeon to remove the implants.

Mammoplasty is a surgical intervention aimed at correcting the shape and volume mammary glands.

Breast augmentation is the most popular procedure in cosmetic surgery, the methods of which are constantly being improved so that women after plastic surgery can resume their daily life V as soon as possible. It is important to understand that the recovery period is relatively short, but important step in achieving the most favorable results.

Mammoplasty is usually performed in outpatient setting under general anesthesia, although in some cases the operation can be performed with local anesthesia. Patients can usually return home after the procedure. Breast augmentation is often combined with operations such as breast lift, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction, lipolysis.

Factors Affecting Recovery Time

Recovery after mammoplasty depends on a number of factors, including:

  • breast tissue density,
  • implant size,
  • method of implant placement,
  • surgical technique.

It is important to understand that the amount of time required to recover from breast surgery varies greatly depending on the individual characteristics body.

Breast implants are available in a wide range different sizes. The size of the implant may have an impact on recovery time. For example, larger implants place more pressure on the pectoral muscle and can stretch the overlying skin. This may cause recovery from breast augmentation to take a little longer.

Breast implants are placed either above or below the pectoral muscle, depending on the patient's lifestyle and aesthetic goals. Axillary (submuscular) placement is more aggressive because, in addition to requiring a skin incision, this method requires dividing part of the pectoral muscle to create space for the implant. This placement option is often recommended for women who desire the most natural-looking results and who do not regularly participate in activities that require significant upper body effort.

When breast augmentation involves placing implants under a muscle, the muscles can “trap” the implant and keep it in a high position. It may take two to three months or more for the implant to go down.

Recovery time after breast augmentation is shorter with the subglandular technique (under the breast) compared to submuscular breast augmentation. Discomfort in the first case lasts about 4 days, and in the latter - 10-12 days.

Just like the recovery period after any surgery, recovery from mammoplasty will take time. To better prepare patients for their recovery time, below is information about what to expect in the coming weeks and months after plastic surgery. Patients should carefully follow all postoperative instructions to minimize discomfort and speed up the healing process.

Each plastic surgeon has his own own recommendations on recovery after mammoplasty, but in general, rehabilitation after breast augmentation includes the following stages:

  • 1) stop taking painkillers medicines: 1-2 days;
  • 2) return to work: 3 days;
  • 3) light exercise: 2-3 weeks;
  • 5) scar maturation: 12 months.

The first weeks after surgery

During the first 24 hours there is a risk of early bleeding. During this time, ice packs can be used to reduce swelling and any type of heat in the chest area should be avoided.

The first 4 days are an inflammatory period, characterized by swelling, pain, and discomfort. During this period, the vast majority of medications are used and regular monitoring of body temperature is necessary.

A normal consequence of mammoplasty is a feeling of tightness in the breast area as the skin adjusts to the new size of the breast and breast implants.

During the first two to three days after plastic surgery, patients should wear elastic bandage or a special surgical bra over dressings. After dressings removed, you will need to wear a surgical bra for the next few weeks.

From days 4 to 10, you can take a shower, if allowed by the surgeon, after which you need to thoroughly dry the wounds and bandages (use a hairdryer). During this time, you cannot wash your hair yourself, because you are prohibited from raising your arms above your head.

Constipation may occur due to a side effect of painkillers. Pain tends to decrease throughout the day with less need for medication. However, pain is usually observed at night between 3 and 6 hours. The pain is greater when implants are placed under the muscle.

Bleeding or infection is possible between days 7 and 10. Bruising and swelling are normal consequence operations, they usually subside within a few weeks.

Patients are advised to avoid any heavy work or physical activity for several weeks after surgery. The use of the lever should be limited to daily activities, that is, such movements as are required when brushing teeth, eating, or combing hair.

For two weeks after surgery, it is important to stop using any medications or supplements that may cause bleeding, including fish oil, herbal supplements, and aspirin.

During sleep, you should place at least, two or three soft pillows under top part back and head to keep the torso elevated. This helps relieve pressure on the treatment areas, reducing swelling and pain. You can't sleep on your stomach.

Patients should avoid driving until they no longer experience seat belt pain, which may take several weeks.

On days 10 to 21, there is a decrease in the risk of infection and bleeding. Increase possible physical activity, performing simple exercises designed for the lower body. The vast majority of swelling begins to subside. Sometimes there is pain at night. The nerves begin to wake up, which can lead to tingling sensations in the nipple area.

The first few months after surgery

During the 4-6 weeks of the rehabilitation period, wound healing occurs at a constant rate. Painkillers are rarely needed. You can begin to transition from low-impact activities to aerobic exercise. Any contact with the breast should be gentle for four to six weeks.

Changes in the sensation of the skin of the breast and nipples are common side effects after plastic surgery. Some women may experience numbness in their breasts and nipples for up to a year after breast reduction surgery, while others may experience hypersensitivity in the breast area. It is important to keep in mind that in some cases these altered sensations may become permanent.

Some surgeons recommend wearing a well-fitting sports bra 24 hours a day for up to three months after surgery. An underwire (or push-up) bra can be worn for at least 6 weeks until the wounds are properly healed and the breast implants are in a permanent position. Is it possible to sleep on your stomach or side after mammoplasty? For 6 weeks you must sleep on your back; sleeping on your stomach or side is prohibited.

Breast massage can facilitate the correct positioning of breast implants and prevent the formation of capsular contracture.

Patients should be aware that their breasts may swell and become firm during the first menstrual period postoperatively. Additionally, some women may experience sporadic pain for several months, especially during menstruation. Your doctor may prescribe pain medications to relieve these symptoms and reduce discomfort during recovery period.

Up to 9 months, progressive relaxation of scar tissue and resolution of the remaining 5-10% of swelling occurs. The breast as a whole becomes softer. During this time, most patients accept the implants as part of their body.

Although breasts become stable in their new shape, it is important to understand that breast shape can fluctuate in response to hormonal changes, weight changes, pregnancy, and menopause.

During the year, it is necessary to protect the cuts from straight lines. sun rays and avoid using a tanning salon because the skin in these areas is thinner.

Complications after mammoplasty

Soreness and pain

After mammoplasty, patients may experience some pain or general discomfort. These symptoms sometimes persist for several weeks.

Perhaps the most important factor in improving patients' ability to recover from surgery is pain management. Adequate pain control is considered by some surgeons to be very important in early rehabilitation period. Individual pain thresholds vary greatly. Women who have had children tend to experience less post-operative pain as they have a much higher pain threshold. Some patients compare the pain during recovery to that which occurs during breastfeeding.

Surgeons recommend that patients take prescribed pain medications regularly every 4 to 6 hours, especially during the first 24 to 48 hours. Patients typically take pain medications (ibuprofen, paracetamol, Tylenol) for 1-2 days. Patients should not take ibuprofen if they have or have had stomach, kidney, or liver problems.


Swelling is normal postoperative consequence. Typically, swelling and swelling disappear within 2-3 weeks. Because breast tissue is significantly disrupted during surgery, swelling may persist for up to 3-4 months, although it may be very small and only noticeable to the patient. The final size and appearance of the breasts can be assessed after 3 months, when 90% of the swelling has resolved, and mammary glands will become soft.

Treatment for prolonged swelling includes increasing fluid intake (preferably water), reducing sodium intake, and physical activity such as walking.


Although mammoplasty scars are permanent, in most cases they will fade and improve significantly over time. Plastic surgeons They do everything possible to hide and minimize stitches and, therefore, scars.

To place the implants, the surgeon makes an incision in one of the following areas: along the underside of the breast in the inframammary fold (inframammary incision); under the arm (axillary incision); around the nipple (periareolar incision).

An inframammary incision creates an invisible scar under the breast. The periareolar incision is made exclusively along the border of the areola. A periareolar incision may cause problems with changes in sensation in the nipple, but the scars are usually barely noticeable. In the case of simultaneous abdominoplasty, a transabdominal incision is used (on the skin of the abdomen in the bikini area).

When reduction mammoplasty is performed, fairly large incisions are used. The surgeon may hide some incision lines in the natural contours of the breast, but others will be visible on the surface of the breast. Fortunately, the incisions can usually be limited to areas of the breast that can be covered by a bra.

Patients should follow all postoperative instructions and monitor sutures to monitor for infection. Taking care of your incisions can help reduce the appearance of scars and speed up healing time. The sutures are removed after about ten days.

Smoking dramatically slows down the healing process and can lead to serious complications. Nicotine makes blood vessels shrink, inhibit the function of red blood cells, reduce the level of oxygen in the blood. Cells must divide and grow in order to heal wounds, and without sufficient quantity oxygen, this process can occur with a significant delay. Nicotine can also significantly increase the risk of infection.

The scars may remain swollen and red for several months. Scars usually begin to fade and soften within 3-6 months. The final result can be seen in a year. In practice, in 3-6 months the scars will be very close to the final result, in the form of thin white lines becoming barely noticeable.

There is evidence that the most severe scars (hypertrophic scars) occur in approximately 10% of inframammary fold incisions, about 5% of areola incisions, and less than 1% of axillary incisions.

Capsular contracture

When an implant is inserted into the breast, the body reacts by forming a protective coating around it. The capsule is formed by its own living tissue. In some women, the capsule tends to shrink and compress the implant. This is called capsular contracture. The denser the capsule becomes, the firmer the breast becomes.

Capsular contracture does not cause implant rupture, since the compressive force is applied evenly over its surface.
Drug therapy capsular contracture is rarely successful.

Treatment for capsular contracture is usually done with surgery.

Only a relatively small percentage of women with implants develop capsular contracture severe enough to require surgical intervention. After removal, recurrent capsular contracture rarely develops.

Physical exercises during the rehabilitation period

During the first two weeks, exercise is limited to walking to prevent additional swelling or fluid accumulation during the recovery period. After 3-4 weeks, some light exercise is acceptable. Vigorous exercise should be avoided for three weeks, but walking and exercise that does not involve the upper body are possible for two weeks.

Vigorous physical activity can open wounds or dislodge implants.

Sports after mammoplasty mean gradual increase level of loads during exercises/training only in the second month of rehabilitation. After only 8 weeks, patients are allowed to return to activities that require powerful, repetitive effort, such as push-ups and weightlifting. It is important that your breasts are well supported by a sports bra, especially during exercise such as running or aerobics.

If the implants are placed under the muscle, Gym It is not recommended to visit within 6 weeks. Patients may describe discomfort after going to the gym as if they had done too many push-ups. This soreness deep muscles is not really a pain.

Caring for children during rehabilitation

If patients have small children, they may need help with the babies for the first two to three days after surgery. If children are small, you should not lift them from a standing position because this requires a lot of effort pectoral muscles. Children can be lifted from a sitting position by keeping the elbows close to the body. Light child care for young children can be completed within 2-3 weeks and full care can be resumed within 5-6 weeks.

Postoperative risks

All surgical procedures have some degree of risk. Some of the potential complications of all surgeries are listed below:

  • adverse reactions to anesthesia;
  • hematoma or seroma (an accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin that may require removal);
  • infection and bleeding;
  • changes in skin sensitivity;
  • scarring;
  • allergic reactions;
  • damage to underlying structures;
  • unsatisfactory results, which may require additional procedures;
  • thrombus formation.

The most common complications of mammoplasty are:

  • unevenly spaced nipples;
  • breast asymmetry;
  • loss of sensation in the nipples or breasts (often temporary, but sometimes permanent);
  • capsular contracture;
  • inability to breastfeed after surgery.

These risks can be serious or even life-threatening, but they are rare.

When to Seek Medical Help

Patients should immediately contact the doctor or clinic where the surgery was performed if they notice any unusual symptoms, such as chills and/or fever with elevated temperature, excessive bleeding. Excessive breast swelling accompanied by very severe pain are signs of internal bleeding.

Signs of infection include:

  • redness, swelling, and pain in the chest;
  • intense burning sensation in the chest;
  • discharge from wounds;
  • chills or heat(fever);
  • vomit;
  • noticeable discoloration of the nipples.

During healing, it is necessary to regularly measure the temperature. Body temperature is a reliable indicator of the presence inflammatory process. Chest pain and difficulty breathing are also signs of potentially serious complications from mammoplasty.

Complications and limitations in life after surgery

Implants are not lifelong devices. The longer the period after breast augmentation, the more likely it becomes local complications. The most common local complications of mammoplasty and unfavorable outcome are capsular contracture, reoperation and implant removal. Other complications include tears or deflations, folds, asymmetry, scarring, pain and infection at the incision site.

If implants are removed but not replaced, women may experience unwanted breast changes such as ripples, shrinkage, and loss of breast tissue.

If patients with breast implants noticed any pathological changes in the breast, they should consult a doctor immediately.

Having implants slightly increases the risk of developing rare type cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma in the breast tissue surrounding the implant.

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By various reasons The fair sex resorts to volume correction and changing the shape of the breast. Some people are dissatisfied with the size and asymmetry from birth, while others have a changed bust after childbirth and breastfeeding.

Mammoplasty helps women gain not only beautiful body, but also confidence in one’s beauty. This is the only option for those who have had to lose one or two mammary glands due to illness.

Like any surgical intervention, mammoplasty is a serious operation. The health and sometimes even the life of the patient depends on how well the rehabilitation goes.

This is why it is so important to strictly limit your usual lifestyle in the first months.

Rehabilitation rules

About all the features of the recovery period and possible risks the surgeon is obliged to tell you in detail before the operation.

But no doctor can tell in advance how long it will take for rehabilitation. The timing depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

Recovery is harder and longer if:

  • the size of the implants is too large, the skin of the breast is stretched and the muscle is subjected to pressure;
  • the prosthesis is located under the muscle of the gland, as a result of which its final descent occurs only after 3–6 months;
  • The implant is placed through the axillary approach (armpit area), then discomfort can be observed for more than 10 days.

On average, the main stages of rehabilitation are as follows:

Prohibitions after surgery

Any operation implies specific lifestyle restrictions for the patient during the recovery period. Mammoplasty is no exception.

To maintain health, you must follow simple rules:

  1. For at least a week, and if necessary, even more, it is impossible to conduct sex life. This is explained by the fact that excitement causes severe tension in the chest, which often leads to inflammation and divergence of the seams.
  2. When the risk of bleeding is still high, you should avoid stress, anxiety and negative emotions. They increase the heart rate, which increases blood pressure.
  3. To prevent bedsores from appearing and swelling to increase, sleeping on your stomach or side is prohibited.
  4. Do not take aspirin, medications containing vitamin A, or other pharmaceutical or homeopathic medicines, blood thinners. This may cause bleeding.

  5. For up to 10 days, it is forbidden to raise your arms above your head to prevent the stitches from coming apart. If implants were placed through an access to armpits, then this period increases to 2 weeks. For the same reason, you should not strain your hands for several weeks, combing your hair, brushing your teeth, or doing housework.
  6. Any heavy physical activity should be avoided.
  7. While pain is felt, it is not advisable to drive. Seat belts will only increase discomfort.
  8. Throughout the year, exposure to direct sunlight is contraindicated. This can harm the thinning skin of the glands.
  9. The chest should not be exposed to heat; you should forget about visiting a bathhouse, solarium, or hot bath.
  10. Before full recovery needs to be given Special attention contraception. Pregnancy is one of the contraindications within a year after surgery.

Video: Features of the operation

Restriction after mammoplasty

For at least six months after breast surgery, you must adhere to strict restrictions.

In the first weeks you should avoid long trips, air travel.


After discharge for two weeks physical exercise prohibited, but regular hiking. Walking prevents new swelling from forming.

You cannot bend down or make sudden movements with your hands.

Simple exercises for the lower body are allowed only after a month. And for the top one - after another 2 weeks.

Photo: Rules for lifting things from the floor

They begin to engage in sports with light, short-term loads.

The level of difficulty and intensity of the exercises increases gradually.

They begin to do push-ups, pull-ups, aerobics and running no earlier than after 8 weeks.


To help the body regain strength faster, it is important to pay attention balanced diet. Food must contain everything essential vitamins and minerals.

The diet must include fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, eggs and nuts.

But we should not forget about restrictions on food and drink:

  • It is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages;
  • you need to reduce your salt intake;
  • you can’t drink a lot of liquid;
  • smoking is strictly prohibited;
  • You cannot gain or lose weight.


If all is well then cool shower It is allowed to take it already on the 4th day.

But you need to avoid overheating your chest, so the water should never be hot.

The glands should be touched with caution. Help may be needed during washing.

You still can’t raise your arms above your head, so it’s difficult to wash your hair yourself.

Wounds do not need to be rubbed with a washcloth or towel. Dry them easily using a hairdryer. The dressings also need to dry.


After this, it is replaced with an elastic sports bra, which tightly tightens the breasts.

You can return to regular underwear no earlier than after three months.

Until the glands acquire their final shape, it is better not to wear open bodices with underwires or push-ups. It is preferable to choose linen made from natural cotton.

Dangers and complications

Many women experience loss of sensation in their nipples and breast skin. Some, on the contrary, complain of hypersensitivity.

This condition is not dangerous to health and is considered a side effect after surgery. Over time, the sensations return to normal, but in rare cases they may remain so forever.

If you do not adhere to the restrictions and prohibitions, then there is a risk of dangerous health complications:

  • consuming large amounts of liquid, alcohol or salt, visiting a bath or sauna leads to swelling lasting longer or increasing;
  • swelling and bruising go away more slowly due to overheating of the glands, incorrect position bodies during sleep;
  • Smoking reduces oxygen levels in the blood and the ability of cells to repair, which leads to longer tissue healing;
  • nicotine and alcohol undermine the immune system and increase the likelihood of infections;
  • not detected in time infectious process poses a threat to life;
  • strenuous physical activity increases the risk of wounds opening and causing bleeding;
  • ultraviolet radiation provokes pigmentation of the seams, after which it is more difficult to get rid of visible marks;
  • weight loss leads to loss of shape and breast ptosis;
  • an increase leads to the formation of stretch marks.

To alleviate the postoperative condition, you can use the advice of specialists:

  1. In the first days after surgery, severe pain is possible, and painkillers cannot be avoided. Discomfort increases in the evening and at night. During the day, the dosage of the drug can be reduced, and at night – increased.
  2. Tension from the seam area will be helped by removing adhesive plaster or special protective strips.
  3. To treat formed scars, it is recommended to lubricate them with gels (for example, Contractubex, Emeran, Dermofibraze). But this can only be done after the wounds have healed and the stitches have been removed, otherwise the scars will not resolve, but will harden.
  4. The feeling of tension in the skin of the glands persists for a long time, especially if the prostheses are large. For relief, you can ask the surgeon to prescribe a special massage. This also promotes a speedy recovery, prevents the formation of capsular contracture around the prosthesis, and relieves swelling.
  5. To make swelling go away faster, it is better to sleep not lying on your back, but propped up on 2-3 pillows, in a semi-sitting position. This position reduces pressure on the chest and abdomen and reduces pain.
  6. At first menstrual cycle The mammary glands may swell, which causes discomfort. In this case, antispasmodics prescribed by the doctor will help (for example, “No-shpa”).
  7. Heavy objects can be carefully lifted after a month only from a sitting position. In this case, the elbows must be placed close to the torso. This need arises if there are small children who need to be cared for. But it is still better to avoid physical activity.
  8. At severe pain in the chest elevated temperature body, vomiting, difficulty breathing, discharge from wounds, you should immediately consult a doctor. These may be signs of infection.
  9. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, a month after surgery, you can use special lotions, gels or serums with the consent of the doctor. This will maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Homemade masks based on mineral clay are effective, essential oils, salon wraps with seaweed.
  10. If scars are noticeable after healing, they can be easily removed in a beauty salon. The specialist will individually select suitable method(laser resurfacing, peeling, dermabrasion, radiotherapy).

At first glance, restrictions after mammoplasty may seem too strict.

But these measures are very important to ensure that recovery occurs as quickly as possible and that the final result lives up to expectations.

The most dangerous period The first week is considered. After which a slow but steady recovery begins.

The more responsible the patient is in following the doctor’s recommendations, the faster she will return to her previous lifestyle.

But also from the patient’s strict adherence to all medical recommendations during the recovery period. It is important to understand that refusal to wear compression garments, insufficient care postoperative suture, premature physical activity and incorrect sleeping position can significantly worsen the result of plastic surgery.

Early rehabilitation after breast augmentation

After the operation is completed, the patient enters the ward intensive care, where he is under constant staff supervision. As the substances used for anesthesia are removed from the body, discomfort increases and painful sensations in the chest, swelling and hematomas. For cupping pain syndrome Painkillers are prescribed: on the first day - in the form of injections, then - in tablet form.

Normally one day after surgery - after medical examination, dressings and receiving recommendations for the recovery period - the patient is discharged from the hospital. If found postoperative complications You must stay in the clinic until your condition normalizes.

Compression underwear

Upon completion of the operation, the patient is put on compression garments, pre-selected to the exact size.

It not only facilitates the recovery period after breast augmentation, but also shortens it by several weeks. The elastane included in the compression garments allows you to regulate tension and support the mammary glands without squeezing them.

Purposes of wearing compression garments:

  • reduction of swelling;
  • prevention of divergence of postoperative sutures;
  • maintaining mammary gland tissue in the required position and shape.

Constant compression stimulates blood circulation, as well as metabolism and regeneration processes, which ensures speedy healing postoperative wounds. Wearing compression garments around the clock is indicated for 3-4 weeks after augmentation mammoplasty.

Over the next month, it must be worn daytime, especially during physical activity. After this - for a year - it is recommended to wear a bra that does not compress the chest, with voluminous cups, wide straps and a back part.

Hygiene of postoperative sutures

Care of the postoperative suture is carried out until a full-fledged scar is formed. The wound is treated with an antiseptic solution to prevent its initiation and scar formation.

Physician quality assessment postoperative scar performed 5-7 days after surgery. At the same time, the sutures are removed (if non-self-absorbable material was used).

Limiting physical activity

Until the final recovery after breast enlargement, intense physical activity and usual sports activities are contraindicated for the time specified by the doctor (several weeks). Instead, it is recommended to perform lungs physical exercise, promoting the restoration of mammary gland tissue.


Massage (self-massage) of the breast after endoprosthetics is indicated on an ongoing basis to prevent the formation of stretch marks and the growth connective tissue around the implant. Start daily massage treatments only with the permission of a doctor. It is the attending physician who teaches patients correct technique their implementation.

How long does rehabilitation take after breast augmentation?

The duration of rehabilitation after breast augmentation surgery depends on the intervention technique, as well as on the patient’s compliance with medical recommendations. In this case, they focus on the following stages of the recovery period:

  • return to normal lifestyle is possible within 2 weeks after surgery;
  • hematomas and swelling completely disappear 2-4 weeks after surgery;
  • the preliminary effect is assessed by the surgeon after 3 months, and the final effect is recorded 8-10 months after the operation;
  • Complete restoration of mammary gland tissue occurs approximately one year after surgery.
  • Use moisturizing and nourishing cosmetical tools for the bust to prevent stretch marks, maintain good appearance and leather quality.
  • During the first 7 days, sleep on your back, then you are allowed to turn on your side, and only a month after the operation you can lie on your stomach.
  • At the end of the recovery period, fully restore motor activity and adequate physical activity.
  • During rehabilitation after breast enlargement, follow exclusively the recommendations of your doctor, and not advice from various sites and forums.

Weight loss in the postoperative period

Since the size of the implant is selected according to body weight and parameters, doctors do not recommend losing weight after breast replacement. As a rule, the weight loss process begins precisely in the chest area, as a result of which the implant is contoured (protrudes) through the skin.

Losing weight can provoke the growth of connective tissue around the endoprosthesis, causing a complication in the form of capsular contracture. In this regard, doctors recommend normalizing body weight before surgery, and maintaining it after it, avoiding sudden fluctuations in weight.