An effective complex for the development of pectoral muscles at home. Exercises for the pectoral muscles for men at home

The male breast is no less relevant topic than the same part of the body in women. The weak half is attracted by a wide athletic chest, without excess fat, sagging.

You can bring this part of the body in order both in the gym and by exercising at home.

The main thing is perseverance.

The main rules for cool muscles

There are such pectoral muscles:

    big- leads the hand to the body and rotates the limb;

    small- located above the pectoralis major muscle, responsible for lowering the arm to the body;

    anterior dentate- provides rotational movements and abduction of the scapula from the spine, raising the arm above the head;

    intercostal- help to carry out respiratory movements.

Chest training has its own characteristics. First of all, such classes alternate with triceps training, but on different days. The fact is that when working out the triceps, the pectoral muscles are loaded, but to a lesser extent, which ensures supercompensation of various parameters.

Practice twice a week. Beginners perform 2 exercises in 2 sets. When the technique is mastered, the number of approaches is increased to 4-8. To improve strength performance, 6-8 repetitions are enough, and for muscle building - 10-12 repetitions. Between sets, rest for 45-60 seconds.

The most effective basic exercises - for example, bench press lying on a horizontal or inclined bench, push-ups on the uneven bars.

Bodybuilders with an experience of up to 2 years are contraindicated in isolating exercises.

The eccentric phase (lowering, stretching the muscles, lowering the load) is performed slowly. Once every 3-4 sessions use "negatives" when only the eccentric phase remains.

Secrets of breast augmentation

Exercises in the gym

Classes in the gym are effective thanks to special sports equipment.

Basic exercises

Bench press (position - lying)

We are talking about alternating the load within one lesson. For example, you can train at home by running on the spot. First run 5 minutes at a slow pace. This warms up the muscles and prepares the body for subsequent loads. At the next stage, they run with maximum acceleration, to the point of physical fatigue and within the limits of their strength. This block lasts 2-3 minutes.

When breathing and heartbeat are restored, they run at an average pace, then again accelerate as much as possible. Recovery periods are gradually reduced. The duration of the interval run is from 15 minutes.

Active games - tennis, hockey, basketball - will help burn fat in the chest area.

Making the chest wide, attracting the attention of the opposite sex, is not so difficult. However, you need to train in a complex so that the figure looks harmonious. If you are overweight, you need a diet and drinking regimen. And the optimal complex will be developed by a personal instructor who will take into account the condition of the muscles and the body as a whole.

Usually at the beginning of summer or before some kind of solemn event, you notice with horror in the mirror, too hands and weak chest. Fortunately, in the summer you still have time to correct the situation, but what if there are two or three weeks left before the gala event, and the outfit chosen with love suggests a good condition of the upper body?

So, it's time for intensive training with dumbbells.

A modern business woman is always short of time, so give preference to exercises that allow you to simultaneously load your arms and chest.

In addition, keep in mind that flabby triceps make the most depressing impression. It is they who are almost always in idle idleness and quickly atrophy. Therefore, give up special exercises for the biceps and do ... regular push-ups. Yes, it is this unloved school stuff that gives a load to your problem areas.

Take an emphasis lying down. Feet rest on the floor with socks. Put your hands on the barbells of dumbbells weighing 1.5-2 kg. The palms look at each other.

Hands shoulder-width apart, the whole body is stretched and tense. Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body as low as possible. At the lowest point, linger for two counts. Then slowly straighten your arms and return to the starting position. Do not hurry. The slower the lift is, the more work your triceps will receive. Keep your elbows close to your body.

Returning up, transfer the support to the right hand, lift the left dumbbell and touch it to the right shoulder. Place the dumbbell on the floor. Touch the left shoulder with the right dumbbell and bring it back.

Now take a “step” with your right dumbbell about 15-20 cm forward and closer to the center. Put the projectile not parallel to the body, but at an angle of 45 degrees inward. Then move the left dumbbell. Gently stepping on the toes, pull the body. So you are almost back to the starting position again, but the dumbbells are close to each other, touching the upper ends.
Do the push up again. Narrow stance during push-ups will allow you to load the middle part of the pectoral muscles in detail. This will make the hollow in the neckline more seductive.

When you're done with the tight push-up, take two steps forward with your arms again. This time, place the dumbbells shoulder-width apart. Pull your legs up to return to the starting position. It's one . Do as many as you can.

If you don't have the strength to do a full push-up, do push-ups to the best of your ability. At the same time, supplement your workout with dumbbell chest presses.

Lie on your back, put your feet on the floor and slightly bend your knees. Take dumbbells in your hands and lift above your chest. Slowly lower your arms to your chest and spread your elbows out to the sides. Then push them up again. About halfway through the movement, stop and spread your arms to the sides. Don't touch the floor with your elbows. Bring your arms back and continue pressing the dumbbells up. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

All novice athletes are interested in how to build pectoral muscles at home quickly. A large number of beginners do not know how to do push-ups from the floor so that the pectoral muscles receive a sufficiently effective load and begin to grow, or do not have knowledge of how to pull themselves up on the horizontal bar correctly so that the muscle fibers of the chest are well worked out.

For proper pumping of different muscle groups of the body, chest, you need proper nutrition and systematic training. All these measures will lay the foundation for building powerful and muscular pectoral muscles.

When performing special and effective exercises, you can quickly give the breast the necessary shape and aesthetic appearance. Pumping the pectoral muscles at home is a regular workout at least 2-3 times a week.

By following the rules and performing systematic chest exercises, you will achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. And most importantly desires and faith in yourself.

How to build pectoral muscles at home - rules

  1. The first rule is probably the most important. The wider the grip or the distance between the hands in support, the more the external muscles of the chest are involved. Therefore, beginners are advised to take a narrower grip, but not too narrow, because. with a narrow grip, more triceps muscles will be included in the work than pectoral muscles. The optimal grip or width of the stop is slightly wider than the shoulders.
  2. Rule two. The higher the arms are raised above the head when doing a bench press or push-ups, the more the upper pectoral muscles are involved. For beginners, the upper section, as a rule, is developed worse than the lower one, because in everyday life we ​​do not work much with our hands above our heads, so it is imperative to include push-ups in the set of exercises with the arms resting just above the level of the collarbones.
  3. Rule three. Squeeze hands gently, unclench sharply. Better ratio - unclenching hands twice as fast as squeezing.
  4. Rule four. The maximum efficiency of push-ups is when the legs are higher than the head.
  5. Rule five. Watch your breath, it's very important. Exhale with the greatest effort, inhale with the greatest relaxation, i.e., pushing up, inhale when moving down, exhale with force when moving up. In general, this rule is true for all strength exercises.
  6. Rule six. Let the muscles rest. With strong physical exertion, the muscles do not have time to relax in a day, do it every other day. At the same time, you should not be afraid of muscle pain after a workout - it will soon pass if you exercise regularly. Muscle pain after exercise is evidence that they are growing.

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Even if you decide to work out at home, do not forget about proper nutrition and good sleep. A suitable diet can be found on the Internet, numerous articles and videos will help with this. The main thing here is the proper distribution of proteins, calories and carbohydrates. The choice of diet depends on the desire to gain weight, or, conversely, lose it. When gaining mass, the main diet is proteins in the form of meat, eggs, cottage cheese. Energy is provided by carbohydrates contained in cereals, pasta, vegetables. You can consult with experienced jocks, they will not say bad things.

Sleep also has a big impact on muscle growth, because they grow exactly when a person sleeps. Lack of sleep leads to inadequate muscle development, the relief is not fully formed. In addition, the body does not have time to recover after a workout, and this worsens the immune system, the chance of getting sick increases, which means a break in classes. Therefore, it is necessary to sleep 7-7.5 hours so that the muscles develop and the body does not wear out.

Training can be aimed both at the development of all muscle groups, and on individual groups. Today we will talk about the pectoral muscles. The relief of the chest gives masculinity, sexuality, stateliness. Agree, the figure will look inferior if all the muscles are voluminous, but the chest is not.

An effective set of exercises

Consider the most effective exercises for quickly pumping up chest muscles:

  • Reduction and dilution of hands in an emphasis lying

To perform this type of exercise, you will need all the same two stools. Place them in such a way that they do not cause you discomfort when you lie back on them. After you have taken a supine position, place your feet on the floor.

Take dumbbells in your hands and bring them together above your head. When performing this exercise, the arms should be slightly bent at the elbows, and the fists should be directed towards each other with palms. Start spreading your arms as wide and low as possible.

Useful information for weight loss

As in the previous exercises, do four sets of 10-20 reps, resting for 2-3 minutes.

  • Fancy push ups

Thanks to this exercise, you will be able to pump your chest completely, it gives the maximum load and it is not so easy to complete it. Find a sturdy chair or bench that won't slip on the floor and can support your weight. Put your feet on a chair, and not on the ground, near your hand - on the floor. Legs and body should be perfectly straight.

Push-ups on stools

As mentioned above, push-ups from the floor, despite all their effectiveness, are still not a good enough exercise for the full development of the pectoral muscles.

To complicate the exercise, you can take two stools and place them at the width of the arms extended to the side, which are bent at the elbows.

After that, we take the position familiar to push-ups, but put our hands on stools. Feet must be placed on a sofa or chair. You need to do four sets of 10-20 push-ups.

During each push-up, try to get as low as possible below the level of the stools. If you feel that you can cope with this without problems, then do not rush to immediately increase the number of push-ups. For greater effect, it is better to start push-ups with a load. We perform approaches - 4 to 10-20 repetitions. Between each set, take a break of 2-3 minutes or more if necessary.

Exercises for chest muscles using weights

At home, dumbbells and kettlebells are commonly used. It is necessary to choose a projectile that is suitable in weight, that is, such that movements with it can be performed at least 10 times.

With dumbbells of small weight, you can repeat the movements from the warm-up for the pectoral muscles.

Then you need to take dumbbells of greater weight and lie on your back, on the floor. It is better to perform the exercise on a karemat.

  • spread your arms to the sides, in a cross;
  • with an exhalation, you need to raise your hands with dumbbells in front of you, and with an inhale, spread them apart.

When performing exercises with weights, you need to remember that the load on the pectoral muscles occurs when the arms are spread apart, rise up or fall down.

Another option is static gymnastics. It is not very common, but gives a good result. Muscles are trained by static effort. Such an effort is very useful for the pectoral muscles. After all, straining, they increase in volume. Tightening up and relaxing. Such gymnastics was very popular in the first quarter of the last century.

1. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Clasp your palms in front of your chest.

2. On exhalation, make an effort, pressing with one hand on the other. This must be done with maximum force.

3. Relax for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.

Another exercise is that you need to try to disengage your hands with effort.

"Moving Wall". Performing this static gymnastics exercise is very simple. You need to stand in front of the wall, rest against it with your hands and make an effort, trying to move the wall to the side. Here, too, you need to alternate effort and relaxation.

I must say that such an exercise for the pectoral muscles at home does not require free space at all.

In fact, pumping up the pectoral muscles for a man is not so difficult. The main thing is to devote enough time to training and monitor the diet.

Push-ups from the floor for the pectoral muscles: program, or push-ups from the floor with a stop

In this exercise, you do not need to take books. These are familiar simple push-ups from the floor, only here it is necessary to pause for 2-3 seconds in each of the stages. Lower yourself halfway, pause for 2 seconds, then continue down and hold at the point of contact with the floor for 3 seconds.

Ideally, you need to do 4 sets of 12-15 reps. To improve the physical form of repetition will need to be added. For example, today you have 4 sets of 8 reps, for a follow-up chest workout, you can do 1-2 more reps.

It is also desirable to make checkpoints or peaks of progress (maximum number of push-ups per rep, 1 set, 20-30 reps). Push-ups can be done anywhere, the main thing is your perseverance and faith in success.

As they say, half done. Some gym goers fail pump up your chest precisely because this muscle segment chronically lags behind them. But in order for the chest to gain muscle mass, become truly powerful, beautiful and balanced, it also needs to be given width and work out the middle. These are the aspects of building pectoral muscles that I will talk about in this part of my article.

How to make chest wide

And in this case, I was again out of luck. I am naturally tall, skinny, but rather broad-shouldered, and my chest is also broad. On the one hand, this is certainly not bad, but on the other ...

All my efforts pump up your chest crashed about the problem of insufficient elaboration of the contours of this muscle group. In addition to the top of the chest, it was very difficult for me to outline the outer outline of the chest. For a long time I could not give it a finished look and pack the wide chest that I inherited from nature into an armor of ideally shaped muscles. I suffered especially strongly with the bottom of the chest, I could not stretch it across the entire width and close its outer borders, make a clear undercut, resting, as it should be on the serratus muscles.

But, since I have always been theoretically savvy, the answer to the question: in width I knew very well. Of course, a pullover. Thanks to this exercise, as all the books of grandfather Joe Weider claimed, the great Arnold Schwarzenegger swung his chest to unimaginable sizes. And I included this exercise in my training program.

Years have passed since then, but I still see people in the gym trying to do something with their pecs with a pullover.

Namely, something, because it will not work to expand, let alone pump up the chest with a pullover on a horizontal bench. And there are three reasons for this:

REASON 1 | The width of the chest, as well as the width of the shoulders, is a matter of genetic potential, and nothing more. If by nature the chest is narrow, it will not be possible to expand it. The most striking example of this is Phil Heath, the seven-time Mr. Olympia. The insufficient width of his chest is especially noticeable against the background of gigantic hands. But, as we know, this unfortunate miscalculation of nature did not prevent him from gaining muscle mass and becoming the best bodybuilder on the planet six times. A logical question arises: “Why then bathe with the width of the chest?”

REASON 2 | The impression of simplicity and ease of making a pullover is highly deceptive. This is a rather difficult and traumatic exercise. At least some stretching effect from its use can only be obtained by working with a heavy dumbbell. But the more weight a gym visitor uses, the more discomfort he feels from a pullover. Shoulder and elbow joints receive an unusual and very tangible load. If a heavy dumbbell is replaced with a lighter one, then the theoretically possible effect of performing a pullover will simply disappear.

REASON 3 | But, if you still believe that with the help of a pullover you can expand your chest, then this exercise must be done by combining it into a superset with deep squats. Moreover, in this duet of exercises, 10–15 slow squats are first performed, and then the pullover itself. The idea of ​​this bundle sounds like this: the first, heavy exercise with a barbell fills the lungs with oxygen and momentarily increases the volume of the chest. Pullover, performed second, stretches the chest filled with air in width.

Unfortunately, I did not manage to get any tangible dividends from performing a pullover on a horizontal bench. pump up chest, or at least improve its shape, I could not use it. But when I began to do the pullover exercise on a bench with a reverse slope, I felt its charm in all its glory.

When I stopped fooling myself with the old advice of Joe Weider and approached building a wide chest from the practical side, it turned out that the solution to this problem was in front of my eyes all this time. It's just that the mind, clouded by the training programs of bodybuilding stars, refused to accept it.

But one day I realized that I feel the maximum stretch of my pectoral muscles during the dumbbell press. Moreover, the lower I lower my hands, the more they stretch. How simple it is, right?

Therefore, I corrected my dumbbell press technique, and as a result I got an excellent exercise that allows the chest to simultaneously gain muscle mass and stretch it across. I have already described in more detail the technique for performing the dumbbell press, I will not repeat myself. I advise you to read it.

But, one little secret trick that I spied on one of the eminent bodybuilders helped me to make my chest really wide. And it consists in using a super-innovative device called a gymnastic mat for dumbbell presses. It was a joke, but seriously, it all looks extremely simple, but extremely effective:

I take a rubber gym mat and fold it over and over until it becomes a flat but tall roll that fits between my shoulder blades. And during the bench press with dumbbells, I put it on the bench, and then I lie down on top.

Thus, already at the start of the exercise, my chest is in a more stretched position than usual, since the body, lying on a folded rubber mat, turns out to be raised up. Speaking humanly, I artificially lengthen the trajectory of movement by the height of the convolution.

It may seem like absolute bullshit until you try it yourself. An additional 5-6 cm of height, a rolled rug, makes the pectoral muscles involuntarily stretch in width and reluctantly acquire an ideal shape.

In addition to horizontal benching, I periodically use this secret mat in all dumbbell and machine pressing movements to lengthen the trajectory of movement and force the muscles of the chest to stretch further. Thus, the only exercise that I use for targeted muscle gain and chest expansion was and remains the dumbbell bench press on a horizontal bench.

How to outline the bottom of the chest

I also managed to solve the problem with giving the correct shape to the lower segment of the pectoral muscles, although this took a lot of time. Three great chest exercises helped me with this:

Dumbbell press upside down

In my opinion, this exercise will give odds to any others, because it allows you to direct the load exactly on target and at the same time not only builds the muscle mass of the lower pectoral muscles, but stretches it in width.

The conclusion suggests itself, you want gain muscle mass and pump up your chest - forget about the barbell, press the dumbbells!

Push-ups on the uneven bars

This is as old as the world, but still an effective exercise, I unfortunately do not use it as often as I would like. Having injured my elbow many years ago, I have to be extremely careful in exercises that put a lot of stress on my elbows. But if you don’t have such a problem, push-ups on the uneven bars must be included in your pectoral muscle training program.

Thanks to technological progress, this movement in many gyms can be performed not on the usual "old school" bars, but in a more comfortable and modern gravitron simulator. But the performance efficiency chest exercises for mass this does not decrease. On the contrary, due to the fixation of the body, performing push-ups in the gravitron, you can focus on work exclusively in the lower, most stretching phase of the pectoral muscles.

Reduction of hands under the chest in a crossover while standing

But in this exercise, I come off 100%. I love this machine, and consider it the best for targeted work on individual parts of the pectoral muscles. In the crossover, you can work equally well on the top, and on the middle, and on the bottom of the pectoral muscles. The main thing is to understand how to direct the load exactly to the right place.

When I try pump up your chest and I work specifically on the formation of the lower section, I do the information in the crossover exactly as shown in the picture: I stand exactly in the plane of the simulator, without tilting and bring my hands together exclusively under the chest.

My chest mass training program, with an emphasis on the lower segment:

Exercises Approaches repetitions
incline dumbbell press 5-6 10-12
push-ups on bars 3-4 12-14
reduction of the upper blocks while standing in a crossover under the chest 3-4 10-12

Conclusion: in order to give the pectoral muscles an ideal shape, it is necessary to include exercises aimed at developing the lower segment in your chest training complex for mass.

How to pump up the middle of the chest

In my opinion, this muscle section is the easiest and fastest to build. The muscles of the middle of the chest are small in size and quickly respond to the load, since they practically do not work in ordinary life. And besides, the developed middle of the chest adds width and power to it. All professional bodybuilders know this, so they work out this part of the pectoral muscles almost as actively as the upper segment.

There are few exercises for pumping up the middle of the chest, they are all similar and use the same principle - bringing the hands together in front of the chest. The most effective in this case will be the information of the hands in the butterfly simulator or in the crossover. At the initial stage of work on the middle of the chest, these two exercises will be quite enough.

But after a while this was not enough for me, and I found two more excellent exercises for developing the muscles of the middle of the chest. They not only help gain weight, but also make the muscles work in an unusual, stressful way, giving the chest a more refined outline.

Reduction of hands in a crossover lying

I haven’t done classic chest raises with dumbbells for a long time, since this exercise, in my opinion, is much more effective. Due to the fact that the force vector in this movement is not directed downward, as is the case with dumbbells, but along an arc, the load on the chest muscles is maintained throughout the entire trajectory of movement. pump up chest and adding muscle mass to her with this exercise becomes much easier.

But that's not the point. I, once again, modified the usual exercise, added a little zest and increased its effectiveness specifically for the middle of the chest. And the whole trick is that in the upper part of the trajectory, when the handles of the lower cables are already in contact in front of the chest, I turn my hands from a parallel position into one line and wind them up for each other. The load on the middle of the chest increases many times, and becomes peak.

Dumbbell bench press with a narrow parallel grip

Unfortunately, I recently started doing this exercise, having once again peeped it from the inventor Charles Glass. A very unusual, slightly difficult, but quite effective exercise. In addition to the fact that this modification of the bench press allows gain muscle mass the middle of the chest, it also actively affects the upper segment of the pectoral muscles, if performed on an inclined bench.

And in order not to waste your attention on the description of the technique for its implementation, I suggest watching the video. This is Sean Rhoden's training 4 days before the performance at the Mr. Olympia - 2016:

My chest training program with emphasis on the middle segment:

Sometimes I get bored of training my chest muscles the old fashioned way, doing one exercise after another. So I do a shock chest workout, breaking up the usual set of exercises into several supersets, combining two exercises into them.

But I select them with meaning, so that the first movement is stretching, the second, on the contrary, is reducing. For example, I combine the dumbbell bench press on an incline bench with the reduction of arms in a lying crossover, and the bench press in a free-weight simulator with a “butterfly”. I combine push-ups on the uneven bars again with a crossover, but I only work with an eye exclusively on the bottom of the chest. There can be many such options, the main thing is to follow the correct execution technique in each of them.

I hope that after reading my long story, you will find the answer to the question of how to pump up your chest and become one step closer to creating the perfect body. May the force be with you. And mass.

How can a man attract the admiring glances of women? How can a girl make others envy her high bust? Sports will help both of them! Namely - exercises for the development of pectoral muscles. A few months of regular training - and athletic forms are guaranteed.

anatomy lessons

The chest muscles are one of the largest muscles in the body. There are several of them, but for bodybuilders, two of them are of greatest interest: the large and small pectoral muscles. The pectoralis major muscle has the shape of a fan and is "woven" into the shoulder muscles, it is a working one, participates in many movements. The small pectoral muscle is located under the large one and is rather stabilizing, it works less often.

Also, the pectoral muscles are conditionally divided into 3 levels: upper, middle and lower. And if the middle one is involved in any load, then the upper and lower levels can only be pumped up with special exercises for the chest.

Is it possible to build pectoral muscles at home?

“Pumping your chest” at home is quite difficult: for this you will need bars, rings, dumbbells and a barbell. You can use bars and horizontal bars in the yards, but in winter this is problematic.

If you still decide to seriously engage in training for the development of pectoral muscles, you should buy at least dumbbells (preferably collapsible: their weight can be reduced and increased if necessary). Also, if possible, purchase a barbell and to it - pancakes of different weights. The horizontal bar can be strengthened between door jambs or in a narrow corridor.

NOTE Until you have acquired the necessary equipment, you can replace it with improvised means: dumbbells - bottles of different sizes filled with water, a barbell - a mop stick with the same sand bottles attached to it. You can also use the good old weight (remember if your father’s shell is in the garage), but with caution, since the weight is traumatic.

The effectiveness of training depends on their intensity and correctness. The optimal number of classes for a beginner is no more than 2-3 per week. During this time, the muscles have time to recover. With such a program, the first results will be noticeable in a month or two.

When exercising at home, remember that if you train with heavy dumbbells incorrectly, there is a danger of damaging the joints and ligaments of the hands, and exercising with a barbell without an instructor or safety net increases the risk of injury.

Home workout program

It must be remembered that before the start of the lesson, a warm-up is required (development of the joints, warming up the muscles: running, skipping rope, etc.), and after that - a hitch (stretching).

To warm up the chest muscles, shoulder turns, “mill”, rowing movements, swings with light dumbbells are suitable.

The workout consists of 2-4 sets of each exercise, taking from 2 to 5 minutes. Rest between sets should be at least 50 seconds.

Between workouts, it is necessary to take breaks sufficient for muscle recovery (2-3 days).

Exercises for the development of the pectoral muscles

One of the basic exercises for "pumping" are push-ups. But without other training, they are ineffective. The horizontal bar, rings, barbell and dumbbells are the best friends of the relief pectoral muscles.

Push ups

Take emphasis lying on straight arms. On inspiration, lower the body as low as possible (almost touching the floor with the chest), and then on the exhale return to the starting position. Perform 2-4 sets starting with 15 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. The exercise can be complicated: do push-ups on fists, on one hand, push-ups with claps, push-ups with fitball, etc.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

Pull-ups straight. Hang on the bar, hands palms away from you, wide grip. Inhale to raise the body, exhale to lower. Perform the exercise smoothly, without jerking 2-3 sets with the maximum number of repetitions (it is better to start with 10).

Reverse pull-ups. Grab the bar with a medium grip, palms away from you. Rise to the highest point (horizontal bar at chest level) and smoothly, without “throwing” the body down, lower. Then rise again and repeat. 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Ring exercises

To develop the pectoral muscles, you can perform push-ups on the rings. Take the starting position: emphasis on the rings on straight arms. Then slowly lower yourself until the bend angle at the elbows is 90 degrees. The trunk and chest remain in an upright position. Then you need to rise, straightening your arms and pressing on the rings. Push-ups are considered completed only if you were able to fix the body at the extreme points. Perform 2-3 sets of 4-6 times.

Dumbbell exercises

Dumbbell bench press. On a straight bench, place your arms with dumbbells on the sides of your head parallel to the floor (dumbbells parallel to your arms). Slowly raise them as you inhale, bringing them together over the body in straight arms and lower them as you exhale. Perform 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Divorces with dumbbells. Lying on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees (head up), place the dumbbells perpendicular to your arms. Bring your hands together with dumbbells 10 times per approach. Run 3-4 approaches.

Barbell exercises

Bench press. The correct starting position is the head, shoulders and buttocks pressed against the bench. Legs are wider than shoulders and rest on the floor. At the expense of 1-2, raise the bar above the chest, by 3 - fix the position, by 4-6 - lower it. The elbows should not be straight and the bar should not touch the chest. Perform 3-4 sets of 3-5 times.

Helpful Hints

  • In order for the result to be noticeable faster and the relief to appear better, you can dry out a little: consume more protein, exclude harmful and sweet foods (you can read more).
  • To maintain a fast metabolism and effective fat burning, it is worth eating often - 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
  • It is necessary to calculate your daily water intake and stick to it (formula for men: weight * 35, for women: weight * 31).
  • You should not engage in only one muscle group, forgetting about the development of the rest. Walk, run, and exercise other muscles while your pecs are resting after a workout. This will allow you to maintain the harmony of the body.

If desired and diligently, you can pump up the pectoral muscles at home. But you need to remember that in the gym, especially under the supervision of an experienced instructor, training will be safer and most likely more effective. The gyms of the Gold’s Gym fitness club chain have all the necessary equipment for effective pumping of the pectoral muscles. Instructors-specialists will create an individual training program that is right for you. Get involved with us!