The stomach hurts a lot after childbirth, what to do if your mother has pain and cramps in the abdomen, causes and treatment. Stomach pain when breastfeeding

Symptoms of gastritis are renewed pain in the epigastric region, heartburn, and bloating. Any woman who has suffered from gastritis in the past can easily recognize the signs of exacerbation, although sometimes the first signs of the disease appear during pregnancy.

What should a nursing mother do?

After the birth of a baby, almost every young mother faces many difficulties regarding her health. The most common complaint after pregnancy and during breastfeeding is regular abdominal pain affecting the stomach.

Factors of pain in it can be an incorrect diet and the presence of diseases associated with the digestive system. If your stomach hurts during breastfeeding, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

When a mother gets sick while breastfeeding, the first question that interests her is whether she can continue to feed the baby. First of all, it should be noted that in case of any ailment, a woman should consult a doctor, and only a therapist, after an examination, can recommend how and what to treat a nursing mother.

It should be noted that colds, viral infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis in a nursing mother are not a contraindication for lactation. In this case, it is necessary to observe anti-epidemic measures:

  • isolate the baby in another room while sleeping;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • feed the child and care for him only in gauze bandage, which must be changed every three hours;
  • you can put a bactericidal lamp in the children's room and turn it on several times a day for 10 minutes;
  • disinfect the air with garlic. To do this, peel several cloves of garlic, crush them and place them in saucers around the room. It is necessary to change garlic at least three times a day, as phytoncides quickly evaporate.

While taking these precautions, you should not forget about treatment. It is necessary to be treated with drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding, especially antibacterial therapy.

Today, there are many medications that can be taken by nursing mothers, and your doctor will help you choose them. Wherein symptomatic therapy(drugs for runny nose, cough and sore throat) are used with virtually no restrictions.

It is also allowed to take antiviral drugs based on interferon.

If the mother’s illness is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then it must be brought down if it rises above 38.5 degrees. Paracetamol is most often used for this. Feeding a child with breast milk at a fever not only cannot harm the baby, but on the contrary will help protect him from illness. Antibodies produced in the mother's body are transferred to the baby and protect him from infection.

First, you need to determine where exactly the breastfeeding mother is experiencing pain. If it's at the top, it's most likely the stomach.

Remember what you ate during the day to see if you could have been poisoned. This may be an exacerbation of gastritis or another stomach disease.

If top part suddenly got sick in the stomach after a heavy feast, this may well be the cause of overeating. Besides poisoning low quality products, the stomach can get sick from too much fatty or spicy food, especially if up to this point you have been on a nursing diet.

Pain in the upper abdomen is also often associated with problems with the pancreas, which, for example, has ceased to produce enough elements necessary for digesting food.

With stomach pain, a person experiences severe discomfort, which does not allow him to live in the normal rhythm of life. Of course, at the first manifestations of pain, you must consult a doctor who will determine exact reason her appearance.

However, there are times when your stomach ache nervous soil or in a pregnant woman, as well as in case of poisoning. The accompanying symptoms are important here, which will help to suspect the presence of a more serious disease. Today we will look at what to do when your stomach hurts after eating, after chemotherapy, from antibiotics, and also what to do if your child has a stomach ache.

Causes of stomach pain

Let us note right away that women who had stomach problems before pregnancy (gastritis, pancreatitis and others) will encounter the same problems, perhaps on a larger scale, and find themselves in the role of expectant mothers.

A woman must inform her gynecologist about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract even when registering.

Depending on the severity of the problem and individual characteristics For a pregnant woman, the doctor will prescribe certain medications that can help the woman and not harm the baby.

Amateur activities and the use of conventional medications are not acceptable in this case.

As for women who have not previously complained about their health, but experience heaviness in the stomach during pregnancy, the situation with them is somewhat different.

Discomfort and mild pain in the stomach after eating during pregnancy are considered a normal, physiological condition that does not require medical intervention.

Let's consider why, what are the most important reasons that the expectant mother experiences slight pain and heaviness in the abdomen after eating.

The most important reason All digestive problems in pregnant women (stomach pain, nausea, feeling of heaviness, constipation, and others) are hormonal.

During the period of development in the womb expectant mother In her new life, her body begins to intensively produce progesterone.

During pregnancy, the muscles of the stomach begin to work less intensively, its peristalsis and motility are significantly reduced, and food ends up in the lower part of the stomach faster than usual.

The result is discomfort (mild pain) and heaviness in the abdomen. The latter is also facilitated by the fact that during pregnancy the production of the hormone motilin decreases and glucagon increases.

The physiological cause of discomfort in the stomach after eating is the rapid growth of the uterus, which puts intense pressure on the stomach, forcing it to rise up.

Diarrhea in a nursing mother causes not only discomfort, but also severe anxiety for the baby. How does a mother's stomach upset affect the child? Can I continue feeding if I have diarrhea? These and many other questions are faced by mothers who have problems with bowel movements.

Causes of diarrhea


Taking herbs with an enveloping and analgesic effect is not contraindicated: chamomile, flax seed, oats, dill, licorice root. Such infusions can really safely relieve pain. But mint can reduce lactation and should be taken with caution. To reduce pain syndrome Taking a spoonful of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach is recommended.

There are a number of drugs that are sometimes used to treat gastritis during breastfeeding, but their effect on the infant body is unknown or research is being conducted but not yet completed. Of these drugs, it is worth noting Gastrosidin (famotidine), Digestal, Mezim forte, Pancreatin, Festal.

Unsafe medications are harmful because they enter breast milk and can cause various degenerative changes. Cannot be taken with breastfeeding Controloc (pantoprazole), De-Nol, Gerusil lac, Helicocin. Cimetidine, Enterosgel, Gasterin are recognized as safe. Smecta helps reduce pain a little, but it does not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Use Maalox, Almagel, Gastal, Gaviscon with caution. To relieve pain, you can use No-shpu (it is also used during pregnancy), Papaverine.

In order to fulfill effective treatment gastritis during breastfeeding, many women often use some types of herbal decoctions.

Data natural remedies may have a slight analgesic and calming effect, however, by and large their effectiveness has not been proven at the scientific level.

When a woman in labor is diagnosed with gastritis, it may be beneficial for her to consume herbal infusions having an enveloping and analgesic effect.

These include:

  • chamomile;
  • flax seeds;
  • oats;
  • dill fruits;
  • liquorice root.

Tinctures from these herbs, in fact, can relieve the symptoms of pain in women after childbirth. Mint also reduces the level of lactation, so you need to drink decoctions from it with extreme caution.

In order to reduce gastritis pain during breastfeeding (that is, after childbirth), it is recommended to take one spoon of flax oil in the morning on an empty stomach.

There is also a certain list of medications that, in rare cases, can be used to treat gastritis during breastfeeding, however, their effect on young children has not yet been studied.

These medications consist of:

  1. Gastrosidine (Famotidine).
  2. Digestala.
  3. Mezima.
  4. Pancreatin.
  5. Festala.

After childbirth, it is prohibited to take unsafe medications such as Controloc (Pantoprazole), De-Nol, Helicocin.

Among the recognized safe medicines one can note drugs like Cimetidine, Enterosgel, Gasterin.

Pain can be reduced by using Smecta, however, this remedy cannot eliminate the causes of the disease.

You should carefully use medications such as Maalox, Almagel, Gastal, and Gaviscon.

In order to quickly relieve pain, it is allowed to use such popular remedy as No-shpa (it is often used both before and after childbirth).

If there is very severe pain accompanying gastritis, it is necessary to immediately treat gastritis. To do this, it is recommended to temporarily switch the baby to formula.

When treating stomach inflammation, it is worth remembering that if a mother has plans to breastfeed her baby in the future, she should try as much as possible to maintain the presence of milk.

In order to maintain lactation after childbirth, you need to drink vitamin complexes specially designed for nursing mothers, as well as perform massage chest area, express milk constantly, drink enough clean water during the day.

It is not recommended to take medications without consulting a doctor, because only experienced doctor is able to identify the type of disease after conducting an appropriate analysis of the stomach contents and obtaining the result of an ultrasound examination.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to search for a highly specialized specialist (usually a gastroenterologist) and strictly adhere to all his prescriptions.

When gastritis is characterized by mild symptomatic manifestations that do not cause serious problems, and a woman decides to treat gastritis without using artificial feeding, she needs to follow a number of rules.

First of all, it is necessary to normalize the daily routine and the whole way of life. A woman should be attentive to regular rest and sufficient sleep during therapy.

It’s a good idea to allocate at least 2 hours a day for sleep, as well as adjust your routine to your baby’s – both need to fall asleep at the same time.

After giving birth, a woman needs to be in the fresh air as often as possible.

Besides, important point is to eliminate factors that provoke the development of stress (psychological and physical stress, excessive homework And so on).

During gastritis, a nursing mother's food intake should be regular, frequent (up to six small portions per day) and complete.

If the symptoms of the disease worsen, doctors advise using large quantity various light soups with cereals;

  • oatmeal and buckwheat with water;
  • not too fatty vegetable stew;
  • fermented milk products, etc.

In general, it is necessary to eat foods that will not irritate the gastric wall, but, on the contrary, will create an enveloping effect.

The chronic form of gastritis is a very common type of disease, which can go into an exacerbation stage at some periods of life due to wrong mode nutrition, overuse food, long nervous tension, weak immune system, and also as a result hormonal changes in a woman's body.

With a high degree of probability, aggravation of symptomatic manifestations can be observed both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

It is worth noting that normalization of the condition after the discovery of gastritis during breastfeeding is quite possible.

The disease can be prevented if it is timely and in in full treat gastritis with high acidity. Visit a specialist regularly for preventive examinations, reviewing your diet and strictly following all recommendations. Avoid processed foods, salty, spicy and fried foods. Focus on dairy and plant foods. The best prevention there will be a lack of stress, active and the right image life.

Often mothers are faced with the fact that doctors give the woman a choice: either breastfeeding or treatment. However, this approach can hardly be called humane if we are not talking about acute manifestations gastritis, which do not allow the mother to lead a full life.

If the baby does not suffer from colic or allergic reactions, the mother allows herself to be pampered with all sorts of goodies in the form of sweets, kebabs, and pickled vegetables. At the first suspicion of aggravated gastritis, you need to go on a strict diet and exclude everything that could provoke unpleasant symptoms from the outside gastrointestinal tract:

  • sauces and marinades,
  • fried foods,
  • sweets,
  • hot spices,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • fresh bread and pastries.

This is the main list of prohibited products. The woman will add to it the food that caused individual non-perception by her or the baby’s body.
You need to eat by the hour, at the same time every day. With gastritis, the functioning of the glands responsible for secretion is disrupted of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom the body to prepare for food intake - to produce it in the required quantity.

The amount of food eaten at a time should correspond to a small handful or glass.

You should stop feeding your baby with mother's milk if the treatment according to the regimen mentioned above does not produce results and your health worsens. Most likely, the cause of this condition is the vigorous activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. In this case it will be applied complex therapy, and it will begin with taking antibiotics.

Main stages drug therapy in the treatment of gastritis:

  • Taking antibiotics and special anti-Helicobacter drugs. They will help you get rid of main reason illness.
  • Regulation of the acidity level of gastric juice. Most patients suffer from increased acidity gastric juice. Therefore, it is necessary to take medications that calm the secretion of the gland.
  • Taking enzymes and drugs to improve digestion. These include: Creon, Festal, Pancreatin.
  • Symptomatic treatment. Phosphalugel and Almagel will help relieve pain. In addition, they have enveloping properties, protecting the mucous membrane from negative impact at her. It will take up to 2 weeks to treat gastritis in this way.

Therefore, when treating gastritis, you need to make every effort to maintain lactation. But if a number of safe medications And folk recipes did not give results, and your health is getting worse - you need to think about switching to full-fledged traditional therapy without continuing to breastfeed the baby.

Breastfeeding is very important process in the postpartum period. It is with mother's milk that the child receives nutrients, immune cells, vitamins and hormones vital for growth and development.

How is gastritis treated in nursing mothers?

However, during lactation, women are at risk of disease, just as at any other time in their lives. Gastritis in a nursing mother is one of the most common diseases after the birth of a child and it is important to treat it promptly and adequately by a gastroenterologist.

  • 1 Types of gastritis: what to ask your doctor about
  • 2 How to identify and treat gastritis while breastfeeding
    • 2.1 Breastfeeding using gentle therapy
    • 2.2 Treatment of gastritis without maintaining the possibility of breastfeeding

Types of gastritis: what to ask your doctor about

The doctor must not only make a diagnosis, but also explain it. It is important to understand the causes of the disease in order to make an “informed decision” about further treatment- don't be afraid to ask questions. Chronic gastritis - pathological process in the stomach, characterized by inflammation and disruption of the production of chemical active substances in the mucous membrane of the organ.

Hunger pain in the stomach appears as a result of functional and organic changes in the body. The main cause of pain is related to high level acidity of gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid irritates the gastric mucosa and thus leads to pain.

How to identify and treat gastritis while breastfeeding

The clinical manifestations of gastritis in a woman who is breastfeeding are no different from the symptoms manifested in other women suffering from this disease.

However postpartum depression, lack of sleep, concern about the child, about the quality and quantity of milk, of course, affect the assessment of the state of the body and a pregnant woman cannot always correctly assess the symptoms. It is important to begin treatment of gastritis during breastfeeding at the first signs of the disease.

Therefore, in no case should you miss the signs of incipient gastritis:

  • pain in the upper abdomen, especially worse when eating;
  • belching with unpleasant smell, possibly with food particles;
  • feeling of heartburn, nausea, vomiting.

Lack of correct and timely treatment gastritis can lead to quite serious consequences:

  • there is always a risk that a woman will lose milk;
  • pain and bad feeling negatively affect a woman’s mood, which, in turn, is passed on to the child;
  • gastritis can lead to severe complications, which in the future may not only have a negative impact on everything digestive process, but also make it impossible.

There are two types of treatment for gastritis during lactation:

  • maintaining lactation with simultaneous use drugs safe for children;
  • refusal to breastfeed and the use of highly effective but dangerous medications for the child. Used in case of severe symptoms of the disease.

Gastritis of the stomach is an inflammation on the mucous surface, which leads to disruption of its functioning and, accordingly, disrupts the absorption of food. A patient with gastritis does not receive enough energy, which is why the whole body suffers.

Like many gastrointestinal ailments (duodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, esophagitis and other diseases of the esophagus), the disease can occur in acute form or be chronic. But this is not all of his classification. Gastritis can also have increased, normal and low acidity gastric secretion.

It is worth noting that gastritis is a sufficient dangerous disease while doing improper treatment in which the mucous surface of the stomach is damaged by the effects of concentrated secretions, alkali or chemicals. Delayed treatment Gastritis of the stomach can lead to disastrous consequences. Also, even the first symptoms of the disease can indicate the development of a malignant neoplasm.

Reasons leading to the development of the disease

Causes of gastritis of the stomach

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First, let's highlight the symptoms that require emergency medical attention:

  • redness around the stitch after caesarean section;
  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • intense pain;
  • bleeding.

About disorders digestive tract They say following symptoms: discomfort, heaviness, vomiting, heartburn, belching, constipation or diarrhea, weakness, malaise, change in appetite. The specialist evaluates all these symptoms, as well as the nature of the pain.

Each of the signs indicates a functional malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of gastritis in a nursing woman is a problem of increased complexity that requires timely diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment of gastritis during lactation

The postpartum period begins in the first hours after birth. Even in the maternity room, an ice tank is placed on the stomach to stop bleeding.

If the birth occurred by caesarean section, then this position (lying on your stomach) should not be taken. Natural childbirth beneficial for a woman’s health, you should not insist on performing a caesarean section without sufficient quantity medical indications.

There is debate about the consequences of this operation for the child. Of course, there are situations in which a caesarean section is the only way delivery.

In the first hours after childbirth, it is dangerous for a woman in labor to get up, as this can cause loss of consciousness. If you feel urgent need rise, then seek help from medical personnel.

Throughout the week spent in the maternity hospital, the nursing mother will be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, which will intensify while feeding the baby. This is fine.

When the baby suckles at the breast, the hormone oxytocin is released, which causes contractions of the uterus, which is necessary for its restoration. How better uterus is reduced, the faster the woman will recover after childbirth.

Two weeks after birth, pain during feeding becomes almost imperceptible. The amount of bleeding also decreases. These discharges differ from menstrual discharge; they have a specific smell and are larger in volume. They can last for several weeks, but if their volume does not decrease, and the woman feels excessive fatigue and drowsiness, then this may be a bleeding that threatens the woman’s life.

IN postpartum period You should not expose a woman to physical and emotional stress. Lifting heavy objects can cause serious problems in women's health. In the first month after childbirth, a woman should be assisted in managing household more intense than before birth. It is necessary to monitor the nutrition of a nursing mother. The diet should be complete and nutritious and exclude foods that can cause allergies in the child.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen:

  1. Restoration of the body (in the first days after childbirth).
  2. Gastrointestinal disorders.
  3. Disorders in the genitourinary system.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen in a nursing mother 6 months after childbirth indicates the appearance of the first menstruation in the coming days. The absence of menstruation in the first 6 months is due to high levels of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation and affects menstrual cycle. This period may be shorter or longer. For women who are not breastfeeding, their first menstruation occurs after 6 to 8 weeks.

The causes of pain may be other. Since it is believed that pregnancy does not occur during breastfeeding, women are negligent about contraception.

Abdominal discomfort in a nursing mother is complicated by the inability to take most medicines, contraindicated during lactation.

Depending on the cause of the pain, the specialist selects treatment and gives recommendations on nutrition and treatment of symptoms of the disease that does not provide negative influence for a baby.

Correction of diet and nutrition system

The saturation of the child, lactation and recovery of the body after childbirth depend on a woman’s nutrition. Therefore, it should be included in the diet safe products. A lactating woman should replenish her supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A young mother loses 1000 kcal per day; to compensate for such losses, they consume the following foods:

  • Lean meat: chicken, lamb, veal. Pork meat is not recommended to be consumed 4 months after birth.
  • Sea fish. Sturgeon species and caviar should be avoided.
  • Products made from coarse flour, prunes, and fresh vegetables contain dietary fiber and improve digestion.
  • Fresh fruits, cereals, olive, flaxseed or sunflower oil.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen during breastfeeding can be physiological in nature. Sometimes they indicate the development of certain pathological conditions. In the latter case, there are indirect symptoms by which the doctor is able to recognize and establish a specific disease. A woman should be able to identify and describe them.

The main causes of abdominal pain during breastfeeding

The weight of the uterus after childbirth decreases by 10-20 times

In most cases, the appearance of discomfort is associated with the restoration of the uterus. Immediately after the baby is born, it begins to shrink and gradually return to its previous size. This process usually lasts two to three months. The intensity of pain increases during feeding. This is explained by the fact that lactation stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the contraction of smooth muscles - the myometrium of the reproductive organ. The more often a woman puts the baby to her breast, the more hormone is produced, the faster the uterus is restored.

At first, severe pain is felt in the lower abdomen. In nature, they resemble contractions before childbirth. The spasm weakens during pauses between feedings. This discomfort persists for two weeks after discharge from hospital. maternity hospital. Full bladder can increase discomfort, so women are advised to empty it when the first urge appears.

If a caesarean section was performed, aching pain in the lower abdomen will last longer. On initial stage scarring is pronounced, then becomes periodic. Complete tissue fusion occurs within two to three months. All this time, one way or another, discomfort will make itself felt. If there are no signs of suppuration or suture dehiscence, there is no need to worry. If there is oozing or discharge of ichor, you should immediately contact medical care.

Strict adherence to personal hygiene rules, restriction physical activity, following the recommendations of doctors allows you to speed up the healing process.

Digestive disorders

If after two months the aching pain in the lower abdomen has not disappeared on its own, but has become more intense and pronounced, you should be examined for diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Very often they arise against the background hormonal changes, which begins again after childbirth. It causes a violation of the acidity of the stomach, this leads to the formation of dysfunction of the liver and pancreas, to the development inflammatory reactions. They have characteristic symptoms:

  • heartburn,
  • increased gas formation,
  • bloating,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting after eating,
  • decreased appetite.

Another one possible reason the appearance of pain - constipation. They occur in most women who breastfeed due to forced dietary restrictions. The consumption of fruits and raw vegetables is limited, the secretion of milk dries out the body, so the described problem is familiar to many. The pain is caused by abdominal distension, severe bloating and flatulence. These are constant companions of constipation. Even after bowel movement, women do not experience relief: the feeling of rectal blockage persists. This causes some concern.

Overeating also often causes pain in the lower abdomen. Girls who followed a diet during pregnancy, after its completion, begin to eat more varied foods, which causes indigestion.

When preparing a diet, a nursing mother must find a clear balance that will allow her to receive the necessary useful material and provide them for your child.

Inflammatory diseases

If a nursing woman's body temperature rises, bloody issues, endometriosis may be suspected. This dangerous pathology, occurs due to infection of the inner walls of the uterus by bacteria during a cesarean section or curettage.

It is also a pathology - salpingitis - inflammation fallopian tubes. It develops when pieces of amniotic membranes remain. They begin to rot, the woman’s condition rapidly deteriorates, and she must be hospitalized immediately.

A nagging pain in the lower abdomen that radiates to the back may indicate damage to the spinal column or tailbone. This often happens after a difficult birth. Trauma does not manifest itself immediately, but after some time. Only an instrumental diagnostic examination can detect it.

There is a set alarming symptoms, which should force you to seek medical help: pain in the lower abdomen has been bothering you for more than two weeks, its intensity is constantly increasing, weakness occurs, and body temperature rises. Delay in such situations poses a threat to life.

Is it possible to use analgesics for breastfeeding?

Doctors reason like this: if you can endure the discomfort, it is better to give up the pills. If not, you should know which drugs are strictly prohibited for breastfeeding mothers:

  1. "Analgin" and its analogues "Sedalgin", "Tempalgin".
  2. "Aspirin" and "Acetyl acid".
  3. "Citromon" and its substitutes "Citropak", "Askofen".

Medicines in this group can cause severe allergic reactions, they negatively affect internal organs baby.

Relatively safe, approved painkillers for a nursing mother are drugs that contain active substance ibuprofen (Advil, Nurofen) or paracetamol (Strimol, Panadol). They are prescribed for the treatment of children from the moment of birth, so mothers can also use them as an ambulance.

It is periodically allowed to take “No-shpu”, “Ultracaine”. The last drug used for pain relief after caesarean section. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

How to get rid of abdominal pain during lactation

To eliminate discomfort, you need to clearly understand what could provoke it.

  1. Stomach pain is relieved with Smecta or Enterosorbent. Taking them helps eliminate heartburn and remove toxins from the body. Almagel relieves heaviness and the feeling of fullness well.
  2. If you have symptoms of pancreatic dysfunction (nausea, vomiting after eating, impaired bowel movements), you need to take an enzyme preparation. Pancreatin is allowed for breastfeeding women. Maximum dose- three tablets. Exceeding doubles the likelihood of constipation or diarrhea in infants.
  3. Relieve symptoms intestinal colic helps Dill water and "Espumizan".
  4. You can fight constipation with Regulax. This laxative does not pass into breast milk.

It is important to create a menu correctly and include safe products in it. During lactation, a woman should eat:

  • lean meat;
  • sea ​​fish (except sturgeon and caviar);
  • cereal porridge.

You should not eat onions and garlic, marinades and spices, spicy and salty foods, fatty and fried foods, confectionery, drink tonic drinks. Only by following a diet can you improve digestion and get rid of nagging pain lower abdomen.

Almost every person faces problems with indigestion and intestinal obstruction. This problem does not escape breastfeeding women either.

The drug market offers a lot of drugs to eliminate the symptoms that accompany indigestion and are aimed at effective treatment, but if a nursing mother has a stomach ache, then not all medical supplies allowed for use. The fact is that the milk used to feed the baby will contain medications taken by the mother, and not all of them will benefit the child. It is very important to carefully consider the issue of choosing a drug, and, above all, take into account that it should not harm the health of the newborn.

Causes and symptoms of indigestion

Dyspepsia or indigestion is characterized by disruption of food digestion processes and the occurrence of constipation during breastfeeding in mothers.

The causes of dyspepsia can be different, namely:

  • Binge eating;
  • Chronic inflammatory disease digestive organs;
  • Eating poor quality, heavy or fatty foods;
  • Lack or decreased activity of digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas.

The result of these reasons is that digestive system simply unable to cope with their functions, and as a result there is pain, belching, constipation, heaviness in the stomach, loose stool, heartburn, bloating, mild nausea, general weakness of the body and dizziness are symptoms of dyspepsia.

Drugs used for stomach pain in a nursing mother

Since the causes of abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea in a nursing mother are different, the drugs aimed at neutralizing these symptoms are different from each other.

If a nursing mother has a stomach ache due to a lack of digestive enzymes, then their balance can be replenished only after consultation with a gastroenterologist with the help of medications such as Pancreatin, Vestal and Creon 10000. These drugs are indicated for use by women during lactation and are made from the pancreas animals. The drug Pancreatin contains enzymes such as lipase, protease and amylase, which not only promote the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, but also normalize digestive processes.

Most often, a deficiency or decrease in the activity of digestive enzymes is accompanied by dysfunction of the liver and biliary tract, so medications containing components that normalize bile secretion, absorption and other indicators, such as Digestal, Festal, Panzinorm Forte and Digestal Forte, may be required. These drugs are allowed to be taken by women during lactation and pregnancy. The most effective and gentle active drug, the effect of which is aimed at relieving symptoms if the stomach hurts during breastfeeding, is Mezim Forte - these tablets can be taken even by very young children.

In cases where a nursing mother has a stomach ache, heartburn may occur, the appearance of which is due to the fact that gastric contents enter the esophagus. To neutralize heartburn you need to consume antacids, which, by neutralizing hydrochloric acid, reduce the acidity of gastric juice. There are a large variety of drugs that have this effect on the drug market, but the following are suitable for use by women during lactation medicines like Almagel, Maalox and Phosphalugel.

The causes of flatulence in nursing mothers may be the consumption of large portions of such food products like fried potatoes, brown bread, milk and vegetables, since during childbirth the tone of the stomach muscles is lost, or insufficient absorption of gases in the intestines occurs due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, flatulence (excessive gas formation) is accompanied by a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen, hiccups, bad breath, belching and paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, which disappears after the gases pass. Traditionally, if a nursing mother has a stomach ache and flatulence develops, various infusions of cumin fruits, chamomile flowers, garden or dill seeds, as well as dill oil or fennel oil are used. These drugs facilitate the passage of gas due to their ability to relax smooth muscles and at the same time stimulate intestinal motility. Infusions made from the above ingredients can be combined, and nursing mothers are also allowed to use drugs such as Espumisan and Sab Simplex.

Constipation during breastfeeding is usually accompanied by symptoms such as malaise, weakness, headache, insomnia, irritability and loss of appetite, which are caused by those toxic substances that are absorbed from retained feces. Constipation during breastfeeding can lead to an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria, which interferes with the absorption and synthesis of B vitamins. If constipation occurs, laxatives are used, among which the main ones are herbal remedies such as rhubarb root, buckthorn bark, joster fruits, senna leaves , anise and Castor oil, sabur, aloe juice, seaweed, flax-seed, agar-agar and various bran, defecation after consumption occurs within 12-20 hours. In addition to the above herbal remedies, if a nursing mother has a stomach ache and constipation occurs, medications such as Regulax, Mucofalk and saline laxatives such as magnesium hydroxide are indicated for use , sodium phosphate and Carlsbad salt, the effect of which - defecation - occurs 3-6 hours after consumption.

Stomach hurts when breastfeeding: diet for a nursing mother

The occurrence of abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea in a nursing mother is often due to poor nutrition.

The most common diet myth for breastfeeding mothers is that they need a strict diet. It is very important to consider that a woman during lactation spends at least 500 kcal per day on feeding her baby, and this is not the only thing she has to do during the day. Carrying out household chores, shopping and going to markets, caring for a child, and working part-time indicate that nursing mothers should eat a nutritious and varied diet in order to replenish the calories expended in the body, and compliance strict diet during this period will only lead to exhaustion of the body.

So, if a nursing mother has a stomach ache, you should definitely remember that this indicates mistakes made when preparing the diet. What the mother absorbs during the day is passed on to the baby through breast milk, so in order for none of them to have health problems, a woman’s diet during lactation should be as balanced as possible.

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A nursing mother has a stomach ache, what should she do in this case? Therapy is based on several principles: taking medications and following a diet. Not all medications can be taken during lactation, as they are harmful to the baby's health.

Before starting therapy for breastfeeding, a woman is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist to identify the cause of stomach pain. The doctor prescribes a set of examinations for the woman:

The selection of drugs is carried out based on the cause pathological condition and its symptoms. The problem may be accompanied by heartburn, flatulence, and disruption of intestinal microflora. Among the main causes of stomach pain are:

  • insufficient production of enzymes;
  • ulcerative lesions of the walls of the digestive organs;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • liver pathologies.

Enzyme deficiency

At insufficient production enzymes in the pancreas, there is a disturbance in the digestion of food and the processes of its absorption into the intestines.

To compensate for enzymes, the gastroenterologist prescribes to the patient:

  1. Creon 10000;
  2. Pancreatin. Contains the following enzymes: amylase, trypsin, lipase. They are responsible for breaking down food. The drug is created in such a way that it active ingredients released in the intestine because gastric juice negatively affects the effectiveness of the product.

The components of the drugs are completely of natural origin. They are obtained from the pancreas of pigs.

Important! The lack of enzyme production is accompanied by disruption of the functioning of other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, enzyme preparations include additional components that promote better flow of bile from the body and normalize the absorption of food into the intestines - Digestal, Panzinorm, Mezim Forte.

It is advisable to take all medications immediately after feeding the baby. In this case, the concentration of drugs in the blood at the next feeding will be minimal. This reduces the likelihood of developing side effects for a child.

Heartburn is accompanied by a burning sensation chest, which spreads from the stomach to the esophagus. The symptom is associated with the throwing of gastric mass into other parts of the digestive system.

To combat heartburn, experts prescribe antacids. The drugs reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and neutralize discomfort. Antacids are divided into 2 groups: absorptive and non-absorbent types. In the first case, the main components of the medicine are calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide. Non-absorbable antacids consist of phosphate and aluminum hydroxide.

Read also Causes of heaviness in the stomach during pregnancy and treatment methods

Absorbable antacids are not prescribed for a nursing mother due to possible adverse reactions. The drugs instantly eliminate discomfort, but form carbon dioxide when hydrochloric acid is eliminated. For this reason, bloating may develop. In addition, the gas can cause the problem to recur.

Non-absorbable antacids have a local effect without being absorbed into the blood. Therapeutic effect is achieved more slowly than with absorbable-type drugs, but the drugs do not provoke the formation carbon dioxide in the digestive system.

If the dosage is exceeded, antacids can cause bowel dysfunction. When breastfeeding, patients are prescribed:

  • Phosphalugel;
  • Maalox;
  • Almagel.


Flatulence is associated with the consumption of certain types of foods that increase gas formation in the intestines or pathological disorders in the digestive system. Associated symptoms of flatulence are a feeling of heaviness in the abdominal cavity, hiccups, and belching. The woman’s condition improves after the gases pass.

How to treat flatulence in nursing mothers? Gastroenterologists prefer prescriptions traditional medicine. Natural remedies relax the smooth muscles of the intestine and improve its motility.

To combat flatulence use:

  • fennel oil;
  • dill water;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • caraway fruits.

Several herbal ingredients can be used to create a tincture. This will allow you to achieve greater effect from therapy.

For flatulence, a woman can take medicine with simethicone:

  • Sub Simplex;
  • Espumisan.

With pathologies of the digestive tract, the intestinal microflora often changes, which plays a large role in the process of digestion of food. Beneficial microorganisms hold back growth pathogenic flora and produce necessary for the body vitamins.

Dysbacteriosis is manifested by impaired bowel movements, weakness and abdominal pain. If the intestinal microflora is disturbed, it suffers the immune system women, making him more vulnerable to the introduction of infections.

How can dysbiosis be treated in women during lactation? Gastroenterologists recommend drugs with bifidobacteria:

  • Linux;
  • Bifidumbacterin Forte;
  • Acipol.

A stomach and intestinal ulcer is a lesion of the walls of the digestive organs. To combat pathology, histamine receptor blockers are prescribed - Omeprazole, Ranitidine. Blockers are not used if a nursing mother has a stomach ache, but what to do in this case?

Other remedies that are suitable for treating ulcers include:

  1. Gastroprotectors that protect the walls digestive organs from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid - Misoprostol, Sucralfate.
  2. Prostaglandins that ensure normal functioning of the stomach. The drugs inhibit the production of stomach acid and stimulate the production of mucus that envelops the walls of the organ.