Find out the beneficial properties, application, contraindications. Useful herb, its properties and close-up photos

Snooze is a perennial plant that belongs to the umbrella family. The plant is also called angelica, daedilnik, jaglitsa or marsh sedum. The tree has a tall, straight stem that is hollow inside, as in the photo on the left. The height of the plant reaches one meter. The honeydew has wide leaves, pubescent at the bottom. The inflorescence of the plant consists of several umbrellas, which in turn consist of small white flowers.

The plant blooms from June to July, the fruits ripen at the end of August, the fruits of the tree are small and oblong. It has a lot of buds on its rhizome, so it multiplies quickly. It grows on the edge of forests, as well as in gardens and orchards.

There are several types of dreams:

  • ordinary,
  • broadleaf
  • and Kashmiri whine.

Benefits of the herb

Since ancient times, this plant has been used in folk medicine. For medicinal purposes, as a rule, the upper part of the plant is used.

The herb is used to treat skin diseases:

  • faces,
  • atopic diathesis
  • eczema.

It has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

  • It is recommended to use it for the treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis. The plant helps reduce pain and relieve tension in muscles and joints. For treatment, compresses and poultices from the leaves of the plant are used.
  • In addition, sleep also helps with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The plant has a diuretic and choleretic effect, removes toxins and waste from the body.
  • Sleeping is a natural antidepressant; it improves the functioning of the nervous system, helps cope with depression and sleep disorders. For these purposes, it is recommended to use the rhizomes of the plant. It is useful to take sedative baths before bedtime.
  • Moth contains a large amount of iron. Thanks to this, it can be used for iron deficiency in the body. The plant can be added to salads and other dishes.
  • The plant is also used for cancer. It has the ability to effectively remove toxins and poisons. Therefore, I advise patients undergoing chemotherapy courses to use infusions of dream.
  • Dryweed is a wonderful remedy against the development of atherosclerosis. The coumarin substances contained in sedum activate the breakdown of low-density lipoproteins, which are responsible for the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Composition of the dream. The plant contains the following beneficial substances: glucose, fructose, phytoncides, organic acids, coumarins, essential oils, etc. In addition, gooseberry contains a large amount of minerals: calcium, iron, cobalt, potassium and others. The plant has high nutritional value.
  • The leaves and inflorescences of the dream contain the substance keratin. Keratin has properties beneficial to the human body: it increases immunity, improves the functioning of the nervous system. Keratin is a natural antioxidant.
  • The roots of this plant contain polyacetylene compounds: falcarinol and falcarindiol. These substances have a strong antifungal effect and are used in many medications. Research by scientists has shown that falcarinol reduces the likelihood of developing cancer.

Contraindications to the use of dreamy

A contraindication to the use of honeydew is individual intolerance to the substances contained in its composition. It is not recommended to consume it during pregnancy and lactation.

Recipes based on dream

There are a huge number of recipes based on dream, let’s look at some of the simplest and most effective.

  • Snita tincture is prepared from the shoots of the plant. Dried or fresh leaves should be filled with boiled water. Place the container in a water bath and heat for 5-10 minutes. Cool the resulting broth and strain. The decoction should be consumed several times a day, half a glass. This remedy will help get rid of diseases of the digestive tract, rheumatism, as well as diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • To increase immunity, you can use an infusion of dream. Main ingredients: a glass of dried or fresh honey and natural bee honey. Pour boiling water over the mushrooms, leave for several hours, then add a few tablespoons of honey. The product should be consumed three times a day before meals.
  • Freshly squeezed honey juice is also an excellent remedy against many diseases. The juice can be squeezed out using a blender. The course of treatment with juice should not exceed 2 weeks. The juice should be consumed several times a day, 50 ml before meals.
  • Baths with leaves and rhizomes should be taken before bed. They help improve the functioning of the nervous system and help fight insomnia. The bath can be prepared as follows: pour 50 grams of nymph with a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours, then add the infusion to the prepared bath. The bath temperature should be no more than 37 degrees. A bath with honey can be used as an aid in the fight against rheumatism and arthrosis.

Dryweed is an excellent natural remedy in the fight against many diseases. This plant has been widely used in folk medicine since ancient times.

For many people, whining does not evoke positive emotions. Especially for those who regularly try to get rid of this weed in their summer cottage, but neither weeding nor chemicals help. But perhaps, having learned the benefits and harms of dreaming, your opinion about it will change.

What does it look like and where does it grow?

Archaeologists have noticed that it was used by Neanderthals as a pain reliever, as well as for the prevention and treatment of joint deformities. After some time, common weed began to be grown in gardens at monasteries for both medicinal and culinary purposes. Swiss herbalist Johann Künzler mentioned the plant in his manuscripts as a useful remedy for treating many diseases. In the rest of the literature, borer is mentioned exclusively as a weed that is difficult to get rid of. But now interest in this plant has renewed.

Moleweed is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the umbrella family. It has a bare, weakly branched stem up to 100 cm high. The shape of the plant's leaves resembles a crow's foot print. The top of the plant is represented by a large inflorescence - an umbrella, which consists of small white flowers. In forests and other dark areas it may not bloom for a long time, but reproduce with the help of a massive rhizome. The lifespan of a culture is on average 50 years.

Common gooseberry (Aegopodium podagraria) is a weed that grows in garden plots and is distributed throughout Russia. She often catches the eye, but few people pay attention to her. There is also a decorative one with attractive light stripes. It is actively cultivated in gardens, regularly trimming the inflorescences for greater growth.

Chemical composition of dream

The chemical composition of this plant is poorly studied, but many scientists claim that it coincides with human blood in the formula and content of the main elements. The health benefits and harms of sedum lie in its unique inorganic composition.





Beta Carotene


The above-ground part of the plant consists of kaempferol and quercetin, as well as citric and malic acid. The leaves contain a lot of fructose and glucose. A protein was found in the culture, which is not typical for the Apiaceae family.

Nutritional value and calorie content of dream

The benefits of common honeydew are due to its energy value. It is a low-calorie product that consists mainly of water, dietary fiber, antioxidants and resins.

The plant contains many mono- and disaccharides, which provide the main benefit to the body. The product is recommended to be used for medicinal purposes, but only after consulting a doctor, since it can cause significant harm to the body in combination with other medications.

Medicinal properties of dream

Since ancient times, the culture was noticed due to its beneficial properties and began to be actively used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. The plant, whose benefits for the body are limitless, helps to cope with diseases such as:

  • stomach upset;
  • obesity;
  • various inflammations in the body;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • bedsores;
  • scurvy;
  • eczema;
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • diabetes;
  • mycosis;
  • depression;
  • breakdown.

Important! Before you start using products based on this herb for medicinal purposes, you must check with a specialist about the dosage and method of use. Using the plant in unacceptable quantities can have a bad effect on the general condition and cause harm to the body.

Sleeping for men who have problems with potency is simply necessary. The plant has long been used as a natural aphrodisiac and even with the rapid development of medical science and technology, it is much safer and healthier than synthetic medicines.

Is it good to sleep during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

It is important for a woman to monitor her diet, especially when the health of another little person depends on it. The herb has many beneficial properties that have a positive effect on the health of mother and baby, but before adding the product to the diet during pregnancy and lactation, you should consult your doctor.

The benefits of dreaming for children

This unique herb is useful for children in the form of decoctions and infusions, since it contains a large amount of iron. It should definitely be included in the diet of children suffering from anemia.

Snooze for weight loss

People who care about their figure often resort to consuming herbal decoctions that stimulate fat burning and normalize digestive processes. It is customary to classify honeydew as a medicinal plant and also use it for the prevention or treatment of obesity, without causing harm to the body.

Opinions from an experienced nutritionist:

The use of dream in folk medicine

It cures many serious diseases, which is why it is actively used by folk healers. The plant has a number of useful qualities, so there are a large number of recipes that help overcome many diseases without the use of medications. During the course of treatment, which should not be more than a month, it is necessary to take breaks of 1–2 days. The appointment must also be approved by the attending physician.

Dream juice

The benefits of honeydew juice are very valuable for joint problems. Preparation does not require time and quickly solves the problem. To do this, you will need to pass the whole plant through a meat grinder or use a food processor. Squeeze the resulting mixture through cheesecloth and filter the juice through cotton wool. The finished product can be diluted with water or a spoonful of honey can be added to improve the taste. To keep the juice longer, you can add a little vodka. Drink 1 glass before meals 3-4 times a day for no more than three weeks.

Infusions of dream

The benefits of dream tincture have become a legend in herbal medicine, as this tincture treats many diseases. In addition, it is absorbed by the body better than most medications that can harm other organs and systems. It is worth studying some proven recipes using this plant to treat serious diseases:

  1. Worrying with gout. To prepare the tincture you need 1 tbsp. l. Combine the ground leaves and inflorescences of the plant with a glass of boiling water. Set aside for 3 hours, then filter through a strainer. Drink the resulting infusion three times a day, half an hour before meals, 150 ml.
  2. Sleeping with diabetes. A natural tincture of dry herbal leaves will help maintain blood glucose levels. For this, 2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the raw materials and place in a warm place for 2–3 hours. Strain the resulting solution and drink 1/2 glass 20–25 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
  3. Worrying with arthrosis. The juice from the soybean is a great remedy for joint pain. Its preparation does not take much time, and the result will not be long in coming.

Sap tea has a large number of beneficial properties, since it retains the unique chemical composition of the product even when boiled. The use of tea is mandatory for diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.

Alcohol tinctures of dream

  1. Grind the rhizome and pour vodka in a ratio of 1/3. Leave in a warm room for 14 days to allow the product to infuse. Take 25 drops after meals 3 times a day or rub on affected areas.
  2. Dry the plant branches, chop them and pour vodka in a ratio of 3 tbsp. l. for 500 ml. Leave for a month, then filter through cheesecloth. Take 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, 3-4 tbsp. l. or apply to a painful area of ​​the body.

The course of treatment should not exceed 1 month, and the rules of use must be followed so as not to cause harm to the body.

Dream decoction

The remedy is prepared quickly and simply. To prepare the decoction, you need to chop 5–10 leaves of the plant and add 100 ml of water. Bring to a boil and let cool. Drink the resulting liquid a day, divided into three doses.

The leaves retain their beneficial properties even after heat treatment. This makes it possible to use them for digestive disorders, pain in the heart and joints. The decoction is actively used for diabetes.

Lotions and compresses from honeydew

The plant can have a positive effect not only on the functioning of many systems and organs, but also on the beauty of human skin. Lotions and compresses are often used for eczema and other skin lesions, as well as inflammation, swelling and severe pain in the joints. To do this, you just need to apply the leaves of the plant to the affected area for 15–20 minutes, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Sleepy bath

This method of using the beneficial properties of the plant is necessary for depression and neuralgia. The procedure quickly relieves stress and pain due to extreme fatigue, and also promotes quality sleep.

A bath made from a decoction of herb roots will help with myositis, as well as polyarthritis. To do this, pour 1 liter of boiling water over 40 g of crushed dried plant roots. Place on low heat and remove after 10 minutes. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain and pour into a bath with water temperature +36C. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. It is better to take such baths before bed.

Snooze in cooking

It is actively used in food, the benefits of which only increase from this. It is used as an additional and main ingredient. The leaves are used in the preparation of salads, sauces and soups. The product is also added to cutlets and okroshka.

The nutritional benefits of honeydew are due to its high content of mineral salts and proteins. The taste of the product is similar to sorrel, so their use in cooking is almost the same.

The recipe for honey salad, the benefits and harms of which depend on the properties of additional products, is simple to prepare. To do this, you need to cut boiled potatoes and carrots into small slices, and carefully chop the greens. Combine all ingredients and season with vegetable oil and spicy tomato sauce.

Beneficial properties of honey from honey

The benefits of honeydew for the human body in combination with the favorite beekeeping product - honey. This remedy has proven to be excellent, as it can help even with serious illnesses. It is recommended to add honey to decoctions, tinctures and teas. This not only improves the taste of the product, but also helps reduce the manifestations of many diseases.

Harm to sleep and contraindications

Scientists from those times wrote that the plant is very poisonous and consuming it is extremely dangerous to life, but modern experts have proven the opposite. The only argument is the similarity of the culture with the Poisonous Vekh (Cicutavirosa). They simply confused the two plants and mischaracterized the warbler.

The only contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance to any component in the composition. Therefore, before using dreamweed, you should consult a doctor so as not to cause harm to the body, since the plant is contraindicated for use in combination with certain medications.

Preparation of dream

Plants for long-term storage should be collected in early May in dry weather, away from roads and large industrial facilities. It is during this period that the plant is filled with the most beneficial juice. Afterwards, you need to lay out the well-washed collections on paper or cloth. During the drying process, rotate the leaves regularly until they begin to crumble. This is a sure sign of a finished product that can be used for its intended purpose.


To find out what the benefits and harms of dreaming are, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with its properties and methods of use. Proper use of the product will be the key to good health and well-being.

Drooping weed is not only a very tenacious weed, which is quite difficult to remove from the garden bed. The grass shares its resilience and love of life with people. It can often be found in medicines, as well as in recipes for tasty and healthy dishes.

Composition and medicinal properties of common dream

The plant is very rich in useful substances. In its chemical composition you can find:

  • glucose and fructose;
  • lectins and coumarins;
  • carotene and ascorbic acid;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • essential oils;
  • steroids and pesticides;
  • potassium and magnesium.

The composition has not been fully studied. All useful elements are located in different parts of the grass and their accumulated amount depends on the time of year.

Medicinal properties are very diverse. With the help of common dream, it is possible to cure diseases such as arthritis, cystitis, gastritis, diathesis, ulcers and nephritis. This list can be continued endlessly.

The plant is mainly used in folk medicine. The herb has general strengthening properties and is capable of detoxifying the body. When treating kidneys, it is indispensable, because its action is aimed at improving blood circulation in this organ and the excretory function of the kidneys. It has a diuretic effect and improves the body's metabolism. It is most often used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent., as an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent in the fight against fungus. It is worth emphasizing that its choleretic effect helps treat stomach and intestinal diseases, and its sedative effect is aimed at treating neuroses.

Dryweed is one of the few herbs that is worth thinking about controlling. Increasingly, she settles in healing beds in the garden.

Medicinal properties of dream (video)

Where does honeydew grow, and how to collect it correctly

Medicinal weed can be found everywhere: in the city, in the village, in the garden, in the field, on the roadsides. Mosquito grows throughout Europe, Asia, and the Caucasus. She prefers fertile soil where there is constant moisture; coniferous and mixed forests are also suitable for her.

Most of the nutrients are found in the leaves of the plant. They are picked off during flowering before the formation of inflorescences (at the end of spring). It is believed that it is best to do this on the waxing moon, since at this time the juice spreads to all parts of the dream. The grass should be dried away from sunlight; this is done in ventilated areas, spread out on newspaper or wood; you can also use an oven or electric dryer; the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. It is advisable to store in bags made of natural materials. It is worth noting that the mushroom does not lose its properties even when salted, pickled and fermented.

Important! You can extend the harvesting period artificially; to do this, you need to regularly mow the plant so that flowers do not appear.

The roots of the plant are harvested after flowering. To do this, they are cleaned, washed under cool water and dried thoroughly, also protected from sunlight. Storage is carried out in wooden boxes, cardboard boxes or described bags.

Use of dream for medicinal purposes:

Due to its healing properties, honeydew has gained popularity in the field of homeopathy and traditional medicine. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from it, and consumption of it fresh or its juice is practiced.

Herbal tinctures

To treat pathologies and disorders of the stomach and intestines, an alcoholic tincture of dream is used. For the tincture, use the root of the weed, which goes through a grinding process (this can be done with a knife or meat grinder). They fill a glass container, preferably a liter one, 1/3 full, the rest of the volume is filled with vodka or alcohol diluted to 40%. All this is covered to prevent oxygen from entering and put away in a dark place away from the sun. After half a month, the infusion is ready. Take a quarter of a teaspoon before meals (1/3 hour before) 3 times. The rehabilitation course is 4 weeks.

To treat joints, use a tincture of a mixture of herbs: cinquefoil and cinquefoil. External use. The preparation method is simple: chopped dried herbs in the amount of 5 tbsp. l. filled with a bottle (0.5 l) of vodka. Place under a nylon cover in a dark place for several weeks. After this, strain and use.


A decoction of the roots of the plant is used in the treatment of myositis and polyarthritis. To do this, grind the raw materials, 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water and continue to cook over low heat for about 7-10 minutes, let it brew for 0.5 hours. Strain and use, adding to the bath.

Dream juice

The juice of the plant has a variety of effects. It is used internally for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and is also treated by ingestion for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Respiratory problems and dizziness can be healed with the help of dream juice. 50 g of it is consumed together with 1 tbsp. l. honey. The remedy is used for rheumatism, diathesis and other inflammatory processes.

Fresh consumption

The leaves of the herb are doused with boiling water and eaten to prevent scurvy, vitamin deficiency and anemia. They can be chewed in pure form or added to various culinary dishes.

Common borer in folk medicine (video)

Snooze in cooking

  1. The quickest dish to make is a salad. Various additives can be used to prepare it. Cucumber and egg, as well as greens, are added to the processed leaves. All this is seasoned to taste: olive or vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise.
  2. Another recipe: prepare a dressing consisting of soy sauce (thanks to which you can avoid using salt), vegetable oil, mustard and sour cream. Mix this in a ratio of 1:7:1:4. The salad itself consists of grass leaves, hard cheese, boiled beets and. All this is crushed and seasoned with the prepared mixture of seasonings.
  3. You can ferment the squash for the winter. For this, sour sorrel, salt and caraway seeds (30 g each), and 1 kg of weed shoots and leaves are used in equal parts.
  4. Green borscht (soup) is prepared in the standard way; the only change is replacing the sorrel with a mixture of nettles and sorrel.
  5. Pies and casseroles are also made from the plant; first, its leaves are quickly boiled or doused with boiling water and crushed. They even fry cutlets from the sourdough, which have a pleasant taste.

Beneficial properties of honey from honey

The common gooseberry is considered the most honey-bearing among its genus. Grass produces nectar in greater quantities than other types of plants, which attracts bees. From 1 hectare of weed you can collect up to 1/5 quintal of honey. It has the same beneficial qualities as the herb itself, has a fragrant aroma and a pleasant color.

Contraindications for common dream

With all the healing and beneficial properties it has, it has absolutely no contraindications. Scientists assume only a possible individual reaction in the form of an allergy to the composition of the dream.

Drooping like a weed: effective methods of control

Despite the fact that gooseberry is often used for medicinal purposes, gardeners do not stop fighting it. The grass looks like a tall plant with an umbrella-shaped inflorescence, and spreads by sprinkling of seeds and development of the root system.

  • For the effectiveness of the control to be noticeable, you need to regularly dig up the soil with a pitchfork and carefully select all the roots by hand. Planting garden tape to the depth of a spade will also help to suppress growth.
  • If you regularly mow the grass, it will eventually weaken and partially die from weakening of the root system. During the flowering period, be sure to remove the inflorescences before they ripen. You can immediately throw them in the trash or make humus out of them: place them in a black bag without access to air for a year.
  • One of the effective methods of control is the use of herbicides; they effectively fight the weed, especially with regular repetition of treatment (two or three times in one season).

The use of dream in cooking (video)

Gooseberry is a controversial herb that has a high level of usefulness, but at the same time is a great nuisance when growing cultivated plants.

Aegopodium podagraria
Taxon: Umbrella family ( Umbelliferae) or Celery (Apiaceae)
Other names: snit, snitka, dyaglitsa, marsh kupir, yaglitsa, dedilnik, yaglichka (Ukrainian) rustle (Ukrainian)
English: Goutweed, Ground Elder, Bishop's-weed, Bishop's Elder, Ashweed

The Latin name of the plant is derived from the Greek words “ aegos" (genitive case) - goat and " podion" - leg, since the shape of the upper part of the leaf resembles a goat's footprint, "podagra" - rheumatic pain in the legs, a trap.

Botanical description

Perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant. The stem, as a rule, is bare or short-pubescent, slightly grooved, up to 1 m high. The basal leaves are simple double-triple with petioles up to 40 cm long. The length of the leaf blades reaches 10–30 cm, width - 15–35 cm. Leaf segments are elongated ovoid, with a sharp serrated edge, pointed, rounded at the base, wedge-shaped or unequal, 4–12 cm long and 1.5–7 cm wide on short petioles. Closer to the top, the size of the leaf blades gradually decreases, and their structure simplifies to trifoliate. The flowers are white, small, in multi-rayed umbels located at the ends of the shoots. Calyx with inconspicuous teeth. The fruits are oblong, slightly laterally compressed, 3–4 mm long. Blooms in June-July. Fruits in July-August. Due to the large number of seeds, as well as the abundance of buds on the rhizomes (up to 6000 on one plant), the borer multiplies quickly and is very difficult to eradicate, so it is considered to be a malicious weed. It does not bloom in heavily shaded places, forming a thick cover of basal leaves.


The common goosefoot is widespread in almost all regions of Europe, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Caucasus and Sayan Mountains, in the mountainous regions of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. In Ukraine it grows in forest and forest-steppe zones. Often found in deciduous, mixed and spruce forests, between bushes and clearings, forest glades and floodplain meadows, near residential buildings and livestock buildings, in parks, forming extensive thickets.

Using dream in cooking

Gooseberry has long been used in Rus' as a food plant. In spring, its first sprouts were especially important for enriching the diet. There was even a phrase “if only I could live to die.”
It is known that the Monk Seraphim of Sarov spent three years in continuous fasting and prayer, feeding only on dreams. It is not surprising that he called it “food”, meaning “food, tasty food.” So, he told one Diveyevo sister: “I prepared my own food from snitka. Do you know Snitka? I tore it up and put it in a pot, pour a little water in it, and it turns out to be a nice dish. For the winter, I dried the snitka and ate that alone, and the brethren were surprised at what I ate. And I ate snitka...”
This extraordinary herb also helped out during the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. In the spring and summer of 1942–1943, sedum leaves were widely used in the capital's canteens. Catering workers went out of town to stock this plant for the winter.
The moth is still used as food. Fresh greens are added to soups, cabbage soup, okroshka, salads, borscht instead of cabbage, and also pickled, salted, fermented, dried and used to give dishes a unique aroma.

Examples of culinary recipes based on dream are noteworthy

Vitamin salad

The leaves are washed, chopped, mixed with finely chopped green onions, dill and parsley, salted, seasoned with sour cream and sprinkled with chopped boiled egg.
Ingredients: 100 g of honey leaves, 20 g of green onions, dill and parsley, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, 1 boiled egg, salt.

Snitch stewed with potatoes

Young leaves and shoots of the gooseberry are finely chopped, salted, and stewed until half cooked. Then mix with stewed potatoes and onions, add sour cream, simmer for another 10-15 minutes and season with tomato sauce.
Ingredients: 100 g of leaves and shoots of honey, 100 g of potatoes, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, 2 teaspoons of tomato sauce, salt.

Pickled leaves of common squash

The young leaves of the plant are placed tightly in sterile jars, poured with marinade, and a few grains of pepper are added. Used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Chemical composition of dream

The chemical composition of common sedum has been little studied. The following carbohydrates have been identified in the plant: umbelliferose, glucose, fructose; cyclitols: scylite, glucinol; lectins; coumarins: umbelliferone, bergapten, xanthotoxin; steroids: β-sitosterol; the nitrogen-containing compound choline. The aerial part contains vitamins: ascorbic acid, carotene; flavonoids: quercetin, kaempferol, as well as their glycosides; amino acids: arginine, histidine, leucine, lysine, threonine, valine, methionine. Using HPLC, the content of the polyacetylene compound falcarindiol in various plant organs was determined. The largest amount of this substance accumulates in flowers and amounts to 0.088%. The content of essential oil in the above-ground part of the plant is small (up to 0.04%). Limonene, β-phelandrene, sabinene, α-, β-pinenes, myrcene, α-geraniol, α-thuyene, γ-terpinene, terpinolene, camphor, citronellol, linalool acetate, isoborneol acetate, terpineol acetate, ionone were identified in its composition. The amount of vitamin C in 100 g of leaves is 65–100 mg. The content of ascorbic acid increases in autumn. The mineral composition of honeydew leaves is represented by a number of micro- and macroelements. We found a significant potassium content - 3.8–8.3%. Snyti contains Ca, Fe, Si, P, Mg, Al, Mo, V, Cu, Ga, B, Ti, Zn. In the lipophilic fraction, the chlorophyll content was determined to be 1.5%; Unsaturated and saturated fatty acids have been identified: palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidonic. The stems and leaves of the tree contain organic acids: malic and citric. The presence of carbohydrates was established in the inflorescences: glucose, fructose, umbelliferose; phenolcarboxylic acids: chlorogenic, caffeic; flavonoids: quercetin, kaempferol, kaempferol diglycosides; choline; the essential oil content is 0.14%. The fruits of the dream also contain essential oil in the amount of 0.04%; flavonoids: quercetin glycosides.
Polyacetylene compounds were identified in the underground part: falcarinolone, falcarinone, falcarinol, falcarindiol, cis-heptadecadiene 1,8-diyne-4,6-diol-3,10, heptadecadiene-1,5-diyne-4,6-diol-3,10 , cis-acetoxyheptadecadiene-1,8-diyne-4,6-ol-3, trans-10-cetoxyheptadecadiene-1,9-diyne-4,6-ol-3-one-8, (2-cis, 9- cis) - heptadecadiene-2,9diyne-4,6-ol; higher aliphatic carbohydrates: pentadecane; phenolcarboxylic acids: caffeic, chlorogenic; coumarins: angelicin, apterin; choline; saponins

Use of dream in traditional and folk medicine. Prospects

Dryweed is widely used in folk medicine. As a rule, fresh or dried leaves of the plant, as well as rhizomes, are used.
Dryweed has restorative, detoxifying, and antihypoxic properties. It is rich in vitamins, macro and microelements. Therefore, plant preparations help normalize metabolic processes and improve the general condition of patients. They are used for the prevention and elimination of hypovitaminosis and iron deficiency anemia. Russian scientists point to the prospects of using sedum to reduce the general toxic effect of antitumor drugs.
The use of dreamweed in empirical medicine for edema, kidney and bladder diseases became the basis for an experimental study of the nephrotropic effects of the plant. It has been established that galenic preparations of the aerial part of the plant can enhance the excretory function of the kidneys, as well as renal blood flow. The mechanism of diuretic action and its severity depend on the dose of the drug and the experimental conditions. The diuretic effect of honeydew may be associated with phenolic compounds (hydroxycinnamic acids, coumarins, flavonoids). In addition, the aboveground part of the plant contains a significant amount of potassium. The accumulation of potassium is likely a metabolic feature of the plant, since the amount of this element is low in the corresponding soil samples. Potassium salts may participate in the implementation of the diuretic effect. Moreover, they are important for the prevention of hypokalemia, which often develops when taking diuretics.
Currently, one of the main requirements for drugs used for kidney diseases is the presence of nephroprotective activity. This integral type of activity may include one of the mechanisms, but not the only one. Promising nephroprotectors are herbal preparations characterized by multifaceted pharmacological activity and, as a rule, a high degree of safety. As the results of our research have shown, dry extract of dreamweed can be classified as such preparations. It has a pronounced nephroprotective effect in experimental models of kidney damage with various pathogenesis. The nephroprotective effect of honeydew extract may be associated with diuretic, hypoazotemic, antioxidant and antiexudative properties.
Mosquito, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties, is used in folk medicine for rheumatism, arthritis, and arthrosis. Its Latin name also testifies to the long history of the use of common sedum for gout. Recently, the anti-gout activity of nymph has been experimentally substantiated by its ability to inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX), an enzyme that ensures the synthesis of prostaglandins. Thus, plant extracts inhibit COX-1 in vitro, which is associated with the presence of falcarindiol and other polyacetylene compounds. The results we obtained in in vivo experiments also indicate the anti-inflammatory activity of the plant due to a complex of biologically active substances. Moreover, sleep medications have a beneficial effect on purine metabolism. Preliminary data confirm the effectiveness of sleepy drugs in a model of purine metabolism disorders. The tincture of dreamweed increases diuresis and excretion of uric acid salts in intact animals under conditions of spontaneous diuresis, surpassing olimethine in the severity of the effect.
Due to their anti-inflammatory, emollient, wound-healing properties, sedative preparations are used externally for exudative diathesis, wounds and bedsores, erysipelas, and fungal infections of the skin. The antifungal and antibacterial activity of falcarinol and falcarindiol contained in sedum has been confirmed experimentally. These polyacetylene compounds also have cytotoxic properties. Their antitumor effect in vivo has been confirmed.
The lipophilic fraction, obtained by us from the leaves of the common honey, contains chlorophylls and carotenoids, which exhibit a pronounced antioxidant and antimicrobial effect, promoting regeneration, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, which have a number of beneficial metabolic effects. This fraction appears to be a promising source for obtaining drugs for topical use.
There are indications of the effect of dreaming and its use in empirical medicine for neuroses. For cardiovascular diseases, the anticoagulant and antihypoxic properties of the plant can be very valuable. It also finds use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which is associated with its choleretic effect and the ability to normalize digestive processes. The plant is also used in homeopathy. Common gooseberry is part of the complex food supplement “Seaweed - Optima”, which is recommended for the prevention of cancer and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Phytotherapeutic recipes using dreamweed

For kidney and bladder diseases

2 tbsp. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over spoons of chopped fresh herb and leave for 1 hour in a thermos. Strain and drink 50 ml 4 times a day before meals.

For rheumatic diseases

2 tbsp. tablespoons of the crushed upper parts of the plant, pour 1 glass of hot water, boil in a closed glass or enamel container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze and add boiled water to the original volume. Use throughout the day in equal portions for rheumatism, gout, kidney and bladder diseases, as well as for fungal skin diseases.

Fresh crushed leaves or juice from them are used for pain-relieving compresses for gout and rheumatism.

For diathesis

Pour 3 teaspoons of herbs into 2 cups of boiled water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day before meals for diathesis and eczema.

For diseases of the digestive system

Fill a liter jar one-third full with crushed pine roots, fill with 40% alcohol to the top, close with a lid and leave for 10–15 days in a dark, warm place. Drink 20–25 drops 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Additional Information

A decorative form of honeydew with green and white leaves has been developed, which is used in landscape design (photo 2).
The beauty of this plant inspired I. I. Shishkin to create several paintings, one of which you can see in photo 3 “Snot-grass” Pargolovo. 1884-1885.
Carrion is a pigment-forming plant; it dyes fabrics green and yellow.
The plant, which attracts insects, is a good honey plant; each inflorescence secretes up to 60 mg of sugar per day, and bees collect up to 2.5 g of honey from one plant during the flowering period.
The corn is eaten by livestock and used to produce feed silage.

a herbaceous plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. It is about a meter high, the root is long and powerful, the trunk is hollow. It is distinguished by large leaves and white flowers, collected in complex umbrella-inflorescences. It has long brown fruits. It blooms in early summer and ripens in August.

The plant grows almost everywhere. Thanks to its widespread use, borer began to be used in folk medicine, where it has repeatedly proven its beneficial properties and effectiveness in medicine.

Snitch: why is the plant so useful?

For a long time, honeydew has been used in medicine as a potent medicinal component. Initially, gooseberry was used in culinary recipes, but the demonstration of the effectiveness of the beneficial properties of the plant, even in this capacity, led to the use of the plant in folk medicine.

It perfectly helps in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, and many joint diseases. It is precisely these characteristics that determine the original Latin name - Aegopodium Podagraria, translated as “pain in the legs”.

Wormweed, the beneficial properties of which make it possible to effectively use it in the treatment of many diseases, contains a high concentration of flavonoids, natural antibiotics, organic acids, potassium salts, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, amino acids, vitamins A, essential oils, amino acids and ascorbic acid .

It also contains vitamin C, which significantly strengthens the immune system, as well as giving the body energy and vitality. It is impossible not to note that the herb and its use have an anticancer and antifungal effect on the body.

The use of such a medicinal herb strengthens capillaries, lowers cholesterol levels, and also supports the nervous system.

Did you know?In the war and post-war years, common mushroom was often prepared and served in public canteens. The popularity of this dish was unheard of, which is why food service workers in the summer always made huge reserves of this plant for the winter.

How to prepare and store squash

As a rule, young shoots and leaves of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. Roots are used much less frequently.

They begin to collect the shoots even before the first buds begin to appear. The first training camps begin in early May. It is worth noting that periodic mowing of the tree makes it possible to collect raw materials throughout the summer.

Important! After collecting the herb, it is strictly forbidden to wash it, as this will significantly reduce the shelf life.

The collected herbs should be dried outdoors, preferably under a canopy or in a room with good ventilation. The grass is laid out in a thin layer and must be protected from direct sunlight.

It is advisable to complete the drying by force, using an electric dryer or other available means. The finished raw material should be stored in paper bags, which allows it to be stored for more than a year without losing its beneficial properties.

Important! Storing in glass containers is extremely undesirable, since it almost inevitably begins to rot.

If necessary, rhizomes are also prepared. This should be done immediately after the plant blooms. The process of drying the roots is similar. The main difference is the storage method. So, the collected root of the tree should be stored in wooden containers.

Did you know? In appearance, the common weed is similar to a number of different plants, which are not only not useful, but sometimes even completely poisonous. Our ancestors, who began to develop this plant for their own purposes, checked its quality and suitability with the help of domestic animals - they simply refused to eat the poisonous shoots.

Pharmacological properties of dream

As a medicinal plant, honeydew has a unique symbiosis of beneficial pharmacological properties. Thus, the substances contained in the dream allow you to quite effectively tone the body.

The choleretic and diuretic properties of sedum are similar to the best modern medications and meet all pharmacological requirements. Moreover, experts note high effectiveness in matters of antispasmodic, vasoprotective, sedative, detoxifying and stabilizing effects on the patient’s body.

Use for medicinal purposes makes it possible to significantly suppress inflammatory processes, relieve joint pain, reduce the symptoms of allergic manifestations, and provide antifungal and antibacterial effects. In some cases, the beneficial properties of sedum can prevent the formation of blood clots.

The above-ground parts of the plant contain a high concentration of carotene, which is a strong antioxidant and also has a positive effect not only on human immunity, but also on all systems of the body.

Among other things, gooseberry is saturated with ascorbic acid, which is indispensable for humans, but cannot be synthesized by the body and is obtained exclusively from food.

The unique combination of pharmacological properties has now led to a situation where almost every person knows what snitching is.

The use of dream in folk medicine

For many years, borer has been widely used in folk medicine. The beneficial properties and recipes of which are known to almost all healers, in one form or another can quite effectively fight almost any disease, regardless of its nature.

It is now known for certain and proven that the use of dream by adherents of traditional medicine can cure gout and joint inflammatory diseases.

Mosquito, the use of which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, alleviates the symptoms of diseases, and also makes it possible to significantly slow down inflammatory processes in skeletal muscles.

The tradition of many peoples is the treatment of atopic dermatitis and erysipelas with the help of leaves and first shoots of the common moth. Moreover, in traditional medicine recipes the use of this plant is associated with improved functioning of the intestines, stomach, liver and kidneys.

Based on the calming properties of the plant, healers often choose sedum to treat diseases of the nervous system. Even in our time, decoctions and infusions of sedum are recommended in the treatment of fungal diseases and dermatitis.

It is impossible not to note that traditional medicine recipes specifically highlight a bath with honey. It is effective for anemia, vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis, scurvy, edema, as well as for cleansing the body of toxins and poisons.

Did you know? History knows of cases when people, becoming hermits, used only sedum as food and medicine. One of these was St. Seraphim of Sarov.

When to take decoctions and infusions

Due to its significant number of medicinal properties, honeydew has been successfully used in the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, it is often used as food. However, in order to fully obtain the desired result, you need to clearly know all the rules for its use.

Dream infusions are used when it is necessary to quickly cleanse the body, as well as remove toxins. Moreover, it replenishes missing vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Ointments and decoctions from this plant have proven themselves to be effective fungicidal and bactericidal agents. Along with the above-mentioned problems, decoctions and infusions of honeydew help cope with hives, itching and skin diseases.

The use of plants in folk medicine allows one to overcome anemia, anemia, and hypertension. This is due to the high content of iron and other trace elements. It is also worth mentioning the fact that decoctions and infusions are used in the treatment of rheumatism, gout and joint inflammation.

Preparing the dream

Previously, when available pharmaceutical drugs were not so common and effective, medicinal plants were the only way to treat various diseases, regardless of their severity. One of the most useful herbs was and remains to be.