Hemorrhoids in women: signs, causes and treatment at home. Anal sex and hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids in women are quite common. The cause may be childbirth and pregnancy, a sedentary profession, poor nutrition. What is the most effective treatment for hemorrhoidal disease in women?

Proctological diseases in women are treated by a proctologist

The internal form of hemorrhoids is much more insidious than the external form, since it manifests itself with meager symptoms. Signs are not always noticeable to an uninformed person in this matter. Given the level of employment and the increased pace of life of a modern woman, proctologists are much more likely to deal with.

Internal and external pathology require different treatment

It should be remembered that the internal earlier form of the disease is treated easier and eliminated faster. It delivers much less inconvenience and promises a lesser likelihood of recurrence.

As events unfold, the patient begins to feel pressure in the rectum, the presence of a “foreign body” there. This means that the size of the bump has reached the limits of discomfort and you should immediately seek qualified help.

Bloody discharge at the initial stage of the disease is rare. Most often they occur when the size of the node is large enough. In this case, defecation takes place with complications and requires muscle tension. This leads to a rush of blood to the pelvic organs and the formation of an increased load on the vessels. As a result, it causes cracks.

The first signs of blood on toilet paper, personal care products and stools are a very alarming sign that requires immediate action. Postponing the consultation is no longer acceptable.

Diagnosis of pathology

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids should begin with a visit to a proctologist, who must carefully examine the patient and establish an accurate diagnosis. To do this, the specialist necessarily collects the patient's history, conducts a visual examination of the anal region, evaluates the sphincter, and performs a digital examination of the rectum.

Early diagnosis will help to cure the disease in a short time

If these data are not enough for an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must conduct diagnostic studies: anoscopy, or colonoscopy.

How to treat internal hemorrhoids

It was previously noted that the treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women, unlike external, can be carried out using a wider range of methods. This applies not only to medications, but also to minimally invasive methods.

The initial stage of the treatment of the disease is considered to be a drug effect on the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This is done in order to exclude constipation, which in 90% of cases leads to a complication of the disease.

Most often, domestic medicine offers us precisely the medicinal effect on the body in combination with non-drug treatment. So, in addition to the use of rectal suppositories, ointments, tablets and other dosage forms of drugs, the patient is prescribed a special diet and controlled physical activity.

The course of treatment can be supplemented with substances of natural origin, that is, traditional medicine.

Medical treatment

With internal hemorrhoids, according to the appointment of a specialist, laxatives (usually in the form of tablets and pills or drops), anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious, antiseptic (most often local use, that is, suppositories, ointments, etc.), as well as vasostimulators in various forms.

The purpose of the latter is to normalize blood circulation, increase the tone of blood vessels, their resistance to damage and sprains.

Phlebotonics improve blood outflow, relieve inflammation, reduce pain

Among the powerful and effective drugs, French Detralex and Russian drug can be distinguished.

If the patient complains of severe pain, then painkillers are prescribed in the form of gels and rectal suppositories. For example, Proctosan, Ultraproct.

In cases of suspicion and prevention of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, anticoagulants are prescribed in the form of an ointment ().

If complications already occur, drugs with a powerful effect are prescribed (Proctosedil, Hepatrombin, Proctosan).

If the anal area is inflamed, and there is itching and burning, topical drugs are used (Voltaren, Xefocam).

Rectal suppositories effectively relieve inflammation in the rectum

In cases where hemorrhoids bleed, they resort to the use of special (Relief, Natalsid) and phlebotonics containing diosmin (Venarus, Detralex).

As part of a consultative or diagnostic appointment, the patient can ask the doctor about what internal hemorrhoids are, what symptoms should be alarming, which treatment plan is most effective in this situation.

It should be noted that the treatment regimen is always individual and depends on the symptoms and causes that occur in a single case history. The stage of development of the disease, the presence of previously manifested relapses, concomitant diseases, etc. also matter.

The primary task of the doctor is to improve the quality of life of the patient by eliminating discomfort and preventing the further development of the disease. As the patient's condition improves, everything possible is done to completely eliminate the disease.

Folk remedies

Treatment at home is effective only at stage 1 of the development of the disease. Rectal will help to quickly relieve inflammation and pain.

Among folk remedies, one can single out: baths with the addition of useful herbs, lotions and enemas, decoctions from useful plants.

Removal of hemorrhoids

In the advanced stages of the disease, surgery is indispensable

The methods of minimally invasive treatment, which have long been tested and approved by Western doctors, are becoming more widespread.
The process of getting rid of the problem is faster. As a rule, several procedures are enough, less often one at all. The likelihood of relapse, with a reasonable prevention program, falls. At the same time, the possibilities of modern medicine remain at a high level.

If conservative treatment does not give comforting forecasts, and the disease begins to move into a chronic stage, then an operation to remove it is performed in 99% of cases.

In the arsenal of doctors there are many ways to radically remove hemorrhoids. It is pleasant to consider the most popular methods:

Other treatments for internal hemorrhoids include: ligation of hemorrhoidal nodes with latex rings, Longo operation, desarterization of nodes, using the LigaSure device.

The use of sclerotherapy, ligation and photocoagulation gives almost 100% the ability to defeat pathology at its various stages.

Prevention of hemorrhoids before or after treatment should be based on proper nutrition, elimination of constipation and diarrhea, hygiene of intimate places, an active lifestyle and the implementation of elementary ones. Girls should take care to prevent illness before pregnancy and childbirth.


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The first minor symptoms of the disease require a trip to the clinic to specialists. Self-treatment of internal hemorrhoids leads to serious complications. This should be taken into account by women who have congestive processes in the pelvic area. For what reasons this disease develops, how it is diagnosed, possible complications - this is discussed in the review of the methods of medical and surgical treatment.

What are internal hemorrhoids in women

Inflammatory disease of the rectal veins caused by congestion is not uncommon for the female body at any age. Pathology is associated with lifestyle, work and physiology. The weakness of the walls of the venous vessels provokes:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • slow outflow of venous blood;
  • overflow of cavernous formations;
  • expansion, deformation of blood vessels;
  • the occurrence of nodules.

With internal hemorrhoids, the bumps are located under the layer of the mucous membrane of the rectum at the site of the plexus of the veins. With the passage of solid feces, the following occurs:

  • thinning of the walls of blood vessels;
  • the occurrence of cracks, fistulas;
  • the appearance of bleeding;
  • thrombus formation;
  • pinching, accompanied by pain;
  • prolapse of nodes from the anus - the transition to the external form of the disease.

The development of internal hemorrhoidal inflammation is provoked by two factors:

  • Dystrophic changes in the muscles of the rectum, in the normal state holding the bumps inside the anus. When weakened, the nodes are displaced to the lower part, they fall out.
  • Disorder of contraction of the walls of blood vessels, disruption of the venous valves. Cavernous formations are filled with blood, but it does not come out, but stagnates in the veins, causing nodular expansions.


Internal hemorrhoids in women develop for reasons that are typical for men. They are related to lifestyle. Provoking factors include:

  • heavy physical work;
  • increased sports loads;
  • limited physical activity;
  • weight lifting;
  • overweight;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • inflammatory processes of internal organs;
  • work associated with prolonged standing, sitting position;
  • bowel problems - frequent constipation;
  • hereditary factors.

There are specific causes of hemorrhoids in women associated with the characteristics of the body. These include:

  • pregnancy - the growing fetus presses on the surrounding organs and blood vessels, disrupting blood circulation;
  • generic process - increases intra-abdominal pressure, provoking varicose veins of the rectum;
  • menstruation, which increases blood flow to the pelvis;
  • inflammatory processes, diseases of the female genital organs;
  • anal sex that violates the mucous membranes of the rectum.

Female hemorrhoids can cause excessive emotionality, leading to stressful situations. An important role is played by malnutrition:

  • abuse of products that cause increased blood flow in the veins of the rectum - hot spices, pickles, sweets, carbonated drinks;
  • the use of diets for weight loss, provoking a deficiency of dietary fiber, vitamins, which leads to a violation of the act of defecation, constipation.

First signs

Unfortunately, when symptoms of pathology appear, women postpone a visit to the doctor. At an early stage, it is easier to cope with the disease, to avoid serious complications. The first symptoms of hemorrhoids in women:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the rectum;
  • discomfort in the anus;
  • pain during defecation;
  • the appearance of blood on toilet paper.

The initial stage of internal hemorrhoidal inflammation is characterized by:

  • sensation of itching in the anus;
  • unbearable burning sensation;
  • pain, tingling during defecation;
  • aching pains;
  • stool with copious mucous secretions;
  • slight bleeding during bowel movements;
  • discomfort when trying to go to the toilet;
  • painful feelings in the groin.


As the pathology develops in women, the symptoms appear brighter. Internal hemorrhoidal disease is characterized by increased symptoms. Appear:

  • pain when sitting, standing;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • swelling in the anus;
  • sharp pain as a result of pinching the node;
  • bleeding when passing hard stools;
  • feeling of incomplete defecation;
  • soreness during bowel movements.

For the progression of hemorrhoidal disease, the occurrence of an acute form is characteristic, accompanied by:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • hyperemia;
  • rise in temperature;
  • bleeding;
  • anemia
  • unbearable pain during bowel movements;
  • loss of nodes;
  • blood in feces;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • weakness;
  • hemorrhagic shock;
  • severe vomiting;
  • sepsis.

How do hemorrhoids hurt?

The inflammatory process in the disease often accompanies a painful syndrome. The cause of the phenomenon is complications in the development of hemorrhoidal pathology. Pain occurs as a result of:

  • pinching knots;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • infection;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • injury from solid stools;
  • puffiness, seals of mucous membranes;
  • irritation of the cones;
  • node thrombosis.

Symptoms vary in the stages of hemorrhoidal disease. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to take analgesic drugs. Pain in the disease:

  • occur at the initial stage in the anus at the time of defecation, provoked by constipation;
  • felt like a foreign body in the anus - are dull in nature;
  • are episodic, insignificant;
  • as the disease progresses, their intensity increases.

If you do not start treatment of hemorrhoidal inflammation, painful symptoms intensify. Unpleasant sensations change localization. Pain appears in the area:

  • lower abdomen;
  • groin - may be in the nature of spasms, accompanied by nausea, vomiting;
  • lumbar - do not give the opportunity to move, sit, stand;
  • anal canal - when it is stretched by feces;
  • intestines - during swelling and expansion caused by the inflammatory process;
  • hemorrhoids - are in the nature of cramps, acute attacks, occur during movement;
  • heads - with anemia.

Stages of the disease

The earlier internal hemorrhoids are detected, the easier it is to cope with its manifestations. In the first two stages, inflammation can be stopped. Hemorrhoids disappear, but under adverse factors they can return again. Treatment is characterized by differences at each stage of the development of the disease. There are stages of hemorrhoids:

  • The first one has few symptoms, during the diagnosis there is a slight swelling, the appearance of small nodules. There is a weakening of the muscles, swelling of the veins of the mucous membrane.
  • The second is an increase in cavernous formations, the development of nodes, discomfort, pain.

A neglected internal hemorrhoidal disease in women can turn into a chronic form, provoke an exacerbation, severe complications. A serious approach to treatment is required. The third stage of the development of the disease is accompanied by:

  • increased bleeding;
  • a decrease in the lumen of the rectum;
  • pinching cones;
  • severe pain;
  • loss of nodes during physical exertion;
  • the ability to self-adjust with a finger.

The most serious, the fourth stage of hemorrhoidal disease, requires surgical intervention due to the irreversibility of the processes. She is characterized by:

  • profuse bleeding;
  • anemia;
  • severe pain;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • temperature increase;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • prolonged itching;
  • involuntary passage of gases;
  • the appearance of erosion in the anus;
  • the development of infectious inflammation caused by the ingress of harmful microorganisms into open cracks.


If you do not visit a proctologist in a timely manner, do not start treatment for internal hemorrhoids, you can get serious complications. Women need to turn to specialists at the first stage of the disease, not embarrassed by the problem. A neglected disease can cause:

  • oncological pathologies, especially during menopause;
  • enterocolitis;
  • polyps in the large, small intestine;
  • paraproctitis - purulent inflammation in the rectum;
  • ulcerative, spastic colitis.

Untimely treatment of hemorrhoidal disease can lead to the risk of:

  • frequent, prolonged constipation;
  • infections in the rectal area;
  • bleeding causing loss of consciousness;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • fistulas;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • depressive state;
  • sexual problems;
  • inflammatory pathologies in the pelvic organs.

A neglected form of internal hemorrhoidal inflammation causes:

  • the occurrence of seals in the anus;
  • swelling of the inguinal zone;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • thrombosis of nodes;
  • necrotic tissue changes;
  • blood poisoning;
  • complications during childbearing, childbirth;
  • dysfunction of the sphincter - fecal incontinence, which causes psychological problems;
  • the transition of the inflammatory process to neighboring organs.


The decision on the treatment of internal hemorrhoid pathology is made by the doctor based on the examination. Diagnosis begins at the reception of the proctologist. The doctor makes:

  • questioning the patient, clarifying the symptoms, the causes of the onset of the disease in women;
  • visual inspection of the anus - the presence of redness, inflammation;
  • determining the stage of the disease;
  • rectal examination with a finger using a sterile glove - identification of nodes, sores, seals, tumors, polyps.

To clarify the diagnosis, in addition to a subjective assessment of the patient's condition, hardware studies are prescribed:

  • Sigmoidoscopy - detection using a special device of internal hemorrhoids, located in the high region of the rectum. During the examination, the condition of the mucous membranes, nodular formations, blood clots, and the presence of cancer are determined.
  • Anoscopy - the study of the rectum at a depth of about 10 cm from the external opening of the anus - reveals cracks, inflammation.

Proctologists prescribe a colonoscopy to diagnose hemorrhoidal disease. This is an endoscopic examination of the mucous membranes of the large intestine for the presence of inflammation, tumors, nodes. There is a technique for studying the condition of the intestine without penetrating the body - irrigoscopy. On this x-ray:

  • the large intestine is filled with a contrast agent - a barium mixture;
  • take a picture;
  • reveal changes in the configuration of the intestine - tumors, polyps, ulcers, the presence, quantity, size of hemorrhoidal cones.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women

The beginning of recovery should begin with a change in your own life. A simple set of measures will help relieve the severity of the disease, prevent the development of complications. For the treatment of hemorrhoidal inflammation of the internal form, it is recommended:

  • increase physical activity;
  • eliminate heavy loads at work, in sports;
  • normalize intestinal motility by performing special exercises;
  • stop constipation by normalizing nutrition;
  • perform washing with cool water;
  • carry out preventive measures to exclude the disease.

The development of hemorrhoids in women causes stagnation of blood, so important attention is paid to the activation of blood circulation. For this you need:

  • use physiotherapy - electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnet treatment, UHF;
  • apply medications;
  • perform a special set of therapeutic exercises;
  • stop drinking alcohol.

Complex therapy of internal hemorrhoidal inflammation in women includes:

  • the use of rectal suppositories;
  • the use of ointments, gels in the form of tampons;
  • setting enemas to facilitate the process of defecation;
  • the use of drugs aimed at eliminating the causes and symptoms of the disease;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • organization of dietary nutrition;
  • the use of traditional medicine;
  • in complex, advanced cases - surgery.

Treatment at home

Proctologists recommend, along with the appointment of medicines and procedures, to use folk methods to alleviate the condition with internal hemorrhoids. Women can try at home recipes using natural ingredients. Treatment must be agreed with the doctor to take into account the stage of the disease, the symptoms. Useful will be:

  • tampons using pork fat;
  • ingestion of decoctions of herbs;
  • enemas with potato juice;
  • ice candles.

They will help relieve painful symptoms in women with hemorrhoidal inflammation with localization inside the rectum:

  • ice compresses - stop bleeding;
  • the introduction of tampons with gruel of grated carrots, beets - they stop pain, itching, burning;
  • lotions with a decoction of herbs - relieve swelling, inflammation;
  • candles from potatoes - accelerate healing;
  • microclysters with a decoction of sage, succession, chamomile flowers - disinfect, dry.

Sedentary baths play a special role in home treatment. It is important to use them taking into account the characteristics of the disease. Changing the temperature of the solution and components helps to solve various problems:

  • warm baths using decoctions of herbs, bay leaves, birch tar disinfect, relieve inflammation;
  • cool - stop bleeding, soothe, relieve pain;
  • dry with warm smoke of onion, garlic - activate blood circulation.

Medical therapy

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids in women, when the inflammation has an internal localization, is carried out with the help of medications. Everyone solves his problem of eliminating the symptoms, helps to cope with the disease. For local treatment, rectal suppositories are used:

  • Ultraproct - quickly stop the pain syndrome;
  • Methyluracil - regenerate tissues, stop bleeding;
  • Natalsid - approved for use during pregnancy;
  • Bufeksamak - relieve inflammation;
  • Sea buckthorn - contribute to drying, rapid healing of cracks.

Popular candles for internal use for hemorrhoids in women - Relief Advance - are distinguished by:

  • Therapeutic effect: relief of pain, stopping inflammation, bleeding, cell regeneration, local increase in immunity.
  • Indications for use: the presence of nodes, cracks in hemorrhoids.
  • Benefit: natural component, speed.
  • Composition: active substance - shark liver oil:
  • Dosage: three times a day after defecation;
  • Side effects: swelling, allergic reactions.
  • Contraindications: granulocytopenia, thromboembolism, sensitivity to ingredients.

In the treatment of women with internal hemorrhoids, drugs are used in the form of tablets for oral administration. Proctologists prescribe:

  • Suprastin is a sedative that relieves itching;
  • Gutalax - a laxative to relieve constipation;
  • Detralex is a phlebotonic that promotes the outflow of venous blood;
  • Escin - an angioprotector to strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory drug;
  • Oletetrin - an antibiotic for a purulent process;
  • Pentalgin, relieving pain.

A popular drug for treating hemorrhoids in women is Venoruton, which are distinguished by:

  • Therapeutic effect: activation of venous tone, protection of blood vessels, reduction of edema.
  • Composition: active substance - rutin.
  • Indications for use: complications of hemorrhoids, venous insufficiency.
  • Advantage: use during pregnancy from the second trimester.
  • Dosage: one capsule three times a day.
  • Side effects: headache, diarrhea, skin rash, heartburn, nausea.
  • Contraindications: the first trimester of pregnancy, intolerance to components.

Minimally invasive treatments

When the disease is in the last stages of development, severe bleeding, prolapse of nodes are observed, there is a possibility of pathological complications, surgical intervention is prescribed. There are modern minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of hemorrhoids. One way is sclerotherapy:

  • applied, including the 3rd stage of the disease;
  • a special compound is introduced into the nodes, which stops bleeding, reduces the size of the bump;
  • the operation lasts about half an hour;
  • disadvantage - complications are possible, the risk of recurrence of the disease;
  • pros - no pain.

Among the minimally invasive methods is infrared coagulation. The method does not eliminate the knots, it only stops the bleeding. An effective way of treatment is ligation with latex rings. When performing the technique:

  • the operation is performed without anesthesia;
  • a latex ring is put on the internal nodes, pulling the leg;
  • the process lasts 10 minutes;
  • you can process several nodes at once;
  • the lump after such an intervention dries up, is excreted with feces;
  • if the rings are incorrectly applied, bleeding is possible;
  • allowed during pregnancy.

Surgical methods

In the absence of results from the use of other methods of treatment, in the case of complex pathologies, radical surgical intervention is prescribed. Progressive methods of influence are used:

  • the use of cryodestruction - the use of low temperature liquid nitrogen;
  • the use of a radio-beam scalpel;
  • tissue burning by the high temperature of the laser beam.

Among the radical surgical methods for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids complicated by infection, bleeding, tissue necrosis, the following are used:

  • Thrombectomy is performed under local anesthesia. An incision is made on the node through which the thrombus is removed. The wound heals without suturing using medical dressings.
  • Hemorrhoidectomy - excision of the affected tissues along with the bump, followed by laser coagulation.
  • Hemorrhoidopexy - suturing the node with the help of special devices.

Folk remedies

When symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, women are unacceptable to self-medicate. The disease has symptoms similar to cancerous tumors. A neglected pathology will lead to irreparable consequences. The use of all folk methods must be agreed with the doctor. Women are advised to use:

  • homemade ointments using propolis, honey, olive oil, birch tar;
  • suppositories made from potatoes lubricated with sea buckthorn oil.

With the internal course of hemorrhoidal disease in women, it is useful to apply:

  • ice candles with a decoction of medicinal plants;
  • tampons with potato juice, sea buckthorn oil, propolis solution, herbal decoctions;
  • tea with carrot tops;
  • microclysters with a decoction of onion peel, infusion of celandine, sage, burdock root;
  • baths with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • a drink made from carrot and beet juice;
  • inside - a decoction of viburnum bark.


To eliminate the occurrence of the disease, women need to change their habits. An important condition, especially in sedentary work associated with prolonged standing, is an increase in physical activity. Prevention of hemorrhoids in women involves:

  • morning exercises;
  • swimming, walking, gymnastics;
  • hiking;
  • warm-ups during the day with prolonged sitting, standing.

With a tendency to venous congestion, women are prescribed medications. Important attention is paid to the normalization of the stool. For this, they advise:

  • nutrition optimization - exclusion of spicy foods, pickles, soda, alcohol, spices, spices;
  • use in the diet of vegetables, fruits rich in fiber;
  • the use of folk remedies;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora.


Hemorrhoids - a disease characterized by inflammatory processes of hemorrhoids located on the inner wall of the rectum, near the anus. Hemorrhoids are called painfully dilated veins that form folds and nodes on the mucous surface of the rectum.

Sometimes whole plexuses of such nodes are formed - hemorrhoidal bumps. Stagnation and overvoltage in these areas shift the nodes closer to the exit, where, with impaired blood supply, an unnatural increase in their size and deformation occurs.

Reasons for development

Hemorrhoids are a delicate problem that patients are embarrassed to talk about. For this reason, the disease is often diagnosed in advanced stages. The main etiological factors for the occurrence of hemorrhoids are:

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth. Unfortunately, such a physiological process as pregnancy with subsequent childbirth can also become the occurrence of hemorrhoids. This is due to overfilling of the pelvic veins and an increase in pressure in them.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle. The lack of regular physical activity, which affects most of the inhabitants of our planet who are not involved in sports, is also a risk factor in terms of the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Many modern people neglect physical activity, replacing it with passive relaxation near the TV with a bag of chips and a bottle of beer. Sedentary work in the absence of physical activity is the main cause of stagnation of blood in the small pelvis.
  3. Wrong and unbalanced diet. Hemorrhoids are more common in people who overeat. Abundant intake of fried and fatty foods, as well as sweets, smoked meats is one of the main risk factors in terms of the occurrence of this disease. An aggravating factor in the development of the disease is the lack of sour-milk products, cereals and products containing fiber - fruits and vegetables in the diet. Improper nutrition is the main cause of constipation, which leads to increased pressure on the pelvic vascular plexus. Then there is stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, which leads to the appearance of internal hemorrhoids, the symptoms of which may not be significant at first, but become more intense over time. An adequate diet with plenty of fiber is one of the main preventive methods to prevent hemorrhoids. It should be noted that low fluid intake can also be the cause of hemorrhoids.
  4. Excessive physical activity. Hemorrhoids are often found in athletes who regularly lift heavy objects and experience increased physical exertion. In the risk group for the incidence of hemorrhoids are people who are professionally involved in weightlifting, bodybuilding, power sports.

The occurrence of hemorrhoids can also be provoked by other diseases, such as pelvic tumors, poor heredity (history of hemorrhoids in parents and close relatives).

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids, photo

At first, the signs of internal hemorrhoids do not really bother the patient. Symptoms begin to increase as the hemorrhoids increase. The clinical picture depends on the stage of the pathological process.

1) The first stage. Cavernous formations are small, so the protrusion of the mucosa is of little concern to a person. Only occasionally, when they are damaged by hard feces, inflammation occurs. The very first symptoms of hemorrhoids are as follows:

  • feeling of discomfort in the rectal canal after a bowel movement;
  • burning and itching in the anorectal region due to inflammatory exudate (fluid) secreted by blood vessels;
  • occasionally detectable blood marks on toilet paper after using the restroom.

2) The second stage. If hemorrhoids are not treated, the pathological process in the rectum only intensifies, moving to a more severe stage, which is characterized by:

  • an even greater increase in hemorrhoidal nodules;
  • the exit of enlarged cavernous formations from the rectum (usually during defecation) and their independent return to their usual place;
  • discomfort and feeling of finding a foreign object in the anus;
  • more intense bleeding;
  • pain when going to the restroom.

3) The third stage. The clinical picture "increases", the severity of negative symptoms only increases:

  • bleeding from the rectum becomes more frequent and intensifies;
  • hemorrhoidal cones with any physical activity come out of the anus, while you have to insert them back with your own hands;
  • soreness also increases, especially if anal fissures and inflammation join hemorrhoids.

4) The fourth stage. This is an advanced form of the disease, in which all signs of varicose hemorrhoidal veins are expressed as clearly as possible:

  • the pain syndrome is constantly present, and such simple actions as moving and sitting only aggravate the pain;
  • cavernous formations regularly sag, and it is not possible to insert them back into the anus on their own;
  • bleeding can be so intense that it is difficult to stop.

The rate of increase in adverse symptoms largely depends on the number of pathogenic factors and the characteristics of the human body.

What internal hemorrhoids look like is shown in the photo below.



Complications of internal hemorrhoids include:

  • vein thrombosis;
  • infringement of hemorrhoids;
  • prolapse of varicose formations;
  • rectal bleeding;
  • insufficiency of the anal sphincter.

Hemorrhoids lead to stagnation of blood in the veins, and this causes thrombosis. Symptoms of this complication are an increase in nodes, their acquisition of a bluish-purple hue and sharp pains in the perianal region, which increase during palpation.

A frequent complication of stages III-IV is constant bleeding from the cavernous bodies. With it, the patient complains of general weakness (due to increasing anemia). Analyzes show a drop in blood hemoglobin to 40-50 g / l.

In elderly patients, frequent prolapse of nodes against the background of progressive hemorrhoids in some cases leads to weakness of the anal sphincter. This complication is manifested by incontinence of gases and even the contents of the rectum (liquid fecal matter).


A proctologist can determine the presence of internal hemorrhoids after examination and palpation. If hemorrhoids are located at a distance of 5-7 cm from the anus, then the doctor will be able to feel them, determine the density and soreness of the node. In other cases, when venous seals are located higher in the rectum, additional diagnostics will be required.

The main test that can detect hemorrhoids is called an anoscopy. During the procedure, a thin anotube with an optical device at the end is inserted into the rectal cavity. The tube allows you to assess the condition of the rectum to a depth of 10 centimeters. The doctor can not only detect the presence of hemorrhoids, but also identify rectal fissures, pararectal fistulas, or even intestinal tumors that give the same symptoms as internal hemorrhoids.

A more informative study is sigmoidoscopy. The design of the device allows you to see the state of the intestine at a depth of up to 25 cm. Also, the doctor may prescribe a colonoscopy procedure to distinguish intra-intestinal polyps from hemorrhoids.

How to treat hemorrhoids?

With internal hemorrhoids, the following groups of drugs are prescribed for complex treatment:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, local remedies are used: ointments and suppositories. They can be either non-steroidal (indomethacin suppositories) or steroidal (ointments and suppositories with hydrocortisone).
  2. Venotonics. For example, Detralex, Phlebodia, Vasoket are used in tablets. Tablets and suppositories are also produced, which contain horse chestnut extract. These drugs increase the elasticity of the vascular wall and prevent stretching of the veins.
  3. Analgesics. For pain relief, both non-steroidal analgesics and local anesthetics are used. For example, candles with belladonna, menthol.
  4. Thrombolytics and microcirculation correctors. They prevent the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoids. Available in the form of ointments and suppositories (heparin, troxevasin).
  5. Healing agents. These drugs stimulate tissue regeneration, including sea buckthorn oil, propolis, methyluracil.
  6. Antiseptics. Suppress the development of the infectious process in the hemorrhoids. They can be both natural (calendula, sea buckthorn) and pharmaceutical (ichthyol, phenol).
  7. Hemostatic drugs. Used in the form of tablets (Vikasol) and suppositories (thrombin, adrenaline).

Most drugs cause various adverse reactions, their use is carried out under medical supervision.


In the event that conservative methods do not help, they resort to surgical intervention.

  1. Ligation with latex rings is used in the second (third) stage of internal hemorrhoids. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis using an anoscope. The bottom line is that hemorrhoids are pinched with special latex rings, as a result, the problem is solved by itself - the supply of blood to the nodules is disrupted, and they simply die off. The procedure is effective and inexpensive, but rather painful and long - only one node can be processed in one session.
  2. Infrared photocoagulation is performed under local anesthesia and does not require hospitalization of the patient. With this method, the affected area is treated with light waves of the infrared spectrum, which leads to the cessation of blood supply and the drying of the node. The disadvantage of this method is the risk of thrombus formation at the site of cauterization.

According to indications, sclerotherapy, laser coagulation, cryotherapy can be used. However, the most effective and cardinal way to solve the problem is hemorrhoidectomy - the removal of hemorrhoids by the usual surgical method.

Folk remedies: ointments and suppositories

For the treatment of internal nodes, the same ointments are used as external ones. It is necessary to abundantly soak a gauze swab with ointment and insert it into the anus overnight. Candles for rectal use are prepared from ice, it is possible from potatoes, lard or honey.

  • To prepare candles, a special cone-like shape is first made using thick paper. Then such a cone is filled with a prepared product, which is placed in the refrigerator for freezing. Before using self-made candles, the paper wrapper is removed. The filler of lard or crushed celandine is good in that it reduces pain and knots in size. The same effect can be obtained from pre-candied honey. In addition, sometimes honey is mixed with mummy. To keep the candles in shape, starch and flour are added to their preparation.
  • In order to prepare candles from potatoes, it is necessary to cut a candle in the shape of a cone from a raw, pre-washed tuber. Then insert it into the anus at night. To avoid feelings of discomfort and dryness, the anus is lubricated with vegetable oil or honey. Candles made from ice do an excellent job of bleeding from internal hemorrhoids. For their preparation, water is frozen in a cone-like shape. Before the introduction, the paper form is removed from the ice candle.

As enemas for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, decoctions of their medicinal herbs are used. They also use oils that have a therapeutic effect, solutions from oils, mummy, plant juices, propolis. These enemas must be administered into the rectum. Strawberry leaves, wormwood, beetroot juice, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and other herbal preparations are suitable for their preparation. Healing infusions help reduce the size of nodes, pain, itching, burning.

Diet food

The main focus of the diet is to eat foods that do not cause constipation and bowel problems. The daily diet should include foods filled with fiber, so you need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and all kinds of cereals. It is important to consume dairy products and lean meats. Food should be boiled or steamed.

You should not use:

  • pickles;
  • canned food;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • spicy dishes;
  • smoked meats;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee.

It is important to ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of fluid, for this you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

How to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids?

Effective treatment of this disease is impossible without preventive measures. Each patient must know not only how to treat hemorrhoids, but also how to avoid its appearance.

  1. Eliminate constipation. A special diet, as well as laxatives, will help in this.
  2. Eliminate heavy physical exertion and lift weights correctly.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle: walks, gymnastics, physical education.
  4. During pregnancy, use the knee-elbow position several times a day for prevention.
  5. Prevent the development of obesity.

Hemorrhoids are a disease that affects men and women equally. The trend towards an increase in the number of cases of hemorrhoids is outlined mainly with an increase in the age of patients.

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in women are typical for this disease and arise due to the very mechanism of the development of the pathological process.

How does this happen

In the development of internal hemorrhoids, two main pathological pathways can be identified.

The first is hemodynamic. Cavernous formations in the submucosal layer of the rectum in the normal state are regularly filled with blood and emptied due to the contraction of the vascular walls and the operation of the valves of the veins. If there are disorders of this mechanism, then the blood stagnates in the veins of the rectum and their sections expand, forming hemorrhoids.

The second factor contributing to the appearance of internal hemorrhoids is the dystrophic process of the muscular layer of the rectum, which normally keeps hemorrhoidal formations in the anal canal. For this reason, the nodes under the force of gravity gradually shift to the lower part of the rectum and over time are able to fall out through the anus.

In the initial stage of hemorrhoids, in the first place are functional changes in the hemorrhoidal veins, so it is possible to reverse the pathological process. Practice shows that hemorrhoids of the first and second stages can arbitrarily undergo reverse development, but reappear under adverse factors.

According to some data, 7.7% of non-pregnant women, 25.7% of pregnant women and 49.8% of women after childbirth suffer from hemorrhoids.

In the later stages, the leading role is played by the violation of the elasticity of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the vessels. In many ways, this happens with their constant overstrain during straining, constipation, difficult defecation, prolonged forced position, for example, sedentary work or constantly being “on their feet”.

The female gender contributes another important factor in the development of internal hemorrhoids - pregnancy.


It happens that internal hemorrhoids are asymptomatic. Pain sensations may be absent, because inside the rectum the nerve endings do not have nociceptive properties - they determine pain to a small extent. Therefore, internal hemorrhoids can only be detected at all during examination and often about another disease.

In the case when not so "lucky", there are such signs of internal hemorrhoids in women:

  • Repetitive bleeding, which in time is associated with emptying "largely" or prolapse of nodes from the anus. Bleeding can be drip or even jet and accompanies at least half of the cases of internal hemorrhoids.
  • In addition to hemorrhagic discharge, mucus and inflammatory exudate can often be seen.
  • Prolapse of nodes outside the anal canal. Depending on the degree of the disease, the bumps can be drawn in on their own or you need to set them manually. In the case of acute hemorrhoids, anal sphincter spasm can infringe on the prolapsed node, causing severe pain, thrombosis and necrosis. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
  • The patient may also be disturbed by a burning, itchy sensation in the anus. Internal hemorrhoids feel like a foreign body and after defecation, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying. You may notice swelling in the anal area.

Also, when examined with a rectal mirror, the doctor can see a full-blooded capillary network and small veins of the mucous membrane. But if thrombosis occurs, then areas of necrosis and ulceration are visible on the wall of the rectum.

Differential Diagnosis

Symptoms accompanying hemorrhoids may mask other pathological conditions. It looks like a disease such as paraproctitis - inflammation of the perirectal tissue, but unlike internal hemorrhoids, this inflammation has a diffuse character and is accompanied by a high temperature.

Reliably distinguish internal hemorrhoids from other pathologies of the rectum will help colonoscopy or irrigoscopy

Rectal bleeding may also be a symptom of colonic diverticulosis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, endometriosis, colon tumors, or acute or chronic anal fissure.

Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor if any discomfort occurs in the anus in order to accurately determine its cause. It is up to the doctor to decide how to treat internal hemorrhoids in women.

Treatment options

Treatment for internal hemorrhoids is usually conservative, minimally invasive, or surgical.

Medical therapy

Internal hemorrhoids, as a rule, have a sluggish course with periodic exacerbation, therefore, first of all, factors that provoke the development of clinical symptoms should be avoided:

  • professional hazards,
  • weak passage of feces in the intestines,
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Conservative therapy also implies a complex of hygiene procedures. As practice shows, women are more committed to treatment and carefully follow the instructions - sitz baths with herbal infusions or irrigation of the anus after a stool. The use of laxatives to regulate stools - lactulose, flax seeds or psyllium - also has a positive effect on the patient's well-being.

Drug treatment goes in two ways - general and local. Systemic drugs include phlebotonics, drugs that increase the tone of the veins, improve microcirculation in the cavernous bodies and normalize blood flow. These are tablets based on flavonoids, in particular, diosmin, troxerutin, rutoside - tablets Detralex, Phlebodia, Troxevasin.

Detralex should be prescribed only by a specialist

In addition to toning the veins, flavonoids prevent the appearance of free radicals, thereby preventing damage to the walls of blood vessels, stopping inflammation, and stimulating lymph drainage.

If internal hemorrhoids are in the acute phase and hurt, then non-narcotic analgesics - antipyretics, which are based on metamizole sodium, ketoprofen, ketorolac, diclofenac, bufexamac, indomethacin, can be taken orally.

In local therapy use:

  • thrombolytic,
  • anticoagulant,
  • astringent preparations,
  • anti-inflammatory drugs of steroid and non-steroidal origin,
  • local anesthetic drugs.

It is most rational to use the suppository dosage form for internal hemorrhoids. They deliver the active ingredients directly to the site of injury. The usual practice of application is after each stool and at night, 1 suppository in the anus.

So, to combat bleeding, Natalsid suppositories with natural brown algae polysaccharide are prescribed. The drug has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

To prevent the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoids, suppositories containing a direct-acting anticoagulant, heparin, are suitable. These are preparations Gepatrombin G, "suppositories with heparin", Nigepan. The latter also contains benzocaine, which is a good help in the anesthetization of hemorrhoids. In heparin, the effectiveness depends on the dose, the higher it is, the more pronounced the effect.

In suppositories from hemorrhoids, the content of 1000 IU of heparin is most effective

Proctosan suppositories are distinguished by their combined action. They contain bufeksamak - NSAIDs with anti-inflammatory action, bismuth subgallate and titanium dioxide - an astringent component that forms a protective film on the surface of the mucosa, lidocaine hydrochloride - an anesthetic component.

How to choose a drug based on symptoms

Combinations of Relief suppositories are also effective, where a little shark liver is combined with phenylephrine, anesthesin (Relief Advance), hydrocortisone and zinc sulfate (Relief Ultra).

Important note! If internal hemorrhoids have a chronic course, which is accompanied by constant prolapse of nodes and severe bleeding, then the use of drugs with local influence alone may not be effective. Yes, with a high probability it is possible to deal with pain, reduce discomfort and anal itching, but with inflammation of the fallen bumps, infringement or thrombosis can be dealt with only with the help of surgery.

Operations with low penetration

Sclerotherapy, ligation rings on hemorrhoids, infrared photocoagulation, electrocoagulation, cryosurgery - a variety of low intervention methods are available for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women.

Such treatment one way or another (by means of a mechanical cessation of blood access to the node, thermal or cold exposure) destroys the existing hemorrhoidal bumps, which subsequently come out naturally during defecation. The best effect is obtained by using a combination of several techniques - ligation with infrared coagulation, ligation and sclerotherapy.

The main thing is that the results of minimally invasive techniques are comparable in quality to those of a full-scale operation.

Surgical treatments

Internal hemorrhoids in women should be operated on if the nodes are large, constantly fall out and carry the rectal mucosa with them. The operation to remove hemorrhoids is called a hemorrhoidectomy. Without taking into account the subtleties of the operation, its principle can be described as excision of cavernous formations and ligation of the branches of blood vessels. In addition, there is a "pulling up" of the ligamentous apparatus that holds the hemorrhoids.

There are many options for the operation, you may have to hear such names as the Milligan and Morgan method, the Longo method

In pregnant women, they try not to carry out surgical interventions, up to severe thrombosis of the II or III degree. The operation is still long and requires the introduction of drugs for anesthesia, which is undesirable for the expectant mother and child.


In the early stages of internal hemorrhoids, you can try folk remedies that alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Among the common recipes you can find - candles from potatoes, candied honey, garlic dipped in lard, ice candles, ointments, compresses, sitz baths, enemas on decoctions of medicinal plants of wormwood, strawberries, oak bark, chamomile, sage. Means for oral administration - juice from fresh potatoes, carrots, lettuce, spinach, onions, carrot tops.

But remember, hoping for such treatment at home, you can miss the moment of aggravation of the disease, so it would be useful to get expert advice. A therapist can prescribe conservative therapy, but small operations, and even more so a hemorrhectomy, can only be performed by a coloproctologist.

Internal hemorrhoids - varicose veins of the lower rectum. Such diseases should be treated immediately under the supervision of a qualified proctologist.

General symptoms

Recognizing the signs of internal hemorrhoids in women is quite difficult. In the early stages, many ladies do not pay attention to the discomfort in the anus. Distinctive symptoms occur only in advanced forms of this pathology. If you are faced with regular pain or discomfort in the anus, you should consult a doctor. The sooner it is possible to diagnose this pathology, the easier and faster it will be possible to get rid of it. You can recognize internal hemorrhoids in women by the following signs:

If at least one symptom of internal hemorrhoids occurs, a woman should immediately contact her doctor for a quality and detailed diagnosis. In the initial stages, it will be possible to get rid of this disease with the help of one drug therapy. The neglected form requires surgical intervention.

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids by stages

A woman can determine the stage of internal hemorrhoids by special distinguishing features. The more neglected her form of this disease, the more symptoms she manifests. We strongly recommend that you contact a proctologist if you experience any discomfort in the anus. So the doctor will be able to determine the disease at the initial stage and prescribe medication. If internal hemorrhoids are ignored for a long time, it will not be possible to do without surgical intervention.

StageCharacteristic featuresTreatment method
FirstThe nodes are small, pain rarely occurs, sometimes there is itching and burning in the anus. Very rarely, drops of blood are released during a bowel movement.Conservative drug therapy, infrared photo and laser coagulation, sclerotherapy.
SecondHemorrhoids become inflamed and protrude, there is constant pain and a feeling of a foreign object in the anus. You can feel the formations during coughing or physical exertion.Drug therapy in combination with: infrared photocoagulation, ligation with latex rings, sclerotherapy, ligation, combination of methods.
ThirdThe hemorrhoid falls out of the anus, serious inflammation occurs, the person suffers from severe pain. The process of defecation gives him unbearable discomfort.Longo operation, ligation, hemorrhoidectomy.
FourthHemorrhoids sag in the anus, unbearable pain haunts a person with any activity. Serious bleeding is formed, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia.Hemorrhoidectomy.

Medical treatment

If it is possible to diagnose internal hemorrhoids in a woman at the initial stage, you can get rid of it with the help of drug therapy. It is very important that the treating specialist selects it. Only he will be able to correctly assess the neglect of the situation and the individual characteristics of the organism. Usually conservative therapy for internal hemorrhoids is to take:

Folk methods of treatment

If you have only recently begun to notice that pain and burning sometimes occur in the anus, traditional medicine can help you.

It is the doctor who determines how to treat the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in women - you should not self-medicate.

Such therapy helps to achieve excellent results, but it must be remembered that traditional medicine does not always give the expected effect. For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, various decoctions, lotions and compresses are used in unconventional ways. The following recipes will help get rid of discomfort in the anus:

Alternative methods of treatment can be used only in the initial stages of internal hemorrhoids.

Minimally invasive treatment

Minimally invasive operations help to quickly get rid of internal hemorrhoids in the undeveloped stages. Such procedures are carried out in ordinary clinics, immediately after the intervention, a person can return to normal life. The most popular methods of minimally invasive intervention are:

  • Sclerotherapy- an operation in which a sclerosant is introduced into the node. This substance sticks together the walls of the formation, due to which it completely dies off over time. When this happens, the knot falls out of the anus on its own.
  • infrared coagulation- an operation in which the nodes are affected by infrared radiation. Due to the waves of different lengths, the base of the node sticks together, because of which it no longer receives enough nutrients. Over time, it dries up and falls off.
  • Ligation- an intervention in which a latex ring is installed on the base of the node. Because of it, blood circulation is disturbed in the formation, which leads to complete death.
Remember, it is the doctor who must choose which method of minimally invasive intervention will be more effective in your particular case.

Surgical removal of nodes

There is only one way to get rid of this disease in advanced stages - surgical. Only when doctors understand the inexpediency of further medical or minimally invasive treatment, they send their patients for surgery.