Drying the body for girls and women at home: a diet menu with recipes for a week, a month, for every day, a training program, reviews and results. Hard and light drying of the body for girls and women: products, drugs, protein, diet rules

Watermelon is an important component of the diet of any athlete. This fruit contains a large amount of nutrients with a minimum of calories, helps to “expel” excess fluid from the body, thereby contributing to healthy weight loss.

In addition, watermelon contains a large amount of fiber - it is no secret that dietary fiber is actively involved in metabolism, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, preventing blood glucose levels from “jumping” (which means that they “control” appetite).

What is the value of watermelon

In addition to the above advantages of the fetus, the benefits of watermelon for the body of an athlete are also as follows:

  • It contains a significant proportion of lycopene, a substance that helps reduce the risk of a number of cardiovascular diseases and prevents the appearance of cancer cells. Lycopene is "responsible" for proper breathing during exercise.
  • Watermelon contains vitamin A - "top dressing" necessary for vision.
  • The fruit is a source of such trace elements useful for the musculoskeletal system as magnesium and potassium.
  • Watermelon is a natural safe antioxidant that fights free radicals.
  • The diuretic properties of this fruit help not only to remove excess water from the body (this is a “ballast” that interferes with weight loss), but also help to cleanse the digestive organs and excrete toxins, toxins, salts.
  • Watermelon contains the amino acid L-citrulline, which is able to lower blood pressure, respectively, this product is valuable for hypertensive patients. The same substance, according to experts, can relieve muscle post-workout pain.

Watermelon and sports

Can you eat watermelon after a workout? Most experts give a positive answer to this question. Due to the high fiber content, the fruit helps to cope with excessive appetite, to achieve a feeling of satiety. At the same time, watermelon has a low glycemic index, so it is introduced into the diet not only by athletes, but also by patients struggling with obesity and diabetes.

Perhaps you should not eat watermelon after an evening workout - it is still a diuretic product, the use of which before bedtime can cause some discomfort. You can eat a few pieces of fruit 2-3 hours before rest.

Some nutritionists recommend not only eating watermelon after a workout, but also drinking watermelon juice during sports. Such a measure will help replenish calorie costs, “supply” the muscles with the necessary nutrients, and, in general, will have a positive effect on metabolism.

Important: the results of scientific studies show that regular consumption of watermelon juice increases the content of such an essential amino acid as arginine in the human body by 11%.

Thanks to this substance, the so-called “muscle pumping” effect is achieved - blood vessels expand and muscles actively grow during training.

Athletes who regularly play sports should consume natural watermelon, which does not contain nitrates. This fruit improves blood circulation, nourishes the muscles with useful substances, and, unlike many sports supplements, does not contain flavors, sweeteners, dyes and other harmful components. Watermelon perfectly quenches thirst (this is important for training on hot days).

The only thing that all athletes should take into account is the diuretic properties of this fruit - perhaps watermelon in the evening should be abandoned. Otherwise, this product is completely safe and useful - it is not only possible, but also necessary to include in your daily diet and “close” the carbohydrate window after training with it.

All about the properties of watermelon and its compatibility with sports.

Exercising is just one step towards getting a beautiful body. If after physical activity you fill yourself up, this is tantamount to trying to open the door, pushing it in the wrong direction. There is an opinion that watermelon contains a lot of sugar, which makes it high-calorie and incompatible with weight loss. Therefore, many girls are interested in whether it is possible to eat watermelon after a workout.

The composition of watermelon includes almost all substances that are beneficial to the body:

  • trace elements
  • organic acids
  • squirrels
  • carbohydrates
  • cellulose
  • vitamin B
  • vitamin A
  • antioxidants
  • magnesium
  • lycopene

Watermelon is an excellent body cleanser, it removes toxins, toxins and heavy metals. The berry stimulates blood circulation, helps in getting rid of anemia, in the prevention of the treatment of atherosclerosis, gout, liver and kidney disease, obesity and heart defects.

Watermelon contains a large amount of magnesium, which is necessary for the nervous system: it relieves fatigue, strengthens nerve endings, tones the walls of blood vessels, improves mood and relieves insomnia. By eating a piece of berries, you provide the body with a daily intake of magnesium.

Thanks to lycopene, the risk of heart and vascular diseases is reduced. cancer, breathing problems

Vitamin A is good for vision. Scientists have found that it helps in the treatment of night blindness.

Antioxidants slow down the aging of the body, improve skin elasticity and firmness.


The calorie content of watermelon is extremely low: 30 calories per 100 grams. For the most part, the berry consists of water, which provides a feeling of satiety: even two pieces of watermelon are enough to not feel hungry for several hours.

Watermelon contains fiber, which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which means it controls appetite.

If other foods can be eaten only an hour and a half after training, then the rule does not apply to watermelon, since the berry consists mainly of water and is easily digested.

Real watermelons ripen by September, but because of the people's love for the berry, farmers stuff the product with nitrates to stimulate growth. These substances enter the pulp itself and harm the body: there are disorders and pains in the stomach, poisoning, nausea.

When buying a watermelon, it is important to pay attention to some details:

    The earliest time to go to the market for watermelon is mid-August. Before this time, the berry cannot ripen.

    Squeeze a watermelon. If you hear a characteristic crackle, then the berry is natural. If not, it was fertilized with nitrates.

    Cut the berry and carefully examine it: sugar juice appears on a good watermelon, and its veins are white and thin, by no means yellow.

    Take the pulp and dip it into a glass of water. If the liquid is colored - in front of you is a watermelon stuffed with chemicals.

Basic principles of nutrition during drying

The emergence of such a thing as drying in the fitness industry is associated with bodybuilding. It was the bodybuilders who first began to "dry" so that their bodies looked as embossed as possible at the competitions, and the muscles were literally traced. At the present time, not only professional athletes are “drying”, but also ordinary people who want to put their body in order and burn fat deposits in problem areas.

In short, cutting the body is a rigid system of nutrition and sports loads, based on getting rid of a layer of fat, by reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing protein intake.

In order to get rid of subcutaneous fat and make your body as lean as possible, you need to follow the basic rules of drying - control your diet and go on a special diet.

Important! Please note that you do not need to abruptly start drying. In 2-3 weeks, start preparing your body for a new nutrition program - try to eat less carbohydrates and more proteins.

The drying diet is divided into four stages. Each of them has its own characteristics, due to which effective fat burning is achieved:

  1. The first stage is the low-carb period, during which the daily diet should contain 50-60% protein, 10-20% fat and 30-40% carbohydrates. This is the so-called preparation period, which must be followed from two to four weeks.
  2. At the second stage, the carbohydrate-free period begins, during which you need to eat 80% of proteins, 20% of fats and a minimum amount of carbohydrates. This stage lasts exactly until you see the desired result. If you do not need to dry for the competition, then it is quite possible to finish drying at this stage.
  3. The third stage is the most difficult. This is a carbohydrate-free diet plus the removal of fluid from the body. At this stage, your meal should contain the maximum amount of protein and the minimum amount of both carbohydrates and fats. In addition, you need to drink as little water as possible. It is extremely difficult to stay on this diet for more than a week, as weakness and nausea begin to appear, as well as nervousness.
  4. The fourth stage is the consumption of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. This period helps exhausted and dehydrated muscles to get enough of useful elements and it lasts a day, a maximum of two.

Remember that the program and diet during drying should be made individually, relative to your age, weight, health and physical fitness, since the percentage of carbohydrates consumed cannot be the same and universal for everyone.

Scheme for counting proteins, fats and carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight:

Starting to dry, you should set yourself the following goals:

  1. Activate lipolysis.
  2. Avoid dehydration.
  3. Avoid poisoning the body with ketones.
  4. Do no harm to your body.
  • Eat small meals to speed up your metabolism.
  • Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.
  • The main meal of the day is breakfast, never skip it.
  • Try not to eat before bed, after 5 pm do not eat carbohydrate-containing foods.
  • No need to take long breaks between meals - eat 4-5 times a day.
  • Consume most of your daily calories during the first two meals.
  • Do not categorically refuse eggs, vegetable oil and cheese products.
  • Eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages, as they irritate the stomach lining and cause overeating.
  • Learn to count the number of calories you consume and reduce them.
  • Do not forget that you can only eat 2 hours before training and 2 after.

Allowed and prohibited products

Starting to dry, you first of all need to know what foods you can eat, which you need, and which are absolutely not, in order to control your diet and eat the right dishes.

To begin with, it is worth understanding what simple and complex carbohydrates are, since only the latter are allowed during drying. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed in the body at a very high rate, which is why blood sugar levels rise sharply. The person feels tired, hungry and feels a great desire to eat sweets. At the same time, such carbohydrates practically do not nourish the body. These include carbonated drinks, flour products, white rice, confectionery, fruits, etc. Complex carbohydrates are absorbed by the body much longer and do not contribute to raising blood sugar levels, so that a person feels full for a long time. In addition, complex carbohydrates contain a number of nutrients, including fiber. These include - whole grain bread, legumes, vegetables, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, brown rice.
Basic foods that are allowed to be consumed regardless of the time of day include foods containing protein:

  • egg white, both fresh and boiled;
  • boiled or baked chicken breast;
  • boiled or baked beef;
  • boiled or baked seafood (squid, shrimp, white fish);
  • low-fat cottage cheese and cheeses.

In addition, you can add dishes containing carbohydrate foods with a low glycemic index to your diet. These products include - greens, cabbage, cucumbers, oatmeal and buckwheat, rye pasta.

Fruits can also be eaten dried, only you need to approach this very carefully and selectively. Their disadvantage is that they belong to simple carbohydrates, but, unlike most simple carbohydrates, they contain a lot of useful and nutritious substances. That is why it is worth eating fruits either before training, when you immediately burn those calories, or in the morning. Remember that the sweeter the fruit, the more calories it contains. An average apple can have 60-70 kcal, and a banana can have about 200 kcal, so some of the fruits cannot be eaten (grapes, banana, melon, watermelon, pineapple). But frozen cherries and currants can replace sweets and various sweets for those who cannot live without sweets.

In order to make up for the daily rate of fat needed every day, the drying program involves the use of fish, or fish oil in capsules, nuts (but only in a small amount, since they are extremely high in calories), vegetable oil. It is also recommended to eat special sports nutrition, which helps to replenish the necessary nutrients and help burn fat.

Dairy products are not desirable, as they contain too much milk sugar. During drying, it is extremely important to drink as much water and green tea as possible per day (of course, without sugar).

List of foods that should not be eaten dry:

  • all kinds of pastries;
  • potato;
  • White rice;
  • canned food;
  • sweet cereals and muesli;
  • fast food;
  • chips, crackers, etc.;
  • carrots, corn and beets;
  • grapes, bananas, melon, watermelon, pineapple;
  • sweets - chocolate, sweets, cakes, etc .;
  • dates and figs;
  • jams, jams, syrups;
  • juices and fruit drinks in packages;
  • carbonated products;
  • alcoholic drinks.

This term was borrowed from bodybuilders, who were the first to resort to a special nutrition system that allows you to remove body fat without sacrificing muscle mass. Naturally, this is a necessity for an athlete before a performance - he must demonstrate his body in all its glory. And why should I? - you ask.

Well, you have been working out for several months in the gym, but there were no press cubes, biceps and pumped calves, and the body still looks loose and shapeless. A familiar situation, isn't it? It is possible that you have them, only a layer of fat prevents them from “breaking through”. It's a shame if your work goes unnoticed, so it's up to you to correct the situation.

Operating principle

We will not delve into complex biochemical processes - we will only say that the essence of the diet is the abundant use of protein, which is responsible for the structure of muscles. The daily intake of carbohydrates is so meager that it is almost impossible to gain weight. As a result, the volumes are reduced, and the muscles are strengthened and clearly defined, creating beautiful curves and relief.

What result can you expect?

During the month of the program, the following changes will occur with your body:

  • Weight loss by 5-10 kilograms;
  • Volume reduction;
  • Removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • Beautiful relief.

A huge advantage of drying can be called its effectiveness - you will not lose muscle mass or water, as happens after following strict diets. Drying purposefully “drowns” fat, which is its main difference and a definite plus.

Therefore, the dropped kilograms will not return to you immediately upon returning to the usual nutrition system. Even if the relief disappears a little, the mark on the scales will be the same.

Possible cons

You should immediately make a reservation - this is not a traditional diet, because the plumb lines will not be significant, because this is not the main goal. For the course, you can lose up to eight kilograms. Therefore, if you have more than 10 kg of excess weight, this method will not work for you.

The second unpleasant moment is the duration of the effect. As soon as carbohydrates return to the diet, the muscles will again slowly hide under the fat. But! If you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and do not pounce on cakes and cookies immediately after reaching the goal, a noticeable relief will remain for a long time, even if you abandon sports.

Often drying or maintaining such a state of the body is not only inappropriate, but also stupid - even professional bodybuilders go on a diet exclusively before competitions. And for you, as a mere mortal, it will be enough to take a course several times a year: in the summer or before a vacation, for example.

Drying is always stressful for the body. And if it is much easier for men to endure it (they are naturally more sinewy and muscular), then it is undesirable for women to stay with a critically low level of body fat for a long period of time.

Video: How to get rid of fat - DRYING the body

Nutrition program

There are many professional programs, but you don't need them. It will be enough for girls to adhere to such a system:

Preparatory stage

The diet will last 5 weeks. Your first step is to determine your ideal weight. For example, you weigh 65 kilograms, and your goal is 58. When calculating your daily protein intake, you should focus on the desired number - 58.

During the whole time, you should consume 2-3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. We multiply 58 by 2.5 and we get the result of 145 grams.

Weekly nutrition program

  1. Your sources of carbohydrates for this week are vegetables, fruits, cereals and durum wheat pasta. The daily rate should not exceed 3 grams per kg of desired weight;
  2. We reduce the rate of carbohydrates to 2 grams per 1 kg. We remove pasta, and from fruits we eat apples and citrus fruits;
  3. Everything is the same, only now there are even fewer carbohydrates - only one gram;
  4. Carbohydrates are shown to you only in the form of greens and vegetables. Daily rate - 0.5 per kg of weight;
  5. We repeat the third week.

List of allowed products

Do not worry, the diet is not limited to one chicken breast. There are many sources of protein:

  • All types of meat (without skin and fat);
  • All types of fish (preferably sea - tuna, mackerel, salmon or salmon);
  • "Seafood" - seaweed, squid, shrimps, mussels, etc.;
  • Skimmed milk, cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt;
  • Low-fat cheese - cheddar, cheese or parmesan.

You can get carbohydrates from the following foods:

  • Buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • Fruits - apples, citrus fruits, watermelon, melon, peaches and pears;
  • Any vegetables and herbs;
  • legumes;
  • Pasta from durum wheat;
  • Bran and whole grain bread;
  • Occasionally, you can afford nuts and mushrooms - no more than once a week.

It is strictly forbidden to use

  • Sausages, sausages and other smoked meats;
  • Sweet and farinaceous, cocoa;
  • White rice and potatoes;
  • Conservation;
  • Alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Bananas and grapes;
  • Fast food and snacks;
  • High calorie meals.

The shocking truth about fat burning foods


A step by step guide to changing your diet to a fat burning diet

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  • Sports – Get regular physical activity. Your muscles must constantly work;
  • Ask your doctor which products from the allowed list are shown to you;
  • At least two liters of water per day;
  • You can drink coffee and tea without sugar;
  • Remember that an egg is not a pure protein. If you eat the yolk, count it like carbohydrates and fats;
  • The main thing is variety. Don't focus on chicken and eggs. Introduce new products to the menu regularly;
  • Carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning;
  • An ideal late dinner is kefir or cottage cheese.

It will not be superfluous to take vitamins and oils. For example, a teaspoon of flaxseed on an empty stomach or a tablespoon of olive oil in a salad.

That's all! As you can see, drying can be not only effective, but also tasty. The main thing is to competently approach the preparation of the diet and eat varied.

Greetings, my dear! Well, how's yours? We will devote this Friday fine day to the disclosure of the topic: what is the use of watermelon? After reading, you will learn everything about this “berry”, namely, the nutritional profile, what benefits it has, and what to look for when choosing it, i.e. learn how to buy a watermelon.

So, sit back, let's get started.

Why watermelon is useful: FAQ questions and answers.

Well, our summer cycle of nutritional notes is coming to its logical conclusion. We have sorted out a lot of interesting topics: we learned, and also If you are still "in no eye", then you are welcome, the notes are waiting for your participation. Of course, our cycle would not be complete if we did not pay attention to one of the main attributes of the summer table - watermelon, and therefore the corresponding note is in front of you.

Actually, let's get down to the disclosure of this tasty topic.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Watermelon: what is this “fruit”, and how is it useful?

Watermelon is an annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Watermelon, gourd family. The fruit pulp of watermelon contains 6 before 12% simple sugars (sucrose, fructose, glucose), and the concentration of the last two prevails by the time of maturation, and sucrose accumulates during storage. Watermelon seeds contain up to 25% fatty oil (liquid fats of vegetable origin) and in particular linoleic and linolenic acids. Watermelon normalizes metabolism, enhances intestinal motility and has some laxative effect.

The main advantages include:

  • low calorie - approx. 30 kcal per 100 gr;
  • hydrated product ( 90% water) with a relatively low content of sugars and fat and high electrolytes;
  • is a good source of potassium, which controls the frequency of SS and blood pressure;
  • contains enough vitamin B6(pyridoxine) and thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • relatively high content of vitamin C - 8-10% daily rate;
  • contains the amino acid citrulline, which has a large number of physiological effects, in particular, improves muscle nutrition, increases endurance and reduces fatigue after exercise;
  • watermelon pulp contains carotenoids, incl. lycopene, which acts as an antioxidant in the human body - protects cells from free radicals;
  • rich in flavanoids: lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin;
  • relatively well quenches thirst and refreshes.

As for the chemical composition of the pulp and the nutritional value of watermelon, they are.

Why watermelon is useful for a person who visits the gym and just leads a healthy lifestyle

If you think that watermelon is just a sweet treat, and it does not bring any other benefits, then you are deeply mistaken. Watermelon should be included in your diet, if only because of the following 2 -x useful properties.

Property #1

One of the unpleasant training factors is muscle pain after exercise. (or postponed to the next day). Often, when conducting their first (and subsequent) workouts, beginners encounter pain in the muscles - they feel breaking, an unpleasant painful condition occurs. Moreover, this is also familiar to athletes who often visit the gym and conduct intense strength and relatively long workouts.

And here, in resolving the issue of relieving pain from the muscles, a watermelon eaten before a workout can help. The effect is achieved due to the L-citrulline present in watermelon, an amino acid that protects muscles from overexertion and prevents muscle pain.

Property #2

May benefit both sexes as it concerns bed and bed issues, or rather love joys :), and more precisely, erectile function. When eating watermelon, citrulline in our body is converted into L-arginine, a precursor of nitric oxide. An adequate amount of the latter in the body leads to relaxation of the walls of blood vessels, which contributes to their expansion. (increased lumen in the blood vessels) and a rush of blood to them (including to the loins).

The concentration of nitric oxide in the blood affects the erection of a man, therefore, increasing its content in the body due to products (particularly watermelon), the probability of satisfaction of the partner increases also.


The above properties can manifest themselves only with a otherwise balanced diet and appropriate human activity during the day, i.e. eating watermelons alone without changing the rest of the regimen will not lead to health benefits.

Watermelon is sweet and will make me fat?

What woman doesn't love watermelon? Only the one that cannot afford it, due to the fear that it will be deposited on it with extra pounds. However, young ladies, there is good news for you - watermelon, with moderate and proper consumption, will in no way affect the shift of the scales to the right.

The glycemic index of this “berry” is about 72 units, while simple carbohydrates account for about 6 gr. Simple calculations give us the glycemic load 4 units (72/100*6 ) , which corresponds to a low level. In addition, watermelon is 90% from water and has a low calorie content. All this does not allow him to negatively affect the figure in any way.

As far as science is concerned, it has been found that the citrulline in watermelon contributes to less fat accumulation in adipocytes. (fat cells). Experiments have shown that citrulline has the ability (through a series of steps) block TNAP activity (tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase), thereby causing our fat cells to produce less fat.

Conclusion: you can afford to eat a day (behind 2-3 reception) 1/6 , slightly more 1 kg (men) and 1/7 (women) middle ( 7-8 kg) watermelon. It is advisable to consume most of the watermelon in the morning (before 16-00 ) and a few slices ( 2-4 ) before training (behind 30-45 minutes) in hot weather.

So, we have laid some theoretical base, now let's deal with the practical side, namely, let's talk about ...

early watermelons. When and what kind of watermelon should you buy?

I don’t know about you, but here in Siberia, the first watermelons appear in mid-July, and, despite sky-high prices per kilogram, they are, I must say, well sorted out. However, in buying watermelons (in terms of “when?”) There is one rule - the later the better. The best time to buy a good watermelon is the first weeks of August, when they are ripe and brought to the regions. Otherwise, you can run into a nitrate watermelon.

The following memo will help you correctly navigate the time of purchase (clickable).

Well, in conclusion, we will find out ...

What is useful watermelon and how to choose it correctly

The average person, approaching the point of sale of melons, chooses a watermelon like this: “give me a good, sweet one” or “pick up a ripe watermelon for me at the table.” And this applies not only to women, but also to men. I think it’s not difficult to guess which watermelon is being “slipped” to the buyer - one of the largest, because the greater the weight, the greater the seller’s profit.

Very often in the market you can observe a situation when a buyer comes to a point for the second time and rolls up a scandal on the subject of: “What did you slip me here!”. Therefore, in matters of product selection, there is only one rule - own responsibility and the same choice.

It is best that the male audience is engaged in the purchase of watermelon, because some manipulations need to be carried out with the “berry”. In any case, when buying, always keep the following information in mind and see if the watermelon in your hands satisfies it.

Actually, this was the last meaningful information left ...


This was the last post from our summer cycle, and from it we learned not only what a watermelon is good for, but also when and how to buy it. I am sure that now you will become an ace or aska :) in watermelon business and receive respect and respect from a grateful family! Well, what about watermelon?

That's all, I'm glad that you invested this time in yourself, see you soon!

PS. What do you like more: watermelon or melon?

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.