congenital erosion. Congenital erosion of the cervix

Congenital ectopia of the cervix is ​​a condition in which the cylindrical tissue cells lining inner part cervical canal, grow on outer surface cervix.

Completely healthy woman outside the cervix are usually only epithelial cells. In fact, ectopia in most cases is a variant of the norm.

But in the post-Soviet countries, due to the widespread synonymous term "erosion", the state is associated with destructive processes. Although in fact, congenital erosion in the vast majority of cases does not lead to the actual destruction of the epithelium.

True and congenital erosion: what's the difference?

The diagnosis of ectopia is quite common among women. childbearing age. Moreover, in most gynecological rooms, both true and congenital erosion of the cervix are actively treated. Of course, a congenital condition can cause health problems in some women, but still Complications occur in only a small percentage of patients.

Congenital erosion of the cervix is ​​not dangerous for fertility and general condition woman's health. Diagnosis is usually made at adolescence during the first visit to the gynecologist.

This physiological feature characteristic of girls whose mothers during pregnancy suffered from advanced level progesterone. Wherein unpleasant symptoms may not appear at all.

Important! Despite the fact that congenital ectopia is not prone to malignancy, the girl who was diagnosed with similar feature should have regular colposcopy.

True erosion is considered a pathology, and appears as a small rounded area of ​​​​bright red color on the cervix. The disease is often accompanied by minor bleeding.

If congenital ectopia is localized purely around the pharynx, then foci of true erosion can be seen on the outer walls of the cervix (including the back). A characteristic manifestation of true ectopia is endocervicitis, purulent discharge. True erosion is the next stage of congenital.

The main causes and symptoms of ectopia

Hormonal disorders during pregnancy in the mother, as well as hereditary predisposition, lead to congenital erosion. But the following reasons can lead to the degeneration of congenital ectopia into a true one:

  • Malfunctions of the immune system;
  • Irregularity menstrual cycle;
  • Too much early start sex life, early pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Frequent change of sexual partners;
  • Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • Mechanical trauma to the cervix (due to difficult childbirth, abortion, aggressive medical manipulations);
  • Incorrectly installed contraceptive spiral;
  • Rough sexual intercourse without the use of lubrication;
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases.

The situation is complicated by the fact that early stages erosion has no pronounced symptoms and may not appear at all. The following symptoms may indicate that congenital ectopia has degenerated into a true one:

  • Bloody discharge with purulent inclusions that appear in the middle of the cycle or immediately after intercourse;
  • Bad smell from the vagina;
  • Prolonged painful menstruation;
  • Sharp pain after insertion of a tampon.

In any case, any deviations in intimate sphere should be the reason for going to gynecology.<.p>

How is pathology diagnosed?

Diagnosis of congenital ectopia is usually complicated by the fact that during the first visit to the gynecologist, most girls have not yet had sexual intercourse. The easiest way to determine the presence of erosion during a standard inspection using a mirror.

If the doctor notices an epithelial defect in nulliparous patients, then in the absence of complaints, no treatment is prescribed. However, the girl is recommended to come to scheduled inspection not 2 times a year, but 4.

If there are suspicions that erosion is true, then additional research. Right during the examination, the doctor can gently touch the cotton turunda to the suspicious focus. Healthy tissues will not leave a trace, while the focus of true erosion will begin to bleed at the slightest contact with the instrument.

Colposcopy is performed to confirm true ectopia. Inspection uterine cervix and the vagina is carried out using a special magnifying device (colposcope). The procedure itself is absolutely painless, however, during the process, the doctor can do a biopsy (pinch off a piece of tissue to exclude cancer).

In some clinics, the type of erosion is determined by treating the suspicious growth with Lugol's solution. Healthy tissue will be stained, and erosive tissue will not change its shade.

In addition, tests are carried out for the presence of sexually transmitted infections, tests for the composition of the microflora. Only after carrying out all of the above manipulations is the final diagnosis made and treatment prescribed.

Treatment Methods

As mentioned above, congenital ectopia does not require treatment. But to refuse the treatment of true erosion is not worth it. Pathology can eventually lead to the development of cancer.

The most common method of treatment: cauterization. Aggressive procedure "starts" accelerated process tissue regeneration. The result can be achieved using a laser or a cryoprobe (when the erosion is frozen).

Procedures are carried out under local anesthesia and do not require special training. Within two weeks after cauterization, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse and put antiseptic candles.

Ectopic (or congenital) cervical erosion develops in young girls during hormonal adjustment organism. Its essence lies in the displacement of cells cervical canal on the outer surface cervix. The need to treat congenital erosion of the cervix arises in the presence of inflammatory processes and other complications.

Description of the disease

Congenital erosion of the cervix is ​​formed when the boundaries of the cylindrical epithelium are displaced outside the cervical canal.

It happens during prenatal development fetus, so the disease is considered congenital. Pathology covers a small area on the external pharynx.

The color of this area is bright red, the surface is even and smooth, without pronounced changes fabrics.

  • visual inspection using mirrors.
  • Colposcopy, which allows you to examine the inflamed area under multiple magnification.
  • Smears for pathological microflora, oncocytology, sexual infections.

It is necessary to treat the disease in the presence of the following factors:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes or genital infections.
  • Menstrual disorders.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • The presence of warts on the cervix.

Sometimes congenital erosion remains and is aggravated after childbirth. Under these circumstances drug therapy and active methods of influencing the affected area are necessary, and it is impossible to delay a visit to a specialist!

Therapy Methods

Modern medicine has a wide arsenal of methods to combat pathology. In most cases, the treatment is carried out by a gynecologist. Therapy is selected strictly individually in specific case. When found in the epithelium cancer cells mandatory consultation with an oncologist.

Should I be afraid of ectopia?

The discovery of ectopia in a girl or woman is not a reason to panic and make the worst assumptions.

Tendencies of rebirth in oncological tumors ectopia does not.

In the absence of inflammation, the disease is a variant of the norm and does not require any intervention.

In this situation, only preventive actions and caution during sexual intercourse. Timely prevention and treatment of hormonal disorders is also necessary.

Often in young nulliparous women gynecological examination reveals changes in the cervix. The absence of pathogenic factors that can lead to the formation inflammatory condition, suggests that this is a congenital erosion of the cervix.

Many women are frightened by such a diagnosis, while most of them do not know that at present gynecologists recognize it as a normal physiological state characteristic of women under the age of 25 years. However, it must be understood that there are many important points which you should pay attention to in order to avoid the development of complications ...

Anatomical features of the cervix and how they are associated with erosion

This pathology is directly related to the structural features of the cervix, therefore small digression in anatomy will help clarify many issues.

The cervix is ​​a canal of muscle and connective tissue fibers, which is covered with two types of epithelial membrane.

The inner part is lined with a cylindrical epithelium. It is a glandular tissue whose cells contain a large number of vacuoles. They secrete mucus that is acidic or neutral. Its main function is protective.

The integumentary tissue contains a large number of blood vessels. Thanks to them, the color of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal is bright red. The cylindrical epithelium is located on the basal membrane, under which there are reserve cells. They are necessary to restore areas of dead cells and can differentiate into columnar or squamous epithelium.

The part of the cervix protruding into the vagina is covered with squamous epithelium. It has practically no vessels, so it looks pale pink. The cells are arranged in 4 layers, constantly updated due to the sloughing of the surface rows.

The junction of the cylindrical and squamous epithelium is normally located on the border of the external os of the cervix. In young girls, it can be shifted outward, and in old age - inward. This condition develops under the influence hormonal changes in female body. Displacement of the boundaries of the cylindrical (glandular) epithelium by vaginal part cervix and is called erosion.

Normally, the junction of the cylindrical and squamous epithelium is located at the border of the external os of the cervix. With erosion, the border of the cylindrical epithelium is shifted to the vaginal part of the cervix.

Often the cause of acquired erosion is:

  • Injuries after gynecological manipulations;
  • Cervical tears during childbirth;
  • genital tract infections;
  • Oncological diseases.

Congenital erosion is found in 11% of all diagnosed cases, with half of the identified pathologies occurring under the age of 25 years. With age, this number decreases.

Congenital erosion - a variant of the norm or pathology?

If erosion is found in a teenager or a young woman who has not yet given birth, then it is referred to as a normal physiological condition, which is caused by relative increase estrogen levels. AT young age the balance of progesterone and estrogen is shifted towards the latter, which leads to its predominance in normal amount in blood.

It is interesting

In world practice, erosion (especially congenital) is not considered a pathology at all. If we turn to the international classification of diseases, such a disease is not registered there. Most doctors of foreign clinics consider it a normal physiological state of a woman.

Since erosion at a young age is considered to be a variant of the norm, it is called or cervical ectopia.

The causes of congenital erosion are associated with a certain predisposition, and not the pathology itself is inherited, but the type of hormone regulation, features immune system. The onset of menstruation before the age of 12, cycle disorders, chronic extragenital and gynecological diseases increase the chances of developing congenital erosion of the cervix.

The mechanism of development of ectopia is not fully understood. The intrauterine development of a girl involves a gradual displacement of the cylindrical epithelium deep into the cervical canal. This process continues after birth. By the time of puberty, the border of the two cell types should be at the edge of the external os. But in the presence of predisposing factors, this process can be delayed.

Almost all girls in puberty areas of cylindrical epithelium are found where they should not be - on the vaginal part of the cervix. Over time, the epithelium shifts into the cervical canal, and in its place a normal stratified squamous epithelium appears. If this does not happen, they speak of congenital ectopia (erosion). If an infection does not join the eroded tissues, they are not traumatized, then such erosion is not considered a pathology, it is not capable of degenerating into a tumor.

Complications of congenital erosion may occur against the background of the following conditions:

  • Menstrual irregularities, heavy and prolonged periods;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • Frequent infections;
  • chronic diseases internal organs and the immune system.

In this case, the normal differentiation of young cells is disturbed, instead of a squamous epithelium around the external pharynx, cylindrical cells continue to form. Infection with the human papillomavirus with the onset of sexual activity can lead to the appearance of atypical cells and the development of cancer.

Symptoms of pathology that are important to pay attention to

Congenital erosion of the cervix does not have severe symptoms. It is found only at the first visit to the gynecologist in girls who have recently begun sexual activity. Sometimes the reason for going to the doctor is a violation of the menstrual cycle or unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. In virgins, examination in mirrors is not carried out at all, and it is not possible to identify erosion.

They speak of congenital erosion only if it was detected at the first visit to a gynecologist in girls who have recently begun sexual activity.

If the ectopia is complicated by an infection, then additional signs may appear:

  • Abundant discharge of an inflammatory nature (yellow, green, grayish-white);
  • Itching in the vagina;
  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Contact bleeding that occurs after intimacy or a gynecological examination.

Precancerous lesions also present with similar additional symptoms.

On a note

Behind a seemingly harmless erosion, a severe lesion of the cervix, up to cancer, can be hidden. Accurate Diagnosis can only be placed after a complete examination.

They speak of congenital erosion only when it was detected during the first examination by a doctor. If there were no changes on the cervix initially, then this is already a secondary (true) erosion.

What diagnostics is carried out when erosion is detected

Examination of women with erosion begins with gynecological examination and collection of complaints. In most cases, young girls do not notice any features that can be associated with the appearance of erosion.

When viewed in the mirrors on the vaginal part of the cervix against the background of pink epithelium, red foci are noticeable. They are located around the external pharynx, have uneven edges.

During examination during erosion along the line of the external pharynx, a strip of cylindrical epithelium is visible, which has a bright red color and uneven edges.

When a modified neck is detected, additional methods diagnostics.

Initially applied laboratory research smears. A Pap test is recommended for all women over 18 years of age once a year. A smear is taken with a cytobrush from the surface of the cervix and cervical canal during examination in the mirrors. The procedure is completely painless. The resulting mucus is applied to glass and sent to the laboratory. After about a day, the result of the analysis is ready.

With cervical ectopia, smears can be described as follows:

  • Normal (aka negative). It contains cells of the squamous epithelium of the surface and intermediate layers;
  • A smear with signs of proliferation of columnar epithelium;
  • Endocervicosis.

If the smear shows signs of inflammation in the form of leukocytes, the vaginal flora changes to coccal, then this type of smear is considered inflammatory. It requires special treatment.

In some complications, cells with atypia, signs of dyskeratosis or dysplasia may be detected. In this situation, a diagnosis of CIN (cervical dysplasia) is made, indicating the severity, and appropriate treatment is mandatory.

Signs of inflammation indicate the need for treatment. Such women are bacteriological examination. For this, secretions taken from the neck are applied to a special nutrient medium. After a few days, the growth of colonies of microbes is determined. At the same time, it is possible to perform an antibiotic sensitivity test in order to prescribe the correct treatment in the future.

Women with altered hormonal levels need to determine the profile of hormones and subsequent correction. An immunogram is also prescribed according to indications to patients with reduced immunity.

An obligatory research method is extended colposcopy. This is an examination of the surface of the neck with special device- colposcope. Modern devices are capable of magnifying the image by 40 times. Special training research is not required. In practice, several types of colposcopy are used:

  • Simple, in which a routine inspection is carried out;
  • Extended with neck treatment with special substances;
  • Chromocolposcopy;
  • Fluorescent.

With erosion mandatory research is an extended colposcopy, which is performed using a special optical instrument- colposcope.

In an extended study, 3% acetic acid is applied to the surface of the neck. It dissolves mucus, causes swelling of the epithelium and narrows blood vessels. This allows to carry out differential diagnosis various pathologies. After examination, Lugol's solution, which contains iodine, is applied to the neck. Altered tissues of the cervix remain unstained, the rest becomes red-brown. Congenital erosion is defined as a small focus with a clear boundary between the two types of epithelium, but with jagged edges.

If the epithelium in the focus has fuzzy boundaries, a section of the transformation zone, which is transitional between the two types, then they speak of acquired erosion. At the same time, it is determined additional symptoms: punctuation, mosaic.

If atypical cells are detected in the smear, it is necessary to take a biopsy from the pathologically altered part of the cervix. For congenital erosion, the following histological conditions are often described:

  • Glandular papillary pseudo-erosion;
  • glandular pseudo-erosion;
  • Epidermitizing pseudo-erosion.

In complicated pathologies, various histological variants characteristic of precancerous conditions are found. In such cases, after colposcopy, a consultation with an oncogynecologist is necessary.

Is it necessary to treat congenital erosion of the cervix?

Uncomplicated cervical erosion does not require treatment. it physiological state in many nulliparous women. As for those who have already given birth, in most cases, congenital ectopia resolves on its own after childbirth. Only with the resulting ruptures of the cervix, erosively altered areas that require treatment can be preserved.

Starting from puberty, every woman should be examined by a gynecologist at least once a year, even if there are no complaints.

Young people nulliparous girls the main tactic in detecting erosion is observation. They are recommended an annual visit to the gynecologist and Pap smears.

Any destructive intervention can lead to serious changes in the structure of the cervix. Most of the cells that form it are connective tissue. In case of any damage, the defect is replaced at the site of injury. connective tissue. It is poorly extensible, inelastic, therefore, during childbirth, such a neck opens slowly and incompletely, it can tear when the child passes through the birth canal.

Destructive erosion treatments can worsen the elasticity of the cervix, which can affect the course of labor.

Treatment is carried out only when pathologically altered foci (dysplasia, leukoplakia, etc.), complicated erosion are detected. Erosion against the background of cervicitis is a reason for additional examination:

  • Survey smear on flora;
  • Bacteriological culture;
  • Examination for infections (HPV, herpes virus, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma).

After identifying the causative agent of the disease, antibacterial or antifungal drugs taking into account the sensitivity of the detected microorganisms to them. Priority is given to local agents (vaginal suppositories). After the course of therapy, a control seeding is carried out and the effectiveness of the treatment is evaluated.

Other methods of drug therapy:

  • Restoration of the microflora of the vagina (probiotics);
  • Correction of hormonal disorders;
  • Immunity boost.

Destructive treatments are indicated when severe forms lesions of the cervix against the background of erosion. For this, the following methods of this therapy are used:

  • cryodestruction;
  • Laser coagulation;
  • Diathermocoagulation;
  • Medical cauterization.

is a method of using liquid nitrogen to create the lowest possible temperature in the lesions. This method of treatment is preferred in young women who have not yet given birth. They affect only pathologically altered tissues, while there is no bleeding. After healing of the treated area, no traces remain, no rough scar is formed, which deforms the neck and does not allow it to open normally during childbirth.

The cryodestruction method is not suitable for removing large foci. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to control the depth of tissue exposure, so microfoci may remain that will require repeated treatment.

Laser treatment is a method of influencing erosion with the help of laser radiation, which leads to evaporation of the pathological focus. This method of treatment is also allowed to be used in nulliparous women. Large erosion with its help is treated with a course of several procedures.

Diathermocoagulation is the most traumatic of the methods. This is an effect on the cervix with the help of electric current. At the same time, the neck is injured, scars are formed at the site of exposure, which will disrupt the process of physiological opening during childbirth, and therefore, this method not recommended for women who have not yet given birth.

A relatively gentle method is chemical coagulation. For her use medical preparations, for example, . They cause tissue necrosis, the formation of a scab and its replacement with a healthy epithelium. The procedure is performed by a doctor in a gynecological chair, who controls the accuracy of application using a colposcope. The doctor dries the cervix and then inserts a swab soaked in medicine. Contact with tissues lasts no more than 3 minutes. Chemical cauterization treatment is prescribed for nulliparous women to reduce the risk of trauma to the cervix.

Congenital erosion of the cervix is ​​not dangerous for a young girl. To protect yourself from the risk of complications, you must adhere to healthy lifestyle life, promptly treat infectious and somatic diseases, carefully choose a sexual partner and not lead a promiscuous sex life. Such simple rules, as well as annual examinations by a gynecologist will not allow congenital erosion to go into a complicated form.

Be healthy!

An interesting video about cervical erosion and the possible consequences of not treating it

What is the difference between congenital erosion and true?

Main symptoms:

  • Pain during intercourse
  • Purulent mucous discharge from the vagina
  • Bloody discharge during sexual contact

Erosion of the cervix is ​​pathological, but at the same time benign process, which manifests itself in the form of rounded formations of red color, localized in the region of the cervical mucosa, the diameter of such formations can reach about two centimeters. Cervical erosion, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the form of characteristic formations, can exist in several varieties, being congenital erosion, true erosion, or pseudo-erosion.

general description

First of all, it should be noted that cervical erosion is one of the most common diseases of the female genital organs. The course of the pathology is characterized by the replacement due to the influence of one or another type of factors of the normal mucous epithelium in the area under consideration by the cervical columnar epithelium.

As a rule, this disease does not pose a significant threat, if only for the reason that erosion in itself is a benign process, respectively, to cause the appearance serious illnesses, including tumor processes, it can in rare cases.

This disease, which is also defined as cervical ectopia, occurs in about half of the women in the group reproductive age, while in women who have passed the age of forty, it does not occur. As for the opinion regarding erosion and its perniciousness in particular, although it is somewhat commonplace, for the most part, experts attribute it to a number of normal physiologically variable conditions. Let us consider the previously noted types of erosion in more detail.

Types of cervical erosion

Erosion is congenital. congenital variety this disease consists in the displacement of the cervical columnar epithelium. There is congenital erosion in childhood or at the age of adolescence, while the symptoms of the disease mostly do not manifest themselves. Erosion is detected at , where the presence of a bright red area that cannot be stained when using Lugol's solution is determined. It is noteworthy that congenital erosion does not predispose in its own course to subsequent development into malignant formations, and therefore treatment is usually not provided.

Erosion is real. With true erosion, its characteristic manifestations are localized in the area of ​​​​the pharynx (from its outer side, in some cases from the back), localization in the region of the lip of the cervix is ​​much less likely. True erosion manifests itself in the form of a small rounded area with a pronounced color, sometimes bleeding is noted. For this type of erosion characteristic manifestation often is endocervicitis, as a result of which the damaged part of the mucosa may have purulent discharge. The duration of true erosion is about 10-14 days, then the cervix is ​​covered epithelial cells belonging to neighboring areas. Pseudo-erosion is in this case the next stage in the development of the disease.

Pseudo-erosion. It manifests itself in the form of a rounded area of ​​pronounced red color, in some cases it does not have a specific shape, the diameter can be as small as a few millimeters or as high as several centimeters. The surface of the formation may be characterized by the formation of mucous secretions on it, which in some cases may be purulent. The duration of the flow of this type of erosion can be a lot of time, which is determined based on the characteristics of the flow inflammatory process that provoked her. The danger of pseudo-erosion lies in the possibility of recurrence, respectively, in this case there is a high risk of developing cancer, which in without fail should be considered in treatment.

In addition to the main types of erosion, the following variants are also distinguished:

  • Ectropion. In this case, a kind of eversion of the cervical mucosa is implied, which occurs as a result of abortions or after childbirth.
  • cervix. It is characterized by the process of transplantation to the surface of the cervix of the endometrium of the uterine cavity.
  • . It is characterized by keratinization of squamous stratified epithelium.
  • Polyps of the cervical canal, polyps of the cervix.
  • Pointed warts.

Causes of the disease

  • Mechanical injury, appearing as a result of rough and frequent sexual intercourse, as well as during abortion, childbirth. With physical impact, the stratified squamous epithelium begins to thicken, which leads to the subsequent formation of an inflammatory process.
  • Sexually transmitted infections. Among these, genital and other diseases are distinguished.
  • Incorrect and untimely treatment of genital tract infections.
  • Started early sex life late onset of sexual activity.
  • Rare sexual contacts, or vice versa, frequent change partners.
  • Current violations in hormonal status, menstrual irregularities.
  • Changes in the immunological scale (drop in immunity).
  • The presence of inflammatory diseases that are relevant to the area of ​​​​the pelvic organs (, etc.).
  • A combination of some of the above reasons.

The occurrence of the disease in elderly patients is possible due to the pressure exerted by the uterine ring. In addition, there is also a “physiological” erosion, determined in young women (up to 25 years old), which has a tendency to self-heal.

Cervical erosion: symptoms

The vast majority of reported cases of the disease in women indicates that it rarely manifests itself in the form of a specific clinical symptoms Therefore, in most cases, the diagnosis of the disease is made randomly. Meanwhile, it also happens that the appeal of patients to a specialist occurs on the basis of the occurrence of the following symptoms:

  • bleeding that is not associated with menstruation, especially often appearing after intercourse;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • purulent-mucous discharge (whose occurrence is explained by the addition inflammatory disease to erosion, as a result of which it itself significantly worsens in the characteristics of its own course), which women often confuse on their own with menstrual flow, thrush, or harbingers of miscarriage in the case of pregnancy.

Diagnosis of cervical erosion

The diagnosis can be established already at the first visit to the doctor. Meanwhile, in many cases, a visual examination is only half the battle in diagnosing the disease. Therefore, patients will need to pass the following tests:

  • smear on flora;
  • extended colposcopy;
  • cytological examination;
  • PCR diagnostics, focused on determining the main types of infections (genital herpes, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, etc.);
  • blood test for hepatitis, HIV, syphilis;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • biopsy (if the patient is suspected of having a malignant tumor).

Erosion treatment

The tactics of treatment suitable in each case are developed individually, based on the type of erosion and the size that is characteristic of it, including the presence of infections. accompanying type. So, congenital erosion requires dynamic observation, as a result of which its independent disappearance can be noted. In general, treatment can be conservative or surgical, based, again, on the specific features of the course of the disease.

Conservative treatment involves the elimination of the cause that provoked erosion. Therefore, based on the comorbidity identified in the patient, antibiotics can be prescribed that have the widest range actions. Additionally, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators can be prescribed.

Locally, the neck is treated with drugs that lead to chemical coagulation in the affected area. These drugs are used only for benign education, to a greater extent they are suitable for nulliparous girls, since the treatment does not leave scars in the cervical region, which is a significant advantage of the method. Its disadvantage lies in the possible recurrence of the disease, while it is applicable for any type of erosion.

If the effect of conservative therapy is insignificant or completely absent, then cauterization is prescribed (which is surgical method in this case). In addition, any of the following methods can be used:

  • electrosurgery;
  • cryosurgery;
  • laser destruction;
  • radiosurgery;
  • thermocoagulation.

With regard to such widespread proposals regarding folk remedies in the treatment of erosion, then specialists treat them ambiguously - the effectiveness of any of the options in the treatment of erosion has not been proven. Among non-traditional methods treatment of cervical erosion most often a certain effectiveness is observed with the use of acupuncture (acupuncture) and physiotherapy.

In the event of the appearance of alarming symptoms, which is especially important because of the predominantly asymptomatic course of uterine erosion, it is necessary to seek advice from a gynecologist.

Is everything correct in the article with medical point vision?

Answer only if you have proven medical knowledge

Such erosion, unlike true erosion, is a completely natural and most often absolutely safe phenomenon. Such a diagnosis is not at all terrible, treatment is usually not required, and it is found in very many nulliparous women under 25 years of age.

Its essence is in the slow transition of the state of the epithelium of the cervix into the "adult" state.

The cervix is ​​the part of the uterus that extends into the vagina, it is covered with a special epithelial cover, which is designed to prevent infections and bacteria from entering the womb. During fetal development and for some time after birth, the cervix is ​​lined with a cylindrical epithelium, which, as it grows older, gradually moves inside the cervix, and is replaced by a flat one on the outside. Congenital erosion is a condition when this process is not completed by the time of puberty.

The reasons for this phenomenon are most often hormonal or hereditary.

Many doctors consider this condition of the uterine epithelium to be a variant of the norm.

no symptoms and discomfort women with congenital erosion are not observed (although the situation is completely different if such

mucosal condition is accompanied by any comorbidities or complications, but more on that later).

Accordingly, no woman can guess about the presence of congenital erosion without a diagnosis by a gynecologist during a routine examination with a mirror.

On examination, such erosion looks like a small too bright area of ​​​​the epithelium around the opening of the cervix. In an uncomplicated condition, there is no inflammation or unhealthy discharge from the cervical canal.

If an infection occurs on this defect of the epithelium, then inflammation occurs. Especially dangerous is the combination with the human papillomavirus, which can result in the development of oncology.

Unfortunately, many unskilled gynecologists claim that there is no congenital erosion. This concept in medicine appeared not so long ago, and his ignorance by a doctor only speaks of his lack of professionalism, unwillingness to understand the terminology, and even ignorance of the very essence of erosion as a whole. If your doctor is one of them, you should think about a new one, and even more so, do not start any treatment imposed on him without consulting with another specialist.

Congenital erosion of the cervix in nulliparous

Unlike other types of erosion, it is strongly recommended not to touch congenital when planning pregnancy. It will not affect the gestation, childbirth, or the health of the child in any way.

The only thing to do is to regularly take smears on the flora in order to track its changes and thus prevent or notice possible inflammation in time.

In the vast majority of cases, such erosion disappears during pregnancy due to changes in hormonal background. So if you are generally not against having a baby and this diagnosis somehow worries you despite its harmlessness, childbirth will not only be a joy, but will also replace treatment. This is exactly the case when the notorious “give birth - will pass” gynecologists in public hospitals is really true.

Such a state of the cervical epithelium does not carry any consequences. Perhaps the fact is that it is observed only at a young age, when immunity is usually quite good, or perhaps that such a change in the mucosa is indeed an absolutely normal phenomenon.

Only in the rarest cases does such erosion remain after childbirth, and then it very often flows into serious pathological processes and indicates a very serious hormonal disorders in a woman's body.

Treatment Methods

Most often, this condition does not require any intervention at all and goes away on its own with time or as a result of some kind of hormonal shake-up.

It is very undesirable to cauterize congenital erosion, like any other in nulliparous women, by traditional rough methods, since this reduces the elasticity of the cervix.

Treatment is indicated only when inflammation joins congenital erosion. When such inflammation has just arisen, treatment can be very effective and prevent any complications.

In any case, if the doctor sees reasons for the treatment of congenital erosion and you agree with him, then you need to choose only methods suitable for nulliparous women:

  • impact on erosion liquid nitrogen– cryodestruction;
  • laser coagulation - high-precision effect of controlled depth laser beam specifically on the cells affected by erosion;
  • Radio wave non-contact method.

These methods, of course, are not very pleasant, but still painless and do not require hospital treatment. The rest, for example, medication, are much less effective and safe.
Now you know for sure that when you hear such a diagnosis from a gynecologist, there is absolutely no reason to panic, even if you belong to the category of nulliparous women and are planning an early pregnancy.