Chicken offal to a dog: to give or not to give? Is it possible to give a dog chicken bones: features and recommendations of a veterinarian What kind of bones to give dogs.

Biologically, canids are active predators, big game hunters. In order to grab, hold and rip prey, their ancestors needed powerful jaws and well-developed jaw muscles that require constant training.

So when a well-fed home Ralph or a purebred Sharik begins, rumbling in his corner, to work, holding a strong bone with his paws, this is not just a habit or fun. This is an ancient instinct that has been written into the dog's genes over millions of years of evolution.

Do you feed them?

From the foregoing, it is clear that a bone for a dog is not at all a “secondary food product”, but only a “sports equipment”, and edible is very relatively. But, like any sports equipment, it must meet safety requirements.

Do chicken bones meet these requirements?

If we are talking about the tubular bones of different legs and wings, the answer is unequivocal - no, they do not. And that's why.

Raw, not white-boiled, beef bone, which a dog can gnaw at leisurely and tastefully for hours, will not do him any harm.


Another thing is thin tubular chicken bones. Their dog will gnaw it instantly and immediately swallow it like ordinary food. At the same time, he will not receive any pleasure from the process of “working on the bone”. Even the muscles of the dog's jaws themselves will not have time to properly feel the load from this fleeting work. What kind of "training" is this?

But when a dog bites through tubular chicken bones, they crumble into long and sharp fragments that can cause trouble. Dogs, like all canine predators, swallow food without chewing.

At the same time, fragments of bones that the dog swallowed can very easily injure the esophagus, stomach and intestines of the animal. In addition, the digestive system of dogs is not very adapted to the processing of bird bones - after all, their ancestors hunted mainly hares and deer, and not chickens and quails.

The consequences of a swallowed sharp bone can be the most severe - up to intestinal perforation, to peritonitis. And not always even, which, most likely, will require a surgical operation, will be able to save the dog.

Is there any benefit?

We found out that the potential that chicken bones can cause to your friend is enough to remove them from the dog's diet once and for all. Now a few words about some benefits.

In general, bones, especially raw ones, are a completely full-fledged source of calcium and phosphorus for the animal's body, and protein - that is, associated cartilage and meat residues.

But two or three random chicken bones, even raw ones, cannot bring practically any tangible benefits. Moreover, they are digested quite badly. But they can easily serve as a source of infection brought from an unknown poultry farm.

Advice. There is a nutritious product that could well be categorized as chicken bones. These are chicken necks. They contain a fairly large amount of animal protein, as well as calcium and phosphorus.

The only thing to remember is that during long-term storage, all by-products lose their useful properties. Frozen chicken necks should be stored no more than 2-4 months.

Boiled or raw?

We have already found out that the tubular bones of chicken legs or wings are not suitable as feed either raw or cooked.

As for chicken offal, which also contains bone material, they do not need to be specially cooked. Moreover, it is undesirable. Boiled chicken necks completely lose all their nutritional value.

When their bones enter the dog's stomach, they are not digested, but simply crumble into dust. Such dust in large quantities sticks together in lumps, and this can cause intestinal obstruction.

For a puppy

This is especially dangerous for a small animal. It is enough to scald the product with boiling water and cool. Such scalded chicken necks are quite safe to give even to a puppy.

Advice. Another option is to cook porridge for the dog with the addition of raw meat products. The addition of minced meat and bone is well suited - so to speak, “for smell”. Your friend will eat such porridge with great pleasure.

There, by the way, during cooking, you can put ordinary tubular chicken bones for fat. When the porridge is ready, such bones, of course, should be thrown away. Any cereal is suitable for porridge - wheat, barley, oatmeal, barley, rice.

Which ones are better?

Most veterinarians firmly believe that chicken bones are for dogs at all. The benefits of them are very doubtful, and the possible harm is quite real. Therefore, the question - which of the chicken bones to give the animal is "better", and which are "worse" - should be closed once and for all. None.

Of course, there will almost certainly not be any harm from an accidentally intercepted small chicken bone. But if, due to illiteracy, to feed the dog the leftovers from a whole chicken, and even to do so regularly, it can turn out to be sad.

Unaccustomed and difficult to digest food naturally leads to digestive disorders, diarrhea, constipation and even more sad consequences described above.

In addition, chicken bones will not give any pleasure to a large dog, even if it intends to simply “gnaw a bone”. For jaw training and just for fun, it is better to offer your pet something different, more substantial.

Minced bone

According to most dog breeders, any minced meat and bone offered for feeding wards is a product, although cheap, but at best useless. Its nutritional value is minimal. There is practically no meat in it. It mainly consists of ground bones with a small amount of cartilage and bone marrow.

It should be remembered that no matter how these bones and chicken frames are ground at the factory, the minced meat from them will still contain a certain amount of sharp fragments that can easily damage the mucous membrane and intestines of your pet.

Even if we are not talking about perforation of the intestine and peritonitis in this case. But even minor injuries, even scratches on the gastrointestinal tract, are still injuries.

Bacteria will begin to actively develop in the damaged area, and the case may end in intestinal upset. So do not be surprised that the dog suddenly had diarrhea after the “usual minced meat”.

What kind of bones can be given?

What to give a dog to gnaw INSTEAD of chicken bones? After all, this is not just fun and necessary training of the jaw muscles?

Give her a good sugar beef bone. If a dog gnaws on a quality raw bone, it not only enjoys it. Along with this, your pet cleans its teeth and strengthens the gums.

Many dog ​​owners find it especially helpful to give bones to young dogs, from four months old to six months old, when they are changing their teeth. Although there are other opinions, often directly opposite.

Important: a bone as a treat should only be given to a FAT dog!

Soft raw bones can be given after the dog has been fed in the evening. A well-fed dog will not gnaw its bone greedily, announcing everything around with a loud crunch. She will savor a tidbit for a long time and thoroughly, stretching her pleasure.


So, neither adult dogs nor puppies should be given chicken bones. Of course, if a dog accidentally pulls off a chicken bone, you should not immediately grab your heart and beat the drum. But on the other hand, in such cases, one should carefully monitor the activity of the dog, its behavior on the run and general well-being.

At the first change in dog behavior or the slightest sign of indigestion, contact your veterinarian immediately!

As with any pet, it plays an important role in its health and well-being. There are certain requirements regarding proper nutrition: there are foods that are good for the pet, and there are foods that should not be given to the dog. A lot of controversy is going on to include dog chicken bones on the menu. The article is devoted to this issue.

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To give or not to a pet?

The basis of the dog's diet should be animal proteins, which are contained in natural food. For pets, lean meat is suitable, which may contain cartilage and tendons, as well as a small amount of fat. Part of the meat can be replaced with offal, which includes animal entrails, ears, lips, blood, udders, and bone offal. The legs, joints, heads and bones after cutting the carcass contain protein of low biological value, but also a lot of fat. When feeding puppies with bone by-products, you need to add food with a high protein content.

Chicken offal such as entrails, paws, skin, bones, heads, necks, skeletons with trimmings of fat have a high energy value and are liked by four-legged pets. Chicken meat rarely causes an allergic reaction in dogs, so it can be used in the preparation of a diet menu.

chicken bones

As soon as a puppy appears in the house, first of all the question arises about feeding it. A young organism requires a variety of nutrients that are essential for a developing organism. Bones are the most important food for puppies, they contain such building materials as protein, calcium, lime, glue, etc. It is useful for young dogs to gnaw bones, especially when teeth change from the age of 4 to 6 months, this speeds up the process of change.

Animal bones are useful as a source of calcium. Its meat contains little, more phosphorus, and calcium is more useful for dogs than phosphorus. The calcium contained in the bones is easily absorbed. With the regular presence of bones in the dog's diet, there is no need for an additional calcium supplement. Give the bones raw. Gastric juice dissolves them, and they become a source of natural calcium and phosphorus, as well as substances that are the material for the formation of joint cartilage. But chicken tubular bones are strictly contraindicated!

It is especially dangerous if the dog ate boiled bones, when cooked, all the nutrients leave them, they change their structure and, when they enter the stomach, they simply turn into dust.

Tubular bones are very dangerous, especially for small dog breeds. They are fragile, when chewed they break into sharp pieces that can damage the animal's esophagus, which is why they should not be given.

Bones should not be given as the main food: they are poorly digested, can cause constipation, intestinal obstruction, and volvulus. In adult dogs, bones wear down teeth quickly. If the dog ate tubular bones, you need to observe it, if any problems arise, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Soft bones can be given as a treat after the dog has eaten a hearty meal. A well-fed dog will not chew them greedily, but can prolong its pleasure by savoring the bone for a long time.

chicken heads

If the dog is not allergic to chicken offal, then you can feed it with chicken heads. Raw heads need to be cut into several particles, add porridge or vegetables with vegetable oil to them. At the same time, there are no tubular bones in the heads, which are harmful to four-legged pets. The only thing is to remove the beaks, they have no value, they are not digested. If the dog has eaten heads with beaks, they can cause the animal to burp.

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chicken necks

From the age of two months, puppies can be given necks both whole and in the form of minced meat. It is advisable to scald raw necks with boiling water. True, you should not feed them more than three times a week. If there is a danger from small bones in the paws and wings, then they are absent in the necks, so even small dogs can be safely fed. Pets chew on them with pleasure. Adult animals can also be fed chicken necks 1-2 times a week.

Necks can be given for brushing teeth and massaging gums.

chicken paws

There are many opinions both for and against. Many give paws raw, they are then easily digested by the dog, however, you need to remove the claws. There is an opinion that it is better to give chicken paws in the form of jelly, which will even be useful for growing puppies. If you regularly feed puppies with jellied meat, it can replace industrial chondroprotectors.

Preparing jelly is easy. You need to put paws in a thick-walled pan and fill them with water. Bring to a boil, and then, reducing the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 5 hours. After cooking, you need to remove the bones, leaving the soft tissue. When the jelly has cooled, you can give it to your pet. Boiled bones should not be given to avoid blockage of the gastrointestinal tract and punctures of the esophagus.

The paws are made of tubular bones, which is one of the reasons why many dog ​​owners do not give them as food to their pets. If the dog ate tubular bones, then you need to follow its feces. If you find bloody traces, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

Some dog owners feed their pets with paws with porridge all the time, but this should not be done. You can not feed only with paws, they can be given as additional food, but not often, as a lot of toxins and waste accumulate in the bones. Food should be varied so that the animal receives all the nutrients. When giving chicken paws raw, it is advisable to pour boiling water over them, as they can be dangerous.

The opinions of veterinarians are also different. Ian Billinghurst, an Australian veterinarian, has conducted studies according to which he found that dogs that eat natural food live longer than their counterparts that eat food. In his book, he justifies the conclusions by saying that the dog is a carnivore with strong teeth for chewing and tearing meat. In addition, it has a short digestive tract, which contains enzymes that aid in the digestion of raw animal protein. Therefore, Billinghurst recommends giving meat bones, such as turkey and chicken wings, as well as necks as food.

Offal is fed to dogs in kennels. Chicken offal contains a large amount of collagen, for example, in the necks and wings - 20-30%, in the paws - 60-70% of the total protein. In heads and paws, digestible protein is 12.3% and fat is 6.8%. Since chicken fats oxidize quickly even at low temperatures, offal can be stored for no more than 3-4 months. To reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases, offal is best boiled or scalded with boiling water.

Veterinarians believe that dogs are different and the reaction of each organism to raw meat products is individual due to the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is necessary in each case to decide individually what kind of food to give to your pet.

If the dog was fed dry food from birth, then when switching to chicken offal, vomiting and diarrhea may occur, since natural food requires more gastric juice than dry food. Therefore, the transition to natural food should be gradual. If the dog has eaten food and burped, nothing needs to be done in this case, you can even allow the dog to eat what burped.

Video "What food is better to give dogs"

In the vast majority of sources of information about dogs, in one form or another, there is information that animals love bones. Children's books show a happy puppy with a bone in its mouth. And to the complaints of the newly minted owner of the dog that the animal gnaws things, he is advised to give the pet a bone. Moreover, many are sure that bones are not just a treat, but a complete food for a dog. But there is still very little reliable information about what kind of bones can be given to dogs or whether they should be given at all.

Predators or not?

In nature, canines (wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes) eat the flesh of prey along with the skin, entrails and bones, without suffering from digestive problems later. Females bring hard parts of carcasses of killed animals (bones, hooves, horns) to their cubs - games with these parts constitute an important stage in the development of the hunting instinct in young animals. But modern dogs have gone so far in the process of natural evolution and artificial selection from wolves and jackals in eating behavior, morphology, the formation of reflexes that for some of them eating bones becomes dangerous to health.

Bones as a treat

A bone is a treat or tasty toy for a dog. Yes, from them the dog receives calcium, phosphorus, iron, but at the same time they are completely nutritious, because they do not contain carbohydrates, they are not taken into account in the amount of food eaten, they are not considered food, and even more so they cannot be the basis of a dog's diet. With any feeding system, a raw bone can be regarded as a toy that the dog enjoys and profitably does without spoiling the owner's things, shoes, furniture, and as a delicacy due to its pronounced aroma and taste.

Animal bones have a number of disadvantages: they are fatty, bone marrow flows out of them, they smell unpleasant. If the dog is kept in an apartment or house, then she can stain the floor, carpet, sofa - depending on where she wants to chew on her toy. This does not suit the owners, who then have to wash stubborn grease stains.

There are industrial analogues of raw bones - products made from tendons, ligaments, animal skin. Such substitutes are sold in pet stores. They do not stain the environment with the bone marrow contained in them, do not deteriorate and do not have a repulsive odor for humans. You need to choose a purchased delicacy without a large number of artificial colors and flavors, an unattractive color (tendons cannot be beautiful pink, light green, lemon flowers), consisting of natural ingredients: skin, veins, cartilage, tendons.

Bones are like a "toothbrush" for a dog

Plaque builds up on canine teeth over time. Its excessive accumulation leads to the formation of tartar and premature bacterial destruction of the teeth. Gnawing on hard objects cleans teeth and removes plaque. As a “toothbrush”, toys made of special plastic are successfully used, which do not crumble, but gently spring when chewed by a dog: tatters, rings, balls. This is a good alternative to bones.

Do dogs need bones?

The question should not even be put how, is it possible to give bones to dogs, but do they need them? Fresh raw bones are needed for dogs on a natural diet. In this case, chewing on the bones helps to clean the dog's teeth from plaque and massage the gums to improve blood circulation.

If the pet receives high-quality industrial dry food, then he “brushes” his teeth while eating, besides, hard granules help massage the gums. The more often a dog gnaws bones, the faster its teeth wear down. Therefore, you can pamper your pet no more than a couple of times a month. Those who like to gnaw something are constantly offered carrots, apples, twigs of fruit trees.

Bones for dogs depend on the size of the animal, the condition of its teeth and gastrointestinal tract, on the presence or absence of allergies to some types of meat, on its nutrition system.

Small dogs like Russian Toy, lapdogs, Pekingese, dachshunds, Spitz can be offered raw skinless chicken necks, bird keels, skinless chicken and turkey backbones.

Larger dogs - most terriers (Bull Terrier, Staffordshire, Irish), bulldogs, most hunting dogs - can be offered beef drumsticks, forearms, metatarsal and tarsal bones.

For large dogs - like Black Russian Terriers, Giant Schnauzers, Great Danes, Boxers, most Shepherd Dogs - the hips, shoulders, shoulder blades of cows are suitable.

Well, the giants - Bullmastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, Great Dane, Newfoundland, Irish Wolfhound, Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs - will effortlessly cope with a sheep or goat skull, pelvic girdle and ribs of cows, goats and sheep.

What kind of bones a dog can have also depends on its health. If she has few teeth or they are heavily worn off, partially destroyed, or loosely seated in the holes, then harmful bone tissue will aggravate their condition. It is even recommended for such dogs to lightly soak dry food so that they do not damage their teeth further and absorb it normally. To massage the gums, animals with weak teeth can be offered apples, carrots, pumpkin pulp.

Hard treats are contraindicated in animals that are prone to constipation, have undergone abdominal surgery within the last couple of months, or have undergone surgery to resect part of the stomach or intestines. Until the change of teeth in puppies, they do not need bones. Before the age of six months, they should not receive excessive solid food at all.

A lot of controversy raises the question, is it possible for a dog to have chicken bones? It is possible, except for tubular ones - in a bird in the wings and hips. They break into sharp pieces that can pierce the esophagus, stomach and intestines, causing constipation or internal bleeding. The bones of turkeys, geese, birds, rabbits and small game are not recommended. When chewed, they break into pieces that the dog can easily choke on. A single bone fragment with a sharp edge is capable of piercing through the soft muscles of the digestive tract. In this case, only an urgent operation can save the animal, which involves the removal of part of the damaged organ.

Pork bones should not be given to dogs due to the high risk of helminth infection, which pig carcasses simply teem with. Only heat treatment helps to get rid of worms and pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Fish bones are not discussed at all: they are so thin and sharp that the dog cannot swallow them without choking. It is necessary to choose bones from slaughtered, and not fallen birds and animals, scald them with boiling water and only then offer them to the pet. Boiled and fried bones from any animal clog the stomach and cause constipation, forming dense "plugs" in the intestines. Therefore, you can only give raw and fresh.

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    Porridge with various additives 46%, 8376 votes

The purpose of this article is to warn inexperienced owners against making mistakes when choosing treats for their beloved four-legged friend and dispel the persistent misconception that chewing bones is natural and healthy. To avoid irreparable trouble, you need to clearly know which bones can be given to dogs. We also provide important advice.

Many are convinced that a domestic dog is the same predator, that the bones for him are an integral part of the daily diet. It is necessary to immediately warn - the bones for dogs carry more harm than good. They are too coarse a product, they overload the masticatory muscles and jaws. The result of this may be a change in bite. With their frequent use in food, inevitable damage to tooth enamel occurs, there is a risk of caries, pulpitis. Badly chewed, they can get stuck in the throat, injure it. A meat feast can end with asphyxia or life-threatening bleeding.

Particular attention should be drawn to the fact that it is strictly forbidden to give boiled, other heat-treated bones.

Such food is extremely fatty, high-calorie. It is very difficult for the body to digest and assimilate it. Under the action of gastric juice, this food turns into a compacted sticky lump, which is likened to a dense cork. The most terrible delicacy is jelly. The semi-digested mass fills the intestines. Symptoms of blockage of the large intestine - constipation, diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by blood, severe vomiting. With regular malnutrition, the animal's metabolism is disturbed. The result is a decrease in the acidity of the stomach. For this reason, solid fragments are not completely digested, but clog the stomach, forming a kind of sharp lump. If this poorly digested bone enters the small intestine, perforation will occur. The consequences of this can be fatal - peritonitis or necrosis. With such formidable complications, only surgical operation is indicated. It follows that giving bones to a dog often is a crime against its long, healthy life.

What is strictly prohibited

Poultry meat should fill the animal's diet by no more than 40%. A domestic dog is usually fed chicken or turkey. More than beef meat, turkey meat is rich in sodium, which normalizes metabolism. Compared to chicken, turkey meat is also healthier and safer. This is due to the fact that birds are grown in large enclosures and good conditions, without poisoning their body with antibiotics. Despite the value of dietary meat, you should not give the bones of this bird to your beloved dog.

After all, tubular bones are of particular danger to the animal. Just this variety is represented by the bones of turkey and chicken.

When gnawed, they turn into many tiny sharp fragments that can damage the intestines. If, through negligence, they nevertheless gave the pet a dangerous bone, you should immediately take action: put an enema, inject vaseline oil or a wax candle inside. At body temperature, the wax will begin to melt and wrap around the sharp pieces.

Often, after the holidays, it is a pity to throw away the leftovers of a baked chicken or pig that have not been eaten. Many seek to feed chicken bones to faithful pets, unaware of the terrible threat.

The owners say: “Well, the good doesn’t disappear, we constantly give our dog a meat “sugar” bone. She is completely healthy! These people are just lucky. More precisely, the lucky ones are their four-legged pets, who have not yet choked and pierced their insides.

Feeding chicken bones to a dog is unacceptable and dangerous to her life.

The risk of bird-borne infectious diseases is another reason why chicken bones, especially raw ones, should be avoided.

Can dogs eat other animal bones, such as rabbit or pork bones? The answer to this question is no, such bones are impossible at all. Rabbit - too small, sharp. Raw pork is dangerous due to the high risk of infection with worms.

The benefits and necessity of bones in the diet

Despite prohibitions, bones are an important source of minerals for the body of a pet. Therefore, it is necessary to include them in the diet, give nursing mothers and puppies.

Bone meal is the preferred source of calcium. It contains a complete set of useful minerals. You can give such flour to dogs without worrying about the dangerous consequences.

Young puppy health and its proper development depend on a balanced diet. So at what age does a puppy need meat? In the first two months of life, you can feed it to your puppy in raw scraped form. During the change of milk teeth in dogs, there is itching in the gums, a strong need to gnaw. The owner can help the dog to cope with this trouble. Let your pet gnaw on mosol.

What can be pampered

Beef callus, a large thigh part with the remains of meat, as well as ribs at the cartilage stage are almost the only type of bones that are given to a pet. After he gnaws all the meat and cartilage, even such harmless beef bones must still be taken away.

Lamb is considered environmentally friendly, nutritious. Almost does not cause allergic reactions, because it is a rare source of protein in the diet of pets, unlike beef or chicken. Sometimes you can give mutton bones to gnaw. But only soft boiled cartilage or very large fragments that cannot be eaten quickly are suitable for this. Be sure to have time to pick up before they are gnawed into small pieces. Cartilaginous veal ribs are an unusual delicacy. You can cook porridge using different parts of the bones. After the dishes are fully cooked, they must be removed.

Despite the relative safety of eating certain types of bones, they should only be offered to your pet as a toy or temporary entertainment.

Alternative to bones - dog treats

For teeth, for gums, or just for fun, it’s still useful for a four-legged friend to chew on something. It can be different types of dry food. As well as all kinds of chewing sticks, toothpicks. They maintain a healthy state of the pet's oral cavity, are able to remove plaque, stimulate the appearance of new teeth in puppies. They are also a great toy that will keep your dog entertained for a long time.

If you want to pamper your pet, give something meaty for a treat, opt for various models of rawhide. They can be offered to small dogs. Models made of pressed leather are large, dense, hard. They are suitable for large dog breeds.

I would like to think that after reading this article, the last doubts about why dogs should not be included in the menu of any kind of bones, especially give them all the time, will disappear.

Dog breeders will confirm that their faithful wards become real family members. You need to treat them accordingly, choose the optimal diet that matches the breed.

A thoughtful and well-designed diet has a direct impact on the health of a four-legged pet. From the question: is it possible to feed dogs a bone? some are horrified, because they believe that it is harmful to the animal, while others, on the contrary, are sure that the pet menu should not do without them.

What is the right thing to do in the case when it is not clear whether it is possible to feed a dog with beef bones, and also what benefit or harm they will bring to a pet?

Your dog's natural diet should include solid foods. You can give her bones, but you need to do it very carefully and correctly.

Beef bones are allowed to be offered to dogs. It is best if these are large heads of the hip joints. Wait until the animal eats cartilage and meat, then immediately take the moslak from him. Spongy can be used as raw material for broth, or as a toy.

Be sure to specify at what age the animal was killed, whose bones you plan to feed your dog. If young, then they can be fed to a pet without fear.

Because the older the animal was, the harder its spongy substances become, which can break down and harm the dog while eating.


The benefit lies in the fact that along with them, calcium, minerals, chondroitin and collagen enter the body.

  • Thanks to them, chewing muscles are trained, but only if they are given no more than two or three times a week. Daily use leads to excessive stress.
  • If you add the product to the diet in reasonable quantities, then the appearance of tartar and plaque will not threaten the teeth.
  • The spongy substance, bone marrow, which are part of the bones, are of great benefit to the dog's body, filling it with saturated and unsaturated fats.
  • Nervousness is reduced in those pets who sometimes have the opportunity to gnaw bones, in contrast to those who are deprived of this pleasure.


Unfortunately, the bones are not only harmful, but also endanger the health and life of a four-legged pet.

  • From them, dogs' teeth grind down, and sometimes even break. Bad teeth deprive dogs of the opportunity to fully eat, which also leads to various diseases, but already in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The mucous membrane of the intestines, stomach and esophagus will be damaged by fragments of crushed bones.
  • Very often they get stuck in the throat. Not always the owner can pull it out on their own, without the intervention of a doctor.
  • One common problem is intestinal blockage. In this case, too, there is no way to do without surgical intervention.

Who can't?

Dogs fed commercial diets should not be fed bones. The acidity in their stomachs is altered so they cannot be digested, which usually results in vomiting. The health and life of the animal in this case is endangered.

If your pet eats a mixed diet and dry food alternates with canned food and meat in his diet, then in this case bones should not be given to him either.

Pets who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and take the drug omez, this type of product in the diet is contraindicated.

Pregnant females who are fed raw foods are not allowed to give bones in the last weeks of pregnancy.

During the period when mothers begin weaning their puppies, bones should be completely excluded from their diet.

Which ones are better?

Not all beef bones are allowed to be given to dogs. Cartilage, young veal ribs, mosol with leftover meat are the safest for them.

Boiled or raw?

It is allowed to give them to the dog only in raw form.

Attention! In no case should you offer boiled beef bones to your dog! In a boiled form, when they enter the intestines, they create a fairly dense mass that cannot go outside.

In a baked and fried form, the product is also strictly prohibited, because dogs cannot digest it.

How to give?

It will be correct to add the bone to the composition of a serving of food, or after eating. It is absolutely impossible to feed them to a dog on a daily basis. It is recommended to pamper your pet with this product no more than twice a week.

What to do if you ate?

Asphyxia, which often happens to dogs from eating bones, is very life threatening. When the bone gets stuck in the teeth, the dog begins to salivate profusely. Often, pets choke on their own saliva.

It is very important at such a moment that the owner can notice in time that the dog has become ill and pull out the bone. If the moment is missed, then there is a high probability that the dog will die from suffocation.


If your four-legged friend starts vomiting, then immediately take him to the veterinary clinic. Such a reaction of the body indicates that most likely a large piece is stuck in the stomach, which does not pass. Frequent vomiting dehydrates the body of the animal. Only surgery in this case can save your pet.

Diarrhea with blood

Dogs that are fed bones too often develop blockages in their large intestines. This leads to pain and bleeding during bowel movements. If you notice such an ailment in your dog, then you must urgently show it to a veterinarian.


After two months from the moment of birth, puppies are allowed to very rarely indulge in a delicious bone.

Reference! In order to avoid many serious problems, do not leave the baby alone with the bone. Make sure that he does not start to gnaw and swallow it.

A puppy can only be given bones in the form of cartilaginous veal ribs. With their milk teeth, they gnaw out the spongy substance that is useful for them, eat cartilage and tendons.

If you decide to give the baby beef callus, then it should be so large that the puppy cannot swallow it.

The bone must be intact and without chips. Naked, without the remains of meat, it is forbidden to give babies.

The product must be necessarily fresh and get into the puppy's food only in its raw form.

Breed features

Dogs of any breed and any age will benefit from beef bones in reasonable quantities and under the strict guidance of the owner.

For large breed dogs, avoid large beef bones such as thighs and drumsticks.

On the contrary, it is better for small dogs to gnaw on a large brain, because their jaw will not be able to grasp and bite through it.


It is best to feed your dog only high quality foods that will only benefit his health. Bones can not always be attributed to useful products, although dogs love them very much. Often they bring harm and death to the animal.

If you still decide to sometimes treat your pet with a bone, then approach the process seriously and responsibly. Choose the safest and most special treats available in pet stores. Remember that you are responsible for your little friend and take care of his health.

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