Could there be an allergy to general anesthesia? Allergy to dental anesthesia

When an anesthetic solution is introduced into the body, a reaction occurs between this allergen (all anesthetics have an allergic potential) and the antigen, which is called an allergy to anesthesia. Even a minimal dose of anesthetic can cause an allergic reaction, although in general it is not that common. It is customary to distinguish four types: light, moderate, heavy, very heavy. An allergic reaction to anesthesia is dangerous because there is a risk of developing anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.

Dental practice, features of anesthesia and the possibility of an allergic reaction

When we hear the word anesthesia, almost every one of us imagines a dental chair and dental treatment. Probably, in this practice, more than anywhere else, local anesthetics are widely used. The use of anesthesia gives doctors the opportunity to qualitatively treat a tooth, and the patient can undergo this procedure absolutely painlessly.

Such a disadvantage as allergic reactions is not uncommon for dentists. An allergy to anesthesia in dentistry takes the form of either damage to the skin that came into contact with the allergen, or urticaria and anaphylactic shock (very rare, isolated cases). Most often, the reaction occurs not to the anesthetic itself, but to the preservatives it contains. And often an allergic reaction is just a “horror story”; even in people prone to allergies, the reaction usually does not exceed skin rashes, which go away very quickly.

What causes an allergic reaction to anesthesia?

The doctor may choose the wrong method of pain relief or the anesthetic itself. It is necessary to have a complete picture of the presence of anesthetics, their mechanisms of action, indications and contraindications. Taking a patient history may also help. Another reason is the presence in the anesthesia solution of not only an anesthetic drug, but also preservatives. The next reason is the composition of the painkiller itself, for example lidocaine has a complex composition, it contains additives that can lead to an allergic reaction.

Genetic predisposition, the presence of vegetative-vascular diseases, mental dysfunction and other disorders. A common reason may be that all anesthetics have the potential to cause allergies. Another reason may be an incorrectly calculated dosage or the introduction of a large amount of a substance. All causes of allergies to anesthesia must be taken into account by your doctor.

By what signs can you recognize an allergy to anesthesia?

Symptoms of allergies to anesthesia can be divided into three groups.

  • The first is reactions from the skin, the presence of rashes and itching.
  • The second group can pose a danger to human life; this is swelling of the face, neck and upper respiratory tract.
  • The third group is the most difficult. It begins with tingling of the face, itching, then people feel weak, chest pain appears, if the doctor does not take action, anaphylactic shock, swelling of the respiratory tract, heart failure, and convulsions may develop.

What can be used to treat this reaction?

Treatment is carried out symptomatically; usually, depending on the observed reactions, the doctor decides on the use of medications. If we observe a mild stage, then the proposed treatment is limited to the administration of antihistamines. The most commonly chosen medications are pipolfen, diphenhydramine and suprastin, and in most cases this is sufficient. If a second, more severe stage is observed, antihistamines are also administered and then, judging by the patient’s condition, medications are prescribed to maintain, for example, the cardiovascular system.

If we are dealing with anaphylactic shock, then adrenaline is administered and artificial ventilation is provided in case of asphyxia. As a method of preventing and preventing the disease, it may be necessary to conduct a skin test, inject a small amount of anesthetic subcutaneously and observe the body's reaction; redness or swelling in a given area may indicate that the anesthetic was chosen incorrectly.

Traditional medicine, remedies and methods for treating allergies to anesthesia

An alternative method of treating allergies to anesthesia includes breathing exercises and massage, which are used in the treatment of asthma. In addition, hardening is suitable for any type of allergy. After relieving severe symptoms, you can prescribe breathing exercises, for example, inhale deeply and exhale through a straw.

Traditional treatment means treatment with herbs. A mixture consisting of licorice root, calamus bark, string herbs, oregano and St. John's wort gives a good effect. Take two teaspoons of this mixture, brew with boiling water, leave to cool and then drink a quarter glass in the morning and evening. Another mixture is prepared from licorice, immortelle, calendula and burdock. The cooking method is no different from the previous one. If skin rashes persist, you can take a bath with herbal infusions. Burdock, string, elecampane, and chamomile are well suited for this. A glass of herbs is brewed into five liters of hot water, and then added to the bath.

Allergy to medications is an important problem in the modern medical community. If there is one, a person may be contraindicated in the medications he needs, and therefore, the most effective treatment. Another facet of this problem is reflected in the patient’s failure to undergo anesthesia sleep, which he needs for treatment or surgery.

What causes and how do allergic reactions to medications manifest?

  1. First of all, the connection can be traced due to the use of toxic and poisonous substances as anesthetics, which can cause various reactions and manifestations in humans, which can be individual and variable or manifest themselves in all patients in the same way or with similar symptoms.
  2. In modern medicine, drugs consisting of many components are used, and it is because of their combined effect that patients begin to experience individual intolerance to the substances used in anesthetics. This can be corrected by replacing the allergen with another component.
  3. The manifestation of the reaction can be different, but there are similar reactions, as a rule: increased heart rate, chills accompanied by fever, dizziness, feeling of malaise, fatigue.

Main allergy symptoms:

  • rash,
  • skin redness,
  • dyspnea,
  • suffocation (difficulty in inhaling and exhaling).

And the most severe and extreme case is anaphylactic shock, which often ends in death.

Allergic manifestation to general anesthesia

General anesthesia is a state of sleep caused by the action of medications that, acting on the patient’s consciousness, make it possible to carry out medical interventions without causing discomfort and pain to the patient. It is used for manipulations that require pain relief. The state of sleep occurs after the introduction of special chemicals into the body.

Consequences of the introduction of chemicals aimed at introducing a person into an anesthetic state

  1. The occurrence of heart failure . There are several reasons for this complication: firstly, it is an overdose of drugs necessary for anesthesia, and secondly, it is due to diseases of the cardiovascular system, more often chronic ones, although mortality from the second cause is less likely.
  2. Allergic reaction. The problem with this is most often the ignorance of the patients themselves about allergic reactions to medications or their components
  3. The appearance of respiratory failure. It can occur due to diseases of the respiratory system, most often asthma.
  4. The most common reason, unfortunately, is related to the human factor , insufficient qualifications of a specialist or poorly prepared surgical procedure.

Allergy after drug sleep

Allergy manifestations are possible after anesthesia, even if the surgical intervention took place at the proper level and there were no complications. As a rule, they are not fatal, but still there is little pleasant in them. Hair may begin to fall out, skin peels, nails break, teeth crumble, etc. It is impossible to predict them; the only thing that needs to be done is to inform the patient about the possible risks and consequences of anesthesia.

Medicines for allergic reactions

These drugs are sedative, that is, they block the receptor that is responsible for allergic manifestations and reactions. Another advantage of their use is their sedative effect. Drugs of this type are used in the treatment of neuroses, disorders, insomnia, and the initial stages of hypertension. Here are a few drugs from this list:

  • Fenkorol;
  • Peritol;
  • Dormiplant et al.

Treatment with traditional methods

Preparation of raspberry decoctions. Cooking method:

  • Take 50-60 grams of raspberry roots, put them in a saucepan or any other container, add 0.5 milliliters of water and boil over low heat for no more than 40 minutes, take the resulting decoction 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Decoction of rose hips. You can also drink during pregnancy. Rosehip has a number of properties, one of which is improving the immune system. Preparation:

  • take 5-6 rose hips, pour 50 milliliters of hot water and wait 30 minutes. Take no more than 5 times a day in the amount of 50 milliliters per dose.

Chamomile flower infusion:

  • Pour two tablespoons of chamomile flowers into 2 cups of boiling water and let stand for 30 minutes. Take no more than 4 times a day.

The dentist is the most terrible doctor. Of course, this is a humorous statement, but not only children are afraid of visiting the dentist - even adults can find it difficult to cope with panic. Self-control comes to the rescue, sometimes sedatives are required - the practice of using it before filling has long become routine. However, the best way to relax in the chair and let the doctor do his job is to inject an anesthetic, that is, a drug that temporarily blocks pain. A person who seeks medical help does not feel anything in the intervention area - and the specialist freely carries out all the necessary manipulations. Of course, this greatly simplifies the situation for both the doctor and the patient - however, an allergy to anesthesia in dentistry can prevent you from using the anesthesia technique. Unfortunately, it is not so rare - and can lead to a variety of consequences: from skin rashes to anaphylactic shock.


Sensitivity to anesthetics used at the dentist is a type of drug intolerance. It may be related:

  • with the production of special specific immune antibodies (sensitization);
  • with a pseudo-allergic reaction;
  • with an overdose of the drug.

The risk of developing symptoms increases:

  1. With rapid administration of the drug.
  2. When using the anesthetic on an empty stomach.
  3. In the case of treating a person exhausted by a long-term illness.

Sensitization is characteristic of the so-called true allergy, while false allergy occurs without the participation of antibodies. The symptoms are the same, so it is not possible to distinguish them without special tests. The likelihood of developing sensitivity is higher in people who have already experienced an episode of drug intolerance, suffer from bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, or are receiving many pharmacological drugs at the same time - they can enhance each other’s allergenic potential.

In some people, sensitivity is due to a reaction not to the anesthetic itself, but to additional components:

  • Adrenaline (Epinephrine);
  • preservatives;
  • antioxidants;
  • stabilizers (sulfite, EDTA);
  • bacteriostatic additives (parabens);
  • latex in the composition of an ampoule with medicine.

A true allergic reaction to the anesthetic develops only after repeated administration of the drug.

The immune system needs time to produce antibodies, so the occurrence of disturbances during the initial use of the active substance means either the presence of sensitization in the past, or a pseudo-allergy or overdose. This principle works with all medications and methods of pain relief (including if epidural anesthesia is planned). However, there is a nuance: when the patient is already sensitive to a certain pharmacological agent, and it has a similar antigenic structure to the drug administered for the first time, a true allergy can still develop immediately.


Reactions to anesthetics in dental practice can be:

  • immediate (reagin type);
  • deferred.

According to statistical studies, most episodes of sensitivity are recorded, on average, an hour or two after medical intervention. This allows you to quickly identify and prevent unwanted reactions in the future, as well as carry out differential diagnosis with similar conditions. However, at the same time, delayed forms are not uncommon, manifesting 12 hours or more after the injection of the anesthetic.

Local (local) signs

This is a group of symptoms, the area of ​​manifestations during the development of which is limited to the contact zone - that is, the site of drug administration. An allergy to anesthesia is characterized by:
  1. Edema.
  2. Redness (hyperemia).
  3. Feeling of fullness, pressure.
  4. Soreness of the gums and teeth - when biting.

The described signs are not dangerous in themselves, but they can develop together with other pathological reactions - urticaria, Quincke's edema. If the clinical picture includes only local symptoms, their relief (cessation) occurs even without treatment after a few days - of course, provided that the anesthetic that caused the development of the disorders is not reintroduced.

Dermatological manifestations

This group includes all types of skin lesions associated with allergic intolerance to local anesthetics in dentistry. They develop in both immediate and delayed modes and are not life-threatening or pose a very significant threat.


Characterized by the following complex of manifestations:

  • skin redness;
  • swelling, severe itching;
  • the appearance of a rash in the form of blisters;
  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • increase in body temperature.

Sometimes there is also a decrease in blood pressure (hypotension). The blisters are small or large (up to 10-15 cm in diameter), pink, merging with each other. The fever is called “nettle fever”; thermometry values ​​range from 37.1 to 39 °C. The rash disappears on its own and can persist for up to 24 hours; recurrence after initial relief of symptoms cannot be ruled out.

This is an allergic reaction that is often observed in combination with urticaria; During the development process, different areas of the skin and loose fiber are affected. Localized mainly in the area:

  1. Eyes, nose, lips, cheeks.
  2. Oral cavity.
  3. Larynx, bronchi.

The swelling forms quite quickly, grows over several hours, has an elastic consistency, and rises above the skin level. The most dangerous location is in the respiratory tract (in particular, in the larynx) - this threatens suffocation and, if timely assistance is not provided, death. The clinic includes symptoms such as:

  • significant swelling of the lips;
  • pale skin;
  • difficulty breathing, which gradually increases;
  • "barking" cough;
  • dyspnea.

If the gastrointestinal tract is affected, the following appears:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea.

If the localization of edema is not life-threatening, it can resolve on its own after 10-12 hours. Otherwise, the patient requires emergency medical care to restore airway patency.

This is the most severe consequence of a reaction to a dental anesthetic and has the following symptoms:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Tingling and itching of the skin.
  4. Urticaria, Quincke's edema.
  5. Nausea, vomiting.
  6. Difficulty breathing.
  7. Sharp pain in the abdomen.
  8. Cramps.

The development of anaphylactic shock is not determined by the dosage of the drug - even a minimal amount can provoke symptoms.

There are several forms of pathology, all of them are characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure and hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the body due to poor circulation. They occur at different times: from a few seconds to 2-4 hours from the moment of drug administration.

An allergy to pain relief can also cause symptoms of rhinitis (runny nose), conjunctivitis (tearing, redness and swelling of the eyelids), isolated itching of the skin not accompanied by rashes. Without treatment, pathological signs persist for several days and gradually weaken.

How do you know if you are allergic to anesthesia?

The reaction is caused by the interaction of the drug with immune antibodies of the IgE class. Their detection is the basis of most diagnostic tests, but the first step is to take a history. This is a survey of the patient to assess the nature of symptoms and the likelihood of their connection with allergic intolerance.

Laboratory methods

Their use is widely practiced by dentists around the world to predict the response to anesthetics, filling materials and other components used in the treatment process. However, a positive test result is not yet a diagnosis; the judgment about the presence of an allergy must be supported by other information (for example, anamnesis - objective manifestations observed after injection of the drug in the past).

The most commonly used:

  • complete blood count (increased number of eosinophil cells);
  • immunoenzyme, chemiluminescent method for detecting specific antibodies;
  • determination of tryptase and histamine levels;
  • basophil activation test.

All methods have different levels and time periods of sensitivity. Thus, determination of the level of tryptase can be carried out on the eve of dental surgery (in order to assess the probable risk) or within 24 hours from the moment of symptoms manifestation (the maximum values ​​for anaphylaxis are observed after 3 hours, and the increase begins after 15 minutes). The search for antibodies is most often recommended to be performed within 6 months after the allergic reaction occurs.

Recognized as the safest skin test for determining the likelihood of sensitivity to local anesthetics in dentistry. Carried out using:

  1. Compact lancets.
  2. Allergenic substances.
  3. Diluting liquid.
  4. Control drugs (negative, positive).

A solution of the test substance is applied to the skin (usually the forearm). Next to it are control suspensions. Notes are made everywhere. The selected area is then pierced with a lancet, which, when used correctly, does not affect the blood vessels, but ensures rapid absorption of the drugs (and a high level of safety for the patient). The reaction is monitored for a given time - redness, swelling, or a blister indicate a positive result (sensitivity).


It is carried out as an emergency (in the dentist’s office, on the street or at home after the development of symptoms) or planned (prescribed by a doctor to eliminate manifestations that are not life-threatening, but cause discomfort).

Limiting the use of allergen medications

This method is also called elimination. The patient must refuse the anesthetic that caused the deterioration of the condition and, if necessary, undergo diagnostics to determine the immunological nature of the reaction. If it is confirmed, the use of a provoking drug in any form should be excluded - it is important to pay attention not to the trade name of the drug, but to the main active ingredient and additional components (if they were the “culprits” of the violations).

It is important to understand that it is not only dental procedures that pose danger. The dentist should be aware of the presence of intolerance, but caution is also required in other situations - for example, when using sprays and throat lozenges containing local anesthetics, as well as when preparing for gastroscopy and other procedures that involve the need for local anesthesia.

Drug therapy

To relieve symptoms of allergic reactions, the following are prescribed:

  • antihistamines (Cetrin, Zyrtec);
  • topical glucocorticosteroids (Elocom);
  • sorbents (Smecta, Enterosgel).

In most cases, the drugs are taken orally in tablet form. The use of skin products - ointments, lotions - is required for dermatological lesions accompanied by rash and itching. Sorbents play a supporting role, accelerating the removal of allergens from the body; they are not prescribed to all patients.

For emergency treatment of anaphylactic shock, Adrenaline is required first of all (it is also produced as part of an Epipen syringe pen for self-use). Systemic glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone), antihistamines (Suprastin) and other drugs (Mezaton, Ascorbic acid, solutions for intravenous infusion) are indicated. These drugs are also administered for urticaria and Quincke's edema.

Is it possible to find an alternative to local anesthesia?

The use of painkillers in dental practice has become routine and familiar not so long ago - some experts still suggest doing without an injection. It is worth noting that this, although it sounds scary, is actually a solution for simple manipulations - for example, treating untreated caries. But this option is not for everyone. Firstly, you need to have practically healthy teeth, and secondly, a high pain threshold.

Those patients who are horrified not even by the buzzing sound, but only by the sight of the drill, find themselves in an extremely difficult situation when sensitivity develops. How to treat teeth if you are allergic to anesthesia? There are two options:

  1. Replacing the drug.
  2. Anesthesia (drug-induced euthanasia).

In the first case, it is necessary to select in advance a medicine to which there is no sensitization - for this, diagnostic tests are carried out (prick test, laboratory tests). It is worth considering that the risk of developing sensitivity does not disappear anywhere, and if a lot of time has passed after dental treatment, there is no guarantee that a reaction will not occur - a repeat examination is required.

Tests are performed with the drug that will be administered by the dentist - this way you can assess the likelihood of intolerance to all components contained in the ampoule.

Anesthesia provides a complete absence of pain (the patient is unconscious), but has contraindications - in particular, severe pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It can be characterized by various complications during drug-induced sleep and after waking up - and among them there are also allergic reactions. It is worth discussing the need for anesthesia individually during a face-to-face consultation with a doctor, since it is almost impossible to correctly assess the level of risk and other important points remotely. In addition, the procedure cannot often be repeated, so it is better to plan the treatment of several problematic teeth at a time.

Allergic reactions to medications have recently become the most common phenomenon among the population. Especially allergies to anesthesia cause great problems for patients. Since anesthesia is used during surgery, a thorough history is collected before using it and this method of anesthesia is approached with great responsibility.

Anesthesia and its varieties

  • Local anesthesia is a loss of sensitivity of an organ that is caused artificially.
  • General anesthesia - this is when the patient experiences complete numbness and is euthanized with loss of consciousness.

A patient may experience an allergic reaction to an anesthetic during surgery or after a certain time after surgery.

Allergy to anesthesia

A reaction to the injected anesthetic drug may occur immediately or 10-15 minutes after the injection. The most serious complication of an allergy to an anesthetic is anaphylactic shock. All medical institutions have medications for first aid during anaphylactic shock.

When a patient falls asleep under the influence of anesthesia, it is very difficult to determine an allergic reaction to it. The following symptoms appear:

  • Rapid reduction in blood pressure.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Pallor of the skin.
  • Swelling of the airways.
  • Stopping breathing.

In many cases, anaphylactic shock following an allergy to an anesthetic can lead to death.

Allergy after anesthesia

In fact, anesthesia is not a safe means during surgery; after it, the following consequences of anesthesia may appear:

  • Exacerbation of heart disease, which can be caused by anesthesia when the patient has chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Breathing disorders that occur in people with diseases of the respiratory system, for example, bronchial asthma.

After anesthesia, patients with allergies may experience the following symptoms that appear after awakening from anesthesia:

  • Severe hair fragility and increased hair loss.
  • Brittleness of the nail plate.
  • Various skin rashes.
  • Itchy skin.


Depending on the method of administration and the amount of allergen in the medicine, the symptoms during and after an allergy to the anesthetic are as follows:

  • Redness of the skin.
  • Tingling and itching.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Various skin rashes.
  • Brittle nails.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Edema.
  • Pain in the injection area.
  • Pain in the chest area.
  • Feelings of fear and anxiety.


There are many reasons for allergies to anesthesia, these reasons are as follows:

  • Individual intolerance to the drug as part of the anesthetic.
  • Error in selecting the dose of the drug.
  • Insufficiently trained anesthesiologist.
  • Toxic substances that are part of the anesthetic substance.
  • There may be allergies to suture material, gloves, sterilants and surgical instruments.

First aid

If a patient has a reaction to anesthesia in a hospital or any other medical facility, doctors will always come to the rescue and provide appropriate assistance. Since such cases mainly occur during surgery, first aid medications are available in all operating rooms.

If the patient has symptoms of an allergy or anaphylactic shock (redness of the skin, swelling of the face, hoarse voice, wheezing, decreased blood pressure and a feeling of fear), the following measures are recommended:

  1. Apply a tourniquet above the anesthetic injection site.
  2. Inject 0.1% adrenaline 0.5 ml under the skin or into a vein.
  3. Prednisolone is injected into a vein or muscle.
  4. Give the patient any antihistamine that is at hand (diphenhydramine, fenkarol, diazolin, suprastin, tavegil, claritin, loratadine, fenistil and others).


For preventive purposes, the patient must undergo a thorough examination before surgery, undergo allergy tests and provide the anesthesiologist with all the necessary information about himself.

In medical practice, it has been proven that acute allergies to anesthesia can occur in very rare cases, but nevertheless these facts are not reassuring. To determine an allergic reaction to any medicine contained in the anesthetic, the following examinations are carried out:

  • Various skin tests.
  • Enzyme immunoassay blood test.
  • Tests with provocation using an allergen.

No one can guarantee anyone that there will be no allergic reaction after anesthesia. To reduce the risk, the anesthesiologist carefully collects anamnesis and asks about all manifestations of allergies from birth to the present. For preventive purposes, antihistamines and hormones are prescribed before surgery to reduce allergy symptoms. These medications reduce the symptoms of allergies.

Recently, anesthesia is very often used in dentistry. When a patient feels afraid of dental treatment, he becomes very frightened, his blood pressure may rise, he may experience a heart attack and dizziness, he may lose consciousness. To prevent such phenomena, dental anesthesia is used, which can be prescribed to the elderly, children and people of all ages.

To summarize, we can say that in any situation, before using anesthesia, it is recommended to approach the problem of allergies with caution.

The use of local anesthetics in dental anesthesia was preceded by the discovery of substances whose action was mainly based on depression of the central nervous system.

The first anesthetic drugs were narcotic and toxic substances, such as nitrous oxide, ether, cocaine, and chloroform. After the discovery of complex, combined anesthetics in the twentieth century, patients began to show the first signs of individual intolerance to the drugs, which in everyday life is called an allergic reaction.

In general, side effects in dental anesthesia are not a rare manifestation of its negative side, but they do not have an allergic etiology.

Two types of allergic reactions are observed and have been described in dental practice, namely:

  • Allergic contact dermatitis and swelling at the site of anesthetic injection;
  • Urticaria and anaphylactic shock - these types of allergies are quite rare and information about these side effects is limited to isolated cases.

If the patient’s body is suspected of allergic irritation to a certain drug, then it is quite possible that he will safely tolerate the effects of anesthesia if the problematic component is replaced with another.

Some people are intolerant to the preservatives in the anesthetic injection. The main sensations experienced when injecting the solution are considered to be rapid heartbeat, feverish chills, increased sweating, weakness, and dizziness. But in reality, this is by no means a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

An allergy, in essence, is a hypersensitive state of the body caused by an allergen entering the bloodstream.

Symptoms of allergies include the following changes in the body:

  • Skin reactions – rash, swelling, itching;
  • Difficulty breathing, similar to an asthmatic condition;
  • In severe but very rare cases - anaphylactic shock.

All the tragedy attached to allergic reactions is nothing more than the patients’ own prejudices. Even those who are allergic to the drugs experience short-term itching and skin rash when they are administered, which disappears after 2-3 minutes. In case of anaphylactic shock, the dentist has the necessary set of equipment to provide emergency assistance to the patient.

What do modern people owe?
allergic reactions?

A traditional anesthetic solution consists of two main components: the active anesthetic (lidocaine, for example) and epinephrine. However, most people cannot tolerate preservatives in the anesthetic solution. The most common of them is sodium hydrosulfite or sodium metabisulfite. In solution, it is designed to preserve the properties of epinephrine, which quickly breaks down under the influence of white blood cells.

If the test readings indicate that the patient is intolerant of the preservatives in the injection, then the combination of the solution is simplified to several components, most often to one - an active anesthetic. Of course, the time of its action is significantly reduced, which forces you to increase the dose of the drug to maintain the analgesic effect until the required time. Sometimes, “progressive” dentists replace epinephrine with mepivacaine or prilocaine, since their composition is less susceptible to human protective antibodies.

Allergy to "Cain"

Exceptional cases of allergic reactions to active components, in particular to obsolete novocaine and other ester caines, raise a number of questions regarding the composition of anesthetic injections for these “outstanding” patients. Even modern amide-based "cain" anesthetics have caused several documented cases of allergy to them.

What pain management options does the patient have?

  • General anesthesia in the clinic;
  • Using histamine blockade (painful, only in emergency cases);
  • Hypnotic effects (extremely rare);
  • Experimenting with other “Cains” (Septocaine, Marcaine). Fortunately, nature has decreed that patients who cannot tolerate Lidocaine can easily tolerate other anesthetics, such as Septocaine;
  • Do not perform anesthetic procedures (in case of minor interventions, for example, when cleaning tartar, fluoridation).

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Svetlana / 12.12.17

Hello, I had a mini-abortion, I was given local anesthesia with ice-caine, and I began to choke. What medications are suitable in dentistry?

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Hello, every trip to the dentist after the introduction of anesthesia ends in fainting....tell me what needs to be done, it’s very scary to treat live...

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Maksim / 12.11.15

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Hello, I was at the dentist, they gave me anesthesia with ultracaine, I felt bad, I lay down for 10 minutes and went home. From the next day, dizziness, weakness, does not go away. What should I do, which doctor should I go to?

Tatiana / 16.07.15

Yesterday I pulled out a tooth, they gave me anesthesia several times! I broke out on my chest and stomach in the morning!!! I took Claritin! What should I do? Could this be due to anesthesia?

Natalya Shmonina / 08.12.14

To all allergy sufferers: go to the Medclub on Tverskaya. For 8 years, allergies, which were twice with Quincke's edema, have completely neglected my teeth! Nobody undertook to treat. “For profit” I treated 2 root canals at the regional dental office, so much so that I returned home, and my thighs were blue from the pinching that I did to myself when it was painful during drilling. I started treatment at Denta-Vita, but it’s so-so there expensive...They asked for 800 thousand rubles for prosthetics!!! And this is without treatment or removal!!! But through third parties they recommended the Medical Club on Tverskaya. There they selected anesthesia after a blood test for anesthesia. Go to Alexander Anatolyevich Dmitrenko for removal. Then treatment with Inna Fedorovna Kiseleva. And for prosthetics to Mikhail Mikhailovich Manukyan, who gave me a “Hollywood” smile.

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Please tell me where I can take allergy tests for dental anesthetics, preferably in the Moscow region. Direction Ramenskoye, Zhukovsky.

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I am allergic to 1. Ultracaine, 2. Ubistezin, 3. Lidocaine. What to do and what other anesthesia are there?

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bad from anesthesia during dental treatment. strong heartbeat, weakness, dizziness. can drugs be used for pregnant women, what is their disadvantage? what are they called?

Tatiana / 24.11.13

After local anesthesia, a 14-year-old child only 4 hours later developed weakness, dizziness, blood pressure dropped to “90 to 60”, the blood pressure was this low for 5 days, the child was on home rest. Please tell me, is this a reaction to anesthesia? what anesthetics can be used? Is it possible to use anesthesia in the future? Several years ago I was treated with anesthesia, but there was no such reaction.

Alexei / 17.11.13

Tell me which laboratories in Moscow can diagnose the presence of an allergic reaction to dental anesthesia with the drugs ultracain, ubistezin, scandonest.