Dogs go into heat when they get pregnant. Dog heat: a note to caring owners of girl dogs

It is known that estrus in dogs is a very natural phenomenon. With the advent, the female indicates that she is ready to interbreed. The onset of the first estrus is compared with a period of 6 months to a year. There are cases when this period has not come after 36 month term. This means the presence of pathology (deviations). It is imperative that you contact your veterinarian. How does a bitch go into heat and when does it happen? The estrus sometimes appears several times a year. Contributes to this phenomenon of hormonal problems. The nature of the course depends on age.

How does estrus occur in dogs

If you are puzzled, how to know that the animal has started estrus, then recognize primary signs doesn't take a lot of work. The pet urinates more often, characteristic hemorrhages are noticed, the “mood” changes, the attention of males grows. It is worth emphasizing that many bitches have a molt before the very beginning.

The first estrus in pets is important in their life. It proceeds after the end of the period of replacement of teeth. However exact period cannot be foreseen. In tiny dogs, onset occurs between 6 and 10 months of age, and symptoms are noticeable. The period for which the discharge process falls in medium / large breeds is indicated by an indicator from six months to 12 months (plus or minus one or two months).

Sexual development by stages

The sexual development of an animal consists of four stages:

Stage 1 proestrus (the period before estrus). It lasts approximately for a week, reaching about 10 days.

At this turn, initial indicators are noticed. They make up a small amount of blood. Drops of spotting leave marks almost everywhere the dog is. Therefore, it is advisable to buy special panties for your pet.

At this stage, ovulation is not yet observed. The bitch is not ready for mating. Control your pet's behavior to avoid negative consequences conception is unclear from whom. The dog happens to be overexcited, extremely naughty. Every day she runs after males, which, in turn, are already beginning to show interest in her. Despite this behavior, the bitch still growls indignantly at the initial attempts to mate and by all means seeks to avoid the process of fertilization.

Stage 2 estrus (gon). Means "fast hunt".

The stage includes the process of ovulation formation (the first two days). But the female can let in for a long number of days. It starts anywhere in the first week of spotting. During the hunting period, the uterus expands, letting in various bacteria.

Stage 3 metaestrus, which consists of several days.

The stage when estrus begins to subside in dogs. The scarlet discharge subsides, the loop will become much smaller in volume. The bitch no longer lets the males in in case of increased attention. The duration stage lasts 10 days.

If pregnancy does not occur, the animal's body gradually returns to a state of calm. During the onset of metaestrus, pets have significantly elevated progesterone levels. Be sure to pass hormonal analysis for personal monitoring of animal health. Turning off any variant of the mating result (onset/absence), an abnormal development of the embryo is observed, acquiring undesirable results.

Stage 4 anestrus, period of onset of inhibition. The duration of the stage is 5 months (100-150 days).

Bleeding occurs 2 times a year - winter, autumn. Homeless dogs have minimal amount(1 time) in the spring season. Dogs are in heat for 3 weeks. Includes the first 3 phases of estrus, including the period from 9 days - 1 month.

Recognition of features of the onset of bleeding

The leading features are:

  • frequent urination;
  • excessive attention from males;
  • blood/pink marks;
  • modified bitch behavior;
  • Systematic squatting of the dog to mark the ground (the process is similar to brief urination);

A significant symptom of the future "hunting" period is the change in the animal's genitals. The loop swells significantly, changing the color to scarlet crimson. By pressing down on the area, pink spots will become very visible.

The estrus period lasts approximately 30 days. The mating of dogs of huge size / tiny must occur on the 15th day of the onset of bleeding. According to the indicators of the veterinary clinic, the peak is when the bitch is guaranteed to let the male in for mating. Annoying extremely unpleasant odor animal in full swing spotting, depends solely on individual characteristics animal.

discharge from a pregnant dog

If after a successful mating pregnancy has come, you need to constantly take care. The entire stage of this period should proceed normally. In rare cases (pregnancy 21 days), the process of discharge of the mucous plug is observed. This is called egg rejection. For this reason, rejection of the egg, fertilization does not occur. The fact of rejection often frightens dog owners who do not have the skill in this matter and the owners immediately turn to a veterinarian.

If in the period from 3 to 4 weeks the bitch notices the expiration of the red color of the loop - contact the veterinarian. Must be done critically ultrasound diagnostics, for the subsequent elimination of uterine rupture. Characteristic features of the selection:

  • black indicates fetal death. Surgical intervention necessarily;
  • darkish marks give the possibility of infection. It is possible that infection occurred during the mating period;
  • the appearance of a black daub is a signal of a dead embryo;
  • It is worth worrying if traces of daub have an unpleasant repulsive smell. This is an excuse for a critical appeal to the veterinary doctor.

When does estrus occur in the postpartum period?

Do you know when estrus begins in dogs after childbirth? It has been coming for 4 months now. If the dog long time fed puppies, and many of them were born, estrus may occur later (after 6 months).

When the dog starts estrus, the female painstakingly licks herself, categorically avoids any males, showing the unpreparedness of fertilization. For 9-15 days, the discharge becomes mucous. At this point, the discharge is considered "the most dangerous period". The dog feels powerful excitability, and when a male appears on the horizon, it becomes in a pose. The duration of the period is about a week.

Special care for pets

  • it is worth ignoring long walks in the cold season so that the pupil does not catch a cold;
  • do not walk your pet near other animals;
  • walks must be carried out only with a leash.

It is possible that the females run away during the bleeding period. The dog must always be on a leash. Even if the behavior was normal. During the release of a mature egg from the ovary, the dog is extremely sensitive. Habitual strokes can cause more irritability. On these days, refuse to touch the animal for a while.

Progressive veterinary medicine has its own methods of interrupting estrus. It is up to you to draw the conclusion. Main options:

1. Usage medical supplies in order to regulate "sexual hunting".

Today it is considered a humane and highly effective way to regulate "sexual hunting" (interruptions / delays). The introduction of substances to regulate the formation of the process of sexual hunting allows:

  • put away sex drive, cut selection;
  • regulate the stage of the advent of "active hunting";
  • prevent unnecessary fertility.

2. Dogs are allowed to be neutered at 6 months of age. The disadvantages of the provided method are the impossibility of having offspring in a female after any operation, the high cost in the clinic. In other words, when the first estrus begins in dogs, then you can think about sterilization.

Entrepreneurs interested in the birth of offspring are against the designated method. After all, their main form of income depends on it. Apart from the consequences of the sterilization operation, burdens often occur in any breed of animal. It could be a hormonal imbalance. There are a number of disadvantages of the sterilization procedure. Only spayed pets are prone to excessive weight gain, urinary incontinence and many other ailments.

It is important to observe what the beginning of estrus looks like in dogs in order to know the characteristic nuances - volume, color, consistency of discharge. In case of any deviations, especially if the estrus in dogs has acquired a loose smell, greenish or almost black color, you should immediately show the dog to the veterinarian.

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Traditionally, they prefer to take girl dogs to city apartments, as they are calmer and more obedient animals. Indeed, they have an accommodating character, and in general with bitches less problems especially in medium and miniature breeds.

However, there is one rather painful topic for owners. Estrus is a natural and irreversible phenomenon. What does it represent? The first estrus in a dog: at what age does it happen?

Estrus is a natural process worked out by millennia of evolution, characteristic of most mammals. It is one of the indispensable components of the conception procedure in animals.

Attention! Hormonal surge dramatically affects the behavior and condition of the dog.

Owners note that bitches begin to have problems with obedience, activity and playfulness increase several times, coupled with obvious anxiety. The animal begins to flirt with people, begging for affection. The mood and character of the animal changes, and an ordinary walk turns into serious challenge nerves.

How long does a dog's heat last?

The main signs of the onset of estrus are considered to be:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • drops of blood along the path of the dog;
  • persistent interest in uncastrated males.

How long does a dog's heat last? On average, it lasts about three weeks from the moment the light pink discharge appears to the manifestation of discontent at the sight of males.

The frequency depends on individual features dogs, her breed and season, but most often, estrus happens twice a year (less often - once every 8 months).

Throughout the period the bitch should be protected from:

  • drafts, cold (reduce walks in autumn and winter);
  • colds of the appendages caused by lying on cold ground or wet grass;
  • encounters with other dogs.

How is the flow going?

The whole process is usually divided into 4 stages:

  • proestrus;
  • estrus;
  • metaestrus (diestrus);
  • anestrus.

The proestrus stage lasts 9 days on average.

The start of hormone production precedes the onset of ovulation and prepares the body for mating and subsequent. The vulva of the animal swells due to the rush of blood to the genitals, the first light bleeding appears.

During this period, the dog is extremely excitable and uncontrollable, as it is very difficult for her to concentrate. Walking is characterized by prowl, exploration of the territory and constant attempts to sit down and urinate for marks.

How much is a dog in heat days go by blood? Explicit discharge will be until the end of the proestrus stage, which lasts an average of 9 days.

During this period, she is playful towards males, makes good contact even with strangers, but does not let any of the dogs close, driving them away with a growl.

The estrus stage lasts 9 days on average.

The race starts estrus). In the first two days after the onset of the stage - the time of ovulation. For owners, the signal will be:

  • severe swelling of the vulva;
  • almost complete cessation of secretions (or their clarification);
  • the characteristic posture of a dog with a raised pelvis and a tail laid aside.

At this stage, the dog does not scare away the "cavaliers", and mating can last several days. Fertilization of the ovum initiates

The "metaestrus" ("diestrus") stage takes several days.

The end of estrus also takes several days. The discharge stops completely, the bitch begins to drive away the males again.

Important! At this stage, many dogs show false pregnancy.

It is characterized by swelling of the nipple and an increase in the abdomen and occurs due to an excess of the hormone progesterone in the body. But most often hormonal background the animal immediately returns to its normal state.

The anestrus stage usually lasts four to six months.

The time of sexual rest, during which the body of the bitch accumulates strength for a new cycle.

In most cases, the process of estrus in puppies resumes after four months. In females with a large litter (from 8 puppies), the recovery period can take up to six months.

Possible problems

There are two main problems that concern the owners of "girls".

bloodless estrus- most often found among representatives. In addition to the absence of secretions, all other signs remain unchanged. For successful planning puppies in a similar situation should be used laboratory research(a blood test and a vaginal smear will determine the level of the hormone and the time of ovulation).

protracted estrusdangerous pathology called as hormonal failure, and the appearance malignant tumor. Most often, a protracted estrus with purulent secretions seen in dogs fed hormonal preparations that suppress desire.

Attention! In young individuals, the first - the second estrus can drag on physiological reasons, but the dog itself will be alert and active.

For the first time

Although exact time the appearance of estrus is difficult to guess, veterinarians advise owners to carefully look at the animal from the moment they change their teeth and the first active molt (with the exception of). When do dogs start their first heat? It usually resolves between 6 and 12 months of age.(much depends on the breed of the dog, for example, the body needs time to grow and mature).

How long does a dog go into heat for the first time? Sometimes it goes unnoticed by both the owner and the dog (the discharge is too small or has a slight smell) and it ends very quickly - in two or three days.

Half the time, this lighter version will soon be followed by another, with a full ovulation, during which the dog will be in the grip of the rut.

To make the estrus pass painlessly for the animal, the owner should remember a few simple rules:

  • prohibit swimming in open water to avoid infection;
  • keep on a leash, not leaving her for a minute;
  • protect from random encounters with males.

Additionally, check out the video about the age at which dogs begin estrus and its physiology:

Estrus in dogs (estrus or pustovka) is a normal physiological process that is characteristic of females. It signals that the body is sexually mature and ready for procreation. When choosing such a pet for themselves, the owners should know not only about the characteristics of the breed, but also when the dog's first estrus begins, how its duration goes, and other general physiological moments. This data will help the owners of the animal to prevent the appearance of unplanned offspring, or vice versa, to plan mating. Any deviation from the norm may indicate the presence of pathology. various etiologies. To determine the cause of the violation, you will need to contact your veterinarian.


How to determine when a dog starts estrus for the first time, you can consult a specialist. The fact is that, unlike all subsequent estrus, the first one has its own individual characteristics, and they are directly dependent on the breed.

The first estrus in a dog can begin at 6 months. This feature is typical for small breeds, while in large individuals, puberty sometimes occurs only at 1.5 years. It is generally accepted that an animal reaches a sexually mature state when its teeth change. At what age exactly the first emptying will begin, one can only guess. Owners can only carefully monitor the behavior of the animal. Experienced dog breeders note that if the animal begins to actively shed, then soon you can expect a litter.

How long a dog's estrus lasts for the first time is difficult to say, but, as a rule, its duration is the shortest. It also proceeds with mild symptoms.

Allocations are scanty, and they do not always attract the attention of a dog.

Shortly before full puberty, bitches may experience a false estrus. She has similar symptoms with the real one, but if mating is carried out during this period, fertilization of the egg will not occur. Feature false vacancy in that it ends abruptly. As a rule, a repeated and already real estrus occurs soon.

If dog owners want to get full-fledged offspring and maintain health, optimum time for the first mating counts the 3rd estrus period (cycle).

Characteristics of animal behavior

The behavior of a dog during estrus changes dramatically. The reason for everything is a hormonal surge. The instinct to procreate takes over the animal, so the recently obedient pet suddenly becomes overly active and playful. The dog begins to reluctantly follow commands, and at times completely ignores the owner.

The signs of heat in a dog are as follows:

  1. Frequent urge to empty the bladder.
  2. Increased interest from males.
  3. The appearance of bleeding. Their intensity varies. As a rule, the owners notice traces of blood in the place where the animal is resting.

Despite the fact that males show an active interest, bitches do not let them near. On an instinctive level, the animal understands that the mating process does not yet make sense. Approximately a week after the start of estrus, when the color of the discharge changes in the animal, it is ready to continue the birth. It is during this period that the dog becomes overly active and provokes the male to mate. In this state, the animal is about a week.

It is believed that the defining indicator of estrus is spotting.

Their intensity may vary. If the animal constantly lives in the house, some experts recommend purchasing special underpants or accustoming the animal to lick the traces left behind. Alternative option- during estrus, remove carpets from the floor.

Stages of emptying

The dog's sexual cycle has 4 stages. The passage of each of them has certain symptoms.

  1. First cycle. Its duration takes from 7 to 10 days. This stage is called the forerunner or proestrus. The first phase is characterized by swelling of the vulva, which is due to an increase in blood flow to the genitals of the animal. The first ones start to emerge from the loop meager discharge. It is impossible to have an animal during this period, since ovulation has not yet occurred, but the behavior of the pet is already changing. During a walk, the dog often leaves marks with urine. The smell of the female already attracts the attention of males, but when trying to mate, the bitch growls and resists in every possible way.
  2. Second cycle. This phase is called the rut or estrus, and it occurs immediately after the completion of the first. During this period, ovulation occurs, that is, the egg is completely ready for fertilization. The color of spotting changes to light pink or it may stop altogether. The vulva swells and becomes even larger than before. During this period, the female begins to let the male in. The first 2-3 days of the second cycle are considered optimal for fertilization.
  3. Third cycle or metaestrus. Regardless of whether fertilization has occurred, estrus passes. It ends with the subsidence of all existing symptoms. Allocations disappear, as well as the loop decreases in volume. The completion process takes approximately 10 days. Due to the fact that the progesterone level in the body of the female is increased, some individuals may develop a false pregnancy. As a rule, it passes on its own and without harm to the pet.
  4. Fourth cycle or anestrus. If fertilization does not occur, then the animal completely returns to normal, sexual tranquility lasts approximately 100-150 days.

Heat duration

According to physiological characteristics The dog goes into heat twice a year. Rarely, in some animals, estrus occurs only once every 12 months without any health abnormalities. But to make sure there is no physical anomalies, it is recommended to show pet veterinarian.

In order to roughly calculate how long a dog's estrus lasts, you need to add up the duration of the first 3 cycles. The average is 3-4 weeks or 20-28 days. Each animal is individual, so find out how much a dog's estrus is in specific case, its owner can only method of observing the animal. If the female does not have any health problems, then her cycle is regular. Complete absence estrus, short intervals between pustovkami or the ongoing process of selection from the loop - clear signs pathological process.

During the walk, the animal must be on a leash, even if the dog is trained. In this way, accidental knitting can be avoided. In addition, owners of small breeds should be careful. Planting a large cable on a female can injure her genitals and thereby harm her health.

If mating is planned and the owners of the animal want to get a clean litter, after the first mating with the selected male, the female is restricted from communicating with other dogs (males). That is, the male must be alone. After fertilization of the egg, the dog can “walk” for a few more days.

After giving birth, estrus can occur within 4 months.

But much depends on the number of puppies and the period of their feeding. breast milk. In the case when the brood is large, or the female feeds the puppies for a long time, the laying can begin in six months. If the animal has no health problems, the first estrus occurs without any special features. It is not recommended to repeat the dog. Early mating will negatively affect the pet. A certain period must pass for the dog's body to recover.

Some owners of female dogs prefer neutering. This procedure has a number of pros and cons. During the operation, the dog's ovaries are removed. Discharge from the loop after surgery or a change in the behavior of the animal that indicates estrus signals a deviation. There is a possibility that the ovary was not completely removed or hormone-like substances begin to form in the cervix. There is also the possibility of a disease such as bacterial vaginitis.

The article focuses on the problem that is relevant for all breeds of dogs, which will not always be easy to deal with and may not always be necessary. It is best to write about your experience in the comments so that other breeders can know how to act in different situations.

Estrus in dogs is menstruation or what is it, hygiene product, behavior change, characteristic signs, aggression

Menstruation in women and estrus in dogs are completely opposite physiological processes not subject to any comparison.

Estrus in dogs is a natural psychophysiological process inherent in female mammals. The first estrus in a dog occurs at 6-12 months. Its duration is about 3 weeks. Physiologically, estrus is manifested in the swelling of the girl's genitals and the appearance of bloody discharge, which after a while becomes translucent and mucous in nature.

Usually, animals cope with their problems during estrus by licking themselves, but some owners prefer to help their pets maintain hygiene by putting diapers or panties on the dog with daily pads attached to them.

During estrus, a dog's behavior can change significantly - the girl becomes unbalanced, playful, naughty, and sometimes aggressive. After estrus, the character of the animal normalizes again.

How long does estrus last in dogs of breeds of small, medium, what time does the first one begin, at what age should mating begin?

The duration of estrus in dogs of small and medium breeds is 20-22 days. The first estrus in a girl occurs at 6-12 months. Sometimes the process of puberty in an animal is delayed for 18 months.

When does estrus begin in dogs after childbirth, the duration of discharge, after how many months it repeats, how many times a year

The next estrus after childbirth in a dog occurs after 4 months from the moment of delivery. The duration of the discharge is 20-30 days. If during this time the dog did not become pregnant, then the next estrus should be expected in six months. Thus, the dog walks twice a year, less often - once a year.

Dogs have been in heat for more than a month, ahead of time, without blood and ovulation, abundant discharge, what to do

Estrus in dogs lasting more than a month, estrus passing without blood and ovulation, or with too much copious secretions- a serious violation of physiology, which can be caused by a tumor or cystic formations, diseases of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland and other reasons.

In such cases, you need to bring the dog for examination to a specialist and undergo an examination.

Is there a heat in sterilized dogs, is there a smell

In sterilized dogs, estrus, with its characteristic smell, may occur even some time after the operation. This is due to the fact that the girl's body could not quickly adjust to a new state. In the future, no discharge from the animal should not be.

However, if the veterinarian performed sterilization without removing the ovaries and uterus, but only bandaging the fallopian tubes, then the dog will remain in heat, but she will not have puppies.

Estrus in dogs if there is no blood, you can let go for a walk, a dangerous period and days

Conventionally, the dog's sexual cycle is divided into several stages. On the first, bloody discharge appears, on the second, the discharge becomes transparent, or even completely stops and sexual hunting occurs, i.e. she is ready for fertilization and behaves appropriately, calling males. The second stage is considered the most favorable for conception or "dangerous" in the case when pregnancy is undesirable.

It comes in the second week after estrus and lasts about 5-7 days.

At the next stage, the body returns to its usual state or pregnancy occurs and the dog prepares for the appearance of puppies.

1 comment

    a dog in heat is always in trouble

All animals reach puberty at some point, including dogs. This symbolizes their readiness for fertilization and bearing offspring. To be found matching couple, you need to know about all the intricacies of estrus in dogs, its duration, the selection of a male and the behavior of the owner during this difficult period.

Of course, all owners of female dogs will be interested in how long the estrus will last for the pet, what will be its behavior, the nature and cyclical nature of the process, how the owner should behave and when can panties be worn?

What is the frequency of estrus in dogs?

Dogs usually go into heat about twice a year, but some breeds of bitches are exposed to such manifestations of nature only once a year. The lack of this phenomenon more than 8 months from its onset, if less than 4 months have passed between the periods. All this depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of the animal.

The development of the cycle of estrus in dogs occurs at the age of two years. Absolutely normal is the reduction or stretching of the break between estrus. It is impossible to accurately predict the date of the beginning and end of this process and the exact number of days, since every year everything happens differently, and the dates are shifted. Better for the owner make observations and write them down in a diary every year so as not to miss this important period.

The main point is the observation of the cyclical nature of estrus in dogs. The period of the process itself can vary from a few days to two weeks. Moreover, the rest is from 4 to 7 months. If everything is taken into account correctly, then you do not have to worry about delays.

It is worth remembering that all dogs different duration estrus. But on average, it can be a period 2 to 4 weeks. A deviation from the norm will be considered when estrus lasts less than 7 days or more than 30 days.

The entire estrus period consists of 4 phases, each of which lasts a certain number of days:

The onset of estrus indicates the puberty of the dog, about her ability to procreate. Specifically, even veterinarians cannot say for sure at what age such a phenomenon can occur for the first time and how long it will last. It has already been proven that everything depends on the breed of the knot. It has been observed that in dogs of small breeds this process occurs earlier than in representatives of large sizes and lasts a smaller number of days a year.

Small-bred females are already in heat for the first time at six or seven years of age. Although, it is still very early to bear offspring. Yes, and the very nature of the manifestation of a natural phenomenon differs from a real estrus, since it does not last long and with small secretions.

In bitches of large sizes, the first estrus appears at the age of one and a half to two years. In addition, the beginning can be very poor and short. And the first ovulation may not come. Predicting the next estrus is also very difficult. It has been noted that the period of the onset of the first estrus coincides with the period of molting of the animal, but it is not so easy to predict this with great accuracy.

The onset of the first estrus in a dog can be calculated by its behavior. The owner must first inquire in order not to get confused and take appropriate measures. Shortly before the onset of estrus symptoms, the animal begins to behave differently than usual. You can see in her behavior a manifestation of aggression, increased activity, excessive playfulness. The animal loses disciplinary skills, it is difficult to control it.

Exists several signs of estrus at the dog. Among them are:

  1. Frequent urination.
  2. Increasing interest in the bitch from males.
  3. The appearance of spotting and traces in the resting places of the pet.

During this special period, the dog can itself pay attention to the dogs, bark in their direction, wag your tail. The owner must be on the lookout if he does not want to mate his bitch.

How should the owner behave during estrus?

The signal of estrus will be the behavior of males in relation to the bitch in the territory for walking dogs. At this point, the owner of the dog must limit himself from the future consequences that may arise from close communication between the bitch and the male. For this some precautions need to be taken:

Of course, the estrus period adds additional difficulties and inconveniences, but do not take this phenomenon as something unacceptable. On the contrary, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that such a process in a dog passes without much difficulty, especially the first time.