Why do periods start early? Why did my period start early?

The regularity of the menstrual cycle is the main indicator of the health of the fair sex. Each girl who has already established a cycle can calculate her period and find out the approximate date of the next menstruation. But sometimes there are deviations in the women's schedule in one direction or another, and this is alarming. Why is my period premature and should I be worried in this case? This can happen for various reasons, which can be both harmless and quite serious.

You can distinguish between menstruation and implantation bleeding by the nature of the discharge. Menstruation starts gradually. At first, the discharge is scarce, then their abundance increases. Duration - from three days to a week. Implantation bleeding will be sparse and will end soon.

After an artificial termination of pregnancy or miscarriage, the cycle may also be disturbed. In this case, the restoration of the cycle occurs independently for some time. Sometimes a little medical intervention may be required.

Breastfeeding can also affect the nature of the menstrual cycle.

Ectopic pregnancy

Early menstruation can occur with an ectopic pregnancy. This situation is dangerous for the health and even for the life of a woman. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.


Emergency contraceptives cause your period to arrive earlier than expected. Such funds should be used only in extreme cases, as their frequent use can lead to health problems. In addition, a spiral that was installed incorrectly can also cause early menstruation.

Natural age changes

As mentioned above, during the formation of the menstrual cycle in a girl, menstruation may be irregular; she often notices that her period started a week earlier or later. Also, during the menopause, similar failures occur.

Change of climate or place of residence

Climate change can negatively affect the menstrual cycle. But in this case, everything gets better on its own within a few months. This phenomenon is considered normal.

Injuries and diseases of the female genital area

Bleeding may occur due to trauma to the vagina or cervix. The reason is a rough sexual intercourse or an incorrectly delivered contraceptive. At the same time, a woman may think that her period began a week earlier. It is important to accurately determine whether it is menstruation or bleeding in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Bleeding that is not monthly can provoke inflammation in the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The appearance of secretions may be associated with endometriosis, fibroids, hypoplasia or underdevelopment of the genital organs, glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium. Various sexual infections can also cause scanty discharge, mistaken for menstruation.

Inflammatory processes and colds

A rare cause of failures in the female cycle are inflammation and colds. When the body is weakened by disease, failure can occur, which leads to premature menstruation. Such periods will be painful due to inflammation. It is necessary to do support for immunity, eat right, walk more in the fresh air.

Physical activity and dieting

Excessive physical activity can lead to a premature start of critical days. Do not be surprised if after an intense workout, menstruation began a week earlier. The same consequences are possible after rapid weight loss. The whole body suffers from a lack of nutrients, blood clotting is disturbed. The reasons for this condition may be different, but this can be identified only after the examination.

Contribute to the onset of premature menstruation can take certain medications, poisoning, poor nutrition. In addition, premature menstruation can occur in women who abuse alcohol, smoke or take drugs. Also, the cause may be hereditary factors, serious malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs, cardiovascular disorders.

How are premature periods

Perhaps the appearance of drowsiness, tearfulness, irritability, minor chest pain, etc. In inflammatory diseases, the process can be quite painful, while pain is also felt in the lower back, hips, and groin area. Premature menstruation, the causes of which are hidden in hormonal disorders, are accompanied by strong bleeding with clots.

What to do when periods come early

Don't panic right away! First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature and composition of the discharge.

There is no need to worry if a similar phenomenon arose for the first time, and the state of health remains normal. Menstruation ahead of time should not cause concern if there has been a change in climate, a strong mental shock, physical exertion (in the event that menstruation has begun recently). In this situation, it is important to adjust your daily routine and eat right, limit fatty, sweet, salty foods in your diet, spend more time outdoors. In case of nervous disorders, it would be useful to take weak sedatives or herbal preparations.

If menstruation begins early, the discharge is not abundant and has the character of normal menstruation, but the general tone is reduced, nausea, aching pains or other symptoms are observed, then you should see a doctor in the near future, there is no need to call an ambulance.

Alert should be discharge in a large amount of bright scarlet color without lumps. If at the same time the state of health worsens and a fainting state occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor - such symptoms are characteristic of bleeding. Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to lie down, apply ice to the lower abdomen, try not to drink any drinks.

You should also consult a doctor if:

  • failures have been observed for more than a year;
  • menstruation began early and lasted more than seven days;
  • discharge is abundant and requires frequent changes in hygiene products;
  • in the interval between menstruation, there are other discharges;
  • there is severe pain, weakness, fever.

To determine the cause of this phenomenon, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests. Most often this is a smear, an analysis for hormones, an ultrasound examination of female organs. In some cases, an MRI may be needed.

A regular menstrual cycle is an important characteristic of women's health. If failures occur in this area, if they are not single, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to establish the cause of this condition.

What causes premature menstruation. Diseases of the reproductive system is one of the reasons. The second reason is stress and psycho-emotional stress.

The menstrual cycle is a physiological phenomenon with a frequency of 1 time in 21 - 35 days. How quickly the next bleeding begins - after 3 weeks or after 5, depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

If menstruation came a week earlier than usual, subject to their regularity, it is worth considering whether everything is in order with health.

What causes premature menstruation

The answer to the question of whether menstruation can begin a week earlier is positive. Bleeding or spotting 7 days before the expected date does not always indicate a disease.

The causes of premature menstruation lie in stress and psycho-emotional stress. Nervous tension and physical overwork is familiar to almost all women.

Improper functioning of the nervous system causes spasm and vasodilation. As a result, the activity of the uterus increases, and the endometrium begins to be shed prematurely.

Why else can menstruation start 1 week earlier:

  • Age. An unstable cycle is typical for puberty, but within 1 to 2 years, periods in teenage girls should become regular. Subsequently, cycle failures are observed by the age of 50, which indicates the approach of menopause.
  • Taking hormonal drugs. Medicines containing hormones disrupt the natural production of female hormones, which causes an imbalance.
  • Abortion or miscarriage. These situations provoke a hormonal surge, and menstruation begins much earlier or later than usual.
  • The use of contraceptives. If a woman is protected from pregnancy with oral contraceptives, she gets her period a week earlier due to the body's adaptation to the new hormonal status. Premature menstruation begins even if a woman drinks emergency contraceptive pills.
  • Changing climatic conditions and time zones. On flights on business trips and vacations in exotic countries, the female body reacts with cycle failures - menstruation begins either earlier or later. It is impossible to predict how many days the deviation will have. So that flights and moving do not spoil your health, you should travel long distances no more than 1 time per month.
  • Pregnancy. After fusion with the sperm, the egg enters the uterus after 5 to 10 days. At the time of implantation, the intrauterine mucosal tissue is injured, and scanty spotting appears. Unaware of her interesting situation, the woman thinks that this time her period began a week earlier. Although in fact, scanty discharge for 1 to 2 days often speaks of conception and the introduction of the embryo into the uterine cavity. In an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo develops in the fallopian tube, false periods occur due to pressure on the blood vessels. As the fetus grows, the bleeding increases and there is severe pain on the side of the abdomen where the egg was fixed.

Abundant periods with clots that went a week earlier indicate a hormonal failure. An imbalance in the ratio of hormones is a common cause of premature menstruation.

Menstruation a week earlier as a sign of pathology

In many cases, the reasons that menstruation went a week earlier than the usual date are diseases of the reproductive system.

For example, after unprotected sex, a partner may develop mycoplasmosis. In addition to violations of the MC, she will be disturbed by itching of the genital organs and pulling pains in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.

cyst on the ovary

The disease develops for various reasons - stress, infections, abortions, overweight in the stage of obesity. Menstruation goes earlier by 7 to 10 days, a woman is worried about pain in the lower abdomen and difficulty urinating.


Cancer develops against the background of obesity or hormonal disorders, but it also has a hereditary nature. In addition, fibroids are formed due to multiple abortions. Menstruation becomes irregular, there are frequent urges to the toilet for small needs, the stomach is rounded.

Benign tumor in the uterus

Even a small tumor disrupts the production of hormones and leads to cycle failures. Not knowing about her illness, a woman notes pulling pains in the lower abdomen, clots in dark menstrual blood, the onset of menstruation not according to the calendar, but ahead of schedule.

Injuries of the internal genital organs

Minor bleeding that resembles menstruation, but appears 7 days before its onset, can occur after rough intercourse or insufficient moisture in the vagina, or due to improper insertion of the intrauterine device.

Mechanical damage to the vaginal tube or cervix with little bleeding is not dangerous. But if the red discharge flows out of the genital tract for a long time, it threatens with infection of the internal genital organs and the development of serious pathologies.

Inflammatory processes

The premature arrival of critical days in the presence of an inflammatory process is not surprising. The body responds with menstrual dysfunction to flu and colds. Weakened by respiratory diseases, he does his job incompletely.

Periods after a cold can be long, profuse, painful, and clotting. They start either 5 - 7 days earlier, or come with a delay.


This disease can be described as an abnormal growth of endometrial cells outside the uterine cavity. Endometriosis affects the peritoneum and provokes adhesive processes.

Symptoms of pathology are not only irregular periods. Women complain of pulling pains in the lower abdomen, soreness during intercourse.

Therapeutic starvation and rigid diets for weight loss deplete the supply of nutrients and impair blood clotting. Experiencing a shortage of fats and carbohydrates, the body stops producing sex hormones. Over time, menstruation may not be at all.

Features of menstruation, which began ahead of schedule

How menstruation will go, which began a week earlier, depends on the reasons for this situation. If the bleeding opens prematurely due to stress, the woman will additionally experience headaches, weakness, and insomnia. With hormonal disorders, menstruation is abundant with thick inclusions.

Implantation bleeding in early pregnancy is scarce and short-lived. This is not true menstruation, but false menstruation. Diseases of an infectious nature provoke early bleeding with pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region.

The appearance of intermenstrual bleeding indicates the instability of estrogen during the period of ovulation. The level of this hormone can rise sharply or fall rapidly. After the end of normal periods, intermenstrual bleeding appears on the 10th - 14th day of the cycle. Its duration reaches 3 days. If the discharge lasts longer and is accompanied by general malaise, it is urgent to contact a gynecologist.

With regard to implantation bleeding, if pregnancy is suspected, it is necessary to do a test and pay attention to the quality of the discharge. The norm for a future mother is:

  1. Scanty pink discharge.
  2. Liquid consistency of the discharge.
  3. Short duration - bleeding is observed for several hours, but not more than 2 days.

Scanty, barely noticeable spotting in the middle of the cycle is a sign of ovulation. They do not cause concern, except that they stain the linen. Ovulation costs do not require treatment.

What to do if menstruation went a week earlier

Why a particular patient's stable periods suddenly came a week earlier, the doctor will be able to answer only after receiving the results of a comprehensive examination.

For a detailed study of the situation, a woman must undergo the following procedures:

  • Blood test for hormones.
  • Vaginal smear.
  • Colposcopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • pelvic organs.
  • Biopsy with transfer of material for histological examination.

Until the doctor talks about the results of the diagnosis, you should not worry prematurely. Perhaps, some physiological process negatively affected the menstrual function.

But if a functional or organic disorder is detected during instrumental and laboratory studies, the patient will receive complex treatment, the purpose of which is to correct the menstrual cycle.

Premature periods are not always normal. Read the article to know when to see a doctor.

A woman must constantly monitor her state of health, because the structure of her body is unique. One of the main tasks of a woman is to control the course of menstruation.

  • Failures in the cycle can indicate the presence of various diseases in the body.
  • A woman is required to keep a calendar in which you need to mark the beginning and duration of the cycle.
  • If she is in good health, and everything is in order with the work of the female organs, then blood secretions begin in a timely manner, without disturbances. If menstruation comes early, this may indicate various factors.
  • Read the article to know why this happens, but a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, since only a competent doctor can understand the etiology of certain symptoms.

Any failure in the functioning of vital systems can lead to a failure in the sexual sphere. Why do periods come early? Here are the reasons that lead to this:

  • climate change
  • stress, depression, bad psycho-emotional background
  • physical overload
  • drastic weight loss
  • uterine bleeding
  • implantation bleeding
  • taking oral contraceptives
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • STDs - sexually transmitted diseases

Often women confuse uterine bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle with normal menstruation. Uterine bleeding can be associated with ectopic pregnancy, inflammation, trauma to the female organs, the presence of a tumor, and other pathologies.

Important: Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If you have bleeding prematurely, seek the advice of a doctor.

Interruptions in menstruation are normal only during such conditions:

  • menopause period- in some women during this period, blood secretions begin ahead of schedule by a week or two, in others - later by a month or even more.
  • Girls aged 12 to 16 should not be surprised that the blood secretions appeared prematurely or later. This is normal during puberty and can last for 12-18 months.

If blood secretions appeared earlier due to a change in the hormonal background, then the blood secretion will be plentiful, with dark clots. With infections, pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen is also still disturbing.

"Pseudo-menstruation" is the name given to the secretion of blood during pregnancy. When the fetus is attached to the wall of the uterine body, brown or pink discharge may appear.

Often a woman, not yet knowing about her interesting situation, takes such a secretion for menstruation, which came earlier. If a girl has a fetus, this is normal, but she should contact the treating female doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

When there is a delay in menstruation, she begins to worry and assume that she may have a pregnancy or some kind of disease. If blood secretion appeared a week or 5 days earlier, this can also be dangerous to health. Reasons for this deviation:

  • Hyperestrogenism- hormonal deviation in the functioning of the reproductive system. The body works hard to produce the hormone estrogen. Why is this happening? Affects overweight or underweight, uncontrolled intake of hormonal pills, saline and other formations in the ovaries, cyst.
  • Pregnancy. Attachment of the fetus to the uterine body entails the appearance of meager blood secretions, which a woman can take for menstruation.
  • Inflammation- can lead to female diseases of various etiologies: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, hyperplasia and hypoplasia, children's uterus and other types of underdevelopment of the genital organs.
  • Ectopic pregnancy- the fetus is not attached to the walls of the uterine body. An urgent interruption is required, otherwise disastrous consequences are inevitable.
  • Taking emergency contraceptives after unprotected intercourse. It is not recommended to use often, a violation of the cycle may follow.
  • Stressful situations, climate change, work, overwork. Any drastic change in the world around us affects the health of a woman.

In addition to violations in the genital area, you need to pay attention to the general condition of the body.

Important: If you have a severe pain in the head, as with a migraine, discomfort in the lower abdomen, a feeling of nausea, staggering or even dizziness, contact your gynecologist immediately. The doctor will examine, and if a pathology is detected, he will prescribe therapy. Do what your doctor recommends!

In young girls 12-16 years old, such a deviation is considered normal when the cycle is established. In other cases, it may indicate pathologies. As mentioned above, women often mistake uterine bleeding for menstruation. Therefore, if blood secretions appeared 10 days, 2 weeks earlier, you need to go to the doctor for a diagnosis. Reasons for this condition:

  • Infections in the acute period.
  • Bad habits and diseases associated with them: smoking, alcoholism.
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Stopping hormones, switching to other hormonal contraceptives.
  • The use of an intrauterine device, a hormonal patch as a protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  • Constant diets, climate change, as well as brain injuries, various types of radiation.

It is important to know: Violation of the flow of blood secretions often occurs due to the presence of serious diseases in a woman. Type II diabetes, thyroid disease, depression and stress can contribute to this.

If such deviations are repeated, and menstruation comes 2 weeks ahead of time for several months in a row, then this may indicate such two diagnoses:

  • Ovarian resistance- this organ stops responding to the hormonal background, because of which menstruation stops and bleeding begins, resembling menstrual flow.
  • Anovulatory dysfunction- Reduced estrogen production. Such a problem entails not only a violation of the cycle, but also a sharp increase in the weight of the lady, pain in the mammary glands and frequent bleeding.

As you can see, there can be many reasons why blood secretions appeared ahead of time by a week or two, and only a doctor will make the correct diagnosis.

In the normal course of blood secretions, a woman secretes from 70 to 150 ml of blood. If the amount of discharge is less than this indicator, then a pathology such as hypomenorrhea is developing. The reasons for poor secretions ahead of time may be such factors:

  • Lactation
  • Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs as contraception
  • Intoxication
  • Frequent curettage, abortion
  • Surgical interventions on the reproductive organs
  • Tuberculosis
  • Disorders in the work of the nervous system

Abundant blood secretions ahead of time is also a pathology that indicates the presence of various inflammations, diseases and other abnormalities in the functioning of the female body. Causes:

  • Diseases of the reproductive system
  • medical abortion
  • Deviations in the work of the digestive tract
  • Diets that involve the rejection of any food
  • Taking aspirin regularly
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements caused by depletion of the body

Symptoms of heavy periods:

  • Blood loss is more than 200 ml per day
  • Blood clots do not disappear within 3 days
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Discharge continues for more than 7 days

Important! A woman should sound the alarm if she has to change a pad or tampon more than once in an hour and a half. If you do not stop the bleeding, then deplorable situations cannot be avoided.

Many women experience bleeding during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal imbalance or inflammation. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and do not undergo treatment, a woman may not bear a child.

Interesting to know: Premature menstruation usually appears during the first month of pregnancy. This can also be facilitated by multiple pregnancy, which entails the rejection of one of the embryos, and the maturation of the egg in both ovaries.

There can be a lot of assumptions why menstruation came ahead of time. But the correct diagnosis should be made only by a doctor. An appeal to a gynecologist is necessary to prescribe adequate treatment and eliminate the cause of the disease. Do not delay your visit to the doctor - this is important for your women's health!

Video: How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding?

Periods start prematurely for a variety of reasons. It happens that they come prematurely due to the physiological and hereditary characteristics of the body. But sometimes early menstruation signal the development of serious and complex diseases.

Reasons for early menstruation

In the case of frequent arrival of premature menstruation (the cycle lasts 21 days), doctors diagnose polymenorrhea. Usually, a failure in the cycle in women indicates the imminent onset of menopause. Young girls rarely suffer from early critical days. In older women, the cycle is gradually reduced, menstruation becomes more frequent, but soon they thin out, and then completely disappear.

In any case, when critical days come much earlier than the deadline, it is necessary to be examined by your gynecologist. Let the doctor confirm or deny the diagnosis. If everything is in order and there is nothing to worry about, a woman needs to monitor the course of these days so that anemia does not occur.

To normalize the arrival of menstruation, a gynecologist can prescribe hormone-containing (progesterone, estrogen) oral contraceptives to her patient. A mandatory analysis, when critical days come to a woman earlier, is blood donation for hormones. Usually hormonal disruptions in the body are the main reason for the onset of "red" days ahead of schedule.

  • Long-term effects of progesterone on the body m - this is a rare reason that may indicate why menstruation came earlier.
  • Hyperestrogenism- an ailment during which a large amount of estrogen is released. This disease is combined with luteal insufficiency, which can eventually lead to a lack of ovulation and infertility.
  • Intermenstrual bleeding many girls confuse with critical days that come ahead of schedule. These bleedings are caused by inflammatory processes that can occur in the female reproductive system (fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries):

- uterine fibroids;
- underdevelopment of the genital organs (hypoplasia)
- glandular hypoplasia;
- endometrium.

  • Also, menstruation may come earlier than expected, due to pregnancy. Somewhere from 6 to 10 days after the fertilization of the egg, the embryo reaches the required area of ​​​​the uterus, approaches, dissolving the area, in the place of which it is subsequently fixed. In addition, bleeding can be implantation in nature, which can have a very bad effect on the child (miscarriages often occur).
  • It happens that menstruation began much earlier than the due date and due to change of residence(moving, going on vacation to another country, etc.). Stressful situations also contribute to the onset of menstruation at a time when they are not expected.
  • Sometimes women after unprotected intercourse use emergency contraceptive pills, which can also cause early menstruation, and the cycle will fail.

Critical days a week earlier

If your period went a week earlier, you should monitor your well-being. Is there dizziness, pain in the head and chest, are there pain in the lower abdomen. In the case when these symptoms are absent, you can calm down. Most likely, this is a failure in the cycle associated with some kind of stressful situation. But in order to dispel all suspicions, you can go to the gynecologist and get tested.

Ten days before my period, but she came now

Sometimes some women complain that their periods started early. It would be nice if they started a couple of days faster, but, alas, they hurried by 10 days. Some people are not very worried about this question: “The main thing is that there is no delay”, while others begin to panic. Call the clinic, make an appointment with a doctor.

Menstruation, which began 10 days earlier, can be triggered by anything. Especially scary intrauterine bleeding. Equally dangerous is implantation bleeding.

Signs of implantation bleeding:

  • basal temperature. During bleeding that came 10 days earlier, basal temperature should be measured. If it is reduced, then this indicates the implantation of the egg in the uterine cavity, i.e., pregnancy has begun.
  • Discomfort. When menstruation comes a certain number of days earlier (maybe 10), not very pleasant sensations in the lower abdomen (heaviness, pulling pain, nausea) are possible, which may be the first signs of a miscarriage. If a woman suspects that she is pregnant and at the same time experiences such symptoms, she needs to go to the doctor.
  • Bleeding that started 10 days prematurely. Rather, it is not bleeding, but spotting, brown, brown or pinkish in color. They last about a few hours, can linger for a day.
  • Weakness, malaise. After implantation bleeding, which came faster than the required time for 10 days, the woman feels tired, she constantly wants to sleep. But this state soon passes.

Is it possible to confuse menstruation and implantation bleeding?

It is possible that some girls, when menstruation comes 10 days faster and ends in a day, will worry a little, think about why this happened, but decide that it was a failure in the cycle. Those women who know the nature of the flow of menstruation will understand that something is wrong, that this is not menstruation that appeared before the due date. Indeed, implantation bleeding and menstruation have distinctive features.

Menstruation begins with small secretions, then intensifies, its duration is from 3 days or more. At the maximum, critical days go for a week. Implantation isolation is initially poor and ends quickly.

In the event of the onset of critical days ahead of schedule, you do not need to rely on Russian chances. Go to the doctor and get checked.

The menstrual cycle is clearly dependent on the hormonal status of the body. When menstruation goes regularly, this is an indicator of the normal reproductive function of the body. And a woman must constantly monitor that there are no deviations in such an important process for her. If the cyclicity of menstruation or their duration is disturbed, then the functional activity of the body undergoes changes that may subsequently affect the ability to become a mother.

Premature periods are quite common situations. This means that they arrive earlier than expected. When the time deviation is within one or two days, the woman will not worry. But if you have to state a shortening of the intermenstrual interval for a week or more, then there is definitely a reason for concern. To understand why menstruation came earlier, for example, by 10 days, a gynecologist will help, who needs to appear without fail.

When menstruation comes faster than usual, you should first of all deal with the causes of this phenomenon.

General information

The normal length of the menstrual cycle is between 24 and 32 days. As you can see, the time interval is quite wide, but the body of each woman is individual. The frequency of menstruation is controlled by the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries regulatory system. Hormones affect the endometrium, which undergoes changes corresponding to the phases of the uterine cycle:

  • Menstruation.
  • Proliferation.
  • Secretion.

Each process is under the control of the corresponding hormones - estrogens and progesterone. They are synthesized respectively during the follicular and luteal phases of the ovarian cycle, which, in turn, is controlled by the pituitary system.

Menstruation lasts 3-7 days and is characterized by the lowest levels of hormones. Later, a follicle matures in the ovary, which produces estrogen, which stimulates the proliferation of the endometrium. After ovulation, a corpus luteum forms in its place, synthesizing progesterone. Under its influence, glands develop in the uterine epithelium, which is necessary for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If this does not happen, then the level of the hormone drops sharply, forcing the endometrium to be rejected. So the next menstruation begins.

Understanding the physiology of the menstrual cycle, one can assume why menstruation began earlier.


The early onset of menstruation, like other violations of the female cycle, is mediated by many factors. It is no secret that the body is daily exposed to various influences - both external and internal - only a small proportion of which have a positive orientation.

In the fast pace of modern life, a woman often forgets about her health, which is reflected in the menstrual cycle. Among the causes of early menstruation are the following:

  • Physiological processes.
  • Ovarian dysfunction.
  • Inflammatory diseases.
  • Tumors of the uterus.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Injuries.
  • stressful situations.

In addition, a similar situation should be differentiated from various obstetric pathologies. This is necessary, because a woman does not always know about the onset of pregnancy, but finds out about it after a spontaneous abortion, which can be mistaken for the onset of menstruation. Bloody discharge, similar to menstruation, also appears during an ectopic pregnancy.

If the menstruation came 10 days ahead of schedule, it is necessary to figure out why such a violation appeared. Whether this is normal and whether any correction is needed - the doctor will say.


The appearance of early menstruation is one of the symptoms of menstrual irregularities. It can be seen on its own or in combination with other signs, which is much more common. This is often reflected in the concept of proiomenorrhea - a short menstrual cycle, but not always. This situation can be observed intermittently or even once. In the latter case, most likely, there is no cause for concern. But most often you can notice other violations:

  • Prolonged periods - polymenorrhea.
  • Abundant menstruation - hypermenorrhea.
  • Their combination is menorrhagia.

Such symptoms, along with proiomenorrhea, are part of the structure of hypermenstrual syndrome. In this case, the appearance of menstruation 10 days earlier is a fairly common occurrence. But there are other situations, so you need to be especially careful about any symptoms.

Physiological processes

If menstruation comes ahead of time, then you should not immediately think about the pathology. First, we need to consider the possibility of physiological causes. And the first reason why deviations in the menstrual cycle may appear is the period of its formation at puberty. In girls who have just experienced menstruation, one cycle can seriously differ from the other both in duration and in terms of blood loss. But within a few months, everything should enter in accordance with natural mechanisms. For some girls, this period can sometimes be delayed up to a year.

When a woman is about 45 years old, and menstruation begins 10 days earlier, this may indicate the processes of gradual extinction of reproductive function. With menopause, the menstrual cycle may initially be reduced, but in the future, the intervals become larger, and the blood loss is less. Estrogen deficiency also affects the general well-being of a woman, as it causes the following symptoms:

  • Flushes of heat in the body.
  • Sweating.
  • emotional lability.
  • Headaches.
  • Heart palpitations.
  • Arterial hypertension.

Having established the physiological origin of the changes in the menstrual cycle, the woman should be reassured and explained that the early onset of menstruation is not a sign of pathology.

Ovarian dysfunction

The functional activity of the ovaries, as mentioned earlier, has a direct impact on the menstrual cycle. Violation of the hormonal balance will inevitably lead to various deviations, including the premature onset of menstruation. This situation is widespread and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Increased frequency of menstruation.
  • Changing the volume of selections.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Lack of ovulation.
  • Infertility.

The work of the ovaries is affected by various adverse factors that a woman often deals with: physical and psycho-emotional stress, dietary disorders, climate change, endocrine and other diseases. That is why this situation is common in today's society.

If the menstruation went a week earlier, it is necessary first of all to exclude ovarian dysfunction.

Inflammatory diseases

The frequency of menstruation can change not only due to a violation of the regulatory function, but also under the influence of the organic pathology of the female reproductive system. Such processes are also triggered in inflammatory diseases - endometritis or adnexitis. It is quite clear that menstruation can begin prematurely when the uterine mucosa is affected. Then you can notice other signs:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The appearance of foreign secretions.
  • Temperature increase.

During a gynecological examination and palpation of the abdomen, a clear soreness will be noted. If adequate measures are not taken in time, then an acute pathology often turns into a chronic form, and the latter often becomes the cause of infertility.

Tumors of the uterus

If menstruation appears earlier by 10 days, especially in middle-aged women, the possibility of a tumor pathology of the uterus should be excluded. Most often you have to think about fibroids. It can be located in different layers of the organ, and therefore it can be submucosal, intramural or subserous. Changes in the menstrual cycle accompany those tumors that are closer to the endometrium. In this case, the following changes appear:

  • hypermenstrual syndrome.
  • Intermenstrual bleeding.
  • chronic anemia.
  • Miscarriage.

But a much greater danger is posed by malignant tumors of the uterus (cancer). Most often, this problem appears at the menopausal age, when there is no more menstruation. But a patient at a doctor's appointment may say that they suddenly started after a very long break. This should alert the gynecologist and focus on identifying spotting and pain in the lower abdomen. Cancer is asymptomatic for a long time, which makes it difficult to detect it early.

Every woman needs to have an increased oncological alertness and not neglect periodic medical examinations. It is easy to prevent the disease - it is much more difficult to cure it.


When menstruation began a week earlier, it is worth thinking about endometriosis. This disease is characterized by the appearance of cells of the uterine mucosa outside its functional layer. This is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Brown highlights.
  • Irregular periods.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Discomfort during intercourse.

When endometriosis has an ectopic distribution, the peritoneum is often affected, which can lead to the development of an adhesive process.


It is possible to say exactly why menstruation begins much earlier than the due date based on the results of an additional examination. After examining a gynecologist, it is recommended to undergo a certain study, which includes laboratory and instrumental methods. As a rule, you need to go through the following procedures:

  • Blood test for sex hormones.
  • Excretion research.
  • Ultrasound procedure.
  • Colposcopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Biopsy with histological analysis of tissues.

If your period comes early, there is no need to worry prematurely. Maybe this situation is within the framework of physiological processes. But, unfortunately, quite often reveal various violations - both functional and organic. These cases require adequate treatment, the plan of which is formed by the doctor.