Aggressive behavior of the Yorkshire Terrier. Psychological behavioral problems of yorkies Why yorkies bite

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular dog breeds today. Cute and funny dogs with a puppet appearance attract with their appearance, cheerful good-natured disposition, quick wit. Having decided to start a Yorkshire Terrier breed, future owners should remember that even such a small dog has its own personality, temperament, and disposition.

The main character traits of dogs are laid down on the basis of the parental genotype, environmental factors and, of course, proper upbringing. Despite the fact that Yorkies are decorative breeds of dogs and many owners mistakenly believe that it is enough just to love and care for these cute creatures, representatives of this breed, like others, need education in addition to care and attention. Correct and training will help to avoid many problems. after adaptation, it is very important to lay the correct manners and norms of behavior in the pet. You should not allow a cute little rascal to do what he will not be allowed in the future. Do not forget that from a cute little puppy, an obedient, manageable dog should grow up.

Owners should approach the process of raising a puppy with special responsibility, try not to commit, not turn a blind eye to the small, even insignificant tricks of their pet. It must be remembered that the Yorkie is a very emotional breed with a subtle organization of the psyche. Dogs of this breed very subtly feel the emotional mood of the owner, they are very smart and quick-witted, so you should not show weakness or go along with the dog, allowing it to do unacceptable things. Consider the main problems of the psychological plan, which the breeders of this breed have repeatedly encountered.

The principle of dominance

Any dog ​​living side by side with a person perceives his family as a pack. in nature, relationships in a flock are based on hierarchy. That is, there is always a leader to whom the pack obeys, but there are weak individuals. Even a small puppy should see authority in its owner, otherwise in the future, as the dog grows older, problems may arise in raising a pet. Often the owners allow the Yorkie to sleep on the bed, growl when the puppy, playing with a toy, does not want to give it to the owner, bite or bark when one of the family members tries to punish the pet. Each small victory of the puppy over the owner leads to the loss of his authority. Dogs learn bad habits very quickly, which are very difficult to break later. even in games, biting the hands of the owner, the puppy acquires dominance skills that need to be eradicated, but not by violent methods - beating or screaming.

York began to bite

Owners of this breed often complain that a quiet and calm baby begins to bite or growl at the owner if the pet does not like something. For example, when the dog's paws are washed or any other hygiene procedures are carried out. Firstly, it is necessary to accustom the dog to such hygiene measures from the first days of the baby's stay in the house. Secondly, as described above, do not allow the dog to behave like this, which will lead to dominance, strengthening the status of the dog in the family.

The dog began to shit at home or mark in the corners of the apartment

Yorkshire Terriers do not really need long walks, and many breeders teach the puppy to do their "business" on disposable diapers or a tray. need to gradually but persistently. Most often, Yorkies, especially males, with the advent of puberty, begin to crap at home, mark corners or furniture in the apartment. This behavior must be eradicated immediately, and it’s not just about the unpleasant smell that will spread throughout the apartment, as in getting the pet used to such a habit. If you do not plan to knit a male, you can of course castrate him. But as practice shows, even sterilization and castration may not give the expected result. You need to find the reason that led to this behavior of the dog. Perhaps a yorick who likes to be the center of attention is often left alone and wants to draw attention to himself in this way. Do not forget that the Yorkie is primarily a dog that needs daily walks. Even if the weather is bad outside, you should definitely take the dog out at least for a while. Well, so that the pet does not freeze, be sure to purchase one in which the dog will be comfortable and warm.

Yorkie on walks barks at passers-by and other dogs

Dog barking is primarily a sign of "Attention". such a model of behavior can be if the dog is naturally cowardly, the period of socialization did not pass correctly due to the fault of the owner. For this reason, you should always be very careful; therefore, from an early age, you need to instill the correct manners of behavior, not only at home, but also on the street. As soon as the baby gets comfortable and gets used to the new environment, introduce your pet to his relatives. The dog must respond appropriately to others. Perhaps this behavior was the reason that the little Yorkie was frightened by a big dog. Therefore, you should always watch the puppy very carefully on the street, not letting him out of your sight. Barking can also be a call to other dogs to get to know or play together. But still, a dog, regardless of breed, should not bark in vain, for any reason. Having noticed such a tendency of your pet, accustom the dog to the “Fu” or “Quiet” command. If your pet is overexcited, divert his attention and calm him down.

York does not like to walk on the street, constantly pulls home or asks to be held

The owners themselves are to blame for this behavior, who missed the right moment for the socialization of the puppy. or even worse, constantly carried it in their arms, protecting it from the dangers of the outside world. In this situation, it is necessary to interest the dog in walks. First, short walks in a calm, quiet place where no one will scare the dog. Try to make walks fun and interesting for the dog. Remember, the age of fear in Yorkies begins at the age of 4 months, so special attention should be paid to the socialization of the baby during this period. In addition, the dog may simply not understand why go outside when there is a warm sunbed, food, toys, a tray and other amenities at home. Again, this approach is one of the common mistakes breeders of this breed make. York must walk daily and get acquainted with the outside world.

The dog does not want to be alone, constantly whines, barks, spoils things

Yorkies always want to be the center of attention and such a neurosis manifests itself either with insufficient attention to the dog from the owner, or vice versa, with excessive attention. From an early age, it is necessary to teach the Yorkie to stay alone, gradually increasing the time the dog is alone.

York refuses to eat on his own. Takes food only from a spoon

If, after a veterinary examination, no pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract were found, review the dog's diet, select the optimal diet, portion size. Even if the dog is naughty and refuses to eat on its own, you should not make a common mistake when starting to feed your pet from a spoon. Increase physical activity and do not forget that it should be varied, balanced and nutritious.

Owners often forget that the Yorkshire Terrier is not a plush toy, but a living dog. Gaps in her upbringing often turn into bites. How to stop a Yorkie from biting? Is this possible in the case of an adult? There are subtleties in education, which you will learn about in this article.

How to stop a Yorkie from biting

Why Yorkies bite

There are several reasons for this behavior in dogs. Often they directly depend on the age of the animal.

Here's what encourages puppies to do these tricks:

  • swollen gums in the process of eruption and maturation of teeth;
  • expression of an emotional state;
  • inability to calculate their strength in the game;
  • the need to prove their own dominance.

These are completely natural instincts for the animal, which have nothing to do with harmfulness or aggression. But to leave them without attention and correction is not worth it.

If an adult Yorkie starts biting, the main reason is proof of his own dominance.

How to wean a Yorkie puppy from biting

In order for the pet not to bite, you should enter your rules of the game from puppyhood:

  • when playing with a puppy, every time he wants to bite your hand, switch the focus to toys. A good choice would be a rubber ball, special silicone toys for animals;
  • gently stop all attempts to grab onto your clothes. Gently unhook the baby, stop the game and let everyone know that you are offended. Use the same tactics if the puppy tries to bite you. You can choose a place in the house where you will place the dog as a punishment;
  • a sharp bang with a folded newspaper, magazine on a table or wall will also become a warning gesture for a puppy that goes beyond what is permitted.

Use these methods every time your pet tries to use its teeth. To achieve the result, you will have to be patient.

How to wean an adult Yorkie from biting

When aggression is shown by an adult dog, the cotton method can be used. If it does not bring the expected result, try the following:

  • hold the dog's mouth with your palm, take it by the withers as the mother takes the puppy, shake it gently and say the word “No!” several times;
  • turn the dog over onto its shoulder blades, gently press it to the floor and hold until the resistance stops, also repeating the word “No”.
  • looking the dog in the eye, without blinking, growl at it.

These three tricks should be accompanied by a change in intonation, not stop until the dog understands what is wanted from him, and does not give in.

Often the owners of a small Yorkshire terrier puppy are faced with the fact that the pet strives to gnaw something in the house. Shoes, wires, furniture legs, upholstery of sofas and armchairs - all this can become the prey of a cheerful Yorkie.

  • For a small dog at 2-4 months of age, this behavior is normal. The main thing is to scold your pet in time and let him know that this is not the way to behave. Use the "fu" command more often. And after a while, the animal will stop chewing on your property.

It is much more serious if an adult independent Yorkie gnaws at things in the house. This may indicate some problems.

What to do with it and how to solve the problem, we will tell you in this article.

Reasons why a Yorkshire Terrier will gnaw on your property

  • Primarily the animal may gnaw on things in the house for a reason loneliness and fear. That is, as soon as you leave the apartment, the little Yorkshire terrier tries to find a company (toy, shoes) and switches to such a kind of communication with the thing.

Insufficiently active daily routine. An animal that does not realize its potential for motor activity will try to find something to do that allows it to throw out energy. That is, it will gnaw on furniture or other household items very actively.

  • Elementary boredom during the absence of the owners. Gnawing things in the house, the Yorkshire Terrier is trying to find an alternative occupation.

Change of dentition in a young dog. In this case, the animal experiences discomfort in the jaw and gums. York needs to massage his teeth to relieve pain. So he switches to processing things in the house.

  • natural need hunter-York in gnawing prey. So the dog realizes its potential as a representative of a hunting breed.

Bad habit, annoying to the owners. This behavior requires additional correction using training.

  • If the cause of gnawing things in the house is fear loneliness Yorkshire Terrier, then you need to dispel doubts from your pet. To do this, there are several tricks that allow you to teach your dog to be at home in your absence and not harm. More about this in the material " alone at home".

Yorkshire terrier with a very active lifestyle I need to walk more and more often. And it will not be enough just walking on a leash. In order for the pet to realize all its agility on the street, you need to drive it well. Take a toy with you outside and make the animal exhausted during the game. Then the desire to gnaw things in the house should disappear.

  • Lack of dog toys needs to be replenished. Contact a specialized store and professionals will select the most interesting and original items for chewing for you and your pet. The animal will switch all attention to them, and leave your property alone.

For gum massage and erupting teeth in the house, too, you need to keep special toys-bones. In addition, let the dog massage the gums and a large bone that he cannot grind.

  • Primarily learn with the animal "no" command. This simple skill will help your companion quickly understand what behaviors in the house are acceptable and what should be avoided.

Try not to tempt pet and simply remove the items available for chewing. Put shoes, children's toys, etc. in closets.

  • Leaving for a long time, carefully check the area. Hide the wires as much as possible, all small objects. Leave the Yorkshire Terrier some of his toys.

If the pet has chosen a certain piece of furniture (table, chair, sofa), try smearing this place with something bitter (mustard, pepper, horseradish). Most likely, having tasted spicy once, the animal will no longer want to gnaw on property in the house.

  • You can only scold a dog if if you caught her at the lesson itself. Then just pat your pet by the withers and repeat "no" again. You can lightly hit the pope. Remember: there is no point in scolding an animal for an object that has already been chewed. The Yorkshire Terrier will still not understand and will associate the owner's swearing simply with the appearance of a stronger family member.

How to deal with unwanted dog behavior

What else can be done

It is important to know: A well-trained dog that loves its caring owners is unlikely to cause problems with its bad behavior. Love your Yorkshire Terrier and treat him like a small child!

The article was written by Ruslan Miroshnichenko specifically for the site site. In case of reprinting materials, my written permission and a direct indexed link to this text are required.

Please help with advice on what to do.
I live with me for a week
The behavior is very frightening, does not perceive no, begins to bite, growl and bark. Suppose today we initially fed her and sat down to eat ourselves, she smelled meat, began to bark wildly, and just got mad that we did not give her our food, rushed and bitten.
He gnaws everything, bit his nose until it bleeds.
Help, what to do, whether it will outgrow, we are afraid of what will happen next.

Good afternoon.
What you are describing is uncharacteristic for a Yorkie and even more so for an age of 2.5 months. Most likely, the puppy is a little bigger. I believe that this is your first dog and it was acquired by accident (no serious breeder will give away a puppy before 3.5-4 months).

What you are describing is a complete lack of socialization, if the problem is not of a mental medical nature (and this happens), then it is easy to help, the main thing is the general line of behavior of all family members. I hope you comment on my post to better clarify the picture.

Your first mistake is feeding the dog first. In any flock, the strong and the head eats first - even the Yorkie realizes this partially at the level of imprinting (in a lactating bitch, the strongest littermates occupied the best nipples) and instinct.

  1. Therefore, rule number 1 - you eat first, then your dog. Throw out of your head the emotions, according to which the attitude towards the Yorkshire Terrier should be somehow different from the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. The essence is the same!
  2. Rule number 2 - it only applies to you - you show your puppy that the last thing you will consider is his barking and tantrums. To do this, you first show that . Generally, regardless of the circumstances.
  3. In any door - in the elevator, in the room, in the house - people enter first, without exception.
  4. Everything in the house belongs to bipeds (including children). Any toy can be taken from the dog at any time with complete disregard for its protests.
  5. If the situation does not improve immediately, we show the baby where the food comes from in the house. This means that from now on he will receive food only from his hands, and only for the execution of commands. Look for ideas on how to train and what to train in our section.

Please watch this video from 20 minutes:

In this episode of Dog Translator, Caesar Millan shows a case that is not as severe as yours (I only say that if you give the correct age - 2.5 months!). However, the relationship tactics will be the same. I strongly advise you to find the rest of the releases of this wonderful program, which can be watched as a fascinating series. Be sure to read, especially the section on education.

All that I have written is not about the usual upbringing of Yorkies, these are the basics of understanding how to act in problematic cases.

Good afternoon!
Yes, you are right, if you can call it that, it was an accidental purchase, that is, through Avito, without documents.
If the breeder (is breeding at home) is telling the truth, then the date of birth of the puppies is 06.10.14.
Thank you very much for the detailed answer, we will try our best to fix the situation

Thank you very much for the video
Let me ask one more question.
How to understand this is a mental medical problem, or not?
I will describe another case, perhaps it will help you give us a hint.
When you come home from work, she is very happy, kind and affectionate, even given to hold her in her arms (she doesn’t like this, she tries to get away with it right away), something, if not according to her, she immediately changes.
Here is a simulation
Yesterday she tried to tear off the wallpaper, I didn’t scold her, I just calmly said fu cleaned it up, and didn’t let her tear it off. After her 4-5 attempts, she backed off. But as always, she got angry, began to growl, bark and try to bite painfully, and do everything that she was forbidden to do, that is, gnaw on the sofa and the like.
After a while, she calmed down.
How can this condition be characterized?

Anna, good afternoon. Sorry for the delay in replying - I was on a business trip. In your case, you should not worry about a real "clinic" IMHO: judging by the description, you are simply faced with a "difficult child". The reason - most likely 30% hereditary, 60% - upbringing from a breeder. Your contribution can also be counted :)

The fact that the dog rejoices at the return of the owners is a good sign (so I exclude the fact that she is from the "farm"), and her capricious behavior is most likely a simple misunderstanding of her side, who is in charge in the house and to what extent she can control others . The most important thing in such a situation is not to give concessions and not to "break down" (out of pity, or because of irritation, or because of fatigue). Remember that no one needs a problem dog, and if you don't bring it to its senses now, then you will have to get rid of it. Let this understanding be an encouragement to you.

I am very glad that you answered, so I better ask questions.

  1. How long after such tantrums, as in the wallpaper episode, does your Yorkie calm down?
  2. How does she behave on the street? How does he move, what does he do when there is no one around? How does he behave with other dogs on a walk?
  3. What are the relationships with strangers?
  4. What scares her? Under what circumstances? How does she behave and how long does it take her to calm down?
  5. Where does she go to the toilet most of the time?
  6. Is she playing with you or with herself? If she has a favorite toy in her mouth, and you want to take it away - what happens?
  7. Is she ready to switch her attention from one toy to another? For example, if she has a ball, and you "seduce" her with a rubber ring, will she spit out the ball and rush to the ring?
  8. Did you start feeding her AFTER you eat yourself? What happens if you put your hand in her bowl while eating?
  9. Is there someone in the family that she singles out? (relates with special love, or vice versa)

Hello! Thank you so much for your contact, for your answers and real help in a difficult situation.
I will answer questions

1. She always calms down in different ways;
There are also cases of unjustified aggression. Today, let's say, I came home from work: she was, as usual, happy to the point of squeaking, running around me in circles, wagging her tail. She asked for food - I fed her in the kitchen. She behaved well. But when she came into the room, she began to throw herself at my feet, trying to bite them, as she usually does, she raids, growls, jumps and runs away, I try to pick her up and calm her down, but she doesn’t give in, dodges and runs away in every way, while continuing her forays, after about 15 minutes she calmed down, and began to gnaw on toys.
It is her reaction that scares me, which is not related to anything, why does she try to bite and bark when nothing preceded this?

2. We don’t walk outside yet, the veterinarian told us that it would be possible only after 4 months, and we are 2.5

3. With strangers, it seems that this is a different dog, very calm.
Suppose, when someone comes to us, at first she hides behind us, and then she begins to approach the new person closer and closer, and sniffs him. If you put her in the arms of a stranger, she will sit quietly.
We were at the veterinarian on Saturday, waiting in line, she was shaking very much in my arms, there was a Labrador puppy in front of us, when she saw him she tried to hide under my arm, while she began to shake even more.
When examined by a veterinarian, she did not squeak, the doctor was even able to look at her teeth, for us this is not realistic. When the doctor gave it to me, she hid in her bag and sat quietly.

4. She is madly afraid of the vacuum cleaner, at the sight of it she is already starting to shake, in order to vacuum it, we take her to another room, but even there she just has some kind of hysteria. She tries to hide, then for about 15 minutes she examines the room in which the cleaning was done, sniffs out the carpet. Even after bathing she shakes for about 20 minutes (we bathed her only once)
And so she has fears of the ironing board, hair dryer, but not so strong, she just either runs away or hides, while in principle she doesn’t even need time to calm down.

5. 30% for a diaper, 70% for anywhere.

6. She plays with herself, if she tries to pick up the toy with all her might, she won’t give it away, her whole game consists in the fact that she gnaws toys, or that she cannot gnaw, running around with a bowl in her teeth. She is not interested in the ball and games with us.

7. In different ways. It depends on how passionate she is, sometimes it switches right away, sometimes it doesn’t. And it depends on how to lure her, if we let her show socks or slippers, she will throw any toy))

8. We eat first ourselves, but secretly, while she sleeps. We tried to eat with her first, but she starts barking, starts jumping, whining, and it becomes impossible for us to eat calmly.
She eats very quickly, it seems that she will not have time.
Putting her hand into the bowl, nothing happens, she continues to eat, today for the experiment she took away the bowl from her, she just held on to it with her paws, trying to continue eating.

9. My mother is mostly with her, and she treats her better, there are attacks of aggression against her mother, but the frequency is three times less. She reacts more strongly to me, I spend only a few hours with her in the evening.

Maybe I have a strange question, but it worries me, after reading the Internet in her behavior, I found similarities with rabies (the similarity with the symptoms of the disease is only violent behavior), can we have this disease. She lives with us for 16 days, behaves badly (not clear) from the second day.
We went to the doctor three days ago, we vomited once, having examined the veterinarian, he said that we didn’t look like rabies, and we haven’t had rabies in our city for a long time.
But her behavior is scary to me.

I want to thank you very much for your work.
I look forward to tips.
Thanks again for responding, for us "young" dog breeders it is very important)))