Game Ark review of the new version 226.3. Review of the Amazfit Arc fitness bracelet - an unreasonably expensive but useful assistant

An original survival simulator: with dinosaurs, a plot, clan wars and, unfortunately, still unresolved technical problems

Ark is one of the most famous and respected survival simulators, which can be put on a par with DayZ and Rust. The game came out into early access two years ago and immediately attracted a bunch of fans - primarily due to its unusual setting and a huge number of possibilities: from taming animals to construction. At the end of August, Ark finally got around to release: over the past time, the developers have corrected many bugs, added new content, but, alas, they were not able to make their project ideal.

The world of Ark is full of huge dinosaurs, giant spiders, overgrown sharks and other creatures. A real interactive paleontological museum, adjusted for the fact that all the exhibits are alive and can bite your head off. By the way, Ark only looks like a game in a primitive world - starting with bows and wooden swords, you can level up and learn how to make energy rifles, combat turrets and even an exoskeleton with a jetpack.

To survive, you have to work hard from the very first minutes: extract wood, collect stones, create primitive tools, hunt small animals, plant a vegetable garden and build housing. Ark's signature feature is the taming of animals. In Ark you can transport cargo and fight on horseback, and this is not limited to land creatures alone. If you wish, you can arrange an underwater battle, where players will fight each other while riding on the backs of huge sharks.

The stronger the predator, the more food and time it takes to tame it: sometimes the process can take several hours. It’s the same with crafting and construction - the number of recipes and resources grows monstrously quite quickly. The best way out of the situation is to unite in a tribe with other players. Serious tribes have well-defended villages, crafting is organized, and there is plenty of entertainment - from battles with other clans to hunting large animals and killing raid bosses.

Ark even has some semblance of a story, which is rare for survival games. The diaries of the former inhabitants of the island are scattered around the world: collecting them not only adds experience, but also allows you to better learn the history of the world - it, by the way, is quite interesting. Well, pumped-up heroes can go to a story-driven dungeon located in the very heart of a volcano: if you defeat the boss, answers to the most important questions will be revealed.

Over the two years of early access, the developers have done a lot of work - they added three new worlds, increased the number of animals and recipes available for crafting several times. But there are serious problems with the technical part: the game is still too demanding on hardware, and there are bugs - for example, dinosaurs often get stuck between trees, which is why a potentially epic battle with a tyrannosaurus turns into a ridiculous circus. In addition, the pricing policy caused a lot of dissatisfaction among players: even during early access to the expensive Ark, they began selling DLC. Now the main game costs 1,049 rubles, plus eight hundred is worth adding for the season pass with access to three add-ons - this turns out to be one of the highest price tags among all survivalists.

Today, Ark: Survival Evolved, to be honest, is no longer as surprising as it was two years ago, after the start of early access. Yes, the game still boasts an original setting and several interesting ideas, to which the developers have added a lot of new content. But a lot of bugs, the presence of new strong competitors and a high price prevent us from recommending Ark for purchase. If you are interested, then at least wait for the sale.

ARK: Survival Evolved is a new survival MMO that differs from other games of this genre in its interesting and original Jurassic world, where players will encounter dinosaurs, saber-toothed cats and other challenges that the setting prepares.

After creating a character, the player finds himself on an island lost in time and space called ARK. The costume of Adam or Eve (depending on the gender of the character) does not greatly contribute to survival in such a world, so first of all the player will have to make himself a weapon and get food, because without this, immediate death will occur either from hunger or from the claws and teeth of the local fauna.

Fans of this genre of games will find everything for themselves here. If you want a peaceful life, you can engage in agriculture, raising animals or planting crops. Not least of all is hunting and fishing. The game has all the possibilities for this. Those who are not inclined towards a peaceful life can create weapons, train and take food from the weak.

A special place in the game is occupied by the arrangement of fortifications. After all, you don’t need much to hide from the wild, but to protect yourself from other players, you will have to build defensive structures that can stop the enemy’s onslaught. A lot of attention has been paid to furnishing a home from scrap materials. After all, for construction you will have to get a lot of wood and stone, and without iron tools this is impossible. We'll have to mine metal.

An interesting feature of the game is the wild world. ARK Island is inhabited by more than 70 species of dinosaurs, both carnivores and herbivores. The latter eat grass, but the former are not averse to snacking on the latter and snacking on the players. Therefore, you will have to fight first of all with nature. The interesting thing is that dinosaurs can be tamed and saddled. This way, players will not only begin to move faster, but will also use the claws and teeth of their pets.

The island itself is a huge space measuring more than 48 thousand square kilometers. And this is not counting the dungeons, of which there are an incredible number on the island. If two players are placed on such an area, they may never intersect. The size of the world is really impressive.

The multiplayer component of the game is excellent. It is impossible to survive on the island alone and resist other players. It is for this that players will unite into tribes and build fortified bases. These bases will be both the protection of the tribe and the basis for raids on other tribes with a subsequent reduction in their numbers and expropriation of their property.

ARK: Survival Evolved has everything you need for a great survival game and MMO. And most importantly, an interesting and original setting that is not found in any other online game.

You will find a short course on the game over the past year: pros and cons, wishes and forecasts. Please like if you found this review useful. WARNING! - A lot of information. If you just want to know my opinion, fly to the end.
First of all, Ark Survival Evolved is a survival game with MMORPG elements in the world of dinosaurs, some technology and a primitive world. You will have to go from a poor ragamuffin in shorts to an iron knight on a shining rex or a proud conqueror of the depths on a mososaur. But the latter is more of a dream than a reality for you. In reality, everything is much more complicated.
Next, I will tell you all the interesting aspects of this game.
= Graphics - the picture is good - that's undeniable. Definitely the best among Survival games and among many others. What do you want? This is Unreal Engine 4 - sweetie. But not everyone can enjoy the beauty of the game, not everyone.
= Optimization - everyone has been roaring and crying about this since the game came out. Although in fact, the developers almost immediately provided the tools to “tailor” the game to your, perhaps one of the oldest computers. In general, they work with optimization, the result is obvious. In any case, if your PC meets the minimum requirements, then most likely you will be able to play on more or less suitable settings, although maybe not with all the charms, but with FPS 40+, you just need to turn on your head and read a little about the “parameters” launch";
= The gameplay is the strength of this game. The very idea of ​​inspiring survivalists with dinosaurs is already impressive, but in reality it couldn’t be cooler. But in general, you can do a lot of different things in the game. There is always something to keep yourself busy, which sometimes has a bad effect on real life (but who cares). The only thing is that it can be boring only in the first couple, when you are picking the stone with your own hand with a stick and flint and picking berries with your crooked hands. And yes, it sounds banal and you’ve already seen it somewhere. What can you do, a guy with a pickaxe in his hands is mainstream and the favorite of all females.
= Who is a dinosaur? Actually, this is a piece of meat for a ragamuffin in underpants. But for indigo children, every dinosaur is important: some help you quickly obtain various kinds of resources, others help you move, and others help you in battle. Before starting a serious game, it is better to read the guides for beginners and read about the benefits of this or that island creature.
= Donat. It is not and will not be on the official servers. Maybe in the future there will be one, only cosmetic. But on unofficial servers - according to the principle of many MMORPGs. Where they can sell anything and everything (for example, dinosaurs), and where only cosmetic items and other items that do not affect the gameplay.
✓ Optimization - Yes, yes, this is a plus, because... players can really tweak a lot of things and make the game their own. This is certainly not GRAND ZENT AUTO FIRE, but it’s not DayZ either.
✓ Gameplay - There are no similar ones, and this game is truly considered the namba van among all survival games.
✓ Multiplayer - THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!!! In general, the game combines many advantages from the survival games that preceded this one, and the whole picture is gorgeous!
✓ Variety of servers
✓ Survival-style MMORPG elements were greatly enjoyed by everyone.
✓ Variety of things, crafting and everything else.
There are many advantages and I have already used a lot of letters, let’s move on to the disadvantages:
× The main resource is time. The more of you and your time are devoted to the game, the better the result will be. On the one hand, this is very problematic for most adequate players, but on the other hand, there is no other way.
× Early Acces - Yes, yes, this game has not yet left the factory, BUT a year ago it was head and shoulders above other games in this status, and now it is almost completed.
× Not a perfect balance. Because This game is a kind of MMORPG Survival, so there are natural problems with the balance of some aspects of the game, although at the moment it is almost perfect, except for the fact that the more you are, the stronger you are.
Graphics - 9 out of 10.
Optimization - 7 out of 10.
Gameplay - 10 out of 10.
Music - 7 out of 10.
Dinosaurs - 10 out of 10.
Emotions from the game - 10 out of 10.
Overall my rating is 8.8 out of 10.
Which is head and shoulders above many Survival and all Early Acces projects.
My opinion: This game is not perfect, and never will be. Survival itself is not ideal, but this game is truly exciting and evokes a storm of different emotions. ARK easily holds its place as one of the best multiplayer games I know.
Should I buy or not? - If your PC meets the minimum requirements and your head is not empty - buy and invite your friends or find new ones in the game and groups on VK. I wish you good luck and remember - survival of the fittest.

UPD: You shouldn't play it now, the developers have leaked an excellent game. RIP.

You will find a short course on the game over the past year: pros and cons, wishes and forecasts. Please like if you found this review useful. WARNING! - A lot of information. If you just want to know my opinion, fly to the end. First of all, Ark Survival Evolved is a survival game with MMORPG elements in the world of dinosaurs, some technology and a primitive world. You will have to go from a poor ragamuffin in shorts to an iron knight on a shining rex or a proud conqueror of the depths on a mososaur. But the latter is more of a dream than a reality for you. In reality, everything is much more complicated. Next, I will tell you all the interesting aspects of this game. = Graphics - the picture is good - that's undeniable. Definitely the best among Survival games and among many others. What do you want? This is Unreal Engine 4 - sweetie. But not everyone can enjoy the beauty of the game, not everyone. = Optimization - everyone has been roaring and crying about this since the game came out. Although in fact, the developers almost immediately provided the tools to “tailor” the game to your, perhaps one of the oldest computers. In general, they work with optimization, the result is obvious. In any case, if your PC meets the minimum requirements, then most likely you will be able to play on more or less suitable settings, although maybe not with all the charms, but with FPS 40+, you just need to turn on your head and read a little about the “parameters” launch"; = The gameplay is the strength of this game. The very idea of ​​inspiring survivalists with dinosaurs is already impressive, but in reality it couldn’t be cooler. But in general, you can do a lot of crap in the game. There is always something to keep yourself busy, which sometimes has a bad effect on real life (but who cares). The only thing is that it can be boring only in the first couple, when you are picking the stone with your own hand with a stick and flint and picking berries with your crooked hands. And yes, it sounds banal and you’ve already seen it somewhere. What can you do, a guy with a pickaxe in his hands is mainstream and the favorite of all females. = Who is a dinosaur? Actually, this is a piece of meat for a ragamuffin in underpants. But for indigo children, every dinosaur is important: some help you quickly obtain various kinds of resources, others help you move, and others help you in battle. Before starting a serious game, it is better to read the guides for beginners and read about the benefits of this or that island creature. = Donat. It is not and will not be on the official servers. Maybe in the future there will be one, only cosmetic. But on unofficial servers - according to the principle of many MMORPGs. Where they can sell anything and everything (for example, dinosaurs), and where only cosmetic items and other items that do not affect the gameplay. Pros: ✓ Optimization - Yes, yes, this is a plus, because... players can really tweak a lot of things and make the game their own. This is certainly not GRAND ZENT AUTO FIRE, but it’s not DayZ either. ✓ Gameplay - There are no similar ones, and this game is truly considered the namba van among all survival games. ✓ Multiplayer - THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!!! In general, the game combines many advantages from the survival games that preceded this one, and the whole picture is gorgeous! ✓ Variety of servers ✓ Survival-style MMORPG elements were very popular with everyone. ✓ Variety of things, crafting and everything else. There are many advantages and I have already used a lot of letters, let’s move on to the disadvantages: × The main resource is time. The more of you and your time are devoted to the game, the better the result will be. On the one hand, this is very problematic for most adequate players, but on the other hand, there is no other way. × Early Acces - Yes, yes, this game has not yet left the factory, BUT a year ago it was head and shoulders above other games in this status, and now it is almost completed. × Not a perfect balance. Because This game is a kind of MMORPG Survival, so there are natural problems with the balance of some aspects of the game, although at the moment it is almost perfect, except for the fact that the more you are, the stronger you are. Ratings: Graphics - 9 out of 10. Optimization - 7 out of 10. Gameplay - 10 out of 10. Music - 7 out of 10. Dinosaurs - 10 out of 10. Emotions from the game - 10 out of 10. Overall, my rating is 8.8 out of 10. What's on head and shoulders above many Survival and all Early Acces projects. My opinion: This game is not perfect, and never will be. Survival itself is not ideal, but this game is truly exciting and evokes a storm of different emotions. ARK easily holds its place as one of the best multiplayer games I know. Should I buy or not? - If your PC meets the minimum requirements and your head is not empty - buy and invite your friends or find new ones in the game and groups on VK. I wish you good luck and remember - survival of the fittest. UPD: You shouldn't play it now, the developers have leaked an excellent game. RIP.

The theme of survival is truly inexhaustible in games. The fantasy of the developers sends players to fight bloodthirsty zombies, aggressive natives, and crowds of monsters. In ARK: Survival Evolved, dinosaurs will take their place. The player's adventure begins when he finds himself on an island - without clothes, without memory, only with a strange chip sewn into his left hand.

The mysterious island is beautiful and unexplored, but don’t expect an easy walk, because its inhabitants are real dinosaurs.

ARK: Survival Evolved is being developed by the independent studio Wildcard. Its developers did their best and created a large and beautiful world, and most importantly, a huge number of prehistoric animals. All this looks nice, the graphics engine pleases with a nice picture.

The full release of the game is expected in the summer of 2016 on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. For now, the game is available through the “early access” program, but even now the project looks very promising. The game is over 80% complete and offers players hundreds of hours of gameplay.

ARK: Survival Evolved system requirements:

  • OS: Windows 7 / Windows 8
  • Processor: 2 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit
  • Video: DirectX11 compatible video card with 1 GB memory
  • Memory: 4000 MB
  • HDD: 20 GB free space

Review of the game ARK: Survival Evolved

Without a doubt, ARK is one of the most beautiful games to come out this year. The island is not just huge - it is superbly detailed, like all models of prehistoric lizards. The opportunity to ride a dinosaur and the impressive crafting system look fresh and original.

Game Features:

  1. — An open world with a huge territory, expanses of water, bays and caves;
  2. — You can enter into battle with other players in any game zone. In addition, another player is allowed to be captured;
  3. — More than 70 species of dinosaurs, not only terrestrial, but also sea and flying;
  4. - Any dinosaur can be tamed, using it as a transport, or as a comrade in battle. Plus, dinosaurs are trainable. For example, a prehistoric lizard, having studied the command, will remain to guard your base;
  5. - To survive, the player should remember about water, food and sleep. The game involves fishing, animal breeding, farming and hunting;
  6. - Using items you can create houses, clothes and weapons. To protect yourself from enemies, you will first have to use a bow, spear or axe, but getting grenades, a shotgun, a machete, and explosives is a more difficult task;
  7. - Ability to play on official servers and on servers created by other players.

Walkthrough of the game ARK: Survival Evolved

The passage of the game ARK: Survival Evolved will begin with the fact that the player, who finds himself on an unknown island, will need primitive equipment to survive. With its help, most resources are obtained in the game, including water and food. Having quenched your thirst and hunger, it is useful to start building a shack (for the first time, a simple one, made from scrap materials, will do). In order not to constantly run for water, it is recommended to arrange a supply of fresh water directly to the hut, and a small vegetable garden, which should be planted next to the house, will help solve problems with food.

At the beginning of the game, throwing spears, a bow and an ax are especially useful. They will help in hunting the local fauna. Going hunting is useful, since a successful outing brings not only food, but also materials for crafting. As for crafting, it is very diverse in the game. With some effort, you will be able to rebuild your shack into a modern defensive complex with an electric fence, traps from giant lizards, and even firearms.

Survival is the main focus of the game, because the local fauna is very aggressive. Velociraptors, Theriosaurs, Pterodactyls, Tyrannosaurs and Stegosaurs - all of them are ready to devour and trample the player at the first opportunity. But any animal can be trained. Herbivorous dinosaurs are used to transport cargo, flying ones will help explore the island, small predators replace dogs during hunting.

The size of the island is huge - 48 square kilometers. Most of it is occupied by land. Having obtained the necessary equipment, the player will be able to explore caves, fly around the entire island and even swim. The main thing is that everything looks very beautiful: the Unreal Engine 4 pleases with excellent graphics with deep detail, excellent post-processing, a beautiful starry sky and the play of light.

In ARK: Survival Evolved, how to play is the player's choice. In this wild world you will have to fight either alone or in multiplayer mode. Servers are divided into two types: PvE and PvP. The maximum capacity so far is up to forty people, although, as the developers assure, the server capacity will soon increase.

Taming your dragon

Having dealt with hunting, the question arises: how to tame a dinosaur in ARK: Survival Evolved? This is done simply. First, the animal must be cut down. Tranquilizers are suitable for this, or you can hit him on the head with a blunt weapon. Since the creatures are different, you need to find your own approach to each of them.

While the dinosaur is unconscious, it should be fed with suitable food (fruit for the herbivore, meat for the carnivore, although there are animals with special eating preferences). After feeding the creature, it will wake up already tamed.

It seems simple, but in fact the animal often suddenly regains consciousness or is attacked by other predators. That is why taming a dinosaur is not an everyday walk, but a real challenge and adventure.

We create everything you need: crafting in ARK: Survival Evolved

In ARK: Survival Evolved, crafting is a vital part of the gameplay. To craft things, the character must have a special ingam device - it looks like a recipe book that the player carries with him. It saves all the recipes that the player was able to familiarize himself with, and they do not disappear even after his death.

To learn a recipe, you need to level up: hunt, collect, build - literally everything in the game brings experience points. Special EP obtained with each level is spent on learning recipes, be it making an ax, spear, or learning how to build a fire.

After studying the recipe, the item can be crafted if you collect the necessary resources, go to your inventory, switch to the Craftables tab and create the item by clicking the appropriate button.

Problems launching ARK: Survival Evolved

The price for the game ARK: Survival Evolved is 449 rubles. After purchasing the game, some players are wondering why ARK: Survival Evolved won't launch. Usually the startup error problem occurs due to the fact that:

  • — the computer configuration does not meet the minimum requirements;
  • — all necessary drivers are not installed (for example, the latest drivers for the video card or updates for DirectX11);
  • — the server is overloaded or unavailable;
  • - There are technical errors. The developers work on the game daily and update it every two days.

ARK: Survival Evolved is a unique opportunity to become part of an unforgettable collective journey. But the game is not a cakewalk. Any mistake could result in serious injury or even death. Land on the mystical island of Ark and start surviving in the original world, building your new civilization. Collect useful resources, build structures and houses, grow food and fight for your lives together, because the island is teeming with merciless dinosaurs.

Other game titles ARK: Survival Evolve: ARK: Survival Evolved, ARK: Survival Evolved.

Translation of "ARK: Survival Evolved" in Russian: ARK: evolutionary survival.

Game type: Client

Status: Game started

Distribution model: One-time purchase, Buy-to-Play (B2P)

Availability of Russian language in the game: Yes, the game has Russian language

Steam gamers in the game: With approximately 43,192 gamers currently playing ARK: Survival Evolved on Steam, the game is super popular and a gem in the gaming world!

Popular tags on Steam: survival, open world, multiplayer, dinosaurs, crafting, building, adventure

The Steam version of ARK: Survival Evolve may contain the following anti-cheat systems: BattlEye, Valve Anti-Cheat

ARK: Survival Evolved stats on Twitch right now:

  • Popularity: 2389
  • 255 channels online
  • 2382 online viewers

Find out more details about the adventure project ARK: Survival Evolved, this page provides an overview of this online game, as well as screenshots (70 screenshots), videos, trailers, gameplay videos, announcements (85 videos), release date, game rating, system requirements, OBT, CBT dates, live broadcasts (24 streams) and other useful and interesting materials on the ARK: Survival Evolved game project are collected in one place.

The client online game ARK: Survival Evolved is a mixture of the Adventure, Action, Survival genres, developed by Studio Wildcard, the game is available in Russian, this project has many features that are interesting to players, including construction, open world, crafting, in Russian, dinosaurs.

What gaming publications, critics and gamers say about ARK: Survival Evolved:

  • on Metacritic, critics and gaming publications left positive reviews of the game ARK: Survival Evolved, with an average score of 70 out of 100 points, which is a decent result;
  • mostly players on Steam recommend this game, more than 179,759 positive reviews;
  • In addition to all this, ARK: Survival Evolved also has high scores on OpenCritic, with 50 reviews and an average game rating of 61 out of 100!

All this means that, regardless of preferences, it is better for every gamer to try this game.

Review of the online game ARK: Survival Evolved in the Adventure genre

Without a doubt, ARK: Survival Evolved is suitable for players who love survival modes and endless adventures in a huge world. In this game you can build, craft, hunt, tame and ride various creatures. All this is seasoned with very good graphics and sound.

At the very beginning, the player finds himself on the shore of the island, where he needs not to panic and immediately begin to engage in various activities aimed at survival; very rich crafting opportunities will help players with this.

Of course, one cannot fail to note such an important detail of ARK: Survival Evolved as the presence of dinosaurs, loved by many since childhood; in the game world of ARK you can meet more than 50 different creatures, tame them or use them as a riding horse.

As already mentioned above, the game’s graphics are at a decent level, the audio component of ARK: Survival Evolved also did not disappoint, but you have to pay for everything and the payment in this case will be the decent system requirements of the game, as well as the amount of required free space on the hard drive. If the system requirements do not frighten you, if you have a burning desire for adventure, then you are welcome to our hut in ARK: Survival Evolved!

ARK: Survival Evolved System Requirements

Below are the minimum system requirements for the game ARK: Survival Evolve, if the computer meets these requirements or better, then the game should run with an acceptable level of frames per second on low graphics settings. If your computer is slightly inferior in performance, then it’s worth trying to run ARK: Survival Evolved.

  • OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320 or better
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Video adapter: NVIDIA GTX 670 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or better
  • DirectX: Versions 10
  • Free disk space: 60 GB
  • Additionally: Requires broadband internet connection for multiplayer

Also check out the complete minimum and recommended system requirements for the game ARK: Survival Evolve, before installing, find out how much the game weighs and will take up space on your computer (PC).

How many people are currently playing ARK: Survival Evolved?

This game is now (2019.08.03 01:10) approximately 43,192 gamers are playing through Steam, and 255 users are also streaming on Twitch, so you can start playing and not be afraid of running into empty servers. You just need to remember that the number of players online often changes greatly during the day, come here often, check how many players are online and playing ARK: Survival Evolved right now.

Please note that it happens that games released online are available not only through Steam, but also through third-party gaming platforms, as well as on other gaming platforms, Xbox, PlayStation, so there may be even more players online! And of course, we must not forget that most often there are separate servers for different regions. Even with all these reservations and conventions, we can say that there are a lot of players online, the game ARK: Survival Evolve is very popular!

Stream ARK: Survival Evolved right now!

Online streams right now:

Past streams:

Video ARK: Survival Evolve

Video is one of the convenient ways to learn about game news and new updates to ARK: Survival Evolved, to see with your own eyes what the developers and localizers have prepared for their players, fresh content, analysis of changes, the best cases on leveling up, development, new game events, and often publishers and developers hold various competitions with gifts, and talk about the conditions in video news. It is better to learn about all this through the Video section.

ARK: Summer Bash 2019!

2019.06.28 742636 23662 858 2690

It's time to run to the wild beach! The ARK Summer Bash 2019 has everything you need for fun on a sunny day: fireworks, hats, swimsuits and more. Plus, you can show off your beach body with new emotes or make a special candy that will give your tamed dinosaurs a festive look. From July 2nd to July 16th, it's time to survive in star style - ARK style!

Screenshots of the online game ARK: Survival Evolve

A few screenshots from the game for a quick visual assessment, but don’t rush to conclusions, the first impression can be deceiving, take a closer look, study the interface details, open the screenshots in full screen and try to feel the atmosphere of the ARK: Survival Evolved game. Don’t chase instant impressions, the devil is in the details, this is especially true for complex online games and hardcore genres. More screenshots can be found in the Screenshots section.

Download on PC and start playing ARK: Survival Evolved in Russian

Have you compared the characteristics of your computer with the system requirements of the game ARK: Survival Evolve? Have you checked the free space on your computer and found out how much the game weighs? Have you read the materials on the game? Don't delay and start playing ARK: Survival Evolve in Russian right now! Click the Start Play button and immerse yourself in the game world of ARK: Survival Evolved.