Diuretic herbs for swelling of the fingers. Edema of cardiac origin

Oh puffy eyes in the morning heavy legs by the evening few people decorate. Their cause is swelling that occurs due to impaired metabolism in the body. Improper nutrition, abuse bad habits, pregnancy also lead to swelling. Diuretic teas will help to cope with problems.

How to choose the right tea? Before using any herbal infusions need to be diagnosed by a doctor. Edema hides problems that must be approached with all seriousness: kidney and heart diseases, varicose veins. Edema occurs during pregnancy and requires careful attention to yourself.

Tea will help with edema?

Diuretic teas and fees help reduce tissue swelling and bring them back to normal. When using teas, the amount of excess liquid is excreted. Sometimes it is possible to find the right tea against edema after several attempts. You should carefully listen to the reaction of the body and do not rush. The medicinal components of infusions accumulate in the body and give a positive effect after several weeks of regular use.


All medicinal plants have their own character and can bring benefit and harm. In order for healing infusions to have a positive effect on health, follow a number of rules:

  • Treatment should begin with a minimum amount of kidney tea from edema with a gradual increase.
  • Don't expect quick results.
  • Don't drink health drink late evening.
  • Change the composition of the tea periodically so that addiction does not occur.
  • Be careful during pregnancy. Some herbs that are part of the kidney fees can adversely affect the development of the fetus or lead to miscarriage.

Tablets or herbs

The modern pharmacological industry regularly provides drugs designed to reduce swelling. The action of such funds is based on:

  • increased excretion of potassium and sodium salts from the body (Dichlorothiazide, Oxodoline, Clopamid, Triampur, Amiloride, Veroshpiron);
  • stabilization of kidney function (theophylline, furosemide).

Efficiency medicines high, but often they can adversely affect the condition of other parts of the body. Phytocollections have a gentle effect. They are famous for their ability to strengthen a weakened body, and the right composition helps to remove swelling well. At high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases only kidney teas for edema can help.

First aid kit for edema

Popular diuretic herbs: mint, saffron, hops, dill, yarrow, birch. You can collect herbs yourself and make compositions from them or use ready-made fees sold at a pharmacy. On sale you can find a special tea for edema during pregnancy with a safe combination of plants.

The power of Russian herbs

Herbal teas have a diuretic (diuretic) property due to the effect on the body:

  • activation of the urinary system due to a gentle effect on the ureters and renal pelvis;
  • excretion of salts from the body.

plant properties

Each plant in the collection contributes to its effectiveness:

  • Mint improves kidney function, additionally calms and reduces pressure.
  • horsetail present in kidney collections, helps to remove excess fluid, maintaining a normal salt balance.
  • pharmacy chamomile reduces inflammation and sedative effect. After its application, there is an improvement in performance. digestive system.
  • St. John's wort is part of the kidney teas during pregnancy from edema.
  • Melissa also good for women who are expecting a baby.
  • Cranberries and lingonberries- giving teas the taste of berries.
  • birch leaves well help to restore the work of the kidneys and heart.
  • Parsley and dill- familiar herbs-spices that are part of diuretic fees. They should be used with caution in pregnant women and patients with nephritis.

Popular combinations

Proven fees to help with swelling:

  • fennel seeds, birch leaves, chamomile, horsetail;
  • yarrow, immortelle;
  • birch leaves, strawberries, nettles, anise;
  • black tea, mint, St. John's wort.

How to make tea

To prepare the collection, you will need to brew a teaspoon of the herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist tea for 15-20 minutes and then immediately apply. Optionally add honey, sugar and milk. Ready infusion to drink after breakfast and lunch, without putting off until later.

Ready-made herbal teas from the pharmacy are consumed 2-3 times a day. They can be purchased in the form of filter bags that are convenient to brew at home and in the office.

Green tea for swelling

From puffiness will help not only herbs, but also the usual green tea. It perfectly removes fluid from the body and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Green tea helps with edema due to the rich chemical composition. You can drink no more than 2-3 cups per day.

Decongestant drink for expectant mothers

Pregnancy is often accompanied by ailments. Edema is a problem that pregnant women complain about.

Herbal teas will help relieve the painful condition for expectant mothers. Green tea can be a safe and proven remedy for edema.

Other options for infusions from edema for expectant mothers:

  • wild rose with hawthorn;
  • strawberry tea;
  • lingonberries (dried or dried berries are brewed, leaves can be added);
  • dried fruits compote.

By starting to take herbal tea for swelling under the eyes, you can improve general state organism.

AT traditional medicine used great amount plants that have a wide range of useful properties. In some diseases, diuretic herbs are important, which have a mild effect and have a minimum of contraindications.

Diuretic herbs for hypertension

Plants with diuretic activity are included in combined treatment with hypertension. Diuretic herbs are important for patients because they remove excess fluid from the body, which causes blood pressure to rise. It is important to consider that some plants may be contraindicated due to the presence of other diseases and individual intolerance. The most commonly used herbs for hypertension are:

  1. bearberry. This diuretic herb under pressure also has an antibiotic and astringent effect.
  2. yarrow. This plant eliminates excess water not only through urine, but also sweat, and it also has a hypnotic effect.
  3. Birch buds. They are recommended not only for hypertension, but also for swelling, diseases Bladder and heart problems.

Decoction of birch buds


  • birch buds - 1 dessert spoon;
  • boiling water - 250 ml.


  1. Note that the buds should be harvested in early spring before the leaves open.
  2. Pour boiling water over raw materials and boil over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. After that, infuse the remedy for 6 hours. It is necessary to take 0.5 tbsp. per day after meals.

Diuretic herbs for diabetes

People who have been diagnosed diabetes, diuretics are useful in order to reduce swelling and reduce the symptoms of hypertension. It is important to consider that not all plants are suitable for such patients, so it is important to select folk remedies with a doctor. The best diuretic herbs for diabetics are:

  1. One of the most useful is cudweed, from which a decoction is prepared, and also added to healing baths.
  2. You can get rid of excess fluid in the body with the help of berries or black elderberry root. This herb also has a calming effect.

Collection to normalize blood sugar levels


  • hawthorn flowers and berries - 25 g;
  • cudweed - 20 g;
  • motherwort - 15 g;
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. To start, mix vegetable raw materials and take big spoon collection. Pour everything with water, after bringing it to a boil.
  2. Put on the stove on a small fire and boil for 5 minutes. After that, wrap the container with a towel or pour everything into a thermos. Duration of infusion - 1 hour. Take the infusion should be 100 ml three times a day.

Diuretic herbs for cirrhosis of the liver

In liver diseases, diuretics are necessary in order to minimize the risk of ascites, which is provoked by edema. If they are not used, then cirrhosis can lead to a violation of the hemodynamics of the body. Strong diuretic herbs are recommended for liver diseases:

  1. Rose hip. In addition to the fact that the plant removes excess fluid, it has a pronounced choleretic action, reduces inflammation and has a positive effect on immunity.
  2. corn on the cob. Describing effective diuretic herbs for edema, it is worth pointing out this herbal ingredient, the rich composition of which causes a complex effect on the body, as it eliminates excess fluid and bile, fights inflammation and stops bleeding.
  3. Field artichoke leaves. Substances included in the composition cause a diuretic effect and provoke the formation of bile and remove it.

Rosehip decoction


  • wild rose - 70 pcs.;
  • boiling water - 350 ml.


  1. Dry berries must be crushed using any method and pour boiling water.
  2. Put everything on a small fire and cook for a couple of hours, without bringing the liquid to a boil.
  3. After this, leave the decoction for a couple of hours and take 100 ml up to five times a day.

Diuretic herbs for cystitis

Treatment for this female disease in without fail includes the use of diuretics. Popularity folk methods treatment is due mild action and minimal risk occurrence side effects. Diuretic herbs for cystitis in women are needed to quickly empty the bladder and remove bacteria and infections.

The most common and effective plants- field horsetail and knotweed. It should be borne in mind that the first herb contains toxic substances, therefore, it should be used only with the permission of a doctor who will correctly select the dosage. These diuretic herbs are not recommended. long time. As for knotweed, its diuretic effect is not so strong, therefore, in order to get healing effect, tea from this plant should be consumed for a long time. Please note that it is long-term use reduces pressure.

Infusion of tansy and chamomile flowers


  • horsetail - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • boiling water.


  1. Pour vegetable ingredients into a glass and fill them with boiling water to the top.
  2. Insist for 10 minutes. and can be accepted. It is recommended to drink the infusion hot, 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Diuretic herbs for mastopathy

It is not clear to many what the connection between diuretics and formations in the mammary glands can be, but in fact, with cyclic mastopathy caused by premenstrual syndrome, there is severe swelling. In such a situation, it is important to know which herb is diuretic and harmless with such a diagnosis:

  1. Burdock. The extract from the stems effectively removes swelling, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is worth pointing out the fact that thanks to carotene, the plant also removes toxins from the mammary gland.
  2. Radiola. Describing useful diuretic herbs, this plant should not be overlooked, since it not only removes excess fluid, but also eliminates viruses and infections. Folk remedies based on radiola cleanse the body, slow down the spread cancer cells and contribute to the normalization of reproductive functions.

Burdock root infusion


  • burdock root - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Pour crushed root hot water and insist for an hour and strain using gauze folded in two layers.
  2. Take the infusion should be three times a day before meals. Divide the volume into three equal portions. The product should be prepared every day, since it is not intended for long-term storage.

Diuretic herbs for chronic renal failure

Since the kidneys are the organ responsible for filtering urine, many diseases lead to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. With chronic kidney failure The following diuretic herbs for edema are useful:

  1. Nettle. A burning plant will not only get rid of excess fluid, but also has a choleretic, antiviral and tonic effect.
  2. Parsley. Decoctions and infusions of this plant improve the functioning of the intestines and urinary system. You can use not only leaves, but also seeds and roots.
  3. birch leaves. The plant has a mild diuretic effect, but at the same time, increasing urination, it does not put a big burden on the kidneys.

Infusion of parsley and burdock root


  • burdock root - 1 part;
  • parsley - 1 part;
  • water.


  1. Mix vegetable raw materials and fill it with water, given that 1 tbsp. the mixture should account for 5 tbsp. boiled water.
  2. Insist in a dark place for a day and strain. Take 0.5 tbsp. before meals.

Diuretic herbs for weight loss

Herbal medicine for those who want to lose weight is effective due to the removal of excess fluid, cleansing the body of toxins and metabolic products. It is important to use diuretic herbs as additional technique, but you don’t need to abuse them, because you can harm your health. They are recommended for use with a tendency to edema and cellulite. Effective diuretic herbs for swelling of the face and other parts of the body: gray chickweed, lingonberry leaves, oregano and sage.

Herbal collection for weight loss


  • lingonberry leaves - 3 parts;
  • nettle leaves, marshmallow and tansy - 1 part each;
  • boiling water - 250 ml.


  1. Mix all herbal ingredients and take only 15 g of the finished collection.
  2. Pour into a thermos, pour in boiling water and leave for 5 hours. All that remains is to strain and drink 50 ml three times a day.

Diuretic herbs in bodybuilding

Before the competition, in order to better draw the relief of the body, athletes sit on a dryer, which involves the removal of excess water from the body. Diuretics are used for this purpose. Softer and safe action herbs have a diuretic effect:

  1. bearberry leaves. The composition contains flavonoids that increase diuresis, as well as substances that have antibacterial action. With kidney disease, the plant is prohibited.
  2. horsetail herb. A decoction of this plant has not only a diuretic, but also a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. lingonberry leaves. This plant component has a slight diuretic effect, and it is also considered good antiseptic and effectively fights inflammation.

Infusion of bearberry leaves

As a rule, women and overweight people suffer from puffiness. In addition to the fact that edema is aesthetic problem, they disrupt the vascular system, forcing the heart to work hard. An excellent alternative to syrups and tablets are folk remedies in the form of tinctures, compresses, baths, ointments, which, having a decongestant effect, do not cause side effects.

What is edema

This is the accumulation of fluid in the body. Edema can appear in different parts of the body - on the face, limbs, and can even affect internal organs. The latter are the most dangerous, since they are outwardly invisible and difficult to diagnose. Edema indicates that excess water is retained in the body. This may be due to cardiovascular pathologies, kidney disease, and other serious disorders. The frequent occurrence of swelling is good reason to see a doctor.

Swelling of the legs can cause the development of flat feet, lymph stagnation, metabolic disorders, varicose veins veins, kidney problems, increased load on your feet. Often the provoking factor is the general fatigue of the body, drinking, smoking. In addition, excessive consumption of salt containing sodium, a substance that retains fluid in the body, contributes to the occurrence of puffiness.

Excess weight is also an important factor in vascular system additional loads. Often swelling is the result incorrect operation heart, kidney. Edema may have different nature origin, which is important to determine before starting therapy. Doctors distinguish several main types of pathology:

  • hydremic edema (occur due to kidney disease as a result of fluid accumulation);
  • congestive (appear due to vascular permeability, a decrease in albumin in the blood, an increase in pressure in the capillaries);
  • cachectic (are the result of a malfunction of cardio-vascular system, depletion of the body);
  • neuropathic (accompany alcoholism, diabetes mellitus);
  • mechanical (arise as a result of injuries, with the development of tumors, during pregnancy);
  • allergic (this is swelling of the skin, for example, Quincke's edema).

Treatment of edema with folk remedies

For any type of swelling, it is necessary to diagnose the disease that caused them. The doctor prescribes medications that remove excess fluid from the body. In addition, a person needs to limit water intake and reduce salt in the diet to 1 g per day. In the presence of cachectic edema, it is necessary to consume more protein foods and vitamins. If there is a reduced amount of potassium, a diet rich in this mineral is prescribed (the menu includes potatoes, dried apricots, prunes, bananas).

Alternative treatment edema is aimed at removing stagnant fluid from the body, improving blood circulation. This is often done using the following tools:

  • medicinal herbs in the form of teas and decoctions for internal reception, tinctures for rubbing, compresses, baths;
  • essential oils;
  • berries and decoctions from them;
  • massages, special exercises.

Folk remedies for swelling of the legs

In addition to the fact that swelling of the legs does not look aesthetically pleasing, they cause discomfort when walking. If the swelling is severe, movement can be significantly hampered. To reduce the intensity of the symptom or avoid its exacerbation, you should abandon uncomfortable, restrictive shoes and high heels. Shoes should not put pressure on the foot and ankle. Particularly prone to swelling are people who spend a lot of time standing or sitting. It is important to take small breaks throughout the day and stretch your legs. Since already existing problem folk remedies will help to cope.


Herbal preparations can give an effect comparable to medications. They have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, diuretic effect, due to which they eliminate bladder diseases, urinary tract, kidney. Herbs actively resist pathogenic microorganisms, causing pathology urinary system, which causes swelling. Plants that can be used to remove from the body excess fluid:

  • field horsetail;
  • blue cornflower;
  • common juniper;
  • birch leaves;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • bearberry;
  • parsley;
  • celandine;
  • nettle;
  • dill (greens and root);
  • immortelle;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • juniper;
  • Melissa;
  • corn silk;
  • lime leaves.

Any treatment must first be agreed with the doctor. Diuretic herbs, like other herbal medicinal substances, may have certain contraindications, call adverse reactions. If the swelling is not mechanical, the herbs should be used in conjunction with traditional treatment. Effective folk remedies for swelling of the legs based on plants:

  1. Collection of herbs number 1. In a dry container, mix 1 tbsp. l. dried cornflower flowers, licorice root, 3 tbsp. l. bearberry. A mixture of 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid. Let the infusion cool, then strain. Take a folk remedy for edema 1 tbsp. l. before every meal.
  2. Collection number 2. Connect 1 tbsp. l. horsetail, 1 tsp strawberry leaves, 3 tbsp. l. motherwort and 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort herbs (pre-grind the herbs with a coffee grinder or grind in a mortar with a pestle). Next, brew 1 tbsp. l. mixture in a glass of boiling water. After 15-20 minutes, strain, and start taking 200 ml twice a day.
  3. Collection number 3. Mix in equal parts dry hawthorn berries, plantain leaves, bearberry, nettle and St. John's wort. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water, wrap the container with a towel. When the product has completely cooled, strain it and drink a glass 2 times a day.
  4. Infusion of elderberry root. Pour vodka (300 ml) over the vegetable component (150 g), infuse the product for 10 days, then strain. Take the infusion 3 times a day according to the scheme: 3 days, 10 drops, 4-6 days - 15, 7-9 days - 20 drops.


Treatment of leg edema at home is carried out using different medications prescribed by the doctor. In addition to them, folk remedies can be used to help remove excess fluid from the body. good results can be achieved if you use different compresses and lotions. Most effective recipes such folk remedies for edema:

  1. Salt compress. Dissolve 45 g in 2 liters of hot water sea ​​salt. Soak a terry towel in the prepared solution, then wring it out and place the material on your feet. Cover the top of the compress with a dry towel. Keep the bandage to cool. Repeat the procedure three times, then moisturize the skin with cream. The course of treatment lasts 7-10 days.
  2. contrast compress. Take 2 containers: fill one cold water, the second - hot. Soak a towel in hot water, wring it out, put it on the swollen place, keep it until it cools. Soak a towel in cold water and apply to the same area for a few seconds. Repeat the procedure 4 times.
  3. Soda compress. Dissolve 1 tsp. soda in 100 ml of strong tea leaves. Soak a cotton cloth in the liquid and apply it on your feet for 5 minutes.
  4. Urine compress. Soak a towel in your own urine and apply it to the swollen area. It is better to do such lotions at night. Remove the compress in the morning and wash the affected area with water. Carry out the procedure within three days.

horsetail juice

With edema that arose against the background of heart disease, juice is used horsetail. This folk remedy helps to eliminate swelling in the legs, improves the overall health of a person. For cooking you need:

  • collect the plant early in the morning;
  • rinse, scald it with boiling water;
  • grind in a meat grinder;
  • squeeze juice;
  • boil it for 2-3 minutes;
  • take the remedy 2-3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. (Keep refrigerated).

Flax seeds

  1. Decoction. Pour a liter of water 4 tbsp. l. seeds, boil the liquid for 10-15 minutes. Put the product in a warm place, cover the container with a lid and let it brew for an hour. It is not necessary to strain the liquid. Take a decoction 6-8 times a day, twice a day, preferably hot. For taste, you can add a little lemon juice or honey.
  2. Tincture. In a jar, place 20 g of crushed marsh calamus roots and 3 tbsp. l. flax seeds, pour the ingredients with 500 ml of vodka, leave to infuse for a week in a warm, dark place. Shake the jar periodically. Strain the finished infusion and take 1 tsp. three times a day for half an hour before meals (the first portion is drunk on an empty stomach).

Rubbing tincture

If the cause of swelling of the legs was varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, rubbing should be discarded. In other cases, such a folk remedy will allow short terms eliminate puffiness. How to prepare tinctures:

  1. With garlic. Grind one head of vegetable, pour a glass of water and let stand for 1 hour. With the resulting infusion, rub the limbs daily in the evening.
  2. With Kalanchoe. Grind a couple of leaves of the plant, mix them with alcohol. Close the container tightly, leave it in a dark place for 14 days. Stretch your legs using the tincture daily.
  3. With nettle. Boil 2-3 tablespoons of chopped herbs in 100 ml of vegetable oil. Let the product brew for 2 days, then use for massage. This infusion provides fast withdrawal swelling of the legs.

Folk remedies for swelling on the face

by the most common causes puffiness on the face and eyelids are the use of alcohol, taking a large number fluids (especially at bedtime), intake of salty, fatty, smoked, spicy food shortly before sleep or general overheating of the body. In most cases, the symptom appears in the morning, when a person needs to get ready for work, so it becomes necessary to use home methods to deal with the problem. The most effective for puffiness on the face are such remedies:

  1. Ice on grass. In boiling water, brew geranium, sage, linden, yarrow, chamomile flowers, oak bark, thyme or plantain at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. herbs in 200 ml of water. Leave the liquid for 3 hours, then strain and pour into ice molds. Rub cubes on swollen skin for 5 minutes.
  2. Raw potatoes. Grate clean tubers (2 pcs.) on a fine grater along with the peel. Mix the resulting slurry with 20 g oatmeal and use as a face mask, spreading a thick layer on the skin. Cover the top of the potatoes with a bandage. Keep the mask on your face for as long as possible (1-2 hours). If the edema has spread to the eyelids, apply cold “pyataks” to them fresh cucumber or tea bags.
  3. Cabbage. It is better to grind the leaves into gruel and put on the face in this form. To achieve the effect, the procedure should last at least 15 minutes.

Infusions and decoctions

Swelling of the face is a problem for many modern women who neglect the need or are unable to provide for themselves good rest. The body reacts to this unpleasant symptoms including swelling. To quickly remove excess fluid from the body, take the following decoctions and infusions:

  1. Rosehip decoction. The berries are brewed in boiling water, then insisted for 1 hour under the lid. A diuretic folk remedy for edema is taken throughout the day.
  2. Bear ear tincture. A tablespoon of the plant component is poured into 200 ml of boiling water. After 2 hours, the drink is filtered and taken at a time.
  3. Decoction of anise seeds. With the help of such a remedy for puffiness, you can quickly put your face in order before going to work. To do this, fill in 4 tbsp. l. seeds in a glass of hot water. Boil the product for 7-8 minutes, then drain. Take a decoction of 2 tbsp. l. three times before meals.
  4. Infusion of corn stigmas. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 30 g of corn stigmas. Infuse the mixture for 3 hours, then strain and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. Continue the course for 5 days.

Treatment with essential oils

If after waking up, swollen areas are noticeable on the skin of the face, take cold and hot shower. This will help the body to quickly restore strength and activate metabolic processes. Next, proceed to the treatment of puffiness with essential oils. For this purpose, use washing with water enriched with such products, facial massage, masks with the addition of citrus oils, chamomile, mint, sandalwood. Recipes for the preparation of folk remedies with essential and vegetable oils:

  1. Cream with castor and chamomile oil. Melt 10 g pork fat and the same butter. Mix the ingredients in a clean jar, add 3 drops of castor oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil here. After mixing, send the mass to the refrigerator so that it freezes. Ready cream cover your face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  2. Massage sea ​​buckthorn oil. Combine cream and butter in equal amounts, add raw chicken yolk here. Massage the swollen areas with the finished mixture for 5 minutes, then leave it on the skin for a quarter of an hour and rinse warm water.
  3. Cream with fir oil. Essential oil (2-3 drops) combine with avocado and olive oil in equal parts. Stir the mixture until smooth, apply it on the skin of the face daily before bedtime.

Folk remedies for edema during pregnancy

Treatment of edema in pregnant women is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the kidneys, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, removing excess fluid from the body, and stabilizing the state of the cardiovascular system. natural remedies are practically harmless to the body of a woman and a child, but before starting their use, in any case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required. After determining the cause of the pathology, the doctor will help to draw up the optimal treatment regimen.

by the most in a simple way elimination of puffiness future mother is the use of watermelon. The berry provides diuretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, choleretic effects. It is better to choose a watermelon that ripened in August, on which there are no yellow streaks, and the skin pattern has clear lines - this indicates the absence of nitrates. To eliminate puffiness, a diet is recommended with the rejection of fatty, sweet and refined foods.

Swelling of the legs is a fairly common phenomenon, especially in summer period during the heat. At this time, even quite healthy people who do not suffer from swelling of the legs, the legs may swell. How often many of you complain that your feet are so swollen that you cannot put on any shoes and sandals.

Is it always necessary to resort to diuretics or can you help yourself folk remedies from swelling of the legs. In some cases, which are not associated with any disease, diuretic herbs or diuretic herbs may come to the rescue. What are these herbs and how to take them today you will learn from this article.

Causes of leg swelling

The main cause of leg swelling is the retention of water in the body, which is not excreted from the body and accumulates in the tissues of the body and, as a rule, more often in the legs and feet. Swelling of the legs leads to joint stiffness, weight gain, constant feeling bloat, to increase blood pressure and pulse rate.

Causes that can lead to fluid retention:

Increased salt intake;

Violation and poor circulation;

Lack of vitamins;

Venous insufficiency (impaired circulation in the veins of the legs)

High blood pressure;


kidney and heart problems;

Chronic lung diseases;

Liver disease;

Thyroid diseases;

In women, swelling of the legs can be caused by:



Taking certain contraceptive drugs.

During the summer, swelling can be caused by heat, which leads to impaired circulation in the veins of the legs, causing swelling of the ankles and feet.

These are not all the reasons that can lead to swelling of the legs. If you observe constant swelling of the legs, arms and other parts of the body, this may be caused by a number of more serious illnesses including diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs.

The cause of edema may be taking certain medications, insufficient consumption of pure drinking water, constipation, lack of vitamins of the group, potassium.

To accurately find out the cause of constant swelling of the legs and feet, it is necessary to undergo an examination, especially if one of the legs swells: left or right.

Diuretic herbs for swelling of the legs

Pharmaceutical preparations can help remove excess fluid from the body and reduce swelling. Most of these drugs stimulate the kidneys to excrete sodium and water is excreted from the body along with it.

Many of these diuretic drugs can cause side effects: fatigue, dizziness, allergic rash, headache, muscle spasms.

There are many diuretic herbs that will help relieve temporary fluid retention and relieve swelling in the legs and feet. These herbs have diuretic properties and remove excess fluid from the body, improving blood circulation. These herbs can be taken in the form of decoctions, infusions, teas, as well as for the preparation of baths to relieve swelling and fatigue in the legs.


We used to use parsley as one of the most common herbs. But parsley is an excellent diuretic and has powerful diuretic properties.

In addition, parsley contains minerals, vitamins, chlorophyll and has importance for good health. Incorporating parsley into salads as a side dish can help with swollen feet. You can brew parsley as a tea.


Another herb that we are accustomed to adding to tea can help with temporary swelling of the legs. With mint, you can make tea or prepare a decoction for the bath. Contrast baths are especially helpful. To do this, prepare one basin of hot water, as hot as they can stand. Keep your feet in it for about 10 minutes. Then quickly place your feet in cold water seconds for 30. Then you can repeat again: put your feet in hot water, and then in the cold, always finish with cold water.

No mint, you can use essential oil mint. The effect will be the same.

Green or black tea

Green and black tea also have a diuretic effect. In addition, when brewing tea, you can add a little fresh or dried mint, which will enhance the diuretic effect.

Hibiscus or hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea is pleasantly refreshing in the summer heat. Few people know that hibiscus tea is a good diuretic. It can be drunk hot or cold.

How to brew hibiscus tea and what are useful and medicinal properties possesses this type of tea find out more here at


This pesky spring weed is an excellent diuretic. He brings out excess water, relieves swelling of the legs caused by the accumulation of fluid in the body. Dandelion can be brewed as a tea or made into decoctions.


Hawthorn is a powerful diuretic. It can reduce fluid buildup in the body and may improve symptoms of heart failure, which is often the cause of swollen legs.

Hawthorn is usually taken in the form of decoctions and infusions.


Horsetail in its diuretic properties is close to many pharmacy diuretics. But it has fewer side effects. Drink with edema decoction, infusion or tea with horsetail.


Juniper has long been considered a good diuretic and is used as a diuretic in folk medicine. In addition, juniper does not lead to the excretion of potassium from the body, as is the case when taking diuretic drugs.

Stinging nettle

This plant grows almost everywhere. As a diuretic, prepare warm tea with nettle leaves. Nettle removes excess water from the body, reduces swelling and is a good remedy for cleansing urinary tract. Nettle is also used to treat joints.


In folk medicine, the bedstraw has long been used as an herb that fights edema well. For the preparation of a diuretic drug, grass flowers are used along with leaves and stems.

A decoction and infusion of the bedstraw relieves swelling and swelling of the legs well.

People with low blood pressure should be treated with caution when taking drugs with this herb, as the herb lowers blood pressure, with diseases of the heart and kidneys.

Corn silk

Corn silk as a diuretic herb in folk medicine has been known for a long time and is used for diseases of the kidneys and liver. Corn stigmas are rich in potassium and therefore, when taking this herb, there is a natural replenishment of the body with potassium.

Corn silk for swelling of the legs can be taken as a tea. For this, they can be used both fresh and dried.

gingo biloba

Gingo biloba is one of the main and widely used herbs in Chinese medicine. This plant improves blood circulation, which in turn leads to the removal of edema in the legs and feet.

In case of circulatory problems, consult your doctor before taking gingo biloba.


Meadowsweet or meadowsweet has long been used in folk medicine as a diuretic for the treatment of kidneys and bladder. Take meadowsweet to relieve swelling as a tea, 3-4 cups a day.

As diuretics that can help with swelling of the legs, you can prepare decoctions and tea with rosemary, celery, basil. These herbs have mild diuretic properties.

All of these diuretic herbs can help relieve occasional swelling of the legs when they are caused by heat or other causes unrelated to more serious conditions. As a rule, such edema is of short duration and favorable conditions pass. If edema has become a constant companion, in this case, you should definitely seek the advice of a doctor and undergo an examination to identify the cause.

Edema is the accumulation of excess fluid in body tissues. Cause this phenomenon most often become, and other vital important organs. Venous or lymphatic congestion causes swelling of the legs and arms.

Swelling of the face and eyelids indicates problems in the functioning of the kidneys. With heart disease, edema most often forms on the legs. This is most noticeable towards the end of the day. One of the symptoms of hypertension is also edema.

To cope with the accumulation of fluid in the body is possible only by treating its underlying cause. As part of general course procedures and taking medications, it is recommended to use diuretic herbs.

However, careful consideration must be given to the choice medicinal product and consult with a specialist. After all, non-compliance with the dosage when taking diuretic herbs provokes an increase in blood pressure. During treatment it is necessary to consume liquids and salt in minimum quantities. This will enhance the effect of diuretic herbs and get rid of puffiness faster.

Horsetail for swelling

Horsetail is considered an excellent diuretic that helps fight swelling due to its chemical composition. It is traditionally used in the form of tea or decoctions.


To prepare an infusion that helps to cope with swelling, you must use four teaspoons of finely chopped horsetail herb. Further them:

    pour half a liter of boiling water;

    insist for 20 minutes;

    filtered before use. Refrigeration is not required.

It is recommended to divide this infusion into equal portions. That is, they use it no more than three tablespoons four times a day, in which case it will help to cope with edema in a very short time. It is also important that, unlike many other remedies, horsetail infusion is not addictive.


Since horsetail contains many different components, there are certain contraindications for its use. It will be unacceptable to use the plant in case of kidney problems (with nephritis or nephrosis), peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum 12. This is because horsetail can provoke irritation of these organs.

In limited quantities, horsetail teas and infusions should be used in case of accelerated blood clotting and when breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the use of horsetail is absolutely contraindicated. It is also advisable not to use drugs, the list of components of which includes horsetail, for a long time, more than three weeks in a row. It is not recommended to increase the dosage because it may cause nausea, vomiting, drawing pains in the lumbar region.

Chamomile for swelling

Pharmacy chamomile is known for its calming and restorative effect that it has on the body. Decoctions from this medicinal plant have long been used in cosmetology, folk and traditional medicine. has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and disinfectant effect. It is due to the constituents of the inflorescences such beneficial substances like flavonoids.

Due to the diuretic action, chamomile decoction is used to get rid of edema. Unlike natural infusions other herbs, it is indicated even for those patients who have increased acidity gastric juice. Chamomile not only allows you to get rid of excess fluid, but also normalizes the work. digestive tract. Patients whose swelling is caused by problems with nervous system, decoction of this plant will be especially helpful. After all, chamomile has a calming effect. Therefore, it is recommended to drink tea from it to everyone who is susceptible.

With swelling of the face, chamomile compresses are made. For this, a strong decoction is prepared, in which swabs are then moistened and applied to the eyes. It is also used for swelling of the legs. Inside chamomile as a diuretic is taken in the form herbal tea. You can only brew chamomile inflorescences or prepare a mixture by adding to them,.

Badyaga from edema

A freshwater sponge that lives on rocks or trees in freshwater bodies at shallow depths, known as the badyaga. Depending on the species, different specimens are found in nature, the color of which can vary from reddish to bright green. The composition of badyagi includes silicon needles. That is why if you rub the lumpy mass in your hands, you can feel a sharp characteristic smell and a slight tingling sensation.

Badyaga is used in cosmetology and medicine, including as a diuretic. It must be prepared in the summer. At other times of the year, the fresh sponge is not found in water bodies. The green mass should be removed from a stone or driftwood, washed well with running water and dried thoroughly, spreading it out in a thick layer in a dark place.

To use badyaga as a diuretic, you need to dilute a few tablespoons of the mass in water to a thick slurry. The resulting product is applied to the body in places of edema. You can also mix badyagu with vegetable oil. The ratio of components in this case is 1:1.