Diuretics. Harmless and effective diuretic plants, diuretic products, herbal tablets

Diuretics or diuretics intended to be eliminated from the body excess quantity water and elimination of edema of various origins. Their mechanism of action should be considered in the light of the modern filtration-reabsorption theory of urination, according to which blood plasma is filtered in the renal glomeruli, and in renal tubules- partial reabsorption of the primary filtrate or provisional urine and at the same time the secretion of certain substances. Thus, urination is difficult physiological process, depending on many conditions (V.V. Zakusov, 1966).

Diuretics are used mainly for diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys, accompanied by the formation of edema.

There are a lot of medicinal plants that have a diuretic effect.

1. Siberian elderberry.

a) Brew a tablespoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water, boil for 3-7 minutes over low heat, cool, strain. Use a tablespoon of the decoction 3 times a day as a diuretic.

b) elderberry flowers, blackthorn flowers, birch leaf, stinging nettle herb (all equally). Brew a tablespoon of crushed collection with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, cool, strain. In the morning during breakfast, drink a glass of decoction to increase diuresis.

2. Common juniper.

a) Brew a tablespoon of fruit with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take a tablespoon of infusion 3-4 times a day as a diuretic.

b) juniper fruits, licorice root, steelberry root, lovage root (equal amounts of all). Infuse a tablespoon of the crushed mixture into a glass cold water for 6 hours, then boil for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day. Contraindicated in pregnancy and acute inflammatory kidney diseases and urinary tract.

c) juniper fruits - 6 parts, fennel fruits - 2 parts, licorice root - 2 parts. Method of preparation and use as in the previous recipe.

d) juniper fruits, licorice root, parsley root, steelberry root (all equally). Method of preparation and use as in the previous recipe.

e) juniper fruits - 4 parts, lovage root - 4 parts, steelberry root - 4 parts, violet herb - 2 parts, parsley fruits - 1 part, anise fruits - 1 part. Method of preparation and use as in the previous recipe.

f) juniper fruits - 3 parts, parsley fruits - 3 parts, adonis herb - 1 part, caraway fruits - 1 part, black elderberry flowers - 1 part, fennel fruits - 1 part. Method of preparation and use as in the previous recipe.

Diuretic fees

Method of preparation: brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

1. Bearberry leaf - 2 parts, string grass - 1 part, yarrow grass - 2 parts, knotweed grass - 2 parts.

2. Lingonberry leaf - 1 part, corn silk- 1 part, birch leaf - 1 part.

3. Juniper fruits - 2 parts, horsetail grass - 2 parts, birch buds - 2 parts.

4. Elecampane root - 1 part, trifoliate leaf - 1 part, parsley fruits - 1 part, birch buds - 1 part, cornflower flowers - 1 part, bearberry leaf - 5 parts. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day as a diuretic for kidney disease.

Since ancient times, people have used medicinal plants to treat diseases that modern conditions require drug therapy. Kidney diseases are often accompanied by swelling, inflammation and pain caused by fluid retention in the body and decreased functional activity filtration system. Along with ready-made drugs, doctors often prescribe medicinal herbs, and for kidney diseases, a diuretic collection is effective means eliminating the symptoms of pathology.

Diuretic herbs and their properties

Filtration and reabsorption processes occur in the kidneys, which help control the water-salt balance, rid the body of toxic metabolic products and maintain a state of physiological balance. Urological pathology accompanied by decreased diuresis, problems at work cardiovascular systems s, swelling, high blood pressure, dysfunction digestive tract. Plants contain components that affect the functioning of the filtration system, helping to remove excess water.

Using the properties of medicinal herbs allows you to fight the main symptoms of renal failure, affecting the parenchymal tissue of the kidneys and helping to remove fluid. Natural diuretics act gently, in contrast to the aggressive effect of synthetic drugs. Most of herbs retain beneficial potassium for humans and enhance filtration by reducing the reabsorption of salts. The significant volume of fluid passed through the kidneys acts as a cleanser on the system. renal tubules, protein loss is reduced and the severity of stagnation in the kidneys, which is an important condition for the treatment of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. For cystitis and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, urologists recommend using herbs with antiseptic and diuretic properties, which have a detrimental effect on the bacterial flora and help remove toxins from the body.

The property of herbal teas to enhance diuresis is used for weight loss, when by reducing the fluid content in the intercellular spaces, the effect of weight loss and reduction of body volume is achieved. Circulating blood becomes less dense, the heart muscle has to make less effort to move it, diuretics are used for hypertension herbal teas to combat high blood pressure.

List of diuretic herbs

There are a lot of plants used to remove excess fluid from the body. For effective use to use them at home, you need to know the basic properties of herbs and follow the recommendations for their use:

  • Blue cornflower. Soft diuretic effect combined with choleretic and antiseptic properties, and the acceleration of blood flow stimulates the functioning of the cardiac system and helps move blood faster through the filtration tubules.
  • Corn silks. Using this product helps to quickly get rid of swelling under the eyes, eliminate swelling of the upper and lower limbs, as well as reduce the manifestations of inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Lingonberry leaf. Brewed as tea, lingonberry leaf helps relieve symptoms of cystitis due to its anti-inflammatory effect and mild diuretic effect. Part of many medicinal fees, and also acts as an independent means.
  • Parsley. The well-known seasoning has a pronounced diuretic effect. The use of parsley in the daily diet is a good prevention of diseases of the urinary system, and for a stronger effect, use parsley roots and seeds. Treatment with parsley is not recommended for pregnant women; it should be replaced with milder dill to achieve a diuretic effect and reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.
  • Common bearberry. One of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of kidney diseases, which has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic effects. Due to its strong diuretic effect, it is most often used in combinations with other medicinal herbs.

The names of natural diuretics are familiar; many grow them in their garden plots or collect them in wildlife, and you can buy herbs in a pharmacy at any time of the year.

Before starting treatment with herbal preparations it is necessary to consult a doctor, since all natural remedies have side effects and have a number of contraindications. Compliance with the recommendations of urologists and following the preparation recipe is the key successful treatment using medicinal herbs.

When can you use diuretic herbs?

Using the beneficial properties of natural preparations from plant materials will be beneficial if you first undergo an examination and establish accurate diagnosis and obtain approval from a urologist for the use of a ready-made collection or a separate plant. An important condition correct application herbs is the periodic replacement of one of the components and the alternation of different plants.

It is necessary to follow the recommended dosage regimen and not abuse the frequent use of diuretics. This is especially true for those who want to lose weight quickly. remove excess fluid, not body fat, therefore are auxiliary V in general terms weight loss.

The effectiveness of medicinal plants has been proven for diseases of the urinary system, accompanied by edema, increased blood pressure And inflammatory reactions. At food poisoning It is necessary to eliminate the consequences of intoxication as quickly as possible; medicinal herbs and compounds with diuretic properties are effective in this case. Diuretics for edema help get rid of the consequences of heavy drinking, relieving hangover syndrome and removing toxic breakdown products of ethyl alcohol.

In what cases should it not be used?

When using medicinal herbs, you need to understand that there are contraindications that are especially dangerous when treating with potent drugs. In old age and for children, only a doctor prescribes the dosage and regimen; independent use can be harmful and cause complications. Pregnant women can use herbs with weak effects and only after consulting a doctor.

Malignant and benign tumors, individual intolerance, nephrosis, acute renal failure and the presence of large kidney stones are absolute contraindications for taking most diuretics.

When purchasing medicinal herbs at a pharmacy, you need to pay attention to the expiration date; the use of expired raw materials is unacceptable, since the plants lose beneficial features and may contain substances hazardous to humans.

Home Recipes

Folk recipes and the accumulated experience of our ancestors provide options for preparing diuretic mixtures from available plants at home:

  • 2 tablespoons of ground dill seed are poured into a thermos into two glasses hot water and leave for 2 hours. You need to take half a glass 4 times a day.
  • Raspberry leaves, lingonberries, chamomile and calendula flowers in equal proportions are mixed, crushed and poured into 2 tablespoons of raw materials with two glasses of water. It is better to insist under the lid, and after 2 hours it is ready Herb tea drink instead of usual.

Judging by people’s reviews, the effectiveness of the products is not inferior to ready-made ones pharmaceutical drugs and collections of medicinal herbs.

Pharmacy fees

Ready-made diuretic preparations sold in pharmacies contain medicinal plants in certain proportions, and the selection of raw materials is carried out taking into account the nature of the kidney disease. Each ready-made herbal preparation is accompanied by a manual for use, which contains information about the composition, indications and side effects, recommended dosage regimen and methods of preparation.

Diuretic collection No. 1

Used for inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. The content of blue cornflower, licorice root and bearberry leaves in collection No. 1 is in the proportions of 1:1:3. The pronounced antiseptic and diuretic effect relieves the symptoms that accompany genitourinary system infections.

Liquorice root

Diuretic collection No. 2

Licorice, Juniper and Bearberry in urological collection No. 2 helps not only relieve signs of inflammation, but also reduce painful sensations for infectious kidney diseases. The diuretic effect of the collection is strong, so follow the instructions strictly and do not exceed the indicated dosages.

Diuretic collection No. 3

For the treatment of kidney pathologies and for individual intolerance to licorice, collection No. 3 is used, which contains wheatgrass roots, juniper berries and horsetail herb. The composition has a pronounced antiseptic and diuretic effect, it is recommended for infectious and inflammatory kidney diseases, if necessary, to reduce the manifestations of edema syndrome and remove small formations.

Are there any negative consequences

Exceeding the dosage recommended in the instructions and frequent use diuretics are accompanied by symptoms of dehydration. Signs of overdose are almost the same for synthetic drugs and herbal formulations. Leg cramps, weakness, loss of appetite, constant thirst, headaches, rapid heartbeat, discomfort in the lower abdomen, frequent urge to the toilet without the possibility of emptying Bladder indicate negative consequences uncontrolled use of diuretics. At mild degree manifestations of disturbances, it is necessary to stop taking the diuretic, and if difficult cases urgent medical attention is required.

Treatment of diseases affecting the kidneys is a very complex and long-term process. The main method of therapy is taking medications.

However, to achieve a more pronounced therapeutic effect, traditional treatment often complement use of funds traditional medicine . For kidney diseases, such drugs are various herbs, having a diuretic effect, the list of which is very extensive.

Effect of herbs on the kidneys

The action of herbs is aimed at improving the functioning of the affected organ and normalizing the processes of urine excretion.

The diuretic effect of many plants is due to the content of active substances in them, such as essential oils, flavonoids, organic acids, glycosides. It is these elements that help improve kidney function.

Diuretic effect achieved different ways . The first option involves direct impact active component on organ tissue (nephrons - kidney cells). Other means help normalize the level of hormones responsible for the functioning of the urinary system.

Essential oils, which are part of many plants, affect the kidney tissue, irritating its receptors. This helps normalize the process of glomerular filtration of urine in the kidneys.

Glycosides and saponinsactive substances, which improve blood flow in the kidney area, promote the formation of hormones necessary for the normal removal of sodium ions and water molecules from the body. This helps to increase the amount of urine excreted.

Many synthetic diuretics remove from the body not only harmful, but also beneficial substances, such as potassium. When using diuretics plant origin, this doesn't happen.

Names of the most common

The most famous and widespread herbal remedies, having a diuretic effect, are considered:

  • Corn silk;
  • Rose hips, juniper;
  • Flowers, tansy, cornflower;
  • Leaves of nettle, birch, parsley, black currant;
  • Centaury, marshmallow, horsetail.

They are accessible to every person. You can buy them at any pharmacy in dried and crushed (that is, ready for use) form and at affordable price. This method is the most convenient and allows residents of large cities to use traditional medicine.

If desired and possible, you can prepare your own medicinal herbs. However, in this case you need to be sure environmental safety areas where raw materials are collected.

Otherwise, you will not only bring no benefit to the body, but also cause significant harm.

Herbal diuretic tablets

Pharmacy herbal preparations in the form of tablets are considered very common drugs that have a diuretic effect.

Compared to synthetic drugs, the use of drugs on plant based is considered more preferable, since these drugs have a mild therapeutic (diuretic) effect, and do not lead to the development of unpleasant consequences.

Yes, long term synthetic products- diuretics can provoke a disorder water-salt balance in the body, whereas herbal products similar effect do not give.

However, herbal diuretic tablets still have some negative characteristics . Thus, their composition does not always contain the amount of active component declared by the manufacturer (this indicator is quite difficult to control during the production process).

In addition, there is not enough information about how and in what quantities these components accumulate in the body and after what time they are eliminated from it. However, serious and pronounced side effects To date, no diuretics have been identified from taking herbal tablets (of course, provided that the rules for taking the medication are strictly followed).

Most Popular Herbal diuretic tablets are considered:

  • Canephron,
  • Flaronin,
  • Cyston,
  • Nephrolepin,
  • Furadonin,

The drugs have a mild diuretic effect and have virtually no contraindications (with the exception of individual intolerance to the active component).

Indications for use

Drugs are prescribed for treatment inflammatory diseases urinary system, sand in the kidneys, swelling that occurs due to delay excess liquid or during pregnancy.

Herbal preparations have:

  • diuretic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antibacterial,
  • analgesic effect.

This allows them to be actively used in the presence of inflammatory processes, caused by infections(for example, with cystitis, urethritis). Treatment of such ailments as (when the functioning of the glomeruli is disrupted) the use of herbal preparations is necessary during the period of remission. This will allow reduce the risk of exacerbations.

A common problem is the formation of sand in the kidneys (from this sand larger ones are formed over time). Diuretic herbal preparations have a positive effect in this case as well.

Thus, sand and small stones are removed from the kidneys along with urine, in addition, diuretic herbs prevent the increase in the size of existing stones and prevent the formation of new ones.


Like any other medicine, diuretic herbs not allowed in all cases. And although the list of contraindications is relatively small, you still need to familiarize yourself with it before using the drugs. Such contraindications include:

  • Severe liver diseases;
  • First trimester of pregnancy;
  • Children's age (up to 3 years);
  • Violation of water-salt balance in the body;
  • The presence of large stones that, when shifted, can block urinary duct or injure the wall of the organ;
  • in men, accompanied by an increase in its size;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis, peptic ulcer, inflammation of the duodenum);
  • Tendency to an allergic reaction to substances contained in the product.

Herbs and breastfeeding

The use of diuretics during breastfeeding is highly undesirable. However, in some cases, for example with severe swelling and significant impairment of kidney function, their intake is necessary.

In this case, it is best to give preference to herbal infusions that have a diuretic effect. This collection often includes chamomile, parsley, centaury, lovage, corn silk, lingonberries or cranberries.

Before using the product, consult a doctor.

Regarding herbal diuretics in tablet form, care must be taken to molecular mass main active substance was more than 500, in this case the risk of it passing into breast milk is minimized.

But still, despite this, consultation with a doctor in this case is also mandatory. In general, when choosing herbal diuretics, a nursing mother should be very careful.

It is important that the remedy did not provoke the development of an allergic reaction in a child, and also did not change the taste characteristics breast milk(some herbal diuretics give it a bitter taste, as a result of which the baby may refuse the breast).

Admission rules

It is necessary to use diuretic herbal preparations following certain rules:

  1. They must be used in the first half of the day, since otherwise an increase in urine outflow can provoke a disruption in sleep patterns;
  2. If taking the drug does not give positive result, you need to inform your doctor about this so that he can prescribe another drug. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe a medicine or increase its dosage on your own;
  3. If it is expected long-term use diuretics, the patient must take regular biochemical analysis blood. This is necessary in order to control the content of essential microelements in it, which can be excreted from the body in the urine;
  4. It is important to monitor your diet, avoid eating pickles, smoked foods, and alcoholic beverages. The action of these products neutralizes the therapeutic effect of the drug;
  5. In rare cases, the use of herbal diuretics may cause side effects. These effects include nausea and vomiting, temporary disruption of the functioning of some internal organs, the appearance of a skin rash.

If the patient’s well-being worsens, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Popular recipes

Herbal diuretic decoctions are quite simple to prepare, but have good therapeutic effect . Yes, for treatment kidney diseases The following recipes are often used:

  • Infusion of lingonberry leaves (for cystitis).
  • The raw materials must be crushed, pour boiling water (300 ml), put on low heat and heat for 30 minutes. After this, strain the broth, add a little boiling water so that the resulting volume corresponds to the original.

    Take 70 g 3 times a day. It is important to remember that the therapeutic properties of the product remain for 2 days, after which it will be necessary to prepare a new decoction.

  • Parsley (for urethritis).
  • Chop the leaves of the plant and add milk. Place the resulting product in a heated oven for 30 minutes. After this, strain the milk, take 50 ml every hour.

  • A decoction of birch leaves (for inflammation and swelling).
  • It is necessary to grind the raw materials (dry or fresh leaves), pour 500 ml of boiling water over it, heat over low heat for 5 minutes. After this, strain the product and cool. Take half a glass a day.

  • Rosehip decoction (if kidney function is impaired, inflammatory processes).
  • To prepare the decoction you need to take 3 tbsp. rose hips, pour 1 liter of boiling water over them, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, after which the product is infused for an hour, then filtered. Take 200 ml (divide this amount into 2 doses) in the first half of the day.

Kidney diseases – serious problem, providing negative impact on general state patient's health. Organ pathologies require timely treatment However, the use of potent medications is not suitable for everyone.

In this case, the patient is prescribed to use more gentle diuretic herbal preparations(decoctions, plant-based tablets). These remedies are often used as an adjunct to the main treatment.

What other herbs will be good for the kidneys - watch the video:

Urological (diuretic) collection is a mixture of herbs intended for the treatment of urinary tract diseases. All ingredients included natural medicine, collected by hand and dried in compliance with technology.

The prepared herbal mixture tastes bitter and slightly astringent. The color of the finished medicine is yellowish-white. The smell of the medicine is aromatic.

Composition and properties

The Urological (diuretic) collection includes:

  • Calendula
  • Dill fruits
  • Eleutherococcus
  • Peppermint
  • Bearberry.

At the same time, it has a diuretic and disinfectant effect. The composition of Diuretic Collection No. 2 includes:

  • Licorice
  • Bearberry
  • Juniper fruits.

But in addition to the diuretic effects, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antimicrobial effects are added to the positive effects.

Indications for use

Most often, a diuretic herbal collection is used for edema. Before removing swelling using a diuretic, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. Visit to a specialist - necessary condition for further correct treatment. After all, liquid can accumulate along various reasons: due to kidney disease, liver disease, heart failure, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, thrombosis. Swelling often occurs during pregnancy.

In general, a mixture of herbs is used to cleanse the ducts, flush out infections, remove bacteria, excess fluid stagnating in body tissues, and get rid of inflammation.

The average price is from 20 to 50 rubles.

Release form

These herbal mixtures are sold in the following forms:

  1. In paper bags placed in cardboard packs of 35 or 50 g
  2. In a cardboard box containing 20 filter bags of 2 g each.

Mode of application

The dosage of the drug is determined individually depending on the form of release, the age of the patient and his disease:

  • Collection of raw materials

For swelling, 60–70 ml orally 3 times a day. Duration up to 4 weeks. Place two tablespoons of the herbal mixture in a saucepan, add a glass of boiling water, and heat over low heat for half an hour. Leave for 15 minutes, strain, squeeze out the remaining liquid and bring the volume of the decoction to 200 ml.

  • Filter packages

Place one or two packets of the mixture in a saucepan and add 1 cup of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. Drink warm, ½ or 1 glass up to 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Not all diuretic mixtures can be used during pregnancy. Drugs that women used before pregnancy can be harmful during pregnancy.

The Urological (diuretic) collection contains ingredients that tone the uterus, and thereby can provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, this mixture of herbs should not be consumed during pregnancy.

During breastfeeding it can be used, but only after consultation with a doctor, since allergic reactions to the components of the drug often occur, milk flow decreases, and the baby may experience diarrhea and stomach pain.

Rules for taking for edema

The diuretic mixture does not replace medications, only complements them. For therapy to be successful, the patient must adhere to the rules for taking the collection:

  • Do not drink the decoction after 16:00
  • Start treatment with minimal doses
  • Be sure to follow the doctor's recommendations
  • Do not use the anti-edema drug if increased acidity stomach, ulcers, kidney inflammation
  • Alternate the composition of diuretic herbs (change Collection No. 1 to No. 2)
  • Take breaks of 2 weeks
  • It is forbidden to independently get rid of edema during pregnancy.


Do not use Diuretic collection:

  1. When allergies occur
  2. Children under 12 years old
  3. During pregnancy
  4. Use caution during breastfeeding
  5. In case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug
  6. With a lack of potassium in the body
  7. For prostate adenoma in men
  8. For renal colic.


When using a diuretic for a long time or using it in large quantities, the patient may experience aggravation of inflammatory processes in the urinary system, as well as the natural fluid (urine) turning dark green. Therapy is symptomatic.

Diuretic herbal collection should not be used uncontrolled. Otherwise, this may cause a deterioration in the condition, as well as cause complications of existing ailments.

Storage rules

The shelf life of herbal collection in filter bags is 3 years. For a whole package of 100 g – 4 years. Medicines should be stored in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 25 degrees.

The prepared medicine should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days.


There are many substitutes for Diuretic collection. The following drugs are analogues of medications for edema:


AROTECH Inc., Canada
Price from 170 to 230 rub.

Available in the form of round flat tablets orange color. Renders combined action(diuretic and hypotensive effect).


  • Can be used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy
  • Ease of use. No need to brew like Diuretic tea
  • When taken, it is quickly absorbed and has a therapeutic effect.


  • Price. It is higher than that of the described product
  • During treatment, there is a slowdown in the speed of psychomotor reactions
  • Large list of side effects.

Krasnomedica, Russia
Price from 50 to 90 rub.

A herbal medicine with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Available both in the form of filter bags and in crumbly form.


  • Can be drunk by pregnant and nursing mothers and children
  • Available without a prescription
  • Completely natural composition
  • Combines well with other drugs


  • Difficult to use - you need to wait for the mixture to brew
  • Bad taste
  • May cause an allergic reaction
  • Often causes bouts of hunger.

Analog remedies for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis) are:

Himalaya, India
Price from 300 to 400 rub.

Herbal preparation. Available in the form of round biconvex tablets, rough to the touch, light brown in color with inclusions of a darker or lighter color.


  • Ease of use
  • Does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions


  • Presence of chemical components
  • High price
  • Cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women
  • A large number of side effects.

Borshchagovsky chemical-pharmaceutical plant, Ukraine
Irbitsky Chemical Plant, Russia
Price from 60 to 90 rub.

Antimicrobial drug. It is used for infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.


  • Ease of use
  • Does not negatively affect drivers and those people who work with equipment
  • Operational result


  • It is forbidden to drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Available only by prescription
  • The tablets taste bad
  • In many countries, Nitroxoline tablets are prohibited due to possible development severe reactions
  • May cause intestinal dysbiosis, as it is an antibiotic.

Many diseases of the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems are accompanied by edema. To eliminate them, a diuretic herbal collection is used. Its use promotes the rapid removal of excess fluid from the body and general improvement kidney function. You can prepare diuretic herbal mixtures yourself or buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy.

The principle of action of the diuretic collection

Herbal medicine is not only recognized, but also encouraged official medicine. All herbs individually give visible effects, but much more noticeable improvements occur when using herbal preparations. All components in them complement each other and enhance the effect. But for this you need to know exact reason swelling. So, if the accumulation of excess fluid is associated with heart problems, then the use of a diuretic herbal mixture for the kidneys will be ineffective. It is for this reason that you should not self-medicate, but need to consult a doctor. Before preparing the infusion, it is recommended to read the instructions for use.

Ready-made herbal teas from the pharmacy

Contraindications for taking the collection may include individual intolerance to the components.

This herbal collection has a diuretic and disinfectant effect. It is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. Consists of this fee from bearberry leaves, cornflower blue flowers and licorice root. The proportions are respectively 3:1:1. The weight of the herb in the package is 100 grams. Take the herbal mixture in the form of an infusion. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon of herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. After this, the container with the infusion is covered and left for 10-15 minutes. After time, the mass must be filtered. Take the resulting infusion 1 tablespoon no more than 4 times a day. A contraindication to its use may be individual intolerance to the components. You can buy diuretic collection 1 in pharmacies, but you need to store it in a cool, dry place.

Herbal collection No. 2

This herbal collection has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it promotes the removal of salt from the kidneys. It is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. Collection No. 2 consists of juniper fruits, bearberry leaves and roots naked licorice. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 2:2:1, respectively. To prepare a decoction for consumption, you need to pour 10 grams of the collection with a glass of boiling water. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath and leave for 30 minutes. After this, strain and squeeze out the resulting infusion. Drink no more than 3 times a day, 50-60 ml of infusion. Side symptoms in the form of allergies can manifest themselves only if there is intolerance to individual components of the diuretic collection.

Herbal collection No. 3

This urological diuretic preparation is prescribed for urolithiasis or in case of infectious diseases urinary tract. It consists of wheatgrass root, horsetail and juniper berries. The proportions of herbs are taken 1:2:2. Make the infusion as follows: place 2 tablespoons of the herb in an enamel container and pour a glass of boiling water. Place the vessel in a water bath and boil for 30 minutes. After this, the mixture is filtered and squeezed. The resulting amount of infusion is adjusted to 200 ml using boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon orally 3-4 times a day. An allergy to diuretic collection 3 is possible due to individual intolerance to the ingredients.

Use the collection for no more than 3 weeks.

These diuretics are prescribed to restore the balance of salt in the body, as well as during inflammatory processes. The herbal collection includes chamomile flowers, lemongrass, horsetail and corn silk. The package consists of 20 sachets. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 2 bags and pour 100 ml of boiling water over them. Cover the container and leave for 30 minutes. Dosage regimen: half a glass of decoction no more than 4 times a day before meals. Use no more than 3 weeks. Then take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course. It is forbidden to take the decoction during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also when allergic reactions on the components of the collection, its use should be discontinued. Store the packaging at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. Shelf life - 2 years.

Pharmaceutical herbal tea 26

The constituent components of tea have antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. This drug prescribed for diseases such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, kidney damage and kidney stones. It is used for treatment and as prevention. The herbal tea includes eucalyptus, calendula and linden flowers, mint, violet, sage, plantain and rosehip leaves. The package consists of 20 sachets. To obtain a decoction, pour 1 sachet with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. The instructions recommend drinking a glass 2 times a day during meals. The course is 1 month. Contraindication is individual sensitivity to the ingredients.

Herbal tea components promote the elimination harmful substances from the body, and also eliminate swelling caused by kidney disease or hypertension. Tea has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antispasmodic effects. It also restores the salt balance in the body and improves immunity. Diuretic herbal tea consists of: St. John's wort, calendula, mint, lingonberry leaves, nettle, walnut and birch, thuja and pol-pal. Application involves using 1 sachet, which is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion is divided into 3 doses and drunk after a meal. Application period is at least 1 month. It is after this period that a visible effect occurs. If necessary, the course is repeated after a 3-week break.