Medicinal herbs for cystitis! Treatment with nettle - diseases of the liver, kidneys, urinary tract and bile ducts. Regimen and procedures for recovery.

Inflammation Bladder or cystitis - one of the most common diseases genitourinary system. Women are most susceptible to it, which is associated with some anatomical features the female genitourinary system, in particular the short and wide urethra, through which infection enters the woman’s bladder quite easily.

However, both men and children can be affected by this disease, regardless of gender and age.

Types of cystitis

Depending on the reasons that caused them, cystitis can be infectious or non-infectious. Less common are bladder inflammations caused by allergic reactions or toxic components.

This disease is also divided into primary - that is, one that appears for the first time in healthy body, and secondary – arising as a complication due to previously suffered certain diseases of the bladder. In the first case, acute cystitis is most often observed, in the second - chronic.

Symptoms of the disease

The most pronounced symptoms acute cystitis– they cannot be confused with anything . This: heat and chills; pain in the lower abdomen; frequent (several times an hour) and painful urination; constant feeling fullness and inability to completely empty the bladder; visible cloudiness of urine.

At chronic cystitis– all these symptoms are also present, but not so pronounced.

Treatment of illness with folk remedies

Of course, if a disease is detected, the doctor will prescribe you appropriate treatment, but you can easily combine medical recommendations With folk remedies treatment of bladder inflammation.

The use of herbs, infusions and mixtures will help you avoid negative consequences on this body insidious disease. You just need to take them fairly long time and regularly. Below are herbal recipes recommended for this disease.


This plant has a strong diuretic, and most importantly, anti-inflammatory properties, so taking it provides real relief. To prepare a decoction from it, you need to pour two tablespoons of horsetail into a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes, then wrap and infuse the decoction for 20 minutes. You need to take this drug three times a day, one glass (200 ml). You should not throw away the strained horsetail herb - in the form of a hot compress, it will help you relieve stomach pain.

St. John's wort herb

Pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect St. John's wort also has the herb, which helps with chronic inflammation Bladder . For cooking remedy from St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of this herb and boil for 15 minutes over very low heat. The strained infusion is filtered and taken three times a day, 50 ml each.

Cornflower flowers

An infusion of cornflower flowers, which has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect, is also used for this disease. To prepare it, you need to pour a teaspoon of cornflower flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours in a thermos. The strained infusion is taken in the same way as a decoction of St. John's wort.


Due to its anti-inflammatory, diuretic and hemostatic effect, nettle decoction is also used for inflammation of the bladder. It is prepared by boiling a spoonful of nettles with a glass of water for several minutes. The cooled and strained broth is taken three times a day, one tablespoon (15 ml).

Hernia fragrant

The fragrant hernia also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and diuretic effects, from the fresh grass of which it is prepared medicinal infusion. To do this, pour two tablespoons of finely chopped fragrant hernia into two glasses of boiling water and leave for about half an hour. The strained infusion is taken warm at acute inflammation bladder before meals three times a day, 100 ml.


Bearberry also has a disinfectant, diuretic, bactericidal and soothing effect, due to which this plant has a fairly strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect on the bladder. To treat cystitis, an infusion of plant leaves is used, which is prepared from two teaspoons of dry leaves and one glass of boiling water. If you wish, you can boil the components of this remedy in a water bath for about half an hour, or you can leave it in a thermos for 2-3 hours.

Take this drug three times a day, 1/3 or ½ of a glass, preferably half an hour before meals. Please note that you need to make a fresh decoction of bearberry every day. The course of treatment is herbal remedy lasts about two weeks, but usually relief occurs already on the third or fourth day of taking it.

Common agrimony

Another one useful herb for cystitis - agrimony. It contains galenic compounds that have broad diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. To prepare a decoction of agrimony, infuse 30 g of its dry herb in a liter of boiling water. The slightly cooled broth is carefully filtered, honey is added to it and one full glass is drunk up to five times a day.

Plant collections

Various medications also effectively help in the treatment of bladder inflammation.

So, you can mix 2 parts each of calamus root, lemon balm herb and fennel fruit; 3 parts each of kidney tea seed leaf and flax seed; 4 parts of black elderberry flowers; 5 parts each of St. John's wort, knotweed and bearberry leaves.

Another recipe: 2 parts flax seed, 3 parts each pine buds, corn silk, peppermint leaves, 4 parts horsetail; 5 parts each of Veronica officinalis, St. John's wort and wild rosemary shoots.

For two tablespoons of this mixture you will need half a liter of boiling water. You need to insist this mixture for at least six hours, and then take half a glass before meals, about half an hour before meals.

Cystitis with blood in women is a fairly common disease, the treatment of which must be started immediately, since advanced disease can lead to difficult-to-treat complications. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and, as a result, the appearance of blood in the urine. Blood appears at the beginning of the urination process and gives the characteristic color to the liquid. With severe bleeding of the mucous membrane, whole blood clots may appear.

Where does the disease come from?

This disease occurs in both men and women. However, women are more susceptible to cystitis, which is associated with physiological characteristics: The urethra in women is wider and shorter than in men.

A woman is more likely to develop the disease during rough sexual intercourse, if the female urethra is injured.

To reduce the risk of developing the disease, it is worth emptying your bladder before sexual intercourse and always after it. It is also important for both partners to observe the rules of intimate hygiene.

What causes cystitis

The main cause of the disease is microbes that infect the urethra, but it can also be fungi or other harmful bacteria. The disease occurs in several forms.

It is important to empty the bladder in a timely manner, since otherwise the muscles of the bladder are stretched and blood circulation in its walls is disrupted.

It happens that cystitis develops against the background of another disease. With inflammation in urethra or the presence of a tumor in it, its walls will narrow and prevent the free flow of urine. In this case it is necessary urgent diagnostics diseases and treatment of both diseases.

Disturbances can be caused by neuralgic diseases, in which the walls of the bladder stop contracting correctly. The cause of cystitis can be any foreign body in the urethra, which will cause inflammatory process.

Cystitis often appears when hygiene is not observed and when microbes from the intestines or genitals enter the canal.

People with weakened immune systems and pregnant women who experience changes during this period are susceptible to cystitis. hormonal levels And immune system generally.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The first sign of the disease is frequent and painful urination. There is a change in urine color to pink or red. Sometimes there is a false urge to urinate.

The disease is accompanied by pain and general malaise, localized in the lower abdomen, which intensifies when urinating. Cystitis with blood is a severe form of bladder disease, so it can manifest itself with an increase in temperature, the appearance of chills and weakness throughout the body. This acute form of the disease does not require treatment at home and requires immediate consultation with a specialist. If the disease is neglected, it can develop into chronic form or give complications in the form of loss of bladder functionality.

When is a doctor needed?

If cases of manifestation of the disease become periodic, then you should contact medical institution and pass general examination body.

This disease poses a particular danger to pregnant women. During the growth of the uterus, the bladder moves and this can make it difficult for urine to pass out, and the consequences of such processes are described above. In addition, they increase the risk hormonal changes and transformation of the woman’s immune system. The appearance of cystitis during pregnancy threatens premature birth, therefore it is important not to lose attention to the symptoms of its manifestation.

By visiting a doctor, you can examine your body, and if a severe form of the disease is not detected, the doctor will prescribe a regimen of medications and procedures that you can follow at home, without resorting to hospital treatment.

Regimen and procedures for recovery

Before starting treatment, it is important to determine the real reason diseases. If cystitis is bacterial in nature, then antibiotics should be taken in consultation with the doctor.

Cystitis is treated at home by observing bed rest and being under a warm blanket. When treating ordinary cystitis, a heating pad is used, which is placed on the stomach in the pubic area, but when treating cystitis with blood, the use of a heating pad is strictly contraindicated. In addition, treatment of cystitis with blood requires consultation with a specialist.

Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. However, not all drinks can be drunk. Coffee and alcohol are completely contraindicated during treatment, and tea can only be drunk with milk. Good effect Juices from blueberries, lingonberries or cranberries are effective in treatment. You can use decoctions of oats or birch buds. If there is blood in the urine, a decoction of nettle leaves helps. Cystitis can be treated with tablets, pastes or herbal drops, which are also sold in pharmacies. Such drugs are:

  • Cyston;
  • Canephron;
  • Phytolysin;
  • Spasmocystenal.

If cystitis appears, avoid visiting baths or saunas and include a procedure such as washing. This procedure produced warm water using herbal infusions or special hygiene products. This will help in the fight against unpleasant sensations after urination. To relieve pain and discomfort in the abdomen and when urinating, you can take No-shpa or put suppositories with papaverine.

IN complex therapy herbs for cystitis in women help to fast treatment and increase the chances of a full recovery. Medicinal components plant origin It is recommended to combine with, which has a detrimental effect on the causative agent of the disease. In cases where taking antibiotics is not possible, herbal medicine is the only alternative.

Herbs that treat cystitis act in several directions at once:

  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • have an antimicrobial effect;
  • promote the removal of pathogenic bacteria;
  • relieve spasms and pain;
  • strengthen local immunity.

The best therapeutic effect is provided by herbal preparations, the components of which enhance the effect of each other.

In acute and chronic course diseases, various herbs are used for cystitis.

Medicinal plants with antibacterial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects are intended for oral administration. Also ethnoscience recommends taking them with medicinal baths to relieve symptoms.

List of herbs for cystitis in women

To plants with antibacterial effect who have high efficiency in the treatment of bladder inflammation, include:

  • goldenrod;
  • cowberry;
  • bearberry;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • juniper.
  • horsetail;
  • bird knotweed;
  • plantain.

Many herbal components have a diuretic effect against cystitis in women, but these three herbal remedies have the most strong effect. Before using the first two of them in mandatory You should consult a urologist or nephrologist, since these drugs are highly toxic and have contraindications, including cystitis with blood.

The following herbal remedies used for cystitis and urethritis have a good anti-inflammatory effect:

  • marshmallow;
  • lovage

Herbal preparations help improve local blood circulation, have a regenerating effect on the mucous membrane of the bladder and help strengthen local immunity.

To relieve spasm and pain in complex therapy of bladder inflammation, the following are used:

  • Dill seeds;
  • tansy;
  • immortelle;
  • corn silk.

Herbal preparations in this category not only effectively relieve spasms, but also eliminate swelling due to their diuretic effect.

To strengthen the immune system during therapy, it is recommended to take immunostimulating herbs, which include eleutherococcus and ginseng. They contain a large number of vitamins and others useful substances that help strengthen the body.

Pharmacy fees

The pharmacy offers a wide selection of herbal remedies for cystitis in women. Among them:

  • Phytonephrol;
  • Cystophyte;
  • Herbal collection Baikal No. 9.

The active ingredients of the drug Fitonephrol are medicinal calendula, Eleutherococcus, peppermint, bearberry leaves and dill seeds. The herbal medicine has the following therapeutic effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic.

Read also: Exacerbation of cystitis during menstruation: causes and treatment

The active substances of the herbal collection cleanse the urinary system of pathogenic bacteria that provoke the inflammatory process. The plant components included in the composition contain a large amount of flavonoids, which have an antispasmodic and analgesic effect by relaxing spasmodic muscles. Phytonephrol is prescribed for cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis and pyelonephritis. Treatment with the drug is carried out for 2-4 weeks.

Cystophyte contains herbs and other components of plant origin with diuretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. These include rose hips, lingonberries, birch leaves, fennel fruits, licorice roots.

Herbal collection Baikal No. 9 can be used not only as a diuretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, but also as an antipyretic. It contains thyme, gentian, wormwood and other herbs that have a healing effect.

Making herbal infusions at home

What herbs to drink for cystitis in women largely depends on the form of the disease. In acute and chronic cases, various medicinal components of plant origin are taken. For cooking medicinal decoctions You can use both pharmaceutical herbal remedies and herbs collected independently.

In acute illness

At acute form diseases are most effective:

  • corn silk;
  • flax seeds;
  • Birch buds;
  • bearberry;
  • chamomile.

Collections are prepared from herbal remedies, and they can also be used separately to prepare decoctions.

Corn silk decoction

The herbal component primarily has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect.

To prepare the drink you will need two tablespoons of the main component and a glass hot water. The decoction should sit for a couple of hours, after which it can be taken. The product is drunk in small sips throughout the day. Maximum daily dose should not exceed 0.5 liters.

Flax seed decoction

For a liter of water you will need five heaped tablespoons of seeds. The ingredients used are placed in an enamel pan and placed on low heat. The product is boiled for half an hour. The evaporated volume is brought to 1 liter. The resulting broth is allowed to brew for another half hour. The filtered drink is taken half a glass every 2 hours. The course of treatment should not exceed more than one week.

Herbal mixture

Herbs for cystitis in women are most often used in herbs to increase therapeutic effectiveness. A mixture of nettle leaves, juniper, chamomile, cornflowers, flax, calamus and mint has proven itself well. Each of the components is taken in equal parts. Take one tablespoon from the resulting mixture and brew it with a glass of boiling water. After infusing for half an hour, the resulting drink can be taken a third of a glass three times a day. The course of therapy is 1 week.

good therapeutic effect has and herbal tea from fennel, St. John's wort and corn silk. The mixture is prepared in the same way as described above. For a glass of boiling water you will need a tablespoon of the product. After two hours of infusion, the drink is taken one third of a glass three times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

Read also: Cystitis in a nursing mother: how to treat

In chronic form

Herbs for chronic cystitis in women do not promote cure, but only help eliminate symptoms and reduce the inflammatory process during exacerbation of the disease. Herbal components are also taken for the purpose of prevention to reduce the risk of relapses. The most effective:

  • horsetail decoction;
  • juniper infusion;
  • liquorice root;
  • lingonberry tea;
  • urological collection of herbs.

Horsetail decoction

For a liter of water you will need two tablespoons of the herbal component. The liquid is poured into an enamel pan and chopped herbs are added there. Cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After this, the broth needs to brew for half an hour. Take a glass up to three times a day for two weeks.

Juniper decoction

A glass of hot, freshly boiled water will require a couple of tablespoons. herbal remedy. The infusion time for the decoction should be at least 8 hours. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a thermos. You can take up to two glasses of this decoction per day in small portions throughout the day.

The product helps boost immunity and prevent relapses of the disease. During an exacerbation, juniper helps the symptoms subside more quickly.

Licorice root infusion

For a liter of water you will need two large spoons with a heap of chopped root. The mixture is brought to a boil over low heat, after which it is poured into a thermos and left to infuse for 10 hours. Take one-fourth of a glass every 2-3 hours. The product has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The course of application is two weeks.

Lingonberry tea

Lingonberry leaves and fruits have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and antiseptic effects, therefore herbal preparation often prescribed for chronic cystitis in women. Brew 2 teaspoons of the component in half a liter of boiling water. Leave for two hours. The resulting infusion is taken one third of a glass three times a day. The product can be diluted with hot water and drunk as tea.

Herbal mixture

In case of chronic disease medicinal herbs for cystitis in women are most effective as a preparation. One of the most effective is a mixture of fireweed, lingonberry leaves, chamomile and thyme. Plant components are taken in equal quantities. From the resulting collection, take a tablespoon of the product, which is poured with a liter of boiling water. The decoction needs to brew for a couple of hours, after which it can be taken half a glass up to three times a day.

Contraindications of herbs for cystitis

Treatment of cystitis with herbs is contraindicated in patients with cardiac and renal failure due to its diuretic effect.

Traditional medicine answers the question of how to treat cystitis unequivocally: “With antibiotics.” Whereas traditional medicine has a slightly larger reserve in its arsenal therapeutic measures. Even though they do not cause dysbacteriosis, like antibiotics, you need to be careful with them and not self-medicate. No one is immune from allergies!

How to treat cystitis: an overview

To cure inflammation of the bladder, folk medicine uses following methods:

  • warming up;
  • copious proper drinking;
  • diuretic infusions;
  • antispasmodic infusions;
  • antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory infusions.

Warming up

Excellent therapeutic effect have different kinds baths And sitz baths with herbs, type pharmaceutical chamomile . Some traditional healers It is recommended to warm up using red hot brick. Don't rush to conclusions, there is no need to put him on his stomach! Pieces of brick are heated, dropped into a metal bucket, the edge of the bucket is covered with cloth so as not to get burned. A person suffering from cystitis takes off his underwear and sits on a bucket, spreading his legs wide. The area below the waist is wrapped in a woolen blanket. It is not necessary to follow this method; a more modern option involves using salt heating pad.

Drink plenty of proper fluids

Drinking should be warm and plentiful so that, as traditional medicine claims, germs are washed away. The correct drinks for cystitis are: herbal teas ,alkaline water(water with soda added) barley water with lemon, cranberry juice. Coffee, regular black or green tea, fresh juices, alcohol are excluded.

Diuretic infusions

Used to flush out bacteria from genitourinary tract and thus stopping the development of cystitis.

Mainly used:

  • dog-rose fruit: a handful is poured with boiling water in a thermos and infused overnight. You can drink it instead of tea. The infusion is rich in vitamin C;
  • juniper berries: 10 pieces. pour a glass of boiling water, take the infusion 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.

Antispasmodic infusions

  • hernia leaves and flowers: 1 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water, boil for about 5 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tbsp. after meals 4-5 times a day;
  • birch warty, stinging nettle, horsetail, St. John's wort, hernia naked(proportions 2:2:1.5:1.5:1): after grinding and mixing 2 tsp. collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 40 minutes. The infusion is drunk in 3 doses, preferably in a bathhouse.

Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory infusions

  • bearberry: steamed with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. Take 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp;
  • lingonberry leaves, St. John's wort herb, black poplar buds, chamomile, black elderberry flowers(equal proportions): after chopping and mixing 1 tbsp. collection is poured with 3 cups of boiling water and cooked for 30 minutes. Strained and accepted according to Art. 5 times a day.

Herbal medicine is not able to cure cystitis in 1 day, so if you want to get rid of inflammation quickly, consult a urologist.