In case of poisoning, what should a 5 year old child take? How to treat poisoning in children: proper nutrition and drinking

Children often suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. The task of parents is to promptly recognize food poisoning in a child, its symptoms and treatment. To do this, you need to know what can poison your baby, what signs appear first, and what needs to be done before the doctor arrives.

What can cause food poisoning

The most common cause of poisoning in a child is expired food. If food begins to spoil, it produces toxins that are hazardous to health. At the same time, as a rule, the expiration dates of the products have not yet expired, because no mother will knowingly buy an expired product. It's all about improper storage, without complying with the required temperature regime. That's why most of Food poisoning is recorded in the summer.

Sometimes a child may eat a product that is poisonous. These can be mushrooms, plants, berries or household chemicals. In addition, food poisoning in children can be a consequence of incorrect dosage of medications.

Food poisoning can occur as a result of improper preparation of certain products. As a rule, this is food of animal origin that contains staphylococcus.

Eating raw fruits and vegetables can cause food poisoning if proper precautions are not taken. In this case, the nitrates on which these products were grown are to blame.

Many people say that you can be poisoned by unwashed fruits or vegetables, since various bacteria live on their surface. This is not entirely true. Of course, in order to avoid health problems, it is necessary to wash all fruits, but such a violation is an intestinal infection, not poisoning.

List of “dangerous” products:

  • seafood and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • raw eggs;
  • meat dishes that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment;
  • salad greens and root vegetables;
  • cream in confectionery products.

How is poisoning different from an intestinal infection?

It is important to be able to distinguish between these 2 ailments. After all, if a baby is poisoned by food, he can be treated at home under the supervision of a pediatrician; hospitalization is required only in the most severe cases. But if a child has an intestinal infection, treatment is possible only in a hospital. What is the difference?

So, if a child is poisoned, the first signs appear within 48 hours, no more. When intestinal infection From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms, it can take from 1 to 30 days, or even more.

Symptoms of food poisoning in children appear suddenly and disappear very quickly. The onset of infection rarely lasts less than 7 days.

The main symptom of an intestinal infection is a high body temperature that lasts for several days. If the temperature passed quickly and did not exceed 38°C, then this is food poisoning.

Symptoms of the disorder

How quickly signs of food poisoning appear in children depends on the type and amount of toxin and the child's metabolic rate. By the way, by the speed at which symptoms appear, you can determine which organ responded to the toxin.

If it is the stomach, vomiting will appear 30 minutes after poisoning. The intestines react within 4-6 hours. It takes a little longer for the toxin to reach the liver and pancreas (up to 48 hours).

Nausea is a natural reaction of the body; after exposure to a toxin, the child soon begins to vomit. Thus, the body tries to cleanse itself.

From the intestines there are various painful sensations. Most often these are cramps or cramps in the lower abdomen, rumbling and bloating are observed.

Diarrhea is another way to cleanse the body of toxins. It appears in case of intestinal irritation. Diarrhea can be one-time or repeated. However, according to pediatricians, most often in cases of poisoning, children experience vomiting without diarrhea.

The child’s general well-being is disrupted, he becomes lethargic and sleepy, refuses food and complains of a headache. In case of dehydration, symptoms such as:

  • pale and dry skin;
  • convulsions;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • acidosis.

This condition is very dangerous and can be fatal, so you need to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital, where the child will be given a drip,

Of course, serious dehydration occurs when you lose fluid 10-12 times a day. But after the third attack of vomiting or diarrhea, the child needs help in restoring the water and electrolyte balance. In this case, special solutions will help.

General intoxication leads to an increase in body temperature. As a rule, it does not exceed 38°C. But in children under 5 years of age, body temperature can reach 39.5°C.

First aid for poisoning

What to do if your child shows symptoms of food poisoning? First of all, call a pediatrician. If the doctor is not able to examine the child in the next few hours (late evening or weekend), you need to call an ambulance. At mild poisoning They will not be hospitalized, but they will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Before the doctor arrives, the child needs to be given a sorbent. In case of vomiting, to avoid a bad reaction, the drug is diluted in water and given to the child in small portions every 5-10 minutes.

You can do gastric lavage, but only if the child is over 6 years old. Have to take warm water 10 ml/kg body weight and dissolve 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate in it. After the solution has cooled, the child needs to drink it completely, followed by vomiting and cleansing of the stomach. This method is effective if symptoms appear 30-60 minutes after consuming the toxin and it is still in the stomach.

You can cleanse the intestines with an enema. It is necessary to take an age-specific dose of sorbent (activated carbon, Smecta), dissolve it in water and give a cool enema. Its volume depends on the age of the patient:

  • 1-2 years - 70 ml;
  • 2-3 years - 140 ml;
  • 3-4 years - 200 ml;
  • over 4 years 250-300 ml.

In case of poisoning, the child must fast for the first 24 hours. This is very difficult for mom, but you need to remember that if you put stress on your stomach, all the acute symptoms will return. In addition, it is advisable that the baby observe bed rest.

Treatment of food poisoning

How to treat poisoning? After all, all of the above will only help alleviate the child’s condition, but will not eliminate the main cause.

Treatment requires drug therapy, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, it consists of taking medications such as:

  • sorbents;
  • probiotics;
  • products containing enzymes;
  • antibiotics;
  • electrolyte solutions.

As mentioned above, sorbents are the first medicine that should be given to the patient when food poisoning. The drug can be absolutely anything, the main thing is to determine the required age dose. Sorbents bind toxins and remove them from the body without harm to health, so why earlier child starts drinking them, the fewer toxins will enter the bloodstream.

Special solutions will help restore the fluid level; they can be purchased at any pharmacy. The most popular solution is Regidron; it needs to be diluted in boiled water and give it to the child several times a day, as well as after each attack of vomiting or diarrhea. If you give the entire portion at once, the taken solution may provoke another attack of vomiting.

If it is not possible to purchase a solution, children often get poisoned on vacation, you can prepare its analogue. The product is slightly less effective, but its components are always at hand. Required:

  • 1 liter of cold boiled water;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

This solution can also be given in case of fever due to infectious diseases.

After the symptoms go away, it is necessary to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This will require probiotics (Linex, Yogurt) and preparations containing enzymes, for example Creon (to improve digestion). They will restore the intestinal microflora, reduce pain symptoms, will speed up recovery. They are used both for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal disorders.

Only a doctor can decide whether a child needs antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed in case of intestinal infection.

If a child is poisoned, it is advisable to stop vomiting if it recurs. This will prevent dehydration. As a rule, pediatricians recommend the drug Domrid. But you can take it only after consulting a doctor.

Antidiarrheal medications will help relieve severe diarrhea. 1 tablet of Loperamide will significantly improve the child’s condition. Also suitable are drugs such as Enterofuril or Nifuroxazide. But we must remember that uncontrolled use of antidiarrheal medications will do more harm than good.


You can speed up your recovery if you supplement your home treatment with prescriptions. traditional medicine, but only with the permission of a doctor. The most common of them is a decoction of rice or oatmeal.

Rice water combats both diarrhea and vomiting. You will need 1 part rice and 5 parts hot water. The cereal needs to be poured and put on fire, after boiling the product is boiled for 2-5 minutes, filtered and taken several times a day.

To prepare a decoction of oatmeal, you need 2 tbsp. l. Pour hot water over the flakes and cook for at least 5 minutes. Take the medicine in the same way as rice water.

A medicinal decoction of chamomile and marigold, 1 tsp, will also help. mixture of herbs per 1 liter of water.

For poisoning with meat or fish, an effective remedy is cinnamon tea; add 2-3 sticks of bark to water and bring to a boil. After 5 minutes, remove the product from the heat and filter. Take 1 glass twice a day.

Alteyka helps not only with coughs. In case of food poisoning, 2 tsp is needed. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the root and leave for 30 minutes. Take the product 1 tsp. 4 times a day, you can add a little honey.

Diet for food poisoning

As a result of toxins, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines becomes inflamed, and the pancreas and liver are exposed to heavy loads. Therefore, nutrition should be as gentle as possible.

On the first day after poisoning, you must completely abstain from food. The child can only drink. The exception is children under one year old; they need food within 3-4 hours after the acute symptoms disappear. But you can only give breast milk(if the mother did not consume a toxic product) or an adapted milk formula.

Important! A day after the condition has returned to normal, the child should eat. When fasting for more than 2 days, the only possible variant- this is hospitalization and artificial feeding through a tube.

Diet rules after food poisoning:

  • all food must be ground;
  • you need to eat in small portions;
  • eating 5-6 times a day;
  • food should be boiled, stewed or steamed.

In cases of mild poisoning, the baby may feel great already on day 2, but the diet must be followed for at least 5-7 days.

What to give a child if poisoned? For children over a year old Porridges cooked in water are suitable; it is better to give preference to rice, oatmeal or buckwheat. Can you suggest mashed potatoes without butter and milk, as well as puree soup with water. Broths should be excluded for the entire duration of the diet.

On the third day, you can offer your child some cottage cheese or low-fat kefir, baked apples, and sweet crackers. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Meat dishes are allowed for the baby no earlier than the 4th day. Rabbit, turkey and lean fish are suitable.

After poisoning, it is prohibited to eat foods such as:

  • smoked, pickled and spicy;
  • juices, raw vegetables and fruits;
  • fatty or fried;
  • canned food;
  • sweets;
  • fresh bakery.

During the recovery period of the gastrointestinal tract, food should be mainly vegetarian, since animal products are much more difficult to digest.

Regardless of age, children can develop digestive disorders. In childhood, such disorders are not something exceptional and occur even when taking a common product. All because the immune system The child does not yet know how to cope with all irritating factors. It is useful for parents to know how to treat poisoning in children at home.

Important! Those foods that an adult’s stomach treats completely calmly can cause severe poisoning in a child. If signs of this condition appear, treatment measures should be taken immediately.


We can talk about treating poisoning at home in situations where it manifests itself mild form. But, if the child is under five years old, then even with mild diarrhea you should consult a doctor. Often poisoning leads to dehydration of the child’s body, and this poses a serious danger.

In what situations is it necessary to consult a doctor:

  • diarrhea does not go away for two days;
  • Frequent stools are accompanied by vomiting. The vomit contains bile and blood;
  • against the background of diarrhea, the child becomes very dizzy, perspires, and is pale;
  • frequent and intermittent breathing, rapid heartbeat;
  • sharp and severe pain in the abdomen;
  • there are impurities of blood and mucus in the stool;
  • the child is so weak that he cannot stand or sit independently;
  • muscle spasms of the limbs occur;
  • vision is impaired, spots appear before the eyes.

Important! Already half an hour after eating, the first signs of poisoning appear. In rare cases, they are delayed and occur within two hours. If symptoms appear later, then we are not talking about food poisoning, but about bacterial or infectious poisoning.

Food poisoning in a child - Dr. Komarovsky (video)

The famous doctor Komarovsky advises that if you have symptoms of food poisoning, you should consult a doctor:

  • at elevated temperatures;
  • signs of food poisoning do not go away within 24 hours;
  • the child is less than 3 years old and the whole family is poisoned.

If less than half an hour has passed after taking an unsuitable product, you need to induce vomiting; if that doesn’t work, then drink activated charcoal. Do not let the child eat, but at the same time drink more water. Give the child Regidron solution. For fever, give Paracetamol, Nurofen, Panadol.

First aid

The child must be put to bed and given plenty of water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice. You can also drink weak tea with honey or sugar, or non-carbonated mineral water. A lot of fluid is needed to prevent dehydration.

Important! You need to try to keep the temperature of the drink close to body temperature. This way the liquid is absorbed faster into the gastrointestinal tract.

Call a doctor if the poisoning is severe or the child is under five years old. While you wait for the doctor, you can take activated charcoal. One tablet is calculated per 10 kg of weight. If you experience pain, you can massage your stomach above the navel.

Medicines for poisoning

The main tablets for poisoning are activated carbon. It is necessary to give 1 tablet per 10 kg of the child’s weight. There can be no overdose from coal. Therefore, if you gave required amount coal, and the child vomited it, you can give them again.

It is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora:

  1. Linex, Yogurt, Acipol and other drugs containing lactobacilli and bifidumbacterin.
  2. Festal, Mezim promotes the breakdown of proteins and fats in the body.
  3. Relieves spasms in case of No-shpa poisoning.

Important! Provide first aid, but do not self-medicate, call an ambulance.

Decoctions for soldering

What herbal decoctions will help:

  • chamomile;
  • Dill seeds;
  • Oak bark;
  • infusion of marshmallow roots;

Important! To prepare any type of decoction, you need to pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water, let it brew and cool slightly. You can add a little honey to improve the taste.

Ginger tea

Add a glass of boiling water to a tablespoon of ginger powder (or grated root). Leave until the tea is warm, add a small spoon of honey. Drink a tablespoon every hour.

If you have digestive problems, there is no need to force your child to eat. A restorative diet makes an important contribution to how to treat poisoning in children at home.

Read more about the recovery diet

You should not eat for six hours after poisoning. Then give the child only liquid or pureed food. You need to eat in small portions, up to eight times a day. Mandatory during the period when home treatment poisoning in children, you need to give up sweets, dairy nutrition, from fresh bread, fatty foods. This provokes fermentation processes in the intestines, which are not beneficial during recovery.

You can make porridge with water, pureed vegetable soups, pureed boiled meat. You can eat bread, but yesterday's bread, and fermented milk products are allowed. For three weeks after recovery, you should try to exclude fried and fatty foods from the child’s diet, and do not give raw vegetables and fruits. But you can drink juices after recovery.

Effective folk recipes

Cinnamon tincture

Cinnamon helps relieve spasms, being a natural sorbent. You need to pour boiling water over half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and stir. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then strain. Take warm in small sips. During the day you need to drink one and a half liters of tincture.

Dill with honey

This decoction will quickly remove toxins and alleviate vomiting, even to the point of complete relief. Honey will help preserve potassium, which is actively removed from the body during diarrhea. You need to pour a teaspoon of dill seeds into 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for a few minutes, boil for two minutes, add a small spoon of honey. Drink warm in the amount of a liter per day.

Lemon juice

Squeeze the juice from three lemons, dilute with water, add sugar or honey to taste. Drink in one gulp to stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. But this method of treatment is not suitable for increased acidity stomach, gastrointestinal diseases.

What will help in preventing food poisoning in children:

  1. Teach your child to wash their hands before any meal.
  2. Do not give your child unprocessed food.
  3. Children should not eat raw eggs, soft-boiled eggs or fried eggs.
  4. View and check expiration dates of products.
  5. Opened dairy products must not be stored for more than a day, even in the refrigerator.
  6. Do not store fish and meat with other products. The refrigerator should have separate shelves for animal food.
  7. Wash fruits with soap and running water.
  8. Drink only bottled water.
  9. Do not store food in the room: hide all leftover food in the refrigerator.
  10. Even sweets must be fresh.

Other poisonings in children

Separately, it is worth mentioning the poisoning of children with naphthyzine due to the fact that parents quite often use it to treat runny noses in children.

Symptoms of naphthysine poisoning

The first symptoms of an overdose are:

  • weak state, lethargy, loss of strength, moodiness;
  • headaches, pain and abdominal cramps;
  • nausea, vomiting, temperature below 36.6;
  • weak heartbeat, low blood pressure;
  • loss of appetite, constant desire to sleep;
  • the pupils become slightly smaller;
  • pallor, changes in the skin (wet, cold skin).

All symptoms should be carefully monitored and first aid provided.

Naphthyzine poisoning - treatment

The first and second degrees of poisoning do not require emergency care. In the third degree, it is necessary to call a medical team urgently. At the first signs of poisoning, you must:

  • make sure that the child does not lose consciousness;
  • give more water (boiled);
  • monitor breathing and heart rate;
  • cover the child with a warm blanket;
  • control pulsation.

In case of poisoning with this drug, an antidote is administered intravenously. It is an antidote whose effect depends on precise definition substance (which caused it) and how quickly help was provided. Only a doctor has the right to give it. Call an ambulance. The wrong dose of the drug is fatal for a child. Calculate the dose depending on body weight.

Consequences of poisoning

An overdose of Naphthyzine leads to severe consequences, if you do not respond to the symptoms that appear in time. Cases of destruction of the central nervous system, coma. Frequent cases of side effects: poisoning. Do not leave the drug in a place accessible to children. Do not exceed the dose, the drug is addictive.

Gasoline poisoning in children

First of all, the child needs oxygen, take him outside or open all the windows and doors in the room. Injections are given with Cititon, Cordiamin, and 5% glucose solution. It is necessary to do gastric lavage. It is recommended to take laxatives and give an enema.

Phenazepam poisoning

Phenazepam is contraindicated for use in children under 18 years of age. Of phenazepam poisoning, 20% of cases were recorded. The consequences of taking it lead to deafness, hallucinations, lethargy, disorientation in space, coma. If a child is poisoned by phenazepam, he must be given 3 liters of water and activated charcoal to drink, monitor his breathing, blood pressure, and ensure that he does not swallow his tongue.

These are the main options and first methods of treating poisoning in a child at home. For young children, even in case of mild poisoning, you should always call a doctor. Regardless of age, be able to provide competent first aid to a child.

Food poisoning in children develops in response to the intake of food or water infected with pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins, as well as toxic substances of plant, chemical or medicinal origin. Toxic infection is a serious disease, which is much more severe than in adults, with the development of dyspeptic symptoms.

This is explained:

  • immaturity of the digestive system of a child who has more than low acidity gastric juice;
  • low ability of the liver and kidneys to adsorb and remove poisons from the body;
  • in addition, the mucous membrane baby stomach has a richer circulatory network through which toxic substances are quickly absorbed into the blood.

Types of food poisoning

In childhood, food poisoning can occur in the following forms:

  • Infectious food poisoning is a toxic infection caused by microbes and their toxins. This type of pathology includes poisoning with poor quality food products.
  • Non-infectious food poisoning caused by plant and animal toxic products or toxic mixtures, that is, poisoning by mushrooms, berries, and various plants.

Note: non-infectious poisonings are often complicated by pathogenic or conditional pathogenic microflora, which actively develops in the affected areas of the mucous membrane.

Possible reasons

The causes of food poisoning are various pathogenic microorganisms, such as staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, clostridia, Proteus. They enter the body through food in various ways:

  • failure to comply with temperature conditions and sanitary and hygienic storage standards leads to the accumulation of toxins; However, the products do not always have an unpleasant odor and color - sometimes appearance and their organoleptic properties are preserved;
  • infection with pathogenic microflora can occur through the baby’s dirty hands or his toys;
  • sources of infection can be people suffering from tonsillitis, furunculosis, streptoderma, intestinal infections;
  • the cause of the development of pathology may be animal feces that pollute the environment;
  • Most often, toxic infections develop when consuming stale dairy, fish, meat products, as well as confectionery with cream;
  • raw unboiled water;
  • collective poisonings in preschool institutions;
  • consumption of unwashed fruits and vegetables treated with pesticides;
  • non-infectious poisoning is the accidental consumption of poisonous mushrooms, berries, and plants by a child.

Signs of food poisoning in children

Clinical manifestations of the disease usually develop in a short time, often against the background of complete health. Symptoms of toxic infection begin to increase within 24 hours from the moment of infection. Sometimes the period of manifestation of the disease is shortened to half an hour or increased to 36 hours.

The disease begins acutely and is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • nausea;
  • repeated vomiting of eaten food, which brings relief;
  • diarrhea up to 10-15 times a day;
  • the stools are watery with admixtures of mucus, greens, and sometimes streaked with blood;
  • increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees;
  • general intoxication of the body increases, as a result of which the child becomes lethargic, capricious, and refuses to eat;
  • headache, muscle pain, and abdominal pain are noted.

Hypovolemia increases, which can provoke convulsive syndrome. As a rule, relief of symptoms of food poisoning occurs in a short time, within 2-3 days. But residual effects of intoxication in the form of headache, muscle pain and weakness still remain for several days.

The manifestation of toxic infection is especially dangerous in young children and in children with decreased immunity due to prematurity, dysbiosis or low weight. In severe cases of the disease, complications are possible, including the development of sepsis.

When a child is poisoned by poisonous plants, the central nervous system is exposed to toxic effects. The clinical picture of poisoning is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • excitement or lethargy;
  • the appearance of visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • visual impairment in the form of double vision;
  • dysarthria, that is, speech disorder;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • sometimes, with severe intoxication, coma.

In the clinic of poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, symptoms of gastrointestinal tract damage in the form of vomiting, abdominal pain, watery diarrhea with the presence of mucus and blood in the stool predominate. Against the background of dehydration and neuro toxic effect xenobiotics may cause seizures and respiratory distress.

Non-infectious food poisoning in children most often occurs due to parental neglect and is observed in a small percentage of cases. The bulk of poisonings are due to toxic infections.

Rules for first aid before the doctor arrives

If a child is poisoned by food, first of all it is necessary to take measures to remove the poison from the baby’s body. For this purpose, assistance is provided in the form of the following procedures:

  • If the child is over 3 years old, he undergoes gastric lavage. To do this, the baby must drink ordinary boiled water in as much as he can, and then immediately induce vomiting. Gastric lavage is carried out several times until the rinsing water is clear. The “restaurant” method of washing is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. Unabsorbed poison is removed using a gastric tube.
  • For the purpose of detoxification, a cleansing enema is used. Its effectiveness is due to the mechanism of circulation of poisons, which re-enter the intestines after being absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • To prevent dehydration, you need to drink plenty of fluids: small portions, but often. If a child experiences nausea, it is recommended to give the liquid a teaspoon every 5-10 minutes.
  • Taking sorbents, that is, drugs that adsorb toxic substances and remove them from the body. The most commonly used drugs are activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel.

Note: enterosorbents, in particular activated carbon, are also added to the washing liquid intended to cleanse the stomach. The mixture is prepared immediately before use. It is better to use powdered charcoal rather than crushed tablets.

Treatment of food poisoning in children

After providing first aid for food poisoning, the doctor, having examined the baby, decides on the further treatment. If pathological symptoms are not expressed and the child’s condition is satisfactory, outpatient treatment is recommended with mandatory adherence to the doctor’s recommendations on proper nutrition and taking medications aimed at preventing the development of dysbiosis.

Treatment in hospital

Children under 2 years of age with signs of food poisoning are subject to mandatory hospitalization in a hospital. If the child is older and his condition is assessed as moderate, then he is also sent to the hospital, where measures are taken to remove the poison from the body, that is, gastric lavage and enemas.

  • To relieve intoxication, intravenous infusions of saline solutions are prescribed.
  • If vomiting and diarrhea continue, the use of antiemetics (Metoclopramide) and medications that relieve diarrhea (Loperamide) is indicated.
  • According to indications, in case of severe poisoning, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed.
  • After emergency measures are provided and the child’s condition improves, enzyme preparations containing bifidobacteria necessary for recovery are prescribed normal microflora intestines.

Nutrition after poisoning

A large role in restoring the digestive function of the body after poisoning is played by the child’s nutrition, in which certain rules must be followed:

  • meals should be small, 5-6 times a day;
  • on the first day after poisoning, a water regime is recommended, that is, the child is given only warm boiled water or not very sweet compote, weak black or green tea; The more severe the diarrhea, the more more necessary fluid entering the body;
  • on the 2nd day it is allowed to feed the child with broth, from the 3rd day - vegetable soups with the addition of dietary chicken, turkey, and rabbit meat;
  • treatment food products should be done by cooking, steaming or stewing;
  • All dishes are given in a crushed state.

After poisoning, a child needs a diet that will not irritate damaged digestive tracts and will promote their restoration. Dietary food should include the following products:

  • slimy porridges cooked in water;
  • boiled vegetables: carrots, beets, potatoes, chopped cauliflower;
  • dietary chicken or turkey meat, boiled and chopped or steamed;
  • dried white bread or crackers;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • low fat fermented milk products;
  • compotes, jelly from dry or fresh fruits, weak black or green tea;
  • baked fruits, preferably pears or apples.

This diet will allow the body to quickly recover. Excluded from children's diet cow's milk, as it helps to enhance intestinal motility and fermentation processes. The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • radish;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • grape;
  • plums;
  • rye and bran bread.

The expansion of the diet and the patient’s transition to a regular diet should occur gradually. Additional recommendations on this matter are always given by the local pediatrician.


Main preventive measures to prevent poisoning of children are:

  • consumption of fresh food, especially dairy yoghurt, kefir, eggs, cottage cheese;
  • Thorough washing of fresh vegetables and fruits under running water;
  • after walking and visiting the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly;
  • exclude cooking by an adult who has any purulent skin lesions or chronic inflammation tonsils;
  • Wash your child's hands thoroughly before each meal.

Compliance with these precautions and parents' attentive attitude to the child's nutrition will protect him from food poisoning.

Intoxication of the body in a child

Intoxication is severe poisoning of the body. In children, this condition manifests itself most clearly; the toxic syndrome is strongly expressed. As a rule, such conditions often affect children who were born much earlier than expected, as well as frequently ill children with weak immune systems.

  • Intoxication of the body in a child
  • Food poisoning in a child
  • Food poisoning in a child
  • Classification of food poisoning in children
  • Causes of food poisoning in children
  • Symptoms of food poisoning in a child
  • Diagnosis of food poisoning in a child
  • Prognosis and prevention of food poisoning in children
  • Food poisoning in a child - treatment in Moscow
  • Directory of diseases
  • Childhood diseases
  • Last news
  • Signs of food poisoning in children and possible causes
  • Possible causes of poisoning in children
  • What symptoms indicate poisoning of a child?
  • How to provide first aid to a child in case of poisoning?
  • Gastric lavage
  • Taking enterosorbents
  • Fighting dehydration
  • Using an enema
  • Treatment of food poisoning in a child
  • Prevention of food poisoning in children
  • Read along with this article:
  • Intoxication of the body
  • Symptoms of intoxication in children
  • Acute intoxication
  • Video about intoxication as a result of poisoning:
  • Treatment of acute intoxication
  • Chronic intoxication
  • Treatment of chronic intoxication
  • Prevention of body intoxication
  • Toxic syndrome in young children
  • Leave a comment
  • Intoxication of the body in a child: symptoms and treatment
  • State Definition
  • Causes
  • Routes of penetration of toxins
  • Signs
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Intoxication syndrome: signs and symptoms of intoxication
  • Symptoms and signs of viral intoxication
  • Causes of intoxication
  • Complicated passage of intoxication of the body
  • How to detoxify the body at home?
  • Mode
  • Diet
  • Drinking regime
  • Drug treatment for intoxication
  • How to return to normal life?

In addition, sick children with rickets, with in different forms dystrophy and diathesis. In some cases, intoxication may occur after a serious illness.

Usually development this process spicy. First, the baby sharply weakens, is capricious, experiences a lack of appetite, and diarrhea begins. In extremely rare cases, in addition to weight loss, fainting occurs. The appearance of vomiting is characteristic of toxic intoxication due to various intestinal disorders. Signs of significant dehydration may then appear as toxins enter the bloodstream directly. This disrupts the functioning of both the liver and the nervous system. In such cases, toxic syndrome is diagnosed.

In some children, when the body is poisoned, facial expressions may be completely absent; the child seems to be looking into emptiness. Then, after a certain period of time, reflexes may also disappear, the heartbeat accelerates, and the pressure decreases. The baby feels virtually no pain, and red spots may be noticeable in places on the bloodless body. In such situations, calling an ambulance doctor should be done as quickly as possible. Providing assistance to such a child is possible only in a hospital setting.

If the body is intoxicated, it is recommended to refrain from eating food for at least a day. In this case, frequent, abundant drinking in small portions is indicated. Self-medication of such a child in serious condition may cause irreparable harm to health.

The main signs of intoxication in children are exactly the same as those in adults. However, the identification of some hidden symptoms sometimes it is impossible if the child speaks poorly and does not understand what is happening to him. And then, after receiving medical care from the hospital, further rehabilitation can be carried out at home. However, in order not to aggravate the condition of a small patient, you should discuss the reception of even the most harmless drugs with a doctor.

a rehabilitation period can be carried out.

Intoxication, due to the ingestion of various chemicals into the body, can not only significantly disrupt vital important functions baby, but also create a threat to life. Moreover, the higher the toxicity of a particular chemical, the higher the risk that an insignificant dose will cause poisoning.

Many pharmacological medications are designed to restore various body functions. However, in incorrect doses they cause toxic effects. It should be noted. that improper storage of a home first aid kit can also cause intoxication of a child. Moreover, a large overdose of conventional vitamin complexes can harm the intestines.

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The most common food poisoning in children. They are much more severe than in any adult, due to certain characteristics of the child’s body. It is no secret that a child is always more sensitive to various toxic substances and dangerous pathogenic microbes. Usually he absorbs the poison quite quickly, which minimal amount time spreads throughout the body.

Germs can be found in stale food, on dirty hands and poorly washed toys, and they can also be spread by common flies. Even if an adult does not have symptoms of poisoning, this does not mean that the product is edible. It is worth being more careful because younger child, the more susceptible he is to various kinds of infections and all kinds of poisoning. Always try to feed your baby freshly prepared meals, as well as thoroughly washed fresh fruits and vegetables.

Dangerous staphylococcal poisonings cause quite severe intoxication even in older children, since once they enter the body, they multiply and secrete intestinal toxin. Along with this, severe food poisoning is often provoked by pathogenic microbes - salmonella. They are easily destroyed with proper heat treatment. It should be mentioned that deaths from intoxication with salmonellosis toxins have been reported in children under 5 years of age.

You should also be careful when using modern chemical detergents. Vapors from such products can cause severe burns to the baby's respiratory tract. Other substances such as glue, ammonia, vinegar essence, acetone, etc. provoke dangerous consequences in children of different ages. Poisoning with acids and alkalis is characterized by difficulty breathing and increased salivation. Often painful vomiting occurs repeatedly.

If storage conditions are not observed, there are frequent cases of poisoning of children with pesticides. They can enter the child’s body not only through the main digestive organs, but also through the pores of the baby’s skin and through his respiratory tract. Symptoms of such intoxication include nausea and vomiting, headache, severe abdominal pain, as well as itching and skin rashes. In this case, gastric lavage is mandatory.

Toxic substances cause serious disturbances in the vital activity of the body, which provokes a phenomenon called intoxication. There are two types of intoxication: exogenous and endogenous. In the first type of intoxication, toxins enter the body from the outside.

It is no coincidence that among many serious disorders in the functioning of the important human gastrointestinal tract, constipation plays a major role. They greatly poison life, both literally and figuratively. Such a rather delicate problem can and should be solved immediately after its occurrence. In some cases, it is enough to change yours.

Chemotherapy is considered the most common method of effective treatment cancerous tumors. This method allows you to influence the development of various malignant tumors through toxins and plant poisons, since these substances perfectly destroy cancer cells. However, they also have an impact.

In the body of many people in our population living in big cities and megacities, almost constantly the concentration of toxic products exceeds permissible limits. A powerful system for removing and neutralizing toxins helps a person cope with such chronic intoxication. The liver, kidneys, lungs and intestines work around the clock to prevent poisoning.

The information on the site is intended for informational purposes only and does not encourage self-treatment, consultation with a doctor is required!

Source: child poisoning

Food poisoning in a child is an acute infectious-toxic lesion that occurs as a result of eating poor-quality foods that contain pathogens and their toxins, plant or other poisons. Food poisoning in a child is manifested by diarrhea, vomiting, fever, intoxication, and dehydration. Diagnosis of food poisoning in children involves clarifying the epidemiological history; identification of pathogen or toxin in blood, feces, vomit, food samples. Treatment of food poisoning in children requires immediate gastric lavage or a cleansing enema, taking enterosorbents, and rehydration.

Food poisoning in a child

Food poisoning in a child is a food poisoning or intoxication associated with the consumption of contaminated food, water or toxic (plant, chemical, medicinal) substances. Food poisoning in children occupies a leading place among infectious pathologies and toxicology of childhood and represents a serious problem in practical pediatrics. Food poisoning in a child is much more severe than in adults, which is explained by the characteristics of the child’s body: low acidity of gastric juice, incomplete formation of intestinal microflora, faster absorption of poison and its distribution throughout the body, relatively low detoxification ability of the liver and filtration function of the kidneys, etc. etc. Often the same foods, which do not cause any signs of poisoning in an adult, cause food poisoning in a child.

Classification of food poisoning in children

The child may have the following types food poisoning:

  1. Infectious food poisoning caused by microbes and their toxins (food poisoning and food toxicosis - bacteriotoxicosis, botulism).
  2. Non-infectious food poisoning caused by toxic products of plant and animal origin, toxic impurities.

The clinical course of food poisoning in a child is divided into 3 stages:

  • Latent (asymptomatic) - lasts from the moment of ingestion of the toxin/poison until the first symptoms of food poisoning appear in the child. Duration latent period depends on age and individual characteristics child, the amount of toxic substances entering the body with food, and the rate of its absorption. The latent stage of food poisoning is the most favorable “window” for treating a child, when the poison has not yet entered the bloodstream and has not exerted its toxic effect. First aid in this case is gastric lavage and taking enterosorbents.
  • Toxigenic – lasts from the appearance of the first signs of poisoning until the elimination of bacteria and poison from the body. The toxicogenic period is manifested by extensive symptoms of food poisoning in a child, characteristic of a given toxic infection or poison. At this stage, it is necessary to identify bacteria and poison, their removal (gastric lavage, cleansing enema, forced diuresis), detoxification, etc.
  • The stage of convalescence is the restoration of impaired functions (digestive, excretory, immune, etc.).

Causes of food poisoning in children

Infectious food poisoning in a child (food poisoning) can be caused by staphylococcus, proteus, klebsiella, clostridia, citrobacter, enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli, etc. These pathogens enter the body exclusively with food, in which they previously multiply and produce toxins. Food contamination and the accumulation of toxins are facilitated by non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards during the storage, preparation and sale of food. In this case, the products may look like poor quality (unpleasant smell, taste, changed color, consistency) or have normal organoleptic qualities.

Microbial sources that contaminate food can be persons suffering from intestinal infections, purulent diseases (tonsillitis, furunculosis, streptoderma, panaritium, mastitis, etc.), as well as animals that pollute water, soil, plants and other objects with their excrement external environment. Food poisoning in a child can be caused by consuming unboiled water, contaminated milk and dairy products, eggs, creamy confectionery, fish and seafood, sausages, meat (beef, pork, chicken, etc.), canned food homemade etc.

Food poisoning in children can occur as sporadic, familial cases or mass outbreaks. They are characterized by an increase in incidence in the summer-autumn period, when there are favorable conditions for the proliferation of microbial pathogens and the accumulation of toxins.

Non-infectious food poisoning is usually associated with the child's accidental consumption of poisonous berries (nightshade, wolfberry, black elderberry, crow's eye, etc.), plants (hemlock, henbane, poisonous weed, datura, etc.), mushrooms (pale toadstool, fly agaric, false chanterelles or honey mushrooms). Food poisoning in a child can occur when eating agricultural products contaminated with toxic chemical impurities (fungicides, insecticides, inorganic compounds).

Symptoms of food poisoning in a child

The clinical picture of food poisoning in a child with various toxic infections is very similar. Typically the latent stage lasts 2-6 hours; sometimes shortened to 30 minutes. or extends to 24 hours. Food poisoning in a child is manifested by signs of gastroenteritis, general infectious symptoms, intoxication, and dehydration.

The disease begins acutely, with nausea, repeated vomiting of eaten food, abdominal pain (mainly in the stomach area), watery diarrhea with impurities of greenery, mucus, and streaks of blood. The frequency of stool reaches 5-10 times a day.

Almost simultaneously with the symptoms of gastroenteritis, body temperature rises to 38-39°C. The intoxication syndrome is rapidly growing, characterized by lethargy, refusal to eat, headache and muscle pain. Loss of fluid through vomiting and stool leads to dehydration: facial features become sharper, the skin becomes pale and dry to the touch. A child with food poisoning may experience convulsions, oligo-, anuria, hemodynamic disorders, and acidosis.

The course of food poisoning is short; in most cases, symptoms regress within 2–3 days, although weakness and abdominal pain may persist longer. Severe forms food poisoning can be observed in young children, weakened individuals with concomitant background (prematurity, malnutrition, dysbacteriosis, etc.). In severe cases, the child may develop necrotic enteritis, infectious-toxic or hypovolemic shock, endocarditis, sepsis.

In case of food poisoning from poisonous plants, a child’s central nervous system is often affected, which can manifest itself as lethargy, euphoria, hallucinations, visual impairment, speech disorders, convulsions, and coma. With a toxic effect on the cardiovascular system, tachycardia or bradycardia, arrhythmia occurs, arterial hypotension. Most plants primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract, which makes food poisoning in a child less dangerous.

Food poisoning of a child by mushrooms always occurs due to the fault of adults who allow the consumption of unknown or dubious “gifts of the forest.” Poisoning with toadstool is accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, intestinal colic, cholera-like diarrhea mixed with blood, convulsions, and respiratory distress. The action of the poison leads to the development toxic hepatitis, and in 90% of cases – to death due to acute liver failure.

When poisoned by fly agaric mushrooms, increased salivation, vomiting, shortness of breath, bronchospasm, hallucinations, convulsive syndrome. The mortality rate for fly agaric poisoning is 1%.

The clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of botulism can be found here.

Diagnosis of food poisoning in a child

Food poisoning in a child can usually be diagnosed by a pediatrician or pediatric infectious disease specialist. Diagnosis of food poisoning in a child is facilitated by clarifying the epidemiological history, a typical clinical picture, an indication of group cases of poisoning of persons who ate the same food.

Specific diagnostic tests include isolation of the pathogen from bacteriological culture of feces, vomit, gastric lavage, and the remains of an infected product. If a generalized form of infection is suspected, a blood culture is performed. In case of mass outbreaks of foodborne toxic infections in children's groups, kitchen workers are subject to examination, from whom swabs are taken from the hands, nasopharynx, and rectum. Express methods for identifying the pathogen (RIF, ELISA, PCR) are of auxiliary value.

Emergency assistance when establishing the fact of food poisoning in a child consists of washing the stomach to clean water and administering a cleansing enema to remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. For the same purpose, the administration of enterosorbents (activated carbon, combination drugs) is indicated.

To eliminate dehydration, oral rehydration (sweet tea, saline solutions) is necessary for moderate forms - parenteral rehydration therapy saline solutions. In case of food poisoning, a child is prescribed replacement therapy multienzyme drugs with pancreatin. Antimicrobial therapy for a child with food poisoning is carried out only in case of severe toxic infections under the supervision of a doctor.

It is advisable to abstain from eating for 12–24 hours. After the vomiting stops, the child is recommended to have a gentle diet (liquid cereals, slimy soups, crackers, compotes, kefir).

In case of poisoning with toadstool, a child requires emergency extracorporeal hemocorrection (hemosorption).

Prognosis and prevention of food poisoning in children

Food poisoning in a child, occurring in the lungs or medium degree severity usually ends with complete recovery. The consequences of food poisoning in a child can be various dysfunctions of organs and systems. Thus, the outcome of food toxic infection is often dysbacteriosis, and mushroom poisoning is renal and liver failure. In case of severe food poisoning, a child may develop severe multiple organ failure, requiring intensive care. With toxic infections, the mortality rate is low (about 1%), which cannot be said about mushroom poisoning.

Prevention of food poisoning in children dictates the need proper storage and carrying out adequate heat treatment of food products, drinking only boiled water, thoroughly washing hands and food under running water. Regular hygienic examination of persons working in children's kitchens and catering is necessary; preventing workers with pustular skin diseases (pyoderma), respiratory tract infections, and intestinal infections from entering the catering department.

It is necessary to introduce children to poisonous plants and mushrooms, and strictly prohibit them from eating unknown berries, fruits, seeds, etc.

Food poisoning in a child - treatment in Moscow

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Source: Food Poisoning in Children and Possible Causes

Today, food poisoning in children is a fairly common complaint from parents. However, in this case there is no need to panic, because this will frighten the child even more. Throw all your worries aside and act! All your actions should be aimed at providing first aid to your child and removing toxic substances from his body.

Possible causes of poisoning in children

Poisonous products can cause poisoning to a child.

Food poisoning is conventionally divided into 2 types. However, this conditional division does not reduce the danger to the child’s health. So, there are 2 types of food poisoning:

  1. Poisoning a child with poisonous products. Such poisoning can occur due to the child’s consumption of poisonous berries, mushrooms or plant seeds.
  2. Poisoning with toxic substances. Such poisoning refers to poisoning resulting from ingestion of food containing pathogens and toxic substances.

I don’t even know if it can be said that poisoning with toxic substances is even worse than poisonous products, but it is a fact that such poisoning can lead to intoxication or some kind of pathology.

Do not confuse toxin poisoning with food poisoning. It differs from short poisoning incubation period. This infection is not contagious, so it is safe to contact a child with toxoinfection. Most often, food poisoning occurs after consuming the following foods:

  • Eggs (especially if they have cracked shells or raw eggs)
  • Seafood
  • Sweets with cream
  • Greens and root vegetables
  • Milk and dairy products

I think that there is no point in talking about salads and other finished products on supermarket shelves, because... this food is a treasure trove for E. coli, salmonella and staphylococcus.

If your child feels fine after eating finished products from the supermarket, then you can consider it a miracle.

It is definitely difficult to prevent your child from eating fruit or one serving of ice cream in the summer heat. And, strictly speaking, there is no need to do this. It is enough to simply be more careful when choosing a product.

When buying something for your child in a store, make sure that you are buying quality products and also pay attention to their expiration date. You can only have peace of mind knowing that your child is eating quality products, which were manufactured by a reliable company in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

The most best prevention– healthy feeding of the child with food prepared at home independently.

What symptoms indicate poisoning of a child?

An elevated temperature in a child is a sign of poisoning.

In case of poisoning, the child’s symptoms will appear unexpectedly with an increasing character, i.e. at first there may be nausea, followed by vomiting, and vomiting will be accompanied by high fever, etc.

In case of mild poisoning, the child’s health may be satisfactory, but this does not mean that the signs of food poisoning will not progress in the future. It’s just that all the symptoms will appear gradually, depressing the baby’s body.

At the same time, with a complex form of poisoning, a child may experience infectious-toxic shock. In general, the symptoms of food poisoning in a child look like this:

  1. Nausea
  2. Profuse vomiting
  3. Upset stomach (this can happen 15 or more times a day)
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Fever
  6. Presence of blood clots, mucus, or green color in the feces
  7. Pale skin
  8. Dry mouth
  9. Increased heart rate and rapid breathing
  10. Lower blood pressure
  11. Concentrated urine, i.e. takes on a dark tint

Don't wait for symptoms to add up. After all, this can lead to dehydration of the body. The longer you delay seeing a doctor, the more harm you do to your child’s health.

How to provide first aid to a child in case of poisoning?

Every parent can provide first aid to their child at home. Help is provided in 4 stages:

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage will help get rid of residues junk food.

What does it mean to flush the stomach? - This means that you need to clean it as soon as possible from the remnants of the harmful food that poisoned the child.

Of course, you don’t have a medical probe at home, and the child is already overcome by fatigue from frequent vomiting, but nothing can be done - you need to get rid of the food poisoning provocateur urgently.

So, you can do this in the following way: you need to convince the baby to drink 1 - 2 liters of warm boiled water, then put your fingers in your mouth and press on the root of the tongue to induce vomiting. Ideally this procedure should be carried out 2 - 3 times. In short, this must be done until clean rinsed water appears when vomiting.

By the way! I would like to dispel the myth about the antidote properties of milk. This is a misconception; milk will not help your baby in any way. After all, the child’s poisoned body is tired and does not have the strength to digest food.

You can also use it to rinse the stomach from harmful food residues. baking soda. Serving: 1 tbsp. l./1 l of drinking water. To lavage the stomach, you can use potassium permanganate, but keep in mind that potassium permanganate can be used in the form of a saturated solution, and not in crystalline form.

In any case, gastric lavage using the above methods is only possible at the age of 5 years!

For young children, the stomach is washed only with the help of a medical tube and only in a hospital under the supervision of the attending physician.

While waiting for the ambulance, place the child on his side and make sure that no vomit gets into his respiratory tract.

Taking enterosorbents

Flushing the stomach is not a sufficient measure. Next you will have to use enterosorbents. This is necessary to reduce the amount of toxic substances in the intestines. It is better to give small children enterosorbents produced in the form of suspensions, because The suspension can be diluted with water and it will be more pleasant for the child to drink.

However, if you do not find such an enterosorbent, then buy it in tablet form. They can be crushed and also diluted in drinking water. Before taking enterosorbent, read the instructions supplied with the drug, since each drug has individual dosages, conditions of use and storage.

Fighting dehydration

Rice water is an excellent remedy in the fight against dehydration.

Don't forget to fight your baby's dehydration. Let him drink as often as possible (for example, every 15 minutes at least a couple of sips). Your child can drink the following:

  • Tea (black or green, but not strong)
  • Still mineral water
  • Congee
  • Special salt solutions

Using an enema

There is a lot of controversy over the advisability of using an enema. However, the decision is yours. Definitely, a simple enema will not help you in any way. You will need a siphon enema. But if you don’t have the skills, it’s better not to take it on. Otherwise, you will scare the child and make yourself nervous.

The most reliable way is to call an ambulance, because... the same appendicitis has symptoms similar to poisoning.

Treatment of food poisoning in a child

In case of poisoning, antibiotics should not be used.

The maximum time you can give yourself to try treatment at home is 24 hours.

If the situation does not stabilize within 24 hours, immediately call an ambulance. Immediately throw the following treatment procedures out of your head:

This is explained by the fact that vomiting and diarrhea are a reaction that seeks to protect the body from invading harmful bacteria and toxic substances.

If your child is not yet 2 years old, then even light food poisoning will need to be treated in a hospital setting. 2-year-old children are subject to mandatory hospitalization in an inpatient department.

When carrying out medical procedures, it is very important to replenish the lack of fluid and electrolytes in the body. To do this you need to follow the correct drinking regime. You can restore the required level of fluid in the body with the following drinks:

Encourage your child to drink the drink in small quantities, but often (every 15 minutes). In addition to the proper drinking regimen, you will also need to adhere to therapeutic diet. You will need to stop eating food for 4-6 hours, but do not forget to give your child something to drink. After the period of abstinence from food has expired, you can switch to a gentle diet.

Gentle food includes liquid, semi-liquid and ground food products. You need to feed your baby in small portions. Divide meals into 8 servings per day.

In addition, the child will have to stop eating sweets, fresh bread and whole milk for several days. This is necessary to avoid a possible fermentation process in the intestines, and this food is a provocateur of the fermentation process. Also, the child's diet should include low-fat foods. It is recommended to consume the following products:

  • Water-based porridge
  • Vegetable soups and boiled meat (serve all as puree)
  • Crackers
  • Dairy products

Over the next 2 to 3 weeks, it is advisable to steam your child’s food and exclude the following from his menu:

How to treat food poisoning - watch the video:

To return to your daily routine and normal diet, you need to restore the body that has suffered from toxic products.

Treatment procedures for food poisoning in a child cannot be done without the use of enterosorbents. You should buy them only on the recommendations of a doctor. As a last resort, listen to the pharmacist's recommendations.

After you have dealt with the obvious signs of poisoning, you can continue treatment using enzymes, because this is very important for restoring the beneficial microflora of your child’s body. Taking enzymes will help avoid the development of dysbiosis or gastritis.

In addition to enterosorbents, you can also give your child activated carbon. It is noteworthy that it can be given to children not only in case of food poisoning, but also in case of an infectious disease, especially if it is found in the gastrointestinal tract.

For children who do not yet know how to take tablets, activated carbon can be crushed and diluted drinking water. This way you will get a suspension. The advantage of the suspension is that it is more effective compared to tablets, and is also absorbed much earlier than a tablet.

Today, there are a huge number of drugs available for children, which are available in the form of suspensions, powders and granules. All of them are perfectly soluble in water.

Regarding the dose, it is worth noting that it is calculated based on the child’s weight. Such information can be obtained by carefully studying the instructions supplied with the drug. You also need to pay attention to existing contraindications. Another one helpful information contained in the instructions are storage conditions.

In general, always read the instructions carefully and carry out medical procedure strictly follow the instructions and store medications according to the storage conditions specified in the instructions.

Since activated charcoal is black in color, parents should not panic when they see black stool in their child.

Prevention of food poisoning in children

You must wash your hands before eating.

To prevent food poisoning in a child, you need to wash your hands more often, put away anything that could harm your child’s health and refuse raw water.

In this matter, you need to be not only attentive to the child’s actions, but also to yourself. For example:

  • Give your child only washed vegetables and fruits
  • Wash your hands before preparing food
  • Monitor the expiration date of purchased products

In fact, this list can be very long, but the most important thing is to maintain good hygiene and ensure your child is eating properly.

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Read along with this article:

My child usually develops diarrhea and nausea when he is poisoned. By the way, diarrhea needs to be stopped, otherwise dehydration will occur. Enterofuril, ecofuril, whatever you have in the house will do. Then I remove the toxins with enterosgel, so after a few days my child is already alive again.

The article was very helpful, thank you.

I agree that enterosorbent helps to improve your health faster in case of poisoning. In the summer, our daughter often gets poisoned, either dirt gets on her hands or she grabs unwashed fruit, and that’s when problems with the gastrointestinal tract begin. I’m starting to give enterosgel to my daughter so that the nasty stuff gets out of her body as quickly as possible and there are no consequences. He always helps us out well, whether on vacation or at home.

Among the restless little ones of poisoning medicines are in second place after food, which you can talk about. Why is this happening? Where is the problem hiding?

Glossy, shiny...these tablets make you want to taste them.

"Mystery" of poisoning

The most common reason: a child swallowed tablets or liquid medications carelessly left by adults in a visible and accessible place for him or her, or put up a stool and climbed into a drawer with medications. Sometimes, by not observing the dosage of the drug or by self-medicating the baby, parents also become unwitting culprits in the “sudden” poisoning of the baby. Beloved by many parents, Dr. E. O. Komarovsky talks about this in more detail and with examples in his video school:

Feedback from parents who have experienced this problem confirms the seriousness of the situation.

Katya is still tormented by remorse:

“I walked away for 2 minutes, leaving cough syrup on the table. I return: my satisfied Mitya is sitting and fiddling with an almost empty bottle in his hands. Everything sank for me...I grabbed him under the armpits, and then I don’t know what. I rushed around the apartment like that for about 2 minutes, and then I remembered that I needed to call an ambulance. I called. They started asking me questions, but I couldn’t really say anything except the address, the age of the child and the fact that he was poisoned. Shock. The doctors arrived quickly. They immediately took us away for washing. Everything worked out, thank God. Now I store all my medicines on the mezzanine.”

Very often, children drink sweet cough syrup, not knowing what this can lead to.

Acute drug poisoning is a whole group of periods of development and decline of intoxication in a child. Modern medicine distinguishes periods:

  1. Hidden- determined by the time interval from the moment of taking the medication until the first signs of poisoning appear.
  2. Toxicogenic- occurs along with the first symptoms and lasts until the body is completely freed from toxins.
  3. Somatogenic (period of complications)- follows toxicogenic. The poison has already left the body, but left behind traces in the form of morphological and/or functional damage to individual organs or entire systems. The result of this period is usually specific pathological syndromes.
  4. Restorative- can last up to 2 years after the main recovery. Throughout the period, residual signs of damage to the immune, nervous and endocrine systems may persist.

Even at the recovery stage, children remain weak and have low immunity for a long time.

Today on the pharmacological market there are a great variety of drugs that can poison a baby. Symptoms of poisoning can be classified according to drug groups:

  1. Antidepressants. Representatives of this group often found in the home medicine cabinet are Doxepin, Amitriptyline, Melipramine, Tizercin. The first symptoms of poisoning appear after 2-3 hours:
  • impaired consciousness (possible coma);
  • and mucous membranes;
  • dilated pupils;
  • urinary retention;

When poisoned by antidepressants, the baby does not want or cannot go to the toilet.

  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • hypertension (in the first 8 hours);
  • fecal retention due to lack of intestinal motility;
  • hallucinations or distorted perception of real pictures of the world;
  • sudden involuntary trembling of the muscles of the feet;
  • hypotension (9-12 hours after poisoning);

The child's blood pressure may drop sharply.

  • convulsions.

Diarrhea due to drug poisoning is usually not observed.

The consequences of poisoning are manifested in disruption of thermoregulation processes in the child’s body. The latter can cause damage to brain structures, kidney failure and destruction of muscle fibers.

  1. Neuroleptics(“Tizercin”, “Aminazine”). Drugs in this group have the ability to suppress tissue energy metabolism and inhibit enzymes respiratory system. For poisoning, 1 mg/kg body weight is sufficient.

Symptoms appear 6-30 hours after taking a toxic dose of the drug. Poisoning mild degree characterized by:

  • nausea and vomiting, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • lethargy and apathy;

Even the usual favorite activities are not of interest to toddlers when intoxicated.

  • gait disturbances.

Later join:

  • arousal reactions in response to touch, bright lights or loud sounds;
  • anxiety and tearfulness;

When poisoned with neuroleptics, children later develop tearfulness.

  • dry skin and mucous membranes.

The baby can sleep for a long time.

Symptoms of moderate poisoning are almost the same as signs of intoxication with antidepressants.

In severe cases of poisoning, a critical state of coma develops, accompanied by:

  • decreased blood pressure;

In severe cases, blood pressure in children drops sharply.

  • frequent, weakly palpable pulse contractions;
  • violation of the depth and rhythm of breathing;
  • pale skin;
  • cold sweat;
  • convulsions.
  1. Paracetamol and its derivatives: “Efferalgan”, “Panadol”, “Calpol”, “Cefekon”, etc. Poisoning with drugs of the paracetamol group occurs with a single dose containing 140 milligrams of the active substance per kilogram of the child’s body weight.

In moderate dosages, Panadol is absolutely harmless, but if you exceed the dose...

Doctors distinguish 3 stages of paracetamol poisoning:

  1. It occurs within half an hour to a day from the moment of taking the medicine. It is often asymptomatic. Less commonly present:
  • moderate;
  • profuse sweating;
  • pallor skin.
  1. Develops from 24 to 48 hours from the moment of taking the drug. Observed:

In the second stage, sharp abdominal pain appears.

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • indicators of blood components change.
  1. It appears from 72 to 96 hours when counting the time from the moment of taking the drug. Symptoms:
  • jaundice caused by liver failure;
  • renal failure;
  • the level of red blood cells in the blood drops.

Possible hepatic coma, changes in the structure and function of the heart muscle.

  1. Antihistamines:, "Diphenhydramine", "Tavegil". In case of poisoning, the functions of the central nervous system are disrupted. Doses of 100-150 milligrams lead to poisoning in young children. The symptoms are as follows:
  • excessive excitement or, on the contrary, lethargy and drowsiness;

When antihistamines are abused, children often fall into a state of extreme agitation.

  • decreased muscle tone;
  • sudden pathological movements in various muscle groups;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes (may turn red);
  • pupils dilated;
  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • hypertension;

Antiallergenic drugs cause fever.

  • convulsions similar to an epileptic seizure;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • delusions and hallucinations.

First aid for baby

The first emergency aid for poisoning with antidepressants, antihistamines, paracetamol or antipsychotics is to quickly normalize respiratory process and in gastric lavage, but since the latter for children under the age of three is carried out only in a hospital, then all you can do is call an ambulance immediately, informing the operator about the causes of poisoning, and lay the child on his side to avoid choking on his own vomit, if any.

At the slightest symptoms poisoning, call an ambulance immediately.

If the baby is able to drink water (but not milk!), then be sure to drink it (only cool, so that it is absorbed into the walls of the stomach as little as possible) - this way you can reduce the concentration of substances poisoning the young body and induce vomiting, if it does not occur spontaneously. If several hours have passed since taking the drug, then it makes sense to give the child a laxative.

A laxative will help get rid of toxins and poisonous substances.

Treatment of poisoning caused by drugs from each of the groups described above is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting and is carried out comprehensively, depending on the severity of the symptoms of the toxicogenic period.

  1. Imidazole and its derivatives: “Glazolin”, “Nazivin”, “Sanorin”, “Naphthyzin”. The most common in this group is Naphthyzin poisoning. Just 10 milligrams of this “harmless” drug can lead a child’s body to irreversible processes. Signs of poisoning with imidazole derivatives:
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • increased arousal and anxiety;
  • pale skin;

Pale skin is the most characteristic feature poisoning

  • pupils dilated;
  • severe increase in blood pressure;
  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia.

If you don’t seek help in a timely manner, the following may occur:

  • increased skin pallor;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • slow heart rate;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness (may reach a state of coma).

An acute condition caused by intoxication with imidazole derivatives is relieved by gastric lavage, and then the child is given sorbents: activated carbon tablets, or Enterosgel. Fluid loss caused by vomiting is replaced with electrolyte solutions. Let me remind you: if the child is an infant or just small and the situation has not become critical, then it is better to wait for the arrival of a qualified ambulance crew. Regardless of the degree of intoxication, the child must be hospitalized in a hospital for at least 1-3 days for observation and ongoing treatment.

Only in a hospital will your child be able to receive full assistance.

  1. Salicylates:"Citramon", " Acetylsalicylic acid", "Aspirin". Drugs in this group actively stimulate the respiratory center, negatively affect the kidneys and liver, and harm many metabolic processes in the body. The amount of substance sufficient for poisoning is 100-150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

The first symptoms of poisoning in very young children appear quickly and briefly:

  • vomit;
  • excitation;
  • shallow rapid breathing.

As intoxication increases, the following appear:

  • disturbances of consciousness (possibly coma);
  • hallucinations;
  • bleeding: nasal, intestinal, stomach;

As intoxication increases, bleeding may occur.

  • convulsive syndrome.

With these symptoms, it is important not to lead the child’s condition to pulmonary or cerebral edema, so an ambulance should be called immediately.

  1. Tranquilizers:"Alprozolam", "Phenazepam", "Sibazon", "Mezapam". All these drugs are designed to help a person fight obsessive worries and fears, sleep disorders and neurotic conditions.

Poisoning with drugs from this group of drugs can cause malfunctions in many vital systems and organs. Poisoning with Phenazepam is most common among children due to the fact that this drug is found in the home medicine cabinet more often than other representatives of the group.

Phenazepam is available in almost every home.

Symptoms of acute poisoning can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Light- consciousness becomes confused, deep painful sleep sets in, the pupils narrow and react poorly to light, the upper eyelids droop, the eyes can make involuntary frequent oscillatory movements, muscle tone and tendon reflexes decrease (sometimes, on the contrary, they increase), balance and gait are disturbed.

Anna, child 2 years old:

“I went through a wild shock: my bug gobbled up 3-5 phenazepamine, 2.5 each. Skoriki was quickly taken to the hospital. They gave him a wash there. All night they treated my beetle in the intensive care unit with all sorts of solutions, and only the next day we received the go-ahead to stay at home under the supervision of a pediatrician. For several days, my son’s coordination of movements was impaired. He became aggressive, nervous to the point of hysteria. The local doctor referred us to a neurologist. I am in an unpleasant anticipation of what a specialist can tell us about all this..."

After a hospital stay, the baby needs constant supervision by a pediatrician.

  1. Average- in continuation of the symptoms of the mild stage, swallowing and cough reflexes, there is increased salivation or, conversely, dry mouth, the pupils become very narrow and do not respond to light. Acute renal failure occurs. The unconditioned reflexes of the tendons and palpebral fissures in response to irritation are inhibited. A superficial coma ensues.
  1. Heavy- the baby does not respond to pain. There are no reflexes. The pupils dilate, there is no reaction to light. Breathing becomes shallow and arrhythmic or absent altogether. Arterial pressure falls, tachycardia occurs. The temperature may rise or fall relative to normal. A deep coma ensues.

The somatogenic period can manifest itself in the form of an unsteady gait, a constant feeling of weakness, neuroses, pneumonia, various dermatitis, and impaired renal function.

Diseases of the nervous system are a fairly common complication after severe intoxication of the body.

What to do if the baby has eaten Phenazepam? First aid is exactly the same as for poisoning with other groups of drugs. There is also chronic drug poisoning, when the concentration of poison in the body is achieved by prolonged use of incorrect (exceeding the therapeutic norm) doses. In this case, signs of poisoning may not appear immediately, but gradually increase over several days.

Poisoning from household and industrial chemicals

Various types of chemistry accompany modern man in everyday life. These are, for example, detergents and cleaners, solvents, acids, gasoline, glue and much more.

Household chemicals should be stored out of the reach of children!

All adults know about the possible dangers of these substances, but you can’t explain this to small children...

General symptoms

Symptoms of chemical poisoning can be different: dry mouth, pain, itching (if exposed to large areas of skin), blurred vision, disorientation in space, cardiac problems, excessive agitation, difficulty breathing, coma - it all depends on the specific substance the child took . At acute poisoning If exposed to mercury, the child will feel sick, vomit, feel dizzy, have a characteristic metallic taste in the mouth and pain during swallowing; later, gums may begin to bleed, fingers will tremble, the temperature will rise, and frequent urination may occur.

Mercury can cause severe dizziness and nausea.

How can we help?

If a child has eaten or drunk something chemical, then do not induce vomiting (with the exception of mercury) under any circumstances (the baby may receive an additional burn to the mucous membranes of the esophagus), do not give him any tablets or neutralizers - immediately call the emergency team. All you can do is give your baby 1-2 glasses of water (for mercury poisoning, milk) to reduce the concentration of toxic substances.

If your baby is poisoned by mercury, give him milk.

In order not to get confused - a table to help.

Poisoning with chemical compounds rarely goes away without a trace for a child. Complications can affect any system of the body and any organ. Therefore, hide the poop away from children!

Childhood poisoning is a common case in parental practice. Fortunately, most of us experience more or less harmless poisoning from stale food, and the matter is limited to a couple of unpleasant days near the bathroom. However, the medical practice of treating poisoning, alas, is wider, and it is important for parents to know what a child can be poisoned with, how to help him and how to protect him from possible poisoning. How to recognize the symptoms of poisoning and what needs to be done before the ambulance arrives.

Types of poisoning
Toxic substances can enter the body through the digestive system, respiratory tract and skin.

Doctors divide all toxic substances into three groups:

1 class, the most dangerous compounds: industrial poisons, plants and mushrooms, agricultural preparations, household chemicals, toxic gases, animal poisons.

2nd grade, dangerous compounds: medicinal substances, alcohol, conditionally edible mushrooms, conditionally poisonous plants.

3rd grade, conditionally hazardous compounds: non-poisonous plants, edible mushrooms. Compounds that are usually not poisonous, but can become toxic, for example, if they are not properly treated with pesticides, if they grow on soil contaminated with poisons or waste, or if storage or preparation rules are violated.
This group may include products that are well known to us and seem to be “safe” - for example, mushrooms, which have the ability to accumulate toxic substances.

If we move from medical practice to the realities of ordinary, everyday life, then where and how can a child get poisoned?

Through the digestive system, taking:
- low-quality, spoiled, poorly disinfected food or water (for example, staphylococcal toxins that occur in spoiled food are resistant to heat treatment);

Berries, plants, fruits, vegetables treated with insecticides that were not completely removed before consumption;

Poisonous mushrooms, berries;

Medicines, especially their combinations (kept within reach of the child or used under parental supervision, but in the wrong dosage, without a doctor’s prescription, etc.);

Alcohol and drugs;

Household chemicals (for example, dishwashing detergent standing on a shelf in the kitchen), agricultural preparations (fertilizers in the country), poisons (insect repellent, rodent repellent);

Cauterizing liquids (gasoline in the garage, vinegar essence in the kitchen);

Medicines that pass into mother's milk during breastfeeding;

Cosmetics (shampoos, lipsticks, creams).

Through the respiratory tract, inhaling:

Carbon monoxide

Gasoline, kerosene, acetone, varnishes, paints, solvents and other volatile substances;

Evaporation poisonous plants.

Through the skin, in contact with:

Agricultural and industrial poisons, fertilizers;

Hazardous dyes (they can dye clothes);

Medicines (for example, children's ointments if used excessively).

The first signs of poisoning
Vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea are possible, but not the only non-obligatory signs of poisoning.
Symptoms will depend on the toxic substance. Moreover, if parents do not know that the cause of their child’s illness is poisoning, without special knowledge they may not even suspect what is the cause of their poor health.

Therefore it is important to know possible symptoms in order to be able to recognize poisoning among other ailments and provide timely assistance.
Poisoning with stale food or poor-quality water usually has characteristic, familiar symptoms: weakness, lethargy, child refusal to eat, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea (without blood), nausea, vomiting.

More severe symptoms indicating about possible poisoning research:

Drowsiness, lethargy, confusion, hallucinations;

Convulsions, loss of consciousness;

Impaired coordination of movements, increased muscle tone;

Changes in the emotional background (excessive excitement or inhibition);

Pale and bluish skin;

Irregular heart rhythm, weak pulse;

Increase and then decrease in blood pressure;

Changed, noisy, rapid breathing, possible delay breathing.

First aid for poisoning

In case of poisoning or suspicion of it, your actions should be as follows:

Call an ambulance. Remember that by law this emergency service provides assistance to all people located on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the availability of a policy and any other documents.
Also, when you make a phone call, in addition to calling a team, you can be connected to the ambulance poison control center, where you will receive the advice you need.

Provide the child with a comfortable position (if possible, lay him down) and constant supervision until the doctors arrive.
If your child is vomiting, you can sit him or her on your lap, head down (if the toxic substance is unknown, vomit can help the doctor identify the toxin, so a basin is preferable to a toilet).

If the child is unconscious, place him on his side (or horizontally with his head turned to the side). If necessary, use your finger wrapped in a handkerchief to clear any vomit from your mouth and make sure that possible vomiting does not interfere with breathing.
Try to find out the possible cause of poisoning if you do not know it for sure: ask the child, if he can already explain, examine his body, face, clothes for specific odors, stains, redness and burns of the skin and mucous membranes.

Inspect the place where he was recently, potentially dangerous places in your home (first aid kit, place where cosmetics are stored, pantry with household chemicals).
Observe the child carefully and note all the changes that occur to him - this will be important when determining the cause of the poisoning.
Different drugs cause a variety of symptoms, and vomiting is far from the only indicator; it may not occur at all.

Do not self-medicate, wait for a doctor. If it is impossible for him to arrive quickly, call an ambulance, get advice from a pediatrician and a toxicologist and strictly follow their instructions.

For many toxic substances There are antidotes - neutralizers of harmful effects.

Some of them - vegetable oil, ethyl alcohol, etc. - can be found at home. However, you can give an antidote only if you are absolutely sure what the child was poisoned with, and after consulting (for example, by telephone) a doctor on this topic.

Further help for the child will depend on what caused the poisoning.

If a child has food poisoning

If the child is conscious and his discomfort mainly relates to the digestive system (vomiting, diarrhea, pain), then the first and main aid is gastric lavage and subsequent drinking plenty of fluids.

Gastric lavage is done with warm boiled water based on the following calculation: for a newborn - 5 milliliters per kilogram of weight, monthly - 8 ml/kg, from 2 to 6 months - 12 ml/kg, from 7 to 9 - 15 ml/kg, from 10 months to a year - 20 ml/kg , from 2 to 6 years - 16 ml/kg, from 7-14 years - 14 ml/kg.

Depending on how the washing goes, you need to do it from 2 to 5 times. Finish washing with sorbent (activated carbon, Enterosgel).
In case of food poisoning, especially accompanied by profuse vomiting and diarrhea, you need to give the baby a drink throughout the entire period of illness - with a baby glucose-saline solution, "Regidron", etc. The dosage and frequency of administration should be checked with a doctor.

The diet after the acute phase of poisoning should be gentle - we start with half the usual volume, without irritating, difficult-to-digest foods, feeding more often, but in small portions, food should first be pureed, quite liquid - viscous porridge, mashed potatoes with water, vegetable decoctions , steamed vegetables, then lean meat and fish.

Don't forget: only a doctor can make a diagnosis. And if a child has not just diarrhea, but a high temperature, abdominal pain, vomiting, call a doctor to rule out appendicitis and other dangerous diseases.

If a child is poisoned by chemicals
The most important thing is to remember: in case of poisoning through the esophagus with caustic substances, it is strictly forbidden to induce vomiting - repeated passage of so-called cauterizing liquids causes additional tissue burns and can make breathing difficult.

Your task is to call an ambulance. In case of poisoning with acids or alkalis, it is usually recommended to give children vegetable oil to drink: up to 3 years - a teaspoon, up to 7 years - dessert, over 7 years - a tablespoon.
However, first clarify the need for an appointment by calling the emergency room.

If poisoning occurs through the skin, you need to remove clothing contaminated with a toxic substance (aerosol, powder, volatile substances, juice of poisonous plants) and wash the affected areas of the body or the entire body with warm water and soapy water.

The affected eye mucosa is washed with warm water or a weak solution of tea from a syringe. The mouth needs to be rinsed, the nose needs to be rinsed (with a very small nose and mouth, wipe with a moistened gauze swab).

If the child inhaled carbon monoxide , fumes from acetone, varnish and liquid for removing it (it is also dangerous for small children), gasoline, etc., you need to remove (take) it to Fresh air, if a cough appears or there is a change in consciousness, call an ambulance immediately.

If a child is poisoned by poisonous plants, mushrooms, berries
Call an ambulance, try to find out what exactly he ate (or save the remains, if any, for toxicologists) and induce vomiting, then give an enterosorbent.
Some poisonous plants (for example, buttercup or hogweed) cannot even be touched or smelled - this causes various consequences, from irritation of the mucous membranes to burns.

If your child was collecting bouquets and then rubbed his eyes or tried to pick a plant and the juice splashed on his skin, act in the same way as in case of chemical poisoning. Burns from hogweed can be washed, lubricated with medicine and be sure to protect from the sun for several days.

If a child is poisoned by medications
This type of poisoning is as dangerous as it is common in the general statistics of childhood poisonings. Alas, medications are often in the public domain, they are lost, dropped, forgotten, etc. This type of poisoning is especially bad because it is not always possible to find out what medications and how much the child ate.

Therefore, if you suspect drug poisoning, immediately call a doctor, but otherwise act as with all types of poisoning - observe the child, his consciousness and breathing, record the symptoms and try to induce vomiting, giving plenty of fluids and, if necessary, pressing on the root of the tongue clean object.

In what cases should you not induce vomiting?
We have already mentioned that some chemical substances when passing through the esophagus again, it further damages the respiratory tract, so you should not induce vomiting in case of poisoning with gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, furniture or car polish, caustic substances (alkalies, strong acids, vinegar essence), bleaches, ammonia, some detoxifying agents. cleaning toilets.

You cannot independently induce vomiting in unconscious children and in cases where you have absolutely no idea what the child could have been poisoned with and do not see signs indicating a possible cause.

In all such cases, doctors will have to do the washing using a probe; this is the most effective way to neutralize harmful substances, so call an ambulance without delay.

Poisoning: what not to do?
You cannot self-medicate or give your child medications without a doctor’s prescription. For example, if you have abdominal pain, you should not give painkillers. Pain can be a symptom serious illnesses, for example, appendicitis. Removing it will make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

Do not heat or cool the pain area without a doctor's prescription.
Also, without consulting a doctor, you cannot give antidotes, even the most seemingly “harmless” ones. For example, milk alleviates the situation in case of poisoning with acids and alkalis, but if you dilute the gasoline that enters the body with milk, the poison will be absorbed faster.

Forget about yourself. If a child is poisoned by chemicals or volatile substances, before helping him, protect yourself - if necessary, put on gloves, open windows, etc. These measures are not a manifestation of selfishness, but of concern for the child, because if you get hurt, who will help to him?

Why call a doctor if the child has already vomited?
Unfortunately, in a number of poisonings, vomiting is only one of the primary symptoms, and not a sign of the body ridding itself of the poison. More formidable ones may appear later and suddenly, and the latent period can last 15-20 hours.

If you do not call a doctor at the first symptoms, treatment will not be started in a timely manner and may require more serious and lengthy measures. In case of poisoning, it is always better to call than not to call a doctor.

Be sure to call a doctor when:

Toxic substance unknown;

Symptoms are alarming, increase and the child’s general condition worsens;

If your child is severely dehydrated;

If severe muscle weakness, breathing problems, changes in pupil size, or changes in pulse occur;

Severe bloody diarrhea;

Increasing body temperature;
- the child is very small.

What should be in a home first aid kit:

Children's glucose-saline solution or "Rehydron";
- manganese;
- enterosorbent (activated carbon, Enterosgel, etc.);
- “Smecta”;
- drugs such as “Baktisubtil” and “Hilak” - as a means of restoring intestinal microflora after the end of the disease.

Prevention of poisoning

It is hardly possible to “spread straw” everywhere, but it is within our power to reduce the possibility of childhood poisoning to a minimum. What should we do?

In the kitchen:

Store, prepare and consume food in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards (do not eat stale food even after cooking, thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits and, if necessary, treat them with boiling water or peel them, store food in the refrigerator, monitor the expiration dates of products, etc.). d.);

Do not eat foods that are unsuitable for children due to their age or that are dangerous due to improper storage (for example, mushrooms are strictly not recommended for children under 3-5 years of age, and “green” potatoes contain poison - solanine);

Do not grow, collect or eat vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms growing near roads or in soil potentially contaminated with pesticides;

Do not buy or eat mushrooms, vegetables, berries, and non-factory-produced fruits;

Teach children not to eat street fast food (most of it is prepared without sanitary standards) and eat food only in proven public places. In case of acute hunger, buy only factory-made, hermetically sealed foods. A chocolate bar may be less healthy than an apple, but unwashed fruit can ultimately cause much more harm.

At home:

Have the necessary medications and emergency and poison control center phone numbers at hand;

Teach children to call an ambulance, learn your address and telephone number together;

Conduct an educational program with the children: what can and cannot be taken in the house and especially tried, explain what to do if you do try it or see one of the children (brother, sister, friends) do it. Teach that you cannot play hospital, pharmacy, store, repair with adult medications, household chemicals, varnishes, paints, etc.;

Keep all potentially hazardous substances, including medications, paints, plasticine, cosmetics and alcohol, out of the reach of children. Do not leave children alone with such publicly available substances for even a minute;

Buy toys and games from reputable manufacturers (more guarantee that they will be non-toxic).

In the country:

Do not use toxic fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides;

Store all hazardous agricultural and construction materials out of the reach of children and animals;

Drink only boiled water;

Do not swallow water when swimming and do not dive if you are not sure of the cleanliness of the reservoir;

Do not plant poisonous flowers and plants, study existing ones to identify poisonous ones, and if found, get rid of them without pity.


Do not leave children unattended;

Study with children the types of dangerous and poisonous plants, mushrooms, berries, avoid them in reality, teach children that they should not try unfamiliar plants and, in general, it is better to try everything after the approval of adults.

Be careful, don’t rely on “maybe” - and the childhood of your sons and daughters will be prosperous and calm!

Children often suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. The task of parents is to promptly recognize food poisoning in a child, its symptoms and treatment. To do this, you need to know what can poison your baby, what signs appear first, and what needs to be done before the doctor arrives.

The most common cause of poisoning in a child is expired food. If food begins to spoil, it produces toxins that are hazardous to health. At the same time, as a rule, the expiration dates of the products have not yet expired, because no mother will knowingly buy an expired product. It's all about improper storage, without observing the required temperature conditions. Therefore, most food poisoning occurs in the summer.

Sometimes a child may eat a product that is poisonous. These can be mushrooms, plants, berries or household chemicals. In addition, food poisoning in children can be a consequence of incorrect dosage of medications.

Food poisoning can occur as a result of improper preparation of certain products. As a rule, this is food of animal origin in which it has fallen.

Eating raw fruits and vegetables can cause food poisoning if proper precautions are not taken. In this case, the nitrates on which these products were grown are to blame.

Many people say that you can be poisoned by unwashed fruits or vegetables, since various bacteria live on their surface. This is not entirely true. Of course, in order to avoid health problems, it is necessary to wash all fruits, but such a violation is an intestinal infection, not poisoning.

List of “dangerous” products:

  • seafood and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • raw eggs;
  • meat dishes that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment;
  • salad greens and root vegetables;
  • cream in confectionery products.

How is poisoning different from an intestinal infection?

It is important to be able to distinguish between these 2 ailments. After all, if a baby is poisoned by food, he can be treated at home under the supervision of a pediatrician; hospitalization is required only in the most severe cases. But if a child has an intestinal infection, treatment is possible only in a hospital. What is the difference?

So, if a child is poisoned, the first signs appear within 48 hours, no more. In the case of an intestinal infection, from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms, it can take from 1 to 30 days, or even more.

Symptoms of food poisoning in children appear suddenly and disappear very quickly. The onset of infection rarely lasts less than 7 days.

The main symptom of an intestinal infection is a high body temperature that lasts for several days. If the temperature passed quickly and did not exceed 38°C, then this is food poisoning.

Symptoms of the disorder

How quickly signs of food poisoning appear in children depends on the type and amount of toxin and the child's metabolic rate. By the way, by the speed at which symptoms appear, you can determine which organ responded to the toxin.

If it is the stomach, it will appear 30 minutes after poisoning. The intestines react within 4-6 hours. It takes a little longer for the toxin to reach the liver and pancreas (up to 48 hours).

Nausea is a natural reaction of the body; after exposure to a toxin, the child soon begins to vomit. Thus, the body tries to cleanse itself.

Various pain sensations arise from the intestines. Most often these are cramps or cramps in the lower abdomen, rumbling and bloating are observed.

Diarrhea is another way to cleanse the body of toxins. It appears in case of intestinal irritation. may be single or multiple. However, according to pediatricians, most often in cases of poisoning, children experience vomiting without diarrhea.

The child’s general well-being is disrupted, he becomes lethargic and sleepy, refuses food and complains of a headache. In case of dehydration, symptoms such as:

  • pale and dry skin;
  • convulsions;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • acidosis.

This condition is very dangerous and can be fatal, so you need to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital, where the child will be given a drip,

Of course, serious dehydration occurs when you lose fluid 10-12 times a day. But after the third attack of vomiting, help is needed to restore water and electrolyte balance. In this case, special solutions will help.

General intoxication leads to an increase in body temperature. As a rule, it does not exceed 38°C. But in children under 5 years of age, body temperature can reach 39.5°C.

First aid for poisoning

What to do if your child shows symptoms of food poisoning? First of all, call a pediatrician. If the doctor is not able to examine the child in the next few hours (late evening or weekend), you need to call an ambulance. In case of mild poisoning, they will not be hospitalized, but they will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Before the doctor arrives, the child needs to be given a sorbent. In case of vomiting, to avoid a bad reaction, the drug is diluted in water and given to the child in small portions every 5-10 minutes.

You can do gastric lavage, but only if the child is over 6 years old. You need to take warm water 10 ml/kg body weight and dissolve 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate in it. After the solution has cooled, the child needs to drink it completely, followed by vomiting and cleansing of the stomach. This method is effective if symptoms appear 30-60 minutes after consuming the toxin and it is still in the stomach.

You can cleanse the intestines with an enema. It is necessary to take an age-specific dose of sorbent (activated carbon, Smecta), dissolve it in water and give a cool enema. Its volume depends on the age of the patient:

  • 1-2 years - 70 ml;
  • 2-3 years - 140 ml;
  • 3-4 years - 200 ml;
  • over 4 years 250-300 ml.

In case of poisoning, the child must fast for the first 24 hours. This is very difficult for mom, but you need to remember that if you put stress on your stomach, all the acute symptoms will return. In addition, it is advisable that the baby observe bed rest.

Treatment of food poisoning

How to treat poisoning? After all, all of the above will only help alleviate the child’s condition, but will not eliminate the main cause.

Treatment requires drug therapy, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, it consists of taking medications such as:

  • sorbents;
  • probiotics;
  • products containing enzymes;
  • antibiotics;
  • electrolyte solutions.

As mentioned above, sorbents are the first medicine that should be given to a patient with food poisoning. The drug can be absolutely anything, the main thing is to determine the required age dose. Sorbents bind toxins and remove them from the body without harm to health, so the sooner the child starts drinking them, the fewer toxins will enter the bloodstream.

Special solutions will help restore the fluid level; they can be purchased at any pharmacy. The most popular solution is Regidron; it must be diluted in boiled water and given to the child several times a day, as well as after each attack of vomiting or diarrhea. If you give the entire portion at once, the taken solution may provoke another attack of vomiting.

If it is not possible to purchase a solution, children often get poisoned on vacation, you can prepare its analogue. The product is slightly less effective, but its components are always at hand. Required:

  • 1 liter of cold boiled water;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

This solution can also be given in case of fever due to infectious diseases.

After the symptoms go away, it is necessary to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This will require probiotics (Linex, Yogurt) and preparations containing enzymes, for example Creon (to improve digestion). They will restore the intestinal microflora, reduce pain symptoms, and speed up recovery. They are used both for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal disorders.

Only a doctor can decide whether a child needs antibiotics. prescribed in case of intestinal infection.

If a child is poisoned, it is advisable to stop vomiting if it recurs. This will prevent dehydration. As a rule, pediatricians recommend the drug Domrid. But you can take it only after consulting a doctor.

Antidiarrheal medications will help relieve severe diarrhea. 1 tablet of Loperamide will significantly improve the child’s condition. Also suitable are drugs such as Enterofuril or Nifuroxazide. But we must remember that uncontrolled use of antidiarrheal medications will do more harm than good.


You can speed up your recovery if you supplement treatment at home with traditional medicine recipes, but only with the permission of your doctor. The most common of them is a decoction of rice or oatmeal.

Rice water combats both diarrhea and vomiting. You will need 1 part rice and 5 parts hot water. The cereal needs to be poured and put on fire, after boiling the product is boiled for 2-5 minutes, filtered and taken several times a day.

To prepare a decoction of oatmeal, you need 2 tbsp. l. Pour hot water over the flakes and cook for at least 5 minutes. Take the medicine in the same way as rice water.

A medicinal decoction of chamomile and marigold, 1 tsp, will also help. mixture of herbs per 1 liter of water.

For poisoning with meat or fish, an effective remedy is cinnamon tea; add 2-3 sticks of bark to water and bring to a boil. After 5 minutes, remove the product from the heat and filter. Take 1 glass twice a day.

Alteyka helps not only with coughs. In case of food poisoning, 2 tsp is needed. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the root and leave for 30 minutes. Take the product 1 tsp. 4 times a day, you can add a little honey.

Diet for food poisoning

As a result of the ingress of toxins, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines becomes inflamed, and the pancreas and liver are subjected to severe stress. Therefore, nutrition should be as gentle as possible.

On the first day after poisoning, you must completely abstain from food. The child can only drink. The exception is children under one year old; they need food within 3-4 hours after the acute symptoms disappear. But you can only give breast milk (if the mother did not consume a toxic product) or an adapted milk formula.

Important! A day after the condition has returned to normal, the child should eat. When fasting for more than 2 days, the only possible option is hospitalization and artificial feeding through a tube.

Diet rules after food poisoning:

  • all food must be ground;
  • you need to eat in small portions;
  • eating 5-6 times a day;
  • food should be boiled, stewed or steamed.

In cases of mild poisoning, the baby may feel great already on day 2, but it is necessary to adhere to it for at least 5-7 days.

What to give a child if poisoned? For children over one year old, porridge cooked in water is suitable; it is better to give preference to rice, oatmeal or buckwheat. You can offer mashed potatoes without butter and milk, as well as puree soup with water. Broths should be excluded for the entire duration of the diet.

On the third day, you can offer your child some cottage cheese or low-fat kefir, baked apples, and sweet crackers. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Meat dishes are allowed for the baby no earlier than the 4th day. Rabbit, turkey and lean fish are suitable.

After poisoning, it is prohibited to eat foods such as:

  • smoked, pickled and spicy;
  • juices, raw vegetables and fruits;
  • fatty or fried;
  • canned food;
  • sweets;
  • fresh bakery.

During the recovery period of the gastrointestinal tract, food should be mainly vegetarian, since animal products are much more difficult to digest.

Poisoning and vomiting in a child under 3 years of age occurs at home. Older children can become poisoned while attending preschool and school institutions.

The most common cause of poisoning is food poisoning. All children's age categories are susceptible to it. In second place is gas poisoning, which is the most dangerous. Another cause of poisoning, especially among children in the first 2 years of life, is medications and household chemicals.

Food poisoning

The cause of food poisoning is poor quality food. Food is potentially dangerous if:

  • violation of sanitary standards and rules for storing prepared dishes;
  • improper heat treatment of products;
  • experiments with new cooking technologies;
  • consumption of exotic foods and dishes.

Symptoms of food intoxication

The main signs of food poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ache.

They occur within 48 hours after eating poor quality food. If the symptoms do not appear acutely, and the child’s overall health is satisfactory, then the toxic infection can be dealt with independently at home. But it is impossible to predict the development of a child’s reaction to poisoning. Therefore, the first thing to do in case of food poisoning and vomiting is to call a doctor at home, even when the child feels relatively normal.

You should urgently call an ambulance if the main symptoms are accompanied by the following conditions:

  • body temperature rises above 37.5;
  • the child does not want or cannot drink a lot of fluid, which is necessary to remove poison from the body;
  • vomits repeatedly;
  • relief does not occur two days after poisoning;
  • children under three years of age;
  • there is severe muscle weakness;
  • yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes develops (a sign of toxic liver damage);
  • a rash appears on the child’s skin;
  • blood impurities in stool or vomit (scarlet blood in stool, coffee-ground color in stomach contents due to contact with hydrochloric acid);
  • dark, rich color of urine or its complete absence for 6 hours;
  • mass poisoning ─ several family members fell ill.

Attention! If a child experiences symptoms of damage to the nervous system against the background of vomiting - double vision, problems with swallowing, confused speech - then these are signs of a dangerous infectious disease - botulism. The causative agent of the disease lives in canned food. When it enters the body, it affects nerve trunks and neurons. The disease is severe and requires immediate hospitalization. There is only one treatment method - the introduction of a specific serum.

How to help a child

If a child is poisoned by poor-quality food, you need to know what to do and how to give him first aid.

If no more than 30 minutes have passed from the moment of eating until symptoms of poisoning appear, you need to induce vomiting. The child must first be given something to drink. You can give him two glasses of water or milk. Then place the child in vertical position, ask him to open his mouth and press with two fingers on the root of the tongue (you can use a spoon).

Important! In children under 4 years of age, inducing artificial vomiting is dangerous; the contents of the stomach can enter the respiratory tract.

If vomiting does not appear, give activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight. It neutralizes poisons that enter the intestines. Toxic substances that have already entered the blood are excreted by the kidneys in the urine.

During this period, it is necessary to stop taking any food and provide the child sufficient quantity drinking. The more liquid, the safer it is for the body.

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61 years old

The ideal option for intoxication is oral rehydration agents - drugs that replenish fluid loss in the body. In case of poisoning, they help the body remove toxins. Available in the form of solutions or powders for their preparation. The composition of the drugs is clearly regulated by WHO, they are safe for children of all ages, have no side effects and should be in the home medicine cabinet. At home, a solution is prepared for oral administration (drinking); in a hospital setting, it is administered intravenously.

For the fastest possible effect, the liquid must be equal to body temperature, to be absorbed into the blood as quickly as possible. In case of food poisoning, you need to drink often and in small sips. You cannot drink compotes, fruit drinks, or carbonated drinks. If a child categorically refuses to drink, you need to try to convince him by any means. As a last resort, give him the drink he agrees to drink: tea, juice (after diluting it with water).

If the child is 3 years old or younger, fluid deficiency in case of poisoning is dangerous. Kidney dysfunction occurs when urine with a high concentration of toxins can kill the kidney.

If the condition worsens, urgent hospitalization in the infectious diseases department is required, followed by drug treatment.

Prevention of food poisoning

Wash your hands thoroughly before each meal. The soap should be in contact with the skin for at least 30 seconds.

Rules for preparing and storing food:

  • careful heat treatment, adherence to cooking technologies;
  • storage in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 5 °C, in the freezer ─ at -15 °C;
  • Products should be kept at room temperature for no more than two hours in winter, one hour in summer;
  • cross contamination ─ contact between raw and finished products.

Young children can instinctively sense that food is of poor quality, for example, the smell or taste is not the same as always. The sensitivity of their receptors is higher than that of adults. If a child refuses his favorite dish, you should not force him to eat.

Gas poisoning

At home, children are poisoned by carbon monoxide or natural gas. This occurs as a result of violation of the rules of operation of stoves, boilers, and gas stoves. And also in cases where small children are left unattended. Such poisonings include nicotine smoke.

Mechanism of carbon monoxide poisoning, symptoms

Hemoglobin contained in the blood is a carrier of gases. It easily attaches oxygen molecules (O2) to itself in the lungs, delivers them to the cells, and from there removes carbon dioxide molecules and is released from them in the lungs. When carbon monoxide (CO) enters the body, it binds tightly to hemoglobin. This connection lasts 10-15 hours. Oxygen starvation occurs in the body.

Symptoms of gas poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • lack of coordination.

If a child has severe gas poisoning, he will be unconscious.

Important! When hemoglobin interacts with carbon monoxide, erythrocytes (red blood cells) become stained pink color. A person's skin turns pink and becomes ruddy. This condition is mistaken for improvement, although it indicates the opposite. Respiratory or cardiac arrest may occur at any moment.

Rendering emergency care begins with ensuring access to oxygen in the room in which the child is located. Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open the front door wide and prop it open.
  2. Stop the gas supply (close the valve on the gas stove or other installations).
  3. Open all windows in the room.
  4. Take the child out into the fresh air and place him in safe posture on the side in case of vomiting.

Call an ambulance, do not leave the victim and constantly monitor his breathing. In case of cardiac arrest, begin resuscitation measures: chest compressions and artificial ventilation.

In a hospital, treatment consists of providing the body with oxygen for the period during which the connection of hemoglobin with carbon monoxide lasts. The child is connected to a ventilator with a continuous supply of O2.

Nicotine poisoning

The lethal dose of nicotine for children is 1 g per 1 kg of weight. If you go into a child's room immediately after smoking, this is enough to poison the child.

Attention! Cigarette smoke─ one of the causes of sudden death of infants.

The danger when a child inhales nicotine is less than when tobacco enters the stomach. Scattered cigarettes, anti-nicotine patches and chewing gum, e-cigarette liquid ─ all these items are of keen interest to children who are three years old or younger. The negligent attitude of parents creates a direct threat to their health.

Nicotine in small doses is a stimulant. In large doses, it depresses the functioning of the respiratory center and cardiovascular system, irritates the vomiting center of the brain, causing severe repeated vomiting.

Providing assistance when inhaling nicotine ─ block access to it, ventilate the room, increase air circulation by creating a draft. If nicotine gets inside ─ hospitalization.

Vomiting in children is the first signal of poisoning. Providing timely and correct first aid alleviates the general condition, prevents the development of complications, accelerates the process of treatment and recovery.