Red, bloodshot eyes. Taking medications for red eyes

This general concept, characterized by the penetration of blood from the vessel into the membrane and environment of the eye. This is not the norm. This pathology can be caused by many reasons. Serious complications include lens displacement, retinal detachment and complete loss of vision. Let’s take a closer look at how to prevent complications.

Bleeding in the eye: what is it?

Eye bleeding or subconjunctival hemorrhage - this means that the eye is filled with blood, mainly in the front part eyeball.

The external manifestations are: redness of the eye, blood accumulates in the front part between the colored iris and transparent cornea.

Why is the eye filled with blood? A common cause is damage to a blood vessel after a blow or something sharp entering the eye.

The eye is filled with blood: reasons

The causes of blood leaking into the eye can be expressed in pathological serious diseases. This includes eye cancer, diseases blood vessels and inflammation internal parts eyes.

Why does blood get into the eye? Will consider common reasons:

  • Damage to a blood vessel.
  • A scratch on the cornea or a speck - for these reasons, characteristic redness and pain appear. If a foreign object gets into the eye and scratches the cornea, then discomfort occurs. Perhaps there is redness in the eye for this reason. Antibiotic eye drops will reduce the risk of infection.
  • Inflammation of the iris - iritis - is a disease associated with the body's immune system.
  • The choroid of the eye is inflamed - uveitis - a disease characterizing pathological changes in immunity. The eyes are quite sensitive to light, and the image is blurry. An accompanying symptom is headache.
  • Acute glaucoma is a serious eye disease characterized by a sharp increase in eye pressure. Severe redness, pain, deterioration of visual focus - typical symptoms.
  • Corneal ulcers can be caused by bacterial or viral infections. The disease causes blood to appear in the eye. He becomes sensitive to light. Constant sensation Bacterial sores are common in people who wear contact lenses.
  • Eye injury.
  • Increase blood pressure.
  • After taking blood thinners.
  • For a blood clotting disorder.
  • After eye surgery (including laser correction vision).
  • Dry eyes.
  • When vision deteriorates.

In rare cases, a condition where the eye is filled with blood occurs during pregnancy. However, in this case there is no need to sound the alarm. After the birth everything will pass. It is necessary to consider each of the reasons in more detail.

Damaged blood vessel

Enough common reason, along which the eye is filled with blood. There are many negative factors that provoke damage to blood vessels in the eyes, namely:

  • At severe sneezing or vomiting, blood vessels may rupture.
  • With heavy physical activity (lifting weights), rupture of the blood vessels in the eye is observed due to increased blood pressure.
  • In case of eye injury.
  • When wearing contact lenses. They can cause irritation and rubbing of the eyes. Therefore, eye bleeding is provoked.
  • Various infections in the eye.
  • For diabetes or blood clotting problems.
  • After the postponed severe stress and high blood pressure.

A blood vessel in the eye can become damaged after taking medications that affect blood flow.

Even the familiar aspirin in large doses can cause similar effect.


This condition is also called scleral hemorrhage. In medical terms, this is a subconjunctival hemorrhage. In this condition, the white of the eye is filled with blood: blood accumulates between the thin outer membrane of the eye and the white. People simply say: “a vessel burst.” Indeed, this is the first reason why the eye becomes bloodshot.

There are other negative factors:

  • direct traumatic blow to the eyeball: friction, impact, sudden jump barometric pressure, foreign matter entering the eye and due to chemical exposure;
  • increased arterial and venous pressure: sneezing, coughing, physical exercise, bending, pushing during childbirth, tension during constipation, intense crying in the child;
  • reduced level blood clotting: congenital and acquired hemophilia, use medical supplies antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants (aspirin, Heparin, Plavix, etc.);
  • infectious diseases(hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, leptospirosis);
  • fragility increases in blood vessels due to diabetes mellitus, atherosclerotic disease, deficiency of vitamins C and K, systemic connective tissue diseases (autoimmune vasculitis);
  • after surgical intervention into the organ of vision.

All symptomatic signs appear externally as a blood-red defective spot on the white membrane. Gradually the color does not change, but only becomes lighter until it disappears completely. Rarely, the phenomenon is accompanied by the discomfort of a feeling of the presence of a foreign body, itching.

You can speed up the disappearance and resorption of this hemorrhage.

Method 1: if the hemorrhage increases in size, then it is effective to use eye vasoconstrictor drops(“Vizin”, “Naphthyzin”).

Method 2: will help speed up resorption eye drops"Potassium iodide".

A single hemorrhage usually occurs without inflammation. The following symptoms may occur: “floaters” before the eyes, decreased focus of vision. If the hemorrhages are constant, then this is an alarming signal about a serious disease of the eye or the body in particular. It is necessary to urgently contact a specialist for diagnosis possible pathology.


The anterior chamber of the eye is the area between the cornea (the clear convex lens of the eye) and the iris (the disk with the pupil in the center that gives the eye its unique color) with the lens ( clear lens behind the pupil). Normal condition when this area is filled with clear liquid. The appearance of blood leads to hyphema or hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye.

The reasons for the appearance of this condition of the organ of vision can be different, even sometimes unrelated to each other. Conventionally, experts divide the reasons into three groups:

1. Trauma is a common cause.

  • Penetrating trauma - eye damage sharp object, less often from the action of a blunt object. The internal contents of the eyeball and the environment are damaged.
  • Non-penetrating injury - the integrity of the internal structure of the eye is destroyed. This leads to hemorrhage of the eye into the anterior chamber. Most often the cause is the result of impact with a blunt object.
  • All types of surgery on the organs of vision are accompanied by hyphema.

2. Diseases of the eyeball are usually accompanied by the formation of new defective vessels inside the eye. These vessels have defects in their structure, so the risk of their fragility increases. Usually this condition is a consequence of the following reasons:

3. Diseases of the body in particular:

  • for chronic alcohol and drug intoxication;
  • in case of blood clotting disorders;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • for systemic connective tissue diseases.

Hyphema can be divided into four stages of damage:

  • 1st degree: visually the anterior chamber of the eye is one third;
  • 2nd degree: blood fills the anterior chamber of the eye to half;
  • 3rd degree: the chamber of the eye is filled with blood more than half;
  • 4th degree: completely filled with blood, “black eye” condition.

This classification is more than conditional.

The degree of hyphema damage is determined by symptoms:

  • visual determination of blood fullness of the anterior chamber of the eye;
  • visual acuity decreases (especially in a lying position);
  • fear bright light;
  • painful sensations.

Diagnosis of the disease consists of visual examination, tonometry (measurement intraocular pressure), visometry (establishing visual acuity), biomicroscopy ( instrumental method using a special microscope).

Blood poured into the retina

Behind the vitreous body of the eye there is a retina. It is responsible for the perception of light. Behind it is the choroid, in which there are blood vessels.

The manifestation of bleeding into the retina boils down to the fact that visual acuity, sometimes a certain field of vision, sharply decreases. Usually no pain or discomfort is felt.

Retinal hemorrhages are classified into three degrees:

  • at mild degree noticeable slight swelling the cornea or retina of the eye, the tissue is not damaged;
  • in moderate cases, swelling occurs with damage to the tissue of the eyeball;
  • in severe cases, the retina and its blood vessels are torn; the lens is often damaged; severe degrees can lead to complete loss of vision.

In case of frequent relapses, it is necessary to treat specialized hospital. A surgical method of intervention is often used - laser coagulation.

The eye was filled with blood after the blow: first aid

A blow to the eye most often provokes hemorrhage. If the eye is filled with blood, first aid should be provided immediately. First of all, it is necessary to characterize the injury:

Providing first aid for an eye injury should be as careful as possible. Because it can cause harm. Anti-inflammatory therapy reduces the likelihood of complications.

What not to do if a squirrel is swimming in blood

First aid must be provided, but carefully. You need to know what is contraindicated to do in case of eye injury:

  1. Do not rub or put pressure on the injured eye. Otherwise, the condition may only get worse.
  2. If a foreign body gets into the eye, you cannot remove it yourself. It is better to have this done by a qualified specialist.
  3. If the eye injury is penetrating, then you cannot rinse it with running water. Otherwise, you can get a dangerous infection in your eye.
  4. Do not use cotton wool when bandaging. Its villi will aggravate the condition.

When providing first aid at home, the main thing is to do no harm.


The eye is filled with blood: what to do? After first aid has been provided, you must consult a doctor for a thorough examination. Diagnosis is carried out with an ultrasound machine or using a special mirror. This way the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the injured eye.

If the wound is penetrating, the doctor will order an x-ray to make sure that there are no foreign body particles left in the eyeball. After which the doctor will definitely evaluate the condition of the optic nerve.

If the condition is not caused by injury or infection, no treatment will be required. The blood will gradually disappear on its own after a couple of days. To speed up this process, doctors prescribe artificial tear eye drops. It is recommended to apply eye drops up to 5-6 times a day.

Typically treatment includes the following diagnostics:

  • complete blood count to determine the number of platelets in it;
  • blood chemistry to measure total protein;
  • assessment of blood clotting - coagulopathy test;
  • blood pressure;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • X-ray of the chest and abdominal cavities.

An ultrasound of the front of the eye is prescribed to examine the condition of the retina. Confirm or exclude possible detachment, as well as diagnose the presence of neoplasms and hemorrhage.

Depending on the nature of the disease, the following drugs are prescribed:

In many ways, the result of treatment will depend on how competently first aid was provided. What to do if the white of the eye is stained with blood? Contact a specialist immediately. If treatment is carried out in a timely manner, it can be avoided serious consequences. Otherwise, vision will deteriorate or may disappear altogether. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. In case of severe eye injury, call an ambulance.

A bloody eye, when the whites are completely or partially covered in blood, was probably seen in the mirror by most people and, most likely, they were frightened at the sight of this sight. Hemorrhages are conditions when blood vessels rupture. The eyes bleed at this time. A hematoma can occur anywhere. Depending on where the hematomas are located, they can either not affect the visual processes at all, or partially or completely impair vision, subsequently leading to blindness.

This is something like a bruise or bloody spot, only in the eyeball. In most cases, such a “bruise” resolves over time, becoming smaller and smaller until it takes on the appearance of a thin thread and ultimately disappears completely. Thus, the engorged protein takes on its previous appearance for some time. Why this happens and whether it is dangerous will be discussed further.

Types of hematomas

Very great importance also has a place where a blood vessel ruptures with subsequent leakage of blood into the surrounding tissues and the formation of a bruise. The factor determining the location of the hematoma plays an important role in the diagnosis of the disease. The development of a further treatment plan, its correctness and effectiveness will depend on this.

The human eye consists of several sections, they have their own network of blood vessels. Accordingly, micro-ruptures of blood vessels may occur in any of the areas, when a red spot appears on the white and a characteristic hematoma.

  • Hemorrhages located under the conjunctiva.
  • Hematoma in the anterior chamber.
  • Hematoma in vitreous body.
  • In the retina.


Hyposphagma- a type of hematoma in the area between the conjunctiva and the tunica albuginea. This type of hemorrhage is also called conjunctival hemorrhage or scleral hemorrhage.


All symptoms of hyposphagma are limited to visual (visible) disturbances. Usually a person does not experience much discomfort from the appearance of this hematoma. Sometimes such a bloody stain may cause discomfort and even itching, but, most likely, the reason is not so much the true effect of the hematoma on sensations, but rather the influence of mental factors, i.e., perhaps this is self-hypnosis.

One way or another, the reasons that cause hyposphagma vary greatly, but they will be written about them a little later.


Hyphema - hematoma located in the anterior chamber. In this type of hematoma, blood vessels rupture and blood leaks into the space where the cornea and iris with the lens are located. Normally, in humans, the anterior chamber contains a completely transparent liquid. The iris is the area responsible for pigmentation, among other things.

Degrees of hyphema development

Doctors determine the degree of hyphema by how filled with blood the chamber of a person’s eye is. The eye may become filled with blood in different ways during the process of hematoma formation.

  1. The chamber of the eye is one third full.
  2. The anterior chamber is filled from a third or more.
  3. More than half is already filled. The eye is already filled to this degree.
  4. The chamber is completely filled with blood when the pupil is not visible.

This division looks quite simple, but in practice it really helps to draw up a plan for future treatment. In addition, to one degree or another it is characteristic certain symptoms. They are also differentiated.


Diagnosis of hyphema is usually simple, and even a simple visual examination is sufficient. . But for reliability, they resort to the following methods:

  • Examination of the patient.
  • Determination of pressure in the eye.
  • Establishing vigilance.
  • Microscopic examination of the eyes.


Symptoms and types

This hematoma, like most others, does not particularly show itself, and a person can detect it either visually or based on impaired visual acuity. It gets worse with to varying degrees, it all depends on the extent of the hematoma. According to this criterion, the following are distinguished:

What can be said about hemophthalmos is that with it, blood rarely penetrates into the vitreous body into both eyes at once. As a rule, only one is always affected by hemophthalmos.

Diagnosis of hemophthalmos

This type of hemorrhage is detected based on the results of an ultrasound examination and biomicroscopy. Having assessed the severity of hemophthalmos, a certain type of treatment is prescribed. Mild hemophthalmos, or partial, most often regresses on its own. Still, this disease should not be underestimated, and if you suspect hemophthalmos, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Hematoma in the retina

The retina is located just behind the vitreous. She performs essential functions perception of light transmitted from the vitreous body. When a vessel ruptures, bloody stains form in this area. Hemorrhage in this area involves the same mechanism as in the previous section: the vessels on the membrane, which is located behind the retina, are damaged.

This type is also divided into several types, only here the criterion is the localization of the hematoma and its shape on the retina.

Causes and treatment of hemorrhage in the eye

The hematomas themselves, when the eye becomes filled with blood, are not as dangerous as the reasons that caused them, since this kind of hematomas, localized in the eye area, can be a manifestation of other diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, leukemia, anemia, etc.

An ordinary blow or injury can also provoke the appearance of a hematoma in the eye area. Those who play sports or lift weights are also likely to develop a hematoma in the eye area. Various things can cause the appearance of a blood spot on the white of the eye. medications that a person takes or has taken. These drugs can include anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents that prevent blood clotting: aspirin, heparin, ticlid, dipyridamole, Plavix, etc.

The causes of a particular type of hemorrhage are varied. Let's start in order.

Causes of hyposphagma (hematoma in the sclera of the eye)

Causes of hyphema (bleeding in the anterior chamber of the eye)

The main reason for the appearance of hyphema lies in the rupture of blood vessels, which is provoked by the following factors:

  • Injuries.
  • Diseases of the eyeball.
  • Manifestations of other diseases of the body.

Injuries, in turn, can be of a different nature and are:

  • Penetrating, when a foreign body enters internal structures eyes, significantly damaging them. In these cases, the eye may even leak.
  • Non-penetrating, these cases are most often provoked by blows with blunt objects in the eye area, when there is no visible tissue damage, but there is a rupture of blood vessels inside.

Injuries include postoperative complications, When long time the patient does not experience regression.

Under diseases of the eyeball This refers to the pathological formation of new vessels, which are characterized by increased fragility, which results in their damage and the appearance of hematomas. These damages can either have a cause-and-effect background or appear out of the blue for no reason. Diseases include:

  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • blockage of veins in the retina;
  • retinal detachment and various tumors on it;
  • inflammation of the deep structures of the eye.

The reasons for the appearance of hyphema against the background of other diseases relate:

  • oncological diseases;
  • intoxication of the body, including drugs and alcohol;
  • connective tissue diseases.

Causes and treatment of hemophthalmos

The appearance of hemophthalmos may have the following reasons:

  • diabetes, when the retina of the eye is affected;
  • vascular thrombosis in the retina;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • increased blood pressure, when the eyes literally flood with blood;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Treatment of hemorrhage into the vitreous body of the eye

Treatment of hemophthalmia becomes necessary only at certain stages of its development, as a rule, as a result of the absence of visible regression or complications. The most effective and medically correct methods of treating hemophthalmia on this moment does not exist.

There are only some tips, following which will contribute to the regression of existing hemophthalmia and its prevention in the future, as well as inevitable surgical methods of combating severe hemophthalmia. The severe degree at which surgery is prescribed and hemophthalmos should be treated is characterized by the following indicators:

  • Retinal detachment or inability to determine the cause of hemorrhage in the eye.
  • Complications after an injury, when the condition of the eye does not improve for a long time.
  • Severe eye injury with the appearance of hemophthalmos caused by the penetration of foreign objects.

Such eye surgeries are called vetrectomy. They are now being held in outpatient setting. When conducting them they do not use general anesthesia, tissue incisions in these operations do not exceed half a millimeter, which is a plus for fast healing wound After surgery, patients usually have a minimal recovery period, and their vision subsequently returns quite quickly.


To prevent the occurrence of hemophthalmos, you should:

  • Avoid excessive physical activity whenever possible.
  • Take vitamins K, PP, C and B.
  • Apply potassium iodide drops.

What to do if there is bleeding in the eye

Depending on the extent of the hematoma, when the eye is swollen with blood or a small vein of blood appears, certain actions are recommended. In any case, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor to determine the true causes of hemorrhages, since in most cases, hematomas in the eye area themselves are not dangerous and usually resolve within a few days. But it is necessary to find out about the cause of the hemorrhage.

Methods traditional medicine in this case, they are not entirely appropriate, since we are talking about a very fragile organ. So the best solution would be an examination by an ophthalmologist, where he can diagnose you, establish the root cause of the hematoma, and then prescribe treatment.

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Hemorrhage is usually called accumulated blood coming out of the vessels and filling the cavity of the eyeball and its tissue. Blood in the eye, what to do? An accurate diagnosis is made by specialists - doctors working in microsurgery and ophthalmologists. Hemorrhage in the eye, the causes and treatment of which must be carried out in a timely manner, is divided into several types.

These include:

  • Hemophthalmos;
  • Hyphema;
  • Preretinal, subretinal and subconjunctival influence, called hyposphagma.

TO primary signs phenomena include cluster headache and the appearance of a characteristic spot, swelling under the eye, which impairs vision.

This pathology will not affect vision, but will reduce its sharpness. Complications are possible if the eyes are regularly filled with blood.

Causes of bruising

Many people are interested in what causes hemorrhage in the eye area. Often glasses are replaced with lenses, which, if chosen incorrectly, can cause bruising. At such a moment, mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, and the corresponding symptoms appear.

A person has a feeling of sand in the eye, but small vessels are injured. The bruising will disappear without treatment if you do not use lenses for a certain period of time, and then choose the appropriate option so that the phenomenon does not appear again.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body is susceptible to heavy loads which can lead to rupture of small blood vessels in the eyes. Over time, they disappear without the intervention of specialists. Why does it flood, pressure or other factors? Sports and heavy physical labor may cause an unpleasant phenomenon. In order for the smudges to disappear, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of stress on the body.

With long and frequent air travel, eye pressure changes, which negatively affects blood vessels. They are damaged, causing hemorrhage, which disappears in a few days without treatment.

Another reason that the eyes bleed is a strained cough caused by an infection or allergy. The small red dot in the eye will disappear with treatment of the underlying disease.

Bleeding eyes can terrify a person, but it’s worth calming down and understanding the cause of the phenomenon. In most cases, the problem occurs with a head injury, after a blow to the head and torso area.

A hematoma of the eyeball is formed due to the rupture of small capillaries, which is not uncommon during sudden temperature fluctuations, unfavorable weather conditions, chronic lack of sleep, eye strain, bad habits, foreign body entry and uncontrolled use of drugs that affect blood clotting.

If one of these factors occurs, you may notice a blood clot in the eye.

This list of reasons is classified as harmless manifestations, indicating that it is necessary to change your lifestyle. Regular flooding of the eye with blood leads to the development of blood clots in the retina. If the problem goes away for a long time, then some may mistake it for pronounced blood vessels in the eyes. This judgment is wrong.

Attention! Injury is not the only cause of hemorrhage in the eye in an adult. Diseases and pathologies of organs can lead to bruising.

The main cause of hemorrhage is considered to be poor circulation and low level blood clotting. Over time, blood vessels lose their elasticity and become brittle, That's why blood will get in into the sclera of the eye. Treatment for this phenomenon is much higher than for a regular bruise. When the eye is bleeding, this is not uncommon in complicated diabetes mellitus, hypertension, endarteritis and atherosclerosis.

This problem may be caused inflammatory processes in the eye.

With inflammation of the main choroid, iris, iritis and uveitis, the blood supply is disrupted and blood appears in the eye. In a person with myopia, cracks appear in the blood vessels of the eyes, which lead to the eye being filled with blood. It occurs after the birth of a child, due to coughing and physical work.

Rare pathologies include tumors of various etiologies. They lead to an increase in blood pressure, which provokes rupture of blood vessels. A decrease in the number of platelets and the occurrence of anemia became one of the rare reasons why the eye became swollen with blood.

The appearance of such a problem in the eyeball should not go unnoticed. It is recommended to immediately contact a specialist who will pick up effective technique treatment. In this case, the doctor takes into account all factors, especially the size of the lesion. The severity of the phenomenon is divided into small, medium and strong.

Attention! Minor to moderate bruising can be treated, but severe bruising causes vision loss that in many cases cannot be restored.


The localization of blood accumulation is different, so they distinguish main affected areas:

  • Eye socket. The orbital cavity fills with blood due to contusion of the orbit of the eye resulting from vasculitis or blood diseases. The problem is accompanied by partial loss of vision, bulging eyes, forward displacement of the eyeball, and limited mobility of the organ. Bloodshot eyes indicate a fracture of the base of the skull if the bruise resembles the shape of glasses.
  • Anterior chamber of the eye. With hyphema, a red formation with smooth edges appears. The blood spreads to the entire cavity of the eye chamber, or covers the bottom. There is no loss of vision, and the bloody smear will disappear over time.
  • Retina. Blood accumulation leads to blurring of the contours of objects, which makes it difficult to recognize objects. A phenomenon that affects the retina is accompanied by a headache in the temple area of ​​the affected eye. At the same time, a bloody veil appears before the eyes.
  • Vitreous body. Hemophthalmos is a brown formation that is located behind the lens. This occurs due to injury to blood vessels without affecting the lens. With complete hemophthalmia, vision is lost. Partial vision loss is often caused by retinal detachment or atrophy of the eyeball.

Hemorrhage is observed when the walls of the eye vessels are thin and fragile, and the elasticity of the tissue is lost. Bruising on the white indicates damage.

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Healing procedures

If a bruise is detected in the eye you should visit a doctor immediately, as long-term and serious treatment may be required. If the eye becomes bloodshot or there is minor bleeding without painful sensations, then special drops are used for hemorrhage to relieve redness.

The following pharmaceutical preparations are usually used:

  • Octilia;
  • Naphthyzine;
  • Visin;
  • Okumetil.

Eye drops for hemorrhage have a vasoconstrictor effect and prevent the release of blood. They are often used to reduce intense redness.

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Folk remedies

How to treat a bruise at home? Treatment of hemorrhage in the eye must be done carefully. Among the main methods are the use of ice, compresses from herbal infusions, brewing tea or juice of house plants.

Bruising is treated:

  1. Strong tea compress. The brew must be strong. After it has cooled, a cotton ball is soaked in it, wrapped in a bandage and applied to the eye for a quarter of an hour. This will help remove redness.
  2. Chamomile compress. At 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers you will need a glass of boiling water. The mixture needs to brew and cool. The infusion is filtered. Further actions carried out in the same way as in point No. 1.
  3. Cottage cheese lotion. A teaspoon of the product is placed in a bandage or a piece of natural fabric and applied to the eye that is bleeding.
  4. Cabbage juice or cabbage lotion. The cabbage leaf is crushed to a puree consistency. The pulp is placed in a cloth and applied to the eye. Fresh cabbage juice has a similar effect, eliminating a red spot in the eye.

All procedures should be carried out several times a day until the intraocular condition of the victim improves. Vitamin C will help increase the elasticity of blood vessels. To do this, it is enough to consume complex vitamin preparations containing vitamins P and C, ascorutin and ascorbic acid.

Attention! IN summer period people suffering from vascular permeability should eat fruits, vegetables, berries, and in winter - sauerkraut and citrus fruits.

Bleeding from the eyes is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a cause for concern. Treatment must be timely, and not only folk remedies. Vitamins, medicines, drops, surgical methods eliminate both the phenomenon itself and its consequences.

Article publication date: 04/08/2017

Article updated date: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: what a hemorrhage in the eye can be, the reasons for its occurrence, symptoms and diagnostic methods, what to do in this situation.

Hemorrhage is the release of blood outside the blood vessels. It can occur in any human organ, including the eyeball.

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Pathology can develop in different structures of the eye, so there are 4 types:

  1. Hyphema.
  2. Subconjunctival.
  3. Hemorrhage into the mucous body.
  4. Retinal hemorrhage.

Depending on the location and size, hemorrhage in the eye may not pose any danger, or it may cause complete loss of vision.

Each of these types has its own characteristic symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment. Ophthalmologists deal with all types of hemorrhage.

1. Hyphema

Hyphema is a collection of blood inside the anterior chamber of the eyeball, which is located between the cornea (the clear layer of the eye above the pupil) and the iris (the colored part of the eye). Blood can block the iris and pupil completely or partially, affecting vision.

Hyphema can occur due to eye injury, after ophthalmic surgery.

The diagnosis is made by an ophthalmologist based on the symptoms of the disease. The doctor also determines visual acuity, intraocular pressure and examines the internal structure of the eye. In some cases, the ophthalmologist prescribes a computed tomography scan of the orbit and eyeball.

Based on suspected causes of hyphema and results ophthalmological examination, the doctor may prescribe:

  • wearing a protective eye patch;
  • reduction in physical activity and bed rest;
  • elevated position of the head in bed.

If hyphema is present, stop taking aspirin and other blood thinning drugs. If hemorrhage increases intraocular pressure, it can lead to glaucoma or corneal damage. In such cases, surgical or conservative treatment eye drops.

2. Subconjunctival hemorrhage

Subconjunctival hemorrhage in the eye is similar to a normal bruise on the skin. It appears as one red spot or many red spots on the sclera (the white part of the eyeball). This redness is blood released from the vessels under the conjunctiva - a transparent membrane that covers the sclera and inner surface century

Conjunctiva contains a large number of tiny blood vessels that can rupture and cause bleeding.

Although the presence of subconjunctival hemorrhage can be frightening for a person, it almost never poses a serious threat to health or vision, and often does not even cause any symptoms. You can find it by looking in the mirror. With such hemorrhage in the eye, treatment in most cases is not necessary. Over time, the blood stain will slowly disappear on its own, a process that may take several days or weeks, depending on its size. In case of eye irritation, the ophthalmologist may prescribe artificial tear drops.

3. Hemorrhage into the mucosal body

The corpus mucus is a clear, gel-like substance at the back of the eyeball located behind the lens. It helps maintain the shape of the eye and also transmits light from the pupil to the retina. Sometimes patients develop hemorrhage into the corpus mucosa.

The mucous body itself does not have a blood supply, so blood enters it when the retinal vessels rupture. The most common causes of this hemorrhage in the eye are:

  • the presence of pathological retinal vessels in diabetic retinopathy;
  • detachment of the mucous body from the retina;
  • eye injury;
  • damage to retinal vessels due to hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • eyeball tumors;
  • ophthalmic surgical interventions.

Symptoms of small hemorrhages include dots, cobwebs, haze, and shadows in the field of vision. All items may have a reddish tint. Most often, hemorrhage into the mucous membrane develops in one eye. In more severe cases, the patient experiences blurred vision, or even complete loss of vision.

This hemorrhage in the eye is diagnosed by an ophthalmologist who performs:

  1. Examination of the eye using a slit lamp after pupil dilation.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the eyeball.

Sometimes to identify the cause of pathology it is necessary laboratory examination blood (for diagnosing diabetes), computed tomography of the eyeball and orbit.

Treatment of hemorrhage into the mucous membrane depends on its causes. It is aimed at:

  • searching for the source of bleeding;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • Repairing retinal damage before it leads to permanent vision loss;
  • restoration of normal vision.

After identifying the source of hemorrhage, specific treatment. If there is not a lot of blood in the slimy body, and its source can be seen, a cure is possible. Laser coagulation of the bleeding vessel and restoration of retinal damage are performed. After this, it takes time for the blood to resolve, this takes several weeks. Strenuous activities should be avoided during this time as this may cause new bleeding. You need to sleep with the head end of the bed raised, which allows blood to settle in the mucosal body into the lower part of the eyeball, outside the line of vision.

If the blood in the corpus mucosa completely obscures the view and interferes with treatment, first a vitrectomy (surgery to remove the corpus mucosa) is performed and then the bleeding is stopped. After a vitrectomy, silicone fluid is injected into the eyeball to hold the retina in place.

4. Retinal hemorrhage

The retina is a light-sensitive layer of cells located on back wall eyeball. These cells perceive photons of light and convert them into nerve impulses that are transmitted to the brain. The retina is rich in blood vessels that can rupture and cause bleeding.

Causes of retinal hemorrhage in adults Causes of retinal hemorrhage in children
Diabetes Shaken Baby Syndrome - Damage various organs due to shaking or shaking of the child’s body
High blood pressure Child abuse
Anemia Retinopathy of prematurity occurs in premature babies with low body weight. Underdeveloped retinal vessels may be weak and easily damaged and bleed
Aneurysms (dilation, stretching) of retinal vessels
Damage to the eyeball
Traumatic brain injury
Rapid change in atmospheric pressure (for example, when quickly ascending from great depths)

This bleeding in the eye is usually diagnosed by an ophthalmologist who performs an ophthalmoscopy (examination of the fundus of the eye), ultrasound examination and angiography of retinal vessels. During angiography, a contrast agent is injected intravenously into the patient, after which the doctor uses a special instrument to examine the retinal vessels.

The causes and treatment of pathology are closely interrelated. The choice of treatment depends on the cause and severity of the hemorrhage in the eye. In many cases, with moderate severity and no causal relationship with chronic diseases the blood can resolve on its own, without any treatment. The following methods are used:

  • Laser photocoagulation is the cauterization of affected and pathological vessels using a laser. This method is used to repair retinal damage.
  • Injections of drugs that interrupt the growth of pathological blood vessels in the retina. They are most often used in patients with diabetes, in addition to laser photocoagulation.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for the pathology depends on its type and cause. For example, subconjunctival hemorrhage and hyphema have a favorable outcome and have little or no long-term impact on vision. Bleeding in the corpus mucosa or retina caused by diabetes mellitus or hypertension, can cause severe deterioration or complete loss of vision.

To reduce the risk of developing hemorrhages in the eyeball:

  • avoid traumatic eye injury;
  • control blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus;
  • normalize blood pressure in case of hypertension;
  • regularly undergo preventive examinations with an ophthalmologist, especially if you have risk factors;
  • do not smoke.

The human eye is considered one of the most vulnerable organs in the body. Alone ophthalmological pathologies read more than 800. Diseases of the organs of vision cause great discomfort, disrupt the usual rhythm of life and in some cases even cause blindness.

One of the common problems with which patients turn to an ophthalmologist is hemorrhage in the eye. What it is? Why do bloody spots appear on the eyeball and what to do about it?

General information

The organs of vision are fed by a large number of blood vessels, which are usually invisible. But when certain visual impairment the capillaries burst, which is why the red spot appears.

Hemorrhage in the eye is the release of blood from the blood vessels, against which large red spots or bloody streaks on a squirrel. Trauma vascular system eyes can be provoked by an ophthalmological disease or mechanical impact.

For some people, this phenomenon can persist throughout their lives, without causing any discomfort or pain. If redness is a manifestation of some pathology, then over time it will cause vision deterioration.

Hemorrhages occur in various elements visual apparatus: retina, orbit, vitreous body or anterior chamber of the eye. The causes of this unpleasant symptom can be very different, and accordingly, the approach to treatment will also differ. Ophthalmologists and microsurgeons can accurately diagnose the problem.

Provoking factors

The main cause of eye hemorrhage is considered to be trauma, or contusion. This includes not only mechanical impact directly on the organ of vision itself, but also damage to the head and other parts of the body. Experts distinguish three degrees of severity of concussion. With slight damage there is no threat of loss visual function.

Moderate contusion is characterized by damage to the structures of the eye and a slight decrease in the quality of vision. Lost in case of severe injury functional activity eyeball. IN visual organ irreversible consequences occur.

In adults

The appearance of blood in the eye can also be a consequence various pathologies, which negatively affect the blood supply and the walls of blood vessels. These include:

  • Atherosclerosis, hypertension. These diseases cause narrowing of the arteries and dilation of the veins. The formation of atherosclerotic plaques reduces the elasticity of blood vessels and makes their walls fragile.
  • Diabetes. Thinning of the retinal vessels occurs.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Dry eye syndrome.
  • Allergy.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Ophthalmic neoplasms. Tumors compress blood vessels.
  • Myopia. Microcracks appear on the choroid of the eye.

Strenuous exercise can also cause bruising (hemorrhage). This includes strong pushing in women in labor, lifting heavy objects, persistent cough. Diving at great depths can also cause damage to the blood vessels in the eye.

IMPORTANT! Alcohol abuse and smoking negatively affect the condition of the visual system.

Chlorinated water or cold air from the air conditioner. Negative Impact has an effect on the eyes ultraviolet radiation. If the eye is bloodshot after working at the computer for a long time, then it’s all about visual overload. With concussion, the eyes become swollen and swollen. On skin A hematoma appears around or under the eye.

In children

Both newborns and older children are susceptible to this pathology. Babies cannot explain what is bothering them, making diagnosis difficult. Older children may complain of fatigue, a feeling of sand in the eye, and discomfort in the eyelid area. In newborns, hemorrhage often appears in two organs of vision at once.

In most cases, the cause of bruising is related to the fragility of the capillaries in the eyeball. The vessel may burst after childbirth or during intense crying. Prolonged labor, improper breathing of a woman during childbirth, as well as the use of forceps or a vacuum can provoke capillary rupture.

Hemorrhage in the eye of a newborn does not require treatment. The unpleasant phenomenon goes away on its own during the first month of the baby’s life. The exception is situations where there is mechanical damage during childbirth. Your doctor can tell you if treatment is necessary.

Visible in the photo main feature burst vessel - red spot

In children after a year, bleeding in the eyes is associated with slightly different reasons. Hematoma is most often the result of such factors:

  • injury;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • respiratory viral infections;
  • weather changes;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diabetes;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • dry indoor air;
  • overexertion during frequent use of gadgets.

IMPORTANT! Mechanical damage to the eyes during childbirth may be associated with the use of old methods of obstetric care or insufficient qualifications of the obstetrician.

The main sign of a burst vessel is the appearance of a red spot on the eyeball. If unpleasant symptom appeared against the background of a traumatic brain injury, the child usually complains of headaches.

If the red spot on the eye does not cause any discomfort to the child, then parents can simply observe it for several days. If after a week it has not disappeared, then it is better to consult a doctor.


Bleeding inside the eye can occur in various structures visual system. Each type of vascular injury has its own characteristics, clinical picture and treatment.

Hyphema is a hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye, located between the iris and cornea. It looks like a homogeneous formation with smooth outlines. If a person is in horizontal position, blood can spread over the entire surface of the eyeball. IN vertical position the blood usually settles.

People over forty years of age are at risk. Hyphema is extremely rare in young children. The disease is characterized by a complex course. The pathology has the ability to progress rapidly, and the absence timely treatment may result in blindness.

IMPORTANT! The main cause of hyphema in alcoholism is a blood clotting disorder.

With hyphema, visual acuity is not impaired. The exception is when the bruise covers the pupil. In this case, the eyes will be completely bloodshot. Clots usually resolve quickly (within a few days).

Hyphema can occur after a stroke or as a result of ophthalmic surgery. Other reasons can also provoke redness:

  • problems with the blood coagulation system;
  • eyeball cancer;
  • pathological vessels in the iris;
  • herpetic infection.

Patients have increased sensitivity to the light, pain and blurred vision. Treatment for bleeding in the eye may include wearing a protective bandage and keeping your head in bed with your head elevated.

Hyphema tends to recur. Repeated hemorrhage can occur as early as the second day. Large blood clots block the outflow of tear fluid, which is why another common complication is glaucoma, a dangerous disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure.

Upon discovery of this unpleasant pathology The patient is strictly prohibited from applying compresses or bandages to the visual organ. This can further aggravate the situation and lead to the penetration of a foreign body. Put accurate diagnosis and a qualified specialist can provide first aid, so you should immediately call an ambulance.

For penetrating eye injury, the patient undergoes surgery. Indication for surgical intervention is also a total hyphema. Drug therapy includes the use of corticosteroids, hemostatics, vaso-strengthening, absorbable drugs, as well as drugs to normalize intraocular pressure.

Hyphema is prone to recurrence and can cause dangerous complications


Hemophthalmos, or hemorrhage into the vitreous body of the eye, looks like a brown formation located immediately behind the lens. This structure of the visual apparatus is a gel-like transparent substance that is located behind the lens. Thanks to the work of the vitreous body, the shape of the eyeball is maintained. There is no blood supply to this structure, so blood gets there when the retina ruptures.

A number of reasons can provoke the occurrence of hemophthalmos:

  • severe bruise of the eye;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • tumors;
  • eye surgeries.

REMEMBER! The danger of hemophthalmos lies in the fact that the breakdown products of blood leaking into the eye release toxins and chemical substances, which negatively affect the condition of the organ.

Pathology can be complete or partial. In the first case, loss of vision is observed. Patients with hemophthalmia complain of flashes of light before the eyes and dark moving spots. Haze, shadows, and cobwebs may appear in your field of vision. All these items have a reddish tint.

Often hemophthalmos is unilateral. In more severe cases, blurred vision occurs, which can lead to blindness. Vision loss can occur unexpectedly. The patient can only distinguish between light and dark.

Overnight, blood settles at the back of the eye, causing blurred vision. evening time worsens, and in the morning returns to its previous state.

Therapeutic measures primarily aimed at finding the source of bleeding. After it stops, doctors focus all their efforts on restoring damage to the retina, otherwise visual function may be irretrievably lost.

If there is a small amount of blood in the vitreous body, laser coagulation of the bleeding vessel is performed. Blood resorption occurs within approximately two weeks.

Pathology occurs in five main stages:

  1. Bleeding. In just one day, enough blood enters the eye to cause a spot to appear on the eyeball.
  2. Fresh hematoma. Blood clots form at the site of the hemorrhage. This stage can last up to two days.
  3. Toxic-hemolytic process. Destruction blood clots leads to release toxic substances.
  4. Proliferative-dystrophic stage. Scar changes occur. This stage can last up to six months.
  5. Fibrosis. Due to the replacement of normal eye tissues with connective tissue, the organ becomes denser. At this stage, retinal detachment may occur, resulting in loss of vision.

Hemophthalmos can be treated as follows: inpatient conditions, and outpatient. In subtotal and total forms, urgent hospitalization to an ophthalmological hospital is indicated. Patients are prescribed eye drops to speed up the resorption of clots. As an auxiliary dressing, bandages soaked in cold water.

The most dangerous consequence of hemophthalmos is the formation of adhesions and scars, which can ultimately lead to retinal detachment and blindness. The formation of toxic breakdown products of accumulated blood is another unpleasant complication. To a greater extent, such substances are dangerous for the retina.

Subconjunctival bleeding

In this case, the blood comes out under the conjunctiva - a transparent membrane that covers the sclera and the inner surface of the eyelids. This type of hemorrhage is similar to a regular bruise on the skin. Multiple red dots or one large spot appear on the conjunctiva.

The conjunctiva is a thin membrane with fragile blood vessels

The clear membrane of the eye contains a large number of tiny blood vessels that can rupture and cause bleeding. Most often, subconjunctival hematoma is caused by coughing, sneezing, strong laughter, vomiting, sudden bending, injuries, intense physical exercise. Less commonly, the pathological process occurs for the following reasons:

  • taking blood thinning medications;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • bleeding disorders.

In older people, bleeding often occurs spontaneously. And there may not be any visible reasons. With age, the walls of blood vessels become thinner and weaker. After forty years, chronic processes develop in the body in various organs and systems.

Most often, such bleeding into the sclera of the eye does not pose a serious danger to health and visual function. The pathology does not cause any symptoms.

Minor hemorrhages resolve on their own and do not require treatment. Larger bruises resolve within two to three weeks. Massive hematological accumulations may be present for months, while the sclera retains a yellow-grayish tint.

Subretinal bleeding

Subretinal hematoma, or hemorrhage in the retina, affects medium and large vessels. In this case, the blood will get on nerve fibers. Pathology may occur against the background pathological processes in blood vessels or disorders metabolic processes. The blood supply to the retina may also be affected by atherosclerosis and increased blood pressure.

IMPORTANT! Retinal bleeding most often occurs due to blunt trauma.

Hematological accumulation most often appears on only one visual organ. The patient's visual acuity decreases and blurriness occurs. Movements of the eyeball are sharply limited. There is a grid in front of the eyes. There is a feeling of flashing flies or black dots.

To reduce swelling and inflammation, patients are prescribed glucocorticosteroid drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs will help relieve the severity clinical symptoms. To reduce pain, vascular-strengthening drops are prescribed. In severe cases, a vitrectomy is performed, a procedure during which surgeons partially remove the vitreous humor.


Treatment regimen selected after examination. It is prescribed taking into account the type of hematological accumulation and the provoking factor. Subconjunctival hemorrhage does not require therapeutic treatment. However, ophthalmologists can prescribe medications to relieve pain. If the cause of the burst vessel is an ophthalmological disease infectious nature, patients are prescribed antibiotic eye drops.

Visin drops are very popular for bleeding in the eye. The product has an anti-edematous and vasoconstrictor effect. Visine is characterized quick action and are not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Most often used for bruising caused by an allergic reaction.

One more effective means is Emoxipin. The drops activate the regeneration of the choroid of the eye. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce their fragility. Emoxipin stimulates blood circulation and provides access sufficient quantity oxygen to the vessels of the organ of vision. Under its influence, hematological accumulation is resolved into as soon as possible.

It is also worth mentioning Defislez drops, which are prescribed in combination with other drugs. The product heals damaged tissue and accelerates the process of bruising resorption. Installations are performed four to eight times a day.

Bleeding in the eye is an unpleasant symptom that most often occurs due to injury, visual fatigue, or some pathological processes in the body. Subconjunctival bruising usually goes away on its own within one to two days. The accumulation of blood in the retina or vitreous body does not resolve as quickly. In this case you will need drug therapy. In some cases, a burst vessel can cause vision loss.

Hemorrhage occurs in both adults and children. In newborns, a red spot often appears after childbirth due to mechanical damage. Treatment of this unpleasant phenomenon is carried out after identifying the provoking causes. An ophthalmologist will help remove the bruise.