Diseases and prevention of the respiratory system. Prevention of respiratory diseases and bronchial asthma

From a medical point of view, hypoxia occurs when there is insufficient oxygen supply to tissues. Summary The different causes of hypoxia can also serve as an abbreviated overview of all respiratory processes. Each item below identifies violations of one or more processes.

Systematizing them allows us to consider all these phenomena simultaneously.

I. insufficient O2 transport by blood (anoxemic hypoxia)

A. Reduced PO2:

  • 1) lack of O2 in the inhaled air;
  • 2) decreased pulmonary ventilation;
  • 3) decreased gas exchange between the alveoli and blood;
  • 4) mixing the blood of the large and small circle,

B. Normal PO2:

  • 1) decreased hemoglobin content (anemia);
  • 2) impaired ability of hemoglobin to attach O2

II. Insufficient blood transport (hypokinetic hypoxia).

A. Insufficient blood supply:

B. Impaired blood outflow;

1) blockage of certain veins;

B. Insufficient blood supply with increased demand.

III. Inability of tissue to use incoming O2

(histotoxic hypoxia).

Caring for patients with respiratory diseases usually includes a number of general measures carried out for many diseases of other organs and systems of the body.

Yes, when lobar pneumonia it is necessary to strictly adhere to all the rules and requirements for caring for febrile patients (regular measurement of body temperature and keeping a temperature sheet, monitoring the state of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, oral care, supply of a bedpan and urinal, timely change of underwear, etc.)

During a long stay of the patient and in bed, give Special attention careful skin care and prevention of bedsores. At the same time, caring for patients with respiratory diseases also involves performing a number of additional measures related to the presence of cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath and other symptoms.

Cough is a complex reflex act in which a number of mechanisms are involved (increased intrathoracic pressure due to tension of the respiratory muscles, changes in the lumen of the glottis, etc.) and which, in diseases of the respiratory system, is usually caused by irritation of the receptors respiratory tract and pleura. Cough occurs when various diseases respiratory system - laryngitis, tracheitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. It can also be associated with stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation (with heart defects), and sometimes has a central origin.

The cough can be dry or wet and often plays a protective role, helping to remove contents from the bronchi (for example, sputum). However, a dry, particularly painful cough tires patients and requires the use of expectorants (thermopsis and pecac) and antitussives (libexin, glaucine, etc.). In such cases, it is advisable for patients to recommend warm alkaline heat (hot milk with Borjom or with the addition of a teaspoon of soda), jars, mustard plasters).

Often a cough is accompanied by the release of sputum: mucous, colorless, viscous (for example, with bronchial asthma), mucopurulent (with bronchopneumonia), purulent (with a breakthrough of a lung abscess into the lumen of the bronchus).

It is very important to achieve free discharge of sputum, since its retention (for example, with bronchiectasis, lung abscess) increases intoxication of the body. Therefore, the patient is helped to find a position (the so-called drainage, on one side or another, on the back) in which the sputum is discharged most completely, i.e. effective drainage of the bronchial tree is carried out. The patient should take this position once a day for 20-30 minutes.

Hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage

Hemoptysis is the production of sputum mixed with blood, mixed evenly (for example, “rusty” sputum in lobar pneumonia, sputum in the form of “raspberry jelly” in lung cancer) or located in separate veins).

Discharge of a significant amount of blood through the respiratory tract (with coughing jerks, less often - a continuous stream) is called pulmonary hemorrhage.

Hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage occurs most often with malignant tumors, gangrene, pulmonary infarction, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, injuries and wounds of the lung, as well as mitral heart defects.

In the presence of pulmonary hemorrhage, it sometimes has to be differentiated from gastrointestinal bleeding manifested by vomiting mixed with blood.

In such cases, it is necessary to remember that pulmonary bleeding is characterized by the release of foamy, scarlet blood, which has an alkaline reaction and coagulates, while with gastrointestinal bleeding (though not always), clots of dark blood are more often released, like “coffee grounds” mixed with pieces food with an acidic reaction.

Hemoptysis and especially pulmonary hemorrhage are very serious symptoms that require urgent identification of their cause - an x-ray examination of the organs chest, with tomography, bronchoscopy, bronchography, and sometimes angiography.

Hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage are usually not accompanied by symptoms of shock or collapse. The threat to life in such cases is usually associated with a violation of the ventilation function of the lungs, as a result of blood entering the respiratory tract. Patients are prescribed complete rest. They should be given a semi-sitting position tilted towards the affected lung to prevent blood from entering the healthy lung. An ice pack is placed on the same half of the chest. For intense coughs that increase bleeding, antitussives are used.

To stop bleeding, Vicasol is administered intramuscularly, intravenously

Calcium chloride, epsilon aminocaproic acid. Sometimes, during urgent bronchoscopy, it is possible to pack a bleeding vessel with a special hemostatic sponge. In some cases, the question of urgent surgical intervention arises.

One of the most frequent illnesses respiratory system is shortness of breath, characterized by changes in the frequency, depth and rhythm of breathing.

Shortness of breath can be accompanied by either a sharp increase in breathing or a decrease in breathing, even to the point of stopping. Depending on which phase of breathing is difficult, inspiratory shortness of breath is distinguished (manifested by difficulty in inhaling, for example, with narrowing of the trachea and large bronchi), expiratory shortness of breath (characterized by difficulty in exhalation, in particular, with spasm of small bronchi and the accumulation of viscous secretions in their lumen ) and mixed.

Dyspnea occurs in many acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system. The cause of its occurrence in most cases occurs with a change in the gas composition of the blood - an increase in carbon dioxide and a decrease in oxygen, accompanied by a shift in blood pH to the acidic side, subsequent irritation of central and peripheral chemoreceptors, excitation of the respiratory center and changes in the frequency and depth of breathing.

Shortness of breath is the leading manifestation of respiratory failure - a condition in which a person’s external respiratory system cannot provide a normal blood gas composition or when this composition is maintained only due to excessive strain on the entire external respiratory system. Respiratory failure can occur acutely (for example, when the airways are blocked by a foreign body) or occur chronically, gradually increasing over a long time (for example, with pulmonary emphysema).

A sudden attack of severe shortness of breath is called suffocation (asthma). Choking, which is a consequence acute disorder bronchial obstruction - spasm of the bronchi, swelling of their mucous membrane, accumulation of viscous sputum in the lumen, called an attack bronchial asthma. In cases where the treatment is due to weakness of the left ventricle, it is customary to talk about cardiac asthma, sometimes developing into pulmonary edema.

Caring for patients suffering from shortness of breath involves constant monitoring of the frequency, rhythm and depth of breathing. Determination of the respiratory rate (by movement of the chest or abdominal wall) is carried out unnoticed by the patient (at this moment, the position of the hand can simulate certain pulse rates). U healthy person respiration rate ranges from 16 to 20 per minute, decreasing during sleep and increasing during physical activity. With various diseases of the bronchi and lungs, the respiratory rate can reach 30-40 or more per minute. The results of calculating the respiratory rate are entered into the temperature sheet daily. The corresponding points are connected with a blue pencil, forming a graphic curve of respiratory rate. When shortness of breath occurs, the patient is given an elevated (semi-sitting) position, freeing him from constricting clothing, and providing an influx of fresh air through regular ventilation. In cases of severe respiratory failure, oxygen therapy is performed.

Oxygen therapy refers to the use of oxygen for therapeutic purposes.

For respiratory diseases oxygen therapy used in cases of acute and chronic respiratory failure accompanied by cyanosis (cyanosis skin), increased heart rate (tachycardia), decreased partial pressure of oxygen in tissues, less than 70 mm Hg. Art.

Breathing pure oxygen can have toxic effect on the human body, manifested by dry mouth, a burning sensation behind the sternum, chest pain, cramps, etc., therefore, a gas mixture containing up to 80% oxygen (most often 40-60%) is usually used for treatment. Modern devices that allow you to supply the patient not with pure oxygen, but with an oxygen-enriched mixture. Only in case of carbon monoxide poisoning ( carbon monoxide) it is allowed to use carbogen containing 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide. In some cases, in the treatment of respiratory failure, inhalation helio-oxygen mixtures consisting of 60-70 gels and 30-40% oxygen are used.

For pulmonary edema, which is accompanied by foamy fluid from the respiratory tract, use a mixture containing 50% oxygen and 50% ethyl alcohol, in which alcohol plays the role of an antifoam.

Oxygen therapy can be carried out both during natural breathing and using devices artificial ventilation lungs. At home, oxygen pillows are used for oxygen therapy. In this case, the patient inhales oxygen through a tube or pillow mouthpiece, which he clasps tightly with his lips.

In order to reduce the loss of oxygen during exhalation, its supply is temporarily stopped by pinching the tube with your fingers or turning a special tap.

In hospitals, oxygen therapy is carried out using compressed oxygen cylinders or a centralized oxygen supply system to the wards. The most common method of oxygen therapy is its inhalation through nasal catheters, which are inserted into the nasal passages to a depth approximately equal to the distance from the wings of the nose to the earlobe; less commonly, nasal and oral masks, endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes, and oxygen tents are used.

Inhalation of the oxygen mixture is carried out continuously or in sessions of 30-60 minutes. several times a day. In this case, it is necessary that the supplied oxygen be humidified. Humidification of oxygen is achieved by passing it through a vessel with water, or by using special inhalers that form a suspension of small drops of water in the gas mixture.

Prevention of diseases of the respiratory system is largely determined by successful anti-epidemic measures against the most common infectious diseases (influenza, measles, whooping cough, etc.): vaccinations, measures to isolate sick people and limit contact with them, protect children's groups, etc. Individual preventive measures the spread of acute respiratory diseases include good ventilation of the room (apartment), compliance with the rules of care for the patient at home.

Decisive refusal bad habits(smoking, abuse alcoholic drinks) is extremely important for maintaining a healthy respiratory system. Half measures in this regard are unjustified. Room hygiene is also essential in preventing diseases of the respiratory system. In a poorly ventilated room, the oxygen concentration in the air decreases and the carbon dioxide content increases, and prolonged stay in a damp, cool room contributes to diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The optimal state of indoor air (temperature 18-20°, humidity 60-80%) is achieved by repeatedly ventilating it, heating cold air, humidifying it with special devices if it is excessively dry. Sleeping with an open transom or on fresh air.

The correct act of breathing, which ensures sufficient warming, humidification and purification of the air as it passes through the airways, is also an important measure for preventing diseases of the respiratory system. Breathing should be calm, even, rhythmic, of sufficient depth and usually carried out through the nose. If there are obstacles in the nasal passages (for example, a deviated nasal septum, enlarged adenoids, etc.), they must be eliminated in a timely manner. When walking or exercising, it is necessary not only to maintain rhythmic breathing, but also to correctly combine it with the rhythm of limb movement (inhale for 2-3 steps, exhale for 3-4 steps). It is especially important to maintain this ratio when walking or running faster. Loss of evenness and smoothness of breathing leads to disruption of gas exchange in the lungs, fatigue, and shortness of breath. It is known that the frequency, depth of breathing, the sequence of inhalation and exhalation affect the blood flow to the lungs (normally, for 6-9 liters of air passing through the lungs in 1 minute, there are about 5 liters of blood). If breathing is disrupted, blood flow may decrease and oxygen saturation may decrease. Staging correct breathing is also achieved through special breathing exercises. To develop breathing through the nose, the following exercises can be recommended:

  • 1. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the upper abdomen. On the count of 1.2 - inhale; on the count of 3, 4, 5, 6 - exhale.
  • 2. Hands are transferred behind the back and hands are joined. On the count of 1 - inhale; on the count of 2, 3, 4 - exhale.
  • 3. Hands are held at the back of the head. On the count of 1.2 - inhale; 3, 4, 5, 6 - exhale.
  • 4. Legs are joined together, arms are lowered down behind the back. On the count of 1, 2 - inhale; 3, 4, 5, 6 - exhale. When breathing through the nose, the mouth is closed.

The fight against air pollution is one of the important factors prevention of lung diseases. Residents of large cities should be strongly recommended to travel to green suburban areas on weekends with hiking, skiing, and vacations in areas with a favorable climate.

Prevention of exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases bronchi and lungs involves systematic breathing exercises according to the scheme proposed by the attending physician, which achieves increased exhalation, development abdominal type breathing. Measures to increase the body's resistance to infection are important. Focal infection, which nests in the paranasal sinuses, in the tonsils, requires mandatory consultation with a doctor, persistent and patient treatment.

Systematic hardening of the body and training are the most effective measures against adverse meteorological factors, against harmful influence damp and cold room.

Hardening should be gradual and long-term. It is especially important to follow these principles in the presence of chronic respiratory diseases (in case of sudden exacerbations, hardening procedures are contraindicated). There is a large complex of various hardening activities: air baths, rubdowns, bathing, etc. When exposed to them, a restructuring of all systems and organs occurs, especially the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, ensuring the body's resistance to cooling factors. Physical education also serves these same purposes. Any physical exercise helps strengthen muscle tone, including the respiratory muscles, have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, heat exchange and, most importantly, enhance ventilation of the lungs. Therapeutic gymnastics special importance is attached to the prevention of so-called congestive pneumonia in severe injuries, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, in patients with postoperative period. Of course, the correct choice of physical exercises can only be made by a doctor.

In the development of the body's resistance to infection, the introduction of a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially C (ascorbic acid), plays a significant role. A deficiency of vitamin C in the diet, coinciding with unfavorable weather factors in spring, requires its replenishment on the recommendation of a doctor.

Until recently, therapeutic nutrition for lung diseases was given decisive importance. This was true for pulmonary tuberculosis during the absence effective means treating him. The patients were overfed, trying to achieve weight gain by any means. There was an opinion that special medicinal properties have badger fat, dog fat, bear fat. The listed products have neither medicinal nor taste advantages over regular fats. Overloading with fats causes a violation of fat metabolism, creates additional stress in respiratory and especially heart failure (high diaphragms impede the mobility of the lungs and the work of the heart). In order to reduce shortness of breath and increase work capacity, patients with respiratory failure and overweight are recommended to lose weight, of course, without using home remedies for this purpose: a diet that “worked great on a neighbor,” a steam bath or jogging. The attending physician will find the only correct and strictly individual solution. At the same time, it will undoubtedly be recommended to streamline the diet and reasonable increase motor activity. Patients with chronic diseases respiratory organs, accompanied by suppurative processes leading to poisoning of the body, on the contrary, the quality of nutrition should be improved by increasing the amount of complete proteins (meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese). A diet rich in proteins compensates for their deficiency resulting from increased tissue breakdown and strengthens the body's resistance. Food should be rich in vitamins A, D, C and a complex of B vitamins. Adequate, but not excessive nutrition is the key to maintaining the respiratory system in normal condition.

A special role in improving the health of patients with chronic respiratory diseases and restoring their ability to work belongs to sanitary resort treatment. The most suitable climate zones are those characterized by clean air, oxygen saturation and a mild climate. Physically weak patients are sent to lowland resorts; For patients without circulatory problems, mountain resorts are often recommended. Preference should be given to the area that is in the patient’s area of ​​permanent residence. You should not take a cookie-cutter approach to choosing a resort. Thus, the Southern Coast of Crimea is a generally recognized resort for patients with chronic lung diseases in certain seasons, depending on certain characteristics of the patient’s body, as well as due to the nature of the concomitant diseases may be contraindicated. Staying at the resort is indicated for patients outside the stage of exacerbation of the disease, without severe symptoms of respiratory and heart failure. The choice of climatic resort and season should always be agreed with your doctor.

In the prevention and reduction of respiratory system diseases great importance have carried out by health authorities extensive preventive examinations population, medical examination of certain contingents.

The human respiratory system consists of nasal passages , larynx , trachea , larynx , bronchi And lungs . The human lungs are surrounded by a thin connective membrane called pleura . The right and left lungs are located in the chest. Light - very important organ, since blood flow directly depends on its work. Therefore, in lung diseases that affect lung tissue, are violated not only respiratory functions, but also occur pathological changes in the human bloodstream.

Regulates the activity of the respiratory organs respiratory center , which is located in the medulla oblongata.

Causes of respiratory diseases

In some cases, the disease is caused by a single type of pathogen. In this case we're talking about O monoinfections which is diagnosed more often. Less often in humans there are mixed infections caused by several types of pathogens.

Except stated reasons, factors that provoke respiratory diseases can be external allergens . In this case, we are talking about household allergens, which are dust, as well as house mites, which often cause bronchial asthma. Also, the human respiratory system can be damaged by animal allergens, yeast and mold spores and fungi, pollen from a number of plants, as well as insect allergens.

Some have a negative effect on the condition of these organs professional factors. In particular, during the electric welding process, fumes from steel and nickel salts are released. In addition, respiratory diseases provoke some medications, food allergens.

Polluted air in which it is recorded has a negative impact on the human respiratory system. high content some chemical compounds; household pollution in residential premises, climatic conditions, which are not suitable for a person; active and passive smoking.

Excessive alcohol consumption is also identified as provoking factors, others chronic illnesses human, foci chronic infection in the body, genetic factor.

For each specific respiratory disease, certain symptoms appear. However, experts identify some signs that are characteristic of several diseases.

One of these signs is considered. It is divided into subjective (in this case, the person complains of difficulty breathing during attacks of hysteria or neurosis), objective (a person’s breathing rhythm changes, as well as the duration of exhalation and inhalation) and combined (objective shortness of breath is observed with the addition of a subjective component, where the respiratory rate increases in some diseases). In diseases of the trachea and larynx it manifests itself inspiratory shortness of breath, which makes it difficult to breathe. If the bronchi are affected, expiratory shortness of breath is noted, which makes it difficult to exhale. Mixed shortness of breath is typical for.

The most severe form of shortness of breath is considered to occur during acute pulmonary edema . Sudden attacks Choking is characteristic of asthma.

Cough - second most characteristic features respiratory diseases. A cough occurs in a person as a reflex reaction to the presence of mucus in the larynx, trachea or bronchi. A cough also occurs if a foreign body enters the respiratory system. At various ailments cough appears different types. With dry pleurisy or laryngitis, a person suffers from attacks of dry cough, during which no sputum is produced.

A wet cough, which produces varying amounts of sputum, is characteristic of chronic , pneumonia , oncological diseases of the respiratory system .

With inflammatory processes in the bronchi or larynx, the cough is usually constant. If a person is sick, or pneumonia , then the cough bothers him periodically.

In some diseases of the respiratory system, the patient exhibits hemoptysis , in which blood is released along with sputum when coughing. This symptom may also occur with some serious illnesses respiratory system, and for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the symptoms described above, patients with respiratory diseases may complain of pain. The pain may be localized in different places, sometimes it is directly related to breathing, coughing fits or a certain body position.


In order for the patient to be diagnosed correctly, the doctor should familiarize himself with the patient’s complaints, conduct an examination and examine using palpation, auscultation, and percussion. These methods allow you to determine additional symptoms allowing for an accurate diagnosis.

Upon examination, you can determine the pathology of the shape of the chest, as well as the characteristics of breathing - frequency, type, depth, rhythm.

During palpation, you can assess the degree voice tremors, which at can be enhanced, and at pleurisy – weakened.

When examined using percussion, it is possible to determine a decrease in the amount of air in the lungs due to edema or fibrosis. With an abscess, there is no air in a lobe or part of a lobe of the lungs; in patients with emphysema, the air content increases. In addition, percussion allows you to determine the boundaries of the patient's lungs.

With the help of auscultation, you can evaluate breathing, as well as listen to wheezing, the nature of which differs in different diseases.

In addition to the above research methods, laboratory and instrumental methods are also used. The most informative are different types X-ray methods.

With the help of endoscopic methods, which are bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, it is possible to determine some purulent diseases and also detect tumors. Also, using bronchoscopy, you can remove foreign bodies that get inside.

In addition, methods are used functional diagnostics, which can be used to determine the presence of respiratory failure. Moreover, sometimes it is determined even before the first symptoms of the disease appear. For this purpose, lung volume is measured using a method called spirography. The intensity of pulmonary ventilation is also studied.

Application in the diagnostic process laboratory methods The study makes it possible to determine the composition of sputum, which, in turn, is informative for diagnosing the disease. At acute bronchitis The sputum is viscous, colorless, and mucous in nature. At pulmonary edema The sputum is foamy, colorless, and serous in nature. At tuberculosis , chronic bronchitis the sputum is greenish and viscous, has a mucopurulent character. At lung abscess the sputum is purely purulent, greenish, semi-liquid. In severe lung diseases, an admixture of blood is observed in the sputum.

In the process of microscopic examination of sputum, its cellular composition. Urine and blood tests are also practiced. All these research methods make it possible to diagnose diseases that affect the respiratory system and prescribe the necessary treatment.


Considering the fact that respiratory diseases are one of the most common diseases in both children and adults, their treatment and prevention should be as clear and adequate as possible. If respiratory diseases are not diagnosed in a timely manner, then subsequently it takes much longer to treat a person’s respiratory system, and the treatment system becomes more complex.

As medicinal methods Therapy uses a number of drugs that are prescribed in a complex manner. In this case it is practiced etiotropic therapy (medicines that eliminate the cause of the disease), symptomatic treatment (eliminates the main symptoms), maintenance therapy (means for restoring functions that were impaired during the development of the disease). But any medications should only be prescribed by a doctor after comprehensive survey. In most cases, the practice is to use drugs that are effective against a specific pathogen.

In addition, other methods are used in the treatment of diseases: physiotherapy, inhalations, manual therapy, exercise therapy, reflexology, chest massage, breathing exercises, etc.

To prevent respiratory diseases, taking into account their structure and the characteristics of the transmission of pathogens, respiratory protective equipment is used. It is very important to use personal protective equipment (cotton and gauze bandages) when in direct contact with a person who has been diagnosed with a viral infection.

Let's take a closer look at some common respiratory diseases, their treatment and prevention methods.


As this disease develops, acute inflammatory process the mucous membrane of the bronchi; in more rare cases, all layers of the walls of the bronchi become inflamed. The development of the disease is provoked by adenoviruses, influenza viruses, parainfluenza, a number of bacteria and mycoplasmas. Sometimes the causes of bronchitis are some physical factors. Bronchitis can develop both against the background of an acute respiratory disease, and in parallel with it. Development acute bronchitis occurs when the ability to filter air through the upper respiratory tract is impaired. In addition, bronchitis often affects smokers, people with chronic inflammation nasopharynx, as well as in the presence of chest deformation.

Symptoms acute bronchitis , as a rule, arise against the background laryngitis or runny nose . The patient complains of discomfort behind the sternum, he is bothered by attacks of dry or wet cough, weakness. Body temperature increases, and if the course of the disease is very severe, then the temperature can be very high. Breathing is difficult, shortness of breath is present. In view of DC voltage When coughing, pain may appear in the sternum and abdominal wall. After some time, the cough becomes wet and sputum begins to be released. Usually, acute symptoms the illnesses begin to subside around the fourth day, and if the course of the disease is favorable, then a cure is possible by the 10th day. But if the disease is joined bronchospasm , then bronchitis can become chronic.


At acute tracheitis The patient experiences an inflammatory process of the tracheal mucosa. It develops under the influence of bacterial, viral, or viral-bacterial infections. Inflammation can also develop under the influence of physical and chemical factors. The patient has swelling of the tracheal mucosa, a hoarse voice, and difficulty breathing. Worried about coughing attacks, as a result of which a headache develops. The cough manifests itself in the morning and at night, the temperature rises slightly, and general malaise is mild. Acute tracheitis sometimes becomes chronic.


At laryngitis inflammation affects the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords. Doctors divide laryngitis into chronic catarrhal And chronic hypertrophic . Depending on intensity and prevalence pathological process a certain clinical picture. Patients complain of hoarseness, soreness and dryness in the throat, a constant sensation in the throat foreign body, a cough in which sputum is difficult to separate.


When an inflammatory process develops in the maxillary paranasal sinus nose As a rule, this is how a complication manifests itself in some infectious diseases. Sinusitis manifests itself under the influence of viruses or bacteria that enter the maxillary sinus through the blood or nasal cavity. With sinusitis, the patient is bothered by constantly increasing discomfort in the nose and area around the nose. The pain becomes more intense as evening time, gradually turning into general headache. Sometimes sinusitis develops on one side. Nasal breathing becomes difficult, the voice changes, becoming nasal. Sometimes the patient notes that the nostrils are blocked alternately. Nasal discharge can be either clear and mucous, or purulent and greenish in color. But if the nose is very stuffy, mucus may not be released. Body temperature sometimes rises to 38 degrees, sometimes even higher. In addition, the person experiences general malaise.


Rhinitis , that is, a runny nose, is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, in which nasal congestion, discharge, and itching in the nose are observed. Rhinitis usually manifests itself as a consequence of severe hypothermia under the influence of bacteria or viruses. It stands out separately, which manifests itself in people who are prone to allergic reactions. The disease develops under the influence of various allergens - plant pollen, mites, animal hair, etc. acute And chronic form of the disease. Chronic rhinitis - a consequence external influences that disrupt the nutrition of the nasal mucosa. Also, the disease can become chronic with frequent inflammations that occur in the cavity. Only a doctor should treat this disease, since chronic rhinitis can go to sinusitis or sinusitis .


Acute illness infectious nature, in which an inflammatory process develops palatine tonsils And , regional to them. The pathogen multiplies in the tonsils, after which it sometimes spreads to other organs, causing complications of the disease. After streptococcal sore throat does not develop in humans. The disease begins with a general feeling of weakness, chills, and headache. There is aching in the joints. Body temperature can rise to 39C. Gradually painful sensations in the throat become more intense. The submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged and painful. Redness of the palatine arches, uvula, and tonsils is noted. Also on the tonsils there are sometimes places where pus accumulates.


At pneumonia inflammation of the lungs occurs due to infection. The alveoli, which are responsible for oxygen saturation of the blood, are affected. The disease causes enough wide range pathogens. Pneumonia often manifests itself as a complication of other respiratory diseases. Most often, the disease occurs in children, the elderly, and people with weakened body defenses. The pathogens end up in the lungs, entering through the respiratory tract. Symptoms of the disease appear sharply: the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, chest pain and cough with purulent sputum develop. The patient is bothered at night heavy sweating, and during the day - weakness. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, death is likely.


An infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. At tuberculosis The patient develops cellular allergies, specific granulomas in different organs and tissues. The lungs, bones, joints, lymph nodes, skin and other organs and systems are gradually affected. If not practiced adequate treatment, the disease is fatal. It should be noted that Mycobacterium tuberculosis is resistant to various influences. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. If a person is diagnosed tuberculosis infection, then he is assigned full course therapy with anti-tuberculosis drugs. Treatment is long-term, it takes up to 8 months. In advanced cases it is practiced surgery– part of the lung is removed.

Prevention of respiratory diseases

The simplest, but at the same time very important method of preventing diseases of this type is considered to be increasing the time a person spends in the fresh air. It is equally important to ventilate the room frequently.

You should stop smoking and regular use alcohol, since these habits have a particularly negative effect on the respiratory system. After all harmful substances, which are present in both tobacco and alcohol, enter the lungs and injure them, and also negatively affect the mucous membranes. Heavy smokers are much more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer , and lungs , Chronical bronchitis .

Other methods of prevention include special breathing exercises, preventive inhalations of medicinal herbs, and also using essential oils . People prone to respiratory diseases are advised to grow in their home as many indoor flowers as possible, which produce oxygen .

In general, prevention of respiratory diseases consists of a healthy and active daily lifestyle.


Timely prevention of respiratory diseases can become protection against quite serious problems, which are very dangerous to underestimate. After all, diseases of this important body system are not only colds, which most people treat undeservedly lightly.

Respiratory system diseases

Illnesses that affect the bronchi or lungs can be a difficult, sometimes even deadly, test for a person.

Unfortunately, there is a fairly high probability of encountering problems such as:

  1. Pulmonary tuberculosis. The infection is transmitted through personal contact through airborne droplets.
  2. Pleurisy. The pus that accumulates in the tissues affects the lungs. This may cause bleeding. The breathing process becomes significantly more difficult. Therapeutic measures is surgical intervention.
  3. Pneumonia (pneumonia). The infection affects the respiratory system, causing swelling of the mucous membranes. Does not enter the body required amount oxygen, anemia develops.
  4. Croup is a deposit of pus in the throat, larynx and mucous membranes. Respiratory processes very difficult, sometimes becoming impossible.

All of these diseases can become deadly. But if you don’t take the common cold accompanied by coughing and sneezing seriously enough, endure the disease on your feet, and neglect doctor’s prescriptions, severe consequences in the form of complicated forms of the disease will not keep you waiting. In addition, the infection can affect other organs. The man is weakening protective forces the body cannot cope with the problems. In order not to aggravate the painful situation, it is necessary to treat the disease promptly and correctly.

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Preventive measures - a reasonable solution to the problem

Preventing a problem is always smarter than fighting it hard afterwards.

All body systems, including the respiratory organs, are equipped with serious protection capabilities. This includes immunity (general and local), and specific ways of getting rid of unwanted “intrusions.” For the respiratory organs, for example, the cough and sneeze reflex serves as such protection. This helps the body get rid of excess mucus, dust and other substances that enter the nasopharynx. The structure of the nasal cavity itself is a natural barrier to pathogens.

However, how well the “security devices” work, how the system copes with preventing the destructive effects of infections, depends on its training and general conditions, in which the human body is located.

Prevention of respiratory diseases can be of three types:

  1. Strengthening the entire body, enhancing its protective qualities.
  2. Specific procedures aimed at improving the functioning of the nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs.
  3. Creating conditions for the full and healthy functioning of the respiratory system.

The process of strengthening the body and its defense system (immunity) is known to everyone: it is a certain way of life. Physical activity, hardening procedures, proper nutrition and giving up bad habits - all this makes a person strong and helps to resist any disease. But these general recommendations are at the same time specific instructions for the prevention of diseases of the bronchi, lungs and other respiratory organs.

Trained the immune system will help fight microbes entering the body. But physical activity also strengthens the heart muscle, and the volume of the lungs directly depends on its fitness. Getting rid of bad habits means quitting smoking, which directly destroys the respiratory organs and aggravates any disease. Walking in the fresh air and timely ventilation of rooms is one of the ways to avoid bronchitis and pneumonia and at the same time train the immune system. Correct and good nutrition is one of the methods of preventing tuberculosis.

Methods to prevent respiratory diseases include:

  1. Breathing exercises.
  2. Inhalations with medicinal substances.
  3. Preventive treatment measures.

The ability to breathe correctly stimulates the nerve endings of the nasopharynx, allows natural “filters” to trap pathogenic microbes, and creates conditions for warming the air before it enters the bronchi and lungs. You need to learn to breathe only through your nose.

The structure of this organ makes it an excellent barrier to dust, other foreign particles and microbes that infect the body. And numerous blood vessels warm the inhaled air. Breaking the habit of mouth breathing is a useful preventive measure that prevents illness.

Special sets of breathing exercises are known in many therapeutic and health-improving techniques. Having learned a suitable complex, you can train the respiratory organs and stimulate their nutrition. In this case, due caution must be observed: excessive zeal is not beneficial, it can lead to dizziness and fainting states. It is best to consult with specialists first.

Inhalation is the entry of steam, which is saturated with substances beneficial to the respiratory system, into the human respiratory tract. For inhalation, decoctions and essential oils of plants with antiseptic, tonic, and healing properties are used. Inhaler models are available that are compact and easy to use. Many of them allow you to perform the procedure with “cold steam”. Such methods are good disease prevention and can be used in medical institutions and at home. When choosing medicinal herbs, it is important to remember contraindications, possible development allergic reactions which lead to suffocation.

Lecture 2: Prevention of respiratory diseasesEnd of form

Respiratory diseases are traditionally one of the most widespread: their share in the total morbidity is up to 53%, and previously this percentage was even higher. A terrible type of malignant neoplasm - lung cancer - in the vast majority of cases (90% in developed countries) is associated with smoking; More than 3 thousand people became its victims in our country last year. However, the overall incidence of this organ system in our country is even more impressive: up to 60% of the population last year suffered from various respiratory diseases. In addition, respiratory diseases are insidious: for example, pneumonia ranks first on the list of causes of death from infectious diseases and sixth on the list of all causes of death. That is why timely diagnosis and competent treatment, and, of course, prevention of respiratory system diseases.

THE MOST COMMON DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Chronical bronchitis. It is a very common disease and occurs in 3-8% of adults. Pneumonia. Last year, 2% of our country's population suffered from pneumonia. Bronchial asthma. Currently, at least 1% of the population of our country suffers from asthma; in the world, the overall incidence varies depending on the place and living conditions. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic progressive lung disease, the main cause of which is tobacco smoke. Lungs' cancer. The disease, unfortunately, needs no introduction: the mortality rate from this type of cancer in our country for the year was 2.4%. RISK FACTORS Risk factors can also be divided into two types according to the effectiveness of their elimination: irreducible and removable. Fatal risk factors are a given, something that must be taken into account, something that you cannot change. Removable Risk factors, on the other hand, are things that you can change by taking action or making adjustments to your lifestyle. FATAL Heredity. Some diseases of the respiratory system are caused by hereditary factors. Such diseases include, for example, bronchial asthma. REMOVABLE Smoking. Moreover, both active and passive. In people who smoke, the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exceeds 80-90%; all other diseases of the respiratory system are also provoked by smoking. Exposure to allergens. Increasing the list and actual presence of allergens in environment leads to the fact that every 10 years the incidence of bronchial asthma increases by one and a half times or more. Exposure to occupational hazards (dust, vapors of acids, alkalis, etc.). The risk of respiratory system diseases when working in industries associated with working with substances potentially harmful to breathing (coal, asbestos, mining, engineering, woodworking and textile production) is significantly increased. Air pollution. Household air pollution (dust, smoke, smog, fibers, cleaning products, microparticles of various materials) causes the development of diseases of the respiratory system and contributes to their more severe course. Overweight and obesity. Excess weight causes shortness of breath, requires increased work not only of the heart, but also of the lungs, and, in addition, is one of the main causes of sleep apnea. Poor nutrition. Lack or acute deficiency of such beneficial elements as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids, magnesium, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids can be one of the catalysts for asthma. Weakening of the immune system. A weak body, not protected by a strong immune system, is more susceptible to infections. The risk of getting sick is always higher for those whose immunity is weak. PREVENTION

Prevention of diseases of the respiratory system consists of preventing the development of these pathologies. However, the tasks of prevention do not end there, because even if a respiratory disease has already occurred, everything must be done to make it as easy as possible and to avoid the development of complications.

Due to such a variety of tasks, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of respiratory diseases are distinguished.

Primary prevention

Primary prevention of respiratory diseases is synonymous with a healthy lifestyle. Giving up bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol, regular physical activity, hardening, avoiding stress, occupational hazards associated with inhaling various harmful substances, living in ecologically clean areas - all this helps prevent the development of respiratory diseases.

If we talk about the primary prevention of respiratory diseases, we cannot fail to mention a well-balanced diet. The role of microorganisms in the development of many diseases of the respiratory system has been proven. If a person consumes enough protein, vitamins and microelements, then his immune system will be normal and will be able to resist pathogens.

Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention consists of early detection of diseases and their treatment.

Many diseases develop against the background of other pathologies. Thus, allergies can become the basis for the development of bronchial asthma. And if you already have hypersensitivity to any substances, for example, animal hair, plant pollen, household chemicals, then it is necessary to minimize and, if possible, completely stop contact with substances that provoke allergic reactions.

You don’t have to endure allergy symptoms or hope that they will go away on their own, it won’t happen that way. On the contrary, if the allergy is not treated, it can be complicated by bronchial asthma.

Tertiary prevention

The task of tertiary prevention of respiratory diseases is to prevent the disease from worsening and the occurrence of complications. And the main assistant to such prevention is correctly selected treatment, which the patient will strictly follow.

Sometimes tertiary prevention of respiratory diseases can last for many years.

MEDICAL CONTROL Diseases of the respiratory system are diseases that require regular medical monitoring, including monitoring of the state of the respiratory system (fluorography), and preventive measures(vaccinations). The mandatory list of medical monitoring of the respiratory system includes the following measures:

Examination by a general practitioner once a year. - Fluorography - once a year.

Respiratory diseases:

Pulmonary tuberculosis. Infection occurs mainly through airborne droplets; anyone can become infected. Preventative measures include high-quality nutrition, increasing the body's defenses, and hardening. Tuberculosis of the kidneys, joints and bones characterized by pain in the lumbar region. They affect the kidneys, spine and joints, respectively. The prevention of tuberculosis is fluorography, BCG and the Mantoux reaction.

Congenital laryngeal adhesions. Films form before birth and can only be treated with surgical intervention.

Pleurisy. Pus accumulates in the lungs, which affects lung tissue, bleeding and difficulty breathing occur. To cure the patient, they operate.

Pneumonia or pneumonia is an infectious disease that is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes and anemia, since the body cannot take in the required amount of oxygen. The first stage of treating pneumonia is eliminating swelling and fighting microbes with antibiotics.

Inhalation can serve as a preventive measure for many respiratory diseases. Inhalation is the process of inhaling hot vapors saturated with easily evaporating medicinal substances. The best substances for inhalation are plants. Their vapors disinfect, have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Now there are modern inhalers, the inhalation process in which is carried out using cold steam. These inhalers are compact in size and can be used both in medical institutions and at home. You can add special medications, infusions to the inhaler medicinal herbs to enhance the therapeutic effect and speed up the healing process.

Oddly enough, but houseplants not only emit oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, but also retain a significant amount of harmful substances that can cause respiratory diseases. The plant chlorophytum is recognized as the best in this sense. Scientists recommend using it in contaminated areas.

For diseases of the respiratory system there is no better remedy than inhaling the aroma of pine and juniper. The air in juniper and pine forests is practically sterile. Walking through such forests is not accessible to everyone, but everyone can afford to purchase the essential oils of these plants. This procedure creates a microclimate that is favorable for people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system. Inhaling air saturated with the vapors of these plants not only promotes the healing process, but also reduces the risk of recurrent diseases. You can use aromatic oils by adding them to water when swimming and taking a bath, inhaling them using special devices - aroma lamps, adding them in small quantities for inhalation.

38. Diseases of the organs of vision and hearing and their prevention

Vision - most important function our body. With the help of our eyes we receive 90% of information about the world around us. Therefore, vision can be called a priceless gift of nature, which must be protected and constantly taken care of. Reducing harmful effects, constantly monitoring your vision, following general recommendations for maintaining eye health, and preventing injuries will help you maintain your vision for many years.

To prevent the development of vision pathologies, it is recommended:

1. Lighting mode. Visual stress only in good lighting, using overhead light or a 60-100 W table lamp. It is not recommended to use fluorescent lamps.

2. Alternation of visual and physical activity. It is recommended to alternate visual stress with active recreation.

3. Gymnastics for the eyes. Every 20-30 minutes of exercise, it is recommended to do eye exercises (see section “Eye exercises”).