Serums for cats from diseases. Vitafel for cats - a remedy for the treatment and prevention of infections

"Vitafel C" for cats is a highly effective serum that prevents dangerous infectious diseases. The drug is unique in that it is made from the blood of cats and can be used for pets of any age.

The product is a serum. It is obtained from donors whose body has developed antibodies after infection. The drug is used to treat calicivirus, chlamydia, herpetic conjunctivitis, panleukopenia in cats. These diseases are united by the fact that even after vaccination, the animal can become infected. It is also used for prophylaxis in nurseries so that the disease is not transmitted. healthy pets. It has been successfully used to strengthen the immunity of cats after childbirth. It does not interfere with its use before the participation of pussies in exhibitions.

At birth, the baby receives immunity from the vaccinated mother. If the mother stops feeding the kitten before he is 3 months old, then he may well be infected. It's too early to get vaccinated. It is during this period that Vitafel-S can be given. The serum will keep the kitten healthy until the time you can get vaccinated.

When you plan to conduct mating - it's time to use the drug.

At the same time, the remedy is not a panacea for all ills and is not even a cure for viral diseases. In fact, these are several antibodies that have received the task of finding the antigen of the virus, connecting with it and destroying it. This antibody complex is called immunoglobulin serum.

"Vitafel" is used mainly for kittens and for adults with suspected infections.

Pet owners should understand that the use of serum does not protect 100% from infection, so there is no need to refuse vaccinations.

Video "How to inject a cat subcutaneously"

In this video, a specialist will tell you how to properly inject a cat in the withers.

Types and forms of release of the drug

Release form - ampoules and vials of 1 ml (single dose for drug administration). After using the drug, immunity is developed, which lasts for almost two weeks. During storage, a precipitate may appear, but once the vial is shaken, the liquid becomes cloudy and the precipitate disappears. The carton box contains 10 ampoules, but they can also be bought individually.

The drug is available in the form of serum and immunoglobulins (lg).

  • "Vitafel Globe" (lg) - serum of warm-blooded mammals that have passed multiple vaccinations.
  • Vitafel lg is a drug similar to Vitafel G.
  • Vitafel C is a serum obtained from the blood of repeatedly vaccinated cats.
  • "Vitafeo GS" is a specific serum (mixed).

Serums are active against several viruses or against all, data on this are written on the package. Before use, carefully read the information in the instructions. It must indicate which group of viruses the agent is active against.

Globulins are pure preparations free from ballast components. "Vitafel C" refers to sera, therefore, in contrast to the lg fraction, it contains some ballast substances. Globulin "Vitaftel" can be used in the form eye drops and nasal intake.

Terms of use and dosage

For prevention

The drug strengthens the immunity of pussies and is an immunomodulator. It is administered once based on the body weight of the animal. If the cat weighs up to 10 kg, then one ampoule is enough. If more, then make two injections with an interval of a day. In cats, the injection is given subcutaneously at the withers. When following the instructions, an overdose is completely excluded.

For treatment

Serum is used for treatment, but it must be ensured that it matches the type of virus. It is administered for three days in order to maintain immunity. The interval between injections is 12 hours. largest therapeutic effect achieved if the drug is used at the initial stage of the disease. But in this case, serum alone will not be enough, you need to connect antibiotic therapy, heart remedies and vitamin complexes. All this should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Side effects and contraindications

Serum with globulin has side effects. Sometimes they carry a greater threat than infection with a virus. One such side effect is anaphylaxis, an acute allergic reaction accompanied by suffocation, pain, and spasms. To avoid such a danger, the first time "Vitafel" is administered under the supervision of a veterinarian, using a fractional method. In severe cases, it may be necessary to administer adrenaline or glucocorticoids.

If before the use of the drug were introduced antihistamines, then in case of occurrence anaphylactic shock they won't have the desired effect.

Interestingly, "Dimedrol" or "Suprastin" after administration can themselves cause adverse reactions.

Owners of purrs should carefully study the instructions, and if at least once after using the drug an allergic reaction occurs, never use it again.

Side effects may also include redness at the injection site.

Instructions for the use of Vitafel C for cats are available to everyone on almost any site that deals with complex infectious diseases of cats.

  • Chlamydia
  • Panleukopenia. Another name is cat distemper or infectious gastroenteritis.
  • Herpesvirus (infectious) rhinotracheitis.
  • Caliciviral rhinotracheitis - calcivirosis.
  • Herpetic conjunctivitis.

These diseases have one thing in common - they cannot be completely avoided, even if the cat or cat is vaccinated, but the mortality rate (especially in young animals) ranges from 20 to 90%.

A small kitten receives its dose of immunity from a vaccinated mother, but, taken from her before he is 3 months old, becomes an easy target for a deadly infection. It makes no sense to vaccinate a baby before 12-14 weeks, later it may be too late.

How to avoid infection and at the same time not damage the health of a young feline? - Introduce the serum! Serum will give you the opportunity to wait dangerous period before the dates suitable for vaccination. The name of the serum is Vitafel C for cats.

The cat and the cat will have a close acquaintance to prolong the family? – Serum Vitafel C is obligatory for both future parents!

Are you planning to move to new house? Got an invitation to an exhibition? Did something alert you when buying a kitten from a breeder? – Vitafel C at your service!

Are you going to sell the cat offspring or transfer the kittens to another owner? Prevent the possibility of infection - inject Vitafel!

A cat or cat suddenly has snot, swollen eyes, and there is no way to quickly get to the veterinary clinic? - We'll have to give Vitafel serum to a cat and a cat!

Pregnancy of a cat or the period of feeding kittens are not contraindications to the use of Vitafel.

What must be taken into account

Vitafel is not a panacea for all ills, as it may seem, and it is not even a cure for chlamydia, panleukopenia and other severe viral diseases! This is an antibody complex. different types and subspecies (M, G, etc.) whose task is to find the antigen of the virus, “stick” to it and destroy it.

This "collection of antibodies" is called immunoglobulin serum. Such drugs are actively used in the treatment of viruses in young animals (kittens, puppies), which still have little or no own antibodies.

Hyksan, Vitakan and Vitafel are considered the most effective.

Vitafel for adult animals is rarely used, although the instructions for its use do not prohibit this, but if there is a suspicion of viral infection in an adult cat or cat, the sooner immunoglobulin is used, the better.

On the initial stage couple diseases subcutaneous injection Vitafel or Vitafel C, until the doctor has made a final diagnosis, can save the life of a tailed pet!

Some owners rely too much on the action of the serum, refusing to vaccinate, motivating this by various and not always reasonably justified reasons.

The action of Vitafel inside the cat's body does not give 100% confidence in protection against the virus!

In addition, like all veterinary drugs, globulin serums have a number of side effects, some of which can be much more dangerous for a cat than the risk of contracting a virus - read the instructions!

“… application… to cats for prophylactic purposes… anaphylaxis…”

Anaphylaxis is a hyperacute reaction of the body to an allergen, accompanied by spasms, pain, swelling and suffocation, which can lead to the death of the animal.

To prevent this from happening or (in the case of an allergic reaction) help arrives in time, the first dose of the drug should be administered under medical supervision. May need emergency additional introduction adrenaline or glucocorticoids.

Antihistamines (sedatives) administered to a cat before an injection of Vitafel are in most cases ineffective after an anaphylactic reaction occurs.

Diphenhydramine or Suprastin, administered twice in a short period of time, can themselves actively manifest their side effects, which is clearly not going to benefit the health of the cat.

Be attentive to the health and life of your pet! According to the instructions, it is enough to show an allergy to Vitafel in a cat (cat) once, so that further use of this drug becomes for this animal absolute contraindication! Absolute!

Types of Vitaftel and the order of their use.

Vitaftel provides passive immunity of the feline organism to pathogens of a number of infectious diseases (see above).

Available as serum immune preparations and immunoglobulins (Ig).

  • Vitafel Glob Ig is a heterologous gamma-beta-globulin fraction of the serum of hyperimmunized (vaccinated more than once) warm-blooded mammals (horses, goats, pigs, cows, etc.)
  • Vitafel Ig - a drug identical to Vitafel G
  • Vitafel C is a homologous serum obtained from the blood of hyperimmunized cats.
  • Vitafel GS - "mixed" specific serum.

Vitafel preparations can be produced both selectively against several viruses, and against all of the above. When buying, carefully study the packaging and the enclosed instructions for use - it indicates which specific infectious agents the drug is active against.

Any globulin does not contain specific antibodies, because it must be thoroughly purified from ballast components before concentration. This is a pure drug!

Vitafel C - serum, which means it is "dirtier" than the Ig fraction.

The use of a drug of this quality is justified as a prophylactic agent - immunoprophylaxis.

If the animal nevertheless caught the infection, then at the initial stage of treatment (1-3 days) it is permissible to administer a dose of immune serum, you just need to make sure that the Vitafel preparation (Ig or C) "corresponded" to the virus. The goal is to support immune system until the main drugs "work", to prevent further development virus.

Only Vitafel will not be enough! Antibiotics, heart remedies, vitamins, etc. will be needed. Everything is prescribed by a doctor.

Release form

Vitafel-immunoglobulin (globulin) is a colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. May contain a small precipitate, which is easily soluble on agitation.

Vitafel C for cats is a clear liquid, it can be completely colorless or have a brown-red tint. May contain easily soluble sediment.

Packing - ampoules or bottles of 1 ml of the substance, corresponding to 1 dose for the administration of the drug.

Introduction for prevention - according to the instructions.

As remedy- instructions for use are attached to each package.

Vitafel drops are both eye and nasal at the same time.

The order of application is the same: 1-2 drops in each cat eye or nostril 2-3 r / day.

What to complain about

Particular attention to the integrity of the packaging (ampoules, vials), the absence of foreign insoluble impurities, the presence of a "native" label, the release date and storage conditions!

The opened ampoule (vial) must be used within 24 hours! Next - junk.

You can and should find fault with the price if the cost of 1 bottle (ampoule) is below 200 rubles.

A package of 10 ampoules cannot cost less than 2-3 thousand rubles.

If you are offered something cheaper, it is either an expired drug or not Vitafel at all.

Vitafel-S for cats is antiviral agent which is used in therapy various diseases and as a preventive measure to maintain the immunity of the animal. Veterinary drug has practically no contraindications, and among its side effects, only the development of an allergic reaction is distinguished. The medicine has an analogue. Consult your veterinarian before using or changing products.

Release form and indications

Veterinary drug Vitafel-S is a clear liquid, the color of which can vary from yellowish to reddish-brown. It was created on the basis of homologous serum containing antibodies to pathogens. The drug is available in the form of eye drops and liquid for injection.

The ampoules of the product contain 1 ml of the drug. Precipitation may occur during storage.

Vitafel-S is used to prevent the following diseases in cats:

  • panleukopenia (distemper);
  • rhinotracheitis of infectious origin;
  • herpetic conjunctivitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • calicivirus.

Dosage and administration

The instructions for use indicate that the drug is used not only for therapeutic, but also for prophylactic purposes to maintain the immunity of the animal:

  • before cat shows;
  • before knitting;
  • when changing the place of residence;
  • before selling kittens;
  • animals from nurseries;
  • giving birth to cats.

The injection is made subcutaneously, taking into account the weight of the animal: once 1 dose (1 ml) with a weight of less than 10 kg, and 2 (2 ml) - with an interval of 24 hours with a weight of more than 10 kg. The drug is valid for half a month.

In the treatment of Vitafel-C, it is used in prescribed doses 3 times with a break of 12 to 24 hours (depending on the course of the disease). In parallel with the drug, probiotics, vitamins and immunomodulators are used for a greater therapeutic effect.

Contraindications and side effects

Vitafel-S for cats is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components that make up the product. There are no other conditions in which the use of globulin is prohibited.

Side effects include the following situations:

  • with the introduction of the drug, pain during the injection is possible;
  • may subsequently arise allergic reactions.

Sensitive cats are shown fractional administration of the drug: 1/4 dose at the beginning, and after an hour - the rest of the drug.

To prevent the development of anaphylactic shock, antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Tavegil) are used simultaneously with Vitafel-S.

Vitafel for cats is a prophylactic that is prescribed by veterinarians to prevent infectious diseases. Timely vaccination very important for the survival and health of the animal. We will try to tell why it is so important to use Vitafel, how it is administered, and what the consequences may be if the rules of use are violated.

Vitafel is a strong immunoglobulin used in the prevention of viral and bacterial diseases. It is also used as the main therapy for viral diseases. It is sold in veterinary pharmacies in 1 ml ampoules as a clear or hazy liquid.

Interestingly, the genetic data of hyperimmunized animals, rather than synthetic materials, are used to create the serum.

To produce antibodies to the virus, the pet is injected with an agent of rhinotracheitis, chlamydia, distemper or calcivirosis. Once infected, the cat carries the disease mildly, causing the body to secrete natural antibodies. Doctors in the laboratory after recovery conduct blood sampling. It is the basis of the secretion of the immunoglobulin fraction.

Antibodies are elements circulatory system, which are secreted when pathogens enter the body and are aimed at destroying hostile bodies.

Instructions for use

The drug Vitafel in most cases is used to protect your pet before exhibitions, moving, in the summer season, when animals are especially attracted to each other.

The owner himself can bring the causative agent of a disease dangerous for the pet, without deliberately entering into the mucous secretions of the carrier of the infection. Most viruses calmly tolerate temperature fluctuations and can survive in nature for up to 1 year. They are resistant to frost down to -30°С, and to heat up to +40°С.

Vitafel is also used before breeding offspring, after childbirth to create strong colostral immunity in babies or before transferring a pet to another family. Sometimes the injection is given to newborn kittens if their parents have not been vaccinated before or are descended from a dubious male.

For preventive purposes, Vitafel is administered subcutaneously at a dosage of 1 ml per 1 individual. Vaccination is carried out 1-2 times with an interval of 24 hours. After the expiration of the serum, prophylaxis is repeated. The drug is used to “build up” active or passive immunity in the long term.

AT medicinal purposes Vitafel is used on initial stages pathological process, when its strength of action and therapeutic effect is much greater than with running forms. It is also used for suspected infection with the aforementioned viral agents.

For the treatment of IG, it is administered subcutaneously 3 times with an interval of 12-24 hours. The scheme of procedures is determined by the attending physician, who judges the condition of the animal and may prescribe additional injections and immunostimulating agents.

Most often, globulin is used as part of the relief of symptoms, during the course of taking vitamins, antibacterial agents and probiotics. If the infectious and inflammatory process has affected the pet's eyes, Vitafel is used as eye drops.

Instillation is carried out 2-3 times a day, a few drops in each eye. In case of damage to the nasal mucosa, nasal drops are used in the same volumes. The use of the drug should take place under normal sanitary conditions with sterile instruments.

If the injection solution has come into contact with the mucous membrane or skin should be washed under running water.

What diseases is Vitafel used for?

Vitafel is used in the treatment of viral diseases in cats. The main purpose of the serum is to prevent and combat infectious agent. Indications for use include: pathological processes in the body of an animal:

  • distemper in cats (panleukopenia, cat fever, agranulocytosis);
  • infectious rhinotracheitis;
  • calicivirus;
  • herpetic conjunctivitis;
  • chlamydia.

The use of Vitafel is not limited to the age of the pet and its condition (pregnancy, lactation, low immunity).


The manufacturer on the package indicated the only contraindication - individual intolerance to the components of globulin, as a result of which an allergic reaction may develop. High sensitivity to components can result even healthy cat into anaphylaxis.

If the drug is administered incorrectly, local pain which are stopped by antihistamines.

Vitafel Introduction prohibited without label, dates of packaging, upon expiration, violation of the consistency of the liquid in the ampoule (flakes, clots, mold). If the ampoule was opened, then after 1 day it is not recommended to use it.

In the presence of autoimmune diseases Pet antibodies can cause serum sickness and anaphylactic shock.

Reviews about the drug

Angelica: “About 3 weeks ago, our pregnant woman developed conjunctivitis. We were very worried about Mashunya, because the animal became part of our family and were afraid to lose it. We read a lot of things on the Internet and decided to purchase several ampoules. Redness and tearing, apathy, temperature and other side effects disappeared after 4 days. Now the kids have appeared, they seem to be healthy, we are thinking of vaccinating them right away.”

Alexander:“Recently, a new pet store near the house opened. The saleswoman actively advertised vaccines, because spring is already in the yard, all the cats have gathered under the balconies =)) Well, I decided that even though the price is not cheap, it is better to take the drug from the minimum amount side effects. In principle, everything went as usual: Sausage pulled out, but gave up =) The only negative is the price.”

Anna:“For a long time we have been carrying out prevention with this particular remedy. Over the past 6 years, not a single puncture. Thanks for the quality!

Maksim:“Absolutely useless thing - after 2 years the cat caught something, it took about 10,000 rubles to save.”

Storage conditions

Proper storage of serum is the key to its effectiveness. It is important to ensure that direct access is not sun rays, cool and put out of the reach of children.

The room temperature must be between 2°C and 18°C. The shelf life is 2 years.

Infectious diseases of feline representatives are quite common. The owners, taking care of their health, give their pets various drugs, because the complex treatment turns out to be the most efficient. excellent medicinal and prophylactic for infections is Vitafel (serum for cats) - this is an innovative, but quite popular product that is prescribed by veterinarians.

The drug Vitafel - its properties, action and composition

Vitafel for cats affects the immune system, reducing the risk of infection and facilitating the course of the disease. It is produced in two forms: simply Vitafel - an immunoglobulin, and Vitafel-S - a whey product. Their properties are the same, with the difference that the first preparation does not contain impurities - it is the purest. But the second one is more effective and stronger in terms of the degree of impact. Accordingly, the price is also higher.

The tool can be found on the shelves of the pet store in the form of ampoules of 1 ml or bottles of the same volume. Serum for cats Vitafel allows you to develop strong immunity which is very important in the fight against infections. Wide spectrum use, speed, a result that lasts a long time - the clear advantages of the drug.

The composition of the product contains antibodies formed by the body of a donor cat. Animal infect mild form virus under experimental conditions, and after recovery, cells are taken, using them to produce a drug. At the same time, Vitafel contains only fractions of blood serum, and Vitafel-S contains the entire serum. It has a transparent consistency, the color can vary to red and brown.

Indications for Vitafel's use

Dangerous infectious agents - the main indication for use medicinal product. The product is used for diseases:

  • distemper;
  • rhinotracheitis in an infectious form;
  • calicivirus;
  • chlamydia;
  • rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis.

In addition, the remedy is used for prophylaxis if the animal is at risk. For example, in nurseries, after street and yard maintenance, before exhibitions and mating. The veterinarian can prescribe it after lambing to restore immunity, as well as during pregnancy or after illness, when the body is weakened.

Vitafel - excellent drug to restore immunity and, despite the fact that analogues of the drug can be found on the market, veterinarians prefer this particular remedy. Source: Flickr (Kerri_Lee_Smith)

Vitafel: instructions for use and dosage depending on the goals

If you decide to use Vitafel C for cats, the instructions for it are in each package - you must definitely follow the recommendations of doctors. For preventive purposes, a single injection of one ampoule for an animal weighing up to 10 kg will be required. For a larger cat, two ampoules are required, but they are administered not once, but at intervals of a day. The injection is carried out subcutaneously, preferably at the withers.

Note! After half a month action artificial immunity will be discontinued, if necessary, re-vaccination should be carried out in a similar way.

For medicinal purposes, Vitafel is also prescribed for cats, the instructions for use provide for a triple administration of the drug - the interval is from 12 hours to a day. Only the duration can be determined veterinarian depending on the state of health of the pussy. The treatment is carried out in a complex, using additional drugs. It is important that the diagnosis is established medical worker, self-medication is not allowed.

Before using the medicine, you should treat the table and hands with an antiseptic, place the cat in comfortable posture, distract with a treat by asking someone to hold the little animal. The skin is pulled back, the needle is inserted carefully so as not to pierce the skin through - do not overdo it. Next, the needle is pulled out, holding the withers, no further processing is required.

A cat with conjunctivitis should be treated with drops. Eyes are instilled three times a day: for babies - one drop in each eye, for adults - two. With rhinitis, Vitafel C for cats is instilled into the nostrils three drops three times a day.

Note! The formation of sediment at the bottom does not indicate the spoilage of the product - just shake the bottle to mix the medicine.

Possible side effects, contraindications

The only contraindication that serum for cats has is intolerance and allergic reactions. If the animal is prone to such manifestations, a preliminary administration of 0.25 ml is recommended, and the remainder is administered an hour later.

Side effects are minor:

  • slight soreness of the injection and the place of its introduction;
  • redness of the injection site.

Vitafel is an excellent drug for restoring immunity and, despite the fact that analogues of the drug can be found on the market, veterinarians prefer this particular remedy. The benefits of using a lot, including speed, high efficiency, no contraindications, ease of administration. The price is affordable - a package costs about 200 rubles.

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