Correct stimulation of ovulation with clostilbegit. Clomiphene and clostilbegit to stimulate ovulation

What is Clostilbegit

Clostilbegit (or Clomiphene) - medicinal product, which is used to treat dysfunction and stimulate a woman’s ovulation. The essence of the action is that the active ingredients of the drug activate the growth of the follicle and the maturation of the egg.

Important! You cannot prescribe the drug yourself! You may harm your health.

In what cases is it used?

The decision to prescribe the drug can only be made by a doctor after collecting all the tests and conducting necessary examinations. Clostilbegit is used to treat infertility only if the cause is the woman’s lack of ovulation.

What tests and examinations are needed:

  1. Spermogram for a spouse.
  2. Patency examination fallopian tubes.
  3. Checking partner compatibility.
  4. Examination of the condition of the uterine mucosa.
  5. Tests for sexually transmitted infections.

Reasons for the absence of ovulation, in which stimulation with the drug will not produce results:

  1. Thyroid gland dysfunction.
  2. Increased prolactin levels.

The drug can also be prescribed during natural ovulation if a woman is diagnosed with Chiari-Frommel or Stein-Leventhal syndrome.

Stimulation scheme

The regimen for taking Clostilbegit is prescribed to each patient individually, based on the characteristics of her body. As a rule, stimulation is carried out in several stages. Let's consider the most common application scheme.

Before ovulation

Use 1 tablet with a dosage of 50 mg for five days. The course begins in the first week of the cycle (the day is prescribed by the doctor). A week to a week and a half after starting to take the drug, ultrasound monitoring of stimulation begins (follicle growth is observed, etc.). After the follicle size has reached the required levels, injections of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) are prescribed. Typically, Profasi and Ovitrel are used for hCG injections. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor, on average it can be 5000-1000 IU. Ovulation occurs within 24 hours after the injection. The doctor also recommends maintaining a certain frequency of sexual intercourse (usually once every 2 days).

After ovulation

After ovulation has been confirmed by ultrasound, supporting gestagens (Utrozhestan, Progesterone) are used. After 2 weeks, a blood test is taken for hCG, the result of which allows you to determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not.
It is recommended to use a pregnancy test no earlier than two weeks after ovulation.

When does ovulation occur?

As a rule, ovulation occurs 10-15 days from the start of taking Clostilbegit. Sometimes ovulation may occur earlier.

What to do if ovulation has not occurred

If the boil has not reached necessary indicators and ovulation has not occurred, it is recommended to increase the dosage of the medication to 100 mg. If this method does not bring results, other gonadotropin-based drugs are prescribed.

The main thing is not to panic if ovulation does not occur as expected. Many patients experience a phenomenon such as late ovulation after Klostilbegit.

Stimulation of ovulation by Clostilbegit and Proginova

Often, the drug Proginova is added to the main course of stimulation in order to suppress the production of estrogen. The tablets are taken from days 5 to 21 of ovulation.

Application of Clostilbegit for men

In order to increase sperm concentration, the drug can also be used by men. Before starting treatment, you must undergo a spermogram twice with an interval of 14 days.

Important! When taking Clostilbegit in men, the risk of testicular rupture increases. To prevent this, ultrasound monitoring of stimulation is recommended.


Unfortunately, the drug is contraindicated for:

  • liver or kidney failure;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • pregnancy;
  • some visual impairment;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • galactose intolerance;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects and consequences of ovulation stimulation with clostilbegit

One of the complications after using the drug is ovarian hyperstimulation. The risk of ectopic or multiplane pregnancy also increases, cystic formations, ovarian rupture, weight gain, early menopause, gastrointestinal disorders, etc. Some women noted the development of a frozen pregnancy.

Everything about stimulation will help you figure it out for those who are looking forward to it!

Schemes for ovulation stimulation:

1 group
Clomiphene citrate (clostilbegit, Clomid) - these are direct stimulation drugs that lead to increased production of hormones in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which in turn stimulate the work of the ovaries (growth and maturation of the follicle with the egg). The pregnancy rate when stimulating ovulation with clomiphene is 30-40%.
Stimulation begins from 2-5 days menstrual cycle within 5 days, a tablet form of the drug is prescribed 1-2 times a day. Ultrasound monitoring of the growth of the leading follicle and the reaction of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity) is carried out on days 7-11, 14-16 of the menstrual cycle; on days 14-16 (with a 28-30 day cycle), sufficient maturation of the follicle is recorded. Administration of the drug Chorionic Gonadotropin is prescribed

- pregnyl, for fixed ovulation (a hormone that promotes ovulation - the release of an egg from the leading follicle), sexual intercourse is recommended on that day and the next. Ultrasonography carried out on days 17-19 of the menstrual cycle to confirm ovulation. From the 16th day of the menstrual cycle, medications are prescribed to support the functioning of corpus luteum producing progesterone, necessary to prepare the endometrium for the attachment of a fertilized egg. Progesterone preparations (duphaston) are used
, morning,

progesterone ) within 10-14 days. A pregnancy test (urine) is carried out 1-2 days before menstruation, and if menstruation is delayed by 7-10 days, a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced during pregnancy) is added, and an ultrasound is also performed to establish pregnancy.

Clomiphene has an anti-estrogenic effect, which can adversely affect the condition of the cervical mucus in the form of impaired sperm movement and the state of the endometrium not being prepared for the attachment of a fertilized egg. To eliminate this effect, estrogenic drugs (microfollin) are used in the stimulation cycle , proginova ).

Lack or insufficient effectiveness in the 1st cycle of stimulation (no leading and growing follicle within 10-15 days after discontinuation of clostilbegit) serves as an indication for increasing the dose of the drug in the next cycle!!!

If there is no effect from stimulating ovulation, then this is regarded as a decrease in sensitivity to the drug. In this case, stimulation with drugs of a different series - gonadotropins - is indicated.

In the cycle of ovulation stimulation with clostilbegit Special attention patients with disorders deserve fat metabolism, overweight body, increased blood pressure, swelling, in which stimulation with this drug is often ineffective.

Along with patients with reduced sensitivity to clostilbegit, there are women with an increased reaction to the drug, manifested in hyperstimulation, in which the size of the ovaries increases, slight pain lower abdomen, bloating, flatulence, ovarian cysts may occur. These manifestations require treatment on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting for 7-21 days, depending on the severity of the hyperstimulation symptom. Risk oncological diseases(ovarian cancer) when clostilbegit is used is not great, but exists with frequent and long-term use.

2nd group

, menogon
, drove - gonadatropic drugs (gonadotropins are hormones produced in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland of the brain that stimulate the growth and maturation of follicles in the ovaries).

Stimulation begins on the 2-3rd day of the menstrual cycle under ultrasound control, because it is necessary to create the desired rhythm of action on the follicles from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, simulating natural cycle their growth and maturation. Usually this is daily intramuscular injection at the same time. To assess the effectiveness (formation of the leading follicle and its growth) of the effects of these drugs and their possible correction, ultrasound control is required at 6-7; 9-11; 13-16 days of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-30 day menstrual cycle). Sometimes, if necessary, an ultrasound may be prescribed additionally for more accurate orientation clinical picture, it allows you to identify any possible difficulties during stimulation. For example, poor endometrial growth against the background of good follicles, the formation of cysts, or uneven growth of follicles - all these problems can be solved, the main thing is to determine it in time!!!

With adequate growth of the follicles and endometrium, by the middle of the menstrual cycle on days 13-16 of the menstrual cycle, an ovulatory dose of hCG (pregnyl) is prescribed for controlled ovulation (the release of the egg from the leading follicle). Sexual intercourse is prescribed around this time (on the day of administration of rotten and the next day). Control of ovulation is carried out on days 17-19 - ultrasound. Next, to maintain the functioning of the corpus luteum formed in the ovulated follicle, a progesterone preparation (utrozhestan duphaston, progesterone) is prescribed from the 16th day of the menstrual cycle for 10-14 days.

A urinary pregnancy test is carried out 1-2 days before menstruation and if menstruation is delayed by 7-10 days, a blood test for hCG is added, reflecting the duration and state of pregnancy.

When ovulation is stimulated with gonadotropins under individual control and correction, high pregnancy results are achieved.

But sometimes it can be increased, inadequate reaction on the use of these drugs, manifested in hyperstimulation. Timely correction and use of auxiliary medications in outpatient setting or in a hospital eliminates these manifestations within 7-20 days.

Group 3:Combined use of clostilbegit and gonadotropins. The pregnancy rate is 30-70%.

The beginning of stimulation of ovulation from the 2-5th day of the menstrual cycle with the use of clostilbegit for 5 days, then gonadotropins are administered for 5-7 days, under ultrasound control, then the hCG drug is administered for a fixed day of ovulation and sexual intercourse on the ovulatory day, and with On the 16th day of the menstrual cycle, progesterone preparations are prescribed. Pregnancy tests are carried out at the same time, in the same volume.

It should be noted that if the leading anovulatory factor of infertility is established, one can expect positive result in 60-100% during a stimulating ovulation cycle. In addition, ovulation disorders as the only factor of infertility are more common with genetically determined disorders, which are not always treatable.

The problem of infertility is very relevant in modern life. If a woman is unable to conceive a child, this can become a serious obstacle to a happy family life. In these conditions, it is extremely important therapeutic measures aimed at restoration reproductive function. And one of them is the stimulation of ovulation by Clostilbegit. But before carrying out drug correction, it is necessary to find out what the drug is, whether it has Negative influence on the body and what regimens for taking it exist. The doctor knows the answers to all questions, but some information can also be gleaned from the instructions for use.

General information

The normal course of the menstrual cycle is a necessary basis for reproductive function. Regulatory processes occurring in a woman’s body affect all parts of the reproductive system, which ensures the ability to conceive and subsequently bear a child. The central governing body is the hypothalamus. It synthesizes gonadotropic hormones that act on the ovaries.

In the first phase of the cycle, the concentration of follitropin increases. It stimulates the maturation of germinal vesicles containing eggs. Ovulation occurs approximately 11–15 days after the end of menstruation. It is characterized by a gap dominant follicle and the release of the oocyte from it, passing against the background of peak concentrations of gonadotropins. Then the cycle moves into the second phase - the luteal phase - when a corpus luteum forms in the ovaries at the site of the burst vesicle.

The ovarian cycle is inextricably linked with the uterine cycle. Changes occurring in the gonads initiate certain transformations in the functional layer of the endometrium, depending on the concentration of hormones. Estrogens, synthesized by follicular cells in the first phase, stimulate the growth of the uterine mucosa after menstruation (proliferation). And after ovulation, progesterone is a product functional activity corpus luteum - initiates secretory transformation of the endometrium, thereby preparing it for implantation of the embryo.


The active substance of the drug Clostilbegit is clomiphene in the form of a compound with citrate. To the auxiliary components involved in stabilization dosage form, include starch, lactose, gelatin, magnesium stearate. They do not have a significant effect on the body, therefore they are called indifferent (neutral).


The main effect of Clostilbegit is antiestrogenic. Due to competitive antagonism with sex hormone receptors, it binds to them instead of estrogens, which blocks the effects of the latter. It occurs in the ovaries and brain (pituitary gland). Thus, endometrial proliferation is suppressed in the uterus, and according to the mechanism feedback the release of gonadotropins is stimulated, which becomes the initiating factor for the onset of ovulation.

But this effect is observed when using small doses and in the case of hyperestrogenism. If there are already so few of your own sex hormones, then Clostilbegit has the opposite effect - estrogenic. And in high concentrations it can inhibit the synthesis of gonadotropins in the pituitary gland (lutropin, follitropin, prolactin).

Another feature of the drug is that, under certain conditions, it can act not only as a blocker of estrogen receptors, but can also activate them. The latter is, for example, observed in bone tissue, causing a positive effect in the form of preventing osteoporosis. It has no other effects, in particular gestagenic or androgenic.

The main effect of Clostilbegit, necessary to stimulate ovulation, is anti-estrogenic. Thanks to it, the secretion of gonadotropins is enhanced, ensuring the maturation of follicles in the ovaries.

Distribution in the body

The drug has good absorption from gastrointestinal tract. Metabolism of clomiphene occurs in the liver. It is then excreted in the bile and then reabsorbed through the intestines. The half-life is from 5 to 7 days. As a result, the drug is excreted as metabolites in the feces.


It is absolutely clear that stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit is carried out in cases where ovarian function is impaired. In the gonads - most often due to hormonal disorders - the oocyte does not mature and exit the follicle. This situation is called anovulatory infertility. But in addition to this phenomenon, among the indications for the use of clomiphene you can see:

  • Amenorrhea.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Hyperprolactinemia.

The drug can be prescribed not only to women, but also to men suffering from androgen deficiency and oligospermia, which also lead to infertility. Clostilbegit is also used as a diagnostic agent ( functional tests with pituitary dysfunctions).


Before ovulation stimulation (induction), it is necessary to establish accurate diagnosis, confirming the hormonal origin of the pathology. The doctor will prescribe the woman additional examination: blood test, folliculometry (ultrasound), vaginal smears. The specialist will assess the woman’s condition and identify accompanying illnesses. And only after a thorough examination can Clostilbegit be prescribed. Under no circumstances should you use it yourself.

Method of administration

The drug is available in tablet form for oral administration. The dosage and duration of the course are determined by the sensitivity of the ovaries to the medication, therefore they are set according to individually doctor. Clostilbegit is taken from the 5th day after menstruation. If the duration of the first phase is less than 12 days or there is early ovulation, then treatment begins on the 3rd day of the cycle. The scheme for stimulating ovulation varies. The most common are two options.

The first regimen involves taking one tablet of clomiphene for 5 days. If there is no ovulation, then move on to the next option. From the next cycle, they begin to take a double dose of the drug for the same time. If unsuccessful, the regimen is repeated again, but if this does not bring results, take a break for 3 months, after which Clostilbegit is taken for 12 weeks. Treatment should not exceed three courses. If there is no effect, a re-examination is necessary.

While taking the drug, regular monitoring of the condition of the ovaries and endometrium is carried out. If, according to the results of the ultrasound, there is growth of the follicle, reaching a size of 18–21 mm, and the thickness of the uterine mucosa is at least 8 mm, then the woman is given an injection of another medicine - Pregnil. It is a trigger for ovulation. Ovulation should occur 1.5–2 days after this. And within this timeframe it is necessary to conceive.

But stimulating ovulation with Clostilbegit alone is not enough. To prepare the endometrium for implantation, it is necessary to induce its secretory transformation. For this purpose, gestagens are used, which are taken immediately after successful induction of ovulation. Such drugs can be Norkolut, Duphaston or other progestins.

Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit is carried out according to various schemes and in several stages. After a successful result, it is necessary to take other medications.

Side effects

While the maturation of the follicle is stimulated, the drug can cause some not entirely pleasant symptoms. Besides the important therapeutic effect, clomiphene has side effect. It can cause the following disorders in the body:

  • Neurological: increased fatigue, headaches and dizziness, insomnia, decreased mood and depression, visual disturbances.
  • Digestive: nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.
  • Urogenital: increased frequency of urination, follicular cysts ovaries, pain in the lower abdomen and mammary gland, menstrual dysfunction, multiple pregnancy.
  • Others: feeling of heat in the body and fever, hair loss, weight gain, allergic reactions.

Side effects are not observed in every patient and are expressed in varying degrees. This depends on the individual sensitivity of the body to the drug. When using an excessive dose of the drug, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, a feeling of fever, visual disturbances. These reactions are subject to symptomatic correction.


Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit should be carried out under constant medical supervision. It is necessary to take into account all conditions that pose restrictions on the use of the drug. Even at the stage of preliminary examination, the doctor determines what concomitant conditions the woman has. Indeed, among the indications for the use of clomiphene are the following:

  1. Ovarian cysts.
  2. Pituitary tumor.
  3. Gonadotropin deficiency.
  4. Severe kidney or liver failure.
  5. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  6. Pregnancy.

When using Clostilbegit, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the ovaries and their function. If enlargement of the gonads or cystic changes in them is registered, then treatment is temporarily stopped until the size normalizes. Based on the degree of violations, therapy may be carried out with minimal doses or the course of treatment may be shortened. When using the drug, it is also necessary to examine liver function and warn the woman about possible adverse reactions, affecting the reaction speed when working with moving mechanisms.

In gynecological practice, stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit is very common. But this drug should be used only after a thorough examination to determine the cause reproductive dysfunction and under strict medical supervision. Compliance with dosage regimens and following all specialist recommendations will become important aspect effectiveness of treatment.

Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit is the most common technique used to treat female infertility. In women, the components of Clostilbegit stimulate the production of hormones responsible for the maturation of follicles. The effectiveness of the drug is estimated at 30-40%, subject to the correct dosage and treatment regimen.

Who is prescribed ovulation stimulation?

Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit is prescribed to women with diagnoses unknown origin . Before stimulation begins, the couple is sent for examination to ensure that the real reason infertility is ovarian dysfunction.

Prescribe stimulants medicines with male factor infertility, tubal obstruction, infectious and inflammatory diseases It just doesn't make sense. Klostilbegit (clomiphene citrate) anti-estrogen, effective medicine, but has many side effects, the most severe of which are hyperstimulation, ovarian depletion and, as a consequence, early menopause.

Clostilbegit dosage regimen

Stage 1:

Taking tablets to stimulate ovulation begins on days 2-5 of the cycle with a dosage of 50 mg/1 tablet per day for 5 days.

From 7-10 days of the cycle, the growth of the endometrium and follicles is monitored using ultrasound sensors. After one of the follicles reaches a size of 22-25 mm, an injection with hCG preparations is prescribed (Choragon, Ovitrel, Pregnyl). As a rule, ovulation occurs 24-27 hours after the injection.

When stimulated by Clostilbegit, the day of ovulation is the most favorable time for conception. In IVF protocols, egg puncture is carried out before ovulation begins.

Stage 2:

The doctor prescribes medications containing progesterone: Utrozhestan, Duphaston or Progesterone injections. The duration of such support is 14 days, starting from the day of ovulation. After two weeks, a blood test for hCG is taken.

Stage 3:

Taking Clostilbegit suppresses the growth of the endometrium, which complicates the implantation of a fertilized egg. That is why the thickness of the endometrium is monitored throughout the treatment and estrogen is prescribed. (Proginova).

What to do if there is no result

Did you get tested on day 14 and it was negative? Pregnancy did not occur. Don't despair. If you ovulated, but didn’t get pregnant, you will be offered to repeat stimulation and, possibly, new medications will be selected.

If the ovarian response was insufficient, then upon repeated stimulation with Clostilbegit, the doctor will suggest adjusting the dosage of the drug. The main thing is to remember that taking stimulant drugs only affects the maturation of follicles, and in no case does not treat hormonal disorders.

Side effects after taking ovulation-stimulating drugs

If the doctor confirms that the follicles do not mature, this means that you have health problems and, most likely, not only in the reproductive sphere. You shouldn’t expect that taking medications will solve all your problems.

Even the most modern means to stimulate ovulation have side effects. Most often, after stimulation, patients encounter complications such as:

  • formation of cysts and polyps;
  • ovarian depletion and, as a result, early menopause;
  • hyperstimulation;
  • ovarian rupture;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • problems with the digestive and nervous systems.

Clostilbegit stimulates ovulation quite effectively, but has many side effects. Consult your doctor about ovulation stimulation and try alternative health treatments before taking Clostilbegit. It is not recommended to use it for more than 6 cycles.

Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit - reviews

According to reviews of people who have encountered this modern medical technique, ovulation stimulation is a fairly progressive method. Ovulation is a hormone-dependent process, so it is stimulated with the help of drugs containing hormones.

Despite the fact that the action of all drugs is aimed at restoring hormonal levels body, there is different reviews about treatment: from those who became pregnant after stimulating ovulation with Clostilbegit and from those for whom it did not help.


After 2 years of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, I consulted a doctor. An ultrasound revealed a diagnosis of anovulation. I completed 2 courses of 4 months of ovulation stimulation with clostilbegit. Of the side effects - 4 increased large cysts. I managed to get pregnant a month after I stopped taking the medication.


I took ovulation medications for one cycle. Before this, my periods were irregular. I started taking Clostilbegit and, miraculously, I became pregnant in the first cycle. They did an ultrasound, which showed three excellent eggs, only one was fertilized. Now my princess is 4.5 months old! Don't read bad reviews, everything is individual!

Questions and answers about stimulation with Clostilbegit

On thematic sites there are many questions and reviews regarding the safety, feasibility and effectiveness of the use of medicines.


Question: How is ovulation stimulated with Clostilbegit? I've heard negative reviews, they write a lot about early menopause. Do you need an answer from those who have taken the drug?


Answer: Hello! I’ll say right away that Clostilbegit did not help me, 3 cycles were stimulated. We started with the minimum dosage from the 2nd day of the cycle, then increased it. I don’t know what’s next yet. The gynecologist refers me to IVF.

Among the side effects, I gained a lot of weight, especially in the hip area. I heard about early menopause, I don’t think that the ovaries will be exhausted in 3 cycles.


Question: How was your pregnancy after ovulation stimulation? I am interested in reviews on the timing of hormonal support.


Answer: What’s so special about pregnancy after Clostilbegit? I left like everyone else, without any complications. Toxicosis and tone on early- a common occurrence. Support was available until the 15th week, but now many pregnant women are prescribed Utrozhestan or Duphaston for tone. Read positive reviews and don't beat yourself up.


Question: Is it possible to perform stimulation if my husband’s sperm count is bad? I passed it before starting treatment and was diagnosed with Asthenozoospermia. The clinic said that there was nothing to worry about, my mobility was 53%, but I was worried. I'm looking forward to answers and feedback from those who have experienced something similar.


Answer: The doctor is right, everything can be treated! It’s good that you got tested before the stimulation started. We got it the other way around.

I was stimulated for 4 months, the eggs matured in each cycle, but pregnancy did not occur... I was very worried... Then they advised me good doctor, and I went to see him for a consultation, and so, he was very surprised that they didn’t check my husband. My husband did get tested, and he was also diagnosed low mobility due to inflammation. We treated for a month, then rested before stimulation.

In general, the 5th stimulation turned out to be a winner. 4 eggs matured, only one was fertilized. I'm now at 12 weeks! I’m writing this review to let you know that there is hope! So don't be discouraged!


Question: The gynecologist prescribed ovulation stimulation, I doubt it. The fact is that according to ultrasound I have my own ovulation, albeit not in every cycle. I'm afraid I'll hurt myself by taking ovulation medications. Tell me, who had a similar situation and Klostilbegit helped get pregnant? Do you need reviews and advice on how to speed up ovulation using other, less harmful means?


Answer: A little off topic, but still. Yes, Klostilbegit is not the easiest and safe drug, but I wouldn’t refuse. If you doubt your doctor's prescriptions, try going for a consultation with another specialist. In any case, taking Clostilbegit in minimal doses and under medical supervision is not capable of harming the body.

I have polycystic ovary syndrome, I ovulated, but apparently the quality of the eggs was not important. I was treated for a long time, stimulated with Clostilbegit - it did not help. Now I’m preparing for AI and stimulation with other drugs. From alternative ways treatment is only herbs, but after reading the reviews, I would not take them on my own.


Question: Girls, SOS! The reproductive specialist prescribed ovulation stimulation with Clostilbegit, 2 tablets per day, and today I discovered that I missed 1 day of taking it!!! What to do? Now nothing will work out?!


Answer: Don’t worry, continue taking the pills according to the schedule and extend it by 1 day. I also forgot to drink - the doctor told me to do just that.

Stimulation of ovulation with other drugs

Gonal, Menopur, Puregon, Horagon, Duphaston, Utrozhestan and Proginova are drugs that stimulate ovulation in women and prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg. The schemes for such stimulation are more complex and similar to those used by reproductive specialists in IVF protocols. There are both positive and negative reviews.



Question: Diagnosis primary infertility I was diagnosed 3 years ago. She was treated for polycystic ovary syndrome and endometritis. Ovulation was irregular. The clinic prescribed stimulation. I read the stories of everyone who became pregnant after ovulation stimulation, reviews, advice and was determined to win...

Now I have four stimulations with Clostilbegit behind me. There is no effect. How to stimulate ovulation further? And, most importantly, what?


Answer: Helped me stimulation scheme with Gonal. I got pregnant right away. She started stimulation from the 2-6th day of the cycle and a dosage of 50 mg, from the 9th day she increased the dose to 75 units, from the 14th to 112. The injections continued until the 15th day of the cycle, and the long-awaited ovulation was on the 18th day.


Answer: Gonal also helped me and stimulating ovulation with an hCG injection. Pregnancy occurred the second time. I was stimulated with clostilbegit 6 times - it didn’t help.


Question: Finally received the histology results - no endometriosis!!! Did you write that polycystic ovaries are bad?

After laparoscopy, she took antibiotics and did physical procedures. In the next cycle, I begin stimulation with Clostibegit, an injection of hCG, Utrozhestan and Metipred. I read a lot about ovulation stimulation with Clostilbegit negative reviews, so I’m wondering if it might be better to start right away with Gonal?


Answer: I am one of those who got pregnant after ovulation stimulation. I am against taking Clostilbegit, it is a heavy drug and does not always help. It didn’t help me, and it also ruined my endometrium. Insist on stimulation with Gonal - modern drug it makes the follicles grow by leaps and bounds.


Answer: My friend is one of those who was helped to get pregnant by stimulating ovulation with Gonal. She was also diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, but then the fertility specialist explained that she had multifollicular ovaries, and this is often confused.

Everything worked out the first time! Before this, there were unsuccessful stimulation schemes with Clostilbegit and 2-year visits to clinics.


Question: I am very upset - the follicles are not growing! I am stimulated on the 6th day, starting from the 7th day of the cycle. Of these, 5 days - Puregon 100 units, today - 150 units. According to the ultrasound, the doctor added Menopur 75 units. Only 6 follicles measuring 5-6-10mm have grown!!! It is not enough? What ovulation medications were you prescribed? How many follicles have grown?


Answer: Stimulated with Gonal. At 10 DC, 10 follicles approximately 10 mm each have matured. Ovulation was on DC 12 (cycle 30 days). So everything is fine, don’t worry!


Answer: Everything is fine! It's just too early. It was stimulated by Puregon, although the dosage was higher. 7 excellent follicles have grown! The main thing here is not quantity, but quality.


Question: She took medications to stimulate ovulation. Scheme - Clostilbegit, Menopur with Proginova and Duphaston. The result was zero, only health problems remained... I came for an appointment after stimulation on the 3rd day of the cycle, they sent me for an ultrasound and a new diagnosis: due to taking medications, a cyst measuring 7 cm had grown!!! Girls, who came across? How long to treat? I was determined to have IVF, but now they probably won’t let me in?


Answer: I sympathize, I myself developed a dermoid cyst after ovulation was stimulated. I had to remove it along with the ovary. The doctor said that the reason was not the drugs, they just sped up the process.


Answer: Don't worry, there are different types of cysts. Go to a gynecologist - he will figure it out and prescribe treatment. I've resolved it myself. I only took vitamins for about a month. By the way, they never found the reason; they said it was a hormonal imbalance.


Question: Started stimulation. From the 3rd dc I inject Gonal-F. The doctor prescribed a dosage of 75IU for 6 days. Who did ovulation stimulation help get pregnant? Need feedback from those who have taken Gonal?


Answer: Hello! I took Gonal. After the second IVF attempt, pregnancy occurred. Twins were born - two boys! According to reviews, after stimulating ovulation with this drug, twins are often born.

My advice is not so much what is stimulated as the clinic and the doctor. So look for a good doctor.


Answer: But it didn’t help me... As a result - a cyst. Now I'm getting treatment. In general, the drug is very good, according to reviews, everyone praises it.

Stimulation of ovulation using folk remedies

Traditional medicine is replete with recipes and tips on how to speed up ovulation and pregnancy. Reviews of people who were helped to get pregnant by stimulating ovulation with folk remedies, and reviews of those who were disappointed in herbal medicine, are in a 50/50 ratio.

Underestimate traditional medicine It’s not worth it, just as you shouldn’t rely on it entirely. In any case, it is necessary to consult an experienced herbalist, in order not to harm your body.

According to reviews, the most popular folk remedies to stimulate ovulation – sage decoction containing a large number of phytoestrogen. No less famous potions made from aloe petals mixed with milk and a decoction of plantain seeds and rose petals .

You have not ovulated for more than six months, or have problems with reproductive system. This does not mean that you will not be able to give birth. Thanks to modern science, such procedures as . At its first stage, ovulation is stimulated by Clostilbegit, which increases production more quantity oocytes. If you follow all the instructions specified in the scheme, the probability of a successful result the first time is 60%. If both embryos are implanted into the body, 30% of women who no longer dreamed of becoming pregnant give birth to twins.

When a specialist says that there is no need for IVF, he means that it is possible to get pregnant during sex.

If, during the examination, they noticed problems with reproductive organs, in vitro fertilization is prescribed.

In medical practice there are many cases when ladies made conclusions according to measurements basal temperature, independently searched for information on the Internet, and treated themselves. And when, due to the consequences, they ended up in the hospital, they learned that the measurement table only determines the best day for conception.

Before the procedure, you must undergo some tests to find out whether you can undergo ovulation stimulation. This is also important for creating the right schedule.

The goal of stimulation is to form a viable, healthy cell, and then accelerate the release of the egg into abdominal cavity from the follicle.

How is the procedure performed?

If we talk about inducing ovulation with Clostilbegit, then its use begins on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, and on the 9th day the course is stopped. But do not forget about the uniqueness of each organism, the girl’s health, as well as the condition of the internal genital organs. Therefore, only the doctor decides the dosage of the medicine.
A few days after the start of the course, the gynecologist will refer you for an ultrasound. Ultrasound examination is repeated every 2-3 days until the follicle size is 20-25 mm.

The woman is then given an injection of hCG, which will induce ovulation. It occurs 24-36 hours after the injection.

What procedures are done before stimulation?

Individual provocation of a day favorable for conception cannot be done for people with certain diagnoses: obstruction of the fallopian tubes, hormonal imbalance, etc. To determine whether you can have stimulation or not, you need to go through:

  1. Consultation with a general practitioner.
  2. Study fallopian tubes for cross-country ability.
  3. Ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvis.
  4. Folliculometry.
  • Antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  • Presence of trichomoniasis and candidiasis.
  • Determination of hormonal levels.
  • The presence of antibodies to rubella;

Characteristics of the drug Clostilbegit

It is used most often by doctors, as it is the most effective means at female infertility. Clostilbegit tablets belong to the antiestrogenic group. Active substance- Clomiphene. After stimulation with this medicine, the production of follicles is observed, and the likelihood of pregnancy also increases.

But, since tablets in large doses tend to reduce the release of gonadotropins, they should be taken under the supervision of a doctor. The course of treatment cannot be continued for more than 5-6 cycles. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications and neoplasms.

Indications for use

These tablets are prescribed to women with the following diagnoses:

  • Amenorrhea;
  • Anovulatory infertility;
  • Androgen deficiency;
  • Galactorrhea;

The drug is also used for the treatment of dysfunctional metrorrhagia, galactorrhea caused by a pituitary tumor. Clostilbegit is also used by representatives of the stronger sex for oligospermia ( reduced quantity in the seminal fluid of spermatozoa).

Scheme for using Clostilbegit

The medicine begins to be taken before ovulation, starting from days 2-5 of the cycle, for five days one tablet before bedtime. During this time, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound every day to monitor the growth of the follicle. Only its length reaches 20 mm; the doctor injects hCG. Usual dose 5,000-10,000 IU. But it all depends on the results of the tests that the doctor sent you for.

Ovulation occurs 24 hours after Clostilbegit. But you shouldn’t have sex according to the principle “the more the merrier.” Consult your doctor about this topic. He will analyze your age, health status, and tell you how often you need to have sex in order to succeed.
In two weeks, your blood will be drawn to test your hCG capacity. If the hormone level is higher than usual, you are most likely pregnant.

Combined schemes

Every qualified doctor, before prescribing Clostilbegit to a patient, will send her to additional tests. It can cause many complications. If you take the medicine for too long, the girl may experience early menopause.

To avoid these and other complications, specialists use combined stimulation schemes.

To prevent an ovarian cyst, the patient is prescribed injections in parallel with this drug. human chorionic gonadotropin. This injection is also used to maintain the corpus luteum if pregnancy has already occurred.

It is known that when taking Clostilbegit, estrogen production decreases. Therefore, it is recommended to use Proginov with it. Tablets are used as an auxiliary drug. They stabilize hormonal levels, and also prevent depletion of the girl’s reproductive system.

When does ovulation occur after Clostilbegit?

You can determine the onset of the most favorable day for conception using tests that are sold in every pharmacy. They respond to a surge of the hormone luteotropin, which will be observed on days 12-16 of the menstrual cycle. But it’s better to start checking a little earlier, 2-3 days in advance. Do you see the bright pink stripe? This means that in a day or a day and a half you can expect the onset of ovulation. However, it is therefore necessary to verify the correctness of the result by observing all conditions of use and making repeated checks.

If you take Clostilbegit, this period should begin approximately 10 days after the end of the course. This is approximately 16-19 days, although in practice it often happened that the process began earlier - 11-15 days.

Is it advisable to use Clostilbegit if there is ovulation?

The opinions of scientists on this issue differ radically. Some argue that taking Clostilbegit during ovulation is pointless. After all, its main task is to induce ovulation. Why poison your body once again?

The other half of the experts do not agree with this position. They claim that use is necessary for ladies who have weak follicles. You can also increase the probability by successful pregnancy, because with the help of the medicine hyperovulation is caused, which means that the chances of success are much greater.

Contraindications for use

The medicine contains 100 mg of lactose. Therefore, if you suffer from galactose intolerance, lactose intolerance, or glucose malabsorption, its use is strictly prohibited.

  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Polycystic disease;
  • Neoplasms in the genital area;
  • Liver or kidney failure;

Side effects

This medicine can cause various reactions.

Nervous. Frequent headaches, depression, dizziness, insomnia. There is also increased irritability, excitability, and a slowdown in the speed of mental and motor reactions.

Digestive. Gastralgia, vomiting and diarrhea, nausea, frequent flatulence.

Genitourinary. Frequent urination, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, enlarged ovaries, pain in the lower abdomen.

In addition to the above side effects, patients often experience obesity, alopecia, and blurred vision.


If you do not want to accept the diagnosis of infertility and decide to stimulate ovulation with Clostilbegit, expect that you may experience complications. It must be handled very carefully, only a gynecologist should prescribe the dosage, self-medication is excluded here. And no matter what method of fertilization you choose: IVF, ICSI, IUI, or conception with a partner during sex, consult your doctor before stimulation.