Progesterone injections in the fight against dysfunction of the female reproductive system. progesterone shots

Progesterone injections are prescribed to those patients who, according to the results of a laboratory study of biological material, have revealed an insufficient concentration of the hormone. This hormone, which is introduced into the body of patients through injections, is of synthetic origin. Thanks to such injections, specialists manage to quickly eliminate various disorders of the reproductive system in patients.

Many patients who have been given a terrible diagnosis - undergo complex drug treatment, which involves progesterone injections. Synthetic hormone is often prescribed to patients who have. An individual treatment regimen is developed for them, which allows to normalize the functions of the reproductive system.

Progesterone injections to induce menstruation

Many patients who have a delay in menstruation are prescribed progesterone injections by specialists. Before conducting drug therapy, the patient must undergo a laboratory examination, which will help the doctor determine at what concentration the hormone is present in her blood.

To eliminate unpleasant consequences, the dosage of the drug should be set only by a doctor. In order to induce menstruation, patients are prescribed injections of progesterone at a certain concentration: 1.0%, 2.0%, 2.5%. The injected drug is a solution of oil (olive or almond), which contains a synthetic hormone.

How many shots of progesterone do menstruation start after?

Many patients believe that it is enough to take a few injections of progesterone to normalize the cycle (menstrual). They are deeply mistaken, since the dosage and duration of drug therapy directly depends on the characteristics of the female body and the general condition of the patient. That is why you should not take drugs on your own and recklessly without getting advice from a highly specialized specialist.

If the patients do not have any serious pathologies and diseases of the genitourinary system, then in most cases the gynecologist will prescribe the traditional scheme of taking progesterone injections. Every day, the patient will need to take injections, introducing a certain dose of a synthetic hormone into her body. The course of such therapy has a duration of 7 days. During this period of time, the female body is able to fully recover.

How long does it take for my period to start after a progesterone shot? Usually, after the end of the drug in patients, as a rule, not too heavy menstrual flow begins.

Another scheme for taking progesterone provides for appropriate injections that are administered intramuscularly every other day. In this case, the female body is given the opportunity to independently determine what dose of the hormone will be sufficient to start menstruation. During progesterone injections, some patients may experience nausea, weakness, lethargy, etc. Their blood pressure may rise or fall rapidly.

If after the first injection such side effects were detected, then it is urgent to get advice from your doctor. The specialist will determine the cause and possibly correct the treatment regimen or prescribe another drug containing synthetic progesterone.

What to do if there is no menstruation after progesterone injections?

If, after a certain number of injections of synthetic progesterone, the patient does not start her period, then she should contact her doctor. The specialist will examine the patient and if he does not reveal any pathologies, he will prescribe an additional course of injections, after which the long-awaited discharge will begin.

Progesterone injections to call menstruation: reviews

Many patients after a complex of progesterone injections to call menstruation leave their reviews on specialized Internet resources. You can also leave your feedback on our portal, through a special form at the end of the article.

In most cases, patients are completely satisfied with such drug therapy. They note that already on the 5-6th day after the first injection of progesterone, their periods began. But there are also those patients who have undergone a course of progesterone injections, and in whom no changes have occurred in the body.

Most patients who have induced menstruation with progesterone injections note that, despite the fact that this drug can be administered subcutaneously, they made a decision about intramuscular injections. This is due to the fact that injections into muscle tissue are not accompanied by too much pain.

It is also worth noting that progesterone exists not only in injections, but also in tablets. But to achieve a good result, experts recommend abandoning oral drugs in favor of injections.

The problem with the delay of critical days can affect any woman. Stressful situations, a change of city, pathologies in the gynecological part, or changes in nutrition can cause such a condition. In such cases, doctors often prescribe progesterone shots to induce menstruation.

This hormone has a direct effect on the duration of the menstrual period, it is able to regulate the process. How does this happen? After the introduction of synthetic Progesterone during a delay, injections sharply raise the level of the hormone in the body, which after a while drops sharply, and as a result, critical days begin.

Many women decide to start self-treatment in the absence of menstruation for a long time. They use folk remedies, buy medicines without consulting a doctor. This cannot be done, any treatment should begin after examination and testing. Self-treatment with delayed Progesterone or other means further exacerbates the imbalance of female hormones.

A delay usually indicates the onset of pregnancy. A woman buys a test, but it shows 1 strip. Of course, the question immediately arises: “Why is there no menstruation?”.

The main reasons for the absence of critical days (CD):

  • MC without ovulation and development of the corpus luteum;
  • lack of ovulation with the presence of a dominant follicle in the epididymis;
  • the presence of a cyst on the appendage or in the corpus luteum;
  • hypofunction of the corpus luteum.

Such conditions are formed due to an excess of estrogen, which leads to a lack of progesterone. The result is pathological changes in the inner mucous layer of the uterus, it does not go through all the stages of development, so that a full-fledged monthly uterine bleeding begins. For KD to come, it is necessary to increase the concentration of progesterone. Therefore, progesterone injections are prescribed for delay or pills.


To call menstruation with Progesterone, you first need to undergo an examination, donate blood. The doctor must find out the amount of the hormone, determine the phase of the MC. Such information is necessary for the doctor to calculate the exact dosage of the medication.

Indications for injections:

  • With anemia during the period of gestation, the course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Pain syndrome in CD. The duration of treatment does not exceed 7 days.
  • Progesterone injections are also prescribed to induce menstruation.
  • The drug in any form is prescribed to pregnant women to prevent miscarriage, and with a low content of the hormone in the bloodstream during gestation.


Menstruation and progesterone are interrelated. Without enough hormone, KD will not come. To prevent the occurrence of side effects, the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor. After measuring the concentration of the hormone, the attending physician chooses at what concentration the medicine should be prescribed to the patient: 1%, 2%, 2.5%.

The injection solution is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Before use, the ampoule is slightly heated in the hands or in a water bath to 40°C. If crystals are noticeable, then the medicine is kept in a water bath until they are completely dissolved.

Since critical days may be absent for various reasons, the treatment regimens are different. Before inducing menstruation with Progesterone for amenorrhea, treatment begins with drugs containing the hormone estrogen. It should provoke proliferation of the inner uterine lining.

Only then is Progesterone administered to induce menstruation. The drug is used according to a certain scheme. How to induce menstruation with progesterone in amenorrhea? The drug begins to be administered immediately after the course of estrogens. Inject 5 mg daily or 10 ml every other day. The duration of therapy is 6-8 days.

If the MC is disturbed, while the woman notes severe pain in the lower abdomen, injections of this drug are also prescribed. Injections of Progesterone 2.5% to induce menstruation help get rid of soreness, the drug not only reduces the severity, but completely eliminates the pain.

Progesterone in ampoules to induce menstruation with anemia is prescribed after passing the appropriate course of treatment. The duration of therapy is no more than 10 days, injections of the drug should be given for at least 6 days, and the dose of a 1% solution is about 1 ml.

Progesterone in injections to induce menstruation is used if KD does not occur within 40 days, and the test shows a negative result. If the delay is less than 5 days, medication is not carried out. Hormone therapy in the absence of KD lasts from 1 to 2 weeks, injections or tablets may be prescribed.

Progesterone 2.5% to call monthly instructions:

  • injections are made in the 2nd phase of the MC;
  • an injection is given daily, it is necessary to choose one time so as not to disturb the order;
  • the injection should be carried out at a dose of 1 ml of 1% or 0.5 ml of 2.5%.

An important condition is that only a medical worker knows how to inject Progesterone with a delay in menstruation, it is recommended either to clarify how to do it yourself or to come to the manipulation room daily for the procedure. It is better if the injection is made by a nurse, since complications can occur if the solution is not injected correctly.


Some women have too long to get to the hospital, there is no way to go to inpatient treatment, or there are other good reasons for which Progesterone injections have to be done at home. To avoid the development of complications, the injection is done according to a certain scheme.

Progesterone injections to call menstruation - instructions for use at home:

  • the ampoule from the solutions is heated in the hands;
  • then they wash their hands and put on medical gloves, you can use ordinary ones - not sterile;
  • the base of the ampoule before opening and the injection site of the solution are wiped with alcohol (use different swabs);
  • now you can fill the syringe with medicine and release the air;
  • medication Progesterone is injected into the upper part of the buttock, holding the needle at a right angle.

After the procedure, cotton wool soaked in alcohol is applied to the injection site so as not to infect the infection and stop the blood.


Women are interested in: “On what day do menstruation begin after progesterone injections?”. The duration of drug therapy based on a synthetic analogue of the hormone depends on the characteristics of the woman's body. Therefore, one should not recklessly use the medicine without medical advice.

Menstruation after progesterone injections should go in 3 days. Some have to complete a full course of 2 weeks to induce KD.

What if there is no CD after the injection?
It happens that menstruation did not come after Progesterone. In any case, you should adhere to the scheme and duration of treatment prescribed by the doctor. After its completion, if there is no menstruation, and progesterone is low, an additional examination of the woman is carried out.

In the absence of pathological conditions, a second course of treatment is prescribed. If the doctor has identified a disease, they first carry out a complex therapy of the problem, then prescribe hormonal drugs if the critical days have not come and the concentration of progesterone in the blood is lowered.


The drug has good efficacy. The high demand for the drug confirms this. However, not all women can use Progesterone injections to induce menstruation, reviews of which are almost all positive.

Contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • bleeding;
  • impaired liver function;
  • benign or malignant tumors in the breast;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • history of epilepsy;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Injections of medicines also cannot be carried out with diabetes and depression. If the spouses are planning to conceive, the use of Progesterone should be limited.

Side effects

Progesterone injections in the absence of KD can provoke the occurrence of a post-injection abscess. It is characterized by purulent inflammation deep in the muscle tissue. Therapy of the disease is carried out only by surgery.

It is also possible the formation of oleomas, pressure surges, rapid heart rate, headaches and migraines, decreased libido, weight gain, dizziness. With an overdose of the drug in the body, swelling, shortness of breath occur, and an allergic reaction may occur.

Women using Progesterone for delayed menstruation (injections), the reviews are mostly positive. They note that already on the 5-6th day of use, the long-awaited menstruation begins.

According to reviews on Progesterone to cause menstruation, it can be concluded that it is better to administer the drug intramuscularly rather than subcutaneously. This is due to the fact that the pain syndrome is less pronounced with intramuscular injection.


A synthetic analogue of the hormone is also produced by other pharmaceutical factories, under a different name. Before using the following drugs, you should consult your doctor. Their use is possible with a delay in menstruation, they are prescribed instead of the drug Progesterone, or, if necessary, conduct a second course of treatment.

Instead of the drug Progesterone, in the absence of critical days for a long time, patients are prescribed the following drugs containing a synthetic analogue of progesterone:

  • Duphaston;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Norkolut and others.

The reason for the delay can be either a deficiency or an excess of hormones. In any case, you will need to donate blood, undergo an ultrasound examination.

Table. The use of analogues of the drug Progesterone.

Correctly selected treatment with the correct dose of medication allows you to gradually start all the mechanisms of the MC, and provoke the appearance of critical days, but only the attending doctor can do this, knowing the characteristics of the woman's body.

Progesterone is a hormone produced in women by the adrenal cortex and ovaries. Sometimes it is the lack of this substance that causes the inability to conceive or bear a baby. In this case, gynecologists advise a course of treatment, including progesterone injections. By the way, prolonged absence of pregnancy is not the only medical indication. Hormonal imbalance leads to general problems with the reproductive system.

So, due to a lack of progesterone, the menstrual cycle gets off, uterine bleeding occurs, amenorrhea is observed. Before you can speak with confidence about the diagnosis, you need to undergo an examination. It is worth remembering that self-treatment, without the appointment of a specialist doctor, can cause great harm to the body. An insufficient level of progesterone is judged by a laboratory blood test, a sample of which must be taken on the 22-23rd day of the menstrual cycle, on an empty stomach.

It is recommended to inject progesterone intramuscularly or subcutaneously. As a rule, intramuscular injections are prescribed, which do not have a strong painful effect. If the hormone is injected subcutaneously, it is necessary to warm up the injection site by applying an iodine mesh, as there is a risk of tissue compaction with a pronounced hematoma. Many women prefer not to visit the treatment room every day, but to perform injections at home.

In this case, you must follow a few rules. First you need to warm the ampoule with the medicine to 36 - 40 degrees. This procedure will help reduce the viscosity of the oil solution, and the introduction of the drug will be much easier. Women who have undergone treatment say that the easiest way to warm the ampoule to human body temperature is to place it in a bra. Next, you need to sit comfortably and wipe the upper part of the thigh with a cotton swab dipped in medical alcohol.

The solution is drawn up with a syringe with a needle and air is released until drops of the drug appear from the tip of the needle. The muscle is grasped with the left hand, slightly pulled up, and an injection is made by inserting the needle perpendicularly to its full length. Then the needle is removed, clamping the injection site with a previously prepared clean swab, also moistened with alcohol. It is not difficult to perform injections on your own. However, it is better to take the help of a friend or someone from home and inject progesterone into the gluteal muscle.

In fact, the injection site does not play any role. It's just that injections into the femoral muscle are much more painful. The dosage of progesterone is determined depending on the diagnosis. But, basically, appoint 5 - 10 mg. The course of treatment is 6 - 8 days. Daily administration of the drug is necessary to maintain the current pregnancy. If the threat of losing the fetus is great enough, the dose of progesterone may be increased.

In this case, treatment is continued until full confidence in the preservation of pregnancy. If miscarriages practically haunt a woman, progesterone injections should be performed at the very beginning of pregnancy and until the end of the first trimester. The recommended dosage is 25 mg. It is not necessary that such a treatment regimen be applied. Injections are prescribed depending on the results of the diagnosis, the condition of the woman and the fetus. Only the attending physician has a complete picture.

Progesterone is a steroid hormone that is produced by both women and men. For the production of this hormone in women, the ovaries are responsible, in men - the testicles. In small amounts, the substance is excreted in women and men by the adrenal glands. The functions of progesterone in the human body are directly related to the functioning of the reproductive system.

Progesterone shots may be given for a variety of indications, the most common of which are:

The need to use progesterone injections for certain purposes is determined by passing a special blood test.

Only the attending physician can prescribe progesterone injections - in this case it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication (especially during pregnancy), because only a specialist can determine the very need for treatment with progesterone, as well as the exact dosage of the drug.

If the doctor prescribed progesterone injections to induce menstruation or during pregnancy, then it is necessary to complete the entire course of treatment without interrupting it and not completing it prematurely at will.

Side effects

Despite the fact that progesterone is produced by the human body, its use in treatment in the form of injections or tablets can cause various side effects, which can be expressed as follows:

Due to such an extensive list of adverse reactions of the body to taking progesterone, it is strictly forbidden to take and prescribe it on your own, without first consulting a doctor. Even if the drug was previously used for treatment, it is necessary to consult with specialists to continue or a new course of taking it.

If side effects (one or more) occur during progesterone injections, then you should immediately talk about this with your doctor, who can cancel the drug or reduce the dosage.

Progesterone injections are not prescribed to all women who have the appropriate indications for their use. This is due to the fact that the use of this drug has many contraindications. It is not prescribed during lactation, in the last weeks of pregnancy, in the presence of breast cancer, epileptic conditions.

In accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, injections can be used to treat patients who suffer from kidney failure, asthma, have a tubal pregnancy, but with extreme caution and under close medical supervision.

The drug is not prescribed in the presence of hypersensitivity to its individual components in the patient, with serious disorders in the liver and kidneys, in the presence of hepatitis, with inflammation of the venous walls, with the risk of blood clots, with vaginal bleeding of an incomprehensible nature.

Progesterone injections to induce menstruation

Almost all patients who have a delay in menstruation and have no contraindications to the use of progesterone are prescribed injections of the drug. But before the start of treatment, the patient must give blood for analysis in order to establish the exact content of the hormone in the serum.

To minimize and completely eliminate side effects and adverse effects from the use of the hormone, the exact dosage is set by a specialist. To call menstruation, progesterone injections at a concentration of 1%, 2%, 2.5% can be prescribed. The substance introduced into the body of a woman is presented in the form of an oil solution, which contains an artificial hormone.

Many women believe that just a few shots of progesterone are enough to induce menstruation and normalize the menstrual cycle. This is a common misconception, because the dosage of the substance for injections and the total duration of therapy will directly depend on the individual characteristics of the woman's body and her condition.

In the absence of contraindications, the woman will be prescribed the traditional scheme of progesterone injections, which involves daily injections. The average duration of this type of drug treatment is about 7-8 days. In most cases, this is quite enough for the woman's body to recover and the menstrual cycle to normalize. After the start of taking the hormone, a woman may experience mild menstrual flow.

In certain cases, a doctor may prescribe progesterone injections with a delay in menstruation, which will be done a little differently from the standard scheme. In such a situation, injections will be given every other day and will be administered intramuscularly. It is assumed here that the woman's body itself will determine the necessary level of the hormone for the onset of menstruation. With this treatment regimen, some women experience weakness, nausea, lethargy, mood deterioration, and other similar symptoms. In rare cases, there is a rapid increase or decrease in blood pressure.

In situations where, after a course of treatment, a woman still does not start her period, she needs to seek detailed advice from her doctor. The specialist will appoint additional studies to establish the exact cause of this condition, after which the woman will most likely be offered to undergo an additional therapeutic course.

The delay in the onset of critical days is a situation that female representatives of reproductive age are at risk of encountering. This problem is associated with stress, changes in climatic conditions, daily routine or nutrition. But the terrible reason for the delay is gynecological pathologies. Therefore, in the case of ladies, they immediately go to the hospital and quite often encounter the problem that they are prescribed injections of the female hormone in order to induce menstruation.

The hormones contained in the preparation have a direct effect on the normalization of the menstrual cycle and its subsequent regulation. Progesterone is administered intramuscularly when menstruation is delayed and the amount of the hormone progesterone is sharply increased, but only for a short time, after which it again drops to a critically low state, thereby normalizing the menstrual cycle.

The weaker sex often decide that with a long delay in menstruation, there is a place to be an independent treatment. Girls use traditional medicine and take medicines chosen without consulting a specialist, not thinking that this can seriously harm their health. Any treatment, especially related to women's health, should begin with a doctor's examination and various tests, after which the specialist can prescribe Progesterone and related drugs that will help not to aggravate the imbalance, but to even out the amount of hormones.

For what pathologies is progesterone prescribed?

It is logical that with a delay in menstruation, a woman first of all thinks that the reason for this is pregnancy. However, when the test shows a negative result, a reasonable question arises: why are there no periods?

To begin with, it is necessary to reflect on whether severe stress or a change in place of residence was the cause of the delay. If the month was not full of changes, then the reason is most likely in violations of the organs of the reproductive system. The main violations that are the reasons for the delay are:

  1. The menstrual cycle that proceeds without the development of follicles;
  2. Decreased activity of the corpus luteum;
  3. Violation of the growth and maturation of the follicle in the epididymis;
  4. A benign tumor on the corpus luteum or on the appendage.

All these disorders are associated, first of all, with an excess of the female hormone estrogen and, as a result, a lack of progesterone. Pathological changes in the internal lining of the uterus must be treated immediately after detection, until they lead to the formation of tumors or infertility. It is in order to avoid the consequences and aggravate the imbalance in the body that doctors prescribe progesterone.

Indications for Progesterone

The call of critical days with the help of Progesterone can be made only after passing a complete examination and donating blood. The specialist finds out the content of hormones in the blood and determines the current phase of the menstrual cycle. These analyzes are necessary for an accurate calculation of the dosage of the drug and the absence of an aggravation of the imbalance.

What does the instruction accompanying it say about the indications for taking the drug progesterone injections for inducing menstruation? It is worth noting that progesterone is prescribed not only to call critical days, but also to reduce pain during critical days, with anemia during pregnancy, or to prevent miscarriages.

How to use progesterone correctly?

The menstrual cycle and the hormone progesterone are closely related, because without a sufficient content of the hormone, critical days cannot begin. Properly calculated by the doctor, the dosage of the medicine will help to avoid the occurrence of side effects and quickly return the menstrual cycle to a normal rhythm. The doctor chooses the duration of the drug and the concentration (from 1% to 2.5%).

The solution for injection can be administered in two ways: intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Before injecting the drug, it is first necessary to slightly warm the ampoule in the palm of your hand or slightly warm it in a water bath to 30-40 degrees. If crystals are visible in the ampoule, then the medication must be heated until they are completely dissolved.

Since periods can be absent for various reasons, treatment with progesterone may vary.

Before you start inducing menstruation with Progesterone injections, you need to be treated with special preparations containing estrogen. What for? In order to provoke the proliferation of tissues of the uterine lining by cell division. Only after that you can enter Progesterone.

There is a special regimen for taking the medication. As mentioned above, the drug is administered after a course of estrogen treatment. Progesterone therapy lasts 7-10 days, depending on the diagnosis. The drug should be injected 5 ml per day or 10 ml every other day.

The question also arises, what concentration of the drug should be used? To quickly call menstruation and reduce pain during their course, the highest concentration is suitable - 2.5%.

How to properly administer progesterone?

Progesterone injections are given in the final phase of the MC. Injections with medication are required to be made daily, at a clearly appointed time, so that the body forms a system for taking the drug. It is better if the injections are made by a nurse in a manipulation room or at home, since side effects may occur if the drug is administered incorrectly.

But if you still decide to administer the drug yourself, clearly follow the following algorithm:

  1. Warm up the ampoule with the drug as described above;
  2. Wash your hands and put on sterile gloves;
  3. Wipe the top of the ampoule with an alcohol solution before opening it, and that part of the buttock where the needle will be inserted;
  4. Fill the syringe with the drug and release the air bubbles;
  5. Inject Progesterone into the upper half of the gluteal muscle. While doing this, hold the needle at a right angle to the insertion site.
  6. Apply cotton wool soaked in an alcohol solution to the injection site after the procedure. This is done to stop the bleeding and to decontaminate the injection site.

Of course, women are concerned about the question of how quickly menstruation begins. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But, of course, well-organized treatment with the correct dose of medication will allow the menstrual cycle to return to normal, but only a specialist can organize it.

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