What is estradiol and why do women need it? Normal estradiol levels are normal for women

Why is elevated estradiol dangerous? Estradiol (E2, Estradiol) is the most active of the female sex hormones (estrogens). The highest levels of estradiol are observed in the late follicular phase.

Many women do not even know what estradiol is, but this hormone is very important for women's health. Why? The fact is that estradiol is responsible for the formation of the female reproductive system precisely according to female type, and, therefore, is decisive in the female body.

Reference values ​​(estradiol norm in pg/ml)

Reference values ​​(Estradiol norm in pmol/l)

Functions of estradiol

Thanks to estradiol, secondary female sexual characteristics develop. This hormone is responsible for the frequency and regularity of menstruation. Without normal levels of estrodiol, the full maturation and development of the egg is impossible. Estradiol is able to regulate even some features of a woman’s behavior.

Estradiol increases during the release of the egg from the follicle. Ovulation can occur only after estradiol in a woman’s blood has risen to maximum level. Estradiol stimulates the growth of cells lining the uterine cavity, to which the fertilized egg is then attached.

That is why estradiol is the most important hormone for a woman, which regulates the basic functions of her body. The level of estradiol throughout the entire cycle rises smoothly and gradually, and after ovulation, in the absence of fertilization, it decreases quite sharply. If estradiol is constantly elevated, this is not a sign of women's health. Many women will be sincerely surprised to learn that estradiol levels need to be monitored. Sometimes the imbalance of this hormone in the body is practically not felt.

Estradiol norm

estradiol 0.08 -1.1 nmol/l

Some uncomfortable sensations are typical for abnormal estradiol levels. For example, an alarming signal that estradiol levels are elevated is the absence of menstruation or its irregularity, or cycle disruptions. It should be noted that in general, any fluctuations in the cycle should be a good reason for any woman to visit a gynecologist. Moreover, you should not postpone visiting a specialist if your estradiol levels have never been controlled.

An increase in estradiol may be associated with some quite serious diseases, for example, ovarian tumors, various ovarian cysts, or liver diseases. Occasionally, estrodiol levels may rise sharply from external reasons, for example, if a woman long time took antibiotics or hormonal drugs.

Estradiol levels may change from taking certain contraception containing a large number of hormones. Such unpleasant consequences usually occur if a woman neglected to consult a doctor before starting to take contraceptives and prescribed the drugs to herself. Responsible adults must understand that self-medication and self-prescription hormonal drugs not acceptable. After all, hormones must be in the body in the right quantities: no more, no less. In this matter, harmony is more important than ever. Regular visits to the gynecologist, self-monitoring hormonal status- here's the deposit long health and avoiding serious problems.

Among the estrogens, called female sex hormones, estradiol is the most important. It is he who bears the main responsibility for the formation and functioning of the female reproductive system, as well as for the mental and physical state representatives of the fair sex.

Thanks to the action of estradiol, the female figure acquires characteristic shape

Despite the fact that estradiol (international designation E2) – female hormone, it is produced from male testosterone by the adrenal glands and ovaries. Direct influence influence its synthesis. The result of estradiol is a female figure, however, in addition to this, it affects many other systems and organs:

  • regulation of menstrual rhythm;
  • increase in timbre;
  • increasing bone strength;
  • regulation of cholesterol levels;
  • influence on skin condition;
  • regulation of blood clotting;
  • improving the ability of muscles to contract;
  • preparation of the endometrium for embryo implantation.

The level of the hormone depends on the menstrual phase. In the first phase, its amount is small, by the time of ovulation it increases three times, and in the second phase it decreases.

Estradiol, although in smaller quantities, is also produced in men. IN male body it also strengthens bones, regulates clotting, stimulates metabolism and, in addition, is involved in spermatogenesis.

How and when to get tested?

Determination of estradiol levels may be indicated if the following symptoms are present:

  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • uterine bleeding between menstruation;
  • decreased fertility;
  • infertility;
  • pituitary failure;
  • osteoporosis;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

In addition, this study is mandatory in preparation for IVF and is included in the tests that must be passed before entering the protocol. The rules for taking the analysis are standard:

  1. It is carried out on an empty stomach.
  2. One day it is necessary to avoid taking medicines And physical exercise.
  3. Women are recommended to take the test on days 3-5 or 20-21, depending on the goals of the study, which the doctor will indicate.
  4. Men can donate blood any day.

Blood test for estradiol in women

Estradiol standards for women vary depending on different phases menstrual cycle. If a woman is not pregnant and is in childbearing age, generally accepted standards are as follows (in picograms, pg/ml):

  1. IN follicular phase(before ovulation) – from 57 to 227.
  2. During ovulation - from 127 to 476.
  3. In the luteinizing phase (after ovulation) - from 77 to 227.

Some laboratories use different units of measurement, so it is very important to pay attention to the letter designations on the form. In addition to those mentioned above, they may be the following:

Picomole (pmol/liter):

  • In the follicular phase (before ovulation) - from 68 to 1269.
  • During ovulation - from 131 to 1655.
  • In the luteinizing phase (after ovulation) - from 91 to 861.

Nanomole (nmol/liter). The difference between pico- and nanomoles is 10 to the power of 3. Accordingly, to determine the norms in nanomoles, you need to divide the reference values ​​in picomoles by 1000.

Below normal

Reduced estradiol can be observed in pathologies such as:

  • improper functioning of the pituitary gland;
  • a significant increase in prolactin levels;
  • inflammatory processes of the genital area;
  • luteal phase deficiency.

In addition, estradiol can be reduced with certain lifestyle habits. These include regular physical activity, vegetarianism, and a high amount of carbohydrates in the diet with a low protein content.

Above normal

Reasons elevated estradiol the following ailments occur:

  • pathology thyroid gland leading to disruption of its function;
  • tumors, including malignant ones, of the uterus and ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • obesity.

During pregnancy and menopause

With the onset of pregnancy, the amount of the hormone in the female body begins to increase, since the placenta is connected to its production. Estradiol is necessary while expecting a child, because it prepares the uterus for pregnancy: it ensures its growth throughout the entire period, regulates the condition of the vessels and blood circulation in them.

Swelling, which occurs in many pregnant women, can be caused by high level estradiol, since it has the ability to retain sodium in tissues.

The hormone levels established for pregnant women are given in the table.

There are different norms for hormone levels during menopause. Over the years, its production decreases, and during menopause normal values range from 20 to 87 (in picograms) or less than 73 (in picomoles).

Ratio to testosterone

In addition to the absolute values ​​indicating the content of estradiol, doctors evaluate its relationship with other hormones - prolactin, progesterone, but primarily testosterone. Normally, the content of estradiol should be 10 times higher than testosterone, if we're talking about about the female body. In some cases, a reduction of up to 7 to 1 is acceptable.

Reducing the ratio to 5 to 1 or lower is considered critical. This condition is called hyperandrogenism; it is accompanied by such changes as

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • deterioration of skin condition;
  • obesity;
  • change in voice and figure.

With hyperandrogenism, it is also possible secondary manifestations, which occur when hormone levels are not regulated for a long time. First of all, this is the development of diabetes mellitus.

However, the opposite state is also possible - hyperestrogenism, in which testosterone levels are too low compared to estradiol. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • heavy bleeding during menstruation;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • the appearance of intermenstrual bleeding.

If hyperestrogenism is not eliminated, excess estrogen can lead to the development of fibroids and malignant tumors.

Estrogens – female beauty hormones


Estradiol is found in many medicines, which the doctor prescribes in case of abnormalities in the tests. Their choice is explained by the reasons why the hormone is increased or decreased, the age of the woman, concomitant diseases. General principles treatments are as follows:

  1. Women reproductive age, as well as patients with severe premenstrual syndrome are selected oral contraceptives, most of which are a combination of estrogens and gestagens.
  2. During menopause, estradiol preparations (such as, for example, estradiol valerate, Ovestin) are prescribed according to a contraceptive regimen for 3-4 months.
  3. In case of estrogen deficiency, a course is prescribed that involves taking estradiol for 6 months (3 weeks on and a week off).
  4. If, during the examination and search for the cause of changes in hormone levels, tumors are found, surgical intervention is indicated.

If deviations from the norm are insignificant, changing the diet to include legumes, protein products of animal origin, cabbage, tomatoes, grapes, and soy products helps to cope with them.

Hormones act as special chemical messengers that regulate the functioning of the body as a whole. It is not for nothing that the term “hormone” means “excite” in translation from Greek. These biological substances are very active. Hormones stimulate specific target cells, constantly moving through the bloodstream. To do this, they bind to their receptors and regulate metabolic processes, influence the implementation of physiological functions.

Estradiol is one such chemical messenger. It is the most active and main among female sex hormones under common name"estrogens". Estradiol provides successful implementation all their physiological effects.

It is the amount of estradiol that influences the woman’s reproductive system to form correctly and function flawlessly in the future.

The meaning and functions of estradiol in women

The formation of estradiol is mainly carried out by the follicular apparatus of the ovaries. Adipose tissue and the adrenal cortex produce significantly less of it. If pregnancy occurs, the placenta is connected to the production of the hormone.

Along with estradiol, other estrogens, such as estrone and estriol, are also produced. But estradiol is several times stronger. Its normal maintenance is a prerequisite for the fair sex to fulfill their reproductive mission and maintain good health.

Thanks to estradiol, the female body is formed not only internally, but also externally.

The significance of a hormone is manifested through the functions it performs. Thanks to estradiol:

  • The outlines of a silhouette characteristic of a woman are formed: waist and hips, chest. Appear adipose tissue V certain parts bodies. The timbre of the voice is also established not without the intervention of the hormone.
  • There is an impact on the growth of the skeleton as a whole and its individual bones, their fluid content and the passage of metabolic processes.
  • Skin become smooth and tender. The hormone helps ensure that a woman’s complexion is fresh and even.
  • The body is prepared for childbirth, and its ability to bear and give birth to a baby is formed.
  • The uterus guarantees itself a complete blood supply and maximum elasticity of the epidermis.
  • Blood clotting accelerates, and thus the female body prepares for its inevitable loss during childbirth.
  • The body is protected from spontaneous miscarriage. The hormone helps ensure that the fertilized egg is securely implanted in the uterus.

Estradiol has direct action on sexual attraction and the woman’s mood, which is extremely important for the reproductive function.

Estradiol in women: normal

The amount of estradiol in a woman’s body largely depends on several factors, in particular:

  • Phases of the menstrual cycle.
  • Pregnancy and its duration.

These factors are the main ones. The amount of the hormone may vary depending on what was eaten, what time of day it was, and whether there was or was no sexual contact.

Even before the onset of puberty, the amount of estradiol in the body of girls exceeds its level in boys. Up to the age of eleven, the blood of little young ladies should contain from 6.2 to 27.0 pg/ml (picograms per milliliter) of the hormone.
With the advent of the first menstruation, the amount of estradiol increases significantly.

Accelerated hormone production begins on the first critical day. Largest number produced in the middle of the cycle. This occurs immediately before the ovulation process, namely no more than 36 hours before it.

At the beginning of the second half of the menstrual cycle, the follicle bursts and the hormone level gradually decreases.

The optimal amount of estradiol depending on menstrual phases is this:

Over the years, estradiol levels decrease. Closer to menopause upper limit drops to 100.0 pg/ml, and with its onset the normal value ranges from 20.0 to 82.0 pg/ml. The ovaries lose the function of forming follicles, and estradiol is produced only by the adrenal glands.

Estradiol norm during pregnancy

The production of estradiol during pregnancy is intensified. Every week it becomes more and more. This is inherent in nature, since the uterus must thoroughly prepare for bearing a fetus, and this state will last for more than one month. In addition, the fetus is constantly growing and developing, turning into a small person.

The closer the birth is, the more estradiol is in the female blood.

From the moment of conception until the end of the initial trimester of pregnancy normal amount hormone increases several tens of times. In the middle and last trimesters, the level of estradiol doubles in number.

The average standard amount of hormone depending on the period of gestation is as follows:

After several days after birth, the hormone level decreases and drops to the normal level, which again will depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Deviation of estradiol levels in women from the norm: symptoms and causes

The amount of the hormone within normal limits ensures full functioning of the female body. Any deviations may signal the appearance of certain ailments that need to be identified and treated as soon as possible.

The female body reacts to a decrease in the amount of estradiol with the following symptoms:

  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and they are absent for more than one month (up to six months);
  • mammary glands decrease in volume;
  • weight loss without any effort on the part of the woman;
  • the absence of menstruation leads to the fact that the opportunity to conceive a child disappears;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes appear in the vagina.

Decrease in the amount of estradiol compared to normal level- This is an uncommon occurrence unless pregnancy is the cause.

More often, the opposite situation occurs, in which there is more hormone in a woman’s body than it should be. In this case, the fairer sex suffers from the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • menstruation does not stop for a long time and becomes heavy;
  • the mammary glands become sensitive to even a slight touch;
  • there are mood swings, often in the negative direction;
  • excessive irritability and nervousness appear, negative reaction for minor noise.

The reasons for an excess increase in the amount of estradiol may be:

  • Thyroid pathologies.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Tumor formations in the internal genital organs: ovaries, cervix and uterine body.

Having identified the causes of deviations in hormone levels from the norm, you can begin therapy. It involves reception special medicines, infusions and herbs. Treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. You shouldn’t take risks and try to help yourself on your own.

Women's health and beauty are closely related to the amount of estradiol produced, so when the slightest symptoms talking about possible deviation, it is so important to carry out tests in a timely manner and adequately evaluate the results obtained. This article will help you figure out what the norm of estradiol is in women by age.

What is Estradiol

Estradiol is a female reproductive hormone. This type hormone is in the group of steroid hormones, it has greatest influence. The hormone estradiol has a special effect on the female body. It is because of him that girls undergo formation processes reproductive system. In addition, it is necessary for normal course pregnancy and development of secondary sexual characteristics. In men, the hormone balances testosterone, thereby ensuring balance. This hormone is synthesized mainly in the ovaries in women and testes in men, while a small proportion, regardless of gender, is synthesized by the adrenal cortex. In addition, in pregnant women this hormone is partially synthesized by the placenta.

Are estrogen and estradiol the same thing?

Many people without sufficient medical knowledge believe that estrogen and estradiol are identical hormones, but this is not entirely true. Estrogens are the collective name for a whole set of steroid sex hormones, which consists of about twenty various hormones, while estradiol has a greater influence. It is the level of estradiol that doctors pay attention to when treating patients with various cycle disorders.

What is this hormone responsible for?

Estradiol is a hormone that has a wide influence on the development and functioning of the human body.

Not everyone knows that estradiol is responsible for:

  • formation and development of the organs of the female reproductive system;
  • development of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • setting and regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • egg growth;
  • preparation reproductive organs to pregnancy;
  • stress resistance;
  • maintaining youthful skin.

In addition, estradiol has a general effect on the body regardless of gender, namely:

  • responsible for the functioning Bladder, intestines, circulatory system;
  • ensures the strength of the skeleton and muscle corset;
  • takes part in metabolic processes.

In men, this hormone is responsible for spermatogenesis.

Estradiol content analysis

In order to determine the amount of hormone in the body, it is necessary to study venous blood. Because hormonal levels in a woman’s body is different and depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle; it is customary to determine its content on the sixth - seventh day or twentieth - twenty-first, with a standard 28-day cycle. If the duration of the menstrual cycle fluctuates and has no set dates, then optimal time The doctor will determine whether to donate blood.

What is the hormone estradiol in women? It is a hormone that belongs to the class of steroids. It influences the process of formation of the reproductive system and sexual characteristics of the secondary type in female half humanity. This hormone is also present in the male body. The intensity of production depends on luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.

What is he responsible for?

In childhood, estradiol levels are at the same level in both sexes. Only during puberty in girls does hormone synthesis increase. What is the hormone estradiol responsible for? In this period it promotes the harmonious development of the reproductive system, and also forms female figure. It is under its influence that the breasts begin to grow, the shapes gradually begin to round, and the waist becomes narrower. The voice and skin condition are subject to change.

Except external changes Estradiol promotes the growth and maturation of follicles, improves blood flow in the uterus and its growth not only during maturation, but also during pregnancy. Under the influence of the hormone, the epithelial layer thickens, thereby preparing reproductive system to embryo adoption.

Except physiological changes this hormone is also responsible for hormonal background. That is, with his sufficient quantity the woman feels a surge of strength and energy throughout her body. She becomes physically active and resilient, and her mood improves. Estradiol in a woman’s body, together with testosterone, is responsible for sexual desire . That is why, with its deficiency, the following deviations are observed:

  • Depression;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Frigidity;
  • There is a risk of developing heart and vascular diseases;
  • The aging process in the body accelerates.

Responsible for great amount processes occurring in the body, the hormone should always be normal so that the female body does not suffer as a result from the consequences of its deficiency.

The norm of estradiol in women is listed by age in the table. At different periods of time, the level of the hormone in the body fluctuates, which is determined both by the state of the body itself (preparation for menstruation or pregnancy) and age. If we take the phase of the menstrual cycle, the norm of estradiol content in a woman’s body fluctuates as follows:

As you can see, the lowest levels of the hormone in the body are observed in children, as well as during menopause.

Estradiol levels in the blood are highest during ovulation, which directly indicates readiness for probable pregnancy and acceptance of the body's fetus. If fertilization has occurred, then the synthesis of progesterone, which is the main hormone of pregnancy, increases further. It reduces the contraction of smooth muscles in the uterine area and promotes the development of mammary glands. That is, systematic preparation is underway female body to motherhood. At the same time, the level of estradiol in a woman’s body is increased, since its synthesis is now carried out by the ovaries, and also by the placenta. About a week before giving birth, its level begins to gradually decrease.

Reasons for the decrease in estradiol

Even during a cycle, hormone levels are below normal. Any deviations in estradiol affect the woman’s body, as we already learned earlier. But the reasons for this phenomenon may be different. Among them:

Symptoms in women vary: with a decrease in estradiol in the body day by day, the periodicity of menstruation is disrupted from delay to complete absence. Mammary glands decrease, as does the size of the uterus. The skin becomes dry. The ratio of estradiol to testosterone is disrupted, which provokes intensive growth hairline on the body and face, like men. appear Bad mood and depression.