Women's workout program in the gym. Training programs for women depending on the type of female figure

Hey! I completely forgot about women! Very few articles have yet been written for the fair sex, and they also need specific knowledge to progress. And they differ from male theory and practice. Today I want to correct this omission a little. I want to consider in great detail the RIGHT workouts for girls, I will give a working version of the training program.

I worked out in different gyms. There are quite a lot of women where I train now. There are very thin, there are very full, young and already aged. Someone trains with a coach, someone on their own. As a man, I will say that it is very unusual to watch a woman exercising. Why? Don't even know...

There is something in this. In my rocking chair, the vast majority of visitors are guys. They are rough in nature, doing strength exercises to develop even more strength and create an even more brutal image. But when tender girls lift weights and they do it with their characteristic softness, there really is something in it. Their goal is not brutality, but to emphasize their natural femininity.

No normal girl comes to the gym to work out like a man. Many girls still think that the gym will turn them into men. On this occasion, I advise you to read an article about strength training.

The workout program for girls in the gym is an important thing, and I, as promised, will give it to you. But let's first look at the theoretical aspects of the specifics of women's training.

By the way, there are excellent articles on the topic and If you are a beginner girl, you should find this useful.

I would like to say right away that the ideas of many girls about what an effective workout should be like are TOTALLY WRONG! They still think that jumping rope, twisting a hoop and running on a newfangled treadmill will make them happy.

Or, for example, they think that having bought some kind of belt, a secret fat burning cream or a vibrating device, they will burn fat without much effort. It would seem that it is already clear to everyone that this is nonsense, that it does not work - but then why is it still selling well? Great marketing does not sleep! The profits of sales of useless sports goods are growing, but the figure of many remains unchanged.

As a result, women get bored with all this and they give up even trying to change themselves. “Looks like this is not mine”, “probably I just have such a physique”, “nothing helps” etc. But the girl never even approached 50% of effective training.

The most effective workout is the one in which you REALLY INVOLVE your muscles and FEEL THEIR WORK! This is very easy to do in the gym - everything is provided for this, but it is much more difficult at home. Therefore, in this article we will talk ONLY ABOUT TRAINING IN THE GALL. At home, everything is much more complicated.

A real female workout and the one that you are doing now - perhaps 2 completely different things!

And you know - our bodies are almost the same in their basic functions. Any body reacts to training, to a lack of calories, to the intake of certain nutrients.

I'm not talking about exceptional cases, I'm talking about general standards for all people.

  • It DOES NOT happen that you train a muscle correctly, and it remains in the same state.
  • There is NO way that you can eat fewer calories than you expend and still not lose weight.

Our body is a work of art of the great mathematician, where everything is very natural! We are created with automatic processes sewn into us that occur without our knowledge. We just need to learn how to know how our body works and use it to achieve our goals (gain muscle mass, burn fat, etc.)

Why do you need a gym

When it comes to women's training, I'm sure that many girls immediately imagine themselves training in the style of aerobics. We wave our arms, legs, run, jump, etc.

This is all great, but the “simulator” has at least 3 main advantages over aerobics:

  1. The gym will help you individually pump up your legs, arms, buttocks. That is, this is a MORE POINT BODY CHANGES. This does not mean that in the gym you need to download only what you want - the whole body is also worked out there. But no one canceled the emphasis on different muscle groups if necessary. In the gym, this is very easy to do, in aerobics it is not.
  2. After training in the gym, your metabolism accelerates for the whole 24 hours, and even the next day it works faster than usual. Aerobic exercise gives such an effect only for 4-5 hours. The difference is more than obvious.
  3. It is the gym that will help you build muscle, which later will themselves absorb a large number of calories even in a calm state, when you sleep, for example. Aerobics does not provide muscle growth.

Key features of the female body

The main difference between a man and a woman is that a woman has the ability to give birth. This is the reason for a whole complex of smaller differences at all levels of physiology and biochemistry.

  1. The female body more easily accumulates nutrients "in reserve", so girls gain weight more easily. In this regard, you need to closely monitor the consumption of carbohydrates. It is better to use less than more of them.
  2. In women, the level of anabolic hormones (testosterone) is significantly lower. Lower level of adrenaline. It all affects the workout itself. Achieving muscle failure is many times more difficult for women than for men (when a muscle is so tired that it can no longer contract). Physically, a woman will be able to complete a few more repetitions, but is unlikely to do so. The brain will give the command to stop the exercise. And the men, gritting their teeth, puffing, quacking, barking, will perform a couple more repetitions. This is the difference! Therefore, it is better for a woman to do many reps (12-15) and many sets (4-5), instead of working with heavy weights of 6-10 reps in 3 sets.
  3. In the female body, there are fewer myofibrils (the fibers of our muscles). For this reason, 6-10 reps "to the blackout" workout doesn't work as well for women as it does for men. In general, men have 45% of the muscles in the body of the total mass, while women have only 35%.
  4. There are fewer muscles in the upper part of the female body, more in the lower part. Legs in women are stronger, due to their ability to bear and give birth to children. Leg training for women is easier than for men (muscles respond better to the load). So you need to monitor the growth of the lower body.
  5. Pain during menstruation is another important feature. In the area of ​​the lower press, women have a weaker neuro-muscular connection. This is done, probably in order to slightly reduce pain in the abdomen. For this reason, it is more problematic for girls to pump up the lower press.
  6. Women's metabolism is significantly slower than men's. This also affects the ability to store fat in the body and is associated with less muscle. Even in a calm state, a man spends more energy than a woman. In a woman's body, fat is approximately 28%, while in men it is 18%.
  7. The female body stores faster - energy for muscle work. Glycogen is the first to be burned during exercise. This is another factor in favor of the faster accumulation of fat in the female body. At the same time, the girl will burn this fat more easily. It's much harder for a man to do this. So cardio workout for women works more cool.

Some girls, as I heard, are very worried about their genetics. Like, if "nature did not reward"- does it make sense to bathe in the gym? There is only a grain of truth in this. Yes, you will not do incredible things with your body with just one workout and nutrition, when it comes to breast shape and size, overall body structure, etc.

You will not fix the problem of bad hair, skin, unsightly features, etc. All of this has little to do with sports.

But 100% you can influence the improvement of your curly data. At least try. If you train correctly for at least a year, if you don’t eat anything, you can appreciate the difference. Be sure to take before and after photos.

Testosterone and muscle growth

Still, I want to add a few words for women who think that strength training can turn them into men. I am sure that in our time of development of fitness and bodybuilding, in the age of information availability on this subject, there are already much fewer women who think wrongly. But I'll repeat...

The main idea is that a woman will NEVER be able to build the same muscles as a man for one simple reason - she has very little testosterone in her body for this. And this hormone is just responsible for increasing muscle mass.

If in numbers, then the norm of testosterone in the blood for men is 200-1200 ng/dl (nanogram/deciliter), while in women 15-70. Do you feel the difference? In this scenario, even the most non-testosterone man (200) is superior to the most testosterone woman (70) almost 3 times. And if we take the average values ​​(700 and 42), then the difference will be 16 times.

With such differences, women simply do not have a chance to gain masculine muscles by natural methods. We don't even speak for pharmacology.

Menstruation and exercise

  • Minuses. This phase is characterized by a decline in muscle strength in women, increased heart rate and respiration. Speed ​​and motor reactions worsen.
  • Pros. Increasing ability for short-term work. In the body of a woman, special hormones are secreted, which are called "relaxing". They give higher mobility in the joints and overall flexibility.

Workout: stretching exercises and stretching. The load on the abdominals and legs can be eliminated, as it will be almost useless.

Nutrition: the calorie content of the food consumed can be increased, drink more liquid for its faster removal.

2) FOLLICULAR PHASE (8-14 days of the cycle).

Period information: gradually increases the level of estrogen (female sex hormones) in the blood.

  • Pros. Coordination increases, the functioning of the nervous system and the cardiovascular system improves, and working capacity increases.

Workout: strength training at maximum values, training for endurance and speed.

Nutrition: calories can be reduced if you do not exercise.

3) OVULATION AND LUTEAL PHASE (15-28 days of the cycle).

Period information: estrogen levels are still high against the background of increasing progesterone (a steroid sex hormone that affects the menstrual cycle).

  • Minuses. Increased appetite. The body prepares for the expected pregnancy and stores fat in reserve.
  • Pros. Forces are restored very quickly.

Workout: fat burning workouts for weight loss and cardio.

Nutrition: the main thing is not to overeat.

Women's Training Principles

For quite a long time, among the same clever bloggers like me, there was a categorical opinion that women's training should be very different from men's. But then more detailed studies were carried out and information began to flow into the network that women's training should not be very different from men's.

This once again confirms the conventionality of all these studies in bodybuilding and in general in any field. It is quite possible that much of what is so categorically spoken about today will be challenged and substantiated in time. So...

The basic rules for ladies are almost the same as for guys, namely:

  • Training in the range of 4-6 reps to increase strength, and 7-12 to build volume (muscle hypertrophy). Anything over 12 is already an endurance workout for the cardiovascular system.
  • But there is one "but". In the female body, there are many type 1 muscle fibers (small fibers that grow hard and only respond to high reps, aerobic endurance loads). Such fibers have low fatigue, which may be why women are more resilient. Given this fact, women still need to aim for 8-15 reps per set. But, this does not mean that 4-6 repetitions cannot be used. In a woman, there are also fast muscle fibers that contract quickly, have great strength, but quickly get tired. Conclusion: we focus on slow fibers (8-15 repetitions), but do not forget about fast fibers (4-6 repetitions).
  • You need to pull relatively heavy weights.
  • As I said above, training to failure is not for girls. However, many cool bodybuilders of the past doubted its necessity for men. And today the debate about the need for it does not subside. For example, scientist Mikel Izcuerdo discovered that after failure training, the analobic growth factors IGF-1 sharply increase and decrease. It was also noticed that cells experience such an acute lack of energy that protein synthesis is disrupted in them, which means growth slows down. In other words, we simply deplete our body and in the long run, by abusing “refusal”, we ourselves can slow down our progress.
  • Work in basic exercises (well, or similar to them). For example, if you can't squat, do leg presses. No straightening of the legs was even close in this case.
  • Do not stay in the hall for more than 1 hour, maximum 1.15.
  • Work out the whole body. Your desire to pump up there a little bit and here a little bit is quite understandable. But you need to understand that the whole body needs to be worked out. Over time, you can focus on any part of the body, but not pump it exclusively. And remember that working the whole body in basic exercises is much more effective at burning calories and managing weight than focusing on just one part of the body.
  • Focus on your lower body. Women's training should be 50% leg exercises. 20% can be allocated for working out the back, 10% for the arms, 10% for the shoulders, 10% for the chest.
  • For a beginner girl, it is necessary to work out the entire body in one workout. Only after a while you can switch to split programs (train different muscle groups separately, or separately the upper body, separately the bottom).

Work program options

It's time to move on to practice. Below I will give a training plan in the gym for women of varying degrees of difficulty. And we will try to take into account everything that we talked about above, to transfer all the basic theoretical principles to real training. You can practice 3 times a week.

For beginner girls (1-2 weeks after menstruation)

SquatsLegs 5-6 10-15
Close grip bench press 5-6 10-15
Middle deltas, trapezoid 6 10-15
Traction of the upper block to the chest while sittingBack, biceps, forearms 6 10-15
TwistingPress 4-5 maximum

Program Notes: So, when your periods are over, you can train to the fullest. Your body is now ready for such loads. As you can see, this women's workout program will allow you to pump your WHOLE BODY in one visit to the gym.

It is desirable to conduct it in 1 hour, no more. Rest between sets for the first time up to 1.5 minutes. Then you can reduce the rest to 50 seconds. Remember, the less rest, the higher the intensity and the faster the result! But it's also not worth it to drive the heart. If you feel that your breathing has not yet recovered, it is better to rest a little more.

There is only one exercise for the buttocks and legs - squats. It is the most effective method of building legs in general. If desired or a real need, you can also add exercises for the buttocks to the program. My

As you can see, there are no specific chest exercises in this program. To pump the breast, it is enough to give it only a small load, since there are practically no muscles in the woman's breasts. I wrote about this topic in Be sure to read!

The narrow bench press that is in this program engages the muscles under the mammary gland and thereby tones the chest. More specialized exercises, like the classic barbell press or dumbbell press, can shrink the mammary gland a little, and it affects the volume of the entire chest. For girls with large breasts, this is not scary, but if a girl, on the contrary, thinks about how to increase her breasts day and night, it will not do her any good.

I also want to mention that training girls should strive to learn how to fully pull themselves up, do push-ups on the uneven bars, from the floor, etc. These exercises are great for building the upper body.

But at the initial stage, you may not be able to do these exercises. Then replace them with lighter ones:

  • Replace classic pull-ups with a vertical block pull to the chest or pull-ups in a gravitron (a special simulator for lightweight pull-ups). If there is none, tires will help. You wind it on the horizontal bar and pull yourself up with it. It will lift you up a little in the active phase of the upward movement.
  • Replace push-ups from the floor with push-ups from the knees or wide push-ups from the bench.
  • If the problem is with the bars, use the same training rubber or gravitron.
  • If squats are a problem, do leg presses in a machine, etc.

In the picture below, I showed you what a gravitron looks like (on the left). Please note that it can be pulled up and push-ups on the uneven bars. On the right you see the use of training rubber:



That is, always try to find an alternative! Customize the program for yourself, because unique programs do not exist! This is just the backbone. For some, it will fit as is, but for others it will have to be modified. Someone needs mass, and someone wants to work on relief, etc.

For experienced girls (1-2 weeks after menstruation)

When the introductory program becomes too easy for you, you can move on to the next level.

Barbell Squat + Deadlift (SUPERSET)Legs, hamstrings, back 5 10-15
Close Grip Bench Press + Concentrated Curl (SUPERSET)Chest, triceps, anterior delta, biceps 5 10-15
Barbell row to the chin ("broaching") + swinging dumbbells to the sides while standing (SUPERSET)Anterior and middle bundle of deltas, trapezoid 5 10-15
Bent over barbell row + seated vertical blog row (SUPERSET)Back 5 10-15
Lying crunches + hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar, on the simulator or lying down (SUPERSET)Press 6 maximum

Program Notes: What have we done here? We took the previous program as a basis and simply added additional exercises that you will perform in a SUPERSET, that is, without rest. For example, you squatted and immediately performed deadlift on straight legs. Rest and complete the rest of the approaches.

Rest between sets, try to keep 1 minute. If it's hard - 1.5 minutes. But you should not rest anymore, as the efficiency is greatly reduced. The blood must boil!

Light program (3-4 week cycle)

Traction of the upper blog to the chest while sittingBack, biceps, forearms 3-4 12-20
Close grip bench pressChest, front delts, triceps 3-4 12-20
Rod pull to the chin ("broach")Middle deltas, trapezoid 3-4 12-20
Cardio training (heart rate around 120 beats per minute)The cardiovascular system 1 40-60 minutes

Program Notes: The program excludes the load on the press and legs. The number of approaches and repetitions is reduced. This means that you need to choose the right weight to stretch up to 20 times in the approach.

Cardio can be done either by brisk walking or slow running. The heart rate (HR), or our pulse, should be in the region of 120 beats per minute, since this frequency is most favorable for fat burning.

This is a program that you will practice for some time before and possibly during your period. Watch your feelings and if it’s very hard, it’s better to rest more.

Nutritionally, don't eat too many carbs. At 3-4 weeks of the cycle, any carbohydrates (fast and slow) are more easily stored in fat.

Rules for the nutrition of a sports girl

As for nutrition, there are 2 main goals that you should always remember (this also applies to men):

  1. It is important to calculate the number of calories consumed and find out how much is needed for the normal functioning of the body. I wrote about how to determine the minimum required number of calories in
  2. In addition to calories, it is extremely important to focus on the percentage of BJU (proteins-fats-carbohydrates).

Focusing solely on counting calories is WRONG. It is more important to monitor the quality of food and the content of BJU in it.

It is impossible not to voice the wrong psychology of many women. “If I went to the gym, then now I can afford to eat anything!” In fact, sometimes it’s necessary to pamper yourself a little. This will make it easier to tolerate food restrictions.

But this shouldn't be the rule. Self-control in relation to food, especially fast carbohydrates, should just become the norm of life. They are deposited on the sides and buttocks according to the female type. This is due to the presence in the female body of such sex hormones as estrogen and progestogens.

And finally, basic tips for exercising women:

  1. WATER. Drink a lot! Don't be thirsty. If you want to drink, then you should have done it 5 minutes ago - this is what athletes often say.
  2. LOW GI FOODS. This refers to the low glycemic index of foods. A high GI food promotes the accumulation of fat during its digestion. You can find tables of these products on the Internet.
  3. INSULIN. It is desirable to monitor its level not only for diabetics, but for all athletes. A stable blood sugar level is a signal for building lean muscle mass.
  4. PROTEIN. Women, like men, need 1.8 - 2 grams of protein. per kg. body weight. It should not be more, otherwise problems with the kidneys and liver are possible. You can use additional protein mixtures as an addition to the main diet.
  5. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS. These are fish oil, omega-3-6-9 fatty acids, linseed oil, etc. I advise you to drink in capsules - very convenient. Personally, I drink at least 2 capsules of quality fish oil every day!


This concludes this article on women's training in the gym. I'm sure it will be useful to you. Don't be afraid to go to the gym, dear girls - it's not scary! Everything will work out for you! If you have any questions - write in the comments, share this article, or eagerly read it yourself))) And I have everything ...

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Most people choose to work out in the gym to maintain their health, figure adjustments. This type of physical activity allows you to engage in any convenient time, to work on a specific goal. There are certain exercises for girls in the gym that can help you lose weight or gain weight.

Gym workout program for girls

Everyone who goes to the gym needs a program to stick to. Without it, the effectiveness of classes will be lower, and the result will have to wait longer. The training plan in the gym for girls is drawn up according to the goal: losing weight or gaining weight. It is recommended that the first visits be carried out together with the trainer: he will explain the technique of performing the exercises, draw up an individual training plan for you. The training program in the gym for girls with weight loss and recruitment differs in intensity, working weight and diet.

Introductory workout program in the gym

Get ready that you won’t be able to achieve results quickly: it will take more than a week. An effective course lasts at least 2 months, after which the result will be noticeable. For the first time, an introductory training program is being drawn up, which will help you catch the rhythm, prepare the body for more serious loads. If you do everything right, then further training will go easier. Based on the goal, the programs will have some differences.

For weight loss

The training program in the gym for a girl does not begin with fitness, but with a diet. Weight loss will occur after the female body receives fewer calories than it spends in a day. It is necessary to perform all exercises 3 times, 12-15 repetitions in each. Respite between sets should be no more than 40 seconds. The whole session takes about 30-40 minutes. All cardio loads last 5 minutes and help maintain a high heart rate, which provokes fat burning. Weight loss program in the gym for girls:

Raising the legs in emphasis;


Stepping onto the platform

Reverse push-ups;

Traction to the chest in the simulator;

Dumbbell bench press (angle 30 degrees);

1 2 3

Cardio (track, exercise bike, orbitrek);



Again cardio;

Squats (with dumbbells of 3-5 kg);

Bench press;

Horizontal block thrust;




Dumbbell press up while sitting;

Bent over row;

Dumbbell press from behind the head;

For mass gain

To create beautiful forms, thin ladies need to swing in order to increase muscle mass. They will not become masculine, with huge muscles. In this case, we are talking about the relief, beautiful proportions and the absence of fat. In this program for girls in the gym, there is no cardio load, because there is no task to speed up the fat burning process. Each option is performed for 3-4 sets and 12-18 repetitions. Breaks between sets are 2 minutes, the duration of the entire workout is 40-50 minutes. Program for a girl in the gym for weight gain:

1 2 3
  • hyperextension;
  • twisting;
  • squats;
  • push-ups with a wide setting of hands;
  • mixing hands in a "butterfly";
  • pull of the block behind the head;
  • pullover.
  • lifting legs in emphasis;
  • standing on straight legs;
  • lunges;
  • sitting dumbbell chest press;
  • reverse push-ups;
  • french press with dumbbells;
  • swing to the sides.
  • twisting;
  • barbell slopes;
  • squats with dumbbells;
  • bench press;
  • thrust of the horizontal block;
  • pull-ups with a narrow grip;
  • pull the bar to the chin.

The scheme of the basic training program in the gym

If there is no need to lose weight or gain weight, but there is a desire to simply tone the body, add relief, then the basic system is used. All exercises from the program are performed 12 times (at least 10) in 3 sets. Weight should be chosen individually so that there is enough strength for the entire workout. The duration of such training is from an hour to an hour and a half maximum. It is necessary to go to classes without passes, otherwise it will not work to build a beautiful body. The program plan is:

1 2 3
  • twisting;
  • hyperextension;
  • squats with dumbbells;
  • pull of the upper block behind the head;
  • push-ups with a wide grip;
  • leg extension in the simulator;
  • pullover with dumbbells;
  • leg curl in the simulator.
  • reverse push-ups;
  • lifting legs in emphasis;
  • standing dumbbell press;
  • pull-ups with a narrow grip;
  • extension of the arms from behind the head;
  • breeding legs in the simulator;
  • reduction of legs in the simulator;
  • lifting on socks with dumbbells.
  • hyperextension;
  • twisting;
  • deadlift with dumbbells;
  • standing dumbbell press;
  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • thrust of the horizontal block;
  • leg raises on an incline bench.

Circuit training for girls in the gym

The method got its name because all the exercises from the plan are performed one after the other without rest - this is one circle. This type of exercise helps to constantly keep a high heart rate, which contributes to fat burning. Circuit training is well suited if you need to remove the stomach, sides and reduce body fat. Here is an example of a circular training program in the gym for girls:

  • twisting;
  • seated dumbbell press;
  • lunges;
  • thrust of the horizontal block;
  • bending the legs in the simulator;
  • leg extension in the simulator;
  • breeding dumbbells lying down;
  • back push-ups.
  • lifting legs in emphasis;
  • hyperextension;
  • squats;
  • standing dumbbell press;
  • pull of the block behind the head;
  • breeding legs in the simulator;
  • reduction of legs in the simulator;
  • tilt pull.
  • twisting with legs 90 degrees;
  • thrust to the chest of the upper block;
  • deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells;
  • platform leg press;
  • dumbbell bench press at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • swing arms to the sides with dumbbells;
  • triceps extension from the upper block;
  • pullover.

Everything is done in 12-20 repetitions with a maximum break of 10-15 seconds one after another. For training, you need to complete 6 circles (for beginners 4). On the last lap 5 and 6 longer breaks are allowed. Before performing circles, a warm-up of at least 5 minutes on a cardio machine is required. The session should last about 1.20 hours, rest between circles is 3-4 minutes.

Exercises in the gym for the back

Few women would like to have a massive back, so exercises for this part of the body are more often used when necessary to strengthen muscles. This is especially important if there is a predisposition to the development of scoliosis. To strengthen your back, you can use 3 basic exercises that will help you work out all muscle groups. For any girl, hyperextension, traction of the upper and horizontal block is enough.


It is performed for pumping the extensors of the back in the lumbar region. Especially useful for girls with sedentary work or, conversely, when the whole day is spent standing. The gym should have a projectile for performing hyperextension, the exercise scheme is as follows:

  1. Take a position in the simulator so that the hips rest against the edge, the pelvis should be outside.
  2. Go down, make sure that there is a small deflection in the lower back, do not round your back.
  3. Raise your body until your back forms a straight line with your legs. You can't go higher.

Pulldown of the upper block to the chest

The exercise is an analogue of pull-ups with a wide grip, which is difficult for girls to perform. With the help of the simulator, the latissimus dorsi muscles are pumped. The execution technique is as follows:

  1. Grasp the handle of the simulator comfortably with your hands.
  2. Pull the bar to your chest not with your hands, but through your back, bringing your shoulder blades together.

Horizontal block pull

Used to strengthen the latissimus dorsi, rhomboid, round. To perform, there are several types of simulators with cables or handles. But the technique remains the same:

  1. Grab your hands so that the back muscles are stretched.
  2. At the same time, you need to keep the body straight, do not bend.
  3. With the help of the back muscles, pull the handle to the belt, the body remains motionless.

Abs exercises in the gym

Girls always want a beautiful, flat tummy that can be safely shown on the beach. It should be understood that this is achieved not only by exercises on the press, the right diet is also necessary, because you must first get rid of the fat layer. To comprehensively strengthen the abdominal muscles, you can perform classic and lateral twists, the plank exercise.


This is a classic exercise for getting a relief press. It is very important to understand that you do not need to lift the body up, but it is necessary to stretch your head towards the pelvis, so that it is not possible to raise the body due to the muscles of the lower back, but the maximum tension of all sections of the press. With the correct execution technique, all the muscle sections we need will be pumped.

Side crunches

The exercise technique will help strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles. The principle of twisting is the same, but you need to reach with your elbow to the knee of the opposite leg. Such movement mechanics involve the lateral muscles of the press. As before, you need not to lift the body, but to reach for the pelvis, straining the stomach. Girls need to take into account that side twists can visually make the waist wider, so they should be strictly dosed.

This is the best exercise for girls when they want to flatten their belly without any relief. The advantage of the bar is that the load on the abdomen is static and does not contribute to an increase, but to the strengthening of the abdominal muscles. The execution technique is as follows:

  1. Take a position, as if you are going to do push-ups, only stand not on your palms, but on your elbows. They should be located directly under the shoulders.
  2. The body should represent one straight line along with the legs, no deflections need to be done.
  3. Fix this position for 30-40 seconds. As the press strengthens, increase this time.

Video: gym program

Every gym workout program for girls is designed with the goal of getting the body where it needs it. An important factor for effective training is adherence to the schedule and exercise technique. If these are violated, the effectiveness of the training is significantly reduced. Below are video tutorials that will help girls avoid mistakes.

First level

Strength training for women in the gym

Workouts in the gym for weight loss

Comprehensive gym workout program

Hello, dear girls. I hasten to please you - the topic of this article is only for you. And it is called like this: "Gym training plan for girls." I will tell you how to quickly lose weight with the help of this plan, strengthen your body. By the word "plan" I mean a training program with a clear organization of all activities in the gym.

The gym is a place where you can not only realize yourself as a successful athlete, but also significantly improve your physical condition in many ways. So, in a relatively short time, you can both, and due to the growth of muscles, and dry out, increasing the drawing of existing muscles, and increase the performance of various physical qualities. It just takes a little effort. And in order not to waste time in vain and not make banal mistakes, it is necessary to prepare a plan that will have to be followed steadily. Well, I have already prepared a plan for you, you just have to “listen” to it.

weight loss training program

The program is designed for 4 training days a week: alas, beauties, you will have to sweat. But I understand that not everyone will be able to find so much time for sports, so you can combine the second and fourth workouts into one. But then you will have to work in two sets - you completed one exercise, immediately do the second without a break, and then only a short rest. Exercises should target different muscle groups, such as the shoulders and legs.

During running exercises (and after them) do not drink water - stamina will drop. And after power - always, please.

As for rest, between exercises it is necessary to rest no more than a minute and a half, between sets (approaches) and even less - a minute. Use a timer.

As for the exercises themselves, I provide you with a detailed analysis of them, but only a plan from me. But do not forget about before each lesson. Optionally, include the same hitch, consisting of running exercises or jumping rope.

Since the training is aimed at reducing body fat, the weight of weights in basic exercises should be 50 - 55% of the maximum. In isolating and special exercises, the weights should be chosen personally by you: do a set of any exercise from 15 to 20 times. If you feel that you have the strength to do more repetitions, then the weight is small. Throw some more. Repeat procedure.

You should experience some burning sensation in the muscles when performing the last repetitions - a sure sign that calories are being burned. Better yet, contact the on-duty trainer in the gym for clarification of individual exercises and weight selection.

Keep a training diary where you will record how much weight in a particular exercise, how many sets you did or did not do, how you feel, as well as the effectiveness of the program - weigh yourself after each workout and record how much weight you lost.

So, the training program for burning fat

First lesson.

Second lesson.

Third occupation.

  1. Deadlift (classic stance). 6 - 7 to 14 - 16.
  2. Romanian (dead) thrust. 4 to 16.
  3. Bent over barbell. 4 to 20.
  4. Thrust of the upper block (divided in half to the chest and behind the head). 4 to 20.
  5. Lower block pull. 3 to 20.
  6. Jump rope - 10 minutes.
  7. Twisting the hoop - 5 - 6 minutes.
  8. Bending the arms with a barbell. 4 to 20.
  9. Alternately bending the arms with dumbbells. 4 to 20 (for each hand).
  10. Press. 6 to 20 - 25.

Fourth lesson.

  1. Army press stop. 6 to 14.
  2. Bench press in Smith (split in half to the chest and behind the head). 4 to 14.
  3. Treadmill or orbitrek - 25 minutes. The speed is the same.
  4. Lifting dumbbells to the sides. 5 to 14.
  5. Lift dumbbell forward. 4 to 14.
  6. Incline dumbbell side raise. 4 to 14.
  7. Tilts with dumbbells to the side. 4 to 15 - 20 (for each side).
  8. Hyperextensions. 4 to 15 - 17.


Gradually, you can increase the pace of the exercises, the number of sets and repetitions. It is even possible to increase the weight of weights by 5 - 7% in a month and a half.

Actively use the stretching of the muscles that were involved in the previous lesson. It is best to use it immediately after a workout.

For beginners, sports nutrition aimed at reducing excess weight such as fat burners, creatine, L-carnitine and other supplements will be an excellent helper.

What to eat when losing weight is a separate topic, but in short, then eat 1.5 - 2 hours before training, close the "protein-carbohydrate window" with cocktails and divide meals into 5 - 6 meals in reduced portions. Avoid sweets.

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The above program is the training plan in the gym for girls. Perhaps, after consulting with the coach, you can improve or refine it, the main thing is that there is a desire. And if you want, then leave your comments, subscribe to blog updates. I will also be glad if you share this article with your friends in the social. networks. Be loved and beautiful.

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Strength training for the fair sex is different from male occupations, above all, fewer sets and reps each element. This is due to the lower endurance of girls and the desire not to build muscle mass, but to give it spectacular form. In addition, the three-day mode allows you to:

  • Combine gym activities with work and hobbies, as well as change schedule without compromising the final result. If on a training day unforeseen circumstances prevent you from going to the gym, then you can reschedule the visit to the next day.
  • Features of female physiology also need consider. During menstruation, intense loads are contraindicated for girls, therefore a break of one or two days will help save not only strength, but also the result achieved.
  • With regular workouts every other day You can use different sets of exercises. Experienced athletes prefer split system: every class a specific group of muscles is pumped, which allows you to work out the muscles completely in a week. However, beginners are advised to pay attention to the whole body in every class. This way is much faster tones the muscles and help get rid of excess weight.

Another important point is the correct balanced diet. For follows give up carbohydrate foods in favor of proteins, as well as reduce the total calorie content of the diet.

Diet is also of great importance: you can not saturate the body with calories immediately before class and within 2 hours after it.

Training program for girls 3 times a week by day

Pumping all muscle groups, you can use the same set of exercises every day or replace elements for a change. In any case, every workout should start with a warm up and. 15 minutes on a stationary bike, stepper or treadmill warm up the muscles and activate circulation. Such a cardio load will prepare the body for serious work and protect against possible injuries.

enough for each element. 3 sets with a pause of no more than a minute. When performing movements, it is important to feel your own body and correctly distribute the load. Tension and mild fatigue in the target muscle group - a guarantee of technically correct performance. At the end of the lesson, it is advisable to do a few stretching exercises. This will help solidify the result.

The first day

After a mandatory warm-up, the following exercises are performed:

  • Squats. As weights, a barbell bar is used, held on the shoulders with a direct grip. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and keep straight. You need to sit down at least 15 times in 1 approach. The thighs at the bottom should be parallel to the floor.
  • Lunges performed with dumbbells perfectly strengthens the quadriceps. For each leg, 10 approaches are enough, while you need to monitor the bending of the knees (the thigh and lower leg should form a right angle).
  • Leaning forward and leaning with his palm and knee on the bench, with his free hand do dumbbell pull to the belt. In this case, the elbow cannot be taken to the side. For each hand - 10 repetitions.
  • Pull-ups on the bar allow you to qualitatively work out the muscles of the shoulder girdle. The number of repetitions depends on individual capabilities (how many will work).
  • Barbell or dumbbell press is being done on an incline bench. When bending the arms, the elbows are retracted to the sides, the element is repeated at least 12 times in each set.

Finishes the first day of training stretching.

Second day

At the traditional start of the lesson - warm-up- 10 or 15 minutes are allotted, after which the main complex is performed:

  • You can start with barbell pulls to the belt. Leaning forward and holding the projectile with a direct grip, you need to pull it up 15 times. At the same time, do not spread the elbows to the sides.
  • Block pull to the chest performed with a narrow grip from a sitting position. The back should remain flat, and the elbows at the lowest point should be pressed to the torso. Repeat at least 15 times.
  • Plie Squats performed with dumbbells allow you to deeply work out the inner surface of the thighs. With your legs wide apart with your toes turned out, you should squat 15 times in each set, holding the projectile in straight arms and without bending your lower back.
  • Exercise on the press "book" done 20 times in 1 approach. From the starting position lying with arms thrown behind the head, you need to simultaneously lift the torso and straight legs up, trying to reach your feet with your palms.

If you are just starting regular training, it is best to do this under the supervision of a trainer. A specialist will not only help you draw up a competent training plan to achieve your goals, but also give recommendations on nutrition (because more than half of the success of a business depends on diet), and also teach you how to use the simulators correctly. If you have any contraindications or health problems, the trainer should take this into account when preparing exercises for you. All this is important not only to avoid injury, but also to ensure that your training does not go to waste.

A common mistake for beginners is to write a program without consulting a coach or to practice without any plan at all. If you randomly run on the track and periodically do a couple of approaches on different simulators, losing weight and beautiful relief are unlikely to become available to you. So a competent individual training program in the gym is very important for girls.

Remember that one simulator is not always enough. For weight loss and muscle development, it is also important to work with free weights, that is, with dumbbells and a barbell. You need to increase the load gradually, starting with a small one. You should not be afraid to “pump over”: for 2-3 workouts a week you definitely won’t become a bodybuilder, but you can get a beautiful muscle shape and a toned body.

Gym workout program for girls

There are several common types of programs. For example, split workouts, during which attention is paid only to a certain muscle group.


For beginners, whole-body workout systems are suitable for each workout in order to increase the level of sports training and make the figure more toned in general.

As already mentioned, classes must be supplemented with proper nutrition with a sufficient amount of protein. Appetite can increase, so during the period of active training it is better to eat small portions 5-6 times a day in order to prevent feelings of hunger and not overeat, especially at night after visiting the gym.

Each workout should begin with a warm-up, which may include running on a treadmill for 10-15 minutes, as well as squats, bends, turns for 5-7 minutes. Warming up helps to avoid injury and warm up the body, preparing it for training.

Sample exercise plan

Do not forget that the coach will make a real plan for you. It might look something like this:

Workout 1

  • Lunges with dumbbells: 3 sets of 15 times on each leg
  • Deadlift: 3 to 10
  • Lying leg curl: 2 to 20
  • Press exercises: 3 to 25
  • Arm exercises with dumbbells: 3 to 15
  • Twisting: 2 to 10

Workout 2

  • Steps on the step: 3 sets of 20 times
  • Burpees (jumping out of a support prone): 2 to 15
  • Dumbbell bench press: 3 to 10
  • Barbell or barbell squats: 2 to 10
  • Hanging leg raises: 2 x 10
  • Breeding dumbbells lying down: 2 to 15