Celebrities who were able to defeat cancer. Celebrities currently battling cancer Beautiful star battling cancer

Cancer is not called the plague of the 21st century for nothing. The disease is being diagnosed more and more often, and sometimes even the rich and famous cannot escape it.

And while doctors are looking for a universal cure for oncology, stars who once faced a terrible diagnosis urge fans not to ignore the symptoms and undergo examinations on time. Yes, often it is not possible to cope with cancer even if you turn to the best doctors in the world. However, there are cases of miraculous healing that inspire others to fight the diagnosis. It is precisely such examples, when the idols of millions managed to fight back the disease, that will be discussed below.


On October 20, the whole country was shocked by terrible news: on the air of the “Secret to a Million” program, Viktor Rybin and Natalya Senchukova announced that they had been diagnosed with basal cell skin cancer.

First, a strange growth appeared on Senchukova’s leg, and a couple of years later a similar problem overtook Rybin. The couple, whose family has long been a role model for millions of fans, decided not to give up and undergo a difficult course of treatment together.

“We immediately asked: “Is there any salvation for us?” We were told that we needed to resort to radiation therapy. I have already had only the external manifestation of cancer removed, this very spot, but the problem is much more serious, deeper. We finished treatment for two weeks and completed 13 radiation therapy sessions,” Rybin said on the program.

According to the artists, the news about the development of a dangerous disease came as a big surprise and caught the stars in Italy. Then they celebrated Rybin’s birthday, but after the doctor’s message about oncology they decided to urgently return to Moscow.

After a long treatment, the wait for results was no less difficult. And just the other day, the artists finally told StarHit that they managed to defeat oncology.

“Yes, we are absolutely healthy at the moment, but we are registered and must be checked every three months. Thank God it’s all over,” Natalia shared.

Previously, the artists noted that they did not want to tell fans about the problem. However, after a few weeks, they realized that their example could help someone, so they publicly announced the disease. Now Rybin and Senchukova intend to monitor their health even more intensively, advising fans not to ignore preventive diagnostics.


In the summer of 2015, Univer star Andrei Gaidulyan was seriously diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. The illness caught the artist at the most inopportune moment: he was just about to marry his long-time lover Diana Ochilova, while simultaneously starring in several successful projects.

Since the cancer was rapidly progressing, Andrei decided not to delay treatment and immediately went to Germany. There, for seven months, he underwent several courses of chemotherapy, and fans, meanwhile, supported the star in every way.

Andrei himself preferred to remain silent, and only after scammers began collecting money for his supposed treatment did he decide to get in touch with his fans. The actor warned fans against communicating with criminals and thanked them for their support.

“I want to say that I really am healing. I am receiving treatment in Germany. I've been here for a month now. Thank God, everything is fine with me, I don’t know if it was your prayers or the hands of the doctors. I'm starting to get better. There was a turning point in our illness. We see that everything is going in the right direction and I am moving towards recovery. Therefore, I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. Every thought is yours, every word. I'm very pleased. I receive calls and SMS from someone. I'm grateful to you. And if I ask for anything, it’s only for your prayers. God willing, I’ll soon return to Moscow and do what I was doing. I will delight some, and irritate others with my creativity. I will live as I lived. And even better,” said the artist.

Already in 2016, Andrei announced that he was able to defeat the disease. After completing chemotherapy, he decided to marry his beloved Diana, who supported him throughout these difficult months. However

Now Gaidulyan is dating actress Alexandra Veleskevich and continues to actively work in cinema. Understanding full well that cancer rarely disappears without a trace, the artist regularly undergoes medical examinations in the hope that he will never encounter oncology again.


Now Emmanuel Vitorgan is bursting with energy and enjoying late fatherhood, but once upon a time the artist waged a real struggle for life. The actor did not immediately learn about his fatal diagnosis: then his wife Alla Balter decided to hide the problem from her husband.

“I had lung cancer. Allochka studied the disease thoroughly, she knew even more about it than the doctors, but she didn’t tell me anything. I persuaded the doctors and all my friends to convince me that this was a minor problem, an easy operation. I learned the real diagnosis later, and after that I fell in love with her even more,” the artist shared his memories on the air of the “Fate of a Man” program.

Thanks to the support and love of Alla Balter, Vitorgan was able to completely defeat the terrible disease. However, soon cancer overtook their family again. This time, the artist’s wife was diagnosed with spinal cancer.

Emmanuil Gedeonovich believed until the last that his wife could overcome the disease, but in 2000 his beloved Allochka died. Then Vitorgan

Only his new love for Irina Mlodik helped him get out of depression. The long-time couple dreamed of a child, but baby Ethel was born only in the winter of 2018.

Despite the fact that the cancer has long been in remission, Vitorgan continues to undergo regular medical examinations. The actor knows firsthand how insidious this disease is, and how important it is to detect oncology in time.


The famous writer was given a terrible diagnosis of stage 4 breast cancer in 1998. Then Dontsova was so shocked and broken that she was preparing for imminent death. But her loved ones did not allow Daria to give up, forcing her to fight for a bright future.

Dontsova had to go through four major surgeries and 18 courses of chemotherapy. The treatment turned out to be incredibly exhausting, but the husband, children and faithful friend Oksana were always there, instilling hope in the star.

Now Daria is not shy about talking about her diagnosis, believing that her example can help other cancer patients seek diagnosis in a timely manner. At the same time, the star emphasizes that the disease has not completely disappeared from her life, and she has to go to

“At one time, we moved out of town because of me. After chemotherapy, it was difficult for me to breathe, but in the fresh air I immediately felt better. The annual holiday is also always connected with my health. Doctors forbade me to fly to countries where the climate is significantly different from Russia. This is why I often travel to Paris; the local climate is similar to Moscow. And I still don’t go outside the city,” the writer said on the air of the “Secret to a Million” program.

// Photo: Press service of Daria Dontsova

The author of popular novels is sure that this test was given to her for a reason. It was after defeating the disease that Dontsova’s writing career took off. In addition, cancer became a test of strength for her character, and helped her believe even more in the power of support from loved ones.


The lead singer of the group t.a.T.u spoke about how she encountered cancer only in 2016. The star hid the diagnosis for quite a long time and did not want to worry fans.

At the same time, the fight against cancer almost cost Yulia her career, because during the removal of the tumor her vocal cords were damaged.

“I underwent two operations to restore my voice in Germany and Israel, but everything was useless. They injected me with some substance through my mouth, gave me pain relief, there was a camera in front of me, I saw myself and had to speak all the time. Then there was a month of recovery, I was not allowed to speak at all. I exchanged messages with the children,” Volkova shared her experiences on the air of the “Secret to a Million” program.

According to the girl, they were able to detect thyroid cancer in the early stages. That is why the artist did not have to undergo chemotherapy, limiting herself to surgery. However, due to the inaccurate work of doctors, Volkova was forced to leave the stage for several months to relearn how to sing and speak.

Now that the difficult trials are in the past, Yulia has difficulty remembering that period. Despite the fact that the risk of relapse is extremely low, the artist still continues to regularly consult with doctors.

Three years ago, a popular TV presenter was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Korchevnikov was very scared when he heard the doctors’ verdict and was preparing for the worst, but everything turned out okay. Boris underwent surgery. Many believed that the TV presenter had cancer, but doctors did not confirm this diagnosis.

Now he lives his life to the fullest and tries to rarely see doctors. Korchevnikov admitted that he does not appear for examinations because nothing bothers him. “It hasn’t happened for a long time. There is no such serious need for this. The dynamics and well-being are good,” he assured, although he does not deny that he cannot boast of perfect health.

“If you know what an emotional, physical, and moral burden it is to work on television, then you understand that I basically wouldn’t be able to cope with it if I were actually sick. I worked, I work and all thank God. My health is not ideal after the operation, but there are much worse stories, and there is nothing in my body that would make me unable to work,” said Boris.

Viewers learned about Laima Vaikule’s struggle with a terrible disease from a television broadcast with Oksana Pushkina, which became a real revelation. The fact is that until then, few stars of such magnitude dared to admit such secret things and urged women to be more attentive to their bodies and visit doctors more often.

Laima said that in her case, the cancer was discovered at the last stage. This was in 1991. An advanced tumor gave no more than a 20 percent chance of survival. Vaikule was operated on urgently, and then there was a long and very difficult rehabilitation process. The singer admitted that during this test she went through several stages - terrible fear, a desire to hide in a corner and feel sorry for herself. She was also very envious of those who were healthy. “Nothing remained the same,” Laima shared. “My attitude towards many things, towards people has changed, I myself have changed and my idea of ​​what is really important has changed.” Vaikule also learned to believe. This helped her a lot.

The Russian TV presenter began the fight against cancer in 1993. Then, during an examination in one of the American clinics, doctors stunned him with terrible news. “And my feeling was as if I had walked into a brick wall right away. And immediately it seemed that everything was over. I was 59 years old, I still wanted to live. I remember this today because I want to say that you always have to fight. Of course, this requires close people, friends who help you, but you are the main thing. You have to be able to say no to yourself. I won’t give up for anything,” Posner shared.

However, experts assured him that this diagnosis was not fatal, especially since the disease was detected in time. According to the TV presenter himself, he did not undergo chemotherapy; the doctors insisted on an early operation. “When I left the hospital, my strength left me for some time. Then I somehow managed to tune in,” Posner said. The TV presenter was supported by relatives, friends, and fans. Thanks to common efforts and faith in the best, Vladimir Pozner managed to enter remission. About 25 years have passed since then, but Posner continues to monitor his health: he regularly undergoes medical examinations, and also encourages others to follow his example. In 2013, the TV presenter became the ambassador of the international program “Together against Cancer”.

The singer found out about his diagnosis relatively recently - in 2011, but did not become despondent. Alexander Buinov also took the doctors’ conclusion about the need for surgical intervention rather restrainedly and calmly went for an operation to remove the prostate gland. He translated everything that happened to him into a joke. “Some things were cut off for me, but still I have complete order in the male part,” he said with a smile, emphasizing that he was a fatalist.

“I take everything that fate has in store, any blows in life, for granted - calmly and with gratitude,” he said. The artist is convinced that any illness is a punishment for previous sins: “There is a reason, enough of them have accumulated throughout my life, so it never occurred to me to feel sorry for myself.” At the same time, Alexander Nikolaevich did not allow himself to become limp: “Yes, this is an unpleasant thing, but I didn’t feel like I was dying. For some reason I was sure that everything would be fine.”

After the operation, as expected, a rehabilitation process followed, during which Buinov did not even think of leaving the big stage. It also happened that he was given injections a few minutes before the performance. During the most difficult period, Alexander, according to him, felt enormous support from friends, family and fans. “Everyone was worried about me except myself,” said the singer.

One day the singer had a very bad stomach ache and had to call an ambulance. So Svetlana ended up on the operating table. At first, the surgeons decided that Surganova had a gynecological problem, but only an hour and a half after the start of the operation they discovered the true cause of the terrible pain - a malignant intestinal tumor. After surgery, Svetlana began to have complications - she simply could not eat, after every spoonful of soup, severe pain began, from which there seemed to be no escape.

“Diana Arbenina came out to me. Without her care, I probably would have died. She was on duty at my bedside at night, went to work in the morning, because she had to earn money, and in the evening she came running to the hospital and looked after me. The doctors considered Diana my sister, because before the first operation I said that she was the only relative I had. I tried to hide everything from my mother: I didn’t want to worry her, because she had already suffered with my sores. But it was impossible to hide the truth. The first days, when I didn’t answer calls, my mother thought that I was on tour. And then I got worried and started calling my friends. And then everything was revealed. Of course, my mother was very offended by this, and then she was rightfully angry, but I just felt sorry for her,” the singer shared.

By the way, Surganova managed to overcome the disease; in addition, she had to undergo several more operations. Despite all these trials, Svetlana believes in the best and looks positively at the future.


The popularly beloved writer Daria Dontsova initially accepted the first symptoms of the disease with joy - suddenly, as she had always dreamed of, her breasts began to enlarge. However, a close friend did not share this joy and sent her to a doctor, who pronounced a merciless verdict - the stage was advanced, there were only a few months left to live, it was possible to do something, but it was pointless. Daria flatly refused to accept the sentence: three children, husband, mother, mother-in-law, dogs - how can one die here? The treatment was long and painful - 18 operations, chemotherapy, radiation. But no less important than the treatment was Dontsova’s attitude - she did not give herself a minute to think about death, and developed a “daily mandatory program of working on herself.” It included a variety of seemingly insignificant things - the main thing was to move, to keep yourself busy. It was then, in the hospital, that Daria first began to write, and there her first detective novel was born, which marked the beginning of a further successful career. Since then, sports and writing have remained unchanged on the list of mandatory daily activities. And Daria has been the Ambassador of the company’s charity program “Together against Breast Cancer” for many years.


Viewers learned about Laima Vaikule’s struggle with a terrible disease from a television broadcast with Oksana Pushkina, which became a revelation for many Russian women. Until then, few stars dared to admit such secret things and urge women to take care of themselves and go to the doctor more often. Lyma said that in her case, the cancer was discovered in the last stage; a very advanced tumor gave no more than a 20% chance of survival. An urgent operation was performed, followed by a long recovery process.

The singer admitted that she went through several stages - terrible fear, the desire to hide in a corner and feel sorry for herself, envy of those who are healthy, understanding the need to accept the help of loved ones. “Nothing has remained the same,” says Lima. “My attitude towards many things, towards people has changed, I myself have changed and my idea of ​​what is really important has changed.”


The famous “Wolverine” recently said that his childhood spent in Australia made him an ideal candidate for skin cancer, and he never used sunscreen, despite the fact that Australia has long been the leader in the number of people suffering from this disease. Such carelessness backfired on the actor: in 2013, doctors diagnosed him with skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma. Moreover, Jackman’s wife literally forced him to go to the doctor to check a suspicious mole on his nose. As a result, it became clear - cancer, and on the face too! What could be worse for an actor? However, Hugh treated the whole situation with courage and humor - he regularly posted photos on his social networks after procedures with scary patches on his nose, did not hesitate to appear in this form at social events and actively urged everyone: “Please don’t be stupid like me. Be sure to get checked. Every three months I undergo examination. Now this is the norm for me."


The performer of the role of Miranda, one of the four friends from Sex and the City, is in many ways similar to her most famous heroine - for example, in her tenacity of character. This trait helped her when she learned of her breast cancer diagnosis. In addition, Cynthia had a positive example before her eyes - her mother successfully overcame an illness when the actress was still a child. This is what saved Cynthia herself - knowing about her genetic predisposition, she regularly underwent examinations, and the tumor was discovered at an early stage. Nixon told almost no one about her illness except her family, and the press learned about everything only several years later. The experience was reflected in the actress’s career: she later played in a Broadway theater production of Margaret Edson’s play “Wit,” where her character, poetry teacher Vivian Biring, also suffered from cancer. For the sake of this role, the actress even shaved her head, which caused quite a stir in the press - many media outlets suggested that the disease had indeed returned.


The wife of legendary rock musician Ozzy Osbourne was diagnosed with rectal cancer and was given a very disappointing prognosis - no more than a 30% chance of survival, since the tumor had managed to metastasize to the lymph nodes. Sharon, known for her daring disposition and iron character, did not shy away from cancer - surgery and chemotherapy even became part of the reality show “The Osbournes,” the filming of which Sharon refused to interrupt.

Now Sharon is healthy and even jokes about herself - according to her, instead of hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on plastic surgery, it was more important to check the “rear”, and calls on all women at risk (after 40 years) to regularly undergo colonoscopy. “Bowel cancer develops slowly, it can be detected at an early stage, then you will be saved,” insists Sharon. “If nothing hurts, it doesn’t mean everything is okay.” When it hurts, it’s already too late!”


Svetlana Surganova will probably agree with Sharon, whom a timely colonoscopy could have saved from many years of torment. Since childhood, Svetlana suffered from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - her body could not even digest ordinary porridge and bread, and she was prescribed a strict diet. When the choice arose between working in her specialty (pediatrics) and a career in the Night Snipers group, Surganova chose music. Constant touring, lack of a normal routine and healthy diet aggravated her condition, but the singer ignored the alarming symptoms for a long time until the pain became unbearable. At the hospital, a diagnosis was made of sigmoid colon cancer, followed by two operations, doctors were forced to make a hole in the abdominal cavity and bring out a tube and attach a pouch to the stomach, in which she had to go to the toilet for several years. With these pipes, Svetlana courageously continued to perform, tour, and participate in photo shoots.

Only recently did the singer get rid of this painful reminder of her illness, but she still monitors her health very carefully: “Now I understand and I want to tell everyone that you need to check your body, despite the unpleasant procedures. Get examined at least once a year, overcome your fear or laziness! The sooner your tumor is detected, the greater the hope for recovery.”


The popular singer learned that she had breast cancer in 2005. In the press, this information had the effect of a bomb exploding, causing a completely unhealthy interest - very thin, hiding her head under multi-colored scarves, Kylie could not take a step without the annoying attention of the paparazzi. However, neither this nor the difficult operation and subsequent chemotherapy broke the fighting spirit of the petite Australian beauty. On the contrary, Minogue often talks about how the difficulties she experienced made her stronger and forced her to look around and think about who was in the same situation and needed help. Kylie has organized her own foundation to fight breast cancer, is constantly involved in charity work, and actively encourages all women not to forget about the need for constant preventative visits to the doctor in order to not give the disease any chance.


The Oscar-winning Hollywood actor faced a terrible disease at the age of 60 - he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Fortunately, the actor did not neglect preventive examinations, so the tumor was discovered at an early stage. De Niro underwent a radical prostatectomy, which was once performed by his colleague Arnold Schwarzenegger, and since then the actor has not been bothered by the disease for about 15 years. The doctors noted that the recovery period took De Niro very little time, because despite his age, Robert is actively involved in sports, and most importantly, he does not avoid doctors and undergoes all the necessary examinations on time.


American comedian Ben Stiller can be called De Niro's fellow sufferer - he also found out about prostate cancer during a routine examination, and never ceases to talk about how lucky he is that he was vigilant. Ben admits that upon hearing his diagnosis, he first felt fear and then confusion - it was not clear how to live further, whether to plan filming, what awaited him: “My doctor talked about the chances of survival, impotence, how the operation would go and which one would be better to choose, and I felt that his voice was moving away and becoming unintelligible - just like in those movies, where the guy finds out that he has cancer, only I wasn’t in the movie!”

Fortunately, after a successful operation, the 51-year-old actor continues to successfully act in film and live a normal life. However, there are changes - Stiller now undergoes medical examinations twice as often and actively encourages all men to take the test for prostate cancer, which saved his life.


The star of "Dexter", one of the most successful TV series in history, also did not escape the sad fate of suddenly hearing about a terrible diagnosis - Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system. Michael was 39, the same age his father died of prostate cancer. Hall saw this as a bad omen and began to think that karmic retribution had overtaken him for playing the role of a murderous maniac. However, his wife Jennifer Carpenter did not let him give up, supporting him in the most difficult moments, when the treatment began to change Michael’s appearance - he became very thin, his eyebrows, hair and eyelashes fell out, and his face became swollen.

0% 0 February 4, 2013, 20:45

The fourth of February is World Cancer Day, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. The International Union Against Cancer believes that more than a million people can be saved every year if sufficient attention is paid to awareness of this disease. We present to you a selection of celebrities who have shown by their own example that cancer can be cured.

In the spring of 2005, the Australian pop diva was diagnosed with breast cancer, which forced her to interrupt her world tour. The singer's fans, who were unable to attend the canceled concerts, supported Kylie in various ways: many donated the returned money to Australian cancer funds, while others did not return tickets at all.

In early 2006, after chemotherapy treatment and the singer's complete victory over the disease, she celebrated her recovery by resuming her tour and participating in numerous charity events, supporting other women in the fight against cancer.

Kylie Minogue proved by her example that we can defeat cancer

In August 2010, the winner of two Oscars, Michael Douglas, was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer by doctors, which the actor himself openly stated on a famous American talk show. Douglas and his wife Catherine Zeta Jones canceled all filming and focused on fighting the disease. The actor himself has repeatedly stated in interviews with publications that he intends to live a long life, like his parents, and that he has no doubts about his speedy recovery.

After several months of treatment, in January 2011, the actor announced that he had defeated cancer and was ready to start working in the near future.

Michael Douglas intends to live happily ever after

Laima Vaikule

A real “boom” of breast cancer arose in the mid-2000s, but the Latvian singer Laima Vaikule encountered this terrible disease back in 1991. At that moment, doctors at a foreign clinic gave a not at all rosy prognosis - only 20 percent for a positive outcome after the operation. Several years after her recovery, the singer told the media her story and since then has continued to support everyone who is faced with this disease.

Laima Vaikule never lost optimism

One of the greatest actors of our time was diagnosed with prostate cancer during a routine examination in October 2003. Doctors immediately promised 60-year-old Robert De Niro a quick recovery - in addition to the fact that the cancer was diagnosed at an early stage, the actor was in excellent physical shape. Today, De Niro's illness and recovery are often cited in the press as a striking example of the need for regular preventative care and examinations by doctors.

Robert de Niro was able to beat cancer thanks to excellent physical shape and timely checks

TV presenter, writer, producer and part-time wife of the “great and terrible” Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon, survived colon cancer. The diagnosis was made during the filming of the next season of the reality show “The Osbournes Family,” and Sharon refused to cancel filming for quite some time. Later, Ozzy's husband admitted that the whole family was deeply depressed due to Sharon's illness, and the son even wanted to commit suicide.

With a survival rate of less than 40 percent, she still managed to stop the cancer. Due to the threat of resumption, in November 2012, Sharon had both breasts removed, which did not prevent her from remaining a successful businesswoman and beloved wife.

Sharon Osbourne beat cancer twice


Singer Anastacia went the furthest of all pop divas in her public fight against breast cancer. After she was diagnosed with this in 2003, she resolutely told the media that she would not allow the disease to overcome her, and even allowed journalists to film while undergoing therapy. In the same year, the singer recorded the album Anastacia, which quickly became platinum.

Anastacia allowed the media to film her during therapy

The star of the television series “Dexter” Michael C. Hall was diagnosed with lymphogranulomatosis, a malignant disease of lymphoid tissue. It is worth noting that when Michael was 11 years old, his father died of cancer, so the actor took this disease as a challenge and was ready to fight to the end. At the time of diagnosis, the cancer was in remission, so after a few months the actor was completely cured, as stated by his official representative.

Michael C. Hall was afraid of repeating his father's fate

Darya Dontsova

Popular writer Daria Dontsova learned about the diagnosis when the disease - breast cancer - was already in its final stages. Despite the disappointing forecasts of doctors, the future detective author was able to recover, and then wrote her first book, which became a bestseller. Today Daria is the official ambassador of the Together Against Breast Cancer program.

Daria Dontsova discovered new talents in herself after defeating cancer

British singer Rod Stewart wrote a book that Western critics called "the rock biography of the decade." Stewart talked about many things from the life of a rock star, including the difficult treatment of thyroid cancer, which doctors diagnosed in the singer in 2000. "The surgeon removed everything that needed to be removed. And because of this, there was no need for chemotherapy, which in turn meant that I was not at risk of losing my hair. Let's face it: on a list of threats to my career, hair loss would be number two place after losing his voice,” Stewart recalled.

However, it took the singer months to fully recover from the illness and surgery, and Stewart himself admitted that cancer had greatly changed his outlook.

Rod Stewart wasn't so much afraid of cancer as he was of chemotherapy

At first, Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon did not want to tell the media about her diagnosis of breast cancer, which the actress’s mother also suffered from. However, after the operation and a course of chemotherapy, the completely bald Cynthia began to actively appear at social events and shows, urging women in America and around the world to visit the mammologist more often.

Cynthia Nixon hid for a long time that she survived cancer.

Photo Gettyimages.com/Fotobank.com

24.05.2018 13:12

The other day, Joseph Kobzon told the media about the condition of Mikhail Zadornov. According to him, the comedian is dying of brain cancer. News about Zadornov’s illness appeared not so long ago and for a long time seemed like unfortunate gossip. Alas, the information turned out to be reliable. Many celebrities have passed away due to a terrible disease, but right now many stars are trying to overcome this terrible disease. We present to your attention famous people who have cancer.

    Mikhail Zadornov. News that the satirist was seriously ill appeared at the end of 2016. Then Zadornov said on his page on the social network VKontakte that he was forced to cancel some concerts before the New Year due to illness, without specifying details.

    A little later, Zadornov himself announced that he had cancer: “Unfortunately, a very serious illness has been discovered in the body, which is not only characteristic of age. It is necessary to treat immediately,”– he confirmed then.

    “Misha is melting before our eyes. Neither European technology nor the luminaries of medicine helped. Everyone just shrugs and sighs heavily. They say they did everything in their power,”– a source from the artist’s inner circle told the eg.ru portal.

    Zadornov underwent treatment for brain cancer in Germany, after which he left for the Baltic states. But both there and here doctors refused to treat the satirist due to the advanced state of the disease.

    The latest news regarding the artist’s condition is related to the fact that he is now spending time at his dacha. According to Joseph Kobzon, Zadornov is dying... The satirist himself does not communicate with the press.

    Myself Kobzon I recently battled prostate cancer:
    “But there were two weeks left to live. And then we had nowhere to undergo surgery
    - at that time they did not make artificial bladders with an outlet
    outside the drainage tube. And only the only surgeon in the world, Peter
    Althaus carried out such operations. He formed a new bladder from
    patient's small intestine"

    Kobzon underwent an operation called “cyberknife” - removal of a metastatic tumor through inoperable means. And before this, the performer had to go through delays - he came under sanctions and was banned from entering the European Union.

    Ronnie Wood. In early August, the Rolling Stones guitarist announced that he had cancer.

    In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, Ronnie said that he heard the diagnosis of lung cancer in May after an examination with the group's attending physician.

    At the beginning of summer, the musician underwent a five-hour operation to remove part of his lung.

    “Since I quit smoking a little over a year ago, I kept thinking: it’s impossible that after 50 years of continuous smoking - and my other bad habits - everything would be fine with my lungs.”, said Wood.

    Johnny Hallyday. The French rock singer also announced on Twitter that he was undergoing treatment for cancer.

    The 73-year-old musician wrote that several months ago he was tested for the presence of cancer cells, for which he was prescribed treatment.

    Boris Korchevnikov. The TV presenter spoke about his struggle with a brain tumor while handing over the reins of the “Live Broadcast” program to Andrei Malakhov.

    According to him, his fight against the tumor began a year ago; the operation made the disease recede for a whole year.

    It was because of oncology that the TV presenter began to lose his hearing, which made it difficult for him to work. As Boris said, he still hears very poorly

    Yuri Nikolaev. The TV presenter has been fighting cancer for many years.

    “This happened eleven or twelve years ago. Five years later there was a relapse, then another. I don’t know what is the cause of my illness.”, Nikolaev admitted in 2016 on Malakhov’s show.

    The presenter says that the disease recedes from time to time, but then returns again. “I need to be constantly checked, and at the slightest suspicion, start treatment again,”– he noted.

    Alexander Belyaev. A well-known weather forecaster was recently diagnosed with a cancerous tumor.

    Immediately after the diagnosis was made, Belyaev was taken to the oncology center for treatment, where he began undergoing chemotherapy.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Doctors gave the opera singer a terrible diagnosis of a “brain tumor” in 2015.

    The artist underwent a series of chemotherapy courses, after which he even resumed his concert activities.

    But not so long ago it became known that Dmitry again had to give up work for health reasons. “Due to a serious illness, Dmitry Hvorostovsky is forced to cancel his performances at the Vienna State Opera, planned for the upcoming 2017/18 season,” reads a statement from the press service of the musical theater.

    “But in any case, I understand that the best is already behind us: youth, the best voice... What can I do? But I continue to fight the disease and hope. “Hope” is the most vital word for me now! As they say, I'll still play checkers! My oncologist looks at me like I’m a miracle: “Oh, so alive! Oh, how healthy!” Apart from me, they have no such patients - world-famous singers who sing everywhere and continue to work despite everything,”- says Hvorostovsky himself

    Hugh Jackman. Several years ago, the actor was first diagnosed with skin cancer, after which the disease seemed to recede after a course of radiation.

    But, unfortunately, she returned again. Jackman recently completed his fifth course of radiation.

    Hugh posted a photo on Twitter with a bandage on his nose and wrote: “Another basal cell carcinoma. Thanks to constant checks and wonderful doctors, everything is fine. Looks worse with a bandage than without it. #usesunscreen.”

    Jackman's first tumor became known in 2013, and since then the actor has not only undergone chemotherapy courses, but also undergone six skin grafts.

    Morrissey. In October 2014, the musician admitted that he was examined for possible cancer cells, and the results were disappointing.

    A year later, in an interview with Larry King, Morrissey admitted that he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, but the tumor was removed. The musician never reported that the disease had been overcome.

    “I feel good now. I know I look unhealthy in some of my recent photos, but that's because I'm sick. I’ll rest when I die.” “If I die, then I die. If not, then no”“, summed up the English singer.

    Val Kilmer. The actor has been battling throat cancer for a long time.

    Actor Michael Douglas was one of the first to report Kilmer’s illness in 2016, but Val himself confirmed the information only recently: “Obviously he wanted to help me then because the media was trying to find out where I had disappeared to. I fought cancer."

    “Despite treatment, my tongue was swelling. I didn’t sound normal back then, and even now people may think I’m not healthy,” he said.

    Shannen Doherty. The actress has been battling breast cancer for a year and a half. The actress had a unilateral mastectomy in May, but the cancer cells had spread even further.

    “The breast cancer began to progress - it spread to the lymph nodes, and during one of my operations it became clear that cancer cells could move further from them. For this reason, we started chemotherapy, and then I will have more radiotherapy,”– the actress said then.

    In April of this year, the star of “Charmed” pleased her fans with the message that the disease had entered the stage of remission.

    Sheryl Crow. In 2003, the singer was diagnosed with breast cancer, which she successfully overcame.

    However, in November 2011, Crowe was diagnosed with a new terrible disease - a brain tumor.

    The singer still suffers from the disease, making every effort for her recovery.

    Bill Wyman. The former Rolling Stones bass player has been battling prostate cancer since last year.

    “Bill Wyman, former member of THE ROLLING STONES, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He is undergoing treatment and is expected to make a full recovery as the problem was detected at an early stage. Wyman's family requests that privacy be respected at this time. There will be no further comments at this time,”- said the officials.

    Svetlana Kryuchkova. The actress has been battling cancer since the second half of 2015.

    “In the summer I celebrated my 65th birthday, and doctors discovered that I had a serious illness. I went abroad for treatment because in Russia they missed my diagnosis. Our people refuse cancer patients if they are not in the first stages, but then they fight to the end! They have this on stream. Treatment is very expensive. Both theater colleagues and fans helped, who were aware of my condition,”- she said.

    The actress believes that the cause of her terrible illness was mercury poisoning in the past, when a warehouse with a huge amount of a toxic substance was found on the floor below her and her husband’s apartment.

    The course of treatment in Europe turned out to be quite effective: the artist feels cheerful and even returned to the stage. There have been no official statements on this matter, so we wish Svetlana and the other participants in our photo report good health.