Drebedengi personal. "rubbish" - family budget online

Planning a family budget and accounting for finances are far from the easiest operations. Trying to do all the necessary calculations on paper or in a program not designed for this, you can often make mistakes or even get confused in the numbers.

In order to avoid this, we recommend that you use a modern online service on the Internet called Drebedengi. Financial accounting with its help will become simple and clear. And you will only need to go through a minute registration and create your personal account.

Registration of Drebedenga's personal account

Registration takes place on the official website http://www.drebedengi.ru and is completely electronic. In a special form on the right there will be a link "Registration", on which you need to click. Next, you will see a small form with the following fields: name, gender, e-mail, time zone, city of residence, year of birth.

They should include relevant information. No other information about yourself is required. At the end, simply click on the “Register” button, thereby completing the procedure.

How to enter Drebedenga's personal account

You can also log in directly on the start page of the official website, but without going to any sections and without performing unnecessary actions. The form for entering the login and password is the same - located on the right. After specifying the details in its fields, it remains to click on the "Login" button, after which you will be logged into your account.

The main functions of Drebedenga's personal account

Drawing up individual plans for expenses;
- Work with mobile applications with synchronization, leading financial accounting;
- Convenient accounting of all savings;
- Maintaining electronic accounting with the participation of all family members;
- A number of electronic organizer options;
- Saving receipts from the store and others.

Drebedengi personal account - www.drebedengi.ru

I have been doing housekeeping for many years. Even then I wanted to do it electronically and bother less with all the calculations. It was then that I came across the Drebedengi service.

The name of the service already speaks of its simplicity and convenience. Having registered in the service, and starting work in it, I quickly became convinced of this. By the way, they have demo input.

Immediately upon entering your personal account, you can see all the ins and outs of your home accounting.

Here you can immediately see all your current expenses and income, balances on all accounts, debts, spending plan and savings.

Current expenses, income, movements, currency exchange

In the section of current expenses (income, travel, currency exchange) you can see all current expenses for the day. It is in these sections that the main work with the service takes place. Having completed any of the above actions, you enter it into the service with an indication of the sources of spending. This action will immediately be reflected in this block and in the block on the right with your current money balances.

When entering an expense or income, you can also specify a tag for the expense and attach a receipt to it if you have purchased the service's mobile app. Thus, in the future, you can easily find out what exactly the money is spent on and where it will be possible to save.

In the budget planning section, you can plan your income and expenses for any time period convenient for you. For example, I have a period for income - monthly, and for expenses - weekly. Also, the service will try to independently help you with this planning.
After you make a budget, on the page for entering expenses and incomes you will have a block that will guide you about the current state of the budget and how much more money you can spend.

In this section, you can plan some major purchases (like a car), medium purchases, or just a shopping list at the grocery store. When creating a purchase, the service will offer you to create an accumulation for this purchase and a storage location. After that, you will already know exactly how much money you still have left to save.

Graphs, reports, history

This is probably the most powerful and significant section of the service in terms of functionality. Here you can build the necessary report on expenses, income, expenses or any other values ​​you need. The filtering system for building a report is very flexible and thin, thanks to which you can build any report you are interested in and export it to Excel.

You can also, for example, see a graph of your income and expenses. Of course, you can build any chart you are interested in.

Directories are a large section of your accounting settings. Here you set up all the places where money is stored, categories of expenses, currencies in which you make payments, and so on.


The Drebedengi service also has many other convenient and interesting functions. For example, you can keep a budget for the whole family. To do this, in the "Other actions / Users" section, you need to invite another user of the service and assign the necessary rights to him:

Try Drebedengi. By the way, the service is cross-platform.

Analyzing your expenses and incomes, keeping home accounting are not always pleasant things, but for the most part routine and periodically forgotten. How to make your life easier - use home bookkeeping services, one of which is Drebedengi (click on the link to go to the service) we will consider today. ? Want to learn but don't understand where the budget is leaking? Use the Drebedengi service and you will be surprised how much it will make your life easier.

Drebedengi - learning to use to the maximum

Despite such, at first glance, a frivolous name, the service is made very responsibly and thought out, and even a child can deal with it. Let's see what he can do:

  1. control of expenses and income - obviously, the most primitive function that will replace the leaflets and notebooks on which you previously spent expenses (I hope you did them after all)
  2. transfer of funds from one place to another - the system will take into account when you make deposits and withdrawals of cash from bank accounts, exchange cash for virtual money, and so on, in general, any operations to your taste. In addition, the ability to take into account the commission, which periodically occurs during transfers, has been added.
  3. currency conversion - by default, the current exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is already set there, but if you exchanged money at a different rate, this will be taken into account and calculated at the appropriate rate. Plus, support for the most popular currencies in the world, in which you can keep track of finances
  4. budget planning - will help to evaluate, based on the level of your income, current consumption, adhering to which you can save up for your cherished goal. Shopping there is of different scales, but the service rubbish money will tell you how much you need to spend today so that tomorrow you can buy what you have been dreaming about for so long (this service is paid, 25 rubles per month or 300 per year)
  5. Accounting for the number of places where you save money and their relationship with your long-term goals
  6. Analytical reports, charts and graphs - very beautiful and presentable - something that will help you immediately assess where your money is going

Additional features

In principle, all that the rubbish system is aimed at is to facilitate your control over your finances, to make it faster, easier and more convenient.
But that's not all, among other things, the service will allow you to:

  • make reminders - well, for example, I used to periodically forget to pay for the Internet, but now I make payments in advance as soon as I receive a notification. Similarly, other reminders are configured, including those for important dates 🙂
  • Export data to Excel and CSV and import from third-party CSV files
  • Organizer - taking notes in the same way as we write some notes in our notebook. Sometimes it can be very useful to keep all the records in one place 🙂
  • Multiplayer mode - will help to take into account not only your own finances, but also, for example, your spouse's finances - in my opinion it is very convenient.

In my opinion, the rubbish took into account almost everything for the comfortable management of the family budget.

mobile version

Drebedeneg has not only a version for a home computer, but also for mobile devices with a characteristic interface for them. Very convenient, because you can add notes immediately after making purchases. Plus, it is possible to enter data on expenses by sending SMS. This version of the program will cost, however, a small amount of about 20 rubles per month.

Offline version

If for some reason it’s difficult for you to go online or you don’t trust him with your money :), you can download “ rubbish money» to your computer and use it for free for 10 days. Then you have to pay for the licensed version. By the way, the offline version is slightly inferior in functionality, there is no organizer, reminders, and any other trifles.


There are few of them, basically. Of course, the service cannot fully automate personal finance management. There will be difficulties, for example, in assessing the return on investment (for example,) and in several other points, which you can deal with on your own by visiting, for example, the rubbish user forum.

From the author

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The Drebedengi system is a good functional tool that will make managing your finances comfortable, will allow you to determine, let you know where the money sometimes goes so quickly and will not allow you to spend all the money (so that there are no questions later,). Use the service and make your life more comfortable.

In order to have enough money, it is not necessary to earn a lot. It is much more important not to overspend and control your expenses. Some use Excel for personal finance, some turn to specialized home bookkeeping applications. And a couple of years ago, another modern solution appeared - accounting for income and expenses online. One of these services is Drebedengi. Initially, the service was created solely for personal needs. However, what is relevant for one family is useful for thousands of others. Therefore, it is not surprising that the idea of ​​online accounting of personal finances, when all family members can record expenses from any computer, has been liked by many and has been developed.

Today's "Drebedengi" is a system for managing personal finances, thought out to the smallest detail, not inferior to most desktop applications of this purpose, and in some ways superior to them. We invite you to learn more about this service.

⇡ Initial service setup

The first thing to do when starting to work with the system is to configure the service according to your needs. To do this, you need to set up currencies, specify the places where money is stored (accounts), sources of income, as well as categories of expenses. All this can be done in the "Accounts, currencies, tags" section. Let's start with setting currencies. By default, Drebedengi supports several of the most popular currencies - ruble, euro, dollar and hryvnia. If you need to keep track of finances in other currencies, you can add them on the "Currencies" page. For each currency, a name is indicated, which can be arbitrary (yes, even tugriks!) As well as an international code. It is important to specify the international code correctly, especially if you want to use the service's ability to automatically receive exchange rates from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and convert to rubles (or to another currency that is selected by default). Optionally, you can remove unused currencies or temporarily hide them.

It is clear that at the time of registration in the service, there will definitely be some cash in your wallet. It is possible that some funds are also available on your current bank account, on a deposit, in your Yandex.Money wallet, etc. Allocate some time and do not be too lazy to enter into the program all the funds that are at your disposal. When adding a new money storage location, you can enter an amount in one or more currencies. Working with several currencies within one account is a very useful feature. This is convenient if, for example, you receive royalties in dollars, allocate a certain amount for current expenses and, as necessary, exchange dollars for rubles. In this case, your main wallet (roughly speaking, in your "pocket") will almost always contain both dollars and rubles. Another example where such an opportunity can be very useful is the accounting of funds in the Webmoney system. As you know, users of this system can work with several currencies, so it is convenient to immediately indicate how much money is in your ruble account, and how much is in your dollar account.

No matter how many places we have to store money, each of us probably has an account from which the most is spent. For most, this place is "pocket", but it is possible that you make most purchases and pay for various services using a bank account. The most frequently used money storage location can be flagged by checking the "This is my wallet" box. After that, all expenses that you will make will be automatically withdrawn from this account, unless, of course, you manually select another one. Note that whatever the name of the account that is selected as the main one, it will appear as "My Wallet" in the service interface. If an account is no longer relevant (say, you closed your bank account), you can hide it from the list. In this case, all the records that were associated with it will remain. If you plan to use the SMS income entry feature (discussed below), it makes sense for each account to have a short name that can be used when sending messages from a mobile phone. Such a name should contain only Latin letters. Having dealt with the accounts, you can proceed to the sources of income. In principle, everything is simple here - you simply list all the places from which money "drops" into your pocket. The source of income can be a deposit, the company you work for, the apartment you rent, etc. As in the case of accounts, any source of income can be hidden from the list if necessary, and you can also choose a short name for it, which will be used when sending SMS messages.

Finally, the third thing to do before you actually start using the service is to set up spending categories. By default, the Drebedengi service already contains more than thirty categories. This list can be edited and supplemented at will. The spending categories are presented in a tree structure. Each category can contain nested elements. Thanks to this, it is possible, for example, to add the subcategories "To the wife's mobile phone", "To the child's mobile phone", etc. to the "Mobile communications" category. In principle, you don’t have to worry too much about making sure to pay all categories of expenses at the very beginning. If later, when adding an expense, you find that the required category does not yet exist, you can quickly add it right there. By hovering over the list of categories, you can find a pop-up menu with which you can quickly delete a category, move a subcategory to another category, move the root category up or down the tree. As a general rule, it makes sense to place the categories you access most often higher, as it will be easier for you to select them when you add an expense.

It is worth noting that for someone who has never dealt with keeping records of expenses, it is initially difficult to organize their expenses into categories. It is quite possible that, having started working with the program, after a while you will find that it is much more convenient for you to make expenses not by type of goods (food, household chemicals, etc.), but by the names of the stores where you purchase them. The service developers have provided for this situation, so if you need to organize the category tree in a different way, you can always do it by saving the old entries. By selecting a category in the list, you can move the expenses that belong to it to another category.

⇡ Entering expenses

Having completed the initial setup of the service, you can proceed to the most important step - entering information about income and expenses. Since almost all people have more categories of expenses than income items, it is the entry of expenses that, as a rule, turns out to be quite a difficult task, especially if you have never written them down before. Therefore, the main rule of working with the service is not to delay the recordings. By postponing spending records for later, you will most likely forget about half of the expenses. Therefore, it is worth developing your own schedule for entering information about expenses. An online service in this regard gives a significant advantage over a regular desktop application. You can set aside time for this at work during your lunch break, at home before bed, while on the road, and so on. Information about expenses can be entered using the main features of the service, as well as via SMS and PDA versions. Let's consider all these methods. Entering information about spending in Drebedengi is much easier than in most desktop applications. The user is prompted to enter the amount spent, select the account from which the money was spent, and also indicate the expense category.

The amount of expenses does not have to be entered as a whole number - "Drebedengi" can perform basic arithmetic operations themselves. Let's take a simple example of using this feature. Let's say you're going to enter travel expenses for today. You begin to remember where you went and how much you spent: "First by metro, then by minibus to work, then in the afternoon by trolleybus to a meeting and back...". Calculating the total amount in your head is not necessary, and a calculator is also not needed. Here's what you can write in the spending entry field: 22+25+20*2. The service itself will calculate how much you have spent. It's interesting that you don't have to select the category of expenses from the list each time - those things that you spend the most money on are displayed in the interface in the form of links of different sizes. The more often you refer to a particular category, the more such a link will be. If the desired category is in this list, just click on it. This view is useful not only when entering expenses. This gives you the ability to instantly see what you're spending the most money on, without even having to access the reporting features. The huge font of the link will simply "scream" about where the money from the family budget goes.

When entering expenses, you can additionally use tags that help to describe expenses more accurately. Labels help you classify expenses more accurately. For example, if you are going to make repairs, then you will probably buy goods belonging to different categories for this. By tagging all such expenses with the "repair" tag, you can always find out later how much it cost you. Another example where tags can come in handy is the need to calculate how much money is spent on child-related expenses. Such expenses can be classified as "Clothing", "Food", "Medicines", "Hygiene", etc. By combining them with the tag "child", you will find out the total amount of expenses. Some expenses don't fall into the traditional categories, such as lending money to someone. "Drebedengi" offers a very convenient way to account for borrowed funds. When lending money to someone, it is enough to check the "In debt" box, after which the window with the choice of categories becomes inactive. In order not to forget who exactly you lent, write his name in the tags field. The service will remember this information and add this name to the list of income sources. Thus, when the money is given to you, it will be enough for you to choose a name in the source of income. The Drebedengi service will calculate by itself when the returned amount is equal to the borrowed amount, after which it will automatically exclude the name of your debtor from the list of income sources. As you can see, the process is as automated as possible. On the one hand, this saves the user from performing unnecessary operations, on the other hand, it helps to quickly remember who owes you. It's simple: if there is a person's name in the list of sources of income - you can demand a debt from him, there is no name - it means that he has already given everything. On the page for entering data on expenses, "Drebedengi" shows the total amount of expenses for the current day and all transactions. If you made a waste by mistake, you can quickly delete it with one click. If no spending has yet been made for the current day, the service will unobtrusively inform you about this, as if reminding you of the need to remember how much and what you spent. By default, expenses are entered for the current day, but if you need to record what was spent on another day, you can always use the convenient links at the top of the form. With their help, you can move to the previous or next day, as well as call the calendar window and select the desired date in it.

⇡ Income, money transfer, currency exchange

Entering income is carried out according to the same principle as adding information about expenses, so we see no point in dwelling on this operation in detail. On the page for entering income, you can take into account the money that you borrow, as in some way it can also be considered income. The comment added by the user when entering data about the debt will be displayed in the list of expense categories until, when entering information about expenses, you select this category and thereby show the service that the debt has been repaid.

If you have withdrawn money from your bank account and used it for current expenses, this operation can be recorded in the service on the "Movements" page. It is very convenient that you can also take into account the commission for the transfer. The commission can be specified both as a percentage and in absolute terms. For example, if you withdraw money from a card at an ATM, then almost certainly the bank took 1% of the amount for this operation. By creating a special category of expenses in which you will enter information about commissions, you can see how much money is spent on them. Perhaps this will force you to reconsider your attitude to spending. For example, instead of withdrawing money from the card before going to the store, the next time you look for a store that has a terminal for paying with a bank card.

Finally, another feature of the service related to the movement of funds is currency exchange. When entering this operation, automatic conversion is not used, and the user needs to manually enter how much was given and how much was received. This is quite logical, because the rate at which you changed the currency will almost certainly differ from the official rate of the Central Bank.

⇡ Alternative data entry methods: SMS and PDA version

One of the advantages of an online service over a desktop application is the ability to work with it anywhere and anytime. This advantage is reinforced by the presence of a special mobile version of "Drebedeneg", which is convenient to use for entering expenses from a PDA or other portable device. This version features an interface optimized for mobile device screens. It contains only the most frequently used functions of the service, such as entering expenses and incomes, moving balances, and an organizer. Another possibility to enter expenses is via SMS. The advantage of this option is that you can add information about expenses to even from the simplest mobile phone without going online. The disadvantage is that you will have to pay for sending short messages (the exact amount depends on the mobile operator and the user's region, information about this can be obtained on the Drebedeneg website). To send SMS, you need to get a secret code that is unique for each user of the service. It is by this code that the system will identify your messages from all messages and enter the information into your account. Since the secret code is a hard-to-remember set of characters, the creators of "Drebedeneg" recommend saving it as a template for sending SMS in the phone's memory. There are many options for messages. The simplest is to send a message containing the secret code and the amount spent. The system will process such an SMS with default settings, that is, it will deduct money from the main account in the currency that is specified as the main one. If you want the funds spent to be assigned to any category, add a short name of the expense category to the message, separated by a space. In addition, you can include information such as the currency, the account from which the money should be withdrawn, and the expense tag in messages. If you add information about income, you can specify the source of income and the account in which the money should be deposited. Examples of short messages can be found in the service documentation. Although the SMS syntax is not complicated, most users will probably find it easier to simply record the spending by sending information about the amount so as not to waste too much time. And when you get to the computer, you can view the expenses already made and sort them into categories. The function of adding records via SMS, in our opinion, is needed, first of all, in order not to forget about expenses, and it is much more convenient to organize them using the service interface.

⇡ Reports

One of the goals of any financial accounting solution is to visually show the user how much and on what he spends. Within a month after the start of using the service, you will be able to fully appreciate the capabilities of the "Graphs, reports, history" section. Upon request, Drebedengi will provide you with a full report on all your income and expenses for the selected period of time.

For clarity, the report can be viewed as a chart or graph. You can include only selected categories, places of money storage in reports, create separate reports by tags, recalculate all income and expenses in one currency, exclude or include debts in them. If you are working in multi-user mode, then the reports may contain information about the income and expenses of all or only selected family members.

⇡ Budget planning

One of the key features of any financial accounting solution is budget planning. We can say that drawing up a plan of income and expenses is the second, more difficult level of mastering the art of doing home accounting. At the first level, the user only fixes his income and expenses, and by moving to the second, he can already assess his financial capabilities and correlate them with the necessary expenses and desired purchases. Budget planning in the Drebedengi service is divided into two parts - drawing up an income plan and an expense plan. In the income plan, you can enter the cash receipts that you expect. You can specify a frequency for a plan. If the income is weekly or monthly, you can also enter data on the total number of weeks or months during which you expect to earn. A plan can include multiple sources. In this case, you can specify how much you plan to receive from each source, and Drebedengi will automatically calculate the total amount of income. In addition, it is possible to provide a plan with a comment and determine whether it will be common to the whole family or visible only to one family member (the latter option will be relevant in the multi-user mode, which will be discussed below). The spending plan can also be monthly or weekly. When compiling it, you must enter the total amount of expenses that you want to meet. This can be either the total amount for all categories of expenses, or limits for individual categories. In addition, you can exclude certain categories from the overall spending plan. For example, if you pay a fixed amount for internet every month, you can remove the corresponding category from the plan.

It is very convenient that after drawing up a spending plan, Derebedengi will automatically calculate what is the approximate limit of your daily spending. In order not to go beyond this amount often and not to remain "in the red" at the end of the month, you can simply make it a rule to take with you as much money as you can spend in a day. This approach will be especially useful for the fair sex, some of whom can easily "lower" half of their salary on the day they receive it, seeing on their way home from work in a shop window a dress that they have dreamed of all their lives. After drawing up plans, you can see the overall budget plan, which will provide information on planned expenses, income and balances by month. Thanks to this, you will immediately be able to estimate how much money you can theoretically save monthly, and if necessary, adjust the spending plan. In addition, such a pivot table will immediately show how much money you can save in a year.

⇡ Display of account balances

Working with the interface for adding expenses and income, the user can always see up-to-date information about account balances. With a glance at the service page, you can see how much money is available in each of the storage locations and the total amount of current expenses, as well as find out how much you are owed. In addition, you can immediately correlate your income and expenses with the budget drawn up earlier. You'll be able to see how much money you have planned for spending this month and how much more you can spend without deviating from your budget.

If desired, all this information can be easily hidden, leaving only a form for adding income and expenses on the page.

⇡ Additional features

The main features of the service, which were discussed above, can be used for free. To activate some additional tools, you need to pay a small amount. So, in a free account, it is impossible to enable multi-user mode, there is no export to CSV format, and the reminder does not work. In order to access these features, you need to pay 250 rubles. And by paying twice as much, the user additionally gets the opportunity to work with the "drebedengi.ru offline" program.


An organizer is an analogue of a notepad in which you can store a variety of notes, whether or not related to personal finances. The organizer combines a text editor, a tool for storing notes and searching for information in them. The text editor is quite functional - when typing, you can use different types of characters and text alignment on the page, change the font size and typeface, apply styles, use lists, insert pictures, tables and symbols, work with hyperlinks, search and replace characters with case sensitivity . The typing window is not very large, but if necessary, you can switch to full screen mode and fully focus on the text.

You can store notes by category. To search for the desired entry, you can simply select the appropriate category from the list, and then open the note. If desired, the entry can be hidden - then it will not be shown when viewing the category. You can also use the text search of records. Note that all tools for working with text notes are collected on one page. To perform any action with them, you do not need to think where to click and where to look for the right tool - everything is very clear and is always at hand.

Multi-user mode of operation

As a rule, only one person manages money in a family. However, if other members of your family also use Drebedengi, you can track their income and expenses and receive reports on the total amount of your family's expenses. The multi-user mode of operation is convenient in that you always know how much money is left in the family (provided that everyone accurately records expenses). To enable the multi-user mode of operation, you need to go to the "Family Members" section, send a request to another member of the system to the e-mail address that he used to register for the service. If the request is accepted, then after logging out and logging back in, spending, income, and other transactions that will be performed after the account merging will be visible to every family member. In addition, categories of expenses, places to store money and sources of income will also become common for all family members. Information about the financial transactions of other family members can also be used when generating reports.

Export to CSV format

Most home bookkeeping software works with data in CSV format. If you have a need to open information about expenses and income in another program, you can use the data export function in this format. Drebedengi will automatically create an archive that will include information about the movement of money between accounts, income and expenses, currency exchanges made, all categories of expenses, incomes, places where money is stored and the currencies used. Saving information in CSV format can also be useful for data backup. Of course, storing information on the server is much more reliable than on the hard drive of your computer, but no one is immune from unpleasant surprises. For example, you may lose your login password and be unable to recover it. In such cases, having a backup copy will come in handy.


There are some expenses that could be avoided. There are unforeseen expenses. And there are those that are mandatory, which it is important not to forget. Thanks to the "Reminder" function, you will never forget to pay for the Internet or buy a birthday present for your mom. The reminder will not let you forget about birthdays, arbitrary events and necessary payments.

Entering information about the upcoming birthday of a loved one, you can specify how many days in advance you need to be reminded of it. The same goes for the custom event reminder. For this type of reminder, you can also select the frequency - once, monthly, weekly or yearly. Reminders of upcoming events can help you plan your expenses for the next month. For example, if you are going on a picnic at the end of the month, you can set a reminder about this at the beginning of the month, on the day you receive your salary, so as not to forget to save money for it. When adding a payment reminder, you can specify the frequency and number of days for which you want to be reminded of it. In addition, you can immediately write the amount and currency of the payment, select the account from which the money will be debited, as well as which category of expenses it should be attributed to. After adding a reminder, it will appear on the right side of the service interface. Using the "Deposit" link, you will be able to add a payment to your expenses. Note that Drebedengi does not offer automatic transfer of planned payments to expenses in order to avoid a situation where the user has not actually made the planned payment, and in the system it is listed as already completed.

Working with the free version of the service, you can create only one reminder.

Program "drebedengi.ru offline"

For those who do not want to trust their personal data to the Internet or for some reason find it inconvenient to work online, the Drebedeneg developers offer an offline version of the service. The interface of the "drebedengi.ru offline" program is practically no different from the online service. Depending on your needs, you can choose one of two options for synchronizing data between the program and the service: full synchronization or using the site as an additional means of keeping track of finances. In the second case, the main work will be performed in the program, the web interface can only be used to enter data, which will then be transferred to the offline version.

If you decide to work only with the offline version of the service, then you should keep in mind that it does not have some of the features that are implemented on the service. So, there is no reminder, organizer, export to Excel and the ability to work with tags. And, finally, you can work with the program for free for only ten days, after which you need to purchase a license.

⇡ Conclusion

Despite the fact that online services for accounting for household finances are far less common than similar desktop applications, Drebedengi is not the only such development. However, this is, without a doubt, one of the most functional and convenient services for managing personal funds. A simple interface, automation of many actions, the presence of such useful features as the use of tags, commission accounting for transfers, and a multi-user mode make the service one of the leaders in its segment. Service developers are very responsive and listen to their users. So if you are missing something or see a way to improve any of the features, feel free to email them about it. A form for quick sending a message is available right in your account, so you don't need to spend time looking for contacts to send a letter. We believe that such openness is one of the reasons for the rapid development of the service and its acquisition of considerable popularity. Judge for yourself: in March 2009, 9 thousand people worked with Drebedengi, and at the time of writing the article (March 2010), the number of users had already exceeded 24 thousand. Join them too!

The lack of money is complained not by the one who earns little, but by the one who does not know how to effectively manage his income. In order to always have enough money, you need to properly distribute financial flows. What's the point in spending your entire salary in one day, and then "begging" for friends? If you need to make a major purchase (smartphone, laptop, car), then you should learn how to save - it's much better than living in debt. To control expenses, you can use Excel spreadsheets, special programs or online services.

After registering with the Drebedengi service, you will receive a password by email. Enter your e-mail and password in the appropriate window and you will be taken to your personal account.

In the left part of the window there are sections - Entering operations; Budget planning; Savings, shopping list; Graphs, reports, history. In the central part of the window there is a block with tabs: Expenses, Income, Transfers, Currency exchange. On the right is an informative block that shows account balances and cost control.

Entering an expense is quite simple. To do this, you need to activate the "Expenses" tab, enter the amount, select the expense category and click the "Fix spending" button. If the category you need is not in the directory, you can create it. To create a category, you need to select the "Create a new category" item in the drop-down list. The new category is automatically added to the directory and can then be reused. Income is entered in the same way.

In the right area of ​​the screen, you can see the account balances. After each expense, the amounts in the accounts will decrease. This way you always know how much money you have left.

With the section that is responsible for budget planning, everything is also simple. For example, to set a spending plan for August, you need to click on the amount in the plan column and enter the desired value. As soon as you "overfulfill" the spending plan, the system will notify you about it. Thanks to this feature, you will be able to distribute costs more evenly and, if necessary, have time to enter the total savings mode. This is especially convenient when you have mandatory expenses, such as a mortgage loan. If you see that there may not be enough money for the next installment, then you need to abandon all optional expenses.

In the "Graphs, reports, history" section, you can generate several types of reports: expenses, incomes, movements, currency exchange. You can also use special filters that will allow you to get a more detailed report. For example, if you want to view expenses for the current year, for this you need to set the period to "This Year". If you want to view expenses for a specific period, for example, for the last week, then you should select "Other period" and set the desired date interval. If home accounting is maintained for each family member separately, then you can build reports for any user separately or for all at once.

The Drebedengi system also has useful little things, for example, a wish list (you can set the order of desired purchases), as well as a shopping list.

The personal finance tracking service works for free, but you can use premium options that will allow you to work more efficiently with your family budget. Paid options include the following: budget planning (you can set spending limits) and large purchases (the “savings” section). Premium account will cost you 549 rubles per year.