What is the best thing to eat when feeding a baby? Eating while breastfeeding

During natural breastfeeding, a woman has to bear double responsibility for the health of the child. How healthy and tasty the milk, which is the basis of baby food, depends on her eating habits and behavior.

A new mother should carefully study the list of products that are strictly prohibited or not recommended during lactation. Based on such a list, we can already talk about what a nursing mother should not eat, what prohibited foods should be excluded from a woman’s diet, and what the general rules of breastfeeding are.

When breastfeeding a newborn, mothers are given many different recommendations, which sometimes conflict with information from women's magazines and from close friends.

The primary task of a young parent is to understand and understand why lactation period It is necessary to approach the selection and purchase of products extremely seriously and responsibly and establish your own diet. There are several reasons for this.

Thus, there is a close connection between the mother’s nutrition and breastfeeding the baby. Based on the considerations described above, doctors draw up nutritional advice for women breastfeeding.

child in infancy- a delicate creature, so mothers should be very careful about breastfeeding. This is especially true during the newborn period, since at this time digestive tract is just beginning to develop.

Experts have prepared a list of products that are strictly prohibited when breastfeeding. These prohibitions apply to both mothers of newborns and parents of older children.

  • . Used by a nursing woman ethanol penetrates first into the bloodstream and then directly into the mammary glands. The volume of alcohol is approximately 10% of the drink alcoholic drink. When feeding, a child, along with breast milk, is “rewarded” with ethanol, which creates a load on the entire undeveloped children's body, and especially on the liver. In addition, alcoholic beverages and alcohol-based cocktails should not be drunk during lactation due to a decrease in breast milk at the mother's.
  • . Coffee and strong black tea are tonic drinks that have a good effect on the mother (provided there are no contraindications), but have a negative impact on the health and well-being of the child. Penetrating into the child's body during breastfeeding, caffeine leads to irritability, anxiety and sleep disturbances in infants. Avoid drinking coffee for at least the first 3 months of your baby's life.
  • Spicy and seasoned dishes. For a woman breastfeeding, foods without flavor enhancers may seem bland and even tasteless. However, mayonnaise, mustard, soy sauce and other seasonings that come into contact with the baby during breastfeeding often cause allergies. Red and black are also prohibited ground pepper, even if you really want to. In addition, restrictions include vegetables that can change milk (give it an unpleasant bitter taste): onions, garlic, hot pepper(chilli).
  • Seafood. Mussels, red and black caviar, squid are well-known allergens, rich in proteins foreign to our body. Similar protein substances, contained in shellfish (squid, mussels) and crayfish (shrimp, lobster, etc.) are very similar. This is why doctors prohibit women who are breastfeeding from eating all seafood, for example, sea ​​fish, and not just exotic squid and mussels.
  • Canned fish and meat. Firstly, such products contain spices in “killer doses”. Secondly, manufacturers add chemical components that extend shelf life and use. Thirdly, in the case of improperly processed or stored canned food, there is a high probability of “picking up” botulism bacteria (a severe infection that affects nervous system). And this is already fraught with death.
  • Semi-finished products. Sold in retail networks half-cooked meat or fish products A mother who is feeding her baby with breast milk should not eat it. Firstly, you do not know their exact composition, and secondly, there is always a risk of “running into” a low-quality product. It’s better to cook delicious cutlets with your own hands.
  • Pickled vegetables. Vinegar is the main ingredient in such products; they also contain a variety of spices. Vinegar allows pickles to be stored longer, but at the same time “deteriorates” mother's milk. Well, the combination of vinegar + spices generally makes such dishes unsuitable for breastfeeding. Dangerous bacteria can also develop in pickled foods.
  • Mushrooms. Experts classify this product as heavy, since the process of digesting mushrooms takes no less three hours. In addition, these forest creatures are capable of absorbing radionuclides, metals and other poisons from the earth. Penetrating into the child’s body through milk secretions, mushrooms negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys and gallbladder. Pickled honey mushrooms or salted milk mushrooms are also prohibited foods when breastfeeding. The former contain vinegar, the latter - a large number of salt.
  • Smoked meats and sausage. During breastfeeding, it is contraindicated to consume dishes with numerous synthetic additives (preservatives, vinegar, pepper, flavor enhancers, dyes). All these “surprises” await a breastfeeding woman in such a popular product as sausage. You should also not eat smoked meats. Some unscrupulous manufacturers smoke stale meat, which can lead to poisoning.
  • Roast. Many products fall under this category, including fatty meat, potatoes, and fast food. To be fair, such dishes are contraindicated for many other people, not just women who are breastfeeding. Firstly, in fried foods a lot of calories, resulting in slim figure you can forget. Secondly, such food is considered heavy, and milk with increased fat content poorly digested by a child.
  • Sweet. Of course, not the entire list of sweet dishes is included here. But you should definitely abstain from honey and chocolates. The “sweet” category can also include buns, so beloved by nursing mothers. Buns and other sweet baked goods contribute to weight gain and can also cause constipation. In general, sugar is a sweet carbohydrate substance that is contraindicated for everyone in high doses. If you want something sweet, don’t reach for buns, chocolate or honey, but take the ones allowed. breastfeeding fruits. Also a sweet dish, but healthy!

As nursing mothers can note, the diet during breastfeeding almost completely repeats the menu of people who adhere to healthy image life.

Before consuming, a woman needs to think about whether this product will harm a person who is concerned about their health. If not, it will most likely be suitable for breastfeeding.

If a woman is not sure whether she can eat, for example, sweets, buns, seafood or stewed peppers while breastfeeding, it is better to contact a pediatrician, who will dispel all doubts.

The previous list of products is prohibited for all mothers who are breastfeeding. However, the body of any woman or baby reacts in a special way to various dishes, sometimes giving allergic reactions to seemingly ordinary dishes.

Scientists say that if a mother has an intolerance to any food, then most likely it will manifest itself in the baby.

That is why, when studying the list of common allergens, mom can and should add her own restrictions to it.

Experts consider the following delicacies to be the most common allergenic foods:

The list is quite long, but you can try some of them (for example, a piece of chocolate) when your child grows up.

For example, after six months, the child’s body reacts less acutely to the introduction of new products into the mother’s diet.

During the newborn period, colic is partly considered a completely natural phenomenon. Most often they occur in the second week and last for a month or two. In the case of a balanced maternal diet, the suffering of the child can be significantly alleviated.

If your baby suffers from colic while breastfeeding, the breastfeeding woman should avoid foods that cause bloating and flatulence:

Quite often it is vegetables that provoke colic, especially lentils, peas and cabbage. Avoid using them during the first weeks of breastfeeding.

Then lentils and cabbage are introduced gradually, while the woman constantly checks the child’s well-being.

Eat less sweets, especially flour products. Sugary substances lead to fermentation in gastrointestinal tract, which is especially contraindicated for colic.

How to avoid problems?

During the period of breastfeeding, a mother can make it a habit to keep a so-called “food diary”, which records which dishes lead to certain changes in the child’s well-being:

  • on skin– swelling, itching, rash;
  • V respiratory system– cough, rhinitis;
  • in the digestive system - vomiting, changes in stool, belching, intestinal colic.

A previously unknown dish is introduced at the beginning of the day, and then for three days the mother watches the child and enters the readings into a table. When do they arise? undesirable consequences, products are included in the “prohibited” category and are forgotten about for a while.

In addition, if the child has an allergy to milk protein, the mother can try dairy products. They also contain useful calcium and vitamins, but the milk component in kefir is in a curdled state.

Replacing foods is a great way to diversify your diet and get all the nutrients. Baking can be replaced with Rye bread, instead of mayonnaise it is taken olive oil. Fried foods are replaced with stewed or steamed ones. There are a lot of options!

Some mothers, having learned what foods they can’t drink and eat, think that breastfeeding begins real hard labor and almost hunger. Of course, this is an exaggeration.

Yes, you will have to give up some goodies, but acceptable products a woman will be able to cook delicious and, most importantly, healthy dishes. In addition, pregnancy and the milk period give mothers the opportunity to make their diet healthier.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Breastfeeding is very important period in the life of mother and baby. This is the time of the highest intimacy and interconnection, since along with breast milk the mother passes on to the baby strong immunity, protection from viral diseases and a piece of your boundless love. However, this process is fraught with some difficulties. In particular, women are wondering: what can they eat while breastfeeding?

Honestly, this question is quite difficult, since the body of each person (both mother and baby) is individual - some allow themselves chocolates and oranges from the first weeks, which does not affect the child in any way, while others sit on buckwheat for up to six months.

Let's try to understand the basic principles of nutrition during breastfeeding.

Nutrition for a nursing mother in the first month

The first month is truly the most difficult in the life of young parents. Sleepless nights, seemingly causeless crying, lack of a clear daily routine - you just want to eat stress with a piece of cream cake or a chocolate muffin with nuts. Unfortunately, you will have to give up these and many other products.

Below is a list of foods allowed for a nursing mother in the first month.

  • Porridge (you can: buckwheat, spelt, pearl barley; you can’t: rice, wheat, corn).
  • Steamed green vegetables.
  • Apples (baked).
  • Light soups without frying.
  • Lean meat (turkey, rabbit).
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Dairy products.
  • Melted butter.

It is better to abstain from consuming other foods for now or eat them in minimal quantities.

In the first month, it is better to drink neutral drinks: water, weak tea. If your child does not have allergies, you can try drinking dried fruit compote.

Recipes for the first month

Zucchini with greens

Take young zucchini and cut them into cubes. Salt and add a little pepper. Steam the zucchini or stew it in a cauldron. You can add some potatoes to the zucchini. At the end of cooking, add fresh herbs (dill, parsley).

Barley porridge

This is another hearty and useful option dinner, which is unlikely to cause allergies in the baby.

Boil pearl barley, drain the water. Lightly fry half an onion in melted butter, add pearl barley to the onion, simmer lightly and sprinkle the dish with finely chopped dill.

What can a nursing mother do in the 3rd month after giving birth?

At 2-3 months you can begin to expand the menu of a nursing mother. New foods should be introduced gradually, carefully observing the baby's reaction.

  • You can try eating some healthy sweets. Natural marshmallows, marshmallows, and marmalade are suitable. Dried fruits will also be useful: dates (by the way, they increase lactation), dried apricots, prunes, dried apples. But you shouldn’t get carried away and eat a lot of sweets.
  • Add eggs to your diet, but you should not eat chicken eggs (they are strong allergen), and quail ones are possible.
  • Carefully try introducing nuts into your diet. You don’t need a lot, it’s better to start with 1-2 grains. Nuts are a fairly fatty food, so be prepared that the fat content of your milk will increase after eating them.
  • Eat a piece of boiled beets and watch your child's reaction. If allergic manifestations If it doesn’t, you can add beet salad with sour cream to the menu.
  • Occasionally allow yourself a piece of hard cheese with whole grain bread.
  • There is no need to rush into introducing fish into the diet - seafood has an unpredictable effect on the child’s body. But if you are determined to have a “fish” day, start with white fish: cod, pike, halibut.

Vegetables in the diet of a nursing mother

Separately, it should be said about vegetables, because not all types are allowed for feeding a nursing woman. Vegetables should be chosen in white, green or light yellow shades, for example:

  1. celery;
  2. zucchini;
  3. zucchini;
  4. squash;
  5. cauliflower;
  6. broccoli;
  7. light pumpkin

With carrots orange pumpkin, onions, eggplants, you should be more careful. They can be eaten in small quantities, checking to see if the child has an allergy. But from white cabbage, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers are best avoided. You should also not eat legumes: peas, corn, beans.

Fruits in the diet of a nursing mother

As for fruits, during breastfeeding (in the first three months) only baked apples, pears, and sometimes bananas are allowed. Citrus fruits must be excluded for at least six months. Fruits bright colors It’s also better not to eat in the first six months after giving birth. Strawberries, raspberries and other allergens should not be eaten for up to a year.

But not everything is as sad as it seems at first glance. Some varieties of fruits can be tried, but in very limited quantities.

  • Peaches are a source of magnesium and other useful substances. You can eat them in small quantities.
  • Apricot – it is best to introduce it after three months. Apricot strengthens immune system and saturates the body with useful substances. You can eat it both fresh and baked.
  • Plum - great helper for those mothers and babies who are prone to constipation.
  • Berries – Honeysuckle and blueberries are considered hypoallergenic. You can eat them, but you shouldn’t abuse them.

After three months of feeding, diluted juices and light fruit drinks can be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother. You should drink them little by little, checking the baby’s reaction.

Recipes for the third month

Chicken and zucchini cutlets

You will need:

  • zucchini – 200 grams;
  • minced chicken – 500 grams;
  • onion – ½ piece;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt;
  • melted butter.

Mix minced chicken with finely grated zucchini. Add some breadcrumbs (for thickness) and salt to the mixture. Form cutlets from the resulting dough and fry them in melted butter or steam them in a slow cooker. The cutlets cook very quickly - 7-10 minutes on each side.

Light vegetable soup

You will need:

  • pumpkin - a small piece;
  • potatoes – 2 pieces;
  • onion – 1 onion;
  • carrots – ½ piece;
  • greens - spinach, nettle, dill, parsley;
  • broth (or water) – 2 liters.

Place finely chopped potatoes in broth or water and put on fire. At this time, peel and cut the pumpkin, and lightly sauté the carrots and onions in a frying pan. When the potatoes are boiled until half cooked, add pumpkin to the soup, and after another five minutes add onions and carrots. Cook the soup until all the vegetables are ready. Salt the dish, add chopped herbs.

List of prohibited products

Below is a list of unwanted (prohibited!) foods in descending order of their unhealthiness for a nursing mother.

  1. First place, of course, goes to the most harmful products: alcohol, cigarettes, fast food. You can't even eat these foods ordinary people, let alone a woman who is breastfeeding her baby. It is better to exclude this category of products not with the birth of the child, but much earlier, at the stage of pregnancy planning, or, in extreme cases, in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Citrus fruit. Alas, oranges, tangerines, lemons and grapefruits (as well as pineapples and kiwis) will have to say no temporarily. They are the strongest allergens. A nursing mother will have to get vitamin C from other products, for example from rosehip decoction.
  3. In third place are sweets.. This category includes all industrial confectionery products - cakes, pastries, sweets. It is also better to eliminate (or reduce as much as possible) the consumption of white sugar. It can be replaced with reed.
  4. Fourth place goes to whole milk. Usually, when talking about allergens in this product, we're talking about O cow's milk. Goat is considered hypoallergenic, but this does not give reason to “lean” on it and drink a liter a day. Remember, there should be moderation in everything! By the way, the notorious tea with milk to increase lactation is not so useful.
  5. Fatty, salty, fried. It is difficult to imagine a Russian person who would not love juicy fried cutlets, cucumbers and mushrooms pickled in the fall, and smoked fish. Unfortunately, such products are prohibited for a nursing mother.

If the child is allergic

Allergies in infants are not uncommon these days. Itching, red rashes, spots on the face and body - this is her unpleasant symptoms. Of course, how severe the baby’s allergies will be depends on what his mother eats.

So, the child was found to have an allergy. Don’t immediately panic and transfer your baby to artificial feeding. This will only make things worse, because such children are often allergic to formula milk. In addition, breast milk is richer in composition than any formula, even the most expensive.

  1. The first thing that is recommended to do is to exclude all possible allergens from your diet: dairy products, fish, sweets. If mom is afraid of a lack of calcium in her body, let her eat green vegetables and herbs, such as spinach and lettuce.
  2. Second important step In the diet of the mother of an allergic child, exclude from the diet all foods containing chemical additives. Thickeners, preservatives, dye stabilizers - the list of these is not at all useful supplements great
  3. Allergies occur not only to foods, but also to external irritants. Try changing the washing powder you use for baby clothes, or your baby’s cosmetics (diaper cream, shampoo, baby soap). Allergies are also possible to certain types of plants, animals, dust, etc.
  4. Gluten allergy is one of the reasons why your baby is “sprinkled.” To remedy the situation, it is enough not to eat gluten-containing grains. By the way, there are quite a lot of them, so it’s easier to say what is allowed for consumption: corn, buckwheat, rice.
  5. Be sure to record your baby's reaction to New Product in your diet in a special diary. In this way, breastfeeding is similar to the introduction of complementary foods.
  6. It is better to drink only water and weak tea. But it’s better not to drink fruit drinks and compotes.


To summarize, we can say that in the first month a young mother has access to only a limited range of products, among which are:

  • gluten-free cereals;
  • green vegetables;
  • apples;
  • dairy products;

Later, the list of permitted foods should be expanded, gradually (by six months) bringing it to the usual level, that is, including all those foods that are eaten in Everyday life your non-nursing relatives.

The main thing that any nursing mother should remember is that the diet should be varied! You and your baby should get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from food. Don't starve yourself! Eat nutritiously, tasty and healthy, without forgetting about important features some products.

Pregnancy and childbirth are quite a difficult period for female body. Therefore in postpartum period a woman needs to recover, replenish those substances that were spent during pregnancy and birth of the baby.

At the same time, the choice of food products during breastfeeding should be selected taking into account the fact that the mother’s body is connected to the child. Breast milk contains elements that are produced by the mother's mammary gland. In this case, those nutrients that are contained in the mother’s blood are used. They enter a woman's blood from her intestines. Thus, breast milk contains foods that make up the mother's diet. It is very important that what mothers eat while breastfeeding is good quality and contained useful substances necessary for the child’s body.

Mother's nutrition while breastfeeding

The nutrition of a nursing mother should first of all be complete. The diet of the mother, and therefore her child, should contain as many natural and fresh foods as possible. It is very important that the food contains a large amount of products containing calcium. It is necessary to absolutely exclude from the diet foods containing preservatives and artificial colors.

It is very important that the mother's nutrition during breastfeeding did not contain potential allergens. Of course, it is impossible to know in advance which product will cause an allergic reaction in your baby. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new products gradually one at a time. The best time to try new foods is in the morning. Then a possible allergic reaction will appear during the day, when it is easier to seek help from a doctor if necessary. Signs of an allergic reaction usually include an upset stomach, skin rash, bad feeling child. Each subsequent new product is introduced after three to four days.

The reason that many children suffer from increased gas production is their high sensitivity digestive system. In order to help the baby, the mother must Avoid foods that cause excess gas. First of all, these are raw vegetables, especially cabbage, black bread, legumes, kvass and other fermented products. These products are introduced gradually in very small doses. At the slightest sign of deterioration in the child’s condition, they should be abandoned.

Foods that a nursing mother can eat

The breastfeeding diet includes a fairly large amount of food. With their help, the mother should create a varied diet containing required amount main nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

  • The main importance in the diet during breastfeeding is given to dairy products. A nursing mother can include fermented milk products in her menu - kefir, bifidokefir, yogurt, yoghurts without additives and dyes. It is recommended to consume about 600-800 ml of such products per day. It is better to use milk for making porridges and purees. In this case, the mother can take about 200 ml of milk.
  • In addition to the above dairy products, a woman can include mild cheese and cottage cheese in her diet. When introducing dairy products into the menu, you need to pay attention that what you eat while breastfeeding should have an average fat content of 2.5%. The fat content of cottage cheese should be within 5-9%. Too much fatty foods are not recommended, but even those that have zero fat content are not suitable for a nursing woman.
  • Fats may be included in a nursing mother's menu butter, vegetable oil of all types. In this case, it is better to limit creamy varieties of margarine.
  • Nutrition during lactation must include lean varieties of pork, beef, poultry, rabbit, any types of sea and river fish. It is only necessary to exclude mackerel, which is an allergen.
  • The list of diet products for breastfeeding includes various cereals and bran bread.
  • For mothers with a sweet tooth, acceptable treats for this period may include crackers, dry cookies, marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows.
  • Mom's diet should contain a large amount of vegetables and fruits, except those that are prohibited.
  • Acceptable drinks are weak green and black tea, weak coffee (preferably with milk), fruit drinks, compotes, still table water. Very good to drink during lactation herbal teas with thyme, oregano. They stimulate increased breast milk production.
  • A nursing woman should drink about 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day.

What not to do when breastfeeding

A woman who is breastfeeding should exclude the following foods from her diet:

  • alcoholic drinks, including beer;
  • chocolate, crayfish, crabs, mackerel, which are strong allergens;
  • garlic and onion, specific strong smell which the child often does not like;
  • strong coffee and tea, which have a stimulating effect on the baby;

Many nursing mothers are interested in what women who have digestive problems and a predisposition to breastfeeding should not. allergic reactions, and suffered late toxicosis. Such women need to exclude the following products from their menu:

  • honey, eggs, milk, sugar, nuts, legumes, black bread;
  • mayonnaise, canned food, smoked meats;
  • strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, grapes, tropical fruits;
  • products that contain artificial colors and preservatives;
  • fatty meats, lard.

In addition, a woman should drink juices while breastfeeding. They contain a large amount minerals, vitamins. Juices should have pulp. Such juices contain dietary fiber, which is necessary for normal operation digestive system. You should not drink juices that can cause allergies - red apples, citrus fruits, tomato juice. It is better to drink special juices while breastfeeding, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or store. Or you can make juice yourself, for example, from pumpkin or carrots.

A woman breastfeeding a baby should monitor her diet as responsibly as she did during pregnancy. In the first month after giving birth, a mother’s diet is of particular importance both for her baby and for herself.

Today, in all kinds of sources you can find information about the benefits and necessity of breastfeeding. Modern mothers are trying with all their might to establish good lactation so that their child receives the most healthy, natural breast milk. Breastfeeding is desirable for many reasons:

  1. A newborn baby develops a strong immune system from the first minutes of life.
  2. Mother's milk greatly reduces the risk of problems with the digestive tract.
  3. Breastfeeding minimizes the likelihood of developing allergies.
  4. Proper lactation is also beneficial for women themselves. It helps to quickly recover normal weight, reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases mammary glands, promotes uterine contraction.
  5. Breastfeeding is not only the most natural and natural way feeding, but also the most inexpensive and accessible.

The nutrition of a mother after childbirth while breastfeeding is of great importance:

  • it helps to establish proper lactation and prolong natural feeding for as long as possible;
  • The amount of necessary nutritional components entering her body and the child’s body directly depends on a woman’s diet. Vitamins, micro- and macroelements are also transferred to the child along with mother’s milk;
  • frequency, intensity, pain intestinal colic also depend on what the young mother eats in the first months after childbirth;
  • a proper diet helps minimize the risk of developing diathesis;
  • The taste of breast milk also directly depends on what the woman eats.

The first month is especially important in breastfeeding; the diet at this time has a number of characteristic features. The diet of a nursing mother after childbirth should initially be quite strict so that the milk does not cause discomfort to the baby. New products are introduced into the menu one at a time and infrequently, each time checking the child’s reaction. However, a woman’s diet should not be meager; all components should be present in it in sufficient and balanced form.

Nutrition after childbirth can often include foods that enhance lactation. After all, at this time, milk secretion is not yet sufficiently established and its quantity may not be enough for the baby.

Speaking about nutrition after childbirth, Dr. Komarovsky, and many pediatricians, advise not to go to extremes. You should not eat too much, hoping that in this case the child will definitely get everything he needs. Excess food will not affect a woman’s figure in the best possible way, and the presence of all foods indiscriminately in the diet can lead to diathesis and intestinal colic. Doctors also do not advise undereating. In such a case, the milk is not saturated with the required amount of nutrients, often deteriorates its taste, and a meager diet does not have the best effect on the mother’s body.

Principles of nutrition for mothers after childbirth

  1. Food should be high in calories, but in moderation. The ideal caloric value is considered to be 3000-3200 kcal. You shouldn’t eat more than this, otherwise the extra calories will lead to weight gain.
  2. The completeness and variety of the menu are very important. The food should have everything: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a complete complex essential vitamins, micro-, macroelements.
  3. You need to supplement healthy foods with plenty of fluids. 2.5 liters of water, teas and juices count the best option. This amount of fluid to drink should be maintained from 2-3 weeks after birth.
  4. In the first month you need to be very careful with any dairy products. Whole milk can cause allergies. If dairy products are present in the diet, be sure to check their freshness when purchasing.
  5. Food should have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. Foods that have this effect include whole grain bread, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  6. Regardless of what exactly a woman will eat after childbirth, she must follow a diet. This regimen includes breakfast, lunch and dinner and 2 small snacks between them. This approach allows milk to be constantly produced in sufficient quantities.
  7. It is important for a nursing mother to fill her daily menu with only environmentally friendly and natural food.

What can you eat after childbirth: a sample list of products

We will try to give at least an approximate list of what you can eat in the first month after childbirth:

  • For lunches, the ideal option would be soups that are not very fatty and do not contain cabbage;
  • must be consumed and vegetable oils, at least 15 ml per day. It can be simple sunflower oil, as well as olive or corn oil;
  • Butter should also be present in the diet; 25 g is enough per day;
  • suitable for diet and cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, corn grits;
  • nursing mothers can eat potatoes;
  • Apples and carrots are very useful, you can eat them separately, but it will be tastier to prepare a salad;
  • The nutritional menu after childbirth should include meat and fish products; it is recommended to eat about 200 g of them per day;
  • if the body tolerates milk well, then about 200 g of fresh sour cream or kefir can be included in the diet;
  • Nursing women should definitely eat fruits and fresh vegetables;
  • you can drink natural juices, but not from citrus fruits;
  • every 2 days it is allowed to consume 100-200 g of cheese or cottage cheese;
  • You can supplement your diet multivitamin complexes and calcium supplements.

What not to eat after childbirth

From healthy and proper diet should be excluded certain types products:

  • chocolate, cocoa and all foods containing these components;
  • citrus fruits and bright red berries;
  • pineapples, melons and watermelons;
  • do not rely on smoked and fried foods;
  • It’s better to avoid canned food altogether;
  • Pediatricians also do not advise young mothers to eat sausages, red fish and exotic seafood;
  • Any food containing dyes and preservatives is harmful;
  • You need to be careful with nuts and honey.

All products listed are considered allergenic. It is important for every mother to monitor individual characteristics her child, because in some children diathesis may manifest itself in ways that at first glance seem harmless. Some children, on the contrary, tolerate nuts, honey, cocoa, etc. completely normally.

The mother's diet after childbirth can also affect the appearance of intestinal colic. As a rule, bloating in a child is caused by:

  • milk;
  • pasta;
  • flour products, for example, baked goods, cakes;
  • confectionery;
  • some fruits, berries and vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, apples, grapes;
  • legumes;
  • black bread.

There are also foods that affect the taste of breast milk and make it not so tasty for the baby. These include garlic and onions, spices, hot seasonings. A large amount of sweet or salty foods in the diet can change the taste of milk.

Use of lactation products after childbirth

In the first month, lactation is often scanty, so many women have to consume additional medications. Among folk remedies for a long time Tea with milk was popular. Nowadays it is believed that such a drink does not improve lactation, but kefir and green tea really help milk production.

For lactation, it is also recommended to drink Laktovit, Apilak or Lactogen, as well as teas from Nestlé and Hipp. Prepare useful remedy You can, for example, make a decoction of fennel or caraway seeds at home.

Diet after childbirth: sample menu

In the first days of the birth of a child, his mother, who is breastfeeding, should adhere to strict diet. Doctors say that in the maternity hospital after giving birth you can eat buckwheat porridge with water, supplementing it with steamed beef, as well as a small amount of hard cheese. We must not forget about drinking - sufficient quantity fluids will promote rapid recovery.

It is believed that on the 3rd day after giving birth, the mother can already eat the following:

  • whole grain porridge;
  • vegetable soups without meat and preferably without potatoes or with a small amount of them;
  • baked vegetables without oil, pepper;
  • fermented milk drinks, natural compotes;
  • You can add bran to the menu, and also drink at least 1 liter of liquid.

By day 7, the diet can be slightly changed. So, here’s what a woman in labor can eat a week after giving birth:

  • broths cooked with chicken or beef;
  • steamed or boiled fish;
  • rice or millet porridge with water;
  • cottage cheese;
  • apples;
  • At this time you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid.

It is advisable to stay on this diet for up to 21 days. Now let’s look at what a nursing mother can eat from 21 days after birth:

  • boiled or steamed chicken;
  • baked potato;
  • beets;
  • pears;
  • chicken eggs;
  • natural fruit drinks;
  • cookie.

Nutrition chart after childbirth:

Every pediatrician and lactation consultant will say that only breast milk can provide maximum nutrients and ensure the full development of the baby. Breastfeeding satisfies needs 100% small child and creates strong immunity.

It allows you to establish contact and secure psychological connection between baby and mother. Breastfeeding has positive influence and on a woman. It ensures contraction of the uterus and rapid normalization of weight after childbirth, and reduces the development of breast cancer.

In order for lactation to be established and breastfeeding to go well, it is important to establish nutrition. A properly composed diet and a competent menu will relieve newborn babies from problems such as colic and increased gas formation, stomach upsets and stool disorders, food allergy(rash, redness and spots on the skin). Proper organization nutrition supports the production of breast milk and prevents premature cessation of lactation.

What a nursing mother can and cannot eat depends on the age of the baby. Conventionally, the period of breastfeeding is divided into four stages:

  • from birth to 1.5 months;
  • 1.5-3 months;
  • 3-6 months;
  • from six months until the end of the GW. When is the best time to stop breastfeeding, see.

At each period, the mother’s diet expands, and the permitted list of products is replenished with new ingredients and dishes. In the second month, the baby’s digestion is already more adapted, and after the third month the colic goes away. After six months, the first complementary foods are introduced, and the number of feedings is gradually reduced.

Most important role plays the first month of feeding. It has the most stringent requirements and restrictions. In this article we will look at what you can eat while breastfeeding in the first month after giving birth and what a nursing mother should not eat during this period.

Main principles of nutrition during breastfeeding

  • Don't overeat, but don't starve either. The diet must be balanced and contain the necessary components (minerals and vitamins, useful acids and acids, carbohydrates, etc.);
  • A suitable option would be if a nursing mother eats five times a day, of which three main meals and two snacks. Portions should be small;
  • Each new product must be introduced gradually and carefully. To do this, eat a small portion of the dish at morning time and observe the baby’s reaction for two days. If negative consequences no, the product can be eaten in small quantities without fear;
  • If allergy symptoms appear, delay administration of the product. You can try again in 3-5 weeks. If necessary, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate!;
  • New products are added at intervals of 2-5 days;
  • Drink more fluids. A nursing mother should drink 2-3 liters of fluid per day, half of which consists of regular drinking water. The rest can be compotes and fruit drinks, black, green and Herb tea, natural juices. At first, dilute the juices with water;
  • From the diet, especially in the first two to three months, it is important to exclude allergenic foods, fried and too fatty foods. Give preference to light soups and broths, stewed and boiled dishes, and steamed food. It is advisable to cook it yourself rather than buy it. ready food in shops;
  • In the first two to three months, try to eat fruits and vegetables only after heat treatment. Fresh foods are difficult to digest in the baby's body.

What you can and cannot eat in the first month of lactation

Allowed Forbidden
Ryazhenka and low-fat kefir; Sour cream and cottage cheese; Cheese; Yogurt without additives;

Vegetable and butter;

Gluten-free porridge with water (rice, buckwheat and corn);

Gluten-free pasta;

Beef and rabbit;

Chicken and turkey;

White fish low-fat varieties(hake, cod, pollock, saury);

Salt, black pepper and sugar in small quantities;

Pumpkin and zucchini;

Cauliflower and broccoli, greens;

Carrots - with caution;

Apples, bananas and pears;

Peaches and apricots, plums and cherries, lemon - with caution;

Dried fruits;

Low-fat broths and soups;

Chicken or quail eggs;

Green and weak black tea;

Compotes and natural juices;

Brown bread, bran;

Pastila and biscuits.

Sausages and frankfurters; Canned products; Semi-finished products, smoked meats and fast food; Marinades and pickles; Dairy gluten porridges (oatmeal, semolina, etc.);

Pork, lamb, duck, wild meat;

Fatty fish and red fish; Seafood;

Mushrooms and nuts;

Glazed and processed cheeses;

Whole cow's milk;

Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, soy sauce, etc.);

Spices, herbs and seasonings;

Onion and garlic;

White cabbage and cucumbers;

Bell peppers and tomatoes;

Beets and turnips;

Citrus and exotic fruits (except lemons and bananas);

Legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, etc.);

Berries of bright colors (strawberries, raspberries, etc.);

Cocoa and coffee;

Strong black tea;

Carbonated drinks and store-bought juices;


Chocolate and flour products.

Norm of foods for nursing

Porridge – 50 grams per day;

Gluten-free pasta – 50 grams per day;

Meat – 150 grams per day;

Fish – 150 grams per day;

Vegetables – 300 grams per day;

Fruits and berries – 200 g per day;

Dried fruits – 100 grams per day;

Cheese – 50 grams per day;

Sour cream – 30 gr;

Cottage cheese – 200 g per day;

Boiled chicken eggs - up to three pieces per week;

Fermented milk drinks – 250 ml per day;

Drinks – 2 liters per day.

Daily menu for a nursing mother

We looked at what foods a nursing mother can eat in the first month. As it turns out, the list is quite long. Therefore, you can easily prepare a variety of dishes every day. In the first days after childbirth, you can eat cottage cheese casserole, unleavened buckwheat porridge, stewed cauliflower and vegetable broth, and baked apples. For dressing, use sour cream, natural yogurt, vegetable oil.

Then the menu gradually includes fruit and vegetable salads, boiled or stewed meat and fish, steamed fish and meat cutlets, boiled potatoes and macaroni and cheese, and vegetable stew with beef. Add baked pears and bananas, fresh fruits, dairy products, rice, millet and corn porridge, meat broths, fish soup and meatball soup.

A sample daily menu for a nursing mother is as follows:

  1. Breakfast: porridge or cottage cheese casserole+ sandwich with cheese and butter or boiled egg;
  2. 1st snack: vegetable or fruit salad + one fresh fruit;
  3. Lunch: soup (vegetable, chicken, with meatballs) + main course (boiled potatoes or pasta) + boiled fish(steam cutlets);
  4. 2nd snack: fermented milk drink+ cookies or baked fruit;
  5. Dinner: vegetable stew or baked/stewed cauliflower+ boiled meat (beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey).

Take precautions and do not overeat; introduce new foods into your diet gradually. Monitor your baby's well-being. Recipes for a nursing mother, which you will find at the link, will help diversify the menu.