Why did Irina Slutskaya leave the Ice Age? Irina Slutskaya's husband

Now her personal assistant is with the skater around the clock

The two-time world figure skating champion, host of numerous ice shows (“Ice Age”, “Stars on Ice”) and sports news columnist on Channel One never ceases to amaze fans. 37-year-old Irina SLUTSKAYA was actively involved in social activities and even took part in the preliminary voting of the United Russia party for the State Duma. Why not? An athlete, a beauty, a caring mother and a faithful wife... Although many have already doubted the latter: they say that there has been a long-overdue conflict in the star’s family, so Irina whiles away her free evenings not with her husband, but in the company of a charming brunette.

Marriage Irina Slutskaya and former boxer Sergei Mikheev was once considered exemplary. Their meeting took place almost 22 years ago, when a 16-year-old figure skater and a friend arrived for a couple of days at a holiday home near Moscow. There, in nature, she met Sergei, who, by the way, is eight years older than her.

...the figure skater now not only works, but also relaxes. Photo: Vk.com

At first, the young man did not make a strong impression on Ira, but the athlete was not going to back down and persistently continued to court him. The ice broke only four years later, when Slutskaya, at that time a two-time European champion, did not make it to the 1998/99 European and world championships. The only person who supported her and helped her return to duty was Mikheev.

In August 1999, Irina and Sergei got married. Even then, various rumors began to spread about this misalliance: she was a star of the first magnitude, and he was an ordinary children's coach. It was rumored that the athlete tried to turn her beloved husband into a cool businessman, planning to buy him a store and a chain of gas stations. But in reality, he still trains kids and doesn’t like publicity at all.

But Slutskaya is interested in various kinds of parties. The figure skater almost never misses important social events, which unwittingly provokes rumors. So, three years ago, it was noticed that after the next event, Irina rushed off not to her husband and children, but to a meeting with an impressive stranger. It soon became clear that he was the marketing director of one of the world's largest companies producing motor oils and lubricants Andrey Novoselov. The couple cooed so tenderly that no one had any doubt: Slutskaya had a new romance!

By the way, before this Irina was credited with having an affair with Konstantin Khabensky. They say that the actor often attended her performances and was obviously nervous when Slutskaya performed complex elements on the ice.

But Irina herself stubbornly denied the facts of discord in the family and answered all the “conjectures” with a smile:

Seryozha rarely appears with me at events, and because of this we are constantly separated. But what if he doesn’t want to become a public figure, well, he’s uncomfortable! You can’t force a person to do something that he himself frankly hates.

Meanwhile, this time it seems that the matter really smells of kerosene. For a long time now, Slutskaya appears everywhere with the same man, and simply ignores questions about her wife. Even at the recent Muz-TV Awards (detailed report on pp. 20 - 21) The figure skater was clearly not accompanied by her husband. True, he did it so carefully that no one would notice.

However, few people escaped the lenses of our paparazzi: behind the scenes, the couple stayed close all the time, every now and then casting languid glances at each other. Of course, they also left the event together.

This Alexey Tikhomirov- General Director of the Voluntary Physical Education Union, and also Slutskaya’s personal assistant, - knowledgeable people enlightened us. - They have been together for a long time - they work and, it seems, not only work... Lesha is next to Ira around the clock: he helps her in everything - by the way, he was also involved in PR for Slutskaya on the eve of the recent primaries in the Moscow region. They have a very tender and trusting relationship. So much so that Irochka hasn’t worn a wedding ring for six months now. I think you understand what we're talking about.

And indeed, on Tikhomirov’s page on one of the social networks there are tons of photographs with Slutskaya. Here they are together in the office of officials, but here they are running a marathon and then relaxing in a restaurant. Ira herself has fewer photos together with Alexey, but there are some: under one of them, the skater put a cute signature - several red hearts. Moreover, Slutskaya has no photos with her husband on her blog at all. Many subscribers are already openly wondering where Sergei went. But Ira has not yet honored anyone with an answer.

We also decided to try our luck and called the figure skater to find out how her family (Slutskaya and Mikheev have two children - 8-year-old son Artem and 5-year-old daughter Varvara) is spending this summer.

No way! I work a lot now, and I don’t have time to rest. Sorry, no more comments,” Irina snapped.

There are many people in the world who are interested in sports, and there are even more people who like to watch it. But how many people are interested in winter sports? In particular, figure skating. It is in this sport that our country shows the best results in the world. Evgeni Plushenko, Alexey Yagudin, Maxim Marinin, Tatyana Navka, Tatyana Totmyanina, Yulia Lipnitskaya, Adelina Sotnikova, the names can be listed forever, but today in the article we will talk about the famous Russian figure skater Irina Slutskaya. Let's look at her biography, achievements in professional sports, etc.

Brief biography of Irina Slutskaya

Irina Eduardovna Slutskaya was born on February 9, 1979 in the capital of the Russian Federation - Moscow. Irina’s mother became the initiator of Irina’s sports activities. After finishing her career, she found herself on television as the host of such a program as “Ice Age”. At the moment, the world-famous figure skater is taking care of children and keeping the family hearth.


As is known from the biography of Irina Slutskaya, the young athlete often got sick and caught colds. It was with the goal of strengthening her immunity that her mother sent her to sports.

Irina was four years old when she first stepped on the ice. The patroness and main person in this difficult sport was the famous USSR coach Zhanna Gromova. In addition to figure skating, Slutskaya studied at music and ballet schools.

The talent was visible from childhood. Proof of this is that at the age of fourteen she entered the country’s youth team. And then there was the first, truly significant victory at the Russian youth championship. Later, when Irina and her coach realized that they had no competition at the junior level, they tried to conquer adult competitions. It's worth saying that it's not that bad. The European Championship ended in fifth place, and the more prestigious and important World Championship ended in seventh place.

Blooming adult career

Irina Slutskaya’s first truly significant sporting achievement was the gold of the 1996 European Championship. It is worth noting that at that time she was only 16 years old. She became the first Russian figure skater to conquer the Old World. But then no one knew or even imagined that the talented Irina would love this tournament so much that her name would be written seven times in the history of the winners’ chronicle. This was a colossal achievement and is still considered an unbroken record.

Nagano 1998

The year 1998 was marked by the fact that figure skater Irina Slutskaya competed at the Nagano Olympics for the first time in her professional career and took an honorable fifth place. It seemed possible to rehabilitate herself for such an offensive loss a month later at the World Championships in Minneapolis, where she won a silver medal.

Unsuccessful period 1998-99

In the biography of Irina Slutskaya, these years are considered the most disastrous season. Then there was a sharp decline in his career, and it seemed that this was the end. At the national championship, Irina was the undisputed favorite. Among the participants at that time she had no equal. But when the results were summed up, to great surprise and to some extent disappointment, it turned out that Irina took only fourth place. As a result, the strict rules for selecting participants by the sports committee were a blow. She did not qualify for either her favorite European Championship or the World Championship.

This defeat was a blow to the athlete’s reputation. But throwing the professional jungle aside, Slutskaya took a break for a while, and during this short break she managed to get married. Thus, the competition and Irina Slutskaya were on opposite sides of the barricades.

Return to sports

After an unexpected break, the athlete found the strength to return to big-time sports. Irina Slutskaya’s newly-made husband picked up a sufficient amount of motivation and helped her return to her professional career. And it immediately became clear who is currently the leader of world skating. The first barrier was winning the Russian and then European championships. At the World Championships she suffered a disappointing defeat from the American Michelle Kwan, with a difference of only one point, and as a result became second.

She became the first to perform the triple lutz-triple loop cascade. It is this element that is the sporting achievement of Irina Slutskaya, as the athlete herself has repeatedly mentioned.

A year later, she shocked the figure skating world by successfully performing a 3-3-2 cascade at the world championships, but ultimately finishing in second place. The same year marks the next victory of figure skater Irina Slutskaya at the European Championships.

Olympics in Salt Lake City

For the already famous figure skater, but still a young girl, this was the second Winter Olympics. Going to Canada, Irina was the undisputed favorite in the fight for gold medals. But the eternal curse of “one judge’s point” played a cruel joke this time too. Only now the rival who managed to beat Slutskaya was the American Sarah Hughes.

It is worth highlighting the moral and strong-willed qualities of this athlete. After all, a month later, taking to the ice of the once Olympic Nagano, she won a top medal at the World Championships for the first time in her career. Not many athletes even return to the world of sports after such disappointing losses, but our compatriot showed the full strength of the Russian spirit.

In order to somehow console the figure skater, a well-known Ural businessman ordered a medal made of pure gold of the 750th standard, which was dubbed the “Medal for an Honest Victory.” After all, many believed that Irina was simply condemned in the finals of the Olympic Games. The award weighs one kilogram, and unlike the Olympic medal, it was cast entirely from gold.

“The Years of Great Troubles” - for Irina Slutskaya

After successful performances in Salt Lake City and Nagano, as well as winning gold at the European tournament and silver at the Grand Prix final in 2003, she was forced to miss the World Championships due to family problems. The fact is that Irina’s mother was seriously ill. But then the athlete herself began to suffer from illnesses. Doctors diagnosed severe vascular disease. It was decided to suspend her not only from competition, but also from any attempts to go on the ice.

Contrary to all forecasts, the then five-time European champion and world championship winner had no doubt that she would return to the ice and show the level of skating that would make people “go crazy” again.

"Second coming"

As promised, she returned to the sport. But we all understand that after suffering injuries, both physical and moral, we should not expect crazy results from anyone. And the fact that Irina Slutskaya returned to the ice meant a victory of sorts.

In 2004, at the World Championships in Dortmund, she became only ninth, but having regained her former form, the next season Ira became the one everyone knew.

The Grand Prix Final, the Russian and European Championships, the victory at the World Championships in Moscow in 2005, Irina Slutskaya won all these competitions with a confident lead over her rivals. By the way, for the first time at the Moscow World Championship, the evaluation system in the form of the familiar “sixes” was abolished. She went down in history as the only Russian figure skater to win the world championship twice.

The seventh successful and final European Championship for the figure skater took place in the 2006 Olympic year. Having broken the records of famous athletes - Katharina Witt and Sonya Henie - Irina became the only one who conquered Europe seven times.

As the figure skater said, the Olympics in Turin, Italy were her last and that she wanted to devote herself fully to her family. Her career ended with a final and brilliant chord. Third place and the first figure skating athlete from Russia to win two Olympic medals.

Post-sports activities

After completing a truly bright sports career, Irina Slutskaya did not go into the shadows, but found her calling on television.

In September 2006, she became the host of one of the most popular programs of that time, “Stars on Ice,” which was broadcast on Channel One. In 2007 and 2009, she was appointed host of Ice Age. And in the fall of 2008, Irina herself took part in the project, paired with ballet dancer Gediminas Taranda. In 2012 and 2013, she held the position of host of the television programs “Ice Age. Professional Cup" and "Ice Age - 2013". As we see, even after the end of her career, her work was closely connected with her life’s work - figure skating. As a change, Slutskaya took part in the show “First Squadron” as an airplane pilot.

Like all former famous athletes, Irina Slutskaya tried herself in both theater and cinema. In 2007, the film “Three and a Snowflake” was released, where Irina starred in several episodes. And in 2008, a Russian series called “Hot Ice” appeared on television screens, where she played the role of a coach (Anastasia Ivanova).

Her theatrical debut took place on April 7, 2008, when she played Antigone in the production of “Antigone - Vsegda” by Nika Kosenkova. From 2009 to 2011, she played the character Ariana Clarence in the play “A Good Deal.” Since 2011, she has been a TV presenter of sports news on Channel One and, by invitation, a sports commentator.

In April 2011, Irina received the status of Ambassador of the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014.

Irina's family

As mentioned earlier, in August 1999, the skater married Sergei Mikheev. Irina Slutskaya’s husband is a children’s coach.

On November 15, 2007, son Artem was born, who became the first-born in the star family. Three years later, on October 21, 2010, daughter Varvara was born. It is known that the children of Irina Slutskaya also chose the elements of “blade and ice”. The son is currently playing hockey, and the daughter, following in her mother’s footsteps, wants to become a famous figure skater.

We hope that this article will help you learn more about the biography of Irina Slutskaya. “A world-famous figure skater” - this is how she will be remembered by all sports fans.

An outstanding Russian figure skater, Honored Master of Sports, two-time world champion and the first ever seven-time European champion in figure skating, winner of the bronze medal at the 2006 Olympic Games and the silver medal at the 2002 Games. Currently Irina Slutskaya leads sports news on Channel One. She often takes part in various television shows, including being a presenter and participant in the projects “ Stars on Ice" And " glacial period", paired with Alexey Yagudin hosted the show "".

Biography of Irina Slutskaya / Irina Slutskaya

Irina was born into an ordinary Soviet family, her father was an engineer, her mother a teacher. Since Irina was sick a lot as a child, her mother decided to send her daughter to the sports section. From the age of four, Irina Slutskaya regularly trained at the Moskvich sports club, and in 1985, when the girl turned six, coach Zhanna Fedorovna Gromova drew the attention of the promising athlete.

Constant training under the guidance of an experienced trainer quickly brought results. In 1993, with first place at the Russian Junior Championships and third place at the Junior World Championships, Irina’s professional sports career began.

Sports career of Irina Slutskaya / Irina Slutskaya

Despite the fact that since 1993 Irina Slutskaya She constantly participated in prestigious competitions, where she took prizes; the truly high point in her career was 1996. In 1996 Irina Slutskaya became the first Russian woman to win the European champion title at competitions in Sofia, and in the same year Irina Slutskaya became a bronze medalist at the World Championships. Since this year, the young athlete has received close attention not only from her compatriots, but also from the whole world.

In 1998, Irina Slutskaya took part in her first Olympic Games - in Nagano, where she immediately showed good results, taking fifth place. However, the next year became the most difficult in her career. Unable to get into the Russian national team, Irina Slutskaya missed the European and World Championships.

At the same time, 1999 became one of the happiest years in the athlete’s life. In August 1999, Irina Slutskaya married Sergei Mikheev.
However, already in the next season, Irina Slutskaya confidently returned to the leading position. After a number of prizes, Irina Slutskaya became one of the favorites of the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, where she showed herself at the highest level, losing only a point in the judges' vote to the American Sarah Hughes.
A serious illness of her mother, and then health problems with the athlete herself, pulled Irina Slutskaya out of the intense fight for medals. Doctors forbade Irina to return to the ice due to problems with blood vessels, but neither the doctors’ prohibitions nor the long break in training broke the will to win. Irina Slutskaya quickly regained her leading position.

The final touch in the figure skater’s career was the Olympics in Turin, where the athlete won a bronze medal.

Interesting facts about Irina Slutskaya / Irina Slutskaya

— Over her entire sports career, Irina Slutskaya won 40 gold, 21 silver and 18 bronze medals.
Irina Slutskaya set a world record by becoming European figure skating champion seven times. Before her, this record was held by figure skaters Katharina Witt And Sony Henie.
“In addition, Irina Slutskaya is the only Russian figure skater to twice win the title of world champion, and the only figure skater to win two Olympic medals.
— Irina Slutskaya became the only woman who managed to perform a complex triple lutz-triple loop cascade without errors during official competitions.
— This is not the only record Irina Slutskaya. For example, she became the first skater to perform the 3-3-2 cascade.
— After a silver medal at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, the Ural politician and businessman Anton Bakov presented Irina Slutskaya with a medal “ For a fair victory", entirely made of 750-carat gold. The weight of this medal reaches one kilogram.
— Like many figure skating athletes, Irina Slutskaya collected soft toys, most of which were given to her during competitions. However, over time, the athlete decided on her passions and began collecting elephants.
- Figure skater Irina Slutskaya He is also interested in other sports. Preferring active recreation, Irina Slutskaya goes in for snowboarding.
— Irina Slutskaya is not only an athlete, but also an actress. So she performed a number of roles at the theater center " On Strastnoye", acted in films, worked as a presenter on television.

Irina Slutskaya / Irina Slutskaya in film and television

After finishing her professional career, Irina Slutskaya did not leave the ice, continuing to perform in ice shows. On television, Irina Slutskaya hosted such programs as “ Stars on Ice», « glacial period", and in a special edition of the show " Glacial period. Professional Cup“Irina Slutskaya was not only a presenter, but also a participant, performing in tandem with Gediminas Taranda.

The presenter of sports news on Channel One, Irina Slutskaya, also commented on the 2011 World Figure Skating Championships.

Irina Slutskaya’s first film experience took place in 2007, with a cameo role in the film “Three and a Snowflake”, and already in 2008 Irina Slutskaya played the independent role of a coach Anastasia Ivanova in the series " Hot Ice».

In 2012 Irina Slutskaya together with Alexey Yagudin hosted a new show on Channel One - the project “ Glacial period. Professional Cup».

In addition, Irina became an ambassador for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Irina Slutskaya got married in 1999, her husband was Sergei Mikheev. On November 15, 2007, the couple had a son, Artem, and on October 21, 2010, a daughter, Varvara. Rumors repeatedly arose about problems in the family of Irina Slutskaya and Sergei Mikheev, but the couple maintained their relationship.

Filmography of Irina Slutskaya / Irina Slutskaya


Hot Ice (TV series 2008), role: Ivanova Anastasia
Three and Snowflake (2007)

World-famous figure skater Irina Slutskaya is the owner of many sporting achievements. She has several gold and silver medals, as well as the title of world champion. In addition to sports activities, Irina repeatedly took part in the filming of various television programs as a presenter (“Ice Age”). The biography and personal life of Irina Slutskaya is filled with bright victories and minor defeats, but for her the family always remains in first place and her main achievement is her husband and children (see the article for photos with the family).


Ira was born on February 9, 1979 in Moscow. My parents were simple people: my father was a teacher at an automobile academy, my mother was an engineer at an automobile plant. The girl was a very active and artistic child. That is why her parents decided to enroll her in several sports sections: dancing and figure skating. Already at the age of 4 she could skate freely. After some time, Irina was noticed by Zhanna Gromova, who later became not only her coach, but also an excellent mentor in her professional activities. In Ira, many were able to discern such strong character traits as: incredible perseverance and self-confidence, patience and hard work.

Irina Slutskaya in childhood with her parents

First achievements

But, despite further successes, the girl had to work on her plasticity and posture for a long time. Years of hard training eventually yielded the desired result: on the ice she began to shine with femininity and demonstrated incredibly complex spins and jumps.

She won her first victory at the age of 13 while participating in the world junior championship.

It is worth noting that, despite all her busyness, Irina managed to study well until the 6th grade, then her performance decreased slightly. It is also important to remember that for some time Slutskaya managed to attend a music school and a ballet studio. After 10th grade, she entered the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture.

Figure skater with her coach

In 1996, she was awarded the title of European champion, and then she took 3rd place at the World Figure Skating Championships. At that moment, the girl realized that the requirements for her regime would become much stricter. She will need to adhere to a strict diet and daily routine: waking up early, exercising twice a day. Besides, she could only dream of free time. But Ira was not going to give up.

The figure skater's further career grew at an unimaginable speed. Irina has repeatedly won prizes and many times become the strongest figure skater in Europe and the world. For example, at the Olympics in Japan (1998) she took 5th place, and a year later she competed for the title of world champion and earned a silver medal.

In 2000, Slutskaya won a difficult fight at the European and Russian championships. After 2 years, she took part in the World Championships and won a gold medal. Despite her serious condition and vascular disease, Slutskaya was able to recover and win the highest award at the World Championships in 2005, and a year later win a competition in Europe.

Irina Slutskaya on ice

After Irina took 3rd place at the Turin Olympics, she decided to end her sports career: “I am absolutely confident in my decision. I will no longer participate in competitive tournaments. In the near future I will become the host of one of the entertainment programs in our country. Now I spend all my free time in the television studio. This work inspires me a lot. In addition, this environment has become so familiar to me that I go to Ostankino as if it were my home.”

Sportswoman with another gold medal

New stage in career

Having said goodbye to her sports activities, Irina easily found a new hobby. Since working as a coach was not part of her plans, Slutskaya decided to connect her future life with television. She started out as a sports columnist and later entered as an entertainment presenter. In 2013, Irina Slutskaya became co-host of Evgeni Plushenko on the Stars on Ice project. Then, together with Marat Basharov and other presenters, she headed several seasons of the television program “Ice Age”.

With Alexander Yagudin

In addition, Irina performed for television viewers in an unusual role for herself. She starred in the TV series “Hot Ice” and in the romantic comedy “Three Men and a Snowflake.”

Personal life

The personal life of Irina Slutskaya, as well as her creative biography, is filled with various interesting and memorable events. It is known that she has children and a husband, Sergei, who was seriously involved in boxing in the past (see photo of the family later in the article).

Once he saw this beautiful girl on the screen, Sergei decided that he simply had to meet her. Therefore, through mutual friends, I arranged a joint trip to the countryside. At that time, Irina was only 16 years old, so she was not ready for a serious relationship. But Sergei tried his best to win her attention. Gradually he began to call her, give her gifts, and make appointments. And Slutskaya still decided to give the guy a chance. And only 4 years later the couple decided to get married.

I. Slutskaya with her husband Sergei

A measured family life gave Sergei the confidence that his beloved would now always be there. He tried to help her in everything, especially during her illness, which could completely wipe out her brilliant career.

It would seem that their relationship could only be envied. In addition, serious changes took place in the personal life of Irina Slutskaya and her husband: a son, Artyom, and then a daughter, Varvara, appeared in the family. After the birth of her children, Irina devoted all her time to her family. The parents coped well with their new responsibilities. Therefore, after some time, Slutskaya decided to return to her activities, and her husband supported her in this.

But in 2008, many sources reported that the couple had decided to divorce. According to rumors, the personal life of Irina and her husband was simply bursting at the seams. Journalists wrote that the figure skater had an affair with Andrei Novoselov and Alexei Tikhomirov, as she was often seen together at various social events. But most of all the press was interested in her friendship with K. Khabensky, despite the fact that at that moment the actor was happily married. According to friends, Konstantin attended her training sessions several times, and Irina went to his performances at the theater.

With own children

Fortunately, these rumors were never confirmed. Irina Slutskaya is very happy with her husband, and together they continue to raise their two children - Artem, daughter - Varvara (see photo below in the article). In one of her interviews, Irina Slutskaya spoke about her biography and personal life: “Because of my hot temper, my husband and I very often quarrel over trifles. We don't have an ideal relationship. But I am grateful to him that Sergei is always calm.

After all, he already knows that my bad mood very quickly gives way to a positive one. There were many different situations in our lives that we were able to survive together. Therefore, after a while, we learned to appreciate each other and not solve complex problems by breaking up. After all, our strength lies in the fact that we are together. Even if there is no former passion in our relationship, there is immense love, thanks to which you realize that this particular person is your soul mate, and only with him you feel comfortable.”

Not only masterful skating, but also beauty and grace. Even those who know little about sports enjoy watching the athletes perform on the ice. Irina Slutskaya, whose biography is full of sporting achievements, became not only everyone’s favorite, but also went down in sports history as the first athlete who was able to win the European champion title seven times. But her path was not easy; behind every victory there is great work.

Carier start

Irina was born on February 9, 1979 in the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, in the family of a teacher and engineer. The girl started going to the sports section very early. At the age of four, her mother brought her there because Ira was often sick. Two years later, coach Zhanna Fedorovna Gromova took the girl under her wing, and it was she who accompanied her all these years. Irina Slutskaya turned out to be a very talented girl and already in 1993 (she was 14 years old at the time) she joined the country’s youth team. Moreover, she immediately became the champion of the Russian Federation among juniors, and took third place at the world championship. But two years later she successfully won the title of world junior champion, and this was the first significant achievement in her life. Irina did not stop there and in the same year at the adult World and European Championships she took seventh and fifth places, respectively. This is how her debut in professional sports took place.

Professional career

Irina Slutskaya became truly famous after winning the European Championships in 1996; in addition, she became the first Russian figure skater to win this title. That same year she also competed at world competitions, where she managed to get bronze. In subsequent years, she would become European champion six more times, thereby breaking the world record. Irina also experienced failures; the years 1998-1999 were very unsuccessful for her. She did not make the national team and had to miss all major competitions this season. But already in 2000, Irina made up for lost time and regained her leading position. In addition, she managed to do something incredible: she became the first figure skater to be able to perform a triple lutz/triple loop jump. No girl had ever succeeded in doing this before. The following year, a new record awaited her: Irina performed a 3-3-2 cascade. Her achievements are truly amazing and unforgettable.


Difficult years

After 2003, when she won the European championship and missed the world competitions, Irina Slutskaya missed two years due to her mother's illness. The troubles did not end there; after my mother got back on her feet, Irina herself fell ill. She spent a long time visiting doctors, who eventually diagnosed her with vasculitis, a severe vascular disease. Of course, everyone unanimously forbade the skater to go on the ice, but this had no effect. Slutskaya didn’t listen to anyone. Moreover, all the warnings only encouraged her to continue skating at all costs. And, contrary to all forecasts, she managed to restore her leading position in professional figure skating. True, at first, in 2004, at the world championship, she took only ninth place, but her spirit did not weaken, and she continued to train hard. Already in 2005, Irina again amazed everyone and at the world championship in Moscow performed as well as possible. This was her second title
World champion, she demonstrated an excellent and memorable program, leaving all her competitors far behind. Irina Slutskaya left professional figure skating after 2006, when she won the European champion title for the seventh time. But the athlete did not stop pleasing her dear fans, performing on TV shows, and in 2012 in Japan she won bronze at the World Championships for professionals.


Slutskaya is an Honored Master of Sports in single figure skating. She is not only remembered by all sports fans as an outstanding figure skater, but also received many awards, not counting her record in winning titles. Below is a list of her achievements.

Four-time champion of the Russian Federation.

Seven-time champion of European competitions (and the only one in history).

Two-time world champion.

In 2003, she received the Order of Friendship for her enormous contribution to the development of physical culture and sporting achievements.

By presidential decree in 2007, Slutskaya was awarded the Order of Honor.

In addition, Irina Slutskaya, whose biography is already full of victories and awards, is the winner of the Eurosport Sport Star Awards 2006 in such categories as “Best Athlete of the Year”, “People’s Love”, as well as “Crystal Ice 2008” .

A television

After the end of her magnificent sports career, the figure skater began to try her hand at other areas - in cinema and television, for which she attended the Ostankino school. Her new profession was closely related to the previous one, because for a long time she hosted such shows as “Stars on Ice” and the beloved “Ice Age”. Irina also acted in films, although the roles were not in the forefront, but in 2008 she made her debut in the theatrical production “Antigone - Always,” and did not stop there. Irina also tried herself as a singer, performing the song “New Year’s” in a duet with Sergei Kristovsky. Since 2011, Slutskaya has been a presenter on Channel One, introducing viewers to sports news.

Family and Children

Irina Slutskaya, for whom family always came first, got married in 1999, in August. Their relationship with Sergei developed through telephone conversations, and at first Irina found him too persistent, but then she realized that she had fallen in love. In 2007, their first child, Artem, was born. Being an exemplary father, he took almost all the care of the child upon himself, because he understood Irina’s workload. But, as often happens in other families, just two years after the birth of their son, discord began to emerge in their relationship. Irina Slutskaya’s husband and she herself were not in the mood for a break, so they threw all their strength into saving the marriage. The former figure skater went on maternity leave and tried to spend as much time as possible with her family. In 2010, Varvara was born, which further strengthened family ties.

Even being a famous figure skater, Irina is also interested in other sports - for example, snowboarding. She also has all sorts of hobbies. Like all famous people, Slutskaya has crowds of fans who are sure to give her something. As a rule, these are soft toys, so Irina began collecting them. But over time, she switched to elephants and now collects figurines of these wonderful animals. Irina Slutskaya, whose photo can be seen in many publications, assures that the transition from a sports career to a television one was not so easy for her. However, as you can see, she glows with positivity and always smiles, no matter what happens.