Scorpio - how to arouse his interest. How to please a Scorpio man or guy? how to attract attention, fall in love with yourself, seduce and keep a Scorpio guy or man? What kind of compliments do Scorpio guys and men like? what kind of girls and women do you like?

Here is another article about how, after meeting a man, to maintain a relationship with him and make it long and strong. Today you will learn how to keep a Scorpio man. Practical advice on this matter is given by astrologers and psychologists (taking into account the character traits of such a man).

The good news is that men of this sign prefer stable relationships after they have chosen a partner. The news is not very good - they prefer to put all the tasks of maintaining this stability in the family on the shoulders of women. Therefore, it is vital for you to learn how to maintain harmony in your relationships, and this is not so easy when it comes to a Scorpio man. What advice do astrologers give?

Keep your weaknesses to yourself

Your man is well aware of your weaknesses, so there is no point in showing them to him. And he will turn a blind eye to them until it occurs to you yourself to identify them. So it’s better for you to keep quiet and keep it all to yourself.

Watch his mood

You will have to be very attentive to his mood changes. During periods of irritation, it is better not to contradict a Scorpio man. But you shouldn’t always be completely submissive either. Women who are submissive in everything are not of interest to such men; they quickly become bored with them (the excitement of the hunt disappears). And your self-esteem will suffer greatly in this case, so from time to time you will have to fight back.

Don't give reasons to be jealous

This is one of the basic rules for a woman asking herself the question: “How to keep a Scorpio man?” Representatives of this sign are terrible owners and do not tolerate even the slightest flirtation of their woman with someone else. Moreover, watching such scenes, the Scorpio man feels not anger and bitterness, but disgust towards his girlfriend. And if he is also not in the mood at this moment, then manifestations of aggression are possible.
A disappointing fact for you is that Scorpio himself can quite easily commit treason, and he does not feel any squeamish emotions towards his action, considering his own betrayal to be an everyday matter and in no way affecting your personal relationship with him.

Don't hurt his pride

Never touch Scorpio's pride! And if you managed to somehow publicly humiliate him, parting with you will be instantaneous and without a chance of resuming the relationship.
Scorpio men are especially sensitive to doubts about their sexual and mental abilities! Just a minute ago, a gentle and loving man in a second turns into your worst enemy, who will never forget his humiliation.

Advice: It is better to completely exclude (even when communicating in private) topics that affect the sexual power of the Scorpio man. And his mental abilities too. And if you couldn’t avoid them, praise these qualities of your man, even if it’s not true. Otherwise, the vindictive Scorpio will harbor a grudge and will definitely take revenge on you. And it will hit you in the most painful way. And he can prepare his revenge for years, patiently waiting for the right moment. DO NOT take risks...

Sex with him

How to keep a Scorpio man? Transform intimate relationships with him into unique passionate orgies, with an unpredictable plot and ending! Scorpios, who themselves literally deify sex, demand that their partners satisfy their needs at their first request. Anytime, anywhere! And you must indulge in the process with absolute dedication, forgetting about everything during it and throwing aside any restrictions and conventions!

Become his friend

Fade into the background

The Scorpio man adheres to patriarchal principles and does not recognize the primacy of women in relationships. Even simple equality of the sexes disgusts him. So you will have to immediately fade into the background in your family (or just in your relationship with him).

Don't change his lifestyle

If you are thinking about how to keep a Scorpio man near you for the rest of your life, respect his habits and preferences. With your appearance in his life, nothing should change. Let him do what he loves, just as he did before you.

Be honest

Scorpios hate secrets, some secrets. Remaining completely incurious, men expect extreme frankness in everything from their woman. That is, he will not pester his woman with endless questions, but if he asks about something, then you need to answer his question honestly.

And lastly

If, nevertheless, some tension appears in your relationship with such a man, under no circumstances use threats against him as an argument! This is not only pointless, but also simply dangerous for you! As I wrote above, Scorpio can brutally take revenge on the offender, and it hurts a lot!

As you can see, the task before you is not easy. But if you sincerely love a person, if for the sake of love you make concessions and some infringements on yourself, he will definitely appreciate your sacrifices. As a result, you will get a passionate, loving, generous man with whom your union will be long and happy!

I advise you to see how compatible you are for a serious relationship with a Scorpio man (this can be done).

Traditional humor page at the end:

"Husband to wife:

-They write and write whatever they like on this Internet! They don’t think with their heads, they don’t take responsibility for their words! How tired I am of all this already!...I’ll go take out the trash, and then wash the dishes and vacuum the apartment...


- And I’m asking you for the last time!!! Who is this “Hare” and why did she feel so good with you at our dacha?”

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Many of us searched for our soulmate through the prism of a horoscope. This is the starting point for collecting information on a potential partner that interests us. So, let's consider the option when a man is Scorpio: how to win and keep him?

Revealing the secrets of a Scorpio man

Attracting a Scorpio man is not very difficult. Falling under his attention, a woman receives trust and maximum charm of which he is capable. It’s difficult to call him a master of seduction, but he has the ability to conduct a playful conversation, which allows him to end up in bed with the object of desire in just a couple of attempts.

This is a wonderful and gifted interlocutor to whom a woman pours out her soul, using this gift to start a relationship or maintain it. Dating a Scorpio man is a lot of fun, at least in the initial stages.

These are mostly successful people who love to give meaningful gifts. Much in a relationship with such a man will be based on knowledge gleaned from conversations and conversations. At the same time, he gives preference to honest women, although the presence of a little secret in her life is mandatory.

Scorpio is not afraid to approach a beautiful representative of the fairer sex, although he is not a master of seduction. Women are attracted by his talent for listening, since he is a representative of those people who just want to pour out their souls. All this makes it possible for him to have relationships with several ladies at the same time, and each of them will be sure that she is the only one.

Sign compatibility

Let's look at the compatibility of the Scorpio man with other signs. Astrologers predict a strong union with him for women born under the sign of Taurus. This connection is one of the strongest and most common in real life. Its appearance is not worth losing, since representatives of these signs are able to go through life hand in hand without problems, in an atmosphere of comfort and mutual satisfaction.

The support of a partner born under the sign of Capricorn, the warmth of the relationship with him, often turning into passion, also creates a wonderful union. The Pisces sign and the Scorpio man mean deep and sincere feelings, a lot of sex and emotions. Falling in love will accompany such a union along the path of life for a long time, which allows us to talk about great love.

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Lack of compatibility, according to astrologers, will manifest itself in an alliance with Aries. Usually the initial passion soon wears off. For such men, Leos are just good friends, and love will not work between these signs. With Virgo and Libra, passionate Scorpios quickly begin to get bored, and this a priori will not give much time for such unions to exist.

Conquer and hold!

Only a confident and strong woman can decide to choose a Scorpio man. In order for this heartthrob to devote himself to one, she must be a controversial person. Intrigue, zest - this is what can make him start courting, while there will be no special romance, but there is more than enough persistence.

The presence of such pressure on the part of a Scorpio man will allow you to understand whether he likes you or not. It is on his habit of victories and inability to retreat that one should build a strategy for conquest. It is necessary to become an impregnable bastion for him, and this guarantees that he will fall into the placed networks.

However, attracting Scorpio's attention and making him pursue you does not mean keeping him. If he gets what he wants, this man is capable of losing interest, so it’s worth saying no to monotony and monotony in relationships. The zest, brightness and unpredictability of a companion is what he needs. At the same time, even if she is at least three times beautiful, but if she is unable to carry on a conversation, interest on his part will fade away.

To become the beloved woman of a Scorpio man, you need to be prepared for diversity in the intimate sphere. It should be understood that experimentation and extremeness are different things, but support in bed should be in everything.

If a Scorpio man loves, then he emphasizes this in every possible way with gifts and attention. He wants his woman to know how much he appreciates her. However, Scorpio does not spend huge amounts on jewelry on the second date, realizing that this will create awkwardness. At the beginning of the relationship, he will give elegant gifts.

With all this, such men can date for a long time without developing emotional attachment. When they finally realize that they have fallen in love, drastic changes occur. A loving Scorpio man is unpredictable. Despite the fact that he loves deeply and sincerely, he has the ability to easily break off relationships. That is why he is dangerous for almost every girl in love. This element of unpredictability gives some something to look forward to, while presenting him as a heartthrob.

Long-term relationships are random for these guys. The appearance of a feeling of love can frighten them and prompt them to immediately break up, which leads to the presence of several short-term relationships before a longer-term commitment appears.

As you may have guessed, it is impossible to forcibly restrain a Scorpio man. But let's figure out if this is such bad news. If Scorpio leaves, it means that he really feels bad with you, too many things do not suit him, and, most importantly, he no longer has romantic feelings towards you. He's just honest enough to admit it to himself and brave enough to tell you. Think how many couples live together, held together only by force of habit or the shackles of public opinion. Some are connected by common financial or property issues, others are waiting for their children to grow up... But are such people happy? When Scorpio leaves, he not only seeks happiness himself, but also gives you the chance to do the same. Agree, not many people are capable of this. So consider Scorpio's departure a gift from fate - and your first step towards a happy future.

If you accept this blow with dignity, without ugly showdowns or - God forbid - humiliations and requests, then you will command respect from your Scorpio. You can remain friends. By the way, in this case, all is not lost for you. After making sure that you are truly strong in spirit, Scorpio will feel a new wave of interest in you. How so? Another woman would probably beg, cry and ask him to stay.. He will understand that, despite the time spent together, you remained an unread book for him. And it may become a matter of honor for him to try to unravel this mystery, to comprehend the true motives of your behavior. So your lover may well return - while spending a little time on the side - if you don't burn your bridges yourself and push him away forever with some stupid behavior.

The worst thing in a relationship with Scorpio is the cooling of his sexual interest. As strange as it may sound, try to spend less time together. Use perfume! Scorpios are very sensitive to body odors, and in this they want maximum variety. Don't let him get used to you so much that sex becomes a routine. Learn to be a little inaccessible, don't let him have everything at once. Do not rush to become relaxed in bed, the more you demonstrate embarrassment, the more interesting it is for him to play this game. Emphasize your femininity in every possible way, including seductive things and accessories.

Typically, families are advised to create a favorable emotional background, stable and consistently positive. And only with a Scorpio man this advice will not work one hundred percent. He is both a sadist and a masochist at the same time, he loves to suffer and watch others suffer. Draw conclusions. Your family life should not be too smooth; you should organize periodic shake-ups, emotional somersaults, and sometimes dramatic endings. Dose the time spent with your loved one. If you remain alone with each other for hours, it is as if he will “drink” you to the bottom... And soon he will want to drink again. But from a different source. Make sure that he is constantly overcome by a slight thirst, which he will never be able to completely quench.

Scorpio loves to test your feelings and theirs and sometimes arranges “fake” breakups. This means that he has no one, and everything seems to suit him, but he wants some kind of extreme. It is a very serious mistake to fail to recognize such “false” withdrawal and let it go. In fact, he doesn’t want to leave, he wants to arouse a storm of feelings in you and enjoy it to the fullest. And then he expects mutual reconciliation and, of course, passionate sex. If you, tired of his provocations, simply say “well, go away,” he will be terribly offended and disappointed. Therefore, try to learn to recognize the true intentions of your Scorpio, so as not to bite your elbows later and not to reproach yourself for lack of insight.

This zodiac sign is one of the most demanding and complex. The Scorpio man not only knows psychology very well, especially women’s, but also has high demands. Therefore, finding the golden key to his heart will not be as easy as it might seem at first glance. However, there are several ways to win a Scorpio man. Here are the most proven ones.

  1. Forget about any lies and falsehood. Scorpio is an excellent expert on female psychology and will see through your insidious plans instantly. He hates cunning and insincerity and does not forgive it. It is for this reason that lies should not be used in the tactics of playing with him. The fact that you don’t want to tell him about your fatal plans for the time being, just remain silent. This is not the case when ordinary feminine tricks allow you to win the heart of a man. With Scorpios, this number will never work, moreover, you will lose his trust forever.
  2. The cult of beauty is not the best remedy. Even if you resemble Cindy Crawforth in appearance and look better than any model, his heart will be completely indifferent to such tricks. Yes, appearance matters to him, but he does not like to make a cult out of it and does not recognize a bright person as an interesting woman if there is nothing to talk about with her. If you read the 10 commandments, this is one of the very first points. So take care of yourself, learn to put on makeup and dress beautifully, but don’t make a cult out of it. To think that he will go crazy from the flutter of doll-like eyelashes or his bright appearance is naive. Naturalness is the best weapon in the fight for Scorpio.
  3. Originality and mystery are the key to his heart. This sign is attracted to bright people who know how to dress beautifully, stand out from the crowd and have their own interesting opinions. The less a woman reveals her cards, shows that she is interested in him, the more chances she will have to conquer, conquer and keep him. Choose what makes you stand out from the crowd, do not be afraid to experiment and wear what is fashionable and bright and boldly go forward. He will appreciate your independence and tenderness. Often keep important information about yourself secret and do not say too much. They do not like chatterboxes and, especially, gossips.
  4. Logic and erudition. At the beginning of acquaintance, you need to show the logic of your thinking, behavior and tell interesting life facts. The wider the female erudition, the better the result will be. They like understanding women, smart and beautiful, who do not like to chat and boldly enter into an argument, proving their own point of view. Knowledge and logic will help a woman at the initial stage to arouse interest in herself and win his attention. But long-term communication requires other qualities.
  5. Lying in bed and modesty are not for him. A man appreciates women who are very sexy and relaxed in the love bed, but who are not stupid or demanding. If he understands that the lady is smart and understands the situation correctly, and will not demand special attention from him in the morning or a promise to marry, then the relationship will last a long time. Don’t hold back your desires, do what pleases you and don’t be shy about talking about what you don’t like. The appearance of a martyr and patience are no better helpers in the situation and, if he finds out about this, he may end the relationship altogether. Feel free to do what you like, don’t forget about yourself, interrupt the unpleasant and be silent more. Remember that with this, bed is just an episode, release and relaxation and nothing more.
  6. You can't command a Scorpio. He is not one of those who will become henpecked, so a Cancer woman who will learn not to hide her desires and be mysterious can keep him for a long time. If you are a leader, then this is clearly not for you.
  7. It is worth being patient if a man loves another woman. In this case, you shouldn’t count on more than friendship and interesting communication. Be patient and wait until the affair ends or your relationship with your wife reaches a dead end. Only then there is a chance to win his heart. It is useless to try to conquer someone who is not free. And if he often gets carried away, you need to endure for a long time.
  8. Adventurism. This man likes ladies who are not afraid to take risks, are passionate and gambling not only in games, but also in life. If you choose a quiet haven, then this man will not stay long, he will become bored. Conquering him will be as difficult as conquering a Capricorn man for a Scorpio woman. Therefore, do not betray yourself if you are by nature a quiet, calm and balanced person who avoids negativity and chooses a cozy haven and the warmth of home. Otherwise, the relationship with him will be destructive for the girl and useless for him. This sign is interested in resourceful, smart and risky ladies.
  9. Compliance can destroy relationships. A winning man is not interested in a relationship in which a woman endures a lot for the sake of family and constancy, and yields to him despite her own pain. Such a person is simply not interested in relationships.
  10. Losing trust will end everything. The most destructive thing is lies and falsehood. It is very difficult to deceive this man; he will definitely find out everything, no matter how cunning the lady of his heart is. And then it will be extremely difficult to make peace with him.

Thus, lovely ladies will know how to approach this zodiac sign. Believe yourself, be reasonable, moderately selfish and interesting in communication, and Scorpio will pay attention to you.

How to win a Scorpio man over a Libra woman?

The Scorpio-Libra alliance is a rather complex alliance. Before Libra starts building a relationship with this difficult zodiac sign, you need to know all its pros and cons. Conquering a Scorpio man will be difficult. This is one of the most emotional, leadership signs.

Despite the fact that these symbols stand next to each other in the zodiac chain, they are not very similar. Representatives of Libra should know that their chosen ones will not tolerate a supporting role. They are leaders in life and will demand complete submission from you. But gray mice are also of little interest to them. Ladies should be cheerful, sociable, and be able to support any interests or endeavors of a gentleman.

Intimate life will play an important role. In bed, the partner should be a lioness, since this aspect plays an important role in the life of this zodiac symbol.

Libra must be patient, because representatives of this sign are very secretive and do not show off their feelings. In this relationship, everything will depend only on you. The ability to give in, smooth out conflicts, not pretend to be a leader, feel his state of mind, respond to his emotional impulses - this is just a small list of what you must learn to do.

How to win a Scorpio man over a Capricorn woman?

It’s worth saying right away that Capricorn ladies and Scorpio gentlemen are an ideal couple in every sense. Representatives of this sign may not make much effort to gain favor with themselves. You complement each other equally.

Everything that this complex person values ​​in people is already inherent in you. The ability to completely surrender to feelings, to care, to appreciate, to respect any manifestations of a partner’s character will find a great response in the soul of the opposite sex. People of this sign are possessive in nature; if Capricorn does not give reasons for jealousy, then he can count on his soul and body.

To win a man, a Capricorn woman in bed needs to show all the strength of your violent temperament, since he himself is a passionate, emotional person by nature.

Your couple will make wonderful spouses and lovers who will appreciate and respect each other in old age.

How to win a Scorpio man over a Leo woman?

The incompatibility is quite obvious. But if the lion decides to win the heart of the chosen “victim,” then he will have to change his character, his principles. You both have too much character and leadership qualities. You are unlikely to be able to get along with such a personal reserve. Therefore, in order to win a man you will have to hide all your ambitions and avoid competition. The lioness must convey to her chosen one that he is more important and more experienced. Don't try to prove that he is one of many who will happily join the ranks of your fans.

Don't count on the fact that your strong sexual energy will be able to bind your prospective gentleman. The bed is not the main thing for these signs. Until the lions completely submit to their chosen one in soul and body, you should not count on mutual love.

How to win a Scorpio man over a Cancer woman?

A more suitable pair than these two representatives of the horoscope cannot be found. Conquering a Scorpio woman will not be difficult, because after meeting you, he will immediately see a person who is able to understand him, faithful, devoted.

All the qualities that nature has given you will help you in the fight for the heart of this young man. Don’t try to open up completely to him, he loves the mystery in a woman’s soul and is drawn to everything new.

It should be borne in mind that the sign of Scorpio belongs to the element of water, so these are people with an unpredictable, passionate character. Use all your charisma to attract attention.

The stronger sex of this zodiac loves to show care, so Cancer should more often demonstrate their defenselessness, weakness, and be able to “dissolve” in love. They will take all care of you.

Let him feel that you will be a reliable support and outlet for him, then you will make a wonderful married couple.

How to win a Scorpio man over a Pisces woman?

If a fish manages to attract the attention of a Scorpio man and begin a love relationship with him, then they will never part. The wisdom of the fish and the ability to avoid conflicts will lay a solid foundation for life.

To win a Scorpio, a Pisces woman needs to adapt to his complex nature, deeply feel his mood: joy and emotions. At any moment, have the opportunity to be near, support, and help your loved one.

Try to use all your charm, magical charm to awaken your partner’s fantasy and imagination. Your chosen one loves to learn something new about his chosen one every time.

Pisces is a passionate, deeply emotional person. These qualities will help awaken an abyss of emotional impressions in her prospective groom.

You shouldn’t boast about or touch on your financial situation in a relationship. For men of the Scorpio sign this is a trifle. He will gladly take on all financial expenses and will continue to support his family for the rest of his life.

How to win a Taurus man over a Scorpio woman?

There is little in common between you. All that is required of female representatives is to create and constantly maintain peace of mind for your chosen one. Otherwise, all you can count on is anger on his part. Remember that people of this sign are balanced, sensitive natures, but just as sexy and passionate. Sex will play an important role only during the candy-bouquet period. Over time, carnal pleasures will give way to a measured life with its established rules.

Taurus is a balanced, slow sign, so do not rush to show your ambitions and sharp impulses of the soul. The main thing in his life is regularity. If you still intend to woo this contender for your soul, then surprise him with delicious food, quiet music, a casual heart-to-heart conversation, and wild sex.

How can a Scorpio conquer a Taurus man?

Taurus is one of the most loyal and constant signs for whom your loyalty will be fundamental. In order for Scorpio to conquer a Taurus, you should express your sympathy once and persistently go towards the goal, showing that this person is the most important for you and you don’t need anyone else.

All Taurus needs is confidence in the future, your loyalty. You don’t have to come up with anything supernatural; the most important thing for this sign is practicality. Feed your betrothed homemade food, make an appointment yourself. Remember, you are the main initiator. Taurus loves convenience, create comfort for him.

Considering all the features of a Taurus, feel free to build a relationship with him.

How to communicate with a Scorpio man to keep him

Scorpios are calm only on the surface - in fact, they are emotional people with a clear worldview and deep thinking. They need a stable relationship, but the task of maintaining family balance should be entrusted to the partner. You need to be able to get along with representatives of this zodiac sign, and this is not easy. How to communicate with a Scorpio man so that life together is a joy for both?

It is not recommended to openly demonstrate your weaknesses in front of him, much less voice them. He sees them perfectly well even without you, but he will not clearly point out them until you indicate them yourself. This won’t end well, so it’s wiser to keep quiet about your shortcomings.

To keep a Scorpio man, a woman must subtly sense his mood. You can’t contradict him too openly, but in some cases you still need to fight back, firstly, so as not to completely lose self-respect, and secondly, because he himself is not interested in dealing with a weak woman who has completely submitted to him.

It is very reckless on the part of a partner who wants to keep Scorpio in her life for a long time to give him reasons for jealousy. These men are big owners, and contemplating the scene of their chosen one flirting with others can cause in them, instead of the expected excitement of the hunt, an attack of disgust. In addition, if Scorpio is not in a good mood at this moment, he may behave aggressively. It is noteworthy that he himself can easily commit treason, not considering it as such and without experiencing any squeamish feelings.

The final break is inevitable if you deal a painful blow to this man’s pride in front of others, publicly humiliate him. He especially hates it when his abilities in the field of sex are questioned and his intelligence is belittled. In this case, a close person can immediately become his worst enemy, since Scorpio men are more capable than others of instantly hating the one whom they loved just yesterday.

Scorpio's partner must be a good lover, ready to satisfy his requests at any time, and do this not “for show,” but every time giving herself to him without reserve. She should be able to forget about everything else at this time and completely relax in bed. At the same time, Scorpios' life partners should be good friends who support them in moments of weakness, which are unlikely to be seen by anyone else; in addition, it is important to be the one they trust. Men of this sign have a predisposition to pessimism, and a lifelong friend should not allow her lover to give up and plunge into this dangerous state.

Life together with a Scorpio man is built in accordance exclusively with his ideas about the correct family structure. He does not recognize the equality of the sexes and will never allow his partner what he allows himself.

It is not recommended to hide anything from Scorpios - they hate secrets, although they are not at all curious. A man of this sign needs to be able to do his usual favorite things; with the arrival of a companion in his life, nothing should change radically in this regard.

If something goes wrong, the horoscope warns that threatening Scorpio is not only pointless, but also dangerous. He is capable of causing unbearable pain to another person. Keeping a Scorpio man close to you is not easy, but if you are ready to sacrifice yourself, you can find in him a passionate monogamous man who is ready to carry his love throughout his life.

How to get rid of a Scorpio man

If Scorpio has already got his prey, he will not give it up so easily, so in order to get rid of a Scorpio man you will have to make considerable efforts. To achieve the desired effect, you can try to educate him, point out his weaknesses, and portray himself as a victim who suffers from this relationship. An important role will be played by cold and indifferent behavior in bed, and even better - by minimizing sex or by a complete lack of intimacy. But you shouldn’t insult this man even when breaking up, it’s dangerous - Scorpios are vindictive and touchy; if you conduct too open hostilities with him, then you can regret it very bitterly.