Why is it good to walk? Why do doctors advise taking more walks and spending time outside?

Air: yesterday, today and tomorrow, if there is one...

Even though I am a psychiatrist by birth, I can’t understand some human oddities.

I see: on a fine day, mothers and fathers with children are sitting on benches in courtyards and parks, and there are a large number of strong pensioners and pensioners here and there. They are sitting. They sit for a long time. They are talking. They are silent. Someone is snacking on something. They slaughter a goat somewhere. And they sit again. Strange. After all, they could have walked. And we could play football. To rounders, to volleyball, to towns? No, they are sitting.

I once went into a huge gym to see, for scientific purposes, how karate was practiced. I see: about a hundred sweat-drenched young people in kimonos are jumping, waving their arms and legs, striking each other’s shadows, shouting: “Y-ah!” But, my God, what is this... Six huge transoms, but only one is slightly open, at 7 degrees outside. Hurry up and hold your nose and run away...

What is more important for health: air or movement?

Who is greater - Bach or Mozart? Pushkin or Tolstoy? Shakespeare or Dante?

What is there to talk about?

Fresh air is good, it's useful. We know. But something is blowing, let’s close the window...

Humanity suffers from chronic recurrent idiocy. I'll prove it now.

Let's start with the fact that fresh air, open air is just NORMAL air. The Air of Nature, which raised us, is the ion-gas ocean, the environment and nutrition of our blood, cells, brain, nutrition of the primary, greatest necessity. On fresh air Methuselah lived his 900-plus years (well, maybe a little less, I don’t argue); Our genes grew in the fresh air.

It should also be noted that there is not just one fresh air, there are a lot of them:

  • forest air
  • steppe
  • nautical
  • mountain
  • leafy air
  • pine
  • meadow
  • apiary

No matter the area or corner, it has its own special fresh air. NORMAL air is not a luxury, but a means of living.

The human body, however, has considerable reserves of adaptation to the air of cities and indoor spaces - stale, poisonous, abnormal. One may wonder how a person can withstand this enormous chronic poisoning.

However, how can I say...

The history of this device goes back to the impenetrable darkness of centuries, when one of our ancestors had the idea to climb into a cave and make a fire there...

Whether for a long time or for a short time, the ape-people sit in a cave covered with a huge stone. Warm, satisfying, cozy. But for some reason, suddenly one of them stands up, staggering, rolling his dim eyes, snorting, coughing and pointing his paw at the stone, and says:

Which meant: it’s become a bit stuffy here, brothers. Let's roll away this stone. Let's take a breath of fresh air.

Two others object to him:

Which meant: nothing, but it’s warm, and the saber-toothed tiger won’t bite, and the paleo-jackal won’t steal our kebab. Sit down, in short, and don’t rock the boat.

And then another ape-man said “uh,” and two more said “y.”

Then the one who first said “y” came up to the stone and rolled it away. But the first two, who objected “eh,” went back. A fight broke out, someone’s ear was bitten off, but this is historically insignificant. The stone still falls off, then falls, but falls more often.

From that time on, the price of loss of fresh air began to be paid for warmth, satiety and safety, and humanity was divided into two irreconcilable parties: heat workers and freshers.

Being a convinced, ideologically and physically seasoned freshman, I cannot continue to lead the story from the standpoint of rotten objectivism. I proclaim: long live fresh air! Down with the cowardly poisonous overheating! Away with stupefying radiators, sources of toxic dust, headaches, heart spasms, sclerosis and - please keep in mind - impotence. Yes, no joke, it has been experimentally proven: an excess of heavy ions.

They stop listening to me, wave their hands, shout “Eh!”, fanatically seal the windows, mechanically turn on the gas, every single burner, full blast. And even an electric fireplace! On the street, you know, North wind, tooth for tooth... Are you really not even enough for these room plus eighteen? It's almost tropical heat! How about you throw off your clumsy skins and have a good dance?..

They huddle and frown. They cover it with foam rubber, cover it with putty, barricade it with mattresses - and not a single, well, not a single crack!

And like this forever and ever. The freshman timidly opens the window; the heater sullenly and resolutely closes it, caulking himself like a badger. The freshener makes a tiny hole - uh? - breathe? The heater notices, mumbles his “eh” inarticulately and shuts it up tighter.

In buses, trains, waiting rooms, cinemas, reading rooms - the dictatorship of thermal workers is everywhere. “Close it, it’s blowing...” And they close it. Without even asking anyone, they close it, with a furious seething of righteousness. And the freshman retreats dejectedly and resigns himself. And he has to breathe what one wise doctor of past times called (you will forgive me for the accuracy of the quotation) the gaseous feces of other people. Yes, and to our own too, unwillingly.

But why, in fact, are skinners obliged to obey? What, they don’t have the same rights? Or just because you are in the minority? But not always in the minority. But even in the warm summer weather, on any street there will certainly be an uncle or auntie who produces a despotic blockage. "The child will catch a cold"

What nonsense! Who said that children catch colds from a fresh breeze, and not from overheating, bad food, lack of normal air and hardening? Who decided that it is easier and safer to endure fetid stuffiness than to endure - and not endure, but simply accept - not even the cold, but some coolness, a breath of freshness?

The point, I think, is also that changes in air quality are not as fast and not as clearly felt as changes in temperature. Skin temperature receptors are superficial and operative in action, but air freshness receptors... That's the trouble. There are almost none of these receptors. We didn’t develop them, we didn’t have time. Indeed, in those distant times, when our sensitivity was developing, the quality of the air was not yet in question: the temperature, humidity, pressure, and something else changed, but the constant freshness of the air was guaranteed, the necessary ions and oxygen were abundant.

In the struggle for satiety and safety, we have learned to distinguish the slightest physical and chemical impurities in the air - odors; but we do not feel the smell of the air itself, its physical chemistry, because it is accepted by the body as a constant background, as constant value. That is why only our well-being - the state of our cells and organs, blood and brain - can serve as a receptor for air freshness.

We manage to get quite poisoned, but still don’t realize what is actually happening. And how can one give oneself this account if it is the very mechanisms of self-reporting, the subtlest, chemically most fragile, most sensitive brain structures that are poisoned first?

Have you noticed how quickly and miraculously city dwellers transform in the fresh air? They become calmer, kinder, and partly even wiser. Did you know that bad air can cause dementia?


  • a man's potency and a woman's intelligence decrease, not to mention her beauty;
  • there are many marital and other conflicts that might not have happened;
  • most childhood diseases occur, and above all the so-called colds;
  • children become nervous, capricious and uncontrollable, do not want to learn and do not learn their lessons; do not expect health, neither physical nor mental, from a child conceived, born, raised in stuffy conditions;
  • adults become irritable and gloomy, lose memory and reasoning, suffer from insomnia, cease to distinguish the essential from the unimportant, lose guidelines for internal values ​​- just as their body becomes stupid at its own level;
  • young people become weak, fall into melancholy and lose the will to live, middle-aged people quickly become elderly, and older people grow old, fall into insanity and die prematurely.

I declare seriously: to deprive a person of fresh air means to execute him with one of the most insidious executions, which means simply suffocating him with stuffiness.

Now I’ll explain why I, a sociable person, don’t like indoor gatherings of any kind. Because it's stuffy there. I don’t believe, I don’t believe in advance in any benefit from communication in a stuffy environment, even if a constellation of super-geniuses gathered around the table. You won't produce good ideas suffocated brains, be calm.

Alas, I am far from the naive thought that all of the above will be able to move the hardened brains of a weakened thermal engineer even by a micron. He reads it, doesn’t understand anything, mutters “eh” and closes the window.

I appeal to you, brothers in mind. Let's not let ourselves be suffocated. We finally realize the immutability of our rights and the sacredness of our duties. The right to fresh air is as sacred as the right to life. Thermal workers will accuse us of maliciously trying to overcool their precious personalities, give their children colds, infect them with pneumonia, etc., they will growl, whine and moan.

Let us be both firm and flexible. Do not give in to those who growl, encourage those who whine, and give in only to those who are moaning, truly chilly, with bad blood vessels and disturbed heat balance. Not a window, but at least half a window, not a window, but half a window.

And we will not limit ourselves to the fight for fresh air in confined spaces; we will launch an offensive against all air polluters, producers of stuffiness and stench.

And let us ourselves, while we are still at least partially sane, take advantage of the fresh air, while there is still some of it on our planet. After all open windows or even the wide open windows in our concrete caves - this is still far from fresh air. And even the balcony and open veranda of a wooden house are not the same, although they are better. And a city street covered with suffocating asphalt is not the same.

Fresh air is living earth, its healing green nakedness, filling the space with magical radiations. Fresh air is gardens, forests and fields, lakes and rivers, mountains and sea.

Clean land and clear sky.

We hear the phrase “being outdoors is good for you” so often that we decided to find out if it really is true. In general, we figured it out - it’s really useful. In this material you will find five confirmations of this.

1. Walking strengthens the immune system

Already in Japan for a long time There is a method that not only helps relieve stress, but also has a positive effect on the immune system. It's called Shinrin-yoku (sinrin-yoku), or forest bathing - literal translation"swimming among the forests" An article prepared by the Japanese Medical School (Nippon Medical School) in Tokyo claims that a walk in the forest can increase the amount of antitumor substances and increase the activity of natural so-called killer cells, which are aimed at destroying tumor cells. So how do you need to “take a bath” in the forest to achieve similar effect? Researchers describe this process as follows: “take a walk in the forest to relax, inhaling deeply the air, which contains special volatile substances called phytoncides ( essential oils trees)". It's all about these phytoncides - they kill and/or suppress the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria.

In addition to reducing stress and strengthening the immune system, the researchers noted that walking in the forest leads to a decrease in the production of the hormone cortisol. On our own behalf, we would like to add that strong the immune system depends on many factors - sports activities, good night, healthy eating etc. Therefore, you should not rush from one extreme to another.

2. Reduce the risk of developing depression

In autumn and winter, many people are covered Bad mood, which can slowly develop into. To prevent this from happening, scientists advise taking walks in the fresh air as often as possible. According to a study at Stanford University, a 90-minute walk in the woods reduces activity in a specific area of ​​the brain that is active when a person experiences negative emotions or depression. Also, the likelihood of depression depends on where you live. Researchers note: those people who live in the city are prone to anxious and affective disorders 20% and 40%, respectively, more than those who live in rural areas. In principle, this is understandable even without various studies - traffic jams, bustle, queues, problems at work. Few people will be able to remain calm and control their emotions, but this can and should be learned. How - we told in.

3. Improve memory and concentration

Do you have a difficult exam coming up soon? Go out into nature if you feel like you can't learn anything else. A study conducted at the University of Michigan found the following: walking through the forest, even in winter, helps improve memory and attention by 20% compared to walking around the city. Additionally, another study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder tend to focus better when they are outdoors.

4. Increase sleep duration

Healthy and deep sleep starts with going outside and meeting the sun. According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, those people who a large number of spend time outdoors and in rooms with natural light, sleep on average 46 minutes more per day. The study also found that in addition to sleep, participants experienced improved mood, were more physically active and were overall happier.

Since childhood, we have heard about how useful it is to be in the fresh air, and now we ourselves say these words to our children, without thinking about what this very “fresh” air is and why it is so useful?

Let's try to figure it out. And first, seven facts about air:

Fact one

Air is a mixture of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), carbon dioxide (normally 0.3%) and several inert gases.

Humans need oxygen to live. After all, 90% of the energy that is produced in our bodies is produced as a result of the combustion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates obtained from food in oxygen. Without this, there will be no energy - and the body will die. That is why, in the absence of oxygen supply, death occurs. And air is its only source.

At the same time, in enclosed spaces (especially in cities) the air consists mostly of carbon dioxide. And if we remember that it accumulates closer to the surface of the earth (floor), it becomes clear: the shorter a person is, the more he suffers from this, the more dangerous it is for him to constantly be in “stale air”. And children also love to play on the floor - where the concentration of carbon dioxide is highest.

Fact two

Carbon dioxide in small doses it is harmless. However, even a three percent concentration in the air causes people significant discomfort, including a feeling of suffocation. A concentration of 5 - 6% can cause fainting and even death. Of course, this happens extremely rarely. However, it is necessary to ventilate rooms as often as possible, especially those in which there are children. This must be done at any time of the year, in any weather. Are you concerned about your children's health? Just take them out of the room you will be ventilating.

Fact three

All people are sensitive to excess levels of carbon dioxide in the air. But especially children under 12 years old. It is on them that he has the greatest impact. strong impact. They are the ones who suffer from it faster increased concentration in the air. Therefore, if you notice that the child is lethargic, absent-minded, and often yawns, try to provide access to fresh air in the room. Perhaps it's all about carbon dioxide.

Fact four

Air has very low thermal conductivity and can absorb large amounts of moisture. Thanks to this, moving air carries away vapors human body, thereby cooling it. And this is necessary to maintain normal temperature, especially in the heat. You need to understand that air is moving only if there is wind or when a person moves.

At the same time, active movements of a person, and even more so of several or many people in a room, contribute to an increase in the respiratory rate, and therefore an increase in the volume of exhaled carbon dioxide. In the air exhaled by people, its content can reach 3 - 5%. And this is already an unsafe amount for us (see Fact Three). Therefore, it is best to move actively - play, play sports - outdoors. And children, who are normally much more active than us adults, especially need regular long walks and a constant flow of fresh air.

Fact five

Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the brain and prevents its aging. American scientists have proven this. After a series of studies, it was found that regular walks in the fresh air increase brain volume by about 2%, while neglecting them reduces it by 1.5%. It would seem like minor changes, but they seriously improve or worsen the quality of life.

Interestingly, those who walk at least three times a week for at least 40 minutes have an increase in those areas of the brain that are responsible for memory. Therefore, “walkers” are much less likely to suffer from age-related memory decline. At the same time, in order to help your brain develop faster or age more slowly, you don’t have to move intensely; regular walks without additional stress are enough. So, if you're not too keen on hanging out with your kids, think about the benefits of being outdoors for both your kids and yourself.

Fact six

Fresh air improves the functioning of several systems in our body. In addition to the brain (see Fact five), it is very necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as organs gastrointestinal tract. Walking in the fresh air is beneficial for both children and adults who have problems with overweight. And the point is not only that during walks the child moves much more than at home, and it is not possible to eat something tasty at the first opportunity. But thanks to fresh air, metabolism improves and the circulatory system activates. Moreover, all this happens in a soft mode, without excessive loads. Besides, hiking strengthen muscles, ligaments, joints and contribute to the formation of correct posture.

Fact seven

Fresh air is for absolutely everyone. Even for those who are sick, doctors recommend ventilating the rooms in which they are located as often as possible. There is no overdose from prolonged exposure to fresh air. Well, perhaps among residents of megacities who suddenly escaped into nature. And they also have “strange” sensations from the fact that there is no usual “gas chamber” around, quickly pass, giving way to good health and the same mood. It is in the fresh air that our strength is restored faster than anywhere else. And neglecting walks is fraught with a decrease in the body’s defenses, physical weakness and even the appearance of the syndrome chronic fatigue.

As you can see, the notorious “fresh air” is really necessary and useful for us. Especially if you use its influence correctly.

Let's walk properly

  • You also need to be able to walk. Our children are often so busy during school year that only very young children and kindergarteners take regular walks, for whom walks are an indispensable part of their daily routine. Schoolchildren’s “walks,” alas, most often consist of short runs between home, school, and various classes and sections. And this is very little. Therefore, try to ensure that children spend as much time as possible outdoors at least on weekends. If possible, choose sports sections whose classes are held not indoors, but outdoors.
  • Although, as has been said, even a sedentary stay in the fresh air is beneficial, it is still better for children to walk as actively as possible. For adults, leisurely walking along the alleys of the park is a wonderful pastime (and even then not for everyone), and for children, decorously following the hand with their mother is usually a martyr's torment, from which they get tired much more than from running, jumping and climbing all over the place. more or less suitable surfaces for this. Parents should be understanding about this arrangement of children and make sure that their children have the opportunity not only to breathe fresh air, but also to move more.
  • Everyone knows about the benefits of sea, mountain and forest air. But even in big city you can find places where you can breathe easier and the air tastes better. And we’re not just talking about parks and squares. Walk with children in yards fenced off from roads tall buildings, there harmful effects exhaust gases are much less than those of highways.
  • Walking is also useful immediately after rain, when the dust is nailed to the ground and the air is saturated with ions.
  • Encourage children to take walks after a heavy meal, before bed, while recovering from illness, etc. In general, from childhood, instill in them the habit of walks, trips to nature, and games in the fresh air. Come up with a common thing that doesn’t allow you to stay inside four walls.
  • If both you and your children are desperate homebodies, and you can’t cope with the established habit of going out only in cases of emergency, . Loving your pet is sure to get you and your kids off the couch. At first, of course, it won’t be easy, but soon you will definitely get used to it, and three daily walks will become a pleasure.

Improving air quality in the apartment

Even if a child walks a lot, he spends much more time indoors. What to do about it?

  • Try to choose for your child whenever possible. kindergarten or a school located away from major roads, in green areas.
  • Ventilate your apartment more often.
  • Don't forget to vacuum and clean your house regularly wet cleaning, even if it seems that the rooms are completely clean.
  • “Place” indoor plants in the nursery and other rooms.
  • Wash the ventilation grilles from time to time so that dust accumulation on them does not interfere with air access.
  • If possible, purchase an air purifier and/or humidifier.

What are air baths and what are they for?

The above-mentioned ability of air to cool the body, doing it as gently as possible, is used in numerous hardening systems. Air baths are beneficial for everyone, even babies, and even more so for older children. And summer - best time to start hardening the children. It is only important to know a few nuances:

  • If a child is often sick, air baths will help him. Moreover, it is better to start taking them not on the street, but in a well-ventilated area.
  • The air temperature in the room where air baths are carried out should be 5 - 7 degrees below comfortable (also called thermoneutral).
  • At a thermoneutral temperature, it is pleasant for a person to be in the room; he does not feel hot, but at the same time there is no desire to get dressed.
  • Children under eight years old do not need to specially lower the temperature in the room for hardening, since for a child five to seven years old the comfortable temperature is 26 - 27 degrees. Those. Hardening occurs already at twenty to twenty-two degrees. And in most of our apartments this is just normal temperature. However, if a child aged eight years and older is often sick or weakened, you can start taking air baths at room temperature.
  • How older child, the lower the comfortable temperature for him. For adults it is 23 - 24 degrees. Therefore, for children over eight years old, ordinary room temperature for hardening is no longer suitable.
  • The air temperature for hardening should be as follows: preschoolers and first-graders - 20 degrees; older children - 19 degrees; adults - 18 degrees and below.
  • It is necessary to take air baths, gradually increasing the time from several minutes for newborns and 25 - 30 minutes for five to six year olds.
  • For children school age Air baths alone are not enough for hardening; a whole range of measures is required. However, there are many benefits from them, so pediatricians advise not to neglect the opportunity to strengthen the child’s body and carry out air baths.

Photo - photobank Lori

Being healthy is always fashionable. And I especially want to be healthy and look good in the spring, when nature itself awakens and everything around blossoms. To do this, it is important not only to eat right and attend sports training. A simple walk in the fresh air will bring enormous benefits. It takes at least 15 minutes for the body to become saturated with oxygen. The most optimal walk should last at least two hours.

People get sick various reasons: weather changes and extremes, daily stress, etc. Many people start using medications and do not take into account the fact that diseases can be prevented if they adhere to a normal lifestyle. Daily walks are a kind of panacea for spring depression, as they relieve irritation and stress.

If you feel tired, anxious, or tired of everyday worries, then only a good walk will help relieve these feelings. Have you ever met someone who returned home unhappy after a walk in the fresh air? The reason for a good mood is released as a result of the combustion of stress hormones when a person moves.

A great mood- this is a pledge wellness. In addition, by walking in nature, you can replenish your body with negative ions, which are so lacking in enclosed spaces equipped with many household appliances, which entails the appearance of physical weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome, and decreased body resistance.

Movement, very necessary for the body, charges him with energy, gives strength. As a result, he becomes more resilient, his immune system is strengthened, and therefore he is less susceptible to diseases. Inhaled fresh air saturates cells required quantity oxygen, which cannot be obtained indoors.

Hiking, jogging, cycling and rollerblading will bring much more benefits if you do it not in a room, but in the open air. Constantly staying in a room, even a well-ventilated one, we deprive ourselves of oxygen.

The benefits of walking in the spring fresh air filled with soft sunlight and the smell of young greenery, is that we inhale clean air. Therefore, during such walks, ventilation doubles, and high oxygen saturation the body has a positive effect on blood circulation. This makes it possible to prevent cardiovascular vascular diseases, has a positive effect on the skin, which, with a lack of oxygen, becomes flabby and yellow.

Walking burns few calories. However, a leisurely walk can replace jumping rope. When breathing quickens, it intensifies its activity circulatory system, i.e. the body feels the same as when jumping rope at a slow pace.

Active movements bring more benefits than sitting in front of the TV or laptop with sandwiches. In addition, while walking in the fresh air, metabolism improves and toxins are eliminated. An excellent addition to such walks would be to eat foods that boost immunity.

exposure to air has a beneficial effect on both the physical and mental state of a person. Scientists say that they are an excellent tool for intellectual development.

If a person takes forty-minute walks (walking, running) three times a week in the fresh air, brain activity becomes more active. Speed ​​and rhythm don't matter. Even walking slowly improves your thinking. And those who lead a sedentary lifestyle face earlier age-related changes in the body, and the thoughts of such people are confused much more often.

For a walk to be beneficial, you need to think about comfortable shoes and clothes (they should not be too warm so as not to sweat, and not too light so as to freeze and catch a cold).

Taking a walk in the fresh air every day can bring great benefits to the body. A feeling of calm and harmony with the world around us brings confidence in one’s own abilities. Take a walk outside the city, in nature. Suitable areas are located away from environmentally unfavorable areas. A park, forest, meadow, river bank, lake, sea are the most ideal options.

Be healthy!

Fresh air has a beneficial effect on all life processes. It improves the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

For this reason, walks in the fresh air are recommended for both adults and children. Doctors are called exact time, which should be done outdoors to maintain good health.

Walking will be useful at any time of the year. The main thing is to dress according to the weather so as not to feel cold or hot. The benefits of fresh air have been proven by scientists for a long time. For this reason, it is very important to set aside time each day to spend outside.

Invite me to join you loved one or a friend to make the walk even more enjoyable. This will provide a wonderful mood and energize you for the whole day.

It is necessary to choose the right time of day. For some, being in the fresh air will be healthy morning, and for some - in the evening.

Fresh air is essential for good health. For example, the Japanese believe that you should spend a lot of time outside every day. During a walk, as they believe in Japan, you should take at least 10,000 steps. According to residents of this amazing Asian country, this is the key to human health.

American experts note that you need to take walks. They believe that it is necessary to stay in the fresh air for at least one hour, and it is better to double this time.

During this time you should take at least 5000 steps. Today there are smart bracelets with a pedometer function. If you are going to improve physical fitness, we recommend purchasing such a useful accessory.

Fresh air useful at any time. But one thing worth noting important feature people suffering from allergies. The concentration of allergens is highest in the morning. Of course, there are benefits from contact with substances causing allergies, is doubtful.

For this reason, allergy sufferers should walk in evening time or during the day, if the temperature outside is comfortable.

If there are no manifestations of allergies, you can choose any convenient time to stay in the fresh air.

The benefits will be greater if you combine walking in the fresh air with physical exercise.

It could be a run morning work-out, exercises on the horizontal bar. Exercise will speed up gas exchange in the body. In addition, exercise will strengthen the heart muscle. It has been scientifically proven that physical exercise reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases. Exercise will strengthen your muscles and stay in great shape.

The benefits of fresh air

Scientists have long established that fresh air is very good for health. It consists of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen. The air that is indoors has a higher percentage of carbon dioxide. The benefit of fresh air is precisely that it contains more oxygen.

Walking and working in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on the body. This effect is achieved due to high content in the lower layer of the oxygen atmosphere.

It is vital for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. The benefit is that all cells are saturated with oxygen, due to which they begin to function better.

It is believed that a lack of oxygen supply to all tissues of the body is one of the reasons for the development of cancer.

If you choose the right place for a walk, you can also improve your body’s health. The fact is that the air in forest areas is rich in phytoncides.

It should be noted that phytoncides are produced by the following trees:

  • fir;
  • poplar;
  • juniper;
  • eucalyptus.

People who live near the forest are very lucky. If you live within the boundaries of a large metropolis, try to think of places for walks in parks and squares where trees and bushes grow. Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on nervous system. At this time, everyone can relax and forget about everyday problems.

It is very important for expectant mothers to walk at least two hours a day. This significantly reduces the threat of development oxygen starvation in the fetus. Scientists name another positive factor staying on the street.

Ultraviolet rays and friction particulate matter lead to the appearance of a negative charge on oxygen molecules. Carbon dioxide, on the contrary, acquires a positive charge.

The benefits of negatively charged oxygen increase several times. Unfortunately, there are very few negatively charged oxygen particles indoors.

Regardless of age, walking in the fresh air is beneficial for everyone. Dr. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, who enjoys the authority of his parents, argues that one should be outside as long as possible.

He says that even a one and a half month old child is better adapted to being in the fresh air than to being in a room where there are particles of dust, molecules chemicals for cleaning, and where air exchange is disrupted.

Fresh air reduces the likelihood of illness several times respiratory infections, provides normal work lungs, improves immunity, is the key to good mood and well-being.

If you are faced with a choice - go for a walk or spend time in front of the monitor or TV, be sure to choose the first option. We guarantee that your body will say “Thank you!”