What is the tallest house on earth. Where is the tallest house in the world?

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Man has created many interesting and unusual buildings in the world. Some stand out for their beauty and grace, some for their purpose, and some for their size. I wonder what is the largest house in the world? Below we will touch on both commercial and private buildings.

We can say that this is a whole city located in one building. The tallest building on the planet is located in Dubai, and there are not only shops and cafes, but also entire parks.

Construction of the building was completed in 2010 under the leadership of Samsung. The project was developed by American architects.

Moreover, the height was kept secret until the very end, while simultaneously controlling the appearance of other similar houses in the world. After all, from the very beginning it was planned that the Burj Khalifa would become the tallest tower in the world.

The height of the structure is 828 meters. It resembles a giant asymmetrical stalagmite. Moreover, asymmetry plays not only a decorative, but also a practical role - it makes the building more resistant to wind.

Inside you can find a parking lot for 3 thousand cars, a hotel that occupies 39 floors, offices, private apartments, nightclubs and even a mosque and an observatory. And the top floor was completely bought by the Indian billionaire Shetty.

The second tallest building on the planet, unfortunately, has already collapsed (but until 2010 it was still listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest building ever built). Then it was overtaken by the Burj Khalifa.

It was a triangle of steel pipes connected by guy wires and equipped with insulators against high current. This entire structure weighed 80,000 kg. To power the radio tower, a separate substation was built.

In 1991, when one of the above-mentioned guy wires was being replaced, a collapse occurred - the mast bent and then burst in the center. I had to temporarily use an old radio transmitter, also located near Warsaw.

This incredibly beautiful and elegant skyscraper was built over many years - from 1993 to 2015. But now this building, which has 121 floors, is one of the main attractions of the city.

Like many other skyscrapers, the Shanghai Tower is reserved for office space, cafes, shops, conference rooms and entertainment complexes, as well as a 5-star hotel.

Business is booming in China, and the construction of such a building was one of the ways to at least partially satisfy the demand for business premises. Thanks to this, almost immediately after its opening, the tower became the city's financial center, as well as an area where free trade flourishes.

This is a huge skyscraper with a clock located in Saudi Arabia, namely in Mecca, where Muslims make pilgrimages. Abraj Al-Beit is the heaviest structure on the planet and also has the largest clock.

The main purpose of the magnificent building is as a hotel for pilgrims, because a huge number of them arrive here every year. The building will also be equipped with an impressive parking lot and a shopping center.

England is rich in castles, but perhaps the most famous among them is this one. The building is not very tall, but it is the largest house in the world in terms of area. He stands on a hill, as if surveying the surrounding landscapes.

The total area of ​​the residence is 46,000 sq.m., and there are more than 1,000 living rooms inside. Many generations of British kings have lived here since the 11th century, when William the Conqueror had the idea to build a house on such a strategically advantageous place.

However, Windsor Castle was made the most important royal residence only during the reign of Elizabeth. All monarchs loved to spend their free time there.

The largest private houses in the world

This section lists mansions and other residential buildings that are not owned by companies, but by private owners.

It is the official residence of the Sultan of Brunei and is also an important tourist site. The government of the country also sits here. Almost every day, various events take place on the territory of the castle - either celebrating the Sultan’s birthday or proclaiming the Crown Prince.

Ordinary people are allowed there only twice a year - on the general Muslim holidays of Hari Raya and Ramadan. During this period, more than 100,000 residents of the country visit the palace, where they are given coupons for food and children's clothing.

It’s hard to believe, but this Indian skyscraper is also designed for one person, or rather, one family. This is how Mukesh Ambani fulfilled his cherished dream. Antilla has 27 floors, where you can find everything your heart desires.

This includes a garage with a capacity of 160 cars, hanging gardens, personal car service, helipads, a gym, and much more. The billionaire invited the Prime Minister of India himself to his housewarming party.

Total construction costs were $77 million, 70 times more than originally planned. The owner assures that his home has surpassed the Palace of Versailles in terms of the total area of ​​rooms.

This estate is located in Long Island, USA. It belongs to American businessman Ira Rene. The total area of ​​the giant villa is more than 25 hectares, and a spacious strip of beach adjoins the house.

Inside the mansion you can find almost 40 wine rooms, three dozen bedrooms, several sports fields and many other facilities that make a family vacation comfortable.

By the way, local residents at first thought that a hotel or sanatorium was being built here, so everyone was surprised when they found out that it was just a private house.


No, we are not talking about the Palace of Versailles in France, but about an unfinished mansion in Florida (USA). The owner of this villa is a big fan of the French palace, which is why he has already invested 100 million dollars in his brainchild.

Today, this building near Lake Butler is the largest private home in the United States. Its 8,300 square meters area includes 23 bathrooms, 11 kitchens, 13 bedrooms and a huge number of auxiliary rooms.

The house has literally everything for a good time - a cinema, six swimming pools, a bowling alley, even an ice skating rink. There is a tennis court, baseball field, and a garage for 20 cars. One can only guess how many millions will be required annually to maintain all this splendor.

The largest mansions in Russia

Our compatriots do not lag behind foreign ambitious people. Just look at what kind of houses there are in the vastness of the Russian Federation.

In the premium cottage village "Meiendorf Gardens" near Moscow, there is a three-story house with an area of ​​up to 2,600 square meters. Like other houses in the village, it is made in a classical palace style.

And two kilometers from the capital there is a luxurious art deco mansion with an area of ​​2.8 hectares. It has a garage for 14 cars, servants' quarters, a huge dining room, and several dressing rooms.

Even if it seems that the owners of the listed houses are simply showing off, trying to show off their wealth to everyone, in fact, perhaps they are thinking farsightedly. After all, it’s hard to argue that real estate is a good and reliable investment.

The construction of high-rise buildings in Moscow has long been a “sore topic” for citizens: just as now projects for new skyscrapers give rise to a bunch of disputes about the permissible building height, so before the Revolution, Muscovites differently accepted the prospect of walking under the walls of five-, six-, and then ( oh, horror!) eight-story buildings. And if some show concern for the historical appearance of the city and the comfort of living in it, then others are quite ready to sacrifice it out of good intentions: after all, the higher the houses grow, the more technologically advanced their design and construction should be, the more intensively new technologies should develop.

One way or another, regardless of the views of city residents, buildings worthy of being called skyscrapers have long ceased to be a curiosity for Moscow and have taken a significant place in the appearance of the modern capital.

Moscow has always stretched upward: first with the bell towers of temples and churches (in some areas of the city they still remain significant high-rise dominants), then, with the development of capitalism in Russia, the bell towers were replaced by apartment buildings, the owners of which sought to squeeze maximum profit from the city land available to them, with the advent of the new government, those same ones were replaced by the results of Soviet achievements, the apotheosis of which was the construction of the famous Stalinist high-rise buildings. Seven high-rise buildings built in the 1940-1950s for a long time had no equal in height among the capital's high-rise buildings, and the main building of Moscow State University on Vorobyovy Gory remained the tallest building in Moscow until 2003, when it was replaced by a residential complex that had reached its design height." Triumph Palace". The new leader did not last very long - after a couple of years he began to be overtaken by the skyscrapers of the Moscow City International Business Center, the construction of which began in 1995 and is still ongoing. And in 1998, the city even adopted a whole program - “New Moscow Ring”, which envisaged the construction of 60 new skyscrapers in different areas of the city by 2015; The project was repeatedly subjected to serious criticism, objects were constantly revised and excluded, and to date it has actually failed: only a few buildings have been built within its framework.

With or without problems, Moscow is still reaching upward: every now and then rumors appear about new ambitious projects, and those that turned out to be more than just rumors are being built at an accelerated pace. Today, places on the high-rise pedestal of Moscow are occupied by buildings of various styles, purposes and even eras.

#1: MIBC "Moscow City": 374 meters ("Federation Tower")

#2: Residential complex "Triumph Palace": 264.1 meters The second tallest building in the capital was a residential skyscraper with a height of 264.1 meters. After the installation of the spire, the building became the tallest residential skyscraper in Europe, which was recorded by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records on December 20, 2003. The towers of the Moscow City International Business Center at that time were just beginning to rise above the ground, and for some time the Triumph Palace was the tallest building in Moscow.

To install the spire on top of the Triumph Palace, a unique operation was carried out: several sections of the disassembled structure were lifted up using helicopters.

The architecture of the building deserves attention. The project was developed by the TROMOS Architectural and Design Bureau, and in its appearance the skyscraper is reminiscent of the famous Stalinist high-rises built in Moscow in the mid-20th century:

“During the period when Moscow was overgrown with cubes and turrets, the majestic Triumph Palace rose on the Sokol. The concept of a high-rise in the style of the 50s did not appear immediately; first, a complex of buildings was conceived on this site. And only then did we approach the solution in a different way.


The building was built in the traditions of the monumental style of the capital's seven high-rise buildings. Compositionally, the Triumph Palace consists of a high stylobate and 9 sections located on it. Natural light stone and ceramic tiles were used in the decoration of the facades. Vertical stained glass windows on the facades look impressive, thanks to which the apartments are filled with light.”

Chief architect of APB TROMOS, author of the project Andrey Trofimov

Indeed, to many, Triumph Palace seems very similar to one of Stalin’s skyscrapers, some even get confused. However, the confusion is more likely due to ignorance, since the building does not have much in common with Stalin’s high-rise buildings.

#3: the main building of Moscow State University on Vorobyovy Gory: 240 meters

For a good half of a century it was the tallest building in Moscow: built in 1949-1953, it held this place of honor until 2003, when the Triumph Palace was built - exactly 50 years.

The university building has an impressive height of 240 meters, but looks incredibly light; and no wonder - outstanding architects of those times worked on its project: B.M. Iofan, P.V. Abrosimov, S.E. Chernyshev, L.V. Rudnev, V.N. Nasonov, A.F. Khryakov. And not only architects - Stalin himself had a hand in the construction of the university, approving the number of floors and the height of the spire. The spire is crowned with a huge star.

They say that peregrine falcons nest on the building of Moscow State University: the proximity of the Vorobyovy Gory nature reserve gives them the opportunity to get food, and the high-rise building itself resembles a rock - a natural habitat.

From a distance the building really looks like a rock. A large symmetrical rock.

#4: Residential complex "House on Mosfilmovskaya": 213 meters

Residential complex "House on Mosfilmovskaya", built according to the design of architect S.A. Skuratov in 2004-2011, became the winner of many architectural awards, but he is best known to Muscovites for the scandal with “extra” floors: in 2010, the authorities discovered as many as 22 extra floors in a building under construction (almost half of the building) and decided to dismantle everything unnecessary. Later, the number of extra floors was reduced to 6, and for a long time, while negotiations and proceedings were ongoing, the house, ready in other parts, stood with an unlined concrete top. In 2011, it became known that the skyscraper would be completed and nothing would be broken.

In December 2011, “House on Mosfilmovskaya” was finally put into operation.

#5: Hotel "Ukraine": 206 meters

The second tallest Stalinist skyscraper, , built in 1953-1957. It is believed that the hotel received this name in honor of the homeland of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev: Stalin died in 1953, and the post of First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee just passed to him. Interestingly, at the time of construction, "Ukraine" was the largest hotel in Europe.

The hotel building is decorated with Soviet symbols and even by today's standards it looks simply luxurious. The architectural appearance of “Ukraine” was carried out by A.G. Mordvinov, V.K. Oltarzhevsky, V.G. Kalish and P.A. Krasilnikov.

#6: Residential complex "Tricolor": 192 meters

, located on Prospekt Mira very close to the Rostokinsky aqueduct, painted in the colors of the Russian flag - this is, as it says on website of the construction company LLC "GRM", elevates the object to the rank of attraction. The statement is controversial, since the colors on the facades are arranged in random order, but this did not prevent the buildings of the residential complex from becoming a new and very bright dominant feature of Prospekt Mira.

The Tricolor residential complex consists of 3 residential buildings (2 of 58 floors and one of 38 floors) and an office building, united by a stylobate.

The building was designed by TPO "Reserve" under the direction of architect Vladimir Plotkin.

#7: Residential complex "Sparrow Hills": 188.2 meters

The Vorobyovy Gory residential complex, which was built from 2001 to 2005, consists of 7 buildings of different heights (from 17 to 48 floors), built on a five-level stylobate. Low-rise buildings did not receive a place in the ranking of the tallest buildings in Moscow, but 3 high towers were thoroughly included in it. This is understandable even without exact numbers: the buildings topped with characteristic stepped roofs, located at one of the highest points of the city, are visible from many and have become a familiar detail of the city landscape.

#8: Residential complex "Continental": 184 meters

The Continental residential complex was built in 2007-2011 as part of the New Ring of Moscow program. The 48-story high-rise building is located on Marshal Zhukov Avenue, in a picturesque location not far from the Novikov-Priboy embankment, Serebryany Bor and the Zhivopisny Bridge, which opened in December 2007.

#9: Residential complex "Scarlet Sails": 179 meters

Without exaggeration, the Scarlet Sails residential complex can be called a legendary and iconic object in the residential development of modern Moscow.

The construction of a luxury residential complex was accompanied by loud scandals, mainly related to its proximity to the Moscow River: they were either afraid that the houses would certainly slide into the water, or they accused the owners of seizing the embankment. As a result, the first has long been forgotten (it’s already been 10 years since the first building was commissioned, but it still hasn’t moved), but the second has recently been remembered more and more often: the fact is that Article 6 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that the coastal strip 20 meters wide along public water bodies should be publicly accessible, but the embankment in front of “Scarlet Sails” is closed to access by outsiders - mentions of this have recently begun to reappear in the press and blogs of human rights activists, once again fueling the scandal around the residential complex.

The first building was commissioned back in 2003, the last, the construction of which was announced after the completion of the first stage, was completed in 2015.

The author of the project is Andrey Trofimov, chief architect of the TROMOS Architectural and Design Bureau.

#10: Residential complex "Edelweiss": 176 meters

The Edelweiss residential complex closes the top ten tallest buildings in Moscow: like the Continental, it was built as part of the New Ring of Moscow program, only much earlier - construction took place from 2000 to 2003.

The 43-story high-rise building is decorated with turrets that give it a resemblance to a castle - thanks to this architectural detail, the building became popularly known as “Count Dracula’s castle.”

Thus, quantitatively, the list of the tallest buildings in Moscow for 2016 is dominated by residential complexes built over the past decade and a half. This is symbolic and exciting, because these years are the very beginning of the 21st century, and it turns out that, in a sense, these buildings “opened” our century.

In addition to 7 residential complexes, the list included 3 objects that became symbols of their eras: the Ukraine Hotel and the Moscow State University building on Vorobyovy Gory, built in the middle of the last century, and the towers of the MIBC Moscow City, built in our time. Both Stalin's skyscrapers and the business center are large and very large-scale projects of their time.

Briefly and without pictures, the list of the tallest buildings in Moscow looks like this:

1. MIBC "Moscow City" - "Federation Tower": 374 meters (95 floors);
2. Residential complex "Triumph Palace": 264.1 meters (57 floors);
3. Main building of Moscow State University: 240 meters (36 floors);
4. Residential complex "House on Mosfilmovskaya": 213 meters (54 floors);
5. Hotel "Ukraine": 206 meters (34 floors);
6. Residential complex "Tricolor": 192 meters (58 floors);
7. Residential complex "Sparrow Hills": 188.2 meters (48 floors);
8. Residential complex "Continental": 184 meters (48 floors);
9. Residential complex "Scarlet Sails": 179 meters (48 floors);
10. Residential complex "Edelweiss": 176 meters (43 floors).

The exact number of meters required for a building to be considered a skyscraper is a controversial issue, but the most common opinion is that a skyscraper is characterized by a height of 150 meters or higher, with skyscrapers exceeding 300 meters being considered super-tall. Thus, the high-rise TOP-10 of Moscow consists entirely of skyscrapers, led by super-tall skyscrapers as part of the Moscow City International Business Center.

In modern megacities, more and more skyscrapers are growing every year (photos of some of them are presented in this article). After all, they are not just beautiful and stylish, but also compact. They also allow you to save a huge amount of space, which is simply necessary today.

Skyscrapers (photo attached) come in a wide variety of shapes and types. And if previously they were built on the American continent, today these high-rise buildings are conquering more and more Russian cities. An apartment in such a building is expensive and is available only to people with high status and income. In general, skyscrapers are an ideal place for romantic urbanists: a huge city at a glance. And what a view at night!

As you already understood, tall buildings are not uncommon today. But what is the tallest skyscraper in Russia? What kind of building is this and where is it located? This is what remains to be found out now. So, here is a list of the tallest buildings in Russia today.

"Constitution Tower"

Let's start from the end. Or rather, from the tenth line of the rating. This is the Constitution Tower. Its other name is Leader Tower. The skyscraper is located on Constitution Square. Hence the corresponding name. Construction began in 2009. The finished building was commissioned only in 2013.

Leader Tower is a 42-story tower reaching 142 meters in height. The skyscraper became the first building that surpassed the city's dominant landmark, the Peter and Paul Cathedral, in height.


Ninth place in the ranking of “The Tallest Skyscrapers in Russia” is occupied by a huge complex located in the center of Grozny on the shore. Its name is “Grozny City”. The total area of ​​the complex occupies five hectares of land. And its height reaches 145 meters.

"Grozny City" consists of seven skyscrapers. This includes a five-star hotel, office and shopping centers, as well as residential buildings. The tallest building (Phoenix Tower) has forty floors, the lowest - eighteen. The complex contains (on the roof of the office tower), two-tier areas for cars, as well as cafes and swimming pools.

In 2014, construction began on the Grozny City 2 building. It is planned to erect a 400-meter building. Then it will undoubtedly be the tallest skyscraper in Russia.


An elite high-rise building called “Vysotsky” was built in November 2011 in the city of Yekaterinburg. The authors of the project specially timed its opening to coincide with the release of the feature film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". At the opening the chief guest was His family, who officially gave permission for the building to “bear their name.”

The 54-story building reaches a height of 188.3 meters. This is the tallest skyscraper in Russia outside of Moscow. In 2012, an observation deck was opened here, from which you can admire the beauty of the city.

House on Mosfilmovskaya

Well, the tallest buildings in Russia are, undoubtedly, the skyscrapers of Moscow. And in seventh place in the ranking is the House on Mosfilmovskaya. This is not just a house, but a whole complex consisting of two towers of different heights. The tower that is lower reaches 132 meters, and the one that is higher reaches 213 meters. They are connected to each other by a low section.

The house on Mosfilmovskaya is a residential complex, a shopping center, an office building, and an underground parking lot for more than a thousand cars. In 2012, it beat out other skyscrapers in Russia and was recognized as the “House of the Year”.

Imperia Tower

The Imperia Tower complex is located in the Moscow international business center “Moscow City”. It is divided into two towers - "West" and "Federation". The first building was put into operation in November 2013. It consists of sixty floors and reaches a height of 242.4 meters. There are residential areas, a hotel and shopping centers, as well as a huge parking lot, car washes and service centers for cars.

The second tower, the Federation complex, is currently under construction. Commissioning is planned for the end of 2015. Upon completion of construction, these skyscrapers will become the tallest buildings in not only our country, but also Europe. According to the project, the highest point will be 373.3 meters. The complex will house luxury residential and office apartments.

"Triumph Palace"

"Triumph Palace" is made in the classic Stalinist style, lined with ceramics, granite, marble and travertine. The building is located in an elite area: the front entrance of the high-rise building faces directly onto and is surrounded by a park area.

The last three floors of the Triumph Palace building are occupied by an elite hotel complex with the same name. It is considered the tallest hotel in Europe. Each hotel room is decorated in the style of one of the world's cities.

Embankment Tower

The top three tallest buildings are opened by a complex consisting of three towers, located in the Moscow City business center. Three skyscrapers: tower A (85 meters high), B (135.7 meters) and the tallest, tower C (268 meters).

The last building was put into operation at the end of 2009. At that time, it bypassed all the skyscrapers in Moscow in height. The construction of the “City of Capitals” has not yet been completed.

"City of Capitals"

Second place in the ranking is occupied by the City of Capitals complex and the Eurasia Tower in the foreground. The tower reaches 309 meters in height. Its construction ended in 2014. “Eurasia” is made in a classical style with modern elements. A small triangular bay window is attached to the main building. All forty-three floors of the tower are occupied by office apartments. In addition, the building contains a swimming pool, retail shops, and parking for a thousand cars.

The Capital City complex is located in the center of Moscow City and consists of two skyscrapers: the 76-story Moscow and the 69-story St. Petersburg. The towers are connected to each other by an 18-story extension that houses office centers. Construction of the complex began in 2003, then was frozen for two years to change the design concept. At the end of 2009, the official opening took place. Until January 1, 2012, the “City of Capitals” skyscraper complex was considered the tallest in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

"Mercury City Tower"

The tallest skyscraper in Russia is the Mercury City Tower. It is located in the Moscow City International Business Center. Construction began in 2005 and ended in 2013. The height of the skyscraper is 338.8 meters. This allows it to be considered the tallest building in Europe. Mercury City Tower beat its predecessor, the London rival The Shard, by 33 meters. By the way, the English skyscraper held the status of the tallest building in Europe for only four months. The authorship belongs to the famous American architect Frank Williams and the equally famous Russian Mikhail Posokhin.

Mercury City consists of 75 floors above ground and 5 underground. There are luxury residential apartments, A+, a hotel, a huge parking lot, shopping and entertainment centers, a sauna and fitness clubs.

By the way, the title of the tallest skyscraper in Europe for the Mercury City building is already under threat. In 2012, construction of the Lakhta Center began in the northern capital. According to the project, its height will be 462.7 meters. This will allow the St. Petersburg resident to bypass Mercury and himself receive the coveted title of the highest in Europe.

Burj Khalifa is the main attraction of Dubai. This is one of the world's record-breaking buildings, located in the United Arab Emirates. Firstly, it is the tallest building created in the entire history of mankind, secondly, it is the building with the largest number of floors, and, finally, the most expensive building in the world.

And this would seem like something completely unheard of and unprecedented if the Emirates had not surprised the world earlier by building the largest singing fountain, the most prestigious area with the largest artificially created beaches and canals, the most exclusive metro and much, much more, the most diverse and unusual. The skyscraper rises 828 meters high, the number of floors of the building is more than 160. And the total cost of the structure is more than one and a half billion dollars. By the way, controversy and rumors surrounded the Burj Khalifa all the time before the opening of the skyscraper. About height, for example. Initially, it was assumed that the 705 m high tower project would be a modified project of the Australian “Grollo Tower” (560 m). The project managers said that the height would in any case be more than 700 m (that is, the Burj Khalifa, after completion of construction, in any case, would become the tallest structure on Earth). In September 2006, rumors spread to society about the final height of 916 m, and then even 940 m. But still, the final height was 828 meters with 163 floors (not including technical levels).

Clickable 1900 px

The city of Dubai in the UAE, for many centuries it was a small trading port where fish and pearls were caught in the coastal waters of the Persian Gulf. In recent decades, the city's wealth has risen sharply thanks to the discovery of oil and the desire of its rulers to turn Dubai into a business center. In 2003, two hundred skyscrapers had already been built or were under construction. And then the Emir of Dubai, Mohammed ibn Rashid, gave a simple order - to build the tallest building in the world. The construction of the tallest building begins with digging a hole, a very large hole.

Several months have passed since Dubai-based developer Emaar signed a contract with Chicago-based SOM. Oddly enough, this building does not have a foundation firmly anchored in the rocky ground. Here in the desert you won't find as much stone as in New York or other geological areas. We used hanging piles. These piles were screwed into sand and soft rock, and their load-bearing capacity was determined by their diameter and length. These are 45-meter piles, approximately one and a half meters in diameter. In total, we screwed in about 200 of these piles, says one of the project architects.

The skyscraper construction project included the construction of a so-called “city within a city” - its territory had its own parks, boulevards, and lawns. The total cost of the tower construction project was about one and a half billion dollars.

The author of the Burj Khalifa tower project was an architect from the USA, Adrian Smith, who had sufficient experience in designing similar structures. For example, Smith was directly involved in the design of the Jin Mao skyscraper, located in China, whose height is more than 400 meters. The construction division of Samsung from South Korea was chosen as the general contractor for the construction, which had previously participated in the construction of similar facilities, for example, the famous Petronas Twin Towers located in Malaysia.

Construction of the tallest skyscraper in the world was carried out quite quickly. Every week the building became 1-2 floors higher. After the 160th floor was built, concrete work stopped and assembly of the giant 180-meter spire from metal structures began. Construction of the skyscraper lasted for 5 years.

According to the project, 108 floors are allocated for residential premises: a luxury hotel is located on 37 of them, and ordinary apartments are located on the remaining floors. Although it’s hard to call apartments built in the most expensive and tallest skyscraper in the world “ordinary”! As noted above, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper is completely autonomous. To provide energy for such a large-scale structure, an equally large 61-meter turbine is used. In addition, numerous solar panels placed on the walls of the tower help provide the building with energy.

Despite its size, the building is well designed and protected, so in the event of a fire, complete evacuation takes only about half an hour!

The Sheikh of Dubai talks about plans to build the tallest building in the world Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, first announced in 2002. The tower was to become a key element of the new area, designed to attract tourists from all over the world to Dubai. The developer of the tower was a Dubai company Emaar, general contractor - South Korean Samsung Engineering. The tower was originally called Burj Dubai, from the Arabic Dubai Tower, but the completion of the project coincided with the global financial crisis and Dubai was forced to turn to the neighboring emirate of Abu Dhabi for help. In gratitude for the multi-billion dollar support received, the skyscraper was renamed in honor of the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi:“From now on and forever, this tower will bear the name “Khalifa” - “Burj Khalifa.”

In the outlines of the foundation one can see the outlines of the desert pancrat flower. This form facilitates the construction of buildings several hundred meters high. And when construction had already begun, lead architect George Estafio and his client made a bold decision - to increase the height of the building from the original 550, which exceeded the tallest Taipei Tower at that time (509.2 meters) by only a few meters, and not just increase, but almost doubled.

After laying the foundation, the tower began to grow rapidly. Work on site took place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There were about 100 designers, architects, and engineers, and up to 12,000 workers worked on the site every day.
Every three days a new floor appeared. But the higher you go, the more problems there are. And the main one is the wind. It is impossible to build a single tower of such height and uniform shape. Then the effect of the wind will be too strong, the vibrations will become too significant.

The terraces were built according to a certain pattern, rising in a spiral. The shape of the building is asymmetrical. This way the wind creates less vibration of buildings and as it rises the asymmetry changes, but also creeps up.
When you build the tallest building in the world, every centimeter counts. When pouring concrete, engineers needed to know where the center of the building would be, and with constant movement it is not easy to calculate it. The contractor installed 3 different devices GPS on the ground and another one at the very top of the building.
The building's exterior panels presented a major challenge to engineers. The glass had to reflect heat but transmit light. It should also be water-, wind- and dust-proof. About 200 of these panels were required for each floor.

During construction, the creators took into account literally everything - from the high temperatures in the Arabian sun to the angle of incidence of light into the premises of the tower. The building is equipped with special solar protection and reflective glass panels that reduce the heating of the rooms inside (temperatures in Dubai reach 50°C), reducing the need for air conditioning. Well, for air conditioning in the skyscraper, a convection system is used, driving air from bottom to top along the entire height of the tower, and sea water and underground cooling modules will be used for cooling. A special brand of concrete was created especially for the Burj Khalifa - such concrete is heat-resistant and does not deform under the scorching sun of the United Arab Emirates. By the way, the skyscraper will completely independently generate electricity for its own use: for this there will be a 61-meter wind-driven turbine and an array of solar panels (some of them are located on the walls of the tower).

The entire building project costs more than one and a half billion dollars - a huge amount, albeit for a highly developed country at this stage. Due to problems with financing the construction of the Burj Khalifa, the official opening of the skyscraper was postponed from September 9, 2009 (this date was originally planned - the opening date of the Dubai metro) to January 2010.

The Burj Khalifa project was created according to the idea of ​​a “city within a city”. The building is surrounded by adjacent roads, convenient parking spaces, private lawns, boulevards and parks. In addition, the high-rise building hosts independent sponsored entertainment for young people and business people. Once again, a new site in the Khalifa Building is open for business. In addition to the hotel located on the first 37 floors, as well as luxury apartments between the 45th and 108th floors, most of the floors are still given over to office areas and business premises. Spacious, comfortable and air-conditioned rooms for meetings and presentations today attract business people from all over the world, which once again brings Dubai to the level of the business capital of the world - since almost every complex of buildings that open every year has a corner, so to speak, investor. The 123rd and 124th floors are equipped with an observation deck. Thousands of tourists who come here every year say that the sensations cannot be expressed in words - it is so breathtaking and filled with wonder, how could a person create such a thing!

In Arabic, "burj" means "tower".

The creators of the Dubai skyscraper also claim that the distinctive feature of the building is the highest residential floor and an observation deck located on the 124th floor. In the skyscraper, which can be seen from a distance of 90 kilometers, 57 elevators of the world's fastest system, the cabins move at a speed of 18 meters per second. There is also an autonomous power supply system - a 60-meter wind turbine and huge solar panels. The tower has a modern design, but its architecture also shows the influence of Islamic traditions.

According to the designers, the building is resistant to strong wind loads and can also withstand an earthquake. "We were struck by lightning twice, last year we felt the echoes of a powerful earthquake in Iran. In addition, during construction we experienced all possible types of wind. The results are good," Mohamed Ali Alabbar told the BBC. head of Emaar Properties, which built the tower.

Some of the apartments in the skyscraper were sold at a price of 24.3 thousand dollars per sq.m., but now their price has dropped by about half. The project, which has demonstrated resilience to natural disasters, did not remain unaffected by the global financial crisis. According to analysts, there will be especially many problems with the rental of office space in Burj Dubai, since fewer and fewer companies can afford such luxury.

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The opening ceremony of the skyscraper was timed to coincide with the fourth anniversary of the reign of the current Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashed Al Maktoum, in the emirate of Dubai, who came to power on January 4. At the ceremony, the sheikh renamed the skyscraper, which was known as Burj Dubai during construction, to Burj Khalifa, dedicating it to the President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. “From now on and forever, this tower will be called Khalifa - Burj Khalifa,” he said.

Sheikh Khalifa is also the emir of Abu Dhabi, which has allocated $10 billion to Dubai to help pay off debt obligations, including to support the investment company Dubai World.

The long-awaited opening of the legendary building took place with fireworks and festive concerts. The event was amazing in its incredible scope - the public saw the promised fireworks, theatrical performances, and a laser show. The list of honored guests invited to the opening ceremony included six thousand people. Others were able to watch a tour of the building on huge screens installed on the streets or on television. In total, the opening ceremony was broadcast on television and was watched by more than two billion people around the world.

From the first to the 39th floors of the building are occupied by the Armani Hotel. Above are office and technical premises, as well as individual apartments. In addition, there are special observation floors that serve as a high-altitude observatory. The 180-meter spire houses special communications equipment. Burj Khalifa (Burj Dubai) boasts 65 double-decker elevators. True, you will have to make several transfers on the way up or on the way down. From the first to the very last floor there is only one technical elevator. By the way, the Burj Khalifa elevator system is the fastest in the world, as the elevators reach speeds of up to 18 meters per second.

Here are some technical specifications of the Burj Khalifa:
— Style: Modernism
— Materials: structures - reinforced concrete, steel; facade - stainless steel, aluminum, glass.
— Purpose: office and retail space, residential real estate and hotel.
— Height: 828 meters.
— Floors: 164 (including two underground floors).
— Area: 3595100 sq. m.
— The highest observation deck is located at an altitude of 442.10 m.
- The Armani Hotel (the first of its kind) will occupy the lower 37 floors.
— From the 45th to the 108th floor there are about 700 apartments.
— The remaining floors will contain office and retail space.

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Interesting facts about Burj Khalifa:
— The skyscraper has the world's fastest 57 elevators. They are designed to serve their group of visitors to the Burj Khalifa - staff and attendants, cargo, office workers, visitors and residents of the building, VIPs.
— From the 124th floor, two-story observation elevators operate - they accommodate from 12 to 14 people. The ascent speed is 10 meters per second.
— To build the tower, 330,000 cubic meters of concrete and 31,400 tons of steel reinforcement were required.
— The tower is located in the center of an artificial lake
— The Burj Khalifa has several recreational areas for visitors to relax - fitness and spa are located on the 43rd, 76th, 123rd floors, and swimming pools (the highest in the world), rooms for relaxation and other events are located on the 43rd and 76th floors.

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— The shape of the building plan (three rays emanating from the center) is based on a desert flower bud growing in this region.
— The highest residential floor is 109.
— The highest observation deck is located on the 124th floor.
— The depth of the foundation piles is more than 50 meters.
— The building’s water supply system uses recycled rainwater (about_0 rain in the desert?)
— The tower will independently generate electricity for itself: for this, a 61-meter turbine rotated by the wind will be used, as well as an array of solar panels (partially located on the walls of the tower) with a total area of ​​about 15 thousand m².
— The building is equipped with special sun protection and reflective glass panels that will reduce the heating of the rooms inside (in Dubai there are temperatures of up to 50 °C). For air conditioning in the skyscraper, a convection system is used, driving air from bottom to top along the entire height of the tower, and sea water and underground cooling modules will be used for cooling. It is stated that the air temperature in the building will be about +18 °C.

Burj Khalifa was created according to the principle vertical city- floors are arranged in blocks designed for different functions. The tower contains about 900 apartments, a hotel with 304 rooms, 35 floors are given over to offices. There is parking for 3,000 cars on three underground floors.

Floor Purpose
160-163 Technical
156-159 Communications and broadcasting
155 Technical
139-154 Offices
136-138 Technical
125-135 Offices
124 Observation deck
123 Sky lobby
122 Restaurant At.mosphere
111-121 Offices
109-110 Technical
77-108 Apartments
76 Sky lobby
73-75 Technical
44-72 Apartments
43 Sky lobby
40-42 Technical
38-39 Hotel apartments
19-37 Hotel rooms
17-18 Technical
9-16 Hotel rooms


A skyscraper is considered to be a building with a height of at least 150 meters. The height of the tallest building 100 years ago did not exceed 50 meters, but today skyscrapers have crossed the kilometer mark. Moscow is also growing upward—take, for example, the largest high-rise project “Moscow City”. We decided to talk about the 5 tallest residential buildings in the capital, from where residents can look a little down on all other Muscovites.

"Triumph Palace"

Address: Chapaevsky Lane, 3

Height: 264 meters


Year of construction: 2005

Price per square meter: from 233 thousand rubles

Ihor Polyakov

The history of Moscow skyscrapers began in 1953, when it was built. It remained the highest for fifty years, until 2005, when the Triumph Palace was built. The architects tried very hard to emphasize this continuity - even purely externally, the building reminds many of Stalin’s high-rise buildings. But this is only at first glance.

What you won’t see in an ordinary house and yard is a large fountain, a private park and space for a winter garden in almost all apartments. All technical systems are monitored around the clock by a single dispatch service. The infrastructure is autonomous, the complex has everything you really need and not so much: a supermarket, a fitness center, restaurants, a beauty salon and a boutique hotel.

Today, the skyscraper is the tallest residential building in Europe, as reported by the Guinness Book of Records. By the way, during the construction of the Triumph Palace, several sections of the building were even lifted up using helicopters.

Address: st. Pyreva, 2

Height: 213 m

Maximum number of floors: 51

Year of construction: 2010

Price per square meter: from 248 thousand rubles

One of the most spectacular skyscrapers in Moscow consists of two towers connected by sections with unusual facades, graceful entrance groups, lacy alleys, as well as an enviable panoramic view of the Novodevichy Convent, Moscow State University, Poklonnaya Gora and the Moscow River. There were also optical illusions here: one of the towers seemed to be tilted back, while the other was erected with a turn, which creates the effect of dynamism and movement of the structure.

Almost every big project has some scandalous story associated with it, and the House on Mosfilmovskaya is no exception. In 2010, even before construction was completed, the mayor's office demanded that the upper floors of the skyscraper be dismantled, citing the height exceeding the height specified in the plan. As a result, the house had to be reduced by 21 meters. Both buyers and developers had to be pretty nervous at that time, but after leaving, the new management considered any manipulations with the top of the building unsafe, so the skyscraper was left as is.

Residential complex "Tricolor"

Address: st. Rostokinskaya, 2

Height: 192 meters

Maximum number of floors: 58

Year of construction: 2012

Price per square meter: from 156,000 rubles

Nikita Andreev

Three residential buildings were built very close to the Botanical Garden, All-Russian Exhibition Center and Sokolniki. One of the main advantages of the residential complex is, as well as modern infrastructure and developed transport interchange. But what makes it recognizable, of course, is not this, but the very pro-Russian design - the facades of the complex are painted in the colors of the national flag. The project even entered the top thirty most striking architectural projects in the city, which is quite controversial, but the conclusion suggests itself: it is useful to be a patriot.

Residential complex "Vorobyovy Gory"

Address: st. Mosfilmovskaya, 70

Height: 172 meters

Maximum number of floors: 48

Year of construction: 2004

Price per square meter: from 352,000 rubles

Moacir P. de S Pereira

One of the most prominent residential complexes in Moscow consists of 7 buildings of different heights, united by a single 5-level part. The house is located on Mosfilmovskaya Street, at the highest point of the capital, near foreign embassies and the legendary film studio. The pluses are good (the house is surrounded by parks), excellent location (15 minutes by car to the Garden Ring) and a stunning panorama of Moscow, which opens from unusual observation platforms designed in the form of circular galleries. But you can, of course, look at the capital in all its glory not only from the platforms - the apartments also have panoramic windows.

The infrastructure of the complex is impressive: a kindergarten, restaurants, a shopping and entertainment center, a supermarket, a fitness center, a swimming pool, a business center, a laundry, a car wash, a parking lot and one of the largest water parks in Moscow. Everything is as in the classic examples of urbanists who claim that one of the tasks of modern developers (and one of the most serious problems of residents of such houses) is the absence of the need, in principle, to go beyond the boundaries of the complex.

Residential complex "Continental"

Address: Marshala Zhukova, 72/74

Height: 170 meters

Maximum number of floors: 48

Year of construction: 2010

Price per square meter: from 220,000 rubles

Artem Svetlov

“Continental” is a complex with its own infrastructure and a high-profile “business class” status. It is located on a bend of the Moscow River, not far from the legendary Serebryany Bor, and therefore, as a bonus, residents have access to clean air and views of the Rowing Canal. It must be said that the Continental is generally a favorite location for photographers, since it offers an incredible view of the river, Zhivopisny Bridge and the endless architecture of Moscow, including doll cottage villages, Triumph Palace, Moscow City, as well as municipal houses in Shchukino, which are popularly called “dry toilets” for their colors and simple shape.

As for the complex itself, according to the developers, only wood was used during its construction, which seems to logically continue the theme of the area’s environmental friendliness.

Why do apartments in skyscrapers cost so much?

There are 101 high-rise buildings in Russia, 83 of which are in Moscow. Alas, living in high-rise buildings is by no means cheap, and not everyone can afford to buy square meters in skyscrapers. Complex design work, additional studies of the construction site, taking into account wind and seismic conditions, as well as increased requirements - all this determines the high price of an apartment in such a house.

Jimmy G

The main task for any skyscraper is to ensure its safety. This includes a modern fire sprinkler system, which automatically turns on the water when a certain temperature is exceeded, as well as an air supply system for evacuation stairs and a smoke removal system.

Few people know, but the speed of the wind “flowing around” a skyscraper increases significantly precisely because of the high altitude. That is, the difference in wind speed on the 3rd floor and the 33rd will be significant. Previously, for these reasons, windows on the highest floors did not even open; it was simply dangerous for the lives of the people there. Today, in order to “protect” a skyscraper from the wind, the technology of “empty levels” is very often used - when there is additional empty space between the facade of the building and the wall of the room, which significantly reduces the wind pressure. The stability of a high-rise building is also ensured by the correctly chosen location for its construction and the type of foundation. Thus, when designing, all possible calculations are made so that the huge building does not collapse like a house of cards.

Living at altitude has many advantages: clean air (all city noise usually “dissolves” at an altitude of 100 meters), unique views from the window, the inability to watch a pensioner sunbathing on the balcony and the absence of mosquitoes, which generally do not reach above the fifth floor. Apartments on the upper floors are also valued for their special level of privacy - no prying eyes for you. Here, at the top, you can forget about curtains and the rules of decency.

Polina Lazareva