Factors that have a positive impact on health. The main factors affecting human health

A person strives for harmony of soul and body. Some people are not worried about being overweight, while others are driven into serious complexes. Excess weight is not a pathology, but an overweight person is more prone to atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart disease. These pathologies are dangerous to health, they are difficult to treat.

How to lose weight?

There are many ways. It is necessary to normalize the diet. Nutritionists advise to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Easily digestible foods (boiled vegetables, fruits) should be included in the diet. It is believed that you need to drink 2 liters of water per day, but this amount of fluid loads the kidneys. Drinking 2 waters of water at a time is strictly prohibited! The recommended rate for those who want to lose weight and just keep the body in good shape is 1.2 liters per day (300 ml of pure water 4 times a day). The liquid stimulates metabolism, helps the body get rid of toxins. Jogging and moderate physical activity contribute to losing weight and improving overall well-being.

It is worth paying attention to nutritional supplements. Drops "Bee Spas" help in burning excess body fat. The drug has many reviews that confirm its effectiveness. With significant body fat and the correct use of Bee Spas, you can lose up to 10 kg in one week. Drops "Bee Spas" are safe, as they are made on the basis of plant extracts.

  • Caffeine has a complex antioxidant effect. This component gently affects the gastric walls, at the same time - quickly removes toxins. Caffeine is often included in nutritional supplements and creams designed to combat cellulite. In addition to the cleansing effect, this component rejuvenates cells, saturating them with oxygen and biologically active substances.
  • Grapefruit seed extract is another powerful ingredient. It contains vitamins and microelements that improve the physiological processes of the body. The flavonoids present in grapefruit seeds have not only a cleansing effect, but also an antimicrobial effect.
  • Podmor bee includes chitosan of bees. Important Component dead bee - melatonin: this component is involved in lipid metabolism.
  • L-carnitine destroys excess fat cells, and also restores the balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Food supplement "Bee Spas" is taken 2 times a day before meals. For a single dose, 10 drops are required. After 2-3 days, the result will be noticeable: the metabolism is normalized, the body will be able to get rid of accumulated toxins. The result will be weight loss, as well as an improvement in moral and physical well-being.

Factors that determine physical and psychological well-being

Studies have shown that human health depends on six factors, these include:

  • biological characteristics of the organism (functioning of the higher nervous system, hereditary tendency to certain diseases, temperament, mental abilities);
  • natural phenomena (state of air, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, flora and fauna);
  • climate;
  • socio-economic environment (living conditions, financial situation);
  • environment (cleanliness or air pollution).
  • medicine (the development of this industry in a particular country, the level of qualification of doctors).

Modern scientists believe that health is 50% dependent on lifestyle. An individual's hereditary characteristics play a significant role: the physical and psychological well-being of a person is 20% dependent on genetics. Diseases or predisposition to them are often inherited. Accordingly, if a person is genetically prone to any pathology, his body is more vulnerable.

Important role other factors also play. In the absence of morphological and functional prerequisites for diseases, one can judge about good health. If a person lives in good living conditions, favorable environmental conditions, it is less prone to disease. Working in a hazardous industry, living in a polluted atmosphere makes the body vulnerable and prone to pathological conditions.

The level of medical screening affects an individual's physical and psychological well-being. If a person regularly undergoes preventive examinations and medical care is provided in a timely manner, he has a better chance of maintaining health. Thus, measures are taken to prevent a particular disease. The lack of medical control undermines health: a person can develop a disease, the existence of which he will not guess. If not start prompt treatment, the pathology will begin to progress, which will lead to dangerous consequences. Timely preventive examination and competent therapy play an important role in maintaining physical and psychological well-being.

50-55% of health depends on our habits. A sedentary, moderately active lifestyle, dosed loads, psychological comfort help to maintain health. If a person eats well, gets enough sleep, organs and systems function smoothly. People who are constantly on the road and lack sleep are more prone to illness.

A hypodynamic lifestyle undermines physical health. In this case, a person becomes prone to pathological conditions, such as obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension. Sports activities strengthen the immune system, they make the body hardy and resistant to pathologies. Dosed physical activity increases the tone of muscles and blood vessels, thus preventing atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack and a number of other diseases. Sport improves psychological well-being. Regular jogging has been found to reduce stress by 25%!

People who are constantly under stress are more prone to disease. Unfavorable work environment, psychological pressure, conflicts: all this undermines health. In addition to the above factors, health depends on our valeological literacy (valeology is the science of physical, moral and social well-being). If a person knows the basics of a healthy lifestyle, and also knows how to put them into practice, he is more likely to avoid diseases.

The influence of genes on our health

Parental chromosomes have a direct effect on the body. Why do some people get sick more often than others? Marriage is worth considering. If a person marries a distant relative, there is a high probability that an unhealthy child will be born in this family. It has been established that such children are 50 times more likely to die than those who were born from unrelated marriages. Russia is a multinational country. A rich gene pool allows you to get offspring with good genetic traits.

If the chromosomes present in germ cells, as well as structural elements these cells are subjected to negative factors ecological environment, health suffers. Negative consequences accidents are often reflected in the genetic material, thus, the body becomes weakened. It is important to say that the attitudes of a particular individual, his physical and psychological health largely depend on heredity.

The latter determines the dominant human needs (aspirations, abilities). Not only a disease, but also a bad habit can be transmitted by heredity. Scientists have confirmed that upbringing plays an important role in the formation of the individual, but hereditary factors are decisive. To choose a profession, a way of life, a partner for creating a family for a particular individual, you need to analyze his heredity. There are cases when the environment of life comes into conflict with the program laid down at the gene level. The result of such a "conflict" is a violation of the mechanisms of adaptation to the outside world. As a result, mental health may suffer.

A person must lead a lifestyle that would not allow contradictions between the environment and hereditary factors. Everyday life should be associated with natural preferences, in other words, you need to listen to your inner voice and, if possible, not go against yourself. Otherwise, psychological discomfort will arise, which will slowly depress the body.

Environmental impact

For millions of years, man has been adapting to nature. Initially, health depends on the energy and "whims" of nature. Atmosphere, water, landscape, biosystems, energy resources: they all affect our physical and psychological well-being. More than a hundred years ago, the scientist Chizhevsky drew attention to the energy phenomena associated with the sun. He proved that the manifestations of some cardiovascular ailments depend on the 14-year period of fluctuations in solar activity. Modern scientists claim that emotional and physical well-being depend on the phases of the moon. These phenomena predetermine the tendency to depression and pathologies that affect blood clotting. It can be concluded that health depends on solar and lunar activity.

A person who knows the patterns of changes in solar and lunar activity can calculate favorable periods to implement the ideas. Nature is changeable: it greatly affects well-being and health. Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure lead to changes in the weather. Most people clearly react to this feature. Changes in weather conditions often disrupt general well-being (for example, a person may have high blood pressure).

How else does nature affect our health?

Every day we work and strive to protect ourselves from the "whims" of nature. During evolution, man has learned to adapt nature for himself: build houses, sew clothes, get food. Automated systems allowed us to improve life: we reduced the use of muscle labor. Production is improving daily. For its energy supply, a person uses the same natural resources.

As progress develops, the relationship of man with nature changes, along with this, the conditions of existence change. The fact is that we need the riches of nature. We need timber, oil, sand, coal, rivers. In order not to depend on nature, it is necessary to build reservoirs and dams. Human intervention and the use of natural resources have a negative impact on the ecological situation. The development of the economy leads to pollution of nature. Technological progress has led to the fact that today pesticides, gases, fumes enter the atmosphere chemical substances. Nature, without which man cannot exist, suffers greatly.

Evolution leads to change environment. The actions of people lead to extinction and disruption of the adaptive capabilities of animals. Initially, a person did not want to adapt to the laws of nature, he did everything in order to subjugate it to himself. Reservoirs were purposefully created, artificial substances were introduced into the soil that violated its properties.

Health directly depends on vegetables and fruits that we grow on "artificial" soil. Products with nitrates disrupt the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, in severe cases they lead to ulcers. In addition to this, the consumption of low-quality vegetables accelerates the aging process. Man has caused significant damage to nature, as a result, he himself has suffered. Natural resources are depleted daily. More and more harmful gases are emitted into the atmosphere. The creation of artificial sources of radioactivity leads to a violation of the ozone layer.

How does our nature suffer?

Man seeks to transform nature, but this leads to a deterioration in the conditions of existence. Violations of the natural environment today are irreversible. People, filling reservoirs and building dams, disrupt the water cycle. Forest areas should supply us with oxygen, but at the same time they are necessary for our needs. Deforestation mainly destroys the ecological situation. The body becomes more susceptible to poisons, chemicals. Forests located in Siberia and on the territory of the Amazon River are the strongest today.

A person violated the ties of biogeocenosis, because of this he himself suffered. AT modern world pathologies of the respiratory system are common: people living in large cities are more susceptible to them. Those who live in megacities are prone to cancer. Life in the countryside is not as bad as it seems. It connects people with nature, which significantly affects their health. A person living in a polluted environment is 10 times more likely to have asthma and 3 times more likely to have mental illness. Changing habits has reduced life expectancy by 40 years.

Technological processes spoil the environment and pollute the air. In the air of the metropolis there are 350 carcinogens, different in structure. Almost every one of them has a pathogenic effect on cells. So that a person could save natural resources and properly dispose of them, the science of "Ecology" was created. The purpose of this science is to convey to man the idea that he is part of nature. Ecology teaches to take care of the gifts of nature. If we develop long-term socio-economic programs, improve environmental and valeological literacy, develop a sense of responsibility for ourselves and others, we can improve the quality of health and prolong human life on earth.

The role of medical support

modern medicine well developed, but medical care does not always meet our needs. Initially, medicine was developed for the treatment and prevention of ailments. With the development of civilization, science has changed its goals. Today, like a couple of centuries ago, it focuses on treatment. Doctors pay little attention to health. Scientists and philosophers have argued that medicine and health are diametrically opposed concepts. If doctors, according to a certain “template”, provide quality medical care, this does not mean that the population will be healthy.

Doctors suggest how to be treated correctly, few people talk about how to ensure the prevention of a particular disease. Infectious pathologies are common by 10%. People often suffer from non-infectious somatic diseases. Functional mental disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction are widespread. A serious threat to health are: hypertension, atherosclerosis, HIV infection, metabolic disorders, mental disorders, malignant tumors. Modern medicine does not have methods for the prevention of these ailments. The medieval philosopher Bacon wrote that medicine should preserve health, and this is its first duty, the second duty is to treat diseases.

What is wrong with medicine?

Little attention is paid to prevention, doctors practically do not talk about it. About 80% of people are in a pre-morbid state, and if they do not know how to prevent an illness, doctors will not tell about it. Humanity needs educational work, the purpose of which should be to convey preventive measures. It is necessary to know more about the physiological capabilities of the body and measures that help prevent disease. The population needs to discover the theory of health.

The doctor should remember that a person is not a set of organs, but an integral system. In addition to organs, we have a soul that also needs to be taken care of. Stable psychological problems, at times, lead to diseases, respectively, one of the preventive measures is the prevention of stress. Most doctors do not understand the concept of "Health" as deeply as necessary, but only focus on the recommended norms.

The purpose of official medicine is to improve the body. However, it is important to look for the root cause of the disease and do everything to eliminate it. The doctor must work closely with the population. There are many people who do not show signs of illness, but in the course of preventive examination violations are identified and treatment is prescribed. The physician does not know the psychological and pedagogical aspects that would allow for effective educational work aimed at the prevention of pathologies. Hygienists are somewhat different from "doctors" in the broadest sense, they have the opportunity to implement the idea of ​​​​primary prevention.

Therapeutic activity of medicine is different. The sages of the old days believed that the doctor has 3 medicines. The first is the word. When the doctor voices the cause of the disease, a person can eliminate it and recover. The second medicine is medicine. If the cause of the disease is unknown or unexplored, medications are recommended to relieve symptoms. The third medicine is a knife. If conservative therapy fails, then surgical procedure. The cause of the illness surgical intervention can be eliminated.

Physicians who lived during the Middle Ages emphasized that the main task of medicine should be to eliminate the cause of the disease. If you seek temporary relief, there will be no stable result. The disease will be driven into a dead end. Wrong therapy causes the disease to become chronic. If a doctor does not know the healing methodology, which is based on the adaptive capabilities of the body, he is not able to fully understand what health is.

It is important to comprehensively heal the body, ensuring the prevention of not only the main diseases, but also related ones. Medicines designed to eliminate symptoms create an imaginary effect of recovery. Achieving health must be a strategic approach. To correctly cure the disease, you need to identify its cause, in the future - to take measures for prevention. The consequences of treatment tactics should be taken into account. To control your own health, you need to master the tactics of self-healing.

Introduction to a healthy lifestyle

A modern person understands that a health worker will not protect against diseases, but will only provide assistance when a particular symptom appears. Everything today more people interested in a healthy lifestyle. Among them are doctors and people without medical education. The development of pathologies is often associated with in the wrong way life. In fact, healthy lifestyle is one of the best preventive measures. America, unlike our country, joins a healthy lifestyle. Behind last years the death toll in that country has fallen, and average duration life has increased. If you improve your lifestyle on your own, you can ensure the prevention of physical and psychological disorders. Statistics show that the death rate is increasing in Russia; about 80% of men and 50% of women lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

The concept of "healthy lifestyle"

It includes a set of biological and social aspects necessary for the full life of a person. The goal of a healthy lifestyle is to improve health, ensure competent disease prevention, achieve moral well-being and, ultimately, prolong life. A healthy lifestyle is also a model of behavior based on established sanitary and hygienic standards. If we analyze all the definitions of a healthy lifestyle, we can establish that they are based on a genetic factor. A healthy lifestyle should correspond to the characteristics of the body and the conditions in which it is used to being.

Before defining a healthy lifestyle for specific person typological aspects need to be analyzed. It is important to understand the mechanisms of adaptation of a particular organism. In determining a healthy lifestyle for an individual, gender, the social environment familiar to him, plays a role. A healthy lifestyle is a set of factors and norms that help maintain moral and physical well-being.

mental health

It is an integral part of psychological well-being. As mentioned above, the body is an integral system consisting of interconnected elements. These elements are controlled by the nervous system. Physical health depends on our moral well-being. Frequent stress affects the condition of the skin and internal organs. Mental health is different for everyone. The so-called "mental illnesses" affect people with a weak, unstable psyche. Fine mental health should be age appropriate. A person with good mental health is able to perform tasks in specific areas of life.

The mind of a child is formed in the womb. The health of the unborn child depends on how a woman feels during pregnancy. mental illness, unlike physical ones, is not easy to determine. The line between health and mental illness is almost blurred. If a person gets very tired when doing mental work, he may be overtired. Everyone has a different level of ability to work, in connection with this, it takes a different amount of time to complete the same tasks.

to install psychosomatic disorder, you need to comprehensively examine the body. When making a diagnosis, the opinion of a neurologist, psychologist and psychiatrist is taken into account. A person must independently control health, moreover, regardless of external factors. Prevention of psychological ailments is a full sleep, dosed mental stress, an active lifestyle. It is important that the body rests in time from work. An indicator of mental health is mental activity. It is characterized by the level of attention, memory. If a person has good working capacity, then it can be assumed that he is mentally healthy.

The manifestation of mental disorders

Decreased performance levels often indicate mental health problems. In this case, a person cannot concentrate on anything, mental abilities and memory deteriorate. Against the background of overwork, apathy often occurs: a person can withdraw into himself, trying to get away from pressing matters. There are cases when a decrease in performance is combined with autonomic disorders. Then physical symptoms appear: pulse quickens, headache, increased sweating.

Depending on the nature of the psychological and physical disorder, a person may feel pain in the gastrointestinal tract and heart. A sign of overwork is fear, in extreme cases there is panic. It is important to say that the psyche is unique and changeable. If you know its features, you can build a productive educational and educational program. Thanks to this program, a person will achieve moral well-being. It is necessary to control the psyche in an organized manner, to do everything so that it develops in the right direction.

With the participation of the psyche, we achieve achievements that demonstrate our success and, perhaps, superiority. If we consider the psyche of the child, the family plays an important role in its formation. The well-being of the child and his moral health depend on the psychological situation in the family circle. If the baby feels significant, he develops good mental health. It should also be taken into account that moral well-being depends on genetic characteristics.

The formation of the psyche in a student

Child school age must learn the individual typological features of the psyche. The disadvantage of modern education is that the teacher uses generally accepted norms and schemes, while not taking into account the gender and temperament of the student. The curriculum is designed for the average child, which is fundamentally wrong. When a teacher gives a test in an exact discipline, he realizes that a student who completes more tasks will get a higher mark. However, it never occurs to anyone to set tasks taking into account the temperament of the child.

For example, a choleric person will strive to complete more tasks. A phlegmatic child will begin to get lost and confused due to time constraints, as a result, he may just get nervous and quit the test. Due to the wrong learning model, some children think that in order to achieve the goal, they need to prepare once, and the rest of the time should not be devoted to studying. Others believe that training is in vain and it will not lead to success anyway.

In physical education, too, there are nuances. Physical exercises in the school curriculum are designed for the average student, although children differ in height, weight, endurance. One child can easily perform the tasks assigned to him, since he has a strong physique by nature, the other is not able to cope with the task. The child may feel that specific goals that study determines are unattainable. It is wrong to drive a student to a certain standard. Girls are prone to humanitarian activities, boys want to assert themselves, so they strive to learn the exact sciences. School program does not take these features into account.

The mistake is made by teachers and parents who compare children. A child's self-esteem can be seriously affected, resulting in an inferiority complex. If a child is smart, he may become conceited and think that everything in his life will work out without studying. Ideal training should be designed taking into account the physiological characteristics of children. If a child is better today than yesterday, his score should be higher. Such an approach could develop motivational abilities and a craving for learning new things. As we can see, mental health is formed in childhood.

The importance of sleep in human life

Sleep is one of the determinants of health. It has been established that a person spends more than a third of his life in a dream. live without this essential function impossible. In ancient China, there was an unusual torture: people who committed a malicious act were punished with sleep deprivation. The criminals did not survive. Sleep regulates the activity of the body: this process improves mental activity, restores the functioning of internal organs, improves skin condition, provides prevention of neurotic diseases. When a person is in a dream, metabolic reactions are reduced, muscles relax, and anabolism processes begin to activate. Such reactions are useful for the body: they help a person recover from hard physical or mental labor.

The scientist Pavlov believed that sleep is not just rest, but some kind of body activity. In sleep, the brain works differently. He analyzes and processes the information he received during the week, month, year. Good sleep helps to get rid of unnecessary information. This physiological process helps to normalize mental state. Distinguish between slow and fast sleep. The slow one lasts from an hour to one and a half, the fast one - from 10 to 20 minutes on average. REM sleep is productive: it involves the deep structures of the brain. REM sleep is essential for children.

As the body matures, non-REM sleep becomes longer. Scientists have done a lot of research on which sleep is more important, fast or slow. To find common decision failed. If speak about good sleep, then it must be continuous, and the fast phase should be on a par with the slow one. Thus, the body will recover after a busy day. Sleep cannot be shortened. If a person regularly experiences lack of sleep, he becomes predisposed to illness.

Dreams appear in the phase of REM and non-REM sleep. Those that are characteristic of REM sleep are bright and realistic. A person can see incredible stories, fragments from his fantasy. Sigmund Freud said that dreams are the language of mankind. He associated fragments of dreams with unconscious addictions. According to Freud, if a person solves any important tasks in a dream, then in real life something is holding him back, there are limitations. In a dream, everything is allowed.

Dreams depend on the psychophysiological state of the person. They are also determined by habits, lifestyle. Experts believe that dream books do not carry practical meaning. What is the sleep rate? We used to think that it is somewhere between 7 and 9 hours. In fact, the rate of sleep depends on the physiology of a particular organism. Not the last role is played by the nature of the previous activity and the age of the person.

The importance of good sleep

Uninterrupted sleep helps to recover after a hard day. If a person gets enough sleep, the brain will productively process information, memory reserves will be released, and concentration of attention will improve. It is recommended to go to bed at the same time, then there will be no problems with sleep. Knowledge workers need to sleep long hours, it is highly undesirable for them to work at night.

Stable lack of sleep is dangerous to health and can lead to pathologies. The amount of sleep you need to consider based on who you are, "owl" or "lark". Before going to bed, you should not eat, drink coffee. You need to relieve yourself mentally and physically. It is recommended to stop watching heavy TV shows. The body needs to prepare for sleep. If you ignore such rules, sleep will worsen, and this will affect your health.

You need to fall asleep in a calm environment. You can go for a walk in the evening. If you can't sleep at night, it's still best to wait until night. Daytime sleep is considered harmful if it lasts more than 30 minutes. Some people take a nap during the day: this helps to gain strength for further work. Nap helps relieve excess stress. It is desirable to choose a firm mattress, if necessary, wear fabric glasses.

What are biorhythms?

Physical and psychological well-being depend on biorhythms. These are the mechanisms of nature that subjugate man, nature and the cosmos. All living beings are subject to biological clocks. These hours are cyclical. The body develops in the conditions of the change of day and night, as well as the alternation of the seasons. Biorhythm is the principle of all living things, it is the regulator of our activity. Biorhythms consist of biological processes having period, frequency, rhythm, phase and amplitude. Biorhythm cycles are divided into high-frequency cycles with a maximum duration of 30 minutes, medium-frequency cycles of 5-24 hours, and low-frequency ones, lasting from 7 days to a year.

The one and a half hour biorhythm is responsible for the alternation of neuronal activity of the brain. A person, as a rule, does not notice that during the day mental activity is changing. The one and a half hour rhythm predetermines brain activity during sleep. The results of studies have shown that every one and a half hours a person's excitability changes (increases and decreases). For example, we may lose our mood or begin to worry, regardless of external circumstances. The circadian rhythm lasts 24 hours. It manifests itself in wakefulness and sleep. The monthly rhythm characterizes changes in a woman's body. The annual rhythm is a change in health and well-being during the year.

Hormone levels fluctuate with the seasons. In spring and summer, a person becomes more enduring than in winter or autumn. The eyes show maximum photosensitivity in June. Twelve-year and twenty-two-year biorhythms are associated with meteorological features. Biorhythms also formed with the development of society. Our consciousness has adapted to the fact that 5 or 6 days of the week are labor days. It has been established that with the onset of the weekend, the working capacity decreases.

In conclusion, we note that health depends on many factors. Mental well-being is formed in childhood and depends on heredity, upbringing, habits, preferences of the child. The tendency to disease is genetically determined, and it can also develop under the influence of adverse factors. Proper nutrition, dosed physical activity and compliance with other ZOSh rules will help keep the body in good shape and ensure the prevention of diseases.

Human activities over the past few millennia have been able to affect the Earth. As reality shows, it becomes the only source of pollution in the environment. Because of what is observed: a decrease in soil fertility, desertification and land degradation, deterioration of air and water quality, and the disappearance of ecosystems. In addition, there is a negative impact on human health and life expectancy. According to modern statistics, more than 80% of diseases are related to what we breathe, what water we drink and what soil we walk on. Let's consider this in more detail.

The negative impact of the environment on human health is due to industrial enterprises that are located near residential areas. As a rule, these are powerful sources of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Various solid and gaseous substances enter the air every day. It's about about carbon oxides, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, lead compounds, dust, chromium, asbestos, which can have poisonous breath, mucous membranes, vision and smell).

The impact of environmental pollution on human health contributes to the deterioration general condition. As a result, nausea appears, headaches and a feeling of weakness torment, and working capacity decreases.

Earth also has a negative impact. Diseases that are transmitted through contaminated sources cause deterioration and often death. As a rule, the most dangerous are ponds, lakes and rivers, in which pathogens and viruses actively multiply.

polluted drinking water, which comes from the water supply, contributes to the development of cardiovascular and renal pathologies, the occurrence of various diseases.

Therefore, as a result of the fact that a person constantly creates a large number of conveniences for their lives, scientific progress "does not stand still." Due to the implementation of most of his achievements, a whole complex of harmful and unfavorable factors for life has appeared. This is about elevated level radiation, toxic substances, combustible flammable materials and noise.

In addition, one can note the psychological impact on a person. For example, because large settlements saturated with machines, carried out not only Negative influence transport on the environment, but also there is tension and overwork.

The influence of the environment on human health occurs through the soil, the sources of pollution of which are enterprises and residential buildings. Thanks to human activity, it receives not only chemical (mercury, lead, arsenic, and so on), but also organic compounds. From the soil, they penetrate into groundwater, which are absorbed by plants, and then through plants, meat and milk enter the body.

So it turns out that the impact of the environment on human health, as a habitat, is negative.

People tend to attribute their illnesses to radiation and harmful effect other environmental pollutants. However, the impact of ecology on human health in Russia today is only 25–50% of the totality of all influencing factors. And only in 30–40 years, according to experts, dependence physical condition and the well-being of citizens of the Russian Federation from ecology will increase to 50-70%.

The lifestyle they lead has the greatest impact on the health of Russians (50%). Among the components of this factor:

    food character,

    good and bad habits,

    physical activity,

    neuropsychic state (stress, depression, etc.).

In second place in terms of the degree of influence on human health is such a factor as ecology (25%), on the third - heredity, which is as much as 20%. The remaining 5% is in medicine. However, there are cases when the action of several of these 4 factors of influence on human health are superimposed on each other.

The first example: medicine is practically powerless when it comes to environmentally dependent diseases. In Russia, there are only a few hundred doctors specializing in diseases of chemical etiology - they will not be able to help all those affected by environmental pollution. As for ecology as a factor influencing human health, when assessing the degree of its influence, it is important to take into account the scale of environmental pollution:

    global environmental pollution is a disaster for the entire human society, but for one individual it does not pose a particular danger;

    regional environmental pollution is a disaster for the inhabitants of the region, but in most cases it is not very dangerous for the health of one particular person;

    local environmental pollution - poses a serious danger both to the health of the population of a particular city / region as a whole, and to each individual inhabitant of this area. Following this logic, it is easy to determine that the dependence of a person's health on the air pollution of a particular street where he lives is even higher than on the pollution of the area as a whole. However, the strongest impact on human health renders the ecology of his dwelling and working premises. After all, we spend about 80% of our time in buildings. And indoor air, as a rule, is dry, it contains a significant concentration of chemical pollutants: in terms of the content of radioactive radon - 10 times (on the first floors and in basements - perhaps hundreds of times); in terms of aeroionic composition - 5–10 times.

Thus, for human health it is extremely important:

    what floor does he live on (the first floor is more likely to be exposed to radioactive radon),

    what material his house is built of (natural or artificial),

    what stove does he use (gas or electric),

    what is the floor in his apartment / house covered with (linoleum, carpets or less harmful material);

    what the furniture is made of (SP-contains phenols);

    whether there are indoor plants in the dwelling, and in what quantity.

Atmospheric air is one of the main vital elements of our environment. During the day, a person inhales about 12-15 m3 of oxygen, and emits approximately 580 liters of carbon dioxide.

In children living near powerful power plants that are not equipped with dust collectors, changes in the lungs are found that are similar to forms of silicosis. Dust containing silicon oxides causes severe lung disease- silicosis. Large air pollution with smoke and soot, lasting for several days, can cause fatal poisoning of people. Atmospheric pollution has a particularly detrimental effect on a person in cases where meteorological conditions contribute to stagnation of air over the city.

Harmful substances contained in the atmosphere affect the human body upon contact with the surface of the skin or mucous membranes. This happens when a sweaty person (with open pores) walks along a gassed and dusty street in the summer. If, having reached the house, he does not immediately take a warm (not hot!) Shower, harmful substances have a chance to penetrate deep into his body.

Along with the respiratory organs, pollutants affect the organs of vision and smell, and by acting on the mucous membrane of the larynx, they can cause spasms of the vocal cords. Inhaled solid and liquid particles with a size of 0.6-1.0 microns reach the alveoli and are absorbed in the blood, some accumulate in the lymph nodes.

Polluted air is annoying for the most part Airways causing bronchitis, emphysema, asthma. The irritants that cause these diseases include SO2 and SO3, nitrogen vapors, HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, H2S, phosphorus and its compounds. Studies conducted in the UK have shown a very strong relationship between air pollution and mortality from bronchitis.

Signs and consequences of the action of air pollutants on the human body are manifested mostly in the deterioration of the general state of health: headaches, nausea, a feeling of weakness, reduced or lost ability to work.

It can be concluded that the greatest amount of pollutants enters the human body through the lungs. Indeed, most researchers confirm that daily with 15 kg of inhaled air, more harmful substances than with water, with food, with dirty hands, through the skin. At the same time, the inhalation route of pollutants entering the body is also the most dangerous. Due to the fact that:

    the air is polluted with a wide range of harmful substances, some of which can enhance detrimental effect each other;

    pollution, entering the body through the respiratory tract, bypass such a protective biochemical barrier as the liver - as a result, their toxic effect is 100 times stronger than the influence of pollutants penetrating through the gastrointestinal tract;

    the digestibility of harmful substances entering the body through the lungs is much higher than that of pollutants that enter with food and water;

    Air pollutants are hard to hide from: they affect human health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Leading causes of deaths caused by pollution atmospheric air- it's cancer congenital pathologies disruption of the human immune system.

Inhalation of air containing combustion products (rarefied diesel engine exhaust), even for a short time, for example, increases the risk of getting ischemic disease hearts.

Industrial plants and vehicles emit black smoke and greenish-yellow dioxide, which increase the risk of early death. Even relatively low concentration these substances in the atmosphere cause 4 to 22 percent of deaths before the age of forty.

exhaust road transport, as well as emissions from coal-burning plants, saturate the air with tiny particles of pollution that can cause blood clotting and blood clots in circulatory system person. Polluted air also leads to an increase in pressure. This is because air pollution causes a change in the part of the nervous system that controls blood pressure levels. Air pollution in large cities accounts for about five percent of hospitalizations.

Often large industrial cities are covered with thick fog - smog. This is a very strong air pollution, which is a thick fog with impurities of smoke and gas waste or a veil of caustic gases and aerosols of high concentration. This phenomenon is usually observed in calm weather. This is very a big problem large cities, which adversely affects human health. Smog is especially dangerous for children and elderly people with a weakened body, suffering from heart failure. - vascular diseases and diseases of the respiratory system. The highest concentration of harmful substances in the surface air is observed in the morning, during the day the smog rises under the influence of ascending air currents.

Highly dangerous symptom for mankind is that air pollution increases the likelihood of having children with malformations. The extreme concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere causes premature birth, newborns are small, sometimes dead babies are born. If a pregnant woman breathes air containing high concentrations of ozone and carbon monoxide, especially in the second month of pregnancy, she has a threefold increase in the possibility of giving birth to a child with such a developmental defect as a cleft lip, cleft palate, and defects in cardiac genesis. The future of mankind depends on clean air, water, forests. Only right attitude to nature will allow future generations to be healthy and happy.

Everyone wishes good health, because it ensures the harmonious development of the individual, determines the ability to work and is the main human need.

And, unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with the factors that determine health. People often shift responsibility to others without taking care of themselves. Leading a bad person by the age of thirty leads the body to a terrible state and only then think about medicine.

But doctors are not omnipotent. We create our own destiny, and everything is in our hands. This is what we will cover in this article, we will consider the main factors that determine the health of the population.

Indicators that determine human health

Let's talk about components first. Distinguish:

  • Somatic. good health and life of the organism.
  • Physical. Proper Development and body conditioning.
  • Mental. A healthy spirit and a sober mind.
  • Sexual. The level and culture of sexuality and childbearing activity.
  • Moral. Compliance with morality, rules, norms and foundations in society.

Apparently, the term "health" is cumulative. Each individual must have an idea about the human body, the work of organs and systems. Know your traits psychological state be able to adjust their physical and mental abilities.

Now let's talk about the criteria that match each component:

  • normal physical and genetic development;
  • absence of defects, diseases and any deviations;
  • healthy mental and mental state;
  • the possibility of healthy reproduction and normal sexual development;
  • correct behavior in society, compliance with norms and principles, understanding oneself as a person and an individual.

We have considered the components and criteria, and now let's talk about human health as a value, the factors that determine it.

Activity is encouraged from an early age.


  1. Physical health.
  2. Mental.
  3. Moral.

A physically and spiritually healthy person lives in perfect harmony. He is happy, he moral satisfaction from work, improves himself, and as a reward he gets longevity and youth.

Factors that determine human health

To be healthy and happy, you need to lead. You need to desire this and strive for the task.

How to achieve this goal:

  1. Maintain a certain level of physical activity.
  2. Have emotional and psychological stability.
  3. Temper.
  4. Healthy food.
  5. Follow the daily routine (work, rest).
  6. forget about bad habits(alcohol, smoking, drugs).
  7. Observe moral standards in society.

It is very important to lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle for a child with early childhood so that later, in the process of building his future, the "walls" would be strong and durable.

A person is influenced by many things. Consider the main factors that determine health:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Man's attitude towards own health and his lifestyle.
  3. environment.
  4. The level of medical care.

Those were the key points.

Let's talk more about each

Heredity plays a huge role. If relatives are healthy and strong, long-lived, the same fate is prepared for you. The main thing is to maintain your own health.

Lifestyle is what you are. That's right, because proper nutrition, jogging, exercising, cold showers, hardening - this is your health. You need to be able to deny yourself for good. Let's say friends call in night club, and tomorrow there is a hard working day, of course, it is better to stay at home, get enough sleep, than with a sore head, inhaling nicotine, plunge into work. This applies to smoking, alcohol and drug use. Should be head on shoulders.

There are factors that determine human health that do not depend on us. This is the environment. Gas emissions from transport, the use of goods and food from unscrupulous manufacturers, mutating old viruses (flu) and the emergence of new ones - all this negatively affects our health.

We also depend on the healthcare system that exists in the region in which we live. Medicine in many cases is paid, and not many people have the means to get the help of a good, highly qualified specialist.

Thus, we have defined health as a value and considered the factors that determine it.

Health is a diamond that needs to be cut. Consider two basic rules for building a healthy lifestyle:

  • phasing;
  • regularity.

It is very important in any training process, whether it is the development of muscles, hardening, correcting posture, mastering educational material or mastering a specialty, do everything gradually.

And, of course, do not forget about the systematic, so as not to lose the result, experience and skills.

So, we have considered the main factors that determine health, and now let's talk about the processes that negatively affect a person's lifestyle.

What makes health worse

Consider risk factors:

  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs, substance abuse).
  • Poor nutrition (unbalanced eating, overeating).
  • depressive and stressful condition.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Sexual behavior that leads to sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies.

These are health risk factors. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Let's define the term

Risk factors are confirmed or estimated possible conditions indoor and outdoor environment human body conducive to any ailment. May not be the cause of the disease, but contribute more likely its occurrence, progression and adverse outcome.

What other risk factors exist

Here are some examples:

  • Biological. Bad heredity, congenital defects.
  • Socio-economic.
  • Environmental phenomena (poor ecology, peculiarities of climatic and geographical conditions).
  • Violation of hygiene standards, their ignorance.
  • Non-observance of regimes (sleep, nutrition, work and rest, educational process).
  • Unfavorable climate in the family and in the team.
  • Poor physical activity and many others.

Having studied examples of risk, it remains for a person to purposefully, persistently, conscientiously work to reduce them and strengthen health protection factors.

Let's take a closer look at physical health. It affects not only the ability to work, but also life in general.

Physical health. Factors that determine physical health

This is a state of the human body, the characteristic features of which help to adapt to any circumstances, when all organs and systems function normally.

It should be noted that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not just about sports, adherence to regimens and proper nutrition. This is a certain attitude that a person adheres to. He is engaged in self-improvement, spiritual development, raises the cultural level. All together makes his life better.

Lifestyle is the first major factor. Prudent human behavior aimed at maintaining one's health should include:

  • compliance with the optimal mode of work, sleep and rest;
  • the obligatory presence of everyday physical activity, but within the normal range, no less, no more;
  • complete rejection of bad habits;
  • only proper and balanced nutrition;
  • teaching positive thinking.

It is necessary to understand that it is the factor of a healthy lifestyle that makes it possible to function normally, to perform all social tasks, as well as labor, in the family and household sphere. It directly affects how long an individual will live.

According to scientists, 50% of a person's physical health depends on his lifestyle. Let's start discussing the next question.


What factors determine human health, if we talk about the environment? Depending on its impact, three groups are distinguished:

  1. Physical. These are air humidity, pressure, solar radiation, etc.
  2. Biological. They can be helpful and harmful. This includes viruses, fungi, plants and even pets, bacteria.
  3. Chemical. Any chemical elements and compounds that are found everywhere: in the soil, in the walls of buildings, in food, in clothing. As well as electronics surrounding a person.

In sum, all these factors account for about 20%, which is a rather big figure. Only 10% of the health status of the population is determined by the level of medical care, 20% - by hereditary factors, and 50% is given to lifestyle.

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that determine the state of human health. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to eliminate the emerging symptoms of diseases and fight infections. It is necessary to influence all the factors that determine health.

It is extremely difficult for one person to change environmental conditions, but it is within the power of everyone to improve the microclimate of their homes, carefully choose food, consume clean water, and use less substances that negatively affect the environment.

And finally, let's talk about the factors that determine the level of health of the population.

Circumstances that shape the way people live

Consider the most important indicators that affect the level of health:

  1. Living conditions.
  2. Habits that harm the body.
  3. Relationships between family members, microclimate, as well as the loss of family values, divorces, abortions.
  4. Committed crimes, robberies, murders and suicides.
  5. A change in lifestyle, for example, moving from a village to a city.
  6. Clashes that occur due to belonging to different religions and traditions.

Now consider the impact on the health of the population of other phenomena.

Negative impact of technogenic factors

These include:

  1. Decreased performance conditionally healthy people, as well as
  2. The occurrence of disorders in genetics, leading to the emergence of hereditary diseases that will fall on future generations.
  3. The growth of chronic and infectious diseases among the working-age population, due to which people do not go to work.
  4. Reducing the level of health of children living in contaminated areas.
  5. Weak immunity in most of the population.
  6. An increase in the number of cancer patients.
  7. Decreased life expectancy in people living in areas with high environmental pollution.

Thus, it is clear that there are many risk factors. This also includes industrial and transport emissions into the atmosphere, dirty effluents into groundwater, landfills, vapors and poisons of which then again enter the human environment with precipitation.

It can be noted the negative impact on the health of the population of the media. News on television, periodicals, radio broadcasts, full of negative material, excite people. Thus, they cause a depressive and stressful state, break the conservative consciousness and are the most powerful factor that is harmful to health.

The quality of the water used is of paramount importance for mankind. It can serve as a source of the spread of terrible infectious diseases.

The soil also has a negative impact on human health. Since it accumulates in itself pollution from industrial enterprises coming from the atmosphere, a variety of pesticides, fertilizers. It may also contain pathogens of some helminthiases and numerous infectious diseases. This poses a great danger to people.

And even the biological components of the landscape are able to harm the population. These are poisonous plants and bites of poisonous animals. And also extremely dangerous carriers of infectious diseases (insects, animals).

Not to mention the natural natural disasters, which carry away more than 50 thousand people annually. These are earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, avalanches, hurricanes.

And in conclusion of our article, we can conclude that many literate people do not adhere to right image life, relying on higher powers (maybe it will blow over).

It is necessary to rest. Sleep is very important, which protects our nervous system. A person who sleeps little gets up in the morning irritable, broken and angry, often with a headache. Each individual has his own sleep rate, but on average it should last at least 8 hours.

Two hours before a night's rest, you should stop eating and mental activity. The room should be ventilated, you need to open the window at night. In no case should you sleep in outerwear. Do not hide with your head and bury your face in the pillow, it interferes respiratory process. Try to fall asleep at the same time, the body will get used to it and there will be no problems with falling asleep.

But you should not risk your health, life is one, and you need to live it qualitatively and happily so that your healthy descendants can enjoy this priceless gift.

Our body is a perfect machine, all the components of which are amazingly correlated with each other. The correct and balanced activity of all organs and systems allows us to feel strong and healthy for many years. However, the body has a tendency to wear out. For some, wear time comes earlier, for others later. And even despite high level development of medicine, specialists are not always able to correct the breakdowns that occur. What does our health depend on? What factors have a particular impact on it?

More than thirty years ago, scientists compiled a list of four factors that ensure the health of everyone modern man. Fifteen to twenty percent is provided by genetic factors, the state of the environment determines health indicators by twenty to twenty five percent. Ten fifteen percent of our body depends on the level of medical care. And finally, fifty - fifty-five percent of our health is a way of life and its conditions.

It should be borne in mind that the magnitude of the influence of individual factors also depends on age indicators, the sex of the individual and his personal and typological characteristics.

Let's look at each of the factors described above in a little more detail.


As you know, much in the development of our body is determined by the set of genes that our parents laid in us. Not only our appearance depends on genetics, but also the presence of hereditary diseases and predisposition to certain pathological conditions. Parents pass us a certain blood type, Rh factor and an individual combination of proteins.

hereditary factor also detects transmissible diseases, such as hemophilia, diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases. Predisposition to development can be passed on from parents mental disorders.

However, from the point of heredity, all forms of pathologies can be divided into four large groups:

Diseases that develop precisely because of the presence of pathological genes. These are diseases such as phenylketonuria or hemophilia, as well as chromosomal ailments;

Also, hereditary diseases that can develop under the influence of the environment, while the elimination of pathological factors of external influence leads to a decrease in the severity clinical manifestations. A prime example such disease is gout;

This group is represented by fairly common ailments, most of of which develops in old age (ulcer, hypertension, oncology). The emergence of such pathological conditions in some way depends on the genetic predisposition, but the main factor provoking their development lies in the adverse effects of the environment;

The fourth group includes diseases that develop solely due to the influence of environmental factors, however, a certain genetic predisposition may influence the outcome of these states.


This factor influences human health includes a number of natural and anthropogenic influences, in the environment of which everyday life of people. At the same time, it includes social, natural, as well as artificially created factors of biological, physical and chemical plan that directly or indirectly affect the life, health and various activities of the individual.

Medical service

Many people place most of their hopes for health on this factor, but its influence is at a rather low level. Now medicine involves the elimination of pathological conditions, and not the maintenance of health at the proper level. At the same time, the medicinal effect often reduces the stock of health due to the presence of many side effects.

In order for medical professionals to help the nation stay healthier, there must be primary prevention, namely, work with those people who are healthy, and with those who are just getting sick. However, our medical system does not have the resources for this, since all its forces are aimed at combating already developed diseases and preventing their recurrence.


So, we come to the last and most important factor that half determines our health. It is a healthy lifestyle that contributes to the prolongation of life and the maintenance of a full life. At the same time, recommendations for optimizing everyday lifestyle should be selected based on individual characteristics individual. It is necessary to take into account not only the gender and age characteristics of a person, but also his marital status, profession, traditions of the family and country, working conditions. An important role is played by material support and working conditions.

At the same time, each person can carry out individual work to optimize their lifestyle, using the available literature. Unfortunately, now many teachings offer the opportunity to maintain and strengthen health using miraculous remedies. These are amazing motor practices, nutritional supplements, preparations for cleansing the body. However, it should be taken into account that health can be achieved only by optimizing all spheres of life, including the mental side.

So, the main factors influencing human health are now clear to you. As you can see, the lifestyle that we create for ourselves has the greatest impact on our body for most people. That is, a lot still depends on us ... And we are responsible for ourselves!