Why does PMS happen? Premenstrual syndrome - what is it? PMS: symptoms, treatment

With the onset of premenstrual syndrome, about 75% of females experience various ailments that appear a few days before the onset of the cycle. Therefore, any little thing can cause premenstrual irritability during PMS. If a hundred years ago such a phenomenon was under a veil of mystery, then today doctors know how to get rid of PMS or get an investment.

Unpleasant symptoms

Since the body of each woman is individual, premenstrual syndrome begins to appear 1-14 days before the onset of menstruation. Therefore, the main symptoms of PMS are:

  • arises;
  • the mammary glands become coarse and acquire a state of soreness;
  • swelling occurs and thirst increases;
  • there is an unstable heart rhythm and pain in the region of the heart;
  • appetite completely disappears or, conversely, increases;
  • there is a feeling of nausea and dizziness;
  • sometimes there is a chill or rises sharply;
  • allergic rashes appear;
  • there is constipation or diarrhea;
  • acne appears;
  • noticeable weight gain.

In addition to the physical manifestation of discomfort, one has to deal with such symptoms of PMS as:

  • the first signs of PMS are irascibility, nervousness, irritability;
  • memory impairment;
  • increased tearing;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increase or decrease in libido (sexuality).

Usually, relief comes after the onset of menstruation. Often, people who are engaged in mental work or who have chronic illnesses are familiar with PMS.

What caused

The good functioning of a woman's body directly depends on the balance between sex hormones - progesterone, androgen and estrogen. With the onset of the premenstrual period, their imbalance occurs, causing certain symptoms.

There are other factors that provoke the appearance of PMS syndrome:

  1. Lack of magnesium.
  2. Insufficient amount of vitamin B6.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Excess weight.
  5. Decreased serotonin levels.
  6. Heredity.
  7. Complications during abortions, difficult childbirth, gynecological diseases and stressful conditions.

To relieve PMS, you can drink medications. However, if a woman has a severe form of premenstrual syndrome, then hormonal drugs are used as therapy.

How to relieve PMS

Premenstrual syndrome is considered to be only a woman's ailment, so there are several steps that point to how to relieve PMS.

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  1. Visit a specialist:
  • gynecologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist.
  1. You should start taking medications 2-3 days before the start of PMS, focusing on the severity and duration of pain:
  • with severe pain - antispasmodic drugs;
  • medicines aimed at restoring the activity of the autonomic nervous system;
  • sedatives for the normalization of the central nervous system - tablets of plant origin: motherwort, mint, valerian, peppermint;
  • it is possible to take oral contraceptives that eliminate discomfort even on the eve of critical days;
  • against severe bleeding, a decoction of raspberry leaves is considered an effective remedy.
  1. The key rule is to follow the basic principles of nutrition a couple of days before the onset of menstruation:
  • do not abuse strongly strong tea and coffee;
  • fluid intake is not more than 1.5 liters per day;
  • eat less salty food;
  • reduce the intake of foods rich in calcium;
  • reduce the amount of fatty foods in the diet;
  • it is recommended not to use spices, hot spices and alcoholic products;
  • reduce meat and dairy products to the minimum portions.
  1. Especially important is the intake of multivitamins, including A, B, E.
  2. As a prevention of PMS, a woman's body needs proper rest and sleep.
  3. Walk more often in the fresh air and exclude heavy physical labor.
  4. It is advisable not to smoke.
  5. Taking a contrast shower in the morning and evening will reduce stress.
  6. Exclude feelings.
  7. It is forbidden to visit the bath and sauna both before PMS and during menstruation.


Every woman is familiar with the symptoms of the premenstrual period and should know how to relieve the condition during PMS. The main measure is the therapy of chronic diseases, such as:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of a nervous nature and other diseases present in the anatomy of the individual.

It is also necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the use of vitamin and mineral complexes.

In other cases, treatment is focused on getting rid of the symptoms of PMS before the menstrual period.


Sometimes there come times when medication is the only right solution to relieve PMS. As painkillers are used:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:
  • Aspirin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • indometracin;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Naproxen;
  • Ketolong.
  1. Spasm medications:
  • Papaverine;
  • Buscopan;
  • No-shpa;
  • Drotaverin.
  1. Analgesics:
  • Analgin;
  • Spazmalgon;
  • Peretin;
  • Minalgin;
  • Baralgin.

Tablets that relieve PMS are used according to the instructions. For example, antispasmodics begin to act after 20 minutes, analgesics, which act as relief drugs for PMS, relieve pain after 7 minutes.

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An equally important role is played by sedative pills. Often such remedies and infusions consist of medicinal herbs:

  • Herb motherwort;
  • Valerian;
  • Glod;
  • Novo-passit.

In more severe cases, antidepressants such as glycine are used.

The most effective medications for the treatment of PMS are hormonal drugs:

  • Duphaston, Utrozhestan;
  • Contraceptives: Logest, Yarina, Janine;
  • If a woman feels discomfort in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, then Danazol is used;
  • Buserelin, Zoladex act on the principle of turning off the function of the ovaries, leading to the rapid annulment of PMS symptoms;
  • At the time of the onset of the premenopausal period, Dostinex, Parlodel are often prescribed.

In case of edema, a specialist prescribes diuretics for treatment, with high blood pressure - antihypertensive drugs, during the manifestation of an allergic rash - antihistamines.

Treatment at home

Most females at home manage to alleviate PMS with folk remedies. Only in critical cases resort to the help of doctors. Also help:

  1. Taking a bath. Bathing in a warm bath helps relieve tension, relax muscles, and soothe pain.
  2. Foot bath. In this case, the composition of the decoction includes: lemon balm, chamomile, cudweed. Add a few drops to water. The procedure improves blood circulation, relieves spasms, soothes and relaxes.
  3. Relaxation to music.
  4. Doing what you love.
  5. The use of tea from: lemon balm, mint, thyme, elderberry.

To alleviate the condition and normalize the menstrual cycle, the following fees are used:

  • A decoction is being prepared with the addition of 3 tablespoons of chamomile, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of melissa and yarrow. For the day, the reception is divided into 3 stages;
  • Used 2 tbsp. spoons of acacia leaves and fever. The mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for ¼ hour. Such a medicinal tea should be consumed within a week before the onset of menstruation.

Reduces bleeding and spotting infusion of 0.5 tsp. knotweed, 1 tsp lungwort with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of chamomile, yarrow and horsetail. After adding boiling water, the mixture is steamed for several minutes. Take 1 glass before bed.

To get rid of PMS, you need to start eating foods containing calcium (spinach, cabbage, parsley, lettuce) a week before the onset of critical days and stick to a diet.

Clinical studies have shown that more than half of modern women are characterized by premenstrual irritability. There is a certain relationship between the menstrual cycle and the psychological state of a woman. Indeed, unreasonable sensitivity, outbursts of anger, streams of tears, mood swings can occur without any reason. Are hormones really to blame? And what is premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?

PMS- This is a complex of negative symptoms that appear in women during the time preceding menstruation. Some endure this time calmly, while others go quite rapidly, but the symptoms themselves are always predictable, which makes it possible to distinguish this condition from other diseases.

When does PMS appear?

Changes in the physical and emotional state occur approximately 7-10 days before the onset of menstruation and disappear almost immediately after the onset of menstruation. These dates can be easily established if you keep a diary for several months and note in it the dates and symptoms of the beginning and end of these days.

Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual irritation is only 2 types: psychological and physiological. For some it is more intense, for others it is less. Moreover, for the same woman, PM (premenstrual) irritation can be expressed quite differently in different months - which makes it difficult for her to understand that this is happening to her. It becomes bad both inside and outside (everything is annoying). Let's consider all the signs in order.

The most pronounced psychological symptoms premenstrual syndrome. Strongly to such an extent that a woman becomes fussy, cannot concentrate her attention in any way, can forget about simple things, suffer from insomnia and just want to cry. She can be very energetic now, and after a while become lethargic, tired, depressed. Some may experience negative manifestations such as panic, suicidal thoughts, or even a tendency to violence, aggression.

Concerning physiological irritation, then there is discomfort in everything. Many complain of backache, causeless headaches, a feeling of heaviness, dizziness, nausea. Hands, legs swell, chest, stomach, joints increase and hurt, acne appears. At this time, a woman can easily gain weight, she awakens a "brutal" appetite for sweet or salty.

All signs disappear without a trace after a few hours have passed after the onset of menstruation. Read about.


Numerous studies suggest that the cause of premenstrual irritability lies in the violations of the functions of the female body. The fact is that PMS is a very complex mechanism that originates from a malfunction in the functions of the ovaries, as well as the balance of its hormones. This is what prevents the endocrine glands and the central nervous system from “working” normally.

According to the hormonal theory, PMS occurs due to an imbalance between progesterone and estrogen. The most reasonable is the version of hyperestrogenism (excess estrogen). These hormones cause fluid retention in the body, so swelling, soreness, swelling of the mammary glands, and headaches appear.

Estrogens are considered the "culprits" of the neuro-emotional state of a woman: irritability, tearfulness, etc.

Another cause of premenstrual syndrome is the theory of water intoxication, or a violation of water-salt metabolism. There is an opinion that “monthly PMS torture” is the result of beriberi, or rather a lack of calcium, vitamin

For 75% of women, the last week before menstruation is associated with increased fatigue, emotionality and irrepressible appetite. The pronounced symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) are more often observed in the fair sex, engaged in intellectual activity or living in large cities with developed infrastructure and poor ecology. Read more about the factors of occurrence, signs and means that facilitate the course of this process, read later in the article.

The second phase of the menstrual cycle in most women is characterized by physical manifestations, which are commonly called premenstrual syndrome or tension. Symptoms of PMS, expressed in a significant deterioration in well-being, occur in 4-8% of women. Changes in mood and general condition 7-10 days before the onset of menstruation occur primarily due to natural hormonal failure after ovulation. As a result of scientific research, some regularities in the occurrence of symptoms of premenstrual tension syndrome have been established:

  1. Increased content of the enzyme monoamine oxidase in the blood causes short-term depression.
  2. Decrease in serotonin, which refers to the neurotransmitters responsible for a person's good mood, becomes the cause of apathy and despondency.
  3. Increased production of the adrenal hormone aldosterone leads to a state of permanent fatigue and a change in taste sensations.

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What is PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

Premenstrual syndrome (abbreviated PMS, or as it is sometimes mistakenly called "postmenstrual syndrome") is a complex set of negative symptoms that occur in women in the days preceding menstruation. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can manifest itself in a number of neuropsychiatric, metabolic-endocrine or vegetative-vascular disorders, and in each patient the symptoms of PMS are individual.

According to statistics, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects, according to various sources, from 50 to 80% of all women on the planet. Many of them are in a fairly mild form, in which there is no need to see a doctor. However, you need to know that over time and under the right circumstances, PMS can progress, so if you experience any pain or nervous breakdowns before your period, try not to let the situation worsen.

It happens that changes in the well-being or behavior of a woman occur after the onset of menstruation. Since this happens after 2-3 weeks, many mistakenly call it postmenstrual syndrome.

In general, according to the information of the doctors of our medical center, women aged 20 to 40 most often suffer from PMS, there are fewer cases of premenstrual syndrome along with the onset of menarche and even less often in the premenopausal period.

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Symptoms of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

Gynecologists, experts in this field, say that there are about 150 symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which, moreover, occur in different combinations. However, the most common of them are the following: a small increase in body weight, pain in the lumbar region and in the pelvic organs, bloating, nausea, hardening and tenderness of the mammary glands, increased fatigue, irritability, insomnia or, in some cases, on the contrary, excessive sleepiness.

Most young women say that in the days preceding menstruation, they often experience not only physical, but also emotional and psychological discomfort. Many experience bouts of unreasonable aggression, inadequate behavioral reactions, tearfulness, and a quick change of mood can be observed. At the same time, it has been noticed that some women unconsciously experience the fear of the onset of PMS and menstruation, and therefore become even more irritable and withdrawn, even before this period.

At one time, studies were conducted aimed at elucidating the effect of PMS on the activity and working capacity of a woman. Their results were very disappointing. So, the last few days of the menstrual cycle account for about 33% of cases of acute appendicitis, 31% of acute viral infections and respiratory diseases, about 25% of women are hospitalized during this period. 27% of women during the postmenstrual syndrome begin to take tranquilizers or some other drugs that affect the neuropsychic state, which also negatively affects both the future state of health and the ability to work.

As noted by the gynecologist of our medical center "Euromedprestige" Usatenko Fedor Nikolaevich, in clinical practice there are four most common forms of premenstrual syndrome. The first of the forms of postmenstrual syndrome is neuropsychic, characterized by weakness, tearfulness, depression, or, conversely, excessive and unreasonable irritability, aggression. Moreover, the latter, as a rule, prevails in young girls, while slightly older women are more likely to be depressed and melancholy.

The edematous form of PMS is coarsening, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, swelling of the face, legs and hands, sweating. With this form of PMS, sensitivity to odors is sharply expressed, and a change in taste sensations is possible. Many women suffering from this type of premenstrual syndrome believe that the cause of such conditions is respiratory or viral infections and seek help from a therapist. Meanwhile, the gynecologists of our medical center recommend that you carefully observe yourself and, if symptoms occur only before the onset of menstruation, visit a gynecologist. In this case, only he will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.

The third form of PMS is called cephalgic. With this form of PMS, a woman experiences headaches, nausea, sometimes vomiting, and dizziness. Approximately one third have pain in the heart and a depressed psychological state. If in this situation a craniocerebral x-ray is performed, an increase in the vascular pattern can be seen in combination with hyperostosis (overgrowth of the bone layer). In addition, the amount of calcium in a woman's body changes, which can lead to fragility and brittle bones.

And finally, the last, so-called crisis form of postmenstrual syndrome (PMS), manifests itself in the appearance of adrenaline crises, which begin with a feeling of squeezing under the chest and are accompanied by a significantly increased heart rate, numbness and coldness of the hands and feet. Frequent and copious urination is possible. In addition, half of the women say that during such crises they experience a greatly aggravated fear of death, which negatively affects their mental and emotional state.

According to the specialists of our medical center, the crisis form of PMS is the most severe and requires mandatory medical intervention. At the same time, it does not occur by itself, but is a consequence of the previous three forms that have not been cured. Therefore, with any negative symptoms and a deterioration in general health in the days preceding menstruation, it is best to contact a gynecologist, as only he can determine how serious the situation is and prescribe the necessary treatment.

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Causes of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

For several decades, medical scientists have been trying to find out the causes and factors that lead to the onset of premenstrual syndrome. To date, there are several theories, but none of them is able to explain all the symptoms that accompany PMS.

The hormonal theory is considered the most complete so far, according to which premenstrual syndrome is a consequence of an imbalance in estrogen.< и прогестерона в организме женщины. Наиболее обоснованной в рамках этой теории является точка зрения, говорящая о гиперэстрогении (избытке эстрогенов). Действие этих гормонов таково, что в большом количестве они способствуют задержке жидкости в организме, что, в свою очередь, вызывает отеки, набухание и болезненность молочных желез, головную боль, обострение сердечно-сосудистых проблем. Кроме того, эстрогены могут скапливаться в лимбической системе организма, влияющей на нервно-эмоциональное состояние женщины. Отсюда — депрессивные или агрессивные состояния, раздражительность и т.п.

Another theory - the theory of water intoxication - suggests that the symptoms of PMS appear when there are violations of the water-salt exchange of fluid in the body. In addition, there is an opinion that PMS is a consequence of beriberi, in particular, a lack of vitamins B6, A, magnesium, calcium, zinc. However, this has not yet been fully tested in practice, although in some cases vitamin therapy has a positive result in the treatment of PMS. Also, some doctors talk about the genetic factor in the development of premenstrual syndrome.

In our medical center "Euromedprestige", gynecologists and gynecologists-endocrinologists are of the opinion that the basis of premenstrual syndrome is not one reason, but their combination, and for each woman they can be individual. Therefore, before prescribing treatment, our doctors conduct a comprehensive mini-examination in order to make the most accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

The direction of treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is largely determined by the individual characteristics of the female body and the symptoms experienced by the patient. Common to all forms of PMS is the advice to keep a menstrual calendar, and if possible write down your feelings in the days before menstruation. This clearly shows whether a woman has PMS or the causes of the ailment lie in another, non-gynecological disorder.

In our medical center, doctors practice a comprehensive treatment of premenstrual syndrome, which includes the use of sex hormones, vitamins, and other medicines as needed, as well as a special diet and exercise therapy. The last two methods are recommended in any case, whatever the symptoms. Drug therapy is prescribed by the doctor at his discretion.

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Hormonal theory of PMS

Let's talk a little about what medications are prescribed for women suffering from premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Firstly, these are synthetic analogues of the natural hormones of gestagens, which helps to restore hormonal balance and eliminate the manifestations of PMS. They have been used for a long time, since about the 50s of the twentieth century, and remain popular to this day, as they are effective in most cases. Rarely, but still there are situations in which gestagens are not recommended for use due to the individual characteristics of the hormonal system of a woman. Therefore, before prescribing treatment, the specialists of our medical center "Euromedprestige" preliminarily conduct a study on functional diagnostic tests, and also examine the level of hormones in the patient's blood. All this allows us to conclude that it is possible to use gestagens for the treatment of PMS. If there are contraindications, the doctor selects another treatment using other medications.

Treatment of PMS with vitamin preparations usually includes the use of vitamins A and E in combination. A series of approximately 15 injections are carried out. In addition, at the discretion of a specialist and based on an analysis, magnesium, calcium or vitamin B6 preparations can be prescribed for the treatment of PMS, which activates the exchange of estrogens and prevents their accumulation.

Diet also plays an important role in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. It is based on the fact that a woman should consume food that contains a sufficiently large amount of fiber. The approximate ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 15%, 10% and 75%. It is worth limiting beef, as some of its types contain artificial estrogens, reduce the amount of fat consumed due to the fact that they can negatively affect the liver and cause fluid retention in the body. Excess proteins are also not recommended, as they increase the body's need for mineral salts, due to which the water-salt metabolism may be disturbed.

Theory of water intoxication in postmenstrual syndrome

In addition to foods rich in fiber, a woman suffering from PMS can be advised to eat more vegetables, fruits, drink herbal teas and juices, especially carrot and lemon. But caffeinated drinks should be avoided, as this component can increase irritability, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. The same applies to alcohol, but its effect is even more negative, since it directly affects the liver, reducing its ability to process hormones, and thus estrogens accumulate in the body.

Also, with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), physiotherapy is quite effective. A woman is offered therapeutic aerobics, or special hydrotherapy< в сочетании с массажем. Доказано, что физические упражнения способны снять стресс и сбалансировать гормональную систему. Однако не стоит увлекаться такими видами спорта, как тяжелая атлетика, бокс и т.п. Слишком сильные физические нагрузки не только не лечат, но и обостряют протекание предменструального синдрома (ПМС). Гинекологи нашего медицинского центра рекомендуют женщинам, страдающим ПМС, такие виды спорта, как бег трусцой, ходьба, велосипед по ровной местности на небольшой скорости. Предварительно, конечно, стоит посоветоваться с врачом, который подберет наилучший режим упражнений.

The nervous state of a woman before menstruation has become an object of ridicule from men. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) “spoils” the lives of both, often being the cause of quarrels in a couple and quarrels in the family. Therefore, what is PMS in girls, men should also know.

Women who have experienced all the “charms” of PMS know for sure that this is not a series of whims, but a really difficult condition. However, only a few of them are able to cope with the manifestations of hormonal changes in the body. Modern medicine provides such an opportunity: compliance with certain rules and the use of safe drugs will help you survive the premenstrual period without shocks and depression.

PMS in women - transcript

What it is? PMS is a special condition of a woman a few days before menstrual bleeding, characterized by emotional instability, vegetative-vascular and metabolic abnormalities. The abbreviation "PMS" stands for Premenstrual Syndrome. To make it clear what constitutes premenstrual syndrome, we will answer frequently asked questions:

  • Premenstrual syndrome: are men right when they mock a woman's condition?

This time the men are clearly wrong. Premenstrual syndrome is included in the WHO classification. This means that the world medical community recognizes this deviation.

  • Does PMS happen to all women?

Every second woman faces premenstrual syndrome. Moreover, the incidence of PMS and the severity of its symptoms increases with age. So, up to 30 years, only 20% of women suffer from it, after 30 - every third, and after 40 years, PMS occurs in 55-75% of women.

  • Why does premenstrual syndrome occur?

Doctors do not give a definite answer. Hormonal fluctuations before menstruation, as the cause of PMS, are not always justified. In some women, changes in the levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen are not as significant. Closest to the truth is the theory of a temporary change in neuroregulation.

  • How many days before menstruation do PMS symptoms appear?

A woman's condition changes 2-10 days before the onset of menstrual bleeding. The duration of this period and the severity of its manifestations is individual. However, all painful sensations necessarily stop in the first days of menstruation.

  • Do you have to endure premenstrual syndrome?

Not at all necessary. To alleviate menstrual syndrome, several rules have been developed for the daily routine and nutrition. Also, in the case of its pronounced manifestations, the gynecologist may prescribe some medications (they will be discussed below).

  • Does PMS go away after childbirth?

In some women, premenstrual syndrome is initially absent and may appear after childbirth. In others, on the contrary, unpleasant symptoms disappear or weaken (especially swelling and soreness of the breast) after the birth of the child.

Important! PMS and menstruation are always connected: painful symptoms disappear after the onset of bleeding.

Most often, premenstrual syndrome occurs in smokers (the probability of PMS is doubled!), women with a weight index over 30 (divide your kg by your height squared in meters). Also, the risk increases after abortion and complicated childbirth, after gynecological operations. A genetically determined reaction of the body to physiological changes before menstruation is not excluded. However, PMS is most often recorded in depressive (phlegmatic) and emotionally labile (choleric) ladies.

Typical symptoms of PMS

It is unlikely that there will be women with the same picture of PMS: there are about 150 signs of premenstrual syndrome. However, in such a variety of characters, the main groups can be distinguished. Symptoms of PMS in women:

  • Deviations from the nervous system and psyche

The mood of a woman can be called in one word - negative. She may cry for nothing or for no reason at all. Ready to “tear to shreds”, the degree of aggression also does not coincide much with the offense inflicted. At best, a woman is in a depressed state and experiences irritability, which she cannot always cope with.

  • Hormonal changes

Due to the increased level of progesterone for 1-2 weeks. before menstruation, a woman noticeably increases and engorges the mammary glands. Many women need a bra one size larger than usual during this period. The bursting soreness in the chest can be so intense that ordinary walking causes discomfort.

In some women, veins protrude on the skin of the mammary glands. At the same time, swelling of the hands and face can be observed, and swelling on the legs at the end of the day becomes more noticeable. Often, an increase in temperature to 37.0-37.2ºС is recorded. Often the stomach increases in size due to the accumulation of gases and constipation.

  • Autonomic disorders

During PMS, a throbbing headache often occurs, radiating to the eye area. Attacks are similar to migraines, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting, but the pressure remains normal.

PMS after 40 years, when hormonal changes are aggravated by concomitant diseases, often provokes pressure rises in the evenings (hypertensive crisis), tachycardia (palpitations), shortness of breath and pain in the heart.

Premenstrual syndrome can occur with a predominance of certain symptoms (edematous, cephalgic, crisis), but most often a mixed form is diagnosed. Almost every woman suffering from PMS experiences:

  • constant thirst and increased sweating, acne;
  • dizziness and staggering, especially in the morning, and fatigue;
  • desire to eat salty or sweet, increased appetite;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen and spastic pains, irradiation to the lower back is most often due to a prolonged inflammatory process in the genital organs (thrush, chronic adnexitis, etc.);
  • goosebumps and less commonly numbness of the fingers and toes associated with vit. B6 and magnesium;
  • rejection of strong odors, even your own perfume.

Severe PMS is diagnosed when there are 5-12 severe symptoms.

Premenstrual syndrome can proceed according to the following scenarios:

  • Compensation stage - the signs of PMS are not very pronounced, they disappear immediately with the onset of menstruation. The course is stable, progression of symptoms over the years is not observed.
  • Stage of subcompensation - the severity of symptoms increases over the years, as a result, the woman's ability to work is impaired for some time.
  • Stage of decompensation - severe symptoms (hypertensive crises, fainting, etc.) disappear only after a few days after the end of menstrual bleeding. Women have panic attacks, suicidal thoughts are not uncommon. During PMS, women often show violence, especially towards their children (they beat them severely).

With severe symptoms of PMS, a sick leave is acceptable. However, severe premenstrual syndrome can be a reason for refusal when applying for a job. In European countries, during a divorce, if the ex-wife has a pronounced PMS, the children can be left with their father.

Premenstrual syndrome or pregnancy

The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are very similar to those of pregnancy. The main question of women is how to distinguish: PMS or pregnancy? It is almost impossible if you do not take a pregnancy test or wait some time for menstruation. However, according to some signs, pregnancy can be assumed:

  • Only during pregnancy there is a perversion of taste. In addition to cravings for salty or sweet, as with PMS, a pregnant woman refuses her previously favorite food and expresses an acute desire to consume chalk, earth. There may be an addiction, for example, to fat, which the woman could not bear before.
  • Pungent odors in a pregnant woman also cause a negative reaction. In addition, a pregnant woman may experience olfactory "hallucinations": a specific smell appears in an inappropriate place.
  • The pain in the lower abdomen during the onset of pregnancy is less straining, occurs periodically and has a softer, pulling character. Lower back pain appears only when there is a threat of miscarriage or at later stages of pregnancy.
  • Mood swings can occur as early as the first weeks of pregnancy, which coincides in time with the period of PMS. However, a pregnant woman expresses positive emotions as violently as anger. The premenstrual period is characterized by a negative emotional reaction.
  • Rapid fatigue occurs closer to 1 month. pregnancy (approximately 2 weeks delay in menstruation).
  • PMS ends with the onset of menstruation. In this case, full-fledged uterine bleeding occurs. Sometimes during pregnancy, spotting also occurs on the days when menstruation is due. The difference between bleeding during pregnancy and menstruation is a smearing character: only a few drops of blood are released, and the discharge is pink or brownish.
  • Only during pregnancy, frequent urination is often observed from the first weeks. For PMS, this symptom is not typical.
  • Nausea can be triggered by premenstrual syndrome and is observed throughout the day. During pregnancy, nausea and vomiting occur a little later, for 4-5 weeks. and indicate early toxicosis.

Important! An hCG test will help diagnose pregnancy. Some tests are highly sensitive and can detect pregnancy within 4 days. before the onset of the expected menstruation. However, the optimal time for the test is the 2nd day of the delay in menstruation and the next week.

It is quite possible to reduce and, at best, completely get rid of premenstrual syndrome. If the symptoms are not too severe, the following recommendations will help manage PMS without drug therapy:

  • Full sleep for at least 8 hours. Walking and breathing exercises will help improve sleep.
  • Physical activity - stimulates the synthesis of endorphins, which improve mood and calm the nervous system. During the premenstrual period, dancing, yoga and other relaxing practices (massage, bathing) are especially useful.
  • Correction of nutrition - the rejection of sweet and fatty, the saturation of the diet with fruits and vegetables. Coffee, alcohol, energy drinks and chocolate irritate the nervous system. These products should be excluded for the period of PMS.
  • Regular sex is a source of oxytocin (the hormone of happiness). In addition, the uterus relaxes, spastic pains disappear. You should not drown out the increased sexual desire: nature itself tells you what the body needs.
  • Hold on to your emotions. The best tactic for the premenstrual period - I'll think about it later. Of course, you should not ignore the serious negative that coincided with PMS. But knowing that it is easy to "go too far" and say too much, it is better to postpone a serious conversation until later.
  • You should not go shopping during the premenstrual period. There is a high probability of wasting money, which in the future can develop into a family conflict.

In severe cases, a woman is prescribed drug therapy:

  • Pain with PMS, what to do? - let's say No-shpy. However, you should not get carried away with this drug. Having an antispasmodic effect, No-shpa in large doses can increase menstrual bleeding. A good analgesic effect is given by NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Naproxen). It is worth remembering: Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Mig-400) is not recommended for women over 40 due to a negative effect on the heart.
  • Soreness in the chest and swelling - easily eliminated by taking diuretics (Veroshpiron 25 mg, Furosemide 40 mg).
  • Multivitamins - will compensate for the lack of magnesium, calcium and vit. AT 6. An excellent remedy for PMS is the drug Magne-B6, the reception lasts 1 month. followed by a repeat course. A good effect is given by the homeopathic remedy Mastodinon and a decoction of saffron.
  • Removal of excitation of the nervous system - herbal preparations are most often used (Novo-Passit, Persen). Mixed tinctures of valerian and motherwort will help reduce stress and improve sleep, take 15-25 caps. 2-3 times a day or only an hour before bedtime. In severe cases, a tranquilizer Afobazol is prescribed, which effectively eliminates the state of anxiety. At the same time, the drug does not have a negative effect on the psyche, women can drive a car while taking it. It is advisable to take antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Zoloft, Paxil) and antipsychotics (Nootropil, Sonapax, Aminalon). Tranquilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics are used only on prescription!
  • Hormonal agents - to stabilize the hormonal level and leveling the symptoms of PMS, oral contraceptives (Midiana, Yarina) are used, the course is 3 months, followed by repetition. Prevents engorgement of the glands and swelling of the progestogen drug Drospirenone (Anabella, Angelik, Vidora).

Premenstrual syndrome is not to be tolerated. The condition with PMS, especially in women with an unstable psyche and neurosis, may worsen over time, which ultimately will negatively affect the quality of life and working capacity.

It is also worth remembering that diseases of the genital area, endocrine disorders (including hypo- and hyperthyroidism) only aggravate the course of premenstrual syndrome. Their treatment, adherence to recommendations for lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medications will help to cope even with severe PMS.