Rules of feminine hygiene. Useful tips: intimate hygiene for women

The rules of a woman’s personal hygiene are related to the physiological characteristics of the female body. This means that, along with generally accepted principles of personal hygiene, additional rules are required throughout life. These additional rules should be followed starting from an early age of the girl, in order to prevent various inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

Rules of feminine hygiene

All representatives of the fair sex know that underwear should be changed regularly. In addition, daily genital hygiene procedures should be performed. They should be washed with clean, soft, warm water. Moreover, the stream of water must be directed from front to back, and not vice versa. Toilet paper should also be used in this direction.

This is very important, as it helps prevent infections, such as E. coli, from getting into the vagina. This microorganism often causes inflammation of the female genital organs.

The modern world is characterized by poor ecology, which largely contributes to the emergence of various diseases and weakened immunity. Therefore, do not rely on chance, follow the basic rules. When taking water procedures, try to ensure that the soap or gel you use does not get into the vagina. They can have a detrimental effect on the natural flora of the mucous membrane, which provokes the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

On the days of menstruation, do not forget to wash your genitals more often with clean, preferably boiled water, without soap. There should be at least 3-4 such procedures per day. These days, the inner surface of the uterus is extremely sensitive and vulnerable. It can easily become infected. Therefore, during these days, refrain from swimming in open water and do not visit the sauna or swimming pool. Take a shower daily, morning and evening. Sex is also undesirable these days.

However, intimate hygiene of a woman’s genital organs is not only about carrying out daily water procedures. Sex education also applies to these rules. It’s no secret that a huge part of gynecological diseases is associated with a woman’s frequent change of sexual partners. And it is very sad that young girls often end up in prison for these reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to explain the norms of moral education, as well as talk about some aspects of sexual life, in order to protect a young girl from wrong steps, and therefore from many sexually transmitted diseases.

Another common cause of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area is hypothermia. The modern girl is more concerned about how she looks than whether she is dressed warmly. Youth fashion dictates its own style: short jackets, low-rise jeans or short skirts with thin tights. The results of blindly following fashion is inflammation of the appendages.

Therefore, it is very important from childhood to instill in a girl not only a taste for fashion and the ability to navigate it, but also respect for her health. We need to teach her how to properly combine fashion and the necessary care for her health.

You should know that any inflammatory disease of the female genital area very easily becomes chronic. This guarantees the appearance of severe, persistent pain, taking medications, sometimes painful procedures and endless queues to the doctor. To avoid all this, you need to remember that a woman’s personal hygiene is above all else. Everyone knows them without exception, but each one approaches them in its own way, often incorrectly. For example, often women's diseases are directly related to the use of low-quality sanitary pads, tampons, and wearing synthetic underwear. And this is also very important for maintaining a woman’s health.

Which sanitary pads to choose?

Modern trade offers a great variety of sanitary pads from different manufacturers and companies. Such products for daily use are in great demand as they help maintain cleanliness and freshness all day long. However, it is very important to carefully choose them.

When purchasing, make sure that the absorbent liner of such a pad is made of natural material. The top layer should also be made of natural, hygienically clean material that is safe for women's health. High-quality pads allow the skin to “breathe”, keeping it from inflammation and diaper rash. This is especially true in hot weather, when sweating increases. Therefore, you should approach the purchase of this delicate product correctly.

Women who have undergone various operations, such as cesarean section, or after childbirth require special personal hygiene products. A real breakthrough in this direction can be called the appearance on the shelves of diapers specifically designed for adults. They solve the delicate problems of women after undergoing operations. They can also be worn by pregnant women in case of urinary incontinence. A woman’s body can respond negatively to various irritants, so it is important to choose hypoallergenic hygiene products.

You should also adjust the choice of hygiene products according to your age, because over time, a woman’s skin type can change dramatically.

To maintain your health for many years, strictly follow these simple rules throughout your life. They are not advisory, but mandatory. From childhood, explain to your daughters all the consequences of improper self-care. This will save them from many health problems in the future.

Women's health is a special thing. Here the slightest problems can lead to serious consequences. How often do women run around clinics, undergoing numerous examinations and taking various tests. But gynecologists constantly remind us that daily adherence to simple rules of intimate hygiene can prevent many inflammatory and infectious diseases. The only thing ladies should do is follow the recommendations of doctors.

At first glance, it seems that a woman’s intimate hygiene does not imply anything complicated, the main thing is to wash yourself daily and change your underwear regularly. But as practice shows, being clean and healthy are two different things. Often, women make a number of mistakes during hygiene procedures, which lead to a weakening of the microflora of the genital organs and an increased risk of contracting infectious diseases. How to do everything right to maintain your health?

Intimate hygiene rules for women

How to wash yourself properly?

Before washing, be sure to wash your hands with soap. During water procedures, it is not recommended to use sponges and washcloths, so as not to injure the mucous membrane of the genital organs and not cause irritation or even inflammation. We wash only with our hands and direct the stream of running water from front to back so as not to transfer bacteria from the rectum to the genitals. Those microorganisms that perform useful functions in the intestines can cause an inflammatory process in the vagina, so you need to be careful. It is not advisable to wash yourself while sitting in a basin or bathtub. This will also increase the risk of dangerous bacteria entering your vagina.

It is advisable to wash yourself at least 2 times a day, morning and evening. In one of these two times, you can use intimate hygiene gel. The second time we wash with just water. Doctors also recommend that women take a shower before and after intimacy.

At any time of the year you should use only warm water. A towel for intimate hygiene should be soft. And after washing, you need to wipe yourself with gentle blotting movements. It is very important that the towel is not only your personal, but also used only for the intimate area.

Do I need to douche?

Douching is washing the vagina with water. And if the woman is healthy, there is no need to douche. Ordinary daily intimate hygiene involves only washing. A procedure such as douching can only be prescribed by a doctor for medicinal purposes. In this case, the course of douching lasts only a few days. If you douche every day for no reason, this will lead to disruption of the vaginal pH, dryness of the mucous membranes, leaching of beneficial lactobacilli from the vagina and disruption of its normal microflora. All this can lead to bacterial vaginosis and provoke the development of an inflammatory process in the vagina.

Afterwards, you just need to wash your genitals with water. If there is some sperm left inside, there is nothing to worry about. Sperm cannot lead to such negative consequences as frequent douching.

During and during douching is especially dangerous. Therefore, on critical days, doctors do not recommend that women even take a bath. It's better to use the shower.

How to get rid of unpleasant vaginal odor?

An unpleasant odor from the vagina is most often a sign of genital disease. Therefore, before trying to get rid of it, you need to visit a doctor and get tested, especially if the smell has appeared recently.

If a faint odor is constantly present, this may be due to the characteristics of the body. People themselves very rarely smell themselves, but, nevertheless, it can be unpleasant for a sexual partner. And in this case, it is necessary to take action.

First of all, you need to review your diet, exclude onions, garlic, peppers, and beer from your diet. You should also try to drink more mint or plain green tea. In addition, you need to wash yourself more often and be careful about your choice. It is worth taking panties only from natural materials to avoid damage to the genitals due to synthetics.

Products for intimate hygiene for women

Soap for intimate hygiene

Regular soap is not suitable for use in delicate areas, as it dries out the mucous membrane. In addition, it creates an alkaline environment, while the natural environment of a woman's genitals is acidic. Violation of the normal level of acidity leads to a weakening of the protective properties of the internal environment of the vagina and provokes the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Therefore, it is imperative to use a special gel for intimate hygiene, which acts on the mucous membranes of the genital organs very gently and carefully, cleansing and relieving irritation. Its acidity is close to the natural environment of the vagina, and it also contains more moisturizing components.

When choosing a gel, you should pay attention to its color and smell, or rather, their absence. Intimate hygiene products should not contain dyes or fragrances that can cause allergic reactions. It would be good if the gel contains lactobacilli, which help maintain normal microflora of the female genital organs, as well as chamomile extract, which helps relieve irritation.

Pads and tampons

Doctors advise ladies to give preference to pads and use tampons only in special cases. Although tampons help get rid of unpleasant odor during pregnancy, and are also more reliable. Therefore, many women still often use them. Both tampons and pads need to be changed every 4 hours. If a dirty pad is in contact with the vagina for a longer period of time, this can lead to the development of an inflammatory process, since it creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Panty liners

Despite the fact that this hygiene product is popular among women, doctors do not recommend using such pads every day. They are made of synthetic materials and interfere with the normal breathability of underwear. Any woman experiences a small amount of discharge during the day, which leaves a mark on her panties. And pads help keep your favorite underwear clean. But still, for your health, it is better to use simple cotton panties and just wash them. And if you use pads, you need to change them every 3-4 hours.

One of the main points in people's lives is personal hygiene, which each of us must observe. Women should especially observe the rules of personal hygiene. What do they need to do to always look beautiful, well-groomed and attractive?

Water treatments

It is best to shower in the evening and in the morning. If this is not possible, then only in the evening. Washing your hands, feet, face, armpits, chest and rinsing should be a mandatory daily procedure. You can take a full bath once or twice a week, and you can add aromatic oils and sea salt. In short, the mood should be completely relaxed and positive. When taking water procedures, it is recommended to use special shower gels and washcloths, while sponges should only be made of natural fibers and individual ones. By the way, a towel is also an item for individual use.

Intimate hygiene

Personal hygiene of a person should include intimate hygiene. Washing should be done in the morning and evening using running water in the direction from the pubis to the anus. Doctors recommend using special intimate soap for these purposes; simple soap can disrupt the vaginal microflora. You should have a separate towel to dry your intimate area.


Personal clothing hygiene also includes underwear; beautiful lace underwear may not be very practical or pleasant for everyday wear. It is better to choose panties from natural fabrics that will cover the buttocks, fit snugly to the body, but do not restrict movement. Gynecologists do not advise girls to wear bikini briefs, as the fabric can lead to chafing of the external genitalia, which leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane and discomfort. Remember not only the beauty of underwear, but, first of all, its cleanliness.

Heel and nail care

A huge number of different harmful microorganisms and bacteria collect under dirty nails, so personal hand hygiene is simply necessary. It is important to regularly care for your nails, not only on your hands, but also on your feet. Cleanliness is the key to health, that’s what folk wisdom says. Remember to clean your nails regularly and file or trim them. Our heels need special care. Avoid the formation of corns, abrasions and calluses on them. Systematically use pumice stone to clean the heels and soles of your feet from keratinized skin scales.

In addition to all of the above, personal hygiene requirements include having your own toothbrush and toothpaste, your own comb, and, of course, personal underwear.

Careful oral care

As you know, failure to maintain personal hygiene can lead to some diseases of the internal organs, and most diseases begin their journey in the oral cavity. Teeth should be brushed every morning with a special natural-based paste, and the spaces between the teeth with a toothpick or dental floss. After each meal, it is recommended to rinse your mouth thoroughly. If you notice bad breath, it is recommended to visit your dentist immediately. In order to promptly remove tartar from teeth, detect caries or treat gums, it is recommended to visit the dentist twice a year. To prevent your gums from hurting, it is recommended to eat more foods that can strengthen your teeth and gums. Avoid fatty foods, which form acid and erode tooth enamel.

Perfect hair cleanliness

A girl’s personal hygiene must necessarily include hair care, and it doesn’t matter what length it is - long or short. Hair should be washed at least once or twice a week, and to preserve the natural color, as well as give hair shine and elasticity, after washing it is recommended to rinse it with an infusion of nettle or chamomile. A head massage is mandatory to stimulate and improve hair growth. This massage can be done either with your hands or with a massage brush. You need to dry your hair very carefully, picking it out with a towel.

How to deal with acne?

If you do not follow basic rules of personal hygiene, acne may form. Why is this happening? In the human body, absolutely everything is interconnected. If the rules of personal hygiene are not followed, the sebaceous glands begin to become clogged, resulting in the formation of acne on the face and other parts of the body. The most important thing: under no circumstances try to squeeze them out with your own hands, as you may cause an infection.

Try not to wash your face with plain water; it is best to wipe your face with a special lotion, and also use foam for washing. You also need to know that in most cases, the condition of the skin directly depends on the quality of sleep and nutrition. Pay special attention to these two steps. Salty, spicy and fatty foods, as well as a lot of sweets and starchy foods, can take a toll on your skin.

Healthy skin needs vitamin A (liver, egg yolk, butter and fish oil). It is also extremely useful to consume brewer's yeast, which can restore metabolic disorders. Also, the cause of acne is a stressful situation, so try to be less nervous.

Every woman strives for an ideal appearance in the eyes of both men and women. Only a few do not resort to cosmetics to give greater expressiveness to their facial features. The image of a woman has become a kind of ideal in our hearts; a girl should always be irresistible, clean and smell delicious. But in fact, the boundary of the circle of personal hygiene does not end with appearance. Any girl should pay attention not only to the external component, but also to the intimate area of ​​her body. Surprisingly, not every woman in these places can boast of cleanliness. Even today, seemingly well-groomed ladies do not pay any attention to the hygiene of the intimate area; some do not even know that some care is also required there. Even those ladies who keep their vaginal area clean make a number of mistakes and do it completely wrong. And only a few take proper care of the vagina.

Therefore, the topic of our article will be devoted to female intimate hygiene, rules of vaginal care, mistakes and consequences of incorrect or impaired vaginal hygiene.

What is feminine intimate hygiene and why is it needed?

Caring for the intimate area is not just regular washing of the vagina, which, by the way, many do fundamentally wrong - it is a whole series of actions aimed at maintaining the cleanliness of the intimate area, and the list is not limited to water procedures. Parents should instill intimate etiquette in girls from childhood. This will, in particular, help avoid many diseases that develop due to improper hygiene of the intimate area. But bad luck, often even parents have an erroneous idea about these procedures.

So if washing your pussy is not enough, then what else should you do? Hygiene of female genital organs is a whole system, a single cycle of interconnected things that must be observed:

  • Of course, washing is one of the main actions that must be performed every day. But everyone has their own opinion about how this should be done. Below we will dwell on this point in more detail and tell you everything
  • Maintaining hygiene during menstruation - as it turns out, some women have no idea what this means. Many people think that you just need to wear pads for everything. But this is far from true
  • Compliance with the rules of wiping both after urination and defecation
  • It is necessary to choose the right underwear. It also plays a significant role in the hygiene of your intimate area.
  • It is necessary to find a compromise between fashion and comfort when choosing clothes. You also need to follow the rules of wearing clothes
  • Long hair on women is beautiful only on the head. But in the intimate area they are not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also create a favorable environment for the development of bacteria
  • Proper sexual hygiene will also reduce the risk of developing a number of unpleasant diseases of the female genital organs
  • Physical exercises aimed at maintaining vaginal tone
  • Nutrition. At least periodically you need to eat foods that help maintain proper microflora inside the vagina

As you can see, intimate hygiene is a whole complex. But this does not mean at all that you need to abandon everything and focus only on the vagina. These procedures do not take much time. Below we will talk in more detail about each of the above points and find out what is included there.

Vagina care rules

Water treatments

Of course, you can’t do without water procedures. But many people do it wrong. The vagina has its own microflora, which is not recommended to be disturbed. There is no need to wash anything inside, just wash the outside of the pussy. If you wash the inside of the vagina, you will disrupt the microflora, making the organ more vulnerable to bacteria, which can contribute to the development of various diseases. If it is necessary to wash the penis from the inside for any reason, then there is no need to use soap, it upsets the natural balance and pH. An imbalance, as we have already said, leads to infections. Irritation and an allergic reaction may also occur. You can say that you always do this and nothing happens, everything is fine with you, but it doesn’t happen every time.

The water must have an optimal temperature and be running. It is not recommended to wash yourself in a basin, since with this approach bacteria and feces particles can get inside the vagina, causing microflora disturbances. Surely you have seen advertisements on TV for anti-thrush products; this disease appears precisely because of this.

Intimate vaginal hygiene during menstruation

During menstruation, it is recommended to pay more attention to vaginal hygiene. Wash frequently and change pads or tampons promptly. Quite often, the rules for using these products are violated; girls do not observe the frequency of changing pads and can wear one all day long. If you do not have a lot of discharge during your period, this does not mean that you need to replace it only when it is completely wet. Even if the gasket appears clean, it must be replaced. Replacement must be done every 2-3 hours. Blood in the vagina disrupts the internal balance, you already know the consequences. It also promotes the development of various kinds of microorganisms, and with prolonged contact of your pussy with the pad, they can penetrate inside.

Rules for wiping

After you pee, you need to get rid of any remaining urine. To do this, a girl should always have sanitary napkins with her. Give preference to non-scented products, since chemicals and perfume components entering the female genital organs is extremely undesirable. you need to strictly point towards the anus, this way you will avoid getting feces inside.

What underwear helps maintain intimate hygiene?

The intimate area must be ventilated. There are many sebaceous glands and elevated temperature; together these factors create a favorable environment for bacteria. Therefore, you need to choose underwear made from natural materials - cotton. It is not recommended to wear tight-fitting panties; give preference to more spacious and comfortable underwear. Panties should always be dry; if you are wet to the skin, then if possible you need to change clothes; wet underwear contributes to the development of fungal infections.

What clothes should you prefer?

As mentioned above, the intimate area needs ventilation. But not all clothing meets the requirements for caring for the intimate area. Try to wear tight clothes less often and give preference to loose-fitting clothes. Wear skirts more often.

Pay attention to pubic hair

Long hair in the intimate area is not only unsightly, but also unhygienic. Bacteria linger on the hair. Also, excessive vegetation in the genital area creates a greenhouse effect and increases the temperature, preventing ventilation. Especially on hot days, due to densely growing hair, active reproduction of microorganisms begins.

It doesn’t have to be bald, you can just shorten them with scissors, which will be good.

Maintaining hygiene before, during and after sex

If this is not possible, then use a condom. Many people think that it is intended only to prevent unwanted pregnancy or reduce the risk of contracting some kind of sexually transmitted diseases. But in fact, it can also save you from other diseases associated with poor intimate hygiene.

After sex, you also need to take a shower and pee. During sexual intercourse, microorganisms enter the urethra and can provoke inflammatory processes - urine will wash them away.

If you do not use a condom, then it is necessary to wash the sperm from the vagina after the end of sexual intercourse. The fact is that it changes the microflora inside the female genital organs, and we have already talked about the consequences of these violations more than once.

Train your vagina

Vaginal care includes more than just measures to keep the intimate area clean. You also need to pay attention to the physical shape of your genitals. With simple exercises you can strengthen your vaginal muscles. In turn, stronger intimate muscles will make your sex life more vibrant.

To do this, you need to do the following: imagine as if you need to interrupt the process of urination. At this time, exactly the muscles that we need are activated. Try to train every day by tensing your vagina, first for 3 seconds, then for a longer time. Over time, you will begin to feel and control these muscles better.

Trained intimate muscles allow you to forget about such a common problem among women as.

Nutrition to maintain vaginal microflora

The majority of diseases occur precisely because of microflora disturbances. Therefore, it is necessary not only to take measures to prevent uninvited guests from entering your cave, but also to strengthen the defense, so to speak. To do this, you need to eat foods that help maintain microflora, and these are yoghurts and other dairy products.

Eating garlic is useful not only in preventing the appearance of worms, but also in preventing the development of fungus in the vagina.

As you can see, the range of vaginal care is very wide, but despite the fairly large number of procedures necessary to maintain the hygiene of a woman’s intimate area, they will not take much time. Remember that hygiene of the female genital organs is, in particular, the key to the health of your reproductive function.

On the air and we are always glad to see you.


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Women, as a rule, carefully monitor their appearance and health, carrying out the daily procedures necessary for this. An important component of the general hygiene of the female body is intimate hygiene. Proper care of the “interesting place” will allow each of us to avoid many unpleasant diseases, including thrush, bacterial vaginosis, various inflammatory diseases and the like. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules can also negatively affect reproductive health.

Daily care

The first thing I want to talk about is the daily procedures for washing the intimate area. Many people think that this is a no-brainer. I took the soap, turned on the water, once or twice, and came out of the bath clean and fresh. In terms of the sequence of actions, everything is correct, but in terms of the attitude towards these actions - not quite. Let's try to explain why.

Let's start with soap. It is not recommended for use for intimate hygiene, since it is incompatible with the vaginal microflora. Using soap will dry out the mucous membrane of the genital organs, which, you see, does not bode well. Moreover, it is not recommended that a woman’s intimate hygiene be carried out using antibacterial soap. It will not only lead to dryness, but will also destroy, along with harmful bacteria, the beneficial ones existing in the vaginal microflora.

To perform this hygiene, you should use special products, which we will discuss below. You can buy them at a cosmetics store or at a pharmacy.
By the way, a woman should wash herself at least twice a day (in the morning and before bed), as well as before and after intimacy. You can use the special product once a day, and perform all other ablutions with plain water. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the intimate organs is very delicate and even special products can harm it if used frequently.

If for some reason a woman cannot use a special product for intimate hygiene, then it is better for her to use baby soap. It can be called a universal remedy that is suitable for any skin. It will not harm the mucous membrane of the female intimate area. As for the refusal of intimate cosmetics, it is often associated with the occurrence of an allergy to it.

Now let's talk about water. It must be warm (no higher than 30 degrees). Cold or hot water cannot be used. It is best to perform the ablution procedure under running water. The stream of water (do not make it too strong) should be directed from the pubis down. The hand should also move while washing. The reverse movement promotes the movement of harmful bacteria from the anal area to the vaginal area, which is fraught with inflammatory processes.

It is not recommended to direct a stream of water directly into the vagina, as this can cause leaching of beneficial lactobacilli and dryness of the mucous membrane. As a result, the vaginal pH will be disrupted and favorable conditions will be created for the development of inflammation and bacterial vaginosis. Also, experts in the field of gynecology do not recommend using washcloths for intimate hygiene, explaining that they can injure the delicate mucous membrane.

Such feminine intimate hygiene should end with wiping. But here too there are some peculiarities. Don't rub your genitals too hard. Simply blot them with a soft napkin or towel. It goes without saying that the wiping product (whether it is a towel or napkin) should be intended only for these purposes. It must be changed every three days to exclude the possibility of the occurrence and development of bacteria.

Intimate hygiene products

Now it’s time for hygiene cosmetics for the intimate area. Today, various products are produced for these purposes, including gels, milks, creams, mousses and the like. All of them can be divided into two types: sexual and hygienic.

We will not dwell in detail on the first type, since these products are generally used only to impart a pleasant smell. Let's talk in more detail about the second one, since this intimate cosmetics is intended for what is described in this article.

The main difference between these products and soap is that their acidity is as close as possible to the natural acidity of the vaginal microflora. This means that cosmetics for intimate purposes act gently and gently on the female genital organs, moisturizing them and relieving existing irritation.

Unlike other cosmetics, intimate hygiene products should not contain too many dyes and fragrances, which often cause allergic reactions. Information about its composition can be found on the label. Also make sure that lactobacilli are mentioned there. They help maintain normal vaginal microflora.

Many types of intimate cosmetics also contain special natural ingredients that help get rid of minor troubles. For example, the presence of tea tree oil in a hygiene product indicates that it not only helps to thoroughly wash the intimate area, but will also increase the protective function of the genitals. And the presence of chamomile, calendula or aloe extract suggests that this intimate hygiene product helps soothe the skin and heal small wounds and cracks.

A little about pads and napkins

Panty liners make a woman's life easier in many ways. With their help, you can maintain hygiene in the intimate area and prevent secretions from getting on your underwear. Agree, wet underwear doesn’t feel very pleasant, but everyone will like to feel “dry and comfortable.”

But you should use panty liners according to the rules. Otherwise, instead of feeling comfortable, you can get into a lot of trouble. So it is not recommended to wear one pad all day. Absorbing moisture, it at the same time turns into an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. To protect yourself from getting them into the genital area, you need to change this hygiene product every three to four hours.

It should also be noted that female intimate hygiene is not complete isolation of the genital organs. The skin must breathe, and panty liners prevent this. As a result, irritation, hives and allergic reactions may occur. The only way to avoid this is to take periodic breaks from using pads.

Another achievement of our time is wipes for intimate hygiene. They are very convenient for use in those moments when, due to inappropriate conditions, a woman cannot perform the necessary procedures. When choosing this hygiene product, it is better to give preference to those types that contain extracts of medicinal herbs or antimicrobial compounds. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with napkins, much less replace washing with them. Using them too frequently can affect the vaginal microflora and cause irritation.

Hygiene on critical days

During menstruation, a woman’s intimate hygiene should be carried out more carefully, because discharge occurs constantly, and, as a result, excellent conditions are created for the appearance and proliferation of bacteria. And the wrong choice of underwear, humidity and constant wearing of pads increase the risk of infection and development.

On critical days, in addition to the obligatory washing twice, it is advisable to find time for an additional water procedure (or several, depending on the intensity of the discharge). If this is not possible, the above-mentioned napkins will come to the rescue.
As for underwear, during this period it is best to choose things made from natural fabrics, since synthetics are airtight. The presence of a gasket also prevents normal air circulation, which can cause infection. Cotton underwear allows the skin to breathe, so on days like this it is indispensable.

For hygiene products during menstruation, women use pads or tampons. You need to choose them based on the intensity of the discharge and, of course, personal preferences. Tampons, for example, are suitable for those who love an active lifestyle and when you want to wear tight-fitting trousers or a short skirt.

Regardless of the choice of hygiene product, intimate hygiene will not be complete if you do not follow the rules for its use. It is recommended to change pads every three hours, as they can cause bacteria, and tampons even more often (two hours after insertion). The latter reside directly in the vagina, so it is very important to prevent the creation of a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

In addition to the mentioned hygiene products used during menstrual periods, today there is also a special bowl (another name is a mouth guard), which is just beginning to gain popularity in the post-Soviet space. A menstrual cup is a small funnel made of flexible plastic or silicone, into which the secreted blood is collected.

You need to choose this hygienic “device” based on the size of the vagina, since the method of its use is similar to the use of tampons. The cup should be emptied several times a day (the number of “drains” depends on the intensity of menstrual bleeding). After each emptying, it must be disinfected and then returned to its place.

This bowl can last for more than one year, and once a woman gets used to wearing it, she will not feel discomfort either during work duties or in everyday life. Not everyone is allowed to use the cup. For those who are prone to allergies to silicone, inflammation and other problems of the intimate area, this hygiene product is strictly prohibited. To find out for sure whether it is right for you or not, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Hygiene during pregnancy

Note that a woman’s intimate hygiene during pregnancy is not much different from hygiene in other periods of life. True, there are some peculiarities here that must be remembered. One of them is a more careful choice of intimate cosmetics for care. It should not contain dyes or fragrances. It is better to choose products that contain herbal extracts (calendula, chamomile, etc.).

The second important point is the frequency of hygiene procedures. Since the amount of discharge increases during pregnancy, you will have to perform ablution procedures more often. How often depends on the intensity of the discharge and the health of the expectant mother. A doctor who advises a woman during pregnancy can help with the routine of water procedures.

As for sanitary napkins and panty liners, pregnant women can use them. The main thing is that these hygiene products do not contain fragrances or alcohol.

Proper underwear is the key to genital health

Proper intimate hygiene for a woman also includes the correct choice of underwear. The best in this regard is cotton underwear. Choose it for everyday wear, but give preference to panties and thongs made of synthetic fabric only in exceptional cases, for example, if you are going to a romantic meeting.

Please note that where the panties touch the crotch there must be an insert made of cotton fabric. If there is none, and you really like this underwear, then panty liners will help make up for its absence.
Another important point regarding proper intimate hygiene for a woman: panties must be changed daily. At the same time, try to wash them separately from other things (clothes, bedding, etc.).

As follows from the above, intimate hygiene is practically an entire science, knowing the basics of which you can always radiate freshness and cleanliness. However, following all the rules recommended by specialists in the field of gynecology is not so difficult, because they do not require special skills. The main thing is to strictly follow them.