Is it possible for a child to have a different blood type than their parents? What does health group 4 health group mean in children.

With such a term as "health group" there are fathers and mothers of children undergoing medical examination when they enter a general educational institution (kindergarten or school), when applying for certificates for a sports summer camp or a health resort. The health group is determined at the end of the medical examination for adolescents entering secondary schools and universities for the full-time department.

What's this? The table of the health groups of children and adolescents will help to understand this in more detail.

What is a child health group?

Health groups are understood as a set of data from a survey of the physical and psychological state of children. This is a conditional scale for taking into account health and development with risk factors and forecasting for the future. Five health groups have been established, Roman numerals are used to designate them. The number from I to V is indicated on the child's medical record, and the kindergarten or school health worker finds out information about the child's health from it without specifying the diagnoses.

A comprehensive and objective assessment of the state of health of the child is made by the pediatrician, based on the examination data by narrow specialists (oculist, surgeon, ENT, and others). The health group is assigned due to the data directly at the time of the examination. In children who were diagnosed at birth or after, but no pathologies were found by the time of the examination, all past illnesses (except for chronic and severe gynecological ones) are not taken into account. Thus, the child health group may change by adolescence.

Criteria for determining the health group

A certain health group is assigned on the basis of an assessment according to the following criteria:

  • chronic diseases (their presence or absence), genetic diseases, congenital pathologies, etc.;
  • harmony of development (physical and mental) in accordance with age;
  • the frequency of occurrence of diseases (from elementary ones like acute respiratory infections to severe ones) and the level of body resistance to them.

Health group in children: table by disease

Chronic pathology
Functional state of the main organs and systems
Resistance and reactivity Physical and neuropsychic development
Group 1
without deviation
without deviation
morbidity for the period preceding the observation, rare and mild acute diseases
normal, age appropriate
Group 2
With functional deviations (risk group)
the presence of functional abnormalities
Prolonged acute illnesses followed by a protracted recovery period (lethargy, irritability, sleep and appetite disturbances, low-grade fever, etc.)
Normal physical development or excess body weight of the 1st degree. Normal or not pronounced retardation of neuropsychic development
Group 3
Compensation Status
The presence of chronic pathology, congenital defects in the development of organs and systems without changing functions
The presence of functional abnormalities without clinical manifestations
Rare, non-severe exacerbations of a chronic disease without a pronounced deterioration in general condition and well-being
Group 4
Subcompensation status
The presence of chronic pathology, congenital defects in the development of organs and systems
Changes in the functions of the affected organs, clinical manifestations of the disease
Frequent exacerbations of the underlying chronic disease. Frequent colds with a long recovery period
Normal physical development, deficiency or excess of body weight of the 1st or 2nd degree, short stature neuropsychic development is normal or lags behind
Group 5
State of decompensation
The presence of severe chronic pathology or severe congenital malformation, leading to disability of the child
Pronounced changes in the functions of the affected organs and systems
Frequent severe exacerbations of the underlying chronic disease, frequent acute illnesses
Normal physical development, deficiency or excess of body weight of the 1st or 2nd degree, short stature, neuropsychic development is normal or lags behind

Group I includes children with normal physical, physiological and mental parameters for their age.

Group II includes children who have been diagnosed with functional changes that are not dangerous to health. Most often, this is a disproportionate ratio of height and body weight for age. These children are divided into 2 subgroups:

  • A - children with a heredity factor;
  • B - children at risk of occurrence and development of chronic diseases.

Group III includes children with diagnosed chronic diseases in remission, with the consequences of complex injuries, operations with a complete restoration of the functioning of organs.

Health group IV includes a small percentage of children who have very complex chronic diseases at the stage of sub-compensation, requiring constant monitoring by specialists; this includes children who have undergone trauma and surgery, with a partial loss of functioning of certain body systems.

Group V includes children with disabilities (invalids). Physical activity is contraindicated for such children, and, as a rule, there are correctional educational institutions for these children.

Children of I and II health groups admitted to an educational institution are on a general basis, experience intellectual and physical stress without restrictions in accordance with the educational program. Children from group III attending the same institution require special nutrition, limited physical activity. Children with health group IV in most cases are assigned to specialized institutions, and children from group V often do not attend them, such children may be provided with home or distance learning.


The main purpose of dividing into groups is the selection of appropriate methods of education, depending on the individual characteristics and state of health of the child, with the choice of a certain regimen, level of physical activity, standards, etc.

What are health groups and what do they mean? This question remains one of the topical ones that adoptive parents ask. We continue a series of articles with various experts on various aspects of this topic. Last time we spoke with, now with a pediatrician, and part-time, a foster mother.

What diagnoses belong to certain groups? Who defines them? How reliable are they? What predictions do doctors give about the future of a baby or teenager? Will the diagnoses that were made in the orphanage be removed from the child when he lives in a full-fledged family? Answered these questions

What are "health groups"

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation issued an order No. 621 dated December 30, 2013 "On a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children." This order regulates the algorithm for assessing health groups in children from 3 to 17 years old. According to this order, children can be assigned to 5 different health groups.

1 group- These are healthy children with normal physical and mental development, without malformations and any deviations from the norm.

2 group- it includes practically healthy children who do not have chronic diseases, but have some functional and morphofunctional disorders. For example, children who have had severe and moderate infectious diseases; children with a general delay in physical development without endocrine pathology (short stature, low weight or overweight). This group also includes frequently ill children and children with physical disabilities (consequences of injuries or operations), but who have retained all the functions.

3 group health - it includes children who have chronic diseases, with rare exacerbations and who are in remission at the time of the examination. This group includes children with physical disabilities, the consequences of injuries and operations, provided that the corresponding functions are compensated (that is, the existing shortcomings should not limit the child's ability to study or work).

4 group of health are children suffering from chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation or the stage of unstable clinical remission (with frequent exacerbations), which limit the life of the child or require maintenance therapy. This group includes children with preserved or compensated functional abilities with physical disabilities, the consequences of injuries and operations with incomplete compensation of the corresponding functions, which, to some extent, limits the child's ability to study or work.

5 group health - it includes children suffering from severe chronic diseases, with frequent exacerbations or continuous relapses, with severe decompensation of the body's functional capabilities, requiring constant therapy. As well as children with disabilities, children with physical disabilities, the consequences of injuries and operations with a pronounced violation of the compensation of the relevant functions and a significant limitation of the possibility of education or work.

Who determines the health group and how

In real practice, the health group is determined by the district pediatrician or the doctor of the orphanage / children's home, based on an examination, medical examination and / or additional examinations.

The mentioned order clearly spells out an algorithm based on the international classification of diseases, according to which the doctor has a “diagnostic corridor”, within which he establishes a health group

In orphanages, health groups are determined according to a generally accepted algorithm. The question is the quality of the medical examination. Children under three years of age are not assigned a health group at all. Older than three years and up to 17 years - according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Possible scenarios for the development of events

No one has a 100% guarantee that by taking a child with 1-2 health groups, you will get a really healthy baby or teenager. There are many scenarios for the development of events, but globally, in my opinion, there are four of them:

  1. A good doctor works in the orphanage, and medical examinations are carried out informally. That is, what is written in the student's medical history is true. This means that the health group is most likely set correctly.
  2. There is no doctor at all in the orphanage, or he performs his duties formally, and/or medical examinations are also carried out formally. Then here are the options. First: overdiagnosis. A diagnosis is made that does not exist. And from this, the health group is defined as more severe. Second: With this option, the health group is, for example, the second. But in reality, the child requires in-depth examination and treatment.
  3. The correct health group is set, for example, the third. But once in a home environment, the child "heals himself." And in a year or two his health group is the first or second.
  4. Any potential adoptive parent should be aware that taking even a healthy child with 1 health group does not guarantee that over time the child will not develop any disease, including severe and disabling. And the reason for the appearance of the disease will not be that the doctor of the orphanage worked poorly. There was just a coincidence, the presence of genetic predispositions, etc.

How to relate to the declared health groups of children

Almost every person has preferences and fears: someone is afraid of infections, someone simply does not like hospitals, someone is not comfortable in the company of people with visible physical disabilities, someone really does not want to take a child with.

Therefore, I would advise potential adoptive parents to honestly understand for themselves which diseases are not acceptable for them, and not immediately consider such children. For example: , tuberculosis. At the same time, a child with HIV may belong to 3, 4 and 5 health groups, depending on the course of HIV.

Chronic non-communicable diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic gastritis - from 3 to 5 health groups, depending on the severity of the course. In this case, for example, the presence of a diagnosis of bronchial asthma immediately refers the child to the 3rd health group. Currently, bronchial asthma is very well treated, and most children lead an absolutely normal life, including schooling and sports (though not professional). But the health group will be at least 3.

At the same time, children with personality and behavioral disorders caused by illness, damage or dysfunction of the brain, with schizotypy and neurasthenia can belong to both 2nd and 3rd health groups.

The first group of health is a rarity among domestic children, in an orphanage they are even rarer. Health groups 2-3 are children with health problems that do not interfere / or do not greatly interfere with normal life. Health groups 4-5 are children with significant health deviations and children with disabilities, but often they can cause less problems than children with 2 health groups.

For admission to a gymnasium, lyceum or language special school, 1-2 health groups are required, as well as for classes in specialized sports schools. This is due to the fact that an increased burden falls on children, which can adversely affect not quite healthy children and worsen their somatic status.

Inheritance of the blood type of a child

At the beginning of the last century, scientists proved the existence of 4 blood groups. How are blood groups inherited in a child?

The Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner, mixing the blood serum of some people with erythrocytes taken from the blood of others, found that with some combinations of erythrocytes and sera, "gluing" occurs - erythrocytes stick together and form clots, while others do not.

Studying the structure of red blood cells, Landsteiner discovered special substances. He divided them into two categories, A and B, highlighting the third, where he took the cells in which they were not. Later, his students - A. von Decastello and A. Sturli - discovered erythrocytes containing both A- and B-type markers at the same time.

As a result of research, a system of division into blood groups arose, which was called ABO. We are still using this system.

  • I (0) - blood group is characterized by the absence of antigens A and B;
  • II (A) - is established in the presence of antigen A;
  • III (AB) - antigens B;
  • IV (AB) - antigens A and B.

This discovery made it possible to avoid losses during transfusions caused by the incompatibility of the blood of patients and donors. For the first time successful transfusions were carried out before. So, in the history of medicine of the XIX century, a successful blood transfusion to a woman in labor is described. After receiving a quarter liter of donated blood, she said, she felt "as if life itself penetrates into her body."

But until the end of the 20th century, such manipulations were rare and carried out only in emergency cases, sometimes doing more harm than good. But thanks to the discoveries of Austrian scientists, blood transfusions have become a much safer procedure that has saved many lives.

The AB0 system turned scientists' ideas about the properties of blood upside down. Their further study by genetic scientists. They proved that the principles of inheritance of a child's blood type are the same as for other traits. These laws were formulated in the second half of the 19th century by Mendel, based on experiments with peas familiar to all of us from biology school textbooks.

Child's blood type

Inheritance of a child's blood type according to Mendel's law

  • According to the laws of Mendel, parents with I blood group will have children who do not have A- and B-type antigens.
  • Spouses with I and II have children with the corresponding blood types. The same situation is typical for groups I and III.
  • People with group IV can have children with any blood type, with the exception of I, regardless of what type of antigens are present in their partner.
  • The most unpredictable is the inheritance of a blood group by a child in the union of owners with groups II and III. Their children can have any of the four blood types with the same probability.
  • The exception to the rule is the so-called "Bombay phenomenon". In some people, the A and B antigens are present in the phenotype, but do not appear phenotypically. True, this is extremely rare and mainly among the Indians, for which it got its name.

Rh factor inheritance

The birth of a child with a negative Rh factor in a family with Rh-positive parents causes deep bewilderment at best, distrust at worst. Reproaches and doubts about the fidelity of the spouse. Oddly enough, there is nothing exceptional in this situation. There is a simple explanation for such a delicate problem.

Rh factor is a lipoprotein located on the membranes of red blood cells in 85% of people (they are considered Rh-positive). In the absence of it, they speak of Rh-negative blood. These indicators are denoted by the Latin letters Rh with a plus or minus sign, respectively. For the study of Rhesus, as a rule, one pair of genes is considered.

  • A positive Rh factor is designated DD or Dd and is a dominant trait, and a negative one is dd, a recessive one. When people with heterozygous Rh (Dd) are mated, their children will be Rh positive in 75% of cases and negative in the remaining 25%.

Parents: Dd x Dd. Children: dd, dd, dd. Heterozygosity occurs as a result of the birth of an Rh-conflict child from an Rh-negative mother, or may persist in the genes for many generations.

Trait Inheritance

For centuries, parents only wondered what their child would be like. Today there is an opportunity to look into the beautiful far away. Thanks to ultrasound, you can find out the sex and some features of the anatomy and physiology of the baby.

Genetics allows you to determine the likely color of the eyes and hair, and even the presence of an ear for music in a baby. All these traits are inherited according to the laws of Mendel and are divided into dominant and recessive. Brown eyes, hair with small curls, and even the ability to roll the tongue into a tube are dominant signs. Most likely, the child will inherit them.

Unfortunately, the dominant features also include a tendency to early baldness and graying, myopia and a gap between the front teeth.

Gray and blue eyes, straight hair, fair skin, mediocre ear for music are considered recessive. These symptoms are less likely to occur.

Boy or...

For many centuries in a row, the woman was blamed for the lack of an heir in the family. To achieve the goal - the birth of a boy - women resorted to diets and calculated favorable days for conception. But let's look at the problem from a scientific point of view. Human germ cells (eggs and sperm) have half the set of chromosomes (that is, there are 23 of them). 22 of them coincide in men and women. Only the last pair is different. In women, these are XX chromosomes, and in men, XY.

So the probability of having a child of one sex or another depends entirely on the chromosome set of the sperm that managed to fertilize the egg. Simply put, the gender of the child is fully responsible ... dad!

Table of inheritance of a blood group by a child, depending on the blood types of the father and mother

mom + dadChild's blood type: possible options (in %)
I+II (100%)- - -
I+III (50%)II (50%)- -
I+IIII (50%)- III (50%)-
I+IV- II (50%)III (50%)-
II+III (25%)II (75%)- -
II+IIII (25%)II (25%)III (25%)IV (25%)
II+IV- II (50%)III (25%)IV (25%)
III+IIII (25%)- III (75%)-
III+IV- II (25%)III (50%)IV (25%)
IV+IV- II (25%)III (25%)IV (50%)

Table 2. Inheritance of the Rh system blood type, possible in a child, depending on the blood types of his parents.

Blood type

Father's blood type

Rh(+) AnyAny
rh(-) Any Rh negative

04.01.2020 11:17:00
6 evening habits for weight loss
How you behave at the end of the day can greatly affect your weight. Even if during the day you followed the rules of a balanced diet and moved, the wrong actions in the evening can nullify all efforts. To avoid this and speed up weight loss, use the tips from our article!
03.01.2020 17:51:00

In cases where the concept of a blood group is used, it means the group (according to the ABO system) and the Rh factor Rh. The first is determined by antigens located on erythrocytes (red blood cells). Antigens are specific structures on the surface of a cell. The second component is the Rh factor of the blood. This is a specific lipoprotein, which may or may not be present on the erythrocyte. Accordingly, it will be defined as positive or negative. In this article, we will figure out which blood type of children and parents will be a priority during pregnancy.

If the organism defines such a structure as foreign, it will react aggressively to it. It is this principle that must be taken into account in the procedures for transfusion of lymph. Often people have a false idea that the blood type of the child and parents must match. There is Mendel's law, which allows you to predict the performance of future children, but these calculations will not be unambiguous.

What is a blood group

As mentioned, the ABO blood system is defined by the location of certain antigens on the outer shell of the erythrocyte.

So, there are 4 blood groups in children and adults:

  • I (0) - no antigens A or B.
  • II (A) - only A is present.
  • III (B) - B is determined on the surface.
  • IV (AB) - both antigens - A and B are detected.

The essence of the division comes down to the compatibility of blood during transfusion. The fact is that the body will fight against those antigens that it itself does not have. This means that a patient with type A cannot be transfused with type B blood, and vice versa. A person with O blood type has antibodies that will fight against antigens A and B. This means that he can only be transfused with the blood of his own representatives.

A patient with group 4 will be universal, since it does not have antibodies. Such a person can do any blood transfusion. In turn, a person with group 1 (O) will be a universal donor, if at the same time his Rh factor is negative. Such red blood cells will suit everyone.

Belonging to the Rh factor is determined by the antigen D - its presence makes Rh positive, the absence - negative. This blood factor must be taken into account by women during pregnancy. The body of a woman with a negative Rh factor can reject the fetus if her husband has a positive Rh factor. It is worth noting that 85% of people have a positive Rh status.

A test to determine both factors is done in the laboratory: antibodies are added to a few drops of blood, the reaction of which determines the presence of certain blood antigens.

Blood typing testInheritance of blood types

Parents often wonder if the blood type of parents and children can differ? Yes, this is possible. The fact is that the inheritance of a blood type in a child occurs according to the law of genetics, where genes A and B are dominant, and O are recessive. The baby receives one gene from the mother and father. Most human genes have two copies.

In a simplified form, the human genotype can be described as follows:

  • Blood type 1 - OO: the child will inherit only O.
  • 2 blood group - AA or AO.
  • 3 blood group - BB or VO: both one and the second sign can be equally inherited.
  • 4 blood type - AB: children can get A or B.

There is a special table of the blood group of children and parents, according to which it is clearly possible to guess which group and Rh factor of the blood the child will receive:

Parents' blood groups Probable blood type of the child
I+I I (100%) - - -
I+II I (50%) II (50%) - -
I+III I (50%) - III (50%) -
I+IV - II (50%) III (50%) -
II+II I (25%) II (75%) - -
II+III I (25%) II (25%) III (50%) IV (25%)
II+IV - II (50%) III (25%) IV (25%)
III+III I (25%) - III (75%) -
III+IV - II (25%) III (50%) IV (25%)
IV+IV - II (25%) III (25%) IV (50%)

It is worth paying attention to a number of patterns in the inheritance of traits. So, the blood type of children and parents must match 100% if both parents have the first. In cases where parents have 1 and 2 or 1 and 3 groups, children can equally inherit any trait from one of the parents. If a partner has a 4th blood group, then in any case he cannot have a child with 1 type. The blood type of children and parents may not match even if one of the partners has group 2 and the other has group 3. With this option, any result is possible.

Rh factor inheritance

Things are much simpler with the inheritance of Rh: the D antigen is either present or absent. A positive Rh factor is dominant over a negative one. Accordingly, the following subgroups are possible: DD, Dd, dd, where D is a dominant gene and d is a recessive one. From the above, it is clear that the first two combinations will be positive, and only the last one will be negative.

In real life, this situation will look like this. If at least one parent has DD, then the child will inherit a positive Rh factor, if both owners of dd, then a negative one. In the event that the parents have Dd, there is a possibility of a child with any Rh.

Table of inheritance of the Rh factor of blood Is it possible to determine the sex of the child in advance

There is a version that it is possible to determine the sex of a child by the blood type of the parents. Of course, it is impossible to believe in such a calculation with great certainty.

The essence of calculating the blood type of the unborn child is reduced to the following principles:

  • A woman (1) and a man (1 or 3) are more likely to give birth to a girl, if a man has 2 and 4, then the likelihood of a boy will increase.
  • A woman (2) with a man (2 and 4) is likely to get a girl, and with a man (1 and 3) a boy.
  • Mother (3) and father (1) will give birth to a girl, with men of other groups there will be a son.
  • A woman (4) and a man (2) should expect a girl, with men of a different blood there will be a son.

It is worth noting that there is no scientific evidence for this theory. The method suggests that the unity of the parents according to the state of the Rh blood (both negative and positive) speaks in favor of the appearance of a daughter, in other cases - a son.

Table of the sex of the child by blood type of the parentsConclusions

Currently, medicine makes it possible to determine diseases by blood group that may appear in a child even before his birth. Of course, you should not completely trust the tables and independent research. Accuracy in determining the group and Rhesus of the unborn child can only be expected after a laboratory study.

What is really worth paying attention to is the fact that by parental blood it is possible with a high probability to establish predispositions to diseases of the future child.

One of the most important tasks in determining the category of blood is to reduce the possible risk of its transfusion. If alien genes enter the human body, an aggressive reaction can begin, the outcome of which is very sad. The same situation occurs with inappropriate rhesus. These circumstances are important to consider for pregnant women, especially those with a negative factor.

Do not forget about the possible mutations of genes that occur on earth to one degree or another. The fact is that earlier there was one blood type (1), the rest appeared later. But these factors are so rare that it is not worth dwelling on them in detail.

There are certain observations regarding the correspondence between the character of a person and his blood. From this, scientists have drawn conclusions about the predisposition to certain diseases. So, the first group, being the earliest on Earth, seems to be the most enduring; leaders are most often found among the people of this subgroup. These are pronounced meat lovers, but, unfortunately, they also have strong allergic reactions.

People of the second blood group are more patient and practical, they are most often vegetarians, including because of the sensitive gastrointestinal tract. Their immune systems are weak and they are often exposed to infectious diseases.

The third subgroup is represented by passionate natures, extreme people. They tolerate environmental changes better than others and have excellent immunity.

People of the fourth blood subgroup are the rarest, they are very sensual and see this world in their own way. They have a receptive nervous system and are often very altruistic.

Whether to trust such characteristics, whether to make predictions about the nature of their child, based on such observations, is up to parents to decide. But using the achievements of modern medicine to improve the health of the unborn baby is never superfluous.

Parents during the period of bearing a child are already interested in learning as much as possible about the future baby. Of course, it is impossible to determine the color of the eyes or the character of an unborn baby. However, if you turn to the laws of genetics, you can quickly calculate some characteristics - what kind of blood type the child will have and his future Rh factor.

These indicators are directly dependent on the properties of the blood of the mother and father, and, having become familiar with the ABO blood distribution system, according to which all blood is divided into 4 groups, mom and dad can easily figure out the processes of inheritance. Tables compiled on the basis of a study of the likelihood of borrowing will also help to calculate the blood type and Rh factor of the unborn child.

Blood type, Rh factor and the theory of their inheritance

At the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists discovered four blood groups with individual antigenic characteristics of red blood cells. In two blood categories, antigens A and B were present, and in the third they were not present at all. A little later, studies revealed another blood group with the presence of antigens A and B in it at the same time. Thus, the system of dividing blood into ABO groups was born, where:

  • 1 (O) - blood without antigens A and B;
  • 2 (A) - blood with the presence of antigen A;
  • 3 (B) - blood with the presence of antigen B;
  • 4 (AB) - blood with A and B antigens.

With the advent of the ABO system, geneticists proved that the principles of forming a blood group in a child are identical in nature, and this pattern made it possible to form some laws of genetics about borrowing blood belongings.

In humans, the inheritance of the blood type occurs from parent to child, through the transfer of genes informed about the content of antigens A, B and AB in the erythrocytes of the mother and father.

The Rh factor, like the blood type, is determined by the presence of a protein (antigen) on the surface of human red blood cells. When this protein is present in red blood cells, the person's blood is Rh positive. However, there may not be a protein, then the blood acquires a negative value. The ratio of Rh factors in the blood of the population of positive and negative affiliation is 85% to 15%, respectively.

The Rh factor is inherited according to the predominant dominant trait. If the parents are not carriers of the Rh factor antigen, then the child will inherit the negative blood affiliation. If one of the parents is Rh-positive and the other is not, then the baby is 50% likely to be a carrier of the antigen. In the case when the mother and father are Rh-positive, the child's blood in 75% of cases will also acquire a positive value, however, it is likely that the gene of the closest blood relative with negative blood will pass to the child. The Rh factor borrowing table for the blood type of the parents is as follows:

Rh moms Rh father Rh baby
+ + + (75%), – (25%)
+ - + (50%), – (50%)
- + + (50 %), – (50%)
- - – (100%)

Determining the blood type of a child by the blood group of the parents

The blood group is transmitted to children from parents according to their common genotype:

  • When the mother and father are not carriers of the A and B antigens, the child will have 1 (O) blood type.
  • It is easy to calculate the belonging of the child's blood when mom and dad have 1 (O) and 2 (A) blood groups, since only antigen A or its absence can be transmitted. With the first and third blood groups, the situation will be similar - children will inherit either group 3 (B) or 1 (O).
  • If both parents are carriers of the rare 4 (AB) group, it will be possible to find out the blood of children only after a laboratory analysis at birth, since it can be either 2 (A), or 3 (B) and 4 (AB).
  • It is also not easy to find out the characteristics of a child's blood when mom and dad have 2 (A) and 3 (B) antigens, since a baby can have each of the four blood groups.

Since red blood cell proteins (antigens) are inherited, and not the blood type itself, the combinations of these proteins in children may differ from the parental blood characteristics, so often the child's blood type may differ and not be the same as that of the parents.

What blood type the baby should have at birth will help determine the table reflecting the inheritance of blood belonging:

Father Mother Child
1 (O) 1 (O) 1 (O) - 100%
1 (O) 2 (A) 1 (O) - 50% or 2 (A) - 50%
1 (O) 3 (B) 1 (O) - 50% or 3 (B) - 50%
1 (O) 4 (AB) 2 (A) - 50% or 3 (B) - 50%
2 (A) 1 (O) 1 (O) - 50% or 2 (A) - 50%
2 (A) 2 (A) 1 (O) - 25% or 2 (A) - 75%
2 (A) 3 (B)
2 (A) 4 (AB) 2 (A) - 50% or 3 (B) - 25% or 4 (AB) - 25%
3 (B) 1 (O) 1 (O) - 50% or 3 (B) - 50%
3 (B) 2 (A) 1 (O) - 25% or 2 (A) - 25% or 3 (B) - 25% or 4 (AB) - 25%
3 (B) 3 (B) 1 (O) - 25% or 3 (B) - 75%
3 (B) 4 (AB)
4 (AB) 1 (O) 2 (A) - 50% or 3 (B) - 50%
4 (AB) 2 (A) 2 (A) - 50% or 3 (B) - 25% or 4 (AB) - 25%
4 (AB) 3 (B) 2 (A) - 25% or 3 (B) - 50% or 4 (AB) - 25%
4 (AB) 4 (AB) 2 (A) - 25% or 3 (B) - 25% or 4 (AB) - 50%

According to the inheritance table, it is possible to predict the child's blood type for sure only in one case, when there was a combination of 1 (O) blood types of the mother and father. In other combinations, you can only find out the probability of what the child's blood type may be in the future. Therefore, whose blood belongs to the baby, it will become clear after his birth.

Gender of the child by blood group

There is an opinion that the sex of a child can be determined without the help of ultrasound, based on the blood type of the mother and father. Special combinations of groups give certain guarantees that a boy or a girl will be born:

  • a female child is more likely to be born to mom 1 (O) and dad 1 (O) or 3 (B) blood groups;
  • a combination of 1 (O) maternal blood with 2 (A) or 4 (AB) paternal, increases the chances of conceiving a male baby;
  • a male baby can be in a woman of 4 (AB) groups with men of 1 (O), 3 (B) and 4 (AB) blood groups;
  • it will be easy for a woman with 3 (B) blood affiliation and a man with 1 (O) to conceive a female baby, in other cases, with 3 (B) maternal blood type, males will be born.

However, this method of determining the sex of a child gave rise to many doubts, since the same couple, according to the method, can only have girls or boys during their life, and having children of different sexes is impossible.

Based on science and genetics, the probability of having a child of one sex or another is absolutely dependent on the chromosome set of the sperm that fertilized the egg. And the blood type of the parents, in this case, has nothing to do with it.

Modern science now allows us to predict the nature, as well as the state of the immune and nervous system of the unborn child. To do this, it is enough to determine the blood group of the parents. Rhesus comparability can tell a lot about the characteristics of a baby who has not even been born yet.

What blood groups are possible in children

Doctors assure that it is almost impossible to predict the color of the baby's eyes or hair, his future talents or character. However, the blood group is quite possible to determine in the laboratory. For this, special serums are used. According to the Rh factor, the modern population of the globe is divided into owners of a positive and negative Rh factor. Some have it, others don't. In the latter case, there is no negative impact on health. True, women have a risk of Rh-conflict with the unborn child. As a rule, this happens during repeated pregnancies, if the mother does not have this factor in the blood, but the baby has it.

What blood type does the child inherit from the parents?

Such inheritance is carried out according to certain laws of genetics. Genes are passed on from parents to babies. They carry information about agglutinogens, their absence or presence, as well as the Rh factor.

At present, the genotypes of people with this indicator are recorded as follows: the first group is 00. The baby receives one zero from the mother, and the other from the father. Therefore, a person who has the first group transmits only 0. And the baby already has one zero at birth. The second is designated AA, or A0. From such a parent, "zero" or "A" is transmitted. The third - denote BB or B0. The child will inherit "0" or "B". The fourth group is designated AB. Children respectively inherit "B" or "A".

The Rh factor is transmitted as a dominant trait, that is, it will manifest itself without fail. If both the mother and the father have a negative Rh factor, then all children in the family will also have one. When these indicators differ among parents, this will also affect the child, that is, the Rh factor will be present or absent. With a positive indicator for both parents, with a 75% probability, their heir will also have one. But the appearance of a child with a negative Rh in this family is not nonsense. After all, parents can be heterozygous. This means that they have genes that are responsible for the presence or absence of the Rh factor. In practice, it is enough to simply find out this nuance by asking blood relatives.

How to find out what blood type a child will have: table

Many parents wonder what group children are born with. After all, they are not indifferent to the features of their future baby.

On the Internet, you can use a special calculator. It will help determine what blood type the baby will be born with. According to the law of an Austrian biologist named Gregor Mendel, there are certain principles for the inheritance of this factor. They allow you to understand the genetic characteristics of the future baby. Such principles allow you to predict what type of blood a child should have.

The essence of the law is quite simple. For example, if parents have the first group, then their children will be born without antigens B and A. The presence of the 1st or 2nd will give the children the opportunity to inherit them. The same principle applies to the first and third groups. The presence of the fourth - excludes the transmission of the first, but there is a great chance to conceive children with the 4th, 3rd or 2nd blood group. If both parents are carriers of the second or third, then such an indicator in their descendant is not predicted in advance.

You can also determine the blood type of the unborn child according to the following table:

What blood types are compatible and incompatible for conceiving a child

The expectant mother should know her Rh and blood type. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to take appropriate tests. Of course, the compatibility of spouses plays an important role in the birth of strong and healthy babies.

Mixing the blood of parents who have different Rh factors contributes to the conflict. This is possible if the mother is Rh negative, and the father is Rh positive. In this case, the health of the baby determines whose indicator is “stronger”. If the child inherits the father's blood, then the content of Rh antibodies will increase daily. The problem is that when the fetus penetrates, the blood cells - red blood cells - are destroyed. This often leads to hemolytic disease of the crumbs.

In the presence of antibodies, doctors prescribe treatment. A similar conflict when carrying a first-born child rarely appears. This is due to biological reasons. Risk factors are ectopic pregnancy, abortion or miscarriage, previously transferred. Antibodies tend to accumulate. Consequently, red blood cells during subsequent pregnancy begin to break down earlier. This is fraught with serious consequences.

To diagnose the incompatibility of the fetus with the mother begins with the determination of the Rh of the fetus. The combination of an Rh-positive father and an Rh-negative mother will require monthly testing of the pregnant woman's blood for antibodies. The gestation will take place without discomfort. But the mother may develop a slight weakness. Symptoms of incompatibility are detected only during ultrasound examination. When there are more antibodies, and ultrasound shows abnormalities in the development of the fetus, doctors perform an intrauterine transfusion. With a threat to the life of the fetus or pregnant woman, an artificial birth is performed.

The first is considered the strongest blood type. It is aggressive, inherent in meat-eaters. Its owners are universal donors. The carriers of the second are vegetarians, lovers of berries, gatherers; the third - admirers of cereals and bread. The fourth is the most man-made and low-quality. But if the spouses love each other, then nothing will stop them from conceiving a healthy baby. The main thing is to act decisively. Consultation of a qualified specialist will help to successfully carry out the birth of a new life, which will not be overshadowed by a disappointing doctor's diagnosis.

Especially for - Nikolai Arsentiev

Blood type - a unique set of properties of red blood cells, characteristic of a particular population of people. The generally accepted classification was proposed back in 1900 by the Austrian scientist K. Landsteiner. He received the Nobel Prize for this.

What blood groups exist and how do they differ?

There are 4 groups. They differ from each other in the presence of genes A and B or their absence in the composition of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and blood plasma. You can determine the type of blood using a special analysis or a home express test, which is sold at the nearest pharmacy.

In world practice, a unified classification and designation of blood groups AB0 has been adopted:

  1. First (0). People belonging to this category do not have antigens. They act as universal donors because their blood suits everyone. However, only the same blood as theirs can suit them.
  2. Second (A). Red blood cells contain one type of gene - A. This type of blood can only be transfused to the first two.
  3. Third (B). It is characterized by the presence of the B gene. A person with such blood is able to become a donor for the І and ІІІ species.
  4. Fourth (AB). People who have both antigens in their blood fall into this category. They can act as donors exclusively for their species, and absolutely any blood is suitable for them.

What is the Rh factor, how does it happen?

In parallel with the blood type, the Rh factor is determined. It indicates a protein in the composition of red blood cells. This indicator is:

  • positive - protein is present;
  • negative - no protein.

Rhesus does not change throughout life and has no effect on human health or predisposition to any diseases. It is taken into account only in two options:

  1. Blood transfusion. It is strictly forbidden to mix blood with different Rhesus. This can cause the destruction of blood cells (hemolysis), often resulting in death.
  2. Pregnancy and preparation for it. The expectant mother needs to make sure that there is no Rhesus conflict. It occurs if the woman has Rhesus “-”, the father has “+”. Then, when the baby inherits the paternal Rh, the body of the expectant mother is able to reject the fetus. Under such conditions, the possibility of bearing and giving birth to a full-fledged child is minimal.

What determines the blood type and Rh factor of the child?

The blood type and Rh factor are inherited from mom and dad. Why is this happening? In the process of interaction of parental cells in a child, their individual genes are determined, which characterize the above indicators. They are formed in the first trimester of pregnancy and never change, so it is enough to calculate them only once.

The formation of these indicators depends on the dominant (suppressive) and recessive properties. Dominants (A and B) and a weak sign (0) can be transmitted to the child:

  • when a man and a woman have the first group with a recessive property (0), then the baby will certainly inherit it;
  • the second group is formed in children upon receipt of antigen A;
  • for the appearance of the third group, the dominant type of gene B is required;
  • in order for a child to be born with the latter group, one parent must pass on gene A, the second - B.

The formation of the Rh factor occurs according to the same principle. A positive trait is considered dominant, and a negative trait is considered recessive. It is worth noting that 85% of all people can boast of protein in red blood cells and only 15% do not. As a donor for a person with a negative Rh, a carrier of both types can act, with a positive - having the same type. The ideal option is considered to be a complete match of Rh and blood type.

How to calculate the blood type of a child from parents using a special table?

Many parents want to know whose blood group the child will have. For the definition, a special table was developed, thanks to which everyone can calculate the result. To do this, you only need to know the belonging of the parental blood to a particular group.

Mother father I II III IV

After studying the data of the table, it becomes possible to make the following decoding of it:

  • provided that two parents have 1 group, the blood of the child will coincide with them;
  • mom and dad with the same 2nd group will have children with 1 or 2 groups;
  • if one of the parents is a carrier of group 1, the child cannot be a carrier of group 4;
  • if the father or mother has group 3, then the probability of having a child with group 3 is the same as in the other three groups;
  • if 4, then children will never be carriers of 1 blood type.

Is it possible to determine the Rh factor in advance?

It is possible to find out the Rh factor of a child, knowing this indicator from the father and mother, using the following scheme:

  • if both parents have "-" Rh, the child will have the same;
  • in the case when one is a positive carrier and the other is negative, six out of eight children will inherit a positive Rh;
  • in parents with a "+" Rh factor, according to statistics, 15 out of 16 children are born with the same Rh and only one with a negative one.

The likelihood of Rh conflict in mother and children

Rhesus conflict - rejection of a fetus with a "+" Rhesus by a woman's body with a "-" indicator. Even in the recent past, under such conditions, the bearing and birth of a full-fledged child was simply impossible, especially if the pregnancy was not the first. The result of this process can be intrauterine death of the fetus, stillbirth and other negative consequences.

Currently, Rh conflict occurs only in 1.5% of cases. Its probability can be found after tests at the beginning of pregnancy or at the stage of preparation for conception. It is worth noting that even if two conditions are met (negative Rh of the mother and positive in the child), the development of a conflict is not necessary.

In this case, the pregnant woman will have to be regularly checked to determine the amount of antibodies and their titer. Depending on the results obtained, a complete examination of the fetus may be performed. When an Rh conflict occurs, a child develops hemolytic disease, which leads to premature birth, anemia, dropsy, or even death.

Modern medicine offers the only way to save a child with a Rh conflict - intrauterine blood transfusion under the control of ultrasound and experienced doctors. This significantly reduces the likelihood of preterm birth and the development of hemolytic disease in the child. To reduce the likelihood of this problem, pregnant women are prescribed a certain course of therapy throughout the entire period, including taking vitamins, minerals, antihistamines and metabolic drugs. Delivery with a possible Rhesus conflict is recommended to be carried out ahead of schedule by caesarean section.

For a long time, scientists have proven the existence of four groups. Accordingly, each of the groups is formed even at the birth of a child, or rather, even in the womb after conception. As people say - it is inherited. Thus, we receive a certain type of plasma from our parents and live with it all our lives.

It is worth noting that neither blood groups nor the Rh factor change during life. This is a proven fact that can only be refuted by a pregnant woman. The fact is that there are rare cases when a woman's Rh factor really changes during pregnancy - at the beginning of the term and at the end already before childbirth. Back in the middle of the 19th century, an American scientist reached the conclusion that incompatibility exists in the types of plasma. To prove this, he may have come in handy with a calculator, but to date, in this case, no one uses it.

Incompatibility is formed when different types are mixed and manifests itself in the form of aggregation of red blood cells. This phenomenon is dangerous by the formation of platelets and the development of thrombocytosis. Then it was necessary to separate the groups to determine their type, which led to the emergence of the AB0 system. This system is still used by modern doctors to determine blood groups without a calculator. This system turned all previous ideas about blood upside down and now only geneticists are engaged in this. Then they discovered the laws of inheritance of blood groups of a newborn directly from their parents.

Scientists have also proven that the child's blood type directly depends on the mixing of the parents' plasma. She gives her results or simply wins the one that is stronger. The most important thing is that there is no incompatibility, because otherwise pregnancy simply does not occur or threatens the child inside the womb. In such situations, special vaccines are made at the 28th week of pregnancy or during its planning period. Then the development of the child will be protected and the formation of his sex.

Type of blood according to the AB0 system

There were quite a few scientists who worked on the issue of inheritance of blood groups and sex. One of them was precisely Mendeleev, who determined that children with the absence of A and B antigens would be born to parents with. The same situation is observed in parents with the 1st and 2nd blood groups. Quite often, the 1st and 3rd blood groups fall under such inheritance.

If the parents have the 4th blood group, then by heredity the child can get any, except for the first. The most unpredictable is the compatibility of parent groups 2nd and 3rd. In this case, inheritance can be in very different ways, while there is the same probability. There is also a rather rare situation when the rarest heredity occurs - both parents have antibodies of type A and B, but at the same time they do not appear. Thus, not only an unpredictable blood type is transmitted to the child, but also gender, and it is extremely difficult to predict its appearance, especially since the calculator will not help here either.

Learn more about how a group is determined by this method:

Probability of Inheritance

Since there are many different situations in the world, we will give the specific blood types of a person and the possible type of his child using a table. This does not require a calculator and additional knowledge. You just need to know your blood type and Rh factor. Such an analysis can be done in any specialized laboratory, which is prepared within 2 days.

mom + dad
Child's blood type: possible options (in %)
I+I I (100%) - - -
I+II I (50%) II (50%) - -
I+III I (50%) - III (50%) -
I+IV - II (50%) III (50%) -
II+II I (25%) II (75%) - -
II+III I (25%) II (25%) III (25%) IV (25%)
II+IV - II (50%) III (25%) IV (25%)
III+III I (25%) - III (75%) -
III+IV I (25%) - III (50%) IV (25%)
IV+IV - II (25%) III (25%) IV (50%)

Rh factor of blood

To date, not only the heredity of the blood group is known, but also its Rh factor and the gender of the person. This definition was also proven a long time ago, so many people today are worried about this: they want the child to get good blood.

Quite often there are cases when a spouse with a positive Rh, a child is born with a negative one. Then the question arises, on what it depends, or even distrust of each other in fidelity. But it is worth noting that with all the oddities of nature, this can also happen. There is an explanation for this, and to calculate this, you don’t even need a calculator. After all, the Rh factor, like the blood type, also has its own inheritance exceptions. Since Rh is a protein located on the surface of red blood cells, it has the ability not only to be present, but also absent. In its absence, they speak of a negative Rh factor.

Read more about how to take into account Rh when planning a pregnancy:

Thus, it is also possible to present in the form of a table the possible options for the birth of a child with a certain Rhesus of a person in order to understand what it depends on. You don't need a calculator here, just knowing your Rh factor.

Blood type
Father's blood type
Rh(+) rh(-)
Rh(+) Any Any
rh(-) Any Rh negative

In addition to all this, it is worth considering that exceptions are quite common, which is explained by genetic science. Since the appearance of a person at birth is unpredictable, so are his structural features. Such a definition was proved already quite a few years ago, when the evolution of man was still progressing. In addition to all this, many people still have a question about how the blood type and gender are inherited, because everything is so confusing and interesting that for an ordinary person it is not immediately clear.