Blood transfusion for boils. Autohemotherapy: indications, review, scheme of blood ozonation from boils

For the treatment of furunculosis, autohemotherapy is used both in its pure form and autohemotherapy with ozone, antibiotics, homeopathic substances and other components. This technique has been used since the beginning of the 20th century. This method of getting rid of boils is also called a blood transfusion, but it differs slightly from the standard method of transfusion from a donor to a patient.

Autohemotherapy can be used for furunculosis, as a radical measure to eliminate the disease.

What is the procedure?

With autohemotherapy, the patient's personal blood is injected subcutaneously, intravenously or intramuscularly. Autohemotherapy refers to the traditional methods of getting rid of boils. The technique for boils has been tested for a long period and, with sufficient qualifications of the health worker, is completely safe.


With the help of autohemotherapy, the following diseases can be treated:

  • a state of insufficient functioning of the immune system;
  • various skin diseases of both infectious and non-infectious origin (dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis, acne);
  • allergy;
  • pain syndrome in a chronic form;
  • diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • chronic diseases of the ENT organs and the respiratory system;
  • pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • long-term non-healing postoperative wounds and wounds due to injuries;
  • varicose veins;
  • skin aging beyond age (or as a rejuvenating effect).

Types of autohemotherapy

Schemes for the procedure of autohemotherapy:

  • subcutaneous - blood is taken from a vein and injected subcutaneously in various parts of the body;
  • intramuscular - venous blood is injected into the buttock;
  • intravenous - venous blood after certain manipulations is injected back into the vein.
Methods for conducting autohemotherapy
Type of procedureDescription
HemopunctureThe patient's venous blood is injected into the reflex zones on the body. Blood can be administered either in pure form or mixed with homeopathic remedies. This is a subcutaneous technique for injecting blood.
Step autohemotherapyIt is carried out in 4 stages in one session of 4 homeopathic remedies of various directions. Sessions are held at intervals of 4-5 days between each other
Autohemotherapy + ozoneThe patient's venous blood is enriched with ozone, and then administered intramuscularly or intravenously
Use of autobloodVenous blood is processed by changing its characteristics. To do this, ozonation, X-ray or ultraviolet irradiation, freezing are carried out. It is then reintroduced, usually intravenously.
Combination of hirudotherapy and autohemotherapyLeeches are used, then the procedure is supplemented with the patient's own blood

Autohemotherapy with medications for furunculosis is used if the root cause of the disease is an infectious nature.

Autohemotherapy with drugs

Autohemotherapy with medications
medicinal productImpact
AntibioticIf the cause of furunculosis is an inflammatory and infectious process in the body, then autohemotherapy with an antibiotic is performed. Penicillin is often given intramuscularly. With single boils, penicillin therapy is reduced to 5-6 injections, in more complex cases, the antibiotic is administered up to 3-4 times a day without blood
Calcium gluconateOften transfusion with furunculosis is combined with calcium gluconate. Calcium helps not only to improve the condition of bone tissue, but also helps to strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the skin. Therapy with calcium is prescribed only by a doctor, since its excess can disrupt the functioning of internal organs.
AloeAloe is used to enhance the effect of autohemotherapy. Due to the enhancement of the natural qualities of blood, blood transfusion with furunculosis with aloe helps to restore the body, regenerative processes in it
homeopathic substancesThe boil disappears if a stepwise autohemotherapy is applied using homeopathic substances of symptomatic, drainage action. Includes home remedies and nosodes. The drugs used in autohemotherapy include: Traumeel, Lymphomyosot, Engystol, Echinacea compositum, Mucosa compositum, Psorinochel, Gepar compositum and others.

Operating principle

The procedure consists of taking the patient's venous blood and then injecting it under the skin, intramuscularly or intravenously. With such manipulation, the body's own blood is associated with a foreign substance. The process of maximum production of protective cells begins, which later recognize the blood as “native”. Therefore, the action of the produced cells is redirected to pathological processes in the body.

The effect of autohemotherapy is to activate the immune system.

The results of such procedures:

  • activation of protective processes in the body;
  • activation of metabolic reactions;
  • increase in vitality;
  • activation of brain and physical activity;
  • acceleration of wound healing and cessation of the development of purulent processes;
  • acceleration of the removal of toxins from the body.

The scheme of autohemotherapy for boils

The technique of conducting according to the classical scheme is quite simple: blood is taken from a vein and injected into the gluteal muscle. The treatment regimen consists of 10–20 procedures. The first 10 days the introduction is on the rise. The first day, 1 ml is injected, then every day the blood volume is increased by 1 ml, and on the 10th day it is 10 ml. Then a descending scheme is applied - by 1 ml every day. There are schemes of 10 procedures. The volume of blood is increased every day by 2 ml, adjusted to 10 ml, then reduced daily by 2 ml and adjusted to 2 ml. If the procedure is prescribed together with drugs, then they are additionally added to the syringe before being injected into the muscle.

A large autohemotherapy is somewhat reminiscent of a blood transfusion procedure. It can only be carried out by a qualified specialist. For her, venous blood is taken in a large volume (100-150 ml). Then it is specially prepared for reintroduction into the vein, it is specially shaken up, the ozonation technique is carried out, medicinal substances are introduced, or a special device for ultraviolet treatment is used (already directly during the reverse infusion of blood). The procedure must be done according to a strict scheme using Heparin.

Furunculosis is a purulent-necrotic disease of the hair follicle and perifollicular connective tissue. This is an extremely unpleasant disease, often having a chronic form.

As a rule, furunculosis of the cause () of its occurrence is associated with a decrease in immunity. In this regard, the prevention of this disease will be all measures aimed at strengthening the immune forces of the body, therefore, in the treatment of furunculosis, intravenous administration of ozone is indicated.

In general, ozone therapy is a unique and universal method of biological therapy. If we are talking about intravenous administration, as in the case of furunculosis, then ozone is pre-dissolved in saline or in the patient's blood. In the treatment of furunculosis, ozone dissolved in his blood is injected into the body of a sick person, and the procedure itself is called large ozone autohemotherapy (BAHT).

A therapeutic dose of ozone has the ability to activate microcirculation, improve trophic processes in organs and tissues. In addition, ozone has a pronounced antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effect, it contributes to a significant activation of the body's detoxification defense system.

BAGT is a basic procedure used in the treatment of viral infections and chronic diseases. This procedure differs from that when the patient is intravenously injected with ozone, previously dissolved in saline. The fact is that with the introduction of ozone dissolved in the patient's blood, we are talking about a significantly greater immunostimulating and immunomodulating effects, which is very important, in particular, in the treatment of furunculosis.

The BAGT procedure algorithm is as follows: from fifty to one hundred and fifty milliliters of venous blood is taken from the patient, after which it is filled with an ozone-oxygen gas mixture into the container where it is located. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, as a result, dark venous blood acquires a bright red color, however, this is not its only change - the fact is that oxygen-enriched blood changes its structure, fluidity, acquiring new healing properties.

Then this curative blood is administered intravenously by drip, using the same drainage system through which it was taken, that is, through the same puncture in a vein. The whole procedure lasts about half an hour, but the course will consist of ten to fifteen BAGTs.

To prevent the recurrence of furunculosis, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle that helps maintain immunity at the proper level.

Do-it-yourself home OZONATOR. Protect yourself from infections
Home OZONATOR with their own

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It is used in dermatology, and now in cosmetology, it gives good results in the treatment of acne, helps with furunculosis, and relieves papillomas. But, unfortunately, when the method ceased to be a purely medical method of treatment with strict indications and contraindications, dissatisfied clients began to appear, for whom autohemotherapy did not help get rid of problems, despite the financial and time costs.

Let's see in what cases it is worth undergoing an autohemotherapy session, what needs to be done before deciding on the procedures, what else to find out about these procedures from a girlfriend if this treatment helped her.

Why doesn't it help everyone?

Medicine involves a systematic approach to the problem of treating any disease, when the doctor's attention is directed to the whole body, and not to individual symptoms.

But with regard to cosmetic skin defects, such as acne, acne, boils, this approach is often not applied, since:

  • people with cosmetic problems do not go to doctors, use as a guide to action the experience of friends and acquaintances who have been “helped” or information from advertisements and commercials;
  • people turn to doctors, but do not complete the examination due to constant redirection from one specialist to another;
  • the doctor prescribes to the patient a procedure that is in the price list of the institution, despite the fact that the procedure itself cannot have the desired effect (for example, some salons sell autohemotherapy as a rejuvenating facial skin procedure).

Add to this the intrusive marketing from manufacturers and sellers of cosmetics and medicines, cosmetic procedures, and you will get the answer, where do we get so many people who "have tried everything, but nothing helps."

If it starts to be sold as a salon service, before which the patient is not assigned any tests or examinations, then the effect is not guaranteed. You may be lucky, or you may not be.

What problems can be solved by the introduction of autologous blood

In response to subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of blood, a number of shifts in metabolism develop in the body, protective mechanisms are activated, and reactions aimed at increasing the body's resistance to adverse factors are intensified.

The most striking manifestation of the changes taking place in the human body are reactions from the immune system, when the body itself begins to cope with a number of problems:

  • sluggish infectious and purulent processes are resolved;
  • papillomas and warts disappear;
  • the skin is cleansed of annoying acne and boils;
  • the body successfully resists seasonal SARS;
  • herpes does not recur.

This short list can be used as indications for autohemotherapy in cosmetology.

Video: Execution technique with ozonized saline

What advertising promises should not be trusted

  • Autohemotherapy get rid of acne.

It might get rid of it, or it might not. If the cause of acne is pathogenic flora, then undoubtedly an increase in immunity and the body's ability to resist infection will lead to the disappearance of the rash or a decrease in the number of its elements on the skin.

If the matter is in the hormonal status, the presence of Helicobacter or diseases of the genital area, then the introduction of one's own blood may not give a result.

  • Normalizes the work of the endocrine system.

A very general wording that allows any of the potential clients of the salon to put any meaning into it. The introduction of one's own blood will not allow people with insufficient thyroid function to refuse to take thyroxine or to refuse insulin to patients with diabetes mellitus.

Therefore, it is better to ask the doctor specific questions about the disease or problem that you have during the consultation.

  • Removes toxins from the body.

We will not be distracted by the anti-scientific nature of the word “slags”, but simply agree that this term will mean the metabolic products of the cells of the human body, which should be excreted by the sweat glands, kidneys and liver.

In renal or hepatic insufficiency, autohemotherapy will not replace hemodialysis or hemosorption.

And it is much more effective to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins on an ongoing basis with the help of a balanced diet, regular exercise, water procedures, and normalization of the intestines.

  • Restore efficiency, increase vitality.

Self-hypnosis is our everything. Depression, constant lack of sleep, overwork cannot be cured by injecting your own blood into the fifth point. We need rest, good sleep, a change of scenery, meetings with friends, positive emotions every day. All this can not be replaced by a medical procedure.

Does facial myostimulation have contraindications? See the link.

What else to know

  • The use of drugs for its implementation.

Currently, the main method of carrying out autohemotherapy is the introduction of fresh blood from a vein into the patient's gluteal muscle. But this is also the name of various methods in which medicinal or homeopathic preparations are added to venous blood before its administration.

What does it mean? If a friend tells you about real miracles with the skin after autohemotherapy, do not forget to clarify what else was injected into her.

If it was an antibiotic, then it is not at all necessary to spoil your veins. It is enough to drink antibiotics in a course in tablets or capsules and get the same effect.

In some cases, injections of autologous blood alternate with the administration of calcium gluconate. This course also differs from the usual course of autohemotherapy in how both of its components work individually and in combination, what effect can be obtained from the procedure.

  • The use of topical preparations or agents for oral administration simultaneously with autohemotherapy.

Comprehensive treatment gives better results for a longer time. If, with the introduction of autologous blood, a person was given a local talker, oral medications, it was recommended to change skin care cosmetics, completely abandon decorative products and certain foods for a while, then any of these factors or their combined effect could lead to an improvement in the skin condition.

By itself, autohemotherapy without other measures could not give an effect.

This is a medical procedure and the whole science of treating diseases by injecting one's own blood into the patient's tissues. As a medical science, it should be appointed by professionals in their field, and not by salon salespeople in white coats.

And as a medical procedure, the introduction of autologous blood should be carried out in a treatment room with sterility, so that the procedure does not do more harm than good. It is worth doing at home only if a nurse or doctor performs the procedures. Also, the method has its own contraindications and side effects.

Does autohemotherapy help with acne? See reviews.

Read all the details about plant stem cells in cosmetology here.


These procedures are not prescribed and are not carried out in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • mental illness in the acute stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • arrhythmias;
  • oncology of any localization;
  • acute myocardial infarction.

Temporary contraindications for carrying out are:

  • alcohol consumption, in which the patient comes to the procedure in a state of intoxication;
  • general serious condition of the body;
  • febrile condition and some others at the discretion of the attending physician.

Autohemotherapy schemes

At present, several schemes have been developed, among them there are classical ones that have been used without changes since the times of the Soviet Union, and modern copyright ones that are used by doctors in their clinics to treat diseases of various profiles. The most commonly used are the following.

The technique of the procedure is simple: blood is taken from a vein in the arm and injected into the gluteal muscle. During the first procedure, 2 ml of blood is taken, during the second 4 ml, and so on until the volume of blood reaches 10 ml at a time.

Injections are given every day or every other day. In some cases, after reaching a volume of 10 ml, several more procedures are performed, during which the volume of injected blood is gradually reduced to 2 ml.

First, 5 ml of a mixture of ozone and oxygen is drawn into the syringe, and then up to 10 ml of blood is taken from a vein. The contents of the syringe are gently mixed and injected intramuscularly.

In a special sterile container, ml of the patient's blood is taken, an anticoagulant is added there (a drug that prevents blood from clotting) and a mixture of ozone and oxygen is injected there. The contents of the container are stirred for 5-10 minutes, and then administered to the patient intravenously.

The procedure is divided into four stages. During each of the stages, venous blood is enriched with one of the homeopathic preparations and injected intramuscularly to the patient.

Venous blood is injected under the skin in the area of ​​acupuncture points. Side effects:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of compaction and soreness at the site of injection of blood into the muscle or under the skin;
  • hematomas;
  • the appearance of infiltrates in the muscle, followed by suppuration;
  • deterioration of health, activation of the disease process in the body.

How often can you do

Usually, between courses of procedures, breaks are prescribed for at least three months. Only a doctor can answer this question in more detail. In some cases, repeated courses may not be necessary.

Find out what can be treated with stem cells today.

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At one time I had to take hormones for a disease. I have recovered greatly from them. But it was not so bad: I slowly began to lose weight, so I didn’t worry much. I have acne on my face, back and chest. And boils began to pop up one by one. And also only and exclusively in prominent places. She took antibiotics, herbs, immunostimulants. All this took time, but did not give any effect. As a result, one day, when one of my boils opened right in the office, I was sent to the surgeon. The doctor cleaned one of the boils that had already opened, and opened another one that was on the way. Then I came two or three more times. As a result, the surgeon referred me to autohemotherapy. After the course, two or three more litters appeared after the course, and there were noticeably fewer acne, which I am still incredibly glad about. The effect has lasted for almost a year and a half.

I did a course of autohemotherapy for the treatment of acne. I was also prescribed a talker and give up a whole list of products. The face after the course of procedures became better. The most interesting thing is that after autohemotherapy my hair became much better. Now, only if I eat something forbidden, such as chocolate, can I add it, but so far, no problem.

I tried autohemotherapy and did not notice any effect. The doctor also reassured me that the type of effect is not earlier than in a month. And a month later, the miracle did not happen. I continue to go for regular cleanings and suffer from acne.

Autohemotherapy for chiria

A boil is a boil, as it is called in medicine, is a purulent inflammation of the hairline. As a rule, it is located thicker than the skin. While several chiri appear on the skin at once, this disease is called furunculosis. All this is due to the presence of inflammation that appeared on an infectious basis.

A bacterial infection most often occurs with a low level of immunity, which is not able to fight various irritants and infections. Therefore, in this case, the most diverse treatment can be used, including blood transfusion, since this method is based precisely on increasing immunity and maintaining the body in a normal working condition.

The main symptoms of chiri

As a rule, this disease can develop in several stages, and each of them approximately lasts for several days. This is because the infection penetrates further and further, thereby affecting most of the skin.

There are cases when furunculosis passes on its own, with local treatment. But it is no exception that the treatment of chiria is quite complicated and lengthy. The most common symptoms include:

  • skin itching and redness at the site of infection;
  • small red tubercles appear on the skin, which are dense and painful to the touch;
  • in the very center of the tubercle, a white dot appears, the so-called abscess, which in no case should be pressed;
  • after 10 days, the skin begins to recover, and redness subsides.

It is also worth noting that such furunculosis occurs not only just on the skin, but also on the nasal region, in the ear. In this case, the treatment is prescribed differently, so as not to harm any of these organs. Especially with regard to the nasal mucosa. Sometimes the presence of chiri is observed in the nose itself, so in this case, local therapy should be more than accurate.

Blood transfusion from chiri

Initially, we can say that blood transfusion from a vein into muscle tissue is a fairly common, restorative and effective method. With the help of it today, as an alternative medicine, many people are saved. Fortunately, this method has already been more than studied, so it can be said with accuracy that it does not bring any harm. This is due purely to the fact that the composition of human blood is not constant and sometimes needs to be updated. As this, there is a so-called autohemotherapy. The time of treatment with such therapy takes approximately days, after which a positive change should occur.

The most important indicator of autohemotherapy is the strengthening of immunity, which is the basis of the causes of the appearance of chiri. It is during the weakening of the immune system that the body begins to spontaneously admit various infections to itself. Therefore, such a blood transfusion is often prescribed in the form of alternative medicine, not only for the treatment of the corresponding disease, but also for the general maintenance of body tone.

Scheme of autohemotherapy

For many years, a purely one scheme has been used, which is aimed at the introduction of an increasing, and then a decreasing amount of blood. It is recommended to start with 1 mg. Thus, blood is taken from a vein using a conventional syringe, and injected immediately into the buttock in the form of a conventional injection.

It should be noted that the introduction into muscle tissue should be carried out slowly. Since the blood is a fairly dense substance, it is, accordingly, absorbed in the tissues slowly. So that there are no seals or bruises after the injection, you need to massage the injection site well, just not pressing hard. After that, the next day, we increase the blood dose by another 1 mg, and that turns out to be 2 mg. And so every day the amount should increase to 10 mg of blood, after which we go back to decrease. The last day of the scheme should end with 1 mg of the substance, as it was originally. The maximum dose of treatment may be 12 mg of blood, but not more.

Such a course can be carried out as a preventive measure once or twice a year. As for the direct treatment of chiri, the time should not be set independently.

Consult your doctor. As a rule, you will also be prescribed additional local therapy, because the destruction of the infection directly on the skin is also no less important.

Predictions of autohemotherapy for furunculosis

In medical practice, the use of autohemotherapy is used only with all the tried and tested methods. This is a kind of alternative medicine does not carry any danger, but also a 100% guarantee too. Quite often, transfusion is prescribed for various forms of skin diseases, including teenage rashes on the face. Since this therapy is not fast-acting, the treatment will be long and patient.

With the restoration of immunity and the general condition of the body, the appearance of the skin also changes. We can even say that the skin is sometimes the very first to react to internal changes, especially delicate and sensitive. In this way, you will not only maintain general health, but also treat chiria directly. Also, one should not think that inflammatory suppurations should disappear by the end of the autohemotherapy regimen, but this should happen over time. In general, doctors recommend starting treatment with traditional medicine - various drugs of local and internal action.

If nothing helps, then you can directly apply for other methods. For example, such a method as blood transfusion has been used since ancient times, when the variety of medical treatments was not so widespread and open. Therefore, you can apply to different treatments, and choose for yourself an individual one.

Is it possible to do a transfusion from chiri at home?

In this case, the main thing is to stick only to professionalism. If you know how to properly handle veins and know how to give intravenous injections, then this procedure will be easy for you. It will be necessary to take the correct blood from the vein, and then inject it into the buttock. If you have not previously dealt with such medical skills, then it is better not to take on this, but to trust a person who knows this business. In any case, it is not worth the risk, so as not to harm the patient.

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The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can be considered a substitute for medical advice from a specialist in a medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For diagnostics and treatment, as well as prescribing medications and determining the scheme for taking them, we recommend that you contact your doctor.

Treatment of furunculosis with autohemotherapy

For the treatment of furunculosis, autohemotherapy is used both in its pure form and autohemotherapy with ozone, antibiotics, homeopathic substances and other components. This technique has been used since the beginning of the 20th century. This method of getting rid of boils is also called a blood transfusion, but it differs slightly from the standard method of transfusion from a donor to a patient.

Autohemotherapy can be used for furunculosis, as a radical measure to eliminate the disease.

What is the procedure?

With autohemotherapy, the patient's personal blood is injected subcutaneously, intravenously or intramuscularly. Autohemotherapy refers to the traditional methods of getting rid of boils. The technique for boils has been tested for a long period and, with sufficient qualifications of the health worker, is completely safe.


With the help of autohemotherapy, the following diseases can be treated:

  • a state of insufficient functioning of the immune system;
  • various skin diseases of both infectious and non-infectious origin (dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis, acne);
  • allergy;
  • pain syndrome in a chronic form;
  • diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • chronic diseases of the ENT organs and the respiratory system;
  • pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • long-term non-healing postoperative wounds and wounds due to injuries;
  • varicose veins;
  • skin aging beyond age (or as a rejuvenating effect).

Types of autohemotherapy

Schemes for the procedure of autohemotherapy:

  • subcutaneous - blood is taken from a vein and injected subcutaneously in various parts of the body;
  • intramuscular - venous blood is injected into the buttock;
  • intravenous - venous blood after certain manipulations is injected back into the vein.

Autohemotherapy with drugs

Operating principle

The procedure consists of taking the patient's venous blood and then injecting it under the skin, intramuscularly or intravenously. With such manipulation, the body's own blood is associated with a foreign substance. The process of maximum production of protective cells begins, which later recognize the blood as “native”. Therefore, the action of the produced cells is redirected to pathological processes in the body.

The effect of autohemotherapy is to activate the immune system.

The results of such procedures:

  • activation of protective processes in the body;
  • activation of metabolic reactions;
  • increase in vitality;
  • activation of brain and physical activity;
  • acceleration of wound healing and cessation of the development of purulent processes;
  • acceleration of the removal of toxins from the body.

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The scheme of autohemotherapy for boils

The technique of conducting according to the classical scheme is quite simple: blood is taken from a vein and injected into the gluteal muscle. The treatment regimen consists of 10–20 procedures. The first 10 days the introduction is on the rise. The first day, 1 ml is injected, then every day the blood volume is increased by 1 ml, and on the 10th day it is 10 ml. Then a descending scheme is applied - by 1 ml every day. There are schemes of 10 procedures. The volume of blood is increased every day by 2 ml, adjusted to 10 ml, then reduced daily by 2 ml and adjusted to 2 ml. If the procedure is prescribed together with drugs, then they are additionally added to the syringe before being injected into the muscle.

A large autohemotherapy is somewhat reminiscent of a blood transfusion procedure. It can only be carried out by a qualified specialist. For her, venous blood is taken in a large volume (100-150 ml). Then it is specially prepared for reintroduction into the vein, it is specially shaken up, the ozonation technique is carried out, medicinal substances are introduced, or a special device for ultraviolet treatment is used (already directly during the reverse infusion of blood). The procedure must be done according to a strict scheme using Heparin.

Can the procedure be done at home?

It is possible to carry out the classic autohemotherapy procedure to get rid of furunculosis after a little practice at home. But only the doctor determines the appropriateness of the procedure from the standpoint of "benefit / harm". The treatment regimen is determined solely by the attending physician. Only with the help of properly selected therapy, you can get a positive result from the procedure.

Contraindications and side effects

Due to the high probability of side effects in childhood, as well as through the specifics of the procedure itself, it is rarely prescribed to children. Contraindications and side effects of autohemotherapy for furunculosis:

  • elevated temperature;
  • the period of menopause and postmenopause;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • acute myocardial infarction and severe forms of arrhythmia;
  • therapeutic course of antibiotics for concomitant diseases;
  • herpetic diseases;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • mental disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

The disadvantage of the procedure is that the blood itself is a complex substance that slowly dissolves in muscle tissues. As a result, seals and hematomas may occur. Side effects after manipulation are extremely rare. At an elevated body temperature after the procedure, pain at the injection site of the blood product, a correction is made in the therapy regimen or it is canceled completely.

Therapy Predictions

If the cause of furunculosis is associated with disorders in the immune system, with infectious diseases, with metabolic disorders in the body and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then the prognosis after the procedure is positive. With hormonal failures, such treatment will be extremely small. Furunculosis requires complex treatment. The procedure of autohemotherapy does not in itself give an unambiguously positive result. A healthy lifestyle, treatment with vitamins, adherence to the daily regimen, avoidance of stressful loads are concomitant factors for the use of the entire treatment regimen for furunculosis prescribed by the doctor.

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The information on the site is provided for general information purposes only. We recommend that you consult a doctor for further advice and treatment.

Autohemotherapy (blood transfusion from a vein into the buttock): what helps besides acne, indications, procedure

Autohemotherapy was very popular at one time, it had no contraindications for the adult population, but it treated both men and women for all inflammatory diseases. By the end of the last century, this treatment procedure somehow moved back, but now it has again begun to come into fashion, mainly among cosmetologists and patients who are trying to rid their skin of acne and other minor cosmetic defects of pustular origin at low material costs.

Some people call autohemotherapy a blood transfusion from a vein into the buttock, thereby giving this manipulation a special significance - it still sounds! The opinion of medical workers to the procedure is ambiguous. Some, arguing that the new is the long-forgotten old, continue to follow the beaten path and use this method, along with the traditional ones. Others call autohemotherapy a pseudoscientific direction, referring to the fact that August Beer (surgeon) invented it in 1905, when they didn’t really know any other treatment. And, meanwhile, he similarly successfully treated bone fractures.

Now, with a huge selection of immune system correctors, this method is used mainly as an adjuvant in the treatment of inflammatory processes, or in cosmetology to combat facial skin problems. How great the effect of autohemotherapy is to be judged by the patients themselves, however, from it, as the song says: "... and there is no harm, however, either."

Are there any contraindications?

The classic version of autohemotherapy is a treatment process in which a certain amount of blood is taken from the patient's own vein, which is immediately injected into the muscle or under the skin of the same patient.

True, subcutaneous injections did not really take root, people love intramuscular injections more, which is quite understandable - a hematoma can form under the skin and a local inflammatory process can begin, accompanied by swelling and pain, as a result of which general well-being will not be better. After an injection in the buttock, everything is simpler - I put a heating pad under a soft spot and everything quickly passed.

It is believed that autohemotherapy has no contraindications. In any case, doctors, using its action in the last century to treat many diseases, except for childhood, pregnancy and lactation, when it is highly undesirable to interfere with immunity, they were not noted. Now among the contraindications you can find:

  • Acute myocardial infarction, in which the person is most likely in the intensive care unit, where it is unlikely that anyone will prescribe such a procedure;
  • Severe arrhythmias - probably, it will also not occur to anyone to stop attacks using these methods, and the patients themselves, who often complain of rhythm disturbances, are unlikely to have such a desire;
  • Oncological diseases - these people have no time for this at all, they are looking for a more effective treatment, although, judging by the way soda has become fashionable, a new life of autohemotherapy in such a hypostasis is not excluded. We hasten to warn you - neither soda, nor autohemotherapy, nor anything else invented by the people will help. Only to the doctor! and immediately, so as not to miss the time!
  • Psychosis, epilepsy and other disorders are a delicate matter, it is within the competence of a psychiatrist, therefore - no comment ...

But what can really affect the psyche of a person who is determined to be cured of acne, acne, or something more serious is the procedure itself. People who faint at the sight of blood do not like to be witnesses of manipulations that resemble a real operation: a syringe, blood, transferring it from one place to another ...

Although there are all sorts of circumstances and different patients, therefore, before starting treatment, you need to consult with a specialist who will prescribe therapy, telling your medical history in detail, and with a doctor who constantly monitors, treats and probably knows whether such a method is indicated or better to bypass it.

The main task is to raise the defenses

A similar situation develops with regard to indications for autohemotherapy - overestimating the ability of this therapy, it is attributed to all the new advantages, hitherto unknown to official medicine. For example, that it can cure infertility or infections such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV), help with menopause and remove the adhesive process in the pelvis.

Supporters of this method of treatment claim that this method has a miraculous effect on a wide range of inflammatory processes in the female genital area, it helps with furunculosis and other pustular skin diseases, and as a remedy for acne, it has no equal at all. And here is some truth: autohemotherapy, stimulating your own immunity to protect the body and improving metabolic processes in it, really helps (but does not cure) with many diseases.

example of treatment results: before and after autohemotherapy against acne

Medicine still does not reject the ability of autohemotherapy, but only as an auxiliary, and not the main, means in the treatment of certain diseases - this is the indication for this procedure:

  1. Sluggish long-term inflammatory processes localized in the respiratory organs, female genital area or on the skin;
  2. Decreased immunity after injuries, surgical interventions, visiting sites of environmental disasters due to professional duties or living in these areas;
  3. Pustular infections that settled on the skin or juvenile acne associated with hormonal changes in the body;
  4. Poorly treatable long non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers (in diabetes mellitus);
  5. To help in the treatment of herpes infection;
  6. Strengthening immunity in menopause.

Autohemotherapy in these cases plays the role of an immunocorrector. It is difficult to predict how effective it will be in each specific case, but there is no doubt that it will not hurt.

In order to clearly indicate the effect of treatment with one's own blood, it is desirable to conduct various immunological studies before and after autohemotherapy.

Carrying out the procedure - what is possible and what is not

It is undesirable to inject more than 1 ml of blood under the skin, but classical autohemotherapy is based on a progressive increase in the amount of injected own biological fluid to 10 ml, and then the same dose reduction. This is probably why subcutaneous blood injections are not very suitable for the traditional method. They can cause not only local inflammation, but also a general health disorder: fever and its accompanying symptoms - chills and muscle pain.

According to the scheme of conduct that has long taken root for the classical version, autohemotherapy begins with 2 ml of blood taken from the patient's vein, which is immediately injected without any delay into the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle of the same patient.

The next procedure is carried out in 1-2 days, but already in an increased dose - 4 ml, in the 3rd injection (also after 1-2 days) a dose of 6 ml is provided, the 4th - 8 ml, the 5th - 10 ml , 6th - 10 ml, and then downward movement in the same order.

The second very important point is the observance of sterility. Autohemotherapy requires it, perhaps more than other manipulations, because in this case two methods are combined: both intravenous and intramuscular injections. Particular attention should be paid to the implementation of such activities at home, which, in principle, is not recommended. But if you really want to and the patient can be trusted in this regard (future treatment is agreed with the doctor), and among acquaintances or neighbors there is a health worker with the necessary qualifications (not a nurse), treatment can be carried out at home, but then all responsibility falls on the participants in these events.

New methods of old treatment

Of course, using the best achievements in medicine of our near ancestors, it is naive to hope that the current Aesculapius will leave everything as it is. It's the same with autohemotherapy: although the classical method is still in use, new options were not long in coming, joining the ranks of homeopathic remedies aimed at correcting the defense system. The basis for more modern types of treatment, of course, was the "good old" autohemotherapy.

Now many medical centers offer their own methods, while it should be noted that among them you can also find author's options:

  • Hemopuncture (biopuncture) is the introduction of small amounts of the patient's blood, taken from his vein, into reflexogenic or pain points located on his body. Blood for the procedure can be used both in pure form and as part of homeopathic remedies. The method owes its appearance to the Belgian homeopathic doctor, constantly engaged in the search for truth, Jan Kersshot;
  • Step autohemotherapy involves the introduction of blood diluted with a set of homeopathic remedies. This method is not so new, something similar happened during the widespread use of this therapy in traditional medicine, when antibiotics were added to a blood syringe, which is no longer practiced. The authorship of the stepwise autohemotherapy belongs to Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, who, having taken over his father's business, was actively interested in homeopathy. He managed to get acquainted with the founder of autohemotherapy August Beer, get advice and combine both methods of treatment together.
  • Treatment with autologous blood is based on changes in certain characteristics of the blood under chemical and physical influences (ozonation, irradiation with x-rays and ultraviolet rays, freezing, etc.). However, it is obvious that in order to “conjure” biological fluids in this way, one must have not only special knowledge, but also special equipment (the latter is not available to everyone).
  • Autohemotherapy + ozone - the method is similar to the classical one, but differs in that ozone (triatomic oxygen - O 3) is added to the blood prepared for administration, which enhances the effect of one's own biological environment - this is a small ozone autohemotherapy. In addition, there is also a large autohemotherapy with ozone, where blood is taken from a vein in large quantities (up to 150 ml) and it is injected, enriched with ozone, already intravenously. They say that this method helps to fight chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • The combination of autohemotherapy with hirudotherapy (or vice versa: in the first place is still treatment with leeches, which in the process is supplemented by the participation of the patient's blood).

Such methods, of course, are not suitable for home treatment. In addition, using new technologies, they expand the range of both indications and contraindications, the lists of which may vary in different sources, because official medicine has not dealt with these issues. In this regard, it should be recalled once again that autohemotherapy is an alternative method to traditional medicine, it is not recommended for self-administration, therefore, treatment by a homeopath should involve a preliminary long conversation with the doctor.

How much is it?

The price for classical or updated autohemotherapy, as always, will depend on the place (status of the institution) and the region (Moscow is different from Bryansk) of its implementation. “Cool” medical centers can request up to a thousand for 10 procedures, “more modestly” will stop at 6-7 thousand rubles for everything, but those that are just starting to “unwind” will perform the same manipulations for 4 thousand.

The price for one procedure in Moscow and St. Petersburg starts from 400 rubles and reaches 1000 or more rubles. In general, everything is very individual, there is no single price for all procedures, institutions, places of residence and, probably, patients. Some people are treated only in very expensive clinics, as they say, to each his own.

One of the effective methods to eliminate inflammation on the skin is blood transfusion or autohemotherapy. Those who hear about this method of treatment for the first time may be surprised and wary. However, a blood transfusion for acne is not a terrible and unusual procedure. This method has long been used in cosmetology and is an immunocorrective therapy. Its main goal is the destruction of pustular chronic rashes of an infectious nature. The doctors themselves say so.

Like any method, autohemotherapy has its advantages and disadvantages. When it is used, the protective reserves of the body are activated, as a result of which the skin infection begins to be actively suppressed by the immune system. This is one of the most significant advantages of blood transfusion. The right immune response is very effective in eliminating acne and inflammation on the skin, and also helps to get rid of many chronic diseases.

Of the minuses of the method, one can note the fact that this method has not yet been fully explored. That is, scientists still know little about the effect of the procedure on the human body. Another disadvantage of the method is the possibility of small seals appearing in the muscle tissues after five procedures. This can happen due to the slow resorption of blood in the body.

Reviews of blood transfusions from acne indicate the high effectiveness of this treatment. Patients note a good result from autohemotherapy. After several blood transfusions, pimples and boils disappear, and the skin becomes smooth and clear. Treatment with autologous blood may involve pre-treatment of the blood with ozone.

Only after ozonation, blood from the vein of the river is injected into the muscle of the buttocks. Ozonated blood is often used in the treatment of gynecological female diseases. Biopuncture does not require any pre-treatment of the blood. Usually, autohemotherapy is prescribed as an additional method in the complex treatment of the disease.

How do they do it?

Blood transfusion can be subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous. Usually the doctor prescribes one of the ways. Sometimes treatment with blood transfusion is supplemented by other methods:

  • ozone therapy;
  • homeopathy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation

After examination and clarification of the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

How is a blood transfusion done for acne? The method itself is very simple and not complicated. In the first session, two milliliters of blood is taken from a vein, after which the blood is injected into the muscle of the buttock. With each new procedure, the volume of blood taken is increased by one milliliter. The allowable volume of blood drawn is 10 ml. After that you need to take a break. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated. Sometimes a doctor may recommend a blood transfusion every six months.

Ideally, the procedure should be carried out in a medical facility. In the manipulation room, all sterile requirements are met, and the transfusion itself is carried out by a qualified specialist. You should be aware that improper insertion of the needle can harm the health of the body.

The effect of the procedure is determined by the exacerbation of the protective functions of the body. Pathogenic bacteria enter the body along with the blood. Since they belong to the body, there is no infection. Own blood is a powerful activator of the immune system. The body begins to intensively produce the necessary antibodies that localize skin diseases and acne. There is a cleansing of the blood and cleansing of the skin from acne. As a result, acne disappears.


The main indications for blood transfusion are:

  • boils;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • dermatitis;
  • poor wound healing;
  • reduced immunity;
  • serious injury;
  • carbuncles.

The procedure is simple and completely painless. However, you need to know how a blood transfusion is done for acne, and before starting the sessions, undergo diagnostics and take blood tests.


The blood transfusion procedure may not be suitable for everyone. The main contraindications for carrying out:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • serious chronic diseases;
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

Before starting treatment, it is important to take a complete blood count and clarify the level of hemoglobin. Autohemotherapy can only be carried out with a normal degree of hemoglobin in the blood.

In the buttock, the blood injected with a syringe is absorbed rather slowly. Therefore, sometimes after a transfusion session, temporary small seals may remain. This causes some inconvenience and discomfort. Over time, seals can begin to hurt and cause discomfort.

Severe pain at the injection site may occur after the introduction of a large volume of blood (from 6 ml). To minimize side effects, it is necessary to apply a warm heating pad to the injection site for several minutes. An alcohol compress at the injection site, manual massage or an iodine mesh also helps to dissolve the blood in the muscle.

According to statistics, blood transfusion gives a positive result in 80% of cases. An excellent positive result is also evidenced by reviews of blood transfusions from acne from people who have already used this method of treatment. With advanced form of acne, a second blood transfusion is prescribed after six months.

In autohemotherapy, in very rare cases and for special indications, autoblood can be used - the patient's blood that has undergone chemical treatment. It is also important to know that during the procedure, in rare cases, a negative autoimmune reaction of the body may occur, which can cause the development of complications, and a purulent abscess. In such cases, it is important to urgently seek medical help.

In addition to blood transfusion sessions, with this method of treating acne and acne, it is important to follow a special diet that includes a large amount of vegetables, fruits and cereals.

It is also necessary to maintain proper daily skin hygiene and keep it clean. It is required to completely exclude annoying negative factors: decorative cosmetics and improper food in the diet.

It is useful to actively engage in physical education and regularly take walks in the fresh air. Such comprehensive measures are aimed at increasing immunity and guarantee an excellent result after a full course of autohemotherapy.

The result that the procedures give is very effective. It is enough to compare the blood transfusion from acne - before and after photos. Before the start of the course of treatment, common pathologies of a bacterial nature characteristically recur on the skin. Autohemotherapy restores the normal functioning of the immune system. The body itself begins to fight the disease, as a result of which acne disappears.

The introduction of patients' own venous blood ensures the activation of the body's rehabilitation reactions, improves lymph flow and blood circulation. As a result, various wounds heal quickly, abscesses, acne, acne, neurodermatitis are eliminated. Autohemotherapy significantly improves metabolic processes, increases vitality, removes toxins and slags from the body. Moreover, after a course of procedures, physical and mental performance increases.

This method allows you to cure many diseases - various skin lesions, dermatitis, eczema, allergies. The therapy is also indicated for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, recurrent ENT diseases, premature skin aging. Such treatment is especially important in immunodeficient conditions of the body, wounds that do not heal for a long time after operations or injuries.

Treatment with venous blood transfusion helps to get rid of furunculosis. The disease is a common bacterial pathology and recurs very often. As a method of stimulating treatment, blood transfusion for acne - before and after photos - gives a very positive result.

Symptomatic treatment allows you to completely cope with the disease. Autohemotherapy is also practiced in the treatment of various gynecological diseases. The method is prescribed for menopause, inflammation in the appendages and uterus, adhesions, condylomatosis.

Atohemotherapy is a reasonable prescription for acne, which cannot be eliminated by a variety of external medicines. This method of treatment is a classic in the treatment of acne on the skin. Transfusion of own venous blood is combined with antibiotics and calcium gluconate. Do not use transfusion in the treatment of acne in the presence of various blood clotting disorders, with oncological tumors, with epilepsy and heart disease. It is also not recommended to prescribe autohemotherapy with reduced pressure.

Venous blood transfusion should be performed only for medical reasons and after consultation with a doctor. Procedures are important to be done under sterile conditions with full observance of all safety precautions. Sequential autohemotherapy will quickly eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin. This method will help to eliminate acne and pimples effectively and in a short time.

Dermatology Oxygen-ozone gas mixture with different concentrations of ozone, obtained from medical oxygen in a medical ozonator, is used by various methods both for external procedures and for systemic effects on the body, depending on the nosology. The procedures of external and systemic ozone therapy can be carried out independently or in combination, both as a monomethod and in complex treatment with the use of medication and (or) other physiotherapeutic methods. In this case, the following biological effects of medical ozone are used: - when ozone is used externally (gassing with an oxygen-ozone mixture, applying ozonized distilled water or oil), its oxidizing properties are used, providing a bacterio-, fungi- and virucidal effect. At the same time, unlike many well-known antiseptics, ozone does not irritate and does not destroy the integumentary tissues of the human body, tk. unlike microorganisms, the cells of a multicellular human body have an antioxidant defense system; - with systemic (parenteral) administration of medical ozone, a multicomponent metabolic effect of therapeutic doses of ozone on the human body is manifested. When a medical ozone-oxygen mixture enters the bloodstream, ozone interacts with the erythrocyte membrane, as a result of which ozonides are formed on it, which trigger the work of the intracellular antioxidant system (AOS). Systemic administration of medical ozone facilitates the release of oxygen by oxyhemoglobin and thus improves oxygen supply to tissues. It is important to note the positive effect of ozone on microcirculation processes: according to our data, after external ozone therapy, the efficiency of skin microcirculation in patients with eczema increases by 32.5%, and after systemic ozone therapy, by 26.6%. The immunomodulatory effect of ozone therapy has been proven. Medical ozone is able to correct impaired cellular immunity, as well as have a modulating effect on the humoral link of immunity. Our experimental and clinical studies have made it possible to give a pathogenetic rationale for the use of oxygen-ozone therapy, which affects the violations of enzyme systems, oxidative processes in the cell, nonspecific defense factors and immune reactivity. The use of this method in the complex treatment of a number of dermatoses activates reparative processes and metabolic activity in the lesion, improves the general condition of patients and leads to a reduction in treatment time. On the basis of clinical, morphological and cytochemical studies, the effectiveness of using oxygen-ozone therapy in the complex therapy of a number of dermatoses has been proven. The most convincing clinical effect was obtained with the use of ozone therapy in the following nosologies: ulcerative forms of skin angiitis, chronic pigmentary purpura, eczema, atopic dermatitis, prurigo, pyoderma, acne, alopecia areata. The role of ozone therapy in the practice of dermatocosmetologists is also important: for the correction of age-related skin changes, as well as as an adjuvant anti-inflammatory agent in the recovery period after plastic surgery: with senile atrophy of the skin of the face, neck, mimic wrinkles, postoperative conditions (edema, tissue infiltration, scars), cellulite . The main methods for this group of diseases are the methods of local ozone therapy, which can be combined with general ozone therapy procedures. Intramuscular administration of an ozone-oxygen mixture, small autohemotherapy, applications of ozonized oil, skin application of gaseous ozone (“under the hood”) are carried out. With viral lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, the most effective is the combination of general and local ozone therapy. It should be noted that, in approximately 0.2-0.5% of cases, allergic dermatitis may occur in response to the use of ozonized oil, requiring a reduction in the frequency and number of procedures, up to the complete abolition of this treatment method. The duration of treatment, the number and frequency of therapeutic manipulations can vary over a wide range. In some cases, it is possible and advisable to conduct several courses of treatment. Treatment of acne. The effectiveness of ozone in acne is due to its pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. Ozone, being a strong oxidizing agent, provokes free radical oxidation, causing the so-called "oxygen explosion", which effectively destroys pathogenic microorganisms. It has been established that ozone is effective against strains of Propionbacterium acnes and Staph. Epidermidis that are insensitive to antibiotics, and even with prolonged therapy, resistance to it does not occur. In case of acne, local injection of inflammatory foci with an ozone-oxygen mixture at a concentration of 20 mg/l was carried out; in some cases, primary sanitation of the foci was carried out, and then ozone therapy. In parallel, a large autohemoozone therapy (BAHT) was carried out with an ozone concentration of 20-30 mg/l every two days, and local injections every other day. It should be noted that ozone therapy provided a relatively rapid positive effect. Already after 2-3 sessions, a decrease in the number of rashes (from 20 to 60%), a decrease in hyperemia, soreness, and a persistent decrease in the amount of sebum were noted. Ozone therapy for furunculosis and pyoderma is aimed at bactericidal, immunomodulatory action and the destruction of microorganisms due to the powerful disinfecting effect of ozone. Furunculosis - staphyloderma, which characterizes the appearance of multiple boils that occur in a limited way (neck, lower back, buttocks) or disseminated, common in various areas - more often occurs in weakened people who have had severe infections, in people with metabolic disorders, with a decrease in immunity. For treatment, BAGT (large autohemoozonotherapy - cut daily or 2 times a week in the amount of 6-8 times), MAGT (small autohemoozonotherapy) ozonized blood was administered to patients intramuscularly 8-10 times weekly, and intramuscular injection of OFR was also used. inflammatory process, the concentration of ozone decreased, which contributed to the strengthening of recovery and regenerative processes.In generalized forms of furunculosis, inflammatory elements (furuncles) of large sizes, for their fastest regression, are injected with an ozone-oxygen mixture along the periphery (except for boils in the face and neck). gas mixture (with one injection) 3-5 ml at a concentration of 10-20 mg / l. The needle is inserted deep under the base of the boil. The method of treatment is simple, affordable and very effective. General improvement occurs as early as 2-3 days. Methods of ozone therapy used in the treatment of furunculosis, pyoderma, etc., are effective, safe and accelerate recovery due to the effects of both local, as well as systemic influence. Eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis. For the affected areas of the skin, gassing is carried out in a plastic chamber. In the presence of pus, the first 2-3 procedures are carried out with an ozone-oxygen mixture with an ozone concentration of 15.0-20.0 mg/l or an ozone mini-bath with an ozone concentration of 40.0-50.0 mg/l is used, and after cleansing the skin they switch to gassing with a gradual decrease in the ozone concentration from 7.0 to 2.5 mg / l No. 7-15 and applications of ozonized oil. Local treatment is combined with the systemic effect of ozone on the body. Rectal insufflations of the ozone-oxygen mixture alternate with intravenous infusions of ozonized autologous blood (BAHT), which are used taking into account the individual dose of ozone. With a large area of ​​skin lesions, large chambers of flowing gassing are used, which are worn completely on the entire human body in a standing position and sealed in the neck area. At the same time, gassing No. 8-12 alternates every other day with BAGT. Psoriasis is difficult to treat with medication, but the course of treatment with the use of ozone therapy is characterized by convincing positive results: a significant reduction in swelling, hyperemia, a reduction in the area of ​​damage, the number of affected skin areas and a significant improvement in the psycho-emotional state of patients. In the treatment, intravenous infusions of ozonized saline solution were used every other day, gassing of the limbs or the whole body with an ozone-oxygen mixture under pressure in a sealed chamber daily and daily intake of 250.0 ml by patients. ozonized water. Rectal insufflation with ozone was performed for all patients every other day with simultaneous general strengthening and antihypoxic therapy. Already after 5-6 procedures, the condition of the patients improved, which was manifested by a decrease in hyperemia, swelling, peeling, and itching. The patients were followed up for a year. During this time, there was no recurrence of the disease. Treatment of mycosis of the skin and nails. Local procedures are combined with BAGT, which is performed 2-3 times a week, 10-12 procedures per course. In case of skin mycoses, gassing is carried out in a plastic chamber with a gradual decrease in the ozone concentration from 30.0 to 10.0 mg/l No. 8-10 every other day. In case of nail mycoses, applications of specially prepared fresh ozonized oil are applied to the affected nail, which is removed with a nail file before that. The procedures are carried out 2-3 times a week until the affected nail is completely replaced with a new one. In a generalized process, intravenous infusions of OFR with an individually determined dose of ozone are carried out, or rectal insufflations of an ozone-oxygen mixture No. 9-15. Demodicosis is a disease caused by the microscopic mite Demodex folliculorum. This mite in the majority constantly lives in the sebaceous glands and feeds on the desquamated epithelium without showing itself in any way. The presence of 2-3 copies of demodex in the gland usually does not affect the condition of the skin. It is located in the excretory duct inward with the head and outward with the tail, from where it secretes eggs. In large quantities (up to 10-20 pieces or more), they are found only in hypertrophied glands. Demodex eggs are constantly carried out from the ducts of the sebaceous glands to the surface of the skin. Most of them subsequently die, from a smaller part larvae hatch, which are enough to replenish the population. With demodicosis, self-healing is impossible. The disease can migrate from one area of ​​the skin to another. The combined course of ozone therapy for demodicosis of the skin of the face and trunk using ozone consisted of 10 BAGT procedures (twice a week) and home care consisting in the use of ozonized oil by applying it to the skin of the face at night. BAGT was used with increasing concentration of ozone-oxygen mixture, ranging from 10 mg/l to 40 mg/l. The positive effect of ozone in stopping the inflammatory processes of the skin in demodicosis is due to its pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. Being a powerful oxidizing agent, ozone effectively destroys pathogenic microorganisms, while resistance does not occur, as in the case of antibiotic treatment (with their long-term use). Ozone, having an immunomodulatory effect, has a beneficial effect on humoral and cellular immunity, and the stimulating effect of ozone on the antioxidant system causes its anti-inflammatory effect. The use of ozone therapy in the complex treatment of patients with demodicosis allows you to quickly and effectively stop inflammation of the skin and reduce the treatment time for such patients by several times compared to traditional methods, while reducing the dosage of medications. All treated patients showed a pronounced improvement after 3-4 procedures, clinical recovery occurred after 1.5 months of therapy (which was confirmed by the absence of a tick in the control tests for demodicosis). At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that 80% of cured patients have already been treated for a long time and unsuccessfully by dermatovenereologists, ophthalmologists, surgeons, etc. Complications and adverse reactions were not observed. Combined therapy of demodicosis of the skin of the face and trunk with ozone is more effective than traditional therapy: clinical recovery occurred faster, the result was more stable than in the treatment with traditional means alone, no relapses were observed during therapy with ozone. Venereal Diseases Some infectious diseases (cytomegalovirus, herpes, chlamydia, etc.) and diseases of the reproductive organs (urogenital chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis, gardnerellosis, viral diseases) are effectively treated using ozone technologies. Sexually transmitted infections. In recent years, mixed urinary tract infections are increasingly common, caused by not one, but two or three pathogens (herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc.). Mixed infections account for 50 to 90% of STIs and cause not only local damage to the skin and mucous membranes, but also chronic fatigue syndrome, prolonged fever and secondary immunodeficiency, which greatly complicates treatment with traditional methods. Acute forms of STIs, with profuse discharge, severe pain, are rare. Much more often, sexually transmitted diseases have an asymptomatic course, are not detected in a timely manner and are not treated in the early stages, which leads to inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs and various complications. In men, an inflammatory process develops in the prostate gland, which leads to a weakening of potency, infertility, and often ends with adenoma and even prostate cancer. In women, STIs are the number one cause of infertility. Infected pregnant women are more likely to experience premature birth, non-developing pregnancy, miscarriage. Traditional treatment for STIs is based on antibiotics. But the active, and especially uncontrolled use of antibiotics, leads to damage to the body's own microflora, reduced immunity, damage to the liver, kidneys, etc. In modern medicine, medical ozone is used with great success to treat STIs. Cosmetological aspects of ozone therapy 1. Non-surgical liposuction — subcutaneous injection of an ozone-oxygen mixture for cellulite and local lipodystrophy. 2. Lipocorrection - hardware (vacuum or vacuum-vibration) massage on ozonized anti-cellulite gel for cellulite and local lipodystrophy. 3. A set of techniques for rejuvenation and correction of defects in the skin of the face and body (scars, scars, wrinkles), for acne, fungal infections - ozone is used in the gas phase, in the form of ozonized water, a fine suspension of ozonized water and ozonized olive oil. 4. Ozone bath and ozone-steam sauna. The course of therapy for non-surgical liposuction consists of a certain number of sessions (from 6 to 12), carried out at intervals of 1-3 times a week. Before the main session, a preparatory vacuum-vibration massage is performed using ozonated oil (“the problem area” is being prepared for subcutaneous injections, at the same time, the threshold of pain sensitivity is reduced due to the analgesic effect of ozone), then ozone-oxygen is injected into the cellulite area according to a certain scheme with single thin needles or using a multi-injector. mixture. After the introduction, the gas is evenly distributed with light massage movements in the subcutaneous fat. In contrast to the injection with single needles, the low-flow multi-injector method is as follows: a multi-injector (the so-called "comb") for 3-5-7 outlets is connected to a special outlet of the ozonizer, connecting routes with thin needles are connected to them, the latter are injected subcutaneously into problem area. As a result, an ozone-oxygen mixture is supplied to the cellulite zone directly from the apparatus at a consistently low rate (1.5-2 ml/min), which during the procedure manages to be evenly distributed over the intercellular space of the problem zone. Due to the low speed and uniformity of the introduction of the mixture, the procedure is atraumatic, effective and painless, which is very popular with doctors and patients. As noted above, it requires an ozonizer with a low-flow supply of an ozone-oxygen mixture (in this case, the ozonizer can also work as a conventional ozonator). The action of ozone in the treatment of cellulite is carried out through various mechanisms. Ozone interacts with the double bond of unsaturated fatty acids, modifying their properties, which leads to the breakdown of the lipid chain, hydrophobic lipids are converted into less stable hydrophilic ones. Due to its properties to improve microcirculation, increase the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen to tissues, as well as its fibrolytic properties, ozone promotes the resorption of part of the connective tissue structures surrounding the adipocyte, which leads to the normalization of fat cell metabolism. The introduction of ozone slows down the development of cellulite at any stage. In order to determine the degree of effectiveness and tolerability of ozone therapy in comparison with traditional methods of treating cellulite and local lipodystrophy, doctors of the Association of Russian Ozone Therapists conducted numerous studies measuring the area of ​​affected surfaces and local temperature, taking into account the overall clinical picture, which showed that ozone-oxygen therapy is much more effective in compared with other methods used in the clinical practice of fighting cellulite (the effect is noticeable after the first procedures) and meets all the safety and efficiency requirements of modern medical science. To remove wrinkles and correct "fading" skin of various areas of the face (frontal area, chin area, nasolabial triangle, temporal paraorbital areas), as well as hair treatment, ozone therapy shows a very pronounced and fast result. In this case, various methods of using an ozone-oxygen mixture are used. In the elimination of telangiectasias (subcutaneous venous networks - "asterisks"), ozone has also found wide application. When correcting such cosmetic defects, intravascular administration of ACS is used in a volume of 1 to 5 ml per 1 injection with a maximum ozone content (60-80 mg/l), which allows, by displacing blood from the vascular bed, to cause further sclerosis of the capillary network. Blood regurgitation during this manipulation is prevented by elastic bandaging of the treated area with local pressure (gauze swabs). The danger of gas embolism is eliminated by the viability of the valve system of the capillary network and small volumes of injected gas.