Does Corvalol help with herpes? Treatment of herpes on the lips with Corvalol: reviews, how to apply Treatment of colds on the lips with Corvalol.

Many people suffer from an infection in the spring or fall. Often it appears on the face in the form of small clustered bubbles - near the nose or lips. This is due to the loss of the protective properties of the body. Rashes with herpes do not have to be treated with expensive drugs. In every home first aid kit there is probably Corvalol. No doctor will prescribe this cold medicine, which is why many people doubt whether they can treat herpes.

The heart preparation contains ethyl alcohol and mint - components that have an antiseptic and healing effect on the wound. The medicine is produced in tablet form and in liquid form. It does not kill the insidious virus, but promotes the speedy healing of blisters. Thanks to him, the infection can be cured in three days. Corvalol for herpes is used in drops.

Corvalol in drops is a clear liquid with a specific odor. It contains the following active ingredients:

  • a-bromoisovaleric acid ester;
  • phenobarbital;
  • mint oil.

Water, stabilizer and ethyl alcohol are used as auxiliary elements.

When can Corvalol help?

Rashes are the source of infection, and the fluid contained in the vesicles is the group I virus. The course and complexity of the disease depends on the state of the human immune system. If not treated, it is difficult for the body to cope with the infection on its own. This process can take weeks or even months.

Corvalol from herpes on the lips quickly and effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease, preventing the transmission of the virus to others. The medication brings relief in such cases.

  • At the initial stage of the spread of the disease. During this period, there are still no characteristic rashes, but burning and itching occur. Timely implementation of preventive measures will reduce viral activity.
  • In acute herpes, when watery vesicles appear, tissue swelling, redness, severe itching, and then sores. When the necessary antiviral drugs are not at hand, Corvalol can be saved from the spread of the virus.
  • In complex combination with other drugs. In this case, heart drops will help speed up recovery.

How to treat herpes with Corvalol

Treatment of herpes with Corvalol allows you to quickly cope with the disease. The drug is effective in comparison with other alternative methods of treatment. Its action is aimed at a positive result.

  • Localizes the focus of inflammation.
  • Dries up wounds.
  • The heart drug is an excellent antiseptic. It is recommended to cauterize herpes with corvalol, as it disinfects the skin.
  • Prevents the appearance of new bubbles on healthy areas of the skin.
  • Relieves itching.
  • Peppermint oil promotes blood flow to wounds and tissue regeneration.
  • Corvalol can cauterize wounds in the oral cavity.
  • The drug is well tolerated by the body and does not cause allergies.
  • The drug is combined with other medicines necessary for the treatment of herpes infection.
  • The medicine is affordable and affordable.

Herpes and Corvalol: how to apply?

Type 1 virus, which is characterized by rashes on the face, multiplies in skin cells and on mucous membranes. It can cause diseases of many organs and systems. Despite the fact that the human body independently produces antibodies to the infection, it is necessary to be treated in a timely manner. Corvalol against herpes is easy to use. For this you need:

  • apply the liquid on a cotton swab;
  • apply to the sore spot every 3-4 hours;
  • exposure time to the focus - 5 minutes;
  • repeat the procedure until the bubbles disappear;
  • it is undesirable to use the medication for deep skin lesions, since there is a possibility of a burn;
  • since the product dries the skin, it is recommended to combine it with oil-based products, such as ointments or sea buckthorn oil;
  • Drops are only suitable for external use, they can not be taken inside;
  • The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 10 days.

For the treatment of herpes, you can use Corvalol tablets. It dissolves and dissolves in water. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin as an adjuvant.

Corvalol contraindications

Like any other drug, Corvalol has some limitations in use. It is necessary to refuse therapy with heart drops or take them with extreme caution in such cases:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • if there is an individual immunity of the components of the drug.

Many people, accustomed to the traditional herpes treatment regimen, do not know that Corvalol helps to neutralize the manifestation of the virus. The composition of the heart preparation contains components that can quickly and effectively relieve the symptoms of an insidious disease. Corvalol has a local effect, so it is good to use it in combination with other drugs. Most patients respond positively to its properties. They note that the medicine for the heart dries up painful rashes and eliminates annoying itching. Improvement is observed in a matter of hours: puffiness subsides, inflammation is removed, the infection does not spread. Corvalol helps better than many expensive ointments. There is no need to complicate life - a proven tool can be found in almost every home first aid kit.

The course of herpes treatment is designed to perform three main functions:

  • Localize foci of inflammation (on the lips, genitals, etc.).
  • Prevent the virus from spreading to other parts of the body.
  • Get rid of the symptoms of the disease as soon as possible.

Simply put, the main task of treating herpes is to “lull” the virus as deeply as possible so that it does not subsequently manifest itself for as long as possible. For these purposes, a wide variety of medicines are used, made both on a chemical basis and from medicinal plants. These drugs include:

  • Tablets to fight the virus.
  • Drops applied inside.
  • Ointments for the treatment of affected areas.

The cost of such drugs does not always correspond to their effectiveness and speed of action, so many people prefer folk remedies for the treatment of herpes. One of these recipes recommends cauterizing the first manifestations of herpes on the lips in the form of itching, pain or twitching with a swab moistened with Corvalol. In the case of the formation of sores and blisters on the lips, they are also recommended to be lubricated and cauterized with the same preparation, which includes Corvalol. The procedure is repeated every two to three hours until the sores on the lips completely disappear.

If you start using Corvalol in a timely manner, even before foci of inflammation appear, you can stop the development of the virus, which as a result will take a latent form. If you cauterize the resulting blisters with Corvalol, you can eliminate them much faster than using most popular ointments:

  • the ointment heals rashes on the lips in about a week;
  • corvalol - in three to four days.

Corvalol for herpes

Treatment of herpes with corvalol is an auxiliary method of therapy that allows you to accelerate the healing of the skin and prevent the further spread of the virus.

Does corvalol help with herpes? How to use this composition to combat herpetic eruptions?

What is the herpes virus on the lips?

Herpetic sores on the lips are a fairly common disease that is easily transmitted by kissing, sharing dishes and hygiene products.

Note that the virus appears to be contagious even if the person has no visible symptoms, i.e. a few days before the blisters form.

In some cases, the disease completely proceeds without symptoms, a person may not be aware of his illness and at the same time infect others.

Treatment of herpes on the lips consists in taking antiviral drugs, however, to achieve the maximum effect, local treatment with ointments and other means that eliminate itching is also necessary.

Herpes and corvalol

The effect of Corvalol and its composition

The composition of such a medicine includes the main active ingredient - phenobarbital, as well as auxiliary components (mint, ethyl alcohol).

The main effect of the remedy is soothing and vasodilating.

However, when applied topically, the solution has an antiseptic and healing effect, so it can be used against the herpes virus on the lips.

When can I use Corvalol for rashes?

Please note that this drug does not affect the causative agent of the virus in any way. That is why you should not use it as the only treatment.

However, in some cases it will still help:

  1. If you are afraid that an unpleasant bubble is about to appear on your lips, Corvalol may prevent its formation. It is enough to apply a cotton swab moistened with this solution to the itchy place and hold for about 20 minutes. In this case, the alcohol solution can replace the traditional Acyclovir.
  2. If you already have herpetic vesicles on your lips, but there are no antiviral agents nearby, you can also use Corvalol, which is available in any medicine cabinet. It will dry out the rash and reduce the annoying itching.
  3. Another way of treatment is auxiliary. These soothing drops can be used in combination with acyclovir and other ointments and medicines against the herpes virus.

How to use Corvalol correctly?

Do not apply this remedy directly to the skin, otherwise you may touch healthy areas of the skin and get burned.

Simply apply a small amount of the solution to a cotton swab and apply to the affected area.

The duration of action of Corvalol is five minutes, while this procedure can be repeated several times a day.

You should not attach cotton wool to your lips and walk in this way all day. In this case, you will also get burned or simply dry out the skin.

It is also useless to take these drops for herpes inside, because they do not have any effect on the causative agent of the virus.

Are there any contraindications?

With individual intolerance to one or another component of the drug, it is better to refuse to use it, otherwise an allergic reaction is possible.

In addition, this remedy should not be abused during the period of gestation and during breastfeeding.

There are currently no reviews about the topical use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation, so it is better to use other means to dry the rashes during this period.

Thus, conventional corvalol in the form of an alcohol solution can be an effective remedy for getting rid of the herpes virus on the lips, since it can be used for topical application as an adjuvant treatment.

With it, in just a few days, you can get rid of unpleasant blisters, itching and crusts and put your appearance in order.

That is why, if you are prone to constant rashes on your lips, a vial of this soothing medication should definitely be in your first aid kit.

Advantages and disadvantages of Corvalol for herpes

If we consider this drug as a remedy for herpes, then you should pay attention to its positive and negative characteristics. Among the advantages are the following positive qualities:

  1. Hypoallergenic means. When using it, you should not worry about what can cause allergic reactions.
  2. The remedy can be used to treat a rash that has arisen in the oral cavity.
  3. "Corvalol" is produced both in drops and in tablets, so everyone can choose what suits him best during treatment.
  4. The tool can be used in combination with other treatments.
  5. In the fight against herpes, the medicine helps with cauterization.

The negative side is that it is not always possible to use Corvalol, for example, if herpes caused a rash on the eyes, then it is not recommended to use it in order to avoid burns.

Shingles treatment. memo

How to apply

  1. If swelling and slight itching appear, apply a cotton swab moistened with the product to the inflamed area for 3 minutes. So you can prevent the appearance of bubbles, the disease will go into a latent form.
  2. If the appearance of a rash could not be avoided, it is necessary to lubricate it every 2-3 hours (up to 5 times a day). The disease will subside in 1-2 days. For the procedure, it is convenient to use cotton swabs or discs, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage.
  3. Corvalol can be alternated with antiviral ointments, for example, with Acyclovir, Cycloferon, and combined with general therapy (analgesics, vitamins B1, B12, etc.).


You can not drip the medicine directly onto the skin, it is necessary to impregnate the medical material with it. The effect of the drug on the focus should last no more than 10 minutes, otherwise you can greatly dry the skin or burn it. Each time after treatment, the area should be lubricated with a rich nourishing cream or sea buckthorn oil.

For treatment, Corvalol can be used in the form of tablets or drops. The drying and disinfecting effect of the drops is most pronounced when the bubbles burst and an infectious liquid flows out of them. The tool will help prevent it from getting into open wounds on the body.

The tablets are ground, then mixed with water and the gruel is applied in a thin layer on the rash 2 times a day. With herpes in the oral cavity, the whole tablet must be put in the mouth and held until completely dissolved. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. Do not drink for 30 minutes before and after it.

When the wound is covered with a crust, it must be burned carefully so as not to damage it. It is important not to spread the infection to other parts of the face, especially the eyes, since herpes infections of the organs of vision are difficult to treat. The crust cannot be removed - when complete healing occurs, it will separate itself.

It is necessary to consult a doctor in such cases:

  • if herpes does not go away for more than 2 weeks;
  • if pus appears in the wounds;
  • if the rash is close to the eyes.

Rules for applying Corvalol

Herpesvirus infection on the skin manifests itself as tissue swelling, burning.

When using the drug, you must follow simple rules:

  1. It must not be applied directly to the skin. We need to soak a cotton pad.
  2. Apply cotton wool only to the site of the rash during the day up to 5 times.
  3. It is useless to take drops inside. It will not affect the causative agent of herpes in the blood.
  4. The medication can cauterize rashes inside the mouth.

If there is medicine in the first aid kit only in tablets, then it can also be used. It is necessary to mix the previously crushed tablet with water. Apply a thin layer of gruel on herpetic eruptions. Repeat the procedure until the rash completely disappears 2 times a day.

Pros and cons of the drug

Summing up, I would like to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this medicine.


  • low price;
  • almost always in home first aid kits;
  • sometimes stops the appearance of a rash;
  • safe;
  • has an antiseptic and soothing effect.

When can Corvalol help?

Rashes are the source of infection, and the fluid contained in the vesicles is the group I virus. The course and complexity of the disease depends on the state of the human immune system. If not treated, it is difficult for the body to cope with the infection on its own. This process can take weeks or even months.

Corvalol from herpes on the lips quickly and effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease, preventing the transmission of the virus to others. The medication brings relief in such cases.

  • At the initial stage of the spread of the disease. During this period, there are still no characteristic rashes, but burning and itching occur. Timely implementation of preventive measures will reduce viral activity.
  • In acute herpes, when watery vesicles appear, tissue swelling, redness, severe itching, and then ulcers. When the necessary antiviral drugs are not at hand, Corvalol can be saved from the spread of the virus.
  • In complex combination with other drugs. In this case, heart drops will help speed up recovery.

Its effectiveness in the treatment of viral diseases

It must be understood that this remedy is not an antiviral drug in its essence, therefore it does not have any effect on the causative agent of herpes. A positive effect in the treatment of this disease is to promote the healing of vesicles and sores at the site of the rash. Mint extract, which is part of Corvalol, helps relieve itching and swelling on the lips, and ethyl alcohol, which is a disinfectant, localizes the inflammatory process.

It is important to use the remedy at the very initial stage of herpes recurrence, which will allow you to achieve the maximum effect from its use and prevent the formation of sores and vesicles. With all this, this drug cannot be an alternative to special antiviral agents. It is permissible to use it only when receiving specific treatment is not possible, or as an additional method of therapy, along with, say, the same Acyclovir, since its active substances practically do not give negative effects in drug interactions with other drugs.

Corvalol is available in two forms - tablets and drops. For the treatment of herpes, drops are used, which, in this case, are applied externally. Tablets are less convenient, but in the absence of a liquid drug, they should be ground to a powder, mixed with a little water and used in the same way as drops.

Usually, a recurrence of herpes from the very beginning manifests itself in the form of a slight swelling, itching and swelling of the lips. During this period, the affected areas should be lubricated with a cotton swab dipped in the composition. This measure will help to avoid the appearance of well-known blisters. If the bubbles on the lips still appear, then they are cauterized in the same way. Along with the use of antiviral ointments, Corvalol helps to disinfect wounds, and also, thanks to its drying effect, promotes a speedy recovery. This procedure should be repeated every 3-4 hours, until the complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

It is known that before applying any ointment used to treat herpes, the affected area must be disinfected, crusts removed, and hygienic treatment carried out. Corvalol is excellent for this purpose - in combination with the same Acyclovir, this method of treating an ailment will bring a quick effect.

The indisputable advantage of this remedy in the treatment of herpes is that it can also be used for rinsing, since the disease affects not only the visible areas on the lips, but also the oral mucosa. The use of ointments does not solve this problem.

Contraindications to the external use of Corvalol are the following conditions and diseases:

  1. Individual intolerance to any component of the drug.
  2. lactation period.
  3. Childhood.

With external use of Corvalol, a side effect may occur in the form of dryness and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. This is due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition of the drug. Allergic reactions are possible, especially to phenobarbital, which is part of the drug.

Usually, doctors do not prescribe this medicine to treat herpes. It is understandable, since the instructions for medical use do not say anything about the possibility of external use of the drug. However, the positive effect that occurs when Corvalol is used to treat herpes is not denied by the medical community. Therefore, the treatment of the disease with this remedy should be considered as an element of folk, alternative medicine. At the same time, there is no documented evidence that this drug, when used externally for the treatment of skin rashes, caused any harm.

So, the main advantages of the drug are:

  1. Availability - it is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription and is almost always in the home first aid kit.
  2. Low price.
  3. Safety when used correctly.
  4. Possibility of combination with other drugs.
  5. Antiseptic and soothing effect on the affected areas.

Corvalol for herpes on the lips. A simple and effective home remedy. How to apply?

Herpes on the lips is a real problem for our appearance and, of course, health in general, in the cold season. It can also manifest itself in warmer seasons, but it is especially activated, usually in cold weather. It can be treated with the help of various medicines, but, often, folk remedies help to cope with it (sometimes, even very quickly). Several options for such funds are given here at this address. Corvalol should also be mentioned as an addition to this treatment kit. Surely, this drug is worth many in the refrigerator. It is not intended specifically for the treatment of herpes, its healing functions are somewhat different, but it can also cope with this unpleasant rash quite quickly.

Treatment of herpes with corvalol

Cauterizing herpes with this drug is not at all difficult. Can it be done? Yes, you can. Harm to the skin of the lips, with its correct application, you will not cause. But, of course, you don’t need to overdo Corvalol on your lips. It is best to smear the site of herpes immediately, after the onset of its first signs. Usually, this is a slight burning sensation in a certain area on the lips. If you begin to feel such a burning sensation, then take a cotton pad (you can just tear off a small piece of cotton wool), and open the bottle with this drug.

How to apply and how long should you keep Corvalol?

After wetting a cotton pad with Corvalol, press its wet part well to the site of the alleged appearance of herpes. In this place, you need to hold the disk for about 5 minutes. Why is this drug so good, and how does it affect the virus? Its alcohol base, during this time, will be able to well disinfect the area on the lips, and the herbal composition will also help soothe the general irritation in this area.

As a rule, 15 minutes pass and the burning sensation caused by the virus disappears. If it has not disappeared, then you can, a little later, cauterize this area again. Such lotions should be done early, that is, when the virus is just about to appear on the lips.

If you did not succeed in immediately cauterizing the nascent herpes, then you can treat it in the same way later. Of course, in the first case, the result will be better, that is, the herpes will not come out on the lips. And, now, if it has already appeared, then the use of Corvalol will help this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin recover faster, that is, the wound from herpes will heal in a much shorter period of time.

Do not forget about Corvalol in case of a burning sensation on the lips, and herpes on them will never manifest itself in full. And some more simple, homemade herpes treatment options, you will be offered in this video. We look.

Is it possible to cauterize with genital herpes?

The use of "Corvalol" in genital herpes is effective only in the early stages of the disease, with a neglected form, cauterization may not give any result. Treatment of genital herpes at home must be agreed with the doctor. In addition, with a disease of this type, it is better to use not only external agents, but also special tablets.

In what cases to use the tool

  • rashes inside the mouth;
  • herpes on the lips;
  • with herpes zoster (they make lotions for rashes in the chest, neck, face and along the sensory nerves of the extremities).

Like other alcohol-based remedies, the medication should be used with caution to eliminate the manifestations of genital herpes, because the mucous membrane can be burned. In this case, you can not use a swab, it is better to do point cauterization with a cotton swab. With advanced disease, it may be ineffective.

You can not use Corvalol against herpes of the eyeball, because this can cause corneal burns and loss of vision.


Features of treatment

In pharmacies, the medication can be purchased in two forms: in the form of drops or tablets. The latter can improve the general condition of a person; solutions are used for local treatment.

Corvalol for herpes on the lips

The remedy showed good effectiveness in eliminating signs of infection on the lips. It is recommended to use it immediately after itching in the lips or the appearance of the first bubbles. To avoid the development of rashes, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad with Corvalol and apply it to the sore spot. The lotion is kept for 15 minutes.

Corvalol is recommended to be used immediately after the onset of itching in the lips or the appearance of the first bubbles.

The use of the solution should not be too frequent - it is enough to carry out cauterization 4-5 times a day.

If there is no medicine in the form of drops in the home medicine cabinet, you can also use tablets. To do this, the agent is ground into powder, diluted with water to a mushy state. Then the substance is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, you can smear the sore spot with a thin layer of medication using a cotton swab. The procedure is repeated until the symptoms of herpes disappear completely 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

If the disease has already passed into the third stage, characterized by the transformation of vesicles into ulcers, it is necessary to use complex drug therapy.

Corvalol for herpes on other parts of the body

The medication can be used to treat rashes in the oral cavity. To do this, sore spots are cauterized with a solution several times a day. But the drug has the greatest effect when treating the skin of the body in open areas: lips, back, limbs, abdomen, etc. The use of drops or a tablet-based solution helps eliminate rashes after 3-4 days.

last generation herpes pills
herpes type 6 in children
About the treatment of herpes on the lips - read here.

How to treat herpes with Corvalol

Treatment of herpes with Corvalol allows you to quickly cope with the disease. The drug is effective in comparison with other alternative methods of treatment. Its action is aimed at a positive result.

  • Localizes the focus of inflammation.
  • Dries up wounds.
  • The heart drug is an excellent antiseptic. It is recommended to cauterize herpes with corvalol, as it disinfects the skin.
  • Prevents the appearance of new bubbles on healthy areas of the skin.
  • Relieves itching.
  • Peppermint oil promotes blood flow to wounds and tissue regeneration.
  • Corvalol can cauterize wounds in the oral cavity.
  • The drug is well tolerated by the body and does not cause allergies.
  • The drug is combined with other medicines necessary for the treatment of herpes infection.
  • The medicine is affordable and affordable.

Herpes and Corvalol: how to apply?

Type 1 virus, which is characterized by rashes on the face, multiplies in skin cells and on mucous membranes. It can cause diseases of many organs and systems. Despite the fact that the human body independently produces antibodies to the infection, it is necessary to be treated in a timely manner. Corvalol against herpes is easy to use. For this you need:

  • apply the liquid on a cotton swab;
  • apply to the sore spot every 3-4 hours;
  • exposure time on the focus - 5 minutes;
  • repeat the procedure until the bubbles disappear;
  • it is undesirable to use the medication for deep skin lesions, since there is a possibility of a burn;
  • since the product dries the skin, it is recommended to combine it with oil-based products, such as ointments or sea buckthorn oil;
  • Drops are only suitable for external use, they can not be taken inside;
  • The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 10 days.

For the treatment of herpes, you can use Corvalol tablets. It dissolves and dissolves in water. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin as an adjuvant.

How to cure herpes with Corvalol?

Therapy of the disease consists in a combination of taking antiviral drugs, for example, Acyclovir tablets, Zovirax, similar creams and ointments. The use of Corvalol is possible only as an emergency, when a rash of blisters on the lips has just begun to form or has already appeared. At the same time, urgent action must be taken to save one's own health and prevent the further spread of skin lesions.

Treatment of herpes with Corvalol is performed externally. Thanks to the treatment of skin lesions with a solution of the drug, the rash is disinfected, and the wounds heal faster. The main role of an antiseptic is played by alcohol and essential eucalyptus oils, which disinfect the skin, preventing secondary infection, quickly dry out vesicular formations and stop bubble growth.

It is necessary to cauterize herpes with Corvalol in a certain sequence in order to achieve the greatest effect. The most important rule for the successful use of Corvalol against herpes is a quick response to the primary symptoms of pathology: itchy, swollen areas near the red border of the lips, nose and on the mucous walls of the mouth.

The treatment regimen depends on the volume and degree of manifestation of herpes symptoms. When there are no rashes on the skin, but unbearable itching and pain are felt, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in Corvalol solution and apply it to the lesion on the skin for 6 minutes, up to 7 times daily. Applying Corvalol for herpes on the lips during the formation of blisters and opened sores occurs every three hours until complete recovery.

It is impossible to seal a herpes rash with a bandage or plaster in order to improve the appearance. The worst option is to apply gauze with Corvalol for the whole day, which will lead to side effects from the use of the drug and skin burns. When lubricating vesicles with Corvalol, one should not forget about dry lips, it is best to wipe them with sea buckthorn oil.

To date, there are many different remedies for herpes on the lips. One of them is corvalol. It is a drug that contains mint and ethanol, as well as the substance of phenobarbital, and ethyl bromezovaleriant. Due to the action of alcohol and mint, a healing and antiseptic effect is formed.

Despite the fact that the drug is intended for other purposes, it is often used to eliminate a herpes virus infection, because due to the action of its components, a quick healing process of an itchy wound occurs.


Pathology can be cured if it is reasonable to approach its elimination, guided by the advice of a doctor. Corvalol is often prescribed for herpes, as it localizes the focus of inflammation and prevents the virus from moving to other areas of the skin, and accelerates the healing process.

If you start using the medicine in the early stages of the infection, then its use will prevent the formation of wounds with painful blisters. In the case when a sore or blister has already appeared on the lip, the drug is also effective. Thanks to its drying and antiseptic properties, the affected area heals faster (it can burn the wound and it will not grow).

Doctors prescribe to cauterize rashes with Corvalol even on the oral mucosa. This is due to the fact that it is hypoallergenic and goes well with other medicines.


  1. Cauterization with a solution is carried out every 2 hours until all symptoms disappear. Thus, the bubbles do not propagate.
  2. The substance is also used in tablets. To do this, first grind the tablet to a powder, and then stir in a glass of water. The resulting mixture is applied to a herpetic rash. It is used several times a day, also until all signs disappear.


Like every drug, Corvalol has contraindications:

  • intolerance to one of the components of the substance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • kidney and liver failure.

Treatment of herpes with corvalol is an auxiliary method of therapy that allows you to accelerate the healing of the skin and prevent the further spread of the virus.

Does corvalol help with herpes? How to use this composition to combat herpetic eruptions?

What is the herpes virus on the lips?

- This is a fairly common disease that, by sharing utensils and hygiene products.

note that the virus is contagious even if a person has no visible symptoms, that is, a few days before the formation of blisters.

In some cases, the disease completely proceeds without symptoms, a person may not be aware of his illness and at the same time infect others.

It consists in taking antiviral drugs, however, to achieve the maximum effect, both local and other means that eliminate itching are necessary.

Herpes and corvalol

The effect of Corvalol and its composition

The composition of such a medicine includes the main active ingredient - phenobarbital, as well as auxiliary components (mint, ethyl alcohol).

The main effect of the remedy is soothing and vasodilating.

However, when applied topically, the solution has an antiseptic and healing effect, so it can be used against the herpes virus on the lips.

When can I use Corvalol for rashes?

note that this drug does not in any way affect the causative agent of the virus. That is why you should not use it as the only treatment.

However, in some cases it will still help:

  1. If you are afraid that an unpleasant bubble is about to appear on your lips, Corvalol may prevent its formation. It is enough to apply a cotton swab moistened with this solution to the itchy place and hold for about 20 minutes. In this case, the alcohol solution can replace the traditional Acyclovir.
  2. If you already have herpetic vesicles on your lips, but there are no antiviral agents nearby, you can also use Corvalol, which is available in any medicine cabinet. It will dry out the rash and reduce the annoying itching.
  3. Another way of treatment is auxiliary. These soothing drops can be used in combination with acyclovir and other ointments and medicines against the herpes virus.

How to use Corvalol correctly?

Do not apply this remedy directly to the skin, otherwise you may touch healthy areas of the skin and get burned.

Simply apply a small amount of the solution to a cotton swab and apply to the affected area.

The duration of action of Corvalol is five minutes, while this procedure can be repeated several times a day.

You should not attach cotton wool to your lips and walk in this way all day. In this case, you will also get burned or simply dry out the skin.

It is also useless to take these drops for herpes inside, because they do not have any effect on the causative agent of the virus.

Are there any contraindications?

With individual intolerance to one or another component of the drug, it is better to refuse to use it, otherwise an allergic reaction is possible.

In addition, this remedy should not be abused during the period of gestation and during breastfeeding.

There are currently no reviews about the topical use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation, so it is better to use other means to dry the rashes during this period.

Thus, conventional corvalol in the form of an alcohol solution can be an effective remedy for getting rid of the herpes virus on the lips, since it can be used for topical application as an adjuvant treatment.

With it, in just a few days, you can get rid of unpleasant blisters, itching and crusts and put your appearance in order.

That is why, if you are prone to constant rashes on your lips, a vial of this soothing medication should definitely be in your first aid kit.