Presentation on theme: "Breast Cancer. Presentation breast cancer Treatment of breast tumors presentation

Breast cancer (BC) is a malignant tumor of the glandular tissue of the breast 99% of patients are women Every year, about 1 million new cases of breast cancer are recorded in the world, of which about 15 thousand are in Ukraine Every 30 minutes a new case of breast cancer is detected in our country, every hour, one woman dies from it. The duration of normal life of patients with breast cancer when diagnosed in the initial stages and properly treated is over 25 years 12.8% of patients with breast cancer did not live 1 year from the moment of diagnosis

Prevention of breast cancer Primary prevention is the prevention of the disease by studying the etiological factors and risk factors, environmental protection and reducing the effect of carcinogens on the human body, normalization of family life, timely implementation of childbearing function, breastfeeding of the baby, exclusion of marriages with mutual oncological burden Secondary prevention - earlier detection and treatment of precancerous diseases of the mammary glands - various forms of mastopathy, fibroadenomas, other benign tumors and diseases, as well as endocrine system disorders, diseases of the female genital organs, impaired liver function Tertiary prevention - prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of relapses, metastases and metachronous neoplasms

Risk factors for breast cancer Sex, age, constitutional factors: female, age over 60 years, high growth Genetic: blood relatives, patients with breast cancer; burdened family history; carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutant genes Reproductive: early menarche (before 12 years), late menopause (after 54 years), no pregnancy, late first birth (after 30 years); not breastfeeding; abortions; high x-ray density mammograms Hormonal and metabolic: hyperestrogenism, hyperprolactinemia, hypothyroidism, menstrual disorders, infertility; mastopathy, adnexitis, ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, endometriosis; obesity in postmenopausal age, diabetes mellitus, liver disease; hormone replacement therapy; use of oral contraceptives for more than 10 years Environmental factors: high socioeconomic status; exposure to ionizing radiation and chemical carcinogens; excess alcohol, fats, calories, animal proteins; lack of vegetables and fruits, dietary fiber

Clinical manifestations of breast cancer: - painless, dense formation in the thickness of the mammary gland - change in the shape and shape of the mammary gland - wrinkling or retraction of the skin of the mammary gland - discomfort or unusual pain in one of the mammary glands - induration or swelling on the nipple, its retraction - spotting from the nipples - an increase in the lymph nodes under the arm on the corresponding side

Diagnosis of breast cancer: Clinical examination (history taking, examination and palpation of the mammary glands and lymphatic drainage tracts) Instrumental methods of research (X-ray mammography, ultrasound and MRI of the mammary glands) Interventional diagnostic methods (TAB, trephine biopsy, excisional biopsy) Morphological method of research (cytological , histological, IHC, therapeutic pathomorphism of breast cancer) Genetic research (BRCA1, BRCA2) Laboratory research methods (oncomarkers, general clinical studies)

Treatment of breast cancer 1. Surgical treatment. – Radical operations: lumpectomy, quadrantectomy, mastectomy – Reconstructive operations: using artificial materials (expander / implant), own tissues (thoracodorsal flap, TRAM flap, etc.)

Department of Oncology, Mammology and Radiation
Mammary cancer


Anatomy of the mammary gland: blood supply,
lymph drainage, etc.
Etiology of breast cancer.
Epidemiology of breast cancer.
. Risk Factors for Breast Cancer
Histological classification (WHO 2002)
TNM classification of breast cancer
Clinical picture of breast cancer
Forms of breast cancer.
Diagnosis of breast cancer
Differential diagnosis of breast cancer

The mammary gland of a woman is located on
anterior chest wall between III and IV
ribs. On the medial side,
adjacent to the sternum or covers part of it,
outside covers the edge of the pectoralis major
muscles and reaches the anterior
axillary line.

Topographic anatomy of the breast

mammary anatomy
iron accepted
divide by four
quadrant (Figure 2):
Rice. 2 Quadrants
mammary gland:
upper outer,
lower outer,
upper inner and
lower inner

Breast tissue is represented by complex alveolar-tubular glands, collected in small lobules, from which large ones are formed.

Breast tissue is complex
alveolar-tubular glands, collected in small
lobules from which large lobes are formed. Slices
glands can lie separately from its main mass
(Then they are called additional). Dairy size
lobe ranges from 1-2 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide
(small mammary glands) up to 5-6 cm in length and 3-4 cm in
width (large glands).
The number of lobes in the gland is from 6-8 to 20-24 lobes. Every share
has an excretory milk duct.
Some ducts before exiting to the surface of the nipple
can connect, their number usually ranges from 12 to 20
share on the nipple. The lobes are arranged in a radial
direction in relation to the nipple, may overlap
one on top of the other (Figure 3).

Blood supply to the breast
carried out by branches of the internal thoracic and
axillary arteries (lateral and superior
chest), as well as branches of the intercostal arteries.
About 60% of the blood she receives from the internal
thoracic artery and about 30% - from the lateral
thoracic artery. Breast veins
accompany the arteries and widely
anastomose with surrounding veins

lymphatic system

lymphatic system
The lymphatic system of the mammary gland with cancer
positions is very important because
first of all, tumors spread through it
cells. It is this process that underlies the development
breast cancer metastases in regional lymph nodes.
Knowledge of the structural features of this system, and
consequently, the patterns of lymphogenous
breast cancer metastasis is crucial in
assessment of the degree of spread of the tumor process, then
there are stages of the disease, which is ultimately reflected
on the choice of treatment.

Distinguish the following ways of outflow of lymph from the mammary gland

1. Axillary way. Normally, about
97% lymph. Usually it is represented by 1-2 vessels,
flowing into the axillary lymph nodes. The number of these nodes
maybe an average of 18-30.
2. Subclavian way. It drains lymph from
lymphatic plexuses of the upper and posterior sections
3. Parasternal way. Lymph outflow occurs
predominantly from the inside of the gland (more from
deep sections) through the chest wall into the parasternal
lymph nodes of the I-V intercostal space.

4. Intercostal way. Lymphatic drainage is from the posterior
and external sections of the mammary gland through the vessels,
which perforate the muscles of the II-IV intercostal spaces and beyond
anastomose with the parasternal collector in front
or with the lymphatic vessels of the vertebral bodies behind,
causing their metastatic lesion.
5. Retrosternal path. The outflow of lymph occurs
vessels originating from the central and medial
departments of the gland and perforating the chest wall at the sternum.
6. Cross way. Lymph moves along
cutaneous and subcutaneous lymphatic vessels of the thoracic
walls to opposite axillary nodes.
7. The path of Gerota. The outflow of lymph occurs in the vessels
epigastric region, which is connected by anastomoses with
lymphatic vessels of the mediastinum and liver
which can metastasize.

Lymph outflow pathways from the breast

Thus, the mammary gland has many ways of lymphatic drainage,
the main one of which is axillary. Abundance of lymphatic vessels and
a variety of ways of possible outflow of lymph are factors,
contributing to a very frequent and sometimes early metastatic
spread of breast cancer.

Breast cancer (BC):

Annually about 4000
thousand new cases
breast cancer in RK
Every year in the world more than 1
million new cancer cases

Epidemiology of breast cancer

Breast cancer occurs in 1 out of 10 women.
Mortality due to breast cancer
gland accounts for 19-25% of all malignant
neoplasms in women. Most often
found in the left breast. Most
often the tumor is located superficially
quadrant. 1% of all cases of breast cancer
gland constitutes breast cancer in men.
The greatest risk factors are female gender, cases
family history of breast cancer.

Incidence of breast cancer

According to WHO data, in 2008 in 59 countries of the world primary
1050446 cases of breast cancer were registered,
incidence (world standard) was 35.7,
mortality - 12.5.
In 17 EU countries (IARC per 100,000 population) in
2008 marked a very high performance
incidence of breast cancer. So, in France
95.1, Italy-94.4, in the Netherlands-90.3, Germany-84.9,
relatively low - in Slovakia - 46.9, Lithuania - 43.7,
Latvia-44.1, Estonia-47.2.
In the CIS countries, according to 2008 data, high
incidence rates per 100,000 population
registered in Russia - 42.9, Belarus - 37.9, Georgia - 26.5, Armenia - 31.7, Moldova - 24.8, Kyrgyzstan - 20,
Azerbaijan-12.2 (M.I.Davydov and E.M.Aksel, 2008)

In the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period 1970 - 2009.
incidence per 100,000 population increased from 10.6
up to 20.5 and in the structure of oncological incidence takes
second ranking place, mortality - 8.0.
In 2009, the high incidence - in
Almaty-33.2, Pavlodar -33.1, North-Kazakhstan -29.1, East-Kazakhstan-28.3
regions, low - in South Kazakhstan - 10.7, Kyzylorda 12.1, Atyrau - 12.4, Zhambyl - 13.2 regions.
The proportion of stage I–II among patients with
BC was 71.1%, stage IV - 6.4%
(Zh.A. Arzykulov, G.D. Seitkazina, Igisinov S.I.,

Anterior pituitary gland

iron (thyroxine,
LG progesterone
(norepinephrine, cartisol,

Factors contributing to the occurrence of precancerous diseases and breast and breast cancer:

I Factors arising from violation
body systems:
Menstrual dysfunction (early onset
menstruation (up to 12 years), late menopause (over 50 years),
dysmenorrhea, lack of ovulation);
Sexual dysfunction (absence, irregular,
frigidity, non-physiological methods of contraception
from pregnancy);

Violation of the reproductive function (absence
or a small number of births, late first
childbirth - over 30 years old, history of
infertility, frequent abortions - more than 5 times);
Violation of lactation function
(insufficient lactation, alactation, refusal to
Hyperplastic processes and
inflammatory diseases of the ovaries and uterus
(chronic adnexitis, ovarian cysts,
uterine fibroids, endometriosis).

II Endocrine-metabolic factors due to concomitant or previous diseases:

Liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
Thyroid disease (hypothyroidism);
The presence of a triad of diseases (sugar
diabetes, hypertension, obesity);
Dishormonal breast hyperplasia
Previously transferred mastitis.

III. Exogenous factors:
Ionizing radiation;
chemical carcinogens.


Hypothyroid form - 5%
Ovarian form - 40-50%
Hypertensive-adrenal form -
40 %
Involutive (senile) form -
5-10 %
Pregnancy cancer


1. Diffuse mastopathy:
a) diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of glandular
component (adenosis);
b) diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of fibrous
c) diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of cystic
d) mixed form - fibrocystic mastopathy.
2. Nodular mastopathy
3. Benign tumors:
a) adenoma;
b) fibroadenoma;
c) leaf-shaped fibroadenoma;
d) intraductal papilloma (disease
e) cyst

When breast and breast cancer occurs, the following hormonal, metabolic and immunological changes often occur:

1. Lack of progesterone and excess of estrogen;
2. Lack of estriol.
3. Violation of the daily rhythm of secretion
prolactin or increase its secretion.
4. Absolute or relative excess
cortisol, especially when combined with a decrease
excretion of 17-ketosteroids.
5. Increasing the level of androgen secretion (
testosterone, dehydrotestosterone).

6. Increasing the level of total
7. Increased blood levels of insulin or "
delayed" type of its secretion.
8. Hypercholesteremia and hypertriglyceridemia.
9. An increase in the blood level of lipoproteins in
low density and reduced lipoproteins
high density.
10. Increase in blood levels
11. Decreased blood levels of thyroxine and
12. Decreased cellular activity

The group of increased oncological risk for the occurrence of breast cancer includes women who have 5 or more of the above

To the group of high oncological risk
on the occurrence of breast cancer
includes women with 5 or more of
the above factors, as well as
dishormonal hyperplasia (mastopathy)
mammary gland.
Women at risk for cancer
identified using the following methods:
1. Methodology of self-examination - the essence of which
is that each menstruating
woman every month after the end of menstruation for 7-8
day and a postmenopausal woman on the 1st
day of each month must conduct a self-examination
mammary glands:

a) looking in front of a mirror, paying attention to
symmetry, condition of the nipples and skin changes; b)
palpation of both mammary glands in the vertical and
horizontal positions from the center to the periphery. At
the presence of changes in the skin, nipple, some seals in
mammary gland a woman should turn to
mammologist. The self-examination procedure should be
promote through the media and television.
2. Questionnaire-survey method, which is
questionnaire-questionnaire, including all known factors,
contributing to the development of precancer and cancer
mammary gland. The form must be completed by a woman
going to the doctor about any disease.
It is advisable to fill it out in the examination room
clinics, as well as during preventive
inspections (mass and individual).

Breast self-examination.
Breast self-examination - simple, not
requiring cost and special equipment
method for diagnosing pathological conditions
breast. More than 80% of tumors in
women's breasts are found
on one's own. The best way to master
self-examination techniques - teaching women
healthcare worker during a clinical
examination (a woman can
self-examination by any method, most importantly,
so that she does it regularly and every time one
and in the same way).

3. Mammography is an informative method in
diagnosis of breast pathology. WHO
(1995) recommends women up to 40
years 1 time in 2 years, older than 40 years and persons
high risk - annually.
4. Ultrasound is the most
informative harmless method of detection
breast pathology. She should
to be carried out annually for all women over 30
5. Determine the level of estrogen,
progesterone, cartisol

pathological anatomy
breast cancer
growth forms
RMJ is divided:
1. Nodal shape
2. Diffuse:
A) edematous infltrative
B) mastitis
B) erysipelatous
D) armored
3. Nipple cancer by type
Paget's disease:
A) eczema
B) psoriatic
B) ulcerative
D) tumor

nodular cancer
glands with
metastases in

Histological classification (WHO 2002)

A. Non-invasive cancer (carcinoma in situ):
Intraductal (intracanalicular) cancer in situ;
Lobular (lobular) cancer in situ;
B. Invasive cancer (infiltrating carcinoma)
Infiltrating ductal carcinoma;
Infiltrating lobular cancer;
Mucous cancer;
medullary cancer;
papillary cancer;
tubular cancer;
Apocrine cancer.
C. Special shapes:
Paget's cancer
Inflammatory cancer

Classification of breast cancer by stages:

Cis - cancer "in place".
Stage I (T1N0M0 - tumor up to 2 cm in diameter without metastases;
Stage II has two substages: stage IIa (T0-1N1M0; T2N0M0) -
tumors up to 5 cm in diameter, there may be mobile metastases in
axillary lymph nodes; IIb stage (T2N1M0, T3N0M0) -
tumor 3 to 5 cm in diameter with mobile metastases
in the axillary lymph nodes, or the tumor is more than 5 cm in
diameter without regional metastases;
Stage III (T1-4N2M0) - a tumor of any size with the presence of
fixed multiple metastases in the axillary region;
IV stage (any T and N at M1) - a tumor of any size with
presence of distant metastases (bones, liver, lungs, brain and
Classification by stages is of exceptional importance when
decision of tactics of treatment of patients, and also for the forecast.

The grouping of breast cancer by stage is shown in the table.

The main histological form of cancer
mammary gland is adenocarcinoma,
90% of them are ductal, 10% - lobular
There are 3 degrees of differentiation:
G1 - high degree of differentiation;
G2 is the average degree of differentiation;
G3 - low degree of differentiation;

Ways of breast cancer metastasis

The spread of tumor cells occurs:
1. Local growth, spreading into the breast tissue,
infiltrating the skin.
2. Lymphogenic metastasis:
Pectoral path - under the muscular lymph nodes;
Subclavian path - subclavian l \ nodes;
Parasternal path - supraclavicular l \ nodes;
Retrosternal path - mediastinal l \ nodes;
Cross path - to another mammary gland;
3. Hematogenous metastasis - to the bones, lungs, liver, brain
brain, etc.

The lymph drainage pathways
regional lymphatic
mammary glands with
taking into account the quadrants.
lymphatic vessels and
regional lymphatic
breast nodes

Clinical picture of breast cancer:

1. Symptoms of nodular breast cancer:
Palpable tumor node in the breast;
Retraction of the skin over the tumor;
Site symptom;
Symptom of lemon peel over the tumor;
Symptom of umbilical nipple;
Symptom Krause (swelling of the nipple and areola);
Pribram's symptom - when pulling on the nipple, swelling
moves along with the nipple;
Symptom of breast deformity;
Hyperemia and ulceration of the skin over the tumor;
Bloody discharge from the nipple when the knot is pressed.

2. Symptoms of diffuse breast cancer:
Increase in the volume of the mammary gland;
Diffuse lemon peel symptom (
edematous-infiltrative form);
Dark red skin color with a bluish tint
(mastitis-like form);
Bright red hyperemia of the skin with uneven
scalloped edges (erysipelas);
Ulcerated nodules on the skin of the mammary gland,
covered with a crust (armored form);

3. Symptoms of Paget type breast cancer:
The presence of erosion on the nipple or areola or
ulceration with a granular bright red bottom and
rolled edges, scales, cracks, not
healing for a long time;
Feeling of burning, itching and tingling in
the affected area;
Permanent wetting, not covered

Knotty forms of breast cancer


Mastitis-like form of cancer of the left breast.

Lymphedema of the skin (lemon peel) is a late symptom of the disease. Enlargement or hardening of axillary lymph nodes even

Lymphedema of the skin (lemon peel) - late
symptom of the disease. Enlargement or compaction
axillary lymph nodes, even with a small
mobile tumor with clear contours should cause
suspected breast cancer. Ultrasound is typical
excess of the height of the formation over the width, uneven
edges, the presence of an acoustic shadow, non-uniform internal

Infiltrative ulcerative form of cancer

Breast cancer with skin invasion and decay

Breast cancer Metastasis in l/u of Zorgius with decay

Breast Cancer Lemon Peel Symptom

Cancer of the right breast.
symptom of "platform" - symptom
retraction of the skin
germination of cooper
skin ligaments swelling.
Cancer of the right breast
glands. ulcerative necrotic form

Cancer of the left breast.
edematous-infiltrative form.
symptom of "lemon peel" puffiness, infiltration of the skin
mammary gland.
Erysipelas-like breast cancer.
Severe hyperemia of the skin of the left
mammary gland, outwardly resembles
erysipelas of the breast

shell cancer
Erysipelatous cancer

Redness of the skin of the breast. With a malignant tumor of the mammary gland, it indicates the defeat of most of the mammary gland.

testifies to
advanced tumor.

Paget's carcinoma
Paget's cancer.

Paget's cancer

breast cancer. Edema-infiltrative form

Breast cancer Mastitis-like form

Mammary cancer. Tumor decay

Mastitis-like form

Nipple skin irritation
peeling. Occurs
in Paget's cancer
edematous form

Diagnosis of breast cancer

1. Poll. Finding out the complaints, from the anamnesis of the disease
factors need to be clarified
contributing to the development of breast cancer (violation
reproductive system, endogenous and
exogenous factors).
2. Manual research methods
Inspection of the breast is carried out in standing positions with
hands down, outstretched and
wrapped around the head. The presence should be identified
all clinical symptoms associated with
breast cancer.

Palpation is superficial and deep
in vertical and horizontal positions
phalanges of fingers in the direction from the nipple to
periphery. Cancer is characterized by the presence of a nodular
formations with stony density,
surface roughness, when pressed
there is bloody discharge from the nipple.
Determine the mobility of the tumor, the relationship
her with skin. Mandatory palpation of the zones
regional metastasis.

3. Special research methods
Determination of estrogen receptors and
progesterone, tumor markers Ki - 67, HER2.
Mammography - should be carried out for 8-10 days
menstrual cycle. There are direct and indirect
.Direct signs - the presence of a star-shaped shadow,
radiance of shadow contours, microcalcifications on
limited area - 15 calcifications per 1 cm2
.Indirect signs - infiltration and thickening
skin, deformation of the structural pattern of the breast,
hypervascularization and varicose veins, retraction of the nipple.

Ductography - the indication is bloody
discharge from the nipple. Verografin 0.5-1.5 is used
ml. Signs of cancer - the presence of intraductal
filling defect, duct wall unevenness,
duct amputation.
Ultrasound procedure
Computed tomography - with diffuse forms
Cytomorphological examination (smears from
punctate or imprint, scraping, trepanbiopsy,
excisional biopsy)
Transsternal phlebography

X-ray methods
mammary gland
X-ray examination for diseases
mammary gland is a reliable diagnostic
method. Diagnosis of various breast diseases
glands, in particular cancer, in some cases represents
significant difficulties.
The undisputed preference is still given to
The mammographic research method has
high diagnostic efficiency in identifying
volumetric formations of the mammary glands. Method
highly informative for early diagnosis
non-palpable formations.

X-ray method is one of
leading methods in complex radiation diagnostics
oncological patients, based on which
diagnosis, prevalence,
assessment of the dynamics of the treatment, the choice of tactics
further treatment, the stage of the process is established.
Mammography helps to clarify the diagnosis of cancer
breast, narrow indications for biopsy, facilitates
differential diagnosis between
benign and malignant processes in it.

The most informative study is the digital
mammography. Mammograms reveal two types of pathological
changes: nodular and diffuse. With nodal forms, there are
locally infiltrative growing and delimited growing cancers.
The mammographic picture of the first is characterized by compaction
irregularly stellate with "spicules".
The minimum node size on mammograms is 0.4 cm.
diameter, the shadow is often of non-uniform density.

Characteristic is a sharp change in the structure of the tissue
glands around the tumor. Restricted growing cancers
characterized by round or irregularly oval
form, sometimes consisting of connected two nodes,
can reach 8 - 10 cm in diameter. The structure is uniform
the shadow is less intense, the contours are bumpy. Structure
the gland around the tumor changes little.
Diffuse forms of breast cancer are consolidating
one common feature - penetrating character
spread of tumor cells
infiltrate breast tissue.

Diffuse-infiltrative form of breast cancer
gland on radiographs has the appearance of an inhomogeneous
seals in the tissue of the gland. Fuzzy boundaries - "languages
flame." The skin of the gland is thickened, the nipple is retracted. edematous
form on mammograms is detected in the form of intense
thickening of the skin and expansion of the premammary space
due to edema, compaction of the gland tissue on
mammograms are poorly detected.
The edematous-infiltrative form gives on mammograms
picture of a combination of edema and infiltration of the gland tissue.
Differential diagnosis of these forms of cancers from
plasmacytic mastitis are difficult. In these
cases, a fine-needle aspiration
biopsy (TIAB) under X-ray control.

Galactography (ductography) accounts for
to resort in the presence of bloody discharge from the nipple,
less often with serous discharge. The use of MRI for
pathology of the mammary glands is limited by its complexity and
cost. However, it should be taken into account that MRI with contrast
amplification allows you to solve differential diagnostic difficulties, it is very useful in monitoring
effectiveness of chemoradiotherapy and detection
local recurrence after sectoral resection of the gland.
CT scan of the breast assesses
condition of the breast tissue itself, as well as
regional lymph nodes - axillary, supra-, and
subclavian. The standard program includes
scanning in the tissue and lung window, thus
possible early detection of metastatic
lung damage.

is currently used less frequently, since the study of the state of the wall
cysts and detection of growths in it is possible with the help of
modern ultrasonic devices.
Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging CT and
MRI - auxiliary methods in the diagnosis of primary tumors
mammary gland, but they are extremely important in the diagnosis
common processes when it is necessary to find the primary
tumor in occult cancer, assess the state of intrathoracic
lymph nodes, exclude liver metastases,
lungs, skeleton. Fine needle aspiration biopsy.
Fine needle aspiration biopsy is the easiest way
obtaining material for cytological examination in outpatient clinics
conditions, does not require anesthesia. In the presence of cysts, this procedure
can serve as a therapeutic measure.

Trepan biopsy
Using a special needle allows you to get
required amount of tissue for histological
study of the nature of the pathological process,
including differential diagnosis of invasive cancer and in situ lesions, grade
differentiation of the tumor, the presence in it
estrogen and progesterone receptors. This method
also used on an outpatient basis, but it already requires
local anesthesia. For non-palpable tumors,
microcalcifications, the introduction of a needle is carried out under
ultrasound or mammography (stereotactic

Biopsy of the sentinel lymph node

Immunodiagnostics of mammary tumors
The most critical success factor
mammary gland, is the degree of prevalence of the tumor
during the period
However, at least 50% of breast cancer patients
at the first visit to the doctor, an invasive local growth is detected
tumors or metastases to distant organs. AT
an urgent problem is the development of methods for early detection
malignant tumors of the breast.
Early detection of metastases allows timely
radical treatment and increase its effectiveness. However, the definition
the prevalence of breast cancer is
Micrometastases in regional lymph nodes and distant organs
methods is almost impossible. Therefore, it is important to detect tumor
diagnostic markers
in primary
stages, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and early diagnosis
relapses and metastases.

Tumor growth markers combine
into the following classes:
tumor antigens or antibodies to them;
. hormones - ectopic hormones (CHG,
adrenocorticotropic hormone);
. enzymes - phosphatases, lactate dehydrogenases, etc.;
. metabolic products - creatine, hydroxyproline,
polyamines, free DNA;
. plasma proteins - ferritin, ceruloplasmin, α-microglobulin;
. protein breakdown products of tumors.

CA 15-3 - tumor marker of breast cancer
CA 15-3 is an important tumor-associated
marker used in the diagnosis of carcinoma
mammary gland and monitoring the course of the disease.
Breast cancer is one of the central
problems of modern oncology. In structure
oncological diseases of women, it ranks first
place and second place in terms of mortality. For the last
twenty years, the incidence rate has increased by 25-30%.
CA 15-3 has a fairly high specificity
(95%) against breast carcinoma with
compared to benign diseases
mammary gland. CA 15-3 levels may be increased
for benign diseases of the breast, but
exceeding the critical level of the marker in this case
will be insignificant.

The study of CA 15-3 should take into account its individual
information content in various forms and prevalence of tumor
process. The frequency of detection of elevated values ​​of CA 15-3 and its concentration
directly depend on the size of the tumor, the involvement of lymph nodes in the process. At
primary diagnosis of breast carcinoma, this marker has
sensitivity about 30%. Therefore, the determination of the level of CA 15-3 in serum
blood is the most informative for monitoring the course of the disease and assessing
the effectiveness of the therapy. It is the dynamics of the level of tumor
the marker seems to be more informative than its single definition.
This can ensure the detection of recurrence and metastases before clinical or
radiological manifestation of the disease.
Regular measurement of CA 15-3 concentration should be used to
control of the treatment. It is believed that an increase in the concentration
25% serum marker is a sign of disease progression.
A steady decrease in the level of the tumor marker indicates
the effectiveness of the therapy. It should be noted that after
radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or after significant manipulation, may
there is a transient rise in the level of the tumor marker, as a result
tumor destruction.

To enhance the significance of determining CA 15-3 in patients
breast carcinoma appropriate
additionally investigate the content in the blood of some
other markers of tumor growth. Most
common is the complex CA 15-3 and CEA.
Simultaneous determination of these markers allows
diagnose metastases in 60-80% of patients with carcinoma
mammary gland.
In tumors of other localization, in particular, with
carcinoma of the ovaries, cervix, endometrium, lungs,
intestines, stomach, pancreas increase
the level of CA 15-3 is observed only in the later stages
the development of the disease. The concentration of the marker
increase in diseases associated with lesions
serous membranes: exudative pleura, pancreatitis,
ascites, pericarditis, peritonitis, autoimmune
diseases, as well as during menstruation, pregnancy and

a) Norma
c) localized fibroadenoma
b) fibrocystic mastopathy
d) cancer

Differential diagnosis of breast cancer

Nodular mastopathy - the consistency is soft, the node is not connected with the skin, mobile,
the surface is smooth. In doubtful cases - sectoral resection with
express biopsy.
Tuberculous mastitis - the presence of a tuberculous process in the lung, the presence
several nodes that merge with each other, forming a conglomerate. AT
the last caseous decay occurs, the node softens, in the punctate of the cell
Pirogov-Lankhgans, positive Mantoux test.
Mastitis - should be differentiated from mastitis-like cancer. Mastitis
develops in lactating women, acute onset with high fever,
the appearance of intense pulsating arching pain, in the blood
leukocytosis with a shift to the left, the effect of
anti-inflammatory treatment.
Eczema or psoriasis of the nipple and areola should be differentiated from cancer type
Paget. The clinical picture of these diseases is very similar, the diagnosis
established cytologically.

Choosing a method of treatment for breast cancer

The choice of a particular method of treatment is determined by
the following options:
stage of the tumor process;
localization of the tumor in the breast;
patient age and menstrual status;
the presence or absence of a steroid receptor
hormones in the tumor (estrogen and
progesterone receptors)

Methods of treatment of breast cancer and principles of their application.

For breast cancer, surgical
radiation, medicinal, hormonal methods of treatment and
their combination.
Surgical treatment is the leading method, the purpose of which
is to achieve local control over the tumor, i.e.
removal within healthy tissues. Modern
The concept of surgical treatment of breast cancer is
rational choice between organ-preserving
treatment and radical mastectomy. defining
factors when choosing the type of organ-preserving
operations are the size of the tumor, its location and
breast volume.

Types of organ-preserving operations,
used in breast cancer:
1. Lumpectomy - removal of the tumor within
healthy tissue, which is produced by
carcinoma in situ. Minimum distance from
swelling to the brim
resection should not be
less than 10 mm. At the same time, it is necessary
intraoperative pathomorphological
study of resection margins and measurement
distance from the edges of resection to the tumor

2. Quadratectomy - removal of a segment (square)
mammary gland from the distance from the edge of the resection to
tumors 3 cm with overlying skin and underlying
muscle fascia. It is advisable to produce
with nodular mastopathy and stage I cancer, when
the size of the tumor does not exceed 2 cm, the primary tumor
is monocentric and there are no
metastases in regional lymph nodes
3. At II-III A and B stages, the following
types of radical mastectomy:
- Radical mastectomy according to Halsted-Meyer, with
which are removed
mammary gland together with large and small pectoral
muscles, retomamarous fascia and subcutaneous fat
cellular tissue, regional lymph nodes
axillary, subscapular and subclavian

- Extended radical mastectomy according to Urban and Holdin, in which
the mammary gland is removed as in the Halsted-Meyer operation,
additional sections of the chest wall with the removal of parasternal
retrosternal lymph nodes with intrathoracic vessels
(rarely used).
- Modified Patty-Dysen mastectomy - mastectomy with
removal of the pectoralis minor muscle along with the axillary-subscapular-subclavian lymph nodes.
- Modified mastectomy according to Madden - mastectomy with axillary subscapular-subclavian lymph nodes without removal of large and small
chest muscles.
- Modified mastectomy according to Esenkulov - mastectomy with removal
pectoralis major muscle with axillary-subscapular-subclavian
lymph nodes
4. Sanitary amputation of the mammary gland is performed when running
stages when the tumor grows into the chest wall and there is a spreading
swelling with bleeding.
Each operation must be performed according to indications, taking into account the principle
radicalism and stage of the disease.

adjuvant chemotherapy

Slows down or prevents relapse, improves
survival of patients with metastases in the axillary
lymph nodes, as well as in some patients without axillary
- Chemotherapy is most effective in patients with
premenopausal with metastases to the axillary lymph nodes
(observe a decrease in 5-year mortality by 30%).
- Combination chemotherapy is preferred
monotherapy, especially in the group of patients with
metastatic breast cancer. Reception
drugs in six courses within six months, the method that is optimal in terms of efficiency and duration

Schemes of administration of drugs.
1. Methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, 5-fluorouracil.
2. Patients at high risk of relapse
may receive cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and
5-fluorouracil. The effect of therapy in patients with
metastatic breast cancer
is 65-80%.
3. Alternative regimens for patients with
metastatic cancers include doxorubicin,
thioTEF and vinblastine; high doses of cisplastin;
mitomycin; intravenous infusion of vinblastine
or 5-FU; cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5
fluorouracil; taxol

adjuvant hormone therapy

1. Ovarian suppression by radiation or oophorectomy
leads to ambiguous results; in separate subgroups
patients note long periods of improvement.
2. Hormonal treatment. Positive response to hormone therapy
likely under the following conditions: a long period without
metastasis (more than 5 years), advanced age, the presence of metastases in
bones, regional metastases and minimal lung metastases,
histologically confirmed malignancy grades 1 and 2,
long-term remission as a result of previous hormone therapy.
The estrogen antagonist tamoxifen delays the onset
recurrences, improves survival and is preferable for patients in
postmenopausal with an Erz-positive tumor. Efficiency
tamoxifen is more pronounced in patients with Erz-positive tumors.
The drug is ineffective or has little effect on ERC-negative tumors.

Mastectomy with
lymphectomy. Volume
excised tissues.
The lymph nodes.

The lymph drainage pathways
The lymph nodes
mammary gland, taking into account
lymphatic vessels and
The lymph nodes
mammary gland

Mastectomy with lymphectomy.
The volume of excised tissues.
Modified radical
mastectomy according to Patty-Dysen.
The volume of excised tissues.
Extended radical (axillary) mastectomy. Volume
excised tissues.
parasternal lymph nodes.

Radiation therapy for breast cancer

One of the foundations of complex treatment for cancer
breast is radiotherapy (irradiation) - the effect on
cancer cells with ionizing radiation. AT
in most cases used as a component
complex and combined treatment for various
stages of cancer when radiotherapy is combined with
surgical and/or medical treatment. She is
allows to achieve a complete cure of patients in the early
stages of cancer or significantly increase
life expectancy and its quality in the later stages
breast cancer.

Modern methods of radiotherapy with maximum
local effect on the tumor
education is devoid of most of the shortcomings,
inherent in radiation as a method of cancer treatment, even
10-15 years ago.

Depending on the purpose, radiation therapy for breast cancer is

Radical, in which complete resorption is achieved
tumors and healing of the patient.
Palliative is used for widespread
a process in which a complete cure is not possible.
Under the influence of treatment, you can only prolong life
patient, reducing suffering.
Symptomatic radiation is used to eliminate
the most severe symptoms of cancer, in the first place,
pain syndrome that cannot be relieved
narcotic painkillers

Irradiated areas during radiotherapy

Depending on the purpose, irradiation can
be subject to the following areas:
Breast (affected side)
Regional lymph nodes (on the side
Supraclavicular and subclavian lymph nodes with
capture of the sternocleidomastoid (sternocleidomastoid) muscle

Types of radiation therapy

Depending on the timing and goals, radiation therapy for cancer
The mammary gland is divided into the following types:
Preoperative. The goal is to kill tumor cells that
are located on the periphery and can be the cause of relapses. Also
used to improve ablastic and translation conditions
inoperable form to operable.
Postoperative is indicated for the destruction of the remaining cancerous
cells after surgery, as well as to influence regional
lymph nodes.
Intraoperative is indicated for organ-preserving operations.
Self-radiation therapy is necessary for inoperable
tumors, if there are contraindications to surgery.
Interstitial - used in combination with independent radiation
therapy. It is indicated only for nodular forms of cancer.

Irradiation is carried out in two possible modes

external beam radiation therapy - this type of radiotherapy is carried out
most often. Irradiation is carried out in stationary conditions with
using a stationary x-ray machine. Typically performed
30-40 sessions with a frequency of 5 times a week for 4-6 weeks.
internal radiation therapy (synonymous with brachytherapy) - this type
radiotherapy is performed using implants c
radioactive drugs. With these targets in the mammary gland
small catheters containing
radioactive drug. The cuts are made in such a way that
gain access to cancerous breast tissue. Session
internal radiation therapy continues for 5-6 minutes, after
which the radiopharmaceutical is removed. Usually done daily
within 1 week

Indications for radiotherapy for breast cancer are

- involvement in the tumor process of peripheral
lymph nodes (more than 4)
- Extensive local spread of the tumor
the absence of its decay (edematous form of cancer), as well as
extensive damage to the axillary and supraclavicular
lymph nodes with the appearance of a conglomerate with large
neurovascular bundles;
- organ-preserving surgery at will
Important to know: In addition, skeletal bone irradiation can
carried out in case of metastasis of breast cancer in
spine and pelvic bones, in order to relieve pain
syndrome, usually not relieved by any

2. Radiation treatment - alone or in combination with
other methods of treatment.
Independent Radical Radiation Treatment
used when the patient refuses surgery and
chemotherapy, if there are contraindications to
application of the latter.
Recommended options:
Continuous irradiation in SOD 60 Gy with classical
fractionation method or
hyperfractionation per tumor, 40 Gy per zone
regional metastasis
Split course - ROD 2 Gy 5 times a week to SOD
40 Gy, then a break until 21 days, after which, according to ROD 2 Gy to
SOD 30 Gr. On the area of ​​regional metastasis - 40

3. Combined treatment - the use of radiation treatment in pre- and
postoperative periods.
A) preoperative radiation therapy is applied by two
- intensively concentrated method in SOD 20 Gy (4-5 Gy per
- daily rhythm (at early stages) + operation in 1-3 days;
- fractional-extended method (at stage III) in SOD 40-45 Gy
(2 Gy 5-6 times a week) + surgery in 2 weeks
B) Postoperative radiation therapy is carried out with large
the size of the primary tumor with partial ingrowth into the chest
wall, as well as in medial localizations with metastasis in
chest lymph nodes. The irradiation area includes
tumor bed and postoperative skin scar, including
supraclavicular and parasternal areas. ROD 2 Gy 5-6 times a week
up to SOD 50 Gy using the Rocus gamma unit or a linear
accelerator. It is drained after the healing of the postoperative

In the presence of metastases in the parasternal lymph nodes
after a radical mastectomy with axillary-subclavian-subscapular lymphadenectomy, the internal thoracic
artery, then prolonged, continuously through the intrastat with
radioactive source within 15-25 hours is carried out
irradiation in a total dose of 15-25 Gy.
C) radiation therapy for stage III breast cancer can also be carried out as
before and after surgery.

Contraindications for radiotherapy

Any previously received course of radiation
another area of ​​the body
Connective tissue diseases in which
there is an increased sensitivity to
procedures (scleroderma, systemic vasculitis,
lupus erythematosus, etc.)
Concomitant diseases (anemia, cardiovascular insufficiency, severe
diabetes, etc.)

Ten Key Things to Know About Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is a targeted method
on the tumor in order to destroy the remaining cancerous
cells after surgery. Radiation therapy is carried out
areas of tumor localization or in places where there are
The effect of radiation on the body is painless, however
over time, discomfort may occur.
One type of radiation therapy is external
the effect of radiation on tissues, and as a result
irradiation, they do not become radioactive.
Usually treatment is carried out for five days a week,
and the course itself can last up to seven weeks.

Since the radiation session lasts only 30 minutes a day, you
you can safely lead a normal life.
Usually radiation exposure does not cause hair loss if
radiation therapy is not specifically directed to the head area.
In the area of ​​radiation, the skin may become pink or
reddened or darkened, as well as irritable and
sensitive. To relieve these symptoms
special creams and medicines are used.
During the course of radiation therapy, the patient may
feel tired. It usually lasts for several
weeks to several months and disappears by the end of treatment.
Most side effects of radiation therapy are temporary.
Radiation therapy significantly reduces the risk of cancer recurrence
mammary gland after surgery.

4. Drug treatment applied
neoadjuvant and adjuvant after
surgical, radiation and combined
treatment in women in the absence of a tumor
steroid hormone receptors. Most
effective drugs for breast cancer
are: from alkylating compounds cyclophosphamide, thiophosfamide, from
antimetabolites - 5-fluorouracil, methotrexate,
gemzar; of anticancer antibiotics
doxorubicin, epirubicin, from taxanes -
docetaxel, paclitaxel.

5. Hormone therapy. It is known that the mammary gland is under
influence of hormones produced by the ovaries,
adrenal glands, hypothalamic-pituitary system.
Hormone therapy in young menstruating women with
the presence of steroid hormone receptors in the tumor
after preliminary castration (operative, radiation,
medicinal). Apply antiestrogen-tamoxifen 20
mg/day Within 5 years or aromatase inhibitors - letrozole according to
2.5 mg or Arimidex 1 mg per day.
Chemical castration is carried out using
analogues of gonadotropin-risling pituitary hormone: zolodex (
administered subcutaneously at a dose of 3.6 mg 1 time in 28 days for 2 years from
further appointment of tamoxifen 20 mg per day for
5 years).
Women with early menopause
positive progesterone receptor
progestins, which lower the level of gonadotropic hormones,
suppressing tumor growth factors.

It should be noted that low levels of estrogen receptors, increased
HER2 expression, high proliferative activity predicts
sensitivity to anticancer drugs. At a high level
expressions of HER2 along with chemotherapy should be used targeted
the drug trastuzumab.
1) - cyclophosphamide 100 mg/m² 1-14 days
- methotrexate 40 mg/m² 1.8 days
- fluorouracil 600 mg/m² 1.8 days
2) -cyclophosphamide - 100 mg / m² 1-14 days
-doxorubicin 30 mg/m² 1.8 days
-fluorouracil 500 mg/m² 1.8 days
3) - paclitaxel 175-220 mg/m² 1 day
-doxorubicin 50 mg/m² 1 day
4) - paclitaxel 135 mg/m² 1 day
- vinorelbine 20 mg/m² 1.8 days
5) - vinorelbine - 25 mg/m² 1.8 days
- fluorouracil 750 mg/m² 1.8 days
6) - gemcitabine 1000 mg 1.8 days
- docetaxel 75 mg 1 day
7) - gemcitabine 1000 mg 1.8 days
- vinorelbine 25 mg/m² 1.8 days

Breast Cancer Immunotherapy

When conducting immunotherapy, it is necessary to maintain strict control over
the immune status of the patients. There are reports of successful application
Levamisole (Decaris) at a dose of 150 mg 1-2 times a week for 2-3 weeks, Taktivin - 1.0 ml intramuscularly for 2 weeks, Eleutherococcus tincture -
30 drops 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks, interferon. Interferon
acts on specific immunity, while it has a weak
antigenicity and allergenicity.
Treatment of edematous-infiltrative forms of cancer. Occur in 2-2.4% of patients,
characterized by a high degree of malignancy, rapid growth and
rapid metastasis. Most specialists are
supporters of only conservative treatment, including the use of
radiation and chemohormonotherapy. Radiation therapy is carried out by radical
program (stage 1 - ROD=4 Gy, SOD=28 Gy for the mammary gland and
regional zones, 2nd stage - after 3 weeks - ROD = 2 Gy, up to SOD = 60-70 Gy).
In the interval between the stages of radiation therapy, an oophorectomy is performed.
premenopausal women. Receptor-positive tumor in menopause
(or after oophorectomy) tamoxifen is prescribed 10 mg 2 times a day (in
for 2 years) and 6 courses of CMF, with a receptor-negative tumor - 6 courses

Radiotherapy, Radiation Therapy - Treatment
ionizing radiation (X-ray,
gamma radiation, beta radiation,
neutron radiation, beams
elementary particles from medical
accelerator). Used mainly for
treatment of malignant tumors.

Cancer treatment with CyberKnife

Today, oncology is a branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and
treatment of tumors, has undergone significant changes in connection with
scientific and technological progress.
Treatment of malignant tumors today is
one of the hottest trends in medicine. This is due to the fact
that, due to unfavorable environmental factors, humanity has become
more cancer, and thanks to modern medical technology
doctors have learned to detect tumors at an early stage.

SYSTEM "CYBER-KNIFE" - with a linear accelerator
(LINAC) - the most advanced representative of which
is an ultra-precise radiosurgical robot
CyberKnife® (Cyber-Knife). How the systems work
Cyber ​​Knife is to generate x-ray
high energy beams, also known as photons.
Medical linear accelerator
perform radiosurgery on large tumors in
during one session or during several sessions,
which are called fractionated
stereotactic radiotherapy. Systems of such
type produced by several manufacturers, which
have trademarks such as Novalis Tx™
(Novalis), XKnife™ and CyberKnife® (Cyber ​​Knife).

contact radiation therapy
Contact action is produced by direct application
radiation source to the tumor tissue, is performed intraoperatively or
with superficial neoplasms. Concerning
this method, albeit less harmful to surrounding tissues,
used much less often. With interstitial (intrastecial)
method in tissues containing a tumor focus, closed
sources in the form of wires, needles, capsules, assemblies of balls. Such
sources are both temporary and permanent implantation.
external beam radiation therapy
With remote exposure between the focus of exposure and the source
radiation can lie healthy tissue. The more there are, the harder it is.
deliver the required dose of radiation to the focus, and the more side effects
the effects of therapy. But, despite the presence of serious side effects,
this method is the most common. This is due to the fact that it is the most
versatile and easy to use.
A promising method is proton therapy, currently in
the world is actively researching the effectiveness and safety of this

Radionuclide therapy
In this method, the radionuclide (as an independent agent or as part of
radiopharmaceutical) accumulates selectively in tissues containing
tumor site. It uses open sources, solutions
which are directly introduced into the body through the mouth, into the cavity,
tumor or vessel. An example of the ability of some radionuclides
accumulate predominantly in certain tissues
serve: iodine - in the thyroid gland, phosphorus - in the bone marrow, etc.
The amount of radiation received is called the dose and is measured
in grays (Gy). The recommended dose for radiotherapy is calculated as
depending on many factors, primarily on the type and
tumor prevalence. The patient receives this dose not for one, but for
a number of sessions, while the required total dose is collected in
during the entire course of radiation therapy (for example, several weeks). it
called fractionation. With hyperfractionation, daily
the dose is further broken down into smaller doses received during
individual sessions.

1 - linear accelerator 2 - moving table 3 - x-ray cameras 4 - system
breath synchronization

The salient features of these treatments are
including the cyber knife, is that they are non-invasive,
like radiation therapy, but they provide the most accurate
"surgical" effect on tumors. Currently
cyberknife has become an alternative to surgical
interventions, when the patient himself, for one reason or another
reasons does not want to go under the surgeon's knife, or when
the tumor is located in a hard-to-reach area. Important
The advantages of Cyber ​​Knife are that it is absolutely
non-traumatic, it is not characterized by side effects,
which occur especially during chemotherapy or
complications after surgery, it is painless and the patient
can go home immediately after the cyberknife session. Except
In addition, there is also a cosmetic effect - after a cyber knife, there is no
no scars or scars remain.

The use of a cyber knife is indicated for:
Pathological foci located near radiosensitive
structures, in order to avoid exposure to a wide beam of radiation
on them.
Tumors or other pathological foci of complex configuration.
The need to avoid external radiation therapy.
Relapses of malignant tumors.
Tumors with difficult surgical access.
When the patient refuses invasive surgery.

PROTON THERAPY - radiosurgery
proton beam or heavily charged particles.
Freely moving protons are extracted from
hydrogen atoms. For this, a special
apparatus that separates negatively
charged electrons. Remaining positive
charged particles are protons. In the accelerator
particles (cyclotron) protons in a strong
electromagnetic field are accelerated by
spiral trajectory to tremendous speed,
equal to 60% of the speed of light - 180,000 km / s.

Proton therapy, like many other methods of radiation and radiotherapy, is carried out in cycles and the entire course takes several weeks. In some

Proton therapy, like many others
methods of radiation and radiotherapy, carried out
cycles and the whole course takes several
weeks. In some cases it may
only one or more sessions
irradiation. Duration of one session
Irradiation lasts on average up to 20 minutes.

Photodynamic therapy for breast cancer

World experience of application in oncology
photodynamic therapy showed her
efficiency in both radical and
in palliative cancer treatment
tumors in different locations. In some
situations, for example, when a woman refuses
from surgery or with contraindications to
surgery, photodynamic therapy
the only method of influencing the tumor.

The basis of photodynamic therapy is the biological
effect, which consists in photooxidation reactions.
Relatively fast tumor response to
photodynamic therapy is the result
simultaneous damage to malignant cells and their

The first signs of circulatory disorders are observed
2-3 hours after photodynamic exposure with
development of complete vascular occlusion after 12 hours and
tumor necrosis after 24 hours. laser light,
falling on the tumor leads to a local increase
temperature, which affects the tumor in a similar way
hyperthermia. There are reports of bactericidal
effect of photodynamic therapy

Photodynamic therapy is performed on patients
breast cancer with 3-4 stages. They have
there may be bleeding
intensity from a decaying tumor,
metastases in the lungs, in the spine, anemia.
All patients with decaying tumors
mammary gland after the first session is achieved
stop bleeding. Sometimes in patients with
large tumors for complete
irradiation of the entire surface requires several
sessions. In this case, the most
bleeding areas.

In all patients during sessions of photodynamic therapy
there is an increase in pain in the tumor area. Sometimes even
drug prescription may be required
analgesics, the rest have painThese are positive
The results show that the application of photodynamic
palliative therapy for breast cancer
is effective for influencing decaying
breast tumors. This results in a stop
bleeding, there is clearing of the tumor from
necrotic masses, which leads to a decrease
fetid odor and pain. All this improves not only
the condition of the patients, but also their quality of life.
conventional analgesics.

Benefits of photodynamic therapy:
This is a local method of influence. The doctor directs light only on the affected
plot. This results in selective destruction of cancer cells.
cells surrounding healthy tissue remain undamaged.
There are no side effects associated with the overall effect on the body,
as, for example, in chemotherapy (nausea, vomiting, hematopoiesis suppression).
High efficiency of the method. In most cases, successful treatment
one procedure is enough. But if necessary, it can be repeated
PDT is easily tolerated. It can be recommended even to the weakened
and elderly patients, with severe comorbidities - all those
patients who, due to their general condition, cannot be treated
traditional anti-cancer therapy.
Treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis.
Good cosmetic effect. After the procedure, at the site of the tumor remains
just a small scar. This is especially important for patients with tumors.
on open parts of the body. And the treatment of diseases of the cervix does not cause
changes that may lead to future complications
pregnancy and childbirth;
The PDT procedure is absolutely painless. No need for
anesthetic aid.

In preparation for conformal radiotherapy
volumetric (three-dimensional) planning (3D) is used,
allowing to go from the previous calculations
distribution of doses over single-plane sections-cuts
body at the level of the middle of the target - two-dimensional
planning (2D) - to volumetric, which makes it possible
create the necessary dose distribution throughout
target volume with a maximum in the tumor area and reduce
to a minimum dose load in the area of ​​surrounding
healthy tissues.
In 2D planning, it is assumed that
the tumor has a cylindrical geometry, i.e. in
sections other than the section passing through
the middle of the tumor, it has approximately the same
shape, as in the central section.

With this approach, it is enough to choose the width
rectangular beam in the section passing through
middle of the tumor. In 2D planning, such a parameter,
as the height of the irradiation field related to the volume of the tumor,
assigned on the basis of previous experience or on the basis of
some standards developed in the medical
institution. 3D planning takes into account
individual characteristics of the patient in each section.
This allows you to calculate not only exact values
width and height of the beam, but also the position of the collimator, and
also use blocks and wedge filters for
radiation beam formation. Unlike three-dimensional
planning, with two-dimensional it is impossible to take into account
individual features of the spatial
spread of the tumor and the location of the vital
important organs.

Targeted therapy in the treatment of breast cancer

Targeted Therapy in Cancer Treatment
mammary gland
In the treatment of breast cancer
several classes of glands are used
targeted drugs that act on
cellular estrogen receptors
aromatase inhibitors, blockers
human epidermal receptor
growth factor 2, as well as inhibitory PARP proteins.

The very first class of drugs developed
molecular targeted therapy, there were drugs
blocking estrogen receptors, which are essentially
present in larger than normal amounts on tumors
mammary glands. Normally, the addition of natural
estrogen hormone to the estrogen receptor (ER) leads to activation
specific genes that stimulate growth and
tumor cell reproduction. Research has shown that
effect on cells with estrogen receptors (ER-
positive tumors), by blocking these receptors,
is an effective treatment for breast cancer.
Drugs that block estrogen receptors and
preventing the addition of estrogen are called
selective estrogen receptor modulators and include
Tamoxifen and Toremifene (Fareston). To the same class
refers to the drug Fulvestrant (Fazlodex), blocking estrogen receptors, leads to their destruction, which significantly reduces
the level of estrogen receptors in the cell.

Another class of targeted drugs that affect the growth of ER-positive breast tumors is represented by
"aromatase inhibitors". Aromatase - specific
an enzyme necessary for the production of estrogen. blocking
aromatase activity leads to a decrease in the level of estrogen synthesis
in the body of a woman, which, in turn, suppresses
the vital activity of cancer cells that need estrogen as
growth stimulant. Maximum action sensitivity
This class of drugs exists only in women after
natural or induced menopause,
because functioning ovaries are able to produce
so much aromatase that its complete blockade is impossible.
Representatives of this class of drugs are Letrozole
(Femara), Anastrozole (Arimidex), Exemestane (Aromasin).

slide 2

In recent decades, in Russia, as in most countries of the world, there has been a steady upward trend in the incidence of the reproductive system, including the mammary gland. Leading positions in the structure of breast diseases are occupied by pathological processes of a benign nature. Among them, the most common are diffuse forms of mastopathy, which affect 50-60% of women. Nodular forms of mastopathy and fibroadenoma, which are considered precancerous diseases and subject to surgical treatment, are less common, accounting for 7.7-20% and 13.1-18% of cases, respectively. Inflammatory nodular processes of the mammary gland are recorded in 1.5% of cases.

slide 3

For 1 woman with breast cancer, there are 40-50 women with dyshormonal pathology of the mammary glands. Etiological disorders that occur in the hormonal and metabolic links of homeostasis and the high frequency of the combination of mastopathy and breast cancer make it possible to classify women with benign dyshormonal diseases of the mammary glands as a risk group for the possible development of oncological pathology in them.

slide 4

Issues of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of benign diseases of the mammary glands by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 808 dated 2.10.2009. “On Approval of the Procedure for the Provision of Obstetric and Gynecological Care”, were included in the scope of the tasks of the obstetric and gynecological service by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 808 dated 2.10.2009. "On Approval of the Procedure for the Provision of Obstetrics and Gynecological Care", subsequently replaced by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 572 dated November 1, 2012 "Procedure for the provision of medical care in the field of obstetrics and gynecology (with the exception of the use of assisted reproductive technologies)".

slide 5

The provision of specialized medical care, including surgical care, to patients with precancerous diseases of the breast is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 915n dated November 15, 2012, “On Approval of the Procedure for Providing Medical Care to the Adult Population in the Oncology Profile”.

slide 6

According to the Procedures for the provision of medical care, primary health care institutions (healthcare facilities, antenatal clinics) implement the entire range of measures aimed at the prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer; clarifying diagnosis of the nature of nodular formations of the mammary glands and surgical treatment of patients with benign nodular pathology of the mammary glands are assigned to oncological dispensaries.

Slide 7

The procedure for providing primary specialized health care to women with gynecological diseases provides for: mammography and ultrasound examination of the mammary gland, formation of dispensary observation groups taking into account the detected pathology of the mammary glands, treatment of diffuse forms of mastopathy, referral of women with identified cystic and nodular changes in the mammary glands to an oncological dispensary to verify the diagnosis and treatment.

Slide 8

Examination room of the polyclinic Women's consultation gynecologist mammologist Diffuse mastopathy detected Tumor, nodular mastopathy detected Breast pathology detected District oncologist treatment of diffuse mastopathy benign tumor, nodular mastopathy Breast pathology detected Oncological dispensary Surgical treatment of benign tumors Clarifying diagnosis of the nature of the pathology Treatment of breast cancer Surgical treatment of nodular forms mastopathy observation Treatment FKB polyclinic Doctors reception

Slide 9

Breast cancer occurs 3-5 times more often against the background of benign diseases of the mammary glands and 30-40 times more often with nodular forms of mastopathy with proliferation of the epithelium of the mammary glands. A decisive role in the development of diseases of the mammary glands is assigned to progesterone deficiency conditions, in which an excess of estrogens causes the proliferation of all gland tissues.

Slide 10

The morphological structure of the mammary gland changes under the cyclic influence of estrogen and progesterone. In the follicular phase, under the influence of estrogens, the processes of proliferation of ducts and connective tissue occur. In the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of progesterone, the ducts grow, and a secret begins to accumulate in them. THE LEADING ROLE IN THE APPEARANCE OF FCD IS NOT AS SO MUCH AS AN ABSOLUTE INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF ESTROGENS AS MUCH AS A RELATIVE HYPERESTROGENIA ARISING DUE TO A LACK OF PROGESTERONE IN THE II PHASE OF THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE. Etiology of mastopathy Triad of imbalance: hyperestrogenemia, decreased progesterone levels, hyperprolactinemia. Violation in one of the links of the hormonal regulation of the mammary glands is the cause of the development of pathological processes in the mammary glands.

slide 11

Hormonal imbalance towards progesterone deficiency causes: morphofunctional restructuring of the mammary glands, accompanied by edema and hypertrophy of the intralobular connective tissue, and excessive proliferation of the epithelium of the ducts, leading to their obstruction, with preserved secretion in the alveoli, leads to an increase in the alveoli and the development of cystic cavities. All conditions caused by a decrease in the level of progesterone against the background of an excess of estrogen levels lead to the development of dyshormonal hyperplasia.

slide 12


The reason for the development of dyshormonal hyperplasia of the mammary glands may be an increase in the level of prolactin outside of pregnancy and lactation. The main biological role is the growth and development of the mammary glands, stimulation of lactation. Participates in the process of mammogenesis Provides the growth of epithelial cells In synergy with estradiol and progesterone, activates the processes of physiological proliferation of mammary gland tissues Promotes the differentiation of mammary gland tissues during pregnancy Provides the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and milk lipids Stimulates lactation Supports the existence of the corpus luteum and the formation of progesterone in it Participates in regulation of water-salt metabolism. An abnormal increase in prolactin levels can cause anovulation, menstrual irregularities, galactorrhea, and infertility. Primary structure of prolactin 198 amino acids MW 2200

slide 13

Causes of hyperprolactinemia

Pathological Diseases of the hypothalamus (tumors, infiltrative diseases, arteriovenous defects, etc.) Diseases of the pituitary gland (prolactinoma, pituitary adenoma, craniosellar cyst, etc.) Primary hypothyroidism Polycystic ovary syndrome Insufficiency of the adrenal cortex Tumors producing estrogens Functional hyperprolactinemia Pharmacological haloperidol, methyldopa, rauwolfia alkaloids, reserpine. Physiological Gestation Breastfeeding (suckling) Exercise (only when anaerobic threshold is reached) Psychological stress Sleep Hypoglycemia

Slide 14

An increase in prolactin levels is accompanied by swelling, engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands, especially in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. In this case, vegetative disorders can be observed: migraine-like headaches, swelling of the limbs, pain and bloating. This symptom complex is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

slide 15

Breast disease Cyclic Mastodynia Fibrocystic breast Galactorrhea (67%) Menstrual disorders Secondary amenorrhea (60-85%) Oligomenorrhea (27-50%) Polymenorrhea due to corpus luteum insufficiency Anovulatory cycles (70%) Diseases associated with hyperprolactinemia

slide 16


Symptoms: Feeling of pain, tension of the mammary glands Feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands Soreness when touched The main symptom of premenstrual syndrome With fibrocystic mastopathy With hormonal therapy (hormone replacement therapy, oral contraceptives) CAUSES: Hormonal imbalance - estrogens predominate over gestagens, Insufficiency of the corpus luteum phase - little progesterone is formed, increased sensitivity of mammary gland tissues to estrogens, hyperprolactinemia. Characterized by the absence of organic pathohistological changes in the breast tissue

Slide 17

Benign diseases of the mammary glands according to clinical and morphological features are divided into: Diffuse dyshormonal dysplasia (adenosis, fibroadenosis, diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy) - are subject to conservative treatment. Local forms (cysts, fibroadenomas, ductectasias, nodular proliferates) represent diseases with a risk of developing breast cancer and are subject to surgical treatment.

Slide 18

Mastopathy is a disease characterized by a violation of the ratio of epithelial and connective tissue components, a wide range of proliferative and regressive changes in the tissues of the mammary gland. in the breast, worsening shortly before menstruation: Pain that may radiate to the shoulder, shoulder blade, axillary areas Soreness when touched Feelings of enlargement Swelling and engorgement of the mammary glands Discharge from the nipples Palpable lumps * As defined by WHO (1984)

Slide 19

What determines the development of mastopathy - who is at risk?

THE REASONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MASTOPATHY ARE THE SAME AS FOR BREAST CANCER: Hereditary predisposition (benign and malignant diseases of the mammary glands in blood relatives) Endocrine disorders (for example, diabetes mellitus) Stressful situations Obesity Infertility or lack of pregnancy and childbirth up to 30 years Late first pregnancy and childbirth after age 30 Not breastfeeding or too long a period of feeding (more than 2 years) Early onset of menstruation (before 12 years) and late menopause (after 55 years). The risk group for the development of breast pathology includes women who have 2 or more provoking factors.

Slide 20

Treatment of dishormonal hyperplasia

Should be carried out taking into account: Age Form of the disease The nature of menstrual disorders The presence of concomitant endocrine, gynecological diseases or extragenital pathology In diffuse mastopathy, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that caused hormonal imbalance in the body and restore the functioning of the nervous system.

slide 21

Types of treatment

Compensation of the underlying disease Sedatives and adaptogens Diuretics Phytotherapy Homeopathic remedies Vitamin therapy Hormone therapy

slide 22


Novo-Passit - an extract from medicinal plants has a predominantly sedative (calming) effect, guaifenesin has an anti-anxiety effect. Dosage and administration: 5 ml (1 teaspoon) or 1 table. 3 times a day.

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Ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis, flower pollen are a group of substances of plant origin that have a stimulating effect and increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences. They contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, increase the body's resistance to stress, stimulate the synthesis of biostimulants that activate the immune system.

Slide 25


Syndrome of premenstrual tension of the mammary glands - painful engorgement of the mammary glands in the second half of the menstrual cycle. It is caused by a deficiency of progesterone or an excess of prolactin in the tissues of the mammary gland, which leads to swelling of the connective tissue of the gland. In these cases, 7-10 days before menstruation, the following are prescribed: mild diuretics (lingonberry leaves, diuretic tea); or furosemide 10 mg (1/4 tablet); or triampura 1/4 tablet in combination with potassium preparations.

slide 26

Modern approaches to the correction of diseases of the female reproductive system Normalizes elevated levels of prolactin Included in the regulatory circle of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries Eliminates the imbalance of sex hormones

Slide 27


Natural non-hormonal drug for the treatment of moderate forms of mastopathy, mastodynia and PMS Dosage and administration: Inside, with a small amount of liquid, 30 drops or 1 table. 2 times a day (morning and evening) for at least 3 months, without a break during menstruation. Improvement occurs, as a rule, in 4-6 weeks.

Slide 28


Cyclodinone (agnucaston) is a preparation containing only prutnyak. It normalizes the level of sex hormones. It has a dopaminergic effect, which causes a decrease in prolactin production. Dosage and administration: 40 drops or 1 tablet 1 time per day (in the morning) for 3 months continuously. Indications: Menstrual disorders associated with insufficiency of the corpus luteum; Mammalgia; premenstrual syndrome. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation.

Slide 29

Mammoclam. The drug is obtained from kelp. The mechanism of therapeutic action is associated with the content of iodine, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and chlorophyll. The drug, as a result of the action of iodine of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and chlorophyll, normalizes the balance of thyroid and sex hormones, normalizes the processes of cell proliferation in the breast tissue. Dosage and administration: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day before meals for 1-3 months.

slide 30

INDINOL - A preparation based on highly purified indole - 3 - carbinol (found in broccoli). Indole - 3 - carbinol competes with estrogens for binding to receptors, reduces the number of estrogen receptors in target tissues, corrects estrogen metabolism: stimulates the activity of CYP450 1A1,. Dosage and administration: The therapeutic dose is 400 mg (4 capsules) per day for 3-6 months. Prophylactically prescribed 100-200 mg (1-2 capsules) per day with meals for 1-3 months.

Slide 31

Homeopathic preparations

MASTIOL EDAS-127 is a complex (multicomponent) drug that has a wide range of therapeutic effects on the body. The components that make up the drug affect the central and autonomic nervous, vascular systems of the body, and the mammary glands. Dosage and administration: inside without food, 5 drops on a piece of sugar or in a teaspoon of water 3 times a day.

slide 32


Vitamin A. Reduces the phenomena of epithelial proliferation (antiestrogenic effect), has an antioxidant effect, which determines its oncoprotective effect. Vitamin A contains the following animal products: fish oil, milk fat, butter, cream, cottage cheese, cheese, egg yolk, liver fat. b-carotene (provitamin A) has the highest activity. There is a lot of carotene in mountain ash, apricots, rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, yellow pumpkins, watermelons, red peppers, cabbage, spinach, celery, parsley, dill, carrots, sorrel, green onions, green peppers.

Slide 33

Vitamin E. It has antioxidant activity, participates in the processes of tissue metabolism, prevents increased permeability and fragility of capillaries, normalizes reproductive function, inhibits free radical reactions, prevents the formation of peroxides that damage cellular and subcellular membranes; protects vitamin A from oxidation. Natural sources of vitamin E include various oils, wheat germ, cereals, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, leafy greens, spinach, and eggs. The daily requirement for vitamin E for women is 8 IU.

slide 34

Hormonal preparations.

Progestogel - progesterone, the active substance of the drug. In mammary gland tissues, progesterone reduces capillary permeability and the intensity of cyclic edema of the connective tissue stroma, prevents proliferation and mitotic activity of the ductal epithelium. When applied to the skin, it is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation. How to use: One dose (2.5 g of gel) is applied to the skin of each mammary gland until completely absorbed 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 3 months.

Slide 35

Local treatment

"Dimexide" in the form of applications is effective in the treatment of festering cysts, non-lactational mastitis in the stage of infiltration. The use of "Dimexide" in a dilution of 1: 3-1: 5 can significantly reduce pain, achieve subsidence of inflammation in 60-70% of patients. Method and doses: Dimexide solution is diluted in a ratio of 1:3 - 1:5, a gauze napkin is wetted with this solution and applied to the pathological area of ​​the mammary gland for 1-1.5 hours 1 time per day. Such applications are made within 5-10 days.

The fundamental difference between nodular mastopathy is the presence of a palpable node or local compaction that differs in characteristics from the rest of the structures being determined. According to morphological manifestations, mastopathy is divided into: a) without proliferation b) with proliferation c) with proliferation and atypia, which ultimately determines the tactics of treatment. Due to the high risk of cancerous proliferation in the node, the treatment of nodular mastopathy is always operative. The nodes formed in the mammary gland are not amenable to conservative treatment and do not resolve.

Slide 40

With the nodular form of mastopathy, women may notice pain in the mammary gland, which may be permanent or manifest itself in certain phases of the menstrual cycle. Basically, a woman feels some discomfort immediately before the onset of menstruation - her breasts increase, swell, become very sensitive, painful. Pain can be felt both at the site of the node, and give to the arm or shoulder blade. After the end of menstruation, the pain decreases or disappears. There may also be discharge from the nipples. They may be clear, yellowish, or bloody. The liquid may come out in large quantities, or in the form of a few drops with strong squeezing. Sometimes it also happens that mastopathy is not accompanied by any of the above symptoms and it can only be detected by chance. Since after surgical treatment of nodular mastopathy, changes in breast tissue due to neuroendocrine disorders persist, subsequently an individual program of examination and treatment of the patient is formed.

Slide 41


Fibroadenoma occurs in the form of three histological variants: pericanalicular (51%), intracanalicular (47%) mixed (2%). In 9.3% of cases they are bilateral, in 9.4% they are multiple. The doctor's tactics in the treatment of fibroadenoma are determined by two main properties of fibroadenoma: Fibroadenoma is not amenable to conservative treatment Fibroadenomas are not capable of malignancy (except for leaf-shaped fibroadenoma, which in 10% of cases can degenerate into breast sarcoma) Based on these two facts, indications for surgical treatment of breast fibroadenoma is: Leaf-like structure of fibroadenoma (absolute indication) Large size (over 2 cm), or size causing a cosmetic defect The desire of the patient to remove the tumor Rapid growth of the tumor In other cases, after morphological confirmation of the diagnosis, fibroadenoma can be observed. For the surgical treatment of fibroadenoma, enucleation of the tumor from the paraareolar approach is currently most often used.

Slide 42


A leaf-shaped tumor (foliate fibroadenoma) is formed from an intraductal fibroadenoma and occupies an intermediate position between fibroadenoma and breast sarcoma. There are three types of leaf-shaped tumor: benign leaf-shaped tumor; leaf-shaped tumor borderline; leaf-shaped tumor is malignant. Tumor malignancy occurs in 3-5% of cases. Leaf-shaped tumors occur in all age groups, and the peak incidence occurs during active hormonal periods of life: 11–20 years and 40–50 years. The etiology of leaf-shaped fibroadenomas is unclear. It is believed that the tumor occurs as a result of a violation of the hormonal balance in the body, primarily with a violation of the content of estrogen, as well as with a lack of an estrogen antagonist - progesterone. Lactation and pregnancy are provoking factors. Thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases are also factors contributing to the disruption of hormonal metabolism and, as a result, the development of leaf-shaped tumors.

slide 43

Therapeutic tactics for dishormonal dysplasia of the mammary glands

* If conservative therapy is ineffective in the nodular form of non-proliferative mastopathy - surgical treatment (sectoral resection with urgent histological examination). **When refilling the cyst after the puncture, surgical treatment (sectoral resection with urgent histological examination).

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Breast cancer occurs in 1 out of 10 women.

Mortality due to breast cancer is 19-25% of all malignant neoplasms in women.

Most often found in the left breast.

Most often, the tumor is located in the upper outer quadrant.

1% of all breast cancer cases are male breast cancer.

The greatest risk factors are female gender, family history of breast cancer.


Treatment of breast cancer - combined (surgical, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy).


The operation can be radical or palliative.

In most cases, a modified radical mastectomy is used. Operations with preservation of the mammary gland make it possible to correctly assess the prevalence of the tumor process and improve the cosmetic result: however, not all patients have the possibility of preserving the gland.

Removal of the entire affected mammary gland is necessary due to the multifocal nature of the disease. Approximately 30-35% of patients find precancerous or cancerous lesions in areas adjacent to the affected primary tumor.

Removal of axillary lymph nodes is necessary to determine the damage to the nodes and the stage of the disease.

Operation types:

Lumpectomy (sectoral resection), axillary lymphadenectomy, and postoperative irradiation are used for small tumors (less than 4 cm) and for intraductal carcinomas.

- Simple mastectomy(Maden's operation) includes the removal of the mammary gland with the paranasal space together with the removal of the lymph nodes.

- Modified radical mastectomy(Operation Patty). Remove the skin around the gland, the mammary gland, pectoralis minor, fatty tissue with lymph nodes of the axillary, subclavian and subscapular regions. Uro

- Radical mastectomy according to Halsted. Together with all the tissues mentioned above, the pectoralis major muscle is also removed.

- Major radical mastectomyincludes removal of mediastinal lymph nodes. The operation is indicated for large or medially located tumors with the presence of intrathoracic (parasternal) metastases. High risk of intraoperative mortality.

- Breast reconstruction operations are performed simultaneously with mastectomy or the second stage after complete healing of the primary surgical wound.

Radiation therapy

- Preoperative. After establishing the diagnosis, patients with breast cancer receive a course of preoperative radiation therapy for the mammary gland and the area of ​​regional metastasis.

- Postoperative. Patients who underwent removal of the tumor and axillary lymph nodes and did not undergo a course of preoperative radiation therapy should receive final radiation therapy to the area of ​​the breast and lymph nodes (if metastases are detected in them).

- Obligate postoperative. Breast cancer patients should receive postoperative radiation if any of the following risk factors are present:

the size of the primary tumor is more than 5 cm

metastasis to more than 4 axillary lymph nodes the tumor reaches the resection line, invades the thoracic fascia and/or muscle, or spreads from the lymph nodes to the axillary fat.

Patients at high risk of distant metastasis may receive radiation therapy until completion of adjuvant chemotherapy, or it may be given in conjunction with radiation. Postoperative irradiation of the axilla increases the risk of edema of the upper extremity.


Slows down or prevents relapse, improves the survival of patients with metastases in the axillary lymph nodes, as well as in some patients without axillary metastases.

Chemotherapy is most effective in premenopausal patients with axillary lymph node metastases (a 30% reduction in 5-year mortality is observed).

Combination chemotherapy is preferable to monotherapy, especially in the group of patients with metastatic breast cancer. Taking drugs in six courses for six months is the optimal method of treatment in terms of efficiency and duration.

hormone therapy

Ovarian suppression by radiation or oophorectomy has mixed results; in some subgroups of patients, long periods of improvement are noted.

A positive response to hormone therapy is likely under the following conditions:

a long period without metastasis (more than 5 years);

advanced age, the presence of bone metastases;

regional metastases and minimal lung metastases;

histologically confirmed malignancy grades 1 and 2;

long-term remission as a result of previous hormone therapy.

The estrogen antagonist tamoxifen delays relapse, improves survival, and is preferred in postmenopausal patients.

Performed by a student of the medical faculty of group 518 Maltseva O.N.

slide 2

Breast cancer is an oncological disease of a malignant nature.


It ranks first among tumor neoplasms of the female reproductive system. The increase in the incidence of breast cancer over the past 10 years was 29.5%, in women of reproductive age - 25.2% %.


T - primary tumor. ✧ Tx - not enough data to evaluate the tumor. ✧ Tis (DCIS) ductal carcinoma in situ. ✧ Tis (LCIS) lobular carcinoma in situ. ✧ Tis (Paget) - Paget's (nipple) cancer without signs of a tumor (in the presence of a tumor, the assessment is carried out by its size). ✧ T1mic (microinvasion) - 0.1 cm in greatest dimension. ✧ T1a - tumor from 0.1 cm to 0.5 cm in greatest dimension. ✧ T1b - tumor from 0.5 cm to 1 cm in greatest dimension. ✧ T1c - tumor from 1 cm to 2 cm in greatest dimension. ✧ T2 - tumor from 2 cm to 5 cm in the largest size. ✧ TK - the tumor is more than 5 cm in the largest size. ✧ T4 - Tumor of any size with direct extension to the chest wall1 or skin. Pathological classification: - T4a - germination of the chest wall; - T4b - edema (including "lemon peel") or ulceration of the skin of the breast or satellites in the skin of the gland; - T4c signs listed in paragraphs 4a and 4b; – T4d-inflammatory (edematous) cancer

slide 5 classification

N - regional lymph nodes. ✧ Nx - insufficient data to assess the involvement of regional lymph nodes. ✧ N0 - no signs of regional lymph node metastases. ✧ N1 - metastases in displaced axillary lymph nodes (on the side of the lesion). ✧ N2 - metastases in the axillary lymph nodes on the side of the lesion, soldered together or fixed, or clinically detectable metastases in the intrathoracic lymph nodes in the absence of clinically obvious damage to the axillary lymph nodes. - N2a - metastases in the axillary lymph nodes on the side of the lesion, soldered together or fixed. - N2b - clinically detectable metastases in the intrathoracic lymph nodes in the absence of clinically obvious involvement of the axillary lymph nodes. ✧ N3 - metastases in the subclavian lymph nodes on the side of the lesion, or clinically detectable metastases in the intrathoracic lymph nodes in the presence of a clinically obvious lesion of the axillary lymph nodes, or metastases in the supraclavicular lymph nodes on the side of the lesion (regardless of the condition of the axillary and intrathoracic lymph nodes). - N3a-metastases in the subclavian lymph nodes on the side of the lesion. - N3b-metastases in the intrathoracic lymph nodes in the presence of clinically obvious damage to the axillary lymph nodes. – N3c-metastases in the supraclavicular lymph nodes on the side of the lesion.

slide 6 classification

M - distant metastases. ✧ Mx - insufficient data to determine distant metastases. ✧ M0 - no signs of distant metastases. ✧ M1 - there are distant metastases.

Slide 7: Grouping by stage

Stage T N M Stage 0 Tis N0 M0 Stage I A T1 N0 M0 Stage I B T0, T1 N 1 M0 Stage II A T0 T1 T2 N1 N1 N0 M0 M0 M0 Stage II B T2 T3 N1 N0 M0 M0 Stage IIIA T1 T2 T3 N2 N2 N2 M0 M0 M0 Stage IIIB T4 N0,N1,N2 M0 C Stage III C Any T N3 M0 Stage IV Any T Any N M1

Slide 8: Clinical groups:

Operable breast cancer (0, I, IIA, IIB, IIIA stages); Locally advanced (primarily inoperable) breast cancer (IIIB, IIIC stages); Metastatic breast cancer or recurrence of the disease.

Slide 9: Morphological classification of breast cancer (WHO, 2003)

I. Non-invasive breast cancer. 1. Ductal cancer in situ (intraductal cancer). 2. Lobular cancer in situ. II. Invasive breast cancer. 1. Microinvasive carcinoma. 2. Invasive carcinoma, unspecified. 3. Invasive lobular carcinoma. 4.Tubular carcinoma. 5. Invasive cribriform carcinoma. 6. Medullary carcinoma. 7. Mucinous carcinoma and other tumors with abundant mucinosis. 8. Neuroendocrine cancer. 9. Invasive papillary carcinoma. 10. Invasive micropapillary carcinoma. 11. Apocrine carcinoma. 12. Metaplastic carcinoma. 13. Other rare types of carcinomas.



Breast cancer is a polyetiological disease; in most cases, breast cancer is a hormone-dependent disease caused by an imbalance in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. Among all organs of the reproductive system at risk of hormone-dependent hyperplastic processes, the mammary glands suffer most often, being the first to signal neurohumoral homeostasis disorders.


Slide 11: Risk factors

1. Age 2. Confounded family history 3. Genetic predisposition 4. Disorders in the reproductive system. ✧ Early onset of menstruation (<12 лет) и поздняя менопауза (>55 years) ✧ No childbirth and late age of first birth (> 30 years) ✧ No or short period of breastfeeding. ✧ Menopausal hormone therapy 5. Dyshormonal benign diseases of the mammary glands 6. Increased mammographic density 7. Ionizing radiation 8. Obesity 9. Dietary errors 10. Excessive alcohol consumption 11. History of malignant neoplasms.


slide 12

Breast cancer is characterized by extreme variability in clinical course: from aggressive to relatively benign, indolent. The period of time from the hypothetical "first" cancer cell to the death of the patient after the tumor reaches a "critical" mass is called the "natural history" of breast cancer growth. The fundamental possibility of metastasis appears already with the onset of angiogenesis in the tumor, when the number of tumor cells exceeds 103, and the tumor diameter is no more than 0.5 mm.


Slide 13: CLINICAL PICTURE (Nodular cancer)

It occurs most often, representing a round, dense neoplasm with a small- and large-hilly surface, without clear contours, limited mobility. With the localization of the tumor in the deep sections of the mammary gland, as well as in the advanced stage of the disease, the node is fixed to the chest wall. Most often, the tumor node is determined in the upper outer quadrant of the mammary gland. In the case of a central location of the tumor, with its small size, the nipple deviates to the side or its fixation is noted.


Slide 14


Slide 15: CLINICAL PICTURE (Nodular cancer)

Above the tumor node, pastosity of the skin in a limited area, a symptom of "orange peel" can be detected, which occur either as a result of embolism by tumor cells of deep skin lymphatic vessels, or due to secondary lymphostasis due to metastatic lesions of regional lymph nodes.


Slide 16: CLINICAL PICTURE (Nodular cancer)

Skin manifestations may also occur: a symptom of umbilization (retraction), Pribram's symptom (when the nipple is pulled, the tumor moves behind it), Koenig's symptom (when pressed with an open palm, the tumor does not disappear), Payr's symptom (the skin over the tumor between the fingers is not collected in a longitudinal, and transverse masonry), Krause's symptom is a thickening of the skin of the areola due to damage by tumor cells of the lymphatic plexus of the subareolar zone.


Slide 17: umbilical symptom (retraction)


Slide 18: CLINICAL PICTURE (Diffuse cancer)

Combines edematous-infiltrative, shell-like, erysipelas-like and mastitis-like forms. These forms are characterized by the rapid development of the process both in the organ itself and in the surrounding tissue, extensive lymphogenous and hematogenous metastasis. The edematous-infiltrative form occurs most often in young women. At the same time, the mammary gland is enlarged, its skin is pasty and edematous, hyperemia and a symptom of lemon peel are expressed. It is often difficult to identify a tumor node in the gland tissue. Palpated infiltrate without clear contours, occupying most of the gland. Shell cancer is characterized by tumor infiltration of both the gland tissue itself and the skin covering it. The skin becomes dense, pigmented, poorly displaced. There are many intradermal tumor nodes. The mammary gland is reduced, pulled up, wrinkled. Tumor infiltration compresses the chest in the form of a shell.


Slide 19


slide 20: shell cancer


Slide 21: CLINICAL PICTURE (Diffuse cancer)

Erysipelas-like and mastitis-like forms of cancer have an acute course, are extremely malignant, quickly recur after mastectomies and metastasize rapidly. With an erysipelas-like form, the tumor process in the gland is accompanied by severe hyperemia of the skin with uneven, tongue-shaped edges. An even more rapid course is characterized by mastitis-like cancer, in which the mammary gland is significantly enlarged, tense, dense, and limitedly mobile. Expressed hyperemia and hyperthermia of the skin. The process is often accompanied by a feverish rise in temperature.


slide 22


slide 23



Paget's cancer is a kind of malignant tumor that affects the nipple and areola. According to clinical manifestations, they distinguish: eczema-like (nodular, weeping changes in the areola), psoriasis-like (with the formation of scales and plaques), ulcerative (crater-like ulcer with dense edges) tumor (seals in the subareolar zone) forms. In 50% of patients, the tumor affects only the skin of the nipple, in 40% it is detected against the background of a palpable tumor, in 10% it is only with microscopic examination.


Slide 25: Paget's cancer



Metastatic, or occult form of cancer, is characterized by small, sometimes microscopic size and the presence of metastatic lesions of regional lymph nodes. Most often, breast cancer metastasizes to the bones (50–85%), lungs (45–70%), liver (45–60%), and brain (15–25%).



Complaints and anamnesis The most common complaints are: the presence of a nodular formation, retraction of a skin area or swelling of the skin, a change in the size or deformation of the shape of the mammary gland, changes in the nipple and areola, the presence of pathological discharge from the nipple (most often hemorrhagic or serous). Pain is not an early sign of breast cancer. When collecting an anamnesis, the nature of complaints, the timing of their appearance, hereditary predisposition to malignant neoplasms are specified, taking into account the period of a woman's life.


Slide 28: Clinical methods of examination

Inspection and palpation of the mammary glands The optimal time for its use in menstruating women should be considered the 6th or 8th day after the end of menstruation. Non-menstruating women can be examined at any time. Inspection is best done in a standing position, first with the arms lowered, and then with the arms raised behind the head. As a result, the symmetry of the location and shape of the mammary glands, the level of the location of the nipples and the condition of the skin are determined. Palpation determines the location, size, boundaries of the tumor, its surface and consistency, as well as the relationship with surrounding tissues and displacement in relation to them. Palpation is performed with the patient standing, as well as lying on her back and on her side. Palpation examines both the entire mammary gland around the nipple, and sequentially in quadrants and areas up to the submammary fold.


Slide 29


Slide 30: X-ray mammography

Mammography is the main method for an objective assessment of the state of the mammary glands, allowing timely recognition of changes in the mammary glands in 92–95% of patients. There are direct and indirect signs of cancer. Direct signs include the characteristics of the tumor node and microcalcifications.


Slide 31


slide 32


Slide 33: X-ray mammography

Indirect signs of the nodular form of cancer are associated with changes in the skin (local or diffuse thickening, deformation), blood vessels (hypervascularization, expansion of their caliber, the appearance of tortuosity of the veins), surrounding tissues (twisting), retraction of the nipple, the appearance of a cancer path between the tumor node and the skin, and others. .


slide 34

It is rather difficult to recognize intraductal changes on survey radiographs. In order to expand the diagnostic capabilities of the X-ray method, ductography is proposed - artificial contrasting of the ducts, which allows not only to identify the cause of pathological secretion (parietal growths) with an accuracy of 92–96%, but also to determine the exact localization of the pathological process, which is important for further treatment.


Slide 35


Slide 36: Ultrasound

With this imaging option, the definition of pathological changes is associated with the presence of a volumetric formation, the density of which exceeds the background density of the surrounding breast tissues, low echogenicity with signs of an infiltrative type of growth. Dopplerography provides clarifying information with traditional ultrasound. In early malignant lesions, these are: high blood flow velocity and atypical Doppler curves due to the formation of arteriovenous shunts.


Slide 37: Tumor markers

In clinical practice, the following tumor markers are mainly used for breast cancer patients: CA 15-3, mucin-like carcinoma-associated hypertension, cancer embryonic hypertension, which are used to assess the effectiveness of the treatment, as well as in the process of dynamic monitoring of radically treated patients.


slide 38 genetic testing

To date, it is believed that in 20–50% of cases, hereditary breast cancer is caused by mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Molecular genetic studies to determine mutations in the BRCA 1 and 2 genes are carried out taking into account one of the factors listed below. 1. Individual history: ✧ breast cancer (up to 50 years); ✧ Ovarian cancer at any age, fallopian tube cancer and primary peritoneal cancer; primary multiple malignant neoplasms. 2. Oncologically aggravated family history: ✧ Breast cancer in blood relatives (including men); ✧ OC in blood relatives; ✧ pancreatic cancer and / or prostate cancer in blood relatives; ✧ Confirmed carriage of BRCA 1.2 mutations in blood relatives.


Slide 39: Morphological diagnosis

Cytological method: Fine-needle punctate, punctates of regional lymph nodes, discharge from the nipple, scrapings from eroded and ulcerative surfaces of the nipple and skin, fluid from cysts can serve as diagnostic material for cytological examination. The reliability of the cytological diagnostic method, according to different authors, ranges from 42 to 97.5%. Histological method: Is more informative. In order to obtain a small fragment of breast tissue, a biopsy is used using biopsy guns and special needles (gun-needle system), which make it possible to obtain material suitable for cytological and histological studies.


Slide 40


Slide 41: In the syndrome of palpable nodular formation in the mammary gland, it is recommended:

clinical examination (taking an anamnesis, examination, palpation of the mammary glands and regional zones of lymphatic drainage); panoramic radiography of the mammary glands (in frontal and oblique projections); if necessary, clarification of details - targeted radiography with direct magnification of the x-ray image (when working on analog mammographs), radial ultrasound, doppler sonography, sonoelastography, if necessary, 3D image reconstruction; if cancer is suspected in order to search for metastases - ultrasound of the soft tissues of the axillary regions; trepanobiopsy (less informative fine-needle biopsy) neoplasms, cytological and histological examination of the biopsy, depending on the findings. With breast cancer - immunohistochemical study.


Slide 42: If breast cancer is detected before the start of treatment, an examination is recommended according to the following scheme:

History taking and physical examination; Complete blood count with leukocyte count and platelet count; Biochemical blood test, (bilirubin, ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase); Bilateral mammography + ultrasound of the mammary glands and regional zones; according to indications, MRI of the mammary glands; Digital R-graphy of the chest; according to indications - CT / MRI of the chest; Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, according to indications - CT / MRI of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis with contrast; Bone scintigraphy of the skeleton + radiography of areas of accumulation of the radiopharmaceutical - in patients with locally advanced and metastatic cancer. With breast cancer stages T0–2N0 - performed according to indications (bone pain, increased levels of alkaline phosphatase in the blood serum); Trepanobiopsy of the tumor with pathomorphological examination of the tumor tissue; Determination of estrogen and progesterone receptors, HER-2/ neu and Ki67; Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the lymph node for suspected metastasis; Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (preferably trephine biopsy) of the primary tumor in the case of "cancer in the cyst"; Evaluation of ovarian function; Genetic DNA analysis of blood (mutation of the BRCA 1, 2 genes) with a burdened hereditary history - the presence of breast cancer in close relatives.


slide 43: treatment

The tactics of treating patients with breast cancer is based on clinical characteristics (size and location of the primary tumor, the number of metastatic lymph nodes, the degree of involvement of lymph nodes) and the biological characteristics of the tumor (pathomorphological characteristics, including biomarkers and gene expression), and also depends on age, general condition and patient preferences. In the treatment of patients with breast cancer, both loco-regional (surgery, radiation therapy) and systemic methods (hormone therapy, chemotherapy, biotherapy) are used.


slide 44: surgeon


Slide 45: The classic radical Halsted-Meyer mastectomy involves the removal in one block of the mammary gland, pectoralis major and minor muscles, axillary-subclavian-subscapular tissue along with lymph nodes


Slide 46

Functionally sparing mastectomy according to Patey with preservation of the pectoralis major muscle consists in the removal of the mammary gland, pectoralis minor muscle and performing axillary lymph node dissection. With a mastectomy according to Madden, both pectoral muscles are preserved.


Slide 47

Skin-sparing mastectomy involves the removal of breast tissue and preservation of the skin cover, and in some cases, the juice-areolar complex. This type of mastectomy allows you to minimize the area of ​​scars and preserve the natural contours of the mammary gland for the purpose of its further reconstruction. Organ-preserving operations (tumorectomy, radical resection) consist of a wide excision of the tumor with simultaneous axillary lymph node dissection. In order to reduce the effect of breast tissue resection on the cosmetic result, surgical oncologists use oncoplastic approaches, most often associated with the use of tissue transfer technology. Oncoplastic approaches may lead to improved cosmetic outcomes, especially in patients with large breasts, an unfavorable tumor-to-breast ratio, or cosmetically unfavorable tumor localization in the breast (in the central zone or in the lower hemisphere).


Slide 48


Slide 49

Reconstruction of the mammary gland involves only the restoration of its aesthetic component. The goals and objectives of the restoration of the mammary gland are to restore the volume of the mammary gland, create an aesthetic form, restore the skin, the nipple-areolar complex, and symmetry. Currently, breast reconstruction with artificial materials (silicone implants), breast reconstruction with own tissues (musculocutaneous flap from the latissimus dorsi muscle, lower abdominal musculoskeletal flap with a base on the rectus abdominis muscle, flap on the free lower epigastric perforator from the lower parts of the abdomen, flap with inclusion of the superior gluteal artery), or a combined reconstruction using both methods. Both immediate and delayed breast reconstruction are possible


Slide 53

in premenopausal and postmenopausal women with a favorable prognosis, it is recommended to take tamoxifen at a dose of 20 mg/day for 5 years. Ovarian suppression in combination with aromatase inhibitors (letrozole 2.5 mg/day, anastrozole 1 mg/day, exemestane 25 mg/day) can be used to treat patients at high risk of relapse in premenopausal women, as well as contraindications to the appointment of tamoxifen. Ovarian suppression drugs (goserelin 3.6 mg, buserelin 3.75 mg, leuprorelin 3.75 mg) are administered every 28 days for 5 years. Trastuzumab is indicated for patients with overexpression/amplification of the HER2 gene. The standard duration of trastuzumab administration (loading dose - 8 mg/kg, maintenance dose - 6 mg/kg) is 12 months with an interval of 1 time in 3 weeks.


Slide 54

It is recommended to evaluate the effect of treatment after every 2-3 months of hormone therapy and every 2-3 courses of chemotherapy using data from a general examination, clarification of complaints, blood tests and the results of instrumental examination methods that revealed pathology at the stage of initial diagnosis.


Slide 55: Follow-up after initial treatment

Follow-up after primary treatment is carried out by oncologists and involves examination and clarification of complaints every 6 months - during the first 3 years, every 12 months - over the next years, including general and biochemical blood tests. Annually, it is recommended to perform bilateral (in case of organ-preserving surgery) or contralateral mammography, R-graphy of the chest organs, ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Particular attention should be paid to long-term adverse effects, in particular osteoporosis, especially in women receiving long-term aromatase inhibitors, as well as those who have reached early menopause as a result of anticancer therapy. This category of patients is indicated for annual densitometry and prophylactic administration of calcium and vitamin D preparations, as well as osteomodifying preparations, according to indications. Women receiving tamoxifen should be examined by a gynecologist at least once every 12 months with ultrasound of the pelvic organs and measurement of endometrial thickness.



The prognosis for patients with breast cancer depends on the biological characteristics of the tumor, the general condition of the patient, as well as on the appropriate therapy. The ten-year survival rate for breast cancer exceeds 70% in most European countries. In Russia, the 5-year survival rate of patients with breast cancer was 59.5%. Peaks of recurrence of the disease occur in the 2nd year after diagnosis, but do not exceed 2–5%, starting from the 5th to the 20th years. Patients with lymph node involvement have a higher annual recurrence rate compared to patients without lymph node involvement. In the first few years, the risk of recurrence is higher in patients with estrogen-negative breast cancer, but 5–8 years after diagnosis, the annual recurrence rate decreases more than in estrogen-positive cancer. Recurrence of the disease after more than 20 years from the moment of treatment can occur almost exclusively in hormone-positive breast cancer.



Women of all ages should have monthly breast self-examinations. Starting from the age of 18, every woman should undergo a preventive examination once every 2 years in the examination room of the clinic, which includes examination and palpation of the breast. . For the purpose of early diagnosis of breast diseases, an annual ultrasound of the mammary glands is recommended for women under 35 years of age, further according to indications; x-ray mammography - for patients aged 35–50 years with a frequency of 1 time in 2 years, over 50 years old - annually.


Last slide of the presentation: Breast cancer: Prevention of breast cancer can be primary, secondary and tertiary

Primary prevention is aimed at eliminating the causative factors that cause the tumor. Depending on risk factors, degree of risk, age, menopausal status, comorbidities, and patient preference, different types of primary prevention can be offered. Secondary prevention is aimed at the diagnosis and treatment of precancerous diseases of the breast, primarily benign dyshormonal dysplasia with atypical proliferation. Tertiary prevention involves the qualitative treatment of primary malignant neoplasms of the breast in order to prevent the development of a recurrence of the disease in the future. The effectiveness of tertiary prevention depends on the effective work of the oncology service.