Read the adventures of Leopold the cat online. The history of the cartoon about Leopold the cat

Leopold the Cat - biography. History of your favorite cartoon.

Leopold the cat - biography.In 1974, a historic meeting took place. Directed by Anatoly Reznikov and master of Soviet animation Arkady Khait. On the wave of success "Well, just wait!" Reznikov had the idea to make a new game stunt cartoon. He came up with images and situations, but since he himself was a novice director, there was no way to implement the plan alone: ​​the editors of the Ekran workshop already had a huge portfolio of works. Then Reznikov’s friend, composer Boris Savelyev, familiar to us from Radionyan, introduced him to Hight. This is how the cat Leopold was born.

“We immediately latched on to the idea of ​​a shapeshifter - it’s not the cat that runs after the mice, but the other way around,” recalls Reznikov. “For the first time in animation, an intelligent cat appeared that could deal with the mice, but didn’t want to, no matter how much they messed with him. But that alone was not enough, an idea was needed. And I came up with it: there is no alternative to the world. We thought for a very long time about how to show it, and finally the phrase “Guys, let's live together!” appeared. It was born out of necessity, but became a reprise of the film."

Now all that remained was to come up with names for the heroes. Vaska the cat was rejected immediately - too banal. I wanted to invent something short, but memorable. The idea was suggested by the son of Arkady Khait, who often came to the room where the elders were poring over scripts. The boy was terribly interested in seeing how enthusiastically the big guys were working, and while walking he was glancing at the TV, where they were showing “The Elusive Avengers.” They contained the key to the name of the cat - the cartoon character was named after the negative character Colonel Leopold Kudasov.
By the way, mice also have names: Mitya is white and thin, Motya is gray and fat. But they never appeared in the film. The first two episodes: "Leopold the Cat's Revenge" and "Leopold and the Goldfish" were not drawn. There had never been such a production in a film studio, and all cartoons were made using the transfer method. That is, they cut out a huge number of small details and characters. Then they laid out “pictures” on the glass, and by moving them millimeter by millimeter, they created movement.
In 1976, after the first episode was shown at the artistic council, the cartoon was banned from showing. The then editor-in-chief of the commission, Madam, that is, of course, Comrade Zhdanova, issued a verdict: the film is pacifist, anti-Soviet, pro-Chinese and discrediting the party. The explanations were simple: why didn’t the cat eat the mice, but offered them friendship? But since by that time the second series, “Leopold and the Goldfish,” had already been put into production, it was allowed to be completed and was even shown on CT. Mountains of letters from enthusiastic viewers served as the impetus for the resumption of work on the animated series in 1981. All this time, Reznikov did not stop working on Leopold. Actually, it was he alone who came up with the cat - he simply could not express his idea artistically, and in this he was helped by Hight, with whom he became friends and together received the State Prize, ahead of “Well, wait a minute!”

The biography of Arkady Khait is very simple, but at the same time he left his mark on the lives of all people - he wrote texts for the popular program “Baby Monitor”, phrases from “Well, wait a minute!” and "Leopold the Cat" entered folklore, the work of many famous pop artists: Khazanov, Petrosyan, Vinokur - is inextricably linked with his works. The position of Leopold the cat seems utopian, but Arkady Khait wanted to show that such a reaction is possible - it is possible not to respond blow to blow and “an evil word for an evil word.” He had no intention of leaving, but his son, an artist, graduated from the Academy of Arts in Munich and stayed there - his parents wanted to be closer to their son.

From the first (“Leopold the Cat’s Revenge”) to the last (“Leopold the Cat TV” - 1987) episode, the animated series was directed by Anatoly Reznikov. Today he has 13 new stories ready, published in colorful books, and thick storyboard albums for two series. One thing prevents us from starting work on their film adaptation - no money. A sponsor was found, but a default prevented it. However, the director does not give up his dream and desire to produce new cartoons.
To date, the series consists of 9 parts. Let's remember. "Leopold the Cat's Car", "Leopold the Cat's Birthday", "Leopold the Cat's Treasure", "Leopold the Cat" and the Goldfish", "Leopold the Cat's Summer", "Leopold the Cat's Revenge", "Leopold the Cat's Clinic", "Leopold the Cat's TV" ", and finally, "Walk of Leopold the Cat".
At the preliminary stage of approval by higher authorities, the authors were required to make a summary - to explain why people should watch this film. After much thought, the phrase was inserted: “Guys, let’s live together!”, which grew from an ideological one into the motto of the film. “My favorite hero is the cat Leopold, I believe that the guys should live together,” said Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko recently. But the name Leopold can also be a negative common noun - recently Viktor Yanukovych called Viktor Yushchenko “the mischievous cat Leopold.”

“The Revenge of Leopold the Cat” was entirely voiced by Andrei Mironov. They wanted to invite him to the second episode, but the actor fell ill, and all three characters spoke in the voice of Gennady Khazanov. When work on the film resumed after a short break, they decided to call Alexander Kalyagin, who had never voiced cartoons before. His voice is heard in the remaining seven episodes. At the Ekran creative association, Kalyagin was nicknamed Leopold Ilyich, because after the voice acting he was immediately invited to play the role of Lenin.
From the third episode, artist Vyacheslav Nazaruk joined Arkady Khait and Anatoly Reznikov. All three worked on both the script and the animation, but in order not to split the fees (about 800 rubles) between the three, each put his last name under his officially held position. In the mid-80s, three authors of “Leopold” were nominated for the State Prize. They divided the allotted 15 thousand between three. But most of the money was immediately wasted in the restaurant. Nazaruk managed to save a small amount by purchasing a Czechoslovakian chandelier made of simple glass and a washing machine; others never bought anything with the remainder of the bonus.
One day, Anatoly Reznikov and Vyacheslav Nazaruk were sitting at Arkady Khait’s house and working on another script for Leopold. The phone rang. On the other end of the line was the cartoon composer Boris Savelyev. In a happy voice, he shouted into the phone that he had written a melody for the next episode and wanted to play it. They turned on the speakerphone and the music started playing. After this, Height said: “Bad. Very bad". The offended Savelyev shouted: “Are you crazy?!” I wrote with her blood!” And I received the answer: “And you write with ink.”

Once, a guest who came to the studio where they were filming “Leopold the Cat” was confused - whether to call 03 or 02. Two older men rolled on the floor, fought, and then began to make faces in front of the mirror. Then it turned out that in this way, animators work through each scene of the film in order to understand the behavior of the characters and accurately convey their movements in the picture.

People have always tried to compare Leopold the Cat to Tom and Jerry. Anatoly Reznikov said to this: “Yes, both we and they have a cat and mice. So what? Can you remember at least one character who was not played in the animation? There are practically no such characters. There were everything: raccoons, cows, chickens, mice... When we started making Leopold, of course, we had already seen Tom and Jerry. But we went our own way. Moreover, the son of one of the creators of “Tom” came to Russia in the early nineties and wanted to buy our cartoon, but it didn’t work out. Cat and mice are Russian heroes who are present in many of our fairy tales. And we spied all the adventures of “Leopold” in real life, and never in the works of others.

And the cartoon production designer Vyacheslav Nazaruk thought this: “I can say that our “The Adventures of Leopold” are similar to “Tom and Jerry.” Do you know what? Plastic, classic design, soft, non-prickly movements. When I flew to the USA at the invitation of Disney, already at the airport I saw colorful newspaper headlines: “Mickey Mouse, beware, Leopold is coming.” Our film was recognized in the West and was not considered some kind of fake. Both in our “Leopold” and in their “Tom and Jerry” the basis of the plot is catching up. But this is a cartoon technique. To make it fun, someone has to run after someone, then fall, get into ridiculous situations. But our cartoon differs from “Tom and Jerry” in the presence of an idea. When the Disney studio was on the verge of bankruptcy, they began to make small novels that could be watched in a block or separately: see the movement, laugh a little, and that’s it. And in our film there is an idea, a virtue, which we will come to at the end of the story.”


Main characters: Leopold the cat and two mice - Gray and White.

Leopold the cat

Leopold the cat lives in house 8/16. He is portrayed as a typical intellectual: he doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, doesn’t raise his voice. Leopold is a real pacifist cat, and his main credo, repeated at the end of each episode, is “Guys, let’s live together.” At the same time, in the first two episodes Leopold still took revenge on the mice.


Gray and White (Mitya and Motya) are two hooligan mice who are disgusted by the intelligent and harmless Leopold. They usually call him a “mean coward” and are constantly looking for a way to annoy him. At the end of each episode they repent of their machinations. In the first episode (“Leopold the Cat’s Revenge”) Gray wears a cap, White has a squeaky voice. In the second episode (“Leopold and the Goldfish”) Gray is already without a cap. From the third to the tenth series, Gray is distinguished by his heavy weight and deep voice, while White is skinny and squeaky. In addition, in the first two episodes, Gray is clearly in charge, and White “takes command” only occasionally, when Gray gets cold feet. But starting from the third episode, the obvious leader is the “intellectual and petty tyrant” Bely, and Gray begins to obey him without any protest.

Voice acting

In the first episode (“The Revenge of Leopold the Cat”), all roles were voiced by actor Andrei Mironov. They wanted to invite him to the second episode (“Leopold and the Goldfish”), but the actor fell ill, and all three characters spoke in the voice of Gennady Khazanov. With the third ( “The Treasure of Leopold the Cat”) through the tenth episode (“Leopold the Cat’s Car”), all roles were voiced by Alexander Kalyagin (except for the episode “Interview with Leopold the Cat,” where Mironov’s voice was again heard).

Series. The first two episodes (“Leopold the Cat’s Revenge” and “Leopold and the Goldfish”) were created using the transfer technique: characters and scenery were created on cut-out pieces of paper, which were transferred under glass. Further series were realized using hand-drawn animation. The first series was “The Revenge of Leopold the Cat”, but it was published only after 1981. The second series (“Leopold and the Goldfish”), created in parallel, was released in 1975. In 1993, a sequel, “The Return of Leopold the Cat,” was made in four episodes.

1975 - Revenge of Leopold the Cat
1975 - Leopold and the Goldfish
1981 - Treasure of the cat Leopold
1981 - TV of Leopold the Cat
1982 - Walking the cat Leopold
1982 — Birthday of the cat Leopold
1983 - Summer of Leopold the Cat
1984 - Leopold the cat in dreams and in reality
1984 — Interview with the cat Leopold
1986 - Clinic for Leopold the Cat
1987 - Leopold the cat's car
1993 - Return of the cat Leopold. Episode 1 “Just Murka”
1993 - Return of the cat Leopold. Episode 2 “It’s not all Maslenitsa for the cat”
1993 - Return of the cat Leopold. Episode 3 “Soup with a cat”
1993 - Return of the cat Leopold. Episode 4 "Puss in Boots"

Despite the fact that there is very little dialogue in the series, certain phrases have firmly entered into everyday life in the Russian language.
“Leopold, come out, you vile coward!”
“We are the mice...”
“Shampoo for fat... - Cats...”
Cat Leopold: “Guys, let’s live together.”
Dog doctor: “Mice, don’t mouse.”

Stage director: Anatoly Reznikov
Scriptwriter: Arkady Khait
Composer: Boris Savelyev

Interesting Facts

A still from the film “Walk of Leopold the Cat” with an obvious reference to the film “White Sun of the Desert”.
In the series “Walk of the Cat Leopold” there is an obvious reference to the film “White Sun of the Desert”, where the scene of Said being dug up by Sukhov is parodied.

"Leopold the Cat" and "Tom and Jerry"

“Leopold the Cat” can of course be compared with “Tom and Jerry”; of course, in both cartoons the main characters are a cat and a mouse, some characters are trying to annoy others, the plot is based on a chase.

Cartoon production designer Vyacheslav Nazaruk thought this: “I can say that our “The Adventures of Leopold” are similar to “Tom and Jerry.” Do you know what? Plastic, classic design, soft, non-prickly movements. When I flew to the USA at the invitation of Disney, already at the airport I saw colorful newspaper headlines: “Mickey Mouse, beware, Leopold is coming.” Our film was recognized in the West and was not considered some kind of fake. Both in our “Leopold” and in their “Tom and Jerry” the basis of the plot is catch-up. But this is a cartoon technique. To make it fun, someone has to run after someone, then fall, get into ridiculous situations. But our cartoon differs from “Tom and Jerry” in the presence of an idea. When the Disney studio was on the verge of bankruptcy, they began to make small novels that could be watched in a block or separately: see the movement, laugh a little, and that’s it. And in our film there is an idea, a virtue, which we will come to at the end of the story.”

The cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat” is also known for its soundtrack. No other cartoon has so many optimistic songs, the most famous of which is “We will survive this trouble!” And after this cartoon we learned about a wonderful medicine called “Ozverin”...

The idea to create a stunt cartoon about a good-natured cat and two mischievous mice came to the minds of director Anatoly Reznikov and playwright Arkady Khait in 1974. The name for the cat was chosen based on the principle of “no Vasek and Barsik”. I wanted something more original. We settled on Leopold. By the way, few people know that the mice that bothered poor Leopold also have names! The white and skinny one is called Mitya, the gray and fat one is called Motya. But for some reason they never appeared in the film.

There are several cartoons about the adventures of the cat Leopold: “The Revenge of the Cat Leopold”, “Leopold and the Goldfish”, “The Treasure of the Cat Leopold”, “Walk of the Cat Leopold”, “Birthday of the Cat Leopold”, etc. Moreover, a similar story happened with this cartoon , as with “Three from Prostokvashino”. In the first two episodes, the mice and the cat are completely different from themselves in the following cartoons. This is due to the fact that the first films were made not using a hand-drawn technique, but using the “translation” method. Characters and details were cut out of paper, then “pictures” were laid out on glass. Movement was created by moving the pictures a millimeter in each frame. The main motto of the cartoon was the famous phrase: “Guys, let’s live together!”

Leopold the Cat's Revenge was completed in 1975. And, after being shown at the artistic council, the cartoon... was banned until 1981! The cartoon received a merciless verdict: “The film is pacifist, anti-Soviet, pro-Chinese (!) and (think about it!) discredits the party.” The answer to the authors’ logical questions was simple: why didn’t the cat eat the mice, but offered them friendship?! As they say, no comments...

Fortunately, by that time the second series was almost finished - about the Goldfish, they allowed it to be completed and was even shown on TV. The cartoon was received with a bang by the audience and this allowed the work to continue. This is how new, bright and funny, already drawn, series about Leopold and the mice were born.The first episode - “The Revenge of Leopold the Cat” - was fully voiced by Andrei Mironov. It was planned that he would voice the second series, but the artist fell ill. Therefore, in “Golden Fish” all three characters speak in the voice of Gennady Khazanov. The rest of the cartoons were voiced by Alexander Kalyagin.

Some call Leopold the Cat “the Soviet answer to Tom and Jerry.” But this is not true at all. The cartoon's production designer Vyacheslav Nazaruk says: “Do you know how they are similar? Plastic, classical patterns, soft movements. Moreover, perhaps, the basis of the plot is catching up. But this is a common cartoon technique. To make it fun, someone has to run, then fall, get into ridiculous situations... but that’s just the language of animation!”The other authors say about the same thing: our cartoon differs from “Tom and Jerry” in the presence of an idea, a virtue, which we come to at the end of the story. Leopold the cat is an example of good humor, the ability to forgive and not return evil for evil. If in Tom and Jerry the heroes respond to aggression with aggression, then Leopold reacts to nasty things done to him in a way that is not at all what one would expect in everyday life. And this is the main deep meaning of the children's, cheerful cartoon: “Guys, let's live together!”

Natalya Burtovaya

Anatoly Reznikov

Stormy stream

(The Adventures of Leopold the Cat)

Warm summer day. The birds are chirping, the breeze is rustling. Among the dense greenery there is a white house. The kind cat Leopold lives in this one-story building.

The cat is sitting in a cozy chair and enthusiastically looking at a magazine with bright pictures. Turns page after page - nothing breaks the silence.

Two mice peeked out from behind the fence - white and gray. Here it is, Leopold! Here he is - an enemy for life! He sits and suspects nothing...

Tail by tail! - says the white one.

Tail by tail! - says the gray one.

Two mice clasped their paws in a strong man's handshake.

We swear! - says the white one.

We swear! - the gray one echoes him hoarsely.

And the cocky friends began to show each other what they would do with this cat when they finally got to him.

The board in the fence moved aside and a white mouse appeared. I looked around - silence, peace. He looked back and waved his paw, calling his friend.

In short dashes the little mice rushed to the house of Leopold the cat.

And now they are already standing under his window. The white mouse jumped, but it was not strong enough - it did not reach the window. The gray one climbed up, slid down the wall and plopped down on the ground. Then the white one stood on the shoulders of the gray one.

He climbed onto a box of flowers and looked out the window - there he was, Leopold!

At that moment, water poured onto the mouse. This cat began to water his flowers. A small trickle of water turned out to be a whole waterfall for a little mouse. He couldn’t resist and flew down, splashed into a puddle, and was carried away by the stream.

He finally surfaced, climbed out of the water and stood next to his gray friend, completely wet to the skin.

They sat down on the lawn - the gray one in the shade under an umbrella, and the white one drying in the sun, his wet clothes hanging on a bush nearby. The little mice thought, thought about it, thought... They decided to give Leopold a dressing down. True, the idea is quite banal, but there will be laughter, and, of course, joy in gray and white.

And the little mice imagined, to the best of their “rich” imagination, that they hung a bucket of water over the cat’s door and shouted: “Leopold, come out!”

The cat opened the door to the yard. The bucket overturned and water poured onto his head - a primitive joke from second-year students. The cat is standing, water is dripping from him, his whiskers are drooping, he looks pitiful and funny.

The vision has disappeared.

The little mice hugged and patted each other on the shoulder. The hour has struck! Let's settle the deal! Let's settle the score!

The little mice brought a bucket and placed a ladder against the wall.

The gray one ran to the tap, into which a hose for watering flowers and trees was inserted, and turned the valve.

Water ran through the hose, burst out in a tight stream and knocked down the white mouse, throwing him up.

The mouse flew through the air and plopped down on the sloping roof of Leopold the cat's house. He drove over the tiles and fell headfirst into a flower pot.

What is not a flower - alive! And they immediately poured water on it - to grow healthy.

Let's take revenge! - the white one squeaked, shaking himself off.

Let's take revenge! - the gray one wheezed.

But now, it seems, all the troubles are behind us. The white mouse climbed several steps up the stairs, pointed the end of the hose down into the bucket, and waved his paw to the gray one.

Turned that tap. A tight stream of water hit. The hose twitched and began to escape from the paws of the white mouse. And he grabbed onto it with a death grip.

He was torn off the stairs. The hose burst out of his paws, knocked the mouse down with a tight stream and let him jump, spin, watering everything in his path.

A stream of water fell into the open window of Leopold the cat's house and doused him from head to toe.

The cat jumped out of his chair, decided that it was raining, and quickly closed the window.

And the hose is still running around the yard and watering everything around. A gray mouse saw a stream of water, screamed and rushed away. The water caught up with him, knocked him off his feet, picked him up and carried him forward.

And there's a tree on the way.

The mouse slammed into the trunk and slid down it to the ground. The shock caused apples to fall from the tree and bury the mouse. While raking apples, he struggled to freedom.

Chav-chav... - was heard nearby.

And this white mouse is gobbling up a juicy apple on both cheeks. The gray one got angry, grabbed a huge apple and was just about to throw it at his friend when they were immediately overtaken by a tight stream.

It fell on the mice like a waterfall and carried them away, not making out the road, sweeping away everything in its path.

A stream of water rushes between the bushes, and little mice are floundering in it. They either disappear under water or reappear on the surface.

The little mice found themselves near the stairs, which were placed against the wall of Leopold the cat’s house, grabbed the bottom step, broke out of the stream and began to quickly climb up the stairs. There is salvation there. The water won't reach them there. But apparently it’s not fate. A tight stream overtook them and knocked them off the stairs.

The little mice flew down and plopped straight into a bucket of water that they had prepared for Leopold the cat.

They surfaced, floundering, trying to get out of the bucket, but there was no point, only splashes flying in different directions.

Forgive us, Leopold! - the white man screamed, choking in the water.

Sorry, Leopoldushka! - the gray one yells.

The cat Leopold heard screams. He jumped to his feet, put the magazine aside and ran out of the house.

Ai, ai, ai... - he shook his head.

He broke through the curtain of water, ran to the tap and turned off the water.

Water stopped flowing from the hose. Silence, only drops of water sparkle on bright flowers and leaves.

The cat came to the bucket and pulled the mice out of the water.

He tied a clothesline and hung the little mice to dry in the sun. He smiled, poured water from the bucket and said:

Guys let's be friends!

(based on the cartoon)

Everyone knows that cats and kittens really don’t like mice. It's terrible! No, that is, they love, even really, to eat them. They’ll catch them, play with them and - ah! They'll eat it! People eat cabbage soup, porridge, watermelons, and cats eat mice. And they love milk too. True, not all cats eat mice. Now I’ll just tell you about the cat who didn’t eat mice.
It was a very kind and affectionate cat. His name was correct! -
Le-o-pold. He loved music and hummed quietly to himself. Without stopping.
Life is more fun with music. And his music was amazing - without a motive, but as if a bright stream was rolling over crystal stones. Everyone liked it so much: people, cats, and little mice also liked it, because they knew that when cats sing, that is, purr, they become kind and... lazy. And they don't chase mice. And Leopold the cat was always kind, even when he didn’t purr. That’s why everything
the mice loved him, and he was friends with them. He kept repeating: “Guys, let’s play, let’s not quarrel or shout at each other, but live together.”

All the mice agreed with him, joked with him: they drove him into a mousetrap, tied his mustache with a bow, hung a bell on his tail, put glasses on his ears and even rode astride him. And at the same time they died laughing. Not a cat, but a fairy tale!
At first the cat began to get angry: why, he should stop this disgrace! But as soon as he starts scolding and scattering mice, he also begins to laugh. He literally falls off his feet laughing, and the little mice burst into tears even more than ever.
“Pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi...” And everyone had a good time and fun.

And one day this happened. Listen carefully. Mice were found on the floor
some pills and decided to treat their friend Leopold with them: “Eat, Leo, eat, these are sweets. Delicious!” - they said and licked their tongues. There was a cat
sweet. And very trusting. He did something that should never have been done: he took and swallowed this delicacy, some kind of candy. That is, unknown pills.!! Licked his lips. And only now did I realize how tasteless they were. Sweets are not like that
there will be! But it was no longer possible to spit them out: they had been swallowed!

Oh-oh! You should have seen what happened to him!! He stopped looking like himself. He looked like a tiger! Only smaller in size. And he didn’t purr, but yelled a terrible song about challenging mice to fight. Even if a million, even a billion come, he will not be afraid, because he is not a cat, but a tiger, that now it is not Leopold who lives in him, but a Leopard.

The little mice ran away in fear. The cat went berserk because these unknown tablets contained a particularly dangerous substance - beast. Whoever tries the beast will not recognize himself. And others won't recognize him. The mice got scared. And they also felt sad
who will they play with now? They regretted their prank, it was in vain to treat him not with sweets, but with God knows what.

The Leopard ran, ran, ran, ran, got tired and even wanted to drink. And the little mice, although they hid, watched him. When they saw that he was thirsty, they quietly offered him a large bowl of milk when he turned his back to them. The cat plops its face into it, drinks, drinks, drinks, drinks... And - oh, a miracle! He stopped running and yelling his terrible song, his eyes again became cat-like, not tiger-like. He calmed down, froze, barked and began to say: “Guys, we must live together, we must love each other, then everyone will be fine.”

He was very ashamed that he was chasing mice, and they were ashamed too, because they deceived the good cat and gave him unknown pills instead of candy.

And they decided that they wouldn't do that anymore. And the cat decided that he would apologize and would no longer chase mice. And he also promised that more
will never swallow anything and no one knows what...

Overjoyed that everything ended well, he purred tenderly, the little mice tried to sing along with him, but they did it in their own way: “Pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi.” ..”But it still worked out great.

It’s so good, the little mice and the cat said in one voice, when everyone sings together.

The most popular animated film among children about a good-natured cat was created in 1981 by the famous screenwriter and director Anatoly Reznikov.

“The Adventure of Leopold the Cat” is not just one story, but eleven exciting and fun episodes. The storyline of the above work by Soviet animators is extremely simple. However, a very important thing is hidden behind it: each adventure of Leopold the cat is a separate instructive story for young children.

Of course, this animated film can be considered the kindest among those created in the post-Soviet space. And, of course, every child could retell any adventure of Leopold the cat without hesitation. What is this cartoon about? Naturally, it's about friendship.

Not a single adventure of Leopold the cat is complete without a reminder that everyone should live in peace and harmony with each other. This is the only way for individuals to exist.

So, “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat.” The cartoon was watched by a countless number of young viewers. Which Soviet schoolchild did not know the phrase: “Guys, let’s live together”? Of course, she was known to everyone. Until now, many are admired by the kindness that the above cartoon radiates. In addition, what is surprising is how colorfully its main characters are artistically designed. And here we must pay tribute to the Soviet animators, who tried to depict the mice and the cat as vividly and realistically as possible. What is the scoring like for “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”? Andrei Mironov, Gennady Khazanov - their voices made this cartoon unforgettable, you want to watch it again and again.

What is the storyline of Arkady Khait’s creative work? So, “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat.” All episodes, as already emphasized, express one thought: “Friendship is the most important thing in the world.”

Everyone knows very well that the cat always hunts mice, who are afraid of him like fire. And, it would seem, this law of nature is unshakable. However, the authors of adventure stories about Leopold do not think so.

In one provincial town, in house No. 8/16, there lived an ordinary intellectual cat who never hurt a fly in his life; on the contrary, he loved to repeat the same thing to everyone: “Guys, let’s live together.” He was very peaceful and kind. But next door to him lived harmful little mice: White and Gray. They constantly plotted various intrigues for Leopold, trying at all costs to annoy and harm him. In particular, in one of the episodes, Leopold is prescribed the medicine “Ozverin” so that he can give a worthy rebuff to the mice. He took the entire medicine and became angry and dangerous: he immediately wanted to punish his offenders. However, in the end everything ended well: Leopold once again realized how good it is to be kind and sympathetic.

Leopold the cat loved holidays very much, but his favorite holiday was Christmas. Everyone knows that it is celebrated on January 7th. The cat was really looking forward to this date, and every day he wrote on a piece of paper how many days were left. Many may be interested in the question: “What is so unusual about this holiday for a cat?” I’ll tell you a secret that Leopold really liked the traditions of Christmas: carols, ringing bells and New Year’s mood. And now there is very little time left before the holiday. Leopold rejoiced! He specifically set the alarm for six o'clock in the morning so that he could get up quickly, bake pies and buy sweets for the children who were singing merry carols.

Early in the morning the alarm clock rang, and Leopold, quickly getting out of bed, doing exercises and washing himself, baked so many ruddy pies that they could feed the whole city! Then he went to the store and bought two full crispy bags of delicious candy! He was in no hurry to return home; he walked in the park, on the square and near the city Christmas tree. Arriving home, Leopold sat down in a chair and began to calmly watch television holiday programs. “I will spend this day calmly and joyfully,” thought Leopold. But he was cruelly mistaken...
At this time, two mischievous, mischievous mice were spying on the cat through a telescope and thinking about how to ruin this wonderful holiday for him. We thought and thought and came up with an idea!
A group of red-cheeked children came to Leopold with merry Christmas songs and received sweet gifts from the cat. He did not spare either golden pies or delicious sweets for the children with funny carols. But before Leopold had time to reach the chair, there was another knock on the door.

Well, it’s probably the kids again, our good man thought and, grabbing a bag of sweets, he went out into the hallway. When he opened the door, on the threshold there were not children with carols, nor a postman with a package, but a dummy of a terrible skeleton. And instead of merry carols, the cat heard rude words:

Leopold, come out, you vile coward!

While the cat was looking around, a chubby mouse quietly ran into his house and crawled under the table. Our carol lover shrugged and slammed the door. And the little mouse took out a walkie-talkie and began negotiations with his agent:

Welcome! First, first, I'm second! Report the situation! - said the mouse who was on the street.

Welcome! I'm in hiding, in the hall, under the table.

Oh no! The object has blocked the passage to the kitchen, where the secret packages are located! - the secret agent said upset.

I’ll take this problem upon myself!” answered the second mouse.

The head of the operation took out his phone and dialed Leopold's number. A sharp bell rang in the house. The cat quickly hurried to the landline phone. At this time, “Agent 007” made his way into the kitchen and began to eat everything that caught his eye: pies, sweets, chocolates.

And another mouse distracted Leopold on the phone.

Hello! - said the cat.

Leopold, come out, you vile coward! - the interlocutor on the phone began to tease.

Oh no no no! Guys let's be friends! - said our good man. At this point the conversation was interrupted.

At this time, Agent 007, having filled his belly, tried to leave the room through the window. A hand and a head got through, but the stomach got stuck. The poor mouse twitched and swayed from side to side, but nothing happened!

Leopold entered the kitchen and saw someone's legs sticking out of the window and someone puffing. You would probably laugh if you were the cat, but he never made fun of someone else’s misfortune. Leopold got dressed and hurried outside. There he saw the following picture: a little mouse was trying with all his might to pull out a comrade who was two, no, three times his size. The cat helped the mice in their difficult situation and said: “Guys, let’s live together!”

Leopold understood perfectly well that the little mice did not want to scare him, but simply came for a treat, but, unfortunately, these ignoramuses simply did not know Christmas songs. The cat treated them to the remaining pies and began to learn carols with the mice.

Afterwards the little mice said guiltily: “Forgive us, Leopoldushka!”

And he, as always, answered kindly: “Guys, let’s live together!”

And they all celebrated Christmas together.