Application smt. smt physiotherapy procedure

Physiotherapy procedures are popular, they are able to cope with many diseases. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the impact on the human body is carried out not with pills, but with special devices. As a result, a targeted and clear effect is achieved, leading to a quick cure. SMT physiotherapy is effective in many areas: diseases of the spine and joints, neurological pathologies, diseases of the vegetative-vascular system, diseases of the urinary system, gynecological diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The price of physiotherapy depends on the specific type of disease and the device used, the time of one session and the duration of the entire therapy.

What is SMT Physiotherapy

SMT therapy: what is it? It is a kind of therapy with modulated impulses. The impact on the patient's body is carried out with the help of an electric current, the low-frequency pulse component of which coincides with human impulses. Most often, physiotherapy is used to treat the musculoskeletal system and diseases associated with the respiratory system. There are enough admirers and enemies in physiotherapy.

Adherents leave reviews where they highlight the simplicity of the procedures and the painless effect that helps to cope with diseases. Those who have a negative attitude towards physiotherapy, as a rule, do not consider the procedures to be effective enough, most of the positive effects are attributed to self-hypnosis, if standard methods (pills, injections) were used in the treatment, then they are also used. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the method has been proven, many doctors recommend it to their patients.

Amplipulse therapy: what it is, it is the effect of sinusoidal pulsations on the human body. For this purpose, doctors choose currents with a frequency of not more than 5 kHz. Low frequency currents pass through the skin and directly affect the muscles and nerve endings, they relieve muscle spasms, improve blood circulation. SMT-phoresis is indicated for diseases of a neurological nature, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints, lungs and bronchi, and blood supply.

Types of physiotherapy procedures

The essence of therapeutic procedures is the impact of physical factors on the human body. As a result of this effect, the pain that causes discomfort is eliminated. Another advantage of the method is its safety of use. The choice of this or that procedure depends on the initial indications, the age of the patient.

Inductothermia (exposure to an alternating magnetic field) is indicated for the treatment of the central nervous system, spine and inflammation of internal organs. The essence of the method of physiotherapy is the effect on the body of eddy currents that turn into heat. As a result of this, there is a decrease in muscle tone, the removal of spasms, and an improvement in blood circulation.

UHF therapy (ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic field) is prescribed for patients with ENT diseases, with acute inflammatory processes. The essence of the technique is the absorption of impulses by the body and their transformation into thermal energy.

Magnetotherapy (exposure to a low-frequency magnetic field) restores immunity, improves blood circulation, and relieves pathological processes.

Ultrasound therapy conducts a kind of tissue massage, as a result of which the hormonal background improves, immunity improves and the body's ability to heal diseases on its own.

Phonophoresis, which uses not only ultrasound, but also ointments, creams, helps to cope with gynecological and urological problems.

Laser therapy stimulates the body in general, improves metabolism and enhances immune functions.

Apparatus for physiotherapy

SMT physiotherapy is carried out using various devices. Portable: Luch-2, Luch-3, Amplipulse-7, are easy to use, they can be used not only in inpatient treatment in a medical institution, but also independently at home. Clinics use stationary devices: Amplipulse-5Br, Refton-01. Foreign Radiotherm, ThemaSpec600 are also widely used, their efficiency is at the highest level.

Depending on the type of medical equipment, the method and type of impact on the body changes. When treating with a stationary device, the patient needs to lie down on the couch, with a portable one, just sit on a chair or sit. After that, the apparatus for physiotherapy is fixed on the body with the help of special electrodes, while the coverage area should extend to the entire affected area. The process of physiotherapy can take up to an hour (as a rule, the impact of foreign devices is about half an hour, domestic - about 50 minutes). The action of all devices used in physiotherapy is painless, a person does not feel the impact on his body.

Device "Amplipulse": the principle of operation of the device

The Amplipulse device is used in medical institutions, in beauty salons or at home by patients on their own. The device generates four types of currents (with continuous and intermittent action) and has an effect in the alternating current mode of different polarity.

The installed microcontroller generates currents, it also provides a smooth rise and fall. The voltage formed in this way follows the current amplifier, and then the transformer and the connector of the device. The type of impact is set on a special mode switch. Now on sale are several types of these devices, depending on the date of issue. The latter of them have additional functions and smaller dimensions.

Indications for the use of SMT physiotherapy

Amplipulse therapy is widely used in classical medicine, traumatology. The main indications are:

  • diseases of the joints and spine (muscle atrophy, arthrosis, osteochondrosis);
  • neurological diseases (plexitis, neurosis, depression);
  • violation of blood circulation and the work of the venous system;
  • diseases of the gynecological and urological type (kidney stones, prostate diseases, infertility, cysts);
  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, colic, ulcers, constipation);
  • diseases of the central nervous system (cerebral palsy, brain injury);
  • inflammation after surgery;
  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, asthma).

Amplipulse therapy and its indications and contraindications are wide, but at the same time, you cannot thoughtlessly use the devices on your own, without a doctor's prescription. Only a specialist can determine the optimal exposure time and the number of necessary procedures.

Preparing for a session

Preparation for the session does not take much time. The patient's body must be clean and dry (when washing it is not advisable to use artificial detergents for the body). After that, the patient is comfortably positioned on the couch so that this position does not cause discomfort after some time. The doctor prepares the necessary tools.

In addition, the preparation of the patient depends on his disease. For example, if the treatment is aimed at diseases of the stomach or intestines, then it is carried out in the morning - you can’t eat anything for breakfast. In the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a session can be performed at any time.


The procedure for conducting SMT physiotherapy is simple, here everything depends on the quality of the device that is being used. Depending on the affected area, the patient lies on the bed, stands or sits. Thereafter:

  1. The doctor attaches the electrode with suction cups (it should cover the entire affected area);
  2. If the treatment concerns gynecology, then the electrodes are lubricated with petroleum jelly;
  3. The patient calmly waits for the end of the procedure (it takes from 10 minutes to 1 hour).

In some cases, the methods are combined with each other, drugs are used, for example, Dimexide, for electrophoresis.

How to carry out the procedure at home

Physiotherapy is carried out at home on their own or with the help of loved ones. More compact and safe devices are used. When the device is connected, the patient can lie or stand (depending on the type of therapy). The procedure is similar to that performed in medical institutions. It is important to observe the correct time interval of exposure, to determine the type of radiation. You can learn more about home treatments for certain diseases directly from your doctor.

Therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effect is noticeable after the first session, a person immediately notices a decrease in pain. In addition, physiotherapy relieves muscle spasm and improves blood circulation.

Therapeutic effects are also expressed in:

  • establishing metabolic processes;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • relieve tension, stress;
  • improvement of cellular metabolism;
  • general strengthening effect.

Contraindications and side effects of SMT

Due to the deterioration of the patient's condition, physiotherapy is not used for such diseases:

If an electronic device is installed on the patient's body that supports the vital activity of a certain organ, for example, a pacemaker, then the use of physiotherapy devices is strictly prohibited.

A contraindication is an allergic reaction caused by intolerance to the effects of current pulses.

Features of procedures for osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis requires compliance with some aspects of the implementation of the technique:

  • the patient lies on the couch head down;
  • electrodes are attached to the back at the most painful point (cervical, thoracic or lumbar);
  • when clamping the nerve endings, severe pain - the electrodes are located along the entire spine;
  • the current strength and power are reduced by half compared to the usual.

The course of electrophoresis lasts at least 4 weeks.

Therapy in childhood

Physiotherapy is not prescribed for children under six months. There are other restrictions as well:

During physiotherapy for a child, the doctor must definitely ask if there are any discomfort. This will help determine if there is a risk of adverse reactions.

Safety precautions when using amplipulse

Before using the amplipulse, it is important to check whether it is in good condition. The specialist checks the absence of breaks on the wires, the degree of fixation of the electrodes. There are no special precautions for using the amplipulse.

Feedback from patients and doctors

“My daughter was diagnosed with severe bronchitis. The pills did not help, complications began. I didn’t believe in physical therapy, but I decided to try it. From the very first day, the daughter began to breathe easier, feel better. ”

Alena, 32, Moscow

“I use the device at home on my own. Of the benefits - easy control, normal price. Of course, the effectiveness was confirmed not only by me, but also by relatives who now regularly visit me for sessions. In 10 days of therapy, I cured my back, I feel that my general health has become better. ”

Tamara, 60 years old

Physiotherapy is a modern and painless method that helps not only adults, but also children. Of course, it is difficult to keep even ten minutes of the baby on the couch, but still this method has proven itself better than using pills or injections from a very young age. Oksana, pediatrician.

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  • Indications and contraindications
  • Carrying out the procedure
  • Safety

In the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, after overcoming acute crises, physiotherapy procedures are often prescribed. One of them is amplipulse therapy. This procedure is intended for electrical stimulation of problem areas on the patient's body. The method is based on the use of amplitude ripples of modular currents, which are generated by special devices.

Indications and contraindications for use

The procedures carried out with the help of the Amplipulse-4 and Amplipulse-5 devices give an analgesic effect. Sinusoidal modular currents (SMT) directly affect the nerve receptors in a certain established physical rhythm, which helps the patient cope with pain.

The effect of CMT on the body stimulates metabolic processes, improves blood supply to the kidneys and brain, and relieves inflammation.

Amplipulse therapy is used to relieve pain syndromes in case of neuralgia, neuritis, injuries of the joints, peripheral nerves, degenerative changes in the joints and spine. The method is used in violation of peripheral circulation, as well as in angiospasm with the development of tissue trophism, in vascular diseases. Amplipulse therapy is indicated for muscle atrophy as a result of prolonged immobility after surgery, trauma, poliomyelitis. Using this method, you can remove small stones from the ureters with KSD. In addition, the indications are as follows:

  • radiculitis;
  • deforming arthrosis;
  • bruises;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • periarthritis;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • bone fractures;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  • urological diseases;
  • hypertension I-II stage;
  • migraine;
  • myelopathy;
  • parkinsonism;
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities;
  • eye diseases;
  • ENT organs;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • and others.

Like any technique, amplipulse therapy also has its contraindications, which are important to inform the patient before the procedure:

  • inflammation of purulent etiology in any part of the body;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • circulatory disorders with pronounced symptoms;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • severe condition of the patient with high temperature;
  • the presence of neoplasms or suspicion of a tumor;
  • angina attacks;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • sinus bradycardia;
  • unfixed bone fractures;
  • muscle breaks;
  • tuberculosis in the active phase;
  • pregnancy;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension of the 2nd and 3rd degree;
  • individual sensitivity to current.

Carrying out the procedure

Devices for amplipulse therapy are equipped with the same electrodes as galvanization devices, but the shape of the plates is rectangular with rounded edges. The electrodes are designed in such a way that a hydrophilic tampon is inserted into a special cavity, capable of absorbing and retaining a certain amount of liquid. After the focus of inflammation is determined, the electrodes are fixed on the skin strictly at the places determined for this syndrome. After turning on the device, the strength of the SM current is gradually increased until the patient begins to feel light, non-painful vibrations resulting from the contraction of muscle fibrils. Adjust the current strength, focusing on the sensations of the patient. Amplipulse therapy procedures are carried out every day or every other day, it all depends on the tolerance of the procedure to the patient. It is usually recommended to go through 10-15 sessions. In the absence of complications of the disease, the course can be repeated after a couple of weeks. Often, physiotherapy sessions are combined with conservative treatment with drugs, warming up, massage, exercise therapy.

Safety precautions when working with SMT devices

  1. Before starting the procedure, the potentiometer knob is in the zero position, the voltage switch key is in the “Control” position.
  2. During the procedure, all switching should be carried out with the current disconnected from the patient.
  3. Perform the procedure on the head, face or neck at the minimum current value.
  4. Apply tension smoothly and slowly, based on the patient's sensations.
  5. In case of malfunctions in the operation of the device, turn it off from the network.
  6. Regularly monitor the integrity of the insulation, the condition of the electrodes, check the polarity of the electrodes.
  7. All manipulations with the device, except for the session itself, should be performed with the device turned off (carrying, dusting, connecting electrodes, etc.).
  8. Do not fix the electrodes on damaged skin, do not allow metal parts or carbon threads to touch the open code.
  9. The first procedure is carried out at a minimum intensity, gradually increasing it towards the end of treatment.
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Treatment of arthrosis with folk remedies

Osteoarthritis is a disease often found in the elderly, athletes, heavy industry workers and just people who load their joints for a long time. It occurs gradually, as the cartilage tissue of the joints becomes thinner and deformed. Pain during movement, inflammation and swelling are considered the first manifestations. Suspecting the presence of the disease at the initial stage, patients often treat arthrosis with folk remedies that effectively eliminate the primary symptoms.

At the first visit to the doctor, examinations are prescribed, which must be completed as soon as possible:

  • x-ray;
  • magnetic resonance, computed tomography;
  • blood test (general, biochemical).

These examination methods help determine the stage of arthrosis, differentiate it from diseases with similar symptoms (arthritis), and prescribe the correct treatment.

Methods of treatment of the disease.

With arthrosis, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment of the joints

Medical therapy:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • chondroprotectors.


  • massages;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic, laser therapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Surgical operation in the late stages of arthrosis, with irreversible cartilage deformation, the absence of results of drug treatment.

Treatment at home:

  • folk remedies for arthrosis;
  • self-massage.

Traditional methods of treatment of arthrosis.

There are many recipes for the treatment of arthrosis using traditional and folk methods. But you should not choose only them for treatment. Folk remedies act as support for the main treatment prescribed by the doctor. But it is also not necessary to completely exclude them - they will help relieve soreness and swelling in the area of ​​arthrosis.

Five important rules for the alternative treatment of arthrosis at home:

  1. Before using any remedy, you should consult your doctor. He will tell you when choosing a method, indicate possible side effects.
  2. In addition to consulting a specialist, you must independently conduct an allergy test - apply a small amount of the product on the inner surface of the forearm and leave for 1-2 hours. If nothing happens, feel free to use this recipe.
  3. Follow the recommended dosage, exposure time of the remedy. More doesn't mean better!
  4. Preparing funds for the future is not suitable for all recipes. It is better to cook for 1-2 days, if the shelf life is not indicated. This will help avoid poisoning.
  5. At the first manifestations of an overdose, poisoning, allergies, consult a doctor!

A review of effective folk recipes for the treatment of arthrosis at home.

Before treating arthrosis with folk remedies, you should choose a treatment method. Compresses, rubbing, tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs help relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling.


It is better to apply compresses to a sore joint at night - at this time the connection is in relative rest. This enhances the therapeutic effect of the selected remedy, promotes the outflow of fluid.

  1. For arthrosis of the joints, use cabbage compress treatment - a folk remedy that has been proven for centuries. To prepare it, you need to squeeze out fresh cabbage juice, moisten a dense woolen cloth in it and wrap the arthrosis area around it. Put cling film on top and insulate.
  2. Instead of juice, you can use a whole cabbage leaf. It is not necessary to cook it, just attach a fresh leaf of cabbage to the arthrosis area and warm it. The compress will relieve pain and swelling no worse than the first option.
  3. A horseradish compress will warm the sore joint, speed up metabolic processes in the area of ​​arthrosis. Grate horseradish, heat in a water bath and wrap in a cotton rag. In this form, apply to the diseased joint before going to bed every day.


Such funds are used for external and internal use. However, it should be remembered that the tincture is prepared with the use of alcohol. Care must be taken when using them, so as not to get burns of the skin, mucous membranes.

  1. Dandelion tincture brings noticeable relief as early as 5-7 days of treatment. It can be prepared from fresh or dried dandelion flowers. To do this, fill a half-liter bottle with raw materials halfway and fill with vodka. It is necessary to insist the remedy for 30 days in a dark, cool place. After that, strain and can be used for local rubbing.
  2. Pour elecampane root with alcohol and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Strain and rub with tincture of the diseased joint every day before going to bed. After the massage wrap the connection area for the best effect. This procedure will relieve pain, inflammation, swelling.
  3. For oral administration, a golden mustache tincture is suitable. Grind dried shoots and pour vodka, insist 2 weeks. After that, the tincture should be taken an hour before meals, 1 teaspoon. It is strictly forbidden to use such a tincture during pregnancy, breastfeeding, diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Rubbing, ointments.

In the treatment of arthrosis at home, you can use ointments, creams, rubbing - folk remedies made from herbal ingredients. They help to warm up and anesthetize the joint no worse than pharmacy ointments.

  1. Chamomile, calendula and burdock ointment copes well with pain, relieves inflammation. To prepare it, you need to mix equal amounts of chamomile flowers, calendula, burdock root, combine herbs with petroleum jelly and leave for 1-2 days. Use the ointment for severe pain up to 5 times a day.
  2. Rubbing from egg yolk, vinegar and turpentine warms up the diseased joint, increases blood circulation in its area. Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and turpentine with 1 egg yolk and apply to the joint affected by arthrosis. Repeat the procedure no more than 2-3 times a week.
  3. It will be useful to rub the diseased joint with honey. Heat a tablespoon of honey in a water bath and rub the joint area for 10-15 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add 2-3 drops of pine, spruce, orange essential oil to honey.

Medicinal herbs will support the body well from the inside, help fight inflammation and reduce local temperature. It is better to prepare decoctions and infusions for 1 time - useful substances quickly evaporate in the open air.

  1. Boil lingonberry leaves in a thermos and leave to infuse overnight. This infusion helps to cope with inflammation and increase the overall immunity of the body.
  2. Put equal parts of willow bark, birch leaves and calendula flowers into boiling water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, then let it brew under the lid for the same amount. Take the decoction chilled 200 ml half an hour before meals.
  3. Helps with the treatment of arthrosis decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile. Pour dry raw materials with cold water, bring to a boil. Leave to reach under the lid for 5-10 minutes. You can take the decoction immediately. During the day, it is advisable to drink at least 1 liter.

Other methods of treatment at home.

Treatment of arthrosis with folk remedies gives good results in combination with drug treatment and physiotherapy that can be done at home.

Therapeutic baths.

A pleasant addition to the treatment will be baths with sea salt, herbs. They soothe pain, relieve tension in the muscles that support the joint, and help to relax after a hard day. You can use any herb of your choice. In the treatment of arthrosis, it is better to use chamomile, calendula, a string. They help stimulate metabolism, blood circulation in capillaries and small arteries and veins.

Salt water massage.

When taking salt baths, it is good to massage the sore joint to enhance the beneficial effect. Sea salt is rich in minerals useful for the joints, which strengthen the bones of the joint, participate in the regeneration of cartilage tissue, and are part of the joint fluid. Rubbing it into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased joint also starts metabolic processes, restores blood supply to tissues.

After taking a therapeutic bath, you can lightly massage the diseased joint with a pharmacy or homemade ointment. All creams for the treatment of arthrosis are divided into 2 types:

  • Warming and enhancing blood circulation.

Such ointments can be used to enhance microcirculation, relieve pain. The most effective ointments based on bee or snake venom, red pepper.

  • Pain relievers and inflammation relievers.

The composition of such ointments contains an anti-inflammatory agent. The duration of the use of such ointments is discussed with the doctor - the substances included in them, with frequent use, can lead to side effects.


Treatment of arthrosis with folk remedies is an excellent supportive therapy. Homemade recipes that have passed the test of time will help to cope with the main symptoms of the disease, speed up recovery, and restore joint flexibility and mobility. Healthy and strong joints are the key to a long and happy life!

Physiotherapy is effective in the treatment of many pathologies. It helps a person recover and increases the effectiveness of general therapy. For the treatment of diseases of the muscles, joints, doctors often recommend SMT therapy.

SMT therapy: what is it

SMT therapy or amplipulse therapy is an effective method of physiotherapy. The bottom line is that the body is exposed to an electric current, which coincides with human bioimpulses. Typically, such treatment is prescribed for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.


SMT therapy involves interval exposure to certain areas of the body with electric current. Between tension, the muscles relax. With each subsequent exposure, the strength of the electric current increases, but does not exceed the permissible value.

The effect on the tissues is deep, but soft. The technique is safe and allowed for pregnant women and children who have reached the age of six months.

The benefits of SMT physical therapy are as follows:

  1. Normalization of blood circulation in stagnant foci.
  2. Relief of pain.
  3. Fast removal of an inflammation.
  4. Tissue regeneration.
  5. Trophy improvement.
  6. Normalization of pressure.
  7. Elimination of atrophic changes in the muscles.
  8. Removal of puffiness.
  9. Increased muscle tone.
  10. Normalization of metabolic processes.

The benefits of SMT therapy are confirmed by the reviews of people with musculoskeletal disorders who have been treated with modulated sinusoidal currents.

Indications and contraindications

Amplipulse therapy is prescribed by doctors for such disorders:

  • Pathologies of the spine, which are accompanied by pain (these are spondylarthrosis, Bechterew's disease, arthrosis, muscle atrophy, osteochondrosis).
  • Pathologies of the vegetative-vascular system.
  • Neurological problems (plaksitis, neurosis, neuritis, neuralgia).
  • Violation of blood supply with poor functioning of peripheral vessels.
  • Diseases of the urological sphere (prostatitis, adenoma).
  • Deviations in the work of the urinary system (conglomerates in the kidneys, cystitis, pyelonephritis, enuresis).
  • Gynecological problems of an inflammatory nature.
  • Disorders of the digestive tract of a chronic course (stomach ulcer, intestinal ulcer, biliary dyskinesia, colitis, constipation).
  • Blood clotting, thrombosis.
  • Pathology of the venous system.
  • Necrosis of any degree of complexity.
  • Bedsores.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the central nervous system (brain stroke, trauma to the head and brain, meningoencephalitis, cerebral palsy).
  • Diseases of the mouth (gingivitis, stomatitis).
  • Cardiovascular abnormalities (migraine, Raynaud's pathology, myelopathy, atherosclerosis).
  • Dystrophic changes in the organs of vision.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis).

Despite the versatility and usefulness of SMT physiotherapy, this procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • Purulent inflammation of the epidermis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Dermatitis, eczema in the treated area.
  • Blood pathologies.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Violation of the rhythm of the heart.
  • Tuberculosis in the acute stage.
  • Hypertension.
  • Torn ligaments, muscles.
  • Psychosis.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Tendency to bleed.
  • Open wounds and hematomas in the area affected by the SMT apparatus.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Electrical intolerance.
  • Unfixed intra-articular and open bone fractures.

With caution, doctors prescribe a physiotherapy procedure for epilepsy, if there are pacemakers and other devices in the body. With general poor health, during heavy menstrual bleeding, it is recommended to refrain from undergoing amplipulse therapy. It is forbidden to combine SMT with the intake of alcohol-containing drugs.

How is it carried out

Amplipulse therapy does not require special preparation. But there are a number of rules that the patient should adhere to:

  1. Do not take medicines (other than essential ones) for a day.
  2. Eat four hours before the manipulation.
  3. The day before SMT, do not eat foods that increase the formation of gases.
  4. Take a shower before the session.

Physiotherapy algorithm:

  1. The doctor tells the patient how the therapy will take place, its essence and usefulness for the body. It also enhances well-being.
  2. The patient lies down or sits down on the couch (the position depends on where the pathological process is localized). If a person has bladder conglomerates that are to be removed with SMT, it is necessary to stand during the procedure.
  3. The specialist turns on the device, sets the required parameters. The size of the electrodes is selected based on the area of ​​the lesion. The painful area is determined by palpation.
  4. Electrodes are fixed on the skin surface with rubber bands. The first plate is placed in the pain projection zone, the second one is placed transversely to the first one on the other side of the human body.
  5. The doctor turns on the device, starting the SMT session.
  6. After 15-40 minutes, the device is turned off and the electrodes are removed.

Such sessions are done every day, twice a day or every other day. The patient feels a slight vibration during physiotherapy. The current strength is selected in such a way that a person does not experience pain during exposure. Improvement is usually required 10-15 procedures.

CMT machine for home use

As a rule, amplipulse therapy is carried out in a hospital. SMT machines are easy to use. Therefore, they can be used independently at home. You can buy such equipment in medical equipment. More often, Amplipulse-4 models (5 or 7) are bought for home use.

Algorithm for using the SMT device at home:

  1. Read instructions.
  2. Check the device for correct operation.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the doctor's recommendations regarding the strength of the current, the duration of the procedure, the number of sessions and the frequency of their conduct.
  4. Check that the switches are in the leftmost position.
  5. Press the "Network" button.
  6. Set the mode and type of operation, modulation depth, frequency, pulse repetition interval.
  7. Specify the range (up to 80 mA for adults and up to 20 mA for children).
  8. Attach the electrodes according to the scheme indicated in the instructions.
  9. Click on "Patient On".
  10. Adjust the current strength according to the sensations.
  11. Cover the patient with a blanket.
  12. After 5 minutes, reduce the current to zero by turning the potentiometer knob counterclockwise.
  13. Increase current and wait 5 minutes again.
  14. Click on "Patient disabled", "Network".
  15. Remove the electrodes from the body.

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The mode, type of work, frequency, depth of modulation, duration of the procedure, current strength, frequency of procedures and their number per course of treatment are selected individually.

The mode of operation is assigned depending on the period and characteristics of the course of the disease.

In the acute period of the disease, a variable regimen is used, in the subacute and chronic, both the rectified regimen and the variable regimen can be used.

The type of work is determined by the peculiarity of the course of the disease: I RR is prescribed for a pronounced pain syndrome, exposure to reflexogenic zones, for manual electrical stimulation. II PP is used mainly for electrical stimulation, III, IV and V PP are used to influence the pain zone.

The modulation frequency is determined by the severity of the pain syndrome: with a sharp pain syndrome, a frequency of 80-100-150 Hz is prescribed, with a slight severity - 50-75 Hz. The depth of modulation varies depending on the severity of the pain syndrome: in acute pain syndrome, the modulation depth is 25-50%, in mildly pronounced - 50-75%, for stimulation - 100%. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. It is possible to carry out two procedures a day with an interval of 4-5 hours. The course of treatment depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease: in acute pain syndrome, 5-8 procedures are performed, in a chronic process - 8-15, 20-25 procedures can be prescribed for stimulation.

Exposure to sinusoidal modulated currents is dosed according to the current strength (in mA), at which patients experience a well-defined vibration sensation during electrical stimulation. Begin the procedure and course of treatment with lower intensities, increasing them towards the end of the procedure and course of treatment. With one localization of the electrodes, one or two types of work are used with a total duration of exposure of 10-20 minutes. During one procedure, from I to 3 localizations of electrodes can be applied with a duration of current exposure to all localizations of 30 minutes.

The procedures are carried out in most cases in such a way that the size of the electrodes and their shape correspond to the area of ​​the painful area or pathological focus. To do this, either small round electrodes on manual electric holders or plate electrodes fixed on the patient's body with a bandage are used. Most often, 2 electrodes of equal size are used, however, if it is necessary to enhance the action under one of the electrodes, the second electrode is made much larger. Split electrodes can also be used. The structure of the electrodes themselves is the same as for galvanization or diadynamic therapy, although with alternating current the hydrophilic pad can be much thinner.

In the appointment of the impact of SMT, the localization of the electrodes on the patient's body, their size (length and width), mode of operation, type of operation, modulation frequency, its depth, duration of parcels, intensity of exposure, frequency of procedures (daily or every other day), number per course of treatment .

Recently, the method of simultaneous exposure to the body of SMT and the medicinal substance administered by them has been quite widely used. In this case, the unidirectional action of the current and the medicinal substance matters.

The possibility of administering analgesics, ganglioblockers, vasodilators has been proven. To carry out the procedure, the mode switch on the Amplipulse apparatus is set to the “rectified” position, corresponding to the polarity of the medicinal substance. The solution of the medicinal substance wets the gasket of the electrode located in the area of ​​the pathological focus. Different types of work are used: I and IV or III and IV.

The frequency and depth of modulation are selected taking into account general methodological techniques. The current strength increases until a pronounced, but non-painful vibration appears, the duration of the procedure for each kind of work is 3-5 minutes.

If it is necessary to act on several fields, the time increases to 25-30 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day, for a course of treatment - 10-20 procedures.

Therapeutic techniques

When exposed to painful areas of the face (Fig. 62), the electrodes are located as follows: a) the exit point of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 2 cm, the area of ​​pain irradiation - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 5 cm; b, c) the exit point of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 2 cm, the zone of pain irradiation - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 5 cm; d) places of greatest pain in the temporal region - round electrodes with a diameter of up to 2 cm; e) the exit point of the third branch of the trigeminal nerve - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 2 cm, the area of ​​pain irradiation - a round electrode with a diameter of up to 5 cm.

The electrodes are fixed with a manual holder; f) exit points of the first branches of the trigeminal nerve - round electrodes up to 2 cm in diameter; g) places of exit of the second branches of the trigeminal nerve - round electrodes with a diameter of up to 2 cm; h) exit points of the third branches of the trigeminal nerve - round electrodes with a diameter of up to 2 cm; i) exit points of the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve - round electrodes up to 2 cm in diameter; j) exit points of the first and second branches of the trigeminal nerve - round electrodes with a diameter of up to 2 cm; k, l, n) the exit point of one of the branches of the trigeminal nerve is a round electrode with a diameter of up to 2 cm; the place of greatest pain in the occipital region is a round electrode with a diameter of up to 5 cm.

Rice. 62. The location of the electrodes when exposed to SMT on the painful areas of the face (explanation in the text)

Sinusoidal modulated current is assigned with the following parameters: mode I, III RR - 3-5 minutes and IV RR - 3-5 minutes, modulation frequency - 30-100 Hz, modulation depth - 25-75%, duration of bursts in the period - 2- 4 s. The total duration of exposure at one localization is 6-10 minutes. With pronounced pain, sinusoidal modulated currents are used with a high modulation frequency (80-100 Hz) and a small depth (50-75%). The current strength is increased gradually until the appearance of pronounced, but non-painful sensations of vibration. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. The course is prescribed 10-12 procedures.

Rice. 63. The location of the electrodes under the influence of SMT on the occipital region (explanation in the text)

When exposed to pain points and paravertebral zones in the occipital region (Fig. 63), the electrodes are placed as follows. Round electrodes up to 2 cm in diameter are used at the exit sites of the large occipital nerves (a). A round electrode with a diameter of up to 2 cm is used at the exit site of the large occipital nerve; on the upper edge of the trapezius muscle - a round electrode with a diameter of 5 cm (b).

The electrodes are fixed with a manual holder. A round electrode up to 2 cm in diameter is used at the point of greatest pain (on palpation) above the spinous processes of the cervical spine; on the upper edge of the trapezius muscle of the corresponding side - a round electrode with a diameter of 5 cm (c). The electrodes are fixed with a manual holder.

In the zone of palpation determined soreness in the paravertebral areas, round electrodes with a diameter of 5 cm (d) are used. In palpation determined soreness in the region of the upper edge of the trapezius muscle at the base of the neck, round electrodes with a diameter of 5 cm are used (e). Plate electrodes 3.5x8-9 cm in size are prescribed for the paravertebral zones along the cervical spine (c).

Sinusoidal modulated current is prescribed with the following parameters: mode I, III RR - 3-5 minutes and IV RR - 3-5 minutes, modulation frequency - 30-100 Hz, its depth - 25-75%, the duration of the current bursts in the period 2- 4 s. The current strength is gradually increased until the appearance of pronounced, but not painful sensations of vibration. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment is prescribed 12-14 procedures.

The order of application of current types given here and below and indications of the duration of exposure are indicative, since an individual approach is necessary for patients, taking into account the course of the disease and the characteristics of the action of one or another form of current.

Rice. 64. The location of the electrodes under the influence of SMT in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle (explanation in the text)

Impact on painful areas in the shoulder girdle (Fig. 64). The electrodes are placed as follows:
On the area of ​​palpation determined soreness in the paravertebral areas at the level of the spinous processes of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine, electrodes measuring 3.5x8-9 cm (a) are used. On the projection of the trapezius muscle, one electrode is placed along the upper edge, the second - parallel to the first at a distance of at least 6 cm. The dimensions of the electrodes are 14-16x6-8 cm (b). On the base of the lateral surface of the neck, the outer surface of the shoulder joint, electrodes measuring 6x10 cm are placed in parallel (c).

On the anterior and posterior surface of the shoulder joint, electrodes 8x10 cm in size are assigned one against the other (d). On pain zones in the occipital region below the mastoid process at the inner edge of the scapula, round electrodes with a diameter of 5 cm are used, fixed with a manual holder (e).

Sinusoidal modulated current is assigned with the following parameters: mode I, III RR - 3-5 min and IV RR - 3-5 min, modulation frequency - 30-100 Hz, depth ss - 25-75%, duration of current bursts in period - 2 -4 s. The current strength is gradually increased until the appearance of pronounced, but not painful sensations of vibration. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment is prescribed 12-14 procedures.

When exposed to pain points and areas in the chest (Fig. 65), the electrodes are placed as follows: round electrodes with a diameter of 5 cm are used on the sternoclavicular joints, fixing with manual holders (a). Round electrodes with a diameter of 5 cm are used on the sternocostal joints, fixing over painful areas with manual holders (b).

In the area of ​​pain, palpable in the intercostal spaces of the anterior wall of the chest, in the paravertebral region of the corresponding side at the level of the upper edge of the scapula, electrodes measuring 8x12 (c) are used. In the n zone of pain, palpable along the intercostal space on the lateral surface of the chest, in the paravertebral zone of the same side of the corresponding intercostal space, electrodes 8x10 cm in size (d) are prescribed. On the paravertebral zones in the area of ​​palpable tenderness, electrodes 5x8 cm in size are placed paravertebral (e).

Rice. 65. The location of the electrodes under the influence of SMT in the chest area

Sinusoidal modulated current is assigned with the following parameters: mode 1, III RR - 3-5 min and IV RR - 3-5 min, modulation frequency - 30-100 Hz, depth - 25-75%, duration of current bursts in the period - 2- 4 s. The current strength is gradually increased until the appearance of pronounced, but not painful sensations of vibration. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment is prescribed 12-14 procedures.

Rice. 66. The location of the electrodes when exposed to SMT on the collar zone: a - collar zone; b - lumbar region

When exposed to the “collar” zone (Fig. 66), one electrode in the form of a “collar” is placed on the lower part of the occipital region and the upper back in the projection zone of the CIV-Thn (a) segments, the other electrode measuring 11x20 cm is placed in the zone from IX thoracic to I lumbar vertebra (b).

SMT is assigned with the following parameters: mode I, I RR -3-5 minutes and IV RR - 3-5 minutes, modulation frequency 100 Hz, depth 50-75%, duration of messages in the period - 2 s. The current strength is gradually increased until moderate sensations of vibration appear under the electrodes. Procedures are carried out daily. The course of treatment is prescribed 10-12 procedures.

Rice. 67. The location of the electrodes when exposed to SMT on the area of ​​​​sympathetic nodes, wandering and
right phrenic nerve: a - lateral surfaces of the neck; b - supraclavicular region on the right and suprascapular region on the same side

When exposed to the region of the cervical sympathetic nodes, the vagus and right dnaphragmatic nerves (Fig. 67), the electrodes are placed as follows: on the lateral surface of the neck below the mastoid processes, plate electrodes 3x5-6 cm in size, fixed with a bandage, or round electrodes with a diameter of 5 see on hand holders (a). An electrode 2x3 cm in size is used in the supraclavicular region on the right, along the upper edge of the right shoulder blade, starting from the spine, a larger electrode is used - 6-8x10-12 cm (b).

Bogolyubov V.M., Vasilyeva M.F., Vorobyov M.G.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes that provoke the occurrence of osteochondrosis can affect any part of the spine.

Some areas quite often suffer from this pathology, other departments are less susceptible to it. Thoracic osteochondrosis is diagnosed quite rarely.

The fact is that this part has fairly large vertebrae, in addition, it is not as mobile as the rest of the departments. However, in some cases, thoracic osteochondrosis leads to quite serious deviations.

Features of the disease

This term is commonly understood as thinning of the intervertebral discs and a decrease in the distance between nearby vertebrae.

As a rule, high loads on the spine lead to flattening of the discs. However, the thoracic region is not particularly severe. Moreover, the muscular apparatus of this part of the spine is well developed.

Why is osteochondrosis sometimes diagnosed here too?

Most often, the disease is a consequence of impaired blood circulation and metabolism in the intervertebral discs.

Causes and risk factors

The main reasons for the development of thoracic osteochondrosis include the following:

  • deficiency of plastic substances;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • lack of water;
  • long stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • scoliosis.

What are the features of the disease?

Since the thoracic spine is characterized by inactivity and is not subjected to as much stress as the cervical or lumbar, symptoms of the disease rarely occur in the early stages of the disease.

A relatively small load on this area contributes to the fact that the development of all kinds of pathologies here is very rare. However, posture disorders and scoliosis sometimes lead to spinal diseases.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine occur quite late and consist in compression of the nerve roots.

Sometimes there is compression of the spinal cord or its violation as a result of problems with blood circulation. It can also be narrowed - this process leads to squeezing of the vessels.

Stages of development

This pathology is classified according to several degrees of development:

  1. With osteochondrosis of the first degree, the discs lose their elasticity, their height decreases and protrusions occur.
  2. The second degree is accompanied by a subsequent decrease in the height of the discs, there is a loss of elasticity. This department loses stability, which significantly reduces the quality of human life. Sometimes the fibrous ring cracks, which can provoke the appearance of a hernia. Usually there are pain sensations, and sometimes signs of neurological pathologies.
  3. The third degree is characterized by the appearance of an intervertebral hernia. Its localization and size affect the intensity of the manifestations of the disease.
  4. At the fourth degree of the disease, the disk completely loses its shock-absorbing characteristics. There are symptoms such as convergence of the vertebrae and loss of mobility. Often, blood vessels and nerves are pinched, and the structure of bone tissue is also disturbed.

Symptoms of the disease

Thoracic osteochondrosis is not as pronounced as other types of this disease.

It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the chest, which intensifies at night, during physical exertion, turning, hypothermia, tilting to the side;
  • discomfort between the shoulder blades that occurs when raising the arms or bending over;
  • discomfort between the ribs when walking;
  • increased discomfort with strong inhalations and exhalations;
  • tightness of the chest and back.

At the acute stage of the development of the disease, discomfort can last for several weeks.

In addition, there are such signs of thoracic osteochondrosis:

Goals and methods of therapy

It is impossible to completely eliminate osteochondrosis, since it consists in degenerative changes in the vertebral discs.

Therefore, the main goals of treatment are the following:

  • cessation of destruction of intervertebral discs, maximum restoration of their structure;
  • restoration of spinal biomechanics;
  • elimination of deviations in the work of the nervous system.

Medical therapy

The main objective of this treatment is to eliminate pain. For the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, the following drugs are used:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - diclofenac, nimesulide, ibuprofen. They help to cope with pain and eliminate inflammation of the nerve roots. However, they have quite a few side effects - the development of stomach ulcers, inflammation of the kidneys.
  2. Glucocorticosteroids - prednisolone, dexamethasone. They have a more pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. However, they have a large number of side effects - a violation of calcium metabolism, the development of peptic ulcer, an increase in pressure. Such drugs are usually prescribed for the ineffectiveness of non-steroidal drugs.
  3. Diuretics - diacarb, furosemide. They help eliminate swelling of pinched nerve roots and are used as an additional treatment. They are prescribed for a short period of time with an exacerbation of the disease.
  4. Preparations for improving metabolism in nervous tissues - B vitamins, actovegin, penxifillin. But the effectiveness of the use of such drugs in thoracic osteochondrosis has not yet been proven.
  5. Chondroprotectors - chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine. It is believed that thanks to their use it is possible to restore the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs. However, the effectiveness of these drugs in relation to the treatment of osteochondrosis has not yet been confirmed.

Other treatments

Massage is considered the most effective treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. Through its implementation, it is possible to eliminate

unpleasant symptoms, relax muscle tissue, restore the biomechanics of the spine.

Another effective remedy is the use of acupuncture. Acupuncture relieves pain and helps to relax the muscles.

Treatment cannot be effective without performing special exercises:

  1. Sit on your heels, lean forward, try to touch your hips with your chest. Lean your forehead on the floor.
  2. Sit on your buttocks, rest your palms on the floor from behind. Tilt your head back and try to bend your spine in your chest as much as possible.
  3. Sit on a chair facing the wall. Lean on her knees and forearms. After that, rest your forehead on your forearm. In this position, straighten the spine.
  4. Take a knee-elbow position and perform backbends.
  5. Sit or stand and wrap your arms around yourself in such a way as to spread your shoulder blades. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds.
  6. Lie on your back, bend your legs. Try to reach the nose with your knee, tilting the top of the body and head.

Each of these exercises is repeated 6-8 times. In this case, perform movements on inspiration, and take the starting position on exhalation.


There are quite a few effective folk remedies for the treatment of the disease:

Risk of complications

If the treatment of the disease is not started in time, quite dangerous complications may appear:

  • spinal cord compression;
  • protrusion or hernia of the spine;
  • disturbances in the work of the intestines;
  • heart pathology;
  • liver disease;
  • kidney problems;
  • intercostal neuralgia.

Preventive actions

To prevent the development of pathology, you need:

  • during sedentary work, often change your position and do a little warm-up every two hours;
  • during the day it is useful to lie down for 40 minutes to relieve the load from the spine;
  • keep your back warm
  • engage in water sports.

Although chest osteochondrosis is rarely diagnosed, it is accompanied by very unpleasant pain sensations.

In order to prevent the development of more serious complications, if chest pains occur, you should immediately consult a doctor who will determine the causes of their occurrence and select medications.

Equally important is also therapeutic exercises and massage.

Uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine: treatment and symptoms of uncoarthrosis of the neck

If deforming arthrosis additionally develops between the processes of the posterolateral surfaces of the first and second cervical vertebrae, then we are talking about uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine (uncoarthrosis).

As a rule, a person can feel symptoms of neuralgia, for example, shoulder or cervical neuritis. Based on such symptoms and visual examination, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis to the patient.

Uncoarthrosis is a specialization of an orthopedic vertebrologist or a neuropathologist.

Arthrosis of the neck, uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical region often torments with a pronounced pain syndrome. It does not allow a person to normally turn and tilt his head, move his arms. There is a complete or partial disorder of sensitivity and a weakening of the main neurological reflexes in the corresponding parts of the body.

It is possible to note the obvious distinctive features of this type of arthrosis and its symptoms:

  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • deterioration in balance;
  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • consistently high blood pressure;
  • slight visual impairment;
  • feeling of constriction in the chest.

Why does pathology occur?

Such a disease in the cervical region develops if there were:

  1. frequent and monotonous movements;
  2. too hard physical work;
  3. neck injuries and inflammation in the joints;
  4. flat feet;
  5. polio;
  6. disruptions in metabolic processes and inadequate functioning of the thyroid gland;
  7. excess body weight;
  8. improper docking of adjacent articular surfaces (in this case, uneven pressure occurs on the cartilaginous tissue in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints).

In overweight people who have a lot of fat deposits on the neck and in the humeroscapular region, uncoarthrosis and its symptoms are more common than others. Athletes also have a high risk of getting sick.

By and large, the reasons why a doctor suggests arthrosis of the neck are typical for any type of osteoarthritis. If a person constantly exposes himself to exorbitant physical labor or plays sports professionally, then over time he cannot avoid this ailment.

Not a single significant load on the body can pass without a trace, because systematic pressure on the neck joints becomes a prerequisite for cartilage wear.

The main cause of pathological changes in the joints is malnutrition of the cartilage tissue. With the disease uncoarthrosis, a similar problem is observed between the vertebral discs. The body tries to reduce the load on them by "cultivating" bone growths, especially in segments from C3 to C7.

For the cervical spine, as well as for any joints, not only increased physical activity is dangerous, but also their complete absence.

Main symptoms

Arthrosis of the neck does not make itself felt for a long time. Only in some cases, with a sharp lifting of heavy objects and turning the head, acute and sharp pain is likely. As a rule, it passes immediately and is local in nature. The patient feels discomfort only in one or two vertebrae located nearby.

Uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine is the most dangerous form of arthrosis. With an illness, additional growths form on the back surface of the vertebrae, and neuritis develops - a neurological disease.

A person usually does not pay attention to neck pain. Such an attitude towards one's health becomes the cause of the further development of the disease. If you start the treatment of neck arthrosis at the very beginning of the pathological process, then it will give a guaranteed positive result.

In almost 2 weeks of simple therapy, the patient completely gets rid of the problem of uncoarthrosis.

Otherwise, as progression is observed:

  • increased pain syndrome even with a slight load;
  • bouts of sharp pain when changing weather conditions;
  • limited neck mobility.

For many patients, the cold season can be a real challenge. It was then that arthrosis of the neck makes itself felt even more.

When there is no adequate treatment, dulling of pain is possible, but it does not stop even at rest. A person cannot sleep normally, because sleep is interrupted during an illness.

With each attempt to turn the head, a characteristic strong crunch of the joints occurs.

Uncoarthrosis in advanced cases is characterized by:

  1. numbness and tingling in the neck;
  2. periodic bouts of nausea and dizziness.

Therefore, it is extremely important to always seek medical help as early as possible. The pathological process can eventually move to the spinal cord and its nerve endings. If no therapeutic measures are taken, the disease will cause a complete loss of neck mobility.

The patient will remain disabled for life, because such changes in the cervical spine are irreversible.

How is diagnosis and treatment carried out?

Modern medicine treats arthrosis of the neck joints and reduces its symptoms using the following methods:

  • physiotherapy;
  • ultrasound and microwaves;
  • electrophoresis and thermal applications;
  • local barotherapy.

Therapy is not significantly different from the methods of getting rid of other types of arthrosis.

Any treatment will begin with anamnesis and diagnosis. During the first examination, the doctor will determine the cause, frequency of pain and the presence of additional symptoms. On palpation and visual examination of the patient, an increase in the vertebrae can be noted. In the presence of osteophytes (growths), the uncovertebral joints will also be enlarged.

Joint x-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should be performed to confirm the suspected diagnosis. In the pictures, uncoarthrosis will be visible quite well. In addition, the doctor will be able to determine the degree of circulatory disorders in the neck.

Medication treatment

Since uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine is characterized by severe pain, treatment should first of all begin with the use of painkillers. It can be:

  • ibuprofen;
  • aspirin.

The subsequent stages of therapy provide for an organic combination of drugs with physiotherapy exercises. However, it is impossible to completely eliminate the enslavement of C5, C6 and its signs.

It is always important to remember that any exercise therapy should not be arbitrary. Only a doctor can recommend adequate exercise. If you make incorrect inclinations or turns, then arthrosis of the neck will only worsen, and the pathological process will finally destroy the remnants of cartilage.

After pain relief, the use of drugs to improve blood supply is provided. These can be means of local influence:

  • actovegin;
  • pentoxifylline.

It is possible to slow down the destruction in the cartilage tissue and relieve its symptoms thanks to chondroprotectors. However, there is an opinion that in some cases they should be used with extreme caution. The last stages of the disease arthrosis of the uncovertebral joints can only be alleviated with the help of surgical intervention. The operation allows:

  1. remove osteophytes;
  2. restore the functionality of the spinal disc (due to implants).


Such treatment is the basis of the therapy of the cervical joints. Physiotherapy procedures have a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the affected areas, help to reduce the rate of progression of the disease and relieve its symptoms.

Microwave therapy is especially popular. It can be applied at any stage of arthrosis of the neck. Often, decimeter waves are used, which can penetrate deep into the affected tissues. The method is not capable of causing negative effects on the patient's body.

In medical practice, ultrasound has proven itself well. It can be used in cases where there is pain in the neck, but there is no synovitis (inflammatory process with accumulation of exudate). Therapy is indicated for proliferative changes and periarticular tissues.

Ultrasound treatment has a number of clear contraindications!

In addition, you can treat uncoarthrosis with the help of:

  • electrophoresis and phonophoresis (using novocaine or lidocaine);
  • amplipulse;
  • sinusoidal modulated currents.

With the help of electrophoresis, medicinal substances are exposed to the deepest tissues. In a state of stable remission, acupuncture can be performed and cervical arthrosis can be treated.

Lumbosacral osteochondrosis

One of the components of human happiness is freedom, including physical freedom. Freedom of movement is the greatest value bestowed by nature itself. We all walk, run, jump, but often we do these actions spontaneously, not deliberately. We are accustomed to the ease of movement, and any disease that prevents us from actively moving is extremely difficult to endure. One of the frequent, but very unpleasant diseases of the spinal column is osteochondrosis, including osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar

Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine is a degenerative inflammatory disease characterized by gradual degeneration of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The percentage of incidence of osteochondrosis of this variety is very high: 80% of all patients suffer from this particular form of the disease.

Causes of development and risk factors

The main reason for the development of the disease is the wrong household culture of behavior in everyday life. The irrational organization of labor leads to an incorrect load on the spine, which ultimately leads to the development of lumbosacral osteochondrosis.

Factors that lead to the appearance of the disease are:

  • decrease in motor activity (people leading a passive lifestyle, those who, by the nature of their activities, spend a lot of time in a sitting position are at risk);
  • incorrect walking and posture (from childhood you need to learn the rules of the correct gait);
  • certain sports (weightlifting, wrestling);
  • increased physical activity (lifting or carrying heavy loads);
  • flat feet (with this disease, depreciation is disturbed, and the entire load is concentrated on the vertebrae);
  • long stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • overweight (this factor is the development of many diseases);
  • genetic features;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • back injury;
  • unhealthy lifestyle (irrational diet, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption become provoking factors for the development of almost all diseases);
  • changes associated with a person’s age (over the years, all organs and systems undergo “wear and tear”, and the bones of the skeleton are no exception).

At least one of the above reasons can be found in every person, which means that we are all at risk of developing osteochondrosis of the spine.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of lumbosacral osteochondrosis is pain in the back, lower back, radiating to the leg on the side of the lesion. This pain is called lumbago or sciatica. Painful sensations at the initial stage of the disease are manifested when moving, sharply bending or squatting, with the development of the disease, the pain symptom intensifies and worries even at rest.

Since with osteochondrosis of the spine, the structure or position of the intervertebral disc is disturbed, nerves or blood vessels are pinched. In the first case, a radicular syndrome develops: the patient, in addition to pain, is disturbed by a violation of the sensitivity of skin receptors, a tingling sensation in the lower extremities, muscle weakness, and a feeling of freezing of the legs.

A patient who has been suffering from lumbar osteochondrosis for a long time takes a forced posture and sweeps from the side. As a rule, he walks slightly bent over, avoids sudden movements, often intuitively puts his hand to the waist.

Principles of treatment

At the initial signs of the disease, the patient is prescribed medication and a course of physiotherapy, which are designed to alleviate the patient's condition and cure the disease. If the process of destruction of the intervertebral discs has begun, then the only right decision is surgical intervention. Traditional medicine becomes a good addition to the main treatment.

Medical treatment

The main medicines that the doctor prescribes to the patient are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, muscle relaxants, with a strong pain syndrome, a blockade of the nerve trunk is performed. Each of the drugs plays its own therapeutic role: drugs relieve inflammation, reduce pain, relax muscles, and reduce the level of stress on damaged vertebrae. The use of any of the above or any other drugs is prohibited without a prescription from the attending physician, since self-medication can be dangerous not only for health, but also for human life.


In severe cases, lumbosacral osteochondrosis can be treated only by surgery. During the operation, the surgeon removes the damaged vertebrae and replaces them with implants, or removes the formed intervertebral hernia. In some cases, surgery is the only sure way to recovery. After undergoing surgery, the patient needs a special course of rehabilitation therapy, which includes numerous methods and techniques. Rehabilitation of the patient includes dosed physical activity, taking special medicines, massage, staying in a sanatorium in the middle zone, and physiotherapy.


Physiotherapy methods are becoming an integral part of the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including osteochondrosis. Special physiotherapy exercises, treatment with leeches, SMT, UHF, electrophoresis with various drugs significantly alleviate the patient's condition and speed up the recovery process. Methods of physiotherapy become the main ones during the rehabilitation of a patient who has undergone surgery for the treatment of the spine.

Non-traditional methods of treatment

In some cases, osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region is treated with the help of dietary supplements, which include a substance that is similar in structure to natural collagen. These drugs are not a medicine, but their self-administration is unacceptable, since any dietary supplements can cause allergic reactions. Bioadditives cannot replace the main treatment, they can only in some cases positively affect the healing process, and most often at the psychological level.

Often, along with the main treatment, the patient undergoes massage, acupuncture, and manual therapy courses. You should not refuse to use these methods of therapy in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but you should not place too high hopes on them.


Traditional medicine offers its own methods of treating osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region, which have been tested for centuries and can help the patient recover.

  1. So, a decoction of lingonberry and raspberry leaves can reduce the level of inflammation, anesthetize, as well as strengthen the immune system and increase the body's defenses.
  2. The healing properties of mumiyo are widely known - “tears of the mountains” were recognized by Avicenna himself as the only cure for diseases of the spine and joints, and doctors of our days do not write off this natural medicine.
  3. Highlander bird is an excellent tool for removing toxins from the body, so its use is also advisable for diseases of the spine and joints. Our ancestors advise us to use the young grass of the plant in the form of salads, and add the dried form to the first dishes as spices.

Despite the plant origin of the components that are part of traditional medicine recipes, their ingestion should be dosed and careful, as they can cause unwanted allergies.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is not a fatal disease, but it greatly worsens the life of a sick person and can lead to complications that are more serious than the underlying disease. To avoid the occurrence of the disease, you should follow simple, but at the same time complex rules. Leading a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol, fatty and fried foods, correctly calculate your own strength during physical exertion, maintain correct posture is very important for the prevention of not only lumbosacral osteochondrosis, but also other diseases.

SMT therapy, what it is, indications and contraindications of this method of treatment are detailed in the article below.

To alleviate or eradicate the pathologies associated with the joints, a variety of methods are used, the most effective of which is the physiotherapy method.

The most popular procedure in this method is amplipulse therapy. Its essence is extremely simple, and consists in the action of a sinusoidal modular current at the site of a painful part of the body.

Such currents should be only low-frequency, which will make it possible to protect a person and eliminate all possible negative aspects.

In this technique, the action of the electric current occurs every allotted time interval with the same pause time.

The name of this action is electrical stimulation, between which relaxation of the painful area begins and the subsequent “electrical” sleep.


For such treatment, you will need to use a device called "Amplipulse", from which the name of this method of treatment came from. It was released back in the Soviet period, in the 60s. Even then, its analgesic effect and a positive effect on the diseased tissue area were studied and proven.

At the moment, there are a large number of different models under the numbers: 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The differences lie in the individual features of the application and functionality. The most applicable models are 4 and 5.

What is amplipulse therapy and how it works

To use such an apparatus, it is necessary to attach several electrodes through which an electric current with a low frequency will subsequently be transmitted.

After the simultaneous passage of current through the electrodes, there comes a pause time.

Each time, the current strength increases slightly, but in no case will it reach a critical limit.

With this electrical stimulation, some fibers in the human muscles begin to contract spontaneously. A person this time can feel small vibrations, or less often - tingling. The procedure does not cause severe pain.

Amplipulse therapy provides the body with the following benefits:

  • Improving the blood supply to this area
  • Regenerative processes are activated
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Improves tissue nutrition

Cells affected by the disease, with the help of improved blood supply and nutrition, begin to recover. The inflammatory process also decreases during amplipulse therapy.

A single procedure gives only an analgesic effect; to completely get rid of the disease, several sessions will be required.

Amplipulse therapy for the treatment of joints and back

Amplipulse therapy is the most effective in the treatment of diseases of the joints and bones compared to other methods. The main benefits are:

  • Pain relief effect
  • Bone restoration
  • Improving blood supply to joints and bones
  • Elimination of muscle atrophy
  • Elimination of edema and inflammation

Due to the fact that a low-frequency current is capable of deep penetration into the skin, cell regeneration occurs, and blood supply is normalized in the affected areas, and as a result, nutrition.

The muscle fibers surrounding the bones and joints become stronger and thus stop atrophy. This helps keep joints and bones from moving.

Pain and spasms stop when exposed to sinusoidal modular currents by the end of the first session.

Preparing for a session

Before the procedure of amplipulse therapy, it is not required to take any special measures. This technique can be performed on an outpatient basis, so a person does not need to go to the hospital.

The only requirement from the patient is to be in the physical room at the time appointed by the attending physician. Based on the disease and its neglect, such sessions are held every day or every other day.

In especially severe cases, two-time amplipulse therapy within one day may be required. The pause between them should be at least 5 hours.

Features of procedures for osteochondrosis

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