Is it worth using a blood pressure patch? Chinese transdermal patch for hypertension buy How to attach a patch for hypertension

Humanity has become greatly exposed to pressure changes. Quite often, people experience high blood pressure, in other words, hypertension.

There are many different remedies for the treatment of this disease, but more recently a new innovative development has appeared that copes well with high blood pressure. This is nothing more than a hypertension patch.

Migraine won't leave you alone? Do you often experience dizziness or headaches, or discomfort in the cervical spine? Does your sleep leave much to be desired? In addition, did you experience sudden, difficult-to-stop nosebleeds? These are signs of developing hypertension. You urgently need to go for a consultation with a doctor so that he can prescribe an examination and schedule.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

You can start fighting hypertension from the first day, as soon as you learn about the disease. And a special pressure patch from the land of the rising sun will help with this.

Normal blood pressure

The human body contains a lot of blood vessels. They can be of different sizes, but regardless of this they are always filled with blood. They are the “transport highways” that supply blood to every cell and organ of our body, which in turn carries oxygen to them and takes away carbon dioxide and harmful substances from them.

In a healthy state, a person’s blood pressure fluctuates between 120/80 mm. rt. Art. But the human body is not a machine, and malfunctions often occur in it, resulting in jumps in blood pressure by several units.

This state of affairs should immediately raise alarm bells. Moreover, you need to pay attention even to rare pressure surges, since this may indicate the development of quite serious diseases. If pressure surges become very frequent and cross the line at 140/90, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this may indicate hypertension.

High blood pressure is often dangerous for a person. Moreover, the higher the indicators, the more serious the situation. If measures are not taken in time, this condition can be fatal.

In case of incorrect or ineffective therapy, consequences may arise in the form of diseases such as vision problems, stroke, etc.

Unfortunately, many people are negligent about their health and, if they feel unwell, do not immediately go to the doctor, but begin to self-medicate, thereby causing the disease to progress. Taking a blood pressure pill only relieves the symptom and improves the patient’s condition for a while, but does not cure the problem itself.

Such self-medication can cause serious harm.

The Chinese patch for hypertension works completely differently than the pills. It not only lowers blood pressure, but also fights the problem that caused the pressure surge. The effect of the patch has been clinically confirmed, so there is no need to worry about the effectiveness and consequences of treatment.

Action of the patch against hypertension

The main feature of the high blood pressure patch is that it begins to act almost instantly - just 20 minutes after you stick it on the skin. The pressure begins to decrease, returns to normal, and then is maintained at these levels. Many may wonder why the patch is effective, while other means, including, do not cope with the task?

The fact is that the patch is produced in China. The latest developments in nanotechnology are used in its production. Medicines that are used to create a patch are crushed to microscopic particles, i.e. nanoparticles

This is what allows drugs to quickly penetrate the blood through the skin and spread throughout the body. The highest effectiveness can be achieved if you attach the patch in the navel area. This is where many blood vessels are located, which quickly distribute the medicine.

The patch is much easier to apply than pills, which you need to remember to take every day.

The main advantage of the high blood pressure patch is that the drugs contained in it enter the body not orally, but through the skin. Therefore, this method of taking drugs orally is not only effective, but also absolutely safe.

During this time he:

  • relieves fatigue and increases overall tone;
  • improves blood circulation in the body;
  • will contribute to better nutrition of the brain;
  • will direct his energies to treating the nervous system;
  • quickly normalizes blood pressure;
  • will restore the heart rhythm and maintain it at a normal level;
  • restores elasticity to blood vessels;
  • will bring the sleep process back to normal.

Advantages of the patch

The patch for getting rid of high blood pressure is completely safe for the human body.

The tablet form of medications cannot boast of this advantage. The fact is that the patch acts from the outside, that is, through the skin, bypassing the digestive tract. However, it is not addictive and does not have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver.

Among the advantages of the high blood pressure patch are:

  • Ease of use.
  • The effect is on the cause of the disease, and not on the symptoms, as happens when taking tablet medications.
  • When manufacturing the patch, all international norms and regulations (GMP), as well as all requirements for the standardization of medical products in Russia, are observed.
  • The patches are created based on innovative knowledge of nanomedicine together with recipes from ancient Tibetan and Chinese traditional medicine.
  • The patch contains only natural raw materials, which eliminates the occurrence of side effects.
  • This medicine can be used both in a medical institution and at home.

One transdermal patch for high blood pressure lasts three days


Chinese medicine is the most powerful in the world, and Chinese teachings go back to ancient times. Healers in the Land of the Rising Sun have known for several thousand years how to properly treat high blood pressure with the help of herbs.

How to use

There is nothing complicated about using the hypertension patch. Every patient can cope with this, but it is necessary to first study the instructions.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that treatment is carried out only externally. With high blood pressure, the patient experiences severe headaches. But this does not mean that the patch needs to be glued to the head.

It must be attached in the navel area. This is where a large number of blood vessels are located. They instantly absorb the medications contained in the patch and disperse them throughout the body.

  1. Before you start gluing the patch, it is necessary to prepare the skin in the place where you plan to attach it. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash your skin and wipe dry.
  2. Next, the protective layer is removed from the patch (from the adhesive side).
  3. The patch is applied to the skin with the adhesive side on the selected location and pressed tightly. After 15 minutes, you will be able to feel how the medications begin to affect your body. However, full exposure requires 2-3 days.
  4. After the expiration date, the used patch is removed and the skin is washed with warm water.
  5. A new patch for hypertension can be glued to the place where the previous one was located strictly after 5-7 hours.

Note! Not every patient can use a patch for high blood pressure!

Thus, it should not be used by the following people:

  • having increased sensitivity to the components of the patch;
  • suffering from thrombophlebitis;
  • pregnant women;
  • with diseases of the genitourinary system.

In addition, the patch must not be applied to skin that has signs of dermatitis. Also, it is not used on skin that has wounds or any damage.

When treating a high blood pressure patch, do not forget about limiting salt.

Correct application is an important aspect of any treatment, transdermal patches are no exception. We have prepared large instructions on “Where and how to glue Chinese patches.” Use it.

Where to glue Chinese patches?

There are two ways to apply patches:

1. Attachment to painful area

Used for exacerbation of diseases when help is needed immediately. By sticking the patch directly to the area where the pain is located, you can quickly relieve it, improve blood circulation and speed up recovery processes.

2. Application to biologically active points (BAP)

BAPs are points on the human body that are associated with certain organs. The impact on the BAP can affect the functioning of the organ for which the point is “responsible”. All points are connected by energy channels through which vital energy circulates. And the BAPs themselves are the points through which energy is released and absorbed. There are special maps to find the desired point.

To influence a diseased organ using a patch, it is enough to cut off a square piece of it with a side of 1 cm and stick it on the corresponding BAT. Medicinal substances from the plastic mass penetrate into energy channels through BAP and are delivered via blood and lymph to diseased organs, exerting a healing effect on them.

Patch for diabetes, gastritis and ulcers

  • Diabetes. Points 11 and 11, 7 and 7 (mirrored on both sides).
  • Gastritis – 5-5, 19-21, 18-18, 17-17.
  • Duodenal ulcer – 5-5, 18-18, 21-21, 31-31.

Orthopedic patch

It is used to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, back, and sacral joint. For pain in the shoulder joint, wrist joints, elbow and knee joints.

  • Cervical osteochondrosis. Points 11 and 11, 9 and 4, 12 and 12 (mirrored on both sides).
  • Back pain - 5-6, 7-7.
  • Shoulder joint - 29-30.
  • Elbow joint - 10-10, 31-31.


Chinese patch for prostatitis (urological)

  • Prostatitis. Points 5-5, 6-7, 6-3,1-2, 7-10.
  • Impotence – 5-5, 7-10.
  • Spermatorea – 11-11, 6-12.

Patch for hypertension and hypotension

  • Hypertension. Points 3 and 3, 17 and 17, 18 and 18.
  • Hypotension 6-14, 13-13, 16-16, 17-15.
  • Headache due to hypertension – 4-4.
  • Dizziness due to hypertension – 5-6.

Transdermal patch for runny nose and sinusitis

For sore throat, cough and sore throat.

Pain relief patch

For applications when stretching muscles and cartilage tissue.

  • Knee. Points 1 and 1, 3 and 4.
  • Ankle – 2-7, 5-6.

Additional BAP on feet and palms

Click on the picture to enlarge.

How to stick it correctly

Before using medicinal patches, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. These are pregnancy, acute skin diseases and intolerance to individual components. Do not apply the patch to open wounds or areas with other skin lesions.

If you use medical electronic devices, such as pacemakers, you should consult your doctor before using the product.

Instructions for use:

  1. Degrease and cleanse the selected area of ​​skin. Lotion or warm water without soap will do.
  2. Dry thoroughly to remove moisture.
  3. Remove the protective covering from the patch and apply it to the skin so that the elastic lines correspond to the direction of movement in the joint or muscle. The patch must be carefully applied to the skin, smoothed and the edges well glued.

Important! You cannot attach the patch to all biologically active points at once. When using for the first time, select no more than 2-4 points. You should not expect instant results with chronic diseases. Be patient.

The duration of action of one patch (how long to apply it) is usually indicated on the packaging. Also, you can highlight this information in ours.

For reference

Chinese plasters are a medicinal product that uses about 40 extracts of medicinal plants, beneficial aromatic oils and resins. Sold without a prescription.

The patch includes two layers: the upper one prevents the medicinal composition from evaporating, the lower one is in direct contact with the skin, due to which beneficial substances penetrate inside the skin. The blood then carries them throughout the body, delivering them to those organs that require treatment.

The advantage of patches compared to other dosage forms is their painlessness, absence of side effects and addiction. When a doctor prescribes pills or injections, the patient is required to take the medicine regularly (several times a day at a certain time). If a person can take pills himself, without outside help, then in the case of injections, you need to find someone who can give them. And this procedure itself is not very pleasant.

All these inconveniences are absent when using patches. Once pasted, they act unnoticeably for a long time (depending on the type of patch). Medicinal substances gradually penetrate the skin, the process is completely painless.

There are also magnetic adhesive plasters, in which the beneficial effects of plant components are noticeably enhanced. The magnetic field has a number of properties that can speed up pain relief, restore damaged tissue, relieve inflammation and swelling, and therefore speed up the healing process.

The hypertension patch is an innovative way to get rid of the problem of high blood pressure.

According to market research in 2014, this patch became the most purchased alternative remedy to combat hypertension. And this indicator is the best evidence that the alternative treatment method works.

What is this patch that treats hypertension? What is it made of? How does it work? Who can use this method of treatment and who cannot? We will answer all these questions, and more, for you in this article.

About the components of the medicinal product

The patches that help get rid of blood pressure problems are produced in China. Don’t be confused by the fact that the product is Chinese, because it was developed based on the ancient recipes of Tibetan sages. This product consists exclusively of natural components that are modified to the state of nanoparticles. This allows the active ingredients to penetrate the skin.

That is why they say that these patches are transdermal (from the Greek “trans” - through and “derma” - skin). That is, they do not penetrate the skin themselves, but ensure the penetration of drugs through the skin.

Hypertension patches contain the following active components in the form of nanoparticles:

  • gastrodia root;
  • eucommia cortex;
  • pepper knotweed;
  • sage root;
  • mistletoe

Surely not all of the names mentioned above were familiar to you.

This is why the patch is Chinese, because we simply don’t have such plants, but the Chinese are very familiar with them.

We will tell you what is valuable in each of these components.

These Chinese patches are unique, they have no analogues in the world, and they really work! Numerous positive reviews from patients who once suffered from hypertension are the best confirmation of this.

If you decide to purchase such a patch, then you are probably interested in the price issue. The product is sold in packs of 10, 20, 30 and 40 pieces. The price for 1 piece varies depending on what package you buy.

Of course, it is more profitable to buy a package of 40 pieces than 10. The cost of 1 package of 10 pieces averages 1,600 rubles, and for 40 - 5,000 rubles.

But before ordering a patch for hypertension, we advise you to read this article to the end and pay attention to several important points, which will be discussed below.

General effect on the human body

Thus, we have already figured out the composition of the product and know that it is based on a mixture of plant extracts, presented in the form of nanoparticles. These particles easily penetrate the skin and enter the systemic circulation. With the blood flow, they are carried to all organs of our body and affect those of them that are affected by any pathological process.

Manufacturers claim that the Chinese patch is capable of:

Each of the above points is valuable for those who suffer from hypertension. High blood pressure is the main cause of headaches, insomnia, general weakness, and so on. With the normalization of blood pressure, good health is restored and painful symptoms go away.

In addition, the patch for hypertension has a pronounced tonic ability, which provides a good general strengthening effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other treatment method, patch treatment has its positive and negative sides. Let's look at them.

Now you are familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of the method. And it’s up to you to decide whether to use the hypertension patch or continue taking the pills. We draw your attention to the fact that the only contraindication to the use of this method of treatment is individual intolerance to plant components (that is, allergies).

How to use this patch?

First you need to clean the area of ​​skin on which the patch will be attached. The manufacturer recommends gluing it to the skin of the umbilical area, since it is abundantly supplied with blood. This arrangement will ensure the fastest possible entry of healing substances into the systemic bloodstream and, therefore, the fastest possible effect of their impact.

Next, you need to apply a patch against hypertension. Numerous user reviews indicate that after fixing it on the skin, the effect appears within 20 minutes. This figure is impressive! Once you apply the patch, you need to wear it for 2-3 days. To achieve the desired effect, it should not be removed; you can even swim and sleep with it.

When you decide to remove the patch (on day 2 or day 3), you can peel it off. The effect of 1 copy lasts for 72 hours. Take a break of 5-6 hours (no more!) and attach the following patch to the skin of the umbilical area. The manufacturer states that to get rid of the problem of hypertension you need to complete a minimum course (7 patches). That is, to cure the disease you will need only 21 days! User reviews confirm this figure.

If you are concerned about the possible side effects of this treatment method, we will answer you, again, referring to data from the manufacturer. This method of treatment can have side effects in one single case - if you are allergic to plant components.

What do patients who have already tried this method say?

Zinaida, 51 years old: “I applied the first patch for hypertension exactly 21 days ago. I can’t say that I was completely confident in the effectiveness of this treatment, but I decided to try it. After all, problems with blood pressure had been bothering me for a long time, and the pills did not help. And today I can confidently recommend this method to others. Having measured my blood pressure on the 21st day, I saw the desired numbers on the tonometer - 120/80! Now I will recommend this miraculous remedy to all my friends who suffer from blood pressure.”

Veronica, 33 years old:“I learned relatively recently that there are patches for hypertension. At first, this method of treatment did not inspire confidence in me, but a friend persuaded me to try treatment with a patch with her. And now it’s been a month since we both got rid of hypertension! Our blood pressure is stable, staying at 120/80, and this makes us very happy.”

Kirill, 42 years old: “I have been suffering from hypertension for 5 years now. Doctors say that you need to take the pills for life, but this prospect does not make me happy at all. I decided to try a patch for hypertension, which has been talked about so much lately. When I wore the first two patches, everything was fine. The pressure dropped slightly, and I felt normal. But when I put on the third one, I felt sick all day. I had to remove this patch and stop using it. It’s a pity that the method didn’t suit me, I was hoping for more.”

Vasily, 58 years old: “It was very scary to quit taking pills and rely on some kind of patch. But the children persuaded me. They said that this is a new treatment method that we help many, and it really reduces blood pressure. I want to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Within half an hour after I applied the first patch, the pressure dropped. I thought that maybe some of the drugs were still working in my body. But with each subsequent patch, my health improves. I’m waiting for 21 days when I can evaluate the results of the treatment course.”

Vitalina, 36 years old: “When I applied my first patch for hypertension, I didn’t expect much effect. But the method works! I have already completed 2 courses of such treatment and I want to say that these courses had a positive impact not only on my blood pressure. The headaches went away, my sleep returned to normal, and in general I began to feel much more alert and energetic. I stopped taking pills completely, and now I don’t see the point in taking them.”

In contact with

Hypertension is a dangerous disease that affects people at any age. The manifestations of high blood pressure cannot be ignored; it not only provokes discomfort such as headaches, nausea, weakness, but also leads to serious complications, negatively affecting the entire body.

To avoid serious consequences, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner. Demonstrates high efficiency Hypertension patch.

What is the use of a pressure patch?

The transdermal patch for high blood pressure is an innovative development that combines the achievements of science and the centuries-old experience of Chinese traditional medicine. It contains plant components that help stabilize blood pressure to normal levels.

The method of action of the Chinese patch for hypertension is simple. After it is attached to the skin (to areas where bioactive points are located), the therapeutic substances contained in it penetrate through the epidermis into the bloodstream and are sent directly to the internal organs.

Due to the fact that active medicinal substances enter the body without passing through the digestive system, this minimizes the likelihood of side effects. Extracts of medicinal plants, reduced to the size of nanoparticles, are absorbed by the skin in the required quantity. The possibility of an overdose, if the patch is used correctly, is excluded.

For what diseases should you use the Chinese remedy Hypertension patch:

  • high blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness, as well as headaches, including migraines;
  • asthenia, increased fatigue;
  • pain in the spine;
  • anxiety;
  • insomnia.

As a result of the action of the patch, blood pressure and heart rate are stabilized, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels increases, headaches and discomfort in the heart disappear, and blood circulation is activated. Sleep also normalizes, vitality increases and emotional state improves.

Key advantages of the pressure patch:

  1. Provides a continuous healing effect - the positive effect of the patch lasts 3 days. Medicinal substances enter the body continuously in small doses. Unlike drug treatment, which requires a clear schedule for taking pills, when using a patch there is no need to constantly monitor the time so as not to miss taking the medication.
  2. High efficiency– the action of the patch is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, and not just at eliminating the symptoms. This guarantees maximum treatment effectiveness.
  3. Soft action– the active components of the patch enter the blood in doses, which contributes to a gradual decrease in pressure. When taking pills, there is a risk of a sharp decrease in it, which is a strong burden for the body. Due to such a mild effect, the patch is recommended for preventive purposes.
  4. Safety - this medicine for hypertension is not addictive, does not have a destructive effect on the digestive system, as well as the liver and kidneys. Its natural composition causes virtually no side effects. The medicine is certified.
  5. Practicality - the patch is easily attached to the body, remaining completely invisible under clothing.

Despite the ease of use, this remedy helps get rid of serious health problems. However, you need to use the patch after examination by a doctor.

Composition of Chinese transdermal patch

The pressure-reducing patch contains exclusively herbal ingredients.

The main active ingredients of the medicinal composition:

A unique combination of these and other herbs in a precise proportion allows you to effectively reduce blood pressure and fight hypertension.

Price – how much does the hypertension patch cost?

The most affordable price for the Hypertension patch is available on the official website. Here it is sold at a favorable discount.

The price of the drug in Russia is 990 rubles. Please check with our managers for prices in other countries. They will provide up-to-date information.

Where to buy Hypertension patch?

The most reliable way to buy a real patch for hypertension is to order it on the official website. Certified products are sold here. But at the pharmacy there is a risk of buying a fake.

The ordering algorithm is simple. You need to do the following:

  • go to the official website of the product;
  • find the checkout field;
  • fill in the information that managers need to contact you;
  • wait for a call from the manager.

You can fill out the order form absolutely at any time, because it works around the clock. A call from the manager will arrive shortly. You can ask him any questions related to products, as well as delivery.

After confirming the order, it will be delivered to the specified post office within 10-20 days. These terms apply throughout the territory of Russia. For residents of other countries who also have the opportunity to order a transdermal patch, delivery time is negotiated individually. Payment is made after receiving the funds by cash on delivery.

Instructions for use

The patch is very easy to use. It is attached to the area around the navel, since this area contains a large concentration of blood vessels, as well as biologically active points.

Instructions for use:

  1. Thoroughly wash and dry the skin around the navel where the patch will be attached. This is a mandatory procedure, since contaminated skin may contain harmful microorganisms, and clogged pores will prevent the active components of the patch from quickly penetrating into the bloodstream.
  2. Carefully remove the patch from the packaging. Remove the protective film.
  3. Apply the patch to clean skin. Leave for 2-3 days.

Brief instructions for use on the patch packaging.

The pressure will begin to drop 20 minutes after the product is attached, but its effect will continue for 72 hours. After you have removed the used patch, take a break for 5-8 hours, and then repeat all the manipulations using a new product.

The duration of treatment with the patch depends on the individual characteristics and stage of the disease. If the pressure is increased periodically, the product can be used once. If hypertension is diagnosed, you should undergo 2 courses of treatment. These are 7 patches, each of which is attached for 3 days, as indicated in the instructions for use. The total duration of the 1st course is 21 days.

With advanced hypertension, treatment cannot be limited to using only a patch. Its use should be part of a comprehensive course of therapy prescribed by specialist.

There are the following contraindications to the use of the patch:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Despite the high safety of the drug, in rare cases side effects occur when using it. Most often these are local allergic reactions. To reduce the risk of unwanted effects, spicy and salty foods should be excluded from the diet during the period of application of the patch.

The Hypertension patch drug is available in the form of sterile patches measuring 7x7 cm. Each of them is placed in individual packaging. The shelf life of the product is 2 years. It must be stored at a temperature of +5-+25°C, avoiding direct contact with the rays of the sun.

Real patient reviews

Varvara, 54 years old

“I have been suffering from high blood pressure for a long time. I used to take pills, and recently my son bought Chinese patches. At first I was skeptical about this medicine, but decided to try it. I noticed that my blood pressure had really stabilized and my headaches were less frequent. Now I will buy these patches.”

Sergey, 40 years old

“I have hypertension. I was looking for new treatments to get off the pills. I decided to try the patch. I like that when using it, you only need to apply the product once every 3 days and there is no need to take pills. It's comfortable. And there seems to be a result.”

Yulia, 37 years old

“I often had headaches. A friend recommended a patch that her mother uses. I bought it because I was wondering if it would help. I noticed the result after the first use. I can’t say that the pain has completely disappeared, but its intensity has decreased. I will continue treatment, I hope for a positive result.”

Doctor's review

Svetlana Alekseevna, cardiologist

I like how the transdermal patch for hypertension works. It gradually reduces pressure, avoiding sudden surges. The remedy is quite effective, although in advanced forms of the disease it will not replace a full course of treatment. I advise everyone who suffers from high blood pressure to have this drug in their medicine cabinet.

The effectiveness of the transdermal Hypertension patch in the treatment of hypertension has been proven by the results of numerous studies. During their implementation, doctors recorded a significant improvement in the condition of people suffering from high blood pressure.

When used correctly, the drug will not only help reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of the disease, but also eliminate the cause of its development.

Please note that it is best to use the patch after consulting a qualified doctor.

High blood pressure requires constant monitoring. If no measures are taken, the blood vessels suffer and undergo pathological changes. Loss of elasticity and deterioration of blood flow are influenced by various factors: excess weight, frequent stress and emotional instability, dietary errors, diseases of internal organs.

To support health, combat hypertension and prevent serious disorders, the pharmaceutical industry suggests paying attention to transdermal pressure patches. Such products have no serious contraindications; they act in a fundamentally new way, 24 hours a day.

How does the patch work?

Transdermal patches implement the basic idea of ​​Chinese medicine - influencing diseased organs and normalizing body functions with the help of plant extracts. The effectiveness of the products increases many times over compared to traditional dosage forms, due to the long-term effect on the skin area.

For example, a taken pill begins to “work” after about an hour, showing a positive effect for no more than 2-4 hours. The nanopatch begins to release active components immediately after attachment and is valid for up to 3 days.

What is a transdermal patch for hypertension? These are modern dosage forms designed to deliver active substances to the body, bypassing the usual form of taking drugs. The possibilities of transdermal therapy include a constant concentration of active components entering the blood.

Substances isolated from plant materials are reduced to nanoparticle size for fast and deep penetration. This explains the fact that the patch begins to act almost immediately after application. The effect of use can be described as fast, long-lasting, without negative reactions.

The patch itself consists of a base and a concentrated medicinal layer applied to an adhesive surface, which is usually silicone. Pasted on an area with close blood vessels, the patch ensures the flow of active components into the blood.

And they, in turn, normalize blood circulation, relieve spasms, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, help eliminate toxins and dissolve cholesterol plaques. The pressure is normalized and maintained within healthy limits for the entire period while the patch is applied.

Chinese patch for hypertension: composition

The patch is impregnated with extractive substances isolated from plants and reduced to the size of nanoparticles for better penetration through the skin. The following plant materials were used:

  • Gastrodia. The rhizome is widely used in Chinese folk medicine to treat nervous diseases, dizziness, epilepsy, and frequent headaches. The extract normalizes the nervous system, improves blood circulation, tones muscles, and gives strength;
  • Peppery knotweed. The herbaceous perennial is common in the temperate climate zone. Contains many essential oils, organic acids, vitamins, microelements, tannins. Improves blood composition, normalizes blood pressure, tones and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and has antibacterial activity. At the same time, it has an analgesic effect on the body;

  • Eucommia. In nature, it lives only in China. Contains a large amount of organic acids and glycosides. The bark of this elm-leaved plant has healing properties. The extract has a stable hypotensive effect, especially effective in the initial stages of hypertension. Has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • Mistletoe. The evergreen shrub is a source of many biologically active substances. The leaf extract is used as a medicine against dizziness and hysteria. It has a vasodilating effect and normalizes the condition of angina pectoris. Normalizes high blood pressure, soothes headaches, improves emotional state. Also useful for rheumatism, asthma, heart disease;

  • Sage. A perennial with a powerful root, it is a common medicinal plant. The raw materials are the root itself, leaves and flowering tops. Contains essential oils, fatty oils, flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, mineral components. Sage improves the condition of blood vessels, helps lower blood pressure due to its diuretic effect, and strengthens the nervous system. Useful for inflammatory diseases. Recommended for use by women during menopause.

All natural components of the Chinese pressure patch act in several directions and have a complex healing effect on the body.

How to use correctly

Chinese patches for hypertension are recommended to be applied to the place where the maximum number of blood vessels is concentrated: near the navel. Thus, the substances that make up the medicinal base of the patch immediately enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

The area where the patch is applied must be degreased (rinsed with water) and wiped dry. The patch is taken out of the package, removed from the protective sticker and tightly applied to the surface of the skin. Validity period - from 1 to 3 days (indicated in the annotation for a specific patch). The sticker is firmly attached to the skin, is not afraid of getting wet, and does not lose its properties until removed.

Plant-based products provide a lasting effect only with long-term use. Therefore, the course of application of the patches is 21 days (3 weeks). When changing one patch to another, you need to take a few hours break.

Positive properties of patches

Transdermal patches can be used at all stages of hypertension, with irregular high blood pressure, anxiety and stress, and headaches. And also with diagnosed vegetative-vascular dystonia, edema, tachycardia, fatigue. The patch is also suitable as a prophylactic agent.

The patches use the most modern technology for delivering drugs to the human body. Bypassing the digestive tract, the active substances immediately enter the blood. Overdose in this case is impossible, since the components are absorbed evenly and in small doses.

The pressure begins to drop slowly a few minutes after gluing the patch to the body, and the effect lasts for 3 days. All this time, blood pressure remains within optimal limits. Additionally, it has a positive effect on internal organs and systems. Natural components do not affect the functioning of the kidneys or liver. The development of dependence on the drug is excluded.