Heatstroke in the baby what to do. How to know if your child has heat stroke and how to act

Heat stroke is not considered a serious condition, however, it can cause significant deterioration in well-being and can be dangerous for people with diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory or nervous system.

Not every parent will be able to recognize the first signs of heat stroke in a child in time, because children, especially small ones, cannot clearly describe what exactly happened to them, and adults often misinterpret the behavior of their children.

Signs of heat stroke in children under one year old

Many parents believe that "steam does not break the bones", and the warmer the child is wrapped up, even in summer, the better, because it is so easy for a child to catch a cold. This is by no means true.

Children under one year of age have imperfect thermoregulation, and they are not only easily supercooled, but also easily overheated and get heatstroke. Too warmly wrapped baby can get heatstroke even in a relatively well-ventilated area. How to recognize heat stroke in a baby under one year old:

The presence of these signs in a baby is an indicator that he is overheated and feels unwell. If you do not pay attention to them in a timely manner, then the baby may lose consciousness from overheating, or he will develop a severe degree of dehydration.

Signs of sun and heat stroke in children aged one and older

Overheating due to clothes that are not suitable for the weather also happens in older children.

In addition, it is aggravated by physical activity, especially in clothes that do not allow heat to pass through. In addition, a child can get heat stroke while in a stuffy and warm room.

Signs of heat stroke in a child older than a year are more diverse:

  1. With mild heat stroke - hyperactivity, increased excitability, which can aggravate the child's condition;
  2. Headache and dizziness;
  3. Nausea, vomiting, occurring suddenly, gradually increasing;
  4. Thirst;
  5. High fever, dry, hot skin;
  6. Lethargy, drowsiness, feeling tired.

But, as in children under one year old, in older children, the first symptom of overheating is often overexcitation, which parents interpret as a normal state, as well as drowsiness replacing it.

But if left untreated, heat stroke or sunstroke can lead to dehydration, sometimes severe.

Sunstroke differs from heatstroke in that it is possible only in hot weather in the open sun. Its first signs will be a feeling of overheating of the head, then a headache, nausea and vomiting. Dehydration from sunstroke is less common than from heatstroke.

How to recognize heat stroke at sea

Holidays at sea can be spoiled by the poor health of the child. The kid, and parents with him, bathe and spend a lot of time on the street.

The high intensity of solar radiation and constant exposure to its rays makes sun or heat stroke more than likely. Since the body is intensively exposed to overheating, its signs in children develop much faster:

  • The temperature rises sharply, often immediately to very high numbers;
  • Darkness in the eyes, especially when moving;
  • Develops constant nausea, vomiting, sometimes indomitable;
  • The skin on the face is red;
  • Strong headache;
  • Apathy, drowsiness, which is usually not preceded by overexcitation.

The younger the child, the faster he develops these dangerous signs. It is important to pay attention to them as soon as possible and take measures to prevent the severe consequences of heat stroke - dehydration and shock.

What to do if your child has heat stroke

If the parents recognized heatstroke in the child in time, then the very first thing to do is to take him out or take him out of the place where he overheated - preferably outside or in a cool, well-ventilated room. The presence of shade is necessary - direct sunlight can aggravate the effect of overheating.

Secondly, it is necessary to remove all excessively warm clothes from the baby, unfasten buttons, cuffs, belts, and other parts of clothing that interfere with free breathing.

You need to give the child a drink if he is able to drink. Water should be consumed in small sips, intermittently - drinking large amounts of water at once can cause vomiting.

You can apply a cloth soaked in cool water to the forehead, fan the baby with a towel, lightly sprinkle the face and neck with water, or wipe them with a damp hand or cloth.

It should be remembered that the victim cannot be cooled sharply - this can cause severe hypothermia. Do not direct a fan at him, douse him with water or bathe him in a cold bath.

With a slight heat stroke, the child's condition will improve in half an hour, and within a day all the symptoms will pass if re-overheating is not allowed. If this does not happen, if the child's condition worsens, if there are signs of dehydration, especially in a child under one year old, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

What to do before the paramedics arrive

Before the arrival of the doctor, the child needs to stay in a cool and well-ventilated room, in the shade. All this time you need to lie, best of all - on your side, putting a pillow or a roller of clothes under your head.

The baby in this state needs constant access to fresh air and peace. Reassuring a small patient with a conversation is also an important part of helping the victim. If the baby wants to sleep, then you should not wake him up.

You can give children to drink, preferably mineral water, but without gas. If it is not available, then boiled water will do. It should be at room temperature.

You can put a cloth soaked in cool water on your forehead and change it as it dries. You can also wipe or sprinkle water on your face and neck.

You can give antipyretic drugs only if they are prescribed by a doctor, or if the child has a dangerously high temperature - more than 39.5º. In other cases, it is worth doing with other methods of lowering the temperature. The same applies to painkillers and sedatives - if they are not prescribed by a doctor, it is better to refrain from self-medication.


In order to prevent heat stroke, children should be dressed appropriately for the weather – not too warm and not too light. The child's clothing should be made of natural fabrics that allow air to pass through easily so that excess heat does not accumulate under it and cause overheating.

If the child is active, then clothes should be selected taking into account his mobility. On sunny days, you should wear a hat, preferably light.

It's a good idea to carry a small bottle of water with you when you go out in the summer, as overheating and dehydration often stimulate each other. You need to drink in small portions - so the water is absorbed faster. It shouldn't be too cold. Mineral water in the heat is more useful than ordinary boiled water.

When relaxing at sea, it should be borne in mind that overheating under the southern sun sets in faster, and the safest time to be outside is before 10 am and after 4 pm.

This is also the safest time for swimming and sunbathing. Even more relevant than in temperate latitudes is a headdress and a bottle of mineral water with you.

A lot more useful information about heat and sunstroke in children is in the next video from Dr. Komarovsky.

Heatstroke is a dangerous condition for both a child and an adult. As many as three different diseases can develop from overheating of the body. In addition to heat stroke, conditions such as heat exhaustion and seizures can occur. Each of the three diseases has its own symptoms and slightly different models of first aid. In this article, we will talk about how to help a child with heat stroke.

Heat Stroke: Symptoms

Heat stroke is the most formidable condition for the body. Because of it, the child may die or receive serious damage to vital organs. It affects children under 4 years of age most of all, as well as older people aged 65 years and older. The main symptoms of heat stroke include:

  • Temperature 39.5 degrees and above;
  • redness of the skin;
  • Rapid breathing and pulse;
  • Nausea;
  • Throbbing headache;
  • Confused consciousness or its absence;
  • Dizziness.


With heatstroke, you can notice that the child's skin has become hot to the touch, and it has also become red. Therefore, it makes no sense to measure the temperature in the classical way "armpit". In this case, it is measured rectally, "inside" the body through the rectum, as the skin temperature can be much higher.

First aid for heat stroke

  1. First of all, for the victim, you need to call an ambulance. While the medics are on the way, move him to a cool place.
  2. Take off your baby's clothes and dry him with cool water.
  3. Apply ice in a towel to areas of the body where large vessels are close (armpits, neck, inguinal folds).
  4. If possible, take a cool shower or place in a bath with cool water.

Heat exhaustion: symptoms

Heat exhaustion is the result of being exposed to heat for several hours. It manifests itself with symptoms such as:

  • Profuse sweating;
  • Cold, pale and clammy skin;
  • Rapid pulse (may be weak);
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • The head is spinning, it hurts;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • General weakness.

First aid for heat exhaustion

  1. It is necessary to start providing first aid to a child with heat exhaustion by lowering the body temperature. To do this, move the victim to a cooler place and wipe with cool water.
  2. Drink small amounts of liquid.
  3. If the child's condition does not improve within an hour, or if he has severe vomiting, consult a doctor.

Heat cramp: symptoms

Most often, a heat cramp occurs against the background of active physical exertion in the heat. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Pronounced sweating;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Cramps in the abdomen and limbs;

First aid for heat cramps

  1. The first aid for a person with a heat cramp is the cessation of any physical activity.
  2. Move the victim to a cool place.
  3. Drink water or sports drinks.
  4. Seek medical attention if seizures last more than an hour, if there is a history of cardiovascular disease, or if the victim is on a salt-free diet.

What increases the risk of overheating?

Due to several factors, a person may be more susceptible to heat exposure. These risks include:

  • Overweight;
  • Increased air humidity;
  • Taking certain medications (antihistamines, beta-blockers, diuretics, tranquilizers, antipsychotics);
  • Diseases of the heart and lungs;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Diabetes.

It's important to know!

Antipyretic drugs are ineffective for heat stroke. Please don't use them in this situation! This may increase the risk of damage to the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.

How to protect yourself from the heat?

It is important for parents to remember a few rules that will help protect the child from the negative effects of heat in the summer.

  1. Never leave children in the car, even if the windows are open!
  2. Clothing should be light, loose and light.
  3. Give your child enough fluids, offer to drink more often. “Flavored” water (with the addition of berries / fruits) can help with this. Children will drink it more willingly.
  4. Try to spend most of your time indoors with air conditioning.
  5. If you don't have air conditioning at home and it's very hot, go to a mall/cafe where the air cools. Even a couple of hours in a cool room will reduce the risk of overheating when returning in the heat.
  6. Don't rely on fans! At temperatures above 32 degrees, they do not help to avoid overheating. It is better to take a cool shower or bath.
  7. Try to use the stove and oven less.
  8. Plan to go outside during the cooler hours of the day.
  9. Limit physical activity during the heat.
  10. Don't forget to protect your skin from sun exposure.
  11. Limit hot and heavy foods.
  12. Drink plenty of fluids before you feel thirsty. Try to drink less sweets.
  13. Don't drink too cold drinks. They can cause pain in the abdomen.
  14. Restore the loss of salts: with sweat we lose not only liquid. Drink mineral water or sports nutrition drinks.

For more useful information, see my Instagram profile - @dr.tanyadenisova

Sunstroke is a condition dangerous to human health and life, which occurs as a result of excessive exposure to sunlight on the surface of the head. However, sunstroke most often occurs when there is no headgear or UV protection is insufficient.

Sunstroke causes the following changes in the body:

  1. The local temperature of the skin of the head rises.
  2. Skin receptors transmit reflex impulses to the cerebral cortex.
  3. The membranes of the brain swell. There is hyperthermia (temperature increase) of all layers of the brain.
  4. The brain activates the work of blood vessels: they expand and begin to secrete pathological fluid (exudate) into the tissues and cavities of the body, which causes intoxication of the body.

The risk of sunstroke is increased in children:

Heatstroke causes serious consequences. It occurs when the body overheats. As a rule, it affects heat generation (accelerates) and heat transfer (reduces). Unlike solar, heat stroke can be obtained both while under the scorching sun, and in any room where the temperature is elevated (bath, transport, sauna, workshop, etc.).

Sunstroke can be called a type of heatstroke. It occurs when a person has prolonged contact with the sun's rays. Overheating causes the blood vessels in the head to dilate, which increases blood flow. The symptoms of sunstroke in children and adults are discussed below. It is necessary to correctly recognize them and provide first aid.

Violation of thermoregulation is a serious danger, because often even doctors cannot immediately diagnose "heat stroke" and begin to look for causes in violations of the blood vessels and heart.

Direct sunlight can cause sunstroke in humans. As a result, the brain begins to receive more blood, which leads to the fact that the excess can stagnate. In the worst cases, the capillaries are highly susceptible to external factors and burst. As a consequence, this leads to disruption of the functioning of both the peripheral and central nervous systems.

As mentioned earlier, sunstroke is a type of heatstroke. He warns that too much heat has accumulated in the body, which the body does not have time to remove and cool down to the desired temperature. A person begins to sweat a lot, his blood circulation is disturbed. In some cases, the impact can be fatal.

A child's body functions differently than an adult's. Symptoms of heat and sunstroke in children appear quickly enough: after 7 hours. With a mild illness, the child develops lethargy, lethargy, dizziness and nausea. Signs such as tinnitus and visual disturbances are not uncommon.

With an average form of sunstroke, vomiting may begin and breathing intensifies, body temperature also changes. Loss of consciousness and headaches are also not excluded.

The severe phase of the disease manifests itself due to hallucinations, delirium. However, in almost 90% of cases, the child loses consciousness for a long time or falls into a coma.

Symptoms of sunstroke in a child of 3 years old appear earlier and more strongly, so you need to carefully monitor the condition of your child.

Development mechanism

The human body adapts to different environmental weather conditions and maintains its constant temperature. If the air is very warm, the body begins to sweat actively - this is how heat passes into the environment. The hotter it is outside and the higher the humidity, the more a person sweats. In especially hot weather, up to 1 liter of liquid comes out with sweat in 1 hour.

Most often, infants, children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases suffer from overheating. In this case, the processes of heat generation are enhanced, and the processes of heat transfer are reduced. Heat is stored in the body and does not escape.

If a person is hot, he begins to sweat - this is how heat passes into the environment. In particularly hot weather, the body can lose up to 1 liter of fluid in 1 hour with sweat.

When overheated, the vessels narrow, the heat does not go to the skin, but remains inside. With dehydration, the blood becomes thick, blood circulation in the internal organs is disturbed. Blood enters the skin (the face turns red), it is not enough in the organs (weakness appears).

A person begins to have a fever, intoxication of the body, heart failure, which can even lead to respiratory arrest and death.

Normally, thermoregulation occurs at 37 °C (± 1.5 °C). When climatic conditions change, the process of heat transfer changes. In this case, the following consequences are possible:

  1. At the compensation stage, the human body struggles with overheating.
  2. Compensatory reactions disrupt thermoregulation.
  3. If the symptoms are not eliminated in the previous stages, fever appears.
  4. There comes a stage of a decompensation.
  5. Acidosis (a form of acid-base imbalance) occurs in the last stage of overheating.

Thus, when overheated, processes occur in the body that can lead to irreversible consequences.

The reasons

The main reason for this phenomenon is a violation of the thermoregulation of the body. It should be remembered that in young children the thermoregulation system is not fully formed. Children are the most susceptible to heatstroke.

  • long stay in an unventilated room with an air temperature of more than 28C;
  • warm clothes;
  • the proximity of the child's bed to the battery;
  • prolonged exposure to the street in hot weather without the possibility of drinking liquids.

Experts distinguish three degrees of severity of the disease. With a mild degree, the baby will feel weak, a headache will appear and breathing will become more frequent. With an average degree, vomiting appears, coordination of movements weakens and body temperature rises sharply. In severe cases, hallucinations and delirium begin, convulsions appear, the temperature reaches 42C. In a crumb under the age of 2 years, the muscles of the arms and legs can twitch and facial features become sharper.

With severe heat stroke, the baby may feel faint and fall into a coma.

There are two forms of overheating:

  • overheating during physical activity (in young people, athletes, those who work in a stuffy room);
  • classic heat stroke caused by elevated air temperature.
Insufficient fluid intake in hot weather can lead to heat stroke

The following reasons contribute to overheating:

  • prolonged exposure to the street in hot weather;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • the presence of multi-layered or synthetic clothing in hot weather;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • heart disease (including a previous heart attack or stroke);
  • overweight;
  • use of diuretics (read about causes of enuresis in children);
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • use of alcohol or drugs.

If timely assistance is not provided, a person can be seriously injured.

The most common cause of sunstroke is the bright rays of the sun that fall on the human body. The "friends" of this danger can be called stuffiness, alcohol, exposed skin, calmness. On the beach it is strictly forbidden to fall asleep while sunbathing. In order not to find out for yourself what are the symptoms of sunstroke in children and adults, you need to know the reasons that can provoke such a pathology:

As a rule, heat stroke in children manifests itself individually, depending on the protective and adaptive reaction of the body of each.

And it occurs when the influence of high ambient temperature on the child's body.

It is important not to confuse the concepts of sunstroke and heatstroke, and hence their impact on the child. Sunstroke occurs directly when the sun's rays directly hit the human body.

So, the action of infrared rays has an excessive effect on the skin, thereby being a direct aggressor for the body.

With prolonged overheating of the child, the first actions of the parents should be aimed at cooling the baby's body. You can wipe the body with a wet towel, it is also suitable for using compresses.

The amount of drinking water should be increased (to avoid dehydration of the body).

The main cause of overheating is considered to be exposure to high temperatures with reduced heat transfer from the body. Heatstroke in a child can even happen in a car while you are stuck in a traffic jam. When outside the window the air temperature reaches above 30, the air in a closed car is dry, which makes it difficult to breathe normally.

The sun, heating household items, limits the actions of the child, and this leads to discomfort and affects the internal state of the baby (which, it is worth noting, is also important).

Heatstroke can also be caused by wearing the wrong clothes. No need to reach fanaticism and wrap the child in everything and more. The right balance of weather conditions, temperature and fabrics from which clothes are sewn is important. The child should feel comfortable on the street.

There are only two reasons why heat stroke develops:

  • exposure to high temperatures from the outside;
  • the inability to quickly adapt and compensate for excessive overheating.

There are many factors that influence the likelihood of developing this condition.- the age of the child (the younger the baby, the more likely the blow), prior medication (antibiotics, immunostimulants or immunosuppressants, as well as hormonal drugs), a tendency to allergies, and even increased sensitivity to weather changes, which, by the way, is observed in most babies.

The most detrimental thermal effect affects children with diabetes mellitus, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including those with congenital malformations, children suffering from bronchial asthma, children with mental illnesses and diseases of the nervous system, very thin children and overweight toddlers, and also in children with hepatitis.

Among the additional negative factors that in every possible way contribute to the occurrence of pathology are closed clothing that creates the effect of a greenhouse, high humidity, and dehydration in a child. Especially dangerous is heatstroke, which occurs when several unfavorable circumstances coincide - for example, in a small child whose parents took them to rest in an exotic country, because. Complex biological processes of acclimatization are added to age. In combination with the heat, the effect will not be long in coming, and such a baby may well end up in intensive care.

Many parents still confuse sunstroke with heatstroke. Having provided the child with a panama hat and an umbrella from the sun, they believe that he is reliably insured against overheating. Such a little one is really protected from sunstroke, but he may well get heat in a panama hat and under an umbrella in the shade - if he stays in the heat for too long.

The thermoregulation center is located in the intermediate part of the brain. When overheated, a “failure” occurs in its work, and the body cannot effectively and quickly get rid of excess heat. Usually this physiological process proceeds with sweating. In response to the heat, the thermoregulation center sends a signal to the sweat glands of the skin, they begin to actively produce sweat. Sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin and cools the body.

In a child with heat stroke, the signal from the brain to produce sweat is delayed, sweat is not produced enough, and the child's sweat ducts are narrow due to age, which also makes it difficult to sweat (in the right amount and at the right speed).

Now imagine that with all this, the child is dressed in synthetic clothing that makes evaporation difficult and does not consume enough liquid. Too humid air (for example, in the tropics or in a bath) does not contribute to evaporation at all. Sweat is released, flows in streams, but there is no relief, the body does not cool.

Heatstroke may be caused by increased physical activity. in the heat - outdoor games on the beach, for example. Children with fair skin and blue eyes suffer the most heat stroke. They overheat faster and give off excess heat more slowly.

Symptoms and signs

There are four clinical forms of heat stroke:

  • Asphyxia. All symptoms are associated with impaired respiratory function, up to the development of respiratory failure.
  • Hyperthermic. With this form, a high temperature is observed, the thermometer rises above 39.5-41.0 degrees.
  • Cerebral. With this form of heat stroke, various disorders of the child's nervous activity are observed - delirium, convulsions, tics, and so on.
  • Gastroenteric. Manifestations of this form are usually limited to gastrointestinal disorders - vomiting, diarrhea.

You can recognize the characteristic signs of general hyperthermia in a child by the following symptoms:

  • Redness of the skin. If, when exposed to the rays of the sun, the erythema zone is limited to the zone of exposure, then with a general heat stroke, erythema is continuous in nature - absolutely all skin integuments turn red.
  • Difficulty, rapid breathing, shortness of breath. Such signs develop with any type of general temperature damage. Frequent shortness of breath in this case is the body's attempt to cool itself through the lungs.
  • General weakness, apathy. The child looks tired, sleepy, he seeks to lie down, ceases to show interest in what is happening.
  • Nausea and vomiting. These symptoms are more characteristic of the gastroenteric form, but may accompany other types of heat stroke.
  • Dizziness. It can be insignificant, or it can be quite pronounced, up to episodes of loss of balance.
  • hallucinations. Visual hallucinations accompany almost all types of heat stroke. Usually they manifest themselves in the subjective perception of non-existent points in front of the eyes, the so-called flies. Young children in response to this may begin to wave their arms, trying to "drive" them away.
  • Rapid and weak pulse. It exceeds the normal values ​​​​by about one and a half times, it is difficult to feel.
  • Dryness of the skin. To the touch, the skin becomes rougher, dry and hot.
  • Cramps and muscle pain. Seizures can cover only the limbs, and can be extended to the whole body. More often, the convulsive syndrome is in the nature of trembling of the arms and legs.
  • Sleep and appetite disturbance. Both parameters can be violated to a certain extent, it can reach the complete refusal of the child from food, water and sleep.
  • Incontinence. The inability to control urination and defecation occurs only in severe heat stroke associated with loss of consciousness.

With a mild form in a child, the skin always remains moist. A complex of symptoms is observed: headache, fever, lethargy, nausea and shortness of breath, as well as increased heart rate. But there is no loss of consciousness, there are no neurological manifestations.

With moderate severity, the temperature is high, the baby moves little and reluctantly, short-term episodes of loss of consciousness may be observed. The headache grows, symptoms of intoxication appear - vomiting and diarrhea (or one thing). The skin is red and hot.

With a severe course, the child is delirious, loses consciousness, experiences convulsions, speech may be confused, there are hallucinations. The temperature is at the level of 41.0, sometimes it reaches 42.0 degrees. The skin is red, dry and very hot.

It is possible to distinguish heat stroke from sunstroke by a combination of clinical signs. After excessive exposure to the sun, there is only a severe headache, nausea, and the temperature rarely rises to 39.5 degrees.

The danger of heat stroke in babies is that parents cannot always recognize this condition. Its primary symptoms are often mistaken for ordinary malaise, overwork, or a developing catarrhal disease. Ignoring the manifestations characteristic of overheating of the body, and untimely taking measures to eliminate them, can lead to the development of serious consequences, up to death.

The danger of this phenomenon also lies in the fact that many parents do not realize the seriousness of the situation and do not understand how dangerous heat stroke can be for the health of the child. That is why moms and dads should make sure that the baby does not overheat in the sun, does not stay in a too stuffy and humid room for a long time, and is dressed in things made from natural fabrics that correspond to weather conditions.

There are 3 levels of severity of heat stroke: mild, moderate, and severe. Overheating of the body at the initial stage can be recognized by the following signs:

  • dry lips;
  • strong thirst;
  • sticky saliva;
  • reduction in the urge to urinate;
  • weakness;
  • mild headache.

It is possible to determine the 2nd degree of severity of overheating of the child's body by the following manifestations:

  • increasing headache;
  • nausea with bouts of vomiting;
  • redness of the skin;
  • increased tearing;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • rapid pulse;
  • perspiration on the skin;
  • labored breathing;
  • a sharp decline in strength;
  • decreased motor activity;
  • disorientation in space;
  • confusion;
  • feeling of stupor;
  • fainting state;
  • staining of urine in an atypical brown color.

3 degree of severity of heat stroke is the most severe and dangerous for the health of the baby. It is characterized by such signs as:

  1. Frequent fainting.
  2. Muscle cramps.
  3. Psychomotor agitation. It is expressed in fussy movements, which sometimes lead to devastating consequences, senseless actions, too loud speech, turning into a scream, lack of response to external stimuli. Along with this, affective disorders can be observed in the form of increased anxiety, confusion, aggressiveness, inadequate laughter.
  4. hallucinations.
  5. Confused speech.
  6. Dry and hot skin.
  7. High body temperature, reaching up to 41.7-42 degrees.
  8. Tachycardia. The heart rate can reach up to 120-130 beats per minute.
  9. No urge to urinate.
  10. Respiratory failure. The child in this state breathes often, shallowly and intermittently.
  11. Muffled heart sounds. Detected by listening.

It is impossible to say exactly how long heat stroke lasts and how quickly it passes. The condition of the child may worsen both after 2 hours and after 8 hours. This phenomenon is individual. In each case, the duration of such a condition depends on many factors: the age of the child, the severity, the timeliness of the measures taken to eliminate it.

  • increase in body temperature up to 40C;
  • bluish mucous membranes and lips;
  • low sweating;
  • rapid pulse and breathing;
  • pallor;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • weakness, vomiting.

In children 5 years of age and older, symptoms usually do not appear particularly brightly. But if you find several signs, you should urgently contact a medical institution, since heat stroke in a child can in rare cases lead to death.

Too overheated, the body and its functions of thermoregulation weaken, which often leads to the appearance of heat stroke both in hot weather and in conditions of increased temperature in the premises (as, for example, happens in a bathhouse, sauna, transport or a room with insufficient air flow).

Noticing the deterioration of the general condition of the child, you should pay attention to the surrounding stimuli. If conditions such as sunstroke or heatstroke are suspected in a child, correctly perceived symptoms and prompt treatment contribute to the speedy recovery of the baby.

With changes in external conditions (especially temperature), the process of heat transfer also changes. Against the background of heat stroke, pathological changes occur in the body. And the consequences in babies of this condition are often unpredictable.

Changes in ambient temperature are quite naturally and adequately perceived by our body. After all, in order to protect our health, we adapt to the weather conditions.

And often, guided by the stereotypes about the “correct” dressing of a child, we expose him to the risk of heat stroke, which is accompanied by a significant increase in the child’s body temperature, sudden changes in pressure, up to loss of consciousness.

Also, prolonged stay in rooms with insufficient air conditioning (or no air conditioning at all) is the very factor that can lead to heat stroke.

Due to changes or even violations of heat transfer, the function of thermoregulation mechanisms ceases to work in favor of the body.

Trying to recreate the former balance, the internal temperature of the body is compared with the environment, which leads to the stage of decompensation.

In such cases, intoxication of the body, heart or kidney failure may develop, which, of course, is life-threatening.

Such frequent signs of heat stroke that appear in children (namely, fever, general weakness, redness of the skin) can be confused with a common cold, exhaustion or fatigue. Parents need to be able to recognize the initial signs and symptoms of this condition in order to prevent the baby's condition from worsening.

The occurrence of headaches and dizziness after a long walk in hot, stuffy weather is the first factor in a possible heat stroke. Noticing the following similar signs, you are more and more convinced of the likelihood of this condition.

Increased heart rate, redness of the skin, nausea and some other symptoms indicate the initial stage of heat stroke. In such a situation, you can cope on your own by resorting to home methods of treatment.

The next, more serious form, manifests itself in an even greater deterioration in the child's condition: pronounced apathy, possible loss of consciousness. Here already cold compresses will not be enough, and you should resort to the help of specialists.

The severe form is accompanied by the appearance of convulsions, nausea is accompanied by vomiting, the skin is dry, the respiratory rate increases, and the body temperature can reach the limit (40ºС). Usually, in the presence of such symptoms, the child is hospitalized, and urgently.

Refusal to eat is also a result of heat stroke. The child rejects any warm food and drinks. It is not necessary to force feed him, because in this state the body needs rest, and it is better not to injure him even more with heavy food. In such cases, the child can be interested in fruits or soft drinks (dried fruit compote, iced tea, water).

All symptoms in children are more pronounced, and their condition can deteriorate rapidly, especially in infants. You can recognize a pathological condition by the following signs:

  • anxiety, crying, screaming;
  • face becomes red, then pale;
  • possible fever;
  • sticky sweat appears on the back and stomach;
  • lips and armpits become dry, eyes become red;
  • appetite decreases;
  • joins apathy, general weakness.

There are three degrees of severity of this condition. With mild symptoms are insignificant: there is an increase in heart rate, pupils are dilated, there is slight shortness of breath, but the skin remains moist. Timely provision of assistance makes hospitalization unnecessary.

The average degree is characterized by an increase in headache, rare urination, dark-colored urine. The child becomes irritable. The heartbeat becomes more frequent, the extremities are cold, muscle cramps are possible.

The severe stage is fainting, loss of consciousness. Excitation, hallucinations, confused speech are possible. The pulse rises to 130 beats per minute, heart sounds are deaf, body temperature can reach 42 °. There is a violation of the acid-base balance. Increasing intoxication and dehydration lead to complications, pose a threat to health and life.


Heat or sunstroke in a child and an adult manifests itself in approximately the same way: headache, redness of the skin, dizziness. However, there are still some differences. In a more serious condition, a person develops nausea, darkening in the eyes, and vomiting. Sometimes there are symptoms such as short-term loss of vision and bleeding from the nose.

According to the degree of difficulty, sunstroke is divided into three types: easy, medium and heavy.

So, what are the symptoms of mild sunstroke (in children and adults)? The most common are nausea, headache, muscle weakness, increased heart rate and maximum pupillary dilation.

The average degree of sunstroke is manifested by other symptoms: temporary hearing loss, fainting, weakness, vomiting and nausea, headache, increased heart rate, nosebleeds, high temperature (40 ° C), impaired coordination.

Symptoms of a severe form appear unexpectedly. Basically, this is a change in the skin of the face, delirium, hallucinations, fever (up to 41 ° C). In addition, the patient may fall into a coma. In this case, it is necessary to provide first aid immediately, otherwise a fatal outcome cannot be avoided.

We have already covered the common symptoms of sunstroke in children (how to treat this condition is described below). How does heat stroke manifest itself? Headache, drowsiness, fatigue, redness of the face, diarrhea, vomiting, temperature up to 40 ºС are observed. If the cause of the problem is not eliminated, delusions and hallucinations may appear.


the child is lethargic, lies all the time, he is disturbed by vomiting, loss of consciousness is possible. A fever appears (up to 40 ° C), tachycardia occurs, breathing is frequent and difficult. 3 A severe degree is considered the most dangerous. Convulsions are possible, the person "burns" (temperature up to 41 ° C). The state of delirium, fainting occurs, blood circulation and breathing are disturbed.

In medical sources, you can find the division of the disease into 4 varieties:

  • asphyxia - respiratory failure, fever up to 38 ° C;
  • hypothermia - fever, fever (39-41 ° C);
  • cerebral form - there are mental disorders and neurological phenomena (convulsions, delirium, hallucinations);
  • gastroenteric form - a violation of the digestive system (vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, disturbed stools).

Contrary to popular misconception, heat stroke in a child is far from harmless. Ignoring its symptoms can lead to serious consequences requiring long-term treatment. In some cases, severe overheating of the child's body can be fatal. To avoid complications, parents should be able to recognize the signs of heat stroke in a child and know how to provide first aid. shch in this case.

What is heat stroke and why does it occur?

Heat stroke is the result of severe overheating of the body. Children, especially infants, are most susceptible to this phenomenon. This is due to the imperfection of the system of their thermoregulation, the violation of which is fraught with the development of serious complications.

Heat stroke, unlike the sun, does not depend on the nature of the weather and occurs not only as a result of prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. This condition can develop in hot and stuffy conditions both indoors and outdoors. There are several forms of heat stroke:

  • hyperthermic - a feverish state, an increase in body temperature up to 41 degrees;
  • gastroenteric - attacks of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • cerebral - convulsions, dizziness, clouding and confusion of consciousness;
  • asphyxia - shortness of breath, severe shortness of breath, disruption of the nervous system.

There are many factors that lead to heat stroke. The most common reasons include:

Often, heatstroke in babies happens when they stay in a closed car for a long time. If the outside air is warmed up to 32-33 degrees, inside the car the temperature can rise to 50 degrees within 10-15 minutes. It is especially dangerous to leave a baby in the car, just a little time is enough for his body to overheat.

What is the risk of heat stroke for children?

The danger of heat stroke in babies is that parents cannot always recognize this condition. Its primary symptoms are often mistaken for ordinary malaise, overwork, or a developing catarrhal disease. Ignoring the manifestations characteristic of overheating of the body, and untimely taking measures to eliminate them, can lead to the development of serious consequences, up to death.

The danger of this phenomenon also lies in the fact that many parents do not realize the seriousness of the situation and do not understand how dangerous heat stroke can be for the health of the child. That is why moms and dads should make sure that the baby does not overheat in the sun, does not stay in a too stuffy and humid room for a long time, and is dressed in things made from natural fabrics that correspond to weather conditions.

Signs of overheating in a child

There are 3 levels of severity of heat stroke: mild, moderate, and severe. Overheating of the body at the initial stage can be recognized by the following signs:

  • dry lips;
  • strong thirst;
  • sticky saliva;
  • reduction in the urge to urinate;
  • weakness;
  • mild headache.

Despite the fact that the 1st degree is the easiest, it requires a mandatory visit to the doctor. If, when identifying the listed signs, the child is quickly helped, hospitalization is not required.

It is possible to determine the 2nd degree of severity of overheating of the child's body by the following manifestations:

  • increasing headache;
  • nausea with bouts of vomiting;
  • redness of the skin;
  • increased tearing;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • rapid pulse;
  • perspiration on the skin;
  • labored breathing;
  • a sharp decline in strength;
  • decreased motor activity;
  • disorientation in space;
  • confusion;
  • feeling of stupor;
  • fainting state;
  • staining of urine in an atypical brown color.

3 degree of severity of heat stroke is the most severe and dangerous for the health of the baby. It is characterized by such signs as:

  1. Frequent fainting.
  2. Muscle cramps.
  3. Psychomotor agitation. It is expressed in fussy movements, which sometimes lead to devastating consequences, senseless actions, too loud speech, turning into a scream, lack of response to external stimuli. Along with this, affective disorders can be observed in the form of increased anxiety, confusion, aggressiveness, inadequate laughter.
  4. hallucinations.
  5. Confused speech.
  6. Dry and hot skin.
  7. High body temperature, reaching up to 41.7-42 degrees.
  8. Tachycardia. The heart rate can reach up to 120-130 beats per minute.
  9. No urge to urinate.
  10. Respiratory failure. The child in this state breathes often, shallowly and intermittently.
  11. Muffled heart sounds. Detected by listening.

It is impossible to say exactly how long heat stroke lasts and how quickly it passes. The condition of the child may worsen both after 2 hours and after 8 hours. This phenomenon is individual. In each case, the duration of such a condition depends on many factors: the age of the child, the severity, the timeliness of the measures taken to eliminate it.

How to understand that the baby has heat stroke?

Unlike a child older than 4-5 years, who can talk in detail about his condition, it is difficult for an infant to determine whether he has received heat stroke. In addition, the manifestations of body overheating in babies under 1 year of age are not specific, so mothers do not always associate them with heat stroke. Violation of the normal thermoregulation of the body of infants manifests itself in the form of:

If timely measures are not taken to eliminate the listed manifestations, the condition will move into a more severe stage, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • lethargy;
  • high body temperature;
  • lack of sweating;
  • a sharp decrease in response to external stimuli;
  • spasms and muscle cramps.

In critical situations, breathing can stop and a coma can develop. If you do not provide first aid to the baby, he may die.

First aid at home

Treatment for heat stroke should focus on lowering body temperature. If we are talking about overheating of children, you need to immediately call an ambulance or take the child to the nearest medical facility on your own. In this case, everything must be done very quickly, since overheating of a fragile child's body is fraught with the occurrence of irreversible processes, which can subsequently lead to lifelong disability and even death of the baby.

If it is not possible to take the child to the hospital on his own, before the arrival of the doctors, it is necessary to treat him at home. To alleviate the condition of the baby, you need to perform the following activities:

In no case can not be inactive, waiting for the arrival of an ambulance. In such a situation, not only the further health, but also the life of the child may depend on the observance of the above measures.

What are the consequences of heat stroke?

Untimely treatment of violations of the normal thermoregulation of the child's body can lead to the following serious complications:

  • its complete dehydration;
  • violation of the water-salt balance;
  • thickening of the blood;
  • oxygen starvation of tissues;
  • failure of metabolic processes;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • internal hemorrhages;
  • brain damage;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • violations of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • coma.

These phenomena are extremely dangerous and often end in death. To date, there are disappointing statistics of infant mortality as a result of overheating of the body. In order to protect children from the likelihood of developing these complications, parents should not allow them to overheat.

The human body has the ability to regulate heat transfer. That is, in cold conditions, it can retain heat, and when the temperature rises, it can intensively release it. This is a natural protective mechanism that allows you to maintain an optimal level of heat. When this mechanism is broken, there is a danger to health and even life!

In children, such violations occur very quickly. Newborns and infants under one year of age are most susceptible to heatstroke, since their natural thermoregulation mechanism has not yet been properly established.

Parents should be able to recognize the signs of an incipient heat stroke in a child and take immediate action. The more intense and prolonged the impact of high temperatures on the child's body, the higher the risk: the work of internal organs is disrupted, they can fail, the most critical cases end in death ...

Signs of heat stroke in a newborn baby up to a year

We say these frightening things so that you understand: parental neglect and frivolity can cost a lot.

Meanwhile, every child and adult is capable of getting a heat stroke: the condition develops acutely. But the worst can be easily prevented by responding to changes in the child's condition quickly and correctly.

The most rapidly deteriorating condition of children under one year. Take action at the first sign of overheating:

  • the child becomes restless, capricious, agitated;
  • the skin heats up and turns red;
  • cold sweat breaks out;
  • the baby is breathing heavily, yawning;
  • burps appear;
  • diarrhea occurs.

If the thermal effect is not eliminated at this stage, the situation will quickly worsen:

  • the skin turns pale;
  • activity is greatly reduced, the child becomes lethargic;
  • he is very hot, but does not sweat;
  • blunted reaction to stimuli;
  • there are spasms, convulsions on the face and in the limbs.

Then breathing slows down or stops altogether, coma may occur.

How to recognize heat stroke in children

Children can frolic, play and run even in extreme heat. It is very easy for them to “earn” a heat stroke, especially if parents do not take care of the safety of their children. Overheating is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • irritability, aggression;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • noise in ears;
  • pupil dilation;
  • nausea;
  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • thirst and dry lips;
  • redness, and then blanching, severe dryness of the skin;
  • high temperature in the absence of sweating;
  • increased and weak heart rate;
  • acceleration of heartbeats;
  • discoordination of movements;
  • inhibited reaction (the child weakly or does not react at all to stimuli).

This is followed by heat stroke, in which blood flows from the nose, a very high temperature rises, the skin becomes very hot and dry, breathing is frequent and shallow, convulsions, vomiting, and loss of consciousness occur.

Any signs of heat stroke in a child, regardless of age, can appear individually or in combination, in any sequence, so it is important not to lose sight of anything.

What to do if a child has heat stroke: treatment and prevention

In case of any manifestations of overheating, the child must be given first aid. Take off his clothes and lay him out of the sun, preferably in a cool, well-ventilated area. Have someone sit nearby and wave the fan, you can turn on the fan, but make sure that the air flow is not directed directly into the face of the victim. Talk to him so that the baby is not afraid and feels safe.

Start soldering the child. Let's drink a little, but often, and cold and sweet drinks are contraindicated in this case - it can cause stomach cramps and provoke vomiting, and the body has already lost a lot of fluid and is most likely dehydrated. Acidified tea, warm water, dried fruit compote, rosehip or chamomile broth are suitable as a drink.

It is important to know that antipyretic drugs are not able to bring down the high temperature during heat stroke. This should be done through exposure to the skin and body of the child from the outside. If he feels fine, let him take a cool summer shower. If the child is unwell, wipe it with a sponge dipped in cool water, apply a cold compress on the head, and if the pulse and breathing are disturbed, lightly slap it on the chest with a damp towel.

In case of loss of consciousness, it is necessary to bring a cotton swab moistened with ammonia to the nose. In this case, as well as with the manifestation of a convulsive syndrome and with the onset of heat stroke in children under 3 years old, it is necessary to call an ambulance. If there is no breathing or pulse, the child should be urgently taken to the hospital.

From now on, always try to prevent the situation from recurring, preventing overheating. Do not wrap the newborn, do not dress him too warmly. Always use clothes made from natural, light-colored fabrics. A hat, if the child is under the sun, must be worn! Never leave a baby in a hot car!

During periods of heat, it is not recommended to introduce new complementary foods to the child, but you need to give more drink than usual, babies should be given additional water.

Never leave your baby in direct sunlight during times of high activity. After 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., walking with a baby in the summer is only possible in the shade!

As for older children, the rules are almost the same: light breathable clothing, a hat, minimal physical activity under the scorching sun, walks in the shade. The diet during periods of heat should be dominated by light meals, plant foods, the consumption of fats and proteins should be minimized, and the amount of drinking should be increased. It is necessary to dose children's play and physical activity during periods of intense heat, occasionally arrange breaks and rest, and abandon long walks and transport walks.

Please note that heat stroke develops as a result of prolonged exposure of the child to the high temperature of his environment. And the risk of such a condition increases along with an increase in air humidity.

Especially for - Elena Semenova