Human papillomavirus in women - symptoms and treatment. The best pills against human papillomavirus Human papillomavirus drugs for treatment list

Papillomatosis is an infectious disease, the successful treatment of which requires an integrated approach. In most cases, the specialist recommends removing the papilloma. The procedure is performed surgically, by cryodestruction, electrocoagulation or laser. But this approach is not enough to completely get rid of the infection. The doctor also prescribes pills for papillomas to generally strengthen the immune system and fight the virus.

What is the reason for the appearance of papillomas on the body

Papillomavirus enters the human body by contact: when visiting public places, using common hygiene items, kissing or having sexual contact with an infected person. If the body was weakened and it did not have enough strength to overcome the virus, papillomas appear on the site affected by the infection. The localization of growths can be different: on the skin of the hands, feet, on the face and neck, in the armpits, on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, on the outer and inner parts of the organs of the genitourinary system.

The variety of warts and papillomas also directly depends on the type of virus. Some of them are quite harmless, and then the appearance of papillomas is nothing more than a cosmetic defect. But the situation looks completely different with other HPV strains that promote the formation of malignant tumors.

The right approach to treatment

The correct method of treatment for each is individual: age, severity of the disease, the presence of other diseases, the general state of health of the patient are taken into account. The doctor prescribes a treatment regimen only after the necessary studies to determine the strain of the virus, its amount in the body, the risk of degeneration into oncology. In most cases, it is recommended to remove the formation as the epicenter of infection and a potential source of further infection. After surgical removal of the formations or any other method, it is necessary to continue to treat the infection, as it continues to remain in the body.

Treatment methods for papillomavirus come down to taking antiviral drugs and strengthening the immune system. Medicines exist for oral or topical use: papillomavirus tablets, ointments, gels, suppositories, injections.

Antiviral therapy

First of all, the doctor prescribes pills for papillomavirus, which prevent the further spread of the infection and are aimed at destroying the virus itself. This list includes Isoprinosine, Groprinosine, Alpizarin, Cycloferon, Acyclovir. Let's dwell briefly on each of them.


Tablets against human papillomavirus based on the active ingredient inosine pranobex. Isoprinosine is an antiviral drug that at the same time has immunomodulatory properties.

It is prescribed for human papillomavirus infection to normalize cellular immunity. Isoprinosine prevents the reproduction of the virus by the fact that inosinorotic acid is introduced into the affected cell and does not allow the reproduction of viral DNA.

The daily dose is calculated based on the severity of the disease and the weight of the patient; as a maximum, adults are allowed to take 6-8 tablets per day for 3-4 doses. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

It is forbidden to take with individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug, with gout and hyperuricemia. Not recommended during pregnancy, lactation and children under one year.


The drug against the human papillomavirus, made on the basis of the same active ingredient as Isoprinosine - inosine pranobex. It is prescribed against HPV due to its direct antiviral action. Enhances the activity of the immune system.

Groprinosin is administered orally. The maximum dose for an adult is 5 g per day, for children from one to 12 years old - 4 g. The course of treatment is selected individually by a specialist, but on average it takes 1-2 weeks. If necessary, after a break of 10 days, the course can be repeated.

Prohibited for use in case of allergy to one of the ingredients, hyperuricemia, acute arthritis.


Alpizarin tablets are prescribed for HPV based on mangiferin obtained from Indian mango leaves.

The drug is characterized by strong antiviral properties, especially in relation to herpes viruses, chicken pox, human papilloma. It is most effective to take the drug in the early stages of the development of the disease. Stimulates the development of cellular immunity, blocks the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The appearance of papillomas is an unpleasant fact. But with such a variety of medicines, one should not despair. The main thing is to find a competent specialist who will help you choose the optimal treatment regimen for a particular situation.

The tablets can be taken with or without food. Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The medication lasts from three days to a month, depending on the form of the disease.


The drug has a wide spectrum of biological activity. Cycloferon relieves inflammation, strengthens the immune system, eliminates the virus and prevents the development of cancer.

The active substance of meglumine, acridone acetate, helps the body produce additional alpha and beta interferons and accumulate them in the body, which is associated with a strong antiviral effect of the drug. Activates killer cells and T-lymphocytes. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms. Can be taken to treat HPV and other infections.

Take 1 tablet of Cycloferon 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals. It cannot be chewed, but simply washed down with water.

It is forbidden to use with individual intolerance to the components, cirrhosis of the liver, pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as children under 4 years of age.


An effective herpes drug is also used to treat HPV. This is a synthetically created analogue of one of the components of DNA. Due to this similarity, it replaces the viral DNA and does not allow the virus to multiply. After entering the infected cell, acyclovir, under the action of enzymes, becomes active and blocks the replication of viral DNA, without actually affecting the cells of the human body.

Treatment with acyclovir usually lasts 5 days. Adults: 1 tablet 4-5 times a day, children - 2-3 times.

The use of this drug for HPV is usually well tolerated, but women who are pregnant or breastfeeding will need to consult their doctor.


The next item in the human papillomavirus treatment regimen is immunostimulants. Their main task is to influence the body's metabolism and activate immunocompetent cells.


Among the drugs for immunomodulatory papilloma, the drug Likopid is often prescribed. It enhances cytotoxic activity and stimulates the production of specific antibodies. Assign in the complex treatment of diseases accompanied by secondary immunodeficiency: against papillomas and other diseases caused by infection.

The highest efficiency is achieved when taken half an hour before meals. The dose is prescribed by the attending physician. The duration of the course is 10 days.

Contraindicated in galactosemia, exacerbation of an autoimmune disease, body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius. It is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.


With papillomas, Galavit tablets are also prescribed. The drug has an immunomodulatory effect, reduces the degree of the inflammatory reaction and the associated intoxication.

The treatment regimen is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. It is forbidden to prescribe for allergies to one of the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation.

Medications from the group of dietary supplements

In the complex treatment for HPV, in addition to antiviral and immunostimulating agents for papillomas, vitamin and mineral complexes play an important role. Thanks to them, the body receives the missing biologically active substances to improve the metabolism of cells and tissues. And strengthening the body is the prevention of disease.

Which pills to choose, the specialist will tell you. It is desirable that the percentage of the element to the daily norm be above 50%. The list of tested complexes includes Alfavit, Vitrum, Complivit.

Tablets that relieve itching and swelling

Skin diseases caused by papillomavirus are often accompanied by inflammation and itching, which causes a lot of discomfort to the patient. When combing, papillomas are injured and bleed. After removal of the growth, inflammation may also be observed. To avoid such situations, they take medications in the form of tablets: Suprastin, Diazolin, Loratadin, Claritin.

Papillomavirus affects the mucous membranes and epidermis of the anogenital zone, as well as the integument of the entire body. The localization of papillary growths depends on the species of the pathogen.

With the help of drugs, it is impossible to achieve elimination of the virus - HPV therapy is aimed only at removing existing pathological neoplasms and at immunocorrection.

Should HPV be treated?

On this issue, the opinions of experts were divided into two groups. Some believe that the pathogen remains in the body after infection and its elimination is impossible. Others adhere to the theory of self-removal of the virus.

Is it worth treating HPV if there is a possibility that the pathogen will eventually leave the body under the influence of the immune system? Yes, there is scientific evidence that after infection, the virus was eliminated from the body within a year, but this is a moot point.

Whether it is necessary to treat HPV is up to the patient to decide, but it is worth considering the opinions of specialists. Many cases of self-healing have been identified, but their percentage is on a par with the progression of the disease.

After 30 years, such cases are rarely seen in medical practice, because the immune system weakens over the years and is not able to cope with the virus on its own.

Cases when HPV treatment is necessary:

  • With a significant viral load in terms of PCR or Digen test;
  • Pronounced external symptoms (anogenital warts, relapse of the disease);
  • Identification of atypical cells during a cytological examination of the cervix;
  • Planning for pregnancy.

If human papilloma is detected in men, treatment is necessary only if the same strains of the virus are found during the examination six months after the first examination. Since most infected men are asymptomatic carriers, no therapy is necessary. An exception is the planning of a partner's pregnancy.

Papillomavirus - treatment regimen

To this day, the main direction in the treatment of HPV remains the removal of growths by various methods of destruction or excision. Not a single antiviral drug is aimed at destroying the pathogen, therefore, complex therapy is used, including agents from different pharmacological groups.

HPV treatment regimens vary depending on several factors:

  • Viral load (concentration);
  • Oncogenicity of pathogen strains;
  • The nature of the external symptoms;
  • The degree of damage to the epithelium.

Standard methods of treating papillomas (HPV) can also vary due to the detection of concomitant diseases, because chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and herpes infection are often transmitted sexually with this pathogen. The identification of these diseases forces the attending physician to adjust the therapy, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

If an HPV virus is detected, standard treatment includes:

  • antiviral therapy;
  • Immunostimulating;
  • Regular fortification of the body;
  • Destruction of skin growths.

If the patient has severe cervical dysplasia and tests show the presence of HRC HPV, treatment may include cytostatics or other drugs that inhibit the growth and appearance of new atypical cells.

If a papilloma virus is detected in a pregnant woman, therapy is postponed until the last trimester, when all the organs of the fetus have already formed and the drugs cannot harm the child.

How to treat human papillomavirus - antiviral therapy

There are no drugs with a specific action that are aimed at destroying the DNA of the causative agent of papillomatosis, but there are drugs that suppress the replication of the RNA of the virus at the transcription stage.

Some specialists, if an HPV infection is detected in a patient, supplement the treatment with antiherpetic drugs. Here, the opinions of doctors also differed, because the preparations of acyclovir and genciclovir do not show particular effectiveness, but cases of improvement in the condition of patients against the background of complex therapy, including these agents, have been noted.

Antiviral effective treatment of papillomas consists in the use of interferon inducers. These drugs are available in various dosage forms for local and systemic use: creams, ointments, tablets, injection solutions.

Human papilloma - treatment with interferon inducers

In the presence of anogenital genital warts, complex therapy includes 5% Imiquimod cream containing a low molecular weight derivative of imiquidaquinolineamine. The drug has an indirect antiviral effect, which manifests itself due to the ability to induce the production of endogenous interferon alpha and some cytokines.

An effective combination treatment for HPV can also include imiquimod in the presence of cauliflower or cockscomb growths (multiple condylomatous growths combined into one or more conglomerates).

Outwardly, the duration of application can not exceed 4 months. The cream is applied to pathological neoplasms up to 3 times a week (do not rinse for 10 hours).


If there are no external symptoms, but the test results showed the human papillomavirus, the treatment is supplemented with an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug - Isoprinosine. Inosine pranobex in the composition of the drug helps to restore the functions of lymphocytes (induces the production of suppressors and helpers).

Before treating papillomavirus with this remedy, it is necessary to consult a specialist about the duration of therapy. It is recommended to take 2 tablets three times a day.

The course of treatment can be extended up to a month, but the doctor has the right to adjust the duration based on these test results and external examination.


If papilloma is detected, treatment is carried out with the help of Cycloferon, which is available for transdermal and oral administration, and as an injection solution. It exhibits antiviral activity due to the presence of acridone acetate in the composition of meglumine.

The drug has the following actions:

  • Interferon-inducing;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiproliferative.

The drug inhibits the development of HPV DNA - treatment will be effective even with dysplasia, because Cycloferon exhibits antitumor activity.

Treatment methods for papillomavirus, including interferon preparations, become more effective, because Cycloferon is able to enhance their effect. Also, this tool reduces the risk of side effects when using interferon-containing drugs.

Allokin Alpha

If the patient has growths on the dermis or on the mucous membranes, and according to the test results, human papillomavirus is detected, the treatment may include an agent that is very similar in action to interferon-containing drugs.

Allokin-Alpha is effective in HPV of high carcinogenic risk and is used in the treatment of cervical dysplasia. It is also prescribed for relapses of papillomatosis.

Before treating HPV with this remedy, you should consult a specialist. The drug is contraindicated in autoimmune diseases. Although it does not have embryotoxic and teratogenic properties, it is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

Galavit with HPV - antiviral treatment

The drug has an immunocorrective effect and is used to prevent the recurrence of papillomatous growths. The main active ingredient is a phthalhydrazine derivative.

Effective treatment of the papillomavirus with Galavit is based on the pharmacological activity of the active substance:

  • Regulation of the synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines (interleukins);
  • Restoration of the work of T-lymphocytes;
  • Stimulation of interferon synthesis.

Methods of treating papillomas (HPV) with Galavit:

  • Systemic use (intramuscular injections, sublingual tablets);
  • Local - 1% ointment.

As an anti-relapse course, specialists prescribe an ointment and an injection solution together. After therapy, the parameters of the immunogram significantly increase in patients, which indicates an increase in the body's defenses.

How long is HPV treated with this drug? Since the therapy is anti-relapse, it is assumed that the growths were removed by destructive methods. The transdermal agent must be applied to the former affected areas for at least 10 days, the solution according to the scheme is taken from 10 to 15 days.

How are papillomas treated with interferon preparations? Viferon

The action of drugs is directly related to an increase in the immune response when the body is damaged by a pathogen. Recombinant interferon is obtained using genetic engineering. Before treating papillomas with systemic and topical agents, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Produced in such dosage forms: gel, ointment and rectal suppositories. Antiviral and immunomodulatory action is achieved due to the presence of human recombinant interferon in the composition.

If papillomavirus is detected, treatment is carried out with an ointment. Also, as part of complex therapy, rectal suppositories are used. Viferon has an antiproliferative effect and inhibits HPV RNA and DNA replication.

Due to auxiliary substances (tocopherol acetate and ascorbic acid), the antiviral effect increases, the production of immunoglobulins is stimulated.

The course of treatment for HPV (papillomavirus) can last up to a week. The transdermal agent is applied to the skin, gently rubbing, 4 times a day. Suppositories are administered 2 per day for five days.

The analogue of the drug is human Interferon, Reaferon, Genferon.

How is human papillomavirus treated - external cytostatics

This group of drugs is included in the treatment of genital warts for the destruction of pathological growths. They are unsafe, as they cause local side effects in the form of redness, burning, itching, inflammation, weeping contact dermatitis.

If a human papillomavirus (HPV) is detected, treatment (see photo) using these agents is carried out only if there are growths on the outside - they are not used for vaginal and cervical formations.

Podophyllin inhibits cell division by stopping pathogen DNA synthesis. The course of treatment should not exceed a month, when applying the drug to growths no more than 2 times a week.

If genital warts are present and tests show papillomavirus, treatment (see photo) can be done with 5-fluorouracil. The drug in the form of a cream is used to destroy intravaginal growths, as well as papilloma formations in the urethra. If side effects are detected, you need to contact a specialist about the complete cancellation or replacement of the remedy.

Where to treat the human papillomavirus?

If wearable papillary formations have been noticed, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will determine the nature of the growths, refer to another specialist or for tests, after which he will independently prescribe therapy.

Where are papillomas (HPV) on the genitals treated? This is done by narrow-profile specialists - gynecologists and urologists. You can make an appointment with a doctor at any clinic. If the patient does not trust free medicine, there is another option - private clinics and independent laboratories.

If a viral papilloma is detected (see photo), treatment can be done at any medical center, since almost all private clinics on the basis have devices for the destruction of pathological formations and specialists with the skills to remove papilloma growths.

Identified HPV - should I treat my partner?

The partner needs to be tested for the presence of a pathogen in the body, however, treatment should be started only if there are condylomatous growths in the anogenital zone.

If the partner has been diagnosed with an infection, but there are no external symptoms, then he is a carrier and some preventive measures must be followed.

Before going to a specialist, you can find out how and how the human papillomavirus is treated, so that if you wish, you can discuss possible alternative methods of treatment.

You also need to be treated when planning a pregnancy. Asymptomatic carriers are advised to reduce their viral load.

All manipulations associated with the diagnosis and treatment of papillomatosis are painless and will not cause discomfort to patients.

A common pathology is currently papillomavirus infection. The causative agent of the disease affects mainly the mucous membranes of the throat, mouth, nose, and genital organs. They are selected after passing the examination, during which it is possible to determine the type of virus. Modern methods of treatment allow you to get rid of only the external symptoms of the manifestation of the disease.

Causes of papillomas

Experts say that most of the population is infected with the papilloma virus, but the disease does not always manifest itself. Some people are not even aware of the infection and are only carriers. The appearance of characteristic formations on the skin indicates the presence in the body of diseases of inflammatory etiology in an advanced stage. Also, papillomas can occur against the background of severe stress.

Infection occurs not only through sexual contact (unprotected). Although this method is more common than others. You can become infected with the virus through contact with the skin of the carrier, with a kiss. The virus enters the body through wounds and scratches on the skin.


Papillomas outwardly resemble moles on a short stalk. They look unaesthetic, especially in open areas of the body. Neoplasms appear most often in the genital area, both in women and in the stronger sex. Papillomas can have various shapes: flat, pointed, filiform, in the form of a mosaic. The color of the growth is somewhat different from the skin and may be lighter or, conversely, a darker shade. Depending on the external manifestation of the disease, the specialist selects the optimal cure for papilloma.

A person infected with the virus is usually only concerned about the appearance of characteristic moles or warts. However, it was found that the internal organs are also under attack. In the process of medical diagnostics, formations are detected on the mucous membrane of the stomach, bladder, and cervix.

How is papilloma treated?

What medications are suitable for getting rid of caused HPV can only be determined by the attending physician (dermatologist, gynecologist or andrologist). It is highly undesirable to get rid of papillomas on your own. Modern medicine offers several ways to treat a pathological condition. Drug exposure is the basis of therapy. The medicine for papillomas acts on the problem from the inside, blocking the reproduction of the infection and improving the protective functions of the body.

From the mucous epithelium and skin using methods such as cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, laser and surgical removal. One of the modern methods of getting rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect is the use of a radio knife, which cuts off not only the neoplasm itself, but also the epithelium.

Effective drugs for papillomavirus infection

It should be borne in mind that there are no medicines that can destroy the papillomavirus in the body. Properly selected medicine for papillomas can improve the state of the immune system, suppress the reproduction of the virus. It is not recommended to take such medications without a doctor's prescription.

To combat a viral infection in dermatology and gynecology, the following drugs are most often recommended:

  1. "Isoprinosine".
  2. "Cycloferon".
  3. "Interferon".
  4. Panavir.
  5. "Viferon".
  6. Ferezol.
  7. "Verrukacid".

Some medications are quite complex and can provoke the development of side effects. After passing the examination, the doctor determines an individual regimen for taking the drugs.

Description of the means "Isoprinosine"

One of the most effective drugs (according to many doctors) for the elimination of human papillomavirus infection is Isoprinosine. The drug belongs to the group of antiviral and is able to directly affect the pathogen, preventing it from developing.

The drug for the correction of pathological conditions of the immune system is available in the form of tablets. The active substance is inosine pranobex (500 mg). Tablets have both antiviral and immunostimulating effects. "Isoprinosine" effectively suppresses the development of HPV (the production of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase is blocked), and due to the stimulation of the protective function of the body, viral particles and infected cells are completely destroyed.

with the help of Isoprinosine

The treatment regimen and dosage are calculated depending on the type of virus. With ordinary papillomas, drug treatment is quite enough. If warts are observed on the skin, in addition to tablets, surgical intervention is indicated.

The medicine for papillomas is taken for at least 14 days. The course of treatment can be extended up to 28 days on the recommendation of a specialist. The dosage depends on the age of the patient. Children over 12 years of age and adults should take two Isoprinosine tablets three times a day. In pediatric practice, tablets are prescribed to children from 3 years old, calculating the dose of the active substance depending on the weight of the child. 500 mg of inosine pranobex is shown per 10 kg of body weight. That is, if a child weighs 15 kg, he needs to take 750 mg per day. The result obtained is divided into three doses (250 mg at a time).

During surgical removal of papillomas and condylomas, it is also necessary to carry out antiviral therapy to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Before using the drug, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Natural preparation "Panavir"

Another cure for papillomas is Panavir, which is based on substances of natural origin. The tool has a wide spectrum of action and is used as a powerful immunomodulator and antiviral drug. Release "Panavir" in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, gel and spray for external application, solution for injection.

The active substance of "Panavir" is an extract from potato tops. It has been established that the substance has a strong immunomodulatory property and promotes the production of interferon in the body. For the treatment of papillomas, it is often prescribed in the form of a gel, which is applied twice a day. In the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, the remedy, according to experts, is also effective. Candles help get rid of papillomas in the anus and vagina.

Treatment of papillomas should be started at an early stage, without waiting for the moment when they begin to increase in size. According to patient reviews, the gel is well tolerated and does not cause allergic reactions. In most cases, it helps to get rid of warts and various types of papillomas. With a slight spread of growths, it is enough to use only an agent for external application. In more advanced cases, complex therapy is indicated.

In the form of a spray and gel "Panavir" is used in pediatric practice. This natural anti-papilloma medicine can also be used to treat pregnant women.

"Ferezol" with papillomas

You can fight cosmetic defects on the skin caused by the presence of the papillomavirus in the body with the help of the drug Ferezol. The tool is designed specifically to remove growths on the skin. The solution is effective for warts, papillomas and condylomas. However, it should also be used as prescribed by a specialist. The effectiveness of the drug is based on the cauterizing and mummifying effect.

How to use correctly?

According to the instructions, the liquid medicine for papillomas is applied directly to the affected area and they try to avoid getting the solution on healthy skin. You can first steam out the area of ​​​​the dermis with the neoplasm and allow the moisture to dry completely. Such manipulation will allow the drug to penetrate into the deeper layers of the neoplasm. You can apply the medicine with a small stick.

If the papilloma is small, then a single application of the Ferezol solution may be sufficient for removal. For large lesions, it is necessary to apply the drug several times with an interval of 15-20 minutes. In some areas of the body, such as underarms, it is dangerous to use the product due to the high risk of burns.

What do the doctor's say?

Experts strongly recommend that patients do not self-medicate with genital warts and papillomas. Appropriate therapy can only be determined by a doctor after the patient has been examined. The optimal cure for papillomas and warts for each patient is selected individually. Some patients may only need a drug effect on the disease, while others cannot do without the prompt removal of growths. The duration of treatment also depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the state of the immune system.

Human papillomavirus infection (human papillomavirus or HPV) is a common female disease, men are less susceptible to it. The papilloma virus is transmitted from a human carrier during sexual intercourse, through skin contact, and from mother to child during childbirth. When HPV is infected or activated, warts, genital warts (genital warts) appear on the human body, and gynecological diseases are observed in women. Some papillomaviruses are oncogenic. Treatment of human papillomavirus infection in women and men should be carried out with modern effective drugs.


Antiviral drugs for HPV have an antibacterial effect, preventing neoplasms from growing and spreading further.

Allokin Alpha

Active ingredient - alloferon-oligopeptide

Treatment of HPV with this antiviral drug is carried out according to clinical indications.

With HPV, the dosage is calculated as 1 milligram of the drug every 2 days. During the treatment, 6 injections should be made.

Side effects: weakness, dizziness, the formation of new elements of the rash.

Contraindications: pronounced autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, lactation, children's age, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


The active substance is acyclovir. Available in the form of tablets, ointment and powder.

A drug that suppresses the virus by embedding itself in its DNA and prevents it from reproducing. The best and most reliable drug for HPV.

Side effects: skin rashes that disappear after discontinuation of the drug, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to acyclovir.

Interferon (Lokferon, Inferon, Interferon human leukocyte dry lyophilasate)

The active substance is interferon alfa. Available in powder form in ampoules and suppositories.

An antiviral drug for HPV is used for genital warts.

Dosage, frequency and duration of use are determined based on clinical indications.

The use of interferon alfa preparations during pregnancy is possible only in cases where the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. It is recommended to stop breastfeeding while taking the drug.

Side effects: fever, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia, drowsiness, impaired consciousness, ataxia, dry skin, erythema, skin rash.

Contraindications: in severe diseases of the heart, thyroid gland, impaired liver and kidney function, epilepsy, hypersensitivity to interferon alpha.

Ribavirin (Ribavirin-Bio, Ribapeg, Ribamidil, Ribavirin-FPO)

The active substance is ribavirin. Available in the form of tablets and capsules.

It is used as an antiviral agent for the treatment of virus-affected skin and mucous membranes.

The dosage is prescribed individually depending on the clinical indications.

Side effects: headache, dizziness, general weakness, malaise, insomnia, asthenia, depression, irritability, decrease or increase in blood pressure, bradycardia or tachycardia, palpitations, cardiac arrest, hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, dyspnea, cough, pharyngitis, shortness of breath, bronchitis , dry mouth, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, taste perversion.

Contraindications: chronic heart failure, myocardial infarction, renal failure, anemia, liver failure, decompensated liver cirrhosis, autoimmune diseases, thyroid diseases that cannot be treated, severe depression with suicidal tendencies, children and adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to ribavirin.


Immunomodulators are a group of drugs that activate the immune system. Under the influence of immunomodulatory drugs, the production of leukocytes is activated and the body's natural fight against the virus is enhanced.

Viferon (Laferobion)

The active substance is interferon alfa-2b. Available in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels.

An immunostimulating drug for HPV is used in the complex of general therapy for adults, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours daily for 5-10 days. The course of treatment can be continued according to clinical indications.

During pregnancy, the drug is approved for use from 14 weeks. During lactation has no restrictions.
Side effects: allergic reactions in the form of skin rash and itching, which disappear within 72 hours after drug withdrawal.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.


Active ingredients - interferon alfa-2b, taurine, benzocaine.

A modern drug is indicated for the treatment of HPV, with its help, the effectiveness of the fight against viruses increases.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, 1st trimester of pregnancy.


The active substance is acid peptidoglycan. The release form is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection.

Immune preparation for HPV, which enhances defense mechanisms in infections caused by viruses. It is indicated for the correction of weakened immunity and the treatment of pathological conditions (warts, warts, dysplasia, and others) caused by the human papillomavirus.

Contraindications: It is forbidden to use in children under 12 years of age and in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug. It should not be used during pregnancy unless the benefit to the woman outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. Not recommended for nursing mothers.


The active substance is glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide. Produced in the form of tablets.

An HPV medicine used in diseases accompanied by secondary immunodeficiency.

The course of treatment is carried out for 10 days, the daily dose is 10 milligrams 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals.

Of the side effects, an increase in body temperature up to 37.9 ° C was revealed, this phenomenon is short-term and occurs at the beginning of treatment.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding, exacerbation of autoimmune thyroiditis, diseases accompanied by severe fever or high body temperature.

Also pay attention to the list of other hidden infections in women that can cause significant harm to health.


The action of combined drugs is aimed at destroying cells with the HPV genome and restoring the function of lymphocytes during immunosuppression, which accelerates the elimination of papillomavirus due to the active synthesis of interferon.

Isoprinosine (Groprinosine)

The active substance is inosine pranobex. Produced in the form of tablets.

The drug for papillomavirus infection (HPV) in men and women, including in the genital area.

The dosage of the drug for adults is prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day, for children - 1/2 tablet per 5 kilograms of body weight per day in 3-4 doses for 14-28 days as monotherapy.

The safety of the use of Isoprinosine during pregnancy and lactation has not been established, so the use of the drug is not recommended.

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, a temporary increase in the activity of transaminases and alkaline phosphatase in the blood plasma, itching, headache, dizziness, weakness, polyuria, joint pain, exacerbation of gout, an increase in the concentration of urea in the blood plasma.

Contraindications: urolithiasis, gout, arrhythmias, chronic renal failure, children under 3 years of age (body weight up to 15-20 kilograms), hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


The active substance is the polysaccharides of the shoots of Solanum tuberosum. Available in the form of suppositories, gel and solution for intravenous administration.

It is indicated for reduced immunity in combination with infectious diseases.

The drug against HPV, applied intravenously in a jet slowly, 200 micrograms. When papillomavirus infection is administered 3 times with an interval of 48 hours for 1 week and 2 times with an interval of 72 hours for 2 weeks.

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible.

Contraindications: severe diseases of the kidneys and spleen, lactation, childhood, hypersensitivity to the herbal remedy. Use with caution during pregnancy.


The active substance is a complex of sodium deoxyribonucleate with iron. Produced in the form of a solution.

It is used intramuscularly as part of combination therapy in the treatment of HPV.

Dosage - 5 milliliters 1-2 times a day for 10 days.

Side effects: fever, hyperemia, moderate pain at the injection site.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding), children's age, hypersensitivity to the drug.


The active ingredient is meglumine acridone acetate. Available in the form of tablets and solution.

An antiviral drug for HPV in women and men, has a destructive effect on papillomavirus cells and at the same time strengthens the immune system.

Children and adults need to take 4 tablets every 3 days for 23 days. After that, the dose is reduced to 4 tablets 1 time in 5 days. The general course of treatment should be 3.5 months.

Side effects: allergic reactions.

Contraindications: cirrhosis of the liver in the stage of decompensation, children under 4 years of age, pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding), individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In order to cure the infection, it is necessary to take pills for papillomas. This disease affects the skin and mucous membranes. It has more than 100 strains of human papillomavirus infection. Growths on the body can appear in a single form or multiple. Having found papillomas, you should contact a dermatovenereologist, the doctor will help you choose the most effective remedy for removing a benign tumor.

Review of the best antiviral medicines

Is it possible to kill a papilloma from the inside with pills? Medicines that have an antiviral effect act on the root of the problem from the inside. Such drugs block the reproduction of infection and improve the protective functions of the body. Antiviral drugs are prescribed for multiple formation of growths on the neck and in other places.

Attention! Medicines should be taken only after medical consultation and reading the instructions for use.

HPV requires the mandatory use of pills if there is a risk of degeneration of a benign growth into a malignant tumor. Consider the most effective antiviral agents against the human papillomavirus.

The use of Cycloferon

From papillomas on the body, the use of Cycloferon is prescribed. It can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a prescription from your doctor. Tablets against the virus also have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. The scheme of taking Cycloferon in tablets for papillomas:

  • the drug is taken orally in 3 pieces with a dosage of 150 mg;
  • use the remedy should be every other day;
  • the course of treatment is 1 month.

You can also do intramuscular injections. This method will take a shorter time. It is enough to carry out 10 injections, which are done every other day.

Action and method of use of Isoprinosine

From papillomavirus it is useful to take Isoprinosine. Tablets block the enzymes of the virus, causing its death, they activate the production of interferon, and inhibit the occurrence of inflammatory mediators. This remedy quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease. Application scheme:

  • use pills from the virus should be within 10 days;
  • use 2 pieces 3 times a day.

During the period of use of Isoprinosine, side effects may occur, such as nausea and dizziness. Keep a close eye on your health when using this medicine to get rid of papillomas.

How to use Acyclovir

The active substance of the drug directly acts on the human papillomavirus and is integrated into the genetic material. Aciclovir tablets should be taken directly with food or immediately after a meal. The drug should be consumed at regular intervals.

Pills for prevention for people with good self-protection are prescribed to drink 3 times a day. The daily dosage is 600-800 mg. If the patient is already infected, then he will need to take 200 mg 4 times a day. The dosage can be increased, but only after consulting a doctor.

List of immunostimulating drugs

Dermatovenereologists prescribe special medications to boost immunity. They are forbidden to be taken if a woman has a child whom she is breastfeeding, during pregnancy and hypersensitivity to drugs. Immunostimulants are not all freely available in pharmacies; to purchase some medications, you will need a prescription from a doctor. The best representatives of this group are such drugs:

  1. Galavit is a drug of domestic production. Take 1 tablet 4 times a day for 5 days. Next, drink 1 piece per day. The general course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  2. Likopid. If the human papillomavirus is detected, the patient is prescribed to take 1 tablet per day before meals. The medication is taken within 10 days.
  3. Groprinosin is an excellent immunomodulator. It increases the level of immunoglobulins, has an antiviral effect, stimulates the work of B- and T-lymphocytes. Adult patients are advised to take tablets 4 times a day. The recommended dose is 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight of a person affected by the virus.

Do not choose the dosage yourself, no matter how safe the medicine is. Each medication has contraindications and side effects that can aggravate the course of the disease. Panavir, Cycloferon also have a good immunostimulating effect.

What other drugs are prescribed

Doctors recommend taking metronidazole before using a CO2 laser. Tablets from papillomas are prescribed for both men and women. Metronidazole is a preventive measure before laser treatment of human papillomavirus infection of the lower reproductive system.

This drug is recommended to take 500 mg 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 8 days. Metronidazole refers to antimicrobial agents for systemic use. I can also prescribe the use of a medication such as Ampicillin.

How to use Indinol forte

Indinol forte with human papillomavirus is used because of its antitumor effect. This drug is effective for the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system, it is also used for prophylactic purposes oncology of the cervix in women if papillomas are found in intimate places. Tablets from papillomas in intimate places are contraindicated if there is an individual intolerance to indoles.

Important! Medical professionals claim that this drug is effective if benign growths are small and few.

The peculiarity of the use of the drug is that it can be taken by both healthy and sick patients. This is an excellent prevention of the human papillomavirus. How to drink medicine?

Adult patient should take 1 capsule per day with meals. Treatment with this drug is 30 days. It is contraindicated for lactating women and pregnant women.