10 most important vitamins for humans. The benefits of vitamins for the human body

Most of them can be obtained from a balanced diet. However, a typical diet lacks several very important nutrients. This article lists 7 nutrients that we often lack.


Iron deficiency is very common, especially among young women, children and vegetarians. This can lead to anemia, fatigue, weakness, a weakened immune system, and brain dysfunction. Best sources: red meat, liver, shellfish, canned sardines, as well as legumes, broccoli, and spinach. Also, do not forget to eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C - it helps iron to be absorbed.


Iodine is essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and normal brain activity. Almost a third of people on the planet are deficient in iodine, so do not forget to eat foods that are high in iodine. These are seaweed, fish, dairy products and eggs.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that tells our cells how to turn on certain genes. Vitamin D is produced from cholesterol in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency is not usually seen. Symptoms are subtle and may develop over several years or decades. Fish oil, oily fish, egg yolks will help to cope with the deficiency. And don't forget to get some sun!

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin. It is essential for blood formation as well as for brain and nerve function. Every cell in our body needs B12 to function properly, but the body is unable to produce it. Therefore, we must get it from food or supplements.

Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products (with the exception of nori seaweed).

Thus, people who do not eat animal products are at an increased risk of deficiency. The richest in this vitamin are seafood, meat and offal. Milk and eggs also meet our B12 needs.


Calcium is essential for every cell, especially bones and teeth. In addition, calcium plays the role of a signaling molecule throughout the body. Without it, our heart, muscles and nerves cannot function. Low calcium intake is very common, especially in young women and the elderly. The main symptom of calcium deficiency is an increased risk of osteoporosis in old age. Dietary sources of calcium include canned fish, dairy products, and dark green vegetables such as kale, spinach, and broccoli.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the most important fat-soluble vitamins. It helps form and maintain healthy skin, teeth, bones and cell membranes. The best sources of it are liver, fish oil, carrots and dark green leafy vegetables.


Magnesium is one of the key minerals in the body. It is of great importance for bones and teeth, and is also involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions. Nearly half of the people in developed countries are deficient in magnesium. The main symptoms of magnesium deficiency can be heart rhythm disturbances, muscle spasms, fatigue and migraines. To avoid this, eat whole grain cereals, nuts, leafy green vegetables, or dark chocolate daily.

Unfortunately, most of us remember the heart too late - only when faced with cardiological problems. And only a few remember that the heart needs support even if the "flaming motor" functions "like a clock." In this matter, the benefits of vitamins can hardly be overestimated, because these chemical compounds have an active preventive effect on all organs of the body. What vitamins are better to use for the heart and blood vessels, and in what natural sources they are contained, read below.

Which vitamins are best for the heart and blood vessels

vitamins- organic chemical compounds necessary for normal growth, development and metabolism. Vitamins cannot be attributed to fats, carbohydrates or proteins, since they are not able to provide the body with energy, but they are involved in all metabolic processes. If vitamins are not enough or they are absent in food, then this is the cause of the development of many diseases. All vitamins are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet or have names that reflect their chemical nature. Vitamins are divided into fat-soluble (A, D, E, K), water-soluble (C, P, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B12, folic acid) and vitamin-like substances (lipoic acid, pangamic acid, choline, inositol , carnitine, vitamin U). may be associated with the presence of free radicals in the body.

free radicals- very active molecules that have a free place for electrons and tend to fill this place by taking away an electron from other molecules. The molecule deprived of an electron becomes a free radical and, in turn, tries to fill the need for the missing electron. This process can go on indefinitely. Thus, in the body, free radicals cause the strongest oxidative stress. They activate the aging of the body, disrupt the proper functioning of body systems, especially the immune system, and provoke inflammatory processes. Oxidation of cholesterol in the blood stimulates its "sticking" to the walls of arteries, the growth of atherosclerotic plaques, which threatens atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke.

What vitamins are needed to strengthen the heart

Antioxidant- a substance that neutralizes free radicals, has a high chemical activity, is able to destroy atoms and chemical groups formed in various diseases, due to the effects on the body of certain toxic substances, radiation, nicotine, and a number of other factors. The human body has its own natural antioxidants, but doctors are becoming increasingly interested in the possibility of controlling cell growth and killing them with the help of additional antioxidants. The best known antioxidants are vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin A (beta-carotene). Currently, more and more facts are accumulating, confirming that these substances can reduce the likelihood of developing a number of serious diseases in humans (atherosclerosis, stroke, malignant tumors).

What are the benefits of the vitamins listed above, and what foods contain them, are described in the following sections of the article.

Vitamin C good for the heart

Speaking about which vitamins are useful, it is worth starting with vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which is a powerful antioxidant - a substance that neutralizes free radicals and thereby prevents damage to body cells. Ascorbic acid is necessary for the process of hematopoiesis, normalizes capillary permeability and regulates blood clotting. This useful vitamin for the body increases immunity, has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood, helps to reduce "bad" cholesterol, as it protects high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) from oxidation and, accordingly, the walls of blood vessels from deposition of oxidized forms of cholesterol . The benefit of vitamin C for humans also lies in the fact that ascorbic acid improves the body's ability to absorb calcium and iron, in a significant increase in the stability of vitamins B1, B2, A, E, pantothenic and folic acids in combination with an adequate amount of vitamin C.

Linus Pauling, twice Nobel laureate, pays the most attention to this vitamin, which is very beneficial for the heart: “The amount of vitamin C that provides maximum health - let's call it the optimal dose - has not been definitively established. But there is evidence that for different people this dose ranges from 250 mg to 10 g per day. And further: "The optimal daily dose is about 2.3 g." JI himself. Pauling took high doses of vitamin C and other vitamins daily for many decades. The great scientist until the last days of his life (and he lived for 93 years) retained a clear mind, good physical shape, high efficiency, actively led the International Academy of Sciences, which includes 118 Nobel Prize winners. It is usually advised to take vitamin C in doses of 300-500 mg in all months that have the letter “r” in their names (September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April).

The value of this one of the best vitamins for the heart can hardly be overestimated: a low level of ascorbic acid in the blood of people over the age of 40 (below 2 mg / l) increases the risk of myocardial infarction by 3 times!

The main plant sources of vitamin C in the diet

The main sources of vitamin C are plant products: oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits, bell peppers, tomatoes, leafy green vegetables, cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, baked jacket potatoes, green onions, apples, peaches, apricots, persimmons, strawberries, blackcurrants, melons, kiwi, wild rose, sea buckthorn, mountain ash.

Also sources of essential vitamins are herbs rich in ascorbic acid: parsley, sorrel, red pepper, cayenne pepper, oats, nettle, raspberry leaf, alfalfa, burdock root, gerbil, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek hay (Shambhala), hops, horsetail, peppermint, yarrow, plantain, red clover, skullcap.

In animal products, these heart-healthy vitamins are practically absent.

Daily dose of vitamin C: 100-200 mg under normal conditions. In diseases, injuries, stress, in hot climates, after 50 years, the dose should be increased to 200-400 mg.

Vitamin A for heart function

The benefit for the human body of vitamin A (retinol) is that it is actively involved in the redox processes of the body, including the regulation of protein synthesis, cholesterol, metabolism, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, the functions of cell membranes, promotes the growth of new cells, slowing down the aging process, is necessary for the formation of bones, teeth, body fat.

Vitamin A, which strengthens the heart, is able to be synthesized in the body as a result of the oxidative breakdown of beta-carotene. Vitamin A and beta-carotene neutralize very dangerous types of free radicals - oxygen radicals and polyunsaturated acid radicals, thereby protecting cell membranes. The antioxidant effect of beta-carotene is expressed in the prevention of heart and vascular diseases, in the protection of the cardiovascular system of people with angina pectoris, in increasing the blood levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL).

When eating foods containing vitamin A, it is necessary to simultaneously eat foods containing vitamin E, since its deficiency prevents the absorption of vitamin A.

Zinc contributes to the conversion of vitamin A to its active form, so zinc deficiency leads to a violation of the absorption of vitamin A.

Sources of essential vitamin A for the body

Sources of vitamin A for the body- these are products of plant origin: red, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, peaches, apricots, apples, grapes, watermelon, melon, rose hips, sea buckthorn, cherries), green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, green onions ), legumes (soybeans, green lentils, peas).

Also plant sources of vitamin A are the following herbs: kelp, nettle, parsley, cayenne pepper, sorrel, oats, peppermint, raspberry leaves, fennel, lemongrass, plantain, sage, burdock root, alfalfa, bearberry, hops, horsetail, mullein, clover .

Animal products: milk, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, egg yolk, liver (especially beef), fish oil, fish roe.

Daily dose of vitamin A: 1000 mcg.

Vitamin E essential for the heart

What other vitamins are good for the heart and blood vessels and are recommended for regular use? Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) as an antioxidant slows down the formation of free radicals and the oxidation of lipids (fats), thereby protecting cells from damage; prevents other fat-soluble vitamins from being destroyed by oxygen, helping the absorption of vitamin A. Tocopherol takes part in tissue regeneration, in the formation of elastic and collagen fibers of the intercellular substance, which slows down aging, and can even prevent the appearance of senile pigmentation. Vitamin E is important for the heart and blood vessels, as it is able to prevent increased blood clotting, improves peripheral circulation, favorably affects the state of blood vessels, normalizes the pulse, lowers blood pressure, reduces blood viscosity, and increases the level of "good" cholesterol. The necessary amount of vitamin E to strengthen the heart normalizes myocardial function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents thrombosis, and significantly reduces myocardial oxygen demand.

Mortality from heart disease is highest in people with a high need for vitamin E: these are men aged 35-50 years, women after menopause, and people who are overweight.

Daily dose of vitamin E: 12-15 mg.

Natural and Dietary Sources of Vitamin E

Natural sources of vitamin E are avocados, green leafy vegetables, cereals, wheat germ, legumes, oats, soybeans, oily fish, eggs, green vegetables, nuts (especially almonds, peanuts), apple seeds, vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, corn , cotton), turnip (fodder turnip), rose hips.

Also natural sources of vitamin E are the following herbs: flaxseed, nettle, oats, raspberry leaf, dandelion, alfalfa.

egg yolk, liver, milk.

Artificial supplements with vitamins E and A (beta-carotene) are not recommended in the diet, as there is no strong scientific evidence to support a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease when taking vitamins and minerals in various combinations in the form of dietary supplements. We need natural vitamins that we get from food.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the peak of popularity of nutritional supplements with vitamins and minerals occurred. The US government organization, the Disease Prevention Task Force, has reexamined the benefits of vitamin supplements in recent years. The conclusion is clear: there is no evidence that taking such drugs protects against stroke, hypertension, heart attack, cancer. Taking vitamin E and vitamin A tablets can even hurt. In 2013, experts said it was pointless for healthy people over 50 to take these drugs for prevention purposes.

Vitamin B3, which strengthens the heart, and its sources

The following vitamins, which are indispensable for the heart and blood vessels, are B vitamins, which are necessary for energy production. For the cardiovascular system, vitamins B3, B5, Bg are of the greatest importance. Which vitamins are better for the heart - it is impossible to answer unambiguously, since each of them performs its own function.

Vitamin B3(vitamin PP, niacin, nicotinamide and nicotinic acid) is essential for maintaining the normal functioning of the body at all its levels, especially for optimal circulation and a healthy heart. Niacin is actively involved in more than 50 reactions in which fat and sugar release energy. Vitamins for heart function dilate blood vessels and help lower blood pressure.

Vitamin B3 is important for the heart, as it increases the chances of recovery for people who have already had a myocardial infarction. It helps fight four main risk factors for the occurrence or development: low levels of "good" cholesterol (according to some scientific data, nicotinic acid can increase HDL concentration by 30%); a high level of "bad" cholesterol that accumulates on the inner walls of blood vessels (vitamin B3 reduces LDL levels by 10-20%); an increased content of lipoprotein (a), which is dangerous for the heart and blood vessels, which increases the likelihood of blood clots and contributes to blockage of the arteries (niacin in combination with vitamin C reduces this risk); high levels of triglycerides (blood fats), signaling the development of hypertension.

Eating foods with vitamin B3 to support your heart and drastically reducing your intake of sugar and other carbohydrates is the best way to manage high blood triglycerides.

Daily dose of vitamin B3: 20-60 mg

Dietary sources of vitamin B3- these are products of plant origin: various types of cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, avocados, peas, soybeans, lentils, bread, cereals, rice bran, wheat bran, cereal grains, sunflower seeds, ground nuts (peanuts), germinated wheat , buckwheat, non-crushed cereals - oats, barley, corn, rye and cereals from them, beans, mushrooms, brewer's yeast, dried fruits. The content of easily digestible nicotinic acid in coffee is high.

Animal products: milk, dairy and sour-milk products, fish (especially tuna), meat and organ meats (liver, kidneys).

Properties of vitamin B5 and its sources

One of the best vitamins for the heart and blood vessels is vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate), which activates redox processes, normalizes lipid metabolism, thus participating in the metabolism of fatty acids. Pantothenic acid has a significant hypolipidemic effect due to the inhibition of the biosynthesis of essential lipids, from which low and very low density lipoproteins are formed in the liver, regulates the ratio between "bad" and "good" cholesterol. Vitamin B5 is very important for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, cholesterol, hemoglobin, histamine, acetylcholine. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the synthesis of adrenal hormones - glucocorticoids, which affects the treatment of heart and vascular diseases, arthritis, allergies, and also reduces the negative effects of stress. In the body, vitamin B5 is produced in significant amounts by E. coli.

Calcium pantothenate increases the effectiveness of cardiac glycosides.

Daily dose of this essential vitamin for the heart: 5-10 mg.

Food sources of vitamin B5 are plant products: green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, barley, oatmeal and buckwheat, peas, brown, red and black rice, hazelnuts, yeast.

Animal products: egg yolk, milk and dairy products, fish roe, chicken meat, offal (heart, liver, kidneys).

Vitamin B6 and its natural sources

And in conclusion, the turn came to learn about the properties and sources of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which is necessary for normal metabolism. It is involved in the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems, participates in the synthesis of protein, hemoglobin, enzymes, prostaglandins, histamine, increases the use of unsaturated fatty acids, helps lower blood lipids and cholesterol, converts folic acid into its active form, stimulates hematopoiesis, improves contractility myocardium. Pyridoxine is synthesized in the body by the intestinal microflora.

Vitamin B6 improves lipid metabolism in the presence of atherosclerosis. Vitamin B6 in combination with vitamin B12 prevents clogging of arteries (clotting).

Vitamin B6 acts as a diuretic (increases urination), helping to reduce high blood pressure and thus protecting the cardiovascular system.

Daily dose of vitamin B6: 1.5-3.0 mg.

Sources of vitamin B6. Vegetable products: whole grains, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, corn, legumes, buckwheat and wheat cereals, rice, avocados, bananas, walnuts, molasses, field mustard, soybeans, yeast.

Herbs rich in vitamin B6: alfalfa, plantain, oat straw, catnip.

Animal products: egg yolk, fish, cod liver, oysters, milk, meat, offal (kidney, heart, liver).

Now, knowing what vitamins are needed for the heart, do not forget that the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system (as well as other systems) is impossible without good nutrition, which provides the body with all the necessary natural organic substances.

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Perhaps there is not a single person who has not heard of vitamins beneficial to the body at least once in his life. The very word “vitamins” has become so firmly established in our everyday life that they are often called fruits, vegetables, and pharmaceutical mineral complexes. What vitamins are essential for the body? What kind of vitamins does a person need every day, and in what quantity?

What are the groups of vitamins that are beneficial to human health

Speaking about what vitamins exist, it is worth noting that by now about 30 of them are known and studied. Only about 20 are involved in ensuring human health.

Since 1913, vitamins have been denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet (for example, vitamins A, B, C, etc.). In addition, they have special names that reflect their chemical structure (for example, ascorbic acid). Each vitamin also has a name, based on the name of the disease that develops in its absence, with the prefix anti (for example, vitamin C is also called antiscorbutic, etc.).

Since 1956, the International Chemical Nomenclature has been adopted, according to which all vitamins are divided into three groups. Here are the groups of vitamins that exist in nature:

  • water-soluble (vitamins of groups B, C, P, H);
  • fat-soluble (A, D, E, K);
  • vitamin-like substances (F, U, N, Q, H, B4, etc.).

What vitamin does the human body need every day: retinol

Vitamin A (retinol, antixerophthalmic factor) has a funny story. At the beginning of World War II, when the British had just invented radar, the Germans were very surprised why suddenly British pilots began to find and shoot down German planes many times more accurately, even in pitch darkness. The warriors of foggy Albion, of course, did not want to give out their secret and started a false rumor, they say, there are a lot of carrots in the diet of their pilots, so they began to see better.

Now it is quite obvious that this is a lie, but the Germans believed for a while. The fact is that vitamin A is necessary for every organism, but it does not improve normal vision at all, but only helps to avoid blindness.

The vitamin itself is found only in animal products. Most of all, they are rich in the liver of fish and animals, caviar, fish oil, butter and ghee, cheese, egg yolk. In vegetable products, it is found in the form of provitamin - carotene.

Speaking about what vitamins are necessary for a person, it is worth mentioning that the most carotenoids are found in red-orange vegetables - in carrots, tomatoes, red sweet peppers, beets, rosehips, sea buckthorn, apricots, as well as green onions, sorrel and lettuce.

If you know which vitamins are good for health, you should also take into account the fact that retinol deficiency is manifested by pallor and dry skin, a tendency to peel, form acne, brittle hair, and the development of pustular diseases. The main symptoms are photophobia, night blindness (night blindness). At a young age, growth retardation is possible. During normal cooking and fermentation, vitamin A and carotenoids are well preserved, but are quickly destroyed during drying.

This is a vitamin that a person needs every day, the daily requirement for retinol is from 0.5 to 2 mg. In lactating women - 2 mg.

What other vitamins are needed for the human body every day: thiamine

Another vitamin that a person needs daily is B1 (thiamine, anti-neuritis factor). It enters the body as part of bread made from coarse flours, with meat (especially pork), milk, yeast, cereals (with preserved shell and germ, that is, unpolished and not crushed). They are rich in beans and peas.

This is a very important vitamin for the body, its deficiency weakens intestinal motility, causes muscle weakness, reduces physical and mental performance, normal activity of the central and peripheral nervous systems, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, the body's resistance to infections and other adverse environmental factors.

Talking about what vitamins a person needs, it is important to note that thiamine performs something like the role of a cleaner in our body: it breaks down pyruvic acid and keto acids, which are an intermediate in the breakdown of carbohydrates (including glucose) and energy. By themselves, these two substances are very strong poisons, which, first of all, kill the nervous system. If it suddenly happens that vitamin B1 in the body becomes insufficient for the breakdown of these acids, they begin to poison the nervous system, and multiple polyneuritis develops. In the century before last, this disease was called the unusual name beriberi (skin shackles). At the same time, edema, muscle atrophy, cardiovascular insufficiency, peripheral polyneuritis, degeneration of nerve endings and conductive bundles develop rapidly, as a result of which skin sensitivity is lost. It is now known that a small dietary adjustment with the mandatory introduction of vitamin B5 into the diet treats this serious disease and gives a 100% preventive effect.

The daily requirement for this vitamin B1 necessary for a person every day is 1.5-2 mg (increases with an excess of carbohydrates in food).

Vital Vitamins for Human Health: Riboflavin

It is quite difficult to describe the importance of vitamin B2 (riboflavin, growth vitamin) for the human body without delving into biochemical terminology. It is involved in the most basic and primitive metabolic reactions. In short, vitamin B2 is extremely important for humans.

For example, this vital vitamin for humans is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B2 deficiency causes normochromic normocytic anemia. That is, red blood cells with such anemia are normal, red, similar to dried apricots, but there are very few of them. Although anemia is a manifestation of a very severe deficiency. In general, hypovitaminosis B2 begins to manifest itself from the face: the lips peel off, crack, jams appear, the skin turns red above the upper lip, on the wings of the nose.

With a chronic deficiency of this important vitamin for health, the conjunctiva of the eye loses its luster due to dryness. The cornea sprouts with vessels and then becomes cloudy. There is a cataract (clouding of the lens). In addition, the risk of developing cancer of the esophagus and other organs increases significantly.

Fortunately, this vitamin, necessary for the human body, is found in many foods, and a balanced diet fully satisfies the needs of the human body - about 1.5-1.8 mg per day.

Liver, yeast, milk, eggs, cottage cheese, almonds, mushrooms, broccoli are especially rich in vitamin B2. Just a little of it is produced by bacteria living in the large intestine.

However, speaking about what vitamins a person needs, it should be noted that riboflavin has one small drawback: it is not stored anywhere in the body, but circulates in the blood and, if necessary, is excreted with the kidneys. Thus, violations in the diet and hypovitaminosis B2 appear very quickly.

The daily requirement for this vitamin necessary for the body is 1-3 mg.

Vitamins essential for humans: niacin

Among the vitamins that a person needs is vitamin B3 (PP, niacin, nicotinic acid, antipellagric factor). The richest in this vitamin are meat products, especially liver, green parts of plants. In small amounts, niacin is synthesized in the body.

Vitamin B3 deficiency, as a rule, the result of a deficiency not only of nicotinic acid, but also of other B vitamins, is manifested by a symptom complex called pellagra (Italian pellagra - hard or rough skin). The most significant signs of pellagra are: dermatitis with increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, disruption of the digestive tract, dementia.

This important vitamin for the human body is named after the initial letters PP (translated from Italian - “preventing pellagra”).

The daily requirement for this healthy vitamin is 10-15 mg.

What vitamins are good for the body: pantothenic acid

Another vitamin that is useful for the human body is B5 (pantothenic acid, anti-dermatitis factor) found in small amounts in almost all plant, microbial and animal objects. Enters the body with milk, meat, liver, eggs, yeast.

With a lack of pantothenic acid in the body of humans and animals, damage to the skin, mucous membranes of internal organs occurs. The most striking symptom of B5 vitamin deficiency is numbness of the toes, accompanied by tingling and then burning pain. In addition, pantothenic acid deficiency is characterized by psycho-emotional instability, a tendency to faint. Since B5 is synthesized in small amounts by the intestinal microflora, deficiency of this vitamin is rare. Hypervitaminosis has not been described.

The daily requirement for this vitamin, necessary for a person, is 5-10 mg.

The presence of which vitamins is necessary for health: pyridoxine

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, anti-dermatitis factor) is sold in pharmacies under the name "pyridoxine". It plays a very important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The need of the human body for pyridoxine is partly covered by the bacteria living in the intestines, but most people still need to get it from food. By the way, this is not difficult to do, because the list of products containing vitamin B6 is very extensive. Knowing what vitamins are necessary for the body, to compensate for the lack of pyridoxine, you need to use the germinal part of the seeds and grains of cereals. The presence of this essential vitamin is also high in yeast, legumes in free form, as well as in meat, cattle liver, kidneys, fish, and cheese.

The main symptom of vitamin B6 deficiency is a violation of hematopoiesis and the development of various kinds of dermatitis.

Under conditions of unbalanced artificial nutrition, infants show signs of B6-hypovitaminosis in the form of increased excitability with periodic convulsions, which are eliminated by the administration of pyridoxine. In adults, manifestations of hypovitaminosis are possible during the treatment of tuberculosis with isoniazid.

But even having information about what vitamins are needed for health, a number of important points must be taken into account with regard to pyridoxine:

  • vitamins B6, B1 and B2 are pharmaceutically incompatible (when taken together, the physical and chemical properties, and hence the therapeutic effect, may change);
  • the combination of vitamins B1 and B6 enhances the signs of vitamin B6 deficiency and makes it difficult to convert vitamin B1 into an active form;
  • in the treatment of large doses of B vitamins, it is necessary to prescribe sufficiently large doses of vitamin C;
  • antibiotics, oral contraceptives and smoking increase the body's need for vitamin B6;
  • hair loss, cracks in the corners of the mouth, peeling of the skin, dermatitis are signs of vitamin B6 deficiency. With these symptoms, the use of pyridoxine or complex vitamins, including B6, is indicated.

The daily requirement for this important vitamin for humans is 2-3 mg. It increases with increased intake of protein with food and with age.

Vitamins necessary for human life: folic acid

The list of vitamins that are necessary for health includes B9 (folic acid, anti-anemic factor) in large quantities found in plant products - green salad, parsley, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, blackcurrant leaves, rose hips, raspberries, birch, linden, dandelion, nettle, mint, yarrow. Of the products of animal origin, this vitamin, necessary for human life, is mainly rich in meat and liver of animals.

Folic acid deficiency is usually not so much a consequence of limited dietary intake, but rather the result of malabsorption. Accompanied by the development of anemia.

The daily requirement for this vitamin, which is necessary for the human body, is 25 mg, however, due to insufficient absorption, it is desirable to increase to 50 mg.

Vital Vitamin: Cobalamin

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, anti-anemic factor) together with folic acid (vitamin B9) is vital for hematopoiesis. Doctors call this beautiful word the process of formation of erythrocytes - red blood cells that give the blood the color of ripe tomatoes and provide oxygen transfer. Lack of vitamin B12 in the body disrupts hematopoiesis and causes B12 deficiency anemia, also known as pernicious anemia, or Addison-Birmer disease.

Plant foods are poor in this compound. Therefore, the risk of developing vitamin deficiency in vegetarianism increases. Of the products of animal origin, this vitamin, necessary for human life, is found in large quantities in milk, liver, kidneys, yeast, and eggs.

Synthesized by intestinal microflora. stored in the body. The depot of vitamin B12 in humans is located in the liver. If suddenly an adult healthy person abruptly stops receiving vitamin B12, he will last five years without problems.

In the transfer of vitamin B12 through the intestinal wall, a protein compound that specifically binds the vitamin, the so-called intrinsic factor, takes part. Therefore, a violation of the synthesis of this factor leads to B12-avitaminosis, even in the presence of a sufficient amount of the vitamin.

The daily requirement for cobalamin is 3 mcg.

One of the most important vitamins for the body: ascorbic acid

Another vitamin that is very necessary for the human body is vitamin C (ascorbic acid, antiscorbutic factor). The chemical structure of vitamin C was established in 1923 by Dr. Glen King. In 1928, doctor and biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi first isolated vitamin C in its pure form. And already in 1933, Swiss researchers synthesized the well-known ascorbic acid, identical to vitamin C.

Currently, more than 300 biological functions of vitamin C have been studied and described. It helps to reduce sodium in the blood, which indirectly causes an increase in blood pressure.

Vitamin C is an important regulator of blood cholesterol levels, effectively protects our body from free radicals, while other antioxidants without vitamin C are not effective enough.

Interestingly, vitamin C accumulates in large quantities in actively functioning organs: the brain, myocardium, liver, pancreas, sex glands (especially in the testicles), cornea and lens of the eye. In these organs, its content is much higher than in the blood. Moreover, of all blood cells, leukocytes accumulate the most ascorbic acid, protecting the body from various harmful effects.

This one of the most important vitamins for the body prevents the formation of carcinogenic substances (nitrosamines) in the stomach from proteins and some nitrogenous substances widely used for canning; as well as nitrates and nitrites contained in tobacco smoke and exhaust gases.

Long-term use of daily doses of vitamin C as part of complex therapy helps to eliminate excess lead, nitrosamines, arsenic, benzenes, and cyanides.

This vitamin, useful for human health, has an anti-stress effect and enhances the body's defense mechanisms.

The systematic intake of large doses of vitamin C reduces the risk of cancer of the oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, stomach, breast, brain. Of particular interest are studies by American scientists, which showed that daily intake of 10 g of vitamin C by cancer patients for a long time prolongs their life and contributes to more successful cancer treatment. However, vitamin C does not cure cancer! It can (especially in combination with vitamins A and E) prevent its occurrence.

The main sources of this one of the most essential vitamins for humans are fruits and vegetables. Especially a lot of it is found in rose hips, blackcurrant, walnut, sea buckthorn, red sweet pepper, lemon.

Humans, monkeys, and guinea pigs cannot synthesize vitamin C. Deficiency is manifested by looseness of the gums, loosening of the teeth, skin hemorrhages, anemia, delayed wound healing. This symptom complex, with sufficient severity, is called scurvy, or scurvy. In children, sorbut is accompanied by abnormal formation of the skeleton, hemorrhage into the joints with the development of stiffness.

Vitamin C is highly soluble in water, but is the most unstable vitamin. At high temperature and in the presence of metals, mainly copper, it is destroyed. When cooking vegetables, vitamin V3 is lost. Repeated heating and prolonged storage of food lead to increased losses. During frying, it collapses slightly. When fermented, it is completely preserved. After thawing fresh frozen vegetables and fruits, vitamin C becomes unstable, so thawed foods should be eaten quickly.

Vitamin C deficiency is usually accompanied by vitamin P deficiency, which exacerbates the violation of vascular permeability.

An overdose of vitamin C is no less dangerous than its deficiency. If you take more than 2 g per day of ascorbic acid for a long time, there will be a deficiency of vitamin B12, and this is fraught with anemia - anemia. In addition, the risk of urolithiasis increases.

The daily requirement for this one of the most important vitamins for the body is 50-100 mg.

One of the most beneficial vitamins for the human body: calciferol

Vitamin D (calciferol, anti-rachitic factor) is probably not only one of the most useful vitamins for the body, but also the most confusing and incomprehensible. It goes through a long way of transformations before starting to act on the body, and, in the end, it turns out to be a hormone.

The chain of transformations begins with pre-vitamin D3 (7-dehydrocholesterol), which is part of the skin and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation turns into vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), enters the bloodstream and slowly reaches the liver. In the liver, vitamin D3, depending on the needs of the body, is converted either into vitamin D itself (calcitriol) or into its inactive form and excreted. Vitamin D takes all the calcium it can find in food and stores it in the bones. Thanks to him, the bones can grow, grow together and just be hard.

The source of the vitamin is the liver of fish and animals, butter, milk, egg yolk, fish oil. It is not found in plant products. Vitamin D is also formed in human skin when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Clinical signs of hypovitaminosis in children are increased irritability, restlessness, general weakness, sweating, delayed development of teeth, and a tendency to respiratory diseases. In adults - lethargy, muscle pain, crumbling teeth. The need for vitamin D is especially high in children under the age of 3-4 years (rickets develops in the absence of the vitamin) and is increased in women during pregnancy and lactation.

The daily dose in this one of the main vitamins needed by a person is 0.0015-0.0025 mg.

What vitamins are most necessary for human health: tocopherol

Vitamin E (tocopherol, anti-sterile factor) has become one of the most popular vitamins in recent decades. A huge number of books, articles, reports are devoted to him.

Vitamin E is, like vitamin C, an antioxidant. This explains its beneficial effect on the body. However, knowing which vitamins are necessary for health, remember that the protective effect of tocopherol against free radicals is more short-lived than vitamin C. But both vitamins are synergists, i.e. mutually reinforce each other. With a decrease in the consumption of one, the expenditure of the other is accelerated, and, conversely, together they inactivate free radicals more effectively. Free radicals are also dangerous for vitamin E itself, which they destroy. But if there is a lot of vitamin E and it is combined with other antioxidants, free radicals are powerless.

The wide spectrum of action of this one of the most important vitamins for humans is primarily due to its antioxidant effect. Studies conducted in a large number of sick and healthy people have shown that vitamins E, C and A reduce the risk of various malignant diseases, prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, and primarily atherosclerosis, which is the main cause of heart attacks, strokes, endarteritis and others. formidable diseases. In patients with angina pectoris, the content of vitamin E in the body is sharply reduced.

In the blood, among other formed elements, there are platelets - small (2-3 microns in diameter) irregularly shaped non-nuclear cells that play an important role in the process of blood clotting, the formation of a blood clot and stopping bleeding when blood vessels are damaged. Platelets stick together and form a thrombus - a kind of plug that closes the site of damage and prevents blood loss. But this remarkable property of them can lead to very sad consequences if platelets begin to stick together in intact vessels, forming aggregates that clog the vessels of the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, limbs. Long-term use of vitamin E contributes to the effective treatment of various manifestations of atherosclerosis, especially in smokers. Vitamin E inhibits platelet aggregation, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots, and also protects endothelial cells from disorders.

Extremely important information that has appeared in recent decades that vitamin E indirectly (through the anterior pituitary gland) contributes to the preservation of the normal structure and function of the gonads. It is very effective in the treatment of menopausal disorders in women.

In recent years, it has been convincingly proven that long-term use of vitamin E reduces the rate of cataract development and may even prevent its occurrence.

Vitamin E helps to reduce the duration of sleep. With an increased intake of vitamin E, you can increase physical activity without lengthening sleep.

Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, seeds of peanuts, peas, corn, soybeans and in the green parts of plants - lettuce, spinach. From animal products - in the liver, yolk, milk.

With E-vitamin deficiency, partial hemolysis of erythrocytes is observed, the activity of antioxidant defense enzymes decreases in them. An increase in the permeability of the membranes of all cells and subcellular structures is the main manifestation of hypovitaminosis. It is this circumstance that explains the variety of symptoms of tocopherol deficiency - from muscular dystrophy and infertility up to liver necrosis and softening of brain areas, especially the cerebellum.

The daily requirement for this one of the most important vitamins is 20-25 mg.

Vitamin essential for human life: phyllochonon

Vitamin K (phyllochonon, antihemorrhagic factor) is found in the green parts of spinach, nettle, cabbage and leafy cabbage, carrot roots and tomatoes. From products of animal origin - only in the liver.

Vitamin K is involved in blood clotting processes.

Vitamin K deficiency can develop due to impaired absorption of food in the intestine, due to therapeutic or accidental absorption of vitamin K antagonists. The main signs of deficiency are bleeding with minor injuries, hemorrhages in newborns.

An excess of vitamin K contributes to an increase in platelets, an increase in blood viscosity. It is highly undesirable to use foods rich in vitamin K, patients with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, some types of migraines, people with high cholesterol

Coach Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, Honored Author of Evehealth


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Very often people underestimate the role of vitamins in their lives. Many do not consider it necessary to monitor nutrition and additionally take the necessary vitamins and minerals. After all, they do not add energy to us and do not become a building material for the body.

But the consequences of beriberi will not keep you waiting. and as a result, exacerbation of chronic diseases, fatigue and lack of performance, premature aging, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, wrinkles and age spots appear.

Women will definitely be upset by such changes in the body and appearance. And in order to avoid this, you need to know: what vitamins are necessary for each organ of our body for full-fledged work (heart, blood vessels, etc.).

Without vision, human life is devoid of bright colors. Our eyes are often tired, watery, redden. But we usually do not attach much importance to this.

Human life in the modern world is unthinkable without gadgets: computers, phones, tablets. And in the evenings, watching a TV show in front of the TV is mandatory. It is sometimes difficult for the eyes to endure such loads.

If in the evening the clarity of vision disappears, the eyes are watery and sore - they urgently need a rest. And, most likely, it will only benefit.

What vitamins do you need to drink for visual acuity?

  1. Vitamin A. It just prevents fatigue and redness of the eyes. Prevents the development of cataracts in adulthood. If by evening the clarity of the images is lost, and the eyes begin to hurt, then you should add to your diet: liver, dairy products, tomatoes, rose hips, oats, green vegetables, raspberries.
  2. Vitamin B1. Stops the process of vision deterioration, affecting the functioning of the nervous tissue. This vitamin is present in meat products, liver, kidneys, honey, buckwheat.
  3. Vitamin B2. Its other name is riboflavin. The lack of it is signaled by the frequent bursting of blood vessels, as well as discomfort, reminiscent of "sand in the eyes." This vitamin is abundant in dairy products, eggs, apples, and nuts.
  4. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid . If there is a lack of “ascorbic acid” in the body, then it signals this by a decrease in immunity and rapid fatigue. Eyes often start to hurt by the end of the day, they get tired quickly when working on a computer. It is enough to add the following foods to the diet so that the condition returns to normal: kiwi, lemon, cabbage, rose hips, bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, etc.

Of course, vitamins can be obtained from food, but provided that you organize a proper and balanced diet. Which, alas, in modern conditions, is extremely difficult. Therefore, it is best to give preference to supplements. Vitamins can be drunk separately, but it is much more convenient and safer to choose a vitamin complex. They can be purchased both in local pharmacies and in specialized online stores. We recommend that you pay special attention to the iHerb website, which presents high-quality and certified products from the best manufacturers.

To improve your vision, be sure to try:

Vitamins necessary for a person to strengthen bones and joints

Of course, the main macronutrient for our skeleton is calcium. But for its assimilation, other vitamins are also needed. You need to take care of it all the time: both during the active growth of the body and in old age.

The most necessary vitamins for strengthening bones and joints:

  1. Vitamin D Its main merit is to help calcium and phosphorus be better absorbed in the intestines. It is especially important for children. The vitamin also controls the amount of calcium needed to keep our bones strong. Insufficient intake of vitamin D in human food is fraught with fractures, injuries of the vertebrae. In order not to bring to this, you need to eat fatty fish (herring, mackerel, trout, salmon), dairy products, eggs, liver.
  2. Vitamin C. With a long-term lack of ascorbic acid in a person, teeth are destroyed, bones do not grow together well during fractures. The fact is that vitamin C takes part in the synthesis of collagen, which forms fibers that are so necessary for our bones and joints. Lemon, bell pepper, kiwi in daily consumption will reduce the risk of bone deformities.
  3. Vitamin A. It, like vitamin D, helps calcium and phosphorus to be better absorbed. Prevents the development of osteoporosis, strengthens the walls of bones. You should diversify your diet with green vegetables, mountain ash, rose hips.
  4. Vitamin B6. They also help strengthen the walls of the bones. It is abundant in sunflower seeds, walnuts, seafood, meat products, bananas, potatoes, etc.

Also supplement your diet with dietary supplements to strengthen bones and joints with iHerb:

Few people can boast of beautiful hair. For some, they are brittle and dry, or, conversely, oily at the roots. Someone suffers from dandruff or loss. Everyone has different problems, but the essence is the same - they don’t get hair.

It turns out that it is not enough just to have a quality shampoo or conditioner. Even weekly hair masks will not save the situation if the hair is deprived of the vitamins and minerals it needs.

What vitamins do our hair need:

  1. B vitamins.
    • Vitamin B2 provides hair with smoothness and shine. Its deficiency affects the increased fat content at the roots and dryness at the ends of the hair. A sufficient amount of the vitamin is present in dairy products, meat, eggs.
    • Vitamin B6. Eliminates dry hair, itching, dandruff. There are nuts, fish, cereals, liver.
    • Vitamin B7. Provides a voluminous hairstyle, as well as smoothness and healthy looking hair.
    • Vitamin B9 promotes hair growth. Its deficiency can lead to sad consequences - partial or complete loss of hair. To prevent this from happening, eat fish, nutritional yeast, cottage cheese, cheese.
  2. Vitamin A. The lack of this vitamin immediately affects the hair. They become lifeless, dry, dandruff appears, hair loss is noticed. This can be avoided if you establish proper nutrition with green onions, spinach, lettuce and fatty fish. Hair will change right before your eyes: it will become silky and shiny.
  3. Vitamin C enhances hair growth, contributes to their strength. In addition, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which leads to saturation of the hair follicles with blood. Most vitamin C in kiwi, bell pepper, lemon, apples.
  4. Vitamin E. Known as the "beauty vitamin". It also affects the beauty of the hair. Nourishes hair follicles and promotes their strength. Relieves itching of the head, provides a quick tightening of wounds. To avoid hair loss, you need to add to your diet: sea fish, liver, sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, egg yolk, etc.

Vitamins and substances necessary for the body for beauty and youthful skin

The need to take care of the skin is not even worth talking about. After all, it is she who gives out the true age of a person. The skin has many functions, including the role of a kind of "filter" for the whole organism.

The appearance of the skin can signal all sorts of diseases of the internal organs. Numerous skin diseases, such as acne, furunculosis, psoriasis, etc., do not add beauty. To prevent this, you need to properly care for it. And this care should not be limited to external means.

  1. Vitamin E. If we talk about the skin, then it is impossible to forget about it. Retains youthfulness of the skin, promotes its hydration. Protects against free radicals. Vitamin deficiency leads to premature aging and sagging of the skin of the face and body.
  2. Vitamin A. Reduces fine wrinkles, restores damaged skin in a short time. With a deficiency, the skin becomes dry, flaky, acne and age spots may appear.
  3. Vitamin C. Vitamin deficiency affects not only the skin, but the whole body as a whole. Aggravated allergic reactions, itching, redness appears on the skin. The general appearance of a person speaks of fatigue. Vitamin C accelerates the healing of purulent diseases faster and prevents bruising.
  4. Vitamin K. Edema, pallor, pigmentation - signal a lack of this vitamin.
  5. B group vitamins. Provides renewal of skin cells. Moisturizes, treats skin diseases, dilates blood vessels. Vitamin deficiency affects the skin in the form of allergic red spots, acne, acne, dermatitis.

It is impossible to make a beautiful manicure if. This can be a huge disappointment for any woman. But proper nutrition with the addition of essential vitamins will solve this problem.

What vitamins are needed by the body to strengthen nails:

  1. Vitamin C. Do the nails exfoliate, break, do white spots and indentations clearly stand out on them? This signals a lack of vitamin C.
  2. Vitamins B3 and B5. Their insufficient amount in food becomes noticeable on the nail plate. The nails are thin with a gray tint and a strong bulge.
  3. Vitamin A. Protects our nails from external influences. Such as: cleaning products, a sudden change in weather, not wearing gloves in extreme cold.

iHerb presents combined vitamin complexes that will help restore and maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. Efficiency and efficiency among others stand out:

Vitamins to strengthen the nervous system

We often test the strength of the nervous system. Stress at work, traffic jams, problems in the family, inopportunely naughty children ... All this unbalances. Alarming symptoms appear: depression, deterioration of well-being, fatigue, anxiety. The required amount of vitamins per day can solve this problem.

Vitamins to strengthen the nervous system:

  1. B vitamins(B1, B6, B12):
    • Vitamin B1. It is considered an excellent antidepressant. Eliminates stress, depression. Focuses on important details.
    • Vitamin B6. Promotes concentration of memory, eliminates fatigue and sleep disturbances.
    • Vitamin B12. First aid in strengthening the nervous system. It normalizes many disorders: apathy, deterioration of memory and concentration, premature aging, weakness and lethargy.
  2. Vitamin E. It is prescribed for constant fatigue and high physical exertion.
  3. Vitamin D Eliminates depression and depression.
  4. Vitamin C. Eliminates symptoms: anxiety, stress, depression. Increases lust for life and interest in work.
  5. Vitamin A. Does not allow nerve cells to "wear out". Prevents insomnia, adds calmness.

Strengthen the nervous system and find balance will help:

Popular pharmacy vitamin complexes

Not always taking multivitamins is justified. If you live in a village with fresh air, eat homemade products, vitamins are not needed. In other cases, they can be useful, especially during the traditional spring beriberi.

What vitamin complexes have earned the trust of people?

  • Vitrum. Production - USA. The complex is balanced and designed to strengthen the entire body. Suitable for pregnant women and athletes with high physical exertion. Release forms differ: Beauty, Beauty Lusk, Beauty Elite, Antioxidant.
  • Cosmetic alphabet. The developers assure us that for better absorption it is necessary to take some groups of vitamins at different times. For this, the tablets differ in color. You need to take them 3 times a day.
  • Supradin. Available in the form of chewable sweets and tablets. Especially he fell in love with children because of the delicious gummy bears. The course of taking Supradin is 1 month. Manufacturers do not recommend treatment more than twice a year.
  • Complivit "Shine". The course of admission is one tablet per day for 1 month. The complex contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Designed to preserve women's beauty and health.

We draw conclusions!

Of course, this list can be continued indefinitely. Pharmaceutical companies are ready to present new vitamin complexes every month. The same additives are selected on the basis of the ratio: price - quality. And the positive effect of the application has been noticed by millions of people.

Of course, it is better to take vitamins and minerals in their natural form, but if this is not possible, then pharmacy products will serve you a great service, put all organs and systems in order, improve your well-being and increase immunity!
Be healthy and happy!

Proper nutrition is a balanced diet that provides the human body with all the nutrients and vitamins it needs. If a person does not receive in the required amount, he will begin to feel unwell, or even get sick. To prevent this, stick to a diet that helps saturate your body with vitamins.

Vitamin C.

In order for the immune system to function normally, it is necessary to consume vitamin C in abundance. It will also support and restore bones, tissues, cartilage and teeth. In addition, this vitamin helps iron to be absorbed. If the body lacks vitamin C, then there will be a risk of getting sick with scurvy, anemia. Your hair will fall out and the wounds will heal very slowly. Vitamin C contains citruses, garlic, red peppers, spinach, berries, tomatoes, cabbage, kiwi and other fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin B2.

This important vitamin is involved in energy metabolism, is responsible for the health of your skin, for your vision and nervous system. It is found in dairy products, bread, cereals, poultry and fish. If the body does not receive vitamin B2 for a long time, you may develop cracks near the mouth, a rash on the skin, and a sore throat. If you are very sensitive to light, you are deficient in vitamin B2.

Vitamin A.

This vitamin is present in carrots, liver, cheese, milk, butter, spinach. Vitamin A is responsible for vision, the health of codi and mucous membranes. If the body lacks vitamin A, you will begin to see poorly in the dark, your skin will begin to peel off and your appetite will be poor.

Vitamin D

This vitamin is needed for muscle strength and muscle growth. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium, which is responsible for the nervous system and cardiac activity. Vitamin deficiency leads to rickets, an increased risk of fractures. Vitamin D can be obtained from milk, fish oil, butter, egg yolk.

Vitamin K.

This vitamin is important for the body. It helps blood to clot. Vitamin K is found in vegetables, herbs and beans. If this vitamin is not enough for the body, a person is prone to various skin lesions.

Vitamin B12.

This vitamin synthesizes red and white cells. It can be obtained from foods that animals produce, such as meat, milk, eggs. If the body lacks a vitamin, a person develops anemia, fatigue, loss of appetite.

We found out what the most important vitamins for the body person. Eat right and balanced and stay healthy.