1s zoom 2.5 transition to 3.1. Menu Administration - Data transfers

ATTENTION!!! more recent material on initial data migration

Hello dear blog readers. I think many are aware that not so long ago a new edition of the Payroll and Human Resources program appeared in the 1C software product line - 1C ZiUP edition 3.0. The final version of this edition was released in September 2013. If the transition to 1C BUKH 3.0 is gradually gaining momentum, then the transition to the new edition of the salary is not moving forward so actively. As in previous years, when the new generation of the eighth versions came to replace the "seven", the main issue remains the process of switching to a new edition of the program. Therefore, today I will try to consider this topic in detail, tips on preparing for the transition to the new edition and some features of the work will be presented.

First, I want to immediately note that the very fact of the transfer You are not obligated to anything. Your work base is not going anywhere, if you don't like something, you can continue to keep records in version 2.5 or keep records in parallel in two programs until you master the new version. By the way, this is how the transition to new programs in large organizations is usually organized.

At the same time, you must present the registration card, which I wrote about, and, if you have the PROF version of the program, a valid ITS subscription. For owners of the Basic version, this subscription is not required. Just make sure you get latest distribution version. If you are refused to provide a free distribution kit, feel free to contact support webits-[email protected] c.en and they will contact their intractable partner and help resolve the issue. After that ZUP 3.0.

There is an option don't apply at all to partners 1C. On the resource users.v8.1c.en, where 1C developers publish updates to their programs, a complete distribution of ZUP 3.0 has been posted. This is the very first version of the program from 09/13/2013. Read more about how to register and download files on this resource. Those. You can download this full release, . After that, until the current release, .

I will note one more detail. The transfer is best done after month was closed in version 2.5: salary accrued and paid, contributions calculated.

How to test and fix

CHECK LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step by step instructions for beginners:

Just before starting the transfer, you should work a little with the infobase from which we are transferring data. First follows this base. It will also not be superfluous to perform the so-called "testing and fixing" infobase structures. To do this, you need to exit the "Enterprises" mode and enter the database in the "Configurator" mode. Start testing through the main menu: Administration -> Testing and fixing. As a result, a window with settings will open.

Notice how I set the checkboxes. I didn't accidentally miss a point. "Restructuring infobase tables". If you set it, then in the process of testing, all database tables will be recreated. These are areas of memory that we do not physically see when we work with the program, but in which all the data of our directories, documents, and so on is stored. Restructuring is a good thing, but it can take a long time. So keep this in mind if you have a large database. The rest of the verification modes are desirable to perform. But once again I remind you that a backup copy is made before the “Testing and fixing” procedure is performed.

Just in case, I will explain all the other checkboxes. If you are not interested, you can skip it, but I always try to understand what I am doing and it seems to me that I am not alone, so I give explanations:

  • Reindexing infobase tables- I wrote about the tables above. So these tables are numbered in a certain way, but due to the fact that we are constantly removing or adding something, the numbering ceases to be consistent. As a result, the system starts to slow down. Reindexing renumbers all tables in the correct order:
  • Checking logical integrity- searching for errors in the correct organization of data storage in the database;
  • Referential Integrity Check- checks the database for broken links. A broken link is a link to a non-existent element. Most often, this occurs if some element of the directory or a document that is used in other documents is deleted from the database. At the same time, in the testing setup, you can choose what to do if there are links to non-existent objects: create, clear or not change. It is better to clean such links.
  • Recalculation of totals- this is rather relevant for 1C Accounting, but I will explain anyway. In 1C, for certain time intervals, the results are calculated in certain areas of accounting (registers) so that at the time the user generates a report, the program does not sum up the data for the entire period, but takes the previously calculated data and displays them to the user. In 1C Accounting, this significantly speeds up the generation of reports such as the “Turnover and balance sheet”.
  • Compressing infobase tables- To be honest, I don’t know for sure what the compression is due to. Somewhere I read that those documents and directories that we delete in Enterprise mode are not actually deleted, but continue to be stored, but we do not see them, and it is this compression procedure that finally deletes them. If someone knows for sure due to what compression is performed, you can write in the comments.

That's all! Now you can press "Execute".

We carry out data transfer to ZiUP 3.0

Seminar "Life hacks for 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 accounting life hacks in 1s zup 3.1:

CHECK LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step by step instructions for beginners:

So, after you have created an empty ZUP 3.0 database (read how to install 1C here), open this database. By default, the program launches the "Initial Program Setup". At the first step, you need to choose whether you want to set up the system to work from scratch (i.e. transfer is not required), transfer from the program "1C Salary and Personnel 7.7, edition 2.3" or transfer data from "Salary and Human Resources, edition 2.5". We choose the second one and click next.

The next step is to select the infobase from which we will upload the data. The choice comes from a list identical to what we see at the start of 1C. You also need to specify the username (if they were created in the 2.5 database) and password (also if there was one).

Separately, I want to draw your attention to the fact that the release number is indicated at the top of the window at this step. Release of the infobase from which we transfer data must be at least this indicator. Otherwise, the program will not allow you to perform the transfer, an error will be generated. Read about how to update 1C correctly.

Now pay attention to transfer period. In this case, the minimum required period for the transfer is indicated, i.e. for the previous two years (2012 and 2013).

ATTENTION!!! In 2016, a new transfer option appeared, the so-called recommended (short) option. I highly recommend reading this article:

So, we decide on the period and click "Next". The next step is to press the button "Load data" and the data transfer process will start. It can be quite lengthy depending on the amount of information in the source database. The process is automatic, we are watching.

During the transfer process, the program may notify you of errors. Do not be afraid and quit everything, but just read the displayed messages, correct the shortcomings and perform the transfer again. The repeated transfer will not duplicate the already transferred ones, because the transferred information will be compared with the information already available by unique identifiers, individual for each type of information (for example, for an individual, this is the full name and date of birth).

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As indicated in official letters from 1C, support for the 1C Payroll and Human Resources software product, edition 2.5, continued until the end of last year, 2015. After that, all users of this configuration needed to update the 1C software product from version 2.5 to version 3.0. In this material, we will just talk about this - about the transition to a new version.

Instructions for updating this program

The main problem in the case of a transition to a new version is that it is carried out not by updating the configuration, but by transferring data from the infobase from 2.5.

Moreover, this information is transferred only for the purpose of calculating the filing of personal income tax returns and average earnings. But all accruals are not transferred, only the balances of the company's employees. In order to carry out the transfer of historical information, it is possible to turn to the services of specialists from the 1C company.

The information database with release "3.0" must be installed clean. After its formation, the initial page will appear. After that, you need to select the last item and press the key called "Next":

From the presented list, you must select the information database from which there is a need to transfer:

We emphasize that the transfer of information can only be carried out from the release "". But we would not advise you to switch from this release. In our case, a normal transition was made in combination with the following releases: "" - "" - and not the first time.

And on the next page, you need to select the month of the start of operation:

To find out, you need to look at the first document generated in the 1C ZUP 2.5 database.

On the next page you need to go directly to the download:

After that, you need to click on the button called "Load data".

In our case, an error window appeared. Reason: a certain file with such an extension as "dll". If this happens, then you need to close the window with a description of the error. And in the window that is above, the bottom will also contain text describing the error and a key called "Fix". Moreover, this text may indicate another file.
However, you do not need to pay attention to it, but simply press the key called "Fix".

In general, various errors may appear, but in most cases everything can be fixed with the key.

During a fix, the software product may be rebooted and the migration process must be restarted from the beginning.

One of the most common mistakes during the transfer of "1C ZUP" from "2.5" to "3.0" is "". But it is often solved with the help of instructions for fixing this error called "Not enough memory".

As a result of this, everything turned out fine for us, without warnings and errors.

And in the end you should get the following picture:

After that, you need to click on the button called “Next”.

The software product will offer to carry out the initial setup of the accounting policy of the enterprise.

The transfer of all information from "2.5" to "3.0" is completed! Further settings can be made later.

The program "1C: Payroll and personnel management" ("1C: ZUP") was created in order to automate the activities of the personnel department at the enterprise. The program simplifies personnel records and reduces the risk of reporting errors.

Since April 2018, 1C has stopped supporting 1C: ZUP version 2.5 - the program is no longer updated, which entails difficulties in submitting regulatory reports. In particular, the system of the old version does not allow the correct formation of 6-personal income tax.

To avoid errors, you should switch to "1C: ZUP" version 3.1. The latest version of the system has a number of advantages.

Data transfer of ZUP 2.5 to 3.1 allows you to:

  1. Calculate the salary of an employee at various tariff rates, and it is possible to take into account several types of working hours in his work schedule.
  2. Keep records of payments by month of accrual.
  3. Work with documents that reflect the fact of the employee's activities under a civil law contract for ordinary work and services. There is also documentation reflecting the fact of work under the contract of the author's order. In addition, in the group of new documents, you can select two options for payment under the contract: once at the end of the term or payment according to acts of work performed.
  4. Change the type of employment of an employee using the document "Personnel Transfer". It is no longer necessary to fire and re-hire him to make such a change.
  5. Form a single dismissal document for personnel records, calculation of compensation / deduction and salary.
  6. Calculate the main part of the salary in the documents "Vacation" and "Sick leave".
  7. Carry out calculations in documents in automatic mode, that is, you no longer need to click on the "Calculate" button.
  8. Exchange data with the solution "1C: Accounting" version 3.0 in automatic mode. Now you do not need to upload the necessary information to a file for this, and then load it into the system from it. Solution "1C:ZUP" version 3.1. it will automatically connect to 1C: Accounting in order to exchange data.
  9. According to a simplified scheme, keep records of mutual settlements.
  10. Use the new functionality of the system when setting up payment methods for salaries and advance payments.
  11. Work with the document "Combination of positions". It allows you to assign planned accruals to a replacement employee based on the payroll of the person being replaced.
  12. Reflect and take into account the income of people who are not employees of the company when calculating insurance premiums and reporting.

In the new version of 1C:ZUP, you will also find other updates, thanks to which you can optimize the process of maintaining personnel records.

Phased update of ZUP 2.5 to 3.1

Just updating the program is not enough. You will need to transfer data to "1C: ZUP" 3.1. To make it pass without loss, you will need:

Easier and risk-free

For the transition to the new version of "1C:ZUP", please contact our specialists. They will advise you for free on issues related to updating 1C: ZUP 2.5 to 3.1. Then they will transfer data from the old version of the system to the new one, make the necessary settings before and after the transfer. They will carefully check the transferred data, train your company's employees to work in the new version of the program.

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The relevance of such a topic as the transition of ZUP 2.5 to 3.1 is due to the end of maintenance in 2018 of the old editions of the configurations used for payroll.

Edition 3.1. The payroll and personnel management configuration is mainly designed to implement new features of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform in it. The functionality has been significantly expanded, important improvements include a managed interface, the ability to work via the Internet, simplifying work with a number of documents, the flexibility and ease of the accrual calculation mechanism and others

The transition of Zup 2.5 to 3.1 is not an easy task and requires a serious approach, in many cases it can be implemented on its own without the involvement of specialists. It all depends on your experience and knowledge.

In this article, we will give some tips on how to properly migrate to Zup 3.1.

Beforehand, it is important to decide on the date with the start date of work in the new edition, because. the further procedure for performing the transition to Zup 3.1 generally depends on it. Consider the options:

 If the settlement date falls on the last day of the month, full settlement and salary payments will be required. As a result, after transferring data from the new month, you can fully work in the new system. But in any case, parallel accounting will be required to be able to reconcile calculations.

 If the settlement date falls in the middle of the month, then before this date all transactions must be carried out in the old system, after the date x, parallel accounting in two systems is used. To be able to reconcile calculations, it will also be necessary to transfer documents for the period from the beginning of the month to the date of transition.

Then you need to carefully prepare for the transition to Zup 3.1:

 Familiarize yourself with the functionality of the new program, the ideal option would be to undergo training at a certified training center 1C;

 Prepare the initial database: perform general testing, clean the system from "unnecessary" objects, including those marked for deletion and upgrade to the latest release;

 Be sure to create a backup copy of the working database.

The next step is to create a new configuration database "1C: Payroll and Human Resources" 3.1.

Next is the process of transferring data to the created database. To do this, the system provides processing "Initial program settings", which opens at the initial start of the information system or in the list of processing information system. This processing is an assistant offering a sequence of actions to start the system. These also include loading data from the old program. To do this, you need to select the option of filling the current database and select the source database from the available list, as well as specify the data download period.

In case of errors, the system will prompt you to read the information and make corrections.

Using this processing, by default, the minimum amount of data sufficient to start the accounting process in the new database will be loaded. It is also possible to perform a "full" transfer, but it is not recommended due to the increase in the time of the download process and the likelihood of errors.

Based on the results of the migration, it is necessary to check the completeness and correctness of the transferred data from the old version using reports and basic directories.

As a result, we get two databases: the outdated "Salary and Human Resources" version 2.5 and the new "Salary and Human Resources" version 3.1, at first it is recommended to keep records in both, this will allow you to better get used to the new program and eliminate errors by reconciling reports.

It seems nothing complicated, but if in doubt, our experts will help you make the transition from Zup 2.5 to Zup. 3.1. We'll do a free diagnostic. Call. Write.

To replace "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 2.5, came "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 3, and someone has already managed to switch to the new edition without avoiding difficulties. If you are also planning a transition, then this article is for you: we will tell you about other people's mistakes so that you can use the new edition as comfortably as possible.

What you will learn in the article:

Stages of transition to the new edition

The most common and most important mistake made by users of "1C: Payroll and HR 8" 2.5, who decided to switch to version 3.1, is a frivolous attitude to the transition procedure itself.

Important! The transition to "1C: Payroll and HR 8" of the third edition is made not by updating "1C: Payroll and HR 8" 2.5, but by transferring data from it to a completely new program. In fact, this is the introduction of a new program. And it needs to be taken seriously.

Like any implementation, the transition to "1C: Payroll and HR 8" 3.1 consists of several stages:

  1. preparation for the transition;
  2. transferring data and setting up a new program;
  3. verification of transferred data.

Let's consider these stages in more detail.

What data will be transferred

Let's consider options for transferring data from "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 2.5.

On February 16, 2016, the 1C: ITS website in the "Technological support for applied solutions" section published an article entitled "Data transfer from 1C: Payroll and HR 8 edition 2.5 to edition 3.0". It contains information about what and how is transferred from the old program to the new one:

“By default, the minimum amount of information is transferred, sufficient to start accounting in the new edition. At the same time, information that obviously cannot be transferred qualitatively due to differences in accounting methods or in the structure of programs is not transferred.

After the transfer, you need to perform the initial configuration of the program, taking into account its new features compared to the previous edition.

The following data is currently transferred by default:

  1. directories: organizations, divisions, positions, employees and basic related reference information;
  2. accruals and deductions with a regulated method of calculation (salary, bonus, writ of execution, etc.);
  3. the list of staffing positions is not transferred, but if necessary, it can be formed according to the staffing;
  4. regular arrangement for the month of the start of operation;
  5. personnel history of employees to fill out their personal cards (T-2);
  6. data for calculating average earnings: for FSS benefits - for the previous three years, for vacations and other cases - for the previous 15 months;
  7. accounting data for personal income tax and insurance premiums in the year of transfer (if operation does not start from the beginning of the year);
  8. balances of mutual settlements for the month of commencement of operation.

Data such as:

  1. information about current GPC contract employees;
  2. accruals and deductions with arbitrary formulas;
  3. personnel history of employees for the formation of analytical reporting;
  4. actual accruals and payments for the formation of analytical reporting;
  5. details of employee loans;
  6. valid at the time of the postponement of the leave, including child care.

The program provides for the possibility of a "complete" transfer. It attempts to migrate data that is not migrated by default. The disadvantages of this transfer option should be taken into account:

  • the methodology for calculating salaries and personnel records is inherited from the previous program, despite the improvements in the new one;
  • unused or infrequently used information is migrated, unnecessarily increasing both the migration time and the likelihood of erroneous migration.

Therefore, such an opportunity may be in demand, for example, for organizations with a simple wage system, with a small number of employees and the amount of accumulated data.”

As practice has shown, enterprises that wished to transfer “everything acquired by overwork” to a new program, in addition to the huge amount of transferred information (and the weight of the database), also received an ongoing headache due to the fact that often the data is transferred incorrectly, and this manifests itself at the most inopportune moment in an unpredictable way.

This leads to the first important conclusion: if you are not an organization “with a simple wage system, with a small number of employees and an amount of accumulated data” - do not select the transfer option “for a period”, select the option “on a date”.

You will not have hiring documents and personnel transfers in the database for employees working on the date of the transfer. This is not scary: the personnel history of such employees is recorded in a special information register, from where it safely enters the employee's personal card (T-2). But you do not have to waste time looking for a document responsible for incorrect accrual or it is not clear where the recalculation came from.

When is the best time to move

Unfortunately, a big plus of the “to date” transfer option (lack of history) turns into a minus if the transfer is not made from the beginning of the calendar year. The fact is that due to the lack of transferred accrual / payment documents, you will not be able to generate vaults for the months from the beginning of the year to the date of transition.

There is one more unpleasant moment that you need to be prepared for: the preferred transfer of data “to date” performed in the middle of the year will not protect you from incorrect-+ (sometimes) program behavior and recalculations of an obscure nature.

You can protect yourself from such troubles if you perform data transfer in January-February as of January 1. Yes, January-February is a hot time for the entire accounting department. But on the other hand, you will get the opportunity to see the full picture for the whole year. All movements will be formed by newly created documents, and you will be able not only to receive codes, but also control (and, if necessary, change) your data from the beginning of the year.

Hence the second important conclusion: if nothing and no one is rushing you, do not rush. Plan to transition to the new program early next year and prepare calmly for it.

Preparing for the transition

Preparing for the transition includes two things, one of which is desirable (especially if you will be moving from January 1), and the other is required.

It is desirable, if possible, at the time of the transition to pay off all arrears in wages, personal income tax and contributions. This is important because in this way we minimize subsequent errors in the preparation of regulated reporting. This year, the whole country is participating in the game of “passing the 6-personal income tax and not dying”, and next year we can expect a new form of 6-personal income tax. It's better to prepare in advance.

What you need to do: take the time and get trained on the new edition of the program. Don't be presumptuous!

When you first change from a bicycle to driving a car, then without training and practice you will not be able to drive a car, even if you know the rules of the road by heart. So it is here: even if you are the god of personnel records and a guru in payroll, you will not be able to work efficiently in the 1C: Payroll and HR 8 program, ed. 3.1, and use all its rich functionality if you do not prepare accordingly.

In my practice, there was an experience of an unsuccessful transition to "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 3.0, when everything was done on time (in January) and correctly (as of the date), but nevertheless, neither personnel officers nor payroll workers started working in the program - users, having refused preliminary training, simply did not know how to reflect in program one or another operation, and the volume of current affairs was such that they simply did not have time to study on the go.

We will help you learn how to work in the new edition of the 1C: Payroll and HR 8 program.

So the ideal order for the transition from "1C: Payroll and HR 8" 2.5 to "1C: Payroll and HR 8" 3.1 is as follows:

  • we are undergoing training;
  • in December we repay all debts - we pay wages, vacation pay, sick leave in such a way that the deadline for transferring personal income tax does not go into the next tax period, i.e. for another year;
  • we move in January, maximum in February;
  • we select the option of transferring data "as of" - we get the initial staffing at the beginning of the year. There are no personnel and settlement documents for previous years, i.е. We start calculations from scratch.

This version of the transition to the new edition will greatly facilitate the life of all organizations that decide to migrate. But it is especially relevant for large organizations with a large number of employees, a complex wage system, an extensive enterprise structure, and an active personnel movement.

Data transfer and program settings

Before the transition, it is necessary to close in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" 2.5 months - to reflect in the program all accruals and all payments, otherwise the balances on mutual settlements will be transferred incorrectly.

And be sure to make a backup - just in case. It will help in the future if there is a question about the state of accounting at the time of the transition.

The data transfer procedure itself takes very little time and does not cause any difficulties:

  1. we update "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 2.5 to the latest release;
  2. install "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 3.1, the latest release and create an empty database;
  3. we launch "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 3.1, we indicate the base "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 2.5, from which we will transfer data, and connection parameters to it (user with a password);
  4. select the data transfer option - “on a date” (by default) or “for a period”;
  5. start the transfer and wait for it to finish.

After the data from "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 2.5 will be transferred to "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 3.1, the program will prompt you to perform further configuration. You can refuse the setting and perform it later (not the best option - then you will have to look for different settings in different places of the program), you can mindlessly agree with everything that the program offers, and click all the checkboxes, as they say, for the future (also not optimal - there is the risk of littering the directories of accruals and deductions).

Both options are not critical, just in the future they will require more effort from the user to put things in order in the database. It’s better to immediately calmly and slowly go through all the settings pages and confirm only those features that are now inherent in your organization, without any “in reserve” flags.

After the program setup is completed, it is worth printing the report " Setting up payroll and personnel records” (“Setting” - “ Settings Report”) and test yourself.

It does not matter if something is forgotten and not taken into account - the settings of the program, organization, personnel records and payroll are available for adjustment at any time.

Next, you need to make sure that there are no duplicated individuals in the new program - this is very important for further accounting for personal income tax and contributions. You can check for duplicates (and get rid of them) using special processing (“ Personnel» – « Service» – « Combining personal cards»).

Next, you need to check the directories of accruals and deductions - dependencies, the composition of the base. To date, the transfer of accruals with an unregulated method of calculation has already been implemented, but for them it is imperative to check the calculation formulas.

Most of the information transferred from "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 2.5, documents, can be found in two places:

  1. « Administration» – « see also» – « Data transfers»;
  2. « The main thing» – « see also» – « ».

Documents " Data transfers» the following information is transferred (for the “to date” transition option):

  1. « ZP_SZO», « ZP_SZFSS» - documents with such numbers contain the data necessary to calculate the average earnings;
  2. « IL”- all deductions under the current writ of execution. The executive documents themselves, of course, are also transferred;
  3. « personal income tax"- data on income, deductions provided, personal income tax calculations, if the transition was not made from the beginning of the year. Documents confirming the right to deduction are transferred to the journal " Applications for deductions»;
  4. « PSS» – social insurance benefits since the beginning of the year;
  5. « SW» – insurance premiums from the beginning of the year;
  6. « RKD» - register of personnel orders for the formation of personal cards of employees;
  7. « ROTP» - register of vacations for working employees;
  8. « TDK» - data of employment contracts.

In the magazine Data at the beginning of operation» documents are recorded:

  • « Initial staffing"- how many divisions, so many documents. Here are all the employees working on the date of the transfer, with their planned accruals, advance payment, work schedule, vacation balances. Generate multiple HR reports (" Regular arrangement», « Staff members”) and check that all employees are in their places. Report " History of changes in wages» will help to check the assignment of planned accruals to employees;
  • « Periods paid before commencement of operation"- here, for example, vacations are recorded that continue after the date of the transfer, but paid before it;
  • « Starting salary arrears” – one document for the entire organization.

In "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 2.5, wage arrears are kept in the context of individuals, and in version 3.1 - in the context of employees and departments.

In "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 3.1 balances for mutual settlements are formed not absolute, but relative. That is, if the salary for April in the amount of 100,000 rubles. paid in full next month, and we switch to "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 3.1, from May 1, then in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 2.5, the balance on 01.05 will be 100,000 rubles, and in the new program - 0 rubles. Thus, there is no need to reflect in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" 3.1 the payment of salaries in May for April.

To check the opening salary balance, generate, for example, the report " A complete set of accruals, deductions and payments» grouped by departments and make sure that you have correctly transferred not only the total debt, but also the debt in the context of departments.

It should be noted that today the transfer of information on contractual employees of the GPC and parental leave has already been implemented, but these data should also be clarified.

It is also worth checking the work schedules of employees.

Note: in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" 2.5, night hours were included in the duration of the work shift. In "1C: Payroll and HR 8" of the third edition, night hours are planned separately from daytime hours. For example, "J6 H2" means 8 working hours, of which 6 are daytime and 2 are nighttime.

After performing the basic checks (basic, because it is unlikely that you can check everything at once, especially if you have a large organization), make a backup copy of the new program. If you are just learning "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", ed. 3.1, then in the future you will need a backup copy of the data when you experiment with the accrual settings.

This is an article from the Progressive Accountant newspaper for commercial organizations, No. 5, 2017. Subscribe to a free newspaper to receive useful articles and learn about changes in legislation in time!